Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM



ERIKA LUST WANTS to get more women in porn—in every possible position. Page 1 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

Writer. Director. Producer. Star. She broke into the biz herself once and knows what it takes. And, like the growing number of advocates calling for more women behind the camera in Hollywood, she knows that the more inclusive the adult industry becomes, the better—and, OK, sexier— the results.

“Here we are, in a time when feminism and gender issues are in the media more than ever, the conversation around female sexuality is happening all the time, and still, mainstream production companies keep creating the same boring stuff and are managed by the same kind of narrow-minded men,” Lust says. “We need another perspective; we definitely need the female gaze.” Now she’s just got to prove she’s right.

Last October, the Swedish producer put an open call on her website: She was going to be taking €250,000 (about Page 2 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

$272,000) of the budget of her porn operation XConfessions and funding 10 films by women filmmakers in 2017. The plan was simple: If you were a female filmmaker, porn or otherwise, and had an idea for an adult short film that women would like and didn’t succumb to the cliches of mainstream porn, Lust would finance and produce it. Within a few weeks she had nearly 100 applications (aspiring directors had to send her their vision and budget for the short films they wanted to make), and they came from everywhere: Spain, France, the US, India. Lust is still accepting proposals, but she should have no problem finding new pornographers who want to spend her money.

A Decade Coming Erika Lust discovered porn the way many young people do: sneaking around with her friends. In her case, it was at a sleepover; she and her friends Page 3 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

were repulsed. She tried again in college with her boyfriend, but still wasn’t stoked about what she saw—it just didn’t turn her on. Not the way she wanted it to, at least.

In 2004, shortly after she’d finished grad school and moved to Barcelona, she made her first porn. She uploaded The Good Girl, a 22- minute twist on the “pizza delivery guy” cliché, and gave it away for free under a Creative Commons license—it was downloaded 2 million times in two months. She’d found her purpose. Lust continued to make films, and in 2013 she launched XConfessions, an online porn site where the films are based on anonymous secrets submitted by fans. And after nearly a decade in the industry, she realized something. “Everywhere the role of women is under debate —everywhere, except in the porn industry,” Lust told a TEDxVienna crowd in 2014. “It’s time for porn to change, Page 4 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

and for that we need women.”

It's time for porn to cha…

Porn, like all movies and television, has always had a dearth of women in charge. The difference with the adult film industry, Lust points out, is that the objectification of women on screen is frequently much more gratuitous. “The influence pornography has on our views on sex…and gender roles is huge,” she says. “Mainstream porn consistently shows sex as a thing that men do to women, or that women do for men, which means misogynistic porn that objectifies women and places unrealistic Page 5 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

expectations on both sexes.”

Changing porn from the inside isn’t just an idea; it’s already proven successful, says Lily Campbell, a producer for who says that since she made the transition from model to producer she’s been sought out by male producers who want her input. “I’ve encountered the sexist boys- club attitude,” she says, “but am happy to say there’s a lot more room for women to stake their claim in the industry too.” The difference comes when more people like Lust help get other women involved.

“Whoever is behind the scenes on a production will inevitably sway the attitude of the end product itself. Porn is all about the perspective of the folks who make it,” Campbell says. “[Having women involved] is very important, lest we see a sea of predominantly white women with fake boobs having fake orgasms to continue to be the Page 6 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

‘norm’ for our porn choices.”

Lust believes that an influx of women creators can help present more realistic expectations about sex for all genders. As Peggy Orenstein pointed out in her book Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape, many young people, like Lust did, are exposed to porn in their teenage years (87 percent of college-age men and 31 percent of women in that age group, according to one study) and it becomes one of their first indications of what sex can and should look like. And “even if what kids watch is utterly vanilla, they’re still learning that women’s sexuality exists for the benefit of men,” Orenstein writes, adding that while porn that resembles consensual, pleasurable sex might be a good idea, it’s “not what the $97 billion global porn industry is shilling.”

When in Doubt, Go Indie Page 7 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

It is, however, what Lust is shilling—and she’s not alone. Even going back to the 1980s, directors like Candida Royalle, one of the first porn stars to move into directing, were making female-focused porn SHARE and launching their own efforts to do so. By the 2000s, SHARE 2190 creators like Anna Span and alt-queer film director TWEET Courtney Trouble redoubled efforts to produce

PIN and distribute adult films by 2 and for women. And while the Internet has exposed a lot of COMMENT 18 young people to porn, it also— much like it did for artists of

EMAIL all varieties—provided a distribution channel for a lot of independent producers and performers to release material that doesn’t fall into cliches. (It also, like it did for other industries, caused a lot of problems.) To that end, there are now even sites like Cindy Gallop’s Make Love Not Porn that allow, for lack of a better term, amateur performers to produce and distribute whatever turns them on. Page 8 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

“The beauty of technology is that now anyone can be a pornographer,” says Carlyle Jansen, founder of the adult store Good For Her, which produces the Feminist Porn Awards. “But gaining skills in directing and being able to pay performers well (rather than just featuring yourself) and rent interesting sets and pay a full camera and editing crew to make quality interesting films such as Erika’s would be an extra service that many could not afford.”

Providing those services is, of course, exactly what Lust is trying to do with her new initiative. But she’s also just one person, and porn has a lot of issues of representation that need to change. “Certainly it is fabulous to get more women making porn,” Jansen says. “[But] what I feel is almost more important is to fund transwomen, people/women of color, older folks and people/women with disabilities. These are the Page 9 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

people still either fetishized or stereotyped in porn or just left out of the picture. There are very few positive images of these folks in film, especially done by their own communities.”

Just the Beginning Much like in Hollywood, where less than 10 percent of the top- grossing films of 2015 were directed by women and minorities held a fraction of the speaking roles, porn also has its own inclusion issues. Because of porn’s various venues and forums, the industry’s diversity is harder to track, but as Lust and Jansen point out, it ain’t good. So, like Stacy Smith at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism suggested Hollywood, porn needs to allow a lot more voices into the conversation. Hollywood has been making strides to be more inclusive in the last few years, but change has been Page 10 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

slow. Just because Kathryn Bigelow has an Oscar doesn’t mean things are magically fixed—and the same goes for female porn director Mason winning an AVN Award.

When you have a closed loop of white guys talking to white guys about other white guys, what you get is Batman v Superman. When you invite women and people of color into the room where it happens, what you get is Hamilton.


“This is the same in every industry,” says Make Love Not Porn’s Gallop. “For example, I get called up by journalists who will want to interview me and they’ll say something like, ‘So Cindy, do you feel that porn objectifies women?’ And I’ll go, ‘I think that any industry dominated by men at Page 11 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

the top inevitably produces output that is offensive and objectifying to women and then I will point them to the commercial advertising breaks in the Super Bowl. It’s exactly the same deal across the whole of popular culture. When you have a closed loop of white guys talking to white guys about other white guys, what you get is Batman v Superman. When you invite women and people of color into the room where it happens, what you get is Hamilton.”

Which brings us back to Erika Lust. She may not be the first to put the call out for more women to get involved with porn, but when it comes to shaking up a multi-billion- dollar industry, every €250,000 helps. Her hand- picked directors will start shooting their movies next year—and when they do, there’s a good chance they’ll prove there’s a market for smut made by and for people who aren’t predominantly Page 12 of 13 Erika Lust: The Director on a Mission to Get More Women Into Porn | WIRED 2017-01-16, 1:51 PM

straight white guys.

Lust knows this because she’s already seen a lot of demand for her work. Since she launched XConfessions three years ago, she’s had to more than triple her staff—from five people to 18— and watched her revenue triple as MOST POPULAR well. To Lust, that’s proof that BUSINESS she wasn’t the only woman Move Over, Coders— who looked at her college Physicists Will Soon Rule Silicon Valley boyfriend’s sexy movie 7 HOURS selection and thought This OBSESSIONS could be better. “There’s a Check Out These Hi-Res growing educated and Shots of Rogue One’s Gorgeous Interfaces demanding audience that is 1 DAY tired of Pornhub or ,” ARCHITECTURE she says. “They want adult What Happens When Algorithms Design a cinema that’s smart, sex- Concert Hall? The positive, and respectful Stunning01.12.17 Elbphilharmonie towards women.” And Lust wants to help give it to them. MORE STORIES Page 13 of 13 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

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ARTS & CULTURE Saying ‘Boy, Bye’ To Phallocentric Porn Feminist adult filmmaker Erika Lust thinks it’s imperative that women tell their own story of sex.

 12/19/2016 01:06 pm ET | Updated Dec 30, 2016

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Priscilla Frank   Arts Writer, The Hufngton Post

Warning: This post contains nudity, erotic fiction and other forms of adult content.

XCONFESSIONS Page 1 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

A still from the erotic short film “Eat With ... Me.”

“I had a crush on him from the moment I first saw him on television,” the anonymous Foodie1 writes in her short work of erotic fiction “Eat With ... Me.” “I just couldn’t get enough of his arms, steadily chopping or softly kneading. I was jealous of the way he held a knife. I wanted to become the bread dough under his hands.”

Now imagine: A camera zooms in on a dimly lit dining room somewhere in Barcelona, where a woman in a red dress sits at an elaborately set table illuminated by candlelight. The chef, a bearded man in an apron, greets her in Spanish and proceeds to serve up a bounty of gourmet dishes ― roasted chicken, oysters and decadent pufs of an unidentified cream. She eats, slowly and luxuriously, using her hands when a fork won’t do. The chef assists, feeding her eagerly, letting his hand linger in her mouth. And then, to make a short story shorter, they have sex ― hungrily and playfully, like how you might make love to a gifted cook who had just tenderly prepared you a delectable, multi-course meal.

Foodie1’s fantasy was brought to life thanks to XConfessions, a crowdsourced erotic project founded by the Barcelona-based feminist adult filmmaker known as Erika Lust. Foodie1 was one of many internet users from around the world to submit a sexual fantasy scenario to the website. All of the submissions are published on XConfessions’ website, and every month, Lust selects two written confessions from the bunch to make into cinematic shorts. The resulting films are more “adult cinema” than “adult entertainment,” skimping neither on artistic integrity nor sex appeal. Page 2 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

XCONFESSIONS Another still from “Eat With ... Me.”

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Lust is determined to overhaul the landscape of adult film. She created XConfessions, she told The Hufngton Post, to build a space for “real films with real sex” that ofer viewers porn that’s original, artistic and hot without trite and tacky tropes like cheesy music, bad sofas and laughable moans.

Since starting the project in 2013, Lust has ushered the most private of pipe dreams onto the most Page 3 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

public of platforms ― the internet. She oversees the entire selection and film production process, with the help of a 90-percent-female staf.

Born in 1977 as Erika Hallqvist, Lust grew up in Stockholm, Sweden, a city fabled to be what she described as a “feminist utopia.” Though sex wasn’t a topic discussed at home, Lust had an overwhelmingly productive sex education program at school where, separated by gender, students’ unbridled curiosity was met with openness and maturity.

“I learned everything at school,” she recalled. “Age-appropriate sex education at school tackled everything from petting to consent, respect and emotions. I was taught that sex can be more than physical; it can involve emotions and connection.”

To this day, that sex-positive sentiment inspires much of Lust’s vision ― the idea that sex is also a visceral exploration of bodily sensations. Page 4 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

ERIKA LUST Feminist adult filmmaker Erika Lust pictured with an actress.

Lust has a hazy memory of buying her first dirty mag at a supermarket as a teenager seeking beer. Her first significant encounter with erotic content was seeing Jean-Jacques Annaud’s coming-of- age film “L’amant,” an adaptation of Marguerite Duras’ autobiography.

“It was really a revelation,” Lust recalled. “The protagonist becomes an adult through sex and an unconventional love story, and this is completely shown from her point of view. This girl is intelligent and adventurous, and she is not ashamed of her blossoming sexuality.”

It wasn’t just the complexity of the protagonist that intrigued Lust, but also the way cinematic artistry enhanced the sense of passion. This realization would go on to influence her own films, both those created through XConfessions and those not. Whether the parties include vampires, vikings, cheerleaders or aliens from alternate dimensions, Lust depicts their lovemaking with a careful eye for aesthetics. Page 5 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

XCONFESSIONS A still from “Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe.”

One XConfessions short called “Parallel Dimensions” takes place in a pristine, otherworldly habitat, accentuated by candy-colored shapes to resemble some sort of erotic jungle gym in a sci- fi universe. In the short, two women eat Play-Doh sushi rolls of the body of a naked man who rests rigid as furniture. His crotch is covered by a frilly vagina-like overlay reminiscent of a Judy Chicago sculpture. The women proceed, together, to have sex with the human table, who clearly derives his pleasure from theirs. It’s inspired by fan fiction from an XConfessions user who goes by lovertoy.

“Lately I’ve been having this recurring fantasy, imagining that I was a piece of furniture … Something about the idea of being an object, used by my sexy owner, turns me on a lot ... Secretly, she knows I can feel her, but she doesn’t care about my satisfaction. For her I am just there to serve, to please, in whichever way she desires … In a parallel universe, I would exist only as her table.”

Visually, the short is innovative and intoxicating. The sugary palette and fantastical environment are as sensually stimulating as the nude bodies on view, all of which comes together for a Page 6 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

hedonistic experience that hits hard at the senses.

XCONFESSIONS A still from “Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe.”

Adult cinema can and should employ cinematic values just as much as any other film; that is one of the foundational beliefs of Lust’s work.

The sentiment mirrors something filmmaker Anna Biller, director of “The Love Witch,” expressed in a recent interview with HufPost. Discussing the importance of lush aesthetics to a pleasurable cinematic viewing experience ― pleasurable, of course, being the operative word ― Biller said that “film itself is kind of a sexual fantasy [...] a spell that is being cast over the audience. You want to keep them in a trance.”

Another one of Lust’s missions is to prioritize female pleasure in front of the camera. But her attention to artistic detail ensures maximal gratification for the female viewer, as well ― a viewer who would likely not be compelled to climax on a busted couch in an otherwise empty room.

Biller goes on to describe “the female gaze” as a narcissistic gaze involving, in her words, “looking Page 7 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

at other women in films and wanting to emulate those women.” But while that notion intrigues her, Lust’s preferred definition of the female gaze is more in line with that of “Transparent” creator Jill Soloway.

As Lust reiterated: “’What is the male gaze? It’s pretty much everything. Everything you have ever seen. It’s most TV shows; it’s all movies...’ On the contrary, then, the female gaze is simply everything you never saw before!”

XCONFESSIONS A still from “His Was First in My Ass.”

What haven’t we seen before? Or, at least, what haven’t we seen enough?

The answer is a diverse range of bodies represented on-screen ― diverse in ethnicity, body type, age and gender. Sex that looks, well, like sex, with all the awkward fumbling, meandering foreplay and accidental body noises. Also, naturally, imagination and eccentricity ― the qualities that remind us why our sexual aspirations are called “fantasies,” after all.

In other words, mainstream porn needs more multiplicity. It’s this privileging of more-ness, of Page 8 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

weirdness, of diference, that pries porn from its phallocentric rut. This was more or less the idea communicated by film theorist Linda Williams in her book Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the “Frenzy of the Visible,” one of the texts that first inspired Lust to pursue adult film.

“Hardcore pornography is not phallic because it shows penises,” Williams writes. ‘It is phallic because in its exhibition of penises it presumes to know, to possess an adequate expression of the truth of ‘sex’ ― as if sex were as unitary as the phallus presumes itself to be. While the physiology of sex is not likely to change, its gendered meanings can. In attacking the penis rather than the phallus, anti-pornography feminism evades the real sources of masculine power.”

However, porn isn’t, and has never been, just one thing. To imagine it is would be to treat the field of pornography as monolithically ― or phallocentrically ― as a bad porno. As porn professor Constance Penley previously told HufPost: “I never talk about ‘Pornography,’ capital P. It’s always lowercase ‘pornographies.’ What I’ve come to understand as even ‘mainstream pornography’ is so complex and contradictory and rich and varied.” Page 9 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

XCONFESSIONS A still from “I Wish I Was a Lesbian.”

For Lust, the quality of pornography took a turn for the worse with the advent of VHS tapes in the 1980s. Suddenly anyone with a camcorder could produce their very own porno. However, like with Page 10 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

many manufactured goods, when pornography was industrialized and commercialized, quality sufered as a result.

“Thousands of men began shooting porn at the lowest price, seeing it as a business,” Lust said.

Fast forward a little to the advent of the internet, which disrupted the ways we made, dispersed and digested porn. While the VHS, Lust argues, resulted in a largely retrograde shift in cinematic quality, the internet had the reverse efect. The digital sphere provided less-seen couples, bodies and fantasies a place to call home.

“A big part of the porn industry is still making billions out of sexist, degrading and racist representations of ‘sex,’” Lust said. “However, there are new creators that are showing another discourse in new platforms. They don’t seek money exclusively, but aim to create adult cinema that has the power to liberate.”

Lust is doing her part to push the trajectory of porn toward this more radically experimental direction. What better way to amplify the pornographic topography by taking advantage of the internet’s expansiveness and crowdsourcing erotic fantasies, ensuring no two are alike? Page 11 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

XCONFESSIONS A still from “Sadistic Trainer.”

Aside from her work on XConfessions, Lust recently released a callout for women filmmakers interested in stepping into erotic territory. She is ofering a total budget of approximately $260,000 to produce 10 short films from the eyes and minds of women, preferably those with experience in film, though not in porn. She’d like to see more women in leading roles.

“My goal is [to support] more women in leading roles as directors, producers and scriptwriters in adult cinema,” Lust said. “I really think true control over pleasure in porn comes from getting to make active decisions about how it’s produced and presented. We need to make explicit films that are sex-positive, so young people and the coming generations can see sex in a light that is realistic and pleasurable and aren’t only exposed to one version of the story.”

Through her work on XConfessions and beyond, Lust is doing her part to bid a fond farewell to dull, tired and phallocentric porn.

“It is imperative that women tell their own story and show their perspective and views on sex and Page 12 of 16 Saying 'Boy, Bye' To Phallocentric Porn | The Hufngton Post 2017-01-17, 9:56 AM

sexuality,” she said. “We are half of the world’s population. The female gaze is necessary for an equal society ― for the benefit of all genders and sexualities.”

XCONFESSIONS A still from “Pansexuals.”

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Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux »

Par : Manon des sources 15 Nov 2016 # 10 minutes FB TW Reddit eMail

Erika Lust feminisme Four Chambers lustcinema Petra Collins XConfessions Page 7 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Reine du porno féministe, Erika Lust est partout. Entre ses XConfessions, ses longs-métrages, sa plateforme Lust Cinema et son dernier bébé, Erotic Films, la plus suédoise des Barcelonaises milite à tous les niveaux. Toujours plus sensuels et esthétiques, ses films sont une ode au corps féminin, au plaisir sans limites, à la beauté sans nom. En d’autres termes, on est dans le vrai, dans la fraicheur, dans l’authentique pour chacun et pour tous. Page 8 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Vous semblez essayer de faire du cinéma porno « All Art » (différents types de corps, lumières, couleurs, sensations, fantasmes). Quelles sont vos sources d’inspiration dans l’art et le cinéma ? Je décris mon travail comme étant du cinéma indépendant pour adulte. Je suis une grande cinéphile donc la plupart de mes inspirations viennent de films ou séries reconnus. De gros efforts sont faits sur la lumière, les costumes, le maquillage, l’emplacement, le script et les couleurs en post-production. Nous prenons soin de chaque détail afin que ça transparaisse au mieux dans les films. La production est la même pour n’importe quel autre film indépendant et fonctionne de la même façon, même si nous incluons des scènes de sexe explicite. Mes films ont un procédé narratif, un fil conducteur, un contexte, des personnages forts, des aspects érotiques et des scènes de sexe. Tous ces éléments sont pensés avec un sens cinématographique travaillé. Page 9 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Il est important de réaliser qu’il existe un nouveau cinéma pour adulte qui brouille les lignes entre porno et érotisme. Étant une cinéphile – et me sentant concernée par n’importe quelle scène érotique mise à l’écran, j’ai rapidement réalisé que ce que je voulais faire était de rendre compte du sexe de la manière dont je le voyais : beau, intelligent et joyeux.

Je me rappelle qu’à chaque fois que je regardais un film érotique je me sentais excitée et heureuse. Je me rappelle particulièrement de L’amant de Jean-Jacques Annaud. C’était intelligent, c’était artistique, c’était HOT ! C’est possible de filmer du vrai sexe en portant une attention particulière aux détails, avec des personnages plus complexes et des scénarios avec lesquels on peut s’identifier ! Page 10 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

L’amant, JJ Annaud

À quoi ressemble l’âge d’or du porno selon vous ? S’est-il déjà produit ? Lors de l’âge d’or du porno, dans les années 1970, plusieurs bons films ont été utilisés comme les outils d’une libération sexuelle en réponse aux regards conservateurs sur le sexe au sein de la société. Ces années prouvent que le sexe et la qualité au cinéma sont totalement compatibles. En ce sens, cela montre que les représentations sexuelles peuvent être de l’art grâce à des réalisateurs comme Andy Warhol ou Gerard Damiano. Même s’il n’y avait pas beaucoup de femmes derrière la caméra… Dans les 30 dernières années, nous avons vu un timide progrès vis-à-vis de ça, mais je pense qu’une réelle prise de pouvoir dans le porno ne peut se faire qu’à travers des prises de décisions plus importantes au niveau de la production et de la diffusion. Et cela inclut d’avoir des femmes dans les postes de direction comme réalisatrices, productrices, directrices artistiques, directrices de la photo… Je travaille avec une équipe largement composée de femmes, et comme vous pouvez le voir à travers mes films, ils sont très différents de ce qu’on peut voir dans le mainstream. Page 11 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Qui sont vos acteurs favoris ? Notamment ceux avec qui vous avez travaillé ? Quelle est la qualité principale chez un acteur ou une actrice ? J’aime travailler avec des acteurs « sex-positif » et 100% heureux et enthousiastes de faire partie du tournage. Nos règles en termes de casting sont pointilleuses et approfondies. Il nous est important de connaitre les acteurs et les actrices avant de tourner, de savoir qui ils sont, ce qu’ils aiment, s’assurer qu’ils ont bien compris notre éthique et qu’ils partagent nos valeurs. Les gens avec qui je travaille sont lumineux, équilibrés concernant le choix de faire du cinéma pour adulte. Donc, je les aime tous !

Vous pouvez voir tous les acteurs et actrices avec lesquels je travaille ou ai travaillé ici. Il y a de nombreuses interviews et je pense que c’est un bon moyen de comprendre qui ils sont et pourquoi ils aiment être dans mes films. Page 12 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Owen, Mickey, Amarna, Vex

Vous dites que votre cinéma est fait pour les hommes ennuyés par le porno mainstream. Avez-vous déjà reçu des retours de la part d’hommes qui regardent vos films ? Écrivent-ils souvent des histoires pour XConfessions ? Mes films renvoient une image positive de la sexualité et en illustrent la grande variété en décrivant le sexe comme quelque chose de drôle et plein de passion. Ils reflètent mon opinion sur le sexe comme un plaisir sain, naturel, faisant la part belle à une vie que nous devons célébrer. Je montre des femmes et des hommes en tant que partenaires sexuels ; en même temps, j’essaye de les rendre aussi beaux et captivants que possible. Que ce soit des hommes ou des femmes, les deux aiment voir ça.

J’ai des retours de la part d’hommes tout le temps, spécialement sur ma page Facebook ! Ils disent qu’ils aiment voir une fresque complète du sexe, pas seulement de la pénétration. Ils aiment aussi qu’il y ait un réalisme fort dans la manière de dépeindre le sexe, les personnages et le contexte. Et, naturellement, les femmes aiment mes films parce que je dirige des scènes où elles sont satisfaites ! Et ça, c’est quelque chose de vraiment difficile à trouver dans le porno mainstream. Page 13 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Pensez-vous que le terme « Film X pour femme » est une bonne qualification pour votre travail ? Pourquoi ? Non, je dirige des films pour les gens qui ne veulent pas voir du sexe présenté sous un angle cheap, sans goût et vulgaire. Personnellement, pourquoi devrais-je endurer le visionnage d’un film horrible juste parce que je veux voir du porno ?

Tous ces trucs autour du « porno pour femmes » et du « porno pour hommes » sont des mythes. Je trouvais ça hilarant quand au début de ma carrière beaucoup d’hommes me disaient qu’ils ne pourraient pas collaborer avec moi parce qu’ils faisaient déjà du « porno pour femmes ». Ils faisaient en fait référence à tous ces films réalisés par des hommes qui pensent que les femmes ont besoin de roses et de drap en soie pour avoir un orgasme ! Les fantasmes et la sexualité ne sont pas définis par le genre. L’idée que les femmes ont besoin de roses pour être excitées ou que les réalisatrices ne tournent que du porno soft est complètement absurde. Je tourne du hardcore aussi, j’ai dirigé des scènes d’anal et du BDSM, car ce sont des pratiques qui peuvent plaire à tous les genres. Page 14 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Nous pouvons être d’accord sur le fait qu’il existe une nouvelle vague porno – celle que l’on peut voir à travers la diversité de réalisateurs chez LustCinema par exemple. Y a-t-il des similitudes entre tous les membres de LustCinema ? Pensez-vous que nous pouvons parler d’une révolution de la pornographie ? Oui, il y a définitivement deux points communs : tous les films auxquels j’apporte une licence sont une alternative au porno mainstream et chacun d’entre eux est réalisé selon les principes d’un porno éthique.

Avant tout, ils sont une alternative pour tous ceux qui souhaitent quelque chose de différent, quelque chose de réel et d’honnête. Un nouveau genre fait par des femmes qui s’émancipent du porno mainstream, chauvin et fait pour les hommes. Elles font partie de la nouvelle vague du cinéma pour adulte qui essaye de changer l’industrie de l’intérieur et créer des films artistiques, réalistes, qui aident à changer la perception des genres et reflètent positivement le miroir de la sexualité féminine.

Dans cette nouvelle vague, beaucoup de réalisatrices comme A Four Chambered Heart et A New Level of Pornography ont prouvé que l’érotisme pouvait être une forme d’art, qu’il fallait continuer à pousser les limites vers de nouveaux extrêmes, qu’il fallait faire plus attention aux détails de la production et réaliser des films plus stimulants.

Comme je l’ai dit auparavant, l’un des points communs majeurs est que je ne donne une licence qu’aux films qui sont faits selon des principes éthiques. Il y a quatre éléments-clefs qui font que je considère un film porno comme éthique : le plaisir féminin compte, le cinéma pour adulte peut avoir des caractéristiques cinématographiques, nous avons besoin d’une plus grande diversité de corps, d’âges, d’ethnicités et le processus de production doit être éthique. Quand le processus de production est éthique, les spectateurs peuvent dire qui fait le film et qui est derrière la caméra, ils savent que les acteurs et actrices ont été payés correctement pour leur travail, qu’ils ne sont pas mineurs et que le film a été créé sur les bases du consentement et du plaisir. Si l’équipe et les intervenants se cachent, ne sont pas fiers de leur mission, c’est qu’ils ne travaillent pas selon des critères éthiques ou qu’ils ne traitent pas leurs acteurs correctement.

Pour apprécier d’une façon plus simple, confortable et amusante le nouveau cinéma éthique, je viens tout juste de mettre en ligne un site qui répertorie le meilleur du cinéma pour adulte à travers le monde. C’est un site où vous pourrez regarder un nouveau cinéma pour adulte en haute définition, sous la forme que vous le souhaitez et loin des pop-up, bannières et autres publicités. Il y en a pour tout le monde, des films artistiques au hardcore, des vieux films, du fétichisme, du romantique, des petites perles encore méconnues. Avec ce catalogue, le spectateur trouve une large palette de points de vue ne dépendant pas de la nationalité du réalisateur, mais plutôt de sa manière de voir et d’exprimer sa vision du désir, du sexe et de la sexualité. Page 15 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Beaucoup de cas de censure (comme 1001 fesses ou les photographies de Petra Collins) ont montré combien il est difficile de publier des corps féminins dénudés ou non. Quelle est votre vision du problème ? L’objectivation sexuelle, la censure et la criminalisation du corps féminin dans les médias de masse et sur les réseaux sociaux sont une constante dans la vie des femmes. Cela fait partie intégrante d’une culture misogyne que nous subissons au quotidien. Cela fait aussi partie d’un système qui définit sans cesse les idéaux de beauté et marginalise tout ce qui ne correspond pas à ces critères. Fat-shaming, slut-shaming, le harcèlement en ligne ou dans la rue ne sont que des exemples. Les médias présentent une image « idéale » de la féminité, une « perfection » qui n’existe pas. C’est un idéal inatteignable, car il n’existe tout simplement pas. Mais nous faisons tellement corps avec cette réalité, que nous nous auto-censurons sur le net. J’ai moi-même été victime de censure sur mon Instagram parce que certains films « suggèrent » un contenu sexuel. Ils le suggèrent simplement. J’en ai marre, mais j’y suis habituée en même temps. Page 16 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Petra Collins, photo censurée

Comme l’a annoncé Petra Collins sur son site internet : « Ces petites pressions auxquelles nous faisons face tous les jours deviennent littéralement de la censure ». Et elle a complètement raison.

Voilà pourquoi le féminisme est si important. Le féminisme pousse les hommes et les femmes à penser plus profondément des sujets comme l’objectivation et l’exploitation sexuelle et la nécessité de lutter pour la liberté, l’égalité et la liberté d’expression. Page 17 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

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A la recherche de la fraîcheur ultime

Il est important de réaliser qu’il existe un nouveau cinéma pour adulte

Recommandé par Manon des sources Page 18 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

Who is Erika Lust? Erika par elle-même

Par : Manon des sources 1 Sep 2016 # 1' Page 19 of 24 Erika Lust : « Rendre le sexe beau, intelligent et joyeux » — Le Tag Parfait 2017-01-17, 9:58 AM

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