
28 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #36 – April 2016

Memories of fisheries in a southwestern Atlantic

Vinicius J. Giglio1, Osmar J. Luiz2, Marta S. Reis3, Leopoldo C. Gerhardinger4


An extinct sawfish fishery in of the Abrolhos Bank of eastern was investigated by inter- viewing four elderly and expert fishermen with local ecological knowledge of the area. Sawfish were usu- ally caught with gill nets and longlines, as a secondary target of snooks (Centropomidae), Atlantic goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) and acoupa weakfish (Cynoscion acoupa) fisheries. Insights on the locally col- lapsed sawfish fisheries, traditional uses of the fish, and natural mortality events are given.

Introduction and Poulakis 2006; Fernandez-Carvalho et al. 2014). The of the western Atlantic – the large- Sawfishes ( Pristidae) are coastal elasmo- tooth sawfish, pristis, and the smalltooth saw- branchs that share a unique anatomic feature: a fish, P. pectinata – have been classified as “critically large and elongated toothed . They repre- endangered” by the International Union for Con- sent one of the largest predators in shallow coastal servation Nature for more than 10 years (Carlson et waters and , yet only limited scientific data al. 2013; Kyne et al. 2013). Fishing for those species about them is available. Sawfishes are large, long- has been prohibited in Brazil since 2004.Today, saw- lived species and they were once widely distributed fish populations have collapsed or become extinct along the coastal waters of the Atlantic (Bigelow over most of its historical range in the western and Schroeder 1953). The species uses estuaries and Atlantic, including southern and southeastern Bra- rivers throughout its developmental stages. Now zil (Fernandez-Carvalho et al. 2014). The smalltooth among the world’s most threatened marine fishes sawfish has not been observed or fished in Brazil (Wueringer et al. 2009; Dulvy et al. 2014), sawfishes for more than 10 years (Faria and Charvet-Almeida suffer from anthropogenic impacts worldwide, 2008). The only known viable population that still mainly and coastal development (Seitz remains occurs in the northwestern Atlantic, off

Sawfish have a large and elongated toothed rostrum (image: Guy Incogneato - FlickR)

1 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,PO Box 68020, Zip code: 21941-902, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, 2109, Australia. 3 Departamento de Biologia , Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. 4 Universidade Regional de Joinville, 89240-000, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #36 – April 29

Florida in the United States (Carlson and Simpfendorfer 2014). The highest abundance of in the Atlantic was confirmed in the Amazon estuary in northern Brazil. (Fernandez-Carvalho et al. 2014). Recently, Giglio et al. (2015) verified that largetooth sawfishes were last caught 10 years ago on the Abrolhos Bank off of eastern Brazil. In a nearby estuary the species was considered extinct according to traditional fishermen (Reis- Filho et al. 2016).

Sawfishes are generally caught by commercial gill net fisheries (Simpfendorfer 2000) and on a smaller scale by line and longline fishers (Seitz and Poulakis 2006). In Brazil, there is little information about sawfish fisheries, especially Location of the Caravelas-Nova Viçosa estuarine complex, where it has either collapsed eastern Brazil or become extinct. Under such conditions, an alternative approach to overcoming constraints imposed by The community reserve covers a representative por- limited historical data is to tap into the memories tion of CNEC and adjacent coastal areas. of fishers (Venkatachalam et al. 2010; Leeney and Poncelet 2013). Fishers’ local ecological knowledge Between 2009 and 2010, after 102 interviews with (LEK) was suggested as a priority research for local artisanal fishers and fruitful discussions about gathering information about sawfishes, especially sawfish natural history, we met four elderly fishers in areas where they are rare or possibly extinct who were identified by their peers as having caught (Dulvy et al. 2014). In recent years, studies using the largest number of sawfish, hence also likely the fishers’ LEK have been conducted to investigate most knowledgeable about our taxa of interest. All the historical ecology of sawfishes (e.g. Leeney four are estuarine fishers who spend their lives in and Poncelet 2013; Giglio et al. 2015; Leeney 2015; the mangroves of the CNEC. In the past, fishing Leeney and Downing 2015) in the region was primarily a subsistence activ- ity carried out by riverine communities using gill Here, we report on the LEK of elderly fishers about nets, hook-and-line, and longline from small dug- the characteristics of sawfish fisheries and two out canoes. However, since the 1980s, the advent reported causes of natural mortality on the estuaries of motorboats has led to increasing fishing activity of the Abrolhos Bank off of eastern Brazil. Sawfishes throughout the CNEC, allowing artisanal fishing to were caught until approximately 20 years ago. expand both spatially and temporally.

Methodology Interviews with open questions were performed individually in fishers’ households. Our aim was to This study was conducted in the Caravelas-Nova gather information about fishing gear used to catch Viçosa estuarine complex (CNEC) located on the sawfish, fishing sites, quantity and number of indi- Abrolhos Bank, the most biodiverse reef complex of viduals caught, uses for the sawfishes, and causes the South Atlantic (Leão et al. 2003). Fishing in the of natural mortality. CNEC is manly small-scale or subsistence, multi-spe- cific and represents an important economic activity Results for local communities (Santos and Brannstrom 2015). In 2009, a marine protected area (MPA) was desig- The age of our informants ranged between 55 and nated under a self-governing (community-based) 81 years and their experience ranged between 40 regime, namely the Cassurubá Extractive Reserve. and 60 years. Fishing gear commonly used to catch 30 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #36 – April 2016

Table 1. Summary data of interviews with expert sawfish fishermen on Caravelas-Nova Viçosa estuarine complex, eastern Brazil.

No. of Largest No. years of Age Fishing gear used individuals individual Use of saw experience caught caught (kg)

55 40 gill net, hook-and-line 15 180 souvenir 66 51 gill net 10 100 souvenir 69 40 gill net, longline 40 220 souvenir 81 60 longline 60 300 medicinal (asthma cure) charm to prevent bad luck

sawfish were gill nets, longlines and hook-and- due to entanglement and the impossi- lines. Fishers caught up to 60 individuals during bility to escape. I witnessed a fish that their lifetime, including juveniles weighing less got entangled in a fishing line and even than 10 kg. The largest sawfish weighed 300 kg without biting the hook, it was cap- (Table 1). The sawfish rostrum was traded as a tured because it was overly entangled souvenir and for medicinal or religious purposes. in the line.” Sawfish were caught as a secondary target species of fisheries aimed at acoupa weakfish (Cynoscion The elderly fisher (No. 4) witnessed individuals’ acoupa), cubera snapper (Lutjanus cyanopterus), death from natural causes in mangroves: snooks (Centropomus spp.) and Atlantic goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara). No specific sawfish “I found a sawfish that was about three fishery ground was reported, but our informants meters in length, dead in red acknowledged that sawfish were caught through- trees [Rizophora mangle] because the out the CNEC, and juveniles were caught in very saw was trapped in the roots of trees. shallow waters (< 1 meter depth). Other fish and two juveniles were trapped in the mud when the tide In the CNEC, fishing was done from small rowing receded.” canoes. Catches of large sawfishes were challenging because they are powerful enough to drag a small Discussion canoe. To avoid being dragged, fishers cooperated using up to four canoes to tow large individual In many coastal communities, memories of elderly sawfish. The meat was divided among participants. fishers are an important, if not the only avail- Informant No. 4 mentioned an episode involving a able, source of information about extinct fisheries. large individual: This knowledge is vanishing fast as subsequent generations of fishers progressively shift their “When I verified that a large sawfish, environmental baselines to the already degraded of more than 300 kg was caught on conditions that they experienced in their youth the longline, I felt a tug that dragged (Pauly 1995; Sáenz-Arroyo et al. 2005). Sawfishes the canoe for dozens of meters. I had were a relatively common fishery resource in the to request help from other fishers with CNEC until the 1980s when it disappeared for over canoes to tire the fish and take it to the 10 years. Fishers mentioned overfishing by gill landing port.” nets as the main cause of sawfish fishery collapse in the region (Giglio et al. 2015). In addition, it was All informants agreed that the toothed rostrum is verified that a longline is a commonly used gear the main cause of sawfish entanglement in gill nets for catching sawfishes in the CNEC and may have and longlines. According informant No. 3: exerted a fishing pressure that contributed to the species’ collapse. “They get entangled several times in gill nets by their saw, and cannot get Our informants acknowledged that sawfishes out. Their saw is their ‘Achilles’ heel’, entangle easily in gill nets, because of their elon- which causes species disappearance gate blade-like, toothed rostrum. Fishers using SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #36 – April 31 hook-and-line and longline methods also observed References entanglement. In the CNEC, fishers mentioned that sawfishes, when caught using longlines, can Bigelow H.B. and Schroeder W.C. 1953. Sawfishes, become entangled several times, and thus, lines are , skates and rays. Fishes of the a worrisome source of mortality to sawfishes (Seitz Western North Atlantic. Memoirs of the Sears and Poulakis 2006), and their unique morphology Memorial Foundation for Marine Research makes them exceptionably vulnerable to fishing. 1:1–514.

Our most elderly informants described two cases Carlson J., Wiley T. and Smith K. 2013. Pristis pec- of what they believe were natural mortality events tinata. In: IUCN Red List of Threatened Spe- among sawfishes. Both sawfishes died at low tide. cies v. 2014.3.Available at http://www. A large individual had its rostrum trapped in iucnredlist.org/details/18175/0 (Accessed 21 mangrove roots, and was badly damaged. Adults April 2015). are sought in various coastal habitats from shal- Carlson J.K. and Simpfendorfer C.A. 2014. Recov- low estuarine areas to >100 m depths (Poulakis ery potential of , Pristis pec- and Seitz 2004; Carlson et al. 2013), a strategy that tinata, in the United States determined using possibly increases feeding success (Poulakis et al. population viability models. Aquatic Conser- 2011). However, this large individual entangled its vation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. rostrum between mangrove roots, possibly dur- DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2434 ing a feeding incursion. On the other hand, it is not possible to confirm that entanglement was the Dulvy N.K., Davidson L.N.K., Kyne P.M., Simpfen- cause of the sawfish’s death because the individual dorfer C.A., Harrison L.R., Carlson J.K. and was found already dead. It may have died before Fordham S.V. 2014. Ghosts of the coast: Global becoming entangled in the mangrove roots. risk and conservation of sawfishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwa- Death of small juveniles was also observed occa- ter Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2525 sionally. Frequently, juvenile sawfishes were observed in shallow waters (<1 m depth), prob- Faria V. and Charvet-Almeida P. 2008. Pristispecti- ably avoiding predators (Witthy et al. 2009; Poula- nata. p. 31–33. In: Rosa R.S. and Lima F.C.T. kis et al. 2011). Several fish species were observed (eds). Livro vermelho da fauna brasileira by fishers in mud puddles in a long plain called ameaçada de extinção. Brasília: Ministério do “Rio do largo”, including juvenile sawfishes. Meio Ambiente. Fishes become trapped in these pools for about five hours, which under conditions of intense heat Fernandez-Carvalho J., Imhoff J.L., Favia V.V., Carl- and extremely low oxygen levels can cause death. son J.K. and Burgess G.H. 2014. Status and Seitz and Poulakis (2004) reported a substantial the potential for extinction of the largetooth decrease in water temperature owing to the pas- sawfish Pristis pristis in the Atlantic Ocean. sage of multiple cold fronts as another possible Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwa- cause of natural deaths in . ter Ecosystems 24:478–497.

The occurrence of sawfishes in the CNEC was fre- Giglio V.J., Luiz O.J. and Gerhardinger L.C. 2015. quent until 1980; however, its abundance decreased Depletion of marine megafauna and shifting rapidly due to the increase in fishing activity. Cur- baselines among artisanal fishers in eastern rently, the sawfish fishery in the region is consid- Brazil. Animal Conservation 18(4):48–358. ered to be extinct (Giglio et al. 2015). Urgent efforts Kyne P.M., Carlson J. and Smith K. 2013. Pristis pris- are required to avoid the extinction of the last saw- tis. In IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. fish populations in northern Brazil. The creation of Version 2014.3. Available at http://http:// MPAs to reduce fishing effort and protect key habi- www.iucnredlist.org/details/18584848/0 tats is a critical management action needed to avoid (Accessed 23 April 2015). the extinction of this iconic fish. Leão Z.M.A.N., Kikuchi R.K.P. and Testa V. 2003. Acknowledgements Corals and coral reefs of Brazil. p. 9–52. In: J. Cortes (Ed.), Latin America Coral Reefs. We thank Ecomar NGO, Meros do Brasil Project Oxford: Elsevier. and the Sea Memories Collective for institutional support. We are grateful to P. Beckenkamp and Leeney R.H. and Poncelet P. 2013. Using fishers’ H. Teixeira for support in data collection. This study ecological knowledge to assess the status and received financial support from Petrobras and cultural importance of sawfish in -Bis- Fundação Biodiversitas. This article is dedicated in sau. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Fresh- memory of the fisherman “Seu Xeleco”. water Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2419 32 SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #36 – April 2016

Leeney R.H. 2015. Fishers’ ecological knowledge of Santos A.A. and Brannstrom C. 2015. Livelihood sawfishes in Lake Piso, Liberia. Aquatic Con- strategies in a marine extractive reserve: servation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosys- Implications for conservation interventions. tems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2542 Marine Policy 59:44–52.

Leeney R.H. and Downing N. 2015. Sawfishes in Seitz J.C. and Poulakis G.R. 2006. Anthropogenic and – Shifting baselines effects on the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pec- over 40 years. Aquatic Conservation: Marine tinata) in the United States. Marine Pollution and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/ Bulletin 52:1533–1540. aqc.2545 Simpfendorfer C.A. 2000. Predicting recovery rates Pauly D. 1995. Anecdotes and the shifting baseline for endangered western Atlantic sawfishes syndrome of fisheries. Trends in Ecology and using demographic analysis. Environmental Evolution 10:430. Biology of Fishes 58:371–377.

Poulakis G.R. and Seitz J.C. 2004. Recent occurrence Venkatachalam A.J., Price A., Chandrasekara S., of the smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata Senaratna Sellamuttu S. and Kaler J. 2010. (Elasmobranchiomorphi: Pristidae), in Flor- Changes in frigate tuna populations on the ida Bay and the Florida Keys, with comments south coast of : Evidence of the shift- on sawfish ecology. Florida Scientist 67:27–35. ing baseline syndrome from analysis of fisher observations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine Poulakis G.R., Stevens P.W., Timmers A.A., Wiley and Freshwater Ecosystems 20:167–176. T.R. and Simpfendorfer C.A. 2011. Abi- otic affinities and spatiotemporal distribu- Whitty J.M. Morgan D.L. and Thorburn D.C. 2009. tion of the endangered smalltooth sawfish, Movements and interannual variation in the Pristis pectinata, in a south-western Florida morphology and demographics of Freshwa- nursery. Marine and Freshwater Research ter Sawfish (Pristis microdon) in the Fitzroy 62:1165–1177. River. In: Phillips N.M., Whitty J.M., Morgan D.L. Chaplin J.A. Thorburn D.C. and Peverell Reis-Filho J.A., Freitas R.A.H., Loiola M., Leite L., S.C. (eds). Freshwater sawfish (Pristis micro- Soeiro G., Oliveira H.H.Q., Sampaio C.L.S., don) movements and demographics in the Nunes J.A.C.C. and Leduc A.O.H.C. 2016. Fitzroy River, Western Australia and genetic Traditional fisher perceptions on the regional analysis of P. microdon and Pristis zijsron. Cen- disappearance of the largetooth sawfish Pris- tre for Fish & Fisheries Research (Murdoch tis pristis from the central coast of Brazil. University) report to the Department of the Research 29:189–200. Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Australian Government. Sáenz-Arroyo A., Roberts C.M., Torre J., Cariño- Olvera M. and Enríquez-Andrade R.R. 2005. Wueringer B., Squire L. and Collin S. 2009. The biol- Rapidly shifting environmental baselines ogy of extinct and extant sawfish (: among fishers of the . Pro- and Pristidae). Reviews in ceedings of the Royal Society B 272:1957–1962. Fish Biology and Fisheries 19:445–464.

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