Leaders to Stay Under Detention on I-Day

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Leaders to Stay Under Detention on I-Day EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE HINDU DELHI THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2019 NEWS 13 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Leaders to stay under detention on I-Day Lift all gags on freedom of Former Chief Ministers and local MPs are unlikely to attend the celebrations in Srinagar speech in Valley: activists Peerzada Ashiq ers have either been de­ Srinagar tained or put under house Former Chief Ministers and arrest. ‘People of J&K must be allowed to express their protest’ the local MPs are unlikely to The main function will be attend the first­ever Inde­ held at the Sher­i­Kashmir Special Correspondent management of the Press pendence Day celebrations Park here where Governor New Delhi Club of India where they in J&K after its special status Satya Pal Malik will hoist the A group of activists who vi­ spoke. was revoked on August 5, as tricolour. The government sited the Kashmir Valley Mr. Dreze said, “Permis­ the current dispensation has plans to hold such functions have demanded that all sion was refused to us to put in place stringent securi­ at all district and sub district means of communication — show the videos. We were ty measures for celebrations levels. landline telephones, mobile told that the projector was in all districts. Additional deployments phones and Internet — be not working but the manage­ Asked if the regional party and drone surveys of the ve­ restored with immediate ment is under pressure and leaders, including incarcer­ nue had been completed to effect. surveillance.” ated National Conference ward off any militant attack. The group comprising When asked how the president and Srinagar MP “All preparations are com­ economist Jean Drèze, Kavi­ group moved around since Farooq Abdullah and two plete,” Mr. Kansal said. ta Krishnan of the CPI(ML), Jean Dreze the Valley had been under former Chief Ministers Omar Maimoona Mollah of the All “curfew” like conditions, Abdullah and Mehbooba Covering all flanks: BSF men patrolling the Chenab on Independence Day eve at Akhnoor. * PTI ‘Situation improving’ India Democratic Women’s down and because they had one of them said “it was diffi­ Mufti, would be allowed to The authorities said the over­ Association and Vimal Bhai run out of newsprint that cult to move but not impos­ attend the function in Srina­ law and order] is also incor­ However, the police are “Only those invitees all situation in Kashmir had of the National Alliance of came from Delhi. sible”. “We met two victims gar, J&K government spokes­ porated,” Mr. Kansal said. unlikely to release any main­ whose list is prepared by the remained calm “due to People’s Movements toured “We demand that the gags of pellet gun injuries in man Rohit Kansal avoided a Divisional Commissioner, stream leader on the occa­ Divisional Commissioner which the government has the Valley from August 9 to on the freedom of speech, SMHS hospital in Srinagar. direct answer. Kashmir, Baseer Khan has sion. will be allowed to attend the further relaxed the prohibi­ 13. expression and protest be The two young men [Waqar prepared the list of invitees, The NC’s two other MPs, I­Day celebrations,” Addi­ tory orders”. At a press conference lifted from J&K with imme­ Ahmad and Wahid] had fac­ Careful analysis which, sources said, in­ Hasnain Masoodi and Akbar tional Director­General of Mr. Gillani said only two here on Wednesday, the diate effect.” es, arms and torso full of pel­ “Any decision on this is ta­ cludes the regional leaders Lone, are avoiding travel to Police Syed Mujtaba Javaid persons were injured during group said local newspapers The activists were not al­ lets. Their eyes were blood­ ken only after careful analy­ and three local MPs of the J&K since the revocation of Gillani said. street protests and were ad­ were unable to function due lowed to show video clips shot and blinded,” the sis. The local assessment [of NC. the special status. Nearly 250 regional lead­ mitted to the hospitals here. to the communication lock­ and photographs by the activists said in a statement. Restrictions Shah Faesal detained in Will get back, J&K govt. tells Rahul lifted in Delhi, taken to Srinagar Congress leader had offered to visit the Valley without any conditions Jammu special correspondent statement accusing Mr. Press Trust of India Former IAS officer was barred from going abroad Srinagar Gandhi of putting too many Srinagar The Jammu and Kashmir go­ conditions and trying to Restrictions in Jammu have Special Correspondent from New Delhi and told her vernment on Wednesday create “unrest” over the been completely lifted but New Delhi that he had been questioned said it would get in touch Centre’s decision to end will continue for a while Kashmiri leader Shah Fae­ by the authorities at the air­ with Congress leader Rahul J&K’s special status. longer in some places in sal, a former IAS officer, was port regarding an interview Gandhi on his request to visit “Rahul Gandhi is politicis­ Kashmir, a senior Jammu stopped from flying out of he gave to the BBC on the proposed Union ing the matter by seeking to and Kashmir police officer the country at the Delhi air­ Tuesday. Territory. bring a delegation of Opposi­ said on Wednesday and port and packed off to Srina­ Mr. Faesal, a topper of the Governor Satya Pal Malik tion leaders to create further emphasised that the situa­ gar where he has been 2009 UPSC Civil Services Ex­ has already referred the mat­ gements for the celebration accept your invitation to visit unrest and problems for the tion is totally under placed under preventive de­ am, had told the channel, ter to the local administra­ of Independence Day,” the Jammu & Kashmir and meet common people. He has put control. tention, a friend and a go­ Shah Faesal “It's my generation which tion, an official spokesman spokesman added. the people, with no condi­ forth many conditions for Additional Director­Gen­ vernment official confirmed. has now got the taste of said. “The administration Mr. Gandhi, in response to tions attached. When can I visiting J&K, including meet­ eral Munir Khan said there The friend told The Hindu on the basis of which he was betrayal.” will get in touch with the MP a statement made by the Go­ come,” Mr. Gandhi tweeted ing mainstream leaders un­ were localised incidents in that when Mr. Faesal stopped from boarding a A senior government offi­ at a convenient time,” the of­ vernor, on Tuesday had and played on the Gover­ der detention,” the state­ various parts of Srinagar reached the immigration flight to Istanbul. He was on cial said that Mr. Faesal was ficial said. tweeted his desire to visit nor’s surname. Instead of ment said. “Since the and other districts in the desk around 1.30 a.m. on the way to Harvard Kennedy flown to Srinagar where he He said Mr. Gandhi had ta­ Jammu and Kashmir. Malik, the Congress MP spelt Governor had never invited Valley, but these were con­ Wednesday, he was told that School in the U.S. to com­ has been held under “pre­ ken four days to respond on On Wednesday, he again it as Maalik, meaning mas­ him with so many precondi­ tained and dealt with he had a lookout notice plete his course,” the friend ventive detention”. The offi­ the issue. asked the Governor when he ter/owner in Hindi. tions, he has referred the locally. against him. said. cial clarified that he was not “At present, the entire can visit J&K. His tweet came after the case to the police and admi­ There have been no ma­ “The authorities had his According to him, Mr. arrested under the Public State administration is pre­ “Dear Maalik ji, I saw your Governor’s office late on nistration to examine the re­ jor injuries to anyone, he photograph and the notice, Faesal telephoned his wife Safety Act (PSA). occupied with making arran­ feeble reply to my tweet. I Tuesday evening issued a quest further,” it added. said at a press conference. Imran Khan vows to raise Kashmir at global level Pakistan PM addresses PoK Assembly Mehmal Sarfraz Lahore Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed a special session of the PoK legislative as­ sembly on Wednesday, marking Pakistan’s Inde­ pendence Day. Mr Khan said he would be the Ambassador of Kashmir at all international forums and raise his voice for hap­ less Kashmiris. Imran Khan Comparing the ideology of the Rashtriya Swayamse­ miri women is the result of vak Sangh (RSS) to Nazism, sick­minded ideology,” he Mr Khan spoke of a battle of said. ideologies. The Prime Minister said “Now the world is looking even those Kashmiri leaders at Kashmir and also Pakis­ who were considered pro­ tan. We will internationalise India are saying today that the issue of Kashmir. The Jinnah was right. world must understand how “The genie of RSS will not dangerous RSS ideology go back in the bottle. After is...the kind of statements Muslims, it will target Sikhs, coming out regarding Kash­ Dalits, Christians.” Review of detentions likely after Thursday ‘Mufti, Omar are in preventive custody’ Vijaita Singh New Delhi Minister of State for Home G. Kishan Reddy said former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Ministers Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah were in “preventive custody” and the decision to release them will be reviewed after Au­ gust 15. There is no clarity under G. Kishan Reddy what law several political leaders in the Valley have become imperative to take been detained since the such necessary measures night of August 4.
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    daily Follow us: Daily Excelsior JAMMU, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2020 REGD. NO. JK-71/18-20 Vol No. 56 12 Pages ` 5.00 ExcelsiorRNI No. 28547/65 No. 132 Package will TDS, TCS rates cut by 25 pc for 2020-21 help businesses, MSMEs: PM Govt announces Rs 3 lakh cr collateral-free NEW DELHI, May 13: The series of measures announced today by the Government to boost the econo- loans for small business, liquidity for NBFCs my hit by the Coronavirus lock- down will enhance liquidity, empower entrepreneurs and strengthen their competitive All income tax return, tax audit dates to be extended spirit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. NEW DELHI, May 13: stimulus package announced by diligence and the intention is the world's fifth-largest econo- He also said the announce- Prime Minister Narendra Modi, also to build local brands," she my hurtling towards its first full- ments made by Finance The Government today Finance Minister Nirmala said. year contraction in four decades. Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced about Rs 6 lakh Sitharaman said the measures The Rs 20 lakh crore spend- Sitharaman said automatic will go a long way in addressing crore package comprising Rs 3 collateral-free loans of a 4- issues faced by businesses, lakh crore of collateral-free year tenure with a 12-month especially Micro, Small and loans for small businesses and moratorium on interest pay- (Contd on page 4 Col 1) a Rs 30,000 crore lifeline to ment, will benefit 45 lakh non-bank and housing finance small businesses. Corona cases companies as part of measures Another two lakh such busi- to help the economy tied over nesses would benefit from a Rs cross 78,000, disruptions caused by the 20,000 crore subordinate debt deaths 2,500 Coronavirus lockdown.
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