U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 01/06/1986
I j j j j j ", . j 1 j ., , j j j E j j j j j j j j j j J Do not contaminate ""ater 'ODd Y lee:-- )1 s:orage or tj:SDOSa ' STORAGE: PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastesfacility resulting from the use 0' !"IS prOduct may be dlSDose~ Of on 51!!? or a~ an a:-p~oyed was'e d 5':'': sa CO HAINER DISPOSAL: Metll: TrlOle rinse (or equivalent! T"e~ ol!er for rec.ycllng or recQ~clt,or-"~g Or pu.ncture a!"'ld d.s~::.se -:' Sarqtary lard'dl. or by OIP"ler procedu'es aPproved by' state and iDeal aUr"O"!:es Plastic: TrlDle rinSe (or eCoJ1va'e'":tl n"'e" cHer 'or or or ... • • .r a sanltar, la'1CHtil. or IflClne'ar,8n C' reCy~llng reCondIIIO~I"'g pur'lC~ '~ anc:f,~~e :1 smOke I a s· .... ec t)y state arod local al.dhor,t,es by 0'-'.,... .... ; U bU"f'f'j :>'a. ••• •• • • • ••••• r------------ .. -- • •• • Ace E 1-' '; -t:; D • •• ••• • Jr\h-6 _'~0 i' t •• " , annual canarygrass, mint, onions, tr:'---_~_ GENERAL INFCRo1ATIOO Buctril is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of impor~nt broad leaf weeds infesting small grains (wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale) field com, popcorn, grain sorghln, flax, garlic, turf and noncrop areas. Optimln weed control is obtained when Buctril is applied to actively growing weed seedlings. Buctril is primarily a c:x:mtact herbicide, therefore thorolY,lh coverage of the weed seedl ings is essential for optimun control. Buctril is formulated as an en~lsifiable concentrate of octa~ic acid ester of brmoxynil containing the eq.Jivalent of 2 po<mds of braroxynil per gallon.
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