EUROPEAN COMMISSION Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Creativity, Citizenship and Joint Operations B3: Europe for Citizens

Europe for Citizens Strand 2 Measure 2.1 Twinning Selection Year 2020 Round 2

Referen Application Max EU N° Name of the Applicant Title of the proposal ce N° Country Grant 1 625041 KISTARCSA VAROS European for a HU €25,000 ONKORMANYZATA Strong Europe - Disrupting the Dynamics of Eurosceptic Narratives and Debating the Future of the Union 2 625201 GROSSE KREISSTADT Europa klimaneutral 2050 - DE €18,145 EMMENDINGEN Wir machen unsere Städte klimafit 3 625690 SZIRMABESENYO United For Open Solidarity HU €25,000 NAGYKOZSÉG ONKORMÁNYZATA 4 624891 BOERKE NAAS Europa auf die Fahnen BE €25,000 schreiben! 5 625046 VEREIN ZUR ImPuls Europa - DE €18,145 FÖRDERUNG DER Gemeinsamkeiten STÄDTEPARTNERSCHA entdecken, voneinander FTEN DER STADT SELM lernen und Zukunftsideen entwickeln 6 625291 COMUNE DI FREGONA Landscapes of Integration IT €12,095 in EUrope 7 625064 MIASTO TOMASZOW Development of methods PL €7,560 LUBELSKI of creating and maintaining solidarity in important social matters thanks to long-term partnership cooperation 8 624962 MUNICIPIO DE Let's unite & debate about PT €10,080 GONDOMAR euro-scepticism … and make it a driving force for a more cohesive and inclusive European Union 9 625140 FORDERKREIS Partnerschaftliche DE €12,095 HOFHEIMER Solidarität in europäischen STADTEPARTNERSCHA Krisenzeiten FTEN EV 10 625290 VEAUCHE JUMELAGES Dessinons notre Europe FR €7,560 de demain 11 625186 OBEC LEHNICE Welcome to the Education, SK €25,000 Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Town Twinning event 12 625026 OBEC GOLIANOVO Európia jövő építés, SK €25,000 partnerség, népek és nemzedékek szolidáris válságkezelése. 13 624882 OF YOUnion - Unity in EL €10,080 KILKIS Diversity 14 625100 CSITAR KOZSEG Zöld európában színes HU €25,000 ÖNKORMANYZATA kultúra - 25. Jubileumi találkozó Csitáron 15 625874 OBCIANSKE ZDRUZENIE ART 4 Europe / Europe 4 SK €25,000 NOVUM NASWOD - ART NOVUM NASWOD POLGARI TARSULAS 16 625581 KONSTANCIN- Europa - unsere PL €10,080 JEZIORNA gemeinsame Adresse/Europa - naše společná adresa/Europa - nasz wspólny adres 17 625777 ASSOCIATION POUR Les années 1950 en FR €16,630 UNE BIENNALE Europe. 1ère Biennale EUROPÉENNE européenne d'histoire D'HISTOIRE LOCALE locale, Tulle, 2021 18 624873 MUNICIPALITY OF The 'Albanian front' in front EL €25,000 TRIPOLIS of the EU perspective 19 625864 ASOCIATIA ASEL RO Mobile EU citizens RO €25,000 integration - one for all, all for one! 20 625133 NOGRADSIPEK KOZSEG Összeurópai Konzultáció HU €25,000 ONKORMANYZATA 21 624996 VEREIN ZUR Miteinander in Europa - die DE €12,095 FÖRDERUNG DER Zukunft gemeinsam PARTNER- UND gestalten FREUNDSCHAFTEN DER STADT ITZEHOE E.V. 22 625907 SLIEMA LOCAL SAVE-Solidarity Actions MT €25,000 COUNCIL and Volunteering in Europe 23 624974 STADT FLADUNGEN Bürgerschaftliches DE €7,560 Engagement und Freiwilligentätigkeit in der Krise? Bedeutung für Kommunen und Europa 24 624885 KULTURALIS ELETERT European dialogue for HU €24,190 KOZHASZNU young people EGYESULET 25 625088 MALIK ETS Shepherds of Europe IT €7,560

2 26 624908 OBEC CIERNA VODA Quo vadis europa? Cierna SK €25,000 Voda and its friends: 20 communities from 10 countries to discuss how to make Europe more successful 27 625863 MAGYAR OKLEVELES Solidarity Purposes HU €25,000 ADÓSZAKÉRTOK Enhance Cooperation EGYESÜLETE Initiatives And Learning 28 625223 GRAD ZAGREB CITIES for EU future HR €16,630 29 625115 SZABOLCSI FIATALOK Aspects of being European HU €25,000 A VIDEKERT – common gathering of EGYESULET viewpoints 30 625007 MUNICIPALITY OF Empowering DEMOocracy HR €25,000 KONJSCINA and Solidarity in EU 31 625125 HOLLOKO KOZSEG Európa napok hollókőn – HU €20,160 ONKORMANYZATA x. Találkozó 32 625172 KUNSILL LOKALI BIRGU The Past, Present and MT €5,040 Future of Small European Communities 33 625205 TÚRKEVE VÁROSI SMAPT - Sharing Citizen HU €25,000 ÖNKORMÁNYZAT Involvement and Participatory Development Best Practices Between Túrkeve, Salonta, Porabka and Auchel 34 625361 MESTO NESVADY Partner cooperation – key SK €25,000 to the success of EU cohesion 35 625437 OBEC DOLNA KRUPA Intercultural cooperation - SK €25,000 The key to Active Citizenship 36 625853 COMUNE DI COLLEGNO United in Solidarity: IT €5,040 Collegno-Sarajevo strengthening the European bridge 37 625298 CSODA A VILÁG Miénk a felelősség, miénk HU €24,190 EGYESÜLET Európa 38 624958 COMUNE SAN PIETRO EURopean Integration. IT €7,560 AL NATISONE From Crisis to CAtharsis 39 625310 COMUNE GUARDEA Responsabilità e IT €5,040 Solidarietà. Un’Europa più forte contro crisi e pandemie 40 625749 GRAD KLANJEC EU Future Challenges - HR €25,000 Diversity is our advantage 41 624912 COMUNE DI MONGIUFFI European Youth "We are IT €16,630 MELIA the Future of Europe"

3 42 625160 COMMUNE DE Coursac/Colfelice - FR €5,040 COURSAC Migrations européennes à travers l'histoire: entre conquêtes, imprégnation et liberté, les origines d'un patrimoine et d'une diversité européenne sources d'expression citoyenne pour nos jeunes générations 43 624871 GEMEINDE LAUFACH Wir in Europa - DE €16,630 Zusammenbleiben und Zusammenhalten 44 625060 COMMUNE DE Les Chemins De La FR €25,000 MAULÉON LICHARRE Mémoire 45 625888 COMUNA MERESTI Solidary town-twinning RO €25,000 approach in times of crisis in the European Union 46 624915 ASOCIACION COMITE Nuestro Hermanamiento ES €5,040 DE HERMANAMIENTO También Ha Construido DE CALASPARRA Europa 47 625349 MUNICIPALITY OF Live Free in the Melting AL €16,630 LUSHNJE Pot 48 625248 GRAD LUDBREG Minorities Summit in HR €25,000 Ludbreg 49 625285 COMUNA BORS Building European RO €20,160 Friendships 50 625059 RAVNICA UDRUZENJE Together for a common RS €24,190 ZA UZGOJ SVINJA RASE Europe MANGULICA VOJVODINE 51 625659 ASOCIATA DE Homo europaeus - létezik- RO €14,615 PRIETENIE HODOS- e európai kultúra? VENERQUE 52 624916 OPCINA LEGRAD The 12th European Picnic HR €25,000 of small communities: At the crossroads-26 communities from 13 countries to discuss how to make Europe stronger. 53 624952 STADT WALDSASSEN Europawoche 2021 in der DE €25,000 Klosterstadt Waldsassen 54 625281 MESTO VESELI NAD The Future Is In Our CZ €25,000 MORAVOU Hands 55 625838 OBEC VISKY Ty, Já, On, Ona = Európa CZ €22,175 56 625224 LÁBATLAN VÁROS A Jövő Rajtunk Múlik - HU €25,000 ÖNKORMÁNYZATA Testvérvárosi Találkozó Lábatlan, Karva és Rechnitz részvételével

4 57 625568 STADT Vertiefung des DE €14,615 KALTENNORDHEIM OT europäischen KALTENWESTHEIM Geschichtsbewusstseins verbunden mit der Erweiterung der Kenntnisse über die europäische Union, ihre Geschichte, ihre Werte und ihre Vielfalt 58 625603 PRIMARIA COMUNEI Citizenship, Culture and RO €25,000 SALACEA Europe’s future – as we see it 59 625655 DARNOZSELI KOZSEGI Justice, rights and cultural HU €22,175 ONKORMANYZAT values of European citizens! 60 625799 STOWARZYSZENIE Promote International PL €25,000 AKTYWNI DLA LAJSK Cooperation for Elderly and Youth 61 624880 ÁLMOSD KÖZSÉG Kezdeményezés a roma HU €22,175 ÖNKORMÁNYZATA szegregáció csökkentésére két kis testvértelepülés példáján keresztül 62 624923 OBCINA SKOFLJICA Europe, one home for all SI €25,000 63 625006 OBCINA SKOFJA LOKA European Zest in Skofja SI €25,000 Loka 64 625163 AJUNTAMENT DE NET-MED. Bridge of books ES €25,000 CANYELLES 65 625230 STADT FRANKENBERG Europäische Vielfalt in DE €7,560 (EDER) Frankenberg (Eder) 66 625266 OBEC ZIKAVA Spoločne pre Európu! SK €20,160 67 624881 COMITÉ DE JUMELAGE Solidarité : Fondement et FR €16,630 ARGENTRÉ LOUVIGNÉ Avenir de l'Europe BABENHAUSEN 68 624929 INNISCARRA TWINNING Nothing Can Stop Us! A IE €5,040 ASSOCIATION Stronger Twinning, A Stronger Europe. 69 625808 EUROPEAN GROUPING We are EuROPE SK €25,000 OF TERRITORIAL COOPERATION VIA CARPATIA LIMITED 70 625514 OBEC RATISKOVICE European Union is always CZ €24,190 with us 71 625593 OBEC MILOTICE The future is in our hands CZ €25,000 – Active participation in the democratic life of the EU 72 625643 MÄNTTÄ-VILPPULAN Mänttä-Vilppula - FI €7,560 KAUPUNKI Simmern, Keeping Touch 2021! 73 624951 KELMES RAJONO Key to Success - LT €20,160 SAVIVALDYBES European Solidarity ADMINISTRACIJA

5 74 624407 OBEC NOVA LHOTA Active Citizen Europe CZ €25,000 75 625216 OBEC HORNA KRUPA “MERCI” EUROPE UNION SK €22,175 76 625454 MESTO VELKY MEDER Great Thing will happen in SK €25,000 Velky Meder 77 625817 COMUNE DI Ricominciamo da noi per IT €12,095 MONTEMARCIANO una europa solidale contro l'euroscetticismo 78 625605 COMITE DE JUMELAGE Jumelage obterre-proven FR €5,040 OBTERRE PROVEN acteur de la construction europeenne 79 625215 FUNDATIA NYILO AKAC- Friendship, responsibility RO €25,000 SALCIM IN FLOARE and culture – this our Europe 80 625005 GMINA TARNOWO Partnerstwo NGO's na PL €5,040 PODGORNE rzecz kształtowania solidarności europejskiej! 81 625031 OBEC JANIKY Let’s enter the period of SK €25,000 2021-2027 together, responsibly, in cooperation - II. Town Twinning at Janíky 82 625246 OBEC VELKY BIEL Management of a cohesive SK €25,000 Europe! 83 625309 ORAS MIERCUREA DIALOG EUROPEAN RO €25,000 NIRAJULUI 84 625383 COMUNE DI Small villages resilience IT €5,040 CIVITACAMPOMARANO and revenge 85 625385 OBEC KAJAL #FOLLOWEU SK €25,000 86 625420 SISESTI COMMUNE Sisesti and Mosna RO €10,080 together for Europe 87 625509 KUNSILL LOKALL Enhancing the Democracy MT €7,560 TA'SANNAT of Citizens in Small Towns 88 625579 GLIWICKI Polsko-niemiecka PL €5,040 konferencja “Przeszłość i przyszłość naszego kontynentu” w ramach debaty o przyszłości Europy oraz zwalczaniu eurosceptycyzmu z udziałem władz i młodzieży z powiatów: Calw, Mittelsachsen, Puckiego i Gliwickiego 89 625716 BASHKIA TROPOJË Youth Growth in EU AL €25,000 perspective 90 625254 ZDRUZENIE BRATSTVA Our ideas for a better SK €25,000 CECHOV A SLOVÁKOV future JAVORINA 91 625210 CROATIAN CULTURAL PRotect yOUr Diversity SI €22,175 ASSOCIATION KOMUSINA

6 92 625439 EDUKATIVA PLUS Together to the New RS €25,000 Future 93 625039 STADT WEENER Unsere Partnerschaft in DE €16,630 Europa - neue Herausforderungen in Zeiten der Krise 94 625472 LEPSENY Európa 1990 - Határok HU €25,000 NAGYKOZSEGI nélkül ONKORMANYZAT 95 625840 OBEC NYROVCE Dobrovoľníctvom mládeže SK €18,145 za budúcnosť Európy 96 624858 FREUNDESKREIS Bürgerbegegnungen - Aus DE €5,040 KILLARNEY-PLEINFELD der Geschichte lernen E.V. 97 625641 RIGAS VACU KULTURAS Baltic forum on LV €10,080 BIEDRIBA strengthening civil capacity "NO INFLUENCE WITHOUT COMPETENCE!" 98 624867 COMUNE DI FORZA Over the Walls: Citizenship IT €16,630 D'AGRO open to welcome Migrants 99 625061 VASKUT NAGYKOZSEGI Solidarity in rural areas HU €24,190 ONKORMANYZAT 100 625129 CITTÀ DI FOSSACESIA Diversity City-Zen IT €25,000 101 625206 COMUNE DI LURATE Local Deal for Green IT €20,160 CACCIVIO 102 625441 CALATAFIMI SEGESTA develop EUropean IT €5,040 citizenship in Rural arEas through the rediscovery and enhancement of loCal heritAge 103 625556 ORAS ARDUD From Medieval to EU RO €25,000 104 625345 LABORATORIO DEL EU: une vision d’avenir IT €25,000 CITTADINO commune 105 625704 JATEKOS TUDOMANY Kezedben a jövõ! - Váci HU €25,000 EGYESULET gyermek találkozó 106 625728 YOUTH PRIORITIES Cultural Diversity Festival BG €25,000

TOTAL €1,994,0 70