The Official Publication of the Snohomish County Bar Association
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June Volume 43 The official publication of the 2015 Number 6 Snohomish County Bar Association S C B A News SCBA News InsIde ThIs Issue « Published by the Calendar of Events Snohomish County Bar Association « Superior Court Assignments P.O. Box 5429 Everett, WA 98206 « From the Desk of the President Laurie Ummel « Snohomish County Young Lawyers Editor « The Lawyer’s Road Review ~ The Sinking of the RMS Lusitania Terri Callantine Magazine Production « ADR Membership Information Joyce Wood Executive Director « Snohomish County District Court proposed Local Civil Rule [email protected] « Legal Aid Snohomish County Bar « Association Officers Announcements Kari Petrasek « Advertisements President Gurjit Pandher Vice President AdvertisIng And submIssIons Michael O’Meara Treasurer Announcements: SCBA members only. Contact Joyce Wood at (425) 388- Laurie Ummel Secretary 3056 or [email protected]. Trustees Classifieds: Please contact Joyce Wood for rates and submission guidelines at Ann Brice Tom Cox (425) 388-3056 or at [email protected]. Jacob Gent Joel Nichols Submissions: Contact Joyce Wood at (425) 388-3056 or at [email protected]. Danielle Pratt Jennifer Rancourt Deadline: Copy must be received (not postmarked) by the 15th of each month Jason Schwarz William Sullivan for the subsequent issue. No cancellations will be accepted after the deadline. Please submit to the SCBA office at P.O. Box 5429, Everett, WA 98026, Microsoft Word Format (Mac or PC) by e-mail. WordPerfect users, save your Website: files in either MS Word format or Rich Text format (RTF). Terri Callantine © 2015 by Snohomish County Bar Association. Printed by the SCBA All editorial material including editorial comment Contact us appearing herein represents the views of the respec- tive authors and does not necessarily carry the en- dorsement of the Association or the Board of Trust- ees. Likewise, the publication of any advertisement SCBA Office: (425) 388-3056 / e-mail: [email protected] is not to be construed as an endorsement of the prod- uct or service offered unless it is specifically stated in the ad that there is such approval or endorsement. SCBA Fax: (425) 388-3978 SCBA News is published monthly by the Snohom- Like us on Facebook ish County Bar Association, P.O. Box 5429, Everett, WA 98206. Web site: Send changes of address to: Snohomish County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service: (425) 388-3018 P.O. Box 5429, Everett, WA 98206 2 Snohomish County Bar News - JUNE 2015 sCbA CAlendAr of evenTs June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 8th Young Lawyers Division Meeting 3rd Courthouse Closed 10th Young Lawyers Division Meeting 15th Family Law Section Meeting 13th Young Lawyers Division Meeting 15th Deadline SCBA Newsletter 15th Deadline SCBA Newsletter 15th NO Deadline SCBA Newsletter 17th Family Law Section Meeting 18th SCBA Board of Trustees Meeting 15th SCBA Board of Trustees Meeting 20th NO SCBA Board of Trustees 16th AquaSox Baseball Meeting 20th Family Law Section Meeting 26th ADR Section Meeting 28th SCBA Golf Tournament September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 7th Courthouse Closed 12th Young Lawyers Division Meeting 4th CLE 14th Young Lawyers Division Meeting 15th Deadline SCBA Newsletter 9th Young Lawyers Division Meeting 15th Deadline SCBA Newsletter 15th SCBA Board of Trustees Meeting 15th Deadline SCBA Newsletter 17th SCBA Board of Trustees Meeting 19th Family Law Section Meeting 16th Family Law Section Meeting 21st Family Law Section Meeting 19th SCBA Board of Trustees Meeting 25th CLE Guardianship 26th & 27th Courthouse Closed superIor CourT AssIgnmenTs Presiding Judge: Judge Michael T. Downes Trial Calendar Call and Motions to Continue Trial Dept. 2 Juvenile Court: Judge Ellis Judge Lucas Commissioner Waggoner Civil Motions: Judge Wilson June 1-4 Judge Bowden June 5 Judge Judge June 8-19 Judge Krese June 22-July 2 Criminal Hearings: Judge Judge June 1-4 Judge Wilson June 8-18 Judge Bowden June 10 & 17 1pm only; June 19 Judge Wynne June 22-July 2 Criminal Motions: Judge Krese June 1-19 Judge Appel June 22-July 2 Criminal Dept. Judges: Judges Farris, Krese, Bowden, Fair, Appel, Okrent, Dingledy, Judge Civil Dept. Judges:2 Judges Wynne, Kurtz, Weiss, Wilson Ex Parte/Commissioner Civil Motions:1 Commissioner Tinney Family Law Calendars:1 Commissioners Stewart, Brudvik and Gaer Please note: All assignments are subject to change without notice and assignments may not change on the first day of the month. JUNE 2015 - Snohomish County Bar News 3 number of judges that have retired or are otherwise no from The desk of The longer on the bench, some institutional knowledge is being lost. Just in the past year, court administration presIdenT has undergone some changes with a new court kArI peTrAsek administrator, and new faces in other positions. There is also a “Reclaiming Futures” initiative that Judge Weiss has spearheaded over the past couple of years. Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to sit This initiative has juvenile detention and juvenile down with Judge Marybeth Dingledy to talk with her probation working more collaboratively with each about her career as an attorney and judge. It’s hard to other allowing for better communication, and better believe that Judge Dingledy was appointed just over tools for the assessment and treatment of juveniles. A three years ago by Governor Gregoire, but is still lot of the judges’ committees have been restructured the second newest judge on the bench. She grew up as well. Upon becoming a judge, Judge Dingledy was in Connecticut and attended Middlebury College in encouraged to see that there is such a good support Vermont. After college, she decided to spend a year in system among the judges, that the judges have a good Breckenridge, Colorado before going to law school. relationship with the court staff, and the court staff Judge Dingledy worked on a dude ranch, as a server, a respects the judges. Everyone gets along really well housekeeper and was a ski bum before going back to with each other. Virginia to attend William and Mary College of Law. Judge Dingledy’s advice to attorneys is to make After receiving her law degree, she packed up her sure you do not misstate case law, and if you have a stuff and her dog and headed to Seattle in May 1995. great case that you are relying on, include a copy of Her first job upon arriving in Seattle was at Duke’s the case with your materials. Along those lines, do not restaurant at Greenlake. She worked there while looking ignore problems with your case and be prepared to for a job with a public defender’s office. Between the address those problems. Also, be respectful of opposing time she arrived in Seattle and finally was offered counsel and other litigants, and be honest – do not omit her first job as an attorney, Judge Dingledy was so things that the court needs to know. It is so easy to dedicated to becoming a public defender that she went lose a judge’s respect, but very hard to earn a judge’s to every public defender association in Seattle looking respect back. For those who may appear in front of her, for a job and she sat in the waiting room until someone assume that she has read all of the pleadings submitted with authority came out to speak with her. Finally, in for the hearing and ask if there is anything she wants late 1995, she was offered a contract job with the King you to address specifically in your argument; do not County Prosecutor’s Office. She only worked there for a wait until your time is up before asking that question. few months before being offered a job at the Snohomish Specifically to new and young lawyers, Judge Dingledy County Public Defender’s Office in February 1996. suggests sitting in court and watching different attorney Judge Dingledy was appointed to the Snohomish in different court rooms. Watch trials, civil hearings, County Superior Court bench in February 2012. family law hearings, or any other type of hearing or One of the most fascinating cases Judge Dingledy trial you are interested in. Find your style and do what worked on as an attorney was a case that involved a works for you and definitely do not shy away from client with multiple personality disorders, repressed asking a more experienced attorney a question. memories, a third strike, and psychopathy. The trial As part of Judge Dingledy’s duties and in addition involving this client lasted five weeks, used multiple to her time on the bench, she is the current juvenile experts, was highlighted on Dateline NBC and Paul offender drug court judge, a position she started in Stern, and video was used in the courtroom the March of this year and is a four year term, plus two entire time. Now as a judge, she enjoys the variety of years before and after as the back-up judge. She also different cases and topics that come before her. She serves on the personnel and education committee, drug finds that she learns something new from each case court committee and court operations subcommittee. quite often. Judge Dingledy appreciates seeing good lawyers argue their cases and likes having interaction And what does Judge Dingledy like to do when with the people who appear in front of her; she wants not being a judge? She is quite the avid hiker, to make sure that everyone is heard. backpacker, and climber and also enjoys gardening and cooking. Her greatest accomplishment in her great In just three years, it is amazing to hear about some outdoor adventures was a solo hike she did in 2006 of the changes that have occurred.