Vol. IV No. 1 Winter 2018 Contents Commander’s Comments 2 MOLLUS Minutes 3 Annual Fall Meeting December 16, 2017 Member Activities 4 Notable Wisconsin Officers 5-7 Departing from a tradition, the annual meeting was held as a supper rather than a luncheon l-r James Reeves, Chip Beckford, Cmdr Kim Heltemes, Alan Petit, Thomas Curtis, Dean Collins Journal is published Quarterly by the Wisconsin Commandery, MOLLUS. Any submissions should be made to Paul Johnson via E-mail
[email protected] Any pictures submitted may be done so in either B&W or color 1 Commander’s Comments The Wisconsin Commandery newsletter will endeavor to present information of Commandery’s activities. It will also feature stories of events and facts not generally know, always relating back to Wisconsin men or units The Journal will be published Quarterly on the first Friday of the Quarter, the deadline will be the Second last Friday of the month preceding Members are encouraged to submit articles. We also want to have profiles of member’s ancestors. To start we present the profile of one of the charter members of the Wis. Commandery. 2017-18 Officers Brothers, Kim J. Heltemes Commander
[email protected] I'd been a rough time for me this summer. The week leading up to Memorial Day, SGM Paul Stout Sr.Vice I had surgery for to an irritated gall bladder. However, when they cut the gall bladder
[email protected] Comm. out, my cavity filled up with puss. The bIle duct and liver were filled with puss. The Don Richardson Jr.Vice bile duct had to be removed and a plastic tube was sewn in its place.