Rosters of State Officials

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Rosters of State Officials fS Rosters of State Officials PRINCIPAl L STATE OFFICERS PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS—1945 . SlaU , CaotTtwrs LituUnant GoiHfnofs . Attortuys Gaural • SecretatUs of Siatt ALABAMA,.. ,. Chauncey M. Spark* >.. L. Handy Eilif Robert B.-Harwood Mi« Sibyl Pool ARIZONA. Sidney P, Cbborn , John L, Sullivan, Dan E, Garvcy ARKANSAS., Benjamin T. Laney T, L, Shaver Guy E, Willianu^, ' C. G. Hall CALIFORNIA..,,.., Earl Warren Frederick F. Houier .Robert W, Kenny Frank M.Jordan COLORADO John C. Vivian William E, Higby H. Lawrence Hinkley Walter F, Morrijon CONNECrrCUT..,. Raymond E.Baldwin Wilbert Snow , William L, Hadden CharlciJ, Pre«tia DELAWARE Walter W. Bacon Elbert N. Carvel Clair John Killoran William J. Storey FLORIDA... .,,. Millard F. Caldwell , J. Tom Wauon Robert A. Gray • • <• . • • v . GEORGIA-...,.,,., Elli*G.AmalI ... .,...,,..,,, Eugene Cook John B, WiUon IDAHO,, Charle* C, Go«ett Arnold Williams Frank Langley Ira H. Master* ILLINOIS..... Dwight H, Green Hiigh W. Cross • George P. Barrett Edward J. Barrett ; . INDIANA........... Ralph F.Gatei Puchard T, James James A, Emmert Rue J. Alexander ' XOWA , RobertD.Blue K.A.Evans John M. Rankin Wayne M, Ropes KANSAS, ,, Andrew F, Schoeppcl Jess C. Denious A, B, Mitchell, Frank J, Ryan KENTUCKY..,,,.;, Simeon S, Willis Kenneth H, Tuggle Eldon .S. Diimmit Chirles K. O'Connell LOUISIANA .,. i, James H, Davis J, Emile Verret Fred S, LcBlanc Wade O. Mardn, Jfr, MAINE Horace A, Hildreth .,... Ralph W, Farris Harold I, Gois MARYLAND...,..-. Herbert R. 0*Conor ; William Curran William J. McWilliams MASSACHUSETTS,, Maurice J. Tobin Robert F. Bradford Clarence A. Barnes Frederi? W. Cook MICHIGAN , Harry F. Kelly Vernon J, Brown John R, Dcihmcrs Herman H. Dignan MINNESOTA Edward J, Thye C, Elmer Anderson J, A. A. Bumnuist Mike Holm MISSISSIPPI,, Thomast; Bailey . Fielding L. Wright Greek L, Rice Walker Wood M^ISSOURI.... PhU M. Donnelly Walter N. Davis r J. E. Taylor - Wiljon Bell /'MONTANA ,,., Sam C, Ford . Ernest T. Eaton . R. V. Bottomly Sam W, .Mitchell A NEBRASKA..,,,;., .Dwight Griswold Roy W. Johnson Walter R.Johnson Frank Marsh NEVADA,,,. Vail Pittmanfb) {») Alan H. Bible Malcolm McEachin NEW HAMPSHIRE,, Charles M,Dsile ,,,,/.,.. Harold K, Davis/in» Enoch D, Fuller , NEW JERSEY ,. Walter E, Edge . ,....,,,.,., Waller D. Van Riper . Joseph A. Brophy NEW MFJCICO...,,. JohnJ, Dempsey f, B.Jones Clyde C, McCulloh —Mrs; Cecelia T, Cleveland NEW YORK Thomaj E, Dewey Joseph R, Hanley Nathaniel L, Goldstein Thomas J. Curran NORTH^CATtOLlNA-RoberrGregrCherry 1.- YT^Ballemine^^^ ^Harry-McMuUan-—.-Thad Eurc^ •_ NORTH DAKOTA,. Fred G, Aandahl C. P.Dahl Nels G, Johnson Thomas Hall OHIO FrankJ.Liuichc George D.Nye Hugh S, Je'nkiiis EdwardJ. Hummel OKLAHOMA,. Robert S, Kerr James E. Berry Randell 5. Ojbb Frank CTCarter OREGON.,..,; Earl Snell ,,,,,.,,,,;,.,.,-,. George W, Neuner RobertS. Farrell, Jr. PENNSYLVANIA,... Edward Maru'n John C, Bell, Jr. Jamc«H,Duff Charles M. Morrison RHODE ISLAND,,,, J. Howard McGrath<» John O. Pastore John H. Nolan Armand H. Coti .SOUTH CAROLINA. Ransome J. WiUiam* (•) John M, Daniel W. P. BlackweU I SOUTH DAKOTA,.. M.Q,Sbarpe Sioux K^Grigiby GeorgeT. Mickelion Mn. L, M. Larsen TENNESSEE......,, JlinUanceMcCord ,....-,,,,...,^,.,. Roy A. Beelcr . Joe C, Carr TEXAS,, ,,, Cokfe R. Stevenson , John Lee Smitii Grover ScUers Claude Isbell UTAH,. , Herbert B, Maw . -,-> ., Grover A, Giles E. E. Monioh VERMONT Mortimer R. Proctor Lee E, Emerson Alban J, Parker Rawson C, Myrick yiRGINIA,...,,,,,. Colgate W,Darden,Jr, WaiiamM.Tuck Abram P. Staples Thelraa Y, Gordon* WASHINGTON,.,;,. .Mon a Wallgren Victor A. Meyer* Smith Troy Mrs. Belle Reeves WEST VIRGINIA,,. Clarence W. Meadows. Ira J. Partlow William S. O'Brien WISCONSIN.,,,.,,, Walter 3. a>odIand Oscar A. Rennebohra John E. Mardn Fred R. ammerman : WYOMING,...,.,., LesterCHftot >,....;.. LouUJ.O'Marr Wro, "Scotty"Jack • Acting, >SuceeededE, p. Carville who resigned July 31. « Vacancy. <» John O. Pastore became governor October, 1945 when J, Howard McGrath resigned to become Solicitor General.of thei o United States. 560 THE BOOK OF THE ST A TES_ THE GOVERNORS i 7. '~\ E s. •I 1 Annual Stale - . Name I A Inauiuration Day Salary Alabama....... Chauncey M. Sparks D 1943 4 ,. 1 . First Mon. after sec. Tues. in Jan, t6jOlOO Arizona ,, Sidney P. Osborn D 1945 2 2 ... ' First Monday In January 10,000 Arkansas Benjamin T. Laney D 1945 2 ;. .'.. After second Monday in January* 6,000 California. Earl Warren R 1943 4 ,. First Monday after January J 10,000 Colorado....... John C. Vivian R 1945 2 1 .. Second Tuesday in January 10,000 Connecticut V.. Raymond E. Baldwin R 1945 2 2 ., First Wed. after first Mon* in Jan. 12,000 Delaware...... Walter W. Bacon R 1945 4 1 2'> Third Tuesday in January 7,500 Florida;..... /, Millard F. Caldwell D 1945 4 1 First Tues, after first Mon, in Jan, 9,000 Geor^. Ellis G. Arnall D i9'43 4 ,. 1 After second Monday in January" 7400' Idaho Cliarles C. Gossett D 1945 2 .. First Monday in January 7,500 . Illinois Pwijtht H. Gredn R 1945 4 1 .. Second Monday in January • 12,000 Indiana Ralph F.Gates R 1945 4 .. I Second Monday in January 8.000 Iowa..,.. RobcrtD.BIue R 1945 2 ,. Second Monday in January* . Ti^SOO Kansas.,.,-.... Andrew F. Schoeppel R 1945 2 I .. Second Monday in January SflOOi Kentucky Simeon S. Willis R {•) 4 .. I Sixth Tuesday after Nov. H 10,000 Louisiana ., James H. Davis D (•) 4 ., ,, Second Tuesday in May 12,000 Maine...,,.... Horace A, Hildreth , R 1945 2 ., First Wednesday in January 5,000 Maryland Herbert R; O'Conor D 1943 4 I .. Second Wednesday sn January 4,500 Massachusetts, Maurice J. Tobin D I94S„- 2 ..: ,. Thursday after first Wed. in Jan. 10,000» Michigan...,., Harry F, Kelly R 1945 2 1 .. First day of January ' 7,500 Minnesota Edward J. Thye R 1945 2 .. First Monday in January 8,500 Mississippi . Thomas L. Bailey D 1944 4 1 Second Tues. after first Mon. in Jan.' 7,500 Missouri,., Phil M. Donnelly D 1945 4 1 Second Monday in January 10,000 Montana.,..,, Sam C, Ford R 1945 4 ,. First Monday in January 7,500. Nebraska Dwijiht Griswold R 1945 2 ,. First Thura. after first Tues. in Jan. 7400 Nevada. Vail Pittman" - D 1943 4 .. First Monday in January 7,000 New Ifompshlre Charles M. Dale R 1945 2 .. • First Thursday in January . 5,000 New Jersey Walter E. Edge R «i?1944 3 1 Third Tffcsday in January 20,000 New Mexico.... John J, Dempsey D 1945 2, 2* First tiay. of Jan uary 10,000 New York Thomas E. Dewey R 1943 4/ ., First day of January 25,000 North Carolina. ,R. Gregg; Cherry D 1945 4 I Set by General Assembly 10400 North Dakota.. Fred G. Aandahl R 1945 2 .. First Monday in January 6,000 Ohio. Frank J. Lausche. D 1945 2 Second Monday in January 10,000 Oklahoma..... Robert S, Kerr D 1943 4 Second Monday in January 6400 Orejjon...:.-.. Earl Snell R 1943 4 Second Monday in January 7400 Pennsylvania.., Edward Martin R 1943 4 Third Tuesday in January 18,000 Rhode Island.., J. Howard McGrathP D 1945 2 First Tuesday In January 8,000 " South Carolina. Ransome J. Williams'' D 1943 4 C) .. 7400 South Dakota.. M. Q. Sbarpe . ..•-.' R 1945 2 I First Tu«._afteT fix3JLMo:iklnJan,__.3.000 _ :::iTennesseer,^:..,^_JirhJiance McCord :i945ZZZ: IIEfrdLweelL nr.^uary' 8,000 Texas. „, Coke R. Stevenson D 1945 2 1 .. First Tues. aftcrorgan. of Leg. in Jan. 12,000 Utah .', Herbert B. Maw D 1945 4 1 ,. First Monday in January 6,000 Vermont Mortimer R. Proctor R 1945 2 .. ., First thurs. after first &^n. in Jan. S.OOC Virginia.. ^ Colgate W. Darden, Jr. D 1942 4 ' ., I Third Wednesday in January 10,000 Washington Mon C. Wallgren D 1945 4 ,, Sapond Monday In January • 6,000 West Virginia.. Clarence W, Meadows D 1945 •••4 (») First Mon. after second Wed, in Jan. 10,000 ^Wisconsin. Walter S. Goodland R 1945 2 ., First Monday in January 10,000 •|WybmIng....... Lester C. Hunt D 1943 4 .. First Monday in January 8,000 Legislature convenes at this date. Fixes inauguration date As provided by taw. after convening of General Asaejltbly; for within few days. Day fixed by joint resolution c4 the legislature. Under the constitution the governor is ineligible for a third f 8,000, bcginniilg January 13,1947, term. Became governor on January 2,1945, to complete unexpired December, 1943. terra of Olin D. Johnston, resigned. ^Officially, the fifth Tuesday after election day which is the *7.000 after 1947. first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Also temporary increase of ^20. May. 1944. • A ' ffiMay not succeediiimself. Election announced t>y tlte Speaker of the House the first ^cceeded E. PC^rville, who resigned July 31,1945. Tuesday after he is elected. ^ohn O.'Pastore became governor October, i945 when J. A governor who has served two Consecutive terms shall be Howard McGratb resigned to become Solicitor General of ineligible to serve for two terms thereafter. the United States. -? . ytSr. ROSTERS OF STATE OFFICIALS 561 . AIDES TO THE GOVERNORS StaU , Adjutants General '^^ Secretaries to.Governors ' : • • •• . • A - '•-- ^ • •-•" . : ..-.••" • "• " Alabama.',, ,,.,..,.,.,,, George L, Cleere Geo. Bliss Jones Arizona , ,. >• ' Alexander M.Tuthill William B. Chamberlain Axlcamdts... .. •....,,.,, . H L. McAlistcr W. J. "Bill" Smith Galiforhia; ,,.,,,,,...,,., Victor R; Hansen William T. Swcigert Colorado ,.,, .•,.,,,,, Freaiet ArnoldL. N. TLUandy Connecticut : ...•.'.*..,,,,. Reginald B. DeLacour Henry B. Strong Delaware.,,. .,,,,,,,,., Paul R. Rinard. Teresa W. Ewell Florida,.,, ,,,, T^.,. Vivian Collins JohmT. Wiggihton Georgia, , ,,., S, Marvin Griffin M. E, Thompson' Idaho....,..,........./,,.. M. G. McConnel " Robert W, Beckwith ' Illinois,...... ........ Leo M. Boyle John Wm. Chapman Indiana,.:. E.W.Sherwood RuclW. Steele Iowa ;....,,-., Charles H. Grahl RE, Hill ; Kansas Milton R, McLean W, F. Turrentine, Jr. Kentucky..................
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