Managing Your Home To Save on Energy

By LaVeme Farmer

Every time you turn on a light, use a or do the laundry, you are using fuel. What can you do? A lot! Even though your own contribution toward energy conservation may appear small, tiie combined efforts of millions of Americans can greatiy reduce our total energy needs. More Üian half the energy used in homes goes into heating and cooling. Here are a few suggestions you can use to be an "Energy Conservationist" and still maintain comfort in yotu* home. Smart Use of Space. Don't heat or cool rooms not in use. Close off arefus of the house that are not needed. In summer, it's easier to keep the lower level of your house cool than the upper level. If you have a choice, plan your living arrangements accordingly and cool only the rooms you need. The basement recreation room may also be used for sleeping during hot weather, reducing the need to cool bed= rooms on upper levels. Buy the cooling equipment witii the smallest capacity for the space to be cooled. It's better to buy a slightly undersized unit than an oversized one. Energy-efficiency ratios (EER) are provided on window units. The higher the EER, the more effi- cient the air-conditioner. Setting the . Begin the heating season by setting the thermostat no higher than 65° F. If there are older people in the home the thermostat may need to be set at 70° F to prevent a drop in body temperature. Turn it lower at night or while you are away for extended periods. During extremely cold weather, do not turn the thermostat so low that the heating system must labor to reach tiie 65° F temperature when you reset the thermostat. You may wish to install a time-clock thermostat which will automatically set back the temperature to your nighttime setting and reset it to the daytime

LAVERNE FARMER is Professor, Energy Coordination, Jor the University of Tennessee Cooperative E^xtension Service.

175 326-621 0 - 80 - 13 : QL 2 temperature before you get up in the morning. Turning the thermostat several degrees higher than desired when you amve home or awake in the morning does not speed the rate of heat delivery. It will, however, run the temperature higher than necessary and waste fuel. Avoid the temptation to turn the thermostat higher if you feel chilly. Instead, put on additional clothing for warmth or move to a sunny spot in the house. If the house becomes warmer than necessary, set the thermostat down rather than opening windows. In fact, you may be more comfortable if you set the thermostat several degrees lower while you are working (active) and then set it higher when you relax in the evening. In summer run the air-conditioner only when and where you need cooling. Don*t overcool. Set the thermostat no lower than TS"" F. A timer, to turn the air-conditioner on in advance of your arrival home, will let you come home to a cool house, yet save running the air-conditioner all day. Before air-conditioning was invented, people opened up the house at night to let it fill with cool air. In the morning when the sun began to heat up things, the house was closed until evening. This practice may have some application in your home today.

Window Pans During mild weather, use a instead of an air- conditioner. A window fan uses only a small fraction of the energy of air-conditioning units. If you have a window air-conditioner, you probably can use it to circulate air and still be comfortable without using the cooling unit. When a window air-conditioner is running, close the registers from your heating system. This prevents cold air from escaping into the ductwork. Use exhaust fans in kitchen and bathroom

Regular Setting

Winter Summer $^

65® 78° c 3 C 1ÍI III il ihi 1 i )

176 sparingly during cold weather. They remove warm air from the house. During hot weather, limit the use of exhaust fans while using the air-conditioner. When the air-conditioning is not being used after the temperature has dropped in the evening» exhaust fans can help pull outside cooler air into the house. Remember to open a window on the opposite side of the house. In summer, higher temperatures are easier to tolerate if the humidity level is lower than 60 percent. You may find that use of a improves the comfort level and requires less energy than running the air-conditioning. Conversely, increasing the humidity level during very cold weather will improve the comfort level.

In-and-Out Needless opening of outside doors during cold Trips are weather lets lots of heat out and equal amounts of No-No's cold air in. Remind all members of the family to close the door quickly as they enter or exit. Keep in-and-out trips to a minimum. Be sure doors are closed properly. Doors left ajar drain heat rapidly. A simple way to keep drafts from around windows and from under doors is to make "draft chasers" to place against the closed door or window. First use a tightly woven fabric to make a tubular casing 2 to 3 inches in diameter the width of the door. Then fill it with sand and youVe got a "draft chaser," If you have an attached garage, keep the doors closed. Always close the big door before opening the door into the house. If you have a door with a vestibule, use this entrance in cold and hot weather rather than doors opening directly into the living areas. Keeping windows covered in cold weather helps you stay more comfortable, because you're curbing a major source of heat loss in most houses. If you cover your windows with roller shades, they should be installed within the window frame, close to the glass, and fitted snugly on the sides.

Effective Draperies are more effective when installed with a Urmperiem close-fitting cornice over the drapery, or close fitted to the ceiling to prevent air flow over the window. Lined draperies or draperies made of closely woven fabric are the most effective in reducing heat loss. In winter, use shutters, shades, or draperies to reduce heat loss on the cold side of the house. On the sunny side, uncover windows to let in solar heat.

177 Ehiring the summer, keep out solar heat by covering windows when the sun strikes. Especially shade the east windows. When the sun shines strongly on them each morning, the house heats up. Next, cover west windows that are exposed to the afternoon sun. Even though the summer sun may not enter south windows directly, reflected heat may be a problem on the south side of the house.

Carpet for Carpets are warmer to the touch and offer more That Warm insulation than wood, slate, or resilient floor Feeling coverings. The thicker the carpeting and padding, the greater the insulating quality. Carpets with fuzzy yams that trap air have greater insulating quédities than carpets with smooth yams. During the colder months, draperies on sunny windows should be opened to let in solar heat. In the summer months they should be kept closed to keep out the heat

178 In caipeted houses you feel warmer because less of your body heat is ra<¿ated to the floor. You C£in turn the thermostat lower and still be comfortable. Every degree you lower the thermostat will generally reduce your heating bill 2 or 3 percent. However, if you choose between insulating under the floor of an unheated area or carpeting, remember that the insulation will be more effective. Place furniture far enough away from radiators, registers, and cold air return vents to permit free circulation of heated or cooled air. You will be more comfortable during extremely cold weather if you sit away from windows and outside walls. Chairs with closed arms and backs or closed upholstered chairs will help hold body heat so you will feel wanner. If you are chilly when your thermostat is set at 65"" F in winter, wear additional clothing. Several layers of clothing will be more comfortable than restrictive heavy garments. During summer, the most comfortable garments are those of absorbent cotton, cotton blends, and linens. In cold weather, wool or woolen blends are effective for holding body heat. Two lightweight blankets that trap the air between them keep you warmer and more comfort- able than one heavy blanket. Some people may prefer an and sleep in a cold room. But they should keep regular blankets on hand in case of electrical power outages. Periodically, clean radiators or heating/cooling registers and ductwork. Filters in the hot air heating/cooling system should be cleaned or replaced regularly to keep the air moving freely. Check to see that the condenser unit of the central air-conditioning unit, located outside the house, does not become closed with grass and leaves. Clean windows to allow the maximum radiant heat to enter in cold weather. Shade them during hot periods. Close fireplace dampers when the fireplace is not in use. If there is no damper, a plug can be made to fit inside the entry to the chimney. Heating water for household and personal use accounts for about 15 percent of total energy used in the home. The average American family uses more than 26,000 gallons of hot water each year. The amount of energy needed to heat this water is more than that consumed by a family's , freezer, , , kitchen and range, and lights combined.

179 Water heaters not only use, but also waste, a substantial amount of energy. The most significant waster of energy in a water heater is caused by heat loss through the tank (standby loss). In a 50-gallon water heater, 14 percent of energy used to heat the water is lost as heat escapes through the tank. Simply wrapping insulation around the outside jacket of the water heater tank can reduce this standby loss, and cut your annual water heating bill about 10 percent. Do not apply supplementary insulation over controls or house wiring connection boxes and covers on these boxes. Several times a year, drain a pail or two of water from the faucet near the bottom of the heater. This removes sediment and mineral deposits that accumulate in any water-holding container. Sedi- ment build-up makes the water heater use more energy. Locate your water heater as close as possible to the water users, such as the kitchen sink, dish- washer, bath, shower, and waishing machine. If the thermostat setting of the water heater provides hot water temperatures in excess of your family's needs, energy is being wasted. For families with , a 140° F setting is recommended; families without dishwashers should experiment with a 120° F setting. You can cut your water heating bill even further by reducing the amount of hot water your family uses. The more cold water you use in place of hot water, the more energy and money you save. Here are a few tips for conserving hot water: Hot-Water AppUances. Run yoiu* automatic and clothes washer with full loads only. Use warm or cold wash temperatures in your clothes washer, when possible, and always rinse with cold water. Showers Instead of Baths. Water-saving devices, such as "low-flow" showerheads and sink aerators, can reduce yoiu* hot water use significantly. In particular, a water-saving showerhead can greatly reduce your hot water use — while still providing a satisfying shower. An efficient showerhead can pay for itself in a matter of weeks. Dripping Faucets. Â faucet that leaks a drop a second wastes 650 gallons of water a year. In most cases, you can fix a dripping faucet simply by replacing the washer. When doing dishes, wash the dishes first, then fill the sink with rinse water, or put rinse water in a pan. Allowing hot water to run continuously to rinse each dish, glass or utensil is wasteful.

180 Avoid allowing water to run continuously when shaving. Close the drain and fill the basin particilly with water instead. Use hot water during evening hours to ease the strain on the electric utility. Electrical demand is at its highest during the day, to meet the needs of commerce and industry. Some areas have reduced rates for energy use during evening hours. Home appliances help save both energy and make household tasks much easier. Become thoroughly familiar with operation of your appli- ances. Always read the operating instructions in the use and care booklet before using a new appliance. The key to the cost of operating cooking appliances is the way they are used. You can exert a great deal of control over energy consumption of the range, cooktops, or oven. First of all, use cooking appliances for their intended jobs. Use the range for cooking. Using it for heat wastes a lot of energy since the range is not an efficient space heater. It is also dangerous! The oven is not a dryer. It is not economical, and it can start a fire.

Small When you cook small quantities, it is usually more Appliances economical to use snudl appliances rather than for Small the range top or large oven. , waffle irons. Amount skillets, grills, popcorn poppers, fondue pots, bean pots and consume less energy for their specialized jobs than the range. If you have both a small and large oven, use the small one whenever possible. Preheating the oven is often unnecessary and

A leal^ faucet can waste hun- dreds of gallons of water a year. The Washing- ton, D.C., Co- operative Exten- sion Service held a workshop to show home owners how to repair faucets.

181 For gourmet cooks, there are many small appUancea that can be most helpful in the kitchen. Many of them consume less energy for their specialized jobs than a range.

may be a waste of energy. When preheating is required, such as when baking time is only a few minutes, avoid preheating for longer than 10 minutes. Do not preheat surface units. Put pots and pans on the range top before the heat is turned on to avoid wasting the heat. If you are an oven peeker you waste energy. Every time the oven door is opened during operation, the oven temperature drops 25 to 50 degrees. A range with an oven door window might be a good investment for the "peek-a-boo" cook.

A Cooking Energy-conscious cooks schedule and plan for the Schedule most efficient use of their appliances. Cooking several items at the same time and choosing cooking times carefully can conserve energy. Following are suggested ways in which cooking might be better planned and scheduled. It is more practical to cook several dishes at once instead of reheating the oven a number of times during the day. Two or three dishes can be baked with littie more energy than one. For example, if three dishes are to be cooked at similar tempera- tures (325°, 350° and 375° ) pick the average temperature (350° ) to cook all three.

182 Preparing multiple recipes for spaghetti sauce, soups, and stews that take a long time to cook can save energy. Then refrigerate or freeze for future use. When baking or cooking foods with extended cooking times tiy to avoid "peak hours" {8-11 am and 4-8 pm are usually the peak hours). Care of Appliances. Proper maintenance of cooldng appliances is also important, not only to conserve energy but also for safety. Keep heat reflection surfaces clean, especially reflectors below the heating element on top of the range and the entire oven.

A Steady Blue For the most efficient use of fuel, gas biuiiers should Bums True have a steady blue flame. A yellow flame meems it needs attention. Make sure the pilot on a gas range is properly adjusted. It may be using more fuel than necessary. Have faulty switches, burners, and fixed promptly and professionally. Check the oven thermostat every six months with a thermometer. Make sure oven door seals are tight and not leaking heated air. Approximately 60 percent of the heat entering the refrigerator does so through the walls. Thus, the refrigerator and freezer should be located where heat infiltration can be kept to a minimum. Both appliances should be located away from the sun; away from heat-producing appliances, spe- cifically the range and dishwasher; away from the heating system, and where air can freely move over and away from the condenser coils. Reduce the chance of heat leakage at the door by occasionally checking the gasket for a tighter fit and replacing when necessary. Dirt and dust will trap heat and act as an insulator, which in turn prevents the flow of heat from the cous and thus requires more energy. Condenser coils should be cleaned regularly.

What's Watt Everyone can economize on energy use through on Lighting efficient lighting. This doesn't mean walking around in the dark. Lighting amounts to 3.5 percent of a home's total energy bill. By using efficient lighting and turning off imnecessary lights, you can save energy and dollars in a number of ways. Energy can be saved by using lower wattage light bulbs in areas where minimum lighting is needed. Adjust the amount of light in a room with the use of three-way bulbs and dimmer switches. Fluorescent lights are more efficient than incandescent and should be used in areas where they are suitable.

183 A timer to turn lights on at night before you get home rather than leaving lights on while you are away saves your ener^ and dollars. Use long-life incandescent bulbs only in hard-to- reach places. They are less efficient than ordinary light bulbs. Keep light fixtures clean and use translucent lamp shades with white linings for greater efficiency. Take advantage of natural light by opening curtains and shades and keeping vrindows clean.

Personal Care Grooming involves the consumption of hot water» ana Grooming electricity and petroleum products. Although the quantity of energr consumed for one grooming process or beauty product may be small, when many pieces of equipment are involved -- or when energy is wasted — the costs mount up. Beauty aids and equipment commonly used for grooming include electric shaver, electric make-up miiTor, electric nwnicure set, electric hair blower/ dryer, and electric shoe buffer/polisher. In addition, bathroom or dressing area equipment may be in operation — lights, heater, ventilator, sun lamp, heat lamp» air-conditioner, dehumidifier, and iron for pressing clothes. Some tips to aid you in saving ener^ while grooming are: Equipment no longer in use should be turned off, disconnected and stored. Electric equipment should be properly main- tained. Check for faulty wiring, dials, thermostats, and seals. Keep equipment clean. Use equipment only if necessary. For example, air diy hair when possible, line dry clothes when practical, select fabrics and garments that do not require ironing, brush your teeth "by hand" and polish your shoes "by hand." Organize your ironing and pressing so you can do several garments when the iron is heated. Home entertainment — television and television games, radios, record players, CB radios, and tape decks — can be enjoyed in an energy-efficient way. Often a radio, record player, or TV is left on when no one is listening or watching. That's not enter- tainment; it's wasting energr! Learn to turn off equipment when you leave a room. Teach children that pari: of the privilege of using home entertainment equipment is turning it off when they are finished using it. If you find yourself "listening" to a TV program that is also being broadcast on radio — a ballgame or political news conference, for example — switch to a small radio. Radios operate on one-sixth the energy of TV sets. 184