Thank you very much, to all those super members that turned out to assist with winter conservation tasks, surveys of eggs and planting foodplants. A recent session, planting cowslips to prepare a new site for the Duke, was my last winter- time task and undertaken in warm sun and turned my thoughts to seeing moths and butterflies. The winter is the time that we do most of our conservation but I confess that now is the time of year I love the most. W e hope you will join us on our full programme of free guided walks and maybe help with recording. We have even more teams out surveying at even more sites; so, if joining them appeals to you then please contact me or Mark Chapman (
[email protected]), and we will point you to the surveyed site near your home (or elsewhere if you prefer). We have tried to put on walks and moth trapping events in every part of the UTB region but some areas still lack a truly local event. If you live in one of those ‘empty’ areas and could offer to lead a walk, or a trapping session, please contact Steph Rodgers (
[email protected]). Please remember to check the UTB events web page for up to the minute updates, additions and cancellations before attending. This year (2019), is the last year of record collection before the next Butterflies in Berks, Bucks and Oxon is compiled. The last edition 2005-2014 was based on 479,368 records and we want to do even better this time – especially as now we have more members than then.