
I feel impressed about this very misunderstood subject. Let us not fall into the same trap that of old did, in thinking that ’s physical seed are all partakers of the promise. This will be too brief to deal with all that the scriptures have to say about . The physical environment of the city was originally known as Jebus as it was inhabited by the Jebusites. It became known as Jerusalem after the conquered the land after wandering forty years in the wilderness.

II Chronicles 6:6 reads “ But I have chosen Jerusalem that my name might be there and have chosen to be over my people Israel. For a little over 1400 years that city was a most unusual city as it seemed impervious to attack from the enemy forces. As a matter of fact when it was conquered and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzer it was as much a surprise to him and all the nations around as it was to the Israelites that were carried away to Babylon. Miracle after miracle had happened during Jerusalem’s repeated divine deliverances.

The book of Lamentations which is more or less a sequel to Jeremiah clearly describe the weeping of the people carried into captivity and how all people marveled that the city sat in such a desolate state. They were carried away because of numerous sins and utter rebellion. We serve a God whose mercy endureth forever. In spite of their rebellion His merciful hand allowed them to return and rebuild.

The Lord God of heaven stirred Cyrus, the Persian to command and finance the restoration of Jerusalem. The Israelites were allowed to return and rebuild the city including the temple, the walls and the gates. He also allowed their worship to begin anew in the new temple. It continued until the coming, the suffering, the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Christ the true Messiah.

However during the time that Christ spent on the earth I wish to call three very important statements and actions of the Lord Jesus Christ. John 2:13-21 covers a very important event. He overthrew the tables of the money changers and nature and in verse 16 he said “Take these things hence; make not my father’s house a house of merchandise. This was the second recording of his heavenly nature and power or authority. The first was his turning the water into wine at Cana of Galilee. See Psalms 69:9. Matthew 21:12-16 covers a second cleansing of the temple or driving out those that sold animals for sacrifices. In this case he said “ It is written my house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.” See 56:7. Lastly in Matthew 23:37, 38 he said “ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how oft would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. Carefully notice that the first occurrence it was referred to as his father’s house, the second it was my house (Christ’s house) and the last time it was your house. When it was your house, it was left unto them desolate. Without the blessings of a sovereign God there will never be any prosperity. Paul said “ I have planted, Apollos has watered, but God giveth the increase.”

Beginning with Christ’s baptism at the age of 30 until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. was a period of miracles never seen before. These miracles were a sign to signify the presence of the power of God. This period is commonly referred to as the period of the Apostolic powers. Micah 7:15 According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt, will I show unto him marvelous things. During this period evil spirits were cast out, lepers were cleansed, the sick were healed, the blind were made to see, the deaf were made to hear and the dead were raised to life. These miracles were not only done by Christ but also by his Apostles and they on whom the Apostles laid their hands.

In John 9:39-41 For judgement I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and they which see might be made blind. Isaiah 6 prophesied of these things of 740-800 years before Christ’s coming. See Romans 11: 8-10 written by to the Gentiles, confirming the blinding of the Jews and opening the door of light to the Gentiles. Please read Romans 11:33. John 4:21-24 tells us of a time when Jerusalem will no longer be the center of true worship.

Galatians 4:21-31 Paul tells the significance of the allegory of who was free and Hagar who was a bond servant. They both had children by Abraham yet God only recognized as being Abraham’s son whom he dearly loved. In this context he clearly distinguishes stone and mortar Jerusalem which is represented by Hagar from Jerusalem which is free and is above and is the mother of us all. I had been through that text many times before I recognized that there were and are still two different Jerusalems in that text. I can’t tell you the joy and clarity when I recognized the difference and how they had been so clearly illustrated by Sarah and Hagar. Verse 25, For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

From the times of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad until the end of time the earthly Jerusalem has been and will remain in bondage. That city will never know the blessings that once belonged to her alone. Luke 19:41-44 opens the window on the future of the Jerusalem that was then. In the interest of time and space many texts have only been cited for the benefit of those who care enough to study them. If you do you will have a much greater appreciation for Jerusalem which is above as opposed to the earthly Jerusalem. Revelation 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Can there be any doubt about what city he was speaking about? If there is any doubt left, then let’s erase that here and now. Luke 13:33 “ Nevertheless I must walk today, and tomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. Verses 34 and 35 repeat Matthew 23 as cited above.

In spite of the tremendous biblical evidence, many today still consider the earthly Jerusalem the Holy city and its surrounding environs the holy land. A thriving business exists in the hands of those who conduct tours of what is commonly called “The Holy Land”. It will continue as long as people are ignorant of what the scriptures have to say about that place and the truly holy land. They seem to forget the four curses that were made in Genesis 3 with one of them being a curse on the earth. Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. May we all thank God for the knowledge of the truly holy city and not become enamored with the stone and mortar Jerusalem.

Psalms 69 is a messianic psalm as it continually speaks of the mocking by all who were around him and the zeal he continued with even while being reviled repeatedly. Please read this Psalm with particular attention to verses 22-28. He is in prophetic language speaking of the divine judgement on the old Jerusalem. It is utterly amazing that he in the gospel sense saved any of the Jewish nation, let alone that he should allow the Gentiles and Samaritans to have the gospel preached to them. Paul in Romans 11:1-10 Clearly lays out many of the old testament prophecies concerning the removing of exclusivity with the Jews and the bringing in of the Gentiles. May we all thank God for his goodness in allowing us to hear and believe the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.