Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Allison Fore Public and Intergovernmental Affairs Officer 312.751.6626
[email protected] Media Advisory 100 East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 For immediate release January 31, 2020 MWRD to celebrate African American History Makers in February AFRICAN Who: Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) What: African American History Month celebrations AMERICAN Where: MWRD Board Room, 100 E. Erie Street, Chicago History Makers When: Feb. 4, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, Feb. 25 and Feb. 27 AFRICAN AMERICAN FLAG HONORING STATE RAISING CEREMONY AFRICAN AMERICAN Tuesday, February 4 ELECTED LEADERS MWRD Board Room Tuesday, February 11 10 a.m. - Noon MWRD Board Room The Metropolitan WaterNoon - 2 p.m. Reclamation District of Greater with a presentation in the Board Room to be followed by the A CELEBRATION PRESENTING OF THE FIRST AFRICAN KATHRYN HARRIS AS AMERICAN MWRD HARRIET TUBMAN ChicagoDEPARTMENT HEADS(MWRD) Tuesday,will February 25celebrate Black History Month raising of the African American flag, a first for the MWRD. Tuesday, February 18 MWRD Board Room MWRD Board Room Noon - 2 p.m. throughoutNoon - 2 p.m. February to honor the accomplishments of lo- FINALE AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATION cal AfricanHonoring American Montford Point Marines history makers. Tues., Feb. 11, noon – The MWRD will honor state elect- Thursday | February 27, 2020 MWRD Board Room | 5 - 7:30 p.m. ed officials: Former U.S. Senator and Illinois State Comp- MWRD Vice President Barbara McGowan and staff are troller Roland Burris, Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton (in- bringing together speakers throughout the month to of- vited), Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Secretary of fer overviews in advancing diversity.