The past year has been one of growth and partnership for the Museum Association (OMA), as we carried out special initiatives aimed at strengthening Ontario’s museum sector and its diverse workforce, aligned with the goals of Ontario’s 2025: Strategic Vision and Action Plan and Ontario’s Culture Strategy.

We are pleased to report a robust membership again this year, with more than 1000 members in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, including over 700 individuals. After reviewing membership categories and related fees for institutions with smaller operating budgets, fees were lowered for institutions with annual operating budgets under one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars in order to relieve the financial pressures on Ontario’s museums and to represent and support the growth of a diverse museum landscape.

The OMA partnered with the and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion to lead the Museum Accessibility, Inclusion and Engagement Collaborative (MAIEC), which undertook projects focusing on building an inclusive museum workforce through succession planning, mentorship, leadership, and the identification of inclusive best practices. As part of these initiatives, the OMA held the Inclusive Museum Leadership Symposium on March 23, 2018, featuring a day of sessions and facilitated dialogue led by Ontario experts and practitioners in inclusive work. Also launched was Inclusion 2025: A Practitioner’s Guide to Inclusive Museums, a collection of case studies from ten partner museums from across the province who delivered innovative community projects as participants in the Museum Inclusive Leadership Project.

Advocating for adequate and increased operating funding remained a priority during this election year. OMA Councillors and members met with MPPs from all parties in their ridings and at Queen’s Park to discuss the contributions of museums to Ontario communities, and the need for a renewed museum funding model. OMA Council worked with Ontario museum leaders on the development of a funding model with program components that support and recognize the diversity of Ontario museums, including forward- and multiple-year funding, sector- informed processes, tiered funding streams for different types and sized museums, and updated standards reflective of contemporary museum best practices.

This year’s Annual Conference explored the theme of RENEWAL. Canada 150+, and the OMA’s 45th anniversary allowed members to reflect on the past and draw inspiration for the future. Keynote speaker Elizabeth Merritt, Founding Director of the Centre for the Future of Museums, spoke of global technological and socio-economic trends and their potential impact on museum work; she encouraged museums to consider these trends in an effort to situate themselves as adaptive and thriving community hubs. Keynote speakers Dr. Guy Berthiaume, Librarian and Archivist of Canada, and Glen Shackleton, CEO and founder of Haunted Walks Inc., spoke about the importance of continued and enhanced cross-sector collaborations with GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives and museums), the private sector, and community stakeholders.

The 2017 Annual Conference in Kingston, Ontario was an opportunity for Regional Museum Networks (RMNs) to meet and form a province-wide collective. The group of RMNs created a Steering Committee which developed Terms of Reference for a framework supporting future connection and collaboration within the sector. The OMA and its Council members look forward to building a stronger, more cohesive museum network for Ontario. We are honoured to work with and support our members and partners across Ontario.

Marie G. Lalonde Petal Furness Executive Director President ABOUT THE OMA

WHO WE ARE The OMA speaks for more than 700 Ontario museums, galleries and historic sites, 8,000 museum professionals, and 16,000 museum volunteers who hold the collections of the province, in trust for the people of Ontario. WE ARE ADVOCATES FOR WHAT WE DO ONTARIO’S MUSEUM SECTOR The OMA strives to strengthen capacity among institutions and individuals active in Ontario’s museum sector, facilitate excellence and best practices, and improve the communication and collaboration of its membership. We advocate for the important role WE HELP TO GROW STRONG, of Ontario’s museums to society, working with all stakeholders, COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS related sectors and industries, and other professional organizations. Our vision is to be the leading professional organization in advancing a strong, collaborative and inclusive museum sector that is vital to community life and the well-being of all Ontarians.

LAND WE FOSTER PROFESSIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT GROWTH AND EXCELLENCE The Ontario Museum Association office is located in , on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of New Credit, Haudenosaunee and the Huron Wendat, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the community on this territory. The Association recognizes the diversity and distinct histories of Indigenous WE PROMOTE CRITICAL peoples in Ontario. THINKING AND BEST PRACTICES

To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/about-us 3 TOWARDS 2025

This past year, the OMA continued its fulfillment of the objectives of its Strategic Plan, Towards 2025. The work of the OMA supports the sector’s Strategic Vision and Action Plan, Ontario’s Museums 2025, by providing our valued members with the resources, tools, and opportunities to thrive, with a focus on the following four core themes:

VIBRANT & VITAL MUSEUMS EFFECTIVE & COLLABORATIVE WORKFORCE • Diversity and Inclusion initiatives and resources: • Inclusive Museum Leadership Symposium • OMA Annual Conference 2017 • Keynote and sessions webcast recordings • Keynote and sessions webcast recordings • Diversity Census Tool and Inclusion Survey • 9 Certificate in Museum Studies courses • #InspiredMuseums webinar series recordings • Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) workshop in • Inclusion 2025: The Practitioner’s Guide to partnership with the Ontario Association of Art Galleries Inclusive Museums • Dialogic Interpretation: Essential Engagement Workshop, International Coalition of Sites of Conscience • GLAM Summit 2018 STRONG & SUCCESSFUL SECTOR • Collaboration with Group of Ontario Emerging Museum Professionals (GOEMP) Committee • Ontario’s Museums 2025: Strategic Vision & RELEVANT & MEANINGFUL Action Plan • Ontario Museum’s 2014 Profile and Highlights COLLECTIONS • Advocacy Initiatives: • Ontario Museums at Queen’s Park 2017 • Indigenous Collections Symposium (ICS) resources: • Election 2018 Toolkit • Keynote and sessions webcast recordings • #MuseumsConnectON social media campaign • ICS Next Steps Report • Contribution to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture • ICS English-language Proceedings and Sport Discussion Paper: Telling Ontario’s • ICS webinar series recordings Stories in the 21st Century • Awards of Excellence Gala

4 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/about-us/strategic-plan OUR PEOPLE

OMA COUNCIL 2017 Petal Furness, President Museum Manager, Grey Roots Museum & Archives Clark Bernat, Past President Manager of Museums, City of Niagara Falls Museums Paul Robertson, Vice President City Curator, Cultural Services, City of Kingston Cathy Molloy, Treasurer Director, Markham Museum Braden Murray, Secretary Museum Educator, Lake of the Woods Musuem Cheryl Blackman, Councillor Director of Museum & Heritage Services, City of Toronto Nathan Etherington, Councillor Programming and Community Coordinator, Brant Historical Society Thank you to our Council members for their contribution to, and Alexander Gates, Councillor tireless support of, the OMA and Ontario’s museum sector! Executive Director and Curator, Canadian Automotive Museum From Left: Sean Stoughton, Michael-Rikley-Lancaster, Alexander Fraser McDonald, Councillor Gates, Fraser McDonald, Cheryl Blackman, Cathy Molloy, Clark Head of Business Operations, Ingenium Bernat, Sonia Mrva, Nathan Etherington, Petal Furness, Braden Sonia Mrva, Councillor Murray, Paul Robertson, and Marie Lalonde. Senior Curator, Heritage Strategies Michael Rikley-Lancaster, Councillor Executive Director/Curator, Mississippi Valley Textile Museum Sean Stoughton, Councillor Village Coordinator, Waterloo Region Musuem SECRETARIAT *Between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018

Marie Lalonde, Executive Director Mary Collier, Professional Development Program Manager (to May 2017) Bep Schippers, Professional Development Program Manager (from May 2017) Joshua Lichty, Special Projects & Communications Coordinator (to July 2017) Rhiannon Myers, Project Coordinator, Diversity and Inclusion Projects Caitlin Lapeña, Membership & Administration Coordinator Jennifer Lyn, Award-winning Volunteer

Interns/Contract Staff 2017 Alina Cheng, Conference Coordinator (to December 2017) Michela Comparey, Conference & Communications Coordinator Temma Pinkofsky, Inclusive Leadership Project Assistant Breanna Stephenson, Summer Intern Stephanie Sukhareva, Public Support Initiative Assistant Rachel Wong, Summer Intern 5 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/about-us/staff-council INCLUSION 2025

In 2017-2018, OMA partnered with the Royal Ontario Museum and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion to lead the Museum Accessibility, Inclusion and Engagement Collaborative (MAIEC), and oversaw the delivery of several projects promoting inclusive museum leadership and the representation of diverse communities in the museum sector, including: DRIVING INCLUSIVE CHANGE: YOUTH SHAPE THE FUTURE OF PEEL MUSEUMS In collaboration with Museums of Mississauga, Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives, and ’s Faculty of Communication & Design (FCAD) Forum for Cultural Strategies, this 12-month museum succession leadership and mentorship project saw emerging museum professionals from diverse communities develop projects for underrepresented and under-served communities in Peel region. DIVERSITY CENSUS TOOL AND INCLUSION SURVEY (DCT) ADVISORY COMMITTEE The DCT was launched as a pilot project to provide a sector scan with an inclusion lens among Peel region museums. Informed by Cheryl Blackman, Royal Ontario Museum the pilot project, the survey was deployed province-wide on July Karen Carter, Myseum of Toronto 5th, 2018 to provide a demographic profile of the Ontario Museum Pauline Dolovich, Reich + Petch Design workforce, and identify perceptions of diversity within the sector. International Shelley Falconer, Art Gallery of Hamilton MUSEUM INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP PROJECT Ravi Jain, Why Not Theatre Dr. Cara Krmpotich, Faculty of The Museum Inclusive Leadership Project aimed to increase diverse Information, representation in sector leadership roles as well as to create Jess Mitchell, Inclusive Design Research Inclusion 2025: The Practitioner’s Guide to Inclusive Museums. Centre, OCAD University Ten partner museum sites across the province selected a Catalyst Penny Pine, Canadian Museum of History (EMP) and Advocate (senior-level mentor) to champion Inclusion in Vishnu Ramcharan, Ontario Science the museum sector, in consultation with local communities and with Centre support from the Museum Inclusive Leadership Project Advisory Anita Small, small LANGUAGE Committee composed of experts and practitioners in inclusive work. CONNECTIONS Thank you to our project funders: Jutta Treviranus, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

6 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events INCLUSIVE MUSEUM LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM

ONTARIO SCIENCE CENTRE MARCH 23, 2018 The OMA held the Inclusive Museum Leadership Symposium in partnership with the . Featured were a day of keynote and panel sessions, round table discussions, activities and presentations focusing on what it means to foster an inclusive and diverse museum sector.

MUSEUM PARTNERS KEYNOTE Ten Partner Museum Sites participated in Shelley Falconer, President the Museum Inclusive Leadership Project, & CEO, Art Gallery of whose experience in creating community Hamilton, presents her projects informed the Symposium. The resulting keynote address. American Inclusion 2025 Practitioner’s Guide to Sign Language Interpreters Inclusive Museums was also launched at the were on-site throughout the Symposium. Symposium. Thank you to: Art Gallery of Sudbury Hamilton Civic Museums Ermantinger Clergue National Historic Site REFLECTIONS Markham Museum Dr. Cara Krmpotich Museum Windsor and Kendra Campbell (pictured Niagara Falls Museums right) provided reflections Robert McLaughlin Gallery and commentary on the Simcoe County Museum day’s discussions to the 150 Toronto Ward Museum delegates in attendance. Waterloo Region Museum INCLUSION 2025 WEBINARS Inclusion 2025: In connection with the Museum Inclusive Leadership Project, the A Practitioner’s Guide OMA hosted a four-part training webinar series #InspiredMuseums, to Inclusive Museums presented by experts and practitioners in inclusive work. The A valuable resource for webinars, available on the OMA website, explore the following topics: museum professionals to implement inclusive On Cultural Competency (August 2, 2017); On Using Data to Build best practices and perspectives in their the Case for Equity and Inclusion (October 4, 2017); On Beyond institutions. You can access the guide at Tokenism: Approaches to Delivering Inclusive Programming www.members.museumsontario.ca/ (November 29, 2017); Managing Up, Down and Across: Change Inclusion2025. Management Fundamentals (January 17, 2018).

To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events 7 ADVOCACY INITIATIVES

In line with the goals of Ontario’s Museums 2025 to foster a stronger and vibrant museum sector, the OMA worked with stakeholders and all levels of government to address the values and needs of Ontario’s museums. ONTARIO MUSEUMS @ QUEEN’S PARK, 2017 On December 5, 2017, OMA Council and Ontario museum leaders met with Members of Provincial Parliament at Queen’s Park to discuss the contributions of museums and the need for adequate, stable funding. On that day, members met with 10 MPPs and senior staff. In the subsequent months, OMA members across the province met with 42 MPPs from all parties in their ridings to continue the conversation. #MuseumsConnectON was a social media campaign supporting the pre-2018 budget recommendation for an increase of $5 million to the Community Museums Operating Grant (CMOG) Program.

Above: OMA Council members Petal Furness, Nathan Etherington and Clark Bernat met with Rick Nicholls, MPP Chatham-Kent--Leamington (formerly Chatham-Kent-Essex); then PC Critic for Tourism, Culture and Sport (third from left). Right: OMA Council Member Sonia Mrva met with Indira Naidoo-Harris (formerly MPP Halton; then Minister of Education) and OMA member Julian Kingston (Oakville Museum).


The OMA continues to support the growth and organization of Regional Museum Networks across Ontario in order to develop models for shared spaces and service delivery, and strategies to facilitate research capacity and community engagement. For the first time, the OMA hosted a meeting of RMNs at the 2017 Annual Conference in Kingston, resulting in the formation of the Ontario Network of Regional Museum Networks (ONRMN). The OMA also co-founded and supports the work of the Toronto Museum Network (TMN) and is partnering with TMN to deliver the 2018 Annual Conference in Toronto.

RENEWED MUSEUM FUNDING MODEL TASK FORCE In early 2018, the OMA formed a Task Force of museum sector leaders to identify components of a renewed museum funding model that recognizes the diversity of Ontario’s museums, the need for adequate, stable funding, and is responsive to emerging sector realities. The Task Force looked at provincial and regional museum funding models across Canada and abroad to inform the development of a sound and responsive model, to be presented to government stakeholders in response to the Culture Strategy.

8 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events/advocacy BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS

MINISTRY OF TOURISM, CULTURE AND SPORT DISCUSSION PAPER This year, OMA provided input to policy staff of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) to assist in their planned consultations on the discussion paper Telling Ontario’s Stories in the 21st Century. This discussion paper was central to the MTCS review of the provincial heritage and museum funding programs as part of the implementation of Ontario’s first Culture Strategy. INDIGENOUS COLLECTIONS SYMPOSIUM RESOURCES In 2017-2018, the OMA leveraged the momentum of the Indigenous Collections Symposium (ICS) to provide members with resources to foster a commitment to reconciliation that is reflected in our collections, workforce and policies, aligned with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action. The ICS Next Steps Report provides guidelines to be implemented in future OMA work and also informed Inclusion 2025: A Practicioner’s Guide to Inclusive Museums.

The English-language ICS Proceedings is a collection of articles based on Symposium sessions launched at the 2017 OMA Annual Conference and have since been downloaded over 7,800 times. The ICS Proceedings, three- part ICS Webinar Series, and session recordings are all available to the public on the OMA website. French- and Indigenous-language versions of the ICS Proceedings are currently in production. GLAM SUMMIT 2018 OMA Council President Petal Furness and Executive Director Marie Lalonde presented at the second annual GLAM Summit (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), Taking it to the Next Level, held at the Royal Ontario Museum on January 30, 2018. The Summit theme reflected a strong sector need to foster collaborative inter-sector and government relationships, as well as relationships with Indigenous peoples in the museum sector.

Right: Petal Furness (left) during a GLAM panel session, with Tim Johnson, Executive Producer of RUMBLE: The Indians Who Rocked The World, Chief Dr. Ronald E. Ignace, Chief of the Skeetchestn Band, and Alan Ojiig Corbiere, Anshinaabe Historian, M’Chigeeng First Nation GROUP OF ONTARIO EMERGING MUSEUM PROFESSIONALS (GOEMP) This year, the OMA continued to work with the GOEMP Committee to support museum succession planning and skills-development for an active network of Emerging Museum Professionals across the province.

In January 2018, the OMA and the GOEMP Committee signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a framework for future partnerships, and to mutually improve the delivery of collaborative initiatives. Projects include the Conference Connections Mentorship Program and the Canada 150+ Trivia Night at the OMA 2017 Annual Conference. We will continue to work with the Above: Museum Studies students take home first GOEMP Committee and its members to empower the next prize at the Canada 150+ Trivia Night! generation of museum professionals. To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca 9 PRE-CONFERENCE 2017


October 11, 2017 - Focusing on university- or government- October 11, 2017 - On this tour, local community funded sites, this tour explored capital renewal projects museum experts engaged in renewal projects spoke and successful new partnerships at Agnes Etherington candidly about their struggles and successes at Art Centre, Lennox & Addington County Museum and Murney Tower Museum, Marine Museum of the Great Archives, Military Communications and Electronics Lakes, Museum of Health Care, Modern Fuel Artist-Run Museum, and Pumphouse Steam Museum. Centre and Frontenac County Schools Museum.

OPENING RECEPTION October 11, 2017 - 150 delegates joined the OMA for our 2017 Annual Conference Opening Reception on the Kingston 1000 Islands Cruise!

Thank you to our event sponsor:

10 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/program-events/conference/2017 In partnership with: ANNUAL CONFERENCE

STRONG AND SUCCESSFUL MUSEUMS: THE ROAD TO RENEWAL KINGSTON, ON OCTOBER 11-13, 2017 The OMA 2017 Annual Conference explored how museums can bring renewal and innovation to their institutions through out-of-the-box partnerships and creative sector collaborations. The Conference featured 2 study tours, 3 keynote speakers, hands- on workshops, and a range of concurrent, panel, and IGNITE sessions to inspire museums to effect small changes in powerful ways for big impact. The OMA also celebrated its 45th anniversary! THE NUMBERS City of Kingston Mayor 350 DELEGATES 57 Conference Bryan Paterson (right) from across Ontario Speakers welcomed delegates from across the province 49% FIRST TIME Keynote during the Conference Opening. OMA Conference attendees 3 Lectures Tradeshow The Ministry of Tourism, 20 Exhibitors 37 SESSIONS Culture and Sport (MTCS) representatives provided delegates with timely updates on the launch of Ontario’s Culture CONFERENCE PARTNERS Strategy, Archaeological Collections in Museums, and spoke to the upcoming funding program review and Thank you to our partners for their generous support! the Discussion Paper for Community Museums and Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries and Heritage Organizations. Historic Sites (KAM) and KAM members Mentees from the Armstrong Fine Art Services Driving Inclusive Canadian Museum of History/Canadian War Museum Change Peel Region City of Kingston mentorship program ERA Architects (left) discussed Friends of the Penitentiary Museum the impact of their PACART experiences with Royal Ontario Museum delegates at their on- TOTAL Fine Arts site booth. VisitKingston.ca The conference also GRANDMOTHER-IN-RESIDENCE received many first-time attendees, including The OMA warmly thanks eartha, Mohawk Community students from museum Member and Judi Montgomery, Algonquin Community studies programs across Member, for leading the Opening and Closing Conference Ontario. Right: Dr. Amy Ceremonies, and for generously providing their time Barron with Fleming throughout the Conference to meet and dialogue with College students. delegates. We appreciate your participation!

To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events/conference/2017 11 ANNUALANNUAL CONFERENCECONFERENCE

SPEAKERS Meredith Leonard KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Darren Levstek Dr. Amy Barron Lindsay Marlies Small Dr. Guy Berthiaume, Claire Bennett Laura McLeod Librarian & Archivist of Canada, Nancy Black Danielle McMahon-Jones Library and Archives Canada Lindsay Bontoft Megan Meloche Alicia Boutilier Jenny Mitchell Dr. Berthiaume discussed the Jutta Brendemuehl Cathy Molloy importance of GLAMs (galleries, Dr. Terri-Lynn Brennan Carey Nicholson libraries, archives and museums) Meagan Brooks Hugh Ostrom in the age of “fake news”, as well Kate Butler Stephen Paul as innovative methods of audience Dr. Jennifer Campbell Stephanie Porter engagement. Erin Canning Dr. Sascha Priewe Elizabeth Merritt Jessica Chase Emma Quin Maxime Chouinard Vice-President, Strategic Foresight; Janet Reid Founding Director of the Centre for Doug Cowie Tabitha Renaud Dave Cox the Future of Museums, American Jim Reynolds Alliance of Museums Carolyn Cross Michael Rikley-Lancaster Michael Dirisio Gordon Robinson Merritt inspired delegates by Melissa Eapen Carol Rogers challenging them to consider Petal Furness Bep Schippers the unanticipated impacts of Annette Gillis Laurie Siblock new technologies on museum Fiona Graham Dr. Alexandra Suda experiences, and the countless Roberta Grosland Stephanie Sukhareva possibilities of artificial intelligence. Jay Heaman John Zummers JoAnne Himmelman Karla Tynski Jane Holland Glen Shackleton Melissa Wakeling Founder & CEO, Haunted Walks Inc. Maeghan Jerry Graeme Watson Stuart Keller Dr. Elka Weinstein Jocelyn Kent Shackleton engaged delegates in Mary Kate Whibbs exploring opportunitites to create Elizabeth King Shawna White Julian Kingston memorable programming that offers Megan Wiles a unique perspective on interacting Dr. Cara Krmpotich Negin Zebarjad and connecting with the public.

TRADESHOW EXHIBITORS Andornot Consulting Friesens Armstrong Fine Art Services Marsh Canada Limited ArtsBuild Ontario MINISIS Inc. Augmented Marketing PACART Bank of Canada Museum Public Services Health Canadian Museum of History/ & Safety Association Canadian War Museum Royal Ontario Museum Canadian Museum of Nature Sherbrooke Museum of Nature Carr McLean and Science Hunter Expositions/MBA Design Tri-City Retail Systems Ingenium: Canada’s Museums of Total Fine Arts Science and Innovation

12 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events/conference/2017 AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE

Congratulations to our 2017 Awards of Excellence Recipients!

Left to right: Kelly Eyamie (Diefenbunker Museum), Lisa Terech (Oshawa Museum); Jane French (City of Toronto), Mark Epp (), David Tyler (Archives of Ontario), Alison Little (Archives of Ontario), Lois Fenton (Atikokan Centennial Museum), Phillip Ower (Waterloo Region Museum), James Jensen (Waterloo Region Museum), Senta Ross (Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery). Lisa Terech (Oshawa Museum) Promising Leadership Award of Excellence Senta Ross (Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery) Volunteer Service Award of Excellence Family Ties: Ontario Turns 150 - Archives of Ontario Excellence in Exhibitions City on Edge - Waterloo Region Museum Excellence in Exhibitions - Honourable Mention Revealing the Regalia: Honouring the Anishinaabe Culture through Dance- Atikokan Centennial Museum Excellence in Community Engagement Beatles 50 T.O. Featuring when the Beatles Rocked Toronto: Metropolitan Life & Music in the Mid-60s Museum and Heritage Services, City of Toronto Excellence in Special Projects Diefenbunker, Canada’s Cold War Museum: Escape the Diefenbunker Excellence in Programs Christina Jenness (Applied Museum Studies Program. Algonquin College) OMA Awards of Merit Itxel Castro-Soto (Museum Management & Curatorship, Fleming College Heritage Programs) OMA Emerging Museum Professional Award

To learn more, visit www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events/awards-of-excellence 13 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

BUILDING SECTOR SKILLS The OMA Certificate in Museum Studies (CMS) is the only museum studies training program offered on a part-time basis for museum workers in Ontario. Courses are taught by practitioners in the field whose theoretical knowledge and practical experience help participants to learn best practices and meet the Standards for Community Museums in Ontario. This year, 189 students from over 70 institutions took part in nine CMS courses across Ontario. The OMA also provides professional development opportunities through workshops, webinars, and symposia on timely CERTIFICATE IN MUSEUM STUDIES and relevant sector issues, featuring experienced experts and practitioners in the museum field. Artifacts Black Creek Pioneer Village, Toronto, ON; May 10 - 12, 2017 Course Director: Cindy Colford CMS GRADUATES Care of Collections Online; February 5 - April 15, 2018 Course Director: Carmen Li Collections Management Online; May 15 - July 17, 2017 Course Director: Bev Dietrich Education Programs Aurora Historical Society, Aurora, ON; September 13 - 15, 2017 Course Director: Meredith Leonard Exhibit Planning and Design Ermantinger Clergue National Historic Site, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Congratulations to our 2017 CMS Graduates! August 23 - 25, 2017 Nathan Etherington (pictured above; right) Course Director: John Summers Jeremy Hood Museums & the Community Danielle Jewinski Campbell House Museum, Toronto, ON; June 14 - 16, 2017 Stephanie MacKinnon Course Director: Dr. Amy Barron Scott Pustai (pictured above; left) Gilliane Russell Museums in Context Irva Saraci Online; January 15 - March 25, 2018 Laurie Siblock (pictured above; middle) Course Director: Amber Lloydlangston Ashley Young Museums in Historic Buildings Brockville Museum, Brockville, ON; April 19 - 21, 2017 THANK YOU! Course Directors: Marcus Letourneau and Gordon Robinson Thank you to all of our Course Directors and Host Sites for another great year! Organization and Management of Museums Online; September 11 - November 19, 2017 Course Director: Joan Kanigan

14 To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events/professional-development WORKSHOPS & WEBINARS

OMA workshops and webinars are led by industry experts and provide members with important skill- and knowledge- building opportunities. 2017-2018 offerings included the following: ESSENTIAL ENGAGEMENT: DIALOGIC INTERPRETATION WORKSHOP In partnership with International Coalition of Sites of Conscience March 20-22, 2018 Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, ON

This three-day workshop provided participants with context, tools and best practices for engaging in facilitated dialogue: An intentional, structured process that allows museum audiences to interact with site content and with one another in profound new ways. DIGITAL PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF MUSEUM OBJECTS WORKSHOP In partnership with Ontario Association of Art Galleries (OAAG) and Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) February 7-8, 2018 , Toronto, ON

OMA partnered again this year with OAAG to deliver this two-day CCI workshop that explored how to digitally photograph cultural objects to meet conservation and documentation requirements. Participants learned about various photographic equipment, digital cameras, light sources and their influence on colour, lighting techniques, and setting up a digital workflow. #INSPIREDMUSEUMS WEBINAR SERIES

The #InspiredMuseums webinars are now available online for our members! In connection with the Museum Inclusive Leadership Project, the OMA hosted this four-part webinar series presented by experts and practitioners in inclusive work:

1) On Cultural Competency. Speaker: Cathy Gallagher-Louisy, Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion 2) On Using Data to Build the Case for Equity and Inclusion Speakers: Steven Francis, Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion; Alexander Johnston, Royal Ontario Museum 3) On Beyond Tokenism: Approaches to Delivering Inclusive Programming Speakers: Donna Gabaccia, Toronto Ward Museum; Jade Pichette, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives; Dawn Owen, Guelph Museums 4) Managing Up, Down and Across: Change Management Fundamentals Speaker: Cathy Gallagher-Louisy, Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

“TIPS FOR WRITING A CONFERENCE PROPOSAL” WEBINAR Ontario Museum Association, Toronto, ON February 27, 2017

This webinar was created in collaboration with the Group of Emerging Museum Professionals (GOEMP) Committee and GOEMP members and is available to OMA members on our website. To learn more, visit: www.members.museumsontario.ca/programs-events/professional-development 15 Thank you to our donors, our volunteers, SUPPORTING THE SECTOR and our funders for your continued support of the OMA and of Ontario’s museums!

COMMITTEES Renewed Museum Museum Inclusive Funding Model Task Force Leadership Advisory Conference Program Tammy Adkin Committee Committee Guelph Museums Cheryl Blackman Elisabeth Boekhoven Clark Bernat, Chair Royal Ontario Museum EMP Conference Co-Chair City of Niagara Falls Museums Karen Carter Alicia Boutilier Sonia Mrva Myseum of Toronto Agnes Etherington Art Centre City of Hamilton Pauline Dolovich Amy Cowie Kevin Puddister Reich + Petch Design Mohawks Bay of Quinte Dundas Museum and Archives International (to May 2017) Emma Quin Shelley Falconer eartha Art Gallery of Hamilton Mohawk Community Member, Michael Rikley-Lancaster Ravi Jain Kingston Mississippi Valley Textile Museum Why Not Theatre Pamela Peacock Dr. Cara Krmpotich (formerly) Audit Committee Faculty of Information, University Henriette Riegel Clark Bernat, Chair of Toronto Jess Mitchell (formerly) Diefenbunker Museum City of Niagara Falls Museums Inclusive Design Research Centre, Michael Rikley-Lancaster John Dalrymple OCAD University Mississippi Valley Textile Museum Canada’s National Ballet School Paul Robertson Emanuele Lepri Penny Pine Canadian Museum of History City of Kingston Vishnu Ramcharan Dave St. Onge Sonia Mrva Ontario Science Centre Museum City of Hamilton Canada’s Penitentiary Anita Small John Summers small LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS Halton Region Heritage Services Awards Nominations Committee Jutta Treviranus Inclusive Design Research Centre, Conference Local Mark Badham OCAD University Arrangements Committee Miller Museum of Geology, Kingston Association of Queen’s University Museums, Art Galleries and Nadia Kurd Historic Sites (KAM) Thunder Bay Art Gallery Lena Beliveau Braden Murray, Chair Royal Military College Lake of the Woods Museum Doug Cowie Ruth O’Connell Marine Museum of the Great Minden Hills Museum and Lakes Heritage Village Darragh De Groot Vishnu Ramcharan KAM Ontario Science Centre JoAnne Himmelman Lennox & Addington County Board Nominations Museum and Archives Committee Debbie Holdich Clark Bernat, Chair KAM City of Niagara Falls Museums Heather Home Petal Furness Queen’s Archives Grey Roots Museum & Archives Keely Maddock Ian Kerr-Wilson City of Kingston City of Hamilton Inclusive Museum Leadership Symposium. Alex McLean Amber Lloydlangston Thank you to our volunteers! Pictured above: Volunteers Fort Henry NHS Museum London Rachel Wong (left) and Kendra Campbell (right) with Marie Robyn Paine Madeline Smolarz Lalonde (centre). Bellevue House NHS Ruthven Park NHS Karen Pagratis Local Arrangements Committee Chair and KAM Board Member (to July 2017) Caroline Petznick KAM Tabitha Renaud Kingston Historical Society 16 Thank you to our donors, our volunteers, SUPPORTING THE SECTOR and our funders for your continued support of the OMA and of Ontario’s museums!

FUNDERS Conference Exhibitors DONORS

Andornot Consulting Burns Anderson Emanuele Lepri Federal Funding Clark Bernat Danielle Marshall Department of Canadian Heritage Scott Brown Cathy Matserson - MAP Professional Development Armstrong Fine Art Services Peter Brueckner Abigail Miller - Young Canada Works Program ArtsBuild Ontario John Dalrymple Cathy Molloy Lucy Di Pietro Sonia Mrva Provincial Funding Augmented Marketing Philip Dietrich Grimsby Museum Ministry of Citizenship and Bev Dietrich Suzanne Reiner Immigration Bank of Canada Museum Nathan Etherington Paul Robertson - Partnership Grant Program Cynthia Fort Jane Rumble Canadian Museum of History/ Mary Gladwin Moira Scott Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Canadian War Museum Michael Gruyich Gilles Séguin Sport: Valerie Harrison Rolande Smith - Provincial Heritage Organization Canadian Museum of Nature Adele Hempel Kelley Swift Jones Grant Sandra Hyduk Gordon Thompson - Summer Experience Program Carr McLean Sharilyn Ingram Anny Unyi Samantha Keller Karen VandenBrink Other Funding Hunter Expositions/MBA Design Ian Kerr-Wilson Kathleen Wall Ontario Trillium Foundation Marie Lalonde Cameron Willis (Seed Grant) Ingenium: Canada’s Museums of Michelle Landriault Science and Innovation *Did we miss you? If so, please let us know so we can update the Photo Credits: Friesens Online version. Thank you to Jessica DeGeer, Nici Mulder and our volunteers. Marsh Canada Limited

OMA Annual Report 2017-2018 MINISIS Inc. created by Stephanie Sukhareva PACART

PARTNERS & Public Services Health & Safety EXHIBITORS Association

Royal Ontario Museum Conference Partners Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Kingston Association of Museums, Science Art Galleries and Historic Sites (KAM) and KAM Members Tri-City Retail Systems

Armstrong Fine Art Services Total Fine Arts

Canadian Museum of History/ VOLUNTEERS Canadian War Museum Vanessa Alambo Kendra Campbell City of Kingston Aurora Cacioppo Lindsay Davy ERA Architects Darragh de Groot Christina Jenness Friends of the Penitentiary Leo Joy-Clark Museum Nici Mulder Thank you to our 2017 Conference Partners! PACART Robyn Paine Sharifa Riley Royal Ontario Museum Keirsten Smith Rachel Wyatt TOTAL Fine Arts Rachel Wong Kathleen Vahey VisitKingston.ca Jennifer Lyn 17 AUDITED SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


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Ontario Museum Association| Association des musées de l’Ontario 50 rue Baldwin Street Toronto, ON M5T 1L4

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