The Nature and Uses of Sociology Istock
CHAPTER 1 The Nature and Uses of Sociology iStock The Sociology of School Violence On April 16, 2007, the worst school shooting in dormitory on campus. At 7:15 a.m. Cho enters the history of the United States took place in West Ambler Hall, where he shoots and kills his Blacksburg, Virginia. On that day, 27 college first two victims, 19 year-old first-year student students and 5 instructors were shot and killed Emily Hilscher and 22 year-old senior, Ryan during two separate incidents that spanned over Clark. Cho lives in Harper Hall, not West Am- two and a half hours. After a thorough investi- bler; however, he has access to the secure facility gation, the following is an account of what hap- of West Ambler because his mailbox is located pened on that day. within the building. Even though West Ambler At 5:00 a.m., Seung-Hui Cho, a 23 year-old Hall is a secure facility, only accessible with a English major at Virginia Polytechnic University magnetic access card, Cho has a card that allows and State School (Virginia Tech), is sitting at his him access after 7:30 a.m. each day. It is unclear computer —as noted by one of his suite mates how Cho gains entry into the building earlier within his dorm. At 5:30 a.m., another suite mate than he should have been allowed. It’s possible sees Cho putting acne cream on his face in the that Cho witnesses Emily Hilscher being bathroom, before getting dressed and leaving his dropped off 13 minutes earlier by her boyfriend dorm room.
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