Name of Vampy Class: Presidential Politics

Instructor: Dennis Jenkins Teacher at Warren Central High School (B.G., Kentucky) (1994-Present) & Social Studies Dept. Head at WCHS (1998-Present) AP Certified Teacher of U.S. History (WKU AP Certification since 2003) & National Board Certification (2006-Present) Former Director of Residential Living WKU VAMPY (1999-2001) & Residential Counselor at WKU VAMPY (1991-1995, 1997) Instructor @ VAMPY (Presidential Politics 2004, 2010, 2011, 2012 & Civil War 2006)

Presidential Politics Class Overview for 2013: This class will explore a variety of issues and decisions that American presidents have faced since . An emphasis will be given to some of the more pivotal decisions, events & elections that have impacted our nation’s history during the last 50 years beginning with the presidency of John Kennedy through President Obama. The class will debate issues that our former and modern presidents have dealt with. Students will participate in debates, role-plays, and individual projects that will enhance their knowledge of presidential policies with the goal of improving student’s analytical & critical thinking skills.

Course Syllabus

(Week One)

Day 1: Introductions and Pre-Assessment over Presidential Politics Examine Decisions that changed the nation including: Washington's Whiskey Rebellion, Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase, Jackson's Nullification Crisis, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, Roosevelt's Panama Canal, Wilson's League of Nations, FDR's Lend-Lease Program, Truman Drops the Bomb Analyze Criteria Used to Evaluate Presidential Leadership

Day 2 Role-Play the 1960 Presidential Election between John Kennedy & Analyze Kennedy's Domestic Policies & New Frontier Programs including The Decision to go to the Moon Discuss Kennedy's Foreign Policies by examining his Bay of Pigs Invasion, Berlin Wall Crisis, Cuban Missile Crisis & Vietnam Policy Evaluate the Impact of Kennedy's Presidency

Day 3 Examine the Presidency of Lyndon Johnson by discussing his Great Society Program & War on Poverty Research the 1964 Presidential Election between President Johnson & Analyze Johnson's Leadership during the Civil Rights Movement & the Individual Project over one of the first 17 presidents

Day 4 Research the 1968 Election between Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, and & Nixon's Re-election Victory in 1972 Discuss Richard Nixon's Foreign Policies during the Vietnam War & Nixon's Détente with China & the Soviet Union Analyze Nixon's Domestic & Economic Policies Examine the Watergate Scandal & Role-Play the Supreme Court Case " vs. Nixon"

Day 5 Field Trip to the Andrew Jackson Homestead outside Nashville, Tennessee to Study the Presidency of Andrew Jackson

(Week Two)

Day 6 Debate President Ford's Decision to Pardon President Nixon & Examine Ford's Foreign & Domestic Policies Research the 1976 Election between President & Analyze President Carter's Foreign & Domestic Policies during the late 1970s Assessment over the Presidents during the 1960s and 1970s

Day 7 Role-Play the 1980 Presidential Election between President Carter & Analyze the Rise of Conservatism & Debate Reaganomics Research the 1984 Election between President Reagan & Walter Mondale Individual Project over a President between the years 1865 to 1960

Day 8 Examine Foreign Policy during the Reagan Years & Reagan's Leadership during the Cold War Analyze Documentary over the Presidency of Ronald Reagan Research the 1988 Election between Vice-President George H.W. Bush & Michael Dukakis Presidential Face-Off Competition (Round 1)

Day 9 Discuss the Presidency of George H.W. Bush & the End of the Cold War Examine the Persian during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush Analyze Domestic Issues during the George H.W. Bush years Role-Play the 1992 Election between President George H.W. Bush, & Ross Perot

Day 10 Field Trip to the Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln Evaluate Movie over President Lincoln

(Week Three)

Day 11 Analyze the major issues & events of Clinton's First Term Role-Play the 1996 Election between President Clinton, , and Ross Perot Examine Clinton's Second Term by analyzing his Domestic & Foreign Policies Assessment over the Presidents during the 1980s and 1990s

Day 12 Role-Play the 2000 Presidential Election between Vice-President and George W. Bush Discuss Domestic Policies during the presidency of George W. Bush Analyze the War on Terrorism during the George W. Bush years Presidential Face-Off Competition (Round 2)

Day 13 Role-Play the 2004 Presidential Election between President George W. Bush & John Kerry Analyze the Second Term of George W. Bush including the War on Terror & Washington Politics Examine the Impact of the Financial Crisis from 2007-2009 Mount Rushmore Project

Day 14 Role-Play the 2008 Presidential Election between Barack Obama and John McCain Analyze the first term of Barack Obama's Presidency Discuss recent issues & events of Obama's second term as President Team Competition Involving Some of the More Not-So-Famous Presidents

Day 15: Final Assessment over Presidential Politics Presidential Face-Off Competition (Semi-Finals & Finals) Role-Play the 2012 Election between President Obama & Wearing of Presidential Masks & Traveling to VAMPY rooms introducing various Presidents, Wives, Cabinet Officers& Presidential Runner-Ups

Rubric for Evaluation at the End of the Class that will be mailed home to parents within a few weeks at the conclusion of VAMPY:

Class Participation: Debates, Discussions, Role-Plays during class and Work Ethic during Study Hall Activities: Projects, Posters, Research, Thought Provokers, Analysis of Presidential Leadership Critical Thinking and Analytical Thinking Skills Concerning Presidential Politics Multiple-Choice Assessments over Presidential Politics Essays and Creative Writing over Presidential Politics Team Competition over Not-So-Famous Presidents Presidential Face-Off Performance Competition