[.) PURLEIGH. li4 (POST OFFICE lhe Rev. J. H. Donner, Associate of Kin~'s College, London. in its turn was taken down in 1767: the vast earthworkq, The Dean and Chapter of Westminster are the impropriatm·s tlH! mount, with its singular bridge, and the two m oars, still of a portion of the tithes. Here is a Paro!'hial Mixed j,lchool, attt·st the anrient grandt>ur and streng·th of the rastle. The with dwelling house for mistre8s attached, built at the manor belougs to the Duchy of Lancaster; and three farms, expense of J. J. Tufnell, esq., and given to the parish: it is constituting two-third8 of the parish, to J. J. 'l'ufuell, t'!lq, supported hy voluntary subscriptions. Here was formerly a The soil is a chalky ch1y, with flints and chalk fossils. The ltoman camp, with a fosse and vallum, remains of which cllit-f t•rops are wheat, barley and oats. The art'a is 7:::!6 acres, still exist, and where some antiquities have been found: it 627 being arable; gross estimated rental, £1,387; rateable was the seat of a castle, built by William de .Magnaville, value, £1,190; and the population in 1871 was :173. belonging to the Great Constables of , who resided PLESHEY BURY lies to the west; RAWFUL GREEN is here from the Conquest tilll397. Here Thomas de Wood- half a mile north-east; LINKTAIL GREEN, 1 mile nurth• stock, Duke of Gloucester, yuungest son of Edward lll., east; HARVEYS, I mile north-west. dwelt, and was al'rested, and subsequently murdered, throu:.:h Parish Clet·k, Davit! Harman. the treachery ofhis nt•phew, King Richard 11. Here also, -- iu l40U, John Holland, Duke of Exeter, was beheaded by PosT 0FFICE.-Walter Bowtell, receiver. the populace, in revenge for his share in Prince Thomas's Letters through . Arrive at 7 a. m.; di!!patched 5.3!) murder: the materials of the castle, which after his death p.m. The nearest money order office is Great Waltham. fdl to decay, were used about 1600 to build the lodge, which Parochial Mixed School, .Miss E. Stebbard, mistress Donner Rev. James Hales [vicar] Dowsett Herbert, farmer & landowner, Matthews John R. farmer Rayment Miss Park fat·m Owers George, boot & shoe maker COMMERCIAl,. Everitt Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Philpott Charles, shoe maker &. beer Bohannan Geo. White Hor8e, &builder Everitt Stephen, maltster retailer Bowtell Walter,shovkeeper & cabinet ma Fuller William, farmer Plesheybury Quilter Philip, farmer & Jwrse dealer Campen .Jarnes, cat·penter Harmond Charles, bricklayer Raymeut John, butcher Darby Thomas Churchman, farmer, Hasler William, blackstuith Saltmarsh Rayment S. boot & shoe Lodge farm Hitching George, farmer, Linstead farm maker

PURLEIGH is a village and parish, 4 miles south from police station. The manorial rights are now the propPrty of ~Ialdon, 44 from London, and 10 south-ea~t from Chelms­ J. W. Inine, esq., who, with W. Tufuell esq., are pl'iucipal ford, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred, landowners. The soil is a heavy loam; subsoil, heavy loam. 1\

QUENDON is a small parish and village, a portion of bmed for the joint parishes of Rickling and Quendon, under the houses on one side of the !'trt>et are in the parish of a committee of mamgement. Quendon Hall, the seat of Rick ling; it is in theWestern division of the county, U ttles­ Captain Henry Byng, R.N., J.P., t~ole landowner, is a tord hundred, Satfron Wahlen union and county court square brick building, pleasantly situated in ~~:rounds well district, Farnham rur·al deanery, Colchester archdeaconry, stocked with deer. Col. Alfred Molyneux Byng is lord and Rochester diocese, on the high road from London to of the manor. The soil is mixed, heavy, and light; subsoil, Newmarket, and near the source of the river Cam, 3 miles gravel, clay, with little chalk. The chief crops are wheat, north-west from Elsenham station, Great Eastern (Cam­ barley, oats, &c. Tbe area is 643 acres; gross estimated bririge) railway, 3-i fioom London, 6 south from Saft'ron rental, £1,509; rateable value, £1,311; and the population Walden, 2~ south from Newport station, and 6 north from in 1871 was 170. Bishop's Stortford and the Lea navigation. The church Parish Clerk, George Bray. (dedication unknown) is a small neat structure of rubble, stone and flint, rebuilt in 1861, when a south aisle was added: it consi~ts of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, and The PosT 0FFICB i11 situated in the pari'lh of Ri<'klin~: vestry 011 the north side, and a small turret at the we~t end Georl!e Gardiner, receiver. Letters tbrough Bbhop's containing 1 bell. The register dates from the year 1687. Stortford arrive at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 6.15 p.m. The living is a rector~·, Jearly value £16J, with re~idence, The nearest money order offices are at Newport & Stan• in the gift ofCapt.Byng, R.N., and held by the Rev. James sted Mountfitchet M arius Tayler. 'l'he children attend the National scl10oi, C ARRIER.-T. Lampkin, passes through to London on wed· which was erected in 18731 at a cost of £1~0001 and com- nesdHys, returning on friu;!,YS