Jain B., Kumar D., Development Of Homoeopathy In India- A Review E-ISSN: 2581-8899 P-ISSN: 2581-978X


Development Of Homoeopathy In India- A Review Dr. Bhushan Jain1, Dr. Devendra Kumar2 1H.O.D., Dept. Of Obs. & Gyn., Dr. Ulhas Patil Homeopathic Medical College, Jalgaon (Maharastra) 2Professor H.O.D. Community , Sri Ganganagar Homoeopathic Medical college Hospital & RI Abstract- Today we are celebrating the goodness of Homoeopathy, serving to community as a very efficient and reliable mode of treatment for various types of complicated diseases only because of our Indian pioneers who struggled a lot, dedicated their life to survive Homoeopathy in India. The journey of Homoeopathy in India is shrouded in uncertainty. As it is difficult to mention the exact year or date about the starting of homoeopathy in India, the past & existing facts are divided into seven segments to understand clearly about the origin & history of homoeopathy in India. Key word: History, Homoeopathy, CCH, NIH. Received: 20/09/2019 Revised: 29/09/2019 Accepted: 30/09/2019 Corresponding author: Dr. Bhushan Jain1, H.O.D., Dept. Of Obs. & Gyn., Dr. Ulhas Patil Homeopathic Medical College, Jalgaon (Maharastra)

How to cite- Jain B., Kumar D., Development Of Homoeopathy In India- A Review, TU J. Homo & Medi Sci. 2019; 2(3):60-65

Introduction- difficult to say the exact date for starting The importance of studying „History of homoeopathy in India. Before 1852, Homoeopathy in India‟ lies in the very fact homoeopathy was practiced only by some that homoeopathy has been surviving amateurs in the Indian civil and military successfully for the last 180 years (1839-2019) services and also by some other gentlemen in without any major setback. The year 1796, is Bengal. Homoeopathic therapeutic practice the birth year of Homoeopathy, in the hand of came to India, when Hahnemann was alive in Dr. , of Germany. After Paris, as know from a book published in that, this new system of medicine had not London in 1852. taken a much time to spread all over the world The Journey Of Homoeopathy In especially in India. 14 years later, in the year India: The origin of Homoeopathy in India is 1810, Homoeopathy came to India. It is very

Tantia University Journal Of Homoeopathy And Medical Science Volume 2 Issue 3 2019(July-Sept.) 60 Jain B., Kumar D., Development Of Homoeopathy In India- A Review E-ISSN: 2581-8899 P-ISSN: 2581-978X shrouded in uncertainty. The journey so far is was treated for a chronic disease by an mentioned below chronologically. amateur homoeopath in India and cured. 1. Homoeopathic history in East India Therefore, he developed interest in especially in Calcutta: homoeopathy. Being an ardent believer of . Before publication of Organon of homoeopathy, he decided to practice Medicine Dr. Samuel Hahnemann had homoeopathy by himself in 1861. Pandit proved about 27 drugs as they were Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar in 1863 was recorded in Fragmenta de viribus. treated by Dr. R. L. Dutta for one of his A German physician & geologist came chronic illness and got a marvelous result to India with his officials for some whereas he was treated by many allopathic geological investigations in the year 1810. doctors beforehand. The king of He set up his base in Calcutta, where he Sovabazar Rajbari, Raja Sir Radhakanta distributed homoeopathic free Deb Bahadur was suffering from gangrene of cost for the treatment of his ailing of his feet was treated by Dr. R. L. Dutta workers and people of that locality. The with homoeopathic medicine. Germen geologist had some knowledge These two successes played a great role for about the homoeopathy and its medicines, spreading the homoeopathy in India mostly mentioned in Fregmenta. in Calcutta. . Dr. Mullen of the London Missionary . Dr. Mahendralal Sirkar helped in Society, known to have distributed establishing homoeopathy in India. He has homoeopathic medicines freely among the obtained M.D. degree from Calcutta people of Bhowanipore of Calcutta, as at University. Dr. R. L. Dutta had converted that time Bengal was famous area for Dr. M. L. Sirkar to homoeopathy. He was homoeopathy. basically an allopathic physician, but after . John Martin Honigberger has learned reading some books on homoeopathy he homoeopathy in Paris in 1835. When he got interest in the subject. After seeing the had come to India, the exact date or year efficacy of homoeopathic medicine with was not known. But he practiced Rajen babu, he became a member of homoeopathy for some years in Calcutta homoeopathic society. up to 1860. He was called famous “ . Around 1863 – 1864, Dr. Berigny, Cholera doctor”. He was also the another French homoeopath came to physician to court of Lahore. Calcutta and set up homoeopathic . Rajendra Lal Dutta (Father of Indian practice. Homoeopathy) was popularly known as . Dr. Pratap Chandra Majumdar took his Babu Rajen Dutta belongs to a scholar L.M.S. degree from Calcutta Medical family of Bengal and for sometimes he College in 1878 and later got the honorary studied in Calcutta Medical College. He degree of M.D. from USA. Converted to

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homoeopathy by his Father-in-law, Dr. Hospital who was then an out-going B. L. Bhaduri he fortified his grasp of student. After this he took his admission Hahnemannian Homoeopathy as the into the Kansas City University where he worthy assistant to L. Salzer for a pretty obtained M.D., D.O. degree and then long time. He proved a number of returned to India. In India at first, he indigenous drugs, and wrote a large started his practice at Calcutta and then number of books in English and Bengali. shifted to Banaras where he became the He edited the Indian Homoeopathic family physician of Shri Motilal Nehru. Review, the second oldest homoeopathic Later on, he migrated to Calcutta, where journal in India. He attended the Fourth he has been the backbone of the Calcutta International Congress held in Chicago in Homoeopathic Medical College and June 1891. In 1881 in collaboration Hospital. with Dr. D. N. Roy, Calcutta . Dr. J. N. Majumdar belonged to a Homoeopathic Medical College was family, which did pioneering work in established and maintained till his death. introducing homoeopathy in India in the . At the end of 19th century, another great second half of the nineteenth century. His man Sri Mahesh Chandra grandfather Dr. Pratap Chandra Bhattacharya with a broad imagination Majumdar was among the first few and outlook entered into the field of homoeopaths who started practicing in homoeopathy as a chemist and pharmacist. India around 1870. Dr. J N Majumder was He used to selling good quality medicines a brilliant student of Calcutta University at a very cheap rate and thus making and did his M.Sc. (Physiology) and M.B. homoeopathic medicines popular among securing first position in both the exams. poor people of our country. He also Soon after his degree, he went to Scotland compiled and published a pharmacopoeia and became a Fellow of the Royal College in Bengali and English. of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.) of Edinburgh. In . Dr. B. K. Bose a son of a Judge was born course of time not only he became a good in India in 1879. The son of a good house homoeopath in India but worked soon developed into a riotous rebel against relentlessly to acquire official recognition the British occupants. Persecuted by the for Homoeopathy from the Government of British as an anarchist, he had to flee to India. America via France. Then fortunately he 2. Homoeopathic history in South India: was directed to Dr. , who . In 1846, homoeopathic hospitals were took him to the Hering Medical College started by Surgeon Samuel Brooking, a and imparted knowledge of homoeopathy. retired medical officer at Tanjore and Here he also had a brief acquaintance with Paducuta in south India under the Sir of Royal Homoeopathic patronage of the Rajahs of those states.

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. In the golden pages of the history of practicing homoeopathy was put In-charge mankind, Fr. Muller’s name shines of this hospital. bright, inspiring men of goodwill to works . Dr. Younan had the good fortune of of charity. Father Augustus Muller S J permanently curing Pt. Moti Lal landed in Mangalore, India on 31st Dec. Nehru’s Bronchial Asthma by 1878. He brought with him a small chest administering him only a single dose of of homoeopathic medicine from Catellan, medicine. Pt. Moti Lal was so impressed a homoeopathic firm in Paris, which he by this miracle that he purchased a library effectively used to treat students, their from an American Homoeopath and he relatives and common people. In the year studied Homoeopathy and used to 1880, he started a regular dispensary prescribe medicine to his relations and offering free medicines and consultation at friends. After his death, the whole library Kankanady hills, which was known as was donated to Allahabad University. “Homoeopathic Poor Dispensary”. Fr. . Dr. Diwan Jai Chand was born on Muller did not stop with the dispensary but 3rd July 1887 in Bhawalpur State (now in continued ahead with the establishment of West Pakistan) and did his initial medical Saint Joseph‟s Leprosy Hospital & education at the K.E. Medical College, Asylum in 1890. In 1895, Fr. Muller Lahore. On return from U.K. he joined started a General hospital for the poor. The service with the Punjab Government as homoeopathic dispensary started by Fr. Dy. Sanitary Commissioner. He resigned Muller in 1880, has now taken form of soon after and started a clinic at Lahore in mighty institution offering under graduate 1915. He soon became converted to and post graduate medical education, Homoeopathy. After independence in training and research in homoeopathy. 1947, he had to shift to Delhi as a refugee The Govt. of India recognized the and established his clinic in New Delhi. humanitarian work rendered by Fr. Muller He was President of the All-India Institute and awarded him Kaiser-e-Hind in 1907. of Homoeopathy, Delhi Branch for some 3. Homoeopathic history in North India: years. He also founded and edited an . In the year 1867, Banaras Homoeopathic excellent journal- “Health and Hospital was established with Sri Homoeopathy”. Lokenath Maitra, as physician In- 4. Homoeopathic history in West India: charge. He was a converted homoeopath . In 1870, Maharaja Bahadur of Jaipur by Dr. R. L. Dutta. called Dr. G. Salzar of Calcutta for the . In Aug. 1869, Homoeopathic Charitable treatment of his cataract, which was cured dispensary was opened at by homoeopathic medicine. Allahabad. Priyanath Bose, a layman, but Thus the Galaxies of homoeopathic physicians were appeared, like Dr. D. N.

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Roy, Dr. B. N. Banerjee, Dr. Chandra Sekhar Parliament was approved after a long Kali, Dr. J. N. Majumder, Dr. N. M. fought battle. Choudhury, Dr. Barid Baran Mukherjee, Dr. . The Homoeopathic Enquiry Diwan Jai Chand, Dr. S. K. Nug and all Committee was appointed by Government others. of India to make a survey of the position 5. Struggle for Recognition of Homoeopathy of Homoeopathic practice in India, to in India (Pre & Post Independence): report on the available training facilities . In 1943 the West Bengal Government and the need to regulate such training in under the leadership of Mr. Fazlul Haq, Homoeopathy in relation to medicine and then Chief Minister of Bengal, took up the also as to the desirability and mode of cause of Homoeopathy and constituted State control of the practice of the first State Faculty of Homoeopathic Homoeopathy. Medicine. However not much effort has . The committee submitted a report and been put by the other states. made recommendations in1949. In 1952 . The background was rather gloomy and some action in the form of a Homoeopathy hopeless. The leader of the Congress Adhoc Committee and later Homeopathic Party Shri Bhula Bhai Desai bluntly Advisory Committee came about. told Dr. K. G. Saxena that he did not . In 1952, Rajkumari Amrit recognize Homoeopathy as a scientific Kaur expressed her desire to form a system however with the exception of Mr. Homoeopathy Adhoc Committee Mohammad Ali Jinnah who in favor of with Director General of Health Services homoeopathy. as Chairman, . With the advent of Central Legislative Dr. C. G. Pandit, Secretary , ICMR Assembly‟s resolution the second logical and Dr. J. N. Majumdar of Calcutta, Dr. step was to organize the Homoeopathic L. D. Dhawale of Bombay, Dr. Diwan Jai professionals into a corporate body Chand & Dr. M. Guru Raju as its through which further efforts to be made members. to develop the system. To achieve this 6. Formation of Apex Body for objective, the All India Institute of Homoeopathy: Homoeopathy, was established in the year . In 1967 a bill was discussed and the 1944 with its central office at Delhi. Government decided to constitute a . The resolution was discussed for three committee of 36 parliamentary members hours and unanimously adopted as an for consideration of establishment of official resolution on 17th February 1948 Central Council. The Central Council of under first Health Minister of Homoeopathy Act was made in 1973 and India Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and the then Health Minister Dr. Karan Resolution Passed by the Indian Singh on behalf of Government of India

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constituted the Central Council of 1995 which was renamed Homoeopathy (C.C.H.) in December, as AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & 1974. As soon as the Central Council was Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and nominated, the Government abolished Homoeopathy), in November, 2003. the Homoeopathic Advisory Conclusion: Committee. Today, India is one of the important countries . The National Institute of Homoeopathy to lead this system of medicine in the was established in December, 1975 as an world. CCH, NIH, CCRH & AYUSH all autonomous organization under together is the depiction for Homoeopathic the Ministry of Health and Family System of Medicine in India. At present there Welfare, Govt. of India, registered under are about more than 195 medical the West Bengal Society Registration Act colleges of homoeopathy in the country of 1961. This institute was set up with a allowed by the Central Council for view to promoting the growth and Homoeopathy including 45 post-graduate development of Homoeopathy in the colleges to teach & promote Homoeopathic country by producing graduates and post System of Medicine. graduates in Homoeopathy References- . In 1970, under the advice of Dr. K. G. 1. Archives of the Calcutta Saxena, the then Hony. Advisor of Homoeopathic Medical College and Homoeopathy, the Central Government Hospital. 2. Chand D H. History of Homoeopathy decided to form Central Homoeopathic in India in the 19th Century. First Research Institute and thus Central Edition. B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. Council for Research in New Delhi, 2007. Homoeopathy had been established on 3. Chatterjee R. History of Homoeopathy in India. Bulletin of the National 30th March, 1978 under Society‟s Institute of Homoeopathy. Vol- 12. Registration Act XXI of 1960. No. 4. October, 2009. Published in 7. Formation of Separate Department for February 2010, Kolkata. 4. Internet: http//homoeoint.com (visited all existing alternative systems of medicine: in Sept 25,2019). . All the alternative systems of medicine 5. Internet: www.medindia.net (visited were given a separate identity by creating on Sept 24, 2019). 6. Sarkar BK. Essay on Homoeopathy. separate department as ISM & H (The Reprint Edition. Birla Publications Indian Systems of Medicine and Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, 2004- 2005. Homoeopathy) in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India in

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