CTBA LOBBYIST NEW GOVERNOR, NEW LEGISLATORS, AND A NEW DAY IN SACRAMENTO he new legislature for 2019- from St. Mary’s College and later entered after a long absence and a very successful 20 has been sworn in, and the the labor movement as an organizer. While career in the military, in Washington and Democrats not only swept all working as an organizer, she earned a law Orange County. He and his wife, Robin, a the statewide ofces but also in- degree from the People’s College of Law. retired brigadier general, have three grown Tcreased their numbers in both houses. Te Prior to her election, she served as a mem- children. His focus will remain on immi- Senate numbers 29-11 and the Assembly ber of the Coastal Commission. Durazo grants, workers, and women to protect has 60-20, giving Democrats a super ma- and her late husband, Miguel Contreras, them from harassment and intimidation. jority in both houses. We thought you head of the Los Angeles County Federation might want to know a bit more about the of Labor, have two sons. ASSEMBLYMEMBER REBECCA new members in the Capitol. BAUER-KAHAN, D–ORINDA SENATOR , Prior to election in 2018, Bauer-Kahan SENATOR , D-SANGER was an environmental attorney and taught D-PICO RIVERA Hurtado grew up in the Central Valley, appellate law at Santa Clara University. She Te former mayor of Pico Rivera served the daughter of immigrant parents and the is the granddaughter of refugees who came in the 82nd Airborne Division as a para- frst in her family to graduate college. She to the United States to escape the Holo- trooper and passed this tradition of service served on the Sanger City Council and as caust. She lives with her husband and their to his fve children. President Obama ap- a community organizer for public employ- three children. pointed Archuleta to the board at West ees. In Sacramento, she will advocate for Point, where two of the senator’s sons had access to healthcare for all, quality schools, ASSEMBLYMEMBER TYLER DIEP, graduated. He joined the Montebello Po- good paying jobs, and the opportunity for R-WESTMINISTER lice Department as a reserve ofcer and has a better life. Diep immigrated with his parents to been a strong voice for families, veterans, the United States in 1991 after waiting workers, teachers, seniors, and the disabled. SENATOR , in line for nearly eight years. After much Te senator is also a new member of the D-BALDWIN PARK hard work, he was the frst in his family to Governmental Organization Committee. Rubio was born in Juarez, Mexico, and graduate from an American university, San is the daughter of immigrant parents. She Diego State University. He went on to en- SENATOR , and her sister, Assemblywoman Blanca joy a career in broadcasting as well as serve R-FRESNO Rubio, are the frst sisters to serve in the as vice mayor of Westminister. His focus A new member of the Senate GO com- state legislature. Her father came to the in the Assembly will be on fghting tax in- mittee, Borgeas arrived in the Central United States through the Bracero Pro- creases, fxing our crumbling highways, ex- Valley as a graduate of Georgetown Law gram, working on farms and at Santa Anita panding healthcare, and improving public School and a Fulbright Scholar. He was Park to support the family. She graduated education. a clerk for Federal Judge Oliver Wanger, with a master’s degree from Azusa Pacifc where he had the opportunity to work on University and began her teaching career. ASSEMBLYMEMBER COTTIE complex water issues. He taught for years She served on the Sanger City Council be- PETRIE-NORRIS, D-LAGUNA BEACH at San Joaquin College of Law. He and fore election to the senate. Rubio is a new A double major in English and econom- his wife have two boys, and when he’s not member of the GO Committee. ics from Yale University, Petrie-Norris went working, he’s publishing articles on inter- on to a career in fnance, marketing, and national security and teaching his sons to SENATOR , technology. She has worked with Fortune cook. D-SANTA ANA 500 corporations and small businesses in Umberg is a retired U.S. Army Colonel, Washington, D.C., South Africa, London, SENATOR , former federal criminal prosecutor, three- and Southern California. Inspired to serve D-LOS ANGELES term state legislator, former drug czar for following the 2016 election, she is com- Durazo is the seventh of 11 children President Clinton, and a small-business to migrant farm workers. She graduated owner. Umberg is returning to Sacramento Continued on page 10 ❙ February 2019 ❙ CALIFORNIA THOROUGHBRED 1