Sanford Hall Conditions in Residence Halls with the Same As the Entire Build- Been Busy
Volume 46 February 19, Issue 8 2006 small ALK The Student Voice of Methodist university www.smalltalkmc.comT Wagner Crowned First Miss Methodist (Criminal Justice Associa- music; Sharron McNair, profes- Dionne Drakes tion), Keva Wilson (friends), sor of music; Kevin Allington, Staff Writer Kimberley Soloman assistant baseball coach, and (Friends and Employees of Sara Drake, professor of mass Omni National Bank), Mel- communication. History was made on anie Gibson (Parents’ Asso- “Miss Methodist was Wednesday Feb. 7 as Student ciation), Sakun Gajurek good, but a little long and I think Activities Committee (SAC), Emily Brown (PGM the judges should have been crowned Tiffany Wagner as Program),Erin Yarborough from outside of the MU circle” Cupid Delivers pg. 2 the first Miss Methodist Uni- (Friends), Michele Altomare said criminal justice major Nor- versity, sponsored by the (One Spirit), Rahila Muhibi ma Rae Bradshaw. cheerleading squad. (International Club), Britta- Hosting the event were Antonio “An extraordinary first ny Rea (Friends). Bartee of the Student Activity step towards a long standing “Miss Methodist was Commitee and comedian Ron- tradition”, proclaimed Mr. one of the best events MU nie Jordan. Special performanc- William H. Walker, the asso- had in a while,” stated se- es included stand up comic by ciate dean of students. nior resident assistant Chris Ronnie Jordan, and the musical Other pageant contes- Robinson. styling of Mr. Methodist, Todd tants included Ashley Eliza- Judges included Me- Sackewitz. beth Young (SmallTalk), lissa Jameson, director of “I will never forget his Casey Haigler (Friends and Tiffany Wagner smiles as the very first Public Relations and Events; Miss Methodist.
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