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Federal Republie of

Official Gazette f

No. 42 LAG(^ - 8th June, 1967 Vol. 54


Page Page

M inistry of Defence— Nigerian Army— Loss of Petrol Oil and Lubricants • t I S' 868 Promotions 1 • 1 » •I • I • 846 Loss of Local Purchase Orders t • • • 868 Appointment of M ilitary Governors 846-51

Loss of Revenue Voucher « ■ « S 9 S 869 Appointment of a Justice of the Supreme

• • « f 851 Court •• • • • « « Loss of Payable Order 9 9 I I 869

« I • • t t 852-61 Movements of Officers Loss of Government Cheque . • « 869 M inistry of Defence—^Nigerian Air Foroe^— Loss of Agriculture Receipt Book » • 869 861-3 Commissions • « • t • < « ' Loss of Motor W arrant 9 -9 9 9 9 9 869 I • 864-5 Probate Notices ■ • 9 I I • Opening of Roads closed in Ibadan Town­ Appointment of Notary Public I 1 I I 865 ship 9 9 I I • I I 9 9 9 869 Addition to the List of Notaries Public 9 t 865 The W est African Examination Council- Appointment of Persons to act on behalf of Test Development and Research Office 869 Export Licensing Authority 9 I I I 865

Appointment of Persona to act on behalf of Commercial Banking System— Statement of Assets and Liabilities .. 870 liifport Licensing Authority 9 9 865 I 866 Federal M inistry of Trade—Official Nige­ Government Statement I I 9 9 rian Participation in the Cologne Interna­ Federal Land Registry—Lost Certificates 866 tional Furnituro^and Components Pair

(Interijum) 22nd— 25th June, 1967 • a 871 Government Promissory Notes t I I I 867

Tenders 9 I I I I > • 9 9 9 871-3 Appointment of Licensed Buying Agents

9 i 867-8 for the 1967-68 Cocoa Season Vacancies 9 I • • I • 9 9 9 873.8 Central Bank of Nigeria—Board Resolution at their Meeting of Monday, 22nd May, University of Lagos—Application for Ad-

I 9 868 mission • 9 9 9 . I I I • a 878 1967 9 9 9 9 9 t 9 9 846 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42,Vol. 54


The Anny Council has approved the promotion of Lt.-Colonel to the rank of Major-General v?ith effect from 1st June, 1967. It has also approved the promotions of Col. R. A. Adebayo and Lt.-Col. D. A. Ejoor to the rank of Brigadier with effect from the same date. It will be recalled that the Head of the Federal Military Government, Major-General Yakubu Gowon assumed full Command of the Nigerian Armed Forces with effect from 26th May, 1967, when he declared a State of Emergency throughout the country.

A. 1. Obbya, Permanent Secretary, V Ministry of D^enee, LAi/8iVol. VII Lagos, Nigeria


By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed IS Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Festal Military Government, Commander-in-chief cf the Armed Forces

To MY TRUSTY AND WELL-BELOVED M^OR MOBOLAJI Ol^FUNSO JOHNSON, GREETING I—s I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubi; Gowon. Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander- in-Cmef of the Armed Forces,^Fe^ral Re^blio of Ni^ieria, do hereby appoint you the said Major Mobou|i

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Laj^s, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and ^ty-seven.


By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Gommander-in-Chief of the Armed LS Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Cotnmander-in-CInef ef the Armed Forces

To MY trusty and well-beloved Major David Laisi Bamioboyb, greeting s— I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Goverianent and Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, do hereby appoint you the said Major David Laisi Bamigboye to act as the Military Governor of Central-West State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of die Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine himdred and sixty-seven. 8th June, 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 847

Gpvenment Notice No, 906 '



By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Go\^, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of thet. Armed 18 Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. i

Lt.-Col. Vakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Cfu(f of die Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, do hereby appoint you the said Mr Joseph Dechi Gomwalk to act as the Military Governor of Benue-Plateau State,

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of ^e Federal Republic of Nigeria akLi^os, this 31st day of - May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-aeven^

Government Notice No, 907

Federal Republ ic) OF Nigeria


By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Comman4hr-in-Chief of the Armed L8 Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigerii^

Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, . / Commander-in-Chitfofthe Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic Nigeria, do hereby appoint you the said Lt.-Col. David Akpodb Ejoor as the Military Governor of Mid-Western State. *

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven. 848 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42,Vol. 54

Govemnent Notice No. 908

Federal Rspdrlic of Nigeria


Goveramem^C^nuiT^d^^" ^Ch^T’A 18 Forces of the Federol Republic of Nigeria.

Lt.-Col. Yakudu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Governmiit, Commander^in-Chief of the Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander-in- Chicf of the Armed Forces. Federal Republic of Nigeria, do hereby appoint you the said Major Udoakaha Jac6b Esuene to net ns the Military Governor of South-Enstern State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven.

Government Notice No. 909 9 f Federal Republic of Nigeria


By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed IS Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. li

Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Corntnander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, do hereby appoint you the said Mr Usman Faruk to net as the Military Governor of North-Western State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Fedwal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31at day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven. 8 th June, 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 849

Government i^otice No, 910

Federal Republ ic of NiOERtA


By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the LS Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,

LTi-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head qf the Federal Military Qovemment, Commander-in^Chittf qf the Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Rroiiblic of Nigeria^ do hereby appoint you the said Mr Abdu Bako to act os the Military Governor of Kano State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven.

/ ■ i Government Notice No. 911


■ >

By His Excellency Lieutenant-Coloner Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander^in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.'

Lt.-Col, Yakubu Gowon, . Head qf the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

To MY trusty and well-beloved Lt. a. Diete-Spiff, greeting

'■ * I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander- . in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeriardorhereby appoint you the said Lt. A. Dibtb- Spiff to act as the Military Governor of Rivers Smte.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven. . 850 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42,Vol.54

Qw*mmnt Notiet No% 912

Fbobba£ Bspublio of Niobbia


By Hia Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Oowon, Head of the LS Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head cf the Federal Military Govemtmit, Commander-irt’CMiif of the Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government and Commander- ut-Chief of the Aimed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, do hereby appoint you the said Col. Robert ^EYiNKA ^SBAYO as die Military Governor of Western State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven.

Gwmnmt Notice No, 913

. Federal Rm>UBUc of Nigeria


By His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the L S Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ae Fedieral Republic of Nigeria,


Lt.-Col. Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in^Cldtf of the Armed Forces


I, Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Federal Military Govemm^t and Cpmmmder- in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, do h^by appoint you the said Major Musa Usman to act as the Military Governor of North-Eastern State.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of die Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 31st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven. 8th June» 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE m

Govtmmtnt NoHct No, 914

Fbqbbai. Rbpvkuo or Nxgbiua

By H it Exoellonoy Lieuten«n^C olonel Yakubu Gowon, H eld of the L 8 Federll M ilitiry G overnm enti Com m ander-in-Chief of die A^med Foroea of the Fedenl R epublic of N igeria.

Lt.-Col. Yakubv Gowon, Htod of tho Fedtaral MiUtary C^tmmtnt, Commandw-in’Chiof of tht Armd Forets


It Lieutenant-C olonel Yakubv GowoN, Head of the Federal M ilitary G overnm ent and Com m ander-in- C hief of the Arm ed Forces, Federal R epublic of N igeria, do hereby appoint you the said M ajor Abba Kyari to act as the M ilitary G overnor of N om -Central State.

’ Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the FederaU Lepiiblio of N igeria at Lagos, this 31st day of M ay, one thousand ni|ie hundred and sixty-seven. fi

i Govemmmt Notico No, 91S



By H is Excellency Lieutenant-C olonel Yakubu Gowon, Head of die LS Federal M ilitary G overnm ent, Com m ander-in-Chief of the Arm ed Forces of the Federal R epublic of N igeria.

Lt.-Coi.. Yakubu Gowon, Head of the Fedmd MiUtary Government, Commtmer^n'Chiof of tht Armed Forces

Whereas by section 111 (2) of the C onstitution of die^ederation as m odified by the C onstitution (Suspension and M odification) D ecree 1967 it is provided that the Judges of the Suprem e C ourt of N igeria w all consist of the ClU ef Justice of N igeria and any such_num ber of Justices of the Suprem e C ourt (not being less fhan five) as may be prescribe by law:

And whereas the num ber of Justices of the Suprem e C ourt is now nine in addition to the C hief Justice N igeria; »

And whereas by section 112 (1) of the O m stitution of the-Federation as m odified by the C onstitution (Suspension and M odification) D ecree 1967 it is provided that the C hief Justice of N igeria and the Justices of the Suprem e C ourt shall be appointed by die Suprane M ilitary C ouncil;

Now thbrsforb. The Supreme Miutary Council, do hereby appoint Charles Ol vsoji Madarikan to be a Justice of the Suprem e C ourt w ith effect from the 1st day of June, 1967.

Given under my hand and die Public Seal of the Federal R epublic of N igeria at Lagos, this 1st day of’ June, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven. 8S2 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 42, Vol. 54

Government Notice No, 916


The following «re notified for general information s—


Department Name Appointment Date qf Date qf Appointment Arrival Administration .. Mannie, H. M. .. Administrative Officer, Class IV 17-3-67 — Utuk, £. J. .. Administrative Officer, Class IV 13-3-67 —

Cabinet Office • • Iwegbe, F. I. • » 3rd Class Clerk « « « • 13-10-66 Customs and Excise .. Akpan, S. H. .. Preventive Officer . 1-7-6S ^Ayinla, A. .. Preventive Officer 1-7-65 M inistry of Agriculture Ibrahim, A. N. .. Laboratory Assistant 18-1-67 and Natural Resources Odumosu, R. A. .. Clerical Assistant I- 12-65 M inistry of Defence .. deGrandsaigne, J. T. Lecturer (French) II- 2-67 M inistry of Education.. Oyefeko, S. T. .. Assistant Lecturer (Building) 18-10-66 S^awu, Miss M. S. .. Education Officer (Child

Guidance) « • 1-2-67 M inistry of Finahce .. Benjamin, Miss M. .. 3rd Glass Clerk .. 1-10-65 M inistry of Health ,. Aiya, F. O. .. 3rd Class Health Inspector • .. 9-12-64 Famuyiwa, Mrs 0. R. Staff Nurse/Midwife 23-8-65 Taiwo, £. O. .. Junior Medical Statistical 3-1-67 M inistry of Labour .. Afejuku, I. O. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. 12-10-66 Okwuonu, Miss M. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. 5-10-66 M inistry of Transport Ene, A. E. .. Marine Engineering Assisttnt, Grade III 1-6-65 M inistry of Works and Eyo, S. .. .. Artisan, Grade III 1-4-66 Housing *Idebe, J. C. ^ .. Assistant Works Superintendent-in-Training 7-2-66 Idowu, K. .. Survey Draughtsman, Grade II 18-4-66 Idowu,MissT. 0. .. Technical Assistant 16-3-66 lyaha, B. .. Artisan, Grade II 1—4—65 Lewis, A. O. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. 13-6-66 Ogunmola, T. .. Artisan, Grade I .. 1-4-65 . rt Udoh, C. E. ... Artisan, Grade III 1-4 66 Police • • • • Omesili, J. O. ., 3rd Class Clerk .. 31-5-65 Statistics .. .. Abudu, K. .. Statistical Assistant, Grade 111 1-3-66 Aguiyi, O. .. Mechanical Accounting Assistant 1-4-66 Olaku, V. .. Mechanical Accounting

' Assistant • « 1—4—66 Owoade, M. .. Statistical Assistant, Grade III 1-3-66

1 Notification in Gazette No. 3 of 12ol>67 amended. 2 Notification in Gazette No. 21 of 6-4-67 amended.


Department Name Appointment DaU of Promotion Audit • • .. Adesanya, I. .. Assistant Executive Officer .. 7-3-67

AJiboIade, K. • » Asstetant Executive Officer t • 7-3-67

Ayorinde, B. t • Assistant Executive Officer .. 7-3H67 Bello, A .. .. Assistant Executive Officer .. 7-3^7 .. Assistant Executive Officer .. 7-3-67 Thompson, H. O. W. Assistant Executive Officer .. 7-3-67 Judicial .. Idowu, V. O. • • Assistant Registrar, Grade II I-S-67 lyalla, R. S. ..' Assistant Registrar, Grade II 1-5-67 Kayode, R. A. .. Assistant Registrar, Grade II 1-5-67 Mosanya, J. A. .. Assistant Registrar, Grade II 1-5-67 Opeife, N, K. .. Assistant Remstrar, Grade II 1-5-67 M inistry of Agriculture Udom, T. A. ,. Technical Officer (Agriculture) 4-5-67 and Natural Resources 8^ JuttSi 1967 OFFICIAL OAZBTTB 853


Department Natnt Appointitmt Date^f Promotion

Ministry of Communi- Esenwa, B. I. T. % s Assistant Traffic Engineering Superinten­ cations dent « • • • • • 7-11-66 Ministry of Education.. Denton, M. O. « • Assistant Lecturer (Music) » t s a 28-3-67

Ost^e, C, N. a a Lecturer a a a a s a l-S-67

Ministry of Health .i Agiobu-Kemmer, a a Nursing Sister a a a a a a 17-4-67 MrsM.I. Ajayi,P. A. .. Nursing Supermtendent « a a a 17-4-67 Amadi, Mrs R. J. .. Nursing,Sister .. a a ' a a 17-4-67 Atiba, J. M. . • Nursing Superintendent a a a a 17^7 . Bamgbose, Mrs Ri .. Nursing Sister a a a a 17-4-67 Eda, J. O. .. Nursing Superintendent a a a a 17-4-67 Kolajo, J. O. . . Nursing Superintendent a a a a 17-4-67 Kusanu, Mrs L. O. .. Nursing Sister a a 17-4-67 Larmie, MrsA. .. Nursing Sister a a. .17-4-67 Lewis, Mrs C. M. . . Nursing Sister . . . a a a a 17-4-67 Nze, T. N. .. Nursing Superintendent a a 17-4-67 Obato, S. O. .. Nursing Sup^^dent a a 17-4-67 Ogan, D. I. £. •. Nursing Superintendent a a 17-4-67 Ogbonna, P. N. C. .. Nursmg Superintendent a a a a 17-4-67 Opeewe, E. A. .. Nursing Superintendent a a 17-4..67 Simplice, Mrs 1.1. . . • Nursing Sister a a a a 17-4-67 Solmke, A. .. Nursing Superintendent a a 17-4-67

Sowande, Mrs j. O. .. Nursing Sister a a 17-4-67 Thomas, C. I. .. Nursing Superintendent 17-4-67 Yiborku, Mrs E. A. .. Nursing Sis"ter a a a a 17-4-67 Ministry of Internal Ahmed, I. .. Assistant Immigration Officer a a 1-1-67 Affairs Aziz, A. .. . . Assistant Immigration Officer a a 1-1-67 Ejiamike, F. D. .. Assistant Immigration Officer • a. 1-1-67 I Ene, M. B. .. Assistant Immigration Officer 1-1-67 Idowu, G. O. - .. Assistant Immigration Officer a a 1-1-67 Iquan, K. .. Assistant Immigration Officer a '• 1-1-67 Joaquiin, F. A. S. .. Assistant Inunigration Officer 1-1-67 Mofio, M. .. Assistant Immigration Officer a I 1-1-67

Olutunmogun, J. O. a a Assistant Inunigration Officer 1-1-67

Ministry of Transport.. Brilo, R. I. a a Aerodrome Fire Officer, Grade I .. 24-1-67 Dudusola^A. D. .. Turnstile Supervisor a a 1-4-67 Ekpo, A. E. S. .. Technical Officer (Aviation Signals) a a 4-5-67 Ernariefe, A. A. E. a a Aerodrome Fire Officer a a a a 4-5-67 Fsjobi, E. A. a a Communications Officer a a 4-5-67

Fashoro, F. A. a a Communications Officer a a a a 4-5-67 . Idris, M. O. .. Communications Officer a a 4-5-67 Ihonor, R. ., Communications Officer a a 4—5—67 Onwubuya, P. C. a a Stores Officer a a 4-5-67

Ministry of Works and Rogers, B. O. a a Mechanical Superintendent t a a a 9-3-67 Housing

a a 10-4-67 Statistics a a a a Obomanu, Mrs L. A. Machine Supervisor, Grade 1 Odogwu, Miss J. .. Assistant Mechanical Accounting Superintendent a a a a 10-4-67

CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS Department Name Appointment Date of . Confirmation

Customs and Excise .. Onyekwe, E. I a 3rd Class Clerk a a a a . as 8-6-67 Assistant Executive Officer General Executive Class Abubakar, D. M. a a / i (General Duties) a a 13-5-67 Oyeneyin, E. A. ., Assistant Executive Officer ., 1-7-50

Assessment Clerk, Grade III.. a a 5- 12-66 Inland Revenue a a Awolesi, E. B. a a lyun, S. B. a a Clerical Assistant a a a a 7-1-67

a a - Lawson, A. a a* Clerical Assistant a a 10 10-66 Olatunji, A. A. a a Clerical Assistant • a a a 6-11-66

Ministry of Agriculture Adetunji, M. A. a a Clerical Assistant a a a a 6-3-67 and Natural Resources 854 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42,V<^S4

CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS—co«ia«t .. Postman 1-2-66 cations Ajibodu, E. O. . / Traffic Officer • « 3-9-59 Arogundade, M. A. Postal Officer • • 9-5-66 Aforiu, A. U. .. Postman • • 1- 4-55 Ekpenyong, P. E. (Miss) Mechanical Accounting Assistant 2- 9-66 Fasuhanmi, S. A. .. Postal Officer 1-9-65 Idem, L. E. A. .. Stores Assistant .. 1-6-64 5 . 15-8-66 J Idris, Mrs O. A. .. Mechanical Accounting Assistant. Iwuala, N. O. * • Stores Assistant * • • • 1-4-66 Nwaosu, J. 0. .. Postman 1-4-66 Odebunmi, A. .. Postal Officer . 12-6^5 OkoU, C. I. .. Postal Officer . 6-11-66 Okpala, C. N. .. Postal Officer 6-11-66 Olajide, T. O. .. Postal Officer . 11-11-66 Onafuye, Mrs B. A. Mechanical Accounting Assistant . 15-8-66 Orindare, F. .. Postal Officer .. 1-9-65 Osasah, J. .. Telephone Operator . 18-5-60 Osatuyi, I. D. .. Postal Officer . 14-12-66 Udo, S. .. Postal Officer ...... 6-11-66 Ugah, 1.1. .. Postal Officer 1-8-65 Ministry of Education Eshugbayi, E. A. .. Typist, Grade II 1-4-66 Fayemi, T. .. Library Clerk, Grade III . 30-12-66 Willoughby .. 3rd Class Clerk .. 8-3-66 Ministry of Health .. Nwokedi, Mrs K. .. 2nd Class Dental Hygienist .. 8-1-65 Ministry of Industries Alikah, A. .. Assistant Executive Officer (Industry) 19-9-^6 Awojope, O. A. .. Assistant Executive Officer (Industry) . 10—9—66 Ministry of Information Thomas, S. ,. Photographic Printer-in-Training 27-4-67 MUhistry of Internal Barau, Y. '.. Imnugration Assistant, Grade III . 1-11-65 Affairs

Ministry of Labour .. Osaktve, £. « » Clerical Assistant 7-5-67 Ministry of Mines and Arifalo, R. A. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. 9-10-66 Power Ministry of Trade .. Kalejaiye, E. T. .. Clerical Assistant 1-4-64 Obakoya, O. • » Clerical Assistant 1-12-66 Oshunniyi, D. B. • •. Typist, Grade III 1-12-66 Ministry of Transport Khiddie, E. B. (Miss) Typist, Grade II 1-4-67 Odutayo, T. O. A. .. T^ist, Grade II 1-4-67

Ministry of Works and Aturu, J. O. • * Survey Assistant, Grade IT^. 1-3-65 Housing Ladipo, N. M. .. Photo/Litho Attendant- ■ * 10-4-34


Date of Date of Department Nam Acting Appointment Acting Reversion Appointment Administration .. ^Orimnlade, W. A. .. Administrative Officer, Principal Grade 1-9-66 Audit ,. Amuohu, B. .. Executive Officer 5-6-67 Jasper, J. L. « • Senior Executive Officer • « 5-6-67 Otunip, Z. A. • I Higher Executive Officer • • 24-4-67 S-6-67

Customs and Excise ,. Alii, R. A. .. Cmef Clerk % % I « lS-S-67 r^oku, E. U. .. Assistant Chief Clerk • • 13-3-67 *Ukim, E. S. • • Assistant Preventive Superin> tendent • • 30-3-67 General Executive Class Adepegba, V. O. • I Higher Executive Officer

(General Duties) • % 11-4-67 - Afuape, S. T. .. Higher Executive Officer (General Duties) • * 1-12-66 — “Caulcrick, H. A. ~ .. Principal Executive Officer .. 8-2-67 31-3-67 Eke, B. E. • « Senior Executive Officer (Accounts) • • .. 10-4-67 •Ogbogu, F. N, .. Senior Executive Officer

(Accounts) '• • 5-4-67 8th JunCf 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 855

ACTING APPOINTMENTS—cortftnW rf Date of Date of Department Name Acting Appointment Actt)^ Reoeraon Appointment General Executive Omotayo, D. B. A. .. Higher Executive Officer Class—continued (G^erk Duties) • • 14-4-67 — Shehu, S, Higher Executive Officer 3-4-67 ' — (General Duties) • • Talabi, E. O. Higher Executive Officer (General Duti^) 5-5-67 — Higher Executive Officer 5-5-67 — W hitworth, P. C. ? Judicial .. ^Bamgboye, D. C. A. Senior M a^strate ’ •. • 1-6-67 — ‘Kal«aikanise, M. B. .. Re^tfar « I* » • 17-5-67 — *Sobanjo, G. A. .. Registtar • • • • 17-5-67 — M inistry of Communi- ^Adebimpe, G. L. Head Postmastu, Grade III .. ' 31-5-67 — cations Adebo, S. A. .. PostmastCT .. lS-S-67 — Aitalegbe, J. 0» .. Technical Office (W orkshops) 21-4-67 — Amole, D. O. .. Supervisor ' e. • 29-12-66 13-4-67 Anwan, A. A. E. • t Assistant Chief Clerk 19-12-66 12-5-67 Awonuga, M. A. **.. Senior Supervisor (Postal) .. 31-5-67 — Awosanya, F. O. .. Senior Supervisor 26-11-66 23-1-67 Disu, G. O. .. Senior Supervisor (Postal) . 15-5-67 — 14^1-67 — Earland, G. .. Chief Clerk * ! • Guama, J. N. .. Senior Supervisor • • 28-12-66 1-5-67 Idowu, J. O. .. Senior Supervisor (Postal) • • 15-5-67 ■ — lyiade, L. A. .. Technical Officer (W orkshops) 1-6-67 — Jehwo, G. O. .. Senior Supervisor (Tdephones) 6r^-67 — . John, A. T. .. Technical Officer (W orkshops) 5-5-«7 — Mbu^a, A. O. « • Supervisor ■ • 23-1-67 24-4-67 i McGoran, J. F. .. Senior Technical Officer .. .;20-9-6S 26-9-66 .. 5-6-67 ■ — Nwabunor, B. N. « • Supemsor ^ost^ Ogundele, O. .. Senior Supervfeor (Telegraphs) 3-1-67 22-5-67 Ojo, S, A. .. .. Supervisor * • 23-7-66 23-1-67 Ol^jubu, J. F. . i Tdephone Exchange Superintendrat • • .12-9-66 19-4-67

Onwuka, S. U. « * . Technical Officer (W orkshops) 20-5-67

Oydcanmi, L, • * Senior Supervisor .. H-7-^6 24-^67 *

Oyeleye, Mrs E. T. • • Chief Clerk . . 20-2-67 10-4-67 Salako, E. A. .. Senior Supervisor ostai) .. 15-5-67 —

Soltga, S. O. • » Postmaster, Grade II '' .. 5-6-67 —

Uwagboe, J. N. • • Technical Officer ,. 1-3-67 31-5-67 Assistant Chief Clerk .. 22-5-67 — M inistry of Defence « « Ofotan, C. • • M inistry of Finance .. ‘Damola, F. B. .. Chief Accountant .. .18-5-67 — ^®EzeOgu, D. S. O. .. Prmcipal Accountant .. 10-KW6 ~ *Ipaye, E. O. .. Principal Accoimtant fl • 24-4-67 —

M inistry of Health .. *Adesuyi, Dr S. L. .. Chief M edical Adviser • • 4-5-67 — *Ajai-Fanu, E. G. .. Nursing Superintendent k • 15-5-67 . — •Shodipo, Dr J. A. .. Deputy Chief M edical Adviser 4-5-67 —

t « 20- 5-67 — M inistry of Information Ekeolere, R. G. • • M aintenance Officer 17-5-67 — Ekpo, W. U, I a Assistan| Chief Clerk

» • Deputy Solicitor-General • • 11-5-67 — M inistry of Justice k I ^Agoro, I. O.

®J^son, Mrs 0. 0 I • s State Counsel, Grade I « k 15-5-67 —

*Laoye, S. G. k k State Counsel, Grade I .. 15-5-67 — ^Sodeinde, A. O. .. State Counsel, Grade I k • 13-5-67 — •W illiams, J. O. Principal State Counsel s • 15-5-67 —

k k Assistant Chief Clerk 15- 5-67 — M inistry of Labour k k' •Nwankwo, G. I. ., Senior Produce I • 16- 5-67/ — M inistry of Trade I I B. A. Inspector \ ‘Oyesiku, E. 0. .. Executive Officer (Trade) .. 10-5-67 — i *Umeh, J. O. H. .. Executive Officer (Trade) .. 10-5-67 — k k 13-12-66 1-5-67 M inistry of Transport Fadairo, J. O. • - a k Communications Officer

k k 21- 2-67 — M inistry of Works •Adebowale, S. A. k a Stores Officer k k k k 7- 1-67 — and Housing i'Ajibade, S. A. I I Higher Technical Officer k k k k 21-2-67 — ^*Aliu, R. M. k k Stores Officer i*Awe, N. A. k k Stores Officer 21-2-67 — • 7-10-66 12-5-67 Etti, M. A.. k k Assistimt Chief Clerk * 21-2-67 — •Gogo, M. D. k k Stores Officer Horsfall, C. T. I k Chief Surveyor k s k k 8- 5-67 — 7-12-65 12-5-67 Jiroh, J. A. k k Assistant Chief Clerk

Kayode, J. O. k k Chief Stores Officer 19-1-67 4-5-67 856 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 42, Vol. 54

ACTING APPOINTMENTS— Date of Date of Department Name Acting Appointment Acting aversion Appointment Ministry of Works and ®Nwanze, A. O. .. Senior Quantity Surveyor 13-5-67 — Housing—contimied ^^Opadeyi, S. A. ,. Stores Officer 21-2-67 — » Samuel, F. A. .Assistant Chief Clerk 15-8-66 . 12-5-67 . *Shokunbi, J. M. .. Stores Officer 21-2-67 — Police « » .. “Eweka, M. A. .. Chief Superintendent 25-2-66 — ^‘Izevbizua-Iyamu, D. O. Chief Superintendent 7-2-67 — “Olarinde, J. O. .. Chief Superintendent 15-3-67 — ‘ i«Pam, V. D. .. Chief Superintendent 24-1-67 — «Popkess, R. S. J. .. Chief Superintendent 1-6-67 — ”Usen, J. U. .. Chief Superintendent 4-4-66 —

1 100 per cent Acting Allowance payable. Notification in No. 108 of 1-12-66 amended. ' 2 50 per cent Acting Allowance payable w.e,f, 30-3-67, and 100 per cent Acting Allowance w.e.f. 1-4-67 in Salary Scale E.5 3 Notification in GdarcHe No. 26 of 27-4-67 amended. 4 50 per cent Acting Allowance pa^ble. 5 No Acting Allowance payable. 6 Full Acting Allowance payable. 7 No Acting Allowance payable now. 50 per cent Acting Allowance payable w.e.f. 1-6-67 in Salary Group 5. 8 No Acting Allowance payable now. SO'perceht Acting Allowance payable w.e.f. 1-6-67. 9 100 per cent Acting Allowance payable in Salary Scale D.4. 10 lOOpercent Acting Allowance payable w.e.f. 29-4-67. 11 lOOpercent Acting Allowance payable in Salary Scale D.5A. 12 SOpercentActingAllowancepayableinSalaryScaleD.SAw.e .f. 1-4-67. 13 Pull Acting Allowance now payable. Notification in Gasette No. 69 of 7-7-66 amended. 14 Full Acting Allowance'now payable. Notification in Gazette No. 32 of 11-5-67 amended. 15 Full Acting Allowance now payable. Notification in Gasette No. 19 of 30-3-67 amended. 16 Full Acting Allowance now payable. Notification in Gasette'No, S of 26-1 -67 amended. 17 FullActing Allowance nowpayable. Notification in'GaseMe No. 39 of 21-4-66 amended. 18 100 per cent Acting Allowance payable w.e.f. 21-5-67. Notification in Gazette No. 104 of 17-11-66 amended.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE Department Name Appointment Date qf Leave Departure Granted

Administration I t >Ebhojic, R. E. O. . Administrative Officer, Class IV « • • • l-;2-67 19 days Okagbare, B, E. . Administrative Officer,

Class. IV I I 3-1-67 68 days Onwuegbuzie, B. A. .. Personal Secretary, Grade I . 5-12-66 35 days General Executive Class Adedoyin, I. O. .. Executive Officer 7-2-67 44 days Akusebo, S. A. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) 6-3-67 61 days Bello, M. .. Executive Officer 28-^12-66 38 days Hart, A. P. U. .. Higher Executive Officer (Accounts) .. 1-3-67 63 days Ogbogu, F. N. % Higher Executive Officer

(Accounts) ■ s 14-1-67 42 days Olubodun, S. O. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) 13-3-67 60 days Udo-Utun, E. O. .. Executive Officer 13-2-67 70 days Inland Revenue .. Emina, G. A. .. Executive Officer 1-5-67 14 days

Judicial • I « I Akerele, Mrs M. £. .. Chief Magistrate » • 10-4-67 42 days Okunuga, Mrs C. 0... Senior Magistrate 22-5-67 40 da^s Ministry of Agriculture Larmie, G. A. K. .. Principal Meteorological and Natural Resources Superintendent 13-2-67 92 days Lewis, A. . Technical Officer (Agriculture 6-4-67 34 days Leyerweed, T. C. . Meteorological Officer 1-8-66 162days 8th June, 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 857


Department Name Appantment Date of Leave Departure Granted Miniatry of Communi- Gwari, P. K. .. Executive Officer . l(M-67 7 days cations Ministry of Establish- Edun, B. A. .. Instructor, F.T.C. . 10-4-67 30 days ments Ministry of External Taylor, V. A. 0 • External Afi&irs Officer,

Affairs Grade VII • • ’ s s 6-2-67 11 days '

Ministry of Health • • . Dankaro, Mrs M. D. Nursing Sister .. • • 11-2-67 70 days Lukanmbi, P. A. .. Techni«il Officer .. 30-1-67 35 days Ministry of Information Kuyinu, V, A. .. Higher Graphic Arts Officer .. 28-3-67 42 days Ministry of Labour .. Ali, A. R. .. Labour Inspector, Gmde I .. 6-2-67 84 days Chiejina, B. A. ., Labour Inspector, Grade II 1-2-67 82 days Okungbowa, A, B. E. Labour Inspector, Grade II 13-2-67 70 days

Ministry of Trade .. Ekpenyong, M. O. N. Produce Officer .. • • 16-1-67 67 days Olumuyiwa, S. A. .. Seidor Produce Officer ^ . 16-1-67 84 days Ministry of Works and Grant, C. F. .. Senior Electrical Superinten- Housing dent .. ... 21-1-67 105 days Ita,£. 0. . , Technical Officer . . 14-3-67 3S days Kasunmu, A. A. B. .. Hwher Technical Officer .. 13-2-67 24 days

Parliament ■ • • • Omofuma, E. £. .. Official Reporter, Grade II .. 6-3-67 6 days

Police « • Dikwa, M. .. Assistant Superintendent .. 16-12-66 35 days Hassan, B. A. .. Deputy Superintendent .. 15-3-67 52 days Oshodi, S. A. .. Chief Superintendent .. 7-2-67 84 days

1 Notification in Gazette No. 26 of 27-4-67 amended.

RESUMPTION OF DU*^ Department Name Appointment Date of Resumption

Administration t • Ebhojie, R, E. O. .. Administrative Officer, Class IV • ■ 22- 2-67 Okagbare, B. E. .. Administrative Officer, Class IV • • 14- 3-67 General Executive Class Adedoyin, I. O. .. i^ecutive Officer 23- 3-67

AkusebcK S. A. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) . I • 6-5-67 Bello, M. .. Executive Officer s s t • 10-2-67 Hart, A. P. U. .. Higher Executive Officer (Accounts) s • 8-5-67 Ogbogu, F. N. .. Higher Executive Officer (Accounts) 17-3-67 Olubodun, S. O. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) s • 12-5-67

UdO'Utun, E. O. .. Executive Officer • • • I 1-5-67

Inland Revenue ., Emina, G. A, .. Executive Officer s • • « 15- 5-67

Judicial .. .. Akerele, Mrs M. E. .. Chief Magistrate .. • % 22-5-67 Ministry of Agriculture Larmie, G. A. K. .. Principal Meteorological Superintendent . 16—5—67 and Natural Resources Lewis, A. .. Technical Officer (Agriculture) 10-5-67

Loyerweed, T. C. .. Meteorological Officer .. • « 10-1-67

Ministry of Communi- Gwari, P. K. .. Executive Officer a s - I t 21-4-67 cations

Ministry of Establish- Edun, B. A. .. Instructor, F.T.C. » • « I 10-5-67

ments ’J?' Ministry of External Jumbo, A. ., Executive Officer e • e • 19-9-66 Affairs

Ministry of Health ,. Dankaro. Mrs M. D. Nursing Sister I s I * a I 22-4-67 Lukanmoi, F. A. .. Technical Officer • % 6-3-67 Ministryfof Information Kuyinu, V. A. .. Higher Graphic Arts Officer .. s a 9- 5-67 Ministry of Labour ., Ali, A. R. .. Labour Inspector, Grade I .. s « 3- 5-67 Chiejina, B. A. .. Labour Inspector, Grade II t • * « t 24-4-67 ,

Okungbdwa, A. B. E. Labour Inspector, Grade II • * 26-4-67

Ministry of Trade % % Ekpenyong, M. 0. N. Produce Officer .. • f I I ‘28-3-67

Olumuyiwa, S. A. .. Senior Produce Officer • • s I 10- 4-67 Ministry of Works and Grant, C. F. % I Senior Electrical Superintendent i • 13-5-67

Housing Ita, E. O. • s Technical Officer s • ■ • 26-4-67 Kasunmu, A. A. B. t s Higher Technical Officer • • a s 9-3-67 Parliament.. • ■ OmofUma, E. E. . s ■ Official R^orter, Grade II s • • • 16-3-67

Police • • I • Dikwa, M. e • Assistant Superintmdent • s a • 26-1-67

Hassan, B. A. a s Deputy Superintendent a • • e 8-5-67 Oshodi, S. A. • a Chief Superintendent a a a a 4- 5-67

1 Notification in Gazette No. 26 of 27-4-67 amended. 858 OFFICIAL GA2ETTE No. 42, Vol. 54


Department Name Appointment Post to which Date of Date of seconded Secondment Reversion Administration Akinniranye, £. A. Inspector of Taxes Administrative (Inland Revenue) Officer, Class IV .. 18-5-67


Department Name Appointment Post to which Date of transferred Transfer

Administration • I • Aduma, Confidential Clerk Personal Secretary, Grade II 1-9-64 Mrs J. R.

General Executive Anckwensi, P. I. Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Officer Class Officer Recounts) (Accounts) (E.N.P.S.) • * 1-11-66 Nduka, O. • • Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Officer Officer Recounts) (Accounts) (E.N.P.S.) ( I 1-12-66 Nvmneli, A. 0. Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Officer Officer (Accounts) (Accounts) (E.N.P.S.) .. 1-12-66 Obu, N. A. .. Higher Executive Higher Executive Officer Officer (General (General Duties)

Duties) (E.N.P.S.) .. I I 28-12-66 Okafor, B. N... Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Offi(»r Officer (Accounts) (Accounts) (E.N.P.S.) I I 1—12-66 Okoro, G. O. .. Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Officer Officer (Accounts) (Accounts) (E.N.P.S.) .. 25-11-66

M inistry of Agricul­ Ekure, P. A. » I Assistant M eteoro­ Assistant M eteorological ture and Natural logical Superinten­ Superintendent (E.N.P.S.) 25-3-67 Resources dent Ochuenwike, M eteorological M eteorological Assistant, M.N. Assistant, Grade II Grade II (E.N.P.S.) • I 6-10-66

M inistry of Commu­ Abia, K. N. .. 3rd Class Clerk « I 3rd Gloss Clerk (E.N.P.S.) • t 30—11—66

nications Achoriko, G. I « Watchmon I I W atchman (E.N.P.S.) ( I 17-3-67

Agunyego, A. 0. Chief Clerk I • Chief Clerk (E.N.P.SO • • 1-4-67 Akomo, A. N. 1st Class Clerk I « 1st Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.).. 1-12-66 Akuka, E. A. Gatcman .. Gatemon (E.N.P.S.) 16-3-67 Alabaronye, 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 G. M. Alinonu.N. .. Postal Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Amadi, P. .. Postman .. Postmon (E.N.P.S.) 16-3-67 Amadl, M, W. M essenger. . . M essenger (E.N.P.S.) 1-3-67 Amonae, K C. Postal Officer .. Postal (Dfflcer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Anele, S. E. .. Technician ,. Technician (E.N.P.S.) 29*"‘8—‘66 Aneme, C. S. M ochtmical Account- M echanical Accounting ingAssistont Assistant (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 Anosike, j. 0. Postmon ,. Postman (E.N.P.S,) t t 16-3-67 Anyanwu, V. N. ■ 1st Class Clerk .. 1st Closs Clerk (E.N.P.S.) * • 28-12-66

Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) • • 16-3-67

Arimoh, F. I. Postal Officer • • Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) > • 16-3-67 Arua, A. 0. I I Postal Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S J s I 16-3-67 Asuquo, R. O. Clerical ^sistant .. Clerical Assistant (E.N,P.S.) 1-12-66 Chinweae, O. E. 1st Class Clerk .. 1st Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) .. 1-2-67 Chinwuba, J. E. Postal Officer ;. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Chuku, S. 0,,. Postman ' .. Postman (E.n!P.S.) 16—3—67 Chxikwuma, 3rd Class Clerk I I 3rd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) » • 3-11-66 M iss C. E. Dobana, D. .. W atchman .. W atdunan (E.N.P.S.) » • 16-12-66 Duru, C. C. .. Postal Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Duru, D. .. Stores Attendant .. Stores Attendant (E.N.p;s.) 13-3-67 Duru, L. C. N. M essenger .. M essenger (E.N.P.S.) .. 1-4-67 Egwuatu, J. T. Postal Officer and Postal Officer and Telegra- . Telegraphist phist (E.N.P.S.) .. 11-1-67

Ejehu, M. A. • • 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 28-12-66 Ejikeme, R. 1. M echanical Account- M echanical Accounting ing Assistant Assistant (E.N.P.S.) .. 8-12-66 I Ekeanyanwu, M ail Porter .. M ail Porter (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 L.A. 8th June, 1967 OFFICIAL OAZBTTE 859


Department Name Appointment Post to which Date of transferred Transfer Ministry of Communi- Ekechukwu, 3rd Class Clerk .. 3rd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.). -. 1-1-67 cations—continued P. C. Ekezie, A. .. Ganger .. Ganger (E.N.P.S.) 1-1-67 Ekwdonu, E. N. Mail Porter .. Mail Porter (E.N.P.S.) • I 16-3-67 Emerlbe, F. C, Wireless Licence Wireless Licence Inspector

Inspector' (E.N.P.S.). , a • s 15-3-67 Enweluzor, Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Officer M.P. C. Officer (E.N.P.S.) s t . s s 4-3-67 Etim, Ai S. . Postd Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.} .. 16-3-67 Evulukwu, I. W. 3rd Class Clerk .. 3rd Class Clerk fejN,P.S.).. 12-12-66 Eze,A. E. .. Typist, Grade II .. Typist, Grade II (E.N.P.^ 1-12-66 . ..Eze, F, .. Postal Officer .. Postal Officer (EjN.P.S.) 16-3-67

Tgbegimi, A. N. 3rd Class Clerk •• 3rd Class Clerk (E.N.PiS.) s s 12-12-66 Igbojtonu, P. I. Postman .. Postman (E.N.P.S.) s • 16-3-67 Igbokwe, B. A. Clerical Assistant .. Clerical Assistant (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 Igwe, D. .. Stores Attendant Stores Attendant (E.N.P.S.) 13-3-67 Iheme, B. .. Postman .. Postman (E.N.P.S.) I S 16-3-67 Ike, C. O. .. 2nd Class .Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.Sj) 15-12-66 Ilo, E. O. .. TVpist, Grade in .. TVpist, Grade III (E.N.P.S.) 1-4-67 Iniodu, E. A. 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N .P.Sj) 1- 4-67 Inyang, F. (Mrs) T^ist, Grade II .. Typist, Grade II (^N.RS.) 25-10-66 Inyans U. O. Clerical Assistant .. Clerical Assistant (E.N.P.S.) 12-12-66

Iroh, I. 0. .. Technician .. Technician (E.N.P.S.) I • 2- 3-67 Kalu, U. y. Postal Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.Sj) .. 16-3-67 TCanu, P. .. Stores Attendant Stores Attendant (E.N.P.S.) 13-3-67 Mbaegbu, F. 0. Gateman .. Gateman (E.N.P.S.) .. 13-3-67 Ndubuisi, T. A. Stores Attendant .. Stores Attendant (E.N.P.S.) 13-3-67 Njoku,A, 0. .. Postman . . Postman (E.^P.Sj) •• 16-3-67 Nkodo, G. .. Mall Porter .. Moil Porter (E.N.P.S.) • I 16-3-67 Nnabugwu, N. 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P. 11-12-66 Nnawuchi, Clerical Assistant ., Clerical Assistant (E.N.P.S.) 12-12-66 B.O. U. Nwachukwu, Postal Officer and Postal Officer and Tele­ J. A. Telegraphist graphist (E.N.P.S.) s s 16-3-67 Nwakuehe, I. Postman I a___ Postman (E.N.P.Sj) • • 16-3-67 Nwanse, P. 0. Stores Attendant t I Stores Attendant (E.N.P.S.) 13-3-67 Nwaorie, B. A. Postman I • Postman (E.N.P.S.) 16-3-67 Nwaosutu, J. E. Postman s s Postman ^.N.P.S.) 16-3-67 Nworibe, Postal Officer I s Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) I s 16-3-67 H.O.C. Nweke, I. 0. i I Postal Officer I • Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 ' Nwiwu, A. N. Postal Officer I s Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Nwogwugwu, 2nd Class Clerk s I 2nd Class Clem (E.N.P.S.) 25-11-66 O. M. Nwokenta, 2nd Class Clerk • I 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 8-12-66

Nwoko, D. .. Postman .. Postman (E.N.P.S.) I I 16-3-67 Obasi, J. O. .. 2nd Class Clerk .. '2nd Class Clerk ffi.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 Obi, B. C. .. 1st Class Clerk .. 1st Class Clerk ^.N.P.S;) s • 1-1-67 Obiekwe. A. .. Stores Attendant .. Stores Attendant (E.N.P.S.) IS"^—67 Obijiofor, F. .. Postal Officer V. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) s P 16-3-67

Obinwa, D. .. Mail Porter ... MmI Porter (E.N.P.S.V s s 16-3-67 Ofor, D. .. 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 Ofor, J. O. .. Mail Porter ..' Mail Porter (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3- Ofuka, G. N. .. Postal Officer . . Postal Officer ffi.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Ofurun, H. I... 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 Ogbegbe,G.D. 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 8-1246 Ogbenna, R. .. Postal Officer .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 O^onnaya, Postman .. Postman (E.N.P.S.) . .. 16—3^7

Ohaeri, I. C. N. Postman .. Postman (E.N.P.S.) s s 16—3—67 Ojukvni, G. s s Clerical Assistant s s Clerical Assistant (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 Okafor, G. N. Wireless Licence Wireless Licence Inspector Inspector (E.N.P.S.) .. .: 15-3-67 Okoro, L. .. Mail Porter .. Mail Porter (E.N.P.S.) 16-3-67 Okebugwu, Assistant Investiga- Assistant Investigation E. N. tion Officer Officer (E.N.P.S.) • '« 21-12-66 Ok^e, A. I. ... Typist, Grade III.. Typist, Grade III (E.N.P.S.) 23-11-66 860 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42,Vq1.S4


Department Name Appointment Post to which Date of transferred Transfer Ministry of Communi- Okereafor, 2nd Clnsa Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 1-12-66 cfAiom—continued B. M.

Okoh, A. O. • • Postal Officer » • • Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 17-12-66 Okon, S. N. 2nd Class Clerk .. 2nd Class Clerk (E.N.P.S.) 23-11-66

Okonltwo, J. C. Typist, Grade III • t Typist, Grade III (E.N.P.S.) 11-3-67

Okorafor, ]. 0. Messenger • s Messenger (E.N.P.S.) I • 1-12-66

Okoro, D. A. I I Postal Officer Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 16-3-67 Olisa, B. E, Assistant Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk 'i' ■ (E.N.P.S.) .. • • 1-12-66

Omubor, A. .. Traffic Officer s I Traffic Officer (EiN.P.S.) I * 1-12-66 Onuiri, E, 0. Assistant Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk ^

(E.N.P.S.) St s « 3-2-67

Onochio, E. t I Postman I I Postman (E.N.P.S.) t » 16-3-67

Oiloohie, L. O. Postal Officer I « Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) I • 16-3-67 Onuorah, I. C. Assistant Technical Assistant Technical Officer Officer (E.N.P.S.) • I * 1 I 6-2-67 Onwuama,D. D. Wireless Licence Wireless Licence Inspector Inspector (E.N.P.S.) • I I t 15- 3-67

Oiwi^ekwe, Postman • I Postman (E.N.P.S.) I I 16- 3-67

Onwunna, H. Postman . I I Postman (E.N.P.S.) I I 16-3-67 Onyeka, 1. A. Wireless Licence Wireless Licence Inspector Inspector (E.N.P.S.) I I lS-3-67

Onyekaonwu, P. Ganger I I Ganger (E.N.P.S.) I » 1-4-67

O^ei^o, Chief Clerk I s Chief Clerk (E.N.P.S.) » I 22-12-66

Oparonte, J. 0. Stores Assistant I t Stores Assistant (E.N.P.S.) 1-4-67 .

Oruye, E. F. .. Postal Officer' .. Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) ( I 16-3-67

Owor, D. U. Postal Officer .., Postal Officer (E.N.P.S.) I I 16-3-67

Udo, E. A. • I Technician • « Technician (E.N.P.S.) s I 1-2-67

Ugorji, J. 0. C. Typist, Grade II s s Typist, Grade II (E.N.P.S.) 12>^12-66

Ukaha, M. A ill Stores Attendant Stores Attendant (E.N.P.S.) 13-3-67

Zimbe, M. K. Messenger s s Messenger (E.N.P.S.) • t 1-4-67

Ministry of Education Okaro, Mrs Broadcasting Officer Broadcasting Officer

E. N. (E.N.P.S.) s • I I 23-1-67

Ministry of External Okwu, A. S. O. External Affairs External Affairs Officer, Affairs Officer, Grade VII Grade VII (E.N.P.S.) t • 13-4-67

Ministry of Finance.. Ibekwe, P. C. Accountant • • Accountant (E.N.P.S.) « » 1-12-66

Ministry of Health « s Emenalu, A. • • Laboratory Attendant Laboratory Attendant (E.N.P.S.) a I k t 9-3-67 Ikedife, Medic(d Officer Medical Officer (Special DrG,D. (Special Grade) Grade) (E.N.P.S.) 1 • 22-11-66 Okediukwu, Health Health Superintendent H. I. K. Superintendent (E.N.P.S.) • « .. 26-11-66

Ministry of Transport Akuyi, P. O. ,. Assisttot Aeronautical Assistant Aeronautical Information Information Services Services Officer Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. 1-10-66

Ministry of Works Nwosu, Mrs Architect, Grade II Architect, Grade II (E.N.P.S.) 2-2-67 and Housing D. S. Orioha, S. U. Higher Technical Higher Technical Officer Officer (E.N.P.S.) .. ‘'26-10-66 8th June» 1967 OFFiqtAL GAZETTE 861

LEFT THE SERVICE Date of Rmm Nam AppottUtimt leaving • for Uaxmg Service Service bustoms and Excise .. Effiom, O. E. •. Preventive Officer a a 25-4-67 Dismissed Inland Revenue .. Odozi, V. A. .. Inspector ofJTaxei_^ I a 20-4-67 Resigned’* Oshinyemi, Mrs S, M. Asieiiment Cle^jGrade I 14-3-67 Resignedi- Ministry of Ajniculture Kogbe, J, O. .. Pupil Research Officer s s 1-3-47 Resigned and NaturalResources Ministry of Conununi- Okereke, A. •. Craftsman a s a a 27-6-66 Dismissed cations OIowo, J. F.. .. Postal Officer a I 1-5-67 Dismissed Ministry of Education AbiiigBiR. <3 .. StoresAiiiituit I s 22-3-67 Resigned 30- 9-66 Resigned Abdullihi. M. .. Lecturer s I V Ministry of Finance I I Browne, A. A. .. 3rd Class Clerk .■ s s 12-2-67 Resigned Ministry of Health .. Ekereuke. J. Mi .. 3rd Class Clerk . a a 1-5-67 Resigned Okonta, J. C. .. Assistant Nursing Superintendent s t 1-6-67 Retired 8-12-66 Tenninated Ministry of Information Bashir. A. • % Driver Frojeotloniit t s Cole, J. A. I s Printer s s s I 31- 5-67 Retired Irvine, W. H. a Assistant Director, Overseas Publications a a I a 25-12-66 Retired s I 20-5-67 Resigned Statistics a a a I Ayeni, D. D. I a Statistician s a Ukoka, £. U. S. I I Statistical Officer I I 1-5-67 Resigned

OBITUARY The Head of the Federal Military Oovemment and Cemmander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces announces with regret the death of the following (— Mr 1. Bello, late Assistant Executive Officer, General Executive Class, at the Lagoa Unlversity|Teaohing Hospital, on 6th May, 1967. Mr B. A. E. Adikankwu, late Assistant Chief Clerk, Ministry of Justice, at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, on 10th March, 1967. Mr I, Idegbue, late Assistant Technical Officer, Ministi^ of Works and Housing, at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, on 6th April, 1967. ______. ■ - • - ,

Oovemment Notice No, 917 Ministry or Dbfbnob—Niobrian Air Forob The following Commissions are published for general information j— A. I. OSXYA, Aethig Permanent Secretary, Mif^try of Defence Lagos, May 1967. *<• Commissions

s s ' Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- NAP/1S3 Chukwu, J. I S B I Lieutenant with effect from 7th November, 1966, widi seniority in that rank from 6th August, 1963. NAF/1S4 Akerele, C. D. s s -■ % % Gnmted Regular Commission in the raim of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 7th November, 1966, with aeidority in that rank from 7tih August, 1963. Granted Reguur Cmnmiaaion in the rank of Second- NAF/155 Aiyelagbe, 0. E. s a a s Lieutexumt widi effect from 7th November, 1966. with araioritv in diet rank from 12th August, 1963.

NAF/156 Lawal, A. s I a s a s Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Seecmd- Lieutenant with effect from 7th November, 1966, with seniority in thatrank from 1st August 1963.

NAF/157 Smith, E. a a t ■ a a Granted Regular Commission in the nnk of Second- Lieutenant wiffi dfoet fi(om 7th November, 1966, vdth seniority in that rank from 14th August, 1963.

NAF/158 Maina, I. s a a a . . Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Sebond- Lieutaiant with effect foom 7th November, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 14th August, 1963. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- NAF/lS9Alfe,I. a a a a a a Lieutenant with effect from 7th November, 1966, with aeniority in that rank from 14th Auguat, 1963.

• a Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- NAF/160 Yusuf, N. '• • a a Lieutenant with effect from 7th November, 1966, . with seniority in dut rank from 11th August 1963. Notb.—The above Notice amends Government Notice No. 376 published in Ga«eit» No. 14, Vol. 54 of 16th Marti, 1967. < -'i'

8^2 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 42, Vol. S4

Government Notice No, 918

Ministry of Dspbncb—Niobrian Air Forcs

The following Commissions are published for general infonnation

By His Excellency’s Command,

, H. Ahmadu, Srimipal Secreta^, State House

Lagos, May 1967.


NAF/1S2 C. A. Alao (M rs) I s Orunted Direct Short Service Commission in the rank of Lieutenant with eifoet from 16th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 27th December, 1963. NAF/172 Paul Dickson .. Granted Executive Commission in the rank of Lieute­ nant with effect from 15th November, 1966, with leniority in that rank firom 5th Janua^, 1966. NAF/173 Agboola Ogundoyin .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 15th November, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 1st May, 1964. NAF/174 Umuru Abbas ,. Grunted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with eflPeot fK»n 15th Not^mber, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 14th August, 1963. NAF/175 Victor Momoh Visa .. Granted Regular Cmnmission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 15th November, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 12th August, 1963. NAF/176 G. C. OffodUle .. Granted R^ular dmnmiision in the rank of Second- Lieutenant widt effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that ranlt from 1st July, 1964. NAF/177 V. Penseriza .. .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 1st July, 1964.

NAF/178 M. Nzeribe • • . .. Granted Regular Ccmm»sion in the ronk of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, w itii seniority in that rank from 1st July, 1964. NAF/179 A. Onuguluchi .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 11th January, 1964. NAF/180 J. Emakpor .. .. Granted Regular Commission in the raids of Second- • ** Lieutenant with efiect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 1st April, 1964.

NAF/181 E. 0. Agu s s .. Gronted Regular Commisdon in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 5di January, 1965.

NAF/182 M. Ahmed • « .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 6th August, 1963. NAF/183 M. E. Amanyeiwa .. Granted Regular Cmnmission in the raidc of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 5th Janufuy, 1965. NAF/184 S. O. Daramola .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in tiiat rank from 1st April, 1964.

NAF/18S I. Ita s t .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effret from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 3rd January, 1964. NAF/186 M. Mohammed .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with dfect frtan 10th Decmber, 1966, with seniority in that tank from 12th August, 1963. 8th June, 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 863

' w •* Commissions—eontiflUM Granted Regular Commiiiion in the rank ot.f^Qcond- NAP/187 P. Ugbannn 1 s I % I % Lleutenant-vdth effect from 10th December, with leniority in that rank from let July, 1964. • *■ *

NAF/188 N. Udia s s I I I s Granted Regular Commiiiion in the taidt of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank ftom 3rd October, 1963.^

NAF/189 E. Ananabn I I s s. s s Granted Regular Commiiiion in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank ff«m 1st July, 1964.

NAF/190 L. Koiyian I I I t I I Granted Regular Commission in the mnk of Serond- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 7th July. 1963.

NAF/191 G. O. Ogunseltan « % .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from lit July, 1164. Granted Regular Conuntaiton in the rank of Second- NAP/192 V.Wll8on I t I I I I LicUtenant with effect ffrom 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 3rd October, 1963. NAP/193 E. O. Okofor .. * I I ,. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, ° with seniority in that rank from 8th August, 1963.

NAP/194 J. Ehlgle I I I i Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank fiom 1st July, 1964.

NAP/19S N. Ekunno t t I I 1 I Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 1st July, 1964.

NAP/196 J. Enoh a I I 1 s I Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenont with effect tom 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank tom 3rd October, 1963.

NAF/197 E. Ojo .• • s 1 .. Granted Regular Commission in the rank o^ Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank tom 1st July, 1964.

NAF/198 Okpanachi .. % s> I s Granted Regular Commission in the raiuc of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 9th August, 1963. •

NAF/199 B. Emeasoba a a a a s % Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank tom 1st July, 1964,

NAF/200 C. Orizu a a s • . . Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with seniority in that rank tom 1st July, 1964.

NAF/201 C. Nnabuihe I a a a a a Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect tom 10th December, 1966, • widfseniority in that rank from 5th JanuBiy, 1965;' NAF/202 A. Tijani a a a a Granted Regular Commission in die rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect from 10th December, 1966, with s^ority In that rank tom 1st July, 1964.

NAF/203 C. Mudashiru a a a s Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect todi 10th December, 1966, with, seniority in that rank from 1st July, 1964.

NAF/204 Joseph Allam a a .*. Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect torn 29d» October, 1966, with seniority irithat nmk from 1st April*, 1964. NAF/205 Abiola B. Usman • • s a Granted Regular Commission in die rank of Second- Lieutenant with effect* from 29th October, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 3rd January, 1964.

NAF/206 Emmanuel A. Dada a a I a Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant i^ith effect from 29th October, 1966, with^i!ftortty-in diet rank tom'24th August, 1964.

NAF/207 Emmanuel Y. Awan a a a a Granted Regular Commission in the rank of Second- Lieutenant ^with effect from 29th October, 1966, with seniority in that rank from 24th August, 1964.

Note.—The above Notice amends Government Notice No. 418 published in Ojfficioi'Goxetti No, 17, Vol, S4 of23rd March, 1967.' 864 OFFICIAL OAZBTTB No.42.Vol.S4

Ocvimment Noiiet No * In the High Court or Xmom . a a** s • ’ PROBATE REGISTRY Wheksai the penoni whose lumei are set out k the first column hereunderi died intestate on the dates and at the places stated in the said column. ,

of the personal property of the said deceosed.

_ Notice is HBRsay oivm that Letters of Administration will be granted to such person unless a Notice to Prohibit the Grant is filed in this Registry within (14) fourteen days fr^ the date hereof:— Nam Deceased Applicants for Grant 1. Alasan Ser iki B^a, late of I Lewis Street, Lagosi 1. Abdul Rahman Bawa Seriki Baba of 1 Lewis died on the 4th day of September, 1959, at 7 Lewis Street, Lagos, the only surviving brother of the StreeVLagos. said deceased. 2. At inpb Onimolb, late of 51 Ashogbon Street, 2. Afusatu Onimole, Aminu Onimole and Nofisatu Lagos, died on the 10th day of October, 1966, at Om’mole all of 15 Oke-Akin Street, Lagoa, the Apapa, Lagos. widow, brother and sister respectively of the said deceased. 3. Albert Adbyemi Fisher, late of 1a Imoru Close, 3. Mary Rosaleen Fisher, and Gabriel Bandele Ikoyi, Lagos, died on the 16th day of March, 1967, Fisher both of 1a Imoru Close, Ikojd, Lagos, the at the Las^s University Teaching Hospital, widow and brother respectively of tiie deceased. Surulere. 4. Eunice Nwokedi, late of 24 Tunkarimu Street, 4. Samuel Nwokedi, B^dsmin Ibagwa, Mary Apapa, died on the 18th day of August, 1965, at the Ibagwa and Fdix Orakuotsi all of 24 Tunlrarimu University Teaching Hospital, Surulere. Street, Apapa, the brother. Nephew, Half-Sister and half-brother respectively of the said deceased. 5. Ekpenvong Oxon alias Arit Oxon ExpxfiYONO 5. Bassey Aeuquo Hogan of 7 Egerton Road, Lagos, Et im, late of 95 Bamgbose Street, Lagos, died on thenephewofthesaiddeceask the 7th day of October, 1960, at the General Hospital, Lagos. 6. Emmanuel Adbsanya Ailbru, late of 82 Glover 6. Mrs Cecilia Shola Aileru of 82 Glover Street, Street, Lagos, died on the.22nd day of March, Lagos and Mrs Anthonia Shoboyejo (ntfe Aileru) ' 1967, at the General Hospital, Lagos. of the University of Lagos, the widow and one of the children respectively of the deceased. 7. SALAMi^GUNRm,lateofllBalpgunStreetWest, ,7. Abibatu AbegunrinandOjewale Abegunrin both Lagos, died on the 26th day of March, 1967, at of 11 Balogun Street West, Lagos, one of the Ejigbo, near Ede. children and brother respectively of the said deceased. Dated at Lagos, this 8th day of June, 1967. A. R. Bakarb, Acting Probate Registrar Probate Registry, High Court, L^gos. 339/Vol. 3

Government Notice No. 9Z0 .,4 > 2. David Anuxposi, late of Ibuw, Mid-West, died n the atter of ection of the at Ibusa, Asaba Division, bn the 1st day of I M S 25 April, 1966. Administrator-General Act, Cap. 4 of the Laws of the Federation of 3. Tajudsbn Lawal, late of Singer Sewing NIO^A AND Lag(» Machine, Apapa, died at the General Hospital, I«gos, on the 26th day of November, 1966. Notice is hereby otySN that all creditors and om moikb botbmb late of Ohe Uwessan other penons having daims i^ainst the estate of any 4. T O E , Ishan, died at Ohe, Uwessan, Ishan Division, • of die deceased persons whose names and addresses Benin Proving, on the 1st day of June, 1966. axe set out below are heretty required to send particu­ lars in writing of their daims to me the undersigned 5. Alason Elsbu, late of 80 Moloney Bridge on or before the 29th day of June, 1967 after v^di Street, Lagos, died at 80 Moloney Bridge date 1 shall proceed to distribute the assets of the Street, Li^ on the 21stday ofSeptember, 1958. add deceased persons among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the daims of which Dated at Lagos this 1st day of June, 1967. notice shall dien have been ratoived.\ And aU persons indebted to the said estete are V.A. SOLANXB, hereby requested to make payment forthwith. Acting Federal Administrator^Oeneivt Hannan Bebcroft, late of 169 Igbosere Road, Lagos, died at 169 Igb(»ere Road, Inigos , AMfoHB.HA«OP whjohno^e *111 then tavebMMTOclved. E»p(»i Lloraimo Authoaity And lul: persons indebted to the said estate are , . _ , . . . «■ . hereby requested to make payment forthwith. It is notified for general mformation that in. 1. the !)tji dty

2. ELKANAH AxiNTUNDBSiMPLiCB,Iateofl5 AJasa the delegation of Functions (Federal Executive Street, Laws,^ died at the GenerarHospItal, Council)l)rder 1967 (LtN. 42 ^ 1967), I haw as Lagos, on me 12th day of April, 1966. the person designated the Ei^ort Uceniing Authori^ 3. Momodu . Bbllo Onit ir i, late of 9 Tejuoso by the Federal E^tiye^ Council, appojnted the Street, Surulere, died on the 24fli day of wdermention^Gfilcers^f the Mmiitry of T^de to August, 1966, at the Lagos University Teaching “t on my behalf With effect from the 1st of April, Hospital, Surulere. 1967 s Dated at Lagos-this 25tK day of May, 1967. Nam Designation S. L Mba I. Executive Officer (IVade) „ . ^ J. O. H, Ume Assistant Executive Officer (Trade) ^ „ V* A.^So^ke, M. (Samawa .. Assistant Executive Officer (TVade) . AcUng Federal Admtnutrator^General A. E. Eitokpah Assistant Executive Officer ('Drade) E. A. Ajayi s a Assistant Executive Officer (Trade) Federal Administrator-General’s Department, I.DaMcida, 18-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos. ' Pemument Secretary, Federal Ministry qf Tirade Gqvermnent Notice No, 922 - Government Notice No. 925 In the Supreme Court of Nigeria Notaries Public ---- Customs and Excise Management Aet 1958 * Act (Chapter 141) (No. SS 0/1958)

. Whereas Edward Aniweta Nduba-Ibbobu, a legal practitioner, has applied to be a notary publics , . Import Licbnsino Authority It IS notified for general information mat in And whereas the said Edward Aniweta Nduba- exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 (1) Ibeobu is a fit and proper person to be appointed to of the ImporUi Prohibition Order, 1959 (L.N. 81 of that office. 1959), as modified by the Constimtion (Suspension Now.. .1. Adetokiw^Abmboyeo* . Aomiou, Dd^riSTofFmedlTO ,(F*S.rSem.i»

British^ Empim, Mem^ of Muesty s iby Federal Executive' Council, appointed the ?haundermentioned Officers of the Ministry of Trade

appOuit the said Edward Aniweta Nduba-Ibegbu to be a notary public for Nigeria. Nam Designation

flrii ^ . Assistant Executive Officer (Trade) . • Assistant ^ecutive Officer (Trade) L 8 IE. A-Ajayi Araistant Executive Officer (Trade) I.Damcida, Permanent Secretary, A. Adb Adbmola, Federal Ministry of Trade Chief justice of Nigeria Lagos, 29th May, 1967. 100/FSC/S. 85 * CS494 866 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 42| Vol. 54

Government Notice No. 926 Tith Property Rigittered No. Proprietor GOViRNMBNT STATEMENT L03318 73 Odunfa Street, Yoiufu Kogbe Abasi . Lagos, (part of) of 11 liirioh Lane, This Is to inform the general public espi^ially . Lai^s. Companies registered under the Companies Act of Nigeria and firms registered unaer the Registration L04325 47 Nonpan Nicholas Odue of Business Names Act, 1961 tiiat idl taxes due m die W illiams Street, Arinze, 5b Mba Federal M ilitary Government under the Pfoyisions . Southwest Lane, Ajegunle, of the Income Tax (Management) Act, 1961, and ikoyl) Apapa. the Companies Income Tax Act 1961, and usually (formerlyTlot paid in Nigeria should be paid to the Board of 592); . Inland Revenue in Lagos, or in any of offices j,,, other than those in the Eastern States. Any person L04420 Plot SSI at Norman Chief Joseph Ogboe- ^ho fails to comply with this directive shall be dealt ‘ . W illiams Strwt, toma Dmhey of with by the F^ral MiUtary Government and any ’ ^eat Mwicipal ’ Nigeria .Hardw^d pa^nent by any su(di person to any other author!^ Bus Station). Co. Ltd., Obia- undec-jMy law whatsoever shall not by reason of V such payment or by the fact that such person has W estern. Nigeria.; been' dealt with, absolve that person from his obbgations under the provisions of the said Acts. L04463 Plot 636, sit Grace Olufunmilayo Norman W illiams - Rosanwo, 12 Akin- Government wishes it to be known as well that all Street, South hanmi Street, officers collecting revenues on behalf of the Federal W est, Ikoyi. Surulere. M ilitary Govermhent in any station in the' Eastern States under the‘provisions of these two Acts, shall L04788 Plot No. 411,6 and Stella Agnes Leopol- cease forthwidi to collect audi revalues. Govern­ 6AAdemola dina Geoi^ of ment wishes it to be known also diet aH officers of the •.» Street, South 125a Apapa Road, Boaid of Customs and ^cise who have been f • West Ikoyi. EbuteMetta collecting Customs dues at the ports of arrival and departure in Nigeria cancelled by the Customs Ports M02032 Plot 2505, Apapa Khalil Maroun, of 3 (Designation) C&der 1967 shall cease to collect any Town Planning Dembasau Road, dues on behalf of the Federal M ilitary Government Layout at Kano, at diose ports; the dues shall now be paid at the ports Degema Close, listed in Schedule 1 of the Customs Ports (Designs- Apapa. tion) Order 1967. M02348 Plot No. AW2801 Kenneth Michael 6 Liverpool Woodi 10 Mac- Aminu Saleh, Road, Apapa. ■ Pherson Avenue, for Pertnanent Secretary, Ikoyi Federal M inistry of Finance, Lagos M03381 Land at 27a Esso West Africa Marine Road, In«>rpomted of •Apapa. . Investment House, 21/25 Broad Street, Government Notice No. 927 Lagos

Registration of Titles Act {Cap. 181) Section 57 M03814' 166 Clifford Street, Elfrida Adebisi Pal­ Yaba. mer (nie Doherty) Fbdbhal Land RaotSTRY of 36 Kal^ Street, Lagos. LOST CERTIFICATES M03931 Plot No. 446 at Yaya Mumuni and Title Proper^ Registered Ogunlana Drive, Sons Ltd., ■ No. Proprietor Surulere. 30 M arfaia, Lagos.. L00714 Street, Caffiolte Ji^asion^f jg hereby given that die loss of the above-

■ Bight'of Binin c/o mentioned Certificates of Titles has been reported. Holy Cross, Ca­ Any person in'whose posseuion the Certificates tholic Mission Street, Lagos. may be or who has any objection to the issue of new « > certificates to the above-named registered proprietors L0.801

Lngps. , ^ In the event of no objection being,received before

L01229 Property at No. 8 A. G. Leventis (Nig.) the llth day of July, 1967,, now certificates of Titles Bishop Street, Ltd., M arina, will bo issued. Lagos. Logos. J. A. OJOMO. L02S75 30 Macarthy Street, Yomuf Abdul Roda 31st M ay,; 1967. Acting lUgistrar of Titles Lagos. Hojaig 17 ItapeJu Avenue, Apapa. LR 43/T 8th June, 1987 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 867

Govtmnmt Notiet No, 928 :■ Nora .In Mcordenoe with the ProvUioni of lection 5 of M wketii^t Company Limited f '■ the Government Promissory Note! Aot I960, the • (/) to vmhi^'fbr ohetikw^hlng h^^ followins perticulari of Promissory Notes issued to at pdrtin sceoraSnoe with^eteguiStions }.« . ' Nigerie JRosd Construction Company Limited, in ♦ « amncm *»• JnHiMrv n# connOcgoitvdth die Mid-Wwt I^oadt.recons^ction bo^^? sSSTlkda iid^spa; S^to himl are pubhshed for general infornM ttion. ^ iVomf«oiy tiaUof Faee Valut Intmtt Repays die’ Nigeriim rfoduce ’l^STketinif Com NoteN^‘ Issui . Rati mmt Limited. ' * .... : . ‘" /V-- >• ' * £ £ 5 d % ■ . Dati 4. Miniimm eondiiiomf^ay Rurehatu,-i-App]i* ( B/P 334,800 0 0 eahts must produce evidence of ability to purehSie MWR022 28-11-66 19,120.0 0 6 1-12-69 i^th masonsble regularity throughout i^:se|son a MWR023 28-11-66 11,830 0 0 6 1-3-70 minimum of 400 tons ,of cocoa (i,e,, M sln spd Light MWR 024r 13-12-66 13,450 0 0 6 * 1-3-70 Crops ’indusive). ^idenee will. l» .requi^.i.of^ MWR 025 13-12-66 20,050 0 0,. 6 1-6-70 previous mmerience in. the produce trade and. of die MWR 026 25-3-67 4,908 3 1 MtabUeihed firm* of iicenseah^iM agents Jo which the applicant had been selling ms puxchiuea. In ,C404,158 3 1 ‘ this,-, connection applioants may be requited ' to , ~~-irf!oduce their, preirious purchases and sales, records • P..B. CAiiDoaQ, and/or, certificates ffom. lieensed. buymg Sgenh^'of ■ Aecountant-Gemral, purchases sold to them in previous seasons. ‘: Federation of Nigeria (6) Bags and “B" TwiU bags will be Federal M inistry of Finance, supplied to Licensed Buying Agents by the Board. Treasury Efiviaion, Applicants must, however; produce evidence of L^s, 25th IVJay, 1967. ability to provide sufiicient twine to cover at least the minimum purdiase requirement: 31404/Vol. 7 (eV Ce^tm/.^Applicant8 will ' be required to produce acceptable, evidence-of'.their ^ abili^ to satisfy the minimum capital requirement nee^ry to fulfil the obligations of a licensed buying agent. Government Notice No. 929 The minimum capital, requirement .’ is .0,0^, Applicants will be required to forwud, as evidenM Wbstbhn Niqbrw Mabketino Bojaxo ■ . of their ability. to. .sati^ the. minimum capM APPOINTMENT OF LICENSED BUYING requirem

(6) ability to purchase and handle a minimum of400 tons for an average season; (e) General.—^Applicants must be prepared to (e) stipulated conditions as regards storage, produce satisfoctory evidence to show mat they are evacuation, etc. folly conversant ,vdth tiie cdcoa. trade and likely to 3. (if Uaifid aofii, b..W«to*^th«6)U

(iv) Shippit^ documents.—That th^ possess the Government Notice No, 932 necessary organisation at port or the ability to | . secure reliable agents to ensure the accurate i LOSS OP Local. Poschasb Obders preparation and prompt submission of shipping It is hereby notified for general information that documents as required by die Boani, and the the undermentioned Local Purchase .Orders have carrying out of all duties mvolved m the delivery been reported lost of cocoa to/.o.&. point. L.PiO. No. A004629 of 7-12-65 issued by the 5. Method of application.—Application forms and Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Health and details as to their completion can be obtained free of Social W elfare to Mr W. O. A. AgwiincAa Mobil harge firom the Headquarters of the W estern Oil Filling Station, W wri. Nigeria Marketing Board, Cocoa House, Bank Road, L.P»O..No. A004643 of 22-12-65 issued by the' Ibadan or the Lagos l^nal Headquarters of the Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Health and Board, Private Mail Bag 1018, Ikeja. Industrial Social W elfare to Mr W. O. A. Agwuncha Mobil Estates, Ikeja. Oil Filling Station, W arri. 6. Ffam md p««ms whhiw to apply muat ^J.O. No. A004645 of 3-1-66 issued by the forwiud to a^pbauon fotm^ My pen^^nt Secretary, mUy of Heaid/ and wSS, Nfeerh

Bank Road, Private MaU Big No. 5032, Ibadan, not ® later than 30th June, 1967. Applications received 2. The LocalFurchase Orders are hereby cancelled. after the closing date will not be coimdered. Firms 3. Any person who comes in possession of the and persons already appomted as licensed buymg Local Purchase Orders or is able to give any informa- agente under the current Marketing Scheme are not tion relating to diran should please report the fact to required to reapply. this office or to the nearest Police Station.

2564/S. 9 F. O. Monu, Acting Accountant-General, Mid-Western Nigeria Government Notice No, 930.

Central Bank of Nigeria BOARD RESOLUTION AT THEIR Government Notice No. 933 MEETING.OF MONDAY, 22nd MAY, 1967- L<^ OF Local Purchase Order It is resolved that consequent upon his appoint­ ment as die Acting Sub-Agent, Kano Branch, for the It is notified for genera! information that the period 29th May, 1967 to 4th October, 1967, the undermentioned Loc^l Purchase Order has been imdermentioned official is hereby appointed for the reported lost:— period 29th May to 4th October, 1967 to operate as an L.P.O. No. A023200 of 17-2-65 issued by the ‘A’ signatory any account in the name of the Central Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Works and Bank of Nigeria, Kano with other banks ihICano, and Transport, Benin City to the Manager, S.C.E. 1 to give instructions affecting the assets of the Central 6 Dawson Road, P.O. Box 103, Benin City. Bank of Nigeria, Kano, provided that such instruc­ tions are signed by any two ‘A’ signatories or any one 2. The Local Purchase Order Is hereby cancelled. *A’ signatory jointly with any one ‘B’ signatory. 3. Any person who comes In possession, of the Local Purchase Order or is able to give any itfforma- Name ' tion relating to it should please report the facts to this A. Muhammadu office or to the nearest Police Station. The signing powers previously granted to Mallam A. Muhammadu as a 'B’ signatory at Kano Branch F. O. Monu, are hereby suspended for the period 29 th May, 1967 Actit^ Accountant-General, to 4th October, 1967. Mid-Western Nigeria

Government Notice No. 931 Government Notice No, 934 Loss OF Pm'ROL Oil and Lubricants Loss OF Local Purchase Order It has been reported by the Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Works and Water Resources, Kaduna It has been reported by the Pennanent Secretary, that Petrol Oil and Lubricants No. 59429 of Sth M inistry of Works and Water Resources that Local September, 1966 issued to Mobil Oil Nigeria Ltd., Purchase Order No. 251164 of 27th August, 1964 Enugu is lost. issued'to U.A.C. (Tech.) Ltd. Kaduna is lost. The above mentioned Petrol Oil and Lubricants The above mentioned Local Purchase Order is hereby declared cancelled. Any person who is hereby declared cancelled. Any person who comes comes in possession of it or is able to furnish any ip possession of it or is able to furnish any mforma- information relating to it shopld please report the relating to it should pl^se report the facts facts to this office or to the nearest Police Station. to this office or to the nearest Police Station.

B. B. Campos, B. B. Campos, Acting Accountant-General, Acting Accountant-Gefieral, 53/4/Vol. 12 Northern Nigeria , Northern Nigeria 8th June* 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 869

Gwmmmt NoHee No, 93S pleue r^ort the &ct to this office or to the nearest Police Station. , Loss OP RavEmiB Voucher P. O. Mono, ' Actmg AecountanUGeneredt It has been reported by the Acting Chief Registrar, Mid^Wtsttml^igma High Court^of Justice, Kaduha that Original Receipt Voucher No. 48 of 22nd Notember, 1966 for £35- 10$ isiost. t Government Notice No, 939 The above mentioned ^Receipt Voucher is hereby Loss OP Motor Warrant declared cancelled. Any pereon who «>me8 in It is hereby imtiBed for geneml information that possession of it or is able to furnish any information die imdermentioned Motor W arrant has been - relating to it should please report the facts to this repotted lost office or to the nearest Police Station.. Motor W arrant No. 12 of l4-ll-66 is8ued by the B. B. Campos, Permanmt Secretary,. M inistry of Health ^d Acting Accountant-General, Sod^ W elfare, Benin City to Miss Patricia Northern Nigeria Ebugew^ General Hcepitel, Forcados. S3/2A'’ol. 6 2. The M otorW arrantis hereby declared cancelled. 3. Any person who comes hi possession of die Government Notice No. 936 . Motor W arrant or is able to give any information relating to it shoiidd report the fact to diis office or to Loss OF Payable Order the near^t Police Station. It is hereby notified for ^neral information that F. O. Mono, the undermentioned Payable Order has been repotted Acting Accountant-General, lost:— ■ ' Mid-Western Nigeria P.O. No. 04485 of 31-10-66 for £6-2s-0d issued by the Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Internal Aifairs and Information, Benin Citir to the Government Notice No, 940 Manager, Mid-West Voice, 16 Idahosa Street, Opening op Roads closed m Ibadan Township Benin City. / It is notified for general information that as from 2. The Payable Order is hereby declare^ancelled. Sunday, 14th May, 1967, Oyo Road between Dugbe 3. Any person who comes in possesrion of the and Mokola Roundabout wUl be officially opened to Payable Order or is able to give ai^ information all South and North Bound Traffic. relating to it should report the fact tp^s office or te Sabo Road from Scala Cinema to Mokola Round­ the nearest Police Station. about will continue to remain a one way traffic F. O. Mono, towards Mokola. Acd^ Accountant-General, JMid-Westem Nigeria 2564/S. 9/Vol. IV A36/4 / Govemnmt Notice No, 941 Government Notice No/937 The W^t African Examinations Council Loss OFXGovernment Cheque TEST DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH It. is hereby notified that a Government of Mid- __ OFFICE W estern Nigeria, African Continental Bank Limited, Benin CityCJheque No. 015946, issued for nine Univeraity graduates are invited to apply for a two- pounds oxM (£9) on 31st of M arch, 1966, in favour of Inonth summer training programme in measurement the Mmdger, Mid-Wwt Voice, 16 Idahosa Street, and evaluation,- beginning about 1st July, and to be BeninjQty has been reported lost. held at the Tes^Develo|>ment and Research Office yfteCh.,u.i.h«.byd«l.»d«n»U.d.

/3. Any peraon who comes m postession of the limited number of one-year fellowship programmes /Cheque or is able to give any imormmion relating to beginning in September. A select number of those / it should ^ott the fects to this office or to the successfully completing the fellounhip programme nearast Police Station. ^ will be invited to compete for positions of Trainee F. O. Monu, Research Officer at TEDRO. ■ Stiprad. for thr smnm.r Irdning pHignmmi. arc Mtd-WesUm mg na foj. the turn-month period, plus tM msportation. The fellowship stipend is £750 per annum, plus G(wemment Notice No. 938 transportation. For further details and application r „ forms write to the Acting Senior Deputy Registrar, Loss OF Aoricultubb Receipt Book West African Examinations Cbuncib Private Mail It is hereby notified jEbr general infonnation that an Bag 1022, Yaba, Lagos, unused Agriculture Recript Book S^al No. 19051- The last date for the receipt of entries is 7th June, 19100 has been reported lost. 1967. 2. Hie above Agrkulture Receipt Book ^ hereby declared cancel!^. J. A. Cronje, 3. Anybody who cranes in possession of the book Registrar or is able to give any li^nRation relating to it should SSF8/S, 39 870 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42,.Vol.*54 3

Govmmmt Notice No. 942 *■“ s •• , COMMERCIAL BANKING SYSTEM

Statement of AsaBTS and Liabil ities < (£*8 Aousands) 1967 Jemuary February Match

Aemnts » '

*- ‘ . ' Assets £ £ £ 1. Cash and Cash Item 12,073 10,134 .13,787 (a) Cash and balances at Central Baidc • • 11,648 9,189 11,337 (6} Money at call at'Central Bank t , t e I t s f I I I t 425 945 2,450 2. Balances held wiA .. .. 24,453 23,896 27,367 fa) Banks in NiMrk . • s s s • s « s s * 4,111 3,846 4,008 {hS OfficKi and branches abroad 19,393 19,510 22,427 (e> Other banks abroad 949 540 . 932 3. Loans,^Advances* i ,, s * » s s s s s t s 150,816 149,882 144,819 (a) Banka in Niseria .. ... 610 166 46 '(6) Offices and branches abroad Ce) Other banks abroad (a) SubsidUries of these banks 992 996 991 (0 In Nigeria .. 992 996 991 ui) Abroad...... (f) Othefeustomen .. 115,738 115,241 .111,403 m Money at call outside Central Bank s » • t s s s • 2,116 1,746, 1,461 Bills discounted .. 31,360 31,733 30,918

(0 Payable in Nigeria S I 31,312 31,657 .10,820

UO Payable abroad « s • s s s « % • s % % 48 76 ' 98 4.. Investments 16,413 19,470 19,633 (а ) In Nigeria 16,384 19,441 19,604

(i) Treasury bills s % ■ >% s 13,218 16,275 16,326 ftV) Cither . 3,166 3,166' 3,278

(б ) Abroad « •« « s • e * s • s » • * t 29 29 •. . 29 5. Other assets 37,524 43,760 43,240

Total 8 S « S s s s • , • £241,279 247,142 248,846


Liabil it ies

1. CeAittdf Issued and Paid-Up (including reserves)** « s • a 17,056 17,057 17,062

2. Bwmeesheldfor ' .. - -. r .. .. s s B s 27,159 26,855 26,895

Cal Bat&s in Nigeria .. • * # 635 965 670 (6) Offices and branches abroad • • 26,088 25,487 25,742 (e) Other banks abroad s • s s I t • t t I 436 403 483

3. LoammdAdvanm *« % t S I • • S I 4,596 .3,996 3,426

Ca) Banbin N^ri a S I s a s s • I I I • • 604 166 46

(6) Offices and branches abroad B « • • • • a't 1,990 1,850 1,445

ic) Other banks abiabroad * » • « t s s • s « 67 45 (d) Other ) Other .; • • ■ • • • I • s • 1,935 1,935 1,935

4. Be, % s s s • % % % I s S f 152,800 157,758 160,991

(а ) Current • s t I • I f • s s s s 68,367 70,513 73*619

(б ) Tkne s % s • • * . s t • I I s 40,276 ' 42,313 41;435 (e) Savings • s \ . 44,157 44,932 45,937 5. « • Other Uahilmes • k • • r s »* • 39,668 41,476 40,472 ^ t 1 « t « * * .•Total* • * s s s % '£241,279 247,142 248,846

V , \ .. •Syst’^’aJ^fl^dlty Ratio'per cent . s t s s « s 39.8 39.2 40.0

• Of whidi'loans sported ^e after pne year amo^t tjo . , .* N 11,114 ..J11,045 .. .11,554 ** Includes capital allocated'by head offices of foreign banks to b’ran^es opoiatii^^ NlgetiaV , .

A. £. Eicukinam, Bireetor Central Bank of Nigeriat Lagos / 8thjuhe,1967 OFFICIAL OAZETTB 871

Government Notice No, 943 . /./ . . GovenmmtNotice N<(, 887 (2ndpuNimtiim) . .. • F^DtiRAI. MiNWTRV OP I^DE . ■ : ” • MlMiBTftY OF COMMUI41CAtlOia \ ‘

, Official, NioWwPARTicjpATibtj m . INVITATION TO. TENDER .


It. is notifie4 for /general Information that the ncHninat^ by' l^e Pem»nent Secretary, for • period Federal M inist■ «r o^rade in collaboration^'W itK.ilhe p£ iwo yeara from Mt Auguat, 1967 with Ae option M inistries of Agncuitom_ Biid^ Natuiml ROsottlpea, bfexteh^tVgforafii^NrperioaofoneyeBr. *. Industries, and/£xternal‘ Affairs is' Sponsoring a 2. M aila are required to be conveyed on auch days collective dlsp|ay of all species of Nigerian timber; assorted furnituro,, and ‘ ...... for ,^Sr»1te!?tot£‘^SsSS.Siy’'Mh8 exhibitionI -a£at the InternationalInteri Suppliers' Fair for ;S2« ' ” ^ ” Peimanent Secretary or hia Furniturei/Upholateiy and Wood Processing In- , j . . » .t t. dustries8/(INTERZUM) to be held in Cologne, 3.'Hte average volume and weight of mails to be Fedelerolilepublic of Germany, from the 22nd to 2Sth conveyedon each journey ia at present s— Junc/19671^967. (a) OuftM inf.—OFFA-EQBB7bagar-p01bs. n¥ *6*: Government of Nigeria’s Stand at the 0) /bieard.—EoM-OFfa 7 bags—70 lbs. Cologne Fair strenuous cmrts wUl be nude by the j u i jT i j i Omcial display team to promote a greater utilization through the ^rtation of the lesser known species fnd n»^ed "Coi^entiaKTendw for M aila’.” and

foSSS“LT«s^tt'dI.SSrf.rSll «>> rcsiUence and utili^ of some local woods which, at noon on the aOui June/1967. ' present, have hot entered into the world export 5,* The Permanent Secretary does not undertake to. market. In order, themfore, to direct prospective Accept the lowest or any tender. GemanandEuropembuycrsalo^therightchannels ' e. The Contrabtor ^ ;be required to accept the arrangements have been made to assign a Federal conditions concerning the paynwnt of "fair .^s” Government timber utlliaation offleer to the Nigerian put in the Appendix to Government CirSilar national pavilion at the Cologne Fair, No. S7/19« dated &e 30th August,. 1946.

towards mass production of furniture for export. ' CO Lawson In that connection a number of European suppliers fermoHent Secretary, visit the Nigerian Stand with a ^*ew to their tub^ ihitting offen and/or proposals for the consldemtion Govemmmt Notice No, 888 (2nd publ^dtion) ' of interested Nigerian timber dealers. « 4. Nigerian timber exporten, cabinet makers, * pn-T« general merchants and entrepreneurs who are Posts and I^lbcommunioations DxPARTMBNy infcM sted in expanding their trade or who are TENDER FOR MANUFACTURE OF seeking to make contorts with European importots UNIFORMS 1967-68 and Investors in the delds outlined in pani^ph 3 j , u j * ■ c .. u j m h • of this Notice are invited to forward detolls of their «“« offers and requirements in writing with supporting Reristot^^^ toe Federal Minlstw of Commerce information materials to reach the Federal M inist^ M imufaotare of Uniforms and

s i? i. I ,k., Ni™ .i.» I"'!', 3®* J™ *. W »«ta»te

expense will receive free (xmunoraal facilities at Ae Twder. ^ooimimts inrorpprating schedule of NigOriaq national pavilion to enable them book w

Department, Private M ail Bag 12593, Lagos, so as Tenders must be submitted on a Form to be to reach office not later than 12 noon on obtained from the S.E.O. School W elfare, Fedeml Thursday, 15th June, 1967. M inistry of Education, Room 43, Second FloorVof No tender will be considered which is not the House of Representatives, Race Course, Lagos, submitted on the prescribed tender form. . Tenders are expected to keep spacious gckid The Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Com- stooge places and the suc«ssful tendereti'ii ™ti«».i,no.b™nd»accptd»Iow«.ora..y

with or without previous notice. ■ * ' j C. O. Lawson, Permanent Secret^, Completed Tender Form should be submitted Mvristry of Commtmications m*- si^ra envelopes marked ‘Confidential—Tenders CS 5006/A for the Supplies of Foodstuff to the Federal'Scnobl _ M eals Service, L^s to reach him not later thim Government Notice No. 944 1.00 p.m. on Thursday, ISth June, 1967. CED/FE 18/S' Nigerian Railway Corporation Government Notice No. 946 . TENDER FOR CONTRACT No. CE.I44 (QS.178) 67-68 Fhjbral Ministry of Industries » v « TENDER Tenders are invited from qualified Contractors m j r f r»

Charati Stations) and from m iles 358|; to 360! 2. Permission to inspect the plant may be obtsiined (Charati^to Tabu Stations) (approximately 10 m iles) from the Officer-in-charge, Industrial Estate, Yaba, on the Jebba-M inna Line. between 8 a.m« and 2.30 p.m. on weekdays (M ondays 2. Contractors intending to tender for the above to Fridays) and 8 a.m .-11.30a.m . on Saturdays, ^h work are invited to apply for Traider Documents 3. The condition or state of the furnace is^hot which will be issued only to suitable contractors guaranteed as regards serviceability or com pletenliss* registered in Category *C* or above with the Federal in any respect whatsdever.^ Tenderers will j'lbd W or:bi Registration Board or an equivalent category ideemed to have inspected it and to be fully atftoe with any of the Regional Re^stration Boards, iof its state and condition as seen, ^ i Intend coi^tors must hwe had previous | 4. Tenders must be submitted in sealed envelppe^ ^enence of Rauway track work ^d evidence of imarked “Confidential—Tender FOR the P,uk- such e^enmce is to be supplied in the letter of chase of Heat Treatment Furnace”, sealed 'Mia application for t^der documents. Prefe^ce will seding wax and addressed to the Secretary, Fetlefel be given to local contractors m the Jebba-M inna Tenders Board, Federal M inistry of W orks .Md I Housing, Headquarters, Tafawa Balewa Squ^, 3. Applications for tender documents should be Lagos, so as to reach him not later than 12 nop/i,’on made dimct to the Chief Engineer, Nigerian Railway ISth July, 1967. • ^rooration, Ebute M etta, .not later than noon on 5. The successful tenderer will be required | to 20th June, 1967. Each application should be m^e full payment for the furnace before it may-fre accompanied by a non-refimdable fee of £2 (Two removed, and such p^rment and removal mu»]TO pounds). ^ made within 7 days of the receipt of official noj^^- 4. The successful tenderer will be required to cation of acceptance of the tender, • ni lodge with tiie Coiporation a Performance Guarantee J.Olusola DadJIIj! in tile sum of £500. Secretary, 5. The Corporation gives no undertaking to Federal Tenders accept the lowest of any tender. T0S62 M T150/S. 1 Government Notice No. 947 Government Notice No. 945 Ministry of Communications Department of Posts and Telecommunications ederal chool eals ervice agos F S M S L TENDER FOR SALES OF TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES OF FOODSTUFFS UNSERVICEABLE VEHICLES . *

tables (gbure). Fresh Tomatoes, Tomatoe I^ee, Tender Forms showing cmnplete details (if j le Crayfish, Bread Rolls, Fresh Fish, Gas, Limes. entire item s offered for sale togemra with the r^tive terms and conditions may be purchased from the The item s for supply must be of the best quality office of the Controller of Stores, M inistry of Com­ and the prices should include delivery at the Kitchens m unications, Ta&wa Balewa Square, Lagos, on in Lagos and Surulere. production of a receipt for a deposit of two povinds The'Govenunent is not bound to accept the (£2) in cash paid to the nearest Post O ffice. This lowest or any tender. amount is not refundable. 8th June. 1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 873 i The items which are da83ified |intb lots may be (b) Librarian inspected on presentafipn of the '^der form to the Stores Officer in-diarge P. and T, Oepot, Oshodi Salary.-^a) £1,800-75-2,SOOperannum; between 9.00 a.m. and LOO‘,p.m; bn Week days _:X6}Lj£804-42-1,425 per annum. (A graduate with commencing from Friday 2nd June, to 16th June, approved professional qualification enters the scale 1967.: : on £950 per annuni). The completed tender form should be returned ^ . . , . __ . . , , , in a sealed envelope marked ’‘Conftobntial” and P»«A)|?a<«»w.^a),Umyeraity degree , and/or superscribed "Tender for purchase of Vehicles’^ approved profe8Siqnal q^fications, Wirii4emons- addressed to the Permanmt Secretary,‘Ministry of trat^^admnustrative abihty and at least five years GwnmunicatiOns, Room 321 (3rd Floor), GJ».0. admmistrative experience. Building, Marina, La^s, so as*to reaich'his office not ' ; V A later than 12 Noiori on Thuraday;; 22bd jun®» 1067. '(«)^ l1aV m I^rman^ S^tary, Mii^prCommuni- ; • y) ^^oma of the Institute of Librariai^ cations IS not bound to accept me highest or any TTr»iwU;»y»f^ha>ian tender C.O. LAWsoNj (a) Responsible forday to day running of Perinement Secretary the office; deals with formalities of recruitment, CS. 6002/A salaries,-allowances, other routiiie staff matters;

.» ;■ prepares agenda papera and takes minutra of Board Government Notice No. 948 , q Meetini^ ; responsible fp^ buildings, grounds and Queen’s CoLtEOE, YmA, LAOt® their security; Accounting OfiScer. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES OF (6) Under supervision engages in the selection, FOODSTUFFS ’ ^ evaluation, acquisition and organisation of books and

330 boarders during the periodi4th Semembir, 1967 assimed ^ areas'-of lib^ serace; participates m to aboutthe nuddfe of &y 191^^7 pubUcrelationsthroughradio. televisionandpress. Tomatoes (tinned large), hlilk. Sugar, Sardines, Conditions of service.—{fS The appointments are Coripi beeL Ya^, Bean^,IUcbj.S4^ pensionable. ISSriS^ISSi^raySfrF to those Coffee, Chitdcens, Fresh Fim, Vresh: Eggs, Bread m the Federal Public Service. loaves, Spin^ Okro, Iru, Ekor Fruitsj Plmtain, Method of oip&carion.—Applications in dupUcate, Tomatoes, Fr^, l^rapples/Pawpaw, ,^edu, naming three referees, and providing full curriculum Meat, Akara bj^s, Ogi wraps, At^, J3bure, vitae, together with photostat copies of certificates, Lime,^ Quaker Oats, Margarine, Puff-puff, Buns should *be sent to the Acting Secretary, National and Biscuits. Library Board, 4 Wesley Street, P.M.B. 12626, 2. All items supplied must be of the best quality Lagos, to reach him not later than 26th May, 1967. and supplies must be delivered at the College. Serviira Officers must submit applications through 3. In the case of any of the fbodstuffe mentioned their Heads of Departments, above which are, or become during the currency of the contract, the subject of maadmum wholesale price CNL 90 control under the ptbvisions of any written law, if ' sudh maximum wholesale price is mcreased during the p^iod, the supplier may be granted in respect of Government Notice No. 889 (2nd pubUcation) such foodstuff or articles a sum equal to the increase in the maximum wholesale price, and where such UNIVBBSITY of iBApAN maximum price is fixed at a fimre below the contract price the supplier shdl be paid such maximum price. VACANCY 4. Tenders must be submitted on a form to be Applications are invited for 2 lectureships in die obtained from the Principal, Queen’s College, Yaba, Department of Geology. Candidates wiui special Lagos.- Completed tender forins should be quidffirarions in Mineralogy and Structural Geology. submitted sealed envelopes marked "CoMfiDBNfiAi. preferaed. J^pointment to commence as soon as Tendera for supplies of Foodstuffs to Queen’s possible, is for diree years initially and subject to College, Lagos’’ and addres^ to the Permanent review thereafter. Secretary, Ministry of Education, Lagos, to reach --4 -p « .mm him not latter than 2.00 p.m. onFriday, llthAugust, _ 5ofary.—£1,20(^75-1,6S0/£1,725-7S-247S a yw. 1967. 20% supplementation of basic salary payable to U.K.

lowMt ot my ttn4K. _ ^Scdile. F.SS.U. ChUdrm'. md cm dlamsm. Government Notice No. 825 (Srd ptiblicdtion) Part-fiirnished accommiKlation. National Librarv Foard Detailed-applioation (6 copies) stating age, full

Nigerian candidates for the following posts: . (fl) Secratary I2th May, 1967. , SAFS9/S. 32 874 OFFICIAL GAZETIE No. 42, yoKS4

Govemmmt Notke No. 890 (2nd ptAlieaHon) Qtffmnmmt NoHet Ni>, 892 (2nd publicud^) 'Lagos UMIV8R81TY I^CHiNO Hospital • UNIVBRSITY of liADAN VACANCY FOR DEPUTY CHIEF • ENGINEER VACANCY . Applications are Invited for the post of Deputy Applications are invited for Professorship of Chi« Engineer. • , . Petroleum Geology in the Department of Geology. The successful applicant will be responsible to the E^^erience in Petroleum Industry desired. Arrange- Chief Engineer for the operation, maintenance and ments for secondment considered. Appointment, co-ordination of the engineering service—both to commence as soon as possible, is for two years in mechanical and electrical. .He will also act for the the firat instance. Salary: ^3,000 a. year. 20 per Chief Engineer in his absence, cent supplementation of basic sala^ payable to Qual^catiom.-^A University Degree or Higher U.K. Stan. Family passages paid on appohitment, Nationu Certificate iii Electrical Engineering with approved overseas leave and termination, where considerable practical experience in Mechimical applicable. F.S.S.U. Children's and car allowances. Engineering or a University Degree or;^ Higher Part furnished accommodation. . . National Certificate In Mechanical Engineering with wide Electrical Engineering experience. Previous Detailed application (10 copies) stating age, full practical experience in a comparable post will be qualifications, and experience and naming 3 referees advantageous. by 19th June, 1967 to Registrar, University of 5ataiy.—Pensionable— jCl.860 per annum. Ibadan, from whom further particulars may be Contract—£2,040 per annum. Contract gratuity obtained. at the end of each tour will be paid at the rate of £37-10r—for every completed period of three 11th May; 1967. SAF59/S. 32 months' satisfactory service. A special allowance of £300 per annum will also be paid for Contract Appointment. Supplementary Allowance of 20 per cent of salary may be payable to British Citizens, this allowance is Government Notice No. 891 (2nd publication). not subject to Income tax either >n Nigeria or the United Kingdom. Contract Appointment will be Laqos University Teaching Hospital for t^o tours o£ 12 to 18 tnoAths s&ch| roASWsblc by mutual ureement. Pensionable Appointment will VACANCY be on probation for a period of three years. Leave will I be at me rate of Of d^ for Pensionable Officer and 5 Applications are invited from suitably qualified days for Contract Officer for each completed month and experienced candidates for the post-of Establish­ of service. Partly furnished accommodation will ment Officer in die above Teaching Hospital. be provided at a rental hot exceeding 7 per cent of

basic salary. . « Duties.—^The duties of the post include procedure Me^od o/ ape/fcarion.—Application _forms are i in coimection with engagement and deployment of all obtainable from the Secratary to me Management grades of staff. Maintenance of personal records Board, lagos University Teaching Hospital,_Pnvate and the application of regulations and conditions of Mail Bag 12003, Lagos, to whom completed forms of service to staff. Conducting preliminary negotiations application should -be returned not later than 7th with Trade Unions. June,ri967.

Qualifications and experience.—A. University degree Government Notice No. 893 (2nd publication) or Associate Membership of the Institute of Hospital UNtVHffliTY OF Ibadan . Administrators or Coiporatioh of Secretaries or vacancy Chartered Institute of Secretaries with wide ex­ perience in establishment work at a senior level in a Applications are invited for the post of Senior hospital or similar organisation is essential. Technicaan/Technician in the Geology Department. Experience in'carrying outn^otiations with Trade Candidates should have experience of all aspects of Unions will be an advantage. technic^ work* Usually undertaken in Geology Departments including thin section preparation, photography and care of optital equipment. 5ofary.—£1,368-1,584 per annum. Appointment, for three years initudly and subject to review thereafter, to commence as soon as possible. ^e postis'peMionable but appointment will be on .Safary.—Senior Technician: £1,200-50-1,500 ; probation for an initial period of tiiree years. Othw Technician; £950-50-1,150/1,200-50-1,350 a year. Qopditions are similar to those in the Federal Public Family passages paid on appointment, approved Se^ce. overseas leave, and terminatioh, where app^ble. . . . . '...... _ F.S.S.U. children's/ and . car allowances. Part Method of application.—Application Forms, are funuAed accommodation, obtainable ^m. the Secreta^ to the Manageinent Detailed application ([4 copies), stating age, full Board, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Private qualifications and experience and naming 3 r^erees Mail Bag 12003, Lagos to whom completed applica- by 23rd June, 1967 to Registrar, University of tion forms should be returned not later than 7th Jime, Ibadan. 1967, • , SAF59/S.32 »&Jime,1967 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 87S

Gwimtmt NoUds No. 894 (2nd plication) G^mmmU NoH^, No. $96' (2ndptAlkaHt^)-,'; \ ' ! . .i . . UNIVEHMTY op lBAI>Al!l , r Lagos XJmviroiTY TsACHiNa ilQSPiTAi. VACANCY vac^cy' . ...’ . Applications ue invited for the post of En^nneer/ Senior Engineer .(ElMtnc^ in die Works, Main- Applications are invited ftom suitably qualified tenance ; and. Tn^port Department. Applicants and experienced candidates for the post‘of Laundry must Itave at 1^ one of the following basic quali- Manager'in the above Teadiing Hospital, fications: Two ywu»* practical tniinufig following ^ . . . > ‘ either University degree or Advanced Technology ^ tbj Diploma in Electrical Engineering j four .yeab? Hqapi^’i Xfwdry Depatoent and arnff epiploy^ practical training following eimer H.N.C. in Elec- m the Laundry. • . SJ Qmlification.-<^41dMt^ must hold the Certifi-

as possible, for three yeara initially and subject to ^ . . .. . review tiuaxafter. *' '.. £1,212-1,314 per annum. ' The post is 4

®oo Ah>IS detsfra *■ ** qualifications .and experience. . Family passages. > paid on. appointment, appro;^ owraw leaw ^ qf appffeottbn.—Application form axe termination, where applicable. F.S.S.U. Child- obtainable from the Secretary to the Management ten's and car allowances. Fart , fomshed accom- Board, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, modadon, , .* T . hfeil Bag 12003i Li^s, to whom competed applica­ tion forma should be returned not later than 7th Detailed application (6 copies), stating age, full June, 1967. qualificatiims and emMience and naining 3 ruerees UTH/1S6 by 26th June, 1967,to Registrar, Univerdty of Ibadan, from wAohi fu^er particuliue may be obtained.. ■

:Govemnmt Nottet No. 897 (2ndpublteaHon) Oovermtmt Notica No. 895 (2^publieation), Fbibrai. Ministry of Works and Housing Labta Univ^ty TsAtmiNG Hoas»ifal VACANCIES K)R ASSISTANT TECHNICAL /r • VACANCY OFFICERS-IN-TRAINING

. iihlftW '^These.indude!— * ■ . • •. F^^ Ministry of. Works and Housing (Wbt^

Immediate control of all office and intermediate • . stsB. FoUow up and coixespondmce on all local ' 2. Stdary Scaled lB-^£198 j £207 C(T> Tkin: and overseas o^^. Customs Docunaentatapn, ing—£346-379-412 per annmn. ' and clearance of all overseas supphes mduding necess^ import Ucmces and pe^te. To as^t 3. QuaUJieaiions.--(i) Holders of die West African in the ttaimng of stafi^. ^ervision of the dutiM School Certificate with a pass in English Language, of the AsMstmt Suppliw Officer and to ^dert^e credits in Elementary Mathematics, Physics, ChS- any 8u<^ duhes appertoming to st^ md supplies tty or General Science and one other subject; or as,may .be allocated to him by the Chief Stbres and /-v r. 1 r. .. r ' 1.. SuDDlira:Officer; " . - , (») General Certificate of Educatimi, subjects to include Englidi, Mathonatics, Physics and P»^)i(»n'otu.-^Candidate8 . should have wide Chemistry or one other Sdmce subject espdience in Hospitd Supplies work did prdi^bly , ^ ’ . . • be. membda of'the'Institute .of Public Supplies Qondtbotn. qf rarQtce<4.Sdected candidates Officers' or hold'die Diploma of the Ixisfitufo of will be sent to the Yaba College of Technology to Hospital Administrators. - Consideration inay be do two THEORKncAt Courses of nine months, each given to persons who have proven initiad'^ and Session,. Sandwiched with a fifteen months period Ictensive experience’ in aU branches of Hospital of Prachcai. Work between the two Theo^cal Supplies. . - Courses* At the md of the first 9 months at the ■ ■ ■■ * * ' ...... Yaba College of Technology, officers arjB expected Salary.—^£1,368>1,584 per anniim, fo pass the Sessional Examinatipns, jothetmse theh .... y .. V' appointments, will be terminate. On cbmoletioh oO^'second Theoietical Course of 9 months (2 T -°TT • ® years and 9 monffis) the final examination will be taken and successful officers will be eligible for fomJ*f°™p|f^appbca- consideration for promotiem to tlMi post of Assistant ° returned not later than 7th June, Technical Officer bn Scale C(T)1,2 at the minimum jvo/, • * - - - point (£476 per annum). . r

876 OFFICIAL GA2®TTE No. 42, Vol. S4

5. Mtihai of t^UeiOion.'—ii) AppUcations from Cfovmtnmt Notico No, 899 (,2nd publication) candidates not in Government Sernce should be forwarded direct to the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Information Federal M inistiv of W orks and Housing, Tafawa VACANCY FOR ASSISTANT INFORMATION Balewa Square, Lagos. ARTIST r. W) Appli(«aTO &om .toady to g; ApplifflKiom «te invit«l from sulttW y qimUftod

SSSSSiSS « 1, 2—£476 £497, £518, Secretary of die appropriate Statutory Corporation, Seale of salary.—C(r) and be accompanira by a Confidential Report on the £542, £569, £596, £615, £642, £684, £711, £738, appropriate form. £822, £855.

(Hi) All applications must be accompanied by Qualifications,—Applietnt^ must have completed copies of certificates and testimonials but not a course in Fine Arts with specialisation in Commer­ originals and the top of the application marked cial Art. "For the attention of the Senior Training Engineer.’ Duties,—To assist the Information Artist in Only applications of those selected for interview producing rough designs and finished drawini^ of will be a&nowledged. various media in blade and white, crayon and colour «t>) Applications are to reach the office of the for publicity material—book illustration, book PermWnt Secretary, Federal M inistry of W orks covers, posters, brochures, etc. and Housing. Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos not Other conditions cf service.—Tho post is pension­ later than 19th day of June, 1967. able, but confirmation of appointment would be dependent on satisfactory completion of a period ofprobation. F. B. Fashola, Senior TrainitK Engineer, The person selected for appointment will normally Federal Ministry of Works and Homing be , stationed in Lagos, but would be required to tour occasionally.

Method of application.—Applk&tiom should be Government Notice No. 898 (2nd publication) addressed to the Permanent Secretary, Federal M inist^ of Information, Lagos, so as to reach him LAobs University Teaching Hospital not later than the 30th June, 1967. Applications from candidates in Government VACANCY FOR Service should be submitted through the Head of the LABORATORY ASSISTANT applicant’s Department and should be forwarded by . ., , the Head of the Department, together with his Applications are invited from suitably qualified recommendation and a copy of the candidate’s female: candidates for the post of Laboratory Assist- latest Confidential Report. ant. Applications from candidates not in Government Applicants must hold the W est Service should be accompanied ^by copies (not African Sdiool 'Certificate widi credits in science original) of certificates of education, testimonials subjects or its equivalent. Candidates with proven from various employers, and specimen of Art work, abiuty in science subjects and holding the Govern- 2564/8.15AI’oi. 7 ment Class Four Certificates will be considered. '

jSa/aiy.—£204-342 per annum, (£156-342 per annum to holders of Government Class Four Government Notice No. 949 Certificates). University College Hospital, Ibadan Dutus.—^These will include the recording of electrocardiograms and taking care of E.C.G. SENIOR REGISTRAR-DEPARTMENT machines under the supervision of Senior Laboratory OF PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY Technologist and Electronics Engineer. Applications are invited from suitably ^perienced The post is pensionable but appointment will be registered M edical Practitioners for the above post. on probation for an initial period of three years. Candidates must possess the D.P.M. or equivalent.

Method of ap^ia^on.—Ap^Uc&^xa stating n^es £1,776-1^980 per annum plus £300 per annum for an expatriate. lions TOd*<^eri^ce, name and address of employer Gratuity.—£,y7-\Qs per quarter. if any, together with copies of certificates and Appointments initially one tour of 12 months testim onials, should be addressed to the Secretary, renewable by mutual agreement. Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Private M ail Bag 12003, Lagos, to reach him not later than Application forms and further particulars are June IQthi 1967. obtainable from the House Governor on receipt by him of a stamped self-addreSsed foolscap' envelope. Only applications cof those selected for interview Closing date: 17th June, 1967. will be acknowledged.

UTH 156 MH1188/S.8 8th June, 1967 - OFFICIAL GAZETTE 877

Government Notice No. 950 4. Students will civtilen clothet and be retarded ai normal und^gra^uates foe the punose University Colieob Hospital, Ibadan of Dental-School and University discjplinet They Department of Anaesthetics will be free to t^e a full purt in the normal life of („) SENIOR REGISTRAR rSjSg' (6) SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER/RBGISTRAR indudtng Board, books, examination fees, laboratory deposits, students societies subscription, laiindary, Applications are invited from suitably experienced q^c. registered Medical Practitioners for the aboVejiostB. Candidates for post (a) must possess the F.F.A. 5. Applications stating age and qualifications and (R.C.S.) or D.A. qualification. The successful naming subjects and levels passed, should be can^tkm for post (6) will be graded Senior House addressed to the Peimanmt Secretary, Minist^ Officer or Registrar according to experience. The of Defence, P.M.B. 12S90, Lagos, to reach his post (S.H.O./Registrar) offers good opportunity for Office not later than 31st July,1967. basic and cltnioal research and is recognised for training for the D.A. and F.F.A. Salaries,—Stniot '^eglstrar--£l,776-l,980 plus Government Notice No. 952 ,C300 per annum for an expatriate. University of Ibadan Registrar.—£1,452-1,512 per annum. VACANCY iS.£r.O.—£1,392 per annum. ^ . Applications are invited for Professorship and Inducement addition for an expatriate Registrar/ Directorship in the Department and Institute of S.H.0: £270*300 per annum areorffing to salary. Education. Applicant should have had e^erience Special allowance of £180 per annum for a Nigerian of the supervision and development of post graduate Registrar/S.H.O. research, have considerable administrative experience Gratuity.-£27-10s per quarter. and ifpossible experience in fund raising. Appointments initially one tour of 12 months a y««-20 f«r cent supply. hv mututtl aoreement mentation of basic salary payable to U.K. staff, renewable by mutuaUreemeftt. Appointment, to commence as soon as possible, is Application forms and further particulars obtain- to retiring age, which is normally 60 years. Family able froni the House Governor on receipt by him of passages paid on appointment, approved overseas a stamped self-addressed foolscap envelope. leave, and termination where applicable. F.S.S.U. Closing date: 17th June, 1967. Children's and car allowances. Part-furnished accommodation. * Detailed applications (10 copies) stating age, full Government Notice No. 951 qualifications and experience and naming three referees by 26th June, 1967 to Registrar, University MiNtaTRY OF Defence of Ibadan from whom further particulars may be Armed Forces Medical Services obtained.: DENTAL CADETSHIP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS . .4. ■ . Applications are inVited from candidates willing to Government Notice No, 953 take up dentistry as a career in the Armed Forces ItrariTUTE OF Administration Medical Services. University of Ife • ^plicants must be Nigerians, and in possession of G.C.E. Advanced Level in Physics, Chemistry VACANCIES and Zoolow (or Biology) or equivalent. Candidates Applications are invited from suitably qualified must apply simultaneously for admission to the candidates for the following posts in the Institute of Registrar, Umrersity of Lagos Medical Schwl, Administration, University of Ife, Ibadan : Lagos. Since the award of Cadetships is subject to candidates being offered admission by the University, (1) Researdi Fellow (Economics) only candidates who have reasonable chance of (2) Lecturer in Accountancy being admitted will be considered. Candidates who are in their final sixth form and are tiding the (3) Junior Research Fellow (Economics) requisite subjects which will ma^ them eligible for (4) Junior Reseai^ Fellow (Public Administra- admission into the University School of Dentistry =tion/Government) will also be considered. ^ . ... . - » Qualifications.—^1. Applicants for (1) must possess 3. The course for the degree in dentistry is of 5 good honours degrees plus post-graduate qualifi- years’ duration and on graduation cadets will be cations in Economics. Some Teaching and/or granted regular Commission in the Armed Forces Researeh experience is required. Medical Services. Students are expected to make satisfactory progress with their studies and reports 2. Applicants forf2) must possess gdbd'nondifrs on progress will be obtained at the end of'each term, degrees in Economics or relate subjects with Cadetships may be terminated for misconduct and Accountancy as a special subject. Preference wilt for failing to maintain the requisite academic be given to applicants With recognised professional standard. '' qualifications m accountancy. 878 I' OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.42jVpI.54 Applicant! (3) or (4) nt^elpoateu good eoune in each lan^age bHior tmy^n-ipeakw of honoun degrees in Econoxnioa or |^tie AdminUtra- a mature person homing n^revon>ible post in tion/Govemment. Poat-graduateMiliflcationt and/ or teaching «id reaearon expe^ib will be an Nigeria, e.f.. lecturers, reseamh students, diplo­ advantage. mats, houiewivei, etc.) • Stemdnmt,—Smin6m&att for few years will be ,2. The following are eligible to be considered for considered. % ■ ' admission to the degree course: Seale of salary.—^Research Fwdw and Lecturer in Accountancy jCl,200-75-1,6S(pp^5-7S-2,175. (0> Graduates of Universities recognized by Senate for thte pui^ose; . ; . Junior Researdi Fellow jC9SO-50-t^lOO (or if over , * 4 28 holding, an app^v.ed higher degree (ti) Candidates holding the General Certificate of Education (or eq^i-ralent)' including five 20 per cent Supplementat&ln basic salaries appropriate subjects normally induing English of which not less than two have- been passed at generally free of income tax) payable to U.K. Staff; Advanced Level or‘ including four such aubjects Superannuation Sdieme | Return family passage; of which not less than fhree have been passed children's and car allowances;-Medicu Scheme; at Advanced Level, provided that no subject may psrt-fiimished subsidised accommodation; annual U.K. leave, where applicable. be counted at both Ordinary and Advanced Level. . Detailed applications (six.copies) stating age, full (ut) Candidates for admission to'degree courses qualifications and experience and {naming 3 referees in Accounting, Business Administration and by 30th June, 1967 to Director, In^tute of Adminis- Economics are required to possess at least Ordinary tmdon', Univmity of Ife, Ibadan i Level Pass (or its equivalent) in Mathematics. 3. An applicant-may be required to t^e a test before final selection. Government Notice No, 954 4. An application form will be sent on receipt of a University of LAbos self-addressed md stomped envelope, m^suring APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION X 6J' marked "Appucation for- Admission’*. . October 1967 5. Requests for application forms should be 1; -Applications are invited from suitably qualified addressed to the Academic Secretary and marked candidates for admission in October 1967 to any of “Application Form". Completed application forms the'following coutoes:— together with photostat copies of ceitmcat^ must be (а ) Degree Courses (JSvening) forwarded in good time by registered post or by hand to reach the Acadmuc Secretary, University of (i) Faculty of Business and Social Studies— Lagos, Lagos not later than 30th of June, 1967. Five year B.Sc. (Honours) Courses majoring in Accounting, Business Administration, Economic 6. Application forms received after that date will and Politi^ Science. not be considered. (б ) Proficient^ Certificates O. SONUBI, IVo-year (part-time courses in Edo, French, . Academic Secretary Hausa, igbo and Yoruba leading to the award of Proficiency Certificate in each language. (The 26th May, 1967.

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’ Frinted add FuWished by The Federal Ministry of Information, Primiiw Division, • - . > , Lagos, Nigeria. 825/667/8,000