E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2018 No. 121 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was several years, the Congressional West- cluding the LOCAL Act, which was in- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ern Caucus has been working together troduced by my colleague SCOTT TIP- pore (Mr. FLEISCHMANN). to determine what parts of the Endan- TON. This bill would set up new incen- f gered Species Act are broken and to de- tives and opportunities for voluntary velop solutions to repair this law. conservation by establishing a private DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO The Endangered Species Act is in party conservation grants program and TEMPORE dire need of modernization and reform, a habitat conservation planning loan The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- which is why, last week, the Western program for State and local govern- fore the House the following commu- Caucus, which I am proud to belong to, ments. These programs will save the nication from the Speaker: rolled out some solutions; among them taxpayers money while boosting con- is to address the broken litigation servation. WASHINGTON, DC, Mr. Speaker, we know that the ma- July 18, 2018. process that incentivizes litigation for I hereby appoint the Honorable CHARLES J. profit at the expense of the taxpayer, jority of the recent species that have FLEISCHMANN to act as Speaker pro tempore address the lack of clear listing and been delisted happened not as a result on this day. delisting criteria, addressed the lack of of the Endangered Species Act or the PAUL D. RYAN, transparency in Endangered Species Fish and Wildlife Service, but through Speaker of the House of Representatives. Act decisionmaking and data collec- voluntary conservation with the lead- f tion, consider the needs of States more ership of the Department of Agri- seriously, and address the unnecessary culture. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE The LAMP Act, introduced by my impediments to economic development colleague Congressman DON YOUNG, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and land management that affect en- permits the Secretary of the Interior ant to the order of the House of Janu- dangered species. to enter into cooperative management ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- Mr. Speaker, as far as statutes that agreements with States, local govern- nize Members from lists submitted by require costly litigation, the Endan- ments, Tribes, and other non-Federal the majority and minority leaders for gered Species Act was the third most persons in order to better manage spe- morning-hour debate. expensive for the Department of Agri- cies and improve habitat conservation. The Chair will alternate recognition culture and the most expensive for the The bill also empowers States with ro- between the parties. All time shall be Department of the Interior. bust species conservation programs al- equally allocated between the parties, Endangered Species Act litigation ready in place to take the lead in man- and in no event shall debate continue cost the Department of Agriculture aging and preserving such species when beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other and the Federal taxpayers $1.63 million than the majority and minority leaders meeting certain qualifying conditions. from 2000 to 2010. It cost the Depart- Mr. Speaker, these are just two ex- and the minority whip, shall be limited ment of the Interior $22 million from to 5 minutes. amples of great pieces of legislation 2000 to 2010, all at the expense of the that have been introduced in the House f taxpayer. These frivolous lawsuits have to upgrade, modernize, and bring into severe consequences on local econo- the 21st century the Endangered Spe- UPDATE ENDANGERED SPECIES mies. ACT cies Act. Additionally, the absence of State The Endangered Species Act is in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The consultation weakens the overall data dire need of modernization, and I am Chair recognizes the gentleman from that can be used to justify the Endan- eager to work with my colleagues to Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 gered Species Act listings and recovery address these needs and reform this minutes. plans, a complete lack of transparency. outdated law. I urge my colleagues to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. State and local expertise is needed to examine these commonsense bills, look Mr. Speaker, when the Endangered strengthen and streamline the Endan- at the facts behind them, and cospon- Species Act was signed into law in 1973, gered Species Act listing and delisting sor them today. its goal was simple: safeguard endan- process. f gered species and assist in the recovery I am happy to say that these issues of their population. are addressed in some of the bills that THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING Until last week, no recent attempts were introduced last week. I proudly The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have been made to reform this essen- cosponsored a number of the bills that Chair recognizes the gentleman from tial piece of legislation. Over the past will make progress on this front, in- Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.000 H18JYPT1 H6468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, on Mr. Speaker, it is well established After a resounding ‘‘no’’ vote from Monday, the world witnessed the single that I believe our current President is the people of Bolivia, this thug turned worst performance by an American a threat to American democracy, to the courts, which he totally con- President on the world stage in world which is why I was one of the first trols, to stomp on the will of the peo- history. It was a culmination of the Members of Congress to sign on to Ar- ple. The courts sided with him—what a worst week an American President has ticles of Impeachment last year. I have surprise—and went as far as declaring ever had. As a citizen, I am shocked already begun consulting with my col- that Morales’ indefinite reelection is a and embarrassed for our Nation. leagues about whether those Articles of human right. What an insult that is to Given evidence, indictments, and Impeachment can be expanded and up- the Bolivian people and to all of us who facts, the President was given the dated to include the betrayal witnessed cherish true democratic ideals. choice of taking America’s side or tak- by the American people in the world Just like Castro, Evo Morales also ing President Putin’s side. The Presi- this week. continues to clamp down on the opposi- dent chose Putin. I believe the Amer- While it is already a full-time job, I tion, sending his national police to de- ican people, our Armed Forces, our al- will redouble my efforts to prevent the ploy repressive tactics and silence dis- lies, our lawmakers, and the Presi- House of Representatives from taking sent brutally. Just last month, his dent’s own Cabinet deserve an imme- actions to actively obstruct justice and henchmen killed a young student from diate apology from the President for undermine law enforcement and the the Public University in the city of El his actions. FBI, while seeking to give the Presi- Alto, where students peacefully pro- Having insulted and demeaned our dent cover and relief from a genuine, tested, calling for additional resources closest military allies and trading thorough investigation into the attack for their university. partners, the President doubled down on our country by the Russians in 2016 The latest State Department human by insulting world leaders individually and the attacks that are continuing to rights report states that Morales’ and in public, especially those who are this day. power over the judicial system, the de- most friendly to the United States. It This body, the House, the institution nial of a fair and timely public trial, was disgraceful. that I love so much and have served for and prosecutions of political opponents The President even went as far as to more than 25 years, cannot be sullied are at the top of his human rights say that Germany is totally controlled or diminished by this President or his abuses, his greatest hits. by Russia, a comment that makes the inability to see the facts about the at- It is no wonder that over 1,200 Boliv- President quite literally the laughing tack on the United States. ian political exiles are now living in stock of the world. To then go on and As a body, we must take action to re- Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Spain, and here take President Putin’s side in defend- lieve the President of his duties. Most in our wonderful country, including my ing the Kremlin’s attack on the United Americans probably doubt that the lovely south community. States—an attack which this Congress, House of Representatives is even up to Mr. Speaker, Evo Morales’ anti-impe- our intelligence and law enforcement the task of being fair, being honest, rialist rhetoric, expelling all of our agencies, our allies, and the American being impartial enough to call a spade agencies—DEA, USAID, and the U.S. people know in fact took place—was a spade when it comes to Russian ag- Ambassador to Bolivia—and his cozi- nothing short of treasonous. gression. ness with rogue regimes are just fur- The President has proven himself un- But I call on my fellow Democrats ther proof of the threat his regime able to separate his own personal inter- and my fellow Members on the other poses for the stability and security of ests from his current job as leader of side of the aisle: If you still believe in our allies in our hemisphere and be- the free world and has consistently, re- truth, if you believe in democracy, if yond. peatedly, and now, in full view of the you believe in the rule of law and our Using Bolivia’s status as a nonperma- world, definitively put his own inter- Constitution, you will join me in hold- nent member of the United Nations Se- ests above those of the United States ing this President accountable for his curity Council, Morales has sided with and the free world by siding with the actions, in holding Russia accountable Syria and its abysmal human rights petty, antidemocratic of our for the attacks on the United States record; undermined our ally, the demo- international rival. and her people, and will stand up to de- cratic Jewish State of ; and con- The campaign of repression and the fend your country and not just your sistently attacked the United States straight-up murder of political and party or your own income and career. business rivals by President Putin is This is a moment of destiny when the and our efforts to uphold and promote well established. It is not something House as an institution must rise to the values of freedom and democracy any American leader can or should de- the occasion. Mr. Speaker, the whole in the region and around the world. bate. Using foreign agents to murder world is watching. Simply put, Morales is no friend of people overseas is the Kremlin’s MO, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- democratic values, and just like the and the President seems to feel that is bers are reminded to refrain from en- dictatorships in Cuba, Venezuela, and okay. gaging in personalities toward the Nicaragua, his regime has solidified Let us not forget that Russia, on President. control at the expense of the people and our own national security inter- more than one occasion, has allowed f paranoia, fear, and impunity to esca- ests. late to such a level that they have lit- CONDEMNING EVO MORALES’ DE- The Bolivian people need our help, erally shot passenger airliners out of PLORABLE HUMAN RIGHTS Mr. Speaker, and we must start paying the sky, killing all on board. RECORD attention to what is happening right Invading other countries and using The SPEAKER pro tempore. The here in our own hemisphere. the pretext of national security to ex- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from HONORING THE LIFE OF ROBERT TRAURIG pand the Russian empire is not only Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I condoned by this President, appar- utes. was saddened to hear of the passing of ently, in some ways, he is seeking to Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Robert Traurig, a revered leader who emulate Putin’s behavior by using na- following the Castro playbook, Evo Mo- helped build south Florida and some- tional security as a pretext for trade rales has taken systematic steps to one who Dexter and I proudly called a wars with our closest allies and for curtail the basic rights of the people of dear friend. Bob passed away recently, policies to take babies, toddlers, and Bolivia and solidify his legacy to main- but he left an incredible legacy of legal other children from people lawfully tain his evil grip on power. brilliance and leadership in our com- seeking asylum in the United States. Evo Morales has ruled Bolivia for munity. Russia is not a government to be con- over 12 years and expects to do so in- Founder of Greenberg Traurig in 1967, doned; it is a government to be con- definitely. Two years ago, he imposed a which is now one of the world’s top and tained. Yet our President was unable constitutional referendum to eliminate largest law firms, Bob was an expert to be critical of the dictator of our presidential term limits so that he zoning lawyer who helped develop greatest rival in public—and God could run for yet another term, his Miami-Dade County into the metro- knows what he did in private. fourth term, in 2019. politan area that it is today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.003 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6469 Bob was influential in expanding May 27, 2018. I hope Congress will honor Mr. Ronnie Wayne Thompson, who Brickell Avenue and Coconut Grove, Connie by passing this law so, like passed away Sunday, July 8, at the age areas which I proudly represent and are Connie, all LGBT older adults can age of 71. central residential communities that with the dignity and respect they de- A lifetime resident of Savannah in also attract thousands of visitors every serve. Let’s make this happen.’’ ’s First Congressional District, year. He also led efforts for the devel- Mr. Speaker, I couldn’t agree with Mr. Thompson is leaving a lasting leg- opment of the Florida Grand Opera and her more. Today, in honor of Connie’s acy on the city. Mainly, he will be re- Performing Arts Center Foundation, life, I encourage all of my colleagues to membered for owning and operating among many other enterprises. join me in cosponsoring this legisla- the famous Mrs. Wilkes Boarding Bob constantly fought for the best tion. Together, we can take another House restaurant, which serves some of interests of his clients and our commu- step toward equality for LGBT older the best home-style southern cooking nities, and the mark he left on south Americans. in Savannah. Florida is evidence of his remarkable f Founded by his grandmother-in-law, passion. Bob Traurig’s work to develop Mrs. Wilkes, Mr. Thompson did a seam- HONORING CORPORAL JOSEPH Miami-Dade County, in addition to his less job of maintaining the quality of MACIEL charitable and philanthropic spirit, food and the southern atmosphere at will become the lasting legacy of this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the restaurant with which he worked dedicated leader. Chair recognizes the gentleman from for 40 years. Farewell, my friend. Georgia (Mr. CARTER) for 5 minutes. He was spotted often in downtown Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- f Savannah, enjoying coffee with friends, er, I rise today to recognize Corporal attending the St. Patrick’s Day parade, b 1015 Joseph Maciel of the Third Infantry Di- and just generally making other peo- vision, who died in the line of duty in HONORING CONNIE KURTZ ple’s days a little bit brighter. Afghanistan on July 7. He met his wife, Marcia, at the age of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Corporal Maciel was an excellent sol- 12 on Tybee Island and spent a great Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from dier who had served in the Army for 2 deal of time there in his later years Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI) for 5 minutes. years in the Third ID. He had been sta- with his grandchildren. Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I rise tioned in Afghanistan since February A U.S. Marine Corps veteran, long- today to honor the life of Connie Kurtz, of this year. His quality work ethic, time Savannahian, small-business an LGBT rights activist who passed positive attitude, and honorable serv- owner, husband, father, grandfather, away recently at the age of 81. ice earned him a number of accolades, and overall genuine person, Ronnie Connie was born and raised in Brook- including the Army Achievement Thompson truly will be missed. lyn, New York, where she met and fell Medal, National Defense Service f in love with the woman who would be- Medal, and the Army Service Ribbon. come her wife, Ruthie Berman. Ruthie He was highly respected by his fellow HONORING THE LIFE OF TOM and Connie became a couple in 1974, soldiers. RHODES long before same-sex couples were af- Corporal Maciel’s passing occurred The SPEAKER pro tempore. The forded equal rights. during an insider attack in Afghani- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Ruthie was a school counselor, and, stan in which two other soldiers were Texas (Mr. VELA) for 5 minutes. in 1988, they found themselves at the wounded. As our soldiers risk their Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, it is with a forefront of the gay rights movement lives in Afghanistan and other nations great deal of regret that I cannot join when they joined two other couples and to spread the values of democracy, we family and friends of Jesse Thomas sued the New York Department of Edu- must keep our soldiers and their fami- Rhodes, known as Tom, as he is laid to cation for domestic partner benefits for lies in our thoughts and prayers. rest today. same-sex couples. Their advocacy led HONORING CAPTAIN MICHAEL MCFADDEN Tom was, as he would often remind to the city extending healthcare bene- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- us, the first baby born on January 1, fits to same-sex couples in 1994. er, I rise today to recognize Captain 1955, in Memphis, Tennessee. He is sur- Ruthie and Connie’s activism did not Michael McFadden of the Savannah vived by his loving wife, Beth, and his stop there. They continued to fight for Fire Department, who lost his life in children, Jessica and Robert. LGBT rights, including rights for older the line of duty earlier this year at 44 Clarence Darrow once said: ‘‘Justice LGBT Americans. They recognized the years of age. has nothing to do with what goes on in unique healthcare, social, emotional, A life dedicated to public service, a courtroom; justice is what comes out and housing needs of our aging LGBT Captain McFadden served in the United of a courtroom.’’ population, and they sought to help States Marine Corps for 8 years before Over the years, there has been many minimize these disparities. joining the Savannah Fire Department. a lawyer in this great country who has I am honored to have introduced the His high level of training and success- dedicated his or her life to securing Ruthie and Connie LGBT Elder Ameri- ful missions allowed him to rise justice for their clients in courtrooms cans Act with my colleagues Congress- through the ranks from master fire- all across this land. Today, I pay trib- man TED DEUTCH and Congressman fighter to, eventually, captain. ute to those advocates and to Tom CHARLIE CRIST. This legislation defines Captain McFadden collapsed sud- Rhodes, the lawyer. LGBT seniors as a vulnerable popu- denly one day with a heart problem. Tom Rhodes was everything a lawyer lation, requires the Health and Human Unfortunately, firefighters are at high should be. Tom Rhodes was a fierce ad- Services Assistant Secretary of Aging risk for severe cardiac problems be- vocate. Tom Rhodes was a compas- to collect data on the unique needs of cause of their strenuous physical activ- sionate counselor. Tom Rhodes was a this population, and provides grants for ity, emotional stress, exposure to pol- consummate negotiator. Tom Rhodes service organizations that are working lutants, and smoke inhalation. communicated with a degree of clarity to improve the health and long-term With more than a million firefighters that always exposed the truth. outcomes of the aging LGBT popu- across the U.S., I hope that everyone It was not his considerable court- lation. will keep these brave men and women room presence, his skill as a lawyer, or Since Connie’s passing, Ruthie has in their thoughts as they go to work the ferocity of his advocacy, however, vowed to continue her activism. Ruthie each day to keep us and our commu- that left such a lasting impression with said of her wife: ‘‘Connie took on re- nities safe. most of the people with whom he sponsibilities as an activist with the Captain McFadden’s family will con- crossed paths. Instead, it was his gen- belief that her role had a beginning, a tinue to be in our thoughts and pray- erosity and his infectious sense of middle, and an end. Working to pass ers. humor that people will always remem- the Ruthie and Connie LGBT Elder HONORING RONNIE THOMPSON ber. Americans Act was Connie’s last polit- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- He constantly made small gestures of ical action before she passed away on er, I rise today to remember the life of kindness to total strangers. He went

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.004 H18JYPT1 H6470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 out of his way to help family, friends, School District’s director of special The answer of the President of the and the people who worked for him. He education, while Todd served as prin- United States: ‘‘So let me just say that felt a constant need to give back to the cipal of the North Penn High School. In we have two thoughts. You have groups community and to the world. their new roles, Jenna will focus pri- that are wondering why the FBI never After the terror attacks of 9/11, he marily on school safety, mental health, took the server. Why haven’t they volunteered his services, representing professional development, and cultural taken the server? Why was the FBI the families of the victims. When Hur- issues; and Todd will focus on account- told to leave the office of the Demo- ricane Katrina devastated the Gulf ability, athletics, summer school, re- cratic National Committee? I’ve been Coast in Texas, he not only opened his districting, and school board policies. wondering that. I’ve been asking that wallet but donated his time, helping to We commend these fine public serv- for months and months, and I’ve been get supplies to the people affected. ants for their work and wish them the tweeting it out and calling it out on so- His firm has, for many years, spon- best of luck as they begin this new cial media. Where is the server? I want sored the Respect Project in the San chapter in their careers. to know, where is the server, and what Antonio area, awarding monetary I also thank former Assistant Super- is the server saying? With that being prizes to area elementary students intendent Diana Holben for her service said, all I can do is ask the question. based on essays regarding what it as well and wish her all the best in her ‘‘My people came to me. Dan Coats means to respect others. retirement. came to me, and some others, and they He donated time and money to many RECOGNIZING MATT PHELAN said they think it’s Russia. I have other causes, such as halfway houses, Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I President Putin; he just said it’s not women’s shelters, and foundations pro- rise to recognize a dedicated public Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any viding a safe environment for children servant in Bucks County, Pennsyl- reason why it would be. to reconnect with abusive parents. vania. On July 3, Matt Phelan was offi- ‘‘But I really do want to see the serv- For all of us, life is the final verdict. cially sworn in as police chief of er. But I have confidence in both par- For the lawyer, there can be no better Tinicum Township by Magisterial Dis- ties. I really believe that this will prob- final verdict than that of his client, trict Judge Gary Gambardella. He had ably go on for a while, but I don’t think that he was a lawyer his client could been serving as acting police chief it can go on without finding out what always trust, that he was a lawyer his since January, upon the appointment happened to the server.’’ clients could always depend upon, that of James Sabath to chief of the New- b 1030 he was a lawyer his client always knew town Borough Police Department. He goes on to say: had his back. Without question, Tom The Tinicum Township Police De- Rhodes was that lawyer. partment hired Chief Phelan in 1998 at So I have great confidence in my intel- ligence people, but I will tell you that Presi- f the age of 22, after he studied at dent Putin was extremely strong and power- RECOGNIZING JONATHAN WALSH Bloomsburg University and graduated ful in his denial today. at the top of his class from Temple Po- And what he did is an incredible offer. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lice Academy. He offered to have his people working with Chair recognizes the gentleman from His record of selflessness, courage, our people. Thank you. Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 and professionalism speaks for itself. In response, Senator JOHN MCCAIN, a minutes. In 2015, then-Sergeant Phelan pre- POW, said these words: ‘‘Today’s press Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I vented an armed home invasion suspect conferences in Helsinki was one of the rise today to recognize a conscientious from fleeing the crime scene, risking most disgraceful performances by an young citizen in Bucks County, Penn- his life in the pursuit of justice. American President in memory. The sylvania, who recently was named the We congratulate you, Chief Phelan, damage inflicted by President Trump’s Upper Bucks YMCA Role Model of the on this well-deserved appointment, and naivete, egotism, false equivalence, Year. we are grateful for your service to our and sympathy for autocrats is difficult Jonathan Walsh of Quakertown re- community, along with the entire to calculate. But it is clear that the ceived this award for his participation Tinicum Police Department. summit in Helsinki was a tragic mis- in the YMCA’s Teen Fusion after- f take.’’ school program, where he stood out ‘‘President Trump proved not only amongst his peers for his respect, his PRESIDENT TRUMP’S COMMENTS unable, but unwilling to stand up to sense of responsibility, and his hon- IN HELSINKI Putin. He and Putin seem to be speak- esty. I commend Jonathan for this im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing from the same script, as the Presi- pressive achievement, and I look for- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from dent made a conscious choice to defend ward to seeing what this future leader Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. a tyrant against the fair questions of a will accomplish in the years ahead. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, free press and to grant Putin an I also want to commend the Upper viewing Monday’s display in Helsinki uncontested platform to spew propa- Bucks YMCA for recognizing Jonathan as a devastating manner is not exag- ganda and lies to the world.’’ and wish this organization well as it geration. It is not hyperbole. It is not Let me remind you that the question celebrates its 50th year of service to exaggerating. of the reporter was: My first question the community. I would especially like Frankly, I think it is important for to you, sir, is, who do you believe, Mr. to thank Upper Bucks YMCA Executive the Congress to adhere to its respon- President? My second question is: Director Pat Edwards and President of sibilities in Article I, which indicates Would you now, with the world watch- the Board of Directors Dale Westwood that all legislative powers herein are ing, tell President Putin would you de- for all the work they do in our commu- vested in this Congress. nounce what happened in 2016? nity. We must do our job on behalf of the It is clear that the Russians invaded RECOGNIZING JENNA RUFO AND TODD BAUER American people. and altered the election of 2016. It has Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I So let me read: ‘‘President Trump, been stated by our intelligence commu- rise today to recognize two education you first. Just now, President Putin de- nity, Director Coats, that at least they professionals in Montgomery County, nied having anything to do with the invaded and impacted and that they Pennsylvania, whose dedication to our election interference in 2016. Every are doing it now. community’s students has led to their U.S. intelligence agency has concluded It is time for the Congress to ask or appointment as assistant superintend- that Russia did. My first question for subpoena the translator’s notes. It is ents for the North Penn School Dis- you, sir, is: Who do you believe?’’ time for us to have a detailed relaying trict. This is a reporter from the AP. to the Congress, in a classified manner, Jenna Rufo and Todd Bauer were ‘‘My second question is: Would you what were the contents, what were the sworn in on July 9 at the Montgomery now, with the whole world watching, discussions, what were the agenda County courthouse and have recently tell President Putin—would you de- items, what was said in the meeting accepted their new responsibilities. nounce what happened in 2016, and singularly by our President and Presi- Before becoming assistant super- would you warn him to never do it dent Putin. Then we must pass legisla- intendent, Jenna was the North Penn again?’’ tion for extreme sanctions on anyone

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.006 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6471 that even thinks of interfering with be some compromising or embarrassing ground, such as financial or personal the elections of 2018 and those who financial information, which would ex- vulnerabilities, that should prevent interfered with 2016. plain Trump’s refusal to release his tax them from receiving our Nation’s top Finally, I believe it is important for returns. secret information. And if a candidate a full-throated apology of the White Now, let’s remember, candidate Don- chooses not to seek that security clear- House to the intelligence community ald Trump promised, if elected, prom- ance, voters can consider that fact, and the American people. I remind you ised unequivocally that he would pub- too, when they cast their vote. that I do not stand here singularly by licly release his tax returns just like An early security clearance would myself. I stand here standing on a con- every other modern President. We are also virtually rule out the possibility stitutional democracy which is the still waiting. But Trump’s position has that a Presidential candidate is vulner- United States of America. evolved to an outright refusal, making able to foreign coercion, compromise, Article I powers of this Congress is him the only President in modern his- or manipulation, because among the that we must act. We cannot correct it tory to refuse to share this information things scrutinized by background in- with a typographical correction— with the American people. vestigators are tax returns and finan- wouldn’t over would. The reporter di- Now, it could also be his nefarious cial dealings. Investigators would learn rectly asked: Who do you believe? It dealings with Russia that Trump wants if an applicant has been accused of sex- was never answered that it was the to keep secret. Now, we know Trump ual misconduct. American people in the intelligence and his family and his campaign had a So, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues community, Mr. Speaker. It was indi- web of contacts with Russia going back to support to this bill. cated that Mr. Putin gave a strong re- several years. The degree of collusion The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- sponse of denial, and it was implied in in the 2016 election is still unknown, bers are reminded to refrain from en- that, that I believe Mr. Putin, and I am but we know that, at the very least, gaging in personalities toward the not going to answer the question to say they explored receiving illegal foreign President of the United States. that I believe my intelligence commu- election assistance, and we know that f nity. Therefore, I would indicate it is assistance was actually provided by A CALL TO ACTION time for the Congress to act. Russia. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f Or it could be more straightforward Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from blackmail. We know about the reports SECURITY CLEARANCES FOR New Hampshire (Ms. SHEA-PORTER) for PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES that Russia had compromising infor- 5 minutes. mation on Trump that includes not The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. SHEA-PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I just financial entanglements, but a sex Chair recognizes the gentleman from rise today to call this body to action. tape. California (Mr. HUFFMAN) for 5 min- Two days ago, we watched, the world Now, I am confident that whatever utes. watched in horror in Finland as our Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, this President Trump is hiding, Special President took Putin’s side instead of week’s stunning betrayal by President Counsel Mueller’s investigation will our intelligence community’s side. Our Trump, choosing Russian President get to the bottom of it. And that is intelligence community told us, told Vladimir Putin over our own intel- why I have joined my colleagues here him that Russia attacked our democ- ligence agencies, begs questions that on the floor to demand that the racy and attacked our elections. For we should never have to ask about an Mueller investigation be protected whatever reason, President Trump American President: What does Putin from political interference and that we seems unable to clearly state that he have on President Trump? Is he lit- let the special counsel’s office do its agrees with intelligence. erally being blackmailed? Do we have a job. Just yesterday, when he said he Manchurian candidate as our Presi- But we should also think about how misspoke, he then shifted and went dent? we got into this surreal situation in back to it could be others. Why? We It is difficult to imagine any other the first place. How did a Presidential have to ask ourselves why. The Repub- explanation for Trump’s constant bow- candidate with such potentially dis- lican majority has been determined to ing and scraping at the feet of the Rus- qualifying baggage slide through the do absolutely nothing in response when sian dictator or of his refusal to hold process without a way for voters to it is clear that there is much that we Putin accountable for his election in- know about it? There is a clear public can and must do. Why? terference, even after numerous indict- interest in ensuring that Presidential They have declined to pass additional ments, including 12 Russian military candidates are not deeply compromised legislation to serve as a deterrent to officials, and even after the arrest of a or vulnerable to blackmail. Russia and that would sanction Russia Russian national who was caught try- And that is why today I introduce if they attacked our elections again. ing to use the NRA as a tool to change the Protecting Access to Classified In- Why? Especially when we have been U.S. policy toward Russia. formation in Elections Act. It is a new warned that Russia intends to interfere And it is hard to find any other ex- bill designed to protect the national se- with our elections in just a few planation for Trump’s constantly call- curity of our country by allowing Pres- months. ing Special Counsel Mueller’s inves- idential candidates to voluntarily un- They have this whole Congress, but tigation a ‘‘witch hunt,’’ even after so dergo a national security clearance in- still Republicans have not passed any many indictments and multiple guilty vestigation well before the election. legislation to strengthen our election pleas. Candidates who are granted a security security system to mitigate this On Monday, our security interests of clearance would have the option of threat. Instead, congressional Repub- this country demanded that our Presi- publicly disclosing that fact on a licans are trying to cut—this is unbe- dent speak out and seek accountability website maintained by the director of lievable—trying to cut election secu- from the foreign adversary who at- national intelligence. rity grants by hundreds of millions of tacked it. But instead, the American Current law doesn’t work that way. dollars. Why? Don’t they at least want people witnessed a Manchurian mo- Presidential candidates start getting to protect us going into the future? ment, exposing that President Trump classified briefings before they take of- They have blocked votes to force the is so deeply compromised on Russia fice, but it is based on an informal President to release his tax returns so that he is willing to alienate our Euro- grant of access by the sitting Presi- we can know whether his business pean allies, to blame our country for dent, and voters may assume that can- deals are affecting his decisions in the the strains in the relationship with didates have security clearances, but office of the Presidency. Why? Russia, and to betray our intelligence they don’t actually have to get one and And, most importantly, they have and law enforcement communities by not all of them do. consistently refused to vote to protect casting doubt on their conclusions and By providing an early security clear- Special Counsel Mueller’s investiga- accepting Putin’s self-serving denials. ance process, candidates can provide a tion. Why? And so the world wonders: What does real assurance to the American people Speaker RYAN controls the floor. Re- Putin have over Trump? Now, it could that there is nothing in their back- publicans are the ones who put all of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.008 H18JYPT1 H6472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 the legislation on the floor. They could very first priority, the very first arti- I served in Germany for 5 years at do this now, but they refuse to, even cle was to outline the role and the re- that time and witnessed firsthand how though they have the power. Why sponsibilities of the United States Con- we won the Cold War. But we didn’t do won’t they? Why won’t they let us in- gress in our system of checks and bal- it through military power alone. We vestigate? Why won’t they let us have ances. won because NATO military strength a vote? b 1045 helped create the space for democratic America and the world is watching. dissidents in Eastern Europe to come They are wondering how long it will The people who elected us are sound- together and bring down Soviet rule take for this Republican Congress to ing the alarms. Never before has our from within. This was the success of act. When will it be too much? constitutional mandate been more im- America’s strategy—pursued by Presi- We have heard some Republican he- portant. Never before have the pillars dents from Roosevelt to Kennedy, to roes like JOHN MCCAIN and others who of our democracy been under attack. Reagan—of advancing American val- have said this was the most horrific Mr. Speaker, each and every one of ues. performance and that we must—must us swore an oath of office. Whether For seven decades, the NATO alliance talk about this, and yet we don’t. Why? Democrat or Republican, we all have has ensured that America’s strength an equal mission, an obligation, and a f and influence are magnified around the mandate to uphold this promise. globe. Our alliance has extended the TIME TO REFLECT ON WHAT IT Mr. Speaker, the time has come, and promise of peace, security, and pros- MEANS TO BE PATRIOTIC the question is simple: Will you show perity to much of the democratic The SPEAKER pro tempore. The up for duty? world, and it has maintained the invio- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Congress must speak up, we must lable promise of collective defense. Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) for 5 minutes. speak out, and, Mr. Speaker, we must America needed its allies after we Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, act. If we fail to do so, history and the were attacked on 9/11, and our allies I come to the House floor because American voters will not be kind. came through. They fought and died today is the birthday of my friend, my The threat is occurring in realtime with us. partner in the fight for justice and on our watch, and the ball is in our And threats to our collective secu- equality, . court. The clock is ticking, and there rity have not vanished in the 21st cen- During the height of the civil rights is no time to waste. tury. These shared security challenges movement and the early days of the f should have been at the top of Presi- labor movement, you had to make a de- PRESIDENT TRUMP AND RUSSIA dent Trump’s agenda, but they weren’t. cision: Which side are you on? Since Putin’s annexation of Crimea, So, Mr. Speaker, on this day, of all The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NATO has found renewed purpose and days, I cannot, I will not stay silent Chair recognizes the gentleman from effectiveness, stepping up exercises and when our Nation, our democracy, and Maryland (Mr. BROWN) for 5 minutes. establishing the enhanced forward the American people are under attack. Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- presence in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, We fought too hard and too long to er, President Trump had a straight- and Poland. stand on the sidelines when so much is forward mission in Europe last week: Additional measures may be nec- at stake. stand with our NATO allies and stand essary to continue to confront Russian When you see something that is not up to Russia’s Putin. Instead, Presi- aggression. This includes Secretary right, that is not just, you have to find dent Trump squandered U.S. influence Mattis’ 30–30 plan to establish the read- a way to get in the way. You have to and abdicated our leadership by abus- iness of 30 land battalions, 30 air fight- get in good trouble—necessary trouble. ing and dividing our allies and fawning er squadrons, and 30 ships ready to de- Now is the time to wake up. It is over a tyrant who actively seeks to un- ploy within 30 days of being put on time to be brave, bold, and courageous. dermine our democracy. alert; Poland’s proposal to bring more During the American Revolution, peo- While Putin may not be dictating U.S. troops to the country and setting ple suffered and died for the dream of American policy, President Trump is up a joint armored division with 15,000 democracy, for the sacred right to seemingly pushing forward his agenda. American troops, and as many as 250 vote, and for the ability to choose their Putin wants to restore Russia as a tanks and armored vehicles; and com- representatives. Hundreds and thou- great global power at the expense of pletion of the European missile shield sands of men and women lost their the United States. He wants to expand by 2020. None of this was discussed. lives to preserve our union and to de- Russian influence over Europe by Contrary to President Trump’s dec- fend our values. weakening NATO and the European larations, NATO members have been What I saw on Monday was a shame, Union. In Putin’s mind, when the increasing defense spending since 2014: an embarrassment, and a disgrace to United States and Europe flounder, almost $46 billion, the biggest buildup their legacy, their memory, and what Russia is stronger. by U.S. allies in 25 years. they sacrificed. During times like If Putin was calling the shots, he NATO is also expanding its training these, I encourage every person to take would have encouraged President mission in Afghanistan and launching some time and have what I call an ex- Trump to criticize NATO and raise a new one in Iraq, showcasing NATO’s ecutive session with themselves and doubts on whether we would defend our ongoing commitment to the fight their very souls. Because today, Mr. allies if they haven’t paid their bills. against terrorism. Yet President Speaker, each of us faces the question He would invite President Trump to Trump chose to deride our most impor- of what it means to be patriotic. undermine the European Union, our tant allies. Ask yourself, do you stand with the largest trading partner and investor, With as much passion as President American people or do you stand with by lauding Brexit, denouncing trade, Trump questions our European allies a dictator? Do you stand with democ- supporting antidemocratic populists, as freeloaders, his actions suggest a de- racy or do you stand with a czar? Do and undermining Germany and Chan- sire for a cozy relationship with you stand with friends and allies or do cellor Merkel. And that is exactly what Putin’s Russia. Russia is one of our you stand with someone who approves happened. most aggressive adversaries, working violent attacks on the media, human Rather than projecting unity, Presi- to rupture the relationship between the rights advocates, and struggling de- dent Trump’s participation at the United States and our closest partners, mocracies? NATO summit generated nonstop im- weaken our influence in the Middle Mr. Speaker, the American House is ages of division. Substantive issues re- East, and pose an ongoing cyber threat. on fire, it is burning, and if we are not ceived little or no attention. Other than elevating Putin and fail- mindful, if we are not watchful, this Putin is the biggest winner from any ing to mention Russia’s illegal annex- fire will consume us all. disunity in NATO. During the Cold ation of Crimea, what good did Presi- The United States Constitution War, American and NATO troops held dent Trump accomplish during this began with the words: ‘‘We, the Peo- the line in Europe, containing and de- summit? I have no answer as to why ple.’’ You see, the Founding Fathers’ feating the Soviet Union. he, unlike any of his Republican or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.009 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6473 Democratic predecessors, is so unwill- this beacon of hope 10 years ago, but olutionary and transformative leader, ing to defend the interests of the Georgia has remained defiant. who forever changed the world through United States and our allies against As co-chair of the Congressional his steadfast dedication to freedom, Russia. All that is clear is that, by em- Georgia Caucus, I have long seen that equality, and human rights. bracing our adversaries and deni- major vulnerabilities remain that Rus- After spending 27 years in prison, grating our allies, President Trump is sia could exploit. Georgia is a small Nelson Mandela became the first Black inviting grave and historic con- country. It cannot afford to compete South African to be elected President sequences for the United States. with the might of the Russian bear. in what was also the first free, multira- Mr. Speaker, today, I simply call on That is why I have introduced the cial, democratic election in South Afri- President Trump to unequivocally af- Georgia Support Act along with my can history. firm the United States’ commitment to caucus co-chair, Representative CON- While President Mandela used his ad- our European allies and to condemn NOLLY from Virginia. ministration to dismantle apartheid, Russian aggression, meddling, and ma- Through this important bill, we hope combat institutional racism, and begin lign influence. to significantly enhance Georgia’s abil- the process of racial reconciliation in his country, his efforts also taught the f ity to combat and deter Putin’s wicked activities. With our assistance, Amer- world the power of one man having the THE STALWART REPUBLIC OF ica can provide Georgia specific advan- fortitude to sacrifice his own ideals for GEORGIA tages that can make any new attempt a cause greater than himself. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The by Russia a costly endeavor. To me, Nelson Mandela is more than Chair recognizes the gentleman from Also, with modern warfare extending a world-renowned hero. I had the dis- Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. to cyberspace, we can improve coordi- tinct honor and privilege of calling him Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, 10 nation to identify Russia’s cyber at- a friend. His leadership of the inter- years ago this August, Russian tanks tacks and build safeguards within. This national antiapartheid movement en- rolled across the border into the inde- means building up Georgia’s ability to couraged me to take action here in the pendent nation of Georgia. After 5 days combat disinformation and propaganda United States, where I served as the of bloody fighting, with thousands of from Russia. Los Angeles chair of the Free South innocent Georgians displaced from As we have seen, Moscow is all over Africa Movement, organized countless their homes, the conflict ended with the world trying to undermine democ- antiapartheid rallies in Los Angeles, the Russians promising to pull back its racies by invading their elections, in- led a sit-in at the South African Con- forces. cluding our own. Working with Geor- sulate General’s office in Los Angeles, I happened to be in Georgia 1 week gian partners, we can show Russia has and was even arrested during a protest at the Embassy of South Africa in after the Russian invasion and saw the been caught. tanks on the high ground and the de- Additionally, this bill calls on Presi- Washington, D.C. I was also a board struction that the Russians made of dent Trump to impose sanctions for se- member of and worked nationally with TransAfrica, one of the most promi- Tbilisi. It is 10 years since that inva- rious human rights abuses in that oc- nent antiapartheid advocacy groups in sion and Moscow and its troops still oc- cupied territory of Georgia. Not only cupy one-third of sovereign territory of the United States. will it help our Georgian friends on the As a member of the California State the Republic of Georgia. front line of Russian aggression, but it The Kremlin claims these Russian Assembly at that time, I fought for the sends a message to the Kremlin that passage of Assembly Bill 134, which troops are in Georgia as peacekeepers. America will and must stand up Are you kidding me? It is an invasion. forced California to divest $12 billion in against that bad behavior and defend State pension funds tied to the apart- They are a heavily armed battle group the international rule of law. waiting to provoke Georgia into an- heid regime in South Africa. Czar Putin must be shown that his In 1990, I chaired the committee in other fight. They have committed hor- dream of rebuilding the Russian empire Los Angeles that brought over 90,000 rific human rights abuses against the is not going to happen. We must show people together in the Los Angeles Me- Georgian people, often harassing civil- our freedom-loving friends around the morial Coliseum to welcome Nelson ians and denying Georgians the ability globe that America will stand with Mandela into the United States, and I to move about their country freely. them. The Georgian people have shown also traveled with the official U.S. del- The continued presence of Russian they will fight for freedom, even egation to South Africa in 1994 to at- troops on Georgian soil presents a against overwhelming odds. tend his inauguration as President of major violation of international law. While the Kremlin believes that it South Africa. America’s response at the time was to has prevented Georgia’s aspirations of In 1998, I was honored to welcome condemn and issue sanctions against joining the important organization of President Mandela to the United the Russians, but the Obama adminis- NATO by seizing territory, we can send States once again, this time to receive tration removed the punishing sanc- a signal that that victory is hollow. the United States Congressional Gold tions against Russia as part of its fool- Georgia is still on the path to greater Medal. ish reset with the Kremlin. integration with the West. Georgia In honor of his 95th birthday in 2013, We now know this demonstration of must remain, with our help, free and I organized an event here in Wash- weakness only encouraged further ag- prosperous. Russia will find itself iso- ington, D.C., called the Celebration of gression from Russia, and it invaded a lated and full of regret for ever fol- the Life, Legacy and Values of Nelson neighbor state in 2014. This time it lowing Putin’s foolish ambition of ag- R. Mandela in Emancipation Hall of seized and annexed Crimea from gression in the region. the United States Capitol Visitor Cen- Ukraine, another independent sov- And that is just the way it is. ter. The celebration was attended by ereign state that Russia had sworn to f my colleagues in the Congressional respect. Then Russian tanks moved on Black Caucus, leaders from both the and invaded eastern Ukraine and occu- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY United States House and Senate, and pied part of that territory. OF PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA representatives of national and inter- After 10 years of illegal occupation of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The national civil rights and humanitarian Georgian territory, we need to do more Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from groups. to help our Georgian friends resist the California (Ms. MAXINE WATERS) for 5 As we reflect on Nelson Mandela’s Russian bear. Following the collapse of minutes. memory today, let us remember what the Soviet Union, Georgia emerged as Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. he once said: ‘‘What counts in life is the beacon of hope in the region and Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the not the mere fact that we have lived. It hope for democracy. Georgia’s faithful life and legacy of South African Presi- is what difference we have made to the commitment to a strong democracy dent Nelson Mandela on what would lives of others that will determine the with free and fair elections serves as a have been his 100th birthday. significance of the life we lead.’’ shining example for other countries in President Mandela, or ‘‘Mandiba’’ as Few embody this quote better than Eastern Europe. Russia hoped to break he was affectionately called, was a rev- Nelson Mandela himself, and it is my

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.011 H18JYPT1 H6474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 sincere hope that my own career in There was no objection. MANDELA DAY public service can live up to his ex- Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- (Ms. LEE asked and was given per- traordinary example. ognize the House’s guest chaplain for mission to address the House for 1 f the day, John Vernon, who comes to us minute and to revise and extend her re- from High Point, North Carolina. RECESS marks.) John is an ordained minister in the Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Wesleyan Church and currently serves honor of the late, great President Nel- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair as chairman of the board of directors of son Mandela, whose 100th birthday we declares the House in recess until noon the Wesleyan Christian Academy. celebrate today. today. Beyond the Wesleyan Church, John Like many of my colleagues, I was Accordingly (at 11 a.m.), the House also serves as lead chaplain for the first inspired by Mr. Mandela in the stood in recess. High Point Police Department, where early 1970s. I was arrested in Berkeley, f he has served faithfully for 18 years. California, protesting apartheid, when b 1200 Within the last year, John has taken our brave brothers and sisters in the on the role of lead chaplain for the AFTER RECESS labor movement refused to unload High Point Fire Department. ships from South Africa that arrived at The recess having expired, the House John and his wife, Kim, will cele- Oakland’s port. was called to order by the Speaker at brate 37 years of marriage together I remember very vividly when the Af- noon. this year. They have two sons, Travis rican National Congress was designated f and Kyle, and two wonderful daugh- a terrorist organization by the United PRAYER ters-in-law, Stephanie and Hillary. We States Government. It was illegal to are glad to have Kim, Kyle, and Hillary Chaplain John L. Vernon, Jr., High meet with the freedom fighters in the joining us in the gallery. Point Police Department, High Point, United States, but many of us did any- Among John and Kim’s greatest joys North Carolina, offered the following way in safe places around the world. in their lives is spending time with prayer: I was so happy when we finally Heavenly Father, we stand in Your their three granddaughters, Sadie, passed legislation, which I led, to lift presence today, thankful for this great Millie, and Nora. President Mandela and the ANC off the Nation we call home. I want to thank Chaplain Vernon for terrorist watch list on his 90 birthday I pray for each of these men and his service and for opening the House 10 years ago. women who have been chosen to serve in prayer this morning. We are honored As an election observer, I will never their fellow citizens in this vital task and privileged that he and his family forget the lines of people waiting to of governing. I pray also for those who call High Point home. vote for Nelson Mandela as the first Black President of South Africa. serve alongside them as members of f their staff, and all their families. Madiba’s impact was not limited to South Africa. He sparked social justice I pray that today You will give these ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER movements that reached around the Members godly wisdom. Give them PRO TEMPORE courage to do what is right in the best world and reminded us of the power of interest of our Nation and its people. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. CUL- the vote. As President Obama noted Give them the humility that truly ex- BERSON). The Chair will entertain up to yesterday, he said Madiba ‘‘came to emplifies servant leadership. May they 15 further requests for 1-minute speech- embody the universal aspirations of each desire to do justice, love mercy, es on each side of the aisle. dispossessed people all around the world, their hopes for a better life.’’ and walk humbly with You. f I pray also for those who protect us: President Mandela taught us many members of our military in various TAX CUTS PRODUCE BOOM IN lessons, lessons in reconciliation, per- parts of the world and first responders JOBS severance, and public service. Above all across our Nation. Protect them as all, he taught us that the fight for jus- they protect us. (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina tice was never finished. His legacy will All these things I pray in Jesus’ asked and was given permission to ad- live forever. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- name. f Amen. vise and extend his remarks.) EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE f Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, the latest results are in from 2018 FARM BILL THE JOURNAL the Republican tax cuts, with Trump (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- deregulation, producing jobs: $2,059 av- asked and was given permission to ad- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- erage tax cut for a typical family of dress the House for 1 minute and to re- ceedings and announces to the House four; $2,000 new per child tax credit, vise and extend his remarks.) his approval thereof. double the old amount. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Sixteen regulations rolled back Mr. Speaker, soon, the House will vote nal stands approved. through the Congressional Review Act to go to conference with the Senate on f process, the most in history. Ninety the 2018 farm bill. As vice chair of the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE percent of Americans are receiving big- House Agriculture Committee, I urge ger paychecks under the new with- my colleagues to vote in favor of mov- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman holding tables. ing this important process forward. from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS) come forward A 3.4 percent increase in real dispos- As chairman of the Nutrition Sub- and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- able income in the first quarter of 2018; committee, I am proud of the provi- legiance. a record high level of U.S. exports of Mr. BIGGS led the Pledge of Alle- sions we have included to give many goods and services, over $200 billion; 3.7 giance as follows: Americans the skills needed to obtain a million jobs created since November family-sustaining job and ultimate I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the 2016; 1.3 million jobs created since the United States of America, and to the Repub- food security. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act became law; 6.6 Food insecurity exists for so many in indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. million job openings as of May 2018, America today, and the workforce and f meaning more jobs than job seekers. job training provisions in the bill rep- Sixty-five percent of Americans now resent a significant opportunity to help WELCOMING CHAPLAIN JOHN L. say it is a good time to find a quality millions of Americans find employ- VERNON, JR. job. ment. The SPEAKER. Without objection, In conclusion, God bless our troops, The Agriculture Committee has done the gentleman from North Carolina and we will never forget September its work. In fact, the Nutrition Sub- (Mr. BUDD) is recognized for 1 minute. 11th in the global war on terrorism. committee hosted 21 hearings on SNAP

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.012 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6475 and heard from more than 80 witnesses DEFENDING U.S. INTERESTS Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, this on how we can improve the program (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked week, we witnessed the weakening of and work toward the ultimate goal of and was given permission to address the Presidency due to the actions of ending hunger in America. the House for 1 minute.) this President. Mr. Speaker, the House farm bill Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Now, I realize that President Trump makes a historic investment in work Speaker, Russia is not our friend; Rus- is not constrained by customs, norms, programs so SNAP recipients have a sia is our adversary. or decorum, but his actions this week chance to learn new skills and climb We witnessed our President side with contravened his oath to preserve, pro- the rungs on the ladder of opportunity an autocrat and adversary of our coun- tect, and defend the United States Con- and escape poverty once and for all. try over his own intelligence commu- stitution. I urge my colleagues to support this nity and blame the USA for our rela- Yes, this President likes to act tough bill. tionship with Russia. with tweets and trash talk, but he has f From separating families at the proven that he is unwilling to get tough with adversaries when he stands HONORING WOODIE RUCKER- southern border to embracing Putin face to face. HUGHES over the protection of U.S. interests, Mr. Trump has thrown out that values What is worse is that he is willing to (Mr. TAKANO asked and was given that our country is founded on. sell out our intelligence agencies in permission to address the House for 1 Putin may be Mr. Trump’s friend, but order to suck up to the leader of a na- minute and to revise and extend his re- he is not America’s. Our President for- tion that has attacked us and con- marks.) gets that the U.S. interests go beyond tinues to attack many democracies Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, a pas- his own personal interests and rela- around the world. sionate educator, a change-maker, and tionships. If Putin wants to return to Hopefully, his actions will motivate a powerhouse of a woman, that is how the days with no pushback from the this body, our Congress, to act. Let’s the community of Riverside would de- U.S., that is one thing. If our President condemn these comments. Let’s pro- scribe my dear friend, Waudieur wants to return to those days, rather tect the special counsel. Let’s protect ‘‘Woodie’’ Rucker-Hughes. than defend America and our allies, the integrity of our elections. Let’s As a history teacher at John W. fully implement the Russian sanctions North High School and an adminis- that is another. It shouldn’t matter whether you are passed last year and pass even harsher trator for the Riverside Unified School ones, if Russia does this again. District, Woodie worked to demolish a Republican or a Democrat. If the President of the United States won’t By doing anything, we can keep this educational barriers and address the President in check. When we do that, needs of all students. defend our interests before those of our adversaries, Congress must. we restore the credibility of our Presi- As an activist and leader for the Riv- dency. If we do that, we uphold the erside branch of the NAACP, Woodie f credibility of this Congress by ful- challenged injustice and moved our LOWYAL’S TRAFFICKING STORY filling our oath to our democracy, so communities forward every single day. help us God. As a mother and a friend, she touched (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was my life and the lives of many others given permission to address the House f with her kindness and her steadfast for 1 minute and to revise and extend INVASIVE ASIAN CARP support and encouragement. his remarks.) Today, we remember Woodie, her leg- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, (Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee asked acy, and everything she stood for. I am Lowyal was just like any other teen- and was given permission to address going to leave you with Woodie’s ager across America. When she was 13 the House for 1 minute and to revise motto: Good, better, best. Never let years of age and in school, daily bul- and extend his remarks.) them rest until the good becomes bet- lying started. Then her relationship Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Mr. ter and the better becomes best. with her mother became worse. So she Speaker, I rise today to raise aware- In honor of Woodie, let’s keep work- dropped out of school, took drugs, and ness about the single greatest threat to ing to make this country, and the eventually joined a gang. Tennessee’s lake and river systems. world, an even better place than she Eventually, her newfound ‘‘friends’’ Invasive Asian carp are destroying left it. introduced her to a ‘‘game’’ where she Tennessee’s native fisheries across the walked up and down the streets, under f State. the constant watch of her owners. She If ignored, these fish will decimate CONGRATULATING CHRISTOPHER was the victim of human trafficking, recreation, sporting, and tourism in- EVANS modern-day slavery. These older men dustries that rely on more than 60,000 (Mr. BIGGS asked and was given per- manipulated her youth and stole her miles of streams and rivers in my mission to address the House for 1 innocence on the marketplace of sex State. minute and to revise and extend his re- slavery. For years, the focal point for com- marks.) My legislation, the Abolish Human bating Asian carp has been in the Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, today, I Trafficking Act, will increase prosecu- North, particularly the Great Lakes. rise today to honor Christopher Evans, tions for perpetrators like the slave However, this continued threat has a teacher at Basha High School in my traders who trafficked Lowyal and hold spread through the Southeast. It is district. them accountable for their crimes of time to recognize that this species is Mr. Evans was one of 52 Americans sex slavery. invading States like Tennessee, Ken- who received the James Madison Fel- America must support victims of tucky, and Alabama. lowship, which is awarded to one dis- human traffickers and put their preda- Congress needs to take action, or we tinguished educator from each State. tors where they belong: in the jail- are going to lose some of the most bio- This award recognizes exceptional house. We as a community must rescue logically diverse rivers and bass fishing teachers of American history and so- victims from this scourge of slavery in the country. cial studies seeking ‘‘to strengthen that is taking place in our country. Asian carp have the capacity to de- their knowledge of the origins and de- And that is just the way it is. stroy the food systems of highly valued velopment of American constitutional f recreational and commercial fisheries, government, and to expose our future which generate $2 billion in economic leaders to the knowledge of the Na- KEEPING THE PRESIDENT IN impact annually in Tennessee. tion’s constitutional heritage.’’ CHECK Mr. Speaker, this issue cannot be ig- I congratulate Mr. Evans on this (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given nored, and I implore my colleagues to achievement, and I know he has a permission to address the House for 1 work with me to combat the invasion bright future in my home State of Ari- minute and to revise and extend his re- of Asian carp in Tennessee and zona. marks.) throughout the Southeast.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.014 H18JYPT1 H6476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 b 1215 Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, Article I urge my colleagues and this administration GOP = GOVERNMENT OF PUTIN I, section 8 of the Constitution gives to take a serious and critical look at this law Congress the exclusive authority to de- that would have far-reaching implications for (Mr. DOGGETT asked and was given clare war, but the last time Congress the United States and our allies who have of- permission to address the House for 1 officially declared war was December 8, fered these refugees temporary asylum in our minute.) 1941, the day the U.S. entered World nations and the disastrous consequences for Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, Hel- War II. Ever since, Congress has failed sinki will be remembered as the place the Syrian people for generations to come. to uphold their constitutional responsi- f where GOP became shorthand for bility and has instead ceded power to ‘‘Government of Putin.’’ the President. HONORING THE LIFE OF NEYSA Just as Trump surrenders to Vladi- So we remain in a state of perpetual TONKS mir Putin, these Helsinki congres- war, led by Presidents in both parties, (Mr. KIHUEN asked and was given sional Republicans surrender to at great cost to the American people, permission to address the House for 1 Trump. with no declaration of war by Congress Trump’s own intelligence chief, minute and to revise and extend his re- and no input from the American peo- former Senator, lifelong Republican marks.) ple. Dan Coats, says ‘‘the warning lights Mr. KIHUEN. Mr. Speaker, today I The direct and indirect costs of these rise to remember the life of Neysa are blinking red again’’ on Russian at- Presidential wars are astounding. They tacks. Yet Helsinki Republicans refuse Tonks. Neysa attended the Route 91 take a toll on our troops, our veterans, festival in Las Vegas on October 1. to act, providing zero funding to the and on the American people. States to protect election integrity Neysa was a single mother to her Since 9/11 alone, we have spent tril- three kids: Kaden, Braxton, and today. Their refusal to appropriate a lions of dollars on regime-change wars Greysen. She worked at Technologent dime for state defense against Russian and nation building, while people in in Las Vegas and was known as being a interference really represents nothing our community suffer and struggle be- fireball from the minute she woke up less than unilateral disarmament. cause of a lack of resources here at to the minute she went to bed. Enough excuses. Enough weakness. home—not to mention the cost borne Instead of a President with no scruples by our troops, those who pay the ulti- Neysa was spontaneous, adventurous, and a congressional Republican major- mate price as well as those who come and full of life. She loved waterskiing, ity with no spine, we need strong lead- home with wounds that are both visible ziplining, hiking, jumping off water- ership, unafraid to protect our borders and invisible. falls, and traveling. She had even com- and unafraid to protect American fami- The American people deserve ac- peted in a Tough Mudder with very lit- lies from the ongoing Russian aggres- countability. Mr. WALTER JONES and I tle training. sion against our democracy. have introduced bipartisan H. Res. 922 Despite her many adventures, she f to make sure that Congress fulfills its would always save time in the winter to carry out her tradition of packing ACKNOWLEDGING LAMAR SMITH constitutional role, ends Presidential hundreds of backpacks with supplies FOR HIS WORK ON THE DYS- wars, and has robust debate before and delivering them to the less fortu- LEXIA CAUCUS making a decision to send our troops into battle. nate with her sons. (Mr. WESTERMAN asked and was f Neysa was compassionate and had given permission to address the House plans to retire early so she could spend for 1 minute and to revise and extend SYRIAN LAW 10 more time with her boys. his remarks.) (Mr. SESSIONS asked and was given Neysa enjoyed going to concerts, Mr. WESTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I permission to address the House for 1 laughing, and trying new things. Neysa rise today to acknowledge the work of minute and to revise and extend his re- is remembered as always being the life Chairman LAMAR SMITH of the Congres- marks.) of the party. sional Dyslexia Caucus. His work on Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise I would like to extend my condo- this important issue has brought today to bring attention to the press- lences to Neysa Tonks’ family and much-needed attention in Congress to ing issue that has the potential to ex- friends. Please know that the city of a learning disability affecting as many ponentially worsen the humanitarian Las Vegas, the State of Nevada, and as one in five Americans. crisis in the war-torn country of Syria. the whole country grieves with you. He championed the READ Act, which I know I don’t need to remind this mandated that the National Institutes body or the American people of the dire f of Health direct specific funds towards circumstance that the Syrian people NATIONAL PARKS AND dyslexia research. This law is deep- face as their country continues to be RECREATION MONTH ening our understanding of dyslexia ripped apart by a known war criminal, (Mr. COSTA asked and was given per- and providing additional tools for us to their President, Bashar al-Assad. mission to address the House for 1 While millions of Syrians have fled help those with this learning dis- minute and to revise and extend his re- the country, seeking asylum and safety ability. marks.) Last week, I began serving as co- in neighboring countries, the majority Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise this chair of the Dyslexia Caucus, alongside of these refugees’ only hope is to one morning to speak about our national Congresswoman JULIA BROWNLEY. It is day return back to their home. How- parks and our parks and recreational my hope that we can work together to ever, the Syrian regime recently passed opportunities. continue the impressive work of Chair- a law that will make that nearly im- I grew up in California’s San Joaquin man SMITH and effect positive change possible. Valley, where we are blessed with some for those living with dyslexia. Law 10, passed in April of this year, Individuals can overcome dyslexia forces all Syrians, regardless of where of the Nation’s most beautiful lands. and achieve greatness in their edu- they are currently residing, to register Like many, I spent my youth exploring cation and careers when they have the and provide proof of ownership of their local Fresno recreational areas and the right tools and instruction. We will private properties in Syria within 30 California State parks. work hard in Congress to give them days, or else they will be forced to My family and I, many times, visited what is necessary to succeed. hand their properties over to the state Kings Canyon National Park and one of Mr. Speaker, I again thank Chairman of Syria. This amounts to a massive the crown jewels of all national parks, SMITH for his leadership and lifetime of land grab by the corrupt Syrian regime Yosemite Valley, seen in this striking dedication. that would essentially push out the photograph. Wallace Stegner, famous writer, his- f nearly 13 million displaced Syrians and ensure that they never have a chance torian, and environmentalist, once NO MORE PRESIDENTIAL WARS to return home. said: ‘‘Our national parks are the best (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that this idea we ever had. Absolutely American, permission to address the House for 1 body will understand this and we will absolutely democratic, they reflect us minute.) speak loudly. at our best rather than our worst.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.027 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6477 July is Parks and Recreation Month, and $150 million from both the Clean Director of National Intelligence Dan and I urge everyone across this great Water State Revolving Fund and the Coats said, ‘‘The red lights are blink- country to visit our parks and rec- Safe Drinking Water State Revolving ing.’’ Our election process, our critical reational areas. It is great for our fam- Fund. It will make it more difficult to infrastructure, is being attacked by ilies and for all of us. Share in some- protect some bodies of water from pol- Russia, and what is the House of Rep- thing that reflects America at our best. lution and endangered species from ex- resentatives doing today? Eliminating Let us also remember that wildfires tinction. funding to protect our election process. are a regular threat to our parks dur- Perhaps most troubling of all, it ac- Obviously, those who vote for this re- ing this season. Fires are, sadly, burn- tually eliminates protections that help duction in funding are not at the high- ing as we speak today near Yosemite keep lead out of our water. er levels of intelligence. National Park and throughout the A vote for this bill is a vote to make West. our air more dangerous to breathe and f Our thoughts and prayers are with our water less safe to drink. It is a OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DEFEND those brave men and women fighting reckless bill that should be opposed by AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL DE- those fires, and their families, while all Members of this body. MOCRACY protecting some of America’s most pre- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to cious resources. vote ‘‘no’’ and to oppose this and to (Mr. RASKIN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 f protect the quality of our air, our water, and our environment. Our con- minute and to revise and extend his re- RUSSIAN ENERGY INTERESTS IN stituents are depending upon us. marks.) EUROPE Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, earlier f (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given this week, the President put the ‘‘hel’’ permission to address the House for 1 CONGRESS TO ELIMINATE FUND- and the ‘‘sink’’ back in ‘‘Helsinki’’ be- minute.) ING FOR THE ELECTION ASSIST- cause our Republic is sinking under the Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, control ANCE COMMISSION weight of his radical actions in of energy equals national security. I (Mr. ELLISON asked and was given capitulating to Vladimir Putin in the rise to warn how Russia, through hy- permission to address the House for 1 eyes of the world. brid warfare, seeks to destabilize and minute.) Now, some of my colleagues have divide our closest European allies Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I, along called this appeasement. I want to cor- through control of their energy supply. with so many Americans, looked on rect that. Appeasement is a misguided As Americans well know, whoever with great shock as we saw the Presi- policy where you give concessions in controls the energy spigot controls the dent capitulate to Vladimir Putin. It order to try to make peace and sta- function of a nation. Russia uses its was truly a stunning and worrisome bility with a dangerous, aggressive for- growing dominance of energy in Europe moment for me. eign power. as its primary pressure point to desta- In fact, in that European trip, the This was not appeasement. This was bilize the West and our allies. That is President insulted our allies and then simple surrender. The President wasn’t why I was floored that President openly embraced a man who attacked trying to make peace with a hostile Trump inserted himself so haphazardly our democracy, invaded and annexed power. He was trying to capitulate and into Europe’s energy debate. other countries, and authorized lethal have us go over to the other side of the Nord Stream II poses new, troubling attacks on his political enemies and hostile power. dependency threats by Russia on Eu- other countries. The President has sided with rope’s energy security and boosts un- Yet the President still embraced him. authoritarianism, with every democratic Russia’s claw hold on the It is a moment of alarm for the whole kleptocrat, dictator, despot, and tyrant European continent. Russia is Nation, but it is important to note that on the planet Earth today. weaponizing energy in countries across there is something we can do about it, We the people of the United States Europe, including Germany and as the President has also urged the and we in Congress have a responsi- Ukraine, creating a dangerous new de- U.S. Congress to eliminate funding for bility now to defend American con- pendency by those recipient nations. the Election Assistance Commission. stitutional democracy. We must invest The fight for Ukraine’s liberty de- This is very serious because we know in our elections and fortify our elec- pends on its energy independence in that Russia assisted in the hacking and tions so we can begin to restore the the future, and the free world must attack of over 21 States’ election sys- principles we have lost under the ter- help Europe and Ukraine reduce their tems. The President may not be con- rible leadership of Donald Trump. economic reliance on Russian gas. cerned, but Congress ought to be. Risking alienation of nations that Unfortunately, today we expect to f share freedom’s values is counter- have a vote in which we are voting on b 1230 productive and aids and abets our en- a bill that eliminates the funding of emies. the Election Assistance Commission. COMMUNICATION FROM THE Mr. Speaker, I will include in the This should be rejected, as we should CLERK OF THE HOUSE RECORD President Trump’s and Presi- reject the President’s failure to stand The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- dent Putin’s comments on this topic. up for our values. fore the House the following commu- f f nication from the Clerk of the House of SPENDING BILL WILL DAMAGE PRESIDENT TRUMP’S LATEST Representatives: OUR ENVIRONMENT TWEETS OFFICE OF THE CLERK, (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given (Mr. GARAMENDI asked and was HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House Washington, DC, July 18, 2018. Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, minute.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend The Speaker, House of Representatives, Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, later his remarks.) Washington, DC. today the House will vote on a spend- Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, well, DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- ing bill for the Department of the Inte- the latest tweets from the President: mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of rior. This bill is a travesty that will do ‘‘So many people at the higher ends the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- enormous damage to our environment. of intelligence loved my press con- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- It cuts critical funding that keeps our ference performance in Helsinki.’’ sage from the Secretary of the Senate on air clean and our water safe. Obviously, he is referring to Putin, July 18, 2018, at 11:28 a.m.: That the Senate passed without an amend- This bill eliminates $100 million in because there are not many people in ment H.R. 6042. funding from the Environmental Pro- the United States who saw that press With best wishes, I am tection Agency, $65 million from the conference as a success. In fact, it was Sincerely, Land and Water Conservation Fund, an unmitigated disaster. KAREN L. HAAS.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.018 H18JYPT1 H6478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION technology to improve the efficiency, We should be making clean energy OF H. CON. RES. 119, EXPRESSING the safety, and the productivity of more affordable, not making tradi- THE SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT hydro demonstrate the importance of tional energy sources more expensive. A CARBON TAX WOULD BE DET- constantly improving our energy tech- We should be cutting burdensome regu- RIMENTAL TO THE UNITED nologies. lations that constrain the development STATES ECONOMY Now, while we do rely heavily on hy- and deployment of energy, whether it Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, by di- dropower, Washington also utilizes an be nuclear, fossil fuels, or hydropower. array of other energy sources, both rection of the Committee on Rules, I These regulatory burdens should be re- produced and imported, including oil, call up House Resolution 1001 and ask moved and reformed to spur clean en- natural gas, coal, and a number of re- for its immediate consideration. ergy innovation with the power of mar- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- newable energy sources such as wind kets, not within the hands of govern- and solar. lows: ment bureaucrats. My district is also blessed with the Mr. Speaker, we, in central Wash- H. RES. 1001 only nuclear generating station in the Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- ington, have another prize gem in our Pacific Northwest, and that is the Co- backyard. I am proud to represent the lution it shall be in order to consider in the lumbia Generating Station, which is House the concurrent resolution (H. Con. people that work at the Pacific North- operated by Energy Northwest. Colum- Res. 119) expressing the sense of Congress west National Laboratory. This pre- that a carbon tax would be detrimental to bia produces 10 percent of the elec- mier Department of Energy lab is on the United States economy. All points of tricity generated in Washington and is the forefront of energy innovation. a reliable, clean energy producer not order against consideration of the concur- From enabling safe and sustainable fos- rent resolution are waived. The concurrent dependent on weather conditions like sil fuel exploration production, trans- resolution shall be considered as read. All some renewables are. points of order against provisions in the con- Mr. Speaker, my colleagues, while I portation, conversion, and end use, to current resolution are waived. The previous am sure you are fascinated by this transforming the U.S. power grid to question shall be considered as ordered on brief rundown of Washington State’s meet economic, environmental, and se- the concurrent resolution and preamble to source of energy, you may be won- curity priorities for the 21st century, adoption without intervening motion or de- our national labs like PNNL delivers mand for division of the question except one dering why I am speaking about such matters with the resolution before us distinctive science and technology so- hour of debate equally divided and controlled lutions for efficient and sustainable en- by the chair and ranking minority member today. of the Committee on Ways and Means. The resolution says, quite simply, ergy. I am a proud member of the House The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- that it is the sense of Congress that a Appropriations Energy and Water De- tleman from Washington is recognized carbon tax would be detrimental to the velopment and Related Agencies Sub- for 1 hour. United States economy—a simple committee where we continue to Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, for statement. And while I could be spend- prioritize strategic energy research and the purpose of debate only, I yield the ing my time listening to many ways a development that will increase U.S. customary 30 minutes to the gen- harmful tax would harm our economy economic growth, innovation, and com- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. and the American people, I thought I petitiveness. MCGOVERN), pending which I yield my- would also offer a demonstration of the self such time as I may consume. Dur- many resources we have at our disposal Congress should continue to work on ing consideration of this resolution, all for strengthening America’s energy utilizing and empowering public-pri- time yielded is for the purpose of de- dominance. vate partnerships to rapidly develop Many of my colleagues, much like bate only. new technologies and then let the mar- myself, support what we can call an ket catalyze its growth and commer- GENERAL LEAVE ‘‘all of the above’’ energy approach. We cial liability. There are great examples Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask believe government should not be pick- of these efforts taking place in the in- unanimous consent that all Members ing winners and losers and should not novative high-tech communities of the have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- be placing the thumb on the economic Tri-Cities, Washington, where experts tend their remarks. free-market scale. A carbon tax would from the private sector are partnering The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there be exactly that, a devastating hammer with research and support offered by objection to the request of the gen- to what is currently an economy on the PNNL to develop grid-scale storage so- tleman from Washington? rise. lutions and small modular reactor There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support technologies, fundamentally trans- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, on of the resolution offered by the major- Tuesday, the Rules Committee met and forming the future of nuclear power ity whip, Representative STEVE SCA- generation and battery storage tech- reported a rule, House Resolution 1001, LISE from the great State of Louisiana, providing for further consideration of nologies. to oppose a carbon tax carbon tax as a Mr. Speaker, my constituents want the concurrent resolution, H. Con. Res. solution to address carbon emissions 119, expressing the sense of Congress energy security and want a clean envi- and climate change, because, quite ronment. They want economic growth, that a carbon tax would be detrimental frankly, Mr. Speaker, it simply is not a to the United States economy. The rule job creation, and they want to keep solution. their low-cost electricity. The way to a provides for consideration of the con- However, that is not to say that I op- cleaner, more prosperous future for our current resolution under a closed rule. pose reducing carbon emissions. My Nation’s energy needs is not through Mr. Speaker, my district in central constituents and the people of the Washington demonstrates the strength great Pacific Northwest most certainly more government bureaucracy. It is in utilizing a diverse portfolio of en- want a clean, healthy environment, through empowering American innova- ergy sources, while also working on the and we should be doing everything we tion. That is why a carbon tax is wrong forefront of energy innovation in clean can to limit emissions. But a burden- for my district in central Washington energy solutions for the future. some new tax that would fundamen- State. It is wrong for the entire State From the mighty Grand Coulee Dam, tally bring our innovative energy sec- of Washington, and it is wrong for the which is the largest hydroelectric tor and growing economy to a stand- United States of America. We need to power producer in the United States, to still is not the answer. innovate, rather than regulate the fu- the Chief Joseph Dam, to the series of Further, a carbon tax fails to recog- ture of America’s energy dominance. lower Snake and lower Columbia River nize the diversity of our Nation and the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of dams, our region is undoubtedly different energy resources that exist in my time blessed with low-cost, clean, reliable, the United States. Quite frankly, the Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield and renewable hydropower. resources that exist in the State of myself such time as I may consume. In fact, hydropower provides our Washington certainly may not be (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was State with almost 70 percent of our en- present in the State of North Dakota given permission to revise and extend ergy needs. Improvements made to this or Louisiana or Massachusetts. his remarks.)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.022 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6479 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I want Mr. Speaker, this, what we are doing need to be addressing real concerns. to thank the gentleman from Wash- today, is a waste of time. We have real Well, I respectfully submit, Mr. Speak- ington (Mr. NEWHOUSE), for yielding me issues to address—substantive issues to er, that the loss of paychecks of tens of the customary 30 minutes for debate. address. The American people deserve thousands of Kentuckians over the last Mr. Speaker, we are here today to de- more than show votes that throw red decade, as a result of a war on fossil en- bate a Republican sense of Congress meat to the oil lobby. I would say to ergy, is a major concern. Maybe not in resolution proclaiming that a carbon my Republican colleagues: Do your job. Massachusetts, but men and women tax would be bad for the U.S. economy. Listen to the American people. Start who have lost paychecks, whose lives That is it. That is how this majority is addressing some of their concerns, like have been devastated by overregula- choosing to spend its precious legisla- the fact that we need to protect our tion, that is a real concern, Mr. Speak- tive time. I mean, this is a big nothing election system from more Russian in- er. burger. terference. That is a serious matter. This Congress, fortunately, in co- Instead of considering legislation to All of our intelligence agencies have operation with this administration, is address the administration’s horrific said it is a serious matter, that it hap- now leading our country back, not just child separation policy at the border or pened. toward energy independence, but en- addressing the surging cost of prescrip- ergy dominance and strong economic b 1245 tion drugs or taking action to address growth, and, finally, jobs as a priority, gun safety, or finally, finally holding And what is your response? You zero and energy security, by rolling back Russia accountable for their inter- out money in an appropriations bill to onerous regulations that have harmed ference in the 2016 election, something help protect our election system. Then livelihoods and threatened our grid re- the President himself has trouble ac- you block an amendment that would siliency. knowledging, we are here considering a allow us to put the money back in. Mr. Speaker, implementing a carbon sense of Congress stating that a carbon All we want is a fair fight. If you tax would not only harm these efforts, tax would be bad for America. want to vote ‘‘no’’ on it, vote ‘‘no’’ on but it would result in massive job You know, I don’t know how many of it. But the American people are con- losses, lead to higher prices for fami- my Republican colleagues are sci- cerned, even if you are not. Do your lies and businesses, and jeopardize our entists, but you might want to meet job. energy security. some and talk to some of them. They Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of My home State of Kentucky relies are smart people. They deal in facts. my time. heavily on fossil fuels, as our coal re- They deal in evidence. They deal in re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- sources provide our State thousands of sults. bers are reminded to refrain from refer- jobs and deliver more than 83 percent Look, Mr. Speaker, as any third ring to occupants in the gallery and of our electricity. This allows Kentuck- grader knows, the Earth revolves are reminded to direct their remarks to ians to enjoy some of the lowest aver- around the Sun, and if I drop a pen, it the Chair. age electricity rates in the Nation. will fall to the table because of gravity. Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield A carbon tax, Mr. Speaker, would be We know that smoking causes cancer, myself such time as I may consume. an attack on the poor. It would be an and we know that the Earth is not flat. Mr. Speaker, my friends on the other attack on people who cannot afford We also know that climate change is side seem to be focused on closed high electricity bills. real and that 97 percent of climate sci- versus open rules. We hear that time The implementation of a carbon tax entists agree that humans are the main and time again. They are ignoring that would be detrimental not only to Ken- cause. But Republicans are burying the structured amendment process has tucky’s economy, but to the progress their heads in the sand with this glori- routinely been used by both parties of our Nation, and the progress we are fied press release attacking a potential when they were in the majority. making toward energy resilience and tool to combat it. This majority has made it a priority freedom. But even worse than what we are to make in order amendments for floor Instead of increasing government doing is what the Republican majority consideration, which, I might point mandates and regulations on indus- is blocking from consideration. This out, a majority of those amendments tries, and picking winners and losers, week they blocked an amendment that have been Democratic-sponsored or co- we should look for new, innovative would have provided much needed fund- sponsored. In fact, as of July 12 of this ways to promote air quality and ad- ing to the Election Assistance Commis- year, Republicans in this Congress, the dress environmental concerns. The best sion to protect our elections from fur- 115th Congress, provided for the consid- way to do that is not through central ther Russian interference. This is out- eration of more than 1,650 amendments planning from Washington. It is to un- rageous. Just days after President on the House floor: 745 of those were leash free enterprises to encourage in- Trump sided with Putin over our own Democrat amendments; 630 were Re- novation and to harness the carbon intelligence community, Republicans publican amendments; and 280 were, cycle. blocked funding to protect our elec- proudly, bipartisan amendments, Mr. Mr. Speaker, I am not a climate de- tions. Essentially, the President sold Speaker. So by no means are we stop- nier. I am not a science denier. I am a out America in Helsinki. ping the process. That doesn’t even climate thinker. I am a science think- So Republicans want to vote on a count the thousands and thousands of er. Real science is not just about as- sense of Congress, let’s consider the submissions that Members make, both sessing cost only. It is about looking at resolution reiterating Speaker RYAN’s Republican and Democrat, to commit- benefits as well. Those supporting a statement in response to the Presi- tees for consideration. carbon tax look only at costs, but not dent’s terrible performance in Hel- Mr. Speaker, I take exception to the benefits, of coal and other fossil en- sinki. It acknowledges Russia’s role in fact that this is a totally closed proc- ergy. interfering in our election, and it af- ess. It is open for participation by Coal provides cheap, plentiful, reli- firms our support for the intelligence every Member of the House who rep- able energy over the long term. We community. But, of course, the major- resents constituents across this coun- should not want the most carbon-free ity has blocked that resolution. try. energy. We should want the best en- Instead, we are now debating our Mr. Speaker, I am proud to yield 4 ergy. We should want the most reliable 92nd closed rule this Congress. This is minutes to the gentleman from Ken- energy. We should want the most effec- the most closed Congress in history, tucky (Mr. BARR). tive energy, energy that best facili- with zero open rules. And for those in Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today tates human life, human flourishing, the gallery, the reason why this is im- in support of H. Con. Res. 119, express- and human progress. And that is what portant is because the majority of bills ing the sense of Congress that a carbon fossil energy is. that have come to this floor have come tax would be detrimental to American Government mandates and central in a way that nobody can amend them. families and businesses and is not in planning, like a carbon tax, add costs Nobody can change even a word in the the best interest of the United States. to private sector innovation, resulting bill. I mean, this is supposed to be the Mr. Speaker, my colleague and friend in poor air quality and more, not less, people’s House, not the Russia house. from Massachusetts just said that we global pollution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.024 H18JYPT1 H6480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, the goal Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ture. West Virginia is the second larg- should not be green energy. The goal I thank my friend, the gentleman from est producer of coal in the country. Be- should be the advancement of the Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN), for tween January and March of this year, human condition. yielding. mines in southern West Virginia pro- Mr. Speaker, I support H. Con. Res. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to oppose duced more than 12 million short tons 119, and I thank Representative SCA- this rule and to support the previous of coal, a signal that the President’s LISE, our whip, for his efforts on this question. policies are having a positive impact important issue. In a democracy, the right to vote is on the people of my State. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield the most powerful nonviolent tool we When miners are put to work in West myself such time as I may consume. have. Many people marched and pro- Virginia, the State’s economy flour- Mr. Speaker, I tried to get the gen- tested for the right to vote. Some gave ishes. Check this out: West Virginia’s tleman from Kentucky to yield, but I a little blood, and others lost their 2017 gross domestic product growth guess he didn’t want to get into an ex- lives. rate was one of the highest rates in the change. But he said that he is worried Some of you have heard me say that entire country. What a game changer about Kentucky jobs. There is nothing the right to vote is precious, almost sa- for West Virginia. It shows that the in this bill that will protect one job cred. In my heart of hearts, I believe President’s economic policies are anywhere. that we should make it simple and con- working for everyday Americans. We are not debating a carbon tax. venient for all of our citizens to be part A carbon tax would undo many of This is a sense of Congress. This is a of the democratic process. It should these good economic results and would press release. This is not going to pro- not matter whether you are Black or increase expenses for everyday Ameri- tect anybody’s paycheck. This is ridic- White, Latino, Asian-American, or Na- cans, including increasing power rates ulous. Are you going to go home to tive American. We should be able to and the cost of groceries. A carbon tax your constituents and say, ‘‘Oh, I did participate in the democratic process. is a bad idea. something for you. I passed a press re- On March 7, 1965, I gave a little blood Wages could fall as much as 8.5 per- lease’’? I mean, give me a break. on the Edmund Pettus Bridge for the cent for American workers, and our The gentleman talks about the poor. right to vote. Before the Voting Rights manufacturers could see production If he is worried about the poor, then halted by as much as 15 percent, sti- stop cutting Medicaid. If he is worried Act in 1965 was passed, some people had to count the number of bubbles in a bar fling our economic recovery. Simply about the poor, stop cutting food as- put, a carbon tax is an attack on the sistance from people struggling in pov- of soap or the number of jelly beans in a jar. welfare of all Americans, especially on erty, because that is what the Repub- seniors and families on fixed incomes. lican majority has been doing consist- All across America today, when peo- ple go out to attempt to vote, they A vote in support of this rule and res- ently in this Congress. So I don’t need olution is a vote supporting the hard- any lectures about that. stand in long, immovable lines. That is not right, that is not fair, and it is not working men and women of West Vir- To the gentleman from Washington ginia and America who make this (Mr. NEWHOUSE), my colleague, let me just. We can do better, and we must do better. country great. again say, because I think people need Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield to have this sink in, this is the most We have a moral obligation, a mis- sion, and a mandate to empower all of myself such time as I may consume. closed Congress in the history of our Mr. Speaker, this week, Republicans country: 92 closed rules. That means the American people, not just a select few. We must do what is right, what is have brought to the floor a bill that that the majority of bills—I want my zeros out funding for a grant program Republican colleagues to listen to this fair, and what is just. Today, our democracy is under at- to the Election Assistance Commission as well—the majority of bills have to help States and local governments come to the floor where nobody, even tack, by forces within and forces abroad. We need to fix it and fix it now. secure our elections. Republicans, are allowed to offer any Now, a news flash, Mr. Speaker—I For these reasons, I am proud to amendments—nothing. hope my Republican friends are listen- sponsor H.R. 12, the Voter Empower- Is this the people’s House? Is this ing—Russia was just caught meddling ment Act, with my friends and my col- what you came to Washington to do, to in our election. In fact, meddling is not leagues. It is a good bill, a necessary shut out debate, to shut out good strong enough. They attacked our bill, and a patriotic bill to protect and ideas? country. to preserve our voting system. It is a disgrace. My hope is that the When we discovered this, Mr. Mr. Speaker, I urge each and every people of this country are watching QUIGLEY offered an amendment to re- one of my colleagues to support the and that they will send you a message store this critical funding, and it was previous question. in November. blocked in the Rules Committee. My Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I am going to ask my friends in the Rules Committee won’t 3 minutes to the gentleman from West colleagues to defeat the previous ques- even let us vote on it. tion. If we do, I will offer an amend- Virginia (Mr. JENKINS), my good friend. People may ask why, why can’t we Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. ment to the rule to bring up H.R. 12, have a vote on putting money back in Speaker, I rise today with my col- the Voter Empowerment Act, intro- to secure our election system. Well, the leagues, as you have heard just a mo- duced by my colleague, Representative reason why, I think, is because we ment ago, in support of H. Con. Res. , which would ensure equal might win and that Democrats—and 119, which sends a strong message that access to the ballot, modernize the there are probably a lot of Repub- a carbon tax would be devastating to voter registration system, and take licans—would join with us in sup- the economy of the United States, and steps to eliminate deceptive practices porting the amendment. that deter voters from casting their especially to my district in West Vir- ballots. ginia. b 1300 Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- I am so proud to cosponsor this reso- They denied it because it makes sent to insert the text of my amend- lution, along with the leadership of sense. It is common sense. ment in the RECORD, along with extra- Majority Whip SCALISE, and thank him We should be funding this program neous material, immediately prior to for his strong and powerful work on and, instead, we are debating a press the vote on the previous question. this important issue. release that my friends on the other The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there West Virginia is a coal State, side are so passionate about, that will objection to the request of the gen- unapologetic. Our coal miners and coal do nothing for anybody. It is just a tleman from Massachusetts? communities suffered greatly under the press release. We are not debating a There was no objection. prior administration of carbon tax. We are debating a press re- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield and that administration’s anti-coal lease. We ought to be protecting our 3 minutes to the distinguished gen- policies. election system. tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS), to But now, thanks to President Trump, Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- discuss that proposal. West Virginia has hope for a better fu- woman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE) for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.029 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6481 the purpose of a unanimous consent re- GABBARD) for the purpose of a unani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quest. mous consent request. Chair understands that the gentleman Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, standing Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, I ask from Washington has not yielded for under the revered E Pluribus Unum, I unanimous consent to amend the rule that purpose; therefore, the unanimous ardently plea for unanimous consent to to make in order the Quigley amend- consent request cannot be entertained. amend the rules to make in order the ment to restore funds to help our Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Quigley amendment to restore des- States secure their vulnerable election to the gentleman from Vermont (Mr. perately needed funds to prevent the systems. WELCH) for the purpose of a unanimous pernicious and nefarious Russian inter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The consent request. ference in our elections. Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. from Washington has not yielded for unanimous consent to amend the rule ROGERS of Kentucky). The Chair would that purpose; therefore, the unanimous to make in order the Quigley amend- advise that all time has been yielded consent request cannot be entertained. ment to restore funds to prevent Rus- for the purpose of debate only. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield sian interference in our elections. Does the gentleman from Washington to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The yield for purposes of this unanimous KILDEE) for the purpose of a unanimous Chair understands that the gentleman consent request? consent request. from Washington has not yielded for Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I will Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask that purpose; therefore, the unanimous reiterate my earlier announcement unanimous consent to amend the rule consent request cannot be entertained. that all time yielded is for the purpose to make in order the Quigley amend- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield of debate only, and I will not yield for ment to restore funds to prevent Rus- to the gentleman from Rhode Island any other purpose. sian interference in our elections. (Mr. CICILLINE) for the purpose of a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unanimous consent request. tleman from Washington does not Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask yield; therefore, the unanimous con- from Washington has not yielded for unanimous consent to amend the rule sent request cannot be entertained. that purpose; therefore, the unanimous in order to make the Quigley amend- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield consent request cannot be entertained. ment in order to restore urgently need- to the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield ed funds to prevent Russian inter- RASKIN) for the purpose of a unanimous to the gentleman from New York (Mr. ference in our upcoming elections. consent request. TONKO) for the purpose of a unanimous And I would just ask the gentleman Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask consent request. from Washington if he would yield for unanimous consent to make in order Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- purposes of considering this unanimous the Quigley amendment to restore imous consent to amend the rule to consent amendment so that we can, to- funds indispensable to prevent Russian make in order the Quigley amendment gether, Democrats and Republicans, interference in American elections in to restore funds to prevent Russian in- work together to protect the integrity 2018. terference in our elections. of our elections. Restore funding so we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The can look our voters in the face and say, Chair understands that the gentleman Chair understands that the gentleman ‘‘Your vote counted. We are going to from Washington has not yielded for from Washington has not yielded for protect it from Russian interference.’’ that purpose; therefore, the unanimous that purpose; therefore, the unanimous I am imploring my friend on the consent request cannot be entertained. consent request cannot be entertained. other side of the aisle to permit this Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield unanimous consent question so we can PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. restore this urgent funding. This Mr. CICILLINE. Point of parliamen- VEASEY) for the purpose of a unani- shouldn’t be a Republican or a Demo- tary inquiry, Mr. Speaker. mous consent request. cratic issue. It is an American issue. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask This is the integrity of our democracy. tleman from Rhode Island will state unanimous consent to amend the rule Will the gentleman yield to a unani- his parliamentary inquiry. in order that the Quigley amendment mous consent request? Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, does restore funds to prevent Russian inter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the vote on the matter pending before ference in our elections. Chair understands that the gentleman us include restoration of funding to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from Washington—— protect our elections from Russian in- Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask terference? from Washington has not yielded for that my colleague be permitted to an- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that purpose; therefore, the unanimous swer the question. I have asked him Chair will not interpret the pending consent request cannot be entertained. will he yield. measure. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I am The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mr. CICILLINE. I am sorry, Mr. happy to yield to the gentlewoman tleman will be in order. Speaker? from California (Ms. LOFGREN) for the Mr. CICILLINE. I have asked the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The purpose of a unanimous consent re- gentleman from Washington: Will he Chair will not interpret the pending quest. yield? measure. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I am unanimous consent to amend the rule tleman is not in order and is no longer now proud to yield to the gentleman to make in order the Quigley amend- recognized. from my home State of Massachusetts ment to prevent the Russians from Mr. CICILLINE. * * *. (Mr. KENNEDY for the purpose of a interfering in American elections. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unanimous consent request. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Chair understands that the gentleman from Washington has not yielded for unanimous consent to amend the rule from Washington has not yielded for that purpose; therefore, the unanimous and make in order the Quigley amend- that purpose; therefore, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. ment to restore funds to prevent Rus- consent request cannot be entertained. As the Chair advised on January 15, sia from, again, interfering in our elec- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2014, and March 26, 2014, even though a tions. to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. GON- unanimous consent request is not en- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ZALEZ) for the purpose of a unanimous tertained, embellishments accom- Chair understands that the gentleman consent request. panying such requests constitute de- from Washington has not yielded for Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Mr. Speak- bate and will become an imposition on that purpose; therefore, the unanimous er, I ask unanimous consent to amend the time of the Member who yielded for consent request cannot be entertained. the rule to make in order the Quigley that purpose. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield amendment to restore funds to prevent Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I don’t to the gentlewoman from Hawaii (Ms. Russian interference in our elections. know what the hell else we can do over

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:11 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.031 H18JYPT1 H6482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 here. I mean, I appreciate the fact that about the Election Commission. In fis- arguments on this issue, then bring the the gentleman from Washington only cal year 2018, funding provided $380 mil- amendment to the floor, present your wants to yield for debate only, but how lion across the country for the Election case, and let the majority of this House about yielding so that we can act? Assistance Commission, which was a determine what we should do. I guar- I mean, I think the American people final payment that was made in 2002, of antee you the majority of this House want us to do something. I mean, what $3.65 billion, because, you see, way would vote to provide the money to the happened in the 2016 election, what back in 2002, just before that, there was States and to local communities, be- Russia did to our country, was a seri- an election that many people thought cause they are hearing from their con- ous matter. And I am going to tell you, the outcome was wrong; so Republicans stituencies about how concerned they it is not just Democrats that are con- agreed we would put $3.65 billion avail- are about potential Russian meddling cerned. I know Republicans and Inde- able for States to buy what they would in our election. pendents are concerned as well. choose for brand new voting machines They are doubly concerned after the This is an American issue, and when to ensure the assistance was given President’s horrific performance in our Nation is attacked, we come to- from the Federal Government to States Helsinki where he seemed to go out of gether. We put partisanship aside. We for the security of the voting public. his way to cozy up to Putin. So people act. We just don’t talk. We act. Of the 2018 funds this year, only are concerned. We have been trying, using every pro- weeks before the election, 39 percent of So the vote that we lost in the Rules cedural means we know. We have been those dollars are still available. Thir- Committee was not to enact this appealing in the Rules Committee. We ty-nine percent has not even been amendment, the Quigley amendment, have been trying to bring these issues asked for this year, and 19 States have to put the money back in so that the to the floor, and we get shut down yet to even ask for any application to grants could go to States and local every single time. This is unbelievable. be able to go in and update or change communities, the vote we lost—people I mean, history is going to look back their system. need to understand this: the vote we on the inaction of this Congress with The House Administration and the lost was to have the ability to debate it great shame. Homeland Security Committees are and vote on it. This is the United States House of Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of working diligently with law enforce- Representatives. That is what we are my time. ment to find out what, if any, dif- supposed to do. Stop the obstruc- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, get- ficulty there was in the balloting proc- tionism, especially on an issue like ting back to the resolution at hand ess. this. about moving away from regressive I have no doubt—none, no doubt— taxes and top-down, Big Government Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the that there was interference in this last gentleman from Maryland (Mr. regulation, I yield 5 minutes to the campaign election by outside forces, RASKIN). gentleman from Texas (Mr. SESSIONS), maybe even Russians. And it might not Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I want to the chairman of the Rules Committee. have just been Russians. It might have Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, the ask Mr. MCGOVERN a question so we been a number of people. can get some clarity on where we are facts of the case tend to find them- Special Counsel Robert Mueller said selves to the surface at some point or right now. we were duped; the American people As I understand it, one position is another, and, in fact, there was a vig- were duped. We did not recognize the that the State election systems are orous debate at the Rules Committee interference. fine, they don’t need any infusion of last night, yesterday. There was a vig- But I don’t know whether it was at Federal help. And then there is another orous debate, and I do recognize that the ballot box or getting people to the position, which you are advancing, my Democratic colleagues simply lost ballot box, their will or desire to vote, which is that we need to put in hun- the vote. It did not stop the debate, or how they would vote. I am not sure dreds of millions of dollars in order to however, because an amendment was we know that yet. But the special secure the elections to prevent a repeat brought forward that each member of counsel is going to let us know that. of the cyber sabotage and the cyber in- the Democratic Party voted for it at So, as we were talking about funding vasion that we experienced in 2016. And the Rules Committee. for 2018, 2019, Mr. Speaker, at this time yet we are not getting a chance to vote And under testimony that was given there is no request for even 40 percent on that. Is that right? last night, it would be a counter play of the funds that we have. It is at the Mr. MCGOVERN. Will the gentleman for the Democratic Party. When Re- end of $3.65 billion. The States have yield? publicans said we should not have a had this fund available. Mr. RASKIN. I yield to the gen- carbon tax, my Democratic colleagues So we think that the facts of the tleman from Massachusetts. came to the Rules Committee and ar- case, as we give them today, should be Mr. MCGOVERN. That is correct, we gued they would be for a bill that enough evidence, not only to you, Mr. cannot vote on that. would raise hundreds of billions of dol- Speaker, but for the American people Mr. RASKIN. Well, why can we not lars in taxes that would be placed on that there is not at this time a request vote on that? The American people are energy in this country, hundreds of bil- necessary for more money. demanding that we defend our elec- lions of dollars, at minimum. That is tions against foreign attack. Why can b 1315 what they stood for. we not even vote on that in the House So the policy behind what we are I will cease my discussion now, Mr. of Representatives? talking about here is, we said we be- Speaker, but will tell you that the res- Mr. MCGOVERN. If the gentleman lieve that America should have a ro- olution that is directly in front of us will continue to yield, when I offered bust energy policy that is not taxed, says we should not tax the middle class the Quigley amendment, which would that harms the American people. We of this country, we should not tax fur- have allowed us to have this vote, all should have a system of not just eco- ther disabled people or the community the Republicans voted ‘‘no.’’ nomics, but of energy policy that of elderly people who have enjoyed the Mr. RASKIN. I just saw dozens of our would also include green energy; would price of fuel going down because of colleagues ask unanimous consent that also include nuclear energy, which I what the Republican policy initiatives they reconsider that position so the consider pretty clean since it is a non- have enabled us to achieve. American people can have a hearing on emitting source; that we would also Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman whether or not we are going to have allow the marketplace to have natural for yielding. real elections in 2018. Have you been gas and something which they vigor- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield able to discuss it with the other side ously want to defend, and that is, home myself such time as I may consume. about whether they would be willing to heating fuel, which is diesel fuel to be Mr. Speaker, sometimes I can’t be- entertain another unanimous consent dumped by the billions of gallons in the lieve what is said on this House floor. motion so we can actually have a de- Northeast. Mr. Speaker, I would say to my bate on this? Mr. Speaker, what we talked about friend, the distinguished chair of the Mr. MCGOVERN. We can try one yesterday also included the discussion Rules Committee, if he is so sure of his more time. We have been trying and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.032 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6483 trying and trying, but they are insist- dicted for meddling in our election. tions put forth by Republicans in Con- ent on blocking this amendment from The President of the United States gress in nearly a decade. even being considered. went over to Helsinki and made nice Mr. Speaker, this resolution is a Mr. RASKIN. I thank the gentleman with Vladimir Putin. That shocked not waste of time, and I urge my colleagues for his leadership on this, but this is a only the citizens of the United States, to vote ‘‘no.’’ point of national emergency right now. but the entire world. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield This is our democracy, this is our Con- So I disagree with the gentleman 2 minutes to the gentleman from New stitution that is at stake. And as I un- when he says there is no crisis. There York (Mr. TONKO). derstand it, every State of the Union is a crisis and we need to address it. We Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, I thank wants election infusion funding coming need to do everything we can to pre- the gentleman for yielding. from the Federal Government and pare ourselves for another attack. All Americans across our country are needs it in order to fortify against we are asking for is a vote. very much suffering the negative ef- cyber attack. If the gentleman doesn’t think there fects of climate change. They expect In my State, in Maryland, we just is a crisis, doesn’t want to vote for Congress to respond with a plan. We were able to determine that a private this, he can vote ‘‘no,’’ that is his may not agree on all the details, but vendor that is one of the lead contrac- right, but for the hundreds of Members our constituents deserve a serious de- tors in our election system has Russian of this Chamber who would like a de- bate. ties and is being controlled by someone bate and a vote on this, give them that This resolution is not serious. It re- very close to Vladimir Putin. So we opportunity. flects an extreme rightwing climate in- need an infusion of Federal help to for- The Rules Committee ought not to be action plan: embrace denial, sow tify our election. a place where democracy goes to die, disinformation, and cash checks from So please continue and do whatever especially on issues like this. polluters. you can with the Republicans just to Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the This resolution reveals the hypocrisy allow us a vote on the floor. gentleman from California (Mr. of the Republican energy strategy. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ap- LOWENTHAL). They claim to care about innovation, preciate the gentleman’s comments. Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, I but support budget cuts to critical re- What this House needs is a little de- rise in opposition to the rule. I want to search programs like ARPA-E and mocracy. return to the fact that it is a scientific EERE. Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield fact that climate change is occurring They claim to care about economic myself such time as I may consume. and that human activity is the primary growth, but ignore the millions of jobs Mr. Speaker, we have no further cause of that change. that have been created in the clean en- speakers on this side of the aisle, but Its destructive physical and eco- ergy universe and fail to see the oppor- before I reserve my time, I just want to nomic effects are already being felt tunities to add millions more. remind my good friends on the other throughout the United States and, in They claim to care about low-income side of the aisle that my colleague and fact, throughout the world. This reso- Americans, but cheer the rollback of good friend from Illinois, Mr. QUIGLEY, lution simply denies that reality. environmental standards that would did offer this amendment in the Appro- Entire American towns are beginning protect them. priations Committee just last week. to be displaced due to sea level rise, They claim to support free markets, We did spend a great deal of time de- and desperate attempts to save these but fail to speak out when President bating and discussing this idea. communities through costly infra- Trump suggests unprecedented market As the good chairman from the Rules structure projects are costing Amer- interventions to bail out uncompeti- Committee said, and I will repeat, of ican taxpayers millions of dollars a tive coal plants at great expense to the funds that were appropriated, there year. Americans, especially manufacturers. were $380 million appropriated for the In my home State of California, wild- Make no mistake: greenhouse gases Election Assistance Commission, which fire seasons are becoming longer. Actu- are serious pollutants that will have was the last of the final payment of the ally, it is not a season. It is now year- long-term consequences. America $3.65 billion originally authorized round. They are stronger, they are needs a climate plan, not a love letter under the Help America Vote Act of more destructive, and they are costing, to polluters. 2002. Of these 2018 funds, there are still thereto, American taxpayers millions Members that support this resolution 39 percent of these dollars available to of dollars each year. are sending a clear message to the the States. Yet despite these rising costs, rather American people that they care more There is no crisis. The money is than working on a solution towards about polluters’ interests than the peo- available to States that want those this pressing problem, House Repub- ple we are asked to serve. dollars for assistance. In fact, to date, licans have put forth a resolution that Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to my latest information, Mr. Speaker, denies that climate change is a costly reject this misguided resolution. there are still 19 States yet to submit problem and that we are passing it on Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I re- an application. to our kids and our grandkids. They serve the balance of my time. So there is no crisis. There is help put forth a resolution that attempts to Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield available. States have an opportunity shut the door on any conversation 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas to receive the resources necessary to about policies that can both promote (Mr. GONZALEZ). make sure we have what all American economic growth and at the same time Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Mr. Speak- people want, that our elections are curb harmful pollution and protect the er, today we speak about the most held with the utmost honesty and in- planet. egregious acts from this administra- tegrity. Mr. Speaker, let’s deal with reality tion, one after another after another, Mr. Speaker, as I said, we have no rather than denying reality. The Safe but I will not forget about our chil- more speakers, and I reserve the bal- Climate Caucus members have been dren. ance of my time. calling for real conversations on the I rise today to tell my fellow Mem- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield causes, impacts, and solutions of cli- bers of Congress that I am appalled myself such time as I may consume. mate change for years. over reports of the mistreatment and Mr. Speaker, all these excuses. As Instead of proposing ways to reduce abuse towards children at the Shiloh the gentleman knows, hundreds of carbon pollution or allowing construc- Residential Treatment Center. Members of this House don’t sit on the tive congressional dialogue on how to The facility is under contract with Appropriations Committee. Should avoid costly climate damages, the Re- the U.S. Department of Health and they not have a voice on this issue? publican majority continues to refuse Human Services and located just south And, by the way, since that vote in to even have this conversation about of Houston, Texas. The Shiloh facility the Appropriations Committee, a lot how to address one of the greatest is owned and operated by the same en- has changed in this country. If you are threats to human survival on this plan- tity that formerly operated Daystar reading the news, 12 Russians were in- et. We have not seen any serious solu- Treatment Center in Manvel, Texas.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.034 H18JYPT1 H6484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 You may remember this place. I worked with Mr. MCKINLEY to make we should not make energy more ex- Daystar was closed because of the way certain those coal miners got their pensive. in which they physically restrained healthcare benefits and why I am con- Even more tellingly than that, children that led to the death of three tinuing to fight so that those coal min- though, when asked whether they teenagers. In most cases, children were ers get their pensions. trusted the Federal Government to hog-tied. But we can help them with a carbon spend the money from a tax on carbon Now, instead of being hog-tied, they tax that returns all of whatever it is emissions wisely, only 18 percent of the are drugging children into submission. they contributed back to them and respondents felt that they would, while One child was prescribed ten different their communities so they can have a 74 percent said that they did not feel shots and pills, including the future. that way. antipsychotic drug Latuda, Geodon, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, may I An overwhelming 73 percent of re- and olanzapine. We are giving them make an inquiry of the gentleman from spondents agreed that the last thing Parkinson’s medications, we are giving Washington? that we need is higher taxes or more them pain medications, I know the gentleman said he has no bureaucracy. And, lastly, 85 percent of antidepressants, and cognizant further speakers, but we are being in- respondents feared that consumers will enhancers. This is a disgrace. undated with speakers on this side. wind up paying the cost associated Federal District Judge Laughrey re- Does the gentleman want to maybe with a tax or regulation, exactly what cently explained: ‘‘Psychotropic drugs send a few minutes our way? we have been saying. are powerful medications that directly Mr. NEWHOUSE. Will the gentleman The fact of the matter is, Mr. Speak- affect the central nervous system. yield? er, the American people remain pro- They are particularly potent when ad- Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield to the gen- foundly skeptical of government intru- ministered to children. . . . They are tleman from Washington. sion into the free markets, and like I more vulnerable to psychosis, seizures, Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, as said before, a carbon tax would be wrong for our Nation. irreversible movement disorders, suici- tempting as that sounds, I think that Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of dal thoughts, and aggression. . . . ’’ the adequate 30 minutes per side is my time. This is a disgrace and this is un- enough for both of us. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. MCGOVERN. I thought I would American and it must stop now. 2 minutes to the gentleman from Penn- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield ask. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the sylvania (Mr. CARTWRIGHT). 2 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, a gentlewoman from Maine (Ms. PIN- Vermont (Mr. WELCH). debate on the topic of climate change GREE). Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I thank on the floor of the House is long over- Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, I rise the gentleman for yielding. due. Those who care about the future today in opposition to the rule and to Mr. Speaker, we have a carbon tax. It of our planet and our species have the underlying bill. But as my col- is invisible, it is relentless, it is puni- waited for Congress to begin working league from Massachusetts said, this tive, and it is entirely avoidable. on negotiating some sort of sensible so- isn’t really a bill. It is a press release. According to NOAA, in 2017, the U.S. lution to climate change for years. A It is a love note to the fossil fuel indus- had 16 disasters with damage exceeding topic of this gravity deserves our at- try. a billion dollars each. With three dev- tention. astating hurricanes, extreme wildfires, We should have an open rule on the Now, Republicans have been in floor for this resolution so that we can hail, flooding, tornados, and drought, charge of Congress for the 51⁄2 years the United States tallied a record high talk about the real issues around cli- that I have been here, but have they bill for weather-related disasters, $306 mate change, so that we can talk about brought a new idea to the floor today? billion. That is a carbon tax. the effects of a changing growing sea- Have they proposed a solution? Are Western wildfires, fanned by hot, dry son and the effects of extreme weather they taking the threat seriously? Do conditions, racked up $18 billion in on our farms and fishing communities, they believe in science? Today’s debate damage, triple the previous U.S. wild- so that we can talk about sea level rise makes it clear that the answer is no. fire record. That is a carbon tax. and ocean acidification on our coastal Instead of a proposed solution, we are The U.S. has sustained, between 1980 communities, so that we can talk wasting our time with an empty par- and 2017, we had an average billion-dol- about the impacts of changing climates tisan resolution, a misleading and false lar events of six a year; in the last 5 on health and healthcare costs. resolution that doesn’t do anything years, it has been close to 12. We are seeing these problems in my more than thoughtlessly swat away an home State and in the Gulf of Maine, b 1330 idea that deserves careful consider- in particular, where the water is warm- ation. In the coming decade, economic ing at a rate 90 percent faster than the Solutions do exist. We can design losses from extreme weather, combined rest of the world. We don’t know what market-based climate policies that with the health cost of air pollution, impact that will have on the lobsters, would greatly reduce greenhouse gases. spiral upwards to at least $360 billion groundfish, and future fisheries, but If we design the policy right, it can every single year. That is a carbon tax. the fishermen are worried, and we are help low-income and middle class citi- The second thing I want to say is already starting to see the changes. zens, while creating jobs and spurring this: A confident nation faces its chal- We are putting our heads in the sand innovation. lenges. It doesn’t deny them. If we ac- if we just do nothing, if we keep sup- I believe it is important for us to knowledge that we have a climate cri- porting fossil fuels, and if we keep pre- focus our attention on things like im- sis, we can create jobs by solving it. venting even a simple debate on the migration, on the economy, on Energy efficiency, renewable energy, costs of carbon and possible climate so- healthcare. storage batteries, all of these things lutions. Well, climate change is impacting that are being embraced by Vermont Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to immigration. In 2017, The New York entrepreneurs are resulting in the big- oppose the rule and oppose this bill. Times reported that 10 percent of Mexi- gest growth of jobs in our State, which Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield cans age 15 to 65 could eventually try is in the renewable energy sector. So myself such time as I may consume. to emigrate north as a result of rising we can make a better economy by ac- Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the gentle- temperatures. knowledging our problem. woman from Maine, as well as the gen- Climate change is impacting the And, third, I want to speak to Mr. tleman from Vermont, getting back to economy. Hurricanes Irma and Harvey JENKINS because he represents some of the debate at hand. cost this Nation $280 billion. the hardest working, best people in I just want to share a few things that That is just the beginning. Climate this country, and those are the West I have learned from a recent poll con- change is impacting our health. This Virginia coal miners. They kept the ducted by the Institute for Energy Re- includes extreme weather events, vec- lights on in Vermont for us for a cen- search. They found that a resounding tor-borne diseases, chronic conditions, tury, and I thank them. And it is why 85 percent of respondents agreed that and things like that.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.036 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6485 Today, instead of posing a sensible pose—and I oppose the rule associated have children being separated from solution, instead of seeking a produc- with it—are put to the floor of this their parents at the border. We have tive discussion on the options at our House to discourage this House from prescription drug prices that are sky- disposal, Republicans have decided ut- proposing the most effective and most rocketing. We need an infrastructure terly to reject a possible market-based successful way of dealing with climate bill. We have gun violence in this coun- solution without any evidence or jus- change, which is to put a price on car- try that is out of control, where there tification, without any hearings or real bon. are massacres occurring on a regular debate, without regular order. We can take all of those revenues and basis. And what are we doing? We are Mr. Speaker, I oppose this rule and return them to the American people. doing a press release. This is shameful. this resolution, and I encourage my We can wall them off from government And on the issue of Russian inter- colleagues to do the same. spending. There is a whole variety of ference in our elections, we ought to be Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield approaches we could take to ensure having a debate on an amendment to 2 minutes to the gentleman from Vir- that the revenues generated from tax- provide more funds to States and local ginia (Mr. BEYER). ing carbon pollution are returned to authorities to protect their election Mr. BEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to the American people. systems. oppose the rule that would permit a As a Congress, wouldn’t we rather The gentleman from Washington House vote on the most shortsighted, tax pollution than tax hardworking says: Oh, there is still 39 percent of the antimarket sense of the House on a Americans? That is what a carbon tax money left. They don’t need it. I think carbon tax. will do. I encourage my colleagues to his information is old, because we are For decades, economists across the reject this resolution and allow us to told that every single State has put in ideological spectrum have argued that have the real debate the American peo- a request for additional assistance. carbon price is the most efficient way ple deserve on this floor. Why don’t we debate that and vote on to discourage the use of fossil fuels and Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield it and do the right thing? the best way to encourage the growth 1 minute to the gentleman from Oregon I am looking at a New York Times of energy efficiency measures, alter- (Mr. BLUMENAUER). article that just appeared today where native energy sources, and market de- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States, cisions on everything from housing to this resolution encapsulates what is Donald Trump, says Russia is no longer transportation. wrong with the Republican manage- targeting the U.S. I mean, is this for Indeed, this is the preferred solution ment of this Congress. It is a cartoon real? What is wrong with him? to climate change by those on the that doesn’t deal with the underlying It is time for Congress to stage an right, by the Republican public intel- issues. They conjure up an imaginary intervention with him and tell him to lectuals and think tanks, which is why carbon tax when there are real pro- listen to his intelligence agencies who it is baffling that a Republican con- posals to price carbon before commit- contradict what he has just said this gressional leadership would want to at- tees in Congress now. morning. This is urgent. tack their preferred policy option. Instead of engaging in fantasy, we We can’t count on the President of It is axiomatic economics that we could have a debate about real legisla- the United States to do the right thing. tax the things we want to discourage. tion that would satisfy their answers Congress needs to stand up. Congress The scientific evidence continues to ac- and be able to deal with what our re- needs to be counted. cumulate in prodigious amounts that sponsibilities are in the future. Vote ‘‘no’’ on the previous question. carbon pollution is profoundly chang- What we are talking about today en- Vote ‘‘no’’ on this rule. ing the climate of our Earth. The costs capsulates the failure of Republican Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of inaction are staggering, into the bil- leadership in this Congress. They can’t of my time. lions. deal with immigration. They can’t deal Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield Carbon pricing is the most market- meaningfully with climate change and myself the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the oppor- oriented policy action we can take to carbon pollution. Instead, we are deal- tunity to engage with my good friend combat this. Designed well, the eco- ing with empty gestures. and colleague from the State of Massa- nomic dividend will put much more Mr. Speaker, I strongly suggest we chusetts, especially on a particularly money into the hands of the American reject this rule and get down to busi- important issue such as carbon tax. people and will grow our economy more ness. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, can I It is my feeling and the feeling of the quickly. majority of this House that we need to History will look back on this House just double-check and inquire of the move away from aggressive taxes and resolution with sadness and regret. gentleman whether he has any addi- top-down Big Government regulation. Once again, we will have chosen short- tional speakers over there? Mr. NEWHOUSE. Will the gentleman We need to get behind innovative-cen- term profits of the fossil fuel titans yield? tric solutions that remove bureau- over the long-term survival and pros- MR. McGOVERN. I yield to the gen- cratic barriers to clean, affordable, and perity of mankind on our planet. tleman from Washington. reliable energy technology and allow Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, may I Mr. NEWHOUSE. We are prepared to for real global carbon emission reduc- inquire how much time I have remain- close on the Republican side. tions. ing. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, is my Our affordable and reliable energy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- 1 understanding correct that I have 1 ⁄2 supply must be the focus, along with a tleman from Massachusetts has 31⁄2 minutes remaining? cleaner environment and a stronger minutes remaining. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- economy. A carbon tax simply would Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 tleman from Massachusetts has 1 ⁄2 not yield those kinds of results. 1 minute to the gentleman from Mary- minutes remaining. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to land (Mr. DELANEY). Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield support the rule and support the under- Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, the sci- myself the balance of my time. lying legislation, H. Con. Res. 119, entists have spoken. Climate change is Mr. Speaker, I cannot believe that we which is simply this: Expressing the happening, human behavior is contrib- are here debating a press release. We sense of Congress that a carbon tax uting to it, and it is a long-term threat are not debating a carbon tax. We are would be detrimental to the United to our prosperity and our national se- debating a press release. States economy. curity. I would say to my friends on the The material previously referred to But climate change is also the ulti- other side of the aisle: If you are by Mr. MCGOVERN is as follows: mate, very large problem that moves against the carbon tax, go back to your AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 1001 OFFERED BY very slowly, which makes it particu- office and issue a press release and send MR. MCGOVERN larly poorly matched with the political it to your local newspapers, because At the end of the resolution, add the fol- system we have today. And what that is what this is. lowing new sections: causes me great concern is when We are wasting precious time on this SEC. 2. Immediately upon adoption of this wrongheaded resolutions which I op- floor when there are other issues. We resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.038 H18JYPT1 H6486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House though it is generally not possible to amend The text of the resolution is as fol- resolved into the Committee of the Whole the rule because the majority Member con- lows: House on the state of the Union for consider- trolling the time will not yield for the pur- H. RES. 990 ation of the bill (H.R. 12) to modernize voter pose of offering an amendment, the same re- registration, promote access to voting for in- sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Whereas the national security interests of dividuals with disabilities, protect the abil- vious question on the rule. . . . When the the United States are dependent on the brave ity of individuals to exercise the right to motion for the previous question is defeated, men and women who enforce our Nation’s vote in elections for Federal office, and for control of the time passes to the Member immigration laws; Whereas abolishing United States Immi- other purposes. The first reading of the bill who led the opposition to ordering the pre- gration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shall be dispensed with. All points of order vious question. That Member, because he would mean open borders because it would against consideration of the bill are waived. then controls the time, may offer an amend- eliminate the main agency responsible for General debate shall be confined to the bill ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of removing people who enter or remain in our and shall not exceed one hour equally di- amendment.’’ country illegally; vided among and controlled by the respec- In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Whereas calls to abolish ICE are an insult tive chairs and ranking minority members of of Representatives, the subchapter titled to these heroic law enforcement officers who the Committees on House Administration, ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal make sacrifices every day to secure our bor- the Judiciary, Science, Space and Tech- to order the previous question on such a rule ders, enforce our laws, and protect our safety nology, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and [a special rule reported from the Committee and security; Government Reform. After general debate on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Whereas abolishing ICE would allow dan- the bill shall be considered for amendment ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- gerous criminal aliens, including violent and under the five-minute rule. All points of tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- ruthless members of the MS–13 gang, to re- order against provisions in the bill are jection of the motion for the previous ques- main in American communities; waived. At the conclusion of consideration of tion on a resolution reported from the Com- Whereas during fiscal year 2017, ICE En- the bill for amendment the Committee shall mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- forcement and Removal Operations (ERO) rise and report the bill to the House with ber leading the opposition to the previous arrested more than 127,000 aliens with crimi- such amendments as may have been adopted. question, who may offer a proper amendment nal convictions or charges; The previous question shall be considered as or motion and who controls the time for de- Whereas ICE ERO made 5,225 administra- ordered on the bill and amendments thereto bate thereon.’’ tive arrests of suspected gang members in to final passage without intervening motion Clearly, the vote on the previous question fiscal year 2017; except one motion to recommit with or with- on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Whereas criminal aliens arrested by ICE out instructions. If the Committee of the cations. It is one of the only available tools ERO in fiscal year 2017 were responsible for Whole rises and reports that it has come to for those who oppose the Republican major- more than— no resolution on the bill, then on the next ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- (1) 76,000 dangerous drug offenses; legislative day the House shall, immediately native views the opportunity to offer an al- (2) 48,000 assault offenses; after the third daily order of business under ternative plan. (3) 11,000 weapon offenses; clause 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Com- (4) 5,000 sexual assault offenses; Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield (5) 2,000 kidnapping offenses; and mittee of the Whole for further consideration back the balance of my time, and I of the bill. (6) 1,800 homicide offenses; SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not move the previous question on the res- Whereas ICE Homeland Security Investiga- apply to the consideration of H.R. 12. olution. tions made 4,818 gang-related arrests in fis- cal year 2017; THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT b 1345 Whereas ICE identified or rescued 904 sexu- IT REALLY MEANS ally exploited children; This vote, the vote on whether to order the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on ordering the previous Whereas ICE identified or rescued 518 vic- previous question on a special rule, is not tims of human trafficking; merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- question. Whereas abolishing ICE would mean that dering the previous question is a vote The question was taken; and the countless illegal aliens who could pose a against the Republican majority agenda and Speaker pro tempore announced that threat to public safety would be allowed to a vote to allow the Democratic minority to the ayes appeared to have it. roam free instead of being removed from offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on American soil; what the House should be debating. Whereas abolishing ICE would mean more Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the that I demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. dangerous illegal drugs flowing into our House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- communities, causing more Americans to scribes the vote on the previous question on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- needlessly suffer; the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Whereas ICE plays a critical role in com- consideration of the subject before the House ceedings on this question will be post- batting the drug crisis facing our Nation; being made by the Member in charge.’’ To poned. Whereas ICE seized more than 980,000 defeat the previous question is to give the pounds of narcotics in fiscal year 2017, in- opposition a chance to decide the subject be- f cluding thousands of pounds of the deadly fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER drugs fueling the opioid crisis; ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that PRO TEMPORE Whereas ICE seized 2,370 pounds of fentanyl ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- and 6,967 pounds of heroin in fiscal year 2017; mand for the previous question passes the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas ICE logged nearly 90,000 investiga- control of the resolution to the opposition’’ ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair tive hours directed toward fentanyl in fiscal in order to offer an amendment. On March will postpone further proceedings year 2017; 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- today on motions to suspend the rules Whereas abolishing ICE would leave these fered a rule resolution. The House defeated on which a recorded vote or the yeas drugs in our communities to cause more dev- the previous question and a member of the astation; opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, and nays are ordered, or votes objected Whereas abolishing ICE would mean elimi- asking who was entitled to recognition. to under clause 6 of rule XX. nating the agency that deports aliens that Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: The House will resume proceedings pose a terrorist threat to the United States; ‘‘The previous question having been refused, on postponed questions at a later time. Whereas ICE was created in 2003 to better the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- protect national security and public safety f gerald, who had asked the gentleman to after the 9/11 terrorists exploited immigra- yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to SUPPORTING UNITED STATES IM- tion laws to gain entry into the United the first recognition.’’ MIGRATION AND CUSTOMS EN- States; The Republican majority may say ‘‘the FORCEMENT Whereas the National Commission on Ter- vote on the previous question is simply a rorist Attacks found that many of the 9/11 vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I hijackers committed visa violations; vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] move to suspend the rules and agree to Whereas ICE identifies dangerous individ- has no substantive legislative or policy im- the resolution (H. Res. 990) supporting uals before they enter our country and lo- plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what the officers and personnel who carry cates them as they violate our immigration they have always said. Listen to the Repub- out the important mission of the laws; and lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Whereas abolishing ICE would enable the Process in the United States House of Rep- United States Immigration and Cus- hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s toms Enforcement, as amended. who illegally overstay their visa each year how the Republicans describe the previous The Clerk read the title of the resolu- to remain in the United States indefinitely: question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- tion. Now, therefore, be it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.011 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6487 Resolved, That the House of Representa- fective adjudication of immigration benefits. tion Reform and Immigrant Responsi- tives— Separating enforcement and benefits func- bility Act. (1) expresses its continued support for all tions will lead to more effective enforce- That commitment has inexorably United States Immigration and Customs En- ment. withered away. By 2005, only 36 House forcement (ICE) officers and personnel who The commission is particularly concerned carry out the important mission of ICE; that although the removal system produced Democrats voted for JIM SENSEN- (2) denounces calls for the abolishment of more than 100,000 final removal orders each BRENNER’s Border Protection, Anti-Ter- ICE; and year, the system did not have the cor- rorism, and Illegal Immigration Con- (3) supports the efforts of all Federal agen- responding capacity to remove the individ- trol Act. Just a few weeks ago, not one cies, State law enforcement, and military uals subject to those orders. Democrat voted for either of two bills personnel who bring law and order to our Na- It noted that: that would have resuscitated immigra- tion’s borders. The system is bogged down with increasing tion enforcement—the Securing Amer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- numbers of aliens who are put into removal ica’s Future Act or the Border Security ant to the rule, the gentleman from proceedings, released due to a lack of deten- and Immigration Reform Act. Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) and the gen- tion space, and never appear at their hear- House Democrats once worked col- tleman from New York (Mr. NADLER) ings, or are never deported after a final order laboratively with Republicans to im- each will control 20 minutes. of removal is issued. We must enable the im- prove the effectiveness of Federal im- The Chair recognizes the gentleman migration system to deliver better on its migration enforcement. I hope that we from Virginia. commitment to actually remove those who are issued final orders. will resume that soon. Now it appears GENERAL LEAVE that they are outraged when ICE has Those are the words of Barbara Jor- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the audacity to actually enforce the dan’s Commission. unanimous consent that all Members laws that we have enacted. Following upon the Barbara Jordan may have 5 legislative days in which to Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Commission’s recommendation, SHEILA revise and extend their remarks and in- vote on both sides of the aisle for H. JACKSON LEE introduced the Immigra- clude extraneous materials on H. Res. Res. 990. Let’s honor the work of Bar- tion Restructuring and Accountability 990, currently under consideration. bara Jordan and our Republican and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Act establishing an Office of Immigra- Democratic colleagues who joined to- objection to the request of the gen- tion Enforcement to: gether to create ICE, and the brave tleman from Virginia? Implement the removal of deportable and men and women of ICE to whom we There was no objection. inadmissible aliens from the United States. owe so much. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I Ms. JACKSON LEE has stated: Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of yield myself such time as I may con- I have been a champion for years when it my time. sume. comes to restructuring the Immigration and Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I strongly support H. Naturalization Service. I have been arguing myself such time as I may consume. for years that we need to separate out serv- Res. 990 introduced by CLAY HIGGINS to Mr. Speaker, this resolution is the express our support for the men and ices and enforcement functions of the INS. legislative equivalent of fiddling while women of the U.S. Immigration and In 2001, then-Judiciary Committee Rome is burning. Our President takes Customs Enforcement. Chairman JIM SENSENBRENNER intro- to the world stage to side with a hos- Recently, Democrats nationwide, duced the Barbara Jordan Immigration tile foreign power over his own intel- from the mayor of New York City to Reform and Accountability Act which ligence services. Here at home he en- Senators GILLIBRAND and WARREN, proposed to abolish the INS and estab- gages in government-sponsored child have recklessly called for the abolish- lished separate offices for immigration abuse in the form of a family separa- ment of ICE, the agency within the De- enforcement and the provision of im- tion policy that continues to terrorize partment of Homeland Security migration benefits. The bill was a bi- children as young as 6 months. charged with enforcing Federal immi- partisan juggernaut. It passed the Ju- This nonbinding resolution before us gration laws within our Nation’s inte- diciary Committee by a vote of 32–2 would do nothing to bring about a fair rior. and this body by a vote of 405–9. and just immigration system. In fact, They have used rhetoric that is both ALCEE HASTINGS stated during floor it would do nothing at all. It is just a bewildering and deeply troubling. New consideration that: meaningless political stunt to change York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia I want to commend the authors of this bill. the subject from the international and Nixon has gone so far as to call ICE a They have produced a bipartisan bill that is domestic shame unleashed on us by ‘‘terrorist organization.’’ The Demo- sure to improve performance and account- President Trump. cratic candidate for the 14th Congres- ability. I think Mr. Sensenbrenner and Mr. The President imposed the family Conyers have done an outstanding job. sional District of New York just yes- separation policy, and his administra- terday stated: ‘‘We have to occupy all The Barbara Jordan Immigration Re- tion never even considered how to en- of it. We need to occupy every airport. form and Accountability Act was, in ef- sure that the children would eventu- We need to occupy every border. We fect, enacted into law as part of the ally reunite with their families. Now, need to occupy every ICE office. . . . ’’ Homeland Security Act. In creating nearly 3,000 children remain separated, What is remarkable is that these DHS, it transferred over the INS’s and they do not know when, or even if, calls would undo what has been our functions and placed responsibility they will ever see their parents again. singular bipartisan achievement on im- over Immigration and Customs En- Many of these children were ripped migration over the last two decades— forcement in the same directorate. from the arms of their mothers and fa- the creation of ICE, U.S. Customs and President Bush placed the final piece of thers, and their anguish is unimagi- Border Protection, and U.S. Citizenship the puzzle in 2003 when he submitted a nable. and Immigration Services. DHS reorganization plan that created But this bill would do nothing to re- The late Barbara Jordan was one of the Bureau of Immigration and Cus- verse this disastrous and cruel family the most distinguished persons ever to toms Enforcement with the primary separation policy. It would do nothing serve in this body. She was awarded mission of: to ensure that parents and children are the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Enforcing the full range of immigration accurately tracked so that families can NAACP’s highest honor, the Spingarn and customs laws within the interior of the be reunited, and it would do nothing to Medal for highest and noblest achieve- United States. address the horrendous conditions sep- ment by a living African American. In that bygone era, House Democrats arated children are being subjected to. She was appointed by President Clin- were committed to effective enforce- For example, 14-month-old Baby M— ton to be chair of the U.S. Commission ment of our immigration laws. This we must use a pseudonym—was sepa- on Immigration Reform. Her commis- was further evidenced by the fact that rated from his mother for 85 days at 14 sion found that: in 1996, a majority of Democrats voted months and he returned so full of dirt Immigration law enforcement requires for LAMAR SMITH’s omnibus immigra- and lice that it appeared he had not staffing, training, resources, and a work cul- tion enforcement legislation that was been bathed the entire time he was in ture that differs from what is required for ef- to be enacted as the Illegal Immigra- Federal custody. His mother Olivia

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.005 H18JYPT1 H6488 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 says that he is not the same since they of our efforts. We should be doing more There are many more kids like Jef- were reunited, and he cries whenever to secure our borders and provide ferson who remain separated from their he does not see her out of fear that he frontline defenders with the resources parents. might be left alone again. necessary to accomplish their mission, As Members of Congress, we can’t sit Mr. Speaker, this is a humanitarian and we should end dangerous sanctuary on the sidelines as witnesses to govern- crisis. We do not have the time to policies. ment-sponsored child abuse. We must waste with political stunts like this Today the House will vote on our res- take concrete steps to end this tragedy bill while the moral fiber of our coun- olution formally stating congressional and pass legislation to prevent it from try is torn apart. support for ICE personnel and their ever happening again, and this resolu- I will be voting ‘‘present’’ on this mission. tion doesn’t do that. This resolution does not even acknowledge the plight bill, because I have no desire to play b 1400 the Republican’s immoral games right of babies separated from their mothers, Despite the rhetoric being pushed by now. We have much more important nor does it make any recommendations the left, the American people support things to do. for family reunification. Immigration and Customs Enforce- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of This resolution is nothing more than ment. Their service should be re- my time. a feeble attempt at political games- spected. Very soon, we the people will Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I manship. The resolution shows the Re- know where every Member of this Con- yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from publican majority is unwilling to solve gress stands. our immigration crisis, just as they are Louisiana (Mr. HIGGINS), who is the Mr. Speaker, it saddens me to say it chief sponsor of this legislation. unwilling to tackle rising healthcare has been brought to my attention that costs, wage stagnation, a pending trade Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana. Mr. some of my colleagues across the aisle Speaker, for weeks now, the abolish war, and the President’s lovefest with plan to vote ‘‘present’’ on today’s reso- Russia. ICE movement has been growing in lution. I would remind them that our With a little more than a week left popularity on the left with many constituents elected us as their voice before the August recess, the Repub- Democrats embracing this radical pol- in the people’s House. We were not lican majority is more interested in po- icy stance. elected to be silent. The American peo- litical games than actually governing. I find it extremely ironic that calls ple deserve to know where every Mem- Rather than doing anything mean- to abolish the Immigration and Cus- ber of this body stands. To vote ingful for the American people, we are toms Enforcement Agency come only 1 ‘‘present’’ on this resolution reflects wasting our time on a political stunt. year after 159 House Democrats voted fear. The American citizenry deserves a It is just shameful. I refuse to play this to pass landmark legislation intro- courageous vote. game. I intend to vote ‘‘present’’ on duced by my colleague, Chairman MI- I urge my colleagues to look into this meaningless resolution and urge CHAEL MCCAUL, reauthorizing ICE and their hearts, vote on this resolution re- my colleagues to do the same. other DHS agencies for the first time flective of your own deepest belief, and, Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I since their inception after 9/11. as you do so, remember that we all yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, calls to abolish ICE are have been elected to serve American Wisconsin (Mr. SENSENBRENNER), the reckless, dangerous to America’s na- citizens, American interests, and former chairman of the House Judici- tional security, and threaten the well- America’s future. ary Committee. being of our ICE agents. As a member Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speak- of the thin blue line, this attack on minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- er, I rise in support of the selfless men and women who serve at Immigration ICE is personal to me. fornia (Ms. LOFGREN), the ranking The men and women of ICE serve as Democrat on the Immigration and Bor- and Customs Enforcement. These brave individuals risk their lives every day to America’s frontline defenders against der Security Subcommittee. human, drug, and weapons traffickers. Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I sup- protect our Nation and enforce our ICE agents locate, arrest, and deport port fair and humane enforcement of laws. They deserve our admiration and violent gang members and criminal our immigration laws, but that is not support, not a ‘‘present’’ vote. It is disgusting and unconscionable aliens who threaten public safety. what this resolution is about. It is that Members of the political left, Last year alone, ICE arrested more nothing but a ploy to distract us from than 127,000 criminal aliens responsible Members in this very Chamber, con- critical issues facing our country. tinue to denigrate these patriots. One for: 76,000 drug offenses, 48,000 assault A most urgent issue now is the need prominent gubernatorial candidate de- offenses, 11,000 weapons offenses, 5,000 to reunify thousands of children, in- sexual assault offenses, 2,000 kidnap- clared ICE a terrorist organization. A cluding babies, who were forcefully House Member called ICE fascist. An- ping offenses, and 1,800 homicide of- torn from their parents’ arms at the fenses. other Member of this body said that border. Despite court orders requiring ICE agents, who were just doing their Further, ICE agents made more than reunification, more than 2,000 remain 4,800 gang-related arrests, rescued 518 job, were cowardly. separated from their parents. I wish that I was making this up. victims of human trafficking, and This bill does nothing to address that Talk about shameful statements, talk seized 1 million pounds of narcotics humanitarian crisis, a crisis created by about inflammatory statements to a last year. President Trump’s so-called zero-toler- law enforcement agency that is respon- The campaign against ICE is the lat- ance policy. sible for the internal enforcement of est rallying cry for open borders, the The bill does nothing, for example, to both our immigration and customs latest call to prioritize illegal immi- more quickly reunify children like Jef- laws. grants over American citizens, and the ferson, a 6-year-old boy taken from his Mr. Speaker, these attacks are ut- latest shrill cacophony from the left to father after traveling together from terly despicable. While #AbolishICE vilify and demonize frontline law en- Guatemala, seeking asylum. They were might make for a catchy bumper stick- forcement in America. kept apart for almost 2 heart-wrench- er for radical leftists, it is harmful to Democrats are making it very clear ing months. our law enforcement. to the American people that they stand When they were finally reunified 3 Today, I join with my colleagues in against efforts to secure America’s bor- days ago, the traumatic effects of the supporting this resolution and com- ders. Americans overwhelmingly sup- separation were clear. Jefferson was mending ICE agents for their hard port law and order. I speak for a coali- unemotional, with a vacant look in his work. tion of conservative Members of Con- eyes. He thought, for those 2 excru- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, what is gress as I introduce this resolution af- ciating months, that his father no disgusting is for Congress to sit idly by firming support for ICE personnel and longer loved him or that he was dead. while children are ripped from the condemning the dangerous call from Jefferson had a cough, bruises, and a arms of their parents and abused. the left to abolish ICE. rash all over his body. It is not clear Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the Let me state further that affirming whether Jefferson will ever fully re- gentlewoman from Washington (Ms. support for ICE should not be the end cover emotionally. JAYAPAL).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.044 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6489 Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. Speaker, this is or identified 518 victims of human traf- whose lives are at risk in protecting what it takes to have a debate on the ficking. What if those ICE agents our country and our people. floor about family separation. would have voted ‘‘present’’ that day I take a back seat to no one in the It is outrageous that my Republican instead of rescuing those victims of House over the years in supporting our colleagues are playing pure politics human trafficking? Luckily, Mr. law enforcement personnel, but we will with a resolution that does absolutely Speaker, they didn’t vote ‘‘present.’’ neither be silent nor will we cease nothing to address the most pressing They showed up and did their job to fighting to bring an end to the dan- crisis before us, which is the separation keep America safe. gerous and inhumane policies of the of 3,000 children from their parents. It What if, last year, Mr. Speaker, those Trump administration that are trau- is about putting kids in cages and par- ICE agents who rescued or identified matizing families and children at our ents in prison who are seeking asylum. 904 people who were sexually exploited borders, which Senator MCCAIN cor- Mr. Speaker, in spite of court orders, children voted ‘‘present’’ that day, in- rectly called ‘‘an affront to the decency this administration still has yet to re- stead of rescuing those 904 sexually ex- of the American people.’’ unite these children with their fami- ploited children? Luckily, they didn’t Shame on the Republican House ma- lies, and I will tell you that these are vote ‘‘present,’’ Mr. Speaker. They jority for putting such blatant par- parents who even have been denied the showed up and did their job. tisanship ahead of the children. Shame opportunity to speak to their kids for We need to stand up for them. We on you for using our law enforcement more than 10 minutes twice a week. need to stand up for what is important agents as pawns in your political Mr. Speaker, this bill does nothing to at keeping this country safe. games. prevent President Trump from again Are we for open borders? Absolutely Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, may ordering enforcement agents to rip not. I ask how much time is remaining on breastfeeding babies from their moth- On this resolution, there is one each side? ers’ arms. This isn’t just rhetoric. This choice, one button to hit if you support The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. happened numerous times under these men and women who are keeping WEBER of Texas). The gentleman from Trump’s zero-tolerance, zero-humanity us safe, who are keeping us from open Virginia has 61⁄4 minutes remaining. policy. borders. That vote is ‘‘yes.’’ Any other The gentleman from New York has 11 In one case, for instance, an asylum vote than a ‘‘yes’’ vote is for open bor- minutes remaining. seeker from Honduras reported that ders and somehow not supporting these Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I Federal agents took her daughter from men and women. yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from her while she was breastfeeding in a Let’s look at what is resolved in the Texas (Mr. MCCAUL), chairman of the Texas detention center. When she re- resolution. We express our continued Homeland Security Committee. sisted, as any mother would—because I support for those ICE agents. We de- Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in am a mother, I can say that, from the nounce calls to abolish ICE. And we strong support of the men and women bottom of my heart—this mother was support efforts of all Federal agen- of ICE who courageously serve our handcuffed, handcuffed for wanting to cies—State law enforcement, military country every single day. feed her baby. personnel—who bring law and order to Recently, ICE agents have been the Stripping babies from the arms of our Nation’s border. targets of vicious name-calling and their mothers is cruel and inhumane, The only vote on this resolution is partisan attacks. Some have even de- and this body should be debating that ‘‘yes.’’ scribed ICE as a terrorist organization. policy, should be fixing that policy, in- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield To make matters worse, some politi- stead of putting forward a ridiculous, myself 15 seconds. cians in Washington are now calling on do-nothing, political resolution. Yes, every Democrat voted against Congress to abolish ICE. But just last year, Mr. Speaker, an Mr. Speaker, I urge my Republican H.R. 6136, which provided for indefinite overwhelming bipartisan majority in colleagues to put their attention on detention of entire families, among the House, including Leader PELOSI, real issues, instead of continuing to other obnoxious provisions. So did voted to authorize ICE into law for the play games with children’s lives. many Republicans, thank God. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the first time. This kind of dishonest dou- ble standard is politics at its worst. yield myself 15 seconds to point out to gentleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), my Democratic colleagues that every the distinguished Democratic whip. b 1415 single one of them had the opportunity Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank Abolishing ICE is a reckless and dan- and every single one of them voted the gentleman for yielding, and I thank gerous idea that jeopardizes the safety against H.R. 6136, which addressed this the ICE agents for being present. of American communities. issue and a solution for DACA recipi- It is unfortunate that our Republican ICE was originally formed after 9/11 ents. Every one of them voted against colleagues are not present doing the to help secure our homeland. it. business that cries out to be done. When I was a Federal prosecutor with Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the I am voting ‘‘present’’ on this resolu- the Joint Terrorism Task Force, ICE gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. SCA- tion because it is a sham and a distrac- was instrumental in deporting poten- LISE), the House majority whip. tion. It is an outrageous attempt to tial terrorists on immigration viola- Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I thank hide the continued suffering of children tions. Today, ICE agents stop drug my colleague from Virginia for yield- behind a partisan attack on Demo- smugglers, murderers, human traf- ing. I especially want to thank my col- crats. fickers, and dangerous gangs like MS– league Congressman HIGGINS from Lou- This is exactly the kind of gotcha 13 along our border. isiana for his leadership in bringing vote that alienates Americans from our In 2017 alone, ICE agents stopped al- this resolution to the floor. government. It is as shameless as it is most 1 million pounds of narcotics, in- And what does the resolution do? It inappropriate. It is inappropriate be- cluding opioids, from entering our simply says that we stand behind our cause Republicans are not doing a sin- country. This included 7,000 pounds of ICE agents, those brave men and gle thing to address the crisis of chil- heroin and 2,400 pounds of fentanyl. women who are keeping America safe. dren still separated from their parents, They arrested nearly 5,000 gang mem- These are the people on the front lines even after a court ruled that they need bers and identified or rescued over 500 of removing terrorists from our coun- to be reunited. victims of trafficking. try. These are the people who, by the Democrats refuse to play the Repub- These are not just hollow statistics. way, last year alone, removed 100,000 licans’ game when it comes to chil- These numbers represent the great criminals from our country. dren’s well-being and the safety of work and positive impact that ICE has And they want to vote ‘‘present’’? My those who come here seeking asylum. on people’s lives. colleagues on the other side are talking We are not falling for this trap, and John Kennedy, the great President, a about voting ‘‘present.’’ you can say we are doing it as much as Democrat, talked about profiles in Mr. Speaker, when you look at the you want. Democrats support secure courage. I would argue a ‘‘present’’ numbers, last year, ICE agents rescued borders and honor the service of all vote is hardly a profile in courage.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.045 H18JYPT1 H6490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Rather than have Congress take up a Again, I would ask Members to please minutes to the gentleman from Illinois directive to reunite children with their look at this legislation and support it. (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ), the distinguished gen- parents, the GOP is performing some Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 tleman and a member of the Judiciary misdirection to another issue, hoping minute to the gentleman from Cali- Committee. that you won’t notice that they will fornia (Mr. COSTA). Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, when not stand up against the GOP’s policy Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Democrats talk about immigrants, ref- of family separation and putting kids gentleman for yielding. ugees, and asylum seekers, this is the in cages at our Nation’s borders. Why? Mr. Speaker, immigration is one of mom and her children whom we are Because many of the GOP Members the more important issues that we talking about. She is fleeing Central support the President’s shameful ac- must face around here. It is one we America to save the life of her children tions. take seriously. This debate, sadly, is from violence, systematic corruption, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The more about politics, in my view. extortion—yes—rape, and kidnapping. time of the gentleman has expired. Our decisions affect people’s lives But the other side wants to change Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield and America’s future. We must stop the subject. On every TV screen this the gentleman from Wisconsin an addi- these partisan ‘‘gotcha’’ bills, empty- fall, Republicans will show pictures of tional 30 seconds. messaging resolutions, and ideological tattooed gang members flashing gang Mr. POCAN. Now they want to play hijacking of our policy discussions. signs, looking like murderers. We politics and misdirect your attention. Rather, we must come together and do know. We get your strategy. I won’t be complicit in their at- our work and create a fair and effective You take your marching orders from tempts. I will vote ‘‘present’’ today to immigration system, one that reflects Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson be present for the children and parents our values. quicker than the President takes his separated at the border. We must have and we need bipar- marching orders from the Kremlin. Shame on you for terrorizing chil- tisan, comprehensive immigration laws In the same week that the President dren and ignoring pleas to help them. to fix our broken immigration system, insulted the intelligence community of Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I much like was done in 2013. Unfortu- the United States, we are not going to yield 13⁄4 minutes to the gentleman nately, it didn’t pass. Then we must let you insult the intelligence of the from Texas (Mr. CUELLAR). smartly enforce it. American voter. Immigrants, refugees, Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in We have big challenges. We must outsiders and outcasts, freed slaves, support of H. Res. 990. take care of the Dreamers stuck in and survivors, just like this woman and The issue is not the law enforcement DACA limbo; we must reunite families her children, built this country. agencies or the personnel, but, rather, who are separated, secure our borders— Some of us had our land stolen; some it is the administration’s policies re- yes, we must—using every effective of us were stolen from our land; and garding enforcement. some of us made a very smart decision means possible; and we must bring un- ICE has become a lightning rod for documented neighbors out of the shad- that we had to get away from the land the anger, quite honestly, about Presi- we were in so that we could survive. ows. dent Trump’s hardline immigration I will vote for this resolution, but it That is who we are. That is what Amer- policies. Our number one goal is to de- ica is. is not about abolish or support ICE. fend our homeland. ICE officers and Every generation of Americans has The SPEAKER pro tempore. The special agents perform a vital role each had to withstand people in positions of time of the gentleman has expired. power labeling the poor, the weak, the day to keep our country safe. I want to Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield outsiders, and people of different races make sure that we clear up some con- the gentleman from California an addi- and ethnicities as criminals, threats, fusion about what ICE does, what their tional 15 seconds. and the cause of all our problems, as functions are. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I will vote the majority does today. Every genera- ICE is split into two primary func- for this resolution, but it is not about tion of Americans has had to stand up tions: one is the enforcement and re- abolish or support ICE. I respect the to bullies and racists and power-hungry moval operations, which is the one need for interior and immigration en- politicians and overcome their efforts that enforces the Nation’s immigration forcement, and I have concerns about to divide us as Americans. laws; the other, which is very, very im- how this administration is doing it. That is also the story of America’s portant, is it investigates all types of Enough of political games, catering greatness: our resilience and our abil- cross-border criminal activities, which to the loudest and most extreme voices ity as a nation to overcome the worst include financial crimes; money laun- in both parties. Let’s check our ide- instincts of some of our leaders. That dering; bulk cash smuggling; commer- ology at the door. Let’s get to work on is the story of America, and that is cial fraud; intellectual property theft; bipartisan, commonsense immigration what we are doing today. cyber crimes; child pornography; reform. That is what the people want Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I re- human rights violations; human smug- us to do. serve the balance of my time. gling and trafficking; information, doc- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I re- Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ument, and benefit fraud; narcotics and serve the balance of my time. minute to the gentleman from Wis- weapons smuggling and trafficking; Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, may I consin (Mr. POCAN). transnational gang activities; export ask how much time remains for each Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, when a ma- enforcements; and international art side. gician performs, they often utilize mis- and antiquity theft. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- direction as a way to deceive an audi- Again, as has been mentioned, the tleman from New York has 61⁄4 minutes ence. Wikipedia defines ‘‘misdirection’’ good work that ICE has done in FY remaining. The gentleman from Vir- as a form of deception in which the at- 2017: 4,818 transnational gang members ginia has 21⁄2 minutes remaining. tention of the audience is focused on were arrested, over 11,000 narcotics Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 the one thing in order to distract its criminal arrests were made, and 904 minutes to the gentleman from Texas attention from another. sexually exploited children were identi- (Mr. DOGGETT). Today, the Republicans are per- fied and rescued. I know that for a fact Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, here, forming a cruel trick on the American because my brother has worked with the height of hypocrisy, the depth of people. The Nation is repulsed by ICE, the sheriff down there, Martin duplicity. While this administration President Trump’s directives that have Cuellar, and they have saved some of relentlessly, baselessly, and des- forced the separation of over 3,000 chil- the kids there. perately attacks Federal law enforce- dren from their parents at the Nation’s Again, the issue is not law enforce- ment officials—the FBI, the Justice border, placed children in cages, and ment agencies or personnel. It is not Department, our intelligence agen- terrorized children. As one 9-year-old the men and women who are working cies—again and again, these same Re- victim said, he was treated like a pris- there very hard every day, but it is, publicans, so proud of law enforcement oner and a dog. This is cruel, inhu- rather, the policies of the administra- in one narrow area today, are silent. mane, and un-American. tion regarding this. They stand by tweet-addicted Trump,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.047 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6491 our President who, even this very day, What we have: 2,000 children remain Here is the thing I found very sad, be- has again denied that Russia poses any separated from their parents, locked cause it was almost a year ago, say, 10 threat. away in Federal custody and living in a months ago, when I was informed by Where is your resolution to defend state of terror and trauma. the administration that they were the Federal Bureau of Investigation? This is a picture of a little boy being going to separate children from their Where is your resolution to defend confronted by an armed official. Do we parents. This is not something that has NATO, which has been disparaged by have any idea what the impact is on emerged. This is a decision that was this shameful President? that child? made. No. What we have today is a shame- Republican leadership pushed mul- They said, these parents, especially less, spineless group of Republican con- tiple antifamily bills that would have the moms they were talking about, are gressional enablers who are enabling made the horrific situation worse for unfit mothers because they have cho- Trump, who totally ignore those dedi- children by enshrining the President’s sen to take their children across the cated to defending our borders from outrageous mass deportation agenda as desert, which is very dangerous. That Russian aggression. the law of the land with his zero-toler- makes them unfit. These Republicans claim that we ance policy. We should have zero toler- Unfit? Really? If their choice is to have so much more to fear from little ance for that policy. stay home and be murdered, be raped, infants and toddlers who come across My Republican colleagues have voted be victims of gang violence, and they our southern border and seek to escape again and again against actions to are coming to find solace or refugee gang and domestic violence and, yet, force a vote on a bill that would re- status? They are unfit, I was told by are torn by ICE from their mothers’ quire the government to reunite fami- the administration, and we know bet- embrace, than from a murderous Vladi- lies, and now you are promoting a new ter what is good for the children. We mir Putin. political stunt, wasting the country’s are going to take the children and send Of course we need immigration law and the Congress’ time with a mean- them to foster care or whatever—or enforcement and secure borders, but ingless vote on a nonbinding resolution whatever—foster care or whatever, this resolution ignores many wrongs of that does nothing to protect the chil- taking children from their parents, as ICE: hundreds of claims of harassment, dren and end the cruel crisis that a decision of national policy. sexual harassment, child separation, President Trump has created. Around that same time, we had a and an unresponsive bureaucracy. At hearing—well, it was earlier. It was on b 1430 the same time that they ignore those the Muslim ban, so it was more like wrongs, they ignore the wrongs of This resolution does nothing to pre- over a year ago, and the American As- Trump in impairing other Federal law vent the separation of babies from sociation of Evangelicals testified in enforcement. their mothers. You are parents. You that hearing. It was a Democratic Trump’s own intelligence chief, a know, in the night, if you hear a sound hearing, because the Republicans lifelong Republican whom he ap- from the room down the hall, that con- would not have that hearing. They said pointed, warns that our democracy is nection is something beyond material. that the U.S. refugee resettlement pro- under sustained Russian assault, yet It is spiritual. It is about parent and gram is the crown jewel of American they are silent. child, mother and child, father and humanitarianism, the American Asso- Trump is impotent in the face of child, and now we are going to rip that ciation of Evangelicals—the refugee re- Putin. We need to reject this com- apart. settlement program, the crown jewel of plicity, the Trump child abuse, and the It does nothing to prevent the sepa- American humanitarianism. abuse of Federal law enforcement. ration of children with disabilities So how is it that it can be so obvious The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- from their parents and caregivers. It to so many people that we are humani- bers are reminded to refrain from en- does nothing to provide legal counsel tarian, that all of these children are gaging in personalities toward the to children in immigration court, in- God’s children, that all of them have a President. cluding little babies who cannot even spark of divinity? Mr. President, they Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I re- yet verbally communicate. have a spark of divinity, and you do, serve the balance of my time. For example, Johan. Earlier this too. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 summer, a 1-year-old boy named Johan So let us all act on our and their minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- appeared in court without his parents— spark of divinity and treat them with fornia (Ms. PELOSI), the distinguished 1 year old. He played with a toy. He the level of respect that they deserve Democratic leader of the House. drank from a bottle. Then he cried and not use children as a political Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank hysterically, because he did not have shield for some other agenda. the gentleman for yielding. his mother or his father there to com- This isn’t about whether you support Mr. Speaker, this is really a very sad fort or care for him. The immigration ICE or not. By the way, I will just close day in the Congress of the United judge even reported that he was ‘‘em- on this. On this subject, I want to re- States because we are ignoring the barrassed to ask’’ if little Johan could mind our Republican colleagues that needs of children. As a mother of five understand the proceedings. The judge Democrats have been strong on pro- children—I had five children in 6 years, is asking a 1-year-old child taking a tecting our borders all along. You re- so lots of little babies all around the bottle if he can understand the pro- call after 9/11, a commission was house all the time, lots of joy—and un- ceedings. formed, the 9/11 Commission. It took a derstanding the connection between What sort of administration sends a couple of years to make recommenda- parent and child, and being a grand- 1-year-old child into a courtroom alone tions. It took a while to make rec- mother of nine now, I can’t even imag- to make his case? This resolution is an ommendations—a distinguished non- ine why the Republicans think it is a assault to little children like Johan. partisan, bipartisan commission. It good idea to move forward with a bill Congress should be working day and presented its recommendations in the that does nothing to unite families, to night to protect these traumatized summer of 2004. stop the separations, and to have the children. Do you know the toll that The Republicans in Congress con- reuniting of families in a way that is you are taking on these children? I trolled the Congress at the time, and humane—not to reunite and detain in wish you would listen to the represent- they would not take up those rec- prison, in detention, but to unite in a atives of the Society of Pediatric Doc- ommendations, which were about pro- way that honors the humanity of tors and what they have to say about tecting our country. America. this, pediatricians, what they have to Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from In church on Sunday, the sermon was say about this. New York may remember it, because about not being an enemy of humanity. We should be working day and night he has been a champion on this issue Some of the activities that are hap- to ensure the President can never for such a long time, and since his dis- pening now in relation to these chil- again enable children to be ripped from trict was affected by 9/11, in the fore- dren are actions that qualify as enmity their parents’ arms. Democrats will front of that fight for us, to form a to humanity. continue to fight for families. commission to begin with but also to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.048 H18JYPT1 H6492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 fit—it took us, until the Democrats these men and women are having to Mr. Speaker, last week, Democrats took control of the Congress, in 2006— implement because the White House introduced a bill to abolish ICE. That the first bill that we put on the floor, has decided they are going to go into is the Immigration and Customs En- H.R. 1 in the new Congress, was to the immigrant communities and tear forcement agency. In doing so, I think adopt the 9/11 Commission rec- them apart. we should first review the agency’s ommendations to keep the American This is a piece of legislation that is record. people safe, protect and defend, which not necessary, and I say that to my As it turns out, ICE agents are on the is our oath of office. friends on the Republican side. We sup- front lines in the battle against crime. So don’t make it look like you are ei- port the good men and women in law In 2016, they arrested nearly 2,000 ther for protecting the border or not. enforcement as Democrats, but I will human traffickers, criminals who are This is about being enemies of human- not support any of these policies or involved in modern-day slavery. You ity, by taking children away from their even look like I am supporting any of wanted to abolish that. parents, keeping them separated, and the immigration policies of this Presi- Last year, they arrested more than when they unite them, to keep them dent. They are terrible, and they are 4,800 gang members, including more under detention. It is not the crown hurting this country. than 800 members of the MS–13, one of jewel of our humanitarianism. I urge a vote of ‘‘present’’ on this the most vicious gangs operating I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote. I am going to particular piece of legislation. today. But you wanted to abolish that vote ‘‘present’’ on it, because they will Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, may and put it into our communities. use it politically, use it politically, use I ask how much time is remaining on They intercepted more than 1 ton of it politically. Vote ‘‘present’’ or how- each side? fentanyl that was headed for our com- ever anyone wants to vote, but under- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- munities. Now, we all should know stand what it is. tleman from Virginia has 1 minute re- what fentanyl will do, because we just Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I maining. The gentleman from New debated more than 50-some bills on this yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman York has 21⁄4 minutes remaining. floor, because 172 people who are Amer- from Montana (Mr. GIANFORTE). Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I icans will die today because of an ad- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I have only one speaker remaining to diction. Fentanyl is so deadly that just thank the chairman for his leadership. close the debate for our side. I believe a few grams will kill you. But you Mr. Speaker, the men and women of we have the right to close. wanted to abolish that, to allow it into ICE work every day to make our coun- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of our communities. try and our communities safer. They my time. Still, the Democrats say, not only secure our borders. They enforce our Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, we are will they want to introduce it, people laws. They protect our safety. And I prepared to close. I yield the balance of will cosponsor it. But there is a prob- stand with them. my time to the gentleman from Texas lem, and I actually think there are two America’s borders have been too open (Mr. CASTRO). problems with this. for too long. Drug cartels, dangerous Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Mr. Speaker, The first problem is that most Amer- gangs, and human traffickers exploit on behalf of many Americans, enough— icans disagree with you. They actually our weak borders and bring crime to enough of cruelty disguised as border support ICE. According to a recent our Montana communities. As America security, enough of inflicting pain on poll, just one in four Americans thinks and Montana face an epidemic of drug children to make their parents stay we should abolish it. abuse and addiction, ICE agents seized away, enough of picking on the weak The second problem is that Demo- nearly 1 million pounds of illegal drugs to show that you are strong. crats don’t even agree with their own last year, including nearly 2,400 pounds The people in this Chamber, who are bill they introduced. They lack the of fentanyl and 7,000 pounds of heroin. the sons and daughters of immigrants courage of their so-called convictions, ICE agents arrested more than 127,000 from all over the world, should know because when we offered the ability to criminal aliens last year. These crimi- the history of this Nation, and the fact bring up the bill, abolish ICE, that nals were charged with weapons of- that when the Irish came here, they they put into the hopper and cospon- fenses, drug crimes, gang-related activ- were greeted with signs in New York sored, Democrats said they would vote ity, sexual assault, kidnapping, and and Boston that said: ‘‘No Irish need ‘‘no.’’ murder. apply.’’ Those of German descent were They wanted the glory of introducing Now, some of my friends across the said to be too dirty to be Americans. a bill to the far left of their own party, aisle have called for abolishing ICE. Italians were interned during World but they didn’t have the guts to accept Abolishing ICE is a reckless idea. Abol- War II. the consequences. That is the kind of ishing ICE would embolden violent Are we a Nation that learns from our leadership that the Democrats have to criminals, like members of the vicious mistakes, or are we not? Are we a offer. MS–13 gang, intent on doing us harm. country that adheres to our Constitu- Abolishing ICE would jeopardize the tion and strives to achieve the words b 1445 safety and security of our Montana inside it, or are we just pretending? Mr. Speaker, I am even more con- communities. This is a special Nation, a Nation fused listening to the Democratic lead- Mr. Speaker, I strongly oppose abol- that has been blessed by people who ership. I was here. I was on the floor. I ishing ICE. And, Mr. Speaker, I proudly have come here from all over the listened, Mr. Speaker, to the leader on stand with ICE agents who are dedi- world, yet the policies of this adminis- the Democratic side when she said: I cated to making our Nation and Mon- tration denigrate the history of this recommend voting ‘‘no,’’ or maybe vote tana safer and more secure. country and denigrate its future. ‘‘present,’’ or vote however you want. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 These families must stop being sepa- I am not sure what position she was minute to the gentleman from Colo- rated. Just because you come up to a requesting when she said all three. And rado (Mr. PERLMUTTER). border or cross a border does not make I am not sure exactly what the author Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I you nonhuman. They should be treated wanted to do when he put his bill thank Mr. NADLER. as human beings, most especially by a across the aisle and asked the other Mr. Speaker, I agree with Mr. country that is supposed to be a moral Members of his own conference to co- GIANFORTE and with Mr. CUELLAR. We beacon for the world over. sponsor it, when he said he would vote have outstanding men and women in Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield ‘‘no,’’ when he had the offer to bring it Immigration and Customs Enforce- back the balance of my time. up on the floor. Does that mean that ment. I am not going to do anything to Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I every bill Democrats put across they disparage the many good men and yield 1 minute to the gentleman from really don’t want to support? I am just women that we have, but I will never, California (Mr. MCCARTHY), the major- not sure. never support these abominable poli- ity leader. Now, we are about to vote on a reso- cies coming out of the Trump adminis- Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I want lution of the opposite. We want to sup- tration that tear families apart, that to thank the chairman for yielding. port the law enforcement officers of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.050 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6493 ICE and will renounce the activist and my Democratic colleagues to hold hear- Mr. PETERSON (during the reading). campaign against them. ings on President Trump’s dreadful family sep- Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent The danger these officers face is no aration policy that has resulted in thousands of that the reading be dispensed with. joke. So for those in the back who families being ripped apart, including the isola- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there would like to speak, Mr. Speaker, dur- tion of children and babies. As to the resolu- objection to the request of the gen- ing this, I would ask that they get tion’s language that states ‘‘supports the ef- tleman from Minnesota? quiet for one moment, because six offi- forts of all Federal agencies, State law en- There was no objection. cers of ICE lost their lives defending forcement, and military personnel who bring The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- those. law and order . . .’’, I strongly support that ant to clause 7 of rule XXII, the gen- The danger to these officers is real, and the important agency missions including tleman from Minnesota (Mr. PETERSon) and it is not a joke. Six officers have of money laundering, narcotics investigations, and the gentleman from Texas (Mr. died in the line of duty: cyber crimes, terrorism prevention, and cus- CONAWAY) each will control 30 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Special Agent Brian Beliso; toms enforcement. If present, I would have in- Special Agent Timothy Ensley; from Minnesota. quired of my Republican colleagues if they Mr. PETERSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Special Agent Lorenzo Gomez; could get the same statement of support of Special Agent Scott McGuire; myself such time as I may consume. Federal law enforcement agencies from Presi- Mr. Speaker, we have a lot of anxiety Special Agent David Wilhelm; and dent Trump, given his behavior and state- Special Agent Jaime Zapata, who out in the countryside because of ments in Helsinki and the same disdain he trade, because of RFS, because of low was killed by cartel hitmen in Mexico. has expressed for Federal law enforcement These agents gave their lives in the prices, and because of weather in my and intelligence agencies. area. What we are trying to do here is line of duty. Thousands more of these The SPEAKER pro tempore. The agents risk their lives every day on our avoid another potential problem, and question is on the motion offered by that is what can happen with an ani- behalf. the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. I want you to pause for one moment mal disease outbreak in this country. GOODLATTE) that the House suspend In Minnesota, we suffered the biggest and I want you to think about those the rules and agree to the resolution, animal disease outbreak we have ever agents, think about those families, but H. Res. 990, as amended. seen in this country when we got avian think about those thousands of agents The question was taken. influenza in our turkey flock. It was who are defending our border. What do The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the devastating. The producers lost $113 they think about a bill that comes opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being million. We lost $3 billion in the coun- across the desk that says you want to in the affirmative, the ayes have it. try, and we saw the effect of not being abolish them? How much support do Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, on prepared. you want to give them? How much sup- that I demand the yeas and nays. This isn’t just a poultry problem. port do they feel when the leadership, The yeas and nays were ordered. This also relates to foot-and-mouth Mr. Speaker, of the Democratic Party The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- disease, to PEDv, to cattle fever tick says: Vote ‘‘no,’’ vote ‘‘present,’’ just ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- that Congressman VELA has informed vote how you want? ceedings on this motion will be post- me about, and to other diseases that Well, do you know what? When they poned. present a serious threat for the viabil- risk their lives and they stop another f ity of the livestock operations in the human trafficker of modern-day slav- communities and supply chains across ery and they save another child, I will MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES the country that depend on them. vote to support them. Or when they ON H.R. 2, AGRICULTURE AND In the House bill, we have a provision stop an amount of drugs coming across NUTRITION ACT OF 2018 for $450 million of permanent funding and they save American lives, I will Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask over 5 years for programs, including support them. Or when they stop MS–13 unanimous consent to take from the the National Animal Health Labora- gang members from coming into any of Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 2) to pro- tory Network, the National Animal our communities, I will support them. vide for the reform and continuation of Disease Preparedness and Response If only for this reason, agents deserve agricultural and other programs of the Program, and the National Animal our gratitude and support. Department of Agriculture through fis- Vaccine Bank. The Senate provides an Mr. Speaker, I am confused. I under- cal year 2023, and for other purposes, authorization for appropriations, but stand there is this growing socialist with the Senate amendment thereto, there is no permanent funding in the movement in the Democratic Party, disagree to the Senate amendment, and Senate bill. but when does this socialist new Demo- request a conference with the Senate While the appropriations committees cratic Party believe we should have no thereon. deserve credit because they have put borders? I guess it is today. The Clerk read the title of the bill. some funding into these programs over Mr. Speaker, that is not what the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the years, the problem is that APHIS Americans have asked for, and that is objection to the request of the gen- and the people who deal with this at not what America supports. But then tleman from Texas? the State level can’t depend on it be- again, Mr. Speaker, I am not sure I un- There was no objection. cause you never know what it is going derstand what the other side supports Mr. PETERSON. Mr. Speaker, I have to be from year to year because the ap- when they offer a bill and they ask peo- a motion to instruct conferees at the propriators are the ones who have to ple to cosponsor and then they won’t desk. decide. We want to make this perma- even vote for it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nent, and we are hoping that the Sen- That is why I am happy to offer Con- Clerk will report the motion. ate will accede to our ideas. gressman HIGGINS’ resolution and stand The Clerk read as follows: Animal disease programs are impor- with the women and men of ICE, be- Mr. Peterson moves that the managers on tant investments in the health of our cause I want a safer America. And for the part of the House at the conference on Nation’s animals, our people, and the those who gave their life for us, I will the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on security of our food supply. As part of stand with them, even if it means Senate amendment to the bill H.R. 2 (an Act their work on the farm bill, conferees standing up against a new socialist to provide for the reform and continuation of should insist on 10-year mandatory Democratic Party. agricultural and other programs of the De- funding for animal disease prepared- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I partment of Agriculture through fiscal year ness and response programs to provide yield back the balance of my time. 2023, and for other purposes) be instructed to the certainty for both the farmers, for Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Speaker, for insist on section 11101 of the House bill (re- lating to animal disease preparedness and re- the consumers, and for the people who personal reasons, I cannot be present for the sponse) with an amendment to section deal with this at the regulatory level. vote on H. Res. 990. If present I would point 10417(d)(1)(B) of the Animal Health Protec- Mr. Speaker, I include my full state- out that if Republicans were really serious tion Act (7 U.S.C. 8316(d)(1)(B)), as proposed ment in the RECORD. about assessing the efficiency of ICE, they to be added to such Act by such section 11101, The mood in farm country is bad. It’s bad would have heeded the multiple calls from me to strike ‘‘2023’’ and insert ‘‘thereafter’’. because of the Administration’s trade war; it’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.052 H18JYPT1 H6494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 bad because of declines in farm income; and the House position. I am really appre- DesJarlais Kustoff (TN) Renacci Deutch LaHood Rice (NY) it’s bad because of volatile weather like the ciative of that. Quite frankly, it makes Diaz-Balart LaMalfa Rice (SC) floods in the southern part of my district. our bill better. Dingell Lamb Roe (TN) Farmers and ranchers are staring a historically H.R. 2 makes the historic commit- Doggett Lamborn Rogers (AL) bad year in the face, and another hit would ment to protecting our Nation’s live- Donovan Lance Rogers (KY) Doyle, Michael Langevin Rohrabacher mean devastation for many of them. stock herd and, frankly, our national F. Larsen (WA) Rooney, Francis And that’s exactly what an animal disease security by establishing and funding Duffy Larson (CT) Rooney, Thomas outbreak would cause. Minnesota is the na- forward-looking animal health initia- Duncan (TN) Latta J. tion’s largest producer of turkeys. Following an tives that address existing and emerg- Dunn Lawrence Ros-Lehtinen Ellison Lawson (FL) Rosen outbreak of avian influenza in 2013 and 2014, ing pest and disease threats. Emmer Lee Roskam it is estimated that poultry producers in my Mr. Speaker, I look forward to con- Engel Lesko Ross state lost $113 million in existing production, tinuing this discussion in conference, Eshoo Levin Rothfus approximately $3 billion nationally, and it cost and I reserve the balance of my time. Espaillat Lewis (GA) Rouzer Estes (KS) Lewis (MN) Roybal-Allard taxpayers almost $1 billion. Mr. PETERSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Esty (CT) Lieu, Ted Royce (CA) Hungry consumers are affected too. The my colleagues to support the motion, Evans Lipinski Ruiz price of a dozen eggs in 2015 was double and I yield back the balance of my Faso LoBiondo Ruppersberger what it was before the outbreak. Ferguson Loebsack Rush time. Fitzpatrick Lofgren Russell This isn’t just a poultry problem. Foot and Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I appre- Fleischmann Long Rutherford Mouth Disease, PEDv, Cattle Fever Tick and ciate my colleague’s motion, and I ask Flores Loudermilk Ryan (OH) other diseases present a serious threat to the Members to support it. Fortenberry Love Sa´ nchez viability of livestock operations and the com- Foster Lowenthal Sarbanes Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Foxx Lowey Scalise munities and supply chains across the country of my time. Frankel (FL) Lucas Schakowsky that depend on them. Outbreaks mean culling The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Schiff animals and suspending production, and be- for debate has expired. Fudge Lujan Grisham, Schneider Gabbard M. Schrader cause fewer animals come into processing fa- Without objection, the previous ques- Gallagher Luja´ n, Ben Ray Schweikert cilities, layoffs in local communities. tion is ordered on the motion to in- Gallego Lynch Scott (VA) Disease outbreaks also impact farmers who struct. Garamendi MacArthur Scott, Austin grow feed. One study estimates that a future Gianforte Maloney, Scott, David There was no objection. Gibbs Carolyn B. Sensenbrenner outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease could The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gomez Maloney, Sean Serrano cost corn growers $44 billion and soybean question is on the motion to instruct. Gonzalez (TX) Marchant Sessions growers nearly $25 billion. And there’s a na- The question was taken; and the Gottheimer Marino Sewell (AL) tional security aspect to animal disease pre- Gowdy Marshall Shea-Porter Speaker pro tempore announced that Granger Mast Sherman paredness. The bipartisan Blue Ribbon Study the ayes appeared to have it. Graves (GA) Matsui Shimkus Panel on Biodefense found that our current Mr. PETERSON. Mr. Speaker, on Graves (LA) McCarthy Simpson commitment to animal disease outbreaks that I demand the yeas and nays. Graves (MO) McCaul Sinema leaves us vulnerable to attack on our food Green, Al McCollum Sires The yeas and nays were ordered. Green, Gene McEachin Smith (MO) supply. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Grijalva McGovern Smith (NE) If we are serious about addressing these ant to clause 8 of rule XX, this 15- Grothman McHenry Smith (NJ) outbreaks, we must invest in preparation and minute vote on the motion to instruct Guthrie McKinley Smith (TX) response tools to tackle these diseases early. Gutie´rrez McMorris Smith (WA) will be followed by 5-minute votes on: Handel Rodgers Smucker That level of effort is impossible without long- Suspending the rules and adopting H. Harper McNerney Soto term funding certainty. Res. 990; Hartzler McSally Stefanik Currently, the House bill provides $450 mil- Hastings Meadows Stewart Suspending the rules and passing Heck Meeks Stivers lion in mandatory funding over five years for H.R. 1037; Hensarling Meng Suozzi programs including the National Animal Health Ordering the previous question on H. Herrera Beutler Messer Swalwell (CA) Laboratory Network, the National Animal Dis- Res. 1001; and Higgins (LA) Mitchell Takano ease Preparedness and Response Program, Higgins (NY) Moolenaar Taylor Adopting H. Res. 1001, if ordered. Hill Mooney (WV) Tenney and the National Animal Vaccine Bank. The The vote was taken by electronic de- Himes Moulton Thompson (CA) Senate provides an authorization for appro- vice, and there were—yeas 392, nays 20, Holding Mullin Thompson (MS) Hollingsworth Murphy (FL) Thompson (PA) priations, but no mandatory funding. While the not voting 16, as follows: Appropriations Committees deserve credit for Hoyer Nadler Thornberry [Roll No. 336] Hudson Napolitano Tipton providing some funding for these programs in Huffman Neal Titus YEAS—392 their bills, animal health is not a short-term Huizenga Newhouse Tonko issue or an issue we should short change. Abraham Brown (MD) Collins (NY) Hultgren Noem Torres Adams Brownley (CA) Comer Hunter Nolan Trott APHIS, state officials, and producers need to Aderholt Buchanan Comstock Hurd Norcross Tsongas know that adequate funding for these pro- Aguilar Buck Conaway Issa Norman Turner grams is going to be available for their work Allen Bucshon Connolly Jackson Lee Nunes Upton Amodei Budd Cook Jayapal O’Halleran Valadao to pay off. Arrington Burgess Cooper Jeffries O’Rourke Vargas Animal disease programs are important in- Babin Bustos Correa Jenkins (KS) Olson Veasey vestments in the health of our nation’s ani- Bacon Butterfield Costa Jenkins (WV) Palazzo Vela mals, our people, and the security of our food Banks (IN) Byrne Costello (PA) Johnson (GA) Pallone Vela´ zquez Barletta Calvert Courtney Johnson (LA) Palmer Visclosky supply. As part of their work on the farm bill, Barr Capuano Cramer Johnson (OH) Panetta Wagner conferees should insist on ten-year, manda- Barraga´ n Carbajal Crawford Johnson, E. B. Pascrell Walberg tory funding for Animal Disease Preparedness Barton Carson (IN) Crist Johnson, Sam Paulsen Walden and Response Programs to provide the cer- Beatty Carter (GA) Crowley Joyce (OH) Payne Walker Bera Carter (TX) Cuellar Kaptur Pearce Walorski tainty that both farmers and consumers need. Bergman Cartwright Culberson Katko Pelosi Walters, Mimi I am submitting for the RECORD a letter in sup- Beyer Castro (TX) Cummings Keating Perlmutter Wasserman port of these provisions from the Animal Agri- Bilirakis Chabot Curbelo (FL) Kelly (IL) Peters Schultz Bishop (GA) Cheney Curtis Kelly (PA) Peterson Waters, Maxine culture Coalition, which represents livestock Bishop (MI) Chu, Judy Davidson Kennedy Pingree Watson Coleman producers and animal health professionals na- Bishop (UT) Cicilline Davis (CA) Khanna Pittenger Weber (TX) tionwide. Blum Clark (MA) Davis, Danny Kihuen Pocan Webster (FL) Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Blumenauer Clarke (NY) Davis, Rodney Kildee Poe (TX) Welch Blunt Rochester Clay DeFazio Kilmer Poliquin Wenstrup support the motion to instruct, and I Bonamici Cleaver DeGette Kind Polis Westerman reserve the balance of my time. Bost Cloud Delaney King (IA) Price (NC) Williams Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield Boyle, Brendan Clyburn DeLauro King (NY) Quigley Wilson (FL) myself such time as I may consume. F. Coffman DelBene Kinzinger Raskin Wilson (SC) Brady (PA) Cohen Demings Knight Ratcliffe Wittman Mr. Speaker, the ranking member’s Brady (TX) Cole Denham Krishnamoorthi Reed Womack motion is very much in the spirit of Brooks (IN) Collins (GA) DeSaulnier Kuster (NH) Reichert Woodall

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.018 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6495 Yarmuth Yoho Young (IA) Cheney Jenkins (KS) Reed Doyle, Michael Larson (CT) Peters Yoder Young (AK) Zeldin Cloud Jenkins (WV) Reichert F. Lawrence Pingree Coffman Johnson (LA) Renacci Ellison Lee Pocan NAYS—20 Cole Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Engel Levin Polis Amash Griffith Massie Collins (GA) Johnson, Sam Roe (TN) Eshoo Lewis (GA) Price (NC) Biggs Harris McClintock Collins (NY) Jones Rogers (AL) Esty (CT) Lieu, Ted Quigley Brat Hice, Jody B. Perry Comer Jordan Rogers (KY) Evans Lipinski Raskin Brooks (AL) Jones Posey Comstock Joyce (OH) Rohrabacher Foster Loebsack Rice (NY) Conaway Katko Rokita Frankel (FL) Lofgren Garrett Jordan Rokita Roybal-Allard Cook Kelly (MS) Rooney, Francis Fudge Lowenthal Gohmert Kelly (MS) Sanford Ruiz Gosar Labrador Costa Kelly (PA) Rooney, Thomas Gabbard Lowey Ruppersberger Costello (PA) Kind J. Gallego Lujan Grisham, NOT VOTING—16 Cramer King (IA) Ros-Lehtinen Garamendi M. Ryan (OH) Sa´ nchez Bass Duncan (SC) Roby Crawford King (NY) Rosen Gonzalez (TX) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Sarbanes Black Gaetz Shuster Crist Kinzinger Roskam Green, Gene Maloney, Schneider Blackburn Goodlatte Speier Cuellar Knight Ross Hastings Carolyn B. Culberson Kustoff (TN) Rothfus Heck Maloney, Sean Scott (VA) Ca´ rdenas Hanabusa Walz Castor (FL) Moore Curbelo (FL) Labrador Rouzer Higgins (NY) Matsui Sewell (AL) DeSantis Richmond Curtis LaHood Royce (CA) Himes McCollum Shea-Porter Davidson LaMalfa Russell Hoyer McEachin Sherman b 1520 Davis, Rodney Lamb Rutherford Jayapal McGovern Sires Denham Lamborn Sanford Jeffries McNerney Smith (WA) Messrs. BIGGS, LABRADOR, DesJarlais Lance Scalise Johnson (GA) Meng Takano MASSIE, JONES, JODY B. HICE of Diaz-Balart Latta Schrader Kaptur Moore Thompson (CA) Donovan Lawson (FL) Schweikert Keating Moulton Georgia, ROKITA, JORDAN, BROOKS Titus Duffy Lesko Scott, Austin Kelly (IL) Nadler Torres Duncan (TN) Kennedy of Alabama, BRAT, GOSAR, GAR- Lewis (MN) Scott, David Napolitano Tsongas Dunn LoBiondo Sensenbrenner Khanna Neal RETT, and KELLY of Mississippi Wasserman Emmer Long Sessions Kihuen Nolan Schultz changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to Estes (KS) Loudermilk Shimkus Kildee Norcross ‘‘nay.’’ Faso Love Simpson Kilmer Pallone Waters, Maxine Messrs. DUNCAN of Tennessee, TIP- Ferguson Lucas Sinema Krishnamoorthi Pascrell Watson Coleman Welch TON, FERGUSON, Mrs. NOEM, Messrs. Fitzpatrick Luetkemeyer Smith (MO) Kuster (NH) Payne Fleischmann Lynch Smith (NE) Langevin Pelosi Wilson (FL) COOK, SMITH of Texas, and SAM Flores MacArthur Smith (NJ) Larsen (WA) Perlmutter Yarmuth JOHNSON of Texas changed their vote Fortenberry Marchant Smith (TX) from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Foxx Marino Smucker NOT VOTING—16 So the motion to instruct conferees Frelinghuysen Marshall Stefanik Allen DeSantis Roby Gallagher Massie Stewart Bass Duncan (SC) Shuster was agreed to. Garrett Mast Stivers Black Gaetz Speier The result of the vote was announced Gianforte McCarthy Suozzi Blackburn Hanabusa Walz as above recorded. Gibbs McCaul Taylor Ca´ rdenas Peterson Gohmert McClintock Tenney Castor (FL) Richmond A motion to reconsider was laid on Goodlatte McHenry Thompson (PA) the table. Gosar McKinley Thornberry b 1529 Stated for: Gottheimer McMorris Tipton Gowdy Rodgers Trott So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Granger McSally Turner tive) the rules were suspended and the avoidably detained. Had I been present, I Graves (GA) Meadows Upton resolution, as amended, was agreed to. would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 336. Graves (LA) Messer Valadao Graves (MO) Mitchell Visclosky The result of the vote was announced f Griffith Moolenaar Wagner as above recorded. Grothman Mooney (WV) Walberg A motion to reconsider was laid on SUPPORTING UNITED STATES IM- Guthrie Mullin Walden the table. MIGRATION AND CUSTOMS EN- Handel Murphy (FL) Walker Harper Newhouse Walorski Stated for: FORCEMENT Harris Noem Walters, Mimi Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Hartzler Norman Weber (TX) detained. Had I been present, I would have Hensarling Nunes Webster (FL) finished business is the vote on the mo- Herrera Beutler O’Halleran Wenstrup voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 337. tion to suspend the rules and agree to Hice, Jody B. Olson Westerman f the resolution (H. Res. 990) supporting Higgins (LA) Palazzo Williams Hill Palmer Wilson (SC) AUTHORIZING NATIONAL EMER- the officers and personnel who carry Holding Paulsen Wittman out the important mission of the Hollingsworth Pearce Womack GENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ME- United States Immigration and Cus- Hudson Perry Woodall MORIAL FOUNDATION TO ESTAB- toms Enforcement, as amended, on Huizenga Pittenger Yoder LISH COMMEMORATIVE WORK Hultgren Poe (TX) Yoho which the yeas and nays were ordered. Hunter Poliquin Young (AK) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Hurd Posey Young (IA) finished business is the vote on the mo- tion. Issa Ratcliffe Zeldin tion to suspend the rules and pass the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NAYS—35 bill (H.R. 1037) to authorize the Na- question is on the motion offered by Amash Espaillat Schakowsky tional Emergency Medical Services Me- the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Brown (MD) Gomez Schiff morial Foundation to establish a com- GOODLATTE) that the House suspend Castro (TX) Green, Al Serrano memorative work in the District of Co- the rules and agree to the resolution, Clarke (NY) Grijalva Soto ´ lumbia and its environs, and for other as amended. Clay Gutierrez Swalwell (CA) Cleaver Huffman Thompson (MS) purposes, as amended, on which the This is a 5-minute vote. Correa Jackson Lee Tonko yeas and nays were ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- Crowley Johnson, E. B. Vargas The Clerk read the title of the bill. Davis, Danny Meeks vice, and there were—yeas 244, nays 35, Veasey Demings O’Rourke The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Vela answered ‘‘present’’ 133, not voting 16, DeSaulnier Panetta question is on the motion offered by Vela´ zquez as follows: Doggett Rush the gentleman from California (Mr. [Roll No. 337] ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—133 MCCLINTOCK) that the House suspend YEAS—244 Adams Brownley (CA) Cooper the rules and pass the bill, as amended. Abraham Bergman Buchanan Aguilar Bustos Courtney This is a 5-minute vote. Aderholt Biggs Buck Barraga´ n Butterfield Cummings The vote was taken by electronic de- Amodei Bilirakis Bucshon Beatty Capuano Davis (CA) vice, and there were—yeas 414, nays 0, Arrington Bishop (MI) Budd Beyer Carbajal DeFazio not voting 14, as follows: Babin Bishop (UT) Burgess Bishop (GA) Carson (IN) DeGette Bacon Blum Byrne Blumenauer Chu, Judy Delaney [Roll No. 338] Banks (IN) Bost Calvert Blunt Rochester Cicilline DeLauro Barletta Brady (TX) Carter (GA) Bonamici Clark (MA) YEAS—414 DelBene Barr Brat Carter (TX) Boyle, Brendan Clyburn Abraham Aguilar Amodei Deutch Barton Brooks (AL) Cartwright F. Cohen Adams Allen Arrington Dingell Bera Brooks (IN) Chabot Brady (PA) Connolly Aderholt Amash Babin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.006 H18JYPT1 H6496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Bacon Doyle, Michael Kinzinger Poliquin Schiff Torres [Roll No. 339] Banks (IN) F. Knight Polis Schneider Trott Barletta Duffy Krishnamoorthi Posey Schrader Tsongas YEAS—226 Barr Duncan (TN) Kuster (NH) Price (NC) Schweikert Turner Abraham Granger Nunes Barraga´ n Dunn Kustoff (TN) Quigley Scott (VA) Upton Aderholt Graves (GA) Olson Barton Ellison Labrador Raskin Scott, Austin Valadao Allen Graves (LA) Palazzo Beatty Emmer LaHood Ratcliffe Scott, David Vargas Amash Graves (MO) Palmer Bera Engel LaMalfa Reed Sensenbrenner Veasey Amodei Griffith Paulsen Bergman Eshoo Lamb Reichert Serrano Vela Arrington Grothman Pearce Beyer Espaillat Lamborn Renacci Sessions Vela´ zquez Babin Guthrie Perry Biggs Estes (KS) Lance Rice (NY) Sewell (AL) Visclosky Bacon Handel Pittenger Bilirakis Esty (CT) Langevin Rice (SC) Shea-Porter Wagner Banks (IN) Harper Poe (TX) Bishop (GA) Evans Larsen (WA) Roe (TN) Sherman Walberg Barletta Harris Poliquin Bishop (MI) Faso Larson (CT) Rogers (AL) Shimkus Walden Barr Hartzler Posey Bishop (UT) Ferguson Latta Rogers (KY) Simpson Walker Barton Hensarling Ratcliffe Rohrabacher Sinema Blum Fitzpatrick Lawrence Walorski Bergman Herrera Beutler Reed Rokita Sires Blumenauer Fleischmann Lawson (FL) Walters, Mimi Biggs Hice, Jody B. Reichert Rooney, Francis Smith (MO) Blunt Rochester Flores Lee Wasserman Bilirakis Higgins (LA) Renacci Rooney, Thomas Smith (NE) Bonamici Fortenberry Lesko Schultz Bishop (MI) Hill Rice (SC) J. Smith (NJ) Bost Foster Levin Waters, Maxine Bishop (UT) Holding Roe (TN) Ros-Lehtinen Smith (TX) Boyle, Brendan Foxx Lewis (GA) Watson Coleman Blum Hollingsworth Rogers (AL) Frankel (FL) Lewis (MN) Rosen Smith (WA) Bost Hudson Rogers (KY) F. Roskam Smucker Weber (TX) Brady (PA) Frelinghuysen Lieu, Ted Webster (FL) Brady (TX) Huizenga Rohrabacher Fudge Lipinski Ross Soto Brat Hultgren Rokita Brady (TX) Rothfus Stefanik Welch Brat Gabbard LoBiondo Wenstrup Brooks (AL) Hunter Rooney, Francis Gallagher Loebsack Rouzer Stewart Brooks (IN) Hurd Rooney, Thomas Brooks (AL) Roybal-Allard Stivers Westerman Brooks (IN) Gallego Lofgren Williams Buchanan Issa J. Royce (CA) Suozzi Buck Jenkins (KS) Ros-Lehtinen Brown (MD) Garamendi Long Wilson (FL) Ruiz Swalwell (CA) Bucshon Jenkins (WV) Roskam Brownley (CA) Garrett Loudermilk Wilson (SC) Ruppersberger Takano Budd Johnson (LA) Ross Buchanan Gianforte Love Wittman Rush Taylor Burgess Johnson (OH) Rothfus Buck Gibbs Lowenthal Womack Gohmert Russell Tenney Byrne Johnson, Sam Rouzer Bucshon Lowey Woodall Rutherford Thompson (CA) Calvert Jones Royce (CA) Budd Gomez Lucas Ryan (OH) Thompson (MS) Yarmuth Carter (GA) Jordan Russell Burgess Gonzalez (TX) Luetkemeyer Sa´ nchez Thompson (PA) Yoder Carter (TX) Joyce (OH) Rutherford Bustos Goodlatte Lujan Grisham, Sanford Thornberry Yoho Chabot Katko Sanford Butterfield Gosar M. ´ Sarbanes Tipton Young (AK) Cheney Kelly (MS) Scalise Byrne Gottheimer Lujan, Ben Ray Scalise Titus Young (IA) Cloud Kelly (PA) Schweikert Calvert Gowdy Lynch Schakowsky Tonko Zeldin Coffman King (IA) Scott, Austin Capuano Granger MacArthur Graves (GA) Maloney, NOT VOTING—14 Cole King (NY) Sensenbrenner Carbajal Collins (GA) Kinzinger Sessions Carson (IN) Graves (LA) Carolyn B. Graves (MO) Maloney, Sean Bass Duncan (SC) Roby Collins (NY) Knight Shimkus Carter (GA) Black Gaetz Green, Al Marchant Shuster Comer Kustoff (TN) Simpson Carter (TX) Blackburn Hanabusa Green, Gene Marino Speier Comstock Labrador Smith (MO) Cartwright Ca´ rdenas Peterson Griffith Marshall Walz Conaway LaHood Smith (NE) Castor (FL) DeSantis Richmond Cook LaMalfa Smith (NJ) Castro (TX) Grijalva Massie Grothman Mast Costello (PA) Lamborn Smith (TX) Chabot ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Cramer Lance Smucker Cheney Guthrie Matsui ´ The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Crawford Latta Stefanik Chu, Judy Gutierrez McCarthy Handel McCaul the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Culberson Lesko Stewart Cicilline Curbelo (FL) Lewis (MN) Stivers Clark (MA) Harper McClintock ing. Harris McCollum Curtis LoBiondo Taylor Clarke (NY) Davidson Long Tenney Clay Hartzler McEachin Hastings McGovern b 1537 Davis, Rodney Loudermilk Thompson (PA) Cleaver Denham Love Thornberry Cloud Heck McHenry So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Hensarling McKinley DesJarlais Lucas Tipton Clyburn tive) the rules were suspended and the Diaz-Balart Luetkemeyer Trott Coffman Herrera Beutler McMorris Hice, Jody B. Rodgers bill, as amended, was passed. Donovan MacArthur Turner Cohen Higgins (LA) McNerney Duffy Marchant Upton Cole The result of the vote was announced Higgins (NY) McSally Duncan (TN) Marino Valadao Collins (GA) as above recorded. Hill Meadows Dunn Marshall Wagner Collins (NY) Himes Meeks A motion to reconsider was laid on Emmer Massie Walberg Comer Holding Meng Estes (KS) Mast Walden Comstock the table. Hollingsworth Messer Faso McCarthy Walker Conaway Hoyer Mitchell Ferguson McCaul Walorski Connolly f Hudson Moolenaar Fitzpatrick McClintock Walters, Mimi Cook Huffman Mooney (WV) Fleischmann McHenry Weber (TX) Cooper Huizenga Moore PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Flores McKinley Webster (FL) Correa Hultgren Moulton OF H. CON. RES. 119, EXPRESSING Fortenberry McMorris Wenstrup Costa Foxx Rodgers Westerman Hunter Mullin THE SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT Costello (PA) Hurd Murphy (FL) Frelinghuysen McSally Williams Courtney Issa Nadler A CARBON TAX WOULD BE DET- Gallagher Messer Wilson (SC) Cramer Jackson Lee Napolitano RIMENTAL TO THE UNITED Garrett Mitchell Womack Crawford Jayapal Neal STATES ECONOMY Gianforte Moolenaar Woodall Crist Jeffries Newhouse Gibbs Mooney (WV) Yoder Crowley Jenkins (KS) Noem The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Gohmert Mullin Yoho Cuellar Jenkins (WV) Nolan finished business is the vote on order- Goodlatte Newhouse Young (AK) Culberson Gosar Noem Young (IA) Johnson (GA) Norcross ing the previous question on the reso- Cummings Johnson (LA) Norman Gowdy Norman Zeldin Curbelo (FL) Johnson (OH) Nunes lution (H. Res. 1001) providing for con- Curtis Johnson, E. B. O’Halleran sideration of the concurrent resolution NAYS—186 Davidson Johnson, Sam O’Rourke (H. Con. Res. 119) expressing the sense Adams Carbajal Crist Davis (CA) Jones Olson Aguilar Carson (IN) Crowley Davis, Danny Jordan Palazzo of Congress that a carbon tax would be Barraga´ n Cartwright Cuellar Davis, Rodney Joyce (OH) Pallone detrimental to the United States econ- Beatty Castor (FL) Cummings DeFazio Kaptur Palmer omy, on which the yeas and nays were Bera Castro (TX) Davis (CA) DeGette Katko Panetta ordered. Beyer Chu, Judy Davis, Danny Delaney Keating Pascrell Bishop (GA) Cicilline DeFazio DeLauro Kelly (IL) Paulsen The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Blumenauer Clark (MA) DeGette DelBene Kelly (MS) Payne tion. Blunt Rochester Clarke (NY) Delaney Demings Kelly (PA) Pearce The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bonamici Clay DeLauro Denham Kennedy Pelosi Boyle, Brendan Cleaver DelBene DeSaulnier Khanna Perlmutter question is on ordering the previous F. Clyburn Demings DesJarlais Kihuen Perry question. Brady (PA) Cohen DeSaulnier Deutch Kildee Peters This is a 5-minute vote. Brown (MD) Connolly Deutch Diaz-Balart Kilmer Pingree The vote was taken by electronic de- Brownley (CA) Cooper Dingell Dingell Kind Pittenger Bustos Correa Doggett Doggett King (IA) Pocan vice, and there were—yeas 226, nays Butterfield Costa Doyle, Michael Donovan King (NY) Poe (TX) 186, not voting 16, as follows: Capuano Courtney F.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.012 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6497 Ellison Lawson (FL) Raskin Cole Issa Ratcliffe Lawrence Nolan Scott, David Engel Lee Rice (NY) Collins (GA) Jenkins (KS) Reed Lawson (FL) Norcross Serrano Eshoo Levin Rosen Collins (NY) Jenkins (WV) Reichert Lee O’Halleran Sewell (AL) Espaillat Lewis (GA) Roybal-Allard Comer Johnson (LA) Renacci Levin O’Rourke Shea-Porter Esty (CT) Lieu, Ted Ruiz Comstock Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Lewis (GA) Pallone Sherman Evans Lipinski Ruppersberger Conaway Johnson, Sam Roe (TN) Lieu, Ted Panetta Sinema Foster Loebsack Rush Cook Jones Rogers (AL) Lipinski Pascrell Sires Frankel (FL) Lofgren Ryan (OH) Costello (PA) Jordan Rogers (KY) Loebsack Payne Smith (WA) Fudge Lowenthal Sa´ nchez Cramer Joyce (OH) Rohrabacher Lofgren Pelosi Soto Gabbard Lowey Sarbanes Crawford Katko Rokita Lowenthal Perlmutter Suozzi Gallego Lujan Grisham, Lowey Peters Schakowsky Culberson Kelly (MS) Rooney, Francis Swalwell (CA) Garamendi M. Lujan Grisham, Pingree Schiff Curbelo (FL) Kelly (PA) Rooney, Thomas Takano Gomez Luja´ n, Ben Ray Curtis King (IA) J. M. Pocan Schneider Thompson (CA) Gonzalez (TX) Lynch Davidson King (NY) Ros-Lehtinen Luja´ n, Ben Ray Polis Schrader Thompson (MS) Gottheimer Maloney, Scott (VA) Davis, Rodney Kinzinger Roskam Lynch Price (NC) Green, Al Carolyn B. Titus Scott, David Denham Knight Ross Maloney, Quigley Green, Gene Maloney, Sean Carolyn B. Raskin Tonko Serrano DesJarlais Kustoff (TN) Rothfus Grijalva Matsui Diaz-Balart Maloney, Sean Rice (NY) Torres Sewell (AL) Labrador Rouzer Gutie´rrez McCollum Donovan LaHood Royce (CA) Matsui Rosen Tsongas Shea-Porter Hastings McEachin Duffy LaMalfa Russell McCollum Roybal-Allard Vargas Sherman Heck McGovern Duncan (TN) Lamb Rutherford McEachin Ruiz Veasey Sinema Higgins (NY) McNerney Dunn Lance Sanford McGovern Ruppersberger Vela Sires Himes Meeks Emmer Latta Schweikert McNerney Rush Vela´ zquez Smith (WA) Hoyer Meng Estes (KS) Lesko Scott, Austin Meeks Ryan (OH) Visclosky Huffman Moore Soto Faso Lewis (MN) Sensenbrenner Meng Sa´ nchez Wasserman Jackson Lee Moulton Suozzi Ferguson LoBiondo Sessions Moore Sarbanes Schultz Jayapal Murphy (FL) Swalwell (CA) Fitzpatrick Long Shimkus Moulton Schakowsky Waters, Maxine Jeffries Nadler Takano Fleischmann Loudermilk Simpson Murphy (FL) Schiff Watson Coleman Johnson (GA) Napolitano Thompson (CA) Flores Love Smith (MO) Nadler Schneider Welch Johnson, E. B. Neal Thompson (MS) Fortenberry Lucas Smith (NE) Napolitano Schrader Wilson (FL) Kaptur Nolan Titus Foxx Luetkemeyer Smith (NJ) Neal Scott (VA) Yarmuth Keating Norcross Tonko Frelinghuysen MacArthur Smith (TX) Kelly (IL) O’Halleran Torres Gallagher Marchant Smucker NOT VOTING—16 Kennedy O’Rourke Tsongas Garrett Marino Stefanik Bass Gaetz Scalise Khanna Pallone Vargas Gianforte Marshall Stewart Black Hanabusa Shuster Kihuen Panetta Veasey Gibbs Massie Stivers Blackburn Lamborn Speier Kildee Pascrell Vela Gohmert Mast Taylor Ca´ rdenas Peterson Walz Kilmer Payne Vela´ zquez Gonzalez (TX) McCarthy Tenney DeSantis Richmond Kind Pelosi Visclosky Goodlatte McCaul Thompson (PA) Duncan (SC) Roby Krishnamoorthi Perlmutter Wasserman Gosar McClintock Thornberry Kuster (NH) Peters Schultz Gowdy McHenry Tipton ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Lamb Pingree Waters, Maxine Granger McKinley Trott The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Langevin Pocan Watson Coleman Graves (GA) McMorris Turner the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Larsen (WA) Polis Welch Graves (LA) Rodgers Upton ing. Larson (CT) Price (NC) Wilson (FL) Graves (MO) McSally Valadao Lawrence Quigley Yarmuth Green, Gene Meadows Wagner b 1550 Griffith Messer Walberg NOT VOTING—16 Grothman Mitchell Walden So the resolution was agreed to. Bass Gaetz Shuster Guthrie Moolenaar Walker The result of the vote was announced Black Hanabusa Speier Handel Mooney (WV) Walorski as above recorded. Blackburn Meadows Walz Harper Mullin Walters, Mimi A motion to reconsider was laid on Ca´ rdenas Peterson Wittman Harris Newhouse Weber (TX) DeSantis Richmond Hartzler Noem Webster (FL) the table. Duncan (SC) Roby Hensarling Norman Wenstrup f Herrera Beutler Nunes Westerman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Hice, Jody B. Olson Williams DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Higgins (LA) Palazzo Wilson (SC) ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Hill Palmer Wittman Holding Paulsen Womack AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ing. Hollingsworth Pearce Woodall ACT, 2019 Hudson Perry Yoder b 1543 Huizenga Pittenger Yoho The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to House Resolution 996 and rule So the previous question was ordered. Hultgren Poe (TX) Young (AK) Hunter Poliquin Young (IA) XVIII, the Chair declares the House in The result of the vote was announced Hurd Posey Zeldin the Committee of the Whole House on as above recorded. the state of the Union for the further The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NOES—183 consideration of the bill, H.R. 6147. question is on the resolution. Adams Cooper Gallego Will the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. The question was taken; and the Aguilar Correa Garamendi Barraga´ n Costa Gomez HULTGREN) kindly take the chair. Speaker pro tempore announced that Beatty Courtney Gottheimer the ayes appeared to have it. Bera Crist Green, Al b 1552 RECORDED VOTE Beyer Crowley Grijalva IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Bishop (GA) Cuellar Gutie´rrez Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I de- Blumenauer Cummings Hastings Accordingly, the House resolved mand a recorded vote. Blunt Rochester Davis (CA) Heck itself into the Committee of the Whole A recorded vote was ordered. Bonamici Davis, Danny Higgins (NY) House on the state of the Union for the Boyle, Brendan DeFazio Himes further consideration of the bill (H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a F. DeGette Hoyer 5-minute vote. Brady (PA) Delaney Huffman 6147) making appropriations for the De- The vote was taken by electronic de- Brown (MD) DeLauro Jackson Lee partment of the Interior, environment, vice, and there were—ayes 229, noes 183, Brownley (CA) DelBene Jayapal and related agencies for the fiscal year Bustos Demings Jeffries not voting 16, as follows: Butterfield DeSaulnier Johnson (GA) ending September 30, 2019, and for [Roll No. 340] Capuano Deutch Johnson, E. B. other purposes, with Mr. HULTGREN Carbajal Dingell Kaptur AYES—229 (Acting Chair) in the chair. Carson (IN) Doggett Keating The Clerk read the title of the bill. Abraham Bergman Buck Cartwright Doyle, Michael Kelly (IL) Aderholt Biggs Bucshon Castor (FL) F. Kennedy The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- Allen Bilirakis Budd Castro (TX) Ellison Khanna mittee of the Whole rose on Tuesday, Amash Bishop (MI) Burgess Chu, Judy Engel Kihuen July 17, 2018, amendment No. 41 printed Amodei Bishop (UT) Byrne Cicilline Eshoo Kildee in House Report 115–830 offered by the Arrington Blum Calvert Clark (MA) Espaillat Kilmer Babin Bost Carter (GA) Clarke (NY) Esty (CT) Kind gentleman from Virginia (Mr. BEYER) Bacon Brady (TX) Carter (TX) Clay Evans Krishnamoorthi had been disposed of. Banks (IN) Brat Chabot Cleaver Foster Kuster (NH) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Barletta Brooks (AL) Cheney Clyburn Frankel (FL) Langevin Barr Brooks (IN) Cloud Cohen Fudge Larsen (WA) The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Barton Buchanan Coffman Connolly Gabbard Larson (CT) clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.016 H18JYPT1 H6498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 now resume on those amendments Roskam Smucker Walters, Mimi NOT VOTING—18 Ross Taylor Weber (TX) printed in House Report 115–830 on Bass Gaetz Roby Rothfus Thompson (PA) Webster (FL) Black Hanabusa Scalise which further proceedings were post- Royce (CA) Thornberry Wenstrup Blackburn LaMalfa Schrader Russell Trott poned, in the following order: Westerman Ca´ rdenas Peterson Shuster Rutherford Turner Amendment No. 1 by Mr. BIGGS of Ar- Williams DeSantis Reichert Speier Schweikert Upton izona. Wilson (SC) Duncan (SC) Richmond Walz Scott, Austin Valadao Womack Sensenbrenner Wagner Amendment No. 25 by Mr. GRIJALVA Woodall ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Shimkus Walberg of Arizona. Yoder Smith (MO) Walden The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Yoho Amendment No. 27 by Mr. Smith (NE) Walker There is 1 minute remaining. O’HALLERAN of Arizona. Smith (TX) Walorski Young (IA) Amendment No. 29 by Ms. ADAMS of b 1556 NOES—237 North Carolina. Mr. LAMB changed his vote from Adams Gianforte Napolitano Amendment No. 39, as modified, by Aguilar Gomez Neal ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Mr. GROTHMAN of Wisconsin. Barletta Gonzalez (TX) Newhouse So the amendment was rejected. The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Barraga´ n Gottheimer Nolan The result of the vote was announced the time for any electronic vote in this Beatty Green, Al Norcross as above recorded. Bera Green, Gene O’Halleran series. Bergman Grijalva O’Rourke AMENDMENT NO. 25 OFFERED BY MR. GRIJALVA AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. BIGGS Beyer Gutie´rrez Pallone The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Bishop (GA) Hastings Panetta The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Blumenauer Heck Pascrell business is the demand for a recorded business is the demand for a recorded Blunt Rochester Higgins (NY) Paulsen vote on the amendment offered by the vote on the amendment offered by the Bonamici Himes Payne gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GRI- Boyle, Brendan Holding Pelosi IGGS JALVA) on which further proceedings gentleman from Arizona (Mr. B ) on F. Hoyer Perlmutter which further proceedings were post- Brady (PA) Huffman Peters were postponed and on which the noes poned and on which the ayes prevailed Brooks (IN) Hurd Pingree prevailed by voice vote. by voice vote. Brown (MD) Jackson Lee Pocan The Clerk will redesignate the Brownley (CA) Jayapal Poliquin The Clerk will redesignate the Buchanan Jeffries Polis amendment. amendment. Bustos Jenkins (WV) Price (NC) The Clerk redesignated the amend- The Clerk redesignated the amend- Butterfield Johnson (GA) Quigley ment. Capuano Johnson (LA) Raskin ment. Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Rice (NY) RECORDED VOTE RECORDED VOTE Carson (IN) Joyce (OH) Rooney, Thomas The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Cartwright Kaptur J. has been demanded. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Castor (FL) Katko Ros-Lehtinen has been demanded. Castro (TX) Keating Rosen A recorded vote was ordered. A recorded vote was ordered. Chu, Judy Kelly (IL) Rouzer The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Cicilline Kennedy Roybal-Allard minute vote. Clark (MA) Khanna Ruiz The vote was taken by electronic de- minute vote. Clarke (NY) Kihuen Ruppersberger The vote was taken by electronic de- Clay Kildee Rush vice, and there were—ayes 190, noes 223, Cleaver Kilmer Ryan (OH) not voting 15, as follows: vice, and there were—ayes 172, noes 237, ´ Clyburn Kind Sanchez [Roll No. 342] answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 18, as Cohen King (NY) Sanford follows: Collins (GA) Knight Sarbanes AYES—190 [Roll No. 341] Collins (NY) Krishnamoorthi Schakowsky Adams Demings Krishnamoorthi Comstock Kuster (NH) Schiff Aguilar DeSaulnier Kuster (NH) AYES—172 Connolly Lamb Schneider Barraga´ n Deutch Lamb Abraham Emmer Kustoff (TN) Cooper Lance Scott (VA) Beatty Dingell Lance Aderholt Estes (KS) Labrador Correa Langevin Scott, David Bera Doggett Langevin Allen Ferguson LaHood Costa Larsen (WA) Serrano Beyer Doyle, Michael Larsen (WA) Amash Fleischmann Lamborn Costello (PA) Larson (CT) Sessions Bishop (GA) F. Larson (CT) Amodei Flores Latta Courtney Lawrence Sewell (AL) Blumenauer Ellison Lawrence Arrington Foxx Lesko Crist Lawson (FL) Shea-Porter Blunt Rochester Engel Lawson (FL) Babin Frelinghuysen Lewis (MN) Crowley Lee Sherman Bonamici Eshoo Lee Bacon Gallagher Loudermilk Cuellar Levin Simpson Boyle, Brendan Espaillat Levin Banks (IN) Garrett Lucas Cummings Lewis (GA) Sinema F. Esty (CT) Lewis (GA) Barr Gibbs Luetkemeyer Curbelo (FL) Lieu, Ted Sires Brady (PA) Evans Lieu, Ted Barton Gohmert Marchant Davis (CA) Lipinski Smith (NJ) Brown (MD) Fitzpatrick Lipinski Biggs Goodlatte Massie Davis, Danny LoBiondo Smith (WA) Brownley (CA) Foster Loebsack Bilirakis Gosar McCarthy Davis, Rodney Loebsack Soto Bustos Frankel (FL) Lofgren Bishop (MI) Gowdy McCaul DeFazio Lofgren Stefanik Butterfield Fudge Lowenthal Bishop (UT) Granger McClintock DeGette Long Stewart Capuano Gabbard Lowey Bost Graves (GA) McMorris Delaney Love Stivers Carbajal Gallego Lujan Grisham, Brady (TX) Graves (LA) Rodgers DeLauro Lowenthal Suozzi Carson (IN) Garamendi M. Brat Graves (MO) McSally DelBene Lowey Swalwell (CA) Cartwright Gomez Luja´ n, Ben Ray Brooks (AL) Griffith Meadows Demings Lujan Grisham, Takano Castor (FL) Gonzalez (TX) Lynch Buck Grothman Messer DeSaulnier M. Tenney Castro (TX) Gottheimer Maloney, ´ Bucshon Guthrie Mitchell Deutch Lujan, Ben Ray Thompson (CA) Chu, Judy Green, Al Carolyn B. Budd Handel Moolenaar Diaz-Balart Lynch Thompson (MS) Cicilline Green, Gene Maloney, Sean Burgess Harper Mooney (WV) Dingell MacArthur Tipton Clark (MA) Grijalva Massie Byrne Harris Mullin Doggett Maloney, Titus Clarke (NY) Gutie´rrez Matsui Calvert Hartzler Noem Donovan Carolyn B. Tonko Clay Hastings McCollum Carter (GA) Hensarling Norman Doyle, Michael Maloney, Sean Torres Cleaver Heck McEachin Carter (TX) Herrera Beutler Nunes F. Marino Tsongas Clyburn Higgins (NY) McGovern Chabot Hice, Jody B. Olson Ellison Marshall Vargas Coffman Himes McNerney Cheney Higgins (LA) Palazzo Engel Mast Veasey Cohen Hoyer Meeks Cloud Hill Palmer Eshoo Matsui Vela Connolly Huffman Meng ´ Coffman Hollingsworth Pearce Espaillat McCollum Velazquez Cooper Jackson Lee Moore Cole Hudson Perry Esty (CT) McEachin Visclosky Correa Jayapal Moulton Comer Huizenga Pittenger Evans McGovern Wasserman Costa Jeffries Murphy (FL) Conaway Hultgren Poe (TX) Faso McHenry Schultz Courtney Johnson (GA) Nadler Cook Hunter Posey Fitzpatrick McKinley Waters, Maxine Crist Johnson, E. B. Napolitano Cramer Issa Ratcliffe Fortenberry McNerney Watson Coleman Crowley Jones Neal Crawford Jenkins (KS) Reed Foster Meeks Welch Cuellar Kaptur Nolan Culberson Johnson (OH) Renacci Frankel (FL) Meng Wilson (FL) Cummings Keating Norcross Curtis Johnson, Sam Rice (SC) Fudge Moore Wittman Davis (CA) Kelly (IL) O’Halleran Davidson Jones Roe (TN) Gabbard Moulton Yarmuth Davis, Danny Kennedy O’Rourke Denham Jordan Rogers (AL) Gallego Murphy (FL) Young (AK) DeFazio Khanna Pallone DesJarlais Kelly (MS) Rogers (KY) Garamendi Nadler Zeldin DeGette Kihuen Panetta Duffy Kelly (PA) Rohrabacher Delaney Kildee Pascrell Duncan (TN) King (IA) Rokita ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 DeLauro Kilmer Payne Dunn Kinzinger Rooney, Francis Blum DelBene Kind Pelosi

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.066 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6499 Perlmutter Schakowsky Thompson (CA) Richmond Scalise Speier Lynch Pingree Sires Peters Schiff Thompson (MS) Roby Shuster Walz Maloney, Pocan Smith (NJ) Pingree Schneider Titus Carolyn B. Polis Smith (TX) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Pocan Schrader Tonko Maloney, Sean Price (NC) Smith (WA) Polis Scott (VA) Torres The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Massie Quigley Soto Price (NC) Scott, David Tsongas There is 1 minute remaining. Matsui Raskin Stefanik Quigley Serrano Vargas McCollum Rice (NY) Suozzi Raskin Sewell (AL) Veasey McEachin Rooney, Thomas Swalwell (CA) Rice (NY) Shea-Porter Vela b 1601 McGovern J. Takano Rosen Sherman Vela´ zquez Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia changed his McNerney Rosen Thompson (CA) Roybal-Allard Sinema Visclosky McSally Roybal-Allard Ruiz Sires Wasserman vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Thompson (MS) Meeks Ruiz Ruppersberger Smith (WA) Schultz Thompson (PA) So the amendment was rejected. Meng Ruppersberger Rush Soto Watson Coleman Titus The result of the vote was announced Moore Rush Ryan (OH) Suozzi Welch Tonko Moulton Russell Sa´ nchez Swalwell (CA) Wilson (FL) as above recorded. Torres Sarbanes Takano Yarmuth Stated for: Mullin Rutherford Tsongas Murphy (FL) Ryan (OH) Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. Mr. Vargas NOES—223 Nadler Sa´ nchez Veasey Chair, during rollcall Vote No. 342 on the Napolitano Sarbanes Vela Abraham Graves (GA) Palazzo Neal Schakowsky Aderholt Graves (LA) Palmer amendment (No. 25) to H.R. 6147 offered by Vela´ zquez Rep. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA of Arizona, I mistak- Nolan Schiff Visclosky Allen Graves (MO) Paulsen Norcross Schneider Amash Griffith Pearce Wasserman enly recorded my vote as ‘‘no’’ when I in- O’Halleran Schrader Amodei Grothman Perry Schultz tended to vote ‘‘aye.’’ O’Rourke Schweikert Arrington Guthrie Pittenger Waters, Maxine Pallone Scott (VA) Babin Handel Poe (TX) AMENDMENT NO. 27 OFFERED BY MR. Watson Coleman Panetta Scott, David Bacon Harper Poliquin O’HALLERAN Welch Pascrell Serrano Banks (IN) Harris Posey Wilson (FL) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Payne Sewell (AL) Barletta Hartzler Ratcliffe Yarmuth Barr Hensarling Reed business is the demand for a recorded Pearce Shea-Porter Pelosi Sherman Young (AK) Barton Herrera Beutler Reichert vote on the amendment offered by the Young (IA) Bergman Hice, Jody B. Renacci gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Perlmutter Simpson Biggs Higgins (LA) Peters Sinema Rice (SC) O’HALLERAN) on which further pro- Bilirakis Hill Roe (TN) Bishop (MI) Holding Rogers (AL) ceedings were postponed and on which NOES—196 Bishop (UT) Hollingsworth Rogers (KY) the noes prevailed by voice vote. Abraham Gosar Mitchell Blum Hudson Rohrabacher The Clerk will redesignate the Aderholt Gowdy Moolenaar Bost Huizenga Rokita Allen Granger Mooney (WV) Brady (TX) Hultgren Rooney, Francis amendment. Amodei Graves (GA) Newhouse Brat Hunter Rooney, Thomas The Clerk redesignated the amend- Arrington Graves (LA) Noem Brooks (AL) Hurd J. ment. Babin Graves (MO) Norman Brooks (IN) Issa Ros-Lehtinen Bacon Griffith Nunes Buchanan Jenkins (KS) Roskam RECORDED VOTE Banks (IN) Grothman Olson Buck Jenkins (WV) Ross The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Barletta Guthrie Bucshon Johnson (LA) Rothfus Palazzo has been demanded. Barr Handel Palmer Budd Johnson (OH) Rouzer Barton Harper Burgess Johnson, Sam Royce (CA) A recorded vote was ordered. Paulsen Bishop (MI) Harris Perry Byrne Jordan Russell The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Bishop (UT) Hartzler Calvert Joyce (OH) Rutherford Pittenger minute vote. Blum Hensarling Poe (TX) Carter (GA) Katko Sanford The vote was taken by electronic de- Bost Hice, Jody B. Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Schweikert Poliquin vice, and there were—ayes 217, noes 196, Brady (TX) Higgins (LA) Posey Chabot Kelly (PA) Scott, Austin Brat Hill Cheney King (IA) Sensenbrenner not voting 15, as follows: Ratcliffe Brooks (AL) Holding Reed Cloud King (NY) Sessions [Roll No. 343] Brooks (IN) Hudson Cole Kinzinger Shimkus Reichert Buchanan Huizenga Renacci Collins (GA) Knight Simpson AYES—217 Buck Hultgren Collins (NY) Kustoff (TN) Smith (MO) Rice (SC) Adams Cuellar Higgins (NY) Bucshon Hunter Roe (TN) Comer Labrador Smith (NE) Aguilar Cummings Himes Budd Hurd Rogers (AL) Comstock LaHood Smith (NJ) Amash Davis (CA) Hollingsworth Burgess Issa Rogers (KY) Conaway LaMalfa Smith (TX) Barraga´ n Davis, Danny Hoyer Byrne Jenkins (KS) Rohrabacher Cook Lamborn Smucker Beatty DeFazio Huffman Calvert Jenkins (WV) Rokita Costello (PA) Latta Stefanik Bera DeGette Jackson Lee Carter (GA) Johnson (LA) Rooney, Francis Cramer Lesko Stewart Bergman Delaney Jayapal Carter (TX) Johnson (OH) Ros-Lehtinen Crawford Lewis (MN) Stivers Beyer DeLauro Jeffries Chabot Johnson, Sam Roskam Culberson LoBiondo Taylor Biggs DelBene Johnson (GA) Cheney Jordan Ross Curbelo (FL) Long Tenney Bilirakis Demings Johnson, E. B. Cloud Joyce (OH) Rothfus Curtis Loudermilk Thompson (PA) Bishop (GA) Denham Jones Coffman Kelly (MS) Rouzer Davidson Love Thornberry Blumenauer DeSaulnier Kaptur Collins (GA) Kelly (PA) Davis, Rodney Lucas Tipton Blunt Rochester Deutch Katko Collins (NY) King (IA) Royce (CA) Denham Luetkemeyer Trott Bonamici Dingell Keating Comer Kinzinger Sanford DesJarlais MacArthur Turner Boyle, Brendan Doggett Kelly (IL) Comstock Knight Scott, Austin Diaz-Balart Marchant Upton F. Doyle, Michael Kennedy Conaway Kustoff (TN) Sensenbrenner Donovan Marino Valadao Brady (PA) F. Khanna Cook Labrador Sessions Duffy Marshall Wagner Brown (MD) Dunn Kihuen Costello (PA) LaHood Shimkus Duncan (TN) Mast Walberg Brownley (CA) Ellison Kildee Cramer LaMalfa Smith (MO) Dunn McCarthy Walden Bustos Engel Kilmer Crawford Lamborn Smith (NE) Emmer McCaul Walker Butterfield Eshoo Kind Culberson Lance Smucker Estes (KS) McClintock Walorski Capuano Espaillat King (NY) Curbelo (FL) Latta Stewart Faso McHenry Walters, Mimi Carbajal Esty (CT) Krishnamoorthi Curtis Lesko Stivers Ferguson McKinley Waters, Maxine Carson (IN) Evans Kuster (NH) Davidson Lewis (MN) Taylor Fleischmann McMorris Weber (TX) Cartwright Faso Lamb Davis, Rodney Long Tenney Flores Rodgers Webster (FL) Castor (FL) Fitzpatrick Langevin DesJarlais Loudermilk Thornberry Fortenberry McSally Wenstrup Castro (TX) Fortenberry Larsen (WA) Diaz-Balart Love Tipton Foxx Meadows Westerman Chu, Judy Foster Larson (CT) Donovan Lucas Trott Frelinghuysen Messer Williams Cicilline Frankel (FL) Lawrence Duffy Luetkemeyer Turner Gallagher Mitchell Wilson (SC) Clark (MA) Fudge Lawson (FL) Duncan (TN) MacArthur Upton Garrett Moolenaar Wittman Clarke (NY) Gabbard Lee Emmer Marchant Valadao Gianforte Mooney (WV) Womack Clay Gallego Levin Estes (KS) Marino Wagner Gibbs Mullin Woodall Cleaver Garamendi Lewis (GA) Ferguson Marshall Walberg Gohmert Newhouse Yoder Clyburn Gomez Lieu, Ted Fleischmann Mast Walden Goodlatte Noem Yoho Cohen Gonzalez (TX) Lipinski Flores McCarthy Walker Gosar Norman Young (AK) Cole Gottheimer LoBiondo Foxx McCaul Walorski Gowdy Nunes Young (IA) Connolly Green, Al Loebsack Frelinghuysen McClintock Walters, Mimi Granger Olson Zeldin Cooper Green, Gene Lofgren Gallagher McHenry Weber (TX) Correa Grijalva Lowenthal Garrett McKinley Webster (FL) NOT VOTING—15 Costa Gutie´rrez Lowey Gianforte McMorris Wenstrup Bass Ca´ rdenas Gaetz Courtney Hastings Lujan Grisham, Gibbs Rodgers Westerman Black DeSantis Hanabusa Crist Heck M. Gohmert Meadows Williams Blackburn Duncan (SC) Peterson Crowley Herrera Beutler Luja´ n, Ben Ray Goodlatte Messer Wilson (SC)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:06 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.015 H18JYPT1 H6500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Wittman Woodall Yoho Pocan Schneider Tonko Richmond Shuster Walz Womack Yoder Zeldin Polis Schrader Torres Roby Speier Price (NC) Scott (VA) Tsongas Scalise Wagner NOT VOTING—15 Quigley Scott, David Upton ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Bass Duncan (SC) Roby Raskin Serrano Vargas Black Gaetz Scalise Rice (NY) Sewell (AL) Veasey The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Blackburn Hanabusa Shuster Ros-Lehtinen Shea-Porter Vela There is 1 minute remaining. Ca´ rdenas Peterson Speier Rosen Sherman Vela´ zquez Roskam Sinema DeSantis Richmond Walz Visclosky Roybal-Allard Sires b 1610 Wasserman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Ruiz Smith (WA) Schultz Ruppersberger Soto So the amendment was rejected. The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Waters, Maxine There is 1 minute remaining. Rush Suozzi The result of the vote was announced Ryan (OH) Swalwell (CA) Watson Coleman as above recorded. Sa´ nchez Takano Welch b 1605 Sarbanes Thompson (CA) Wilson (FL) AMENDMENT NO. 39, AS MODIFIED, OFFERED BY So the amendment was agreed to. Schakowsky Thompson (MS) Yarmuth MR. GROTHMAN The result of the vote was announced Schiff Titus The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished as above recorded. NOES—218 business is the demand for a recorded vote on the amendment, as modified, AMENDMENT NO. 29 OFFERED BY MS. ADAMS Abraham Graves (GA) Nunes The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Aderholt Graves (LA) Olson offered by the gentleman from Wis- Allen Graves (MO) Palazzo consin (Mr. GROTHMAN) on which fur- business is the demand for a recorded Amash Griffith Palmer vote on the amendment offered by the ther proceedings were postponed and Amodei Grothman Paulsen on which the noes prevailed by voice gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. Arrington Guthrie Pearce Babin Handel vote. ADAMS) on which further proceedings Perry Bacon Harper were postponed and on which the noes Pittenger The Clerk will redesignate the Banks (IN) Harris Poe (TX) amendment. prevailed by voice vote. Barletta Hartzler Poliquin The Clerk redesignated the amend- The Clerk will redesignate the Barr Hensarling Posey Barton Herrera Beutler Ratcliffe ment. amendment. Bergman Hice, Jody B. Reed RECORDED VOTE The Clerk redesignated the amend- Biggs Higgins (LA) Reichert The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote ment. Bilirakis Hill Renacci Bishop (MI) Holding Rice (SC) has been demanded. RECORDED VOTE Bishop (UT) Hollingsworth Roe (TN) A recorded vote was ordered. Blum Hudson The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Rogers (AL) Bost Huizenga The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- has been demanded. Rogers (KY) Brady (TX) Hultgren minute vote. A recorded vote was ordered. Rohrabacher Brat Hunter The vote was taken by electronic de- The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Brooks (AL) Hurd Rokita Rooney, Francis vice, and there were—ayes 114, noes 297, minute vote. Brooks (IN) Issa Buchanan Jenkins (KS) Rooney, Thomas not voting 17, as follows: The vote was taken by electronic de- J. Buck Jenkins (WV) [Roll No. 345] vice, and there were—ayes 194, noes 218, Bucshon Johnson (LA) Ross not voting 16, as follows: Budd Johnson (OH) Rothfus AYES—114 Rouzer Burgess Johnson, Sam Abraham Graves (MO) Mooney (WV) [Roll No. 344] Royce (CA) Byrne Jordan Allen Griffith Mullin Russell AYES—194 Calvert Joyce (OH) Amash Grothman Noem Rutherford Adams Demings Kuster (NH) Carter (GA) Katko Arrington Guthrie Norman Sanford Aguilar DeSaulnier Lamb Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Babin Harris Nunes Schweikert Barraga´ n Deutch Lance Chabot Kelly (PA) Banks (IN) Hartzler Palmer Scott, Austin Beatty Dingell Langevin Cheney King (IA) Barr Hensarling Perry Sensenbrenner Bera Doggett Larsen (WA) Cloud King (NY) Biggs Hice, Jody B. Pittenger Coffman Kinzinger Sessions Beyer Doyle, Michael Larson (CT) Bishop (MI) Higgins (LA) Posey Cole Knight Shimkus Bishop (GA) F. Lawrence Bishop (UT) Holding Rice (SC) Collins (GA) Kustoff (TN) Simpson Blumenauer Ellison Lawson (FL) Brady (TX) Hudson Roe (TN) Collins (NY) Labrador Smith (MO) Blunt Rochester Engel Lee Brat Huizenga Rogers (AL) Comer LaHood Smith (NE) Bonamici Eshoo Levin Brooks (AL) Hunter Rohrabacher Comstock LaMalfa Smith (NJ) Boyle, Brendan Espaillat Lewis (GA) Buck Issa Rokita Conaway Lamborn Smith (TX) F. Esty (CT) Lieu, Ted Budd Jenkins (KS) Rooney, Francis Cook Latta Smucker Burgess Johnson (LA) Brady (PA) Evans Lipinski Rooney, Thomas Cramer Lesko Stefanik Byrne Johnson, Sam Brown (MD) Fitzpatrick Loebsack J. Crawford Lewis (MN) Stewart Carter (GA) Jones Brownley (CA) Foster Lofgren Rothfus Culberson LoBiondo Stivers Chabot Jordan Bustos Frankel (FL) Lowenthal Rouzer Curtis Long Taylor Cloud Kelly (MS) Butterfield Fudge Lowey Royce (CA) Davidson Loudermilk Tenney Comer King (IA) Capuano Gabbard Lujan Grisham, Russell Carbajal Gallego Davis, Rodney Love Thompson (PA) Curtis Kustoff (TN) M. Sanford Carson (IN) Garamendi Luja´ n, Ben Ray Denham Lucas Thornberry Davidson LaMalfa Schweikert Cartwright Gomez Lynch DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Tipton DesJarlais Lamborn Scott, Austin Castor (FL) Gonzalez (TX) Maloney, Diaz-Balart MacArthur Trott Duncan (TN) Latta Donovan Marchant Sensenbrenner Castro (TX) Gottheimer Carolyn B. Turner Dunn Lesko Duffy Marino Smith (MO) Chu, Judy Green, Al Maloney, Sean Valadao Emmer Lewis (MN) Duncan (TN) Marshall Smith (NE) Cicilline Green, Gene Matsui Walberg Estes (KS) Loudermilk Dunn Massie Smucker Clark (MA) Grijalva McCollum Walden Ferguson Luetkemeyer Emmer Mast Walberg Clarke (NY) Gutie´rrez McEachin Walker Flores Marchant Estes (KS) McCarthy Walker Clay Hastings McGovern Walorski Foxx Massie Faso McCaul Walters, Mimi Cleaver Heck McNerney Walters, Mimi Gallagher McCarthy Ferguson McClintock Webster (FL) Clyburn Higgins (NY) Meeks Weber (TX) Garrett McClintock Fleischmann McHenry Gibbs McHenry Wenstrup Cohen Himes Meng Webster (FL) Flores McKinley Gonzalez (TX) McMorris Westerman Connolly Hoyer Moore Wenstrup Fortenberry McMorris Goodlatte Rodgers Wilson (SC) Cooper Huffman Moulton Westerman Foxx Rodgers Gosar McSally Wittman Correa Jackson Lee Murphy (FL) Williams Frelinghuysen McSally Graves (GA) Meadows Woodall Costa Jayapal Nadler Wilson (SC) Costello (PA) Jeffries Napolitano Gallagher Meadows Graves (LA) Messer Yoho Wittman Courtney Johnson (GA) Neal Garrett Messer Womack Crist Johnson, E. B. Nolan Gianforte Mitchell NOES—297 Woodall Crowley Jones Norcross Gibbs Moolenaar Adams Beyer Brooks (IN) Yoder Cuellar Kaptur O’Halleran Gohmert Mooney (WV) Aderholt Bilirakis Brown (MD) Yoho Cummings Keating O’Rourke Goodlatte Mullin Aguilar Bishop (GA) Brownley (CA) Curbelo (FL) Kelly (IL) Pallone Gosar Newhouse Young (AK) Amodei Blum Buchanan Davis (CA) Kennedy Panetta Gowdy Noem Young (IA) Bacon Blumenauer Bucshon Davis, Danny Khanna Pascrell Granger Norman Zeldin Barletta Blunt Rochester Bustos DeFazio Kihuen Payne Barraga´ n Bonamici Butterfield DeGette Kildee Pelosi NOT VOTING—16 Barton Bost Calvert Delaney Kilmer Perlmutter Bass Ca´ rdenas Gaetz Beatty Boyle, Brendan Capuano DeLauro Kind Peters Black DeSantis Hanabusa Bera F. Carbajal DelBene Krishnamoorthi Pingree Blackburn Duncan (SC) Peterson Bergman Brady (PA) Carson (IN)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:06 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.013 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6501 Carter (TX) Huffman Perlmutter ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR House bill, and modifications com- Cartwright Hultgren Peters The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). mitted to conference: Ms. FOXX, Mr. Castor (FL) Hurd Pingree Castro (TX) Jackson Lee Pocan There is 1 minute remaining. ALLEN, and Ms. ADAMS. Cheney Jayapal Poe (TX) From the Committee on Energy and Chu, Judy Jeffries Poliquin b 1615 Commerce, for consideration of sub- Cicilline Jenkins (WV) Polis So the amendment, as modified, was titles A and B of title VI, sections 6202, Clark (MA) Johnson (GA) Price (NC) Clarke (NY) Johnson (OH) Quigley rejected. 6203, 6401, 6406, 6407, 6409, 6603, 7301, 7605, Clay Johnson, E. B. Raskin The result of the vote was announced 8106, 8507, 9119, 9121, and 11101 of the Cleaver Joyce (OH) Ratcliffe as above recorded. House bill, and sections 6116, 6117, 6202, Clyburn Kaptur Reed PERSONAL EXPLANATION 6206–09, 6301, 6303, 7412, 9102, 9104, 9106, Coffman Katko Reichert Cohen Keating Renacci Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Chair, I was unavoidably 9111–13, 12408, 12627, and 12628 of the Cole Kelly (IL) Rice (NY) detained. Had I been present, I would have Senate amendment, and modifications Collins (GA) Kelly (PA) Rogers (KY) voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 340, ‘‘yea’’ on roll- committed to conference: Messrs. Collins (NY) Kennedy Ros-Lehtinen SHIMKUS, CRAMER, and TONKO. Comstock Khanna Rosen call No. 341, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 342, ‘‘nay’’ Conaway Kihuen Roskam on rollcall Nos. 343 and 344, and ‘‘yea’’ on From the Committee on Financial Connolly Kildee Ross rollcall No. 345. Services, for consideration of section Cook Kilmer Roybal-Allard Cooper Kind Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Chair, I move that 12609 of the Senate amendment, and Ruiz modifications committed to con- Correa King (NY) Ruppersberger the Committee do now rise. Costa Kinzinger Rush The motion was agreed to. ference: Messrs. HENSARLING, DUFFY, Costello (PA) Knight Rutherford Accordingly, the Committee rose; and Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. Courtney Krishnamoorthi Ryan (OH) Cramer Kuster (NH) and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. From the Committee on Foreign Af- Sa´ nchez fairs, for consideration of title III of Crawford LaHood Sarbanes WEBER of Texas) having assumed the Crist Lamb Schakowsky chair, Mr. HULTGREN, Acting Chair of the House bill, and modifications com- Crowley Lance Schiff the Committee of the Whole House on mitted to conference: Messrs. ROYCE of Cuellar Langevin Schneider Culberson Larsen (WA) the state of the Union, reported that California, CHABOT, and ENGEL. Schrader Cummings Larson (CT) From the Committee on Natural Re- Scott (VA) that Committee, having had under con- Curbelo (FL) Lawrence Scott, David sideration the bill (H.R. 6147) making sources, for consideration of sections Davis (CA) Lawson (FL) Serrano 2802, 6408, 8104, 8107, 8109, subtitles B Davis, Danny Lee appropriations for the Department of Sessions Davis, Rodney Levin the Interior, environment, and related and C of title VIII, 8402, 8502, 8503, 8506, Sewell (AL) DeFazio Lewis (GA) 8507, 8509, 8510, 9111, 11614, and 11615 of Shea-Porter agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- DeGette Lieu, Ted Sherman tember 30, 2019, and for other purposes, the House bill, and section 2425, sub- Delaney Lipinski Shimkus DeLauro LoBiondo had come to no resolution thereon. title D of title VIII, sections 8601, 8611, Simpson DelBene Loebsack 8621–28, 8631, 8632, 12515, 12601, and 12602 Sinema f Demings Lofgren of the Senate amendment, and modi- Sires Denham Long PRIVILEGED REPORT ON RESOLU- fications committed to conference: DeSaulnier Love Smith (NJ) Deutch Lowenthal Smith (TX) TION OF INQUIRY TO THE PRESI- Messrs. BISHOP of Utah, WESTERMAN, Diaz-Balart Lowey Smith (WA) DENT and GRIJALVA. Dingell Lucas Soto From the Committee on Oversight Stefanik Mr. WALDEN, from the Committee Doggett Lujan Grisham, and Government Reform, for consider- Donovan M. Stewart on Energy and Commerce, submitted a Doyle, Michael Luja´ n, Ben Ray Stivers privileged report (Rept. No. 115–835) on ation of sections 1601, 4022, 4026, 8502, Suozzi F. Lynch the resolution (H. Res. 982) of inquiry and 11609 of the House bill, and sections Duffy MacArthur Swalwell (CA) 3113, 7128, 8623, 8630, 8632, 12301, and Ellison Maloney, Takano requesting the President, and directing Engel Carolyn B. Taylor the Secretary of Health and Human 12407 of the Senate amendment, and Eshoo Maloney, Sean Tenney Services, to transmit, respectively, modifications committed to con- Espaillat Marino Thompson (CA) ference: Messrs. WALKER, COMER, and Thompson (MS) certain information to the House of Esty (CT) Marshall Ms. PLASKETT. Evans Mast Thompson (PA) Representatives referring to the sepa- Faso Matsui Thornberry ration of children from their parents or From the Committee on Science, Fitzpatrick McCaul Tipton guardians as a result of the President’s Space, and Technology, for consider- Titus Fleischmann McCollum ‘‘zero tolerance’’ policy, which was re- ation of section 7509 of the House bill, Fortenberry McEachin Tonko and section 7409 of the Senate amend- Foster McGovern Torres ferred to the House Calendar and or- Frankel (FL) McKinley Trott dered to be printed. ment, and modifications committed to Frelinghuysen McNerney Tsongas conference: Messrs. ABRAHAM, DUNN, Fudge Meeks Turner f and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Upton Gabbard Meng Texas. Gallego Mitchell Valadao APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREES ON Garamendi Moolenaar Vargas H.R. 2, AGRICULTURE AND NU- From the Committee on Transpor- Gianforte Moore Veasey TRITION ACT OF 2018 tation and Infrastructure, for consider- Gohmert Moulton Vela ation of sections 2404, 6223, 6224, 6503, Gomez Murphy (FL) Vela´ zquez The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without 9117, and 9118 of the House bill, and sec- Gottheimer Nadler Visclosky objection, the Chair appoints the fol- Walden tions 2415, 2416, 6124, 6304, and 7412 of Gowdy Napolitano lowing conferees on H.R. 2: Granger Neal Walorski the Senate amendment, and modifica- Wasserman From the Committee on Agriculture, Green, Al Newhouse tions committed to conference: Messrs. Green, Gene Nolan Schultz for consideration of the House bill and DENHAM, GIBBS, and Mrs. BUSTOS. Grijalva Norcross Waters, Maxine the Senate amendment, and modifica- Gutie´rrez O’Halleran Watson Coleman There was no objection. Handel O’Rourke Weber (TX) tions committed to conference: Messrs. Harper Olson Welch CONAWAY, THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, f Hastings Palazzo Williams GOODLATTE, LUCAS, ROGERS of Ala- Heck Pallone Wilson (FL) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, bama, AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Herrera Beutler Panetta Womack ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED CRAWFORD, Mrs. HARTZLER, Messrs. Higgins (NY) Pascrell Yarmuth AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS Hill Paulsen Yoder RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, YOHO, ACT, 2019 Himes Payne Young (AK) ROUZER, MARSHALL, ARRINGTON, PETER- Hollingsworth Pearce Young (IA) GENERAL LEAVE Hoyer Pelosi Zeldin SON, DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, COSTA, WALZ, Ms. FUDGE, Messrs. MCGOVERN, Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask NOT VOTING—17 VELA, Mses. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM unanimous consent that all Members Bass Gaetz Scalise of New Mexico, KUSTER of New Hamp- may have 5 legislative days to revise Black Hanabusa Shuster shire, and Mr. O’HALLERAN. and extend their remarks and to in- Blackburn Labrador Speier From the Committee on Education clude extraneous material on H.R. 6147, Ca´ rdenas Peterson Wagner and the Workforce, for consideration of and that I may include tabular mate- DeSantis Richmond Walz Duncan (SC) Roby sections 4204, 4205, and 9131 of the rial on the same.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.020 H18JYPT1 H6502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there As an old African proverb goes, water The amendment was agreed to. objection to the request of the gen- has no enemies. So, hopefully, the AMENDMENT NO. 43 OFFERED BY MR. MULLIN tleman from California? Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order There was no objection. something that we are going to recog- to consider amendment No. 43 printed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nize as having played a critical role in in House Report 115–830. ant to House Resolution 996 and rule protecting and restoring one of Amer- Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chair, I have an XVIII, the Chair declares the House in ica’s greatest national treasures, a life- amendment at the desk. the Committee of the Whole House on sustaining element, water. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will the state of the Union for the further Just to mention, not to bore people designate the amendment. consideration of the bill, H.R. 6147. with a lot of statistics, but the Great The text of the amendment is as fol- Will the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Lakes contain about 21 percent of the lows: HULTGREN) kindly take the chair. world’s surface freshwater and more At the end of division A (before the short b 1623 than 80 percent, 85 percent, of the title), insert the following: freshwater in North America. This is SEC. ll. None of the funds made available IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE indispensable. by this Act may be used to enforce the final Accordingly, the House resolved As critical as this funding is, it is rule entitled ‘‘Oil and Natural Gas Sector: itself into the Committee of the Whole also important that the EPA receive Emission Standards for New, Reconstructed, House on the state of the Union for the and Modified Sources’’ published by the En- advice and input from local stake- vironmental Protection Agency in the Fed- further consideration of the bill (H.R. holders regarding priorities under that 6147) making appropriations for the De- eral Register on June 3, 2016 (81 Fed. Reg. program. The Great Lakes Advisory 35824). partment of the Interior, environment, Board provides such advice. and related agencies for the fiscal year The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to EPA established the board in 2013 to House Resolution 996, the gentleman ending September 30, 2019, and for provide independent advice to the EPA other purposes, with Mr. HULTGREN from Oklahoma (Mr. MULLIN) and a administration in its capacity as chair Member opposed each will control 5 (Acting Chair) in the chair. of the Federal Great Lakes Interagency The Clerk read the title of the bill. minutes. Task Force. Some of the past activities The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- The Chair recognizes the gentleman of the advisory board have been pro- mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, from Oklahoma. viding the EPA with recommendations amendment No. 39 printed in House Re- Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, this regarding what are the most signifi- port 115–830 offered by the gentleman amendment would prohibit funds from cant stressors and needs for the Great from Wisconsin (Mr. GROTHMAN) had enforcing the Obama administration Lakes ecosystem; providing the EPA been disposed of. EPA methane rule. This rule is cur- with recommendations on ways to en- AMENDMENT NO. 42 OFFERED BY MS. MOORE rently facing litigation uncertainty, sure effective public input into the The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order and Congress must act to block this Great Lakes action plan process; and to consider amendment No. 42 printed job-killing regulation estimated to providing advice on whether the GLRI in House Report 115–830. cost our economy $530 million annu- should invest in efforts to understand Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chair, I have an ally. long-term, future threats and commu- amendment at the desk. While oil and gas production has in- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will nicate them to the Great Lakes com- creased more than 25 percent since designate the amendment. munity for action. 2005, related methane emissions have The text of the amendment is as fol- In light of reports of efforts to under- actually decreased almost 40 percent lows: mine the board, on a bipartisan basis, I during the same time period. joined colleagues in writing to the EPA At the end of division A (before the short It is counterproductive for the Fed- title), insert the following: earlier this year to make clear that we eral Government to enact harmful reg- SEC. ll. None of the funds made available support the establishment and mainte- ulations that cause inefficiencies, reck- by this Act may be used to terminate or re- nance of the board. My amendment lessly spend taxpayer dollars, and force structure the Great Lakes Advisory Board, a would put teeth behind this letter and hardship upon job-creating industries. Federal advisory committee chartered under make it clear to the administration Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. what congressional intent is regarding support this amendment, and I reserve The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to this important advisory board. the balance of my time. House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I rise in from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE) and a of my time. opposition to this amendment. Member opposed each will control 5 Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I rise in The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman minutes. support of the amendment. from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- The Chair recognizes the gentle- The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- utes. woman from Wisconsin. tion, the gentleman from California is Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, the gen- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, let me recognized for 5 minutes. tleman’s amendment would block the thank the committee for supporting There was no objection. EPA from regulating methane emis- me in my very important amendments Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, this bill is sions from sources in the oil and gas last evening, and I have another very consistent with years past that pro- sector. important amendment that is before vided robust funding for the Great Methane is a primary component of the committee here today. Lakes Restoration Initiative. There- natural gas and is a potent greenhouse Mr. Chair, I urge support for my fore, this is an initiative I can support gas with global warming potential amendment that would prevent the ad- and we accept. more than 25 times greater than carbon ministration from dismantling the Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of dioxide. EPA’s Great Lakes Advisory Board. I my time. am so pleased that this bill has again Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chair, I want to b 1630 rejected the President’s proposal to gut thank the gentleman from California. In 2013, nearly one-third of the meth- the GLRI, and this amendment would He is a very effective leader on this ane emissions in the United States prevent them from dismantling the ad- issue. I appreciate him. came from oil and gas production, visory board. An effective Great Lakes Advisory processing, transmission, and distribu- Mr. Chairman, this is a critical mat- Board is vital to ensuring that the tion. There is no doubt, no doubt at all ter for anyone who drinks water. The GLRI remains successful and impactful that methane contributes to the in- Great Lakes provide drinking water to today and in the years to come. creased levels of greenhouse gas con- some 40 million people. Let me say Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of centrations, which will contribute to that again. Forty million people de- my time. long-lasting changes in our climate pend on this resource for one of life’s The Acting CHAIR. The question is such as rising global temperatures, sea basic requirements, water, not to men- on the amendment offered by the gen- level rising, changes in weather and tion anglers and recreation. tlewoman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE). precipitation patterns.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.077 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6503 Public health risks include more heat provide the regulating community with At the end of division A (before the short waves and drought, worsening smog, some certainty by postponing some im- title), insert the following: increased intensity of extreme weather plementation dates. However, the SEC. ll. None of the funds made available events, and increasing the range of courts have blocked that from hap- by this Act may be used to prepare, propose, or promulgate any regulation or guidance ticks and mosquitoes, which can spread pening. that references or relies on the analysis con- diseases such as Lyme disease, West In light of these challenges, the time tained in— Nile Virus, and Zika. is ripe for a temporary pause on the en- (1) ‘‘Technical Support Document: Social The disgraced former EPA adminis- forcement of these requirements, so I Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Anal- trator, Scott Pruitt, tried to delay this urge my colleagues to support the ysis Under Executive Order 12866’’, published rule, but the courts blocked that effort amendment. by the Interagency Working Group on Social and ruled that the EPA cannot delay Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I am Cost of Carbon, United States Government, implementation. When is the majority prepared to close. in February 2010; Well, simply put, I urge our col- (2) ‘‘Technical Support Document: Tech- going to stop the assault on the envi- nical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for ronment? leagues on both sides to come together Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Execu- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance and kill this job-killing regulation and tive Order 12866’’, published by the Inter- of my time. support this amendment, and I yield agency Working Group on Social Cost of Car- Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 2 back the balance of my time. bon, United States Government, in May 2013 minutes to the gentleman from Penn- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, as I and revised in November 2013; sylvania (Mr. PERRY). said, I oppose this amendment. Climate (3) ‘‘Revised Draft Guidance for Federal Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chairman, the EPA change threatens the health and wel- Departments and Agencies on Consideration has imposed these substantial competi- fare for current and future generations. of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects As the gentlemen have pointed out, of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews’’, pub- tive barriers, despite the industry’s sig- lished by the Council on Environmental nificant reduction in methane emis- Mr. Chairman, industry has moved— Quality on December 24, 2014 (79 Fed. Reg. sions through their own initiatives and has moved, in part, because of pressure 77802); innovation. from the EPA, and, in part, because of (4) ‘‘Technical Support Document: Tech- What is not known is that through just the financial loss of allowing this nical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for the EPA’s own analysis, it shows that methane gas to escape into the atmos- Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Execu- methane emissions from hydraulically phere. It is dollars that are burning up. tive Order 12866’’, published by the Inter- fractured gas wells have actually fallen These are precious resources that we agency Working Group on Social Cost of Car- are taking from the Earth, and we bon, United States Government, in July 2015; dramatically. According to EPA data— (5) ‘‘Addendum to the Technical Support not my data, but EPA data—methane should make sure that we don’t waste Document on Social Cost of Carbon for Regu- emissions from oil and gas production any of it, and that is why I think the latory Impact Analysis Under Executive declined by 38 percent from 2005 to 2012, EPA rule should not be delayed. Order 12866: Application of the Methodology and methane emissions from hydrau- As has been pointed out, industry has to Estimate the Social Cost of Methane and lically fractured natural gas wells have the ability to capture this methane. It the Social Cost of Nitrous Oxide’’, published plummeted 73 percent since 2011. has the ability to make money from it, by the Interagency Working Group on Social Total methane emissions from nat- and I want to just make sure that we Cost of Greenhouse Gases, United States encourage everyone in the industry to Government, in August 2016; or ural gas systems actually are down 11 (6) ‘‘Technical Support Document: Tech- percent since 2005, despite the signifi- move forward. nical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for cant production increases over this Mr. Chairman, let me the give you an Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Execu- time period. This is a prime example of example. The Bakken Oil Field, which tive Order 12866’’, published by the Inter- market forces at work. is in North Dakota—I am very familiar agency Working Group on Social Cost of American producers developed inno- with it because I spent many a summer Greenhouse Gases, United States Govern- vative means of capturing additional in that area—burns brighter than the ment, in August 2016. methane because doing so means they entire metropolitan area of the Twin The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to have more product to sell. Profit- Cities at night because of the flares House Resolution 996, the gentleman ability, rather than a top-down Wash- from the methane that are being burnt. from Oklahoma (Mr. MULLIN) and a ington regulation, drove this unprece- That energy should be captured. It Member opposed each will control 5 dented emissions reduction. should be saved. We should be con- minutes. In fact, in 2012 alone, voluntary servationists for future generations. The Chair recognizes the gentleman methane emission reductions activities We must take action, and I encourage from Oklahoma. by the U.S. oil and gas industry gen- my colleagues to oppose this amend- Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, my erated $364 million in additional rev- ment. amendment would prohibit funds from enue. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- implementing the Obama administra- Unfortunately, the methane rule rep- ance of my time. tion’s social cost of carbon rule. Con- resents the kind of one-size-fits-all pol- The Acting CHAIR. The question is gress and the American people have re- icy that will actually stifle innovation on the amendment offered by the gen- peatedly rejected cap and trade pro- and discourage further investment in tleman from Oklahoma (Mr. MULLIN). posals. emission reduction technology. The question was taken; and the Act- The Obama administration continu- Actually, as a result, the EPA’s ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- ously used social cost of carbon mod- methane rule, if allowed to stand, will peared to have it. els, which could be easily manipulated not only lead to economic harm, but Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I demand in order to attempt to justify new job- environmental harm as well. a recorded vote. killing regulations. Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to The House has a clear, strong record to support this amendment. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- of opposition to the social cost of car- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I be- ceedings on the amendment offered by bon, voting at least 11 times to block, lieve I have the right to close, and I re- the gentleman from Oklahoma will be defund, or oppose the proposal, includ- serve the balance of my time. postponed. ing H. Con. Res. 119, which we will be Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 AMENDMENT NO. 44 OFFERED BY MR. MULLIN considering later this week. minute to the gentleman from Cali- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order A carbon tax would be passed along fornia (Mr. CALVERT). to consider amendment No. 44 printed to consumers, undermining the success Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I in House Report 115–830. of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act we passed thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I have last year. Mr. Chairman, EPA was directed by an amendment at the desk. Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues the President to take a second look at The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will to support this amendment, and I re- the methane rule promulgated by the designate the amendment. serve the balance of my time. Obama administration. In conjunction The text of the amendment is as fol- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I with that review, EPA attempted to lows: rise in opposition to the amendment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.081 H18JYPT1 H6504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman question how many input decisions Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, I have an from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- were responsible where responsible peo- amendment at the desk. utes. ple could disagree were selected in The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, this order only to inflate the SCC value. designate the amendment. amendment is a very harmful rider, Let’s restore the faith and vote for The text of the amendment is as fol- and it would prohibit the EPA from this amendment. lows: considering the social cost of carbon as Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I At the end of division A (before the short continue to reserve the balance of my title), insert the following: part of rulemaking. The social cost of SEC. lll. There is appropriated for carbon is an estimate of economic time. Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 grants for lead reduction projects under sec- damages associated with small in- tion 1459B of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 creases of carbon dioxide emissions in minute to the gentleman from Texas U.S.C. 300j–19b) $10,000,000, to be derived from a given year. (Mr. GOHMERT). a reduction of $10,000,000 in the amount pro- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Chairman, I It represents the best scientific infor- vided in this Act under the heading ‘‘Envi- thank my friend for bringing this mation available, incorporating the ronmental Protection Agency—Environ- amendment. It is an important amend- mental Programs and Management’’. impacts from carbon pollution into ment to people that matter very much. regulatory analyses. Weakening or The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to John Dingell is a man of integrity. I House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman eliminating use of social cost of carbon feel I know his heart. He has a huge as a tool for Federal agencies that from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE) and a heart, and we disagreed on many Member opposed each will control 5 would ignore the sobering cost of issues, but I know him as a man of in- health, environment, and economic im- minutes. tegrity. The Chair recognizes the gentle- pacts of extreme weather, rising tem- He was told he had to push through woman from Wisconsin. peratures, intensifying smog, and other the cap and trade that would have got- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, I am impacts. ten into costing people for this so- pleased to rise today to offer an amend- We cannot afford to abandon science called cost of carbon, and he said it is ment to increase resources available to while trying to tackle climate change, not only a tax, it is a great big tax, and help address a scourge that is occur- so I strongly oppose this amendment. he lost his chairmanship. ring in so many of our communities: Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance But what John Dingell knows, what I lead poisoning. of my time. know is when you start creating taxes My district is facing its challenges Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 on fuel, the people that get hammered like so many in our country, and the minute to the gentleman from Mon- the worst are the Nation’s poorest Federal Government must do its part tana (Mr. GIANFORTE). among us. That is who it gets passed by ensuring that we provide the re- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Chairman, I to. That is who gets crushed. Let’s sources to address this scourge. thank the gentleman for yielding. don’t do this to the hardworking, poor- Two of the most prominent vectors Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the est among us. Let’s vote for the Mullin are old housing and old water infra- amendment. amendment. It would prohibit funds structure, lateral lead pipes. My Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I urge from being used to advance guidance or amendment would attempt to address make rules that rely on Obama-era so- my colleagues to support this amend- ment, and I yield back the balance of just one of the sources of lead, old lat- cial cost of carbon guidance. eral lead pipes, while recognizing the I have heard from folks in Montana my time. need to address housing when the ap- who cannot get a permit to expand a Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I propriate funding bill comes to the coal mine because they didn’t account would just like to reiterate again: We should be using the best scientific in- floor. for the carbon released by the trains Mr. Chairman, we know that children that would carry the coal. I have heard formation available, and we should be incorporating the impacts from carbon throughout America are at risk of a of the difficulties of building railroad major public health crisis given aging bridges because they might allow more pollution into regulatory analysis. When we see children being hospital- drinking water infrastructure and coal to be transported. housing stock. In my district alone, We must stop relying on metrics that ized because of intense smog, more peo- ple suffering respiratory and heart dis- there are tens of thousands of lead were designed by the keep-it-in-the- service lines that pose a threat to the ground crowd. Similar language passed, ease, and other impacts from that, we all pay for that. Whether we pay for it public health of children. on a bipartisan vote, here in the House We have heard so much about Flint, last September. I urge adoption of the in emergency room visits, we pay for it in our insurance, there are many ways Michigan, but I can tell you that lead amendment. in which we are individually paying for poisoning in my district mirrors that Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I re- of Flint, Michigan. I mean, Mr. Chair- serve the balance of my time. the pollution that is created, let alone recognizing the effects it has on cli- man, there just are no safe levels of Mr. MULLIN. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 lead for children. minute to the gentleman from Penn- mate change. So, simply, again, we cannot afford sylvania (Mr. PERRY). b 1645 to abandon science while trying to Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chairman, garbage As noted in a recent report by The tackle climate change, and I strongly in equals garbage out. We have heard oppose the gentleman’s amendment. Pew Charitable Trusts: ‘‘In the absence this on numerous occasions. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- of lead, hundreds of thousands of chil- And in this instance, the inter- ance of my time. dren would be more likely to realize national—or correction—the Inter- The Acting CHAIR. The question is their full potential thanks to higher agency Working Group has chosen to on the amendment offered by the gen- grade point averages, a better chance disregard the policy decisions from tleman from Oklahoma (Mr. MULLIN). of earning high school diplomas, and OMB Circular A–4 regarding how they The question was taken; and the Act- graduating from college, and a reduced set the modeling. And as a result of ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- likelihood of becoming teen parents or that, they have—interestingly, the peared to have it. becoming convicted of crimes.’’ Yet analysis generated by them would have Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I de- lead exposure remains a serious threat been 80 percent lower than the mean mand a recorded vote. for far too many kids and their fami- SCC value if they had followed the The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to lies in our country. guidance. And the result overstates the clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- The only way to remove lead pipes as benefits by at least four times relative ceedings on the amendment offered by a source of lead contamination is to to what it would be if only the national the gentleman from Oklahoma will be completely remove them. That is the benefits were considered as OMB di- postponed. goal that I joined with my former and rects. AMENDMENT NO. 45 OFFERED BY MS. MOORE dearly loved colleague, the late great This is a blatant pattern of disregard, The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Louise Slaughter, in writing to urge Mr. Chairman, for the OMB guidance in to consider amendment No. 45 printed the EPA in March of this year to up- order to inflate the SCC and begs the in House Report 115–830. date its lead and copper rule to require

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.083 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6505 the full replacement of lead service SEC. lll. None of the funds made avail- which is why my amendment limits lines. able by this Act may be used by the Admin- funds to implement EPA’s water qual- But both public utilities and private istrator of the Environmental Protection ity standards that preempt Washington homeowners are hard pressed to fi- Agency to implement, or to require the State’s. nance this needed work. It is my under- State of Washington to implement, the final This amendment will allow flexi- rule entitled ‘‘Revision of Certain Federal standing that the average cost can be Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Wash- bility and reasonable guidelines for somewhere between $6,000 to $8,000 to ington’’ published on November 28, 2016 (81 States to move forward with water replace such lines, which is an un- Fed. Reg. 85417). quality standards that can be measured imaginable sum for many of the house- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to and met. holds that our constituents live in. House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman Mr. Chairman, I urge support, and I reserve the balance of my time. My amendment would provide fund- from Washington (Mrs. MCMORRIS ROD- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I ing for one of the newest tools that GERS) and a Member opposed each will claim the time in opposition to this Congress created in the 2016 WRDA bill control 5 minutes. amendment. to help communities address lead The Chair recognizes the gentle- pipes. This program provides grants for The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman woman from Washington. from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- lead reduction projects that help re- Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. duce the concentration of lead in utes. Chairman, I rise today in support of Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, as drinking water by, among other uses, my amendment to reverse the past ad- providing assistance to low-income has been pointed out, this amendment ministration’s decision to implement would prohibit the implementation of homeowners to replace lead service unattainable water quality standards lines. Washington State’s revised water qual- through the Environmental Protection ity criteria. This standard protects Recognizing the need, Congress au- Agency, EPA. thorized the program at $60 million per communities from exposure to toxic I want to be clear that this amend- contaminants, such as PCB, arsenic, year; yet it received only $10 million in ment is not about opposing clean water the fiscal year 2018 omnibus appropria- and mercury in the fish that they eat. standards. This is an amendment to Being from Minnesota, Mr. Chair- tions bill. While I would like to get support the work that Washington man, I understand fish advisories very closer to the authorized level, my State, which has an impeccable envi- well. I often see signs that limit fish amendment is modest and pragmatic ronmental record, undertook. consumption for pregnant women, and and would simply continue funding for Washington developed their own for children in particular. this program at the fiscal year 2018 standards for more than 190 pollutants This action, however, would ignore level. after more than 3 years of research, court decisions and the voices of Na- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance outreach, and public feedback. These tive American Tribes, Asian-Pacific Is- of my time. requirements would have already been lander communities, and fishing inter- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I rise some of the most rigorous nationwide, ests, all of which agree that seafood in support of the amendment. but EPA rejected them. consumption standards are necessary The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- For example, Spokane, the largest tion, the gentleman from California is in order to protect public health and city in my district, invested $340 mil- water quality. In fact, the Northwest recognized for 5 minutes. lion in the first-of-its-kind water treat- There was no objection. Indian Fisheries Commission has asked Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, the ment facility. This facility was cele- that Congress reject this amendment fiscal year 2018 bill included $10 million brated, and the Republican mayor was because it puts the treaty rights that for EPA to establish a grant program invited to the White House by Presi- have been protected and the resources to provide funds to States and commu- dent Obama to celebrate this invest- of Tribes in Washington at risk. nities for lead reduction projects as au- ment as a model for cities to work with Many native families subsist on the thorized in the 2016 WIIN Act. residents to meet new environmental fish that they catch. Passing this I might also point out that we now standards. amendment lowering water quality have a WIFIA program that is in the The problem? Even this state-of-the- standards puts these families at great- bill, which will allow for communities art facility would not be able to meet er risk of poisoning from their tradi- throughout the country to leverage up the immeasurable EPA standards. tional foods. to $5 billion annually, and maybe more Spokane Valley, another major city There is a lot of funding in this bill in the future, in their communities for in my district, is facing an estimated and some of the other bills that we such things as lead reduction within $1 billion for municipal and industrial have on the floor, Mr. Chairman, that their towns and counties. compliance costs because of these work to prevent diabetes or to lower Mr. Chairman, therefore, this is an rules. This will affect companies like risk from diabetes with high blood amendment we can accept, and I yield Inland Empire Paper Company, which sugar. Tribal nations are finding that back the balance of my time. has been in business since 1911. Right returning to native foods, such as fish, Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, I thank now, the PCB standards that the pre- is a great and excellent way of pre- the gentleman for his stewardship and vious administration imposed will venting or reducing the effects of dia- for his recognition of the importance of force them to limit their cardboard re- betes. this amendment, and I yield back the cycling capabilities and force them to But after years of failure by Wash- balance of my time. send these products to landfills. ington State to propose a protective The Acting CHAIR. The question is We often hear the term ‘‘best avail- standard, EPA finally put forth a on the amendment offered by the gen- able science.’’ Well, these requirements standard which is more protective and tlewoman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE). cannot even be measured by the sci- meets the Clean Water Act require- The amendment was agreed to. entific community. They are unattain- ments. AMENDMENT NO. 46 OFFERED BY MRS. MCMORRIS able. Now, I understand that the regulated RODGERS It is not new for the EPA to abuse community has always been uneasy The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order their power in the name of clean water. about what stricter standards might to consider amendment No. 46 printed In Washington State, we saw this abuse be. The revised water quality criteria in House Report 115–830. of Federal authority with the What’s take steps to address their concerns. Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Upstream? campaign and its efforts to The standard approved the use of new Chairman, I have an amendment at the misrepresent our farmers and ranchers. implementation tools, including a desk. When the Federal Government enacts longer compliance schedule and intake The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will a policy, it should not be pouring Fed- credits. An intake credit means that, if designate the amendment. eral dollars into lobbying for its sup- the water comes to you with a pollut- The text of the amendment is as port. ant and you don’t discharge it, you are follows: Requirements that can’t even be not responsible for having to remove it. At the end of division A (before the short measured are an abuse of trust, and it So if you didn’t pollute it, you are not title), insert the following: is vital that we fix this problem now, responsible for cleaning it up.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.086 H18JYPT1 H6506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 This amendment would circumvent ceedings on the amendment offered by riers to significantly limit the amount all of the work that has been done to the gentlewoman from Washington will of cargo a single trailer can carry and devise a standard that protects public be postponed. still stay within DOT weight restric- health and water quality. AMENDMENT NO. 47 OFFERED BY MR. tions. Therefore, carriers have to put Furthermore, Washington State offi- LOUDERMILK more trucks on the highway to carry cials believe that, despite the Con- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order the same amount of goods. Obviously, gresswoman’s good intentions—and I to consider amendment No. 47 printed more trucks mean more carbon emis- do believe that these are good inten- in House Report 115–830. sions without any measurable im- tions—this amendment would hurt the Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Chairman, I proved efficiency. State of Washington. It would not ac- have an amendment at the desk. If the EPA is able to enforce this reg- tually help the dischargers. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ulation, it will not only be counter- Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues designate the amendment. productive to the environment, but to oppose this amendment. The text of the amendment is as fol- also very costly to American con- Mr. CALVERT. Will the gentle- lows: sumers. woman yield? At the end of division A (before the short b 1700 Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. I yield title), insert the following: to the gentleman from California. SEC. ll. None of the funds made available The trucking industry has made sig- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I by this Act may be used to enforce the final nificant strides in recent years to im- rule entitled ‘‘Greenhouse Gas Emissions and prove fuel efficiency and reduce air pol- thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Mr. Chairman, I certainly support Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles—Phase 2’’ lution, without the government man- her amendment. published in the Federal Register on October dates. Under the previous administration, 25, 2016 (81 Fed. Reg. 73478 et seq.), with re- This amendment simply prevents the EPA proposed this stringent water reg- spect to trailers. EPA from using any funds in this act ulation standard in Washington State The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to to regulate trailers under the green- without utilizing sound scientific data House Resolution 996, the gentleman house gas rule. Congress never ex- or evidence. In doing so, EPA created from Georgia (Mr. LOUDERMILK) and a tended to the EPA the authority to regulatory uncertainty and imposed Member opposed each will control 5 regulate trailers under the Clean Air unachievable permit levels on the minutes. Act, because trailers are not and have State, which are costly and nearly im- The Chair recognizes the gentleman never been considered self-propelled ve- possible for industries to comply with. from Georgia. hicles. I encourage the State, the Tribes, Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues to vote in favor and the EPA to continue to work to- under the Clean Water Act, Congress of this commonsense amendment, so gether to find agreeable standards that gave the Environmental Protection we can put an end to this blatant regu- improve water quality and human Agency the authority to regulate any latory overreach. health while, simultaneously, pro- air pollutant from any class or classes I reserve the balance of my time. viding clarity to the impacted commu- of new motor vehicles or new motor ve- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I rise in nities and industries. In the meantime, hicle engines which may be reasonably opposition to this amendment. though, I certainly urge my colleagues anticipated to endanger public health The Acting CHAIR (Mr. POE of to support this amendment. or welfare. Texas). The gentlewoman from Min- Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. To avoid any ambiguity, Congress nesota is recognized for 5 minutes. Chairman, I yield back the balance of further defined the term ‘‘motor vehi- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, this my time. cle’’ as a ‘‘self-propelled vehicle de- amendment would prohibit the EPA Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, signed for transporting persons or from implementing or enforcing its when humans consume contaminated property on a street or highway.’’ greenhouse gas and fuel efficiency fish, it results in serious health im- Until recently, regulators under- standards for medium-and heavy-duty pacts, such as cancer, organ damage stood, as any reasonable person would, engines. and reproductive dysfunction, or im- that the term ‘‘self-propelled vehicle’’ Specifically, this amendment carves pairment in brain development. only applies to vehicles that can move out an exemption for trailers. These High fish-consuming communities— on a roadway under their own power, fuel standards were jointly developed as I have mentioned, Native American such as cars, pickup trucks, semi by the EPA and the Department of Tribes and Asian-Pacific Islander com- trucks, SUVs, or vans. Never was a Transportation, and they will improve munities—need the protections af- trailer, whether a utility trailer pulled fuel efficiency and cut carbon pollution forded by this revised water quality by a pickup truck, a boat trailer pulled to reduce the impacts of climate standard. by a car, or a cargo trailer pulled by a change. I would like to, for the RECORD, again semi considered a self-propelled vehi- In fact, the EPA and DOT estimate state that this amendment is not sup- cle, and, therefore, these were never that these standards will lower CO2 ported by the State of Washington or under the regulatory authority of the emissions by approximately 1 billion the Tribal communities in the area. EPA. metric tons and cut fuel costs by $170 I strongly urge my colleagues to op- However, in 2016, without any author- million. And cutting fuel costs is al- pose this amendment. Clearly, more ity of Congress, the EPA extended its ways a good thing to go do. work needs to be done. I look forward regulatory authority and included These standards will achieve green- to having this amendment not pass and cargo trailers in the rules for green- house gas emission reductions that are for people to get down to doing the se- house gas emissions and fuel efficiency nearly equal to those associated with rious work that needs to be done to ad- standards for on-road, heavy-duty vehi- all the energy used by U.S. residents in dress the gentlewoman’s concerns. cles and engines. This rule will require 1 year. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- cargo trailers to add components that, These efficiency fuel standards have ance of my time. in some cases, have shown to improve been in place since 2016, and companies The Acting CHAIR. The question is aerodynamics, resulting in some im- around the world have already made on the amendment offered by the gen- provement in fuel efficiency. However, massive investments in the cleaner tlewoman from Washington (Mrs. this blanket policy, which has resulted technology. Blocking the rule now MCMORRIS RODGERS). from regulatory overreach, is not only would have negative consequences for The question was taken; and the Act- costly to consumers, but, in some human health and the environment, ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- cases, is counterproductive to the but also for the economy. peared to have it. Agency’s own mission of promoting I urge my colleagues to oppose this Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I de- clear, clean air policies and practices. amendment, and I reserve the balance mand a recorded vote. The additional weight of these aero- of my time. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to dynamic components that are being Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Chairman, I clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- mandated by the EPA will cause car- yield such time as he may consume to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.088 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6507 the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Moreover, the Preble’s mouse has a GRIFFITH), and I thank him for his hard designate the amendment. low conservation priority score, mean- work on this amendment. The text of the amendment is as fol- ing that the hundreds of millions of Mr. GRIFFITH. Mr. Chairman, I lows: dollars already spent on protection ef- thank the gentleman very much, and I At the end of division A (before the short forts could have been better spent on appreciate my colleague for intro- title), insert the following: other, more fragile species. ducing this amendment. LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS My amendment would correct the in- He is absolutely right. The Clean Air SEC. ll. None of the funds made available justice that has been caused by the in- Act never gave the EPA this authority. by this Act may be used to implement or en- accurate listing of the Preble’s meadow They just created it out of thin air. force the threatened species listing of the jumping mouse and would refocus the Their rationale is kind of interesting, Preble’s meadow jumping mouse under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s efforts because they took the authority that Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. on species that have been thoroughly 1531 et seq.). said that they could regulate new scientifically vetted and that should be motor vehicles or new motor vehicle The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to managed by the Endangered Species engines, and then the definition of new House Resolution 996, the gentleman Act. motor vehicle meaning any self-pro- from Colorado (Mr. LAMBORN) and a This amendment is supported by Citi- pelled vehicle designed for transporting Member opposed each will control 5 zens Against Government Waste and persons or properties on a street or minutes. has previously passed the House of The Chair recognizes the gentleman highway, and applied it to trailers. Representatives on three separate oc- from Colorado. casions, all by bipartisan votes. So I They are not self-propelled. Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I When I asked Janet McCabe, who was encourage my colleagues to, once yield myself such time as I may con- again, support this commonsense the Acting Director of the Air Division sume. of the EPA, when she came in front of Mr. Chairman, the Preble’s meadow amendment. I reserve the balance of my time. the Energy and Commerce Committee jumping mouse is a tiny rodent with a Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I how in the world could they do this, body approximately 3 inches long, a 4- and I presumed she wasn’t a lawyer and claim the time in opposition to this to 6-inch long tail, and large hind feet amendment. she said: Well, yes, I am. adapted for jumping. This largely noc- I was surprised, because the language The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman turnal mouse lives primarily in from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- is pretty clear. They don’t have the streamside ecosystems in Wyoming and ability to do that. utes. Colorado. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I She said: Well, you can’t haul any To evade predators, the Preble’s goods if the trailer is not attached to a yield myself such time as I may con- meadow jumping mouse can jump up to sume. truck. 18 inches high, like a miniature kan- That is not in the code. The code First, I would like to make the case garoo. But this little acrobat’s most fa- says that they only have authority that this is a rider, that this is author- mous feat was its leap onto the endan- over self-propelled vehicles. They cre- izing on an appropriations amendment, gered species list back in May 1998, a ated this out of whole cloth. and that the author of the amendment It doesn’t make any sense to allow an move that has since hindered develop- is in the majority. agency to create law. That is our job, ment on the front range of Colorado, The majority could have a hearing in and I told her that that day. from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to the authorizing committee. It could I said: Look, you think this needs to the Wyoming border. come to the floor. It could pass on the Among projects that have been af- be changed, bring in a bill, and we will floor. The Senate could move it. And it fected are the Jeffco Parkway south- discuss it. appears to me that President Trump is They have never done that. They east of Rocky Flats, an expansion of in a position to sign this into law, don’t have authority. We shouldn’t the Chatfield Reservoir, and housing should he choose to do so. fund something that is clearly illegal developments in El Paso County along So there is another alternative vehi- based on the plain English reading of tributaries of Monument Creek. Build- cle for moving the gentleman’s amend- the terms. ers, landowners, and local governments ment forward, and that is to do it legis- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I re- in affected areas have incurred hun- latively and not put it on an appropria- serve the balance of my time. dreds of millions of dollars in added tions bill. The Senate has chosen to Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Chairman, I costs because of this mouse. Protecting put no riders on their appropriations urge all of my colleagues to join the the Preble’s mouse has even been bill. gentleman from Virginia and myself in placed ahead of protecting human life. But the amendment is before us. As support of what is a commonsense up- On September 11, 2013, Colorado expe- pointed out, it would prohibit the Fish holding of our constitutional authority rienced a major flood event that dam- and Wildlife Service from imple- as the legislative branch, and I encour- aged or destroyed thousands of homes, menting or enforcing the threatened age a ‘‘yea’’ vote on this amendment. important infrastructure, and public species listing of the Preble’s meadow I yield back the balance of my time. works projects. As a result of the jumping mouse under the Endangered Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, this rule Preble’s mouse’s listing as an endan- Species Act, and it would restrict the promotes a generation of cleaner, more gered species, many restoration Service from offering any of the crit- fuel efficient trucks. President Obama projects were delayed as Colorado ical protections to preserve the species. was right when he said: ‘‘We are the sought a waiver. Now, once a species is listed under first generation to feel the impact of Moreover, the scientific evidence the Endangered Species Act, it is the climate change and the last generation simply does not justify these delays or role of Fish and Wildlife, and it is pri- who can do something about it.’’ the millions of taxpayer dollars that go marily permissive, to help parties com- This amendment is harmful, and I toward protecting a rodent that is ac- ply with the act as they carry out their urge my colleagues to reject it. tually part of a larger group that activities. I yield back the balance of my time. roams throughout half of the North I also want to make sure the RECORD The Acting CHAIR. The question is American Continent. is clear that Fish and Wildlife Service on the amendment offered by the gen- Several scientific studies have con- reviewed the information claiming an tleman from Georgia (Mr. cluded that the Preble’s mouse does alleged taxonomic error in the listing LOUDERMILK). not warrant protection because it isn’t of the species and found no evidence The amendment was agreed to. a subspecies at all and is actually re- that the Preble’s meadow jumping AMENDMENT NO. 48 OFFERED BY MR. LAMBORN lated to one of the largest and most mouse is not a valid subspecies. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order widespread genetic lineages of North But under this amendment, the Serv- to consider amendment No. 48 printed American jumping mice. Even the sci- ice would not be able to continue to in House Report 115–830. entist that originally classified this offer to recover this species, though Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I have mouse as a subspecies has since re- the Endangered Species Act prohibi- an amendment at the desk. canted his work. tions would still apply. The Service

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.092 H18JYPT1 H6508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 would not be able to work with agen- uncertainty for landowners and also even when those species are flourishing cies. The Service would not be able to make them vulnerable to lawsuits. and no longer in need of ESA protec- work with developers. The Service So we should not pass this amend- tions. would not be able to work with land- ment. We should be supporting the But you may ask yourself: How does owners and others to provide ESA com- Fish and Wildlife Service efforts and the government know when a species pliance. not blocking the agency from doing its should be removed from the endangered The Fish and Wildlife Service would job. or threatened list? How does the gov- be barred from issuing permits or ex- Mr. Chair, my commitment to the ernment know if a species is recov- emptions. This means that landowners, chairman and to my walking partner in ering? The answer could be found in industry, and other parties who might the tunnels as we all come over for the ESA, and it is a requirement that need to take the Preble’s meadow votes is to work with them to make the Federal Government review all jumping mouse incidental to their oth- the Fish and Wildlife Service more re- plants or species that are currently erwise lawful activities, such as urban sponsible to the gentleman’s concerns. listed as endangered or threatened development, would become vulnerable But at this time, I have to oppose the every 5 years. to third-party lawsuits. amendment. Under the Endangered Species Act, Additionally, this amendment would I yield back the balance of my time. the purpose of a 5-year review is to en- also limit the Service from under- The Acting CHAIR. The question is sure that threatened and endangered taking the required status reviews of on the amendment offered by the gen- species have the appropriate level of the subspecies or from any initial rule- tleman from Colorado (Mr. LAMBORN). protection. And because the ESA making to downlist or to delist the spe- The question was taken; and the Act- grants extensive protection to a spe- cies, as appropriate. ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- cies, including harsh penalties for land- Mr. Chair, I think it is pretty obvious peared to have it. owners and other citizens, it makes that this amendment should go Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I de- sense to regularly verify if a plant or through a different way of coming to mand a recorded vote. animal is being properly classified or if the floor, and that is through the au- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to it should be delisted. thorizing committee. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- Despite this commonsense require- I reserve the balance of my time. ceedings on the amendment offered by ment, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I the gentleman from Colorado will be ice acknowledged earlier this year that yield as much time as he may consume postponed. it has neglected its responsibility to to the distinguished gentleman from AMENDMENT NO. 49 OFFERED BY MR. LAMBORN conduct the required reviews for nearly California (Mr. CALVERT). The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order 1,000 species. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, as you to consider amendment No. 49 printed By enforcing the 5-year review, my know, the House has spoken on this. In in House Report 115–830. amendment will ensure that the U.S. last year’s conference report, we di- Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I have Fish and Wildlife Service is using the rected Fish and Wildlife Service to an amendment at the desk. best available scientific information in make this species among its highest The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will implementing its responsibilities under priorities for consultation and permit designate the amendment. the ESA, including incorporating new processing. Obviously, the agency has The text of the amendment is as fol- information through public comment not moved fast enough, and they need lows: and assessing ongoing conservation ef- to get hopping. At the end of division A (before the short forts. So I am sure this amendment will title), insert the following: This amendment is supported by Citi- squeak by with all of our support. I zens Against Government Waste, the LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote. National Mining Association, and the SEC. ll. None of the funds made available Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I re- by this Act may be used to implement or en- American Farm Bureau, and it has pre- serve the balance of my time to close. force the threatened species or endangered viously passed the House of Represent- Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I species listing of any plant or wildlife that atives on three separate occasions, all yield myself the balance of my time. has not undergone a review as required by by bipartisan votes. I will just conclude by saying, if the section 4(c)(2) of the Endangered Species Act I encourage my colleagues to join me Fish and Wildlife Service worked to- of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533(c)(2)). in ensuring that the U.S. Fish and gether with developers, local commu- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Wildlife Service follows the law, the nities, and other groups, that would be House Resolution 996, the gentleman letter of the law, in the Endangered one thing. But when they come in with from Colorado (Mr. LAMBORN) and a Species Act and that we do not allow a hammer and say, you have to do it Member opposed each will control 5 the agency to spend money that would this way, that is really not working to- minutes. violate current law. gether. That has, unfortunately, been The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. Chair, I ask my colleagues to the experience of many parties on the from Colorado. once again support my amendment, front range of Colorado. and I reserve the balance of my time. b 1715 Mr. Chairman, I would urge that, Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I once again, we support this amend- Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I claim time in opposition to the amend- ment, and I yield back the balance of yield myself as much time as I may ment. my time. consume. The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. Chair, my amendment is from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- yield myself the balance of my time. straightforward. It simply ensures that utes. The Service has a statutory require- the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, the Serv- ment to implement the Endangered following current law, specifically sec- ice attempts to comply with the statu- Species Act. Defunding the agency’s tion 4(c)(2) of the Endangered Species tory mandate to review the status of ability to fulfill its legal requirements Act, by conducting their review of all listed species every 5 years to deter- makes it more vulnerable to lawsuits, threatened and endangered plants and mine whether their classification as and I know that that is something that wildlife at least once every 5 years. threatened or endangered is still appro- we are all trying to avoid here. When Time after time, the Federal Govern- priate. However, the Service has a you have lawsuits, it is an unnecessary ment refuses to follow the will of Con- backlog of such reviews due to funding cost for the taxpayers. gress when it enacted the Endangered limitations, such as the 42 percent list- Now, the gentleman’s amendment Species Act. The government des- ing ‘reduction contained in this bill. would undermine the Service’s ability ignates land as ‘‘critical habitat’’ de- In this bill, the work that the Service to work collaboratively with States, spite not meeting the ESA definition, would need to do to comply with what local governments, communities, and and the government consistently re- you want in this bill alone is cut $8 landowners, to conserve this imperiled fuses to remove plants and animals million, so that just puts them farther species. The amendment would create from threatened or endangered status behind.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.094 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6509 In recent years, the Service has only outside environmental groups are At the end of division A (before the short been able to complete 100 to 120 reviews largely to blame for bringing massive title), insert the following: per year, which is less than half of lawsuits that tie up a lot of the re- SEC. ll. None of the funds made available what is needed to keep up with the re- sources of the Fish and Wildlife Service by this Act may be used by the Environ- mental Protection Agency to take any of the quirement to review all the species so they can’t be doing their business of actions described as a ‘‘backstop’’ in the De- every 5 years. So that falls on Congress protecting the species that they are al- cember 29, 2009, letter from EPA’s Regional for us not giving them the funds that ready supposed to be caring for. So I Administrator to the States in the Water- they need to do the job effectively and think they really get a lot of the blame shed and the District of Columbia in re- efficiently as you are requesting, and here as well. sponse to the development or implementa- the way to fix that is to give them the Mr. Chair, I yield as much time as he tion of a State’s watershed implementation proper funding. may consume to the gentleman from and referred to in enclosure B of such letter. But as the gentleman might be California (Mr. CALVERT). The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to aware, the chairman was given level Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I thank House Resolution 996, the gentleman funding this year. He did the very best the gentleman for yielding. from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) and a that he could with what he had to bal- Mr. Chair, I support this amendment. Member opposed each will control 5 ance things out in the interests of the The root of the frustration with the minutes. requests he had from Members of the Endangered Species Act is that species The Chair recognizes the gentleman House, but this particular $8 million rarely get delisted, and people who are from Virginia. cut just makes your problem even directly affected by a listing are con- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I worse. demned to a life of an additional Fed- yield myself 3 minutes. This amendment would not remove eral rule indefinitely. Mr. Chairman, today I rise to urge species, without reviews, from the list Congress tried to prevent this by re- support for my amendment, which of the species protected by the ESA. So quiring the Fish and Wildlife Service would reaffirm and preserve the rights the ESA prohibition against take to review the status of every listed spe- of the States to write their own water would still remain, as would the ability cies every 5 years and to down-list or quality plans. of citizens to sue to force compliance. delist species accordingly. My amendment simply prohibits the If funding cannot be used to enforce Today, the Service has a backlog of EPA from using its Chesapeake Bay the ESA for species with late reviews, 892 species without a current 5-year re- Total Maximum Daily Load and the so- that will leave the species unprotected. view. called watershed implementation plans While the proposed language would Without these 5-year reviews, species to hijack States’ water quality strate- prohibit the Service from working with could be recovered and we wouldn’t gies. agencies, developers, landowners, and even know it. I find this simply unac- Over the last several years, the EPA others to provide ESA compliance ceptable. has implemented a Total Maximum through section 7 consultations or sec- Unless the Service focuses its per- Daily Load blueprint for the six States tion 10 permits for Federal or private sonnel on inherently Federal respon- in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, projects that could potentially affect sibilities under the ESA and non-Fed- which strictly limits the amount of nu- the species, it would not affect the eral partners take the lead on actual trients that can enter the Chesapeake ability of third parties to sue those recovery, we will never break the con- Bay. Through its implementation, the agencies or landowners and potentially tentious and litigious cycle that we EPA has basically given every State in enjoin their projects due to the lack of have now. the watershed an ultimatum: either ESA compliance. the State does exactly what the EPA Mr. Chairman, as I said about the And, by the way, we have actually in- says or it faces the threat of an EPA last amendment, we don’t need another creased the ESA recovery budget in this bill for 5-year reviews. So let’s get takeover of its water quality programs. rider or extraneous provision in this Congress intended that the imple- bill. It is already overburdened with ESA working again. Mr. Chair, I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote on mentation of the Clean Water Act be a many, many riders. collaborative approach, through which Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to this amendment. the States and the Federal Government take this language to the appropriate Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I work together. This process was not committees of jurisdiction and work thank the gentleman for his remarks. Mr. Chair, I would urge my col- meant to be subject to the whims of through and see if we can make posi- leagues to once again support this com- politics and bureaucrats in Wash- tive changes and create win-wins. Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to monsense amendment, which we have ington. Therefore, my amendment in- oppose this amendment. And I would done in the past three different times structs the EPA to respect the impor- urge my colleagues, if they want the on a bipartisan basis. tant role States play in implementing backlog to change, to help the chair- Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of the Clean Water Act. man and me get more money into the my time. I want to make it perfectly clear that allocation of this bill so the chairman The Acting CHAIR. The question is this amendment would not stop the and I can work to achieve those goals on the amendment offered by the gen- EPA from working with the States to together. tleman from Colorado (Mr. LAMBORN). restore the Chesapeake Bay, nor would Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of The question was taken; and the Act- it undermine the cleanup efforts al- my time. ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- ready underway. My language only re- Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Chairman, I peared to have it. moves the ability of the EPA to take yield myself as much time as I may Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I demand over a State’s plan or to take retalia- consume. a recorded vote. tory actions against the State if it does Two quick responses, then I am going The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to not meet EPA-mandated goals. Again, to yield some time. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- it ensures States’ rights remain intact When it comes to funding for the ceedings on the amendment offered by and not usurped by the EPA. Fish and Wildlife Service, they are just the gentleman from Colorado will be It is important to point out that the going to have to basically do what postponed. correlation between the EPA’s out- every other private or governmental AMENDMENT NO. 50 OFFERED BY MR. GOODLATTE rageous waters of the United States entity, family, and individual has to The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order rule and the Bay TMDL, at the heart of do, which is prioritize their spending. to consider amendment No. 50 printed both issues is the EPA’s desire to con- They have to live within their means. in House Report 115–830. trol conservation and water quality We all have to live within our means. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I improvement efforts throughout the They have to have the priorities where have an amendment at the desk. country and to punish all those who they can do the job with the money The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will dare to oppose them. that they are given. designate the amendment. The bay is a national treasure, and I Number two, I think that maybe my The text of the amendment is as fol- want to see it restored, but we know colleague would agree with me that lows: that in order to achieve this goal, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.098 H18JYPT1 H6510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 States and the EPA must work to- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chair, I yield ernment would set the standards and gether. The EPA cannot be allowed to 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from the States would figure out how to railroad the States and micromanage Pennsylvania (Mr. PERRY). meet those standards. And that flexi- the process. Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chairman, this bility has been taken away starting in This amendment has passed the amendment prohibits the use of funds the Obama administration, and it is House with bipartisan support several to take retaliatory actions against in- time for this Congress to stop them times, and I urge my colleagues to once dividual States. Importantly, this from doing that so that we can have again vote to ask the EPA to respect amendment would not prevent the EPA the kind of collaborative effort just de- the important role States play in im- from working with States to restore scribed by the subcommittee chairman, plementing the Clean Water Act and the bay. Mr. CALVERT, and get back to doing prevent another Federal power grab by In 1985, the States in the Chesapeake things the right way. the administration. Bay region recognized the need to ad- Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of dress pollutants in the bay and, support this amendment, and I yield my time. through their own initiative, came to- back the balance of my time. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I rise in gether to conduct cleanup efforts. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, for opposition to the amendment. These State-driven efforts were largely more than 35 years, there has been a The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman successful. As a matter of fact, water regional partnership created through from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- quality improved almost 50 percent the Chesapeake Bay Program, and it utes. from 1985 to 2010. sought to restore and protect the Na- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, this However, in 2010, the EPA seized the tion’s largest and most productive es- amendment would allow those who pol- States’ authority to determine their tuaries. That is a partnership with the lute the Chesapeake Bay to ignore the own continued compliance and threat- Federal Government which includes Environmental Protection Agency’s ened to dictate Federal requirements if funding that is working together to water quality standards. the States were unable to comply. This achieve those common goals. Restoring the Chesapeake Bay and 2010 power grab, known as the Chesa- Now, I have nothing before me saying its watershed continues to be a pri- peake Bay TMDL, directly contradicts that the State of Virginia, or any of ority, and a priority for this committee the intent of the Clean Water Act. the regional partners, want to with- to fund it. The EPA established the The Clean Water Act clearly ac- draw from this moving forward to con- mandatory water quality standards knowledges State authority in water tinue to clean up this estuary. This and Congress has appropriated over $1 quality and requires cooperation rather amendment would undermine decades billion for the Chesapeake Bay Pro- than coercion between the States and of work and decades of Federal dollars gram to help States, localities, and the Federal Government. that the Federal Government has put businesses meet those needs. This These coercive methods have been in in partnership, and it would have amendment would jeopardize that tried and imposed and have failed. Ac- devastating effects to the health of the funding and have devastating effects on tually, water quality has not improved bay and the economy it supports. the health of the bay. since the federalization of the bay Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to How long will the States and local- cleanup efforts. oppose this amendment, and I yield ities be able to meet their obligations It is simply imperative that we re- back the balance of my time. that they agreed to in 2014 in the turn the constitutional rights of the The Acting CHAIR. The question is Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement States to make their own water qual- on the amendment offered by the gen- if the Federal Government’s financial ity improvement decisions and restore tleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE). assistance goes away? the State control that has been shown The question was taken; and the Act- This is a partnership. We should keep to actually improve water quality. The ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- the partnership moving forward. future of the Chesapeake Bay depends peared to have it. Furthermore, if this amendment on it. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I demand were to become law, it would block the a recorded vote. b 1730 EPA’s ability to enforce the court-or- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to dered settlement requiring the farm Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I reserve clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- community and agribusinesses to meet the balance of my time. ceedings on the amendment offered by watershed specific pollution limits. It Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, it the gentleman from Virginia will be would not, however, relieve the farms is my pleasure to yield 30 seconds to postponed. and agribusinesses from the require- the gentleman from California (Mr. AMENDMENT NO. 51 OFFERED BY MR. GALLEGO ments in the settlement. CALVERT), the chairman of the com- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order The State and local governments mittee. to consider amendment No. 51 printed want to move forward. They want to Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I am in House Report 115–830. keep the partnership moving. But the happy to rise in support of the gentle- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chair, I have an Farm Bureau and, in fact, some of the man’s amendment. This is another ex- amendment at the desk. industrial operators they represent ample of EPA overreach. It is my hope The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will don’t think that they should be respon- that my colleagues from Virginia and designate the amendment. sible for controlling the pollution that Pennsylvania can continue to work The text of the amendment is as fol- they dump into our rivers and streams with the administration to find com- lows: mon ground on approaches that will across the country. At the end of division A (before the short The courts have sided with the EPA improve water quality in a more flexi- title), insert the following: on this matter, and the Farm Bureau ble manner. I certainly support this SEC. ll. No funds appropriated by this continues their pursuit to stop manda- amendment and I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote. Act may be used to issue a grazing permit or tory cleanups through judicial appeals Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I reserve lease in contravention of section 4110.1 or and through this amendment. the balance of my time. 4130.1-1(b) of title 43, Code of Federal Regula- There are enough special interest Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, in tions. provisions for big business in this bill closing, let me just say, this amend- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to already. We don’t need any more. ment does not in any way take any re- House Resolution 996, the gentleman Mr. Chair, I urge defeat of this sources away from any of the six from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) and a amendment, and I reserve the balance States in the Chesapeake Bay region to Member opposed each will control 5 of my time. improve water quality. What it does minutes. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, take away is the ability of the EPA to The Chair recognizes the gentleman how much time do I have remaining? dictate to those States one way, their from Arizona. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman way, to do it. Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chairman, graz- from Virginia has 21⁄2 minutes remain- The Clean Water Act was written ing on public lands is a privilege—not a ing. with it in mind that the Federal Gov- right—and ranchers who use these

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.101 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6511 lands should abide by the law and pay they owe the Federal Government are For those who don’t know, GOMESA their fair share. freeloaders, pure and simple. If you calls for a Federal revenue sharing On average, Federal rates for grazing don’t pay your taxes, you go to jail. If agreement between the Federal Gov- are more than 90 percent lower than you don’t pay your mortgage, you get ernment and four Gulf States: Texas, what the private sector charges. In your house taken away. Ranchers are Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. fact, these rates are so low that the not more special than any other Amer- The program is designed to split up government actually loses money ad- icans. They are freeloaders, and they revenue from selected oil and gas lease ministering the grazing program. My should pay for their freeloading. Con- sales in the Outer Continental Shelf of amendment would simply reaffirm that gress should not stand for it. Let’s pass the Gulf of Mexico. grazing permits or leases should not be my amendment. The neat thing about GOMESA is it issued to anyone who refuses to comply I yield back the balance of my time. ensures appropriate funding for the with BLM regulations, including the Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chairman, the gen- coastal areas that provide the work- payment of fees. tleman brings up exactly the point I force, assume the environmental risk, Mr. Chairman, this is a narrow am trying to make. We are trying to build much of the infrastructure, and amendment, but it speaks to a broader relitigate a previously settled issue. It support the offshore oil and gas indus- principle. We can’t claim to support was actually found that these ranchers’ try. It only makes sense that the the rule of law and then look the other rights were violated by the Department coastal areas should receive an ade- way when ranchers like Cliven Bundy of Justice. quate share of the revenue. ignore their obligations. We started looking—the Hammonds Previously, there have been adminis- Bundy thumbed his nose at the exec- were brought up. When we were actu- trative efforts to direct the money utive and judicial branches of our gov- ally looking at this case where they ac- away from the Gulf States, and, in- ernment, running up over $1 million in tually tried to look at the fire danger stead, devote the resources to national unpaid fees. He then put the lives of on their land, and it got beyond their projects. While I appreciate the Trump local and Federal officials in danger lands and on to public land, they were administration not including any such during a standoff at his Nevada ranch. fined exclusively and hardlined. proposal in this year’s budget, I still Later, when two Oregon ranchers Where is the same type of justice believe it is important for Congress to named Dwight and Steven Hammond, given to the Forest Service or the BLM send a clear, bipartisan message that who also have a history of disregarding when their prescribed burn fires go out we do not support moving GOMESA grazing regulations, were sent to Fed- of hand and take private holdings? It is funds away from the Gulf Coast. eral prison for fires they potentially not the same. This isn’t about free- In fact, just this year, the Depart- set near Federal lands, members of the loading. This is about a case where we ment of the Interior disbursed almost Bundy family led an armed occupation need to look at how we take care of our $188 million to the four Gulf oil and gas of the national wildlife refuge. public lands. producing States. Alabama received $21 Mr. Chairman, President Trump re- Mr. Chair, I ask everybody to vote million this year, and the two coastal cently pardoned the Hammonds, vali- against this amendment, and I yield counties in Alabama received an addi- dating these violent tactics and insult- back the balance of my time. tional combined amount of $5 million. ing the courageous law enforcement of- The Acting CHAIR. The question is I have seen these GOMESA funds put ficers who risked their lives during the on the amendment offered by the gen- to good use back in my home State of confrontation in Oregon. With these tleman from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO). Alabama, whether it was for environ- The question was taken; and the Act- pardons, Trump has effectively given mental rehabilitation protection ing Chair announced that the noes ap- his blessing to groups who intimidated, projects or programs that boost the peared to have it. threatened, and occupied local commu- coastal tourism economy. GOMESA is Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chair, I demand nities. He has legitimized Bundy’s ex- working by supporting and promoting treme right-wing movements. a recorded vote. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to our Gulf Coast communities. If you Make no mistake, Donald Trump is clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- talk to our local mayors and county sending a clear message to militant ceedings on the amendment offered by leaders, they will tell you how criti- and antigovernment organizations: the gentleman from Arizona will be cally important GOMESA funding is You can break the law, threaten Fed- postponed. for their region. eral employees, and endanger public It would be detrimental to go against AMENDMENT NO. 52 OFFERED BY MR. BYRNE safety with complete impunity. That is congressional intent and redirect these The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order unacceptable. funds away from our respective coastal to consider amendment No. 52 printed Mr. Chairman, freeloading on Federal communities. By including this amend- in House Report 115–830. land is unlawful and unfair. Let’s pass ment, we can make clear that Congress Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Chair, I have an my amendment and reaffirm that the does not support reallocating these re- ranchers need to play by the rules just amendment at the desk. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will sources and show our strong support like the rest of us. designate the amendment. for the Gulf Coast. Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of The text of the amendment is as fol- Mr. Chair, I ask for an ‘‘aye’’ vote on my time. lows: this amendment, and I yield back the Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chairman, I rise in balance of my time. opposition to this amendment. At the end of division A (before the short title), insert the following: The Acting CHAIR. The question is The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman SEC. ll. None of the funds made available on the amendment offered by the gen- from Arizona is recognized for 5 min- by this Act may be used to repeal section tleman from Alabama (Mr. BYRNE). utes. 105(a)(2) or section 105(b) of the Gulf of Mex- The amendment was agreed to. Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chair, this amend- ico Energy Security Act of 2006 (43 U.S.C. AMENDMENT NO. 53 OFFERED BY MR. BURGESS ment previously failed by recorded 1331 note). The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order vote in July of 2016. The amendment The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to to consider amendment No. 53 printed taxed ranchers and attempts to reliti- House Resolution 996, the gentleman in House Report 115–830. gate the Bundy matter. from Alabama (Mr. BYRNE) and a Mem- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chair, I have an DOJ was found to have withheld evi- ber opposed each will control 5 min- amendment at the desk. dence and to have violated these ranch- utes. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ers’ rights. There is no reason to reliti- The Chair recognizes the gentleman designate the amendment. gate this matter at this juncture. The from Alabama. The text of the amendment is as fol- regulations are already in place. Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Chair, I rise today lows: This is an unnecessary political to offer a straightforward amendment At the end of division A (before the short amendment. to prohibit any effort to redirect funds title), insert the following: I reserve the balance of my time. allocated under the Gulf of Mexico En- SEC. ll. None of the funds made available Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chair, let’s face ergy Security Act, which is commonly by this Act may be used by the Environ- it: Ranchers who refuse to pay what known as GOMESA. mental Protection Agency to hire or pay the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.104 H18JYPT1 H6512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 salary of any officer or employee of the En- dress whether the EPA truly deserves tract and retain staff with outstanding vironmental Protection Agency under sub- the special pay consideration. scientific and technical skills. section (f) or (g) of section 207 of the Public The Government Accountability Of- This authority, as has been pointed Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 209) who is not fice looked into the Department of out, is used by the EPA, the CDC, the already receiving pay under either such sub- NIH, and other agencies that require section on the date of enactment of this Act. Health and Human Services’ abuse of title 42 several years ago, and found candidates who have specialized de- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to problems with the implementation of grees in areas such as medicine, House Resolution 996, the gentleman this program. Within the Department science, and engineering. from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) and a Mem- of Health and Human Services where, It is not always easy for the Federal ber opposed each will control 5 min- arguably, this could be allowed, why Government to attract high-level pro- utes. would Congress ever allow the Environ- fessionals who have invested many The Chair recognizes the gentleman mental Protection Agency to imple- years in school and could easily make from Texas. ment the same problematic pay struc- more money in private practice or aca- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chair, I yield my- ture? demia. In fact, we have heard that self such time as I may consume. USGS and BLM quite often have prob- Mr. Chair, I rise today to offer an b 1745 lems keeping highly educated engi- amendment on an issue I have worked In multiple hearings in the Energy neers in place because the private sec- on for several years on the Committee and Commerce Committee, both former tor comes and offers them so much on Energy and Commerce as the au- Administrator Lisa Jackson and more money. thorizing committee. former Administrator Gina McCarthy So the Federal Government has In 2006, the Committee on Appropria- refused to give specifics regarding the found it wise to allow these agencies to tions, without an authorization from program. A Freedom of Information provide some additional funding to re- the Committee on Energy and Com- Act request by the EPA union, the tain and recruit these employees. We merce, included a provision in the an- American Federation of Government should want to have the best and the nual Department of the Interior EPA Employees, sent to my office showed brightest working for us and the Amer- Appropriations bill to allow the Envi- that title 42 hires at EPA are, in fact, ican people—the best doctors, the best scientists, and the best engineers. So I ronmental Protection Agency to begin sowing dissent among workers, with am disappointed that the gentleman using a special paid program that was the union asking the Congress to stop does not believe such highly specialized explicitly and exclusively authorized this abusive and unfair hiring tech- employees deserve the title 42 designa- for use by the Public Health Service nique. Administration under the Department tion. A report by the Environmental Pro- With our Nation facing crises like of Health and Human Services. tection Agency’s own inspector general Lyme’s disease, PFAS in our drinking The special pay mechanism allows a in 2015 discovered that the EPA did not water, and climate change, we should government employee to leave the nor- properly demonstrate a need to use the be investing in our scientists. We mal GS pay scale and receive nearly title 42 hiring authority, nor did it pro- should be encouraging them to seek uncapped compensation. This provision vide clear and convincing justification employment with the Federal Govern- was intended to be used only in unique for its continued use. This is further ment. circumstances for leaders in the proof that the Environmental Protec- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance healthcare industry who would never tion Agency’s use of the title 42 hiring of my time. leave the private sector to work for the authority must come to an end. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chairman, I yield Federal Government except for those I have introduced legislation further myself the balance of my time. special, more competitive salaries. clarifying that the Public Health Serv- It is a reasonable amendment. It only Under current law, this justification ices Act, written for HHS, does not per- affects employees who are new hires in can never be used at the Environ- mit the EPA to use this language to title 42 in the Environmental Protec- mental Protection Agency. Indeed, hire employees under a special pay tion Agency, not in the CDC and not in some of the employees that the Envi- structure. NIH. It is an amendment that would ronmental Protection Agency pays Mr. Chairman, I urge adoption of the allow the authorizing committee an op- under title 42, the part of the U.S. Code amendment, and I reserve the balance portunity to catch up with what the that allows for this special pay, were of my time. Appropriations Committee has done previous government workers who were Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I without an authorization. merely moved into the special pay claim time in opposition to this Mr. Chairman, I urge adoption, and I scale because they desired more amendment. yield back the balance of my time. money. The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, once The Environmental Protection Agen- from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- again, this amendment could go cy has claimed in the past that because utes. through a different order and not be placed onto an appropriations bill. the Environmental Protection Agency Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I This is a shortsighted amendment. I is a health organization, it may use yield myself such time as I may con- think it deserves to have a fair and this statute to pay special hires, and sume. open vetting with the House con- the Committee on Appropriations has Mr. Chairman, as I said earlier, this centrated on just what this would agreed to let them, despite the author- amendment, like some of the other mean to the EPA. So I don’t think we izing committee’s objection. amendments that we have seen, could should attack Federal employees who Originally, the Environmental Pro- be handled in the authorizing com- sometimes have chosen to not receive tection Agency was granted only a mittee, which the gentleman is a mem- as much compensation and devote their handful of slots to fill with title 42 ber of, if memory serves me correctly. lives to public service. hires. That number has now increased The gentleman is in the majority. Mr. Chairman, I urge defeat of the to over 50. The cost to the taxpayers Call up, have a hearing, pass legisla- amendment, and I yield back the bal- for these employees is tens of millions tion, and then do it in a way that ance of my time. of dollars. doesn’t add more burdensome amend- The Acting CHAIR. The question is This amendment would prevent the ments and riders to this bill. The Sen- on the amendment offered by the gen- Environmental Protection Agency ate is also controlled by the same tleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS). from hiring any new employees under party in the majority, and the Presi- The amendment was agreed to. title 42, or transferring any current dent is of that party. So I would en- The Acting CHAIR. The Chair under- employees from the GS scale to title courage the gentleman to go through stands that amendment No. 54 will not 42. It would not effect current employ- what I would call regular order. be offered. ees being paid under this provision. This amendment would prohibit the AMENDMENT NO. 55 OFFERED BY MR. EMMER This would give the Committee on En- EPA from hiring scientists using its The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order ergy and Commerce, the authorizing title 42 authority, the flexible hiring to consider amendment No. 55 printed committee, the time it needs to ad- mechanism that allows agencies to at- in House Report 115–830.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.044 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6513 Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, I have The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wil- that this or any other project any- an amendment at the desk. derness is located in northern Min- where in the country, let alone the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will nesota, and it is one of the last truly State of Minnesota, would be, never- designate the amendment. undisturbed wild places in America. theless, subject to endless reviews by The text of the amendment is as fol- It is a national treasure, and it is the Environmental Protection Agency, lows: under threat from sulfide-ore copper some of which take up to 10 and 12 At the end of division A (before the short mining. The proposed mine is next to years. So it is not as though we are ap- title), insert the following: the wilderness. There is no buffer, and proving a mining project here. It is SEC. ll. None of the funds made available there is no barrier here. It is literally going to have to undergo rigorous re- by this Act may be used to withdraw Na- in the same water. view. tional Forest System lands within the Rainy Sulfide-ore mining is the most toxic As my colleagues from Minnesota River Watershed on the Superior National industry in America. It pollutes water- know, I was an original sponsor of the Forest from disposition under United States ways with acid drainage that contains mineral and geothermal leasing laws. 1978 Boundary Waters Wilderness legis- arsenic, mercury, and lead. lation. I am very proud of that fact. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to The Forest Service recognized how I want everybody to know here that, House Resolution 996, the gentleman damaging this type of mining could be at the time, we made a solid commit- from Minnesota (Mr. EMMER) and a to the Boundary Waters, so they pro- ment to preserve and to protect some Member opposed each will control 5 posed a 20-year halt to Federal mine 1.1 million acres out of the Superior minutes. leases in the watershed. They were National Forest for the BWCA, to pro- The Chair recognizes the gentleman urged to study this withdrawal by our tect it from all manmade harm and from Minnesota. Governor from Minnesota, Tribal Gov- damage to the environment. But we Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, I yield ernments, and people from all across also made a commitment to reserve myself such time as I may consume. America who were worried that sulfide the remainder of the Superior National Mr. Chairman, I rise to offer an mining could destroy the surrounding Forest for mixed-use purposes and spe- amendment, which I am pleased to say waters and lands. cifically cited recreation and forestry. They have a right to be worried. All that I intend to withdraw, because The U.S. Forest Service described these mines have failed. In 2014, a sul- after months of hard work in this mining as a desirable-use purpose. In fide-ore mine in British Columbia Chamber and with the administration, fact, that was the forestry service at failed, dumping billions of liters of it is no longer necessary. that time. Minnesota is the proud home to the toxic sludge, causing permanent envi- Our word is our bond in this business. Iron Range, which boasts an abundance ronmental damage. This amendment will uphold that hard- So the Forest Service wisely decided of natural resources and critical min- fought compromise. The simple truth to conduct a science-based assessment erals. When it comes to protecting the is that we have been mining on the to see if mineral withdrawal would environment while developing our eco- Iron Range for 130 years, yet we have make sense for the water-intensive nomic assets, nobody does it better the cleanest water in the State of Min- than Minnesota. ecosystem of our Boundary Waters. Now, Mr. Chairman, despite what you nesota and perhaps the country. We are Despite this history, on its very last going to do everything we can to make day in office, the Obama administra- might hear about what the gentleman said, the proposed mining withdrawal sure that we keep it that way. tion proposed to withdraw more than Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, I reserve 240,000 acres of land in our State from is not some overreach or some past or current administration being out of the balance of my time. mineral exploration and development. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, may line. In 1976, Congress established this This last-minute action was an assault I inquire as to how much time I have exact review process under the Federal on our way of life, threatening thou- remaining. Land Policy and Management Act. sands of jobs and billions of dollars in The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Congress intentionally provided a way State revenue and school trust funding. from Minnesota has 2 minutes remain- to protect our country’s natural treas- It handicaps our national security by ing. increasing our reliance on foreign ures and vulnerable places. If the gentleman’s amendment would Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I sources of minerals. yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman That is why I offered this amendment have come to the floor for a vote and would have passed again, it would have from Minnesota (Mr. PAULSEN). to stop this foolish action. Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Chairman, I stopped that review process. It would This amendment is identical to one thank the gentlewoman for yielding. make the withdrawal study meaning- that was unanimously adopted by this Mr. Chairman, let me first start off Chamber last year and echoes the good less, because it dictates the outcome. If this amendment had been on the by saying that I have great respect for news delivered by the President to floor and it would pass, the withdrawal my colleagues, both Representative thousands of Minnesotans on June 20 of the Boundary Waters from sulfide- EMMER and Representative NOLAN, and when he announced his intent to re- ore mining would have been off the the rest of our delegation, Representa- scind this arbitrary withdrawal, which table no matter what the study would tive MCCOLLUM included. is now in process. This has been an ongoing debate. have said is best for the wilderness. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance In every conversation I have had, and I just want to make sure folks under- of my time. I have had many, with Secretary Zinke stand, know, and can appreciate—and I Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I and Secretary Perdue, they have told know the gentleman is going to with- claim time in opposition. me the same thing: The study should draw the amendment—that hundreds of The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman be completed. thousands of people have been weighing from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- So I hope my colleagues and the in on this ongoing public process, and utes. President would reject having these their comments should not be ignored. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I leases go through without having a That is the bottom line. Nor should we yield myself such time as I may con- study. be ignoring a science-based assessment sume. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance of the best management practices that Mr. Chairman, I understand that the of my time. are important for one of Minnesota’s amendment is going to be withdrawn, Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, I yield and the country’s national treasures. but let me explain what this language 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from We should be open to new types of would have done. To the best of my Minnesota (Mr. NOLAN), who is my col- mining in Minnesota, but only when knowledge, the leases haven’t been per- league from Minnesota and coauthor of those necessary environmental reviews manently withdrawn yet. this amendment. are met. This language would have prevented Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Chairman, I thank I refer to the Boundary Waters as the Forest Service and the Interior De- Mr. EMMER for yielding. Minnesota’s Yellowstone. There is a partment from acting to protect our The lady, for whom I have enormous reason for that. It has a national per- Nation’s most visited wilderness area. respect, has failed to mention the fact spective with hundreds of thousands of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.110 H18JYPT1 H6514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Americans visiting it each and every The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman From Henry: ‘‘I have watched year year, whether it is canoeing or fishing. from Minnesota has 2 minutes remain- after year as families like my own have That is where some of my best memo- ing. grown together in this wilderness.’’ ries in my life have taken place. Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, I thank From Julia: ‘‘The pristine, untainted So I want to make sure—we owe it to the chairman for his work and contin- waters of the Boundary Waters are es- ourselves and future generations—that ued support on this issue. sential to the quality and uniqueness we rely on science before undertaking To make a few closing points, noth- of the journeys of visitors.’’ any activity that would disrupt this ing about this amendment would allow From Tommaso: ‘‘I am more com- fragile ecosystem. for mining in the Boundary Waters, pe- mitted than ever to help preserve and Mr. Chairman, I want to thank the riod. protect this beautiful and unique eco- gentlewoman for yielding me time, and b 1800 system for future generations.’’ I want to thank my colleagues for their From Elsa: ‘‘Once the watershed In fact, to demonstrate the dis- ongoing discussion on this issue. faces sulfide-ore copper mining, it will connect and level of misinformation on Mr. Chair, once again my colleagues, Rep- never be the same.’’ this issue, my colleagues who stand in resentatives EMMER and NOLAN, are offering From Joseph, who started this orga- opposition to this amendment worked this amendment. And while I appreciate my nization during his fight with leu- to have report language accompany friendship with my Minnesota colleagues, I kemia: ‘‘What cancer has taught me for this bill which incorrectly calls atten- once again oppose this amendment and rise sure is that sometimes life only gives tion to a ‘‘proposal’’ to withdraw lands in opposition. you one chance to get things right, and within the Boundary Waters Canoe Minnesota has a rich history of taconite min- this is our one chance to protect the Area, despite the fact there is no such ing that dates back generations. However, this Boundary Waters.’’ proposal and it remains unlawful to amendment is not about taconite mining, it’s I urge my colleagues and others to about copper-nickel mining, which has never mine within the Boundary Waters. join me in standing with these young, been done before in Minnesota and is being Nothing about this amendment inspiring people and to oppose the lease proposed within the watershed of the Bound- eliminates any existing environmental renewal. protections. This amendment rein- ary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, which is Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- forces the commonsense reality that one of America’s most visited wilderness ance of my time. areas. economic growth and environmental An environmental review is currently under- protection do not have to be mutually AMENDMENT NO. 56 OFFERED BY MR. GROTHMAN way to study the viability of mining this close exclusive. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order to the Boundary Water Canoe Area and this I am pleased to have the support of to consider amendment No. 56 printed amendment would defund that review less the House on this very important issue in House Report 115–830. than a year before its scheduled completion in during this 115th Congress. I am Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Chairman, I 2019. pleased to have the pledged support have an amendment at the desk. Hundreds of thousands of people, on both and continued commitment from the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will sides of the issue, have weighed in on this on- administration to end this withdrawal. designate the amendment. going public process. Their comments should I am pleased that we will soon be able The text of the amendment is as fol- not be ignored. Nor should we be ignoring the to get Washington out of the lives of lows: science-based assessment of best manage- thousands of hardworking Minneso- At the end of division A (before the short ment practices for one of Minnesota’s national tans. title), insert the following: treasures. Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of SEC. ll. None of the funds made available We should be open to new types of mining my time. by this Act may be used to implement or en- in Minnesota, but only when the necessary en- Mr. Chair, I withdraw the amend- force the rule entitled ‘‘National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone’’ published vironmental reviews are met. ment. by the Environmental Protection Agency in The Boundary Waters Canoe Area is Min- The Acting CHAIR. The amendment the Federal Register on October 26, 2015 (80 nesota’s Yellowstone. Hundreds of thousands is withdrawn. Fed. Reg. 65292). Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I re- of Americans visit it on fishing and canoe trips The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to served my time. The gentleman has annually. Some of the best memories of my House Resolution 996, the gentleman life have taken place in the Boundary Waters. withdrawn the amendment. Even from Wisconsin (Mr. GROTHMAN) and a We owe it to ourselves and future genera- though the amendment has been with- Member opposed each will control 5 tions to rely on science before undertaking drawn, I don’t have the right to close minutes. any activity that could potentially disrupt this or I would have used my time. The Chair recognizes the gentleman fragile ecosystem. I oppose defunding the on- Could the Parliamentarian instruct from Wisconsin. going environmental review and ask others to me as to if my time is actually gone. Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Chairman, the vote against the amendment. The Acting CHAIR. The gentle- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I re- woman’s time has elapsed because the purpose of this amendment is to deal serve the balance of my time. amendment was withdrawn. with the new rule entitled, ‘‘National Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, I yield Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I move Ambient Air Quality Standards for 30 seconds to the gentleman from Cali- to strike the last word. Ozone,’’ which affects several Wis- fornia (Mr. CALVERT), who is the chair- The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman consin counties that I represent along man of the Appropriations Commit- from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- Lake Michigan. tee’s Interior, Environment, and Re- utes. Since the original CLEAR Act came lated Agencies Subcommittee. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, we do into effect, the Environmental Protec- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, now have a tradition of mining in Min- tion Agency has had the authority to you know how it feels about California nesota—taconite mining is the new regulate air emissions from stationary water. I got the drift of this thing. mining—and I just want to reiterate and mobile sources. They have—and Mr. Chairman, I certainly appreciate the fact that these leases are for min- this is a good thing—over time, pro- the gentleman’s interest on this issue ing and the company that is looking to gressively come up with new rules, and appreciate the variety of opinions mine is sulfide-ore mining. making the standards more and more about it. I thank the gentleman, as But, Mr. Chairman, I want to close stringent for the counties along Lake well as the gentlewoman from Min- by sharing some words from the found- Michigan. nesota, who is the subcommittee’s ing members of Kids for the Boundary If you are ruled a nonattainment, it ranking member, for her willingness to Waters. I have their handwritten notes. is a burden. It is a burden on industry work with the committee. As we work To have handwritten notes from Amer- that has to spend substantial amounts together to try to move forward with ica’s young adults these days is pretty of additional money dealing with this bill, I hope a compromise will be special. stricter and stricter standards, putting found. From Callie: ‘‘This unique place them at a competitive disadvantage Mr. EMMER. Mr. Chairman, may I shaped my life. The Boundary Waters compared to other parts of the country inquire how much time is remaining. helped me to realize my potential.’’ and other parts of the world. It is also

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.112 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6515 a difficult thing for individual motor- The Chair recognizes the gentleman linas, a fraction of the cost of the ists who find their cars have to be re- from Virginia. cleanup. paired. It is very expensive. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, it is What has happened in Virginia, Some of it is easy for people who in the spirit of bipartisan, common- North Carolina, and Tennessee can have a high salary to deal with. Maybe sense, and modest safeguards that I happen in any one of our communities they don’t have an older car. But I sought to offer this amendment that that have or are near coal ash im- have always felt that some of this dis- would protect the 2015 Federal coal ash poundment ponds, which is why we proportionately affects the people who rule. must protect the 2015 Federal coal ash are just struggling to get a goal in life. Sadly, late last night, Acting EPA rule. Unfortunately, that is not what Therefore, when the EPA comes up Administrator Wheeler helped cement happened last night. with new standards, it is not without the toxic legacy of former Adminis- What happened last night will weak- effect. They need to come up with new trator Pruitt’s reign over the EPA by en groundwater monitoring and clean- standards they proposed a couple of rolling back Federal coal ash stand- up requirements without considering years ago. ards, making this amendment moot. The purpose of the amendment is to I remind my colleagues that the the widespread evidence of significant prevent them from spending money Obama-era Federal coal ash rule was groundwater contamination recently promulgating these new standards so not rushed nor was it onerous. In fact, revealed by industry’s own data. Al- that our industries may have a predict- some think it didn’t go far enough. ready, under the 2015 rule’s reporting able situation and not be at a competi- After years of debate, input from com- requirements, coal ash waste sites tive disadvantage. munity and industry stakeholders, and across the country displayed evidence I should point out that, insofar as the nearly half a million public comments, of contaminating groundwater. Under counties along Lake Michigan are the Obama administration finalized Pruitt’s proposal, that data may not ruled a nonattainment, it may be stringent but pragmatic Federal coal even see the light of day. We may not through no fault of their own. In part, ash regulations to deal with post-clo- know. We are not going to monitor. for historical reasons, they have mon- sure requirements, groundwater moni- Surely, if there is anything we here itored the ozone by placing the mon- toring, and public reporting. in Congress can agree on, it is the right itors real near Lake Michigan, where The Pruitt proposal, which was an- of all people to have access to safe there are artificially high amounts of nounced only 5 months ago, included drinking water. As a result of the 2015 ozone. very few hearings, very little outreach Federal rules, States are working to Secondly, we have a situation where, to the public, and last night was final- close legacy coal ash impoundments insofar as there are pollutants in the ized. That is warp speed, even for the and protect water. Under the new final- area, almost all of them come from Trump administration’s swamp-driven ized agreement that modified that rule south of Wisconsin, out of Chicago or EPA antiregulation movement. So, no, last night, that is now in jeopardy. Be- areas further south. As a practical the 2015 rule was not rushed; the Pruitt cause of that action, we are going to matter, it can be almost impossible, or rule most certainly was. have to address coal ash in a different even impossible, for these Wisconsin I also remind my colleagues of the way, Mr. Chairman. counties to deal with these problems. catastrophic 2008 Kingston, Tennessee, Mr. Chairman, because of that ac- I have been working with the Envi- coal ash spill and why the Federal Gov- tion, I will be forced to withdraw this ronmental Protection Agency on this ernment got in this business to begin amendment. issue. After introducing the amend- with. The Kingston spill was a dev- I yield back the balance of my time. ment, I have continued to work with astating event. The breach released 5 Mr. Chair, I withdraw my amend- the Environmental Protection Agency. million cubic yards of coal ash, cov- ment. While I would like to deal with this ering 300 acres in toxic sludge, dam- problem statutorily, I realize it would aging and destroying homes and prop- The Acting CHAIR. The amendment be probably better for all concerned if erty, resulting in $1.2 billion in cleanup is withdrawn. the Environmental Protection Agency, costs, mostly borne by the public. AMENDMENT NO. 58 OFFERED BY MR. YOUNG OF as well as the business community in The lasting health consequences of ALASKA Wisconsin, and I could reach a conclu- that spill, some of which are still un- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order sion. known, are even worse. Residents still to consider amendment No. 68 printed Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of suffer from respiratory illnesses and in House Report 115–830. my time. other side effects. Arsenic levels where Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- Mr. Chair, I withdraw my amend- the coal ash runoff was disposed of man, I have an amendment at the desk. ment. were measured at 100 times, Mr. Chair- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will The Acting CHAIR (Mr. JOHNSON of man, higher than the amount allowed designate the amendment. Louisiana). The amendment is with- under the Safe Drinking Water Act. drawn. The EPA has already said such expo- The text of the amendment is as fol- AMENDMENT NO. 57 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY sure significantly increases risk of can- lows: The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order cers. At the end of division A (before the short to consider amendment No. 67 printed Earlier this year, lawyers filed suit title), insert the following: in House Report 115–830. in Federal court alleging that more LIMITATION Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, I than 180 members of this Superfund have an amendment at the desk. cleanup now face severe health effects, SEC. ll. None of the funds made available The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will by this Act may be used to require changes and 30 individuals have died from the to an existing placer mining plan of oper- designate the amendment. cleanup of this toxic waste. ations with regard to reclamation activities, The text of the amendment is as fol- These coal ash spills continue to including revegetation, or to modify the lows: occur across the country, Mr. Chair- bond requirements for the mining operation. At the end of division A (before the short man, including in my home State of title), insert the following: The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Virginia, where a neighboring State, House Resolution 996, the gentleman SEC. lll. None of the funds made avail- North Carolina, had a coal ash pond able by this Act may be used to propose or from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) and a Mem- issue any modification to any regulation es- that spilled more than 39,000 tons of ber opposed each will control 5 min- tablished in the final rule of the Adminis- toxic ash and 24 million gallons of utes. trator of the Environmental Protection wastewater into the Dan River. Agency entitled ‘‘Disposal of Coal Combus- Though much of the public and media The Chair recognizes the gentleman tion Residuals From Electric Utilities’’ (80 attention to this spill was focused on from Alaska. Fed. Reg. 21301 (April 17, 2015)). North Carolina’s regulatory short- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair, I The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to comings, Virginia was exposed to the yield myself such time as I may con- House Resolution 996, the gentleman dangers of the coal ash spill. As a re- sume. from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) and a sult, Virginia’s Department of Environ- (Mr. YOUNG of Alaska asked and was Member opposed each will control 5 mental Quality secured a $2.5 million given permission to revise and extend minutes. settlement against Duke Energy Caro- his remarks.)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Oct 17, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD18\JULY\H18JY8.REC H18JY8 abonner on DSKBCJ7HB2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H6516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- Of course, reclamation activities If I thought they were doing some man, Alaska has a long history of plac- may be necessary, and what they are harm, I would definitely not be for er mining operations, beginning in the looking to do is to increase the cost to them. I have been there. I have seen it. early 1800s and continuing through the miners, which the gentleman is ob- I have watched what they are trying to today. In fact, Alaska is one of the few jecting to, if I understand correctly, in do. An agency, I think, has forgotten places left, including California, that order to get these streams and eco- their role, and they don’t support min- has placer mining operations. systems back up to function. ing. BLM is supposed to. And they have Most placer mining operations are This amendment would prohibit as- made it very nearly impossible for, small, but it as a robust industry in sessing the cost of the reclamation very frankly, a mom-and-pop operation Alaska, providing hundreds of jobs and areas to placer miners who are prof- to do so. contributing to the growth of rural iting from mineral extraction on BLM- So I hope the gentlewoman can see Alaskan communities. managed land. her way to allowing this amendment to The Bureau of Land Management’s I personally believe the American this bill. Fortymile plan, finalized in the last taxpayer should not shoulder the bur- Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of days of the previous administration, den of the restoration costs, that re- my time. upended decades of successful placer sponsible parties should. The Acting CHAIR. The question is mining land management in the So the gentleman will probably be on the amendment offered by the gen- Fortymile Planning Area. enlightening me over the next couple tleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG). The Fortymile plan imposed an over- of months on what he thinks might be The amendment was agreed to. ly complex regulatory framework on able to be worked out so that both par- AMENDMENT NO. 59 OFFERED BY MR. PERRY small-scale placer mining operations as ties feel that the burden is not over- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order part of an ongoing effort to discourage burdensome, but there is adequate rec- to consider amendment No. 59 printed mining activity in the area. lamation going forward. in House Report 115–830. Mr. Chair, at this time I have to op- The Fortymile miners previously Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chair, I have an pose the amendment, and I yield back agreed to environmental remediation amendment at the desk. the balance of my time. standards, and under the new plan pro- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair, I designate the amendment. posed by the BLM, they are expected to yield 1 minute to the gentleman from reclaim land that they have not mined The text of the amendment is as fol- California (Mr. CALVERT). lows: and mitigate in ways they did not Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I appre- At the end of division A (before the short agree to in their approved operation ciate the Dean of the House’s amend- plans. title), insert the following: ment and his dedication to the sound SEC. ll. None of the funds made available They are expected to remediate land management of natural resources on by this Act may be used to give formal noti- that was impacted by placer mining behalf of constituents in his State. fication under, or prepare, propose, imple- over 100 years ago, which adds to their Obviously, mining, and certainly ment, administer, or enforce any rule or rec- financial burden and makes it eco- placer mining, is unique to Alaska. ommendation pursuant to, section 115 of the nomically impractical for miners to Alaska certainly has a unique history Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7415). continue their operations. when it comes to mineral extraction, The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to This language has been included in probably more than any other State in House Resolution 996, the gentleman the appropriations report language by the Union. It is certainly a big part of from Pennsylvania (Mr. PERRY) and a unanimous consent for the last 2 years. Alaska’s economy and the economy of Member opposed each will control 5 This is a necessary piece of legislation the United States. It is a mutually ben- minutes. and amendment to this bill to make eficial enterprise. The Chair recognizes the gentleman sure the BLM recognizes that miners This amendment is similar to the from Pennsylvania. do have obligations, they have met ones adopted by voice vote in FY17 and Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chairman, I want to their obligations, and the agencies FY18, so I certainly urge my colleagues start by thanking Chairman CALVERT have gone against them. to adopt it by a voice vote yet again. for this opportunity. Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues Mr. Chair, I support the amendment. Mr. Chair, this amendment prohibits to vote ‘‘yes’’ on this amendment, and Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair, I the EPA from using funds for actions I reserve the balance of my time. appreciate the comments from the pursuant to section 115 of the Clean Air Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I chairman, and especially the com- Act. Section 115 of the Clean Air Act rise in opposition to this amendment. ments from the gentlewoman who un- allows the agency to mandate State The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman derstands and has opposition. I would emissions levels to whatever level the from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- like to remind everybody, again, the agency deems appropriate if, in col- utes. reclamation was taking place, the laboration with a foreign government, Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, the mitigation was taking place. They they determine endangerment and if gentleman from Alaska has been en- changed the rules after they agreed on the other government has a reciprocal lightening me more about placer min- it. agreement to prevent or control these ing, and I appreciate learning more; This is not a newly mined area. This emissions in their own nation. but I have some questions that remain has been mined before. In fact, I just Now, this is a backdoor provision unanswered, so that is why I have op- came from there on the Fourth of July. that allows the agency to vastly ex- position to the gentleman’s amend- Chicken, Alaska. This is where this pand its regulatory authority and en- ment. mine is. Lots of mom-and-pop oper- croach on the constitutional rights of ations, retired people. Chicken, Alaska. the States to regulate their own energy b 1815 You know why they call it ‘‘Chicken’’? sectors, based on the actions of a for- I understand that between 400 and 600 They couldn’t spell ‘‘ptarmigan.’’ That eign nation and the whims of the exec- miles of BLM-managed streams have is why they call that small community utive branch. historic or active placer mining im- that. It is irresponsible to allow unelected pacts, and there is a legacy of historic They are trying very hard, but very bureaucrats at the EPA to retain the claim with reduction of ecosystem frankly, the BLM came in with this ability to seize such an expansive au- function. plan. It is not working. In fact, they thority. If the U.S. government wants Now, BLM continues various out- are spending very large amounts of to pursue such a policy, one that, in reach activities, including public meet- money trying to implement their rec- my opinion, is constitutionally sus- ings and interactions with individual lamation concept when it doesn’t work. pect, it should be done through an ex- miners, and is working with industry And I will challenge anybody to show plicit congressional delegation of au- to incorporate best management prac- that these miners are not doing their thority on a case-by-case basis. tices and new reclamation techniques best, but their proposal is trying to put A similar amendment has passed the to accelerate stream recovery. I think them out of business. I just think that House during the interior and environ- that would be a good thing. is wrong. mental appropriations packages for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.120 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6517 previous 2 fiscal years, Mr. Chairman. I istration, that comes up with an agree- The Gosses went back to court, and urge my colleagues to take back our ment not ratified by the American peo- found that the court said, okay, they Article I authority and support this ple, not ratified by this body or the don’t have a right to walk the cows on amendment. body on the other side of the Capitol to your 23 acres, but they do have a right Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance encroach upon the constitutional to move the water to the cows through of my time. rights of States to regulate their own a pipe or a ditch. The Forest Service Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I environmental emissions, as provided. responded by electrifying the fence. claim the time in opposition to this So it is not a question of whether we That is the kind of fight that we are amendment. think that the climate isn’t changing, in right now. A couple years ago, I The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman man has something to do with it, or stood out over that water for about 21⁄2 from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- whether it should be regulated or how or 3 hours with the Forest Service, the utes. it should be regulated. It is a question Gosses, and we all negotiated that the Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, it has of the authority vested in the Constitu- fences could be brought in, that accom- been pointed out that this amendment tion, in these bodies, and the ones that modations could be met, that we could would block the EPA from regulating are not. find habitat other places. And it was air pollution under section 115 of the It is not the place of unelected bu- all agreed we would get to the water. Clean Air Act, which deals with inter- reaucrats or individuals to make an Then, subsequently, the Fish and national pollution and allows the agreement with some other nation, Wildlife Service said, well, there is a United States to work with other coun- then to impose itself on the States in- jumping mouse. They admitted them- tries on transboundary pollution dividually. That is all we are saying selves that the science was not very issues. here. It has passed on numerous occa- good, that they had never seen one of Being a State that borders Canada, sions because it is good. the jumping mice there, but they we enter into agreements with them The President got us out of the Paris thought it might be there. They admit- many times to make sure that both of climate agreement, but that doesn’t ted that the science was very terrible. our countries are working together in mean that some other administration Despite the lack of any scientific evi- the best interest of their citizens. in the future might make another dence, despite everything, now that This gentleman has offered this agreement that, yet again, the Amer- area has been shut back off. amendment for a number of years. It ican people had no part in; neither did There are many areas where the used to be the amendment to torpedo this body. So this just ensures that if jumping mouse could have a critical the climate change agreement, but that is the case, we have the protection habitat, but the agency just refuses to President Trump took care of that, so that this body should provide. do it. I am a little unclear as to why it is Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- So my amendment is quite simple. It continuing to be offered. ance of my time. simply says that the New Mexico Section 115 could be a tool in our The Acting CHAIR. The question is meadow jumping mouse cannot be list- toolbox for a path to achieve reduction on the amendment offered by the gen- ed as endangered or threatened until targets for greenhouse gases. The gen- tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. they do some better science. It is a tleman’s amendment would prohibit PERRY). very straightforward amendment both the EPA and the Trump White The amendment was agreed to. where we are trying to find the balance House from even developing a well-con- AMENDMENT NO. 60 OFFERED BY MR. PEARCE between the Endangered Species Act sidered recommendation as to whether The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order and the need for jobs, the need for an or not to use this authority. to consider amendment No. 60 printed economy in the West. And that re- The President might, in some cir- in House Report 115–830. volves around open spaces, ranchland, cumstances, want to work with an- Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, I have water. It all comes together in this one other country to address something. an amendment at the desk. single issue. This to me is just the latest in a long The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance line of attacks on clean air and on the designate the amendment. of my time. EPA’s authority to respond to the ur- The text of the amendment is as fol- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I gent threat of climate change. lows: claim the time in opposition to this A vote for this amendment is another At the end of division A (before the short amendment. vote, in my opinion, for climate denial title), insert the following: The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman and to block action to curb carbon pol- LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- lution that is driving our dangerous SEC. ll. None of the funds made available utes. climate change. by this Act may be used to treat the New Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, this We see the hurricanes getting strong- Mexico meadow jumping mouse as an endan- amendment clearly would prohibit Fish er, the wildfires raging stronger, and gered species under the Endangered Species and Wildlife Service from imple- now we are seeing the glaciers melt. Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). menting or enforcing the endangered Mr. Chair, so I would urge my col- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to species listing of the New Mexico jump- leagues to oppose this amendment and House Resolution 996, the gentleman ing mouse under the Endangered Spe- to leave this tool in the toolbox for the from New Mexico (Mr. PEARCE) and a cies Act. It would restrict the Service Republican administrator at EPA, as Member opposed each will control 5 from offering critical protections to well as for the Republican person who minutes. preserve the species. is serving in the White House. Let’s The Chair recognizes the gentleman This amendment is harmful. Once a leave them one tool in the toolbox in from New Mexico. species is listed under the Endangered case they want to take it out and use Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, in the Species Act, the role of Fish and Wild- it. West, water is the key to everything. life is primarily permissive, helping Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of One small family, the Gosses—I met parties comply with the act as they my time. them my first year in Congress in carry out their activities. Mr. PERRY. Mr. Chairman, are we or 2003—has been fighting a 30-year, pro- Now, the majority of the habitat of are we not a sovereign Nation? I think tracted battle with the Forest Service the New Mexico jumping mouse is on that most people would agree that we over the water and access to the water. Federal land, and Fish and Wildlife is are, and, as such, we don’t take issue They have been to two different working with the Forest Service to de- with the Congress, with the adminis- courts, and the courts said, yes, the velop conservation measures that will tration doing its job to keep our air water is theirs. The Forest Service re- protect the mouse while allowing live- clean and to make treaties and provi- sponded to the first court by fencing stock grazing on Forest Service lands sions with other nations. the water in. They said the 23 acres and assuring adequate water for these But what we do take issue with is around it was their acreage and they cattle. other nations working with, poten- couldn’t walk their cows to get to the Since the endangered species listing, tially, this administration, any admin- water. members of the livestock community

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.123 H18JYPT1 H6518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 have voiced concern about their im- ranch, and these are ranches that are cause of the listing of a species. The pacts to people who recreate and make on mountain ranges. science is very flawed. their livelihood on Forest Service So you have the inability for cows to The Agency had the opportunity to lands, which result from addressing the cross the mountain ranges over to the go out to the forest with us. And that needs of the mouse. next range. Also, it is miles in between day, they simply turned down the op- The Fish and Wildlife Service has es- some of the loading stations and the portunity to meet with us. We had the tablished three working groups to ad- water stations. State forester, the head of the U.S. dress these concerns, and they have So these are things that compel me Forest Service of New Mexico there. come up with some creative solutions, to say that we have to find something We had the regional forester. Everyone like establishing cattle lanes to assure different here. We want the Agency to was there except the people who really cattle can have access to water while reconsider it, to look for better needed to be there. They refused our protecting the vegetation necessary for science, to look for better critical habi- invitation. the survival of the mouse. tat. I have been working on this single We have been in contact, and we find Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance issue for 14 years myself, so it is not that there is a lot of excitement and of my time. like we haven’t been discussing the there is a lot of cooperation going on. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, the issue at length. So I would like to work with the Serv- gentleman wasn’t here earlier, because Again, with that, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote ice to make sure that we give this a he was attending to other work and on the amendment. full chance of working. now has come down to do his amend- Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- ment, but I have been making the case b 1830 ance of my time. that this type of authorizing language, The Acting CHAIR. The question is Under this amendment, the Service these types of debates and discussions, on the amendment offered by the gen- would not be able to continue to re- should be taking place in the author- tleman from New Mexico (Mr. PEARCE). cover this species, though all the En- izing committee where we can bring in The question was taken; and the Act- dangered Species Act prohibitions the Service, bring in the ranchers, find ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- would still apply. So the Service out what we need to do better to create peared to have it. wouldn’t be able to continue to recover win-wins. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I de- the species under this amendment, but When we just come and put things on mand a recorded vote. all the other activities of the Endan- the appropriations bill, it doesn’t allow The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to gered Species Act would still apply. So for that full vetting. It doesn’t allow us clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- the Service wouldn’t be able to work that opportunity to work with the ceedings on the amendment offered by collaboratively any longer with stake- chairman of the Appropriations Com- the gentleman from New Mexico will holders to provide ESA compliance. mittee after the authorizing com- be postponed. The Service has a statutory require- mittee is coming through and figuring The Acting CHAIR. The Chair under- ment to implement the Endangered out where we need to adjust the budg- stands that amendment No. 61 will not Species Act. Defunding the Agency’s et, or what we need to do, or how we be offered. ability to fulfill these legal require- need to do oversight to make sure that AMENDMENT NO. 62 OFFERED BY MR. PEARCE ments just makes the Agency and the the Fish and Wildlife Service is doing The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Federal Government more vulnerable things that the gentleman is talking to consider amendment No. 62 printed to lawsuits, which is an unnecessary about. in House Report 115–830. cost for American taxpayers. So, an interesting thing, we got some Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, I have Additionally, this amendment would information from the Service, and the an amendment at the desk. limit the Service from undertaking a Service has been working with the re- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will required status review of the sub- search community to expand the sur- designate the amendment. species or from initiating any rule- vey of the jumping mouse outside its The text of the amendment is as fol- making to downlist or even delist this currently known occupied areas. The lows: species, when it became appropriate. goal of this expansion effort is to docu- At the end of division A (before the short Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance ment additional populations. If they title), insert the following: of my time. document additional populations, we LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, with re- could possibly move toward SEC. ll. None of the funds made available spect to the gentlewoman, if the downlisting or delisting the species, as by this Act shall be used to draft, propose, fi- science underlying the decision was appropriate. But your amendment, un- nalize, implement, enforce, or carry out any sound, and even the Agency itself has fortunately, would block that. rulemaking on the lesser prairie-chicken admitted that the science was seri- I would like to see this type of (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) under section 4 ously flawed—if the stakes were not so amendment be brought up under the of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 high—the entire listing of species majority—the majority is the same in U.S.C. 1533). would demand sound science. So this is the Senate, and the majority is in con- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to a serious problem throughout the West trol of the White House—and have an House Resolution 996, the gentleman and throughout the United States. opportunity to do the right kind of from New Mexico (Mr. PEARCE) and a If it weren’t a matter of being able to oversight to make sure that, when we Member opposed each will control 5 provide jobs and have economies in are doing legislation with the best of minutes. these big rural areas of New Mexico, intentions—if this survey were to come The Chair recognizes the gentleman and there are no other tax bases in back and say that we could downlist or from New Mexico. those areas, so as we crowd out the delist the species, this amendment Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, this ranchers, then counties simply don’t would prohibit us from doing it. issue is very similar to the last one. have the revenues to survive them- So, at this time, I will oppose the As we approached the year 2013–2014, selves. gentleman’s amendment. But I thank discussions were going on with Fish If the stakes weren’t these, then I him for bringing this attention to the and Wildlife Service about the poten- would listen more closely to the gen- floor, and I will look more into it. tial listing either as endangered or tlewoman’s arguments. But as it is, I Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- threatened of the lesser prairie chick- just don’t think that we can sustain a ance of my time. en. We began to ask for volunteers. We decision like this. If the Fish and Wild- Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, again, I asked for farmers and ranchers, for oil life Service had showed up at that respect the gentlewoman’s opinions and gas companies, to work together to meeting where we found other critical and observations. really come up with a collaborative habitat within a couple of miles, it is I would point out that these are 1907 plan in order to avoid the listing for just that critical habitat didn’t block water rights, which, in New Mexico, the lesser prairie chicken as either access to this source of water, the only water rights are given, and the earlier, threatened or endangered, and the in- source of water in that section of the the better. So they can’t get access be- dustries responded very well.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.125 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6519 To date, partners in that effort have mines the listing of the lesser prairie been stung by the court, concluded contributed more than $64 million in chicken as threatened or endangered is that the petition had merit. enrollment and mitigation fees. They warranted, it is unlikely that any rule- Now the Agency is on the verge of have agreed to conserve more than making could be completed before 2018. listing the species yet again, and it will 150,000 acres of habitat. So that would take 2 years, in which end up in court again, where it will be It was at that point that the Fish and Congress could take action. delisted again. Rinse and repeat. Wildlife Service said, okay, this is the I would like the Service to be able to Folks, how many times must we re- best effort we have had in this collabo- continue working closely with its part- peat this cycle before people start ration nationwide. They were all ec- ners, including State fish and wildlife working together? How much money static. Then they turned around about agencies, the Western Association of must be wasted fighting each other be- a month later and simply listed the Fish and Wildlife Agency, the U.S. De- fore we realize that our money is bet- lesser prairie chicken. partment of Agriculture, industry, pri- ter spent actually helping the species? Again, the science was somewhat vate landowners, and other partners, in This amendment calls a timeout on lacking in that. So, in 2015, a Federal the interest of conserving the lesser the madness, at least for one species. district court looked at the issue, and prairie chicken. That is why I am urging an ‘‘aye’’ vote. they vacated the finding and said that So what the amendment does, and Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, again, I the Fish and Wildlife Service took no why I am objecting to it, it halts, it would point out that the collaboration account of the ongoing conservation. stops, that transparent process that is was unprecedented across the Nation. Keep in mind that the conservation working properly, that I saw in the What is going to happen, if this col- efforts actually have been working. field working properly and providing laboration fails, is that others are Just this year, the number of birds is ample opportunity for public comment going to say, okay, that collaboration up from 30,000 to 39,000, so almost a 25 in how we could move forward. process simply doesn’t work. percent increase in the population. So this amendment would make the Though, again, the courts, we are That is exactly what these collabo- decision. It would make the decision simply agreeing with the court findings rative efforts were intended to do. final about the conservation of the spe- in the matter that the Fish and Wild- The court found that the Fish and cies on the basis of what is not, in my life Service failed to ask very impor- Wildlife Service didn’t conduct a prop- opinion, good science. So, at this time, tant questions and needs to reaccom- er analysis and that the analysis they I urge my colleagues to oppose this plish the evaluation. did was neither rigorous nor valid. amendment, and I hope all partners All in all, the States and local areas So we are simply asking, in this continue to work together. can and will pitch in to help the species amendment, that the lesser prairie Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- survive. But the heavy-handed ap- chicken not be listed, that it be ance of my time. proach coming from the Fish and Wild- delisted. Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 life Service simply, again, is going to Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance minute to the gentleman from Kansas kill jobs and kill the potential of col- of my time. (Mr. ESTES). laborative efforts. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. ESTES of Kansas. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on claim time in opposition to the amend- I rise today to support amendment No. the amendment, and I yield back the ment. 62 to H.R. 6147. This amendment mod- balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman ernizes the Endangered Species Act and The Acting CHAIR. The question is from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- recognizes voluntary conservation ef- on the amendment offered by the gen- utes. forts to protect the lesser prairie tleman from New Mexico (Mr. PEARCE). Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, in chicken. The question was taken; and the Act- 2016, the Service officially removed the In 2015, the species native to western ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- lesser prairie chicken from the Federal Kansas was inaccurately listed as peared to have it. list of endangered and threatened wild- threatened under the Endangered Spe- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I de- life in accordance with the September cies Act due to a multiyear drought. mand a recorded vote. 2015 court order vacating the Service’s Since then, Kansas farmers and ranch- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to 2014 delisting determination, as the ers have devoted millions of dollars to- clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- gentleman pointed out. ward successful conservation through a ceedings on the amendment offered by Now, the administration action was range-wide plan. This along with in- the gentleman from New Mexico will taken in light of the decision not to ap- creased rainfall has led to an increase be postponed. peal the court’s ruling. So they decided in the lesser prairie chicken popu- they weren’t going to appeal, but they lation. b 1845 were going to try to move forward. However, recently, the push to list AMENDMENT NO. 63 OFFERED BY MR. GOSAR So the Service is currently con- the species as endangered was re- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order ducting a species status assessment to started, disregarding these voluntary to consider amendment No. 63 printed characterize the current and future efforts. I am glad this amendment rec- in House Report 115–830. conditions of the lesser prairie chick- ognizes the private conservation efforts Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chairman, I have an en. The assessment takes into account toward the lesser prairie chicken. I co- amendment at the desk. both the threats and conservation ef- sponsored a similar measure in the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will forts. farm bill, and I appreciate Representa- designate the amendment. When I was in Nevada—I wasn’t in tives PEARCE and MARSHALL for offer- The text of the amendment is as fol- your State, sir, but I was in Nevada ing this amendment. I ask my col- lows: with one of our other colleagues—I saw leagues to support it. At the end of division A (before the short amazing work that was being done in Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 title), insert the following: collaboration, in fact, with an energy minute to the gentleman from Cali- SEC. ll. None of the funds made available company, amazing work being done. fornia (Mr. CALVERT), the chairman of by this Act may be used to carry out Procla- The gentleman from Nevada was un- the subcommittee. mation 7320 entitled ‘‘Establishment of the able to produce one prairie chicken for Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I rise Ironwood Forest National Monument’’ issued me to see that morning when we were in support of the gentleman’s amend- by the President of the United States on out, but I believe that they are there ment. June 9, 2000. and that the conservation is working, In 2015, a Federal court ordered the The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to in spite of the fact that I didn’t get to Fish and Wildlife Service to remove House Resolution 996, the gentleman see one lesser prairie chicken. the lesser prairie chicken from the list from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR) and a Mem- But going back, the draft report was of threatened and endangered species. ber opposed each will control 5 min- shared with peer and partner reviews, Environmental activists immediately utes. and the Service is working with them petitioned the Agency to list the spe- The Chair recognizes the gentleman to get feedback. If the Service deter- cies again, and the Agency, having from Arizona.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.128 H18JYPT1 H6520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chairman, I rise to Asarco and Liberty Star Uranium National Monument, which is in my offer an amendment that supports rec- and Metals Corporation of Tucson have district. The fact that it is in my dis- reational shooting, K–12 education, and also asked for this monument to be sig- trict is secondary to the callous dis- responsible energy development by pro- nificantly altered. regard to the public input, the wishes hibiting funds for the Ironwood Forest Further, the Ironwood Forest Na- of the people of southern Arizona, the National Monument that was unilater- tional Monument has caused harm to history of the area, and the biodiver- ally designated under the Antiquities the common schools beneficiary, K–12 sity that this amendment attacks. Act. education, by locking up these lands, This amendment effectively repeals By looking at the map here, it is very preventing multiple use, and stopping the monument, returning the lands clear that this monument was a polit- important revenues from flowing to the back to multiple-use status, and open- ical land grab meant to prevent respon- educational coffers. ing them up for unfettered mining and sible energy and mineral production, as The Ironwood Forest National Monu- other harmful activities. well as multiple use on Federal lands. ment enacted a complete ban on rec- The sponsor of the legislation says You couldn’t construct something even reational shooting. No utility corridors that it is necessary to restore access worse than that. are allowed in the monument. One- for recreational shooting and to gen- As you can see, the monument quarter of the monument can be closed erate revenue for local schools, which I boundary starts in the right corner to human entry for over one-third of understand is a nod to the potential here in the yellow and includes a large the year due to the presence of sheep, revenue garnered from future mining mineral deposit that includes molyb- and nearly 10,000 acres of this monu- operations that he envisions will pop denum, manganese, gold, and periph- ment are completely locked up at all up once the monument is eliminated. eral lead-zinc-silver. times. Further, the monument con- He speaks for the mining industry, not The boundary then works its way up stitutes an attack on ranchers by nega- Arizonans, and certainly not my con- and also encircles the purple, which is tively impacting grazing. stituents. a significant copper deposit. This monument designation was an A recent poll found that 73 percent of Continuing to move up to the green, unconstitutional taking. Asarco in- the people of Arizona oppose elimi- the monument encompasses significant vested $72 million prior to the monu- nating protections for national monu- amounts of lead, zinc, and silver veins. ment designation in hopes of expanding ments. Arizonans don’t want mining in Moving further up the map to the the mine. They will likely invest sev- their monuments, but that doesn’t next yellow, the monument encircles seem to matter to the sponsor of this the entire Silver Bell Mine and oper- eral hundred million more, create new jobs, and grow the economy if the mine amendment, who will seemingly do ations, as well as other claims, and whatever it takes to roll back public also encompasses massive mineral de- is no longer within the monument boundary. lands protections. posits that contain molybdenum, man- I also take issue with the sponsor of The Arizona Game and Fish Depart- ganese, gold, and peripheral lead-zinc- the amendment’s notion that this ment has not been able to fully imple- silver. amendment is about protecting access ment vital management activities Moving to the blue and to the top left for recreational shooting. When the within the monument boundaries, in- of the monument, the boundary almost monument was established, rec- cluding fencing to protect wildlife, entirely encircles two large veins that reational shooting was allowed, as it is predator control, law enforcement contain barium, lead, and silver. on a large percentage of public lands. wildlife investigations, and responses Essentially, all the colored areas on Unfortunately, some bad actors forced the map are off limits to new energy to illegal wildlife activities. local land managers to rethink access In November, 24 Members of Congress and mineral exploration and develop- for the entire shooting community. sent President Trump a letter recom- ment as a result of the monument land People were shooting up endangered grab. mending a recession of this monument cacti, leaving bullet hole-ridden sofas Proponents claim the 188,619-acre amongst other monument rec- and other trash throughout the desert. monument is necessary to protect a ommendations. That letter was en- Those were used as targets. stand of ironwood trees covering 640 dorsed by the American Farm Bureau One of the great things about living acres. Let me repeat that. Proponents Federation, Americans for Responsible in Tucson and southern Arizona is that claim the 188,619-acre monument is Recreation Access, the National we are surrounded by public lands. Our necessary to protect a stand of Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and the protected desert landscapes support ironwood trees covering 640 acres. Public Lands Council. wildlife and an abundant biodiversity Wow. If this unilateral monument This amendment is endorsed by the to a wide range of recreational activi- designation was not political, it would American Exploration and Mining As- ties. have had a significantly different sociation, American Encore, AMIGOS, Unfortunately, this amendment boundary and been much smaller. Asarco Mining, the Competitive Enter- views these rare landscapes as com- There is nothing glamorous about prise Institute, Free Market America, modities, only available for extraction this monument, and it was an uncon- the Arizona Farm Bureau, Arizona Lib- of resources and nothing more. It is stitutional taking by then-Secretary erty, the Arizona Pork Council, Con- kind of a corporate radar approach and Babbitt and the Clinton administra- cerned Citizens for America, Eagle Mo- mentality to our shared public assets tion, pointblank. torcycles, Rim Country Custom Rods, and lands: use them, abuse them, dis- The Arizona Mining Association, Ari- the Southern Arizona Business Coali- card them, and see how much we can zona Rock Products Association, Ari- tion, and Yavapai County Supervisor make out of them, in terms of money. zona Mining Industry Gets Our Sup- Jack R. Smith, amongst others. The spirit of conservation and preser- port, and the Southern Arizona Busi- Mr. Chairman, I thank the chairman vation is very important to the people ness Coalition recently asked for this and ranking member for their time and of southern Arizona, and this is one of monument to be modified signifi- for their good work on this bill. our special places. This amendment is cantly, stating: ‘‘One-third of the area I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on this amend- an attack on the people, its history, encompassed in the Ironwood Monu- ment, and I reserve the balance of my and our traditions in southern Arizona. ment is either State trust lands or pri- time. This amendment is an attack on the vately owned. These lands have effec- The Acting CHAIR. The time of the Antiquities Act, and this amendment is tively lost all economic potential as a gentleman from Arizona has expired. an attack on our public lands. result of the national monument des- Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, I rise This monument was created in the ignation. . . . At the time of the des- in opposition to the amendment. year 2000 by President Clinton after the ignation, the State government esti- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Pima County Board of Supervisors, the mated that it would lose $100 million in from Arizona is recognized for 5 min- elected officials for the county, peti- mineral rights. This does not include utes. tioned for it; the Tohono O’odham Na- financial losses to private companies Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, I rise tion petitioned for it; the people of or the lost employment potential for in opposition to this amendment that southern Arizona petitioned for it; and the mines.’’ seeks to eliminate the Ironwood Forest that monument was created.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.132 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6521 The vice chairman of the Tohono Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, I de- State Water Resources Control Board of O’odham Nation, Mr. Verlon Jose, said, mand a recorded vote. California’s Bay-Delta Water Quality Con- today: ‘‘The Tohono O’odham have The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to trol Plan. lived in this region since time imme- clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to morial, and the Ironwood Forest Na- ceedings on the amendment offered by House Resolution 996, the gentleman tional Monument has tremendous cul- the gentleman from Arizona will be from California (Mr. DENHAM) and a tural and historical importance. More postponed. Member opposed each will control 5 than 200 important archeological sites AMENDMENT NO. 64 OFFERED BY MR. POSEY minutes. with remains from our ancestors are The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order The Chair recognizes the gentleman within the monument, including two to consider amendment No. 64 printed from California. areas listed on the National Register of in House Report 115–830. Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Chairman, this Historic Places. We must oppose mis- Mr. POSEY. Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment prevents a huge water grab guided efforts to withhold funding from amendment at the desk. by the State of California from farmers Ironwood, as it would have a dev- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will and communities in California’s Cen- astating effect on efforts to protect designate the amendment. tral Valley. this national treasure.’’ Under Sacramento’s new plan, resi- Mr. Chairman, the issue here today is The text of the amendment is as fol- lows: dents and farmers, alike, will suffer about trying to relive and undo a deci- skyrocketing rates that will cripple At the end of division A (before the short sion that was made with public partici- our local economy, our farms, and our pation, public input, the support of title), insert the following: SEC. ll. None of the funds made available communities. Specifically, the State is local elected officials, the support of mandating 40 percent of the water from affected Tribes, and do it for the spe- by this Act may be used in contravention of Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.101(a) with Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Riv- cific interests of a mining company respect to aviation helmets. ers to be flushed out into the ocean. that feels they have a right, even though it is a foreign-owned company, The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to b 1900 House Resolution 996, the gentleman to come in on our public lands, with- Currently, we are losing about 25 per- draw minerals, pay no royalties, and from Florida (Mr. POSEY) and a Mem- ber opposed each will control 5 min- cent of our current water being flushed exploit the area. out by these mandated flows. This will The Ironwood Forest National Monu- utes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman increase it to 40 percent. This water ment is a landscape treasure. It is a feeds the Central Valley Project and rare treasure, and it needs to be main- from Florida. Mr. POSEY. Mr. Chairman, this is the farmers that rely on it. My commu- tained. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on this nity relies on this water for drinking, amendment, and I yield back the bal- really pretty simple. A constituent came to me with a to operate our local businesses, and for ance of my time. green power. This powers our local Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I problem concerning procurement for communities. move to strike the last word. aviation helmets. He has a manufac- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman turing company here in the United The amendment prevents the State from California is recognized for 5 min- States, but he is not able to sell his from robbing water from the Valley utes. helmets to the Department of the Inte- and protects the New Melones reservoir Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I yield rior. from depletion. The New Melones is a to the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. His helmets are not inferior. They Federal facility that provides water for GOSAR). are used by many industries. They are the Central Valley, and generates hy- Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chairman, look at used in many countries. But he is not dropower for Californians. how this monument is connected and on the approved list for Federal agen- The Bay-Delta Plan will drain sig- concocted. I think every which way. cies. Currently, the approved list in- nificantly more water from New You couldn’t make a worse definition cludes only one manufacturer. Melones each year than it currently re- for a monument. My amendment will change this by leases, leaving the reservoir com- What it basically does is it goes to providing additional options through pletely dry some years. The reservoir the far side to catch these two min- competition. The amendment requires will be unable to meet its water obliga- erals over here. Down here in the mid- tions to the federally-authorized Cen- dle, it goes to the far edge. This is compliance with the Federal acquisi- tion regulation policy that ensures a tral Valley project, which is critical to called gerrymandering for minerals. moving water all across the Central This is a political bias based upon full and open process in procuring avia- tion helmets. Valley. Lower water levels will reduce takings from the people of Arizona. the ability to generate power. Remember, I responded by saying: Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this great My amendment prevents Federal dol- Listen, one-third of this designation lars from contributing to this mis- was private and State lands. These are amendment, and I yield back the bal- ance of my time. guided plan, and the State from rob- part of the dedication to the citizens of bing our water. We need more water in Arizona. The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the amendment offered by the gen- the valley, not less. So when you look at this, this is the I reserve the balance of my time. worst concocted. This is the vanity of, tleman from Florida (Mr. POSEY). The amendment was agreed to. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I rise in actually, atrocities of monuments gone opposition to this amendment. haywire. AMENDMENT NO. 65 OFFERED BY MR. DENHAM The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Now, I am happy to work with the The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- gentleman from southern Arizona to to consider amendment No. 65 printed utes. rightsize this monument. I would be in House Report 115–830. Ms. MCCOLLUM. This amendment happy to do that. But this concoction Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Chairman, I have seeks to block collaborative water is a blatant exercise in overjurisdiction an amendment at the desk. of the Federal Government and management in California. Such man- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will agement is aimed at benefiting all misutilizing the Antiquities Act. designate the amendment. Mr. Chairman, I ask everybody to water users, cities, farmers, Tribes, the The text of the amendment is as fol- fishing industry, and recreation inter- vote for my amendment. lows: Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I yield ests. back the balance of my time. At the end of division A (before the short Specifically, this amendment blocks The Acting CHAIR. The question is title), insert the following: Federal compliance with the California SEC. ll. None of the funds made available Bay-Delta Plan, which is a plan being on the amendment offered by the gen- by this act may be used by the Secretary to tleman from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR). modify operations of the New Melones res- developed by the State of California to The question was taken; and the Act- ervoir authorized in section 10 of the Flood prevent the collapse of California’s ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- Control Act of 1944 (58 Stat. 887, 901) for the iconic salmon fisheries, and to preserve peared to have it. purposes of executing any component of the all beneficial use of the State’s water.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.133 H18JYPT1 H6522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 After a decade of research and public We don’t build these reservoirs to want to have access to water. You want outreach, the State government is dump water into the ocean. We build to plant your trees. You want to feed close to finalizing the Bay-Delta Plan. them to store surplus water from wet your stocks and all that. It will increase water flows into the years so that we have it in dry ones. But what you are not saying is what California Bay-Delta from the San Joa- This is insanity. It is the result of is going to happen if you continue to quin River. The increased flows will years of greens-gone-wild radicalism in take more water from the delta. The improve salmon survival and prevent California. This amendment assures delta is a finite water supply. The more an unfolding ecological crisis in the that the Federal Government will not you take water from the delta, the Bay-Delta, which is key for the envi- participate in such nonsense. more saltwater from the ocean comes ronment for the Bay and the Pacific Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I reserve in and poisons our facilities, our docks, Northwest fisheries, one of the most the balance of my time. our fishing, it changes the whole envi- valuable and unique ecosystems in the Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 ronment. And we are going to cost jobs world. minute to the gentleman from Cali- if you do that, so it is really a balance. While multiple factors have contrib- fornia (Mr. LAMALFA). Now, I think it is okay to work to- uted to recent salmon declines, a key Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Chair, in rising gether to find a proper amount of factor has been unsustainably large to support my colleague, Mr. DENHAM, water to ship out and a proper amount water diversions from the California on this amendment, I note that the of water to stay in the delta. When we rivers. The Bay-Delta seeks to address California State Water Board is con- have bigger rain events, the water this by reducing diversions and in- templating their next water grab, and pushes the saltwater back out toward creasing river flow. how disconnected from reality these the ocean. It clears out water a little Mr. Chair, this obviously is an regulators are. bit. amendment which the author is very In the latest plan, they want to take So, I mean, it is not like we are just passionate about. This also is some- 40 percent of the flows from San Joa- trying to save water to hurt you guys. thing that the State of California has quin. Concurrently, they have a pend- That is not what is going on here. We engaged in. ing proposal to also increase the vol- have our own interests to take care of. This amendment, in my opinion, once ume of flows from the Sacramento This is always a fight. What we need again, should be something that should River, in my region, that washes out to to do is sit down and compromise and be handled in an authorizing com- the ocean, all under the guise, the fail- find some way to get through this so mittee so the State of California can ing guise of protecting fish. They are that we don’t end up hurting one an- come in, the gentleman and his pro- contemplating 45 to 65 percent of other, which is what happens. ponents of what the State is doing can unimpeded flow. Again, I understand the position you have a discussion, and then the author- We already know that when it comes are in. I understand the need for water. izers can work their will and let the ap- to protecting people or fish, Sac- California is a dry State. We have propriators know whether or not to ramento always decides to choose the years and years of drought. But con- move forward on this. latter. This plan defies even basic com- tinuing to demand access to water To do this amendment here shuts out mon sense or fairness. when there is only a finite supply, a full, transparent discussion about Instead, it relies on questionable every year you want more, that is not what should or should not take place in science to impose arbitrary restric- going to work. It is just not going to the State of California, where the Cali- tions, with no solutions to address the work. fornia citizens all across the State loss of habitat for native species, or Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Chair, I yield 30 have had input with their elected offi- even the predators in the delta, which seconds to the gentleman from Cali- cials on how to move forward. we already know to be a major threat fornia (Mr. CALVERT). So this amendment seeks to under- to the fish population. Up to 90 percent Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, our mine what appears to be a successful of the affected species are devoured by State Water Board is out of control. implementation of the Bay-Delta Plan, these predator fish. Our State Water Board is involved in a which California has seen as a nec- It offers no recourse for the dev- political operation to remove farming essary step toward preventing precious astating impact it will have on jobs out of the State of California. fishery declines and the loss of thou- and local economies. This amendment would attempt to sands of jobs that rely on healthy fish I would like to remind the regu- put a stop to the reckless State plan and functioning ecosystems. lators, California voters overwhelm- and continue the current New Melones Mr. Chairman, I oppose this amend- ingly supported the effort to direct $2.7 operations. This is something we need ment, and I reserve the balance of my billion for water storage projects, rec- to act on and act on immediately. We time. ognizing the need to invest in infra- are in crisis. Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 structure such as Sites Reservoir. I am a strong advocate for Mr. minute to the gentleman from Cali- If that project already existed, the DENHAM’s position and, certainly, for fornia (Mr. MCCLINTOCK). The reservoir reservoir would be nearly full right his constituents, and I am glad to sup- resides in his district. now, providing enough water to serve port this amendment. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I 3.6 million Californians for an entire Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, at thank the gentleman from California year, and relieve the stress on the Sac- this time I will make my remarks to for bringing this amendment to the ramento and Central Valley water sys- close. floor. tems. This amendment is an attempt to get The gentlewoman from Minnesota Mr. Chair, we need some common the Congress involved in undermining a misses an important fact, and that is sense. I urge my colleagues to support State’s rights and its prerogatives. that the current massive water diver- Mr. DENHAM’s amendment. The Federal Government should be sions have done absolutely nothing to Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, assisting California in ways to restore improve salmon populations. could I inquire as to how much time the State’s rivers and recover needed By taking those diversions to 40 per- both sides have? fisheries, instead of trying to interfere cent unimpaired flow to the ocean, in The Acting CHAIR (Mr. COMER). The with obstruction from Washington. I practical terms, this means that New gentlewoman from Minnesota has 21⁄2 often hear my colleagues say that Melones and Don Pedro reservoirs in minutes remaining. The gentleman Washington should get out of the way. my district will be drained to their from California has 1 minute remain- In this case, I totally agree. dead-pool levels each fall. ing. I urge my colleagues to defeat this It would destroy what’s left of agri- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 amendment. culture in California’s Central Valley, minutes to the gentleman from Cali- I yield back the balance of my time. destroy the tourism these reservoirs fornia (Mr. MCNERNEY). Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Chair, the gen- attract in my region, and create cata- Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Chair, I under- tleman talks about a compromise. I strophic water shortages in one of the stand my colleague’s position on this. will not compromise and allow our peo- most water-rich regions of the Nation. Water is a scarce commodity. You ple to go without water, people that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.138 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6523 have no drinking water, only to have They use less fertilizer, and they feed no riders on its bill at all. And I believe FEMA come in and bring bottled much of the world, both humans and that this could really put the chairman water. I will not shut down our farms. animals. and myself, as the ranking member, That is not a compromise. Wildlife groups like Ducks Unlimited possibly at a disadvantage when we go This is a Federal project that has our support this amendment, and I ask for to reallocate those precious dollars, water for our community that now your support, too. with all the requests that we have had they want to double the amount that I reserve the balance of my time. on the floor over the past 2 days, when goes out to the ocean. It is a waste. It Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I we go into doing what our job is, the is harmful to our community. It will claim the time in opposition to this appropriations. shut down our agriculture, and it will amendment. Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of leave people without potable drinking The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman my time. water. from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Chairman, I This is insanity to try to say that utes. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from you are saving the fish when there is b 1915 California (Mr. CALVERT). no science. This will harm the fish. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I sup- Without water, without green power, Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, this port the amendment. and without cold water, you will kill amendment clearly would prohibit Fish The National Academy of Sciences the very fish that you are trying to and Wildlife Service from enforcing was established by Congress in 1863 in save. limitations or prohibitions on the use the midst of the Civil War to provide I believe that our farms deserve this, of genetically modified seed in com- independent, objective advice to the our communities deserve this, and our mercial agricultural operations con- Nation on matters related to science people must have it to survive. ducted on national wildlife refuges. and technology. I yield back the balance of my time. As the gentleman pointed out, in The Academy, in 2016, released a The Acting CHAIR. The question is 2014, a decision to curtail the use of ge- comprehensive literature review on the on the amendment offered by the gen- netically modified seeds or crops, science of genetically engineered crops, tleman from California (Mr. DENHAM). GMOs, for use on National Wildlife Ref- or GMOs as they are commonly re- The amendment was agreed to. uge System lands by 2016 grew out of ferred to. The Academy found zero sci- several years of litigation successfully AMENDMENT NO. 66 OFFERED BY MR. ABRAHAM entific evidence that GMOs are any brought against U.S. Fish and Wildlife. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order more or any less safe for human con- During the term of the litigation, the to consider amendment No. 66 printed sumption and the environment than or- courts did not allow the use of GMOs. in House Report 115–830. ganisms modified by more traditional As a result of this restriction, the ref- Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Chairman, I genetic methods, like selective breed- uges found that they were able to meet have an amendment at the desk. ing. their biological objectives and accom- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will This amendment blocks an outdated plish their wildlife management pur- designate the amendment. policy made during the last adminis- poses without the use of GMOs and The text of the amendment is as fol- tration which pandered to extreme en- that GMO use could be curtailed na- lows: vironmental groups by feeding into the tionwide. unfounded fears of GMOs. This amend- At the end of division A (before the short This approach avoids costly litiga- title), insert the following: ment is an opportunity to rise above tion for the taxpayers and the need for fear-mongering and make sound policy LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS TO RESTRICT CER- additional site-specific compatibility TAIN USE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS IN based on science and rationality. NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES determinations and NEPA analysis of Mr. Chair, let’s do the right thing GMO crops. It is a saver of the tax- SEC. ll. None of the funds made available and vote ‘‘aye.’’ by this Act may be used to enforce any pro- payers’ dollars. Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Chairman, I just hibition or limitation of any kind in a coop- Fish and Wildlife Service has proven ask that my colleagues support this erative agreement referred to in section 29.2 over several years that they can ac- commonsense amendment, and I yield of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations, on complish their wildlife objectives with- back the balance of my time. the planting of genetically modified crops in out the use of GMOs. However, Fish The Acting CHAIR. The question is a national wildlife refuge. and Wildlife policy on biological diver- on the amendment offered by the gen- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to sity, integrity, and environmental tleman from Louisiana (Mr. ABRAHAM). House Resolution 996, the gentleman health does allow for the use of GMOs The amendment was agreed to. from Louisiana (Mr. ABRAHAM) and a when it is essential to accomplish the AMENDMENT NO. 67 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON Member opposed each will control 5 refuge purposes and is approved by the LEE minutes. Regional Refuge Chief. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order The Chair recognizes the gentleman This amendment jeopardizes the cur- to consider amendment No. 67 printed from Louisiana. rent FWS policy that is based on years in House Report 115–830. Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Chairman, the of experience. We should be supporting Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I Fish and Wildlife Service regularly en- Fish and Wildlife Service and its ef- have an amendment at the desk. ters into cooperative agricultural forts, not blocking the agency from The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will agreement with farmers to plant and doing its job. designate the amendment. raise crops on farm fields on national Mr. Chair, once again, this is the ap- The text of the amendment is as fol- wildlife refuge land. Those agreements propriations portion of Fish and Wild- lows: require that the farmers leave a por- life. This clearly is something that has At the end of division A (before the short tion of that crop standing over the win- gone through the court system, that title), insert the following: ter in order to provide cover and forage has gone through authorization. It is a SEC. ll. None of the funds made available for wildlife. In the spring, those farm- policy discussion and it should be done in this Act may be used to eliminate the ers plow up everything and start all in the policy committee. It should be Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership. over again. done where people can come in and tes- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to In 2014, the Fish and Wildlife Service tify and have their debate in full trans- House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman began to prevent farmers who entered parency. It should be done then and from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) and a into these agreements from planting brought to the floor. Member opposed each will control 5 GMO seed. This action was not based Mr. Chair, the majority controls the minutes. on facts, it was not on rules, and this House, the Senate, and the White The Chair recognizes the gentle- action is harmful to both wildlife and House. I would encourage the author of woman from Texas. to the farmers who are providing that the amendment to not use the appro- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, food and cover. priation bills to put more riders on. my amendment is prohibiting the use GMO crops are proven safe. They use The gentleman may or may not be of appropriated funds to eliminate the less water. They use less pesticides. aware, Mr. Chair, that the Senate has Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership, or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.139 H18JYPT1 H6524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 programs, that are for the reforest- System, and the Smithsonian Institution, which A 25 foot tree reduces annual heating and ation of urban areas. In fact, I cele- operates our national museums including the cooling costs of a typical residence by 8 to 12 brate and support the increase in fund- National Zoo. percent, producing an average annual savings ing. This amendment is particularly Mr. Chair, my amendment is simple but it of $120 per American household. helpful, I hope, to create the legislative sends a very important message from the Proper tree plantings around buildings can history of the importance of the urban Congress of the United States. slow winter winds, and reduce annual energy reforestation program. The Jackson Lee Amendment emphasizes use for home heating by 4–22 percent. Mr. Chair, I thank the ranking mem- the importance of Urban Wildlife Refuge Part- Mr. Chair, trees play a vital role in making ber as well as the chairman of this nerships and urban forests, and preserves our our cities more sustainable and more livable. committee for recognizing the impor- ability to return urban areas to healthy and The Jackson Lee Amendment simply pro- tance of urban reforestation. safe living environments for our children. vides for continued support to programs like This amendment emphasizes the im- Similar amendments were offered and ac- Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships that refor- portance of the Urban Wildlife Refuge cepted in the Interior and Environment Appro- est our urban areas. Partnership in urban forests and pre- priations Acts for Fiscal Year 2018 (H.R. For all these reasons, Mr. Chairman, I urge serves our ability to return urban areas 3354), Fiscal Year 2017 (H.R. 5538), Fiscal adoption of the Jackson Lee Amendment and to healthy and safe living environ- Year 2016 (H.R. 2822), Fiscal Year 2008 thank Chairman CALVERT and Ranking Mem- ments for our children. I have offered (H.R. 2643), and Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. ber MCCOLLUM for their courtesies, consider- similar amendments because I want an 5386), and were adopted by voice vote. ation, and very fine work in putting together ongoing creation of legislative history Mr. Chair, surveys indicate that some urban this legislation. to ensure that this program is kept. forests are in serious danger. [From Science Daily, Apr. 18, 2018] In the past 30 years alone, we have In the past 30 years alone, we have lost 30 lost 30 percent of all of our urban trees, CITIES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE US LOSING 36 percent of all our urban trees—a loss of over MILLION TREES A YEAR a loss of over 600 million trees. Eighty 600 million trees. percent of the American population Source: USDA Forest Service—Northern Eighty percent of the American population Research Station lives in dense quarters of the city. Re- lives in the dense quarters of a city. forestation programs return a tool of Reforestation programs return a tool of na- Summary: Nationally, urban/community nature to concrete areas that can help tree cover declined from 42.9 percent to 42.2 ture to a concrete area that can help to re- percent between 2009–2014. This translates to remove air pollution, filter out chemi- move air pollution, filter out chemicals and ag- losing an estimated 36 million trees or ap- cals and agricultural waste in water, ricultural waste in water, and save commu- proximately 175,000 acres of tree cover annu- and save communities millions of dol- nities millions of dollars in storm water man- ally. lars in stormwater management costs. agement costs. Scientists with the USDA Forest Service I have certainly seen the devastation I have certainly seen neighborhoods in estimate that between 2009 and 2014, tree of droughts right in large cities. In par- Houston benefit from urban reforestation. cover in the Nation’s urban/community areas ticular, Houston, a couple years ago, In addition, havens of green in the middle of declined by 0.7 percent, which translates to lost many, many trees in a severe a city can have beneficial effects on a commu- losing an estimated 36 million trees or ap- drought that we experienced over the proximately 175,000 acres of tree cover annu- nity’s health, both physical and psychological, ally. Pavement and other impervious cover summer. It took many community in- as well as increase property value of sur- increased at a rate of about 167,000 acres a vestors—when I say that, nonprofits— rounding real estate. year during the same period, according to re- and Federal dollars to restore green Reforestation of cities is an innovative way search by USDA Forest Service scientists. life to Houston. of combating urban sprawl and deterioration. Nationally, urban/community tree cover We know that asthma is on the rise. Mr. Chair, a real commitment to enhancing declined from 42.9 percent to 42.2 percent. In people below the Federal poverty our environment involves both the protection Twenty-three states had a statistically sig- threshold, we see asthma increasing. of existing natural resources and active sup- nificant decrease in tree cover, with a total Asthma comes when children have to port for restoration and improvement projects. of 45 states showing a net decline. Trees im- be subjected to polluted air. Several years ago, American Forests, a prove air and water quality, reduce summer Some of the reasons individuals at energy costs by cooling homes, reduce noise, leading conservation group, estimated that the mitigate runoff and flooding, and enhance lower income may have increased risk tree cover lost in the greater Washington met- human health and well-being, making them of asthma are increased exposure to in- ropolitan area from 1973 to 1997 resulted in important to human health and urban and door and outdoor pollutants, cigarette an additional 540 million cubic feet of storm community infrastructure. The annual bene- smoking, secondhand smoke exposure, water runoff annually, which would have taken fits derived from U.S. urban forests due to and nearby industrial pollutants and more than $1 billion in storm water control fa- air pollution removal, carbon sequestration, highway traffic. cilities to manage. and lowered building energy use and con- The good news is that trees provide Trees breathe in carbon dioxide, and sequent altered power plant emissions are es- timated at $18 billion. the source of oxygen that is so nec- produce oxygen. essary, and it comes about through a The study by Dave Nowak and Eric Green- People breathe in oxygen and exhale car- field of the USDA Forest Service’s Northern scientific process that I will discuss a bon dioxide. Research Station, ‘‘Declining urban and little bit later. A typical person consumes about 38 pounds community tree cover in the United States,’’ We have a headline here from Science of oxygen per year. was published in the journal Urban Forestry Daily that says: ‘‘Cities and Commu- A healthy tree, say a 32 ft tall ash tree, can and Urban Greening. nities in the U.S. Losing 36 Million produce about 260 lb of oxygen annually—two A table showing tree cover and impervious Trees a Year.’’ trees supply the oxygen needs of a person for cover change by state is available at: https:// And then another headline: ‘‘Re- a year. www.nrs.fsis.fed.us/news/release/resources/ searchers Suggest Reforestation Trees help reduce pollution by capturing cities-communities-losing-tree-cover/ Around Urban Areas to Reduce Ozone particulates like dust and pollen with their ‘‘Urban forests are a vital part of the na- tion’s landscape,’’ said Tony Ferguson, Di- Levels,’’ which enhances, creates, leaves. rector of the Forest Service’s Northern Re- makes worse the asthma that many of A mature tree absorbs from 120 to 240 search Station and the Forest Products Lab- our children suffer from. pounds of the small particles and gases of air oratory. ‘‘Forest Service research puts Mr. Chair, I ask my colleagues to pollution. knowledge and tools into the hands of urban support my amendment. Trees help combat the effects of ‘‘green- forest managers that supports stewardship Thank you for this opportunity to speak in house’’ gases, the increased carbon dioxide and the wise allocation of resources.’’ support of my amendment to Division A of produced from burning fossil fuels that is States or districts with the greatest an- H.R. 6147, the Interior and Environment Ap- causing our atmosphere to ‘‘heat up.’’ nual net percent loss in urban/community propriations Act for Fiscal Year 2019 and to Trees help cool down the overall city envi- tree cover were Rhode Island and the Dis- trict of Columbia (minus 0.44 percent), Geor- commend Chairman CALVERT and Ranking ronment by shading asphalt, concrete and gia (minus 0.40 percent), and Alabama and Member MCCOLLUM for their leadership in metal surfaces. Nebraska (minus 0.32 percent each). States shepherding this bill through the legislative Buildings and paving in city centers create a with the greatest annual net loss in tree process. heat-island effect. cover were Georgia (minus 18,830 acre/year), Among other agencies, this legislation funds A mature tree canopy reduces air tempera- Florida (minus 18,060 acre/year) and Alabama the U.S. Forest Service, the National Park tures by about 5–10 degrees Fahrenheit. (minus 12,890 acre/year).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.144 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6525 Three states—Mississippi, Montana and done, the problem of ozone pollution is only can have beneficial effects on a com- New Mexico—had slight, nonsignificant in- likely to get worse in the face of both con- munity’s health, both physical and creases in urban/community tree cover. Na- tinued growth and as global warming exacer- psychological, as well as increased tionally, Maine has the highest percent tree bates the problem. property values of surrounding real es- cover in urban/community areas with 68 per- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I re- tate. But when you have had a drought, cent tree cover. At 10 percent tree cover, serve the balance of my time. North Dakota ranked as having the lowest you know how important this program percent urban/community tree cover. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I rise in is. Reforestation of cities is an innova- ‘‘Urban forests are an important resource,’’ support of the amendment. tive way of combating urban sprawl said Nowak. ‘‘Urban foresters, planners and The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- and deterioration. decision-makers need to understand trends tion, the gentleman from California is Finally, let me say, photosynthesis, in urban forests so they can develop and recognized for 5 minutes. how many of us remember that in our maintain sufficient levels of tree cover—and There was no objection. classrooms? I love that process. That the accompanying forest benefits—for cur- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, although happens in plants, generally involves rent and future generations of citizens.’’ the base bill already continues to sup- As of 2010, urban land occupied 3 percent, the green pigment chlorophyll, and or 68 million acres, of the United States, port this program at the fiscal year generates oxygen as a byproduct, while urban/community land occupied just 2018 level, I am happy to accept this cleaning the air. That is what these over 6 percent of the United States, or 141 amendment, as I have for the past 2 programs do in urban America. million acres. years. Mr. Chair, I ask my colleagues to Overall, urban/community impervious Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of support the Jackson Lee amendment, cover had a statistically significant increase my time. from 14.5 percent to 15.1 percent (an increase and I yield back the balance of my Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I time. of o.6 percent), States with the greatest an- thank the gentleman from California. nual net percent increase in impervious The Acting CHAIR. The question is cover were Delaware (0.28 percent), Iowa (0.26 As I indicated, I think that creating on the amendment offered by the gen- percent), and Colorado, Kansas and Ohio (0.24 the additional legislative history of the tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON percent each). States with the greatest an- importance of this particular program LEE). nual net increase in impervious cover were is what I hope will strengthen it. The amendment was agreed to. Texas (17,590 acre/year), Florida (13,900 acre/ May I ask, Mr. Chairman, how much AMENDMENT NO. 68 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON year) and Ohio (8,670 acre/year). time do I have? LEE The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman [From Phys.org, Sept. 9, 2014] The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order has 2 minutes remaining. to consider amendment No. 68 printed RESEARCHERS SUGGEST REFORESTATION Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I AROUND URBAN AREAS TO REDUCE OZONE in House Report 115–830. yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman LEVELS Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I have from Minnesota (Ms. MCCOLLUM), the (By Bob Yirka) an amendment at the desk. ranking member, to discuss the urban A team of research conservationists with The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will members from several universities in the reforestation program, and I thank her designate the amendment. U.S. is suggesting in a paper they’ve had for her leadership. The text of the amendment is as fol- published in Proceedings of the National Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I thank lows: Academy of Sciences, that urban areas could the gentlewoman from Texas for this At the end of division A (before the short benefit by investing in cost effective refor- opportunity. I also thank the chairman title), insert the following: estation efforts around urban areas that cur- of our subcommittee for accepting the SEC. ll. None of the funds made available rently suffer from high ozone levels. Plant- amendment. in this Act may be used to limit outreach ing trees, they suggest could help cities Mr. Chair, many cities don’t have programs administered by the Smithsonian bring those levels down. Institution. The researchers note that despite aggres- urban wildlife refuges nearby, and to sive efforts by many metropolitan areas to address that challenge, the Service has The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to lower ozone levels in ground level air, levels 21 Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman remain high, causing the populations that spanning the country. These partner- from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) and a live in them to live with an increased risk of ships have nourished an appreciation of Member opposed each will control 5 health problems—prior research has indi- wildlife conservation to new audiences, minutes. cated that as many as 152,000 premature and I have seen them in action, empow- The Chair recognizes the gentle- deaths each year can be attributed to the ering local community organizations woman from Texas. damage ozone inflicts on lungs. Current ef- forts to combat ozone levels are aimed at the to inspire conservation in local parks Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I source, factory emissions, etc. Laws limiting and other natural areas. thank the ranking member and the emissions have not kept up with growth I just want to list a few of these chairman of this committee for consid- however, leading to increases in ozone levels. urban partnerships that can be found: ering my amendment. The researchers suggest a different ap- New Haven; Chicago; Houston; Provi- My amendment is prohibiting the use proach—remove the ozone by planting trees. dence; Seattle; Baltimore; Los Angeles; of appropriated funds to limit museum They suggest that land be purchased on the Albuquerque; Santa Barbara; Yonkers; outreach programs administered by the outskirts of cities with high ozone levels to New Orleans; Denver; Philadelphia; At- Smithsonian Institution. Again, for be converted to forest—trees they note, re- move both ozone, and one of its precursors. lanta; Springfield, Massachusetts; An- programs like this, this is to advocate To bolster their point, the researchers chorage; Cincinnati; the twin cities of and create the legislative history of looked at the Houston metro area in Texas, St. Paul and Minneapolis, St. Paul the importance of these programs, and a part of the country with consistently high being my hometown; Elizabeth, New I am glad to have this amendment pre- ozone levels. Land that is currently used for Jersey; West Palm Beach, Florida; San sented to the Congress at this time. agriculture on the outskirts, they claim, Juan; and Alamo, Texas. Mr. Chair, in order to fulfill the could be purchased and replanted with trees, Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to Smithsonian’s mission—the increase creating a 1.5–square-mile forest. They esti- learn more about this program. and diffusion of knowledge—the Smith- mate that over a 30 year period, the refor- ested area could reduce ozone and precursors Once again, I thank the gentlewoman sonian seeks to serve an even greater in ground-level air by 310 tons. They also for the time, and I thank Chairman audience, and this has come about over note that if fast growing trees were planted, CALVERT for accepting this amend- the years by bringing the Smithsonian timber harvests could help make up initial ment. to enclaves of communities who other- outlays and loss of local revenue from agri- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I wise would be deprived of the vast cultural products. yield myself such time as I may con- amount of cultural history offered by The researchers also plotted potential tar- sume. the Smithsonian. gets on a map of the U.S., highlighting areas Mr. Chair, let me conclude my re- The Smithsonian’s outreach program where reforestation would likely do the most good—along the 1–95 corridor in the north- marks by saying I have certainly seen serves millions of Americans, thou- east, for example, and around Chicago, De- neighborhoods in Houston benefit from sands of communities, and hundreds of troit and many parts of California. The team urban reforestation. In addition, ha- institutions in all 50 States through concludes by noting that if something isn’t vens of green in the middle of a city loans of objects, traveling exhibitions,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.051 H18JYPT1 H6526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 and sharing of educational resources even greater audience by bringing the Smith- In contrast, a ‘‘mobile museum’’ exhibit can via publications, lectures, presen- sonian to enclaves of communities who other- visit up to three venues per week in the tations, training programs, and wise would be deprived of the vast amount of course of only one year, at no cost to the host websites. cultural history offered by the Smithsonian. institution or community. Let me say from personal experience, The Smithsonian’s outreach programs serve The net result is an increase by 150 in the one of my predecessors, the Honorable millions of Americans, thousands of commu- number of outreach locations to which SITES Mickey Leland, that many people know nities, and hundreds of institutions in all 50 shows can travel annually. died in an airplane going into an Ethio- states, through loans of objects, traveling exhi- And in addition to its flexibility in making pian mountain trying to bring food to bitions, and sharing of educational resources short-term stops in cities and towns from starving people in Eritrea and Ethi- via publications, lectures and presentations, coast-to-coast, a ‘‘mobile museum’’ has the opia, had introduced the first bill for a training programs, and websites. advantage of being able to frequent the very museum dealing with slave history. He Smithsonian outreach programs work in locations where people live, work, and take did not live to see that legislation go close cooperation with Smithsonian museums part in leisure time activities. forward, but later, JOHN LEWIS intro- and research centers, as well as with 144 affil- By establishing an exhibit presence in set- duced the legislation to create the iate institutions and others across the nation. tings like these, SITES will not only increase Smithsonian Museum of African Amer- The Smithsonian’s outreach activities sup- its annual visitor participation by 1 million, but ican History and Culture. port community-based cultural and educational also advance a key Smithsonian performance We have it today, and it is a museum organizations around the country. objective: to develop exhibit approaches that They ensure a vital, recurring, and high-im- that has seen more people attend it, address diverse audiences, including popu- pact Smithsonian presence in all 50 states and the outreach is crucial: the board lation groups not always affiliated with main- through the provision of traveling exhibitions members, who are so proud to be a part stream cultural institutions. of it, and the Congressional Black Cau- and a network of affiliations. Smithsonian outreach programs increase SITES also will be the public exhibitions’ cus, that was the anchor of passing this face of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of legislation. Now we have an out- connections between the Institution and tar- geted audiences (African American, Asian African American History and Culture, as that standing exhibit on Oprah Winfrey, and new Museum comes online. all are there to see this historic figure American, Latino, Native American, and new American) and provide kindergarten through Providing national access to projects that and many others. will introduce the American public to the Mu- It is important that the Smithsonian college-age museum education and outreach opportunities. seum’s mission, SITES in FY 2008 will tour Air and Space Museum and many oth- such stirring exhibitions as NASA ART: 50 ers have the opportunity to reach out These outreach programs enhance K–12 science education programs, facilitate the Years of Exploration; 381 Days: The Mont- to Americans and let them know of gomery Bus Boycott Story; Beyond: Visions of these very special resources, these as- Smithsonian’s scholarly interactions with stu- dents and scholars at universities, museums, Planetary Landscapes; The Way We Worked: sets that are here. Photographs from the National Archives; and So this is a very important emphasis and other research institutions; and dissemi- nate results related to the research and collec- More Than Words: Illustrated Letters from the to have, and I would like to make sure Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art. that we continue to do it robustly so tions strengths of the Institution. To meet the growing demand among small- that more Americans can know their The programs that provide the critical mass er community and ethnic museums for an ex- history. of Smithsonian outreach activity are: 1. the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Ex- hibition celebrating the Latino experience, Mr. Chair, I ask my colleagues to hibition Service (SITES); SITES provided a scaled-down version of the support this amendment. 2. the Smithsonian Affiliations, the Smithso- National Museum of American History’s 4,000- Thank you for this opportunity to speak in nian Center for Education and Museum Stud- square-foot exhibition about legendary enter- support of my amendment to Division A of ies (SCEMS); tainer Celia Cruz. H.R. 6147, the ‘‘Interior and Environment Ap- 3. National Science Resources Center Two 1,500-square-foot exhibitions, one propriations Act for Fiscal Year 2019.’’ (NSRC); about Crow Indian history and the other on Let me also thank Chairman CALVERT and 4. the Smithsonian Institution Press (SIP); basket traditions, will give Smithsonian visitors Ranking Member MCCOLLUM for their leader- 5. the Office of Fellowships (OF); and beyond Washington a taste of the Institution’s ship in shepherding this bill to the floor. 6. the Smithsonian Associates (TSA), which Among other agencies, this legislation funds critically acclaimed National Museum of the receives no federal funding. American Indian. the Smithsonian Institution, which operates our To achieve the goal of increasing public en- Two more exhibits, ‘‘In Plane View’’ and national museums, including the Air and gagement, SITES directs some of its federal ‘‘Earth from Space,’’ provided visitors an op- Space Museum; the Museum of African Art; resources to develop Smithsonian Across portunity to experience the Smithsonian’s re- the Museum of the American Indian; and the America: A Celebration of National Pride. National Portrait Gallery. This ‘‘mobile museum,’’ which will feature cently opened, expansive National Air and The Smithsonian also operates another na- Smithsonian artifacts from the most iconic Space Museum Udvar-Hazy Center. tional treasure: the National Zoo. (presidential portraits, historic American flags, For almost 30 years, The Smithsonian As- Mr. Chair, my amendment is simple but it Civil War records, astronaut uniforms, etc.) to sociates—the highly regarded educational arm sends a very important message from the the simplest items of everyday life (family of the Smithsonian Institution—has arranged Congress of the United States. quilts, prairie schoolhouse furnishings, historic Scholars in the Schools programs. The Jackson Lee amendment simply pro- lunch boxes, multilingual store front and street Through this tremendously successful and vides that: signs, etc.), has been a long-standing organi- well-received educational outreach program, SEC. ll. None of the funds made available zational priority of the Smithsonian. the Smithsonian shares its staff—hundreds of in this Act may be used to limit outreach SITES ‘‘mobile museum’’ is the only trav- experts in art, history and science—with the programs administered by the Smithsonian eling exhibit format able to guarantee audi- national community at a local level. Institution. ence growth and expanded geographic dis- The mission of Smithsonian Affiliations is to This amendment is identical to amendments tribution during sustained periods of economic build a strong national network of museums I offered to the Interior and Environment Ap- retrenchment, but also because it is imperative and educational organizations in order to es- propriations Acts for FY2017 (H.R. 3354) and for the many exhibitors nationwide who are tablish active and engaging relationships with FY2016 (H.R. 2822) that were approved by struggling financially yet eager to participate in communities throughout the country. voice vote. Smithsonian outreach. There are currently 138 affiliates located in Mr. Chair, the Smithsonian’s outreach pro- For communities still struggling to fully re- the United States, Puerto Rico, and Panama. grams bring Smithsonian scholars in art, his- cover from the economic downturn, the ability By working with museums of diverse subject tory and science out of ‘‘the nation’s attic’’ and of museums to present temporary exhibitions, areas and scholarly disciplines, both emerging into their own backyard. the ‘‘mobile museum’’ promises to answer an and well-established, Smithsonian Affiliations Each year, millions of Americans visit the ever-growing demand for Smithsonian shows is building partnerships through which audi- Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. in the field. ences and visitors everywhere will be able to But in order to fulfill the Smithsonian’s mis- A single, conventional SITES exhibit can share in the great wealth of the Smithsonian sion, ‘‘the increase and diffusion of knowl- reach a maximum of 12 locations over a two- while building capacity and expertise in local edge,’’ the Smithsonian seeks to serve an to three-year period. communities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.147 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6527 The National Science Resources Center with its public outreach programs, in- ‘‘Never before in the 112-year history of the (NSRC) strives to increase the number of eth- cluding exhibitions, programs, and on- Alliance have we possessed such comprehen- nically diverse students participating in effec- line resources, which anybody can ac- sive and statistically robust studies to sup- cess. It ensures that as many Ameri- port what we’ve always known,’’ said Alli- tive science programs based on NSRC prod- ance President and CEO Laura Lott. ‘‘Our ucts and services. cans as possible can benefit from their legislators, policymakers, funders, and trust- The Center develops and implements a na- vast collections. ees can be confident in the fact that muse- tional outreach strategy that will increase the At the Science Museum of Min- ums are important economic engines that number of school districts (currently more than nesota, we call it ‘‘Museum in a Box,’’ support jobs and bring revenue to their local 800) that are implementing NSRC K–8 pro- and I am glad the Smithsonian is going communities. In addition, our studies show grams. to continue with that. that the American public is overwhelmingly The NSRC is striving to further enhance its Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, let supportive of museums in general, and spe- program activity with a newly developed sci- me thank the gentlewoman for really cifically supports maintaining or increasing their federal funding.’’ entific outreach program introducing commu- letting us know what a joy the Smith- TWO REPORTS REINFORCE THE VALUE OF nities and school districts to science through sonian is, even in front of the Appro- MUSEUMS literacy initiatives. priations Committee. Mr. Chair, I want to emphasize that The first study, Museums as Economic En- In addition, through the building of the multi- gines, reveals that museums support 726,000 cultural Alliance Initiative, the Smithsonian’s the Smithsonian outreach programs in- crease connections between the Insti- jobs in the United States, and directly em- outreach programs seek to develop new ap- ploy 372,100 people, more than double that of proaches to enable the public to gain access tution and targeted audiences: African the professional sports industry, according to Smithsonian collections, research, edu- Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The study, cation, and public programs that reflect the di- Native Americans, and new Americans, conducted by Oxford Economics with the versity of the American people, including un- and provide kindergarten through col- support of the Andrew W. Mellon Founda- derserved audiences of ethnic populations and lege age music education and outreach tion, shows that for every $100 of economic activity created by museums, an additional persons with disabilities. opportunities. Mr. Chairman, I failed to say that $220 is created in other sectors of the US For all these reasons, Mr. Chair, I urge economy as a result of supply chain and em- adoption of the Jackson Lee Amendment and when we were putting this together, once the African American museum ployee expenditure impacts. These impacts thank Chairman CALVERT and Ranking Mem- mean that museums contribute approxi- was established, the museum personnel ber MCCOLLUM for their courtesies, consider- mately $50 billion to the US economy each ation, and very fine work in putting together leadership, Dr. Lonnie Bunch, went on year, a number that’s more than twice pre- this excellent legislation. the road across America collecting ar- vious estimates. Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of tifacts from African Americans and The report is also the first to show that US my time. historic families to put in this mu- museums generate more than $12 billion per seum, real items of slave history and year in tax revenue to federal, state, and b 1930 the history from through the years, local governments. The museum field’s larg- through the centuries, and it made the est economic impact is on the leisure and Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I rise to hospitality industry (approximately $17 bil- approve the amendment. museum a living example of the his- lion), but it also generates approximately $12 The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- tory of our time here in the United billion in the financial activities sector and tion, the gentleman from California is States. approximately $3 billion each in the edu- recognized for 5 minutes. That has been done by the Smithso- cation/health services and manufacturing There was no objection. nian in many different groups. And so sectors. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chair, I have no I would offer this article that says: Museums provide important economic im- objection to the gentlewoman’s amend- ‘‘New National Data Reveals the Eco- pacts to every part of the nation. The top 10 nomic Impact of Museums Is More states driving this impact are geographically ment. It was accepted last year by diverse and account for 57 percent of the voice vote, and I encourage adoption of Than Double Previous Estimates.’’ gross value added to the national economy. the gentlewoman’s amendment. I yield The American Alliance of Museums re- States with the highest economic impact back the balance of my time. leased two groundbreaking reports revealing from the museum sector included California Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, indisputable evidence that museums con- ($6.6 billion), New York ($5.4 billion), and how much time do I have remaining? tribute more to the United States economy Texas ($3.9 billion). However, those that rely than previously thought and have wide- The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman most heavily on museums due to their rel- spread support. atively higher concentration include the Dis- from Texas has 21⁄2 minutes remaining. Mr. Chair, I ask my colleagues to Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I trict of Columbia, Hawaii, Wyoming, and support this amendment. Alaska. yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman I would like to include in the RECORD The second report, Museums & Public from Minnesota (Ms. MCCOLLUM), the this American Alliance of Museums re- Opinion, examines the opinions of Americans ranking member, and thank her again port dated February 13, 2018. concerning museums, their educational and for her leadership. economic value, as well as their thoughts [From the American Alliance of Museums, about federal funding and support for muse- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I would Feb. 13, 2018] like to thank the gentlewoman from ums in their community. Conducted jointly NEW NATIONAL DATA REVEALS THE ECONOMIC by AAM and Wilkening Consulting, the Texas for the time, and I would like to IMPACT OF MUSEUMS IS MORE THAN DOUBLE commend the chairman of the sub- study was fielded by the market research ex- PREVIOUS ESTIMATES perts at Ipsos and polled more than 2,000 committee for accepting this amend- (By Laura Lott) Americans. The survey results overwhelm- ment. ARLINGTON, VA.—The American Alliance of ingly demonstrate the high degree to which The chairman and I know the impor- Museums (AAM), the only organization rep- Americans believe in and support their mu- tance of museums and the wealth of resenting the entire scope of the museum seums, regardless of political affiliation, geo- knowledge that they share with the community, today released two graphic location, and whether they visit mu- American public. And when we have groundbreaking reports revealing indis- seums or not: the Smithsonian Day at our hearings, putable evidence that museums contribute 97 percent believe that museums provide valuable educational experiences to their when the chairman puts the gavel more to the United States economy than previously thought and have widespread pub- communities down, everybody is in attendance to lic support that transcends political affili- 89 percent recognize the important eco- see what the Smithsonian is going to ations and geographic locations. nomic contributions and jobs that museums bring to the history lesson that it is Armed with the two new reports and a bring going to share with the Members of our wealth of data, on February 27 hundreds of 96 percent would approve of elected offi- committee. museum professionals will visit with mem- cials who act to support museums including We are inspired, just as these muse- bers of Congress and their staff to ask them acting to maintain or increase federal fund- ums inspire people of all ages, to better to support funding for vital federal agencies ing. and tax incentives for charitable donations. ‘‘The data speaks clearly: whether urban understand our world, and our place in The Fiscal Year 2019 budget proposal an- or rural, conservative or liberal, or a mu- it. nounced by President Trump yesterday calls seum-goer or not, Americans treasure the I am very pleased that the Smithso- for the elimination of multiple agencies that museums in their communities and want nian is going to be able to go forward support the arts and humanities. elected officials to support them,’’ Lott said.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.056 H18JYPT1 H6528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Findings from the two reports will be dis- educational programs on urban gar- ground, as children touch soil contami- cussed by leaders from the Alliance and its dening, creating healthy environments nated by lead and then touch their research partners February 26 at Museums for nail salons, or the so-called nega- faces and their mouths. The negative Advocacy Day in Washington, DC and May 7 tive consequences of automobile de- effect of growing vegetables in lead- at the Alliance’s Annual Meeting & Museum Expo in Phoenix. pendency. contaminated soil can be life changing While some of these projects may be for children. CONGRESSIONAL HONOREES commendable, the bulk are not within Mr. Chair, I strongly oppose this During Museums Advocacy Day, the Alli- the scope of the constitutional respon- amendment, and I reserve the balance ance will present awards to legislators who have demonstrated exemplary support for sibilities delegated to the Federal Gov- of my time. the nation’s museums: ernment. Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R–AK) used her Our country currently shoulders $21 Chairman, I would, again, just reit- position on the Senate Appropriations Com- trillion in debt and we should not be erate the fact that this grant program mittee to advocate for funding for key fed- subsidizing what would otherwise be is not doing the job that it was de- eral agencies. She is also an original cospon- State initiatives and local projects. It signed to do. It is not even doing things sor of legislation that would reauthorize the is for these reasons that I have intro- that are related to the stated mission. Institute of Museum and Library Services. Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D–OR) duced my amendment to discontinue It is a waste of taxpayer dollars, and is a co-founder of the Congressional STEAM funding for the OEJ Small Grants Pro- for that, it is not something that we Caucus, and a leader in seeking funding that gram. This will allow the EPA to should continue funding. will help school districts provide a well- refocus millions of taxpayer funds to- It has lost its purpose. It has lost its rounded education. ward the Agency’s core mission over mission, and it just simply is not nec- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I ask the next decade, and I would ask my essary to continue funding. When we my colleagues to support the Jackson colleagues to support this amendment. talk about the issues happening in Lee amendment, and I yield back the I reserve the balance of my time. Puerto Rico or other parts of the balance of my time. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I world, we have FEMA and we have The Acting CHAIR. The question is rise in strong opposition to this amend- other avenues to deal with serious on the amendment offered by the gen- ment. problems like what happened in Puerto tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON The Acting CHAIR (Mr. KUSTOFF of Rico and other places in our country, LEE). Tennessee). The gentlewoman from and those means are working effec- The amendment was agreed to. Minnesota is recognized for 5 minutes. tively. AMENDMENT NO. 69 OFFERED BY MR. JODY B. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I want But to simply waste funds on a grant HICE OF GEORGIA my colleagues to listen closely to what program that directly is involved in ac- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order this amendment does. It prohibits tivities unrelated to their own mission to consider amendment No. 69 printed funds to support the EPA’s Environ- statement, is not something that we in House Report 115–830. mental Justice Small Grants Program, should be involved in. As a result, this Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. which, since its inception in 1994, has amendment has been endorsed by a Chairman, I have an amendment at the awarded funding to local and Tribal or- number of organizations, such as: the desk. ganizations working with communities Competitive Enterprise Institute, Her- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will facing environmental justice issues. itage Action, Citizens Against Govern- designate the amendment. These grants support and empower ment Waste, , The text of the amendment is as fol- low-income communities to understand FreedomWorks, Free Market America, lows: and address exposure to environmental and a host of organizations who are At the end of division A (before the short harms and risks. concerned about the direction our title), insert the following: If there is a problem, if there is a country is going financially and are SEC. ll. None of the funds made available grant that hasn’t been done properly, supportive of stopping the waste here. by this Act may be used for the Environ- then it is Congress’ responsibility to do So I ask my colleagues to support mental Justice Small Grants Program of the oversight. So, in my opinion, there this amendment, and I reserve the bal- Environmental Protection Agency. should be no Member of this body that ance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to supports cutting these critical funds. If Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I House Resolution 996, the gentleman there are problems, we should be re- would gently remind the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JODY B. HICE) and a questing oversight. from Georgia that Puerto Rico is a ter- Member opposed each will control 5 This is a case of David versus Goli- ritory of the United States. It is not a minutes. ath. With this amendment, small com- foreign entity. The Chair recognizes the gentleman munities would be left defenseless I would like to yield 11⁄2 minutes to from Georgia. when confronted with corporations the gentleman from California (Mr. Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. that come in and sometimes cause ill- CALVERT), my dear friend and chair- Chairman, the Office of Environmental ness due to their underlying pursuit of man of the committee. Justice, also known as the OEJ, was es- profit over human health. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I tablished within the Environmental Examples of these programs sup- thank the gentlewoman, and I must Protection Agency, the EPA, in 1992, in ported by these grants are: a program rise in reluctant opposition. order to assess environmental concerns to promote Baltimore residents’ aware- I wish I could have worked with the with the potential of affecting dis- ness of lead health risks and lead gentleman on this amendment, but this advantaged communities. abatement services. It is important to amendment reaches a little too far and To bring about this goal, the OEJ set provide education: is inconsistent even with the Trump in motion the Environmental Justice Working with the residents in Puerto administration’s position. Small Grants Program in 1994. While Rico to clean up coastal areas and re- This year the President requested $2 this grants program initially sought to duce solid waste and aquatic debris. I million for the Environmental Justice overcome environmental issues that was just recently in Puerto Rico Small Grants Program which would could hurt underprivileged commu- watching the EPA work and clean up provide financial assistance to low in- nities, it has, unfortunately, devolved the debris, the unimaginable debris of come, minority, and Tribal popu- into a platform for political activism, the hurricanes that went through last lations, which we deal with quite often. in addition to offering services typi- year. This amendment would prohibit cally powered by State and local gov- Working in Lawrence, Massachu- EPA’s ability to issue grants alto- ernments. setts, in one of the poorest and most gether, which means all of the Office of Furthermore, in recent years, the populated cities in New England to Environmental Justice funds would be Environmental Justice Small Grants educate families about lead contamina- allocated to the payroll and personnel Program has been used for purposes en- tion in soil, and, yes, sometimes that and could result in the hiring of more tirely unrelated to the office’s stated means knowing what is in the garden, EPA staff, and I am sure that is not mission. Examples would be: funding what is in the yard, what is in the play- your intention. And so there would be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.057 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6529 no savings according to the CBO. Zero. Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to groups for settlements under the Clean No savings at all in this amendment. I oppose this amendment, and to stand Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the don’t believe that is your intent. with communities and the disenfran- Endangered Species Act. Organizations Because the amendment would have chised over corporations. can still sue whomever they want, but unintended consequences, I must op- I yield back the balance of my time. they cannot do it on the backs of tax- pose the amendment. The Acting CHAIR. The question is payers. Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. on the amendment offered by the gen- Fortunately, we are making progress Chairman, I appreciate these com- tleman from Georgia (Mr. JODY B. to end this practice. In the House, we ments. What we are dealing with would HICE). have passed this amendment several simply do away with funding of the The question was taken; and the Act- times before, and the Trump adminis- small grants part of this program ing Chair announced that the noes ap- tration has taken notice of our efforts. where those funds are not being used peared to have it. The Trump administration sees this according to the mission. Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. practice for what it is: an abuse of our Mr. Chair, I continue to ask for sup- Chair, I demand a recorded vote. regulator process that must be reined port from my colleagues, keeping in The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to in. mind the multiple organizations that clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- The EPA announced last fall that it are supportive of this amendment. I ceedings on the amendment offered by will no longer pay attorneys’ fees as ask my colleagues to support this, and the gentleman from Georgia will be part of the settlement process and will I yield back the balance of my time. postponed. ensure stakeholders have input and a Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, may more transparent settlement process. I inquire how much time I have re- b 1945 This amendment will help bolster the maining? AMENDMENT NO. 70 OFFERED BY MR. SMITH OF administration’s efforts to stop this The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman MISSOURI from Minnesota has 2 minutes remain- abusive practice. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order The Trump administration realizes ing. to consider amendment No. 70 printed that nowhere is the cost of these set- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 in House Report 115–830. minute to the gentlewoman from Texas tlements more painful than in the envi- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Chair- ronmental regulatory context. The re- (Ms. JACKSON LEE). man, I have an amendment at the desk. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I sult of these lawsuits is hundreds of The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will thank the gentlewoman very much and new regulations and tens of millions— designate the amendment. I am glad that she emphasized the even billions—of dollars in compliance The text of the amendment is as fol- work that the Environmental Justice costs. lows: grants have done in Puerto Rico, and If that isn’t bad enough, as part of the fact that they are citizens of the At the end of division A (before the short the agreements, agencies are often re- title), insert the following: United States. quired to reprioritize their agendas, al- SEC. ll. None of the funds made available But I have seen what the Environ- locating limited resources to the prior- by this Act may be used to pay attorney’s ities of these interest groups rather mental Justice grants have done be- fees pursuant to a settlement in any case, in cause they are small. As Mr. CALVERT which the Federal Government is a party, than priorities designated by Congress indicated, the administration rec- that arises under— or ones that have received public and ommended $2 million. These grants are (1) the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et stakeholder input. small, and they help communities seq.); The American people are tired of our clean up. They help communities deal (2) the Federal Water Pollution Control unaccountable Federal Government, with violators of environmental rules, Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.); or and we have the opportunity to do both in the State and Federal, mostly (3) the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 something about it. This is a necessary U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). State, and gives them the ability to step to rein in overregulation and bring clean and deal with neighborhood The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to transparency back to the regulatory issues. That is how small these grants House Resolution 996, the gentleman process. are. from Missouri (Mr. SMITH) and a Mem- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance It also has provided assistance to En- ber opposed each will control 5 min- of my time. vironmental Justice clinics that can utes. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I work with community organizations on The Chair recognizes the gentleman claim the time in opposition to this how to petition for something that is from Missouri. amendment. both an eyesore and environmental Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Chair- The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman damage, to rid it of it, or to get the en- man, I rise today in support of my from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- tity, the corporation, the small busi- amendment, which seeks to crack down utes. ness, whatever it is, to clean it up. It on the practice commonly known as Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I am makes it better for all concerned. sue and settle. a little confused, because it would be Mr. Chair, I would just ask and rec- When Federal agencies settle law- only when the Trump administration ognize that this is part of civic partici- suits with outside advocacy groups be- would decide to be a party of a lawsuit pation, and these grants should be al- hind closed doors, the outcome is pret- that this judgment would ever be used. lowed. ty much what you would expect: costly So I would assume that you would Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, in new regulatory burdens with taxpayers trust the Trump administration to be closing, I just have to ask the question. picking up the tab. overly judicious before involving itself Tragedies like the water crisis in Flint, That is exactly how sue and settle with any suit, would you not? Michigan, demonstrate the issues sur- works. Federal agencies accept law- I yield to the gentleman from Mis- rounding environmental justice to con- suits from outside advocacy organiza- souri. tinue to persist in our country. So the tions and, rather than defend them- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. I support the question is: When did it become par- selves, proceed to settle that lawsuit in Trump administration, but I also sup- tisan to ensure children drink clean a closed-door agreement, resulting in port our duty under the Constitution water? new and more costly regulations. to make sure we tell the executive This amendment ignores the need to It is bad enough that the taxpayer ul- what to do. identify and address disproportionately timately pays for these regulations, Ms. MCCOLLUM. Reclaiming my high adverse human health and envi- but under current law, it is the tax- time, Mr. Chairman, that is why I am ronmental effects on minority and low- payer footing the bill for attorneys’ confused, because this would be the income populations. I urge, I implore fees for these outside organizations. Trump administration. The gentleman the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. That is absurd. said, if I heard him correctly, Mr. Chair, if he suspects that there is waste My amendment prevents American Chair, that he would expect the Trump in this program, let’s do the oversight taxpayer dollars from being used to administration to be very judicious in together. pay the legal fees of outside advocacy using this.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.153 H18JYPT1 H6530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 So I find this amendment is extra- Mr. Chairman, I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote from Connecticut (Mr. LARSON) and a neous. It puts the same parameters on on the amendment. Member opposed each will control 5 attorneys’ fees under the ESA, the Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Chair- minutes. Clean Air Act, and the Federal Water man, the sue-and-settle practice cuts The Chair recognizes the gentleman Pollution Control Act that are already stakeholders and the public out of the from Connecticut. in place for attorneys’ fees under the regulatory process. It undermines the Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Equal Access to Justice Act. Article I authority we hold here in Chairman, I yield myself such time as The Equal Access to Justice Act al- Congress. I may consume. ready caps the hourly rate of attor- By restricting the payment of legal Mr. Chairman, I rise to offer an neys’ fees, unless the court determines fees, we take away the incentive for amendment to require a Federal study an increase in the cost of living or spe- these environmental advocacy groups on the financial impact of the disaster cial factors such as limited availability to sue the Federal Government, and we known as crumbling foundations that of qualified attorneys for the pro- protect public input in the rulemaking is plaguing parts of the Northeast, in- ceedings justifies a higher fee. And it process. cluding my home State of Connecticut, requires the party to be a prevailing Mr. Chairman, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on Massachusetts, and with further study, party. my amendment, and I yield back the we believe, it impacts much of the Mr. Chairman, we don’t need to add balance of my time. northeastern region of our country. an extraneous, redundant provision to Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I This amendment simply asks for the a bill that is already overburdened yield myself such time as I may con- Treasury to lead a joint study with our with harmful legislative riders, espe- sume. Federal regulators to assess the finan- cially when I trust that the Trump ad- This amendment is unnecessary and cial impact of this disaster and provide ministration would be very limited and duplicative. The Equal Access to Jus- recommendations to help mitigate very judicious in ever using this. tice Act already provides a framework Federal and local losses, and help these Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues for legal fees related to cases in which suffering homeowners who, through no to oppose the amendment. I reserve the the Federal Government is a party. I fault of their own, have experienced a balance of my time and my right to find myself standing here as a Demo- catastrophic disaster. close. crat, a person who has been resisting There is no one who has worked hard- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Chair- almost everything that President er on this in our State of Connecticut man, I yield such time as he may con- Trump has been trying to do in the en- than JOE COURTNEY. JOE has been a sume to the gentleman from Montana vironmental arena and other arenas leader in this, organizing people in (Mr. GIANFORTE). that affect healthcare and so much both the State and local arenas, as well Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Chairman, I more, but I find myself defending the as our two United States Senators rise in support of this amendment. Trump administration’s right in which BLUMENTHAL and MURPHY. This amendment would block funds they are a party to participate in the JOE has led the way, and I have had used by the agencies to pay legal fees Equal Access to Justice Act, just as I the fortune, along with State Senator under any lawsuit settlement that did for President Obama’s administra- Tim Larson, to travel to South Wind- arises under the Clean Air Act, the tion. sor, East Windsor, and Manchester, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues Connecticut, and witness the devasta- Species Act. While the intent of these pieces of to stop, take a minute, think about tion and the heartache that these legislation was good, serial litigants what this amendment is really doing, homeowners go through. I know, looking out and seeing Mr. and special interest groups have turned and agree with me that we should op- YOUNG, he will remember what hap- these laws into tools used to block ac- pose this amendment. We should not pened in the South with the famous, or cess to our forests and our mineral re- stop the Federal Government when it infamous, China drywall. It is similar sources. is involved in cases and is a party from In Montana, we have a litigation participating in the Equal Access to to that experience, where homeowners problem, as many of our forest man- Justice Act. and individuals, through no fault of agement projects are locked up by en- Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- their own, experienced catastrophic vironmental extremists filing frivolous ance of my time. loss. lawsuits. Agencies spend more time be- The Acting CHAIR. The question is We have been working tirelessly on hind a desk and more resources defend- on the amendment offered by the gen- this effort and feel that this study, in ing their actions than they do working tleman from Missouri (Mr. SMITH). fact, will reveal the impact that it will The question was taken; and the Act- on our lands. have on homeowners, many of whose These lawyers continue to get richer ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- loans and homes have been backed by as Montana’s landscape goes up in peared to have it. GSEs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, smoke and taxpayer funds are wasted. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I de- and even as we project out into the fu- This same amendment passed the mand a recorded vote. ture, having Federal bases there where House last September, and I urge my The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to this concrete may have been used that colleagues to support this amendment clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- has impacted the people there in a dra- again. ceedings on the amendment offered by matic fashion. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Chairman, I re- the gentleman from Missouri will be As I indicated, nobody knows more serve the right to close. postponed. about this issue and has studied it Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Chair- AMENDMENT NO. 71 OFFERED BY MR. LARSON OF more thoroughly than Congressman man, I yield such time as he may con- CONNECTICUT JOE COURTNEY from the Second Con- sume to the gentleman from California The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order gressional District. (Mr. CALVERT), who is the sub- to consider amendment No. 71 printed Mr. Chairman, I yield such time as he committee chairman. in House Report 115–830. may consume to the gentleman from Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Chairman, I rise Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Connecticut (Mr. COURTNEY) to explain in support of the gentleman’s amend- Chairman, I have an amendment at the further the issue of crumbling founda- ment. Suing the government and set- desk. tions. tling has become a lucrative business The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Chairman, I that is supported by taxpayer dollars. designate the amendment. thank Mr. LARSON for yielding and, The Endangered Species Act, for exam- The text of the amendment is as fol- again, for offering this amendment, ple, has become wrapped around the lows: which has been part of a number of ini- axle of the judicial system by excessive Page 148, line 3, after the dollar amount, tiatives that we have worked on jointly litigation. insert ‘‘(reduced by $100,000) (increased by together to deal with this issue. We are essentially paying people to $100,000)’’. Again, for the record, just to clarify sue the Federal Government. This The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to what is going on here, a concrete quar- needs to stop. House Resolution 996, the gentleman ry up in north central Connecticut,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.156 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6531 which had been mining aggregate for Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of nesses, create jobs, and promote vital foundations in homes, it turned out my time. economic development in Native com- there was a material called pyrrhotite, The Acting CHAIR. The question is munities. which is an iron sulfide material that, on the amendment offered by the gen- I would like to thank the Native over time, when it is exposed to mois- tleman from Connecticut (Mr. LARSON). CDFI Network and the amendment’s ture, rusts and cracks in a sickening The amendment was agreed to. cosponsors, Representative GWEN fashion and results in the total col- AMENDMENT NO. 72 OFFERED BY MR. YOUNG OF MOORE, COLLEEN HANABUSA, and TULSI lapse of home foundations. ALASKA GABBARD. The estimate is as high as 19,000 The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Mr. Chairman, I yield to the gentle- homes have had foundations using ma- to consider amendment No. 72 printed woman from Hawaii (Ms. GABBARD). terial from this quarry. As the gen- in House Report 115–830. Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Chair, I thank tleman pointed out, this has also oc- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- my colleague for introducing this curred in western Massachusetts. It man, I have an amendment at the desk. amendment of which I am a proud co- goes as far north, actually, as Three The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will sponsor. This amendment provides additional Rivers, Quebec, because it is a strain of designate the amendment. funding for the Native American CDFI pyrrhotite that runs from Canada down The text of the amendment is as fol- Assistance Program, also known as through New England. lows: NACA, which supports critical eco- This picture shows vividly the dam- Page 156, line 2, after the dollar amount, nomic development in Native commu- age caused to a home in Coventry, Con- insert ‘‘(increased by $2,000,000)’’. nities like mine in Hawaii, those in necticut, where the repairs require you Page 157, line 13, after the dollar amount, Alaska, and communities all across the to lift the house, clean out the old insert ‘‘(increased by $2,000,000)’’. country which already face significant foundation, pour a new foundation, Page 221, line 13, after the dollar amount, barriers to accessing financial main- and, again, lower the house back. It insert ‘‘(reduced by $2,000,000)’’. Page 224, line 19, after the dollar amount, stream services and capital. costs roughly about $200,000. insert ‘‘(reduced by $2,000,000)’’. NACA accounts for a small portion of We were able to secure a tax ruling The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to the CDFIs, but it provides significant from the Treasury Department that al- support to Native CDFIs, including Na- lows individuals like this homeowner House Resolution 996, the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) and a Mem- tive Hawaii organizations in my home in the picture to basically deduct those State of Hawaii. losses, which, again, is some relief. ber opposed each will control 5 min- utes. Of the $22.7 million in CDFI awards Frankly, there is more that we need made to Hawaii since the fund was to bring to the table. The gentleman’s The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Alaska. launched, 41 percent of total dollars amendment would allow the Federal awarded came from this NACA Pro- regulators that set up the rules for Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- man, I rise in support of my amend- gram. It has funded organizations like lending banks and institutions to get the Council for Native Hawaiian Ad- some flexibility for loan-to-value ratio ment No. 72 to provide additional fund- ing for the Native American CDFI As- vancement, which supports Native Ha- rules that occur when there are natural waiian communities with homeowner- disasters. sistance Program. This program supports critical eco- ship counseling and mortgage loans, b 2000 nomic development in Native commu- small business access to capital, and Again, in Federal natural disasters in nities, which face significant barriers loans to farmers and ranchers. While the NACA Program is unable places like Florida and Texas, there is to accessing basic financial services to meet the demand by qualified Na- some flexibility to allow homeowners and capital. For example, almost all tive CDFIs at its current funding level, to get a loan perhaps above the loan- Alaska Native villages in my State do a cut to NACA in FY 2019 would be es- to-value ratios so they can, again, basi- not have banks and are not connected pecially devastating to our Nation’s cally conduct repairs to make their to the road system. impoverished and underserved Native houses habitable again. This amend- The Native program provides finan- communities. ment will set up that process. cial assistance and technical assistance I urge my colleagues to join my col- Secretary Mnuchin, as the gentleman awards on a competitive basis to Na- league from Hawaii, Representative and I know we have met with person- tive CDFIs, allowing them to effec- COLLEEN HANABUSA, and me to support ally, would be the Department that tively build wealth and further eco- this noncontroversial, bipartisan would organize this task force that the nomic self-determines in Native com- amendment to restore funding to amendment contemplates. munities. NACA. Again, it is something which the These mission-driven Native organi- The amendment, when considered banking industry in Connecticut and zations are working to finance busi- with Representative PALAZZO’s CDFI Massachusetts has expressed a strong nesses, create jobs, expand and improve amendment, would restore NACA to interest in basically allowing some re- affordable housing options, and much the current enacted level of $16 million lief for homeowners who, again, have more. so that Native CDFIs may continue poured their heart and soul into their The Native program accounts for a growing small businesses, creating homes to be able to recover their small portion of the fund’s overall jobs, and promoting vital economic op- losses. budget but has a significant positive portunity and development in Native I thank the gentleman for offering impact, which includes empowering communities. this amendment. We had a similar Alaska Natives to improve their eco- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- amendment last night that was adopt- nomic well-being in my home State. man, I thank the gentlewoman for her ed by Mr. CALVERT. Again, I want to Without my amendment, a cut to the comments. This is a good amendment thank the majority for their under- Native program in FY 2019 would be es- to this bill, and I yield back the bal- standing on this issue. pecially devastating to our Nation’s ance of my time. Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. impoverished and underserved Native The Acting CHAIR. The question is Chair, I would also like to thank Sec- communities. on the amendment offered by the gen- retary Mnuchin again for his out- I urge my colleagues to support this tleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG). standing work, his understanding and noncontroversial bipartisan amend- The amendment was agreed to. empathy, and the prompt manner in ment to restore funding for the Native AMENDMENT NO. 73 OFFERED BY MS. MICHELLE which they have taken up what, as you program. LUJAN GRISHAM OF NEW MEXICO can imagine for these homeowners, is My amendment, when considered The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order just catastrophic in nature. We want to with Representative STEVEN PALAZZO’s to consider amendment No. 73 printed commend him and also the Tax Advo- CDFI amendment, would restore the in House Report 115–830. cate as well for their testimony before program to the current enacted level of Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of the Ways and Means Committee on this $16 million so the Native organizations New Mexico. Mr. Chairman, I have an very important issue. may continue growing small busi- amendment at the desk.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.159 H18JYPT1 H6532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of I am particularly pleased to note designate the amendment. my time. that the Bank Enterprise Award Pro- The text of the amendment is as fol- The Acting CHAIR. The question is gram and Healthy Food Financing Ini- lows: on the amendment offered by the gen- tiative received some of the funding, Page 156, line 2, after the dollar amount, tlewoman from New Mexico (Ms. although I would like to point out that insert ‘‘(increased by $5,000,000)’’. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM). this increase alone does not bring any Page 221, line 13, after the dollar amount, The amendment was agreed to. of the individual programs to their en- insert ‘‘(reduced by $5,000,000)’’. AMENDMENT NO. 74 OFFERED BY MR. PALAZZO acted levels and still leaves CDFI $34 Page 224, line 19, after the dollar amount, The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order million, or 14 percent, below the cur- insert ‘‘(reduced by $5,000,000)’’. to consider amendment No. 74 printed rent level. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to in House Report 115–830. I urge support of the amendment and House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Chairman, I have hope that we will be able to work to- from New Mexico (Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN an amendment at the desk. wards getting the CDFI the additional GRISHAM) and a Member opposed each The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will increases it needs in conference. will control 5 minutes. designate the amendment. Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of The Chair recognizes the gentle- The text of the amendment is as fol- my time. woman from New Mexico. lows: Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Chairman, I Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of Page 156, line 4, after the dollar amount, thank the gentleman for his remarks. New Mexico. Mr. Chair, my amendment insert ‘‘(increased by $17,000,000)’’. Seeing no other speakers, I would increases funding for community devel- Page 157, line 13, after the dollar amount, like to thank the chairman and rank- opment financial institutions, CDFIs. insert ‘‘(increased by $1,000,000)’’. ing member for their support in com- CDFIs are critical to New Mexican Page 158, line 1, after the dollar amount, mittee for restoring the funds. communities because they provide fi- insert ‘‘(increased by $4,000,000)’’. Mr. Chairman, I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote Page 158, line 4, after the dollar amount, nancial products like loans, invest- insert ‘‘(increased by $3,000,000)’’. on my amendment, and I yield back ments, and tax credits to underserved the balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to communities, including poor, rural, The Acting CHAIR. The question is House Resolution 996, the gentleman and Tribal areas. on the amendment offered by the gen- from Mississippi (Mr. PALAZZO) and a This helps New Mexican entre- tleman from Mississippi (Mr. PALAZZO). Member opposed each will control 5 preneurs obtain capital to start and The amendment was agreed to. minutes. AMENDMENT NO. 75 OFFERED BY MR. SOTO grow small businesses. It enables pueb- The Chair recognizes the gentleman los to build housing, and it provides ac- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order from Mississippi. to consider amendment No. 75 printed cess to economic development opportu- Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Chairman, this nities for rural communities through- in House Report 115–830. amendment is very simple. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Chair, I have an out my State. During committee markup of this There are currently 19 CDFIs in New amendment at the desk. bill, we were successful in adding a res- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mexico, which have received $48 mil- toration of $25 million to the CDFI lion in Federal grants since 1996. In designate the amendment. fund. Because of the way the amend- The text of the amendment is as fol- total, CDFIs have provided 14,700 loans ment was drafted in committee, this lows: worth more than $830 million for New secondary amendment is necessary to Mexico communities, organizations, Page 160, line 3, insert ‘‘(increased by designate the individual funds within $1,000,000)’’ before ‘‘shall’’. and individuals. On average, every dol- the CDFI account. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to lar in CDFI funding can be leveraged The CDFI banks that this amend- for 12 times that amount. House Resolution 996, the gentleman ment seeks to assist provide essential from Florida (Mr. SOTO) and a Member It should come as no surprise just financial products to underserved popu- how critical this funding is for the eco- opposed each will control 5 minutes. lations, often the poorest of the poor. The Chair recognizes the gentleman nomic development of my State, which Additionally, financial literacy edu- from Florida. is still struggling to recover from the cation provided by CDFI banks is an Mr. SOTO. Mr. Chair, my amendment recession. invaluable service to our most at-risk would increase funding for the Tax For example, when no other lenders and disadvantaged communities across Counseling for the Elderly Program by would give them a loan, the Clinica la the Nation. $1 million. Esperanza in the South Valley received Again, this amendment is purely For this amendment, we are not tak- a $31,000 loan from the Accion CDFI to clerical in nature and ensures that the ing the $1 million from any other ac- provide much-needed primary care to $25 million added at committee mark- count. Rather, there is a $2.4 billion ac- residents in the South Valley. A few up is equitably distributed between the count for taxpayer services, and this years later, the clinic received an addi- separate CDFI funds so it can do the simply adds to the carveout from that tional $76,000 from Accion to move to a most good for our most needy. total for Tax Counseling for the Elder- larger location in order to serve a larg- Mr. Chair, I ask the House to pass ly. er client base of 3,800 patients. this amendment to ensure these reach Another example of CDFI lending is their intended recipients, and I reserve b 2015 Tiwa Lending Services, which provides the balance of my time. This amendment is identical to an loans and financial education to the Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Chair, I claim the amendment I offered last year that Pueblo of Isleta and other surrounding time in opposition, although I do not passed this body by a voice vote, and I Native American communities. oppose the amendment. urge my colleagues to support this And just last month, Clearinghouse The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- amendment again this year. CDFI received a $3.2 million grant to tion, the gentleman from Illinois is The Tax Counseling for the Elderly build affordable housing in several recognized for 5 minutes. program offers free tax help for indi- States, including New Mexico. There was no objection. viduals who are aged 60 or older. Coop- Mr. Chairman, the evidence is clear. Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Chairman, I rise erative grant agreements are entered CDFIs have proven to be successful in support of this amendment. into between the IRS and eligible orga- drivers of economic growth and devel- I was disappointed that this bill nizations to provide tax assistance to opment in underserved areas. They cre- originally cut CDFI by $59 million and elderly taxpayers. These funds provided ate jobs, provide American oppor- was very supportive of the full com- by the IRS are used by organizations to tunity, and stimulate growth. mittee amendment that Mr. PALAZZO reimburse volunteers for their out-of- I urge my colleagues to support my offered to add $25 million to the pro- pocket expenses, including transpor- amendment to increase funding for gram, which passed with bipartisan tation, meals, and other expenses in- CDFIs to help spur economic develop- support. This amendment simply allo- curred by them in providing tax coun- ment in communities throughout the cates that increase among the various seling assistance at locations conven- country. worthy programs in CDFI. ient to the taxpayer.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.163 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6533 This amendment will restore funding The Acting CHAIR. The question is receiving hundreds of millions of dol- to this program at the level that on the amendment offered by the gen- lars in unreported, secret donations. passed both the House last year and the tleman from Florida (Mr. SOTO). Dark money is strangling our democ- Congress in the Consolidated Appro- The amendment was agreed to. racy and silencing the will of the priations Act of 2018. AMENDMENT NO. 77 OFFERED BY MR. CARBAJAL American people. Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order In the 2012 presidential election, support this amendment; I thank the to consider amendment No. 77 printed dark-money groups such as these spent chairman for his support; and I yield in House Report 115–830. over a quarter of a billion dollars on back the balance of my time. Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chair, I have an partisan political advertising and other The Acting CHAIR. The question is amendment at the desk. campaign activities. In 2014, we saw the on the amendment offered by the gen- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will greatest wave of secret, special-inter- tleman from Florida (Mr. SOTO). designate the amendment. est money ever raised in a congres- The amendment was agreed to. The text of the amendment is as fol- sional election. AMENDMENT NO. 76 OFFERED BY MR. SOTO lows: Moreover, in 2016, dark-money groups The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Strike section 125 of title I of division B. spent nearly 10 times what they did the to consider amendment No. 76 printed The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to previous cycle, totaling over $1.1 bil- in House Report 115–830. House Resolution 996, the gentleman lion, and that pattern of undisclosed Mr. SOTO. Mr. Chairman, I have an from California (Mr. CARBAJAL) and a political spending continues to grow amendment at the desk. Member opposed each will control 5 this year. These political nonprofit or- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ganizations are receiving tax-exempt designate the amendment. minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman treatment and are being allowed to The text of the amendment is as fol- corrupt Federal tax law meant to help lows: from California. Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chairman, this social welfare organizations like volun- Page 160, line 13, after the dollar amount, teer firefighters, rotary clubs, and insert ‘‘(increased by $500,000)’’. week President Trump’s Treasury Sec- retary, Steven Mnuchin, decided that other community service groups. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to the agency will no longer collect infor- Our current election laws make it House Resolution 996, the gentleman mation on donations to political non- impossible to know where this money from Florida (Mr. SOTO) and a Member profits. is coming from or if it is coming from opposed each will control 5 minutes. foreign adversaries, like we saw re- The Chair recognizes the gentleman This administration will no longer require 501(c)(4) organizations to dis- cently with the NRA. This amendment from Florida. is not partisan and will only continue Mr. SOTO. Mr. Chair, my amendment close their donors, including groups like the National Rifle Association, the to allow the IRS to identify nonprofits would increase funding for the IRS’s that are spending significant amounts identity theft and refund fraud case- NRA, that operates as a nonprofit, but also spends millions of dollars each of their money to influence our elec- work by $500,000. For this amendment, tions, regardless of their party affili- year on lobbying and advertising to in- we are not taking the $500,000 from any ation. fluence our elections. account. Rather, there is a $2.4 billion Mr. Chairman, at this pivotal mo- This announcement comes the same account for Taxpayer Services, and ment in our democracy, I urge my col- week that the Department of Justice this simply adds to the carveout from leagues who are serious about draining arrested and charged a known Russian that total for the Taxpayer Advocate the swamp to take this small step to- foreign agent who had infiltrated the Services identity theft and refund wards increased transparency in our NRA, an organization that has received fraud casework. political process. This amendment will restore funding thousands of dollars from Russian na- Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of to this program at the level that tionals since 2015. The Treasury Sec- my time. passed the Congress in the Consoli- retary’s decision this week only thick- Mr. GRAVES of Georgia. Mr. Chair- dated Appropriations Act of 2018. ens the swamp by unleashing a new op- man, I rise in opposition to the amend- Last year, there were 597,000 tax re- portunity for dark money and money ment. turns with confirmed identity theft, re- from foreign powers to continue to The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman sulting in $6 billion in taxpayer refunds flood our upcoming midterm elections. from Georgia is recognized for 5 min- being affected. I believe that we need more trans- utes. Identity theft can be frustrating and parency in our elections, not less. Mr. GRAVES of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I confusing to victims. While identity While super PACs are currently re- thank the gentleman from California. thieves steal information from sources quired to disclose donors, now 501(c)(4)s We have carried this provision the past outside the tax system, the IRS is are not. If you were a donor looking to 3 years in this very same bill. In fact, often the first to inform a victim that influence elections and wanted to hide it has been signed into law, not only by their identity has been stolen. The IRS your identity, the underlying bill is President Trump, but also by President is working hard to resolve identity currently making 501(c)(4) organiza- Barack Obama. It has been bipartisan theft cases as quickly as possible and tions an even more attractive way to in nature. has made considerable progress at clos- conceal contributions. Retaining section 125 continues the ing backlogs; however, more work re- There is a provision in today’s appro- current state of affairs as we know it mains. priations package that prohibits the today on this very, very sensitive Fighting identity theft is an ongoing IRS—prohibits the IRS—from issuing issue. The IRS has limited resources at battle, as identity thieves continue to guidance on whether an organization is this time, but a lot of demands on create new ways of stealing personal operating exclusively for the pro- them. Taking this section away and information and using it for their gain. motion of social welfare purposes, as impacting this regulation that clearly Identity theft cases are among the written in the IRS code for 501(c)(4) everyone hates—we should have the most complex handled by the IRS. The nonprofits, to ensure that no one is IRS use their resources for the things IRS is continually reviewing processes abusing our Tax Code to influence our that it should be intended for: re- and policies to minimize instances of elections. sources to improve customer service, identity theft and to help those who My amendment simply strikes out to implement tax reform law that we find themselves victimized. that provision so that the IRS may recently passed, reducing tax fraud, We, as a Congress, should be giving issue guidance differentiating which and moving ahead in this new tax sea- the IRS the resources necessary to groups are truly social welfare organi- son. close backlogs and help our constitu- zations with a charitable mission from Mr. Chairman, reluctantly, I have to ents as expeditiously as possible. political organizations abusing our rise in opposition and ask that we con- Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to nonprofit tax laws to hide their polit- tinue the current law as it stands support this amendment; I thank the ical donors from the public. today. chairman for his support; and I yield More and more, our elections are Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of back the balance of my time. being driven by organizations that are my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.169 H18JYPT1 H6534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chair, I appre- Mr. Chairman, I know that many of Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Chair- ciate the feedback from my colleague. my colleagues are having similar dis- man, I yield myself such time as I may Mr. Chair, this will not detour or cussions in their district, so they un- consume. take away from the efficiency of the derstand just how serious this issue is I rise in support of this bipartisan focus of work and spending of resources becoming for the safety and the secu- amendment, which I am proud to by the IRS. This only does a funda- rity of the American people. It is no se- colead with the Congressman from mental thing, and that is provide for cret that the spread of illegal drugs California (Mr. KNIGHT), the Congress- more disclosure and transparency to throughout west Tennessee and across man from Pennsylvania (Mr. ensure that the American public has the Nation leads to higher crime rates, FITZPATRICK), and the Congressman sunshine on who is spending what re- which ultimately increases the finan- from Nebraska (Mr. BACON). sources through which organizations. cial strain on our local, State, and Fed- This amendment would provide addi- This amendment merely provides that eral law enforcement. tional support for two important and transparency. We must do more to support law en- successful initiatives overseen by the Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- forcement in this fight. This amend- U.S. Small Business Administration. ance of my time. ment will provide necessary funds for First, it would increase funding for Mr. GRAVES of Georgia. Mr. Chair- additional equipment and man-hours to SBA Women’s Business Centers by man, I’ll close with this. I appreciate conduct and carry out lengthy inves- $600,000. This amendment builds on a the gentleman’s sentiments towards tigations to arrest these drug traf- successful floor amendment I offered to how the IRS should use their resources. fickers. The brave men and women in last year’s bill, which boosted funding Being a member of the Appropria- uniform are working tirelessly on the for WBCs by $1 million. If our amendment is adopted, the tions Committee and a member of this front lines to combat the opioid epi- House would provide a total of $19 mil- subcommittee my entire time on the demic, and we can’t afford to simply sit lion for WBCs, a substantial funding full committee, I can assure you that back and watch. level that I will work to retain when the IRS is operating at a level that was We also must think of the resources the House and the Senate meet to rec- not last seen since about 2011. Their re- needed to battle the drug addiction epi- oncile their respective bills. sources are tremendously limited at demic, such as the opioid crisis. The this time, and we would prefer that There are more than 100 Women’s extra funding will take major steps to Business Centers located across the they focus on customer service and im- target these high-risk areas in a front- plementing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act country, each operated by a local non- end approach to preventing the spread profit organization that receives finan- that we recently passed. of the opioid crisis in our communities. Mr. Chair, I’ll continue to oppose the cial support from SBA and others. We must be proactive now, because pre- These WBCs provide business training, gentleman’s amendment, ask the vention is the best long-term solution. House to do the same, and I yield back counseling, and mentoring geared to I am a former United States attor- women, especially those who are so- the balance of my time. ney, and I have seen firsthand how The Acting CHAIR. The question is cially and economically disadvantaged. much these funds can make a huge dif- Every WBC tailors its services to the on the amendment offered by the gen- ference in forward progress. I believe tleman from California (Mr. specific needs of the community in that funding the High Intensity Drug which it is located, but all provide CARBAJAL). Trafficking Area program is a good The amendment was rejected. training in finance, management, and first step to supporting our law en- marketing. They also help clients uti- AMENDMENT NO. 78 OFFERED BY MR. KUSTOFF forcement and combating rampant OF TENNESSEE lize SBA’s suite of capital, counseling, opioid epidemics. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order and contracting programs. Law enforcement at the local, State, My central Florida district is home to consider amendment No. 78 printed and Federal level have expressed sup- to many talented entrepreneurs, and, in House Report 115–830. port for this amendment, and I urge Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Mr. yet, it currently lacks a WBC. If this my colleagues to do the same today. Chairman, I have an amendment at the amendment is adopted, it will increase I also want to thank my colleagues, desk. the number of WBCs that can be estab- Mrs. COMSTOCK C INLEY The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will and Mr. M K , for lished nationwide and increase the designate the amendment. their hard work and support of this chances that a WBC will be established The text of the amendment is as fol- amendment. in the Orlando area. This would help lows: Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- many of my constituents start or grow ance of my time. Page 185, line 8, after the dollar amount in- their small businesses and, in doing so, sert ‘‘(increase by $5,000,000)’’. b 2030 further strengthen our local economy. Page 221, line 13, after the dollar amount In addition, our amendment would insert ‘‘(reduced by $5,000,000)’’. The Acting CHAIR. The question is increase funding for SBA’s Veterans Page 224, line 19, after the dollar amount on the amendment offered by the gen- Outreach programs by $400,000, from insert ‘‘(reduced by $5,000,000)’’. tleman from Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF). $12.3 million to $12.7 million. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to The amendment was agreed to. Each year, SBA uses these resources House Resolution 996, the gentleman AMENDMENT NO. 79 OFFERED BY MRS. MURPHY to serve more than 200,000 veterans and from Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF) and a OF FLORIDA their families, including service-dis- Member opposed each will control 5 The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order abled veterans. SBA provides veterans minutes. to consider amendment No. 79 printed with business training and mentorship, The Chair recognizes the gentleman in House Report 115–830. and helps them obtain loans, apply for from Tennessee. Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Chair- Federal contracts, and cultivate con- Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Mr. man, I have an amendment at the desk. nections with commercial supply Chairman, I rise today in support of The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will chains. my amendment to increase funding for designate the amendment. My support for these investments in the High Intensity Drug Trafficking The text of the amendment is as fol- our veterans is rooted in the belief that Areas program by $5 million. lows: servicemembers have fought for our I have had numerous conversations Page 246, line 16, after the dollar amount, Nation, and, we, as a Nation, must with law enforcement throughout my insert ‘‘(reduced by $1,000,000) (increased by fight for them, both while they are in district, and it is crystal clear that the $1,000,000)’’. the military and once they transition opioid epidemic continues to be one of The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to to civilian life. their primary concerns. Our drug task House Resolution 996, the gentlewoman Our amendment does not increase the forces in the Eighth Congressional Dis- from Florida (Mrs. MURPHY) and a total amount of founding appropriated trict desperately need these resources, Member opposed each will control 5 by Congress in the bill, and it enhances as we have seen a spike in narcotics minutes. support for WBCs and veterans pro- trafficking along Interstate 40 in Ten- The Chair recognizes the gentle- grams without reducing support for nessee. woman from Florida. any other priorities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.173 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6535 I thank the Rules Committee for al- is underutilized because a lot of lenders The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens lowing the House to consider this bi- don’t understand the unique nature of United decision means that corpora- partisan amendment. I respectfully ask employee-owned businesses, especially tions, even foreign-controlled corpora- my colleagues on both sides of the aisle smaller banks. tions, are now allowed to spend unlim- to support it. ESOPs can be a very compelling ited amounts of money to influence Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- model, as can the other models of em- American elections. ance of my time. ployee ownership. There are a number Publicly traded corporations can buy The Acting CHAIR. The question is of successful employee-owned compa- millions of dollars’ worth of TV, social on the amendment offered by the gen- nies in the district I am honored to media, and radio ads without disclosing tlewoman from Florida (Mrs. MURPHY). represent in northern Colorado, includ- their political expenditures to their The amendment was agreed to. ing New Belgium Brewing. shareholders. This outside spending in AMENDMENT NO. 80 OFFERED BY MR. POLIS SBA loans are actually a critical part our elections has created a greater The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order of helping companies make that transi- need for Members to raise more money to consider amendment No. 80 printed tion to employee ownership, especially for their campaigns and less time legis- in House Report 115–830. for small and midsized enterprises. lating. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, I have an I encourage the adoption of my This has eroded the public’s faith in amendment at the desk. amendment to help employee-owned our institutions and is damaging to our The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will businesses access financing options democracy. Families in my district and designate the amendment. that will help small businesses grow, across the country are concerned about The text of the amendment is as fol- and help our communities retain com- paying their children’s tuition or med- lows: munity, local employee ownership of ical bills, not spending thousands of Page 248, line 17, after the dollar amount, small businesses. I encourage my col- dollars to influence Federal elections. insert ‘‘(reduced by $1,000,000) (increased by leagues on both sides of the aisle to Their voices shouldn’t be drowned out $1,000,000)’’. support this amendment to highlight by millions of dollars of secret special- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to the role that SBA can play in making interest advertising from corporations. House Resolution 996, the gentleman employee ownership options a real-life A corporation’s main goal is to make from Colorado (Mr. POLIS) and a Mem- occurrence for more companies and a profit, not to improve the quality of ber opposed each will control 5 min- people across our country. life for all Americans. They shouldn’t utes. Mr. Chairman, of course, there are a have a say in our elections without The Chair recognizes the gentleman number of pieces of legislation, many their shareholders and the public from Colorado. of them bipartisan, under the jurisdic- knowing about it. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, I rise in tion of different committees with re- That is why we cannot muzzle the support of my amendment. Employee- gard to how we can remove barriers to SEC’s ability to issue rules regarding owned businesses are uniquely struc- employee ownership in our economy. disclosures for publicly traded corpora- tured where the employer and the But this simple one before us today tions on all their political expendi- shareholders and the executives ben- would simply encourage the SBA to tures. Stockholders and voters have efit, as well as the workers. provide technical assistance under cur- been clear: They want to know the de- There are different forms of making rent authorized, funded programs, to tails of the political donations of the sure that employees can participate in help make sure that there is a greater companies they own and give their the success and capital growth of a awareness about the opportunities of business to. In fact, more than 1.2 mil- company. Those include co-ops, co- employee ownership, both for economic lion comments have been submitted to operatives; ESOPs, which stands for productivity as well as for reducing the the SEC requesting that they require employee stock ownership plans; stock equity and wage gap in our country. political disclosure by publicly traded options; profit sharing. There are a Mr. Chairman, I urge adoption, and I companies. That is the largest number number of ways to do it. yield back the balance of my time. of comments on a rule in the history of But some of the key findings are The Acting CHAIR. The question is the agency. that, over time, employees at em- on the amendment offered by the gen- ployee-owned businesses, whether they Congress should stop standing in the tleman from Colorado (Mr. POLIS). way of the SEC’s mission, which is to are partially or entirely owned by em- The amendment was agreed to. ployees, have greater success. The com- provide transparency to the markets AMENDMENT NO. 81 OFFERED BY MR. CARBAJAL panies do better and the workers do and the public. This amendment does The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order better: higher wages; more savings for not infringe on a corporation’s right to to consider amendment No. 81 printed retirement; more sustainability; and spend money on political activity. It in House Report 115–830. more profitability as an enterprise, be- would just allow the SEC to disclose Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chairman, I rise cause it improves retention rates and what money is being spent. as the designee for the gentleman from employee morale. This is yet another opportunity for I think that employee-owned busi- Massachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO), and I my Republican colleagues to prevent nesses are an important market-ori- have an amendment at the desk. special interests from gaining even ented mechanism to reduce the wage The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will more pull in Washington and begin gap between executives, shareholders, designate the amendment. draining that swamp. This should not and workers. But it can be difficult for The text of the amendment is as fol- be a Democrat or a Republican issue, a business to transition to an em- lows: and it goes to the heart of our democ- ployee-ownership model or a business Page 264, strike lines 13 through 18. racy and maintaining a government structure that allows for accessing fi- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to that is of, by, and for the American nancing and capital markets to make House Resolution 996, the gentleman people. that transition happen. from California (Mr. CARBAJAL) and a Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues That is why I am sponsoring this Member opposed each will control 5 to adopt this amendment, and I reserve amendment today to encourage the minutes. the balance of my time. Small Business Administration to pro- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I vide technical assistance, as well as from California. claim the time in opposition to the education and outreach about existing Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chairman, this amendment. programs, one of which is called the amendment strikes section 628 of the The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman loan guarantee program, which is underlying bill prohibiting the Securi- from Michigan is recognized for 5 min- available to employee-owned busi- ties and Exchange Commission, SEC, utes. nesses. from issuing rules on disclosures for Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, since SBA loans are a critical resource for corporations spending money to influ- the courts have weighed in, Democrats many small businesses, and the em- ence our elections, primarily through have been attempting to use the securi- ployee-owned loan guarantee program paid advertising. ties laws to mandate the disclosure of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.177 H18JYPT1 H6536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 companies’ political spending activi- not restrict free speech or the ability partisan amendment to halt the sale ties in order to name and shame com- of corporations to engage in political and marketing of Plum Island, New panies from engaging in such free activity. It only allows the SEC to re- York, by the General Services Admin- speech activity. quire disclosure of corporate political istration. Time and time again, when the issue spending, a little bit of transparency Situated at the gateway of the Long of political disclosure has come up as a providing disclosure to the public, so Island Sound, Plum Island is a treasure shareholder proposal at every com- that they clearly know the companies for our local community in both New pany’s annual proxy meeting where it that they are investing their money in. York and Connecticut. As a critical re- has been proposed, it has been shot Moreover, more than 150 large com- source for research, approximately 90 down. It has been defeated. panies, including more than half of the percent of the land on Plum Island has In fact, according to Proxy Monitor, companies in the S&P 100, are dis- been sheltered from development, pro- the average percentage vote in favor of closing their political spending al- tecting the diverse ecosystem of Long a political disclosure shareholder pro- ready. Investors have filed over 300 Island Sound and critical habitat for posal in 2016 was just 23 percent sup- shareholder proposals since 2011 asking migratory birds, marine mammals, and port. Shareholders have repeatedly companies to disclose political spend- rare plants. With recorded history dat- weighed in against requiring disclosure ing. This is all about transparency and ing back to the 1700s, Plum Island is of this information and do not believe protecting our democracy. We should also an essential cultural and histor- it is important in making their own in- not be scared of giving the public more ical resource. vestment decisions regarding that information. Since World War II, Plum Island has company. Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- been utilized as a resource laboratory. Our securities laws and disclosure re- ance of my time. The facility, which has been under Fed- quirements have always centered on Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I will eral jurisdiction since 1899, has since the concept of materiality, as deter- repeat a couple of things very briefly. grown to become what is known today mined by the Supreme Court, whether All of these proxy proposals have gar- as the Plum Island Animal Disease an omitted fact is material by looking nered 23 percent, average, support, so Center. at ‘‘whether there is a substantial like- there is not widespread support among In 2005, the Department of Homeland lihood that a reasonable shareholder the investors. Security, which currently has jurisdic- would consider it important in deciding And again, I will repeat that three- tion over the island, announced that how to vote.’’ pronged mission that the Securities the Animal Disease Center would be moved to a new Federal facility in In fact, under the Obama administra- and Exchange Commission has: ‘‘pro- Kansas. To offset the cost of this relo- tion, former SEC Chair Mary Jo White tect investors; maintain fair, orderly, cation, a law was enacted in 2008 that declined to advance a political disclo- and efficient markets; and facilitate called for the private sale of Plum Is- sure rule, stating it was ‘‘not one of the capital formation.’’ This particular ef- priorities we are advancing.’’ land to the highest bidder. fort does none of those things, ad- The traditional interagency con- Additionally, former Chair White was vances none of those things, and that is vocal about ensuring that disclosures sultation process regarding the dis- why I oppose the amendment. posal of Federal property was bypassed, were not causing informational over- Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- load for investors. As a member of the fast-tracking the potential sale of this ance of my time. island without consulting the local Financial Services Committee, we The Acting CHAIR. The question is heard repeated—repeated—testimony community or other Federal agencies. on the amendment offered by the gen- This statutory mandate was also based on that fact. tleman from California (Mr. This provision to prevent the SEC on a false assumption that a sale could CARBAJAL). offset the cost of the new facility, when from issuing a political disclosure rule The question was taken; and the Act- has continually been part of appropria- the true value of the island, including ing Chair announced that the noes ap- cleanup costs, still are not clear. tions packages that have been signed peared to have it. into law by Presidents of both parties The town of Southold, New York, has Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chairman, I de- local jurisdiction over the island and and should continue to stay as part of mand a recorded vote. this package. has passed ordinances preventing any The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to private development. This factor, cou- b 2045 clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- pled with the significant cleanup and Now, earlier you heard that the mis- ceedings on the amendment offered by environmental mitigation costs associ- sion of the SEC is to provide trans- the gentleman from California will be ated with closing this facility, gives parency. Let me read exactly what the postponed. Plum Island little to no commercial mission of the Securities and Exchange AMENDMENT NO. 82 OFFERED BY MR. ZELDIN value. Commission is: The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Furthermore, according to a DHS re- ‘‘The mission of the U.S. Securities to consider amendment No. 82 printed port issued in April of 2016, the new and Exchange Commission is to protect in House Report 115–830. site in Manhattan, Kansas, is already investors; maintain fair, orderly, and Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Chairman, I have fully paid for through a combination of efficient markets; and facilitate cap- an amendment at the desk. Federal appropriations and State fund- ital formation.’’ The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ing. This simply does not fit into that tri- designate the amendment. Allowing for continued research, pub- partite mission of the Securities and The text of the amendment is as fol- lic access, and permanent preservation Exchange Commission. lows: of the island is a priority shared by Now, with that being said, nothing— At the end of division B (before the short elected officials, conservation groups, and let me repeat that, nothing—pre- title), insert the following: and local residents on both sides of the vents companies from voluntarily re- SEC. ll. None of the funds appropriated sound. porting this information if they believe by this Act may be used to enforce section The GSA must stop advancing the that it is important for them to make 540 of Public Law 110–329 (122 Stat. 3688) or sale of this island and stop wasting such disclosures or for their share- section 538 of Public Law 112–74 (125 Stat. 976; taxpayer money on retaining expensive holders to also vote that way. 6 U.S.C. 190 note). real estate firms in violation of the So all companies, private and public, The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to will of the people and in spite of pend- should remain free to do just that: House Resolution 996, the gentleman ing litigation over this proposed sale. make that decision as they decide is from New York (Mr. ZELDIN) and a This amendment allows Congress to the best course for that particular Member opposed each will control 5 use the power of the purse to stop the company. minutes. GSA from marketing or selling the is- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance The Chair recognizes the gentleman land while we continue the fight for a of my time. from New York. permanent solution that will preserve Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Chairman, this Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Chairman, I rise the island for conservation and edu- is not about shaming anyone. This does today in support of my important bi- cation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.181 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6537 Mr. Chairman, this amendment Let me repeat. If a D.C. resident among other things, reducing the pen- passed the House on a bipartisan vote chooses not to purchase the govern- alty for failure to comply with the in- in 2016 as part of Financial Services ment-sanctioned health insurance plan dividual responsibility requirement to and General Government Appropria- or purchases health insurance that $0 in the recently enacted GOP tax tions. My similar stand-alone bill, the doesn’t meet the District of Columbia’s scam. The ACA remains standing and Plum Island Preservation Act, has also preferences, they will now have the au- popular, nevertheless, throughout the passed with unanimous support in the thority to impose a tax penalty or seize country. House now in two consecutive Con- and sell that person’s assets. Mr. PALMER has moved to sabotage, gresses. But it gets worse. therefore, the District of Columbia’s Mr. Chairman, I once again urge all Every plan available through the local health insurance market, too, and of my colleagues to support this bipar- D.C. Health Link covers elective abor- deny the 700,000 Federal taxpaying tisan amendment. tion, which means that the mandate Americans who live in the District of Mr. Chairman, in closing, I thank my forces individuals who don’t wish to Columbia access to quality, affordable partners from Connecticut, ROSA purchase this coverage to choose be- health insurance coverage. This antidemocratic healthcare DELAURO and JOE COURTNEY, for once tween violating their conscience and amendment is offered by Mr. PALMER again introducing this amendment facing a tax penalty or, even worse, of Alabama, who doesn’t live in and is with me. I also thank my additional having their property seized. not responsible to the people of the cosponsors from New York, KATHLEEN I am sure you will hear objections to District of Columbia, but answers to RICE, TOM SUOZZI, and JOHN FASO. The Congress meddling in District of Co- another district. I doubt that Rep- broad range of bipartisan support for lumbia affairs, but I will remind those resentative PALMER’s constituents objectors that Article I, section 8, this effort throughout our region shows want him taking time from their busi- clause 17 of the Constitution vests Con- what an important gem Plum Island is ness to meddle in the business of an- gress, not the D.C. City Council, with for our environment and for our his- other Member’s district. tory. the authority to exercise exclusive leg- This amendment would prohibit the Mr. Chairman, I urge adoption of this islation in all cases whatsoever regard- District from spending its own local amendment, and I yield back the bal- ing the District. funds, consisting solely of local taxes ance of my time. When the District of Columbia makes and fees, to carry out a local District The Acting CHAIR. The question is it a priority to force the residents to of Columbia bill that requires individ- on the amendment offered by the gen- buy insurance coverage they neither uals to maintain health coverage or to tleman from New York (Mr. ZELDIN). want nor need, it is incumbent upon pay a penalty for failure to do so. The amendment was agreed to. Congress to exercise their constitu- I remind the House that three States AMENDMENT NO. 83 OFFERED BY MR. PALMER tional authority and prohibit the use of have adopted this same approach. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order funds to carry out this policy. In response to Republican efforts to to consider amendment No. 83 printed Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance sabotage the ACA, the District of Co- in House Report 115–830. of my time. lumbia, like States across the country, Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, I have Ms. NORTON. Mr. Chairman, I claim decided to do what they could and, in an amendment at the desk. the time in strong opposition to this our case, convened a working group The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will amendment interfering in the local af- that consisted of businesses, providers, designate the amendment. fairs of the District of Columbia. consumers, and insurers on how to pre- The text of the amendment is as fol- The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman serve quality, affordable coverage lo- lows: from the District of Columbia is recog- cally. nized for 5 minutes. In February, the working group At the end of division B (before the short unanimously recommended creating a title), insert the following: Ms. NORTON. Mr. Chairman, you SEC. ll. None of the funds made available wouldn’t know it from hearing the local individual responsibility require- under title IV or title VIII of this Act may Member on the other side speak, but in ment—and I thought the other side was be used by the District of Columbia govern- 1973, Congress passed the bipartisan all about localism—and the District of ment to carry out the Health Insurance Re- District of Columbia Home Rule Act, Columbia Health Benefit Exchange Au- quirement Amendment Act of 2018 (subtitle which created a locally elected govern- thority Executive Board unanimously A of title V of the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget ment. According to the Home Rule Act, supported the recommendation. Support Act of 2018; D.C. Bill 22–753). a central purpose of the act was to ‘‘re- b 2100 The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to lieve Congress of the burden of legis- The District of Columbia Mayor then House Resolution 996, the gentleman lating upon essentially local District included an individual responsibility of from Alabama (Mr. PALMER) and a matters.’’ requirement in her budget, and the Member opposed each will control 5 In his signing statement of the Home D.C. Council debated and unanimously minutes. Rule Act, President Nixon wrote, ‘‘It passed the Health Insurance Require- The Chair recognizes the gentleman will give the people of the District of ment Amendment Act of 2018, as re- from Alabama. Columbia the right . . . to govern quired by Congress. Thus, D.C. will join Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, my themselves in local affairs. . . . ‘’ three States in requiring residents to amendment would prohibit funds from Yet the bill before us would either re- maintain health insurance coverage, being used to carry out the District of peal or block the District of Columbia and more States are considering doing Columbia’s Health Insurance Require- from carrying out or enacting five ment Amendment Act of 2018. This is the very same thing. local laws. I urge Members to vote ‘‘no’’ on this essentially the District’s version of I filed amendments to strike all of undemocratic, offensive, and harmful ObamaCare’s individual mandate with these undemocratic riders, but the amendment that would reduce enroll- a few important and troubling distinc- Rules Committee has blocked me from ment in the D.C. individual insurance tions. offering any of them on the floor, even market by 15 percent, and increase pre- The mandate requires that all resi- though they all complied with House miums. I ask the gentleman to stay dents of the District of Columbia pur- rules. I have gotten some of these out of the business of my district. chase government-sanctioned health amendments off in the past, and I in- I yield back the balance of my time. insurance or pay what the District tend to do so again, because this mat- Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, how calls a ‘‘shared responsibility pay- ter has to go to the Senate as well, Mr. much time do I have remaining? ment.’’ Chairman. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman However, the mandate goes even fur- Adding insult to injury, the Rules from Alabama has 3 minutes remain- ther by allowing D.C. authorities to Committee allowed this and one other ing. place liens on, seize, and sell the prop- undemocratic amendment to be of- Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, I yield erty of their residents if they are un- fered. 1 minute to the distinguished gen- willing or unable to pay the tax pen- Republicans were not satisfied with tleman from North Carolina (Mr. alty. sabotaging the by, MEADOWS).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.184 H18JYPT1 H6538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Chair, I want to insurance. They could pay the penalty, According to OPM, the government applaud my good friend from Alabama, or they could apply for a waiver with has spent $53 million on administrative Mr. PALMER, and my colleague from the IRS and, literally, millions did costs for this failed program. The evi- North Carolina, Mr. WALKER, for their that. At no time did ObamaCare pose a dence is clear: This program doesn’t work on this particular amendment. threat to people’s property rights, as work and it is a waste of taxpayer dol- I couldn’t disagree more with the this amendment does. lars. gentlewoman from the District of Co- So, Mr. Chairman, I urge my col- In fact, the Congressional Budget Of- lumbia. This is not about individual leagues to stand up for the rights of fice and the Joint Committee on Tax- liberties. In fact, this amendment sup- the citizens of the District of Columbia ation said eliminating funding for this ports individual liberties. It keeps liens to protect their property rights and plan will not affect the levels of com- from being placed on property. support this amendment. petition or premiums in the insurance Quite frankly, Congress, overwhelm- I yield back the balance of my time. markets, nor would it affect any ingly has supported repealing the indi- The Acting CHAIR. The question is ObamaCare subsidies. vidual mandate. And for some city to on the amendment offered by the gen- So my amendment does not take say that they are wanting to imple- tleman from Alabama (Mr. PALMER). funds away from OPM. It leaves more ment an individual mandate, it has The question was taken; and the Act- money for OPM to continue its other nothing to do with healthcare. It has ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- mission-critical programs without hav- more to do with political statements. peared to have it. ing to waste the time and resources on And I can tell you that to have the Ms. NORTON. Mr. Chairman, I de- a poorly-functioning multistate plan particular initiative here in Wash- mand a recorded vote. program. ington, D.C., limit short-term health The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to I have got letters from the OPM, Of- plans and, certainly, association health clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- fice of Personnel Management, who ad- plans, it, again, is not about ceedings on the amendment offered by ministers the plan, supporting the healthcare. the gentleman from Alabama will be elimination of this program. I also So I would encourage an adoption of postponed. have a letter from the National Active the amendment and stand for liberty. AMENDMENT NO. 84 OFFERED BY MR. MEADOWS and Retired Federal Employees Asso- Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, I yield The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order ciation, better known as NARFE, who 1 minute to the other distinguished to consider amendment No. 84 printed represent the interests of more than 5 gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. in House Report 115–830. million Federal employees and retirees WALKER). Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Chairman, I and their survivors, supporting the Mr. WALKER. Mr. Chair, I rise today have an amendment at the desk. elimination of this program. in support of this amendment. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will So finally, this program is widely In December, Congress passed his- designate the amendment. viewed by analysts on the both the left The text of the amendment is as fol- toric tax reform that frees people from and the right as either a de facto public lows: ObamaCare’s erroneous individual option or a plausible foundation for a mandate which punished lower and At the end of division B (before the short future public option. middle income families for not buying title), insert the following: SEC. ll. None of the funds made available The House should vote overwhelm- health insurance they don’t want or by this Act may be used to carry out section ingly to do away with this, and I urge cannot afford. 1334 of the Patient Protection and Affordable my colleagues, both Democrats and Re- Well, how does D.C. respond? The Care Act. publicans, to do so. City Council has now decreed that all The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to I reserve the balance of my time. residents must buy health insurance, House Resolution 996, the gentleman Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Chair, I claim the no matter the cost or need. And listen, from North Carolina (Mr. MEADOWS) time in opposition. if you refuse, not only will you be fi- and a Member opposed each will con- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman nancially penalized, but the D.C. gov- trol 5 minutes. from Illinois is recognized for 5 min- ernment can seize your personal prop- The Chair recognizes the gentleman utes. erty. What? from North Carolina. Mr. QUIGLEY. This amendment is The idea that a local government can Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Chair, before I another in a long line of attacks on the force you to buy a private product just get into my amendment, I want to Affordable Care Act. It is, unfortu- because of your zip code is unjust and thank the chairman of the sub- nately, an example of Republicans un-American. committee and the entire staff for not turning to the appropriations process, Congress, which has direct oversight only a very thoughtful bill that really instead of working through the appro- of D.C., cannot allow the District to ig- requires very few amendments, but priate channels via the authorization nore Federal law and use politics to really working with Members of all dif- committees. punish their residents. ferent ideological stripes in our con- Weighing down bills with partisan I urge my colleagues to support the ference. And I look forward to being riders does nothing but make it more measure. able to support this when it comes up difficult to enact these spending bills, Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, how for a vote tomorrow. especially in a timely manner. much time is remaining? My amendment prohibits funds from Turning to the substance of the The Acting CHAIR (Mr. CURTIS). The being used by the Office of Personnel amendment, our constituents would be gentleman from Alabama has 1 minute Management, better known as OPM, to better served if we focused our efforts remaining. administer the ObamaCare’s multistate on extending quality, affordable cov- Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, I thank program. erage to more individuals, not elimi- the gentlemen from North Carolina, ObamaCare required OPM to contract nating plans. Mr. MEADOWS and Mr. WALKER, for with health insurers to make Healthcare is an essential right, and their support of this amendment. And I multistate plans available to con- a healthy America is a more produc- would just like to point out, as Mr. sumers in all the States, and D.C., by tive, safer, and better place to call MEADOWS was pointing out, this is real- 2017. home. I suggest my colleagues vote ly about defending rights. Now, there is only one problem with ‘‘no’’ on the Meadows amendment. This amendment prohibits the Dis- that. There is only one State partici- I yield back the balance of my time. trict of Columbia Council from impos- pating. And yet, here we continue to Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Chairman, how ing on individual property rights. It de- fund it. much time do I have left? nies people the option to buy less ex- The multistate plan program has The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman pensive health insurance and insurance failed to meet its statutory require- from North Carolina has 21⁄2 minutes that they want and need. ments. It has failed to generate com- remaining. I would like to also point out that in petition in the healthcare market- Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Chair, I appre- ObamaCare, even there, there was no place. And it has failed to lower health ciate the gentleman opposite with his force imposed on people to buy health insurance premiums. articulation of opposition; but I find it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.187 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6539 interesting because the last time I In one of the debates in the 2008 pri- can’t think of when it has been used. checked, he is not from Arkansas, mary, then Senator and Presidential The seizure of property to settle tax which is the only State that actually is candidate Obama said: ‘‘A mandate debt is standard practice for the Fed- benefiting from this. And yet, his means that in some fashion, everybody eral Government, States, and cities State, my State, and every other State will be forced to buy health insurance. across the country, including, would is paying for this for the benefit. And I . . . But I believe,’’ then candidate you believe, Representative ROTHFUS’ would use that word very liberally, be- Obama said, ‘‘the problem is not that State of Pennsylvania. cause it is not really benefiting them. folks are trying to avoid getting Under title 53 of the Pennsylvania They just keep it there. It is not low- healthcare. The problem is they can’t Consolidated Statutes, section 16031, ering premiums in Arkansas. afford it.’’ Pennsylvania jurisdictions are allowed So at what time do we look at a He separately said: to collect taxes by distraint. I wonder failed Federal program and say enough If the mandate was the solution, we could if the sponsor has asked his own legis- is enough? I think that that day is try to solve homelessness by mandating that lature to repeal that statute. Let him today, and I urge all my colleagues to everyone buy a house. The reason why they start at home before he tries to repeal support this amendment. don’t have the house is they don’t have the something passed unanimously by the I want to thank the gentleman for money. So our focus has been on reducing council of the District of Columbia. his leadership. I urge a vote in support costs and making it available. It is true that the Affordable Care of this particular amendment. Regardless of what anyone on either Act prohibited the Internal Revenue I yield back the balance of my time. side of the aisle thinks about a require- Service from seizing property to col- The Acting CHAIR. The question is ment to buy health insurance, it seems lect the individual responsibility re- on the amendment offered by the gen- ill-advised and unjust to take away quirement tax penalty, although it did tleman from North Carolina (Mr. property from people that cannot even authorize the IRS to withhold the pen- MEADOWS). afford insurance. alty amount from future tax refunds, The question was taken; and the Act- I have to imagine that this was an which amounts to the very same thing. ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- oversight in writing the law, because However, each State and the District is peared to have it. surely no legislators could have in- free to authorize distraint to collect Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Chairman, I de- tended such a harsh result. the local individual responsibility re- mand a recorded vote. I would note, Mr. Chairman, that in quirement tax penalty. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to 2015, 6,902 residents of the District of However, it is important to note, and clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- Columbia were forced to pay the man- I emphasize, that the District rarely ceedings on the amendment offered by date penalty. Seventy-five percent of seizes property to collect taxes owed. the gentleman from North Carolina them made less than $50,000. When it does, it does so only as a last will be postponed. I hope that my colleagues on both resort. I can’t think of when this has AMENDMENT NO. 85 OFFERED BY MR. ROTHFUS sides of the aisle will join me in sup- even happened. If a payment plan or The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order porting this commonsense measure, settlement could not be established to consider amendment No. 85 printed and I reserve the balance of my time. with a taxpayer, the District would in House Report 115–830. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Chairman, I claim first turn to remedies like withholding Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, I have time in strong opposition to yet an- tax refunds or garnishing wages, not an amendment at the desk. other amendment that interferes with seizing a house or a car. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will another Member’s district, indicating I am sure that is what happens in Mr. designate the amendment. that there is more than one Member in ROTHFUS’ State of Pennsylvania as The text of the amendment is as fol- this body that does not have enough to well. lows: do at home. I will not tolerate Republicans, this At the end of division B (before the short The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Member or any other, using the Dis- title), insert the following: from the District of Columbia is recog- trict of Columbia to score points with SEC. ll. None of the funds made available nized for 5 minutes. opponents of the ACA. They haven’t under title IV or title VIII of this Act may been able to beat the ACA. be used by the District of Columbia govern- b 2115 This amendment is one of several ment to carry out section 47–4471, D.C. Offi- Ms. NORTON. A few minutes ago, we cial Code, with respect to the liability of a that constitute the most significant taxpayer under section 47–5108, D.C. Official debated an amendment offered by Rep- abuse of Federal power over the Dis- Code (as added by subtitle A of title V of the resentative GARY PALMER of Alabama trict of Columbia since Republicans Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Act of 2018; that would prohibit the District from took control in 2011. D.C. Bill 22–753). spending its own local funds, consisting So the ACA remains popular The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to solely of taxes and fees, to carry out a throughout the United States. They House Resolution 996, the gentleman local D.C. bill, the Health Insurance just can’t bear that. So Mr. ROTHFUS from Pennsylvania (Mr. ROTHFUS) and Requirement Amendment Act of 2018, moves on to the District, to see if he a Member opposed each will control 5 that requires individuals to maintain can do to the District what his side has minutes. health insurance coverage or pay a tax not been able to do in the country for The Chair recognizes the gentleman penalty for failure to do so. the ACA. from Pennsylvania. This amendment before us now of- We found greater respect for demo- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, I rise fered by this Member, Mr. ROTHFUS of cratic self-rule in the Senate in getting today in support of this amendment, a Pennsylvania, seeks to weaken the cov- such riders removed. We intend to do narrow amendment which simply pro- erage requirement by prohibiting D.C. so again. hibits any funds from going toward the from spending its local funds to carry Mr. Chair, I say to the gentleman, District of Columbia from seizing prop- out a method of tax collection in exist- mind your own business. erty of citizens not in compliance with ing D.C. law to enforce the penalty. Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to re- the District’s individual healthcare Mr. ROTHFUS has plenty to do rep- ject this abuse of power, and I urge a mandate. It is a narrower amendment resenting his own district, but is now ‘‘no’’ vote. than the one we just debated. venturing far afield into a district rep- The Acting CHAIR. The time of the My amendment does not take away resented by another Member of the gentlewoman has expired. the mandate. It simply says one of the House of Representatives. Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Chairman, I remedies cannot be the seizure of prop- In particular, D.C. would be prohib- would hope that the gentlewoman erty if an individual does not comply ited from using its local funds to col- would realize that this amendment with the mandate to buy health insur- lect the tax penalty by distraint, or the scores points for the 75 percent of the ance. seizure of property to obtain payment, people who were subject to the penalty The individual mandate is, of course, for failure to pay. who made less than $50,000 a year. That controversial. Even Barack Obama op- The District is not unique in author- is what happens when we have the posed it when he was running in 2008. izing distraint, and it is seldom used. I mandate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:24 Aug 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD18\JULY\H18JY8.REC H18JY8 abonner on DSKBCJ7HB2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H6540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 And it is Federal policy now, Federal ceedings on the amendment offered by nancial innovation as the pathway to- policy, that holds that people should the gentleman from Pennsylvania will ward financial inclusion. not be punished if they can’t afford to be postponed. Postal banking is a giant step back- purchase health insurance. They cer- The Chair understands that amend- ward. The Postal Service, as I said, tainly shouldn’t be punished by having ment No. 86 will not be offered. should focus on its core mission of de- their property seized. AMENDMENT NO. 87 OFFERED BY MR. MCHENRY livering our mail. And if it is only a few people, as the The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Postal banking would simply create gentlewoman says, I would wonder why to consider amendment No. 87 printed yet another government program that she is opposed to this amendment. in House Report 115–830. fails to solve the underlying problem. This is the Federal city. It is Federal Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Chair, I have an Further, if Congress does not step in policy that people should not be so amendment at the desk. and stop this now, we endanger our punished. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will small community banks and credit President Obama, when he was run- designate the amendment. unions that are already in trouble, ning for President in 2008, was pretty The text of the amendment is as fol- while at the same time putting an ad- clear. He knew what would happen. He lows: ditional burden on the American tax- observed what was going on with the At the end of division B (before the short payer, who will be stuck footing the Massachusetts mandate. He said: title), insert the following: bill for this horrible idea. SEC. ll. None of the funds made available Now, Massachusetts has a mandate right by this Act may be used by the United States This amendment protects the Amer- now. They have exempted 20 percent of the Postal Service to— ican taxpayers from being forced to fi- uninsured because they’ve concluded that (1) implement any approach in the report nance a terrible idea called postal that 20 percent can’t afford it. In some cases, of the Office of Inspector General of the banking. Its passage would also main- there are people who are paying fines and Postal Service on May 21, 2015, entitled ‘‘The tain the role of Congress in deter- still can’t afford it. So now they are worse Road Ahead for Postal Financial Services’’; mining the fate of the Postal Service off than they were. They don’t have health or insurance and they’re paying a fine. And in and postal banking, not government (2) carry out any pilot project pursuant to bureaucrats and interest groups. order for you to force people to get health in- the report. Mr. Chair, I urge support of my surance, you have to have a very harsh, stiff The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to penalty. amendment, and I reserve the balance House Resolution 996, the gentleman President Obama understood that. He of my time. from North Carolina (Mr. MCHENRY) Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chair, I claim understood, as a candidate, that it and a Member opposed each will con- would be wrong to seize property. time in opposition to the amendment. trol 5 minutes. The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Again, when you look at the people The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Ohio is recognized for 5 minutes. who were being levied the penalty in from North Carolina. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chair, sadly, the 2015, when the ACA had a penalty, 75 Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Chairman, my percent of the people who paid the pen- amendment is very simple. It would provisions contained in this amend- alty in the District of Columbia made bar the United States Postal Service ment would block the Postal Service less than $50,000 a year. from expanding on its current offerings from running a pilot program designed Again, President Obama as a can- of financial services and banking prod- to improve operations and save tax- didate: ucts. payers money, like allowing travelers to submit passport applications at post I think it is important to recognize that, if I think it is important that the Post- you are going to mandate the purchase of in- al Service focus on its core business of offices across the country. It would se- surance and it is not affordable, then there is delivering the mail. While the idea of verely limit the potential of one of our going to have to be some enforcement mech- postal banking is nothing new, it is most essential, constitutionally man- anism that the government uses. It may still a terrible idea. dated government agencies, and hurt charge people who don’t already have In 2015, the inspector general for the our communities and our citizens in healthcare fines or have to take it out of Postal Service took the highly unusual the process. their paychecks. step in proposing that the Postal Serv- I represent not only countless letter And candidate Obama said: ice should expand its banking services carriers, but thousands of Ohioans who And that, I don’t think, is helping people in areas like prepaid cards, savings rely on the Postal Service for timely without health insurance. products, and money orders. Since delivery of their Social Security Again, he liked to keep on going and then, postal banking advocates have checks, electric bills, and birthday talking about Massachusetts. What is used the report to argue that the Post- cards from loved ones. happening in Massachusetts, then-can- al Service has the authority to offer Expanding the services provided at didate Obama said: more banking products, all without our Nation’s post offices would achieve There are articles being written about it congressional oversight or consent. Re- two ends: supporting a great Federal which are that folks are paying fines that cent reports indicate that these efforts job provider, and helping our commu- don’t have healthcare. They would rather go include using a pilot program to imple- nities and citizens at the same time. ahead and take the fine, because they cannot ment this awful idea. That is the rea- At a time when banks and other in- afford coverage. son why I am offering my amendment. stitutions are abandoning inner cities Mr. Chairman, this is for the folks To make things even worse, rather and rural communities, in my district who may not be able to afford it, peo- than proposing the idea legislatively, alone, post offices present a perfect ple making less than $50,000 a year. the current strategy of those advo- medium to collocate, including with They shouldn’t have their property cating for postal banking is to insti- traditional banks or credit unions. seized. tute the program via behind-the-scenes For example, in my home State, 18.6 Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to negotiation between government bu- percent of Cleveland households have accept this commonsense, narrow reaucrats and liberal special interest no checking or savings account, and amendment, and I yield back the bal- groups. 24.1 percent of households are under- ance of my time. This amendment draws a clear, banked, forced to use costly payday The Acting CHAIR. The question is bright line that says that no taxpayer and auto title firms or currency ex- on the amendment offered by the gen- money shall be used to subsidize these change stores to cash paychecks or tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. quiet attempts at making postal bank- make consumer loans. More than 35 ROTHFUS). ing a reality. percent of Cleveland’s 389,000 residents The question was taken; and the Act- Proponents of postal banking argue live below the Federal poverty line. ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- that it would help the under-banked in Many post offices are located in bank peared to have it. this country, but the simple fact is deserts. Fifty-nine percent of post of- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Chair, I demand a that socialized banking is not the an- fices are in ZIP Codes with either zero recorded vote. swer. banks or only one bank branch. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Instead, we have to focus on working By giving the Postal Service the op- clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- together in a bipartisan way around fi- portunity to serve our communities in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.192 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6541 a more expansive capacity, we could amendment includes a blanket prohibi- Credit Union National Association, the also put the Postal Service back on the tion that would prevent the Postal Independent Community Bankers of right track financially, bring back Service from implementing any other America, and the National Association hundreds of American jobs, and, in so recommendations from a May 2015 of Federally Insured Credit Unions in doing, restore faith in one of our most Postal Service Inspector General Re- support of this amendment. fundamental government services. port, including improving its existing JULY 18, 2018. The Postal Service is already pro- range of financial services, such as DEAR CONGRESSMAN PATRICK MCHENRY: On viding an impressive, expansive, and money orders. behalf of our organizations and the Ameri- affordable service to all the American The Acting CHAIR. The time of the cans we represent, we write to express sup- port of your Amendment to Division B, with- people—and by the American people, gentlewoman has expired. in the Financial Services and General Gov- by the way. I am fighting in Congress Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, as ernment section of H.R. 6147. This amend- to support the hardworking employees the designee of Ranking Member ment would prohibit the use of any taxpayer of the Postal Service and our citizens, LOWEY, I move to strike the last word. funds for postal banking and financial serv- especially in underserved communities The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman ices and prohibit the creation of any new across not just my district, but our from Virginia is recognized for 5 min- pilot program that would expand this busi- utes. ness practice through collective bargaining. country. While the USPS serves an important role It is really horrendous to go into Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chair, this in delivering mail and packages, we are con- communities that have no financial amendment, as I said, includes blanket cerned about expanding the Postal Service’s services, where people are being ripped prohibitions that would prevent the primary role and allowing the government to off every day. Postal Service from implementing the compete with the private sector. This would Mr. Chair, I hope my colleagues will reports and recommendations of the include lower fees, subsidized services and join me in this effort and oppose this 2015 Postal Service Inspector General even competing based on real estate and of- fice location. misguided amendment. Report, including improving its exist- Consideration of expanding postal oper- Mr. Chair, I yield my remaining time ing range of financial services, such as ations to engage in banking and financial to the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. money orders. services is not a new concept. It has been CONNOLLY), a very able and intelligent I might add, the assertions that have touted as a solution to help stabilize the US Congressman. been made that there has been no con- Postal Service’s financial practices. The cost gressional oversight, that is not true. alone to hire additional workers and retrain b 2130 My committee, the Oversight and Gov- existing employees to offer banking products Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chair, may I in- would further undermine the Postal Serv- ernment Reform Committee, has had ice’s budgetary issues. quire how much time we have remain- numerous hearings on the Postal Serv- Additionally, we have reservations about ing. ice, numerous briefings with the Post- the ability of the Postal Service to safeguard The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman master General and her predecessor customers’ identities and information such from Ohio has 2 minutes remaining. and his predecessor. as bank accounts and passwords. Regardless Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chair, I rise in We have marked up numerous bills. of the federal agency, the government has strong opposition to this amendment shown it can be slow to react to cyber We finally got one we could agree on, threats, allowing bad actors to access citi- which would limit the Postal Service’s and it is pending. That is how this zens’ private records. ability to offer products and services should be done—not piecemeal, not in a It is clear the US Postal Service’s financial on a pilot basis that could help the way that further constrains and cir- health is troubling. Expanding USPS’s oper- Postal Service find its way to financial cumscribes the Postal Service that can ations to compete with private sector banks stability. only lead to more red ink. and credit unions is not the answer. We, the At a time when the Postal Service is undersigned organizations, support your We are trying to save the Postal amendment to H.R. 6147 and encourage its bleeding red ink, this bill takes away Service, which is mandated in the Con- inclusion in the final appropriations legisla- existing revenue and potential revenue. stitution. It has a requirement for uni- tion. In fiscal year 2017, the Postal Service versal service that private sector firms Sincerely, reported a loss of $2.7 billion, marking do not. And we have allowed some pilot Grover G. Norquist, President, Ameri- the 11th straight year in the red. programs to see if they can work. They cans for Tax Reform; Tim Chapman, And just coincidentally, it got in the are not a threat to financial institu- Executive Director, Heritage Action; Tom Schatz, President, Council for red because Congress, in 2006, re- tions. stricted what the Postal Service could Citizens Against Government Waste; So we are fixing a problem here that Adam Brandon, President, do. Well, it really worked well: 11 years does not really exist, and we are going FreedomWorks; Brandon Arnold, Exec- of red ink, putting the Postal Service to do real harm to a Postal Service we utive Vice President, National Tax- in insolvency, technically. To address have already harmed with the 2006 leg- payers Union; Kevin Kosar, Vice Presi- the Postal Service’s financial situa- islation Congress passed in a lame- dent of Policy, R Street Institute; An- tion, the Postal Service needs financial duck session in the name of reform, drew F. Quinlan, President, Center for relief, not further restrictions. and it backfired. It blew up, and it has Freedom and Prosperity; Iain Murray, H.R. 6076, the Postal Reform Act of done incalculable damage which we are Vice President for Strategy and Sr. 2018, which I introduced with the gen- Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Insti- now trying to repair to the Postal tute. tleman from North Carolina, Congress- Service. WHO SUPPORTS THE AMENDMENT? man MARK MEADOWS, on a bipartisan Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to re- American Bankers Association, Americans basis, passed the authorizing com- ject this unwarranted intrusion into for Tax Reform, Center for Freedom and mittee unanimously, and we are hoping the prerogatives of the authorizing Prosperity, Citizens Against Government to take it to the floor, and that is committee that is doing its job and has Waste, Competitive Enterprise Institute, where it belongs, in an authorization a bipartisan bill that passed our com- Credit Union National Association, Freedom bill, not as a rider on the appropria- mittee unanimously, which is a re- Works, Heritage Action, Independent Com- tions bill. markable statement for the Oversight munity Bankers of American, National Asso- This bill even addresses issues raised ciation of Federally Insured Credit Unions, and Government Reform Committee. National Taxpayers Union, R Street Insti- by the gentleman from North Caro- We ought not to be legislating on an tute. lina’s amendment. Under the Postal appropriations bill in this way with re- Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Chair, I also in- Reform Act, the Postal Service would spect to the Postal Service. It deserves clude in the RECORD a letter on behalf have to limit any new nonpostal prod- better, our consumers deserve better, of Americans for Tax Reform, Heritage ucts and services to only those pro- Postal Service customers deserve bet- Action for America, Council for Citi- vided to State, local, and Tribal gov- ter, and we can do better. zens Against Government Waste, ernments and Federal agencies. The Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of FreedomWorks, National Taxpayer bill would preserve existing nonpostal my time. Union, R Street, and the Center for products and services. Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Chairman, I in- Freedom and Prosperity, along with However, this amendment is much clude in the RECORD a letter from the the Competitive Enterprise Institute in more restrictive than that. This American Bankers Association, the support of this amendment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:36 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.194 H18JYPT1 H6542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 JULY 17, 2018. duce costs and increase efficiencies to put two, it does a great disservice to the Hon. PAUL RYAN, the U.S. Postal Service on a sound and sus- people of this country. They have a Speaker, House of Representatives, tainable financial path over the long run, right to better service. Washington, DC. but the provision of banking services is not The Postal Service is coast to coast. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, an acceptable solution. We look forward to Minority Leader, House of Representatives, continuing to work with you on postal re- It is audited, it is properly staffed, and Washington, DC. form efforts in the coming months, but urge it is universal. Whether you are poor or DEAR SPEAKER RYAN AND MINORITY LEADER you to support Congressman McHenry’s whether you are rich in this country, PELOSI: On behalf of the members of the amendment to the FSGG appropriations bill you have a right. You have a right to American Bankers Association, the Credit to ban the Postal Service from providing be treated fairly by the institutions Union National Association, the Independent banking services when it is on the House that this Nation manages. Community Bankers of America, and the Na- Floor this week. Mr. Chair, I want to congratulate tional Association of Federally Insured Cred- Sincerely, those who work for our great Postal it Unions, I write to urge the adoption of American Bankers Association, Credit Congressman Patrick McHenry’s amendment Union National Association, Independent Service. I ask that the gentleman’s to the Financial Services and General Gov- Community Bankers of America, National amendment be defeated, and let us sup- ernment (FSGG) appropriations bill to pro- Association of Federally Insured Credit port what is in the Constitution of the hibit the U.S. Postal Service from providing Unions. United States, which is respect for the banking services. Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Chairman, I sub- Postal Service, coast to coast to every Financial institutions are strongly sup- mit to you that the Postal Service, as citizen. portive of the Postal Service, as one of the Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of largest mailers of any industry group in my colleagues across the aisle say, is a America. Physical mail remains an impor- constitutional function. It is really im- my time. tant communications channel for banks and portant that the Postal Service do its The Acting CHAIR. The question is credit unions. Financial institutions of all mission of delivering the mail. on the amendment offered by the gen- sizes use the mail to communicate with cur- What we don’t think we should do is tleman from North Carolina. rent and potential customers, to send state- give a government bureau, through a The question was taken; and the Act- ments and receive payments, and to market nonlegislative means, the right to ex- ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- new products and services to their cus- pand into nonessential services for a peared to have it. tomers. Financial companies are also a vital Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chair, I demand a revenue source for the Postal Service, gener- part of the government that is bleeding ating billions of dollars of annual revenue money. An institution that cannot bal- recorded vote. that supports postal infrastructure. For ance its own books should not be get- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to these reasons, our members are committed ting into the offering of credit or the clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- to identifying long-term solutions to ensure movement of money and funds. ceedings on the amendment offered by an efficient, self-sustaining, and affordable While I am in favor of postal reform, the gentleman from North Carolina U.S. postal system. and while I support my letter carriers, will be postponed. Postal banking is not one of those solu- I do not favor postal banking. I think Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chairman. tions. Although there have been a number of The Acting CHAIR. For what purpose proposals over the past few years to turn the it is important for this Congress to put U.S. Postal Service into the world’s largest a note down that we are in opposition does the gentlewoman from Ohio seek shadow banking system, we are very con- to that, and that is why I urge my col- recognition? cerned that allowing the U.S. Postal Service leagues to vote for this amendment, Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chairman, you to provide banking services will be beyond and I yield back the balance of my know, if they would operate these the Postal Service’s core competencies, will time. microphones for the Democrats as well raise a number of serious regulatory and Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chair, as the des- as they operate them for the Repub- consumer protection questions, and will ignee of Ranking Member LOWEY, I licans, maybe we could be heard on this present significant competitive issues for floor, and especially for the women private sector entities. Congress should en- move to strike the last word. courage the Postal Service to focus on its The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Democrats, I might add. core business of physical mail delivery, and from Ohio is recognized for 5 minutes. The Acting CHAIR. The gentle- not be distracted by expanding the mission Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Chair, I would just woman’s request for a recorded vote to businesses outside of the Postal Service’s like to respond to the gentleman. The has been postponed. area of expertise. offer of this amendment should never Ms. KAPTUR. Thank you. Most significantly, postal banking does not be on an appropriation bill. This is one Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Chair, I address the Postal Service’s financial chal- of these extraneous riders that belongs move to strike the last word. lenges, and may well make them worse. The The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman U.S. Postal Service agrees. The Postal Serv- in other bills, and it is very damaging ice has strongly argued against authority to to the future of communities across from New Jersey is recognized for 5 provide banking services, noting that pro- this country, thousands of which lack minutes. viding these products would almost certainly banking services and financial services Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Chair, cause it to lose money: of any kind. before we can conclude our debate, I ‘‘The Postal Service’s mission is to provide What we are talking about here is wanted to thank Chairman CALVERT the American public with trusted, affordable, something simple. It is something very and Ranking BETTY MCCOLLUM of the universal mail service. Our core function is simple: a pilot program. We are not Interior, Environment, and Related delivery, not banking . . . Profit margins on Agencies Subcommittee for their work; these financial services businesses across the saying this is going to happen all over industry are very low . . . so even if we the United States. This gentleman and also the Financial Services and achieved $1 billion in revenue and executed wants to deny the ability of commu- General Government Subcommittee well, our cash position would only increase nities to have any kind of normal fi- Chairman and Ranking by an estimated $100–200 million, which will nancial service where they have been Member MIKE QUIGLEY for the great job not materially change our financial condi- redlined by the very letters that the they did; and for the men and women tion—we need to focus on the core delivery gentleman just asked to be placed in behind them that make up the profes- business.’’ sional and personal staff of the Appro- The Postal Service went on to note that to the RECORD. Those very institutions the extent that more affordable pricing of fi- abandoned the communities that we priations Committee. nancial services is a primary goal of postal are seeking to serve. As of today, all 12 appropriations banking efforts, ‘‘[m]ore affordable appears I am really disappointed that the bills have been released. With the pas- to mean at a lower price level than the free gentleman would want people to be sage of this legislation, the full House market provides today . . . Since established subjected to usurious interest rates or will have halfway done all of our bills financial services firms make a slim margin to a lack of any kind of financial serv- on the floor. on revenue . . . it seems unlikely that there ice, even paying your electric bill, for Mr. Chairman, we continue our mo- is any significant room to lower prices with- heaven’s sake. mentum by passing H.R. 6147. I guess out incurring a loss, and at a minimum, a So, for two reasons, I ask my col- lower profit margin.’’ that will be tomorrow, and I urge sup- No doubt, postal reform is a serious topic leagues to vote against the gentle- port of the bill. that Congress must confront. We encourage man’s amendment: number one, it Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of Congress to enact legislation that would re- doesn’t belong in this bill; and number my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.094 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6543

ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Comer Jenkins (WV) Reed Lowenthal Payne Sherman Comstock Johnson (LA) Renacci Lowey Pelosi Sires The Acting CHAIR (Mr. COLLINS of Conaway Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Lujan Grisham, Perlmutter Smith (NJ) Georgia). Pursuant to clause 6 of rule Cook Johnson, Sam Roby M. Pingree Smith (WA) XVIII, proceedings will now resume on Cramer Jones Roe (TN) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Pocan Soto those amendments printed in House Crawford Jordan Rogers (AL) Lynch Polis Stefanik Cuellar Joyce (OH) Maloney, Price (NC) Report 115–830 on which further pro- Rogers (KY) Suozzi Culberson Kelly (MS) Rohrabacher Carolyn B. Quigley Swalwell (CA) Maloney, Sean Raskin ceedings were postponed, in the fol- Curtis Kelly (PA) Rokita Takano Davidson King (IA) Mast Reichert lowing order: Rooney, Thomas Thompson (CA) Davis, Rodney King (NY) J. Matsui Rooney, Francis Amendment No. 43 by Mr. MULLIN of McCollum Ros-Lehtinen Thompson (MS) Denham Kinzinger Ross Oklahoma. McEachin Rosen Titus DesJarlais Knight Rothfus Diaz-Balart Kustoff (TN) McGovern Roskam Tonko Amendment No. 44 by Mr. MULLIN of Rouzer Donovan Labrador McNerney Roybal-Allard Torres Oklahoma. Royce (CA) Duffy LaHood Meeks Ruiz Tsongas Russell Amendment No. 46 by Mrs. MCMORRIS Duncan (SC) LaMalfa Meng Ruppersberger Upton RODGERS of Washington. Duncan (TN) Lamborn Rutherford Moore Rush Vargas Scalise Amendment No. 48 by Mr. LAMBORN Dunn Latta Moulton Ryan (OH) Veasey Emmer Lesko Schweikert Murphy (FL) Sa´ nchez Vela of Colorado. Estes (KS) Lewis (MN) Scott, Austin Nadler Sanford Vela´ zquez Amendment No. 49 by Mr. LAMBORN Ferguson LoBiondo Sensenbrenner Napolitano Sarbanes Visclosky of Colorado. Fleischmann Long Sessions Neal Schakowsky Wasserman Flores Loudermilk Shimkus Nolan Schiff Amendment No. 50 by Mr. GOODLATTE Schultz Fortenberry Love Simpson Norcross Schneider Waters, Maxine of Virginia. Foxx Lucas Smith (MO) O’Halleran Schrader Watson Coleman O’Rourke Amendment No. 51 by Mr. GALLEGO of Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Smith (NE) Scott (VA) Welch Gallagher MacArthur Pallone Scott, David Arizona. Smith (TX) Wilson (FL) Garrett Marchant Panetta Serrano Smucker Yarmuth Amendment No. 60 by Mr. PEARCE of Gianforte Marino Stewart Pascrell Sewell (AL) New Mexico. Gibbs Marshall Stivers NOT VOTING—19 Amendment No. 62 by Mr. PEARCE of Gohmert Massie Taylor New Mexico. Goodlatte McCarthy Tenney Aguilar Hanabusa Shea-Porter Gosar McCaul Thompson (PA) Bass Hoyer Shuster Amendment No. 63 by Mr. GOSAR of Gowdy McClintock Thornberry Black Paulsen Sinema Arizona. Granger McHenry Tipton Blackburn Peters Speier Graves (GA) McKinley ´ Amendment No. 69 by Mr. JODY B. Trott Cardenas Peterson Walz Graves (LA) McMorris Turner DeSantis Rice (NY) HICE of Georgia. Graves (MO) Rodgers Valadao Gaetz Richmond Griffith McSally Amendment No. 70 by Mr. SMITH of Wagner Grothman Meadows Missouri. Walberg Guthrie Messer Walden b 2203 Amendment No. 81 by Mr. CARBAJAL Handel Mitchell Walker of California. Harper Moolenaar Mr. COFFMAN changed his vote from Harris Mooney (WV) Walorski Amendment No. 83 by Mr. PALMER of Walters, Mimi ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Hartzler Mullin So the amendment was agreed to. Alabama. Hensarling Newhouse Weber (TX) Amendment No. 84 by Mr. MEADOWS Herrera Beutler Noem Webster (FL) The result of the vote was announced of North Carolina. Hice, Jody B. Norman Wenstrup as above recorded. Westerman Amendment No. 85 by Mr. ROTHFUS of Higgins (LA) Nunes Stated for: Hill Olson Williams Pennsylvania. Holding Palazzo Wilson (SC) Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Chair, I was unavoidably Amendment No. 87 by Mr. MCHENRY Hollingsworth Palmer Wittman detained. Had I been present, I would have of North Carolina. Hudson Pearce Womack voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 346. Huizenga Perry Woodall The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Hultgren Pittenger Yoder Stated against: the time for any electronic vote after Hunter Poe (TX) Yoho Mr. AGUILAR. Mr. Chair, I was unavoidably the first vote in this series. Hurd Poliquin Young (AK) detained. Had I been present, I would have Issa Posey Young (IA) AMENDMENT NO. 43 OFFERED BY MR. MULLIN Jenkins (KS) Ratcliffe Zeldin voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 346. The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Mr. PETERS. Mr. Chair, I was unavoidably business is the demand for a recorded NOES—194 detained. Had I been present, I would have vote on the amendment offered by the Adams Crowley Gutie´rrez voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 346. gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Barraga´ n Cummings Hastings Miss RICE of New York. Mr. Chair, I was Beatty Curbelo (FL) Heck MULLIN) on which further proceedings Bera Davis (CA) Higgins (NY) unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I were postponed and on which the ayes Beyer Davis, Danny Himes would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 346. prevailed by voice vote. Blumenauer DeFazio Huffman Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Chair, I was unavoidably The Clerk will redesignate the Blunt Rochester DeGette Jackson Lee Bonamici Delaney Jayapal detained. Had I been present, I would have amendment. Boyle, Brendan DeLauro Jeffries voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 346. The Clerk redesignated the amend- F. DelBene Johnson (GA) AMENDMENT NO. 44 OFFERED BY MR. MULLIN ment. Brady (PA) Demings Johnson, E. B. Brown (MD) DeSaulnier Kaptur The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished RECORDED VOTE Brownley (CA) Deutch Katko business is the demand for a recorded The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bustos Dingell Keating vote on the amendment offered by the has been demanded. Butterfield Doggett Kelly (IL) Capuano Doyle, Michael Kennedy gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. A recorded vote was ordered. Carbajal F. Khanna MULLIN) on which further proceedings The vote was taken by electronic de- Carson (IN) Ellison Kihuen were postponed and on which the ayes vice, and there were—ayes 215, noes 194, Cartwright Engel Kildee Castor (FL) Eshoo Kilmer prevailed by voice vote. not voting 19, as follows: Castro (TX) Espaillat Kind The Clerk will redesignate the [Roll No. 346] Chu, Judy Esty (CT) Krishnamoorthi amendment. Cicilline Evans Kuster (NH) AYES—215 Clark (MA) Faso Lamb The Clerk redesignated the amend- Abraham Biggs Bucshon Clarke (NY) Fitzpatrick Lance ment. Aderholt Bilirakis Budd Clay Foster Langevin RECORDED VOTE Allen Bishop (GA) Burgess Cleaver Frankel (FL) Larsen (WA) Amash Bishop (MI) Byrne Clyburn Fudge Larson (CT) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Amodei Bishop (UT) Calvert Coffman Gabbard Lawrence has been demanded. Arrington Blum Carter (GA) Cohen Gallego Lawson (FL) A recorded vote was ordered. Babin Bost Carter (TX) Connolly Garamendi Lee Bacon Brady (TX) Chabot Cooper Gomez Levin The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Banks (IN) Brat Cheney Correa Gonzalez (TX) Lewis (GA) minute vote. Barletta Brooks (AL) Cloud Costa Gottheimer Lieu, Ted The vote was taken by electronic de- Barr Brooks (IN) Cole Costello (PA) Green, Al Lipinski Barton Buchanan Collins (GA) Courtney Green, Gene Loebsack vice, and there were—ayes 215, noes 199, Bergman Buck Collins (NY) Crist Grijalva Lofgren not voting 14, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.198 H18JYPT1 H6544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 [Roll No. 347] Fitzpatrick Lipinski Ros-Lehtinen Bacon Guthrie Paulsen Foster Loebsack Rosen Banks (IN) Handel Pearce AYES—215 Frankel (FL) Lofgren Roskam Barletta Harper Perry Abraham Granger Nunes Fudge Lowenthal Roybal-Allard Barr Harris Pittenger Aderholt Graves (GA) Olson Gabbard Lowey Royce (CA) Barton Hartzler Poe (TX) Allen Graves (LA) Palazzo Gallego Lujan Grisham, Ruiz Bergman Hensarling Poliquin Amash Graves (MO) Palmer Garamendi M. Ruppersberger Biggs Herrera Beutler Posey Gomez Luja´ n, Ben Ray Arrington Griffith Pearce Rush Bilirakis Hice, Jody B. Ratcliffe Gonzalez (TX) Lynch Ryan (OH) Babin Grothman Perry Bishop (MI) Higgins (LA) Reed Gottheimer Maloney, Sa´ nchez Bishop (UT) Hill Bacon Guthrie Pittenger Reichert Green, Al Carolyn B. Sarbanes Blum Holding Banks (IN) Handel Poe (TX) Renacci Green, Gene Maloney, Sean Schakowsky Bost Hollingsworth Barletta Harper Poliquin Rice (SC) Grijalva Matsui Schiff Brady (TX) Hudson Barr Harris Posey Roby Gutie´rrez McCollum Schneider Brat Huizenga Barton Hartzler Ratcliffe Roe (TN) Biggs Hensarling Hastings McEachin Schrader Brooks (AL) Hultgren Rogers (AL) Reichert Heck McGovern Scott (VA) Brooks (IN) Hunter Bilirakis Herrera Beutler Renacci Rogers (KY) Higgins (NY) McHenry Scott, David Buchanan Hurd Rohrabacher Bishop (GA) Hice, Jody B. Rice (SC) Bishop (MI) Higgins (LA) Himes McNerney Serrano Buck Issa Rokita Roby Bishop (UT) Hill Huffman Meeks Sewell (AL) Bucshon Jenkins (KS) Rooney, Francis Roe (TN) Blum Holding Jackson Lee Meng Shea-Porter Budd Jenkins (WV) Rooney, Thomas Rogers (AL) Bost Hollingsworth Jayapal Moore Sherman Burgess Johnson (LA) J. Rogers (KY) Brady (TX) Hudson Jeffries Moulton Sinema Byrne Johnson (OH) Ros-Lehtinen Rohrabacher Brat Huizenga Johnson (GA) Murphy (FL) Sires Calvert Johnson, Sam Roskam Rokita Brooks (AL) Hultgren Johnson, E. B. Nadler Smith (WA) Carter (GA) Jones Ross Rooney, Thomas Brooks (IN) Hunter Kaptur Napolitano Soto Carter (TX) Jordan Rothfus J. Buchanan Hurd Katko Neal Stefanik Chabot Joyce (OH) Rouzer Ross Buck Issa Keating Nolan Suozzi Cheney Katko Royce (CA) Rothfus Bucshon Jenkins (KS) Kelly (IL) Norcross Swalwell (CA) Cloud Kelly (MS) Russell Rouzer Budd Jenkins (WV) Kennedy O’Halleran Takano Coffman Kelly (PA) Rutherford Khanna Burgess Johnson (LA) Russell O’Rourke Thompson (CA) Collins (GA) King (IA) Scalise Kihuen Pallone Thompson (MS) Byrne Johnson (OH) Rutherford Collins (NY) King (NY) Schrader Kildee Panetta Titus Calvert Johnson, Sam Sanford Comer Kinzinger Schweikert Kilmer Pascrell Tonko Carter (GA) Jones Scalise Comstock Knight Scott, Austin Kind Paulsen Torres Conaway Kustoff (TN) Carter (TX) Jordan Schweikert Sensenbrenner Krishnamoorthi Payne Tsongas Cook Labrador Chabot Kelly (MS) Scott, Austin Sessions Kuster (NH) Pelosi Vargas Costello (PA) LaHood Cheney Kelly (PA) Sensenbrenner Shimkus Lamb Perlmutter Veasey Cramer LaMalfa Cloud King (IA) Sessions Simpson Lance Peters Vela Crawford Lamborn Coffman King (NY) Shimkus Smith (MO) Langevin Pingree Vela´ zquez Cuellar Latta Cole Kinzinger Simpson Smith (NE) Larsen (WA) Pocan Visclosky Culberson Lesko Collins (GA) Knight Smith (MO) Smith (TX) Larson (CT) Polis Wasserman Curbelo (FL) Lewis (MN) Collins (NY) Kustoff (TN) Smith (NE) Smucker Lawrence Price (NC) Schultz Curtis Long Comer Labrador Smith (NJ) Stefanik Lawson (FL) Quigley Waters, Maxine Davidson Loudermilk Comstock LaHood Smith (TX) Stewart Conaway LaMalfa Smucker Lee Raskin Watson Coleman Davis, Rodney Love Levin Stivers Cook Lamborn Stewart Reed Welch Denham Lucas Lewis (GA) Rice (NY) Wilson (FL) Taylor Cramer Latta Stivers DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Lieu, Ted Rooney, Francis Yarmuth Diaz-Balart MacArthur Tenney Crawford Lesko Taylor Donovan Maloney, Thompson (PA) Cuellar Lewis (MN) Tenney NOT VOTING—14 Duffy Carolyn B. Thornberry Culberson LoBiondo Thompson (PA) Tipton Curtis Bass Gaetz Richmond Duncan (SC) Marchant Long Thornberry Trott Davidson Loudermilk Black Hanabusa Shuster Duncan (TN) Marino Tipton Turner Davis, Rodney Love Blackburn Hoyer Speier Dunn Marshall Trott Upton Denham Lucas Ca´ rdenas Joyce (OH) Walz Emmer Massie Turner Valadao DesJarlais Luetkemeyer DeSantis Peterson Estes (KS) Mast Upton Wagner Diaz-Balart MacArthur Faso McCarthy Valadao Walberg Donovan Marchant ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Ferguson McCaul Wagner Walden Duffy Marino The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Fleischmann McClintock Walberg Walker Duncan (SC) Marshall Flores McHenry Walden There is 1 minute remaining. Walorski Duncan (TN) Massie Fortenberry McKinley Walker Walters, Mimi Dunn Mast Foxx McMorris Waters, Maxine Emmer McCarthy Walorski b 2207 Frelinghuysen Rodgers Estes (KS) McCaul Walters, Mimi Gallagher McSally Weber (TX) Ferguson McClintock Weber (TX) So the amendment was agreed to. Garrett Meadows Webster (FL) Fleischmann McKinley Webster (FL) The result of the vote was announced Gianforte Messer Wenstrup Wenstrup Westerman Flores McMorris as above recorded. Gibbs Mitchell Fortenberry Rodgers Westerman Gohmert Moolenaar Williams Foxx McSally Williams AMENDMENT NO. 56 OFFERED BY MS. MCMORRIS Goodlatte Mooney (WV) Wilson (SC) Frelinghuysen Meadows Wilson (SC) RODGERS Gosar Mullin Wittman Womack Gallagher Messer Wittman The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Gowdy Newhouse Garrett Mitchell Womack Granger Noem Woodall Gianforte Moolenaar Woodall business is the demand for a recorded Graves (GA) Norman Yoder Gibbs Mooney (WV) Yoder vote on the amendment offered by the Graves (LA) Nunes Yoho Gohmert Mullin Yoho gentlewoman from Washington (Ms. Graves (MO) Olson Young (AK) Goodlatte Newhouse Young (AK) Griffith Palazzo Young (IA) Gosar Noem Young (IA) MCMORRIS RODGERS) on which further Grothman Palmer Zeldin Gowdy Norman Zeldin proceedings were postponed and on which the ayes prevailed by voice vote. NOES—185 NOES—199 The Clerk will redesignate the Adams Castor (FL) DeGette Adams Cartwright Davis (CA) amendment. Aguilar Castro (TX) Delaney Aguilar Castor (FL) Davis, Danny Amash Chu, Judy DeLauro Amodei Castro (TX) DeFazio The Clerk redesignated the amend- Barraga´ n Cicilline DelBene Barraga´ n Chu, Judy DeGette ment. Beatty Clark (MA) Demings Beatty Cicilline Delaney RECORDED VOTE Bera Clarke (NY) DeSaulnier Bera Clark (MA) DeLauro Beyer Clay Deutch Bergman Clarke (NY) DelBene The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bishop (GA) Cleaver Dingell Beyer Clay Demings has been demanded. Blumenauer Clyburn Doggett Blumenauer Cleaver DeSaulnier A recorded vote was ordered. Blunt Rochester Cohen Doyle, Michael Blunt Rochester Clyburn Deutch Bonamici Cole F. Bonamici Cohen Dingell The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Boyle, Brendan Connolly Ellison Boyle, Brendan Connolly Doggett minute vote. F. Cooper Engel F. Cooper Doyle, Michael The vote was taken by electronic de- Brady (PA) Correa Eshoo Brady (PA) Correa F. vice, and there were—ayes 227, noes 185, Brown (MD) Costa Espaillat Brown (MD) Costa Ellison Brownley (CA) Courtney Esty (CT) Brownley (CA) Costello (PA) Engel not voting 16, as follows: Bustos Crist Evans Bustos Courtney Eshoo [Roll No. 348] Butterfield Crowley Fitzpatrick Butterfield Crist Espaillat Capuano Cummings Foster Capuano Crowley Esty (CT) AYES—227 Carbajal Davis (CA) Frankel (FL) Carbajal Cummings Evans Abraham Allen Arrington Carson (IN) Davis, Danny Fudge Carson (IN) Curbelo (FL) Faso Aderholt Amodei Babin Cartwright DeFazio Gabbard

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.090 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6545 Gallego Loebsack Roybal-Allard Carter (GA) Hunter Ratcliffe Kuster (NH) Nadler Schneider Garamendi Lofgren Ruiz Carter (TX) Hurd Reed Lamb Napolitano Schrader Gomez Lowenthal Ruppersberger Chabot Issa Renacci Lance Neal Scott (VA) Gonzalez (TX) Lowey Rush Cheney Jenkins (KS) Rice (SC) Langevin Nolan Scott, David Gottheimer Lujan Grisham, Ryan (OH) Cloud Jenkins (WV) Roby Larsen (WA) Norcross Serrano Green, Al M. Sa´ nchez Coffman Johnson (LA) Roe (TN) Larson (CT) O’Halleran Sewell (AL) Green, Gene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Sanford Cole Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) Lawrence O’Rourke Shea-Porter Hastings Lynch Sarbanes Collins (GA) Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) Lawson (FL) Pallone Sherman Heck Maloney, Sean Schakowsky Collins (NY) Jones Rohrabacher Lee Panetta Sinema Higgins (NY) Matsui Schiff Comer Jordan Rokita Levin Pascrell Sires Himes McCollum Schneider Comstock Joyce (OH) Rooney, Francis Lewis (GA) Paulsen Smith (NJ) Huffman McEachin Scott (VA) Conaway Katko Rooney, Thomas Lieu, Ted Payne Smith (WA) Jackson Lee McGovern Serrano Cook Kelly (MS) J. Lipinski Pelosi Soto Jayapal McNerney Sewell (AL) Cramer Kelly (PA) Roskam LoBiondo Perlmutter Suozzi Jeffries Meeks Shea-Porter Crawford King (IA) Ross Loebsack Peters Swalwell (CA) Johnson (GA) Meng Sherman Culberson Kinzinger Rothfus Lofgren Pingree Takano Johnson, E. B. Moore Sinema Curtis Knight Rouzer Lowenthal Pocan Thompson (CA) Kaptur Moulton Sires Lowey Davidson Kustoff (TN) Royce (CA) Polis Thompson (MS) Keating Murphy (FL) Smith (NJ) Lujan Grisham, Price (NC) Titus Davis, Rodney Labrador Russell Kelly (IL) Nadler Smith (WA) M. Quigley Tonko Denham LaHood Rutherford Kennedy Napolitano Soto Luja´ n, Ben Ray Raskin Torres DesJarlais LaMalfa Scalise Khanna Neal Suozzi Diaz-Balart Lamborn Lynch Reichert Tsongas Schweikert Kihuen Nolan Swalwell (CA) Duffy Latta Maloney, Rice (NY) Upton Scott, Austin Kildee Norcross Takano Duncan (SC) Lesko Carolyn B. Ros-Lehtinen Vargas Sensenbrenner Kilmer O’Halleran Thompson (CA) Duncan (TN) Lewis (MN) Maloney, Sean Rosen Veasey Sessions Kind O’Rourke Thompson (MS) Dunn Long Matsui Roybal-Allard Vela Shimkus Krishnamoorthi Pallone Titus Emmer Loudermilk McCollum Ruiz Vela´ zquez Simpson Kuster (NH) Panetta Tonko Estes (KS) Love McEachin Ruppersberger Visclosky Smith (MO) Lamb Pascrell Torres Faso Lucas McGovern Rush Wasserman Smith (NE) Lance Payne Tsongas Ferguson Luetkemeyer McNerney Ryan (OH) Schultz Smith (TX) Langevin Pelosi Vargas Fleischmann MacArthur Meeks Sa´ nchez Waters, Maxine Smucker Larsen (WA) Perlmutter Veasey Flores Marchant Meng Sanford Watson Coleman Larson (CT) Peters Vela Foxx Marino Stefanik Moore Sarbanes Welch Lawrence Pingree Vela´ zquez Frelinghuysen Marshall Stewart Moulton Schakowsky Wilson (FL) Lawson (FL) Pocan Visclosky Gallagher Massie Stivers Murphy (FL) Schiff Yarmuth Lee Polis Wasserman Garrett Mast Taylor Levin Price (NC) Schultz Gianforte McCarthy Tenney NOT VOTING—13 Thompson (PA) Lewis (GA) Quigley Watson Coleman Gibbs McCaul Bass Gaetz Shuster Thornberry Lieu, Ted Raskin Welch Gohmert McClintock Black Hanabusa Speier Tipton Lipinski Rice (NY) Wilson (FL) Goodlatte McHenry Blackburn Hoyer Walz LoBiondo Rosen Yarmuth Gosar McKinley Trott Ca´ rdenas Peterson Gowdy McMorris Turner DeSantis Richmond NOT VOTING—16 Granger Rodgers Valadao Bass Grijalva Scott, David Graves (GA) McSally Wagner ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Black Gutie´rrez Shuster Graves (LA) Meadows Walberg The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Walden Blackburn Hanabusa Speier Graves (MO) Messer Walker There is 1 minute remaining. Ca´ rdenas Hoyer Walz Griffith Mitchell DeSantis Peterson Grothman Moolenaar Walorski Gaetz Richmond Guthrie Mooney (WV) Walters, Mimi b 2213 Handel Mullin Weber (TX) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Harper Newhouse Webster (FL) Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Harris Noem Wenstrup changed her vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ There is 1 minute remaining. Hartzler Norman Westerman So the amendment was agreed to. Hensarling Nunes Williams The result of the vote was announced 2210 Herrera Beutler Olson Wilson (SC) b Hice, Jody B. Palazzo Wittman as above recorded. So the amendment was agreed to. Higgins (LA) Palmer Womack AMENDMENT NO. 49 OFFERED BY MR. LAMBORN The result of the vote was announced Hill Pearce Woodall Holding Perry Yoder The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished as above recorded. Hollingsworth Pittenger Yoho business is the demand for a recorded AMENDMENT NO. 48 OFFERED BY MR. LAMBORN Hudson Poe (TX) Young (AK) vote on the amendment offered by the Huizenga Poliquin Young (IA) gentleman from Colorado (Mr. LAM- The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Hultgren Posey Zeldin business is the demand for a recorded BORN) on which further proceedings vote on the amendment offered by the NOES—202 were postponed and on which the ayes gentleman from Colorado (Mr. LAM- Adams Connolly Foster prevailed by voice vote. BORN) on which further proceedings Aguilar Cooper Frankel (FL) The Clerk will redesignate the were postponed and on which the ayes Amash Correa Fudge amendment. Barraga´ n Costa Gabbard prevailed by voice vote. Beatty Costello (PA) Gallego The Clerk redesignated the amend- The Clerk will redesignate the Bera Courtney Garamendi ment. amendment. Beyer Crist Gomez RECORDED VOTE Bishop (GA) Crowley Gonzalez (TX) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Blumenauer Cuellar Gottheimer The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote ment. Blunt Rochester Cummings Green, Al has been demanded. RECORDED VOTE Bonamici Curbelo (FL) Green, Gene A recorded vote was ordered. Boyle, Brendan Davis (CA) Grijalva The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote F. Davis, Danny Gutie´rrez The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- has been demanded. Brady (PA) DeFazio Hastings minute vote. A recorded vote was ordered. Brooks (AL) DeGette Heck The vote was taken by electronic de- Brown (MD) Delaney Higgins (NY) vice, and there were—ayes 213, noes 201, The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Brownley (CA) DeLauro Himes minute vote. Buchanan DelBene Huffman not voting 14, as follows: The vote was taken by electronic de- Bustos Demings Jackson Lee [Roll No. 350] vice, and there were—ayes 213, noes 202, Butterfield DeSaulnier Jayapal Capuano Deutch Jeffries AYES—213 not voting 13, as follows: Carbajal Dingell Johnson (GA) Abraham Biggs Byrne [Roll No. 349] Carson (IN) Doggett Johnson, E. B. Aderholt Bilirakis Calvert Cartwright Donovan Kaptur Allen Bishop (MI) Carter (GA) AYES—213 Castor (FL) Doyle, Michael Keating Amash Bishop (UT) Carter (TX) Abraham Barr Brady (TX) Castro (TX) F. Kelly (IL) Amodei Blum Chabot Aderholt Barton Brat Chu, Judy Ellison Kennedy Arrington Bost Cheney Allen Bergman Brooks (IN) Cicilline Engel Khanna Babin Brady (TX) Cloud Amodei Biggs Buck Clark (MA) Eshoo Kihuen Bacon Brat Coffman Arrington Bilirakis Bucshon Clarke (NY) Espaillat Kildee Banks (IN) Brooks (IN) Cole Babin Bishop (MI) Budd Clay Esty (CT) Kilmer Barletta Buck Collins (GA) Bacon Bishop (UT) Burgess Cleaver Evans Kind Barr Bucshon Collins (NY) Banks (IN) Blum Byrne Clyburn Fitzpatrick King (NY) Barton Budd Comer Barletta Bost Calvert Cohen Fortenberry Krishnamoorthi Bergman Burgess Comstock

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.092 H18JYPT1 H6546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Conaway Johnson (OH) Roe (TN) LoBiondo Panetta Shea-Porter Flores LaMalfa Rooney, Francis Cook Johnson, Sam Rogers (AL) Loebsack Pascrell Sherman Fortenberry Lamborn Rooney, Thomas Costa Jones Rogers (KY) Lofgren Paulsen Sinema Foxx Latta J. Cramer Jordan Rohrabacher Lowenthal Payne Sires Frelinghuysen Lesko Roskam Crawford Joyce (OH) Rokita Lowey Pelosi Smith (NJ) Gallagher Lewis (MN) Ross Cuellar Kelly (MS) Rooney, Francis Lujan Grisham, Perlmutter Smith (WA) Garrett Long Rothfus Culberson Kelly (PA) Rooney, Thomas M. Peters Soto Gianforte Loudermilk Rouzer Curtis King (IA) J. Luja´ n, Ben Ray Pingree Stefanik Gibbs Love Royce (CA) Davidson Kinzinger Roskam Lynch Pocan Suozzi Gohmert Lucas Russell Davis, Rodney Knight Ross Maloney, Polis Swalwell (CA) Goodlatte Luetkemeyer Rutherford Carolyn B. Price (NC) Denham Kustoff (TN) Rothfus Takano Gosar Marchant Sanford Maloney, Sean Quigley DesJarlais Labrador Rouzer Thompson (CA) Gowdy Marino Scalise Diaz-Balart LaHood Mast Raskin Granger Marshall Royce (CA) Thompson (MS) Schrader Duffy LaMalfa Matsui Reichert Graves (GA) Massie Russell Titus Schweikert Duncan (SC) Lamborn McCollum Rice (NY) Graves (LA) Mast Rutherford Tonko Scott, Austin Duncan (TN) Latta Sanford McEachin Ros-Lehtinen Graves (MO) McCarthy Sensenbrenner McGovern Torres Dunn Lesko Scalise Rosen Griffith McCaul Sessions McNerney Roybal-Allard Tsongas Emmer Lewis (MN) Schrader Grothman McClintock Shimkus Estes (KS) Long Meeks Ruiz Upton Guthrie McHenry Schweikert Simpson Ferguson Loudermilk Meng Ruppersberger Vargas Handel McKinley Scott, Austin Smith (MO) Fleischmann Love Moore Rush Veasey Harper McMorris Sensenbrenner Smith (NE) Flores Lucas Moulton Ryan (OH) Vela Hartzler Rodgers Sessions Smith (TX) Foxx Luetkemeyer Murphy (FL) Sa´ nchez Vela´ zquez Hensarling McSally Shimkus Smucker Frelinghuysen MacArthur Nadler Sarbanes Visclosky Herrera Beutler Meadows Simpson Gallagher Marchant Napolitano Schakowsky Wasserman Hice, Jody B. Messer Stewart Smith (MO) Garrett Marino Neal Schiff Schultz Higgins (LA) Mitchell Stivers Smith (NE) Gianforte Marshall Nolan Schneider Waters, Maxine Hill Moolenaar Tenney Smith (TX) Gibbs Massie Norcross Scott (VA) Watson Coleman Holding Mooney (WV) Thompson (PA) Smucker Gohmert McCarthy O’Halleran Scott, David Welch Hollingsworth Mullin Thornberry Goodlatte McCaul Stewart O’Rourke Serrano Wilson (FL) Hudson Newhouse Tipton Gosar McClintock Stivers Pallone Sewell (AL) Yarmuth Huizenga Noem Trott Gowdy McHenry Taylor Hultgren Norman Turner Granger McKinley Tenney NOT VOTING—14 Hunter Nunes Valadao Thompson (PA) Graves (GA) McMorris Bass Gaetz Richmond Hurd Olson Wagner Thornberry Graves (LA) Rodgers Black Hanabusa Shuster Issa Palazzo Walberg Tipton Graves (MO) McSally Blackburn Hoyer Speier Jenkins (KS) Palmer Walden Trott Walker Griffith Meadows Ca´ rdenas Palazzo Walz Jenkins (WV) Pearce Grothman Messer Turner DeSantis Peterson Johnson (LA) Perry Walorski Guthrie Mitchell Valadao Johnson (OH) Pittenger Walters, Mimi Handel Moolenaar Wagner ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Johnson, Sam Poe (TX) Weber (TX) Harper Mooney (WV) Walberg The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Jones Poliquin Webster (FL) Walden Harris Mullin There is 1 minute remaining. Jordan Posey Wenstrup Hartzler Newhouse Walker Katko Ratcliffe Westerman Walorski Hensarling Noem 2216 Kelly (MS) Reichert Williams Herrera Beutler Norman Walters, Mimi b Kelly (PA) Renacci Wilson (SC) Hice, Jody B. Nunes Weber (TX) So the amendment was agreed to. King (IA) Rice (SC) Womack Webster (FL) Higgins (LA) Olson The result of the vote was announced King (NY) Roby Woodall Hill Palmer Wenstrup Kinzinger Roe (TN) Yoder Holding Pearce Westerman as above recorded. Knight Rogers (AL) Yoho Hollingsworth Perry Williams AMENDMENT NO. 50 OFFERED BY MR. GOODLATTE Kustoff (TN) Rogers (KY) Young (AK) Hudson Pittenger Wilson (SC) Labrador Rohrabacher Young (IA) Huizenga Poe (TX) Wittman The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished LaHood Rokita Zeldin Hultgren Poliquin Womack business is the demand for a recorded Hunter Posey Woodall vote on the amendment offered by the NOES—202 Hurd Ratcliffe Yoder gentleman from Virginia (Mr. GOOD- Issa Reed Yoho Adams DeFazio Kaptur Jenkins (KS) Renacci Young (AK) LATTE) on which further proceedings Aguilar DeGette Keating ´ Jenkins (WV) Rice (SC) Young (IA) were postponed and on which the ayes Barragan Delaney Kelly (IL) Johnson (LA) Roby Zeldin Beatty DeLauro Kennedy prevailed by voice vote. Bera DelBene Khanna NOES—201 The Clerk will redesignate the Beyer Demings Kihuen amendment. Bishop (GA) DeSaulnier Kildee Adams Crist Green, Gene Blumenauer Deutch Kilmer Aguilar Crowley Grijalva The Clerk redesignated the amend- Blunt Rochester Dingell Kind Barraga´ n Cummings Gutie´rrez ment. Bonamici Doggett Krishnamoorthi Beatty Curbelo (FL) Hastings RECORDED VOTE Boyle, Brendan Doyle, Michael Kuster (NH) Bera Davis (CA) Heck F. F. Lamb Beyer Davis, Danny Higgins (NY) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Brady (PA) Ellison Lance Bishop (GA) DeFazio Himes has been demanded. Brooks (AL) Engel Langevin Blumenauer DeGette Huffman A recorded vote was ordered. Brown (MD) Eshoo Larsen (WA) Blunt Rochester Delaney Jackson Lee Brownley (CA) Espaillat Larson (CT) Bonamici DeLauro Jayapal The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Bustos Esty (CT) Lawrence Boyle, Brendan DelBene Jeffries minute vote. Butterfield Evans Lawson (FL) F. Demings Johnson (GA) The vote was taken by electronic de- Capuano Faso Lee Brady (PA) DeSaulnier Johnson, E. B. vice, and there were—ayes 213, noes 202, Carbajal Fitzpatrick Levin Brooks (AL) Deutch Kaptur Carson (IN) Foster Lewis (GA) Brown (MD) Dingell Katko not voting 13, as follows: Cartwright Frankel (FL) Lieu, Ted Brownley (CA) Doggett Keating [Roll No. 351] Castor (FL) Fudge Lipinski Buchanan Donovan Kelly (IL) Castro (TX) Gabbard LoBiondo Bustos Doyle, Michael Kennedy AYES—213 Chu, Judy Gallego Loebsack Butterfield F. Khanna Abraham Brat Costello (PA) Cicilline Garamendi Lofgren Capuano Ellison Kihuen Aderholt Brooks (IN) Cramer Clark (MA) Gomez Lowenthal Carbajal Engel Kildee Allen Buchanan Crawford Clarke (NY) Gonzalez (TX) Lowey Carson (IN) Eshoo Kilmer Amash Buck Cuellar Clay Gottheimer Lujan Grisham, Cartwright Espaillat Kind Amodei Bucshon Culberson Cleaver Green, Al M. Castor (FL) Esty (CT) King (NY) Arrington Budd Curtis Clyburn Green, Gene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Castro (TX) Evans Krishnamoorthi Babin Burgess Davidson Coffman Grijalva Lynch Chu, Judy Faso Kuster (NH) Bacon Byrne Davis, Rodney Cohen Gutie´rrez MacArthur Cicilline Fitzpatrick Lamb Banks (IN) Calvert Denham Comstock Harris Maloney, Clark (MA) Fortenberry Lance Barletta Carter (GA) DesJarlais Connolly Hastings Carolyn B. Clarke (NY) Foster Langevin Barr Carter (TX) Diaz-Balart Cooper Heck Maloney, Sean Clay Frankel (FL) Larsen (WA) Barton Chabot Donovan Correa Higgins (NY) Matsui Cleaver Fudge Larson (CT) Bergman Cheney Duffy Costa Himes McCollum Clyburn Gabbard Lawrence Biggs Cloud Duncan (SC) Courtney Huffman McEachin Cohen Gallego Lawson (FL) Bilirakis Cole Duncan (TN) Crist Jackson Lee McGovern Connolly Garamendi Lee Bishop (MI) Collins (GA) Dunn Crowley Jayapal McNerney Cooper Gomez Levin Bishop (UT) Collins (NY) Emmer Cummings Jeffries Meeks Correa Gonzalez (TX) Lewis (GA) Blum Comer Estes (KS) Curbelo (FL) Johnson (GA) Meng Costello (PA) Gottheimer Lieu, Ted Bost Conaway Ferguson Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Moore Courtney Green, Al Lipinski Brady (TX) Cook Fleischmann Davis, Danny Joyce (OH) Moulton

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.104 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6547 Murphy (FL) Ros-Lehtinen Suozzi Heck Maloney, Ryan (OH) Rokita Smith (NE) Walorski Nadler Rosen Swalwell (CA) Higgins (NY) Carolyn B. Sa´ nchez Rooney, Francis Smith (TX) Walters, Mimi Napolitano Roybal-Allard Takano Himes Maloney, Sean Sanford Rooney, Thomas Smucker Weber (TX) Neal Ruiz Taylor Huffman Matsui Sarbanes J. Stewart Webster (FL) Nolan Ruppersberger Thompson (CA) Jackson Lee McCollum Schakowsky Ross Stivers Wenstrup Norcross Rush Thompson (MS) Jayapal McEachin Schiff Rothfus Taylor Westerman O’Halleran Ryan (OH) Titus Jeffries McGovern Schneider Rouzer Tenney Williams ´ O’Rourke Sanchez Tonko Johnson (GA) McNerney Schrader Royce (CA) Thompson (PA) Wilson (SC) Pallone Sarbanes Torres Russell Thornberry Johnson, E. B. Meeks Scott (VA) Wittman Panetta Schakowsky Tsongas Jones Meng Rutherford Tipton Scott, David Womack Pascrell Schiff Upton Kaptur Moore Scalise Trott Serrano Woodall Paulsen Schneider Vargas Katko Moulton Schweikert Turner Payne Scott (VA) Veasey Keating Murphy (FL) Sewell (AL) Scott, Austin Upton Yoder Pelosi Scott, David Vela Kelly (IL) Nadler Shea-Porter Sensenbrenner Valadao Yoho Perlmutter Serrano Vela´ zquez Kennedy Napolitano Sherman Sessions Wagner Young (AK) Peters Sewell (AL) Visclosky Khanna Neal Sinema Shimkus Walberg Young (IA) Pingree Shea-Porter Wasserman Kihuen Nolan Sires Simpson Walden Zeldin Pocan Sherman Schultz Kildee Norcross Smith (NJ) Smith (MO) Walker Polis Sinema Waters, Maxine Kilmer O’Halleran Smith (WA) Price (NC) Sires Watson Coleman Kind O’Rourke Soto NOT VOTING—13 Quigley Smith (NJ) Welch Krishnamoorthi Pallone Stefanik Bass Gaetz Shuster Raskin Smith (WA) Wilson (FL) Kuster (NH) Panetta Suozzi Black Hanabusa Speier Reed Soto Wittman Lamb Pascrell Swalwell (CA) Blackburn Hoyer Walz Rice (NY) Stefanik Yarmuth Lance Paulsen Takano Ca´ rdenas Peterson Langevin Payne DeSantis Richmond NOT VOTING—13 Thompson (CA) Larsen (WA) Pelosi Thompson (MS) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Bass Gaetz Shuster Larson (CT) Perlmutter Titus Lawrence Black Hanabusa Speier Peters Tonko The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Lawson (FL) Pingree Blackburn Hoyer Walz Torres There is 1 minute remaining. Ca´ rdenas Peterson Lee Pocan Tsongas DeSantis Richmond Levin Polis Vargas 2222 Lewis (GA) Price (NC) b ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Lieu, Ted Quigley Veasey So the amendment was rejected. The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Lipinski Raskin Vela Vela´ zquez The result of the vote was announced There is 1 minute remaining. LoBiondo Rice (NY) Loebsack Rohrabacher Visclosky as above recorded. Wasserman Lofgren Ros-Lehtinen AMENDMENT NO. 60 OFFERED BY MR. PEARCE b 2219 Schultz Lowenthal Rosen The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished So the amendment was agreed to. Lowey Roskam Waters, Maxine Watson Coleman business is the demand for a recorded The result of the vote was announced Lujan Grisham, Roybal-Allard M. Ruiz Welch vote on the amendment offered by the as above recorded. Luja´ n, Ben Ray Ruppersberger Wilson (FL) gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. AMENDMENT NO. 51 OFFERED BY MR. GALLEGO Lynch Rush Yarmuth PEARCE) on which further proceedings The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished NOES—212 were postponed and on which the ayes business is the demand for a recorded Abraham Dunn Labrador prevailed by voice vote. vote on the amendment offered by the Aderholt Emmer LaHood The Clerk will redesignate the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) Allen Estes (KS) LaMalfa amendment. on which further proceedings were Amodei Ferguson Lamborn The Clerk redesignated the amend- postponed and on which the noes pre- Arrington Fleischmann Latta Babin Flores Lesko ment. vailed by voice vote. Bacon Foxx Lewis (MN) RECORDED VOTE The Clerk will redesignate the Banks (IN) Frelinghuysen Long amendment. Barletta Gallagher Loudermilk The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Barr Garrett Love has been demanded. The Clerk redesignated the amend- Barraga´ n Gianforte Lucas ment. A recorded vote was ordered. Barton Gibbs Luetkemeyer The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- RECORDED VOTE Bergman Gohmert MacArthur Biggs Goodlatte Marchant minute vote. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bilirakis Gosar Marino The vote was taken by electronic de- has been demanded. Bishop (MI) Gowdy Marshall vice, and there were—ayes 206, noes 209, Bishop (UT) Granger Massie A recorded vote was ordered. not voting 13, as follows: The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Blum Graves (GA) Mast Bost Graves (LA) McCarthy [Roll No. 353] minute vote. Brady (TX) Graves (MO) McCaul AYES—206 The vote was taken by electronic de- Brat Griffith McClintock vice, and there were—ayes 203, noes 212, Brooks (IN) Grothman McHenry Abraham Cole Granger Buchanan Guthrie McKinley Aderholt Collins (GA) Graves (GA) not voting 13, as follows: Buck Handel McMorris Allen Collins (NY) Graves (LA) [Roll No. 352] Bucshon Harper Rodgers Amodei Comer Graves (MO) Budd Harris McSally Arrington Comstock Grothman AYES—203 Burgess Hartzler Meadows Babin Conaway Guthrie Adams Clarke (NY) Dingell Byrne Hensarling Messer Bacon Cook Handel Aguilar Clay Doggett Calvert Herrera Beutler Mitchell Banks (IN) Cramer Harper Amash Cleaver Doyle, Michael Carter (GA) Hice, Jody B. Moolenaar Barletta Crawford Harris Beatty Clyburn F. Carter (TX) Higgins (LA) Mooney (WV) Barr Culberson Hartzler Bera Coffman Ellison Chabot Hill Mullin Barton Curtis Hensarling Beyer Cohen Engel Cheney Holding Newhouse Bergman Davidson Herrera Beutler Bishop (GA) Connolly Eshoo Cloud Hollingsworth Noem Biggs Davis, Rodney Hice, Jody B. Blumenauer Cooper Espaillat Cole Hudson Norman Bilirakis Denham Higgins (LA) Blunt Rochester Correa Esty (CT) Collins (GA) Huizenga Nunes Bishop (MI) DesJarlais Hill Bonamici Costa Evans Collins (NY) Hultgren Olson Bishop (UT) Diaz-Balart Holding Boyle, Brendan Costello (PA) Faso Comer Hunter Palazzo Blum Duffy Hollingsworth F. Courtney Fitzpatrick Comstock Hurd Palmer Bost Duncan (SC) Hudson Brady (PA) Crist Fortenberry Conaway Issa Pearce Brady (TX) Duncan (TN) Huizenga Brooks (AL) Crowley Foster Cook Jenkins (KS) Perry Brat Dunn Hultgren Brown (MD) Cuellar Frankel (FL) Cramer Jenkins (WV) Pittenger Brooks (IN) Emmer Hunter Brownley (CA) Cummings Fudge Crawford Johnson (LA) Poe (TX) Buck Estes (KS) Hurd Bustos Curbelo (FL) Gabbard Culberson Johnson (OH) Poliquin Bucshon Ferguson Jenkins (KS) Butterfield Davis (CA) Gallego Curtis Johnson, Sam Posey Budd Fleischmann Jenkins (WV) Capuano Davis, Danny Garamendi Davidson Jordan Ratcliffe Burgess Flores Johnson (LA) Carbajal DeFazio Gomez Davis, Rodney Joyce (OH) Reed Byrne Foxx Johnson (OH) Carson (IN) DeGette Gonzalez (TX) Denham Kelly (MS) Reichert Calvert Gallagher Johnson, Sam Cartwright Delaney Gottheimer DesJarlais Kelly (PA) Renacci Carter (GA) Gianforte Jones Castor (FL) DeLauro Green, Al Diaz-Balart King (IA) Rice (SC) Carter (TX) Gibbs Jordan Castro (TX) DelBene Green, Gene Donovan King (NY) Roby Chabot Gohmert Joyce (OH) Chu, Judy Demings Grijalva Duffy Kinzinger Roe (TN) Cheney Goodlatte Katko Cicilline DeSaulnier Gutie´rrez Duncan (SC) Knight Rogers (AL) Cloud Gosar Kelly (MS) Clark (MA) Deutch Hastings Duncan (TN) Kustoff (TN) Rogers (KY) Coffman Gowdy Kelly (PA)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.101 H18JYPT1 H6548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 King (IA) Norman Simpson Scott (VA) Suozzi Vela Long Pittenger Smith (NE) Kinzinger Nunes Smith (MO) Scott, David Swalwell (CA) Vela´ zquez Loudermilk Poe (TX) Smith (TX) Knight Olson Smith (NE) Serrano Takano Visclosky Love Poliquin Smucker Kustoff (TN) Palazzo Smith (TX) Sewell (AL) Thompson (CA) Wasserman Lucas Posey Stewart Labrador Palmer Smucker Shea-Porter Thompson (MS) Schultz Luetkemeyer Ratcliffe Stivers LaHood Pearce Stewart Sherman Titus Waters, Maxine MacArthur Reed Taylor LaMalfa Perry Stivers Sinema Tonko Watson Coleman Marchant Reichert Tenney Lamborn Pittenger Taylor Sires Torres Welch Marino Renacci Thompson (PA) Smith (NJ) Tsongas Latta Poe (TX) Tenney Wilson (FL) Marshall Rice (SC) Thornberry Lesko Poliquin Smith (WA) Upton Massie Roby Thompson (PA) Yarmuth Tipton Lewis (MN) Posey Soto Vargas McCarthy Roe (TN) Thornberry Trott Long Ratcliffe Stefanik Veasey McCaul Rogers (AL) Tipton Turner Loudermilk Reed McClintock Rogers (KY) Valadao Love Renacci Trott NOT VOTING—13 McHenry Rohrabacher Wagner Lucas Rice (SC) Turner McKinley Rokita Bass Gaetz Shuster Walberg Luetkemeyer Roby Valadao Black Hanabusa McMorris Rooney, Francis Speier Walden MacArthur Roe (TN) Wagner Blackburn Hoyer Rodgers Rooney, Thomas Walz Walker Marchant Rogers (AL) Walberg Ca´ rdenas Peterson McSally J. Walorski Marino Rogers (KY) Walden DeSantis Richmond Meadows Ros-Lehtinen Marshall Rohrabacher Walker Messer Roskam Walters, Mimi Massie Rokita Walorski ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Mitchell Ross Weber (TX) McCarthy Rooney, Francis Walters, Mimi Moolenaar Rothfus Webster (FL) The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Wenstrup McCaul Rooney, Thomas Weber (TX) Mooney (WV) Rouzer There is 1 minute remaining. Westerman McClintock J. Webster (FL) Mullin Royce (CA) Williams McHenry Roskam Wenstrup Newhouse Russell b 2225 Wilson (SC) McKinley Ross Westerman Noem Rutherford Wittman McMorris Rothfus Williams So the amendment was rejected. Norman Scalise Rodgers Womack Rouzer Wilson (SC) The result of the vote was announced Nunes Schweikert McSally Royce (CA) Olson Scott, Austin Woodall Wittman Meadows Russell as above recorded. Palazzo Sensenbrenner Yoder Womack Messer Rutherford AMENDMENT NO. 62 OFFERED BY MR. PEARCE Palmer Sessions Yoho Mitchell Scalise Woodall Paulsen Shimkus Young (AK) Moolenaar Schweikert Yoder The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Pearce Simpson Young (IA) Mooney (WV) Scott, Austin Yoho business is the demand for a recorded Perry Smith (MO) Zeldin Mullin Sensenbrenner Young (AK) vote on the amendment offered by the Young (IA) Newhouse Sessions gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. NOES—199 Noem Shimkus Zeldin PEARCE) on which further proceedings Adams Fitzpatrick Matsui NOES—209 were postponed and on which the ayes Aguilar Fortenberry McCollum Barraga´ n Foster McEachin Adams Ellison LoBiondo prevailed by voice vote. Beatty Frankel (FL) McGovern Aguilar Engel Loebsack The Clerk will redesignate the Bera Fudge McNerney Amash Eshoo Lofgren amendment. Beyer Gabbard Meeks Barraga´ n Espaillat Lowenthal Bishop (GA) Gallego Meng Beatty Esty (CT) Lowey The Clerk redesignated the amend- Blumenauer Garamendi Moore Bera Evans Lujan Grisham, ment. Blunt Rochester Gomez Moulton Beyer Faso M. RECORDED VOTE Bonamici Gonzalez (TX) Murphy (FL) Bishop (GA) Fitzpatrick Luja´ n, Ben Ray Boyle, Brendan Gottheimer Nadler Blumenauer Fortenberry Lynch The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote F. Green, Al Napolitano Blunt Rochester Foster Maloney, has been demanded. Brady (PA) Green, Gene Neal Bonamici Frankel (FL) Carolyn B. A recorded vote was ordered. Brooks (AL) Grijalva Nolan Boyle, Brendan Frelinghuysen Maloney, Sean Brown (MD) Grothman Norcross F. Fudge Mast The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Brownley (CA) Gutie´rrez O’Halleran Brady (PA) Gabbard Matsui minute vote. Buchanan Hastings O’Rourke Brooks (AL) Gallego McCollum The vote was taken by electronic de- Bustos Heck Pallone Brown (MD) Garamendi McEachin vice, and there were—ayes 216, noes 199, Butterfield Herrera Beutler Panetta Brownley (CA) Garrett McGovern Capuano Higgins (NY) Pascrell Buchanan Gomez McNerney not voting 13, as follows: Carbajal Himes Payne Bustos Gonzalez (TX) Meeks [Roll No. 354] Carson (IN) Huffman Pelosi Butterfield Gottheimer Meng Cartwright Jackson Lee Perlmutter Capuano Green, Al Moore AYES—216 Castor (FL) Jayapal Peters Carbajal Green, Gene Moulton Abraham Conaway Handel Castro (TX) Jeffries Pingree Carson (IN) Griffith Murphy (FL) Aderholt Cook Harper Chu, Judy Johnson (GA) Pocan Cartwright Grijalva Nadler Allen Costello (PA) Harris Cicilline Johnson, E. B. Polis Castor (FL) Gutie´rrez Napolitano Amash Cramer Hartzler Clark (MA) Kaptur Price (NC) Castro (TX) Hastings Neal Amodei Crawford Hensarling Clarke (NY) Keating Quigley Chu, Judy Heck Nolan Arrington Cuellar Hice, Jody B. Clay Kelly (IL) Raskin Cicilline Higgins (NY) Norcross Babin Culberson Higgins (LA) Cleaver Kennedy Rice (NY) Clark (MA) Himes O’Halleran Bacon Curbelo (FL) Hill Clyburn Khanna Rosen Clarke (NY) Huffman O’Rourke Banks (IN) Curtis Holding Cohen Kihuen Roybal-Allard Clay Issa Pallone Barletta Davidson Hollingsworth Connolly Kildee Ruiz Cleaver Jackson Lee Panetta Barr Davis, Rodney Hudson Cooper Kilmer Ruppersberger Clyburn Jayapal Pascrell Barton Denham Huizenga Correa Kind Rush Cohen Jeffries Paulsen Bergman DesJarlais Hultgren Costa King (NY) Ryan (OH) Connolly Johnson (GA) Payne Biggs Diaz-Balart Hunter Courtney Krishnamoorthi Sa´ nchez Cooper Johnson, E. B. Pelosi Bilirakis Duffy Hurd Crist Kuster (NH) Sanford Correa Kaptur Perlmutter Bishop (MI) Duncan (SC) Issa Crowley Lamb Sarbanes Costa Keating Peters Bishop (UT) Duncan (TN) Jenkins (KS) Cummings Lance Schakowsky Costello (PA) Kelly (IL) Pingree Blum Dunn Jenkins (WV) Davis (CA) Langevin Schiff Courtney Kennedy Pocan Bost Emmer Johnson (LA) Davis, Danny Larsen (WA) Schneider Crist Khanna Polis Brady (TX) Estes (KS) Johnson (OH) DeFazio Larson (CT) Schrader Crowley Kihuen Price (NC) Brat Ferguson Johnson, Sam DeGette Lawrence Scott (VA) Cuellar Kildee Quigley Brooks (IN) Fleischmann Jones Delaney Lawson (FL) Scott, David Cummings Kilmer Raskin Buck Flores Jordan DeLauro Lee Serrano Curbelo (FL) Kind Reichert Bucshon Foxx Joyce (OH) DelBene Levin Sewell (AL) Davis (CA) King (NY) Rice (NY) Budd Frelinghuysen Katko Demings Lewis (GA) Shea-Porter Davis, Danny Krishnamoorthi Ros-Lehtinen Burgess Gallagher Kelly (MS) DeSaulnier Lieu, Ted Sherman DeFazio Kuster (NH) Rosen Byrne Garrett Kelly (PA) Deutch Lipinski Sinema DeGette Lamb Roybal-Allard Calvert Gianforte King (IA) Dingell Loebsack Sires Delaney Lance Ruiz Carter (GA) Gibbs Kinzinger Doggett Lofgren Smith (NJ) DeLauro Langevin Ruppersberger Carter (TX) Gohmert Knight Donovan Lowenthal Smith (WA) DelBene Larsen (WA) Rush Chabot Goodlatte Kustoff (TN) Doyle, Michael Lowey Soto Demings Larson (CT) Ryan (OH) Cheney Gosar Labrador F. Lujan Grisham, Stefanik DeSaulnier Lawrence Sa´ nchez Cloud Gowdy LaHood Ellison M. Suozzi Deutch Lawson (FL) Sanford Coffman Granger LaMalfa Engel Luja´ n, Ben Ray Swalwell (CA) Dingell Lee Sarbanes Cole Graves (GA) Lamborn Eshoo Lynch Takano Doggett Levin Schakowsky Collins (GA) Graves (LA) Latta Espaillat Maloney, Thompson (CA) Donovan Lewis (GA) Schiff Collins (NY) Graves (MO) Lesko Esty (CT) Carolyn B. Thompson (MS) Doyle, Michael Lieu, Ted Schneider Comer Griffith Lewis (MN) Evans Maloney, Sean Titus F. Lipinski Schrader Comstock Guthrie LoBiondo Faso Mast Tonko

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.071 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6549 Torres Vela Waters, Maxine Poe (TX) Russell Walberg NOT VOTING—15 Tsongas Vela´ zquez Watson Coleman Posey Rutherford Walden Bass DeSantis Richmond Upton Visclosky Welch Ratcliffe Sanford Walker Black Gaetz Shuster Vargas Wasserman Wilson (FL) Reed Scalise Walorski Blackburn Hanabusa Speier Veasey Schultz Yarmuth Renacci Schweikert Walters, Mimi Ca´ rdenas Hoyer Tipton NOT VOTING—13 Rice (SC) Scott, Austin Weber (TX) Crawford Peterson Walz Roby Sensenbrenner Webster (FL) Bass Gaetz Shuster Roe (TN) Sessions Wenstrup ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Black Hanabusa Speier Rogers (AL) Shimkus Westerman The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Blackburn Hoyer Walz Rogers (KY) Smith (MO) Williams Ca´ rdenas Peterson There is 1 minute remaining. Rohrabacher Smith (NE) Wilson (SC) DeSantis Richmond Rokita Smith (TX) Wittman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Rooney, Francis Smucker Womack b 2231 The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Rooney, Thomas Stewart Woodall So the amendment was rejected. J. Tenney Yoder There is 1 minute remaining. Ross Thompson (PA) Yoho The result of the vote was announced Rothfus Thornberry Young (AK) as above recorded. b 2227 Rouzer Valadao Young (IA) AMENDMENT NO. 69 OFFERED BY MR. JODY B. So the amendment was agreed to. Royce (CA) Wagner Zeldin HICE OF GEORGIA The result of the vote was announced NOES—220 The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished as above recorded. business is the demand for a recorded Adams Gallego Neal AMENDMENT NO. 63 OFFERED BY MR. GOSAR Aguilar Garamendi Nolan vote on the amendment offered by the The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Barraga´ n Gomez Norcross gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JODY B. business is the demand for a recorded Beatty Gonzalez (TX) O’Halleran HICE) on which further proceedings vote on the amendment offered by the Bera Gottheimer O’Rourke were postponed and on which the noes Beyer Green, Al Pallone gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR) Bilirakis Green, Gene Panetta prevailed by voice vote. on which further proceedings were Bishop (GA) Grijalva Pascrell The Clerk will redesignate the postponed and on which the ayes pre- Blumenauer Gutie´rrez Paulsen amendment. vailed by voice vote. Blunt Rochester Hastings Payne The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bonamici Heck Pelosi The Clerk will redesignate the Boyle, Brendan Herrera Beutler Perlmutter ment. amendment. F. Higgins (NY) Peters RECORDED VOTE The Clerk redesignated the amend- Brady (PA) Himes Pingree The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote ment. Brown (MD) Huffman Pocan Brownley (CA) Hurd Poliquin has been demanded. RECORDED VOTE Buchanan Jackson Lee Polis A recorded vote was ordered. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bustos Jayapal Price (NC) The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- has been demanded. Butterfield Jeffries Quigley minute vote. Capuano Johnson (GA) Raskin A recorded vote was ordered. Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Reichert The vote was taken by electronic de- The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Carson (IN) Jones Rice (NY) vice, and there were—ayes 174, noes 240, minute vote. Cartwright Joyce (OH) Ros-Lehtinen not voting 14, as follows: The vote was taken by electronic de- Castor (FL) Kaptur Rosen [Roll No. 356] Castro (TX) Katko Roskam vice, and there were—ayes 193, noes 220, Chu, Judy Keating Roybal-Allard AYES—174 not voting 15, as follows: Cicilline Kelly (IL) Ruiz Abraham Fortenberry Loudermilk [Roll No. 355] Clark (MA) Kennedy Ruppersberger Aderholt Gallagher Love Clarke (NY) Khanna Rush Allen Garrett Luetkemeyer AYES—193 Clay Kihuen Ryan (OH) Amash Gianforte Marchant Abraham Diaz-Balart Jordan Cleaver Kildee Sa´ nchez Arrington Gibbs Marino Aderholt Duffy Kelly (MS) Clyburn Kilmer Sarbanes Babin Gohmert Marshall Allen Duncan (SC) Kelly (PA) Coffman Kind Schakowsky Banks (IN) Gonzalez (TX) Massie Amash Duncan (TN) King (IA) Cohen King (NY) Schiff Barletta Goodlatte Mast Amodei Dunn Kinzinger Comstock Knight Schneider Barr Gosar McCarthy Arrington Emmer Kustoff (TN) Connolly Krishnamoorthi Schrader Barton Gowdy McCaul Babin Estes (KS) Labrador Cooper Kuster (NH) Scott (VA) Bergman Granger McClintock Bacon Ferguson LaHood Correa Lamb Scott, David Biggs Graves (GA) McHenry Banks (IN) Fleischmann LaMalfa Costa Lance Serrano Bilirakis Graves (LA) McMorris Barletta Flores Lamborn Costello (PA) Langevin Sewell (AL) Bishop (MI) Graves (MO) Rodgers Barr Foxx Latta Courtney Larsen (WA) Shea-Porter Bishop (UT) Griffith Meadows Barton Gallagher Lesko Crist Larson (CT) Sherman Blum Grothman Messer Bergman Garrett Lewis (MN) Crowley Lawrence Simpson Bost Guthrie Mitchell Biggs Gianforte Long Cuellar Lawson (FL) Sinema Brady (TX) Handel Mooney (WV) Bishop (MI) Gibbs Loudermilk Cummings Lee Sires Brat Harper Mullin Bishop (UT) Gohmert Love Curbelo (FL) Levin Smith (NJ) Brooks (AL) Harris Newhouse Blum Goodlatte Lucas Davis (CA) Lewis (GA) Smith (WA) Brooks (IN) Hartzler Noem Bost Gosar Luetkemeyer Davis, Danny Lieu, Ted Soto Buck Hensarling Norman Brady (TX) Gowdy MacArthur DeFazio Lipinski Stefanik Budd Hice, Jody B. Olson Brat Granger Marchant DeGette LoBiondo Stivers Burgess Higgins (LA) Palazzo Brooks (AL) Graves (GA) Marino Delaney Loebsack Suozzi Byrne Hill Palmer Brooks (IN) Graves (LA) Marshall DeLauro Lofgren Swalwell (CA) Carter (GA) Holding Pearce Buck Graves (MO) Massie Carter (TX) Hudson Perry DelBene Lowenthal Takano Bucshon Griffith Mast Chabot Huizenga Pittenger Demings Lowey Taylor Budd Grothman McCarthy Cheney Hultgren Poe (TX) DeSaulnier Lujan Grisham, Thompson (CA) Burgess Guthrie McCaul Cloud Hunter Poliquin Deutch M. Thompson (MS) Byrne Handel McClintock Collins (GA) Issa Posey Dingell Luja´ n, Ben Ray Titus Calvert Harper McKinley Comer Jenkins (KS) Ratcliffe Doggett Lynch Carter (GA) Harris McMorris Tonko Comstock Johnson (LA) Renacci Carter (TX) Hartzler Rodgers Donovan Maloney, Torres Conaway Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Chabot Hensarling Meadows Doyle, Michael Carolyn B. Trott Cook Johnson, Sam Roe (TN) Cheney Hice, Jody B. Messer F. Maloney, Sean Tsongas Cramer Jones Rogers (AL) Cloud Higgins (LA) Mitchell Ellison Matsui Turner Crawford Jordan Rohrabacher Cole Hill Moolenaar Engel McCollum Upton Culberson Kelly (MS) Rokita Collins (GA) Holding Mooney (WV) Eshoo McEachin Vargas Curtis Kelly (PA) Rooney, Francis Collins (NY) Hollingsworth Mullin Espaillat McGovern Veasey Davidson King (IA) Rooney, Thomas Comer Hudson Newhouse Esty (CT) McHenry Vela DesJarlais Kinzinger J. Conaway Huizenga Noem Evans McNerney Vela´ zquez Duffy Kustoff (TN) Ross Cook Hultgren Norman Faso McSally Visclosky Duncan (SC) Labrador Rothfus Cramer Hunter Nunes Fitzpatrick Meeks Wasserman Duncan (TN) LaHood Rouzer Culberson Issa Olson Fortenberry Meng Schultz Dunn LaMalfa Russell Curtis Jenkins (KS) Palazzo Foster Moore Waters, Maxine Emmer Lamborn Sanford Davidson Jenkins (WV) Palmer Frankel (FL) Moulton Watson Coleman Estes (KS) Latta Scalise Davis, Rodney Johnson (LA) Pearce Frelinghuysen Murphy (FL) Welch Ferguson Lesko Schweikert Denham Johnson (OH) Perry Fudge Nadler Wilson (FL) Fleischmann Lewis (MN) Scott, Austin DesJarlais Johnson, Sam Pittenger Gabbard Napolitano Yarmuth Flores Long Sensenbrenner

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.076 H18JYPT1 H6550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Sessions Walberg Wilson (SC) Nolan Richmond Speier Rooney, Francis Smith (MO) Walker Smith (MO) Walker Wittman Peterson Shuster Walz Rooney, Thomas Smith (NE) Walorski Smith (NE) Walorski Woodall J. Smith (TX) Walters, Mimi ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Smith (TX) Walters, Mimi Yoder Roskam Smucker Weber (TX) Smucker Weber (TX) Yoho The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Ross Stewart Webster (FL) Stewart Webster (FL) Young (AK) There is 1 minute remaining. Rothfus Stivers Wenstrup Thompson (PA) Wenstrup Young (IA) Rouzer Taylor Westerman Thornberry Westerman Zeldin b 2233 Royce (CA) Tenney Williams Russell Thompson (PA) Wagner Williams Wilson (SC) Rutherford Thornberry So the amendment was rejected. Wittman Sanford Tipton The result of the vote was announced Womack NOES—240 Scalise Trott Adams Gallego O’Rourke as above recorded. Schweikert Turner Woodall Yoder Aguilar Garamendi Pallone AMENDMENT NO. 70 OFFERED BY MR. SMITH OF Scott, Austin Upton Yoho Amodei Gomez Panetta MISSOURI Sensenbrenner Valadao Bacon Gottheimer Pascrell Sessions Wagner Young (AK) Barraga´ n Green, Al Paulsen The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Shimkus Walberg Young (IA) Beatty Green, Gene Payne business is the demand for a recorded Simpson Walden Bera Grijalva Pelosi vote on the amendment offered by the Beyer Gutie´rrez NOES—199 Perlmutter gentleman from Missouri (Mr. SMITH) Bishop (GA) Hastings Peters Adams Gabbard Nadler Blumenauer Heck Pingree on which further proceedings were Aguilar Gallego Napolitano Blunt Rochester Herrera Beutler Pocan postponed and on which the ayes pre- Barraga´ n Garamendi Neal Bonamici Higgins (NY) Polis vailed by voice vote. Beatty Gomez Nolan Boyle, Brendan Himes Price (NC) The Clerk will redesignate the Bera Gonzalez (TX) Norcross F. Hollingsworth Quigley Beyer Gottheimer O’Halleran Brady (PA) Huffman Raskin amendment. Bishop (GA) Green, Al O’Rourke Brown (MD) Hurd Reed The Clerk redesignated the amend- Blumenauer Green, Gene Pallone Brownley (CA) Jackson Lee Reichert ment. Blunt Rochester Grijalva Panetta Buchanan Jayapal Rice (NY) Bonamici Gutie´rrez Pascrell Bucshon Jeffries Roby RECORDED VOTE Boyle, Brendan Hastings Payne Bustos Jenkins (WV) Rogers (KY) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote F. Heck Pelosi Butterfield Johnson (GA) Ros-Lehtinen has been demanded. Brady (PA) Higgins (NY) Perlmutter Calvert Johnson, E. B. Rosen Brown (MD) Himes Peters Capuano Joyce (OH) Roskam A recorded vote was ordered. Brownley (CA) Huffman Pingree Carbajal Kaptur Roybal-Allard The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Buchanan Jackson Lee Pocan Carson (IN) Katko Royce (CA) minute vote. Bustos Jayapal Polis Cartwright Keating Butterfield Jeffries Price (NC) Ruiz The vote was taken by electronic de- Castor (FL) Kelly (IL) Ruppersberger Capuano Johnson (GA) Quigley Castro (TX) Kennedy Rush vice, and there were—ayes 215, noes 199, Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Raskin Chu, Judy Khanna Rutherford not voting 14, as follows: Carson (IN) Kaptur Rice (NY) Cicilline Kihuen Ryan (OH) Cartwright Katko Ros-Lehtinen Clark (MA) Kildee [Roll No. 357] Sa´ nchez Castor (FL) Keating Rosen Clarke (NY) Kilmer Sarbanes AYES—215 Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Roybal-Allard Clay Kind Chu, Judy Kennedy Ruiz Schakowsky Abraham Estes (KS) LaHood Cleaver King (NY) Cicilline Khanna Ruppersberger Schiff Aderholt Faso LaMalfa Clyburn Knight Clark (MA) Kihuen Rush Schneider Allen Ferguson Lamborn Coffman Krishnamoorthi Clarke (NY) Kildee Ryan (OH) Schrader Amash Fleischmann Latta Cohen Kuster (NH) Clay Kilmer Sa´ nchez Scott (VA) Amodei Flores Lesko Cole Lamb Cleaver Kind Sarbanes Scott, David Arrington Fortenberry Lewis (MN) Collins (NY) Lance Clyburn King (NY) Schakowsky Serrano Babin Foxx Long Connolly Langevin Cohen Krishnamoorthi Schiff Sewell (AL) Bacon Frelinghuysen Loudermilk Cooper Larsen (WA) Connolly Kuster (NH) Schneider Shea-Porter Banks (IN) Gallagher Love Correa Larson (CT) Cooper Lamb Schrader Sherman Barletta Garrett Lucas Costa Lawrence Correa Lance Scott (VA) Shimkus Barr Gianforte Luetkemeyer Costello (PA) Lawson (FL) Costa Langevin Scott, David Simpson Barton Gibbs Marchant Courtney Lee Costello (PA) Larsen (WA) Serrano Sinema Bergman Gohmert Marino Crist Levin Courtney Larson (CT) Sewell (AL) Sires Biggs Goodlatte Marshall Crowley Lewis (GA) Crist Lawrence Shea-Porter Smith (NJ) Bilirakis Gosar Massie Cuellar Lieu, Ted Crowley Lawson (FL) Sherman Bishop (MI) Gowdy Mast Cummings Lipinski Smith (WA) Cuellar Lee Sinema Bishop (UT) Granger McCarthy Curbelo (FL) LoBiondo Soto Cummings Levin Sires Blum Graves (GA) McCaul Davis (CA) Loebsack Stefanik Curbelo (FL) Lewis (GA) Smith (NJ) Bost Graves (LA) McClintock Davis, Danny Lofgren Stivers Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Smith (WA) Brat Graves (MO) McHenry Davis, Rodney Lowenthal Suozzi Davis, Danny Lipinski Soto Brooks (AL) Griffith McKinley DeFazio Lowey Swalwell (CA) DeFazio LoBiondo Stefanik Brooks (IN) Grothman McMorris DeGette Lucas Takano DeGette Loebsack Suozzi Buck Guthrie Rodgers Delaney Lujan Grisham, Taylor Delaney Lofgren Swalwell (CA) Bucshon Handel McSally DeLauro M. Tenney DeLauro Lowenthal Takano Budd Harper Meadows DelBene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (CA) DelBene Lowey Thompson (CA) Burgess Harris Messer Demings Lynch Thompson (MS) Demings Lujan Grisham, Thompson (MS) Byrne Hartzler Mitchell Denham MacArthur Tipton DeSaulnier M. Titus Calvert Hensarling Moolenaar DeSaulnier Maloney, Titus Deutch Luja´ n, Ben Ray Tonko Carter (GA) Herrera Beutler Mooney (WV) Deutch Carolyn B. Tonko Dingell Lynch Torres Carter (TX) Hice, Jody B. Mullin Diaz-Balart Maloney, Sean Torres Doggett MacArthur Tsongas Chabot Higgins (LA) Newhouse Dingell Matsui Trott Donovan Maloney, Vargas Cheney Hill Noem Doggett McCollum Tsongas Doyle, Michael Carolyn B. Veasey Cloud Holding Norman Donovan McEachin Turner F. Maloney, Sean Vela Coffman Hollingsworth Nunes Doyle, Michael McGovern Upton Ellison Matsui Vela´ zquez Cole Hudson Olson F. McKinley Valadao Engel McCollum Visclosky Collins (GA) Huizenga Palazzo Ellison McNerney Vargas Eshoo McEachin Wasserman Collins (NY) Hultgren Palmer Engel McSally Veasey Espaillat McGovern Schultz Comer Hunter Paulsen Eshoo Meeks Vela Esty (CT) McNerney Waters, Maxine Comstock Hurd Pearce Espaillat Meng Vela´ zquez Evans Meeks Watson Coleman Conaway Issa Perry Esty (CT) Moolenaar Visclosky Fitzpatrick Meng Welch Cook Jenkins (KS) Pittenger Evans Moore Walden Foster Moore Wilson (FL) Cramer Jenkins (WV) Poe (TX) Faso Moulton Wasserman Frankel (FL) Moulton Yarmuth Crawford Johnson (LA) Poliquin Fitzpatrick Murphy (FL) Schultz Fudge Murphy (FL) Zeldin Foster Nadler Waters, Maxine Culberson Johnson (OH) Posey Foxx Napolitano Watson Coleman Curtis Johnson, Sam Ratcliffe NOT VOTING—14 Davidson Jones Reed Frankel (FL) Neal Welch Bass DeSantis Richmond Davis, Rodney Jordan Reichert Frelinghuysen Norcross Wilson (FL) Black Gaetz Denham Joyce (OH) Renacci Shuster Fudge Nunes Womack Blackburn Hanabusa DesJarlais Kelly (MS) Rice (SC) Speier Gabbard O’Halleran Yarmuth Brady (TX) Hoyer Diaz-Balart Kelly (PA) Roby Walz Ca´ rdenas Peterson NOT VOTING—14 Duffy King (IA) Roe (TN) Duncan (SC) Kinzinger Rogers (AL) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Bass Ca´ rdenas Hanabusa Duncan (TN) Knight Rogers (KY) Black DeSantis Hoyer Dunn Kustoff (TN) Rohrabacher The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Blackburn Gaetz Emmer Labrador Rokita There is 1 minute remaining.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.077 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6551 b 2236 Wasserman Watson Coleman Yarmuth AMENDMENT NO. 83 OFFERED BY MR. PALMER Schultz Welch So the amendment was agreed to. Waters, Maxine Wilson (FL) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished business is the demand for a recorded The result of the vote was announced NOES—224 as above recorded. vote on the amendment offered by the Abraham Graves (LA) Palazzo gentleman from Alabama (Mr. PALMER) AMENDMENT NO. 81 OFFERED BY MR. CARBAJAL Aderholt Graves (MO) Palmer on which further proceedings were The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Allen Griffith Paulsen Amash Grothman postponed and on which the ayes pre- business is the demand for a recorded Pearce Amodei Guthrie Perry vailed by voice vote. vote on the amendment offered by the Arrington Handel Pittenger The Clerk will redesignate the gentleman from California (Mr. Babin Harper Poe (TX) Banks (IN) Hartzler amendment. CARBAJAL) on which further pro- Posey Barletta Hensarling The Clerk redesignated the amend- ceedings were postponed and on which Ratcliffe Barr Herrera Beutler Reed ment. the noes prevailed by voice vote. Barton Hice, Jody B. Reichert RECORDED VOTE The Clerk will redesignate the Bergman Higgins (LA) Renacci Biggs Hill amendment. Rice (SC) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bilirakis Holding Roby has been demanded. The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bishop (MI) Hollingsworth Roe (TN) Bishop (UT) Hudson A recorded vote was ordered. ment. Rogers (AL) Blum Huizenga Rogers (KY) The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- RECORDED VOTE Bost Hultgren Rohrabacher minute vote. Brat Hunter The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Rokita Brooks (AL) Hurd The vote was taken by electronic de- has been demanded. Rooney, Francis Brooks (IN) Issa vice, and there were—ayes 226, noes 189, Rooney, Thomas A recorded vote was ordered. Buchanan Jenkins (KS) not voting 13, as follows: The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Buck Jenkins (WV) J. Ros-Lehtinen [Roll No. 359] minute vote. Bucshon Johnson (LA) Budd Johnson (OH) Roskam AYES—226 The vote was taken by electronic de- Burgess Johnson, Sam Ross Abraham Gianforte vice, and there were—ayes 190, noes 224, Byrne Jordan Rothfus McHenry Aderholt Gibbs Calvert Joyce (OH) Rouzer McKinley not voting 14, as follows: Allen Gohmert Carter (GA) Katko Royce (CA) McMorris Amash Goodlatte [Roll No. 358] Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Russell Rodgers Amodei Gosar Chabot Kelly (PA) Rutherford McSally AYES—190 Arrington Gowdy Cheney King (IA) Sanford Meadows Adams Frankel (FL) Babin Granger Moore Cloud King (NY) Scalise Messer Aguilar Fudge Bacon Graves (GA) Moulton Coffman Kinzinger Schweikert Mitchell Bacon Gabbard Banks (IN) Graves (LA) Murphy (FL) Cole Knight Sensenbrenner Moolenaar Barraga´ n Gallego Barletta Graves (MO) Nadler Collins (GA) Kustoff (TN) Sessions Mooney (WV) Beatty Garamendi Barr Griffith Napolitano Collins (NY) Labrador Shimkus Mullin Bera Gomez Barton Grothman Newhouse Neal Comstock LaHood Simpson Beyer Gonzalez (TX) Bergman Guthrie Noem Nolan Conaway LaMalfa Smith (MO) Bishop (GA) Gottheimer Biggs Handel Norman Norcross Cook Lamborn Smith (NE) Blumenauer Green, Al Bilirakis Harper Nunes O’Halleran Costello (PA) Lance Smith (NJ) Blunt Rochester Green, Gene Bishop (MI) Harris Olson O’Rourke Cramer Latta Smith (TX) Bonamici Grijalva Bishop (UT) Hartzler Pallone Crawford Lesko Palazzo Boyle, Brendan Gutie´rrez Smucker Blum Hensarling Panetta Culberson Lewis (MN) Palmer F. Harris Stefanik Bost Herrera Beutler Pascrell Curbelo (FL) LoBiondo Paulsen Brady (PA) Hastings Stewart Brady (TX) Hice, Jody B. Payne Curtis Long Pearce Brown (MD) Heck Stivers Brat Higgins (LA) Pelosi Davidson Loudermilk Perry Brownley (CA) Higgins (NY) Taylor Brooks (AL) Hill Perlmutter Davis, Rodney Love Pittenger Bustos Himes Tenney Brooks (IN) Holding Peters Denham Lucas Poe (TX) Butterfield Huffman Thompson (PA) Buchanan Hollingsworth Pingree DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Poliquin Capuano Jackson Lee Thornberry Buck Hudson Pocan Diaz-Balart MacArthur Posey Carbajal Jayapal Tipton Bucshon Huizenga Poliquin Donovan Marchant Ratcliffe Carson (IN) Jeffries Trott Budd Hultgren Polis Duffy Marino Reed Cartwright Johnson (GA) Turner Burgess Hunter Price (NC) Duncan (SC) Marshall Reichert Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Upton Byrne Hurd Renacci Quigley Duncan (TN) Massie Castro (TX) Jones Valadao Calvert Issa Rice (SC) Raskin Dunn Mast Chu, Judy Kaptur Wagner Carter (GA) Jenkins (KS) Roby Rice (NY) Emmer McCarthy Cicilline Keating Walberg Carter (TX) Jenkins (WV) Roe (TN) Rosen Estes (KS) McCaul Clark (MA) Kelly (IL) Walden Chabot Johnson (LA) Rogers (AL) Roybal-Allard Faso McClintock Clarke (NY) Kennedy Walker Cheney Johnson (OH) Rogers (KY) Ruiz Ferguson McHenry Clay Khanna Walorski Cloud Johnson, Sam Rokita Ruppersberger Fitzpatrick McKinley Cleaver Kihuen Walters, Mimi Coffman Jones Rooney, Francis Rush Fleischmann McMorris Clyburn Kildee Weber (TX) Cole Jordan Rooney, Thomas Ryan (OH) Flores Rodgers Cohen Kilmer Collins (GA) Joyce (OH) J. Sa´ nchez Fortenberry McNerney Webster (FL) Comer Kind Collins (NY) Katko Foxx McSally Wenstrup Roskam Connolly Krishnamoorthi Sarbanes Comer Kelly (MS) Frelinghuysen Meadows Westerman Ross Cooper Kuster (NH) Schakowsky Comstock Kelly (PA) Gallagher Messer Williams Rothfus Correa Lamb Schiff Conaway King (IA) Garrett Mitchell Wilson (SC) Rouzer Costa Langevin Schneider Cook King (NY) Gianforte Moolenaar Wittman Royce (CA) Courtney Larsen (WA) Schrader Costello (PA) Kinzinger Gibbs Mooney (WV) Womack Russell Crist Larson (CT) Scott (VA) Cramer Knight Gohmert Mullin Woodall Rutherford Crowley Lawrence Scott, Austin Crawford Kustoff (TN) Goodlatte Newhouse Yoder Sanford Cuellar Lawson (FL) Scott, David Culberson Labrador Gosar Noem Yoho Scalise Cummings Lee Serrano Curbelo (FL) LaHood Gowdy Norman Young (AK) Schweikert Davis (CA) Levin Sewell (AL) Curtis LaMalfa Granger Nunes Young (IA) Scott, Austin Davis, Danny Lewis (GA) Shea-Porter Davidson Lamborn Graves (GA) Olson Zeldin Sensenbrenner DeFazio Lieu, Ted Sherman Davis, Rodney Lance Sessions DeGette Lipinski Sinema NOT VOTING—14 Denham Latta Shimkus Delaney Loebsack Sires DesJarlais Lesko Simpson Bass DeSantis Richmond DeLauro Lofgren Smith (WA) Diaz-Balart Lewis (MN) Smith (MO) Black Gaetz DelBene Lowenthal Soto Shuster Donovan LoBiondo Smith (NE) Blackburn Hanabusa Demings Lowey Suozzi Speier Duffy Long Smith (NJ) Brady (TX) Hoyer DeSaulnier Lujan Grisham, Swalwell (CA) Walz Duncan (SC) Loudermilk Smith (TX) Ca´ rdenas Peterson Deutch M. Takano Duncan (TN) Love Smucker Thompson (CA) Dingell Luja´ n, Ben Ray ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Dunn Lucas Stefanik Doggett Lynch Thompson (MS) Emmer Luetkemeyer Stewart Doyle, Michael Maloney, Titus The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Estes (KS) MacArthur Stivers F. Carolyn B. Tonko There is 1 minute remaining. Ferguson Marchant Taylor Ellison Maloney, Sean Torres Fleischmann Marino Tenney Engel Matsui Tsongas Flores Marshall Thompson (PA) Eshoo McCollum Vargas b 2239 Fortenberry Massie Thornberry Espaillat McEachin Veasey So the amendment was rejected. Foxx Mast Tipton Esty (CT) McGovern Vela Frelinghuysen McCarthy Trott Evans Meeks Vela´ zquez The result of the vote was announced Gallagher McCaul Turner Foster Meng Visclosky as above recorded. Garrett McClintock Upton

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.221 H18JYPT1 H6552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Valadao Weber (TX) Womack ceedings were postponed and on which NOES—192 Wagner Webster (FL) Woodall Adams Walberg Wenstrup Yoder the ayes prevailed by voice vote. Gallego Nadler Aguilar Walden Westerman Yoho The Clerk will redesignate the Garamendi Napolitano Barraga´ n Walker Williams Young (AK) Gomez Neal amendment. Beatty Walorski Wilson (SC) Young (IA) Gonzalez (TX) Nolan Bera Walters, Mimi Wittman Zeldin The Clerk redesignated the amend- Gottheimer Norcross ment. Beyer Green, Al O’Halleran NOES—189 Bishop (GA) Green, Gene O’Rourke Blumenauer Grijalva Adams Gabbard Neal RECORDED VOTE Pallone Blunt Rochester Gutie´rrez Aguilar Gallego Panetta Nolan The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bonamici Hastings Barraga´ n Garamendi Pascrell Norcross Boyle, Brendan Heck Beatty Gomez has been demanded. Payne O’Halleran F. Higgins (NY) Bera Gonzalez (TX) Pelosi O’Rourke A recorded vote was ordered. Brady (PA) Hill Beyer Gottheimer Perlmutter Pallone Brown (MD) Himes Bishop (GA) Green, Al The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Peters Panetta Brownley (CA) Huffman Blumenauer Green, Gene minute vote. Pingree Pascrell Bustos Jackson Lee Blunt Rochester Grijalva Pocan Payne The vote was taken by electronic de- Butterfield Jayapal Bonamici Gutie´rrez Polis Pelosi Capuano Jeffries Boyle, Brendan Hastings vice, and there were—ayes 223, noes 192, Price (NC) Perlmutter Carbajal Johnson (GA) F. Heck not voting 13, as follows: Quigley Peters Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. Brady (PA) Higgins (NY) Raskin Pingree [Roll No. 360] Cartwright Kaptur Brown (MD) Himes Reed Pocan Castor (FL) Katko Brownley (CA) Huffman Rice (NY) Polis AYES—223 Castro (TX) Keating Bustos Jackson Lee Rosen Price (NC) Chu, Judy Kelly (IL) Butterfield Jayapal Abraham Granger Palazzo Roybal-Allard Quigley Cicilline Kennedy Capuano Jeffries Aderholt Graves (GA) Palmer Ruiz Raskin Clark (MA) Khanna Carbajal Johnson (GA) Allen Graves (LA) Paulsen Ruppersberger Rice (NY) Clarke (NY) Kihuen Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. Amash Graves (MO) Pearce Rush Rohrabacher Clay Kildee Cartwright Kaptur Amodei Griffith Perry Ryan (OH) Ros-Lehtinen Cleaver Kilmer Castor (FL) Keating Arrington Grothman Pittenger Sa´ nchez Rosen Clyburn Kind Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Babin Guthrie Poe (TX) Sarbanes Roybal-Allard Cohen Krishnamoorthi Chu, Judy Kennedy Bacon Handel Poliquin Schakowsky Ruiz Connolly Kuster (NH) Cicilline Khanna Banks (IN) Harper Posey Schiff Ruppersberger Cooper Lamb Clark (MA) Kihuen Barletta Harris Ratcliffe Schneider Rush Barr Hartzler Correa Lance Clarke (NY) Kildee Reichert Schrader Ryan (OH) Barton Hensarling Renacci Costa Langevin Clay Kilmer Scott (VA) Sa´ nchez Bergman Herrera Beutler Rice (SC) Courtney Larsen (WA) Cleaver Kind Scott, David Sarbanes Biggs Hice, Jody B. Roby Crist Larson (CT) Clyburn Krishnamoorthi Serrano Schakowsky Bilirakis Higgins (LA) Roe (TN) Crowley Lawrence Cohen Kuster (NH) Sewell (AL) Schiff Bishop (MI) Holding Rogers (AL) Cuellar Lawson (FL) Connolly Lamb Shea-Porter Schneider Cummings Lee Cooper Langevin Bishop (UT) Hollingsworth Rogers (KY) Davis (CA) Levin Sherman Correa Larsen (WA) Schrader Blum Hudson Rohrabacher Davis, Danny Lewis (GA) Sires Costa Larson (CT) Scott (VA) Bost Huizenga Rokita DeFazio Lieu, Ted Smith (WA) Courtney Lawrence Scott, David Brady (TX) Hultgren Rooney, Francis DeGette Lipinski Soto Crist Lawson (FL) Serrano Brat Hunter Rooney, Thomas Delaney Loebsack Stefanik Crowley Lee Sewell (AL) Brooks (AL) Hurd J. DeLauro Lofgren Suozzi Cuellar Levin Shea-Porter Brooks (IN) Issa Ros-Lehtinen DelBene Lowenthal Swalwell (CA) Cummings Lewis (GA) Sherman Buchanan Jenkins (KS) Roskam Demings Lowey Takano Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Sinema Buck Jenkins (WV) Ross DeSaulnier Lujan Grisham, Thompson (CA) Davis, Danny Lipinski Sires Bucshon Johnson (LA) Rothfus Deutch M. Thompson (MS) DeFazio Loebsack Smith (WA) Budd Johnson (OH) Rouzer Dingell Luja´ n, Ben Ray Titus DeGette Lofgren Soto Burgess Johnson, Sam Royce (CA) Doggett Lynch Tonko Delaney Lowenthal Suozzi Byrne Jones Russell Doyle, Michael MacArthur Torres DeLauro Lowey Swalwell (CA) Calvert Jordan Rutherford F. Maloney, Tsongas DelBene Lujan Grisham, Takano Carter (GA) Joyce (OH) Sanford Ellison Carolyn B. Vargas Demings M. Thompson (CA) Carter (TX) Kelly (MS) Scalise Engel Maloney, Sean Veasey DeSaulnier Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (MS) Chabot Kelly (PA) Schweikert Eshoo Matsui Vela Deutch Lynch Titus Cheney King (IA) Scott, Austin Espaillat McCollum Vela´ zquez Dingell Maloney, Tonko Cloud King (NY) Sensenbrenner Esty (CT) McEachin Visclosky Doggett Carolyn B. Torres Coffman Kinzinger Sessions Evans McGovern Wasserman Doyle, Michael Maloney, Sean Tsongas Cole Knight Shimkus Faso McNerney Schultz F. Matsui Vargas Collins (GA) Kustoff (TN) Simpson Fitzpatrick Meeks Waters, Maxine Ellison McCollum Veasey Collins (NY) Labrador Sinema Foster Meng Watson Coleman Engel McEachin Vela Comer LaHood Smith (MO) Frankel (FL) Moore Welch Eshoo McGovern Vela´ zquez Comstock LaMalfa Smith (NE) Fudge Moulton Wilson (FL) Espaillat McNerney Visclosky Conaway Lamborn Smith (NJ) Gabbard Murphy (FL) Yarmuth Esty (CT) Meeks Wasserman Cook Latta Smith (TX) Evans Meng Schultz Costello (PA) Lesko Smucker NOT VOTING—13 Faso Moore Waters, Maxine Cramer Lewis (MN) Stewart Bass Gaetz Shuster Fitzpatrick Moulton Watson Coleman Crawford LoBiondo Stivers Black Hanabusa Speier Foster Murphy (FL) Welch Culberson Long Taylor Blackburn Hoyer Frankel (FL) Nadler Wilson (FL) Curbelo (FL) Loudermilk Tenney Walz Ca´ rdenas Peterson Fudge Napolitano Yarmuth Curtis Love Thompson (PA) Davidson Lucas Thornberry DeSantis Richmond Davis, Rodney Luetkemeyer Tipton NOT VOTING—13 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Denham Marchant Trott Bass Gaetz Shuster DesJarlais Marino Turner The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Black Hanabusa Speier Diaz-Balart Marshall Upton There is 1 minute remaining. Blackburn Hoyer Walz Donovan Massie Valadao Ca´ rdenas Peterson Duffy Mast Wagner b 2246 DeSantis Richmond Duncan (SC) McCarthy Walberg So the amendment was agreed to. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Duncan (TN) McCaul Walden Dunn McClintock Walker The result of the vote was announced The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Emmer McHenry Walorski as above recorded. There is 1 minute remaining. Estes (KS) McKinley Walters, Mimi AMENDMENT NO. 85 OFFERED BY MR. ROTHFUS Ferguson McMorris Weber (TX) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished b 2243 Fleischmann Rodgers Webster (FL) business is the demand for a recorded So the amendment was agreed to. Flores McSally Wenstrup Fortenberry Meadows Westerman vote on the amendment offered by the The result of the vote was announced Foxx Messer Williams gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. as above recorded. Frelinghuysen Mitchell Wilson (SC) Gallagher Moolenaar Wittman ROTHFUS) on which further proceedings AMENDMENT NO. 84 OFFERED BY MR. MEADOWS Garrett Mooney (WV) Womack were postponed and on which the ayes The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Gianforte Mullin Woodall prevailed by voice vote. business is the demand for a recorded Gibbs Newhouse Yoder The Clerk will redesignate the vote on the amendment offered by the Gohmert Noem Yoho Goodlatte Norman Young (AK) amendment. gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. Gosar Nunes Young (IA) The Clerk redesignated the amend- MEADOWS) on which further pro- Gowdy Olson Zeldin ment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.084 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6553 RECORDED VOTE Brady (PA) Grijalva Norcross The vote was taken by electronic de- Brown (MD) Gutie´rrez O’Halleran The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Brownley (CA) Hastings O’Rourke vice, and there were—ayes 201, noes 212, has been demanded. Bustos Heck Pallone not voting 15, as follows: A recorded vote was ordered. Butterfield Higgins (NY) Panetta [Roll No. 362] Capuano Himes Pascrell The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Carbajal Huffman Payne AYES—201 Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Pelosi minute vote. Abraham Graves (LA) Paulsen Cartwright Jayapal Perlmutter The vote was taken by electronic de- Aderholt Graves (MO) Pearce Castor (FL) Jeffries Peters Allen Griffith Pittenger vice, and there were—ayes 231, noes 184, Castro (TX) Johnson (GA) Pingree Amash Grothman Poe (TX) not voting 13, as follows: Chu, Judy Johnson, E. B. Pocan Arrington Guthrie Poliquin Cicilline [Roll No. 361] Kaptur Polis Babin Handel Clark (MA) Posey Keating Price (NC) Bacon Harper Clarke (NY) Ratcliffe AYES—231 Kelly (IL) Quigley Banks (IN) Harris Clay Kennedy Raskin Reed Abraham Graves (GA) Palazzo Barletta Hartzler Cleaver Khanna Rice (NY) Reichert Aderholt Graves (LA) Palmer Barr Hensarling Clyburn Kihuen Rosen Renacci Allen Graves (MO) Paulsen Barton Herrera Beutler Cohen Kildee Roybal-Allard Rice (SC) Amash Griffith Pearce Bergman Hice, Jody B. Connolly Kilmer Ruiz Roby Amodei Grothman Perry Biggs Higgins (LA) Cooper Kind Ruppersberger Roe (TN) Arrington Guthrie Pittenger Bilirakis Hill Correa Krishnamoorthi Rush Rogers (AL) Babin Handel Poe (TX) Bishop (MI) Holding Costa Kuster (NH) Ryan (OH) Rogers (KY) Bacon Harper Poliquin Bishop (UT) Hollingsworth Courtney Lamb Sa´ nchez Rohrabacher Banks (IN) Harris Blum Hudson Posey Crist Langevin Sarbanes Rokita Barletta Hartzler Brady (TX) Huizenga Ratcliffe Crowley Larsen (WA) Schakowsky Rooney, Francis Barr Hensarling Brat Hultgren Reed Cuellar Larson (CT) Schiff Rooney, Thomas Barton Herrera Beutler Brooks (AL) Hunter Reichert Cummings Lawrence Schneider J. Bergman Hice, Jody B. Brooks (IN) Hurd Renacci Davis (CA) Lawson (FL) Scott (VA) Roskam Biggs Higgins (LA) Buchanan Issa Rice (SC) Davis, Danny Lee Scott, David Ross Bilirakis Hill Buck Jenkins (KS) Roby DeFazio Levin Serrano Rothfus Bishop (MI) Holding Bucshon Jenkins (WV) Roe (TN) DeGette Lewis (GA) Sewell (AL) Rouzer Bishop (UT) Hollingsworth Budd Johnson (LA) Rogers (AL) Delaney Lieu, Ted Shea-Porter Royce (CA) Blum Hudson Burgess Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) DeLauro Lipinski Sherman Russell Bost Huizenga Byrne Jordan Rohrabacher DelBene Loebsack Sinema Rutherford Brady (TX) Hultgren Calvert Kelly (MS) Rokita Demings Lofgren Sires Sanford Brat Hunter Carter (GA) Kelly (PA) Rooney, Francis DeSaulnier Lowenthal Smith (WA) Scalise Brooks (AL) Hurd Carter (TX) King (IA) Rooney, Thomas Deutch Lowey Soto Schweikert Brooks (IN) Issa Chabot Kinzinger J. Dingell Lujan Grisham, Suozzi Scott, Austin Buchanan Jenkins (KS) Cheney Kustoff (TN) Ros-Lehtinen Doggett M. Swalwell (CA) Sensenbrenner Buck Jenkins (WV) Cloud Labrador Roskam Doyle, Michael Luja´ n, Ben Ray Takano Sessions Bucshon Johnson (LA) Coffman LaHood Ross F. Lynch Thompson (CA) Shimkus Budd Johnson (OH) Cole LaMalfa Rothfus Ellison Maloney, Thompson (MS) Simpson Burgess Johnson, Sam Collins (GA) Lamborn Rouzer Engel Carolyn B. Titus Smith (MO) Byrne Jones Collins (NY) Latta Royce (CA) Eshoo Maloney, Sean Tonko Smith (NE) Calvert Jordan Comer Lesko Russell Espaillat Matsui Torres Smith (TX) Carter (GA) Joyce (OH) Comstock Lewis (MN) Rutherford Esty (CT) McCollum Tsongas Smucker Carter (TX) Katko Conaway Long Sanford Evans McEachin Vargas Stewart Chabot Kelly (MS) Cramer Loudermilk Scalise Foster McGovern Veasey Cheney Kelly (PA) Crawford Love Stivers Schrader Frankel (FL) McNerney Vela Cloud King (IA) Culberson Lucas Taylor Schweikert Fudge Meeks Vela´ zquez Coffman King (NY) Curtis Luetkemeyer Tenney Scott, Austin Gabbard Meng Visclosky Cole Kinzinger Davidson MacArthur Thompson (PA) Sensenbrenner Gallego Moore Wasserman Collins (GA) Knight DesJarlais Marchant Thornberry Sessions Garamendi Moulton Schultz Collins (NY) Kustoff (TN) Diaz-Balart Marino Tipton Shimkus Gomez Murphy (FL) Waters, Maxine Comer Labrador Duffy Marshall Trott Simpson Gonzalez (TX) Nadler Watson Coleman Comstock LaHood Duncan (SC) Massie Upton Smith (MO) Gottheimer Napolitano Welch Conaway LaMalfa Duncan (TN) McCarthy Wagner Smith (NE) Green, Al Neal Wilson (FL) Cook Lamborn Dunn McCaul Walberg Green, Gene Nolan Yarmuth Costello (PA) Lance Smith (NJ) Emmer McClintock Walden Smith (TX) Cramer Latta NOT VOTING—13 Estes (KS) McHenry Walker Crawford Lesko Smucker Ferguson McMorris Walorski Culberson Lewis (MN) Stefanik Bass Gaetz Shuster Fleischmann Rodgers Walters, Mimi Curbelo (FL) LoBiondo Stewart Black Hanabusa Speier Flores McSally Weber (TX) Curtis Long Stivers Blackburn Hoyer Walz Foxx Messer Webster (FL) ´ Davidson Loudermilk Taylor Cardenas Peterson Frelinghuysen Mitchell Wenstrup Davis, Rodney Love Tenney DeSantis Richmond Gallagher Moolenaar Westerman Thompson (PA) Williams Denham Lucas ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Garrett Mooney (WV) DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Thornberry Gianforte Mullin Wilson (SC) Diaz-Balart MacArthur Tipton The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Gibbs Newhouse Wittman Donovan Marchant Trott There is 1 minute remaining. Gohmert Noem Womack Duffy Marino Turner Goodlatte Norman Woodall Duncan (SC) Marshall Upton b 2248 Gosar Nunes Yoder Duncan (TN) Massie Valadao So the amendment was agreed to. Gowdy Olson Yoho Dunn Mast Wagner Granger Palazzo Young (IA) Emmer McCarthy Walberg The result of the vote was announced Graves (GA) Palmer Zeldin Estes (KS) McCaul Walden as above recorded. Walker NOES—212 Faso McClintock AMENDMENT NO. 87 OFFERED BY MR. MCHENRY Walorski Ferguson McHenry The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Adams Castor (FL) Davis (CA) Fitzpatrick McKinley Walters, Mimi Aguilar Castro (TX) Davis, Danny Fleischmann McMorris Weber (TX) business is the demand for a recorded Barraga´ n Chu, Judy Davis, Rodney Flores Rodgers Webster (FL) vote on the amendment offered by the Beatty Cicilline DeFazio Fortenberry McSally Wenstrup gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. Bera Clark (MA) DeGette Foxx Meadows Westerman Beyer Clarke (NY) Delaney C ENRY Frelinghuysen Messer Williams M H ) on which further pro- Bishop (GA) Clay DeLauro Gallagher Mitchell Wilson (SC) ceedings were postponed and on which Blumenauer Cleaver DelBene Garrett Moolenaar Wittman the ayes prevailed by voice vote. Blunt Rochester Clyburn Demings Gianforte Mooney (WV) Womack The Clerk will redesignate the Bonamici Cohen Denham Gibbs Mullin Woodall Bost Connolly DeSaulnier Gohmert Newhouse Yoder amendment. Boyle, Brendan Cook Deutch Goodlatte Noem Yoho The Clerk redesignated the amend- F. Cooper Dingell Gosar Norman Young (AK) ment. Brady (PA) Correa Doggett Gowdy Nunes Young (IA) Brown (MD) Costa Donovan RECORDED VOTE Granger Olson Zeldin Brownley (CA) Costello (PA) Doyle, Michael The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bustos Courtney F. NOES—184 has been demanded. Butterfield Crist Ellison Adams Bera Blunt Rochester A recorded vote was ordered. Capuano Crowley Engel Aguilar Beyer Bonamici Carbajal Cuellar Eshoo Barraga´ n Bishop (GA) Boyle, Brendan The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Carson (IN) Cummings Espaillat Beatty Blumenauer F. minute vote. Cartwright Curbelo (FL) Esty (CT)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.228 H18JYPT1 H6554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Evans Lee Rice (NY) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under oring Tarrant County Commissioner Faso Levin Ros-Lehtinen the rule, the previous question is or- Roy Charles Brooks for a tremendous Fitzpatrick Lewis (GA) Rosen Fortenberry Lieu, Ted Roybal-Allard dered. year of leadership as president of the Foster Lipinski Ruiz Is a separate vote demanded on any National Association of Counties. Frankel (FL) LoBiondo Ruppersberger further amendment reported from the For over 30 years, Commissioner Fudge Loebsack Rush Committee of the Whole? If not, the Brooks has fought for underserved Gabbard Lofgren Ryan (OH) Gallego Lowenthal Sa´ nchez Chair will put them en gros. communities across Tarrant County. Garamendi Lowey Sarbanes The amendments were agreed to. As a community volunteer, a city Gomez Lujan Grisham, Schakowsky The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gonzalez (TX) M. elected official, and county commis- Schiff Gottheimer Luja´ n, Ben Ray question is on the engrossment and sioner, his integrity, innovation, and Schneider Green, Al Lynch Schrader third reading of the bill. fervor to help others has touched gen- Green, Gene Maloney, The bill was ordered to be engrossed erations of Texans. Grijalva Carolyn B. Scott (VA) Gutie´rrez Maloney, Sean Scott, David and read a third time, and was read the He has taken on issues such as Hastings Mast Serrano third time. healthcare for the homeless, infant Heck Matsui Sewell (AL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- mortality, obesity, criminal justice re- Shea-Porter Higgins (NY) McCollum ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further Himes McEachin Sherman form, mental health, and AIDS edu- Huffman McGovern Sires consideration of H.R. 6147 is postponed. cation; and this past year, he worked Jackson Lee McKinley Smith (NJ) f tirelessly to bring awareness to his Jayapal McNerney Smith (WA) presidential initiative Serving the Un- Jeffries Meadows Soto HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW Johnson (GA) Meeks Stefanik derserved: Counties Addressing Pov- Johnson (OH) Meng Suozzi Mr. MACARTHUR. Mr. Speaker, I ask erty. Johnson, E. B. Moore Swalwell (CA) unanimous consent that when the The project has pushed over 3,000 Jones Moulton Takano House adjourns today, it adjourn to counties to look at the role they play Joyce (OH) Murphy (FL) Thompson (CA) meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Kaptur Nadler Thompson (MS) in alleviating poverty and to develop Katko Napolitano Titus The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there best practices to address vital societal Keating Neal Tonko objection to the request of the gen- needs, especially as pertain to early Kelly (IL) Nolan Torres tleman from New Jersey? childhood development. Kennedy Norcross Tsongas Khanna O’Halleran There was no objection. Turner Through his work, he has created a Kihuen O’Rourke Valadao f community family that supports and Kildee Pallone Vargas Kilmer Panetta TAX REFORM lifts each other up, building hope and Kind Pascrell Veasey faith across Tarrant County. I honor King (NY) Payne Vela (Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana asked his lifetime of work and his dedication Vela´ zquez Knight Pelosi and was given permission to address to advocating for the toughest issues Krishnamoorthi Perlmutter Visclosky the House for 1 minute and to revise Kuster (NH) Perry Wasserman that our communities face. Schultz and extend his remarks.) Lamb Peters f Lance Pingree Waters, Maxine Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Mr. Langevin Pocan Watson Coleman Speaker, I am honored to rise today to b 2300 Larsen (WA) Polis Welch speak to the success in Louisiana’s Larson (CT) Price (NC) Wilson (FL) CONGRATULATING THE NEVADA Fourth Congressional District that we Lawrence Quigley Yarmuth COUNTY FARM BUREAU Lawson (FL) Raskin Young (AK) have seen since the implementation of (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given NOT VOTING—15 the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Every skeptic, even the early skep- permission to address the House for 1 Amodei DeSantis Richmond minute and to revise and extend his re- Bass Gaetz Shuster tics of tax reform, saw near immediate Black Hanabusa Sinema benefits when the IRS adjusted their marks.) Blackburn Hoyer Speier withholding tables and it resulted in Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise ´ Cardenas Peterson Walz bigger paychecks for more than 90 per- today to commend and note Nevada ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR cent of Americans. County Farm Bureau in my district in The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Now we are 7 months out, and after northern California that is celebrating There is 1 minute remaining. the enactment of the Tax Cuts and this weekend their 100th anniversary of Jobs Act, the results are undeniable. existence in Nevada County, helping b 2252 Nearly every economic indicator, farmers and ranchers with the very di- So the amendment was rejected. whether you are talking about the un- verse types of crops they have, not like The result of the vote was announced employment rate or wages or job cre- in the flatlands, but nestled in the as above recorded. ation, is showing record growth; and foothills and the mountains of Nevada Stated against: because of this tax reform, more than 1 County. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Chair, I was unavoidably million jobs have already been created They have different crops: hay crops, detained. Had I been present, I would have and more than 4 million Americans tree crops, even a level of forestry that voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 362. have received increased wages or bo- they are all involved with there. The The Acting CHAIR. There being no nuses. Farm Bureau has been a leader a long further amendments, under the rule, The average tax cut in Louisiana for time in helping those folks to navigate the Committee rises. a family of four was more than $1,700. regulations, ideas for better propaga- Accordingly, the Committee rose; That is not crumbs. That is real money tion of their crops, and just a better and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. CUR- for the people in my district, and it way to do things in the community. TIS) having assumed the chair, Mr. provides them with greater flexibility We appreciate their leadership and COLLINS of Georgia, Acting Chair of the to save for the future. all of their memberships to help make Committee of the Whole House on the Real benefits for real people, that is farming strong. state of the Union, reported that that what tax reform delivered. I look for- Congratulations to the Nevada Coun- Committee, having had under consider- ward to many more success stories be- ty Farm Bureau on 100 years of helping ation the bill (H.R. 6147) making appro- cause of this historic legislation. their members in Nevada County. priations for the Department of the In- f f terior, environment, and related agen- cies for the fiscal year ending Sep- HONORING COMMISSIONER ROY PRESIDENT TRUMP’S COMMENTS tember 30, 2019, and for other purposes, CHARLES BROOKS AT HELSINKI and, pursuant to House Resolution 996, (Mr. VEASEY asked and was given (Ms. SHEA-PORTER asked and was he reported the bill, as amended by permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House that resolution, back to the House with minute.) for 1 minute.) sundry further amendments adopted in Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ms. SHEA-PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I the Committee of the Whole. today to join my fellow Texans in hon- would like to share an editorial from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.091 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6555 the Union Leader, New Hampshire’s H.R. 6042. An act to amend title XIX of the 5669. A letter from the Deputy Assistant statewide newspaper. Social Security Act to delay the reduction in General Counsel for the Division of Regu- People who thought a weak and dying Roo- Federal medical assistance percentage for latory Services, Office of the Chief Privacy sevelt gave away too much to the Russians Medicaid personal care services furnished Officer, Department of Education, transmit- ting the Department’s significant guidance at Yalta in World War II may want to recon- without an electronic visit verification sys- — Technical Assistance on Student Privacy sider. Compared to the pathetic, boot-licking tem, and for other purposes. for State and Local Educational Agencies performance of President Trump in Helsinki f When Administering College Admissions Ex- this week, FDR had his A-game going SENATE ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED aminations received July 5, 2018, pursuant to against Joseph Stalin. Republicans who are now, finally, trying to The Speaker announced his signature 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Edu- distance themselves from Trump have no one to enrolled bills of the Senate of the to blame but themselves. They kept silent as cation and the Workforce. following titles: 5670. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Trump has disgraced and demeaned the of- General Counsel for the Division of Regu- fice, damaged our relations with loyal allies, S. 490. An act to reinstate and extend the latory Services, Office of Special Education and repeatedly attempted to destroy a free deadline for commencement of construction and Rehabilitation, Department of Edu- press. of a hydroelectric project involving the Gib- But when an American President openly son Dam. cation, transmitting the Department’s final sides with a Russian KGB thug against our S. 931. An act to designate the facility of regulations — Assistance to States for the own country, these politicians sense that the the United States Postal Service located at Education of Children with Disabilities; Pre- ‘optics’ don’t look so good and might threat- 4910 Brighton Boulevard in Denver, Colorado, school Grants for Children with Disabilities en their power and perks in midterm elec- as the ‘‘George Sakato Post Office’’. [Docket ID: ED-2017-OSERS-0128] (RIN: 1820- tions. S. 2692. An act to designate the facility of AB77) received July 9, 2018, pursuant to 5 Trump, of course, is now trying to walk the United States Postal Service located at U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. things back, but even his hard-core sup- 4558 Broadway in New York, New York, as 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Edu- porters must wince at how he tries to worm the ‘‘Stanley Michels Post Office Building’’. cation and the Workforce. his way out of his nauseating Helsinki S. 2734. An act to designate the Federal 5671. A letter from the Assistant General brownnosing of the dictator Putin. building and United States courthouse lo- Counsel, Regulatory Affairs Division, Office But the Republican Party isn’t Trump’s cated at 1300 Victoria Street in Laredo, of the General Counsel, Consumer Product hardcore faithful; and if the party doesn’t Texas, as the ‘‘George P. Kazen Federal Safety Commission, transmitting the Com- clearly denounce this shameful and disgrace- Building and United States Courthouse’’. mission’s final rule — Children’s Products, Children’s Toys, and Child Care Articles: De- ful performance, it is going to find itself f with no credibility and no hope for years to terminations Regarding Lead, ASTM F963 come. ADJOURNMENT Elements, and Phthalates for Engineered Wood Products [Docket No.: CPSC-2017-0038] That is the end of the editorial. Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Mr. received July 5, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Speaker, I move that the House do now 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 bers are reminded to refrain from en- adjourn. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and gaging in personalities toward the The motion was agreed to; accord- Commerce. President. ingly (at 11 o’clock and 3 minutes 5672. A letter from the Assistant General f p.m.), under its previous order, the Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Office of the House adjourned until tomorrow, General Counsel, Consumer Product Safety GUN LEGISLATION Commission, transmitting the Commission’s Thursday, July 19, 2018, at 9 a.m. (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was final rule — Safety Standard for Baby f given permission to address the House Changing Products [Docket No.: CPSC-2016- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 0023] received July 5, 2018, pursuant to 5 for 1 minute and to revise and extend U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. her remarks.) ETC. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive ergy and Commerce. last school year was a deadly year for communications were taken from the 5673. A letter from the Assistant Secretary so many of our children going to school Speaker’s table and referred as follows: for Legislation, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting certification in America. School shootings shocked 5665. A letter from the Director, Office of the very core of Americans and com- regarding the essential health benefit re- Management and Budget, Executive Office of quirements under section 1302(b)(2) of the Pa- munities across the country. the President, transmitting the July, 2018 As we approach the beginning of tient Protection and Affordable Care Act; to monthly cumulative report on rescissions, the Committee on Energy and Commerce. school, this Congress has passed no gun pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 685(e); Public Law 93-344, 5674. A letter from the Director, Regu- safety legislation, no universal back- Sec. 1014(e); (88 Stat. 335); to the Committee latory Management Division, Environmental ground check, no banning of assault on Appropriations. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- weapons, no holding parents respon- 5666. A letter from the Under Secretary, cy’s final rule — Pyroxsulam; Pesticide Tol- sible for children getting guns. Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- erances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0227; FRL-9978-15] Although I understand that there are fense, transmitting a letter authorizing received July 9, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Colonel Christopher J. Niemi, United States many discussions about school secu- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Air Force, to wear the insignia of the grade Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and rity, the proliferation of guns is one of of brigadier general, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Commerce. the issues that contributes to the dan- 777(b)(3)(B); Public Law 104-106, Sec. 503(a)(1) 5675. A letter from the Director, Regu- gers that our children face. (as added by Public Law 108-136, Sec. latory Management Division, Environmental We know that the Second Amend- 509(a)(3)); (117 Stat. 1458); to the Committee Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ment guarantees the right to bear on Armed Services. cy’s final rule — Approval of California Air arms, but there is nothing in the Sec- 5667. A letter from the Under Secretary, Plan Revisions, Yolo-Solano Air Quality ond Amendment that does not allow us Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- Management District [EPA-R09-OAR-2018- to have sensible gun safety legislation. fense, transmitting a letter on the approved 0104; FRL-9980-43-Region 9] received July 9, retirement of Lieutenant General Gina M. It is time for us to recognize that a 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Grosso, United States Air Force, and her ad- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Nation that has more guns than citi- vancement to the grade of lieutenant general Committee on Energy and Commerce. zens can stand down in order to provide on the retired list, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 5676. A letter from the Director, Regu- a safe educational climate for our chil- 1370(c)(1); Public Law 96-513, Sec. 112 (as latory Management Division, Environmental dren. amended by Public Law 104-106, Sec. 502(b)); Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Are they not our most precious re- (110 Stat. 293); to the Committee on Armed cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation source? It is time to act now. Services. of State Implementation Plan Revisions; 5668. A letter from the General Counsel, Colorado; Attainment Demonstration for the f National Credit Union Administration, 2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard for the Denver ENROLLED BILL SIGNED transmitting the Administration’s final rule Metro/North Front Range Nonattainment Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, — Involuntary Liquidation of Federal Credit Area, and Approval of Related Revisions Unions and Claims Procedures (RIN: 3133- [EPA-R08-OAR-2017-0567; FRL-9979-64-Region reported and found truly enrolled a bill AE82) received July 5, 2018, pursuant to 5 8] received July 9, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. of the House of the following title, U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 which was thereupon signed by the 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Fi- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Speaker: nancial Services. Commerce.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.234 H18JYPT1 H6556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 5677. A letter from the Director, Regu- 5687. A letter from the Chairman, Council REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON latory Management Division, Environmental of the District of Columbia, transmitting DC PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Act 22-397, ‘‘Fiscal Year 2019 Local Budget cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Act of 2018’’, pursuant to Public Law 93-198, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Sec. 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee committees were delivered to the Clerk Virginia; Revised Motor Vehicle Emission on Oversight and Government Reform. for printing and reference to the proper Budgets for the Charleston, Huntington, Par- 5688. A letter from the Executive Analyst calendar, as follows: kersburg, Weirton, and Wheeling 8-Hour (Political), Department of Health and Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and Ozone Maintenance Areas; Correction [EPA- Human Services, transmitting a notification Commerce. House Resolution 982. A resolu- R03-OAR-2011-0511; FRL-9980-36-Region 3] re- of a nomination and action on nomination, tion of inquiry requesting the President, and ceived July 9, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3349(a); Public Law 105- directing the Secretary of Health and Human 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 277, 151(b); (112 Stat. 2681-614); to the Com- Services, to transmit, respectively, certain Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and mittee on Oversight and Government Re- information to the House of Representatives Commerce. form. referring to the separation of children from 5678. A letter from the Director, Regu- 5689. A letter from the Deputy General their parents or guardians as a result of the latory Management Division, Environmental Counsel for Operations, Department of Hous- President’s ‘‘zero tolerance’’ policy (Rept. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ing and Urban Development, transmitting 114–835). Referred to the House Calendar. cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation three notifications of a nomination, action Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Dela- on nomination, change in previously sub- Commerce. H.R. 2345. A bill to require the ware; Interstate Transport Requirements for mitted reported information, or discontinu- Federal Communications Commission to the 2012 Fine Particulate Matter Standard ation of service in acting role, pursuant to 5 study the feasibility of designating a simple, [EPA-R03-OAR-2017-0152; FRL-9980-62-Region U.S.C. 3349(a); Public Law 105-277, 151(b); (112 easy-to-remember dialing code to be used for 3] received July 9, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Stat. 2681-614); to the Committee on Over- a national suicide prevention and mental 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 sight and Government Reform. health crisis hotline system; with an amend- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and 5690. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- ment (Rept. 115–836). Referred to the Com- Commerce. mittee of the Whole House on the state of 5679. A letter from the Director, Regu- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- the Union. latory Management Division, Environmental Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Commerce. H.R. 4881. A bill to require the porary rule — Atlantic Highly Migratory cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; AL; Sec- Federal Communications Commission to es- Species; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries tion 128 Board Requirements for Infrastruc- tablish a task force for meeting the [Docket No.: 150121066-5717-02] (RIN: 0648- ture SIPs [EPA-R04-OAR-2017-0642; FRL-9980- connectivity and technology needs of preci- XF890) received July 6, 2018, pursuant to 5 50-Region 4] received July 9, 2018, pursuant sion agriculture in the United States; with U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, amendments (Rept. 114–837). Referred to the 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Committee of the Whole House on the state ural Resources. Energy and Commerce. of the Union. 5680. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- 5691. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- ment of Treasury, transmitting a six-month fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- ural Resources. H.R. 3916. A bill to amend periodic report on the national emergency tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to vest in with respect to Lebanon that was declared in tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- the Secretary of the Interior functions under Executive Order 13441 of August 1, 2007, pur- porary rule — Fisheries of the Northeastern that Act with respect to species of fish that suant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, United States; Atlantic Bluefish Fishery; spawn in fresh or estuarine waters and mi- Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. Quota Transfer [Docket No.: 151130999-6594-02] grate to ocean waters, and species of fish 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); (91 Stat. (RIN: 0648-XF807) received July 5, 2018, pursu- that spawn in ocean waters and migrate to 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- fresh waters; with an amendment (Rept. 115– 5681. A letter from the Deputy Assistant 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee 838). Referred to the Committee of the Whole Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, De- on Natural Resources. House on the state of the Union. partment of State, transmitting the CY 2017 5692. A letter from the Assistant Attorney Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- report on the Employment of United States General, Department of Justice, transmit- ural Resources. H.R. 577. A bill to designate Citizens in Certain International Organiza- ting a report titled, ‘‘Debt Collection Recov- a peak in the State of Nevada as Maude tions, pursuant to 22 U.S.C276c-4; Public Law ery Activities of the Department of Justice Frazier Mountain (Rept. 115–839). Referred to 102-138, Sec. 181 (as amended by Public Law for Civil Debts Referred for Collection An- the House Calendar. 114-323, Sec. 308); (130 Stat. 1923); to the Com- nual Report for Fiscal Year 2017’’, pursuant Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- mittee on Foreign Affairs. to 31 U.S.C. 3718(c); Public Law 97-452, Sec. ural Resources. H.R. 3045. A bill to amend 5682. A letter from the Director, Defense 1(16)(A) (as amended by Public Law 99-578, the National Trails System Act to extend Security Cooperation Agency, Department of Sec. 1(4)); (100 Stat. 3305); to the Committee the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-03, on the Judiciary. and for other purposes; with an amendment pursuant to the reporting requirements of 5693. A letter from the Regulations Officer, (Rept. 115–840). Referred to the Committee of Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control FHWA, Department of Transportation, the Whole House on the state of the Union. Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- transmitting the Department’s final rule — Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and eign Affairs. Addition to the National Network [FHWA Commerce. H.R. 3994. A bill to establish the 5683. A letter from the Director, Defense Docket No.: FHWA-2018-0016] (RIN: 2125- Office and for other purpose; with an amend- Security Cooperation Agency, Department of AF82) received July 3, 2018, pursuant to 5 ment (Rept. 115–841). Referred to the Com- Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-24, U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. mittee of the Whole House on the state of pursuant to the reporting requirements of 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Union. Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Transportation and Infrastructure. Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- 5694. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Commerce. H.R. 4606. A bill to provide that eign Affairs. applications under the Natural Gas Act for 5684. A letter from the Director, Defense Legislative Affairs, Department of State, transmitting a report to Congress con- the importation or exportation of small vol- Security Cooperation Agency, Department of umes of natural gas shall be granted without Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-0A, cerning emigration laws and policies of Azer- baijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbek- modification or delay, with an amendment pursuant to the reporting requirements of (Rept. 115–842). Referred to the Committee of Section 36(b)(5)(C) of the Arms Export Con- istan, pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 2432(b); Public Law 93-618, Sec. 402(b); (88 Stat. 2056) and 19 the Whole House on the state of the Union. trol Act, as amended; to the Committee on Mr. WALDEN: Committee on Energy and U.S.C. 2439(b); Public Law 93-618, Sec. 409(b); Foreign Affairs. Commerce. H.R. 5709. A bill to amend the (88 Stat. 2064); to the Committee on Ways 5685. A letter from the Director, Defense Communications Act of 1934 to provide for and Means. Security Cooperation Agency, Department of enhanced penalties for pirate radio, and for Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 18-0D, 5695. A letter from the Federal Register Li- other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. pursuant to the reporting requirements of aison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and 115–843). Referred to the Committee of the Section 36(b)(5)(C) of the Arms Export Con- Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury, Whole House on the state of the Union. trol Act, as amended; to the Committee on transmitting the Department’s final rule — Foreign Affairs. Establishment of the Dahlonega Plateau f 5686. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Viticultural Area [Docket No.: TTB-2016- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 0012; T.D. TTB-151; Ref: Notice No. 166] (RIN: transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 17-132, 1513-AC33) received July 11, 2018, pursuant to Under clause 2 of rule XII, public pursuant to the reporting requirements of 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. bills and resolutions of the following Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on titles were introduced and severally re- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Ways and Means. ferred, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:54 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L18JY7.000 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6557

By Mr. DEFAZIO: produce educational materials for the Vet- consideration of such provisions as fall with- H.R. 6414. A bill to amend title 23, United erans Legacy Program; to the Committee on in the jurisdiction of the committee con- States Code, to extend the deadline for pro- Veterans’ Affairs. cerned. mulgation of regulations under the tribal By Mr. SESSIONS (for himself, Mr. By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, transportation self-governance program; to BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. UPTON, and Mr. PERRY, Miss RICE of New York, the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Mr. BILIRAKIS): Mr. CORREA, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- structure. H.R. 6421. A bill to advance treatment and sissippi, Mr. MCCAUL, and Mr. By Mr. FERGUSON: cures for blindness and other retinal condi- PAYNE): H.R. 6415. A bill to provide for border secu- tions and to promote competitiveness in the H.R. 6430. A bill to amend the Homeland rity, and for other purposes; to the Com- United States through a pilot program to in- Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Sec- mittee on Homeland Security, and in addi- crease funding for translational research, retary of Homeland Security to implement tion to the Committees on the Judiciary, and for other purposes; to the Committee on certain requirements for information relat- Transportation and Infrastructure, Over- Energy and Commerce. ing to supply chain risk, and for other pur- sight and Government Reform, Foreign Af- By Mr. KINZINGER (for himself, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- fairs, Agriculture, Armed Services, Natural CRAMER, Mr. LONG, and Mr. GUTHRIE): rity. Resources, the Budget, and Ways and Means, H.R. 6422. A bill to amend the Communica- By Mr. LEVIN (for himself, Mr. NEAL, for a period to be subsequently determined tions Act of 1934 to require the Federal Com- Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. HIGGINS of New by the Speaker, in each case for consider- munications Commission to publish on the York, Ms. JUDY CHU of California, ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- website of the Commission documents to be Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, and risdiction of the committee concerned. voted on by the Commission; to the Com- Mr. LEWIS of Georgia): By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- mittee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 6431. A bill to amend title XVIII of the self and Mr. PAYNE): By Mr. COHEN: Social Security Act to provide for certain re- H.R. 6416. A bill to amend the Communica- H.R. 6423. A bill to impose sanctions with forms with respect to medicare supplemental tions Act of 1934 to direct the Federal Com- respect to certain Russian financial institu- health insurance policies; to the Committee munications Commission, upon the request tions; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. on Ways and Means, and in addition to the of a very high frequency commercial tele- By Mr. COLLINS of New York (for him- Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a vision broadcast station that has relocated self, Ms. ESHOO, and Mr. LANCE): period to be subsequently determined by the to an underserved State, to provide that the H.R. 6424. A bill to amend the Wireless Speaker, in each case for consideration of virtual major channel number of such sta- Communications and Public Safety Act of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- tion shall be considered to be the same as 1999, to clarify acceptable 9-1-1 obligations or tion of the committee concerned. the radio frequency channel number of such expenditures, and for other purposes; to the By Mr. MCEACHIN (for himself, Mr. station; to the Committee on Energy and Committee on Energy and Commerce. MOULTON, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Commerce. By Mrs. DAVIS of California (for her- Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, By Mr. GOODLATTE (for himself, Mr. self and Mr. GUTHRIE): Ms. NORTON, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. CAR- PETERSON, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. H.R. 6425. A bill to provide grants to State- SON of Indiana, Mrs. WATSON COLE- CUELLAR, Mr. NEWHOUSE, Mr. CON- recognized or federally recognized appren- MAN, Mr. EVANS, Ms. CLARKE of New AWAY, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. WALKER, ticeship programs to support the expansion, York, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. HAS- ´ Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. awareness, and prestige of such programs, TINGS, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. BARRAGAN, and BARR, Mr. BUCK, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ms. KELLY of Illinois): H.R. 6432. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- CHABOT, Mr. COLE, Mr. COLLINS of Education and the Workforce. enue Code of 1986 to reduce the applicable New York, Mr. COMER, Mr. CRAMER, By Mr. ESPAILLAT: percentage under the premium assistance Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. CURTIS, Mr. H.R. 6426. A bill to provide for measures to tax credit for households with young adults; DESJARLAIS, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. DUNN, strengthen dialogue with the Russian people to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. ESTES of Kansas, Mr. FASO, Mr. and support Russian civil society, and for By Mr. NOLAN (for himself and Mr. GALLAGHER, Mr. HARRIS, Ms. JENKINS other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees GALLAGHER): of Kansas, Mr. JONES, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. H.R. 6433. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- MARINO, Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. NUNES, on the Judiciary, and Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the tion Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit Con- Mr. REED, Mr. ROSS, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. gressional candidates and Members of Con- Speaker, in each case for consideration of AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Ms. gress from soliciting campaign funds on any such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- STEFANIK, Mr. STIVERS, Ms. TENNEY, day on which the House of Congress in which tion of the committee concerned. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Mr. the candidate seeks election or the Member By Ms. GABBARD (for herself and Ms. THORNBERRY, Mr. UPTON, Mr. YOHO, serves is in session; to the Committee on HANABUSA): Mr. KATKO, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illi- House Administration. H.R. 6427. A bill to improve oversight by nois, Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana, and By Mr. PALLONE: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia): the Federal Communications Commission of H.R. 6434. A bill to amend section 7 of Pub- H.R. 6417. A bill to create a nonimmigrant the wireless and broadcast emergency alert lic Law 100-515 (16 U.S.C. 1244 note) to pro- H-2C work visa program for agricultural systems; to the Committee on Energy and mote continued use of the James J. Howard workers, to make mandatory and permanent Commerce, and in addition to the Committee Marine Sciences Laboratory at Gateway Na- requirements relating to use of an electronic on Transportation and Infrastructure, for a tional Recreation Area by the National Oce- employment eligibility verification system, period to be subsequently determined by the anic and Atmospheric Administration; to the and for other purposes; to the Committee on Speaker, in each case for consideration of Committee on Natural Resources. the Judiciary, and in addition to the Com- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. RASKIN (for himself, Mr. mittees on Education and the Workforce, tion of the committee concerned. HOYER, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. BRADY of Ways and Means, and Energy and Commerce, By Mr. GOTTHEIMER (for himself, Mr. Pennsylvania, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. for a period to be subsequently determined NORCROSS, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. MAC- CUMMINGS, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- ARTHUR, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, BROWN of Maryland, and Ms. MENG): ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- Mr. PALLONE, Mr. LANCE, Mr. SIRES, H.R. 6435. A bill to amend the Help Amer- risdiction of the committee concerned. Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. ica Vote Act of 2002 to prohibit States from By Ms. ESTY of Connecticut: FRELINGHUYSEN, and Mrs. WATSON entering into agreements with vendors for H.R. 6418. A bill to direct the Secretary of COLEMAN): the provision, support, or maintenance of Veterans Affairs to conduct a study regard- H.R. 6428. A bill to designate the facility of election systems if the vendors are owned or ing the accessibility of websites of the De- the United States Postal Service located at controlled by persons who are not citizens, partment of Veterans Affairs to individuals 332 Ramapo Valley Road in Oakland, New nationals, or permanent residents of the with disabilities; to the Committee on Vet- Jersey, as the ‘‘Frank Leone Post Office’’; to United States or do not meet cybersecurity erans’ Affairs. the Committee on Oversight and Govern- best practices, and for other purposes; to the By Ms. ESTY of Connecticut: ment Reform. Committee on House Administration. H.R. 6419. A bill to amend title 38, United By Mr. HUFFMAN (for himself, Mr. By Miss RICE of New York: States Code, to extend increased dependency JEFFRIES, and Mr. JOHNSON of Geor- H.R. 6436. A bill to direct the Director of and indemnity compensation paid to sur- gia): National Intelligence to submit to State viving spouses of veterans who die from H.R. 6429. A bill to amend the Intelligence election officials and Congress annual re- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, regardless of Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 ports on pre-election threats for general how long the veterans had such disease prior to authorize candidates in a presidential elections for Federal office; to the Com- to death; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- election campaign to request a security mittee on Intelligence (Permanent Select). fairs. clearance; to the Committee on Oversight By Mr. NOLAN (for himself and Mr. By Mr. LAMB: and Government Reform, and in addition to GALLAGHER): H.R. 6420. A bill to permit the Secretary of the Committee on Intelligence (Permanent H. Res. 1003. A resolution prohibiting Mem- Veterans Affairs to establish a grant pro- Select), for a period to be subsequently de- bers of the House of Representatives from so- gram to conduct cemetery research and termined by the Speaker, in each case for liciting campaign funds on any day on which

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L18JY7.100 H18JYPT1 H6558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 the House is in session; to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Ethics. lation pursuant to the following: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors f Article I, Section 8 By Mrs. DAVIS of California: were added to public bills and resolu- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY H.R. 6425. tions, as follows: STATEMENT Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 395: Mr. CURTIS. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 490: Mr. CLOUD. the Rules of the House of Representa- Article I, Section 8 H.R. 508: Mr. SMITH of Washington. By Mr. ESPAILLAT: H.R. 559: Mr. GOHMERT. tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 6426. H.R. 671: Mr. KILMER, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, mitted regarding the specific powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Mr. BROWN of Maryland. granted to Congress in the Constitu- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 750: Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Article One of the United States Constitu- H.R. 754: Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. BOST, Mr. joint resolution. tion, section 8, clause 18: WESTERMAN, Mr. BRAT, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. LYNCH, and Ms. MAXINE By Mr. DEFAZIO: The Congress shall have Power—To make H.R. 6414. all Laws which shall be necessary and proper WATERS of California. Congress has the power to enact this legis- for carrying into Execution the foregoing H.R. 785: Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. H.R. 930: Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. HOLLINGS- lation pursuant to the following: Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, Clause 3, and Constitution in the Government of the WORTH, and Ms. BORDALLO. H.R. 1102: Mrs. BEATTY. Clause 18 of the Constitution. United States, or in any Department or Offi- H.R. 1143: Mr. CLEAVER. By Mr. FERGUSON: cer thereof H.R. 1171: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. H.R. 6415. or H.R. 1201: Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. GOODLATTE, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article One of the United States Constitu- and Mr. SESSIONS. lation pursuant to the following: tion, Section 8, Clause 3: H.R. 1270: Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Article I, Section 8, To make Rules for the The Congress shall have Power—To regu- H.R. 1316: Mr. KHANNA, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Government and Regulation of the land and late Commerce with foreign Nations, and Mr. POSEY, and Ms. CLARKE of New York. naval forces among the several States, and with the In- H.R. 1439: Mr. O’ROURKE. By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey: dian tribes; H.R. 1511: Mr. HILL. H.R. 6416. By Ms. GABBARD: H.R. 1542: Ms. MCCOLLUM and Mr. STIVERS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6427. H.R. 1552: Mrs. LESKO. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1565: Mr. HARRIS. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Con- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1838: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. stitution The U.S. Constitution including Article 1, H.R. 1874: Mr. HULTGREN and Mr. BLU- By Mr. GOODLATTE: Section 8. MENAUER. H.R. 6417. By Mr. GOTTHEIMER: H.R. 1896: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6428. H.R. 1897: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1960: Mrs. BEATTY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2060: Mr. STIVERS. lation pursuant to clause 4 of section 8 of Ar- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United H.R. 2345: Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia and ticle I of the Constitution of the United States Constitution. Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. States which gives Congress the authority to By Mr. HUFFMAN: H.R. 2472: Ms. HANABUSA, Ms. BASS, and establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization. H.R. 6429. Mrs. DINGELL. By Ms. ESTY of Connecticut: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2598: Mr. SHERMAN. H.R. 6418. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2633: Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 BARRAGA´ N, and Mr. CAPUANO. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. KING of New York: H.R. 2735: Ms. DEGETTE. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 6430. H.R. 2840: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2946: Mr. LAMBORN. By Ms. ESTY of Connecticut: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2953: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 6419. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8: To make all H.R. 3138: Mr. MOOLENAAR. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 3348: Mr. FORTENBERRY. lation pursuant to the following: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 3709: Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Article l, Section 8 of the United States ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 3728: Mr. WALDEN. Constitution. stitution in the Government of the United H.R. 3790: Mr. EMMER. By Mr. LAMB: States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 3827: Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 6420. thereof. H.R. 4099: Mr. HULTGREN and Mr. BRAT. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. LEVIN: H.R. 4215: Mr. MARCHANT. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6431. H.R. 4338: Mr. LAMALFA. Article 1 Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4345: Mr. YARMUTH. By Mr. SESSIONS: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4473: Mr. MOULTON. H.R. 6421. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 4556: Ms. LOFGREN and Mrs. MURPHY of Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. MCEACHIN: Florida. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6432. H.R. 4732: Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4765: Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Interstate Commerce lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4846: Mrs. WAGNER. By Mr. KINZINGER: Article I, Section 8 H.R. 4886: Mrs. LESKO. H.R. 6422. By Mr. NOLAN: H.R. 4912: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6433. H.R. 4915: Mr. WEBER of Texas. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5107: Mr. ROUZER. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: ‘‘To regulate lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5121: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Commerce with foreign nations, and among Article 1, Section 8 H.R. 5129: Mr. LONG and Mr. ROKITA. the several States, and with the Indian By Mr. PALLONE: H.R. 5145: Mr. ESPAILLAT. Tribes;’’ and Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: H.R. 6434. H.R. 5153: Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. ‘‘To make all Laws which shall be necessary Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5158: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. and proper for carrying into Execution the lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5187: Mr. ROUZER. foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 5241: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. ed by this Constitution in the Government of By Mr. RASKIN: QUIGLEY. the United States or in any Department or H.R. 6435. H.R. 5358: Mr. WITTMAN and Mr. LOEBSACK. Officer thereof.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5383: Mr. NORCROSS. By Mr. COHEN: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5471: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. H.R. 6423. Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 5476: Ms. DELBENE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion H.R. 5507: Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. lation pursuant to the following: By Miss RICE of New York: H.R. 5508: Ms. LOFGREN. Article I, section 8 of the United States H.R. 6436. H.R. 5561: Mr. BLUMENAUER. Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5564: Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- By Mr. COLLINS of New York: lation pursuant to the following: ico. H.R. 6424. Article I, Section VIII H.R. 5573: Ms. PINGREE.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L18JY7.100 H18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6559

H.R. 5632: Mr. COHEN. Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. H. Res. 749: Ms. KAPTUR. H.R. 5648: Mr. BIGGS. SIRES, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. ROYCE H. Res. 776: Mr. SCHIFF and Mr. TED LIEU of H.R. 5757: Ms. WILSON of Florida. of California, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. CROWLEY, California. H.R. 5855: Mr. WITTMAN. and Mr. ZELDIN. H. Res. 795: Mr. DUNN. H.R. 5856: Mr. GIANFORTE. H.R. 6330: Mr. COMER. H.R. 5899: Mr. COLLINS of New York, Ms. H.R. 6336: Ms. ADAMS. H. Res. 864: Mr. FLEISCHMANN. STEFANIK, and Ms. TENNEY. H.R. 6351: Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- H. Res. 869: Mr. NORCROSS. H.R. 6014: Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. RENACCI, Mr. sylvania. H. Res. 930: Mr. PASCRELL. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. DENHAM, Mr. H.R. 6398: Mr. LIPINSKI. HULTGREN, Mr. SIMPSON, and Mr. ROSKAM. H.R. 6400: Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. POSEY, Mr. H. Res. 931: Mr. POE of Texas and Ms. H.R. 6026: Ms. NORTON. LAMBORN, and Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. TITUS. H.R. 6068: Mr. ABRAHAM. H.R. 6409: Mr. ROUZER and Mr. BISHOP of H. Res. 975: Ms. GABBARD. H.R. 6086: Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- Michigan. H. Res. 990: Mr. COLLINS of New York, Mr. sylvania and Mr. SERRANO. H.J. Res. 61: Mrs. LESKO. NEWHOUSE, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, and Mr. H.R. 6108: Mr. FASO. H. Con. Res. 72: Mr. JONES and Ms. MAXINE KINZINGER. H.R. 6156: Mr. HUNTER and Mr. MOULTON. WATERS of California. H.R. 6179: Mr. WILLIAMS. H. Res. 455: Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. MCEACHIN, H. Res. 993: Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. SOTO, Mr. H.R. 6193: Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. MEEKS, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Ms. SEWELL of Ala- LOBIONDO, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- H.R. 6230: Mr. CICILLINE and Mrs. BEATTY. bama, Ms. BASS, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illi- sylvania, Mr. LANCE, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. GRI- H.R. 6246: Mr. LOWENTHAL and Mr. SIRES. nois, Mr. SHERMAN, and Mr. BROWN of Mary- JALVA, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. H.R. 6287: Mr. ENGEL, Mr. SEAN PATRICK land. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. THOMPSON of Cali- MALONEY of New York, Mr. MOONEY of West H. Res. 745: Mr. CONNOLLY, Ms. TITUS, Ms. fornia, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, Ms. NOR- Virginia, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. STIVERS, CLARK of Massachusetts, and Mr. CICILLINE. TON, and Ms. MOORE.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.079 H18JYPT1 E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2018 No. 121 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was ceed to executive session to resume Lisa Blatt is a skilled litigator who called to order by the President pro consideration of the following nomina- argues frequently before the Supreme tempore (Mr. HATCH). tion, which the clerk will report. Court. She is also a Democrat. She f The senior assistant legislative clerk wrote the committee too. Her letter de- read the nomination of Andrew S. scribes Mr. Oldham as ‘‘a great lis- PRAYER Oldham, of Texas, to be United States tener’’ with ‘‘a brilliant legal mind, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. [and] a wonderful sense of humor and fered the following prayer: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under collegiality.’’ Let us pray. the previous order, the time until 2 Her conclusion? He would ‘‘make a Eternal God, who has been the hope p.m. will be equally divided in the superb judge.’’ and joy of many generations, thank usual form. What about Mr. Oldham’s own words? You for giving us the power to seek RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER If confirmed, he explained to our col- You. We praise You for Your promise The majority leader is recognized. leagues during his hearing, he will ‘‘up- that those who keep on seeking will Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, this hold the rights of all litigants—big or find what they seek. Inspire our law- week the Senate continues to confirm little—equally, and apply the law to all makers to seek Your wisdom in order impressive nominees whom President fairly.’’ to be guided by Your loving providence. Trump has asked to serve our country. He understands his responsibility, Lord, give them a clearer vision of We have confirmed two Assistant Sec- clearly. I look forward to confirming Your truth, a great faith in Your retaries to the Department of Edu- this nominee, and I urge each of our might, and a deeper assurance of Your cation, Scott Stump and James Blew. colleagues to join me. We have confirmed a member of the love. Teach them to labor and not to ECONOMIC GROWTH Board of Governors of the Federal Re- ask for any reward except that of Mr. President, on another matter, it serve, Randal Quarles. Now we will knowing they are doing Your will. has been a year and a half since Repub- turn to the judiciary and consider We pray in Your loving Name. Amen. lican majorities took their seats in nominees to the Fifth Circuit and f Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Congress and a Republican President PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE First is Andrew Oldham of Texas, the was sworn in. In 2016, the American President’s choice for the Fifth Circuit. people made it clear it was time to try The President pro tempore led the something new. They were tired of a Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Mr. Oldham has impressed the legal community in his years of public serv- so-called recovery that focused over- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ice, most recently as general counsel to whelmingly on big, wealthy metropoli- United States of America, and to the Repub- the Governor of Texas. tan areas. They had seen enough of tax lic for which it stands, one nation under God, hikes and top-down regulations that indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Oldham has degrees from the University of Virginia, Cambridge, and held their communities back. They f Harvard Law. He clerked on both the turned to Republicans to deliver a pro- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME DC Circuit Court and the Supreme growth, pro-opportunity agenda to cre- ate better conditions for working fami- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- Court. He carries the highest possible lies, job creators, and entrepreneurs to TON). Under the previous order, the rating from the American Bar Associa- leadership time is reserved. tion, ‘‘unanimously well-qualified.’’ rise together. He comes highly recommended by Eighteen months later, the results f peers and colleagues from across the could not be clearer. Today, more peo- CONCLUSION OF MORNING political spectrum. Judith Zaffirini is a ple say it is a good time to find a job BUSINESS Texas State senator. She is a Demo- than at almost any point since the turn The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning crat. She wrote the Judiciary Com- of the millennium. U.S. manufacturers business is closed. mittee to support Mr. Oldham’s nomi- are more confident than ever about the nation ‘‘confidently, enthusiastically, future of their businesses. f and without reservation.’’ She and the Here is a story from yesterday’s Fi- EXECUTIVE SESSION nominee have worked together on a nancial Times: ‘‘US retail sales rise for number of important subjects. Through fifth straight month in June.’’ This is a them all, she explains, ‘‘Mr. Oldham re- good sign for Americans all across the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR flected the ideal qualities of a judge board. It shows our economy is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under . . . open-minded, fair . . . thoughtful healthy. It shows that families feel the previous order, the Senate will pro- and analytical.’’ they have enough breathing room to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.000 S18JYPT1 S5028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 make purchases, which of course then walk that back? He did not address his national security team—those who benefit the companies and workers who brazen attacks on the FBI while on for- were in Helsinki and those who would produce what they are buying. Of eign soil. Is he going to walk that have knowledge of what happened in course, it is especially good for the 42 back? Helsinki. million Americans whose jobs are sup- Now, late last night and this morn- We need to have immediate public ported by the retail industry. ing, the President is back to cele- testimony from Secretary Pompeo, According to industry data, more brating his meeting with Putin. He is from DNI Director Coats, and from than 6 in 10 Americans work in retail walking back the walk back. That is Ambassador Huntsman. at some point in their career, so this what he did this morning. This is like Above all, we need the translator continued prosperity is really signifi- Charlottesville redux. We all know who was present at the one-on-one cant. There is little question that tax what the President really thought. We meeting with President Putin to tes- reform is to thank for a significant know what he thought at Charlottes- tify openly before Congress. That is not portion of this progress. ville. The walk back was unconvincing, usually done, but there are almost al- For one thing, our middle-class tax and he went back to his old ways. We ways other people in the room, so you cuts are directly boosting families’ dis- know what he thought at Helsinki. The don’t need the translator. But for some cretionary income. As the Wall Street walk back was unconvincing. And now, reason—a reason that Americans and Journal reported this week, ‘‘many with his tweets this morning, he is the world are wondering about—Presi- households are experiencing less with- back to his old ways. dent Trump wanted no one else in the holding from their paychecks thanks The only reason there was a walk room. Having the translator come tes- to the tax overhaul.’’ back is that the President was forced tify and tell us what happened there is Analysts also point to the business by pressure from many of my Repub- an imperative. It is so important. It is side of tax reform, which is letting lican friends here, from his allies in the rare for translators to come before more U.S. employers expand and hire. media, and his own White House staff. Congress, but in this case, it is war- That means more jobs for American They all pressured him to give that ranted—A, because no one else was in workers, which means more income for temporary walk back. But it is clear the room, by the President’s direction, American families, which means more from today’s tweets that he doesn’t and B, because what happened there money in the cash registers of Amer- mean it, that he doesn’t believe it, and, might have been so important, given ican small businesses. The virtuous frankly, neither does anybody else. It what happened in public a few short cycle goes on. is clear that he still believes President hours afterward. The translator works The American people and most fair Putin over the consensus of the Amer- for the Federal Government, works for observers are marveling at what our ican intelligence community, and that the taxpayers, and may be the only economy is delivering to workers and puts Americans’ security gravely at person who can accurately report what middle-class families, but I am starting risk. President Trump said to President to think our Democratic colleagues The President’s reluctant, ham-hand- Putin behind closed doors, what con- may have forgotten what a successful ed, half-hearted ‘‘clarification’’ yester- cessions were made to Vladimir Putin. economic agenda looks like because day—almost entirely reversed this We want to know. Did the President even in the face of headline after head- morning—is woefully inadequate. His make concessions that hurt our na- line and testimony after testimony behavior in Helsinki continues to de- tional security? What did he agree to? from job creators we represent, they mand a response from Congress, and Congress has a duty to conduct re- try to brush off this impressive growth there are many things we can do. But sponsible oversight of the executive as nothing serious, and they advocate later this morning, if anything is true branch, particularly after what the for repealing or undoing the Repub- to form, the President will hold a Cabi- President did in Helsinki. The Presi- lican policies that are helping to make net meeting, and his advisers will dent’s summit calls for oversight. Hav- it happen. shower him with thanks and praise— ing these people—particularly the Fortunately, Republicans know full this is what he craves—and will pro- translator—come testify is important. well how to cut taxes, trim back regu- vide, perhaps, another version of what I understand Secretary Pompeo will lations, and get Washington out of the happened in Helsinki. appear before the Foreign Relations American people’s way. It is just what Given what happened in Helsinki and Committee next week, which is good, we have done. It is just what we will given that the President’s walk back but we need to hear from others, in- continue to do. was so weak, there are several things cluding the translator. I urge Leader RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER we as a Congress can and should do. MCCONNELL and his leadership team to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Talking the talk is not enough. Walk- immediately request a hearing of the Democratic leader is recognized. ing the walk is what is so important people I mentioned. TRUMP-PUTIN SUMMIT here. We need to act, not simply say Second, the Republican leadership Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, yes- ‘‘tsk, tsk; bad President’’ and then go should soon place on the floor—ASAP— terday, President Trump went through back to business as usual, because the bipartisan legislation, led by Senators a walk back. President Trump’s walk American polity, the American secu- BOOKER, GRAHAM, COONS, and TILLIS, to back performance was pathetic. It was rity, and the view of America in the protect the special counsel from polit- weak, insincere, and thoroughly uncon- eyes of the world have taken a severe ical interference. This legislation vincing. The President read a scripted setback. It is up to us in the Congress passed out of the Judiciary Committee clarification yesterday like he was in a to try to undo that. with bipartisan support. It has four hostage situation. All you had to do I mentioned a whole host of actions sponsors—two Democrats, two Repub- was look at his face. He couldn’t even this body can take to counter Russia’s licans. If Leader MCCONNELL is serious fully commit to it, adding off-the-cuff malign activity, punish Putin for inter- about the checks and balances and if that other people could also be respon- fering in our elections, prevent him what he said in the last day or two sible for election interference in 2016. from doing it again, and ensure that were not just meaningless words, he That is hardly a walk back, and it was the President is doing what is nec- will put this legislation on the floor. It concerning only one particular com- essary to stand up for American inter- will pass. ment. The President did not address ests. The Senate is not powerless to Alongside demanding testimony from his lavish praise for Vladimir Putin in take action in the wake of President the President’s national security team, Helsinki. Is he going to walk that Trump’s indefensible performance at passing legislation to protect the spe- back? He blamed both countries—the his summit with Vladimir Putin. Let cial counsel is probably the most im- United States and Russia—for the sour me reiterate and suggest some things portant thing this body could do to en- relations between us. Is he going to we should do, and I believe we should sure that President Trump’s reckless- walk that back? He said U.S. stupidity do all of these. ness does not precipitate a constitu- and foolishness, not Russian aggres- First, our Republican colleagues need tional crisis. sion, was the reason our relationship to join us in demanding immediate Third, we should ratchet up sanc- with Russia was so bad. Is he going to public testimony from the President’s tions on Putin and his cronies, not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.001 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5029 water them down. The sanctions this of them other than out of fear of of- stitutional. Clearly, Judge body passed by an overwhelming bipar- fending the President. Times like these Kavanaugh’s judicial philosophy incor- tisan margin of 98 to 2—and I salute call for us to do more. We have already porates an almost monarchical view of Leader MCCONNELL; he helped to bring heard some of our Republican col- Executive power and accountability, it to the floor even though the Presi- leagues say ‘‘let’s move on’’ after what animated by a belief that our Chief Ex- dent didn’t like it—have not yet been the President said yesterday—as I men- ecutive gets to play by a different set fully implemented by the Trump ad- tioned, his so-called walk back was not of rules. ministration. On our side, Senators a walk back at all—and that if we Judge Kavanaugh, particularly after MENENDEZ and VAN HOLLEN have some cared about our Nation’s security, we this interview, needs to recuse himself very good ideas about sanctions, and would move forward. from anything having to do with the we should act on them. The final thing I would say to my Re- Mueller probe given his record and the Fourth, our Republican colleagues publican colleagues is this: This is a fact that he was nominated by the sub- can and should insist that the Presi- moment that will be remembered in ject of the investigation he could very dent finally release his tax returns. We American history. It is not going away. well end up ruling on. all know that the President broke dec- This is a moment that will be remem- Once again, I thank my colleagues. ades of practice when he didn’t release bered next week, next month, in No- I yield the floor. those returns—so damaging because his vember of 2018, in November of 2020, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- economic interests outside of the gov- and way beyond. The Helsinki summit ator from Alabama. ernment are so large, complicated, and is now an unalterable fact in American TARIFFS varied and so important because he history—a moment when, unfortu- Mr. JONES. Mr. President, I rise to deals with international finance in nately, an American President humili- discuss an issue that is of great impor- these situations. ated his own country and himself be- tance to my constituents in Alabama There was no good reason not to re- fore a foreign dictator. It was a terrible and to many other people across the lease his tax returns then. Yet Presi- sign of weakness by this President, and country. At issue is the health of our dent Trump’s inexplicable behavior in it, unfortunately, weakens the office he automotive industry. Helsinki has many Americans asking: holds. Unfortunately, the health of my What does Putin have over him that he Yet it can be remembered as a mo- State’s automobile industry is being is behaving in a way that is, basically, ment when a bipartisan majority in threatened not by unfair competition inexplicable by any rational, logical Congress—Democrats and Republicans or illegal practices but by significant line of thinking? That is why his tax in their dropping all trappings of tariffs proposed by the President. Ac- returns will be so important. We should party—links arms and stands up for cording to the U.S. Chamber of Com- pass legislation that requires the Presi- our country after our President has re- merce, more than a half a million Ala- dent to release his tax returns. It was fused to do so. Let’s hope it is. Let’s bama jobs are supported by global important before, but it is much more hope it is. trade, meaning more than one in every important now, after Helsinki. NOMINATION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH four Alabama jobs is tied to trade. Fifth, the Republicans should de- Mr. President, I know my colleagues One of the key reasons Alabama has mand with us that the President insist are waiting, and I appreciate their in- such a robust trade posture is due to the 12 Russians who have been indicted dulgence as I have one final point on our automotive manufacturing indus- for our election interference and infor- the Supreme Court and Brett try. I am old enough to remember what mation warfare be handed over. Putin Kavanaugh. it was like before auto companies came may not do it, but at least we ought to I just read in a very recent interview to Alabama in the 1990s, starting with show how serious we are as a country. that Judge Kavanaugh was asked, if Mercedes. At the time that Mercedes The President ought to show how granted the opportunity, whether he came, many of Alabama’s manufac- alarmed he is that this happened, and would overturn precedent in any one turing facilities were closing down and the best way to do that is for our Re- case. Judge Kavanaugh initially de- moving to other countries. Yet, one by publican colleagues to join with us. clined to answer. He then paused and one—from Mercedes, to Honda, to They will have more influence than we said, on second thought, he would over- Hyundai, and now to Toyota and will have in asking him to do so. turn the precedent in Morrison v. Mazda, which are breaking ground on a Finally, we should have bipartisan Olson. That is the case that upheld the new plant very soon—these auto- legislation on election security. To- constitutionality of the independent makers came to Alabama and breathed gether, in a bipartisan way, with the counsel law. I will make two brief new life into our State’s economy. help of my friend from Tennessee—a points on the subject. They support, today, some 57,000 Ala- senior member of Appropriations—in First, Judge Kavanaugh’s response bama jobs, and our auto exports topped the last omnibus bill, we passed $380 demonstrates he is willing to answer $11 billion in 2017. That doesn’t even in- million for election security. As I un- direct questions about precedent— clude the new Toyota-Mazda plant in derstand it, that money is now being which precedents he agrees with and Huntsville, which is going to add an- sent out to help the States, but we which precedents he would overturn. I other 4,000 jobs and $1.6 billion in eco- have to do more. There is bipartisan hope, during the hearings, we will not nomic development. legislation. Senators KLOBUCHAR and suffer the tried-and-true verbal gym- After having no automobile industry LANKFORD and Senators VAN HOLLEN nastics of nominees who have refused 30 years ago, Alabama has become the and RUBIO have good legislation that to answer questions on existing prece- third largest exporter of automobiles could help beef up our election secu- dent. Judge Kavanaugh had no qualms in this country. In only the past 15 rity. We ought to move on it. about that in that interview. months, every major automobile manu- Our country—our cyber networks and Second and more immediately, con- facturer in Alabama has announced an our election systems—is under con- sidering everything we know about expansion to total 5,400 jobs and $3.3 stant attack from adversaries like the Judge Kavanaugh’s expansive view of billion in investments. This industry Russians. There is bipartisan consensus Executive power and accountability, has been a phenomenal success in Ala- that we must harden our election infra- the fact that Morrison v. Olson—of all bama and, more importantly, for the structure. This has led to the legisla- of the cases in the history of the Su- men and women who rely on these very tion I mentioned by KLOBUCHAR, preme Court—is the first case he would good-paying jobs to support their fami- LANKFORD, VAN HOLLEN, and RUBIO. think of overturning is deeply, deeply lies and to build better lives. There is other legislation by Senators troubling. That is why it is a priority for me HARRIS and WYDEN. I urge the Repub- We already know he believes a Presi- and colleagues like my friend, Senator lican leader to let us move on one or dent shouldn’t be investigated while in ALEXANDER from Tennessee, to keep more of these bills. office, that a President can’t be in- our States’ automotive industry thriv- We should do all of these things, not dicted while in office, that a President ing. Yet, recently, this industry has just one or two—all of them. I can’t doesn’t have to follow laws that the come under attack. In May, President think of a logical reason not to do any President ‘‘deems’’—his word—uncon- Trump threatened a 25-percent tariff

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.003 S18JYPT1 S5030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 on imported cars, trucks, and auto only silver bullet in this case is for the workforce—work in those auto plants. parts under the pretext that these President to change his mind and rec- Those auto jobs have become the main products somehow threaten our na- ognize how many jobs are at risk be- driver of family incomes, which have tional security. cause of these proposed tariffs. Until now risen to a little above the national Let me be clear. While the United that happens, we are going to fight to average. Our economy is booming, and States faces any number of threats protect what our States and our work- unemployment is at a record low. from adversaries on any number of ers have earned. Today, Tennessee produces 6.7 per- fronts, foreign automobiles and auto I want to thank my colleague Sen- cent of all of the cars and trucks pro- parts are not threats to our national ator ALEXANDER, who is here today, for duced in the United States. Tennessee security. Do you know what is a his continued partnership in this ef- exported more than $5.5 billion worth threat? It is a 25-percent tax on the fort. I look forward to working with of automobiles and auto parts last prices of these imported goods. The more of our colleagues to stop the ur- year. Tennessee has been the top State President’s proposed auto tariffs have gent threat to American jobs. in auto manufacturing strength for 5 the potential to inflict serious damage Thank you. out of the last 8 years, according to on a booming industry in my State and I yield the floor. Business Facilities. in other leading auto-producing States, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Let me get back to my little story. like Tennessee. We might call it a tar- ator from Tennessee. Last year, one of those bright twins iff, but we all know exactly what it is— Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I from Rutherford County—the Knight a tax. want to thank the Senator from Ala- family—where I spent the night 40 By definition, a tariff is a tax on a bama for his remarks. years ago, Randy Knight, retired as the particular class of imports or exports. I come to the floor to discuss bipar- general manager of the Nissan plant, Any tariffs placed on products that tisan legislation that he and I, as he which is the largest and most efficient come into the United States are taxes said, plan to introduce as soon as next auto plant in North America. His that increase the cost of those goods to week to encourage the Trump adminis- brother works there, too, and so does American consumers. When other tration to reconsider the dangerous one of those grandchildren whom the countries place additional tariffs, or steps it is taking to impose tariffs on grandmother thought she would never new taxes, on American goods, it raises imported automobiles and automotive see. the purchase prices of American prod- parts. You can see why Tennesseans become ucts overseas and hurts our ability to I use the word ‘‘dangerous’’ because very worried when anything threatens sustain competitive markets in those nothing has done more during the last the auto industry that has transformed countries. So it is deeply troubling 40 years to raise family incomes in our State. Here is why the proposed that the recent proposal from the Tennessee than the arrival of the auto tariffs do that. President will threaten tens of thou- industry, and nothing could do more As the Senator from Alabama said, sands of jobs in Alabama and increase damage to those family incomes than tariffs are taxes. Tariffs are taxes on costs for American consumers. the proposed tariffs on imported auto- us, pure and simple. They make what Shortly after this tariff threat was mobiles and automotive parts, com- we buy and sell more expensive. The issued, Senator ALEXANDER joined me bined with the tariffs on imported steel laws of economics usually say that in writing to Commerce Secretary Wil- and aluminum that the administration when you make what you buy and sell bur Ross, and we urged him to recon- has already imposed. more expensive, you buy and sell less sider the auto tariff tax proposal. Be- We have heard the Senator from Ala- of it. If we sell fewer automobiles and tween our two States, the automotive bama talk about his State. In my view, automotive parts, there will be lower sector contributes more than 200,000 Tennessee is more likely to be hurt revenues, lower profits, fewer wage in- jobs to our economies. Numbers of than any other State by these tariffs. creases, and fewer jobs. autoworkers from our States are in Let me tell a short story to explain Since almost every one of the 900 town this week to tell their stories, why I would make such a dramatic auto part suppliers use steel and alu- firsthand, to the Commerce Depart- statement. minum, lower revenues and smaller ment, and I commend them for their ef- Forty years ago, I walked 1,000 miles profits mean fewer wage increases and forts in doing so. across Tennessee in my campaign for fewer jobs for the 136,000 Tennesseans Senator ALEXANDER and I understand Governor. In Rutherford County, out- who work in the more than 900 auto the devastating blow these tariffs will side Nashville, I spent the night with plants in our State. More expensive represent to an industry that has lit- the Knight family. Mrs. Knight told me cars means fewer people in the United erally rebuilt our respective States’ that her twin boys were bright but that States buy those cars and fewer people economies from the ground up. Auto- she was sad because, as she put it, overseas buy those cars—the cars we makers and their suppliers can be there are no jobs around here. She said: make. Fewer people buying cars and found in every corner and in nearly They are smart boys, and they will trucks means that 136,000 Tennesseans every county of each of our States. We never get a job here, and I will never in America’s No. 1 auto State are going have found common cause in fighting see my grandchildren. to have a lower standard of living than these tariffs and protecting our con- Forty years ago, there were no auto they otherwise would and lower family stituents from the devastating impacts jobs in Tennessee. We were the third incomes. they will have. poorest State. Our family incomes were Why in the world would our govern- There are already a few legislative the third lowest. Our low-paying tex- ment raise our taxes and destroy our solutions out there, including Senator tile jobs were fleeing outside of our jobs in this way? Well, the govern- CORKER’s solution regarding tariffs. I country. Unemployment and inflation ment’s answer is that tariffs protect know Senator PORTMAN is also doing a were high, and prospects were bleak. jobs in the steel and aluminum indus- lot of good work in this space. Senator Then in 1980—just 2 years after that try. ALEXANDER and I are working together walk, when I was the Governor of Ten- It is true that some steel and alu- to propose a solution of our own as a nessee—Nissan from arrived and minum jobs might be saved, but in 2003, complementary measure to halt these came to Rutherford. Then General Mo- when President George W. Bush pro- tariffs. We hope to introduce that pro- tors, with Saturn, came to Spring Hill. posed steel tariffs, there were about 10 posal as early as next week after con- Then Volkswagen came to Chat- times as many people working in the sulting with our automotive manufac- tanooga. All had large manufacturing steel-using industries as there were in turers and working with our colleagues plants. steel-producing industries. Let me say to grow bipartisan support for this leg- As the American automobile indus- that again. There were more people islation. try moved to the Southeastern United working in the steel-using industry I realize that folks who have been af- States, more than 900 auto part sup- than there were in the steel-producing fected by these proposed tariffs are pliers spread across 88 of Tennessee’s 95 industry. looking for a silver bullet to stop them counties. Today, 136,000 Tennesseans— President Bush dropped the idea after dead in their tracks. Right now, the or one-third of our manufacturing a year because the tariffs destroyed, as

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.004 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5031 I said, more jobs in other industries, the President is widely admired and Hundreds of millions of tax dollars including the automotive industry, States that he carried heavily in his were used for this facility. It did run than they saved in the steel-producing election effort. over budget. It certainly ran over time. industry. Those plants moved primarily to the But we have learned a lot as a result of I know something about the alu- Southeast because our part of the this facility, and the Army Corps of minum industry. My dad worked most country offered right-to-work laws and Engineers will now be taking over of his life at Alcoa’s Tennessee alu- an environment that allowed compa- major construction projects like this. minum smelting plant, which closed a nies to make quality cars at a lower As a result of this facility, we have few years ago because electricity was cost and sell them competitively here made changes on how designs are being so much cheaper in other parts of the in the United States and around the made. It was a learning experience and world. You use electricity—lots of it— world. In fact, my own view is that the unfortunately a costly one at that, but to smelt aluminum. That is why those movement of the American auto indus- it doesn’t change the fact that this will plants came to East Tennessee more try to the Southeast saved the Amer- be a crown jewel in the VA system. than a century ago. But electric prices ican auto industry because where it This is not the end of a project, it is in the United States gradually rose was 25, 30, or 40 years ago was stuck in the beginning of a promise to be ful- over that century, and are still cheaper the Midwest in an oligopoly where the filled—a promise to our veterans on the in other parts of the world. So today United Automobile Workers and three care they will receive, a place where there are only eight smelting plants big companies were producing big, ex- they will find healing, where they will left in the United States. Seven of pensive cars, and the little foreign cars find support, and where they will find a them are still in operation. Alcoa oper- were coming in and eating their lunch return to good health. ates four and makes 46 percent—nearly in the marketplace. So now we have To our men and women in uniform half—of all of the aluminum produced strong and effective American auto who currently serve, know that you in the United States. Alcoa opposes the plants in the Midwestern United States have a place in Colorado where you will aluminum tariffs because it also oper- and in the Southeastern United States, find incredible care. ates smelting plants in Canada and and half of them are made by so-called To those who have served our coun- other countries that export aluminum foreign manufacturers. try, who live in Colorado, know that to the United States. I agree with President Trump on with great pride, we open this facility The bottom line is this: The largest many things—taxes, judges, regula- this weekend. U.S. producer of aluminum, Alcoa, tions, the economy, Keystone Pipeline, But we have more work to do. We doesn’t want the aluminum tariffs. The and others. He has helped create to- have work to do to make sure that it is thousands of auto plants and other day’s booming economy and low unem- easier to hire doctors and fill the posi- plants that use aluminum don’t want ployment. I give him credit for helping tions at the hospital that have re- the aluminum tariffs. So who is asking to do that, but these tariffs take us in mained open for months around the VA for the aluminum tariffs? exactly the opposite direction. system. It takes too long to onboard A second reason justifying tariffs is These tariffs are dangerous. These medical professionals. We should cut that other countries may have been un- tariffs are going to cost us jobs. These down that time, figure out how to cut fair to the United States. There may be tariffs are going to lower our family in- through the redtape and the comes. These tariffs are going to undo examples of that, but when did it be- bureaucracy. If you are qualified to much of the good the President and come a good idea to solve your own practice medicine at Swedish Hospital this Congress have done during the last problem by shooting yourself in both in Denver, or any of our other great fa- year and a half to create this booming feet at once? It is hard to see how rais- cilities, why can’t you just go to work economy. at the VA hospital as well? So these ing our taxes and destroying our jobs is I respectfully suggest that the Presi- are things that we can do to do a better a smart solution to unfair trade prac- dent reconsider his trade policy, drop job. tices. the tariffs as a tool for implementing Then there is the question of whether On Monday, I met with the Secretary his objectives, and find other, more ef- nominee, Robert Wilkie, President tariffs help autoworkers. Raising taxes fective means to persuade other coun- Trump’s nominee to be the new VA and prices and selling fewer cars tries to do for us what we do for them. wouldn’t seem to help the American I thank the Presiding Officer. Secretary, and I talked to him about autoworker. I yield the floor. the work we have to continue to do to Will it cause foreign companies to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- make sure that veterans receive the build more cars in the United States? ator from Colorado. best care possible. This Congress has Well, that is already happening. OPENING OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL VA passed legislation, such as the Choice The foreign manufacturers have been MEDICAL CENTER Act. We have made great reforms over doing exactly what we asked them to Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, this the last several months to reduce wait do. They have moved here. They weekend, Colorado will be celebrating times and wait lists and to eliminate produce cars and trucks here. They ex- the opening of our new Rocky Moun- them and make sure that we can pro- port many of those cars and trucks and tain Regional VA Medical Center in vide that promise of care. auto parts to other countries. Today, Aurora. I am incredibly proud that we This weekend in Colorado there will about half the cars being built in will be reaching this milestone this be a great celebration as we open this America are being built by the so- weekend after more than a decade of facility. So many people put in tireless called foreign manufacturers. Nissan’s work and some significant hurdles, years upon years of work, from the plant in Rutherford County employs trials, and tribulations along the way. leadership of the State to the leader- 8,000 Tennesseans and is the largest and I commend my colleagues for the work ship of Congress. I am grateful that most efficient auto plant in North they did funding this project. this weekend we celebrate as we open a America. The Rocky Mountain Regional VA facility that begins to fulfill the prom- I was with President Trump last year Medical Center will be the crown jewel ise made a decade ago for veterans in when he spoke in Michigan about all of the VA system. It wasn’t easy to get the region. the autoworker jobs leaving the Mid- here. A lot of people had to do a lot of I yield the floor. west. Since 1994, 3.6 million of those work to make it happen, including the Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask jobs have left the Midwest, but they veterans, the leadership organizations unanimous consent to speak as in didn’t go overseas; they moved to Ten- in Colorado, our colleagues across the morning business. nessee and Alabama and other parts of aisle, Congressman COFFMAN, Congress- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- the Southeastern United States, which man PERLMUTTER, Senator BENNET—in LIVAN). Without objection, it is so or- gained 3.6 million auto jobs during the fact, the entire congressional delega- dered. same period. Those new auto plants are tion for a number of years—Senator NOMINATION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mis- Salazar, Senator Udall, Senator Allard. Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I come sissippi, South Carolina, Kentucky, They have all done incredible work to to the floor today to join my col- and Texas. Those are all States where make this weekend a possibility. leagues in making it clear just how

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.006 S18JYPT1 S5032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 high the stakes are when it comes to nities, students, and workers and for that will come before the Supreme our Nation’s highest courts—for our our environment, our elections, our Court in the coming years—whether it families, for our communities, for our country, and more. is questions regarding equality under country, and for our future. But before I get into some other the adoption laws for all couples or the Since the day he took office, Presi- issues—and, again, just a few of rights of a couple to buy a wedding dent Trump has made one move after many—I want to start with two that I cake, whether transgender troops can another to turn the White House and believe are most important and that serve their country, whether someone the entire executive branch into a tool every woman, every man, and every can continue being fired simply for for those who have the most power, the family should be thinking very hard being LGBTQ, and more. So there is a most money, and the most influence to about: protections for patients with whole lot at stake. Anyone who cares get even more power, more money, and preexisting conditions and Roe v. about this issue or anyone who simply more influence. From our public Wade. believes that everyone in this country schools to our public lands and more, it First, President Trump has broken should have fundamental rights and is hard to find any Trump administra- promise after promise he made to freedoms—no matter who they are or tion decision where the bottom line workers and families on the campaign who they love—should join us in reject- didn’t come first. trail, but he has never once wavered in ing Judge Kavanaugh. But it is not just his administration. keeping promises he made to extreme, That is not all. We have known from President Trump has systematically ideological, rightwing special interests. day one that President Trump would be worked to roll back decades of progress President Trump said he would make hostile toward our bedrock environ- through our courtrooms, from the Su- taking away patient protections—like mental laws, that he was eager to do preme Court on down, which will have those for preexisting conditions—and the bidding of the coal, oil, and gas in- long-lasting impacts stretching far be- gutting policies that have made dustries, that his slogan of putting yond his time in the White House. healthcare more affordable for millions America first actually meant that the I know some of my colleagues were a top priority. He failed to jam a bill United States would be dead last in the here last night to talk about the abso- through Congress here to make those fight against climate change, and that lutely egregious circuit court nominees things happen. So he has done every- Trump’s economic agenda has more to who would do everything they can to thing he can to attack patients’ do with rolling back rules that help to whittle away at our rights and free- healthcare from the Oval Office. keep our kids safe from toxic pollut- doms as Americans. I want to talk His biggest attack yet is Judge ants, protecting our drinking water, or about that for a bit as well, but I want Kavanaugh—an extremely conservative preventing health problems in senior to take some time first to talk about a nominee vetted by those same right- citizens—the ones those special inter- nominee who would sit above those cir- wing special interests who President est groups try to call pesky regulations cuit court nominees in our Nation’s Trump is so determined to keep happy, and what the rest of us moms, grand- Supreme Court and who, if confirmed, a judge who those special interests mothers, and ordinary people call com- would overturn Roe v. Wade, eliminate picked because they know he will help monsense protections. protections for patients with pre- them undermine affordable healthcare But it is apparently not enough just existing conditions, reverse settled law from the Supreme Court Bench. to attack our environment for the ad- and precedent, and give these extreme I believed President Trump when he ministration. If you really want to circuit court nominees even more room said he was determined to undermine shape our Nation’s environmental laws to do damage to our Constitution, our patients’ healthcare in order to satisfy for generations to come, you put some- laws, our freedoms, and our way of life. rightwing special interests. Healthcare one on the Supreme Court for life who It is telling that President Trump coverage, especially for people with will consistently side with the massive and his Republican and special-interest preexisting conditions, is on the line corporations and special interests that allies are desperately trying to make with this nomination, and we cannot put profits ahead of the health and the case that Judge Kavanaugh isn’t afford not to take this threat seriously. well-being of families, and, boy, did well outside the mainstream, far out- That is not the only healthcare issue those CEOs and special interests hit side the bounds of reasonable, and under threat. President Trump said he the jackpot with President Trump’s deeply opposed to what people across would appoint Supreme Court Justices nominee. the country want when it comes to vetted by these groups for their will- You don’t have to spend long looking their rights and freedoms being pro- ingness to overturn Roe v. Wade. He at Judge Kavanaugh’s record to see tected. They may try, but they will not said women should be punished for hav- that, should he be seated, nearly five succeed because the record is clear and ing an abortion. In office, he and Vice decades of environmental protection the facts are clear. Judge Kavanaugh is President MIKE PENCE have done vir- are at risk, including the protections an extreme pick who would be dev- tually everything they can to restrict enshrined in the Clean Air Act, which astating for our country if he is con- women’s access to healthcare and to has significantly cut the smog, soot, firmed, and we need to do everything chip away at women’s constitutionally and chemicals that choked commu- we can to stop it. protected reproductive rights. Unless nities prior to 1970 and prevented hun- So I am standing here right now, on women and men across the country dreds of thousands of premature deaths behalf of the families in my home stand up to stop them, they will suc- and cases of heart disease in the years State of Washington and across this ceed in putting another Supreme Court sense. country, to be very clear about what is Justice who has the ideological Also at risk is the Clean Water Act, at stake if President Trump and his rightwing’s stamp of approval when it which, if erased, would take us back to enablers continue to try to turn our ju- comes to striking down Roe. the bad old days before commonsense dicial system into one that works for There is no sugarcoating this. We are protections—like when the Cuyahoga massive corporations and special inter- on the precipice of five men voting to River was so polluted that it caught ests and against regular families. overturn a historic ruling that has fire; when shellfish beds were closed in Earlier today, a number of my col- made women healthier and made them Puget Sound, nearly decimated by pol- leagues stood in this spot to sound the more equal and more free in the United lutants; or when an estimated 20 mil- alarm on what is at stake for our envi- States. We cannot let that happen. lion gallons of sewage effluent flowed ronment and our public health if the Those are two issues that so many of into Lake Washington every single balance of this Court swings toward us are focused on, and they are so im- day. President Trump and his extreme spe- portant, but they are far from the only I could go on and on about the strides cial interests. I want to expand on ones. Another key issue I want to brief- our country has made to keep our fam- those concerns, and I want to talk ly mention today is the rights and free- ilies safe, but the bottom line is that about just a few of the many issues doms of our LGBTQ friends, coworkers, because of our landmark environ- that Judge Kavanaugh would impact neighbors, and fellow Americans. We mental laws—like the Clean Water Act should he be confirmed and how awful have made progress, but there are and the Clean Air Act—our rivers are this would be for our families, commu- many questions and cases in this area cleaner, our air is easier to breathe,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.008 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5033 and families are better protected than and special interests to tilt the scales Yet, at the same time, Judge ever before. of justice in their favor. Kavanaugh has taken a far more ex- Though we have a lot of work yet to I would urge my colleagues who pansive interpretation of the Second do, it would be a grave mistake to go claim to care about the rights and eco- Amendment and has vigorously argued backward, and that is just what so nomic security of working families to that assault weapon bans are unconsti- many people fear would happen with join me in rejecting this nomination tutional. His position is far more ex- Judge Kavanaugh on the Bench, given and put the power back into the hands treme than even the late Justice his past rulings and given the test that of working families and the middle Scalia. It is no wonder the NRA imme- President Trump applied and his com- class. diately applauded Judge Kavanaugh’s mitment to only nominate someone This point is especially potent given nomination and has pledged now to screened and approved by the extreme the disgrace we witnessed in Helsinki. spend untold amounts to seal the deal right, especially his stance that could Every American should be deeply con- on his confirmation. take decisions away from our Nation’s cerned about President Trump putting Those are just a few issues weighing scientists and nonpartisan profes- someone on the Supreme Court who is on so many people’s minds right now. I sionals and put those decisions into the prepared to protect him from legal at- could go on about what is at stake if hands of special interests. tack and do his bidding. President Trump turns his White That takes me to another issue I As we all watch, many of us in horror House, and potentially now the judicial want to run through briefly: making and dismay, as President Trump con- system, into one that favors the power- sure our elections in this country are tinues to do everything in his power to ful few. free and accessible and that corpora- try and discredit the Mueller investiga- I would like to close by saying there tions don’t have a louder voice in our tion, we cannot forget, for a moment, are few things I take as seriously as a process than ordinary voters. These are that his Supreme Court nominee sug- Senator than my duty to consider and issues where our courts have failed to gested in a 2009 law review article that vote on a Supreme Court nominee. In serve us well in recent years, but by a sitting President should not be sub- my time in the Senate, I have had the confirming Judge Kavanaugh, we jected to criminal investigation or opportunity to consider nominees from would be cementing this awful pattern civil or criminal litigation. Democrats and nominees from Repub- Does anyone think, for one second, for a generation and making necessary licans. I voted for some of them, I this isn’t something President Trump reform so much more difficult. voted against some of them, each on was looking for? Is there anyone who Judge Kavanaugh will continue his their merits, and each based on how I has seen how President Trump has habit of ruling to make it harder and think they would serve. acted, listened to what he said who harder for citizens to vote and have a This time is different. We know ex- thinks he is not thinking about what voice in this democracy. We know this. actly where President Trump’s Su- happens if something related to this in- We saw how he ruled in favor of strict- preme Court nominee will fall on the vestigation goes to the Supreme Court? er voter ID laws—ones where the inten- President Trump controls the White specific issues, no matter what vague tion to make it harder for Americans House. His Republicans control both answers Judge Kavanaugh chooses to to vote was clear and absolutely the Houses of Congress. The last thing we deliver through this process. Why do we know this? Because Presi- wrong way to go. We cannot have a Su- need, the last thing any American who dent Trump told us openly, publicly, preme Court that continues to allow truly cares about our country should voter suppression. want is to place the last remaining and repeatedly. The President laid out So I ask my colleagues: If you believe branch—the final branch intended to be specific tests and promised to only that voting in our country should be independent, to put our Constitution pick nominees from a prescreened list open to all and that people shouldn’t first—into the hands of a Trump lack- of people who would absolutely meet have less access to the voting booth be- ey. That would be awful. It would them. Nobody should be fooled. Judge cause of where they live or the color of eliminate even the pretense of checks their skin, join me in rejecting this and balances. If Judge Kavanaugh is Kavanaugh is a rubberstamp. He will nominee and demanding someone who confirmed, with his record and given stand with special interests over fami- will protect our elections and our de- what we know about President Trump, lies, and he will take our country in mocracy. If you believe that Citizens that is exactly what would happen. the wrong direction. United was an awful decision that per- If you believe we should be taking I urge my colleagues, stand with me verted the First Amendment and put the Russian election interference into in rejecting Judge Kavanaugh’s nomi- shameful amounts of power into the U.S. elections seriously, join me in re- nation and join me in calling on Presi- hands of the mega rich and the biggest jecting this nominee and demanding dent Trump to send us someone who corporations, join me in rejecting this someone who would be truly inde- would stand with women, with our nominee and demanding someone who pendent and place an appropriate check workers, with our families, and who would put our ordinary voters first. on Executive power. would truly commit to respecting set- If we can’t stem the flow of dark, un- If you believe a President is not tled law and the rights and freedoms accountable money in politics, and re- above the law, join me in rejecting this we all hold dear and the longstanding verse the tide of the wealthiest Ameri- nominee and demanding someone who protections that help keep our families cans and biggest corporations being al- will take our Constitution and our ju- safe and healthy. lowed to have the loudest voices in our dicial independence seriously. I yield the floor. elections, we are going to keep running If you believe Executive power is not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- into massive challenges as a nation. unilateral and that real checks and ator from Nevada. Without a Supreme Court willing to do balances are required, join me in re- NOMINATION OF RYAN BOUNDS that, without rejecting Judge jecting this nominee and demanding Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, Kavanaugh and demanding someone someone who will clearly and un- I rise to speak out in opposition to the else, we can’t do that. Giving the most equivocally make sure that continues nomination of Ryan Bounds to sit on powerful among us an advantage in our to be a reality. the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth elections is not the only way Judge Finally, I want to highlight Judge Circuit. Kavanaugh is working for those at the Kavanaugh’s troubling record on com- I will be voting against his confirma- top, and I want to briefly discuss an- monsense gun safety. This is an issue tion, and I ask all of my colleagues to other. that certainly hit close to home for far do the same. My reason for this is not Last month’s Janus decision made it too many people in recent years. just the fact that in expressing his dis- clear that workers and their unions Churches, schools, concerts, it seems dain for multicultural values in a se- need a fair voice on the Supreme Court. like no place is immune to the rampant ries of college writings, he compared Unfortunately, Judge Kavanaugh has a gun violence happening in the country, efforts to build tolerance and promote long record of weakening worker pro- which is why millions of Americans diversity to Nazi book burning; it is tections, undermining union rights, have taken to the streets in recent not just the fact that he advocated and making it easier for corporations months to demand action. against policies designed to make

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.009 S18JYPT1 S5034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 LGBTQ students feel welcome and Turkey who want to come into a Chris- hearing he was told that he is going to crack down on campus rapists; it is not tian church to do just that. He has a continue to be in prison until they just the fact that when a bipartisan ju- small church in Izmir. You can only have another hearing in October, and dicial selection committee asked him seat about 100 people in it, and he that hearing is scheduled for about 4 to disclose past controversies, he delib- didn’t even have that when he started days short of 2 years that he has spent erately misled the committee and said his missionary work. time in a Turkish prison. there was nothing to worry about. I should say he is from the Black He has been in prison for 649 days. He Now that his controversial writings Mountain area of North Carolina. He is in good spirits—as good as you can have come to light, he refuses to re- was part of the same church that Rev. imagine for somebody who is enduring tract or show remorse for his state- Billy Graham was a part of. He went to the trauma of being imprisoned, I ments. Instead, he brushes them off as Turkey to really pursue his passion think, unlawfully and unfairly. overbroad and overheated. and serve in Christ through missionary His wife Norine is in Turkey. She re- Ryan Bounds’ writings show he does work. fuses to leave because she is afraid if not believe in a tolerant and diverse In 2016, after the coup attempt, Presi- she leaves Turkey, Turkey will not America, where women and people of dent Erdogan implemented emergency allow her to come back into the coun- color are treated with equal respect. In powers, and he swept up thousands of try. my eyes, that alone disqualifies him people and put them in prison. Pastor They have been separated from their from sitting on the Federal bench, but Brunson was in a Turkish prison for al- three children for 2 years because they Bounds has not received the blue-slip most 19 months without charges— are afraid to have them come into the approval of either Senator from his about 17 months in a cell that was de- country and not be able to leave. home State of Oregon. No judge in signed for 8 prisoners that had 21 peo- I am asking the Members of Congress modern history has ever been con- ple in it. to join with me to apply pressure on firmed without a blue slip from either I was in Turkey about 4 months ago— Turkey to have justice done. Justice is home State Senator. when I first met Pastor Brunson per- releasing Pastor Brunson and letting So a vote to confirm him is a direct sonally—to visit him in prison to let him come back home. attack on the Senate’s constitutional him know that as long as I am in the We have provisions in the National responsibility to advise and consent. U.S. Senate, I am going to work hard Defense Authorization Act that send a The blue-slip process is a critical func- for his ultimate release. very clear message to Turkey that we Then I went back about 6 weeks tion of the legislative branch. It gives are serious about this. every Senator a chance to have a say later, and I sat in a Turkish courtroom I have my own concerns about Tur- in the Federal judges who serve in for about 12 hours, and I heard some of key because they seem to be drifting their home State. the most absurd charges that could away as a NATO ally and partner and The nominee to the U.S. Court of Ap- ever be levied against someone to keep more toward a position I don’t quite peals for the Ninth Circuit will have a them in prison for what will now be understand. I certainly don’t under- lifetime tenure. If confirmed, Ryan going on 2 years. I told Pastor Brunson stand it in terms of our mutual inter- Bounds will have influence over our I would be back, and I will continue to ests as NATO allies or as economic legal system for the rest of his life. be back, until justice is served. partners. Don’t the American people and their I don’t want to get into too many of elected officials deserve a say in the details so I will tell you he was in But for right now, I want to focus on whether he should be allowed to fill a courtroom today for another 5 hours. a man who has been in prison for 649 that seat? If it bore any resemblance to the time days. I want to focus on other people This debate is not just about one un- I was in the courtroom, it goes some- who worked with the Embassy who qualified judge and his racist ideas. It thing like this: The defense gets to say have been in prison for about the same is about the duty of the legislative nothing. They don’t get to introduce time. I want to focus on a NASA sci- branch to serve as a check and balance witnesses to testify on his behalf. You entist who happened to be visiting his on the President. Over the course of have secret witnesses, many of them in family in Turkey—he is a Turkish the Trump administration so far, we a Turkish prison, testifying against American—who has been in prison for 1 have seen an unprecedented attempt to him about things like a daughter post- 2 ⁄2 years. We have to educate the undermine the blue-slip process and ing a meal she had on a social media American people on a Turkey that has pack the courts with judges favored by application that the Turkish authori- no resemblance today of what it was corporations and special interests. ties believe linked her to terror be- just 5 or 6 years ago. I urge my colleagues to take a stand cause they believe it is a meal certain I want to have a positive working re- against President Trump’s attacks on terrorist organizations like. It also lationship with Turkey. I want in- our legal system. Protect the integrity happens to be a meal that a lot of peo- creased economic ties and increased of the blue-slip process and vote ple in the Middle East like, but that military ties. But when you illegally against Ryan Bounds’ nomination. The was a charge that suggested he was in- imprison American citizens, no matter power and independence of the legisla- volved in a coup attempt or conspiring how important that strategic relation- ture is at stake. with terrorists. ship is, at some point we have to ques- I yield the floor. Having a light on in a church—by the tion whether or not we can go further. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- way, in a room that doesn’t have a win- In the meantime, if any of you are ator from North Carolina. dow—that was supposedly observed by planning on going to Turkey, I would CALLING FOR THE RELEASE OF PASTOR ANDREW one of these secret witnesses who are think twice. Make sure that you don’t BRUNSON in prison, saying: Well, clearly if there take a picture of somebody that maybe Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I think was a light on in this church, nothing Turkish officials think is involved in a last week or the week before, you were good could have happened because it coup, because that can sweep you up in presiding when I did a speech that I was in the middle of the night. Maybe it. Make sure that you don’t eat a meal promised I am going to do every week somebody just left the light switch on, that other segments of Turkish society we are in session until justice is served but I am still trying to figure out how like, because that may make you a in Turkey. they actually saw it because I have coup conspirator. It is a speech about this man. His been in that room, and there is not a I hope that we solve this problem, name is Pastor Andrew Brunson. He single window. There is no way you but I will tell you that there are very was arrested in Turkey in October of could have seen it from the outside. few things that would ever take me 2016. If you want to sum up his crime, Those are the types of charges that away from coming to this floor and it is for being a missionary. He has have been used to keep Pastor Brunson going into committee meetings and been in Turkey for about 20 years, has in prison since October of 2016. doing everything I can to put pressure served the community well, has pro- Today, he was back, as I said earlier, on Turkey until Pastor Andrew vided aid and comfort to Syrian refu- in a hearing in a Turkish courtroom Brunson is back in this country safe gees, has provided a place for people in for 5 hours. At the end of the 5-hour and sound with his family. Then I will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.011 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5035 continue to work on all the other peo- tana’s No. 1 industry, agriculture. is not the right direction to go. We can ple who are being unfairly and unjustly Montana’s grain producers produce get their attention by other ways. held in Turkish prisons. about $2 billion worth of wheat, barley, I would also say that these tariffs We need to have justice for Pastor pulse crops, and oil seeds every year. aren’t just felt by farmers and ranch- Brunson. We need Turkey to be the Since the middle of June, the price of ers. They are felt by other businesses ally that we want them to be, and we No. 1 Dark Northern Spring wheat in too. For builders, for example, their need President Erdogan to show the southeastern Montana has fallen more costs are going up. In 2016, the voters of leadership and the compassion to bring than 60 cents a bushel. That is more Missoula, MT, approved a $30 million Pastor Brunson home. than 10 percent, and the same can be bond to build a new city library. They Thank you, Mr. President. said throughout the State of Montana. started the project, but tariffs on steel The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- To put that in perspective, just think sent material costs soaring. Now the ator from Montana. what would happen in your business if cost of rebar alone has increased the TARIFFS your prices were reduced by 10 percent cost of the project by $100,000. Library Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I rise right off the top. It would put you in a officials have told me that as a direct today to talk about tariffs and their world of financial hurt, and that is result of these tariffs, they are pre- impact on Montana’s family farmers where Montana’s farms and ranches are paring with a need to go out and raise and businesses. In Montana we have today. If prices continue to plummet, another $500,000 to finish this project. more than 27,000 family farms and some of these families who have been The people of our State have to pay ranches. Folks who farm and ranch on the land for over 100 years will be that price. these lands are descendants of home- forced to make some very difficult de- One of Montana’s fastest growing in- steaders and pioneers, including my- cisions in the next 6 to 8 months. dustries is microbreweries. It is a real self. They are also young producers These tariffs are eliminating pro- success story, employing a lot of folks who may be preparing for their first ducers’ access to foreign markets— and adding value to grains in our harvest. Might I add that we don’t have markets that are in Asia and Europe State. They are being hit hard by tar- enough young producers in our State. and markets in Canada and Mexico. In iffs on aluminum. These emerging busi- The population of farmers is getting Montana, we sell our grains and our nesses have no other option but to pass far too old. beef to these countries and others: that cost on to their patrons. These folks work 7 days a week, for China, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, So we are paying both ways, folks. long hours, to raise the food that feeds Pacific Rim countries, and European We are paying on the tariffs coming in, our families across this world, and they Union countries. These exports didn’t and we are paying on the tariffs being power our rural economies in this just pop up overnight. They came to put on our products going out. country. Farmers and ranchers are fruition after years of hard work, good In agribusiness, for example, every- small business operators and owners faith and trust, and negotiations. thing that is made of steel is going up who are always on tight margins and Negotiations and trust are being and going up significantly. From I- always are looking to make sure that thrown out the window with these tar- beams to cattle guards, to posts for they can make the books balance by iff fights. In some cases—Japan, for ex- fencing, to metal for storage bins, any- being on the positive side of the ledger. ample—it has taken multiple genera- thing made out of steel is going up sig- Why? So they can keep their farms and tions to establish these export mar- nificantly. Manufacturers who have ranches viable to be able to have the kets. If we lose them, it will take many been on the rebound since the 2008 fi- next generation take over their oper- generations to get them back. Coun- nancial crisis now have a hard time ation. Just like any other business—a tries such as Argentina and Russia are bidding contracts on materials. Less of local bar or a hardware store—you need circling the markets like sharks, want- their money is going into their pock- to be able to make a profit to stay in ing to strike the minute we lose a grip ets, if there is any left at all, because business. on them to fill those voids. of these tariffs. Every sector of our Producers need to make sure that Take, for instance, Mexico. Mexico is economy is feeling the pinch of this es- they have predictability in input the largest importer of Montana barley calating trade war. costs—we are talking about fertilizers, in the world. For years, Mexico bought Fair trade is really important. Get- fuel, and seed—and predictability in Montana’s barley to be able to make ting manufacturing back to this coun- markets, the places where we sell our beers, like Corona and others. These try is really important, but it doesn’t grain, which has always been a chal- tariffs have put those markets at risk appear that we are doing those things. lenge and which has become more of a to the point that one Mexican barley Instead, we are putting our existing challenge over the past 6 months. When buyer told one of the folks from the businesses—whether it is in production farmers plant a crop, they need to barley association of Montana: I don’t or agriculture, construction or manu- know there is a market for that crop, know that we can depend on America facturing—at risk with these trade because if there is not, it can put them to supply our barley anymore because wars. in a world of hurt financially. these tariffs have put our markets at We should have open markets. Those Unfortunately, in Montana, we are risk. markets need to go in both directions, preparing to harvest winter wheat As a result, Mexico, which is a huge but we shouldn’t be driving people into crops as we speak. Spring wheat crops importer of American wheat, just this bankruptcy in the meantime. That is will soon be coming, pulse crops will last spring turned toward Argentina what is happening. soon be coming, and oil seeds will soon for their wheat for the first time ever. I ask: What is the end game? If this be coming. The fact is that there is no They signed a contract for Argentine trade war continues, I had an ag bank- certainty in any of those crops right wheat to take the place of the wheat er tell me that family farms and ranch- now. Why? Because our farmers and from this country, of which Montana is ers have about 18 months before they our ranchers are being used as pawns in a part and will no longer be supplying. have to start liquidating. That is the a trade war that I can guarantee not The real question is, How long is this reality we are facing, and that is not one of them asked for. going to have to go on? We are faced very long. This trade war is eliminating access with enough uncertainties in produc- That is the reason why this body to foreign markets that have taken tion and agriculture with weather, needs to understand that we need to generations to develop and putting drought, hail, bugs, and disease. The send strong messages to the adminis- family farm and ranch operations in a list goes on. Unfortunately, this is a tration that they can’t use farms, financial pinch—such a severe financial manmade problem. ranches, and small businesses as bar- pinch that we haven’t seen anything I get it. I think the President is right gaining chips. Their livelihoods are on like it since the 1980s, when we saw a when he talks about holding China ac- the line. mass exodus off the land due to bad ag countable. They have stolen a lot of in- Earlier this month, I hosted a round- prices. tellectual property. They manipulate table discussion on tariffs at the Bil- The retaliatory tariffs against family their currency. But to put on tariffs lings Chamber of Commerce. I was able farmers and ranchers is harming Mon- where retaliation comes on ag products to meet Montanans eyeball to eyeball,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.012 S18JYPT1 S5036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 and I heard their concerns. This is not season tickets on his credit card—hor- the Federal Government have made a political issue. These tariffs aren’t ror of horrors. Multiple fact-checkers their way through his court, and he has targeted toward Democrats or Repub- have debunked each of these claims, so written opinions—majority opinions licans. They are targeted at everyone. they have moved on. and dissenting opinions—which have Ag producers at this moment in time More recently, we have heard from all been reviewed by the U.S. Supreme are probably carrying the majority of some of our Democratic colleagues Court. I submit that would be the best the load. It needs to stop before the that they want to review every single evidence of what kind of Justice he damage is irreversible. piece of paper—every email, every would be on the Supreme Court. What My grandparents homesteaded the memo, every document that has passed kind of judge has he been on the DC land that we farm and lived through across Brett Kavanaugh’s desk at any Circuit? That is the best evidence. the 1930s. My folks, who took over the point in his career. We shouldn’t indulge requests for land, took the farm over in the early Reviewing relevant and important these fishing expeditions and paper 1940s and lived through a lot of hard documents is a perfectly normal part of chases that will lead to nothing other times themselves. My wife and I took confirming a judicial nominee, but than delay. It is important that the the farm over in the late 1970s, and we using that as an excuse to delay, foot- vetting process be deliberative and saw what happened in the 1980s. We drag, and obstruct is not acceptable. thorough, and it will be. But the vol- have seen what happens in agriculture, We know that the effort to get every ume of documents requested shouldn’t where so many of the folks can’t make memo from the Bush White House dur- be just a pretext to draw this out for it on the farm anymore, and they have ing the time he served as Staff Sec- political purposes. to have jobs off the farm to be able to retary there is really laughable and is Here is an important factoid: Nearly make the books balance. only a fishing expedition designed to half of the Democratic caucus has al- These tariffs are making things hard- delay his confirmation until after the ready said that they will vote no on er. We have been down difficult paths Supreme Court begins its work the Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the in this country before. I don’t believe first Monday in October. Supreme Court. Are they going to be we can afford another punch to the gut For example, as Staff Secretary, he requesting documents? Are they going in rural America. I will continue to would have had the responsibility to to be saying ‘‘Well, I want to look at fight for and defend the folks who put basically manage the paper flow across everything that came across his desk’’ food on our table, but their bottom the President’s desk. These aren’t just when they have already announced lines are being severely, severely im- documents that he, himself, has gen- their public opposition? pacted by this trade war. erated. In fact, I suspect that with the Five of them announced their opposi- Now look, the legislation we passed overwhelming majority of them, he tion before Judge Kavanaugh was even last week is a start. The Senate version would have had nothing to do with cre- named. In other words, they would op- of the farm bill provides a safety net, ating them. He wouldn’t be the author. pose anyone who is nominated by this but I am here to state that if things He wouldn’t be making policy rec- President. We saw an attempt to fili- continue to go south for our markets, ommendations. Basically, he would buster the nomination of Neil Gorsuch we are going to be faced with a bill have navigated all of the documents to the Supreme Court, which resulted that dumps a bunch of money into pro- that went across the President’s desk in the change of the precedent. We low- duction agriculture to keep these folks to make sure that they had been re- ered the number of votes to close off afloat. Why? Because of tariffs that are viewed by the appropriate person and debate from 60 votes to 51 votes be- being put on ag products. It doesn’t that they would have been checked for cause we realized that some across the have to be this way. accuracy. The ideas that every single aisle were so determined to vote We are an equal branch of govern- piece of paper that went across Presi- against any nominee of this Presi- ment. I believe that both Republicans dent George W. Bush’s desk should be dent—no matter how well qualified— and Democrats can work on this issue somehow relevant and that we should there was no way we could confirm a in a commonsense way, especially in delay confirmation until we have all well-qualified candidate. So we this body. The administration needs to had a chance to read it are ridiculous. changed that. understand that if they keep con- Is what President Bush had for dinner Both Justices Sotomayor and tinuing down this war of who can put 14 years ago relevant to Judge Gorsuch were confirmed just 66 days the most tariffs on products, we are Kavanaugh’s fitness to serve on the Su- after they were nominated. In the case going to have a hard time keeping our preme Court? Obviously not. of Judge Kavanaugh, if that same time- businesses afloat, particularly our fam- Just as, in 2010, the committee quick- table held up, we would be voting on ily farms and ranches in this country. ly processed Justice Kagan, who spent his confirmation about September 13— That will not help with food security many years in the Clinton White well in advance of the October deadline for our country, and the long-term neg- House, I am confident we can expedi- when the Court reconvenes. We will ative impacts of that are unacceptable. tiously and efficiently review Judge have plenty of time to thoroughly vet I yield the floor. Kavanaugh’s relevant background ma- this nominee in a similar timeframe, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- terials to make sure the vote on his which is consistent with the confirma- jority whip. confirmation occurs before the Su- tion process for both Republican and NOMINATION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH preme Court reconvenes in October. Democratic Presidents. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, it has Under Chairman GRASSLEY’s leader- I had the good fortune to sit down been a little more than a week since ship, the Judiciary Committee will with Judge Kavanaugh last week and President Trump announced his nomi- work to produce as many documents as to renew my acquaintance with him, nation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to are relevant and possible so that every which first occurred in 2000. As I have fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court Senator can do their due diligence. An recounted here on the floor, when I was left by the impending retirement of important part of our constitutional attorney general of Texas, I had the Justice Anthony Kennedy. In that responsibility is to provide advice and privilege to argue a case in front of the short period of time, we have seen consent, as the Constitution itself U.S. Supreme Court. As one of the best some of our friends across the aisle run says. qualified appellate lawyers in the coun- through an almost impressive set of The most important thing to remem- try, having clerked on the Supreme rhetorical calisthenics in an attempt ber is that unlike the Kagan nomina- Court, as well, he was one of the law- to tank Judge Kavanaugh’s confirma- tion, we have 12 years of service on the yers who helped me get ready for that tion before it even had a chance to bench by Judge Kavanaugh. He served oral argument. begin. on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in I had a chance not only to get to ‘‘He will overturn this case or this what has often been called the second know him in 2000 but to follow his ca- law,’’ they claim. ‘‘He will not be a most important court in the Nation be- reer on the DC Circuit Court of Ap- check on the President,’’ they have cause it is located in the District of Co- peals. He has consistently impressed tried to say. They have even suggested lumbia. Most of the major cases involv- me with his thoughtfulness, his delib- that he charged too much for baseball ing huge policy disputes confronting erativeness, his outstanding legal and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.013 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5037 academic credentials, and, of course, Office of Legal Counsel, who issue au- of grave concern to me, especially with his experience on the DC Circuit Court thoritative guidance for the Depart- an eminently qualified nominee. They of Appeals. He was candid and open, ment of Justice. And then, of course, are casting about looking for some- professional and impressive. he served as a law clerk for Justice thing—really, anything—to stop Judge I hope all of our colleagues will meet Alito on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh’s confirmation. with Judge Kavanaugh to see for them- Following a period of private prac- Because Democrats want political selves. I have been told that he has tice, the State of Texas came calling, judges, they politicize the confirma- been making calls to some Democratic and Andy became a deputy solicitor tion process. This is what they did to Senators’ offices, and they refuse to see general in the office of the Texas attor- oppose Justice Neil Gorsuch when he him at all. ney general; then it was Greg Abbott, was nominated. They took a few cases He is an accomplished jurist who will whom he later followed to the Gov- out of the thousands he had decided fairly and faithfully apply the law as ernor’s office, where he now serves as and distorted what he had said. They written and adhere to the text of the Governor Abbott’s general counsel. attacked him as being unfit to serve. Constitution, as judges are obligated to On behalf of the State of Texas, Andy They said he was unqualified to be a do, and leave the policymaking and the has argued two cases before the U.S. Justice, but Justice Gorsuch had an politics to the Congress and the execu- Supreme Court and filed countless unassailable record as a principled ju- tive branch. I look forward to con- briefs in support of the State. Because rist on the Federal bench. tinuing our vetting process and voting of his background and experience, We fought back against the misrepre- to confirm Judge Kavanaugh this fall— Andy has earned bipartisan support, re- sentations, the caricatures, and the ex- well in advance of the October term of ceiving recommendations from the aggerations, and the American people the Supreme Court. general counsel to the Obama Founda- saw through the Democrats’ ruse. They On a separate note, Mr. President, tion, as well as the Texas attorney gen- saw the kind of Justice Neil Gorsuch this afternoon, we will vote to confirm eral’s office. would be—a Justice who says what the another accomplished legal mind, Andy In his confirmation hearing before law is, not what he wants it to be, a Oldham, to the Federal Court of Ap- the Judiciary Committee, Andy spoke Justice who respects the separation of peals for the Fifth Circuit, which in- about his transition from a role as an powers, a Justice who will stand up to cludes Texas. advocate to that of a jurist. He ex- the executive and legislative branches Andy will join two other judges plained how he views the role of a ju- when they overreach. I believe the whom we have already confirmed in rist as ‘‘fundamentally different,’’ American people will see the same the Fifth Circuit earlier this year: Don which it is. thing when they look at Judge Willett, a former member of the Texas He went on to say that ‘‘the oath of Kavanaugh. Supreme Court, and Jim Ho, my former a jurist is simply to administer justice The debate over Judge Kavanaugh’s chief counsel, someone with impec- impartially, to do equal right by rich confirmation should be a debate over cable legal credentials. They are al- and poor, and to discharge justice in an his qualifications. Does he understand ready on the Fifth Circuit. I am de- equal and fair manner.’’ This is exactly the proper role of a judge under our lighted that Andy Oldham will be join- the type of judge we should want serv- Constitution? Does he have the experi- ing them. ing on our courts—someone who is im- ence needed? Will he respect our Con- As we like to say in Texas, Andy partial, not someone who will push for stitution and the rule of law? wasn’t born there, but he got there as a particular ideology or political agen- With hundreds of opinions, Judge fast as he could. He grew up in Rich- da on the bench. I believe Andy will Kavanaugh has built a reputation as mond, VA, where his parents instilled follow this philosophy of impartially being one of the most respected and in- within him a sense of hard work. His and fairly administering the law. fluential judges in the entire country. father put himself through college, and Andy spent all but 3 years of his ca- His incisive reasoning has led the Su- his mother was one of the first women reer in public service, and he has advo- preme Court to adopt his positions in to attend the University of Virginia. cated on behalf of Texans for many at least 12 cases. Following their examples, Andy at- years. I am confident he will continue Fidelity to the Constitution and to tended the University of Virginia and to serve them and the rest of the coun- the rule of law are hallmarks of his was awarded the prestigious title of try well, and I look forward to sup- opinions. Importantly, his vast body of Jefferson Scholar. While he was at porting his nomination this afternoon. work shows a deep commitment to the UVA, he helped found an advocacy The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. separation of powers. His opinions dem- group to prevent sexual assault. His ERNST). The Senator from Utah. onstrate his commitment to the prin- group was particularly focused on edu- NOMINATION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH ciple that judges should interpret the cating young men on their responsibil- Mr. HATCH. Madam President, I rise law, not make it. ities when it comes to sexual violence. today to discuss the confirmation proc- Judge Kavanaugh should be asked From there, he attended the Univer- ess for Brett Kavanaugh. By any hon- questions about his rulings and his ap- sity of Cambridge as a Truman Schol- est measure, President Trump’s nomi- proach to the law. As a judge, he has ar, graduated with first class honors, nee, Judge Kavanaugh, is exceptionally developed a reputation for his prepara- and then went to law school at Har- well qualified to serve on the Supreme tion in court. I have no doubt that he vard—very impressive academic cre- Court. When he was nominated to the can stand up under the most rigorous dentials. DC Circuit, he already had stellar cre- questioning. During law school, he helped rep- dentials, a keen intellect, and an im- Yet what we have seen so far is a mix resent a death row inmate in a habeas pressive knowledge of the law. He was of hyperbole, mudslinging, and distor- corpus petition and won a temporary confirmed to the DC Circuit Court in tion. Attacks aimed at Judge stay of execution in the U.S. Supreme 2006, following years of Democratic ob- Kavanaugh have not focused on wheth- Court. Based on Andy’s hard work, the struction. I have followed his work er he is qualified to serve. They have then-Governor of Virginia, who is now closely on that court for over a decade. not focused on whether he understands a Member of the Senate, commuted the His judicial record never ceases to im- the role of a judge. They have not fo- defendant’s sentence to life without pa- press. cused on how he will interpret the Con- role based upon Andy’s legal represen- A nominee with such a sterling rep- stitution and the laws passed by Con- tation. utation should receive wide bipartisan gress. When it comes to what we should After law school, he went on to clerk support. But over the years, I have be asking about a nominee, what we for Judge Sentelle on the DC Circuit seen firsthand the deterioration of the have seen so far is not even in the ball- Court of Appeals, which I spoke about judicial confirmation process. When park. in connection with Brett Kavanaugh. Justice Kennedy announced his retire- After scouring Judge Kavanaugh’s fi- Then he served as an attorney to the ment, I knew the Democrats would, nancial disclosure, progressives Department of Justice’s Office of Legal again, play politics with the Supreme thought they had struck gold with a Counsel; that is, the lawyers for the Court. It is what they have done for shocking revelation that would, surely, lawyers at the Department of Justice’s more than three decades. It is a matter turn public opinion against him. So

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.015 S18JYPT1 S5038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 what salacious scandal did they un- local charity to distribute food to the finest people I know. He is also one of cover? What damning evidence did they poor. His decision to keep his commit- the smartest. He is conservative—no find that would dash all hopes of con- ment to volunteer the week he was question about that—but he is honest. firmation? nominated to the Supreme Court says To me, these are some of the most im- The Presiding Officer is not going to more about Judge Kavanaugh than any portant keys to these judgeship posi- believe this, but they discovered that letter could. tions. I hope we get rid of the unjust Judge Kavanaugh enjoys America’s This overwrought reaction, sadly, representations against the judge. I pastime. That is right. Judge comes as no surprise. Crying wolf is the hope we will start treating the Senate Kavanaugh loves baseball—horrors. left’s trademark strategy in attempts like the great deliberative body it real- Honestly, I couldn’t believe it either. to sabotage Republican nominees. Back ly is. But wait. It gets worse. in 1990, a group that opposed then- I suggest the absence of a quorum. Not only does Judge Kavanaugh love nominee David Souter warned that he The PRESIDING OFFICER. The baseball, but he was once a season tick- was a threat to the ‘‘lives, health and clerk will call the roll. et holder at Nationals Park. OK, but livelihoods of millions of women and The bill clerk proceeded to call the here is the real kicker. Judge their families.’’ It wasn’t true then, roll. Kavanaugh bought those season tickets and it isn’t true now. Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, I with a credit card—with a credit card I hope that the Senate can raise the ask unanimous consent that the order of all things. As was the Presiding Offi- level of debate as we consider the nom- for the quorum call be rescinded. cer, I was speechless too. I have been ination. In doing so, we should focus on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without racking my brain all week trying to whether Judge Kavanaugh is qualified. objection, it is so ordered. figure out how a credit card-using base- I hope my Democratic colleagues can (The remarks of Mr. BARRASSO per- ball fan could slip through the cracks resist the temptation to politicize this taining to the introduction of S. 3229 of the White House’s vetting process. nomination as they have with others in are printed in today’s RECORD under Now, I am being facetious to prove a the past. Some of what we are seeing ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and point. We are only 9 days into the con- now has me worried. Joint Resolutions.’’) firmation process, and progressive op- We have also heard a lot from Demo- Mr. BARRASSO. I yield the floor. position is already beyond parody. crats about how important trans- I suggest the absence of a quorum. Of course, this is nothing new. Every- parency is to the confirmation process. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. thing we have seen so far comes di- Because of Judge Kavanaugh’s long HYDE-SMITH). The clerk will call the rectly from the Democrats’ playbook. record of public service to our Nation, roll. Throw every rumor, half-truth, and ex- the executive branch has been asked to The senior assistant legislative clerk aggeration at the nominee, and just see produce a large number of documents. proceeded to call the roll. what sticks. When nothing sticks, dou- Democrats have been demanding that Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, I ble down on partisan attacks, take past they be given access to these docu- ask unanimous consent that the order statements out of context, ments as quickly as possible. for the quorum call be rescinded. mischaracterize his positions, and lob a Some of my colleagues have ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without hyperbolic Hail Mary if you have to. pressed shock that Deputy Attorney objection, it is so ordered. Do everything you can to denigrate, General Rod Rosenstein requested that NOMINATION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH disparage, and dehumanize the nomi- assistant U.S. attorneys help to review Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, nee no matter his qualifications or these documents. The truth is that the last week, President Trump nominated character. Office of Legal Policy at the Justice Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the If Democrats continue down this Department always assists with nomi- U.S. Supreme Court. People have begun path, we are going to lose all ability to nations, and that Office is composed looking over his extensive record, and debate matters of public importance. mostly of career attorneys. It is not he has been getting rave reviews We cannot expect that all debate will uncommon for attorneys from other of- around the country. Just look at a few be well reasoned, but opposition fices in the Justice Department to help of the headlines we have seen across should, at the very least, be rational. It with the review of nominations. the country. should never be hysterical. The rhet- The government attorneys at the De- The New York Times, July 10: ‘‘A oric used to oppose Judge Kavanaugh partment of Justice who work on nomi- conservative stalwart wins praise for crosses that line. nations are extraordinarily thorough. his intellect and civility.’’ The New Just last week, when speaking about Given the reportedly large number of York Times—it is astonishing. Judge Kavanaugh’s impressive resume, documents, it makes sense that to fa- The Wall Street Journal said: I said you could not knock Yale, Har- cilitate this process, the DOJ would ‘‘Trump’s nominee will be an intellec- vard, or Georgetown. Maybe I spoke seek extra help. tual leader on the bench.’’ too soon. Shortly after the announce- When we spoke last week, Judge The Detroit News said his record sug- ment that Judge Kavanaugh would be Kavanaugh said he was proud of his gests that ‘‘he will maintain a commit- the nominee, Yale Law School released opinions, and he hoped people would ment to interpreting the law as it is a statement with praise of Judge actually read them rather than just written, and not how he may wish it Kavanaugh from professors and admin- read about them. I think those who do had been crafted.’’ That is exactly istrators. that will be just as impressed by Judge what Americans should be looking for One professor even noted that ‘‘poli- Kavanaugh’s work as I am. I hope Sen- in a Supreme Court Justice because a tics have deeply harmed our Supreme ators will take the time to sit down judge’s job is to apply the law, not to Court nomination process,’’ but she with him. rewrite it. lauded Judge Kavanaugh as being a Judge Kavanaugh has spent more People looking at Judge Kavanaugh’s ‘‘true intellectual,’’ an ‘‘incomparable than 23 years in public service. As a record and reaching the conclusion mentor,’’ and a ‘‘fair-minded jurist who good man, a decent man, and an honest that he knows the right way to ap- believes in the rule of law.’’ She went man, Judge Kavanaugh is the type of proach this very important job. on to say that ‘‘he is humble, collegial, person we should all hope is nominated It is not just newspapers that are and cares deeply about the federal to a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. saying wonderful things and singing courts.’’ That is why I am so pleased that Presi- the praise of Judge Kavanaugh; legal The response from some Yale Law dent Trump nominated Judge scholars are lining up to commend his School students, staff, and alumni was Kavanaugh. I intend to do everything I independence and his wisdom as a swift, forceful, uncompromising, and can to support his nomination, and I judge. Some of them are extremely lib- completely ridiculous: ‘‘People will die hope that all other Senators will do the eral people he has worked with over if he is confirmed.’’ As these Yale same. the years. They just respect him that alumni were feverishly opposing the We have to quit this mudslinging and much as a judge who they find has been nomination, Judge Kavanaugh was mischaracterizing of people’s char- devoted to the law and the Constitu- spotted volunteering his time with a acters. Judge Kavanaugh is one of the tion. Imagine that. That is what we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.017 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5039 should expect in anybody who serves as one who takes the law and the Con- When you have someone with these a Justice on the Supreme Court. stitution at face value. qualifications, Senators ought to be A law professor from Yale wrote an The Constitution is a legal docu- looking at his record. They should look op-ed for the New York Times last ment, not a living document, and it at the 300 decisions he has written in 12 week titled ‘‘A liberal’s case for Brett was built for certainty. He knows that years on the bench. It is absolutely the Kavanaugh.’’ The professor called a judge’s job is to ‘‘interpret the law,’’ right thing to look at. They should Judge Kavanaugh ‘‘a superb nominee’’ not to legislate from the bench, ‘‘not to meet him and talk with him. and said that ‘‘it is hard to name any- make the law or make policy.’’ That is We have just begun this confirmation one with judicial credentials as strong what he actually said in a speech last hearing process. I hope that more as those of Judge Kavanaugh.’’ year. Democrats in the Senate will have an Another liberal law professor called He has an extremely strong intellect, open mind about this nominee. I hope him a ‘‘highly qualified mainstream and I can’t imagine there is anyone out they will consider the kind of person conservative judge.’’ He cited Judge there who can deny that. ‘‘It is we should have on the Supreme Court Kavanaugh’s reasoning as ‘‘an example daunting and humbling to be in front and then make their decisions about of the judging ideal, setting aside ide- of that brainpower’’—this is what one whether Judge Kavanaugh has those ology and party politics, and just try- of the lawyers who appeared before him qualities. From what I have seen, he ing to get the law right.’’ That is a lib- said. And he is a person of solid char- absolutely does. eral former law professor. He said acter. That is what we are hearing I plan to continue to look into his Judge Kavanaugh gives ‘‘an inde- from people who have known him over record and listen to people who know pendent judiciary the job it is supposed the years from being extremely active him best. I plan to sit down and talk to do: Interpret the law.’’ in the community. The New York with him. Everything I have seen so far There are lawyers who have appeared Times summarized it: ‘‘A conservative tells me that this is someone who is ex- before Judge Kavanaugh who said the stalwart wins praise for his intellect actly the kind of Justice we need on same things. I am not a lawyer, I and civility.’’ the Supreme Court. haven’t done these sorts of things, but So what is there for Democrats to I yield the floor. I understand there are surveys of law- come to the floor and object to? Why The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- yers who appear before judges in court, are they objecting to all of this? Why ator from Maryland. people who have won cases and people are some Democrats already saying NATIONAL SECURITY who have lost cases. They put up their they oppose a judge known for his in- Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, to ideas about what they thought about tellect and civility? They were actu- my colleagues, let me just say that we the judge afterward. ally saying it before he was even must speak out and act. Across the board, they called him named by President Trump. Whomever President Trump’s appearance with ‘‘an excellent judge.’’ They said that he President Trump names, they are going Russia’s President Putin—a U.S. Presi- ‘‘has a history of excellent legal argu- to vote no. It is astonishing to see dent capitulating to a strongman dic- ment and analysis,’’ someone who can Democrats making that decision. Then tator, unprecedented in American his- think intellectually, think clearly, and they are asking for reams and reams of tory—compromised America’s national come up with a legal argument and documents after they have already said security and brings into question analysis to make the assessment, to they are against Judge Kavanaugh. whether America can be relied upon as apply the law as written. One lawyer What are they looking for? It is amaz- the leader of the free world. actually said: ‘‘It is daunting and hum- ing. With Mr. Trump standing with Mr. bling to be in front of that brain- That is what I believe the big dif- Putin while he discredited America’s power.’’ This was an anonymous survey ference is between Republicans and investigation into Russian meddling— of lawyers who appear before Judge Democrats in Washington: Republican this is an American President, with a Kavanaugh. I don’t know if they won or Presidents choose judges and justices dictator, challenging the investigation lost, but people get to put in their to follow the law; Democratic Presi- being done against Russia—the Presi- opinions, winners and losers, after dents seem to pick judges and justices dent questioned the conclusions of U.S. cases in anonymous surveys. ‘‘It is who are guaranteed to push liberal intelligence agencies. He left unchal- daunting and humbling to be in front policies and liberal agendas, pre- lenged Mr. Putin’s lies and illegal mili- of that brainpower.’’ This wasn’t peo- conceived notions of how they should tary invasions. ple just trying to kiss up to the judge rule on a case before they hear the In short, Mr. Trump did Mr. Putin’s to win favor in a case; these are results facts. They know the way they are bidding. In Russia, they are smiling; at from people after the case who were going to go, maybe using things like the White House, they are scrambling. just telling it like it is. ‘‘Excellent emotion, sympathy, and empathy. The Congress must speak out and act. legal judgment,’’ they say. Constitution is a legal document. Congress must repudiate the Presi- If you look beyond the courtroom, Even though you have legal experts dent’s actions to make clear to the people are just as willing to talk about from around the political world and American people and the world that Judge Kavanaugh’s character as a per- around the spectrum of all sides of the Russia, directed by Mr. Putin, attacked son, not just a judge. That is part of aisle who praise his intellect and civil- our free election system in 2016 and it—to look at somebody’s legal philos- ity, it is not good enough for the lib- tried to tip the scales in favor of Mr. ophy, their intellect, and their char- eral activists in this country. They Trump. acter—when trying to assess a judge don’t even want to consider Judge Russia illegally invaded the sov- who has been nominated, to say: Is this Kavanaugh’s qualifications, and they ereign state of Ukraine and illegally person the right person to be a Justice have said it here on the floor of the annexed Crimea, which the United on the Supreme Court? Senate and on television, if you listen. States must make clear we will never The Washington Post even ran a They are already making opposition to recognize. Russia, under Mr. Putin, piece by a woman who knows Judge his nomination a liberal litmus test for murders its political opponents and Kavanaugh because he coaches her Democrats in this Senate, and I am journalists. Russia has interfered in daughter’s basketball team. She wrote sorry to say that more than a few the politics of several European demo- that she was impressed by ‘‘his traits Democrats seem to be playing along. cratic states. of personal kindness, leadership, and We have seen Democrats in the Senate Six months ago, I authored, on behalf willingness to help when called on.’’ who have already said that they don’t of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- There are three things I look for in a care about Judge Kavanaugh’s intel- mittee Democrats, a report entitled nominee for the Supreme Court: judi- lect; they don’t care that he is ‘‘just ‘‘Putin’s Asymmetrical Assault on De- cial philosophy, a strong intellect, and trying to get the law right’’; they don’t mocracy in Russia and Europe: Impli- a solid character. What we are hearing care that, as one lawyer said, ‘‘it is cations for U.S. National Security.’’ is overwhelming evidence from people hard to name anyone with judicial cre- I sent a copy of that report to Presi- who know him that Judge Kavanaugh dentials as strong as those of Judge dent Trump and hoped that he would has all of these qualities. He is some- Kavanaugh.’’ absorb it and use it in his meeting with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.020 S18JYPT1 S5040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 Mr. Putin. Unfortunately, he either First and foremost, we need to recog- on. That gives space to Mr. Putin. His didn’t read it or didn’t heed the advice nize Russia for what it is today—not calculation: 2018 is fair game. I can do in that report. the Russian people, but under the lead- whatever I want in the U.S. elections. That report spells out in detail the ership of Mr. Putin, Russia is an adver- After all, I know the President will be asymmetrical arsenal that Mr. Putin sary. They are against our system of on my side and will not hold me, Rus- uses. Yes, he uses his military, propa- government, and they are trying to sia, accountable for interference in the ganda, and cyber; he supports orga- bring down our system of government. U.S. elections. nized crime and corruption, weaponizes I saw the President’s tweet this That is certainly not in our interest. energy, and supports fringe political morning, and I just want to acknowl- Congress must speak out and act. We groups, all to attack our democratic edge that we want to have relations have to protect this country. It is our system of government. with all countries in the world. I want responsibility. We are an independent The report spells out numerous rec- the relationship between the United branch of government. We need to ommendations for steps we should take States and Russia to be on a better pla- speak out on behalf of our Nation. to protect our national security teau, but it has to be under our terms, Let me just lay out issues that I hope against what Russia is trying to do to not Mr. Putin’s terms. That is the we will work on not only in response to us. The report spells out several rec- problem with what the President did in the President’s summit with Mr. Putin ommendations I just want to under- Helsinki. He allowed Mr. Putin to con- but also because it is our responsibility score today. We urge the President to trol the dialogue and allowed Mr. Putin as an independent branch of govern- assert Presidential leadership and to look as though everything he is ment to speak out for America. launch a national response, an inter- doing is reasonable when it is not. If First, we need to protect the integ- agency response, so we make it clear you give Mr. Putin space, he will push rity of the Mueller investigation. I am that we will not tolerate this. to fill it, and then he will go even fur- not going to prejudge what the Mueller Mr. Trump has done just the oppo- ther. investigation will come in with. I have site. He has downplayed any signifi- Ten years ago, Mr. Putin saw an op- confidence that Mr. Mueller will do his cance to what Russia has done, has not portunity. He saw an opportunity to work. allowed us to have a coordinated effort put a wedge in regard to the NATO ex- Mr. Trump has been openly critical with the executive branch, and has pansion and the growth of a unified over and over and over and over again fought what Congress has tried to do in Western Front. He saw that oppor- about this investigation. It is out- giving him additional resources in tunity in the independent state of rageous that the head of the executive order to prepare us against what Mr. Georgia, and he took advantage of branch of government is trying to com- Putin is doing. that. Russian troops invaded. They are promise the checks and balances in our The report goes on to further rec- own system, but we have to make sure ommend that we expose and freeze still there today, and Georgia is still that the checks and balances remain. Kremlin-linked dirty money. The ad- not part of NATO. Mr. Putin’s strategy paid off. The We have to make sure that we protect ministration has not done that. It goes on to say that we should sub- Western World gave him that open the integrity of the Mueller investiga- ject state hybrid threat actors to an es- space; he took advantage of it. tion. calating sanctions regime. Here Con- In 2014, Mr. Putin, based upon his ex- Congress needs to pass legislation, gress did act. We passed the CAATSA perience in Georgia—and also, by the and there is legislation that has been statute, which requires—these are way, based upon his experience in recommended by our Judiciary Com- mandatory sanctions against Russia Moldova—said ‘‘Well, we can do the mittee that would protect the integrity because of what they did to us in 2016 same in Ukraine,’’ and they invaded of the Mueller campaign. We should and what they did in regard to the Ukraine. They took over Crimea; they take up that legislation and pass it im- Ukraine and their other activities. illegally annexed Crimea, and guess mediately. This administration has not fully uti- what. Ukraine, today, is nowhere clos- I said that I will not prejudge what lized those sanctions that are available er to being a NATO ally as a result of Mr. Mueller will come in with. We under the legislation we passed. Mr. Putin’s strategies. know there are people who have been The report calls for publicizing the It worked for him, not for us. That is indicted. We know that Russia has Kremlin’s global malign influence ef- not in our national security interest. been engaged in the election. We know forts and building an international coa- The President gives him a pass. that some Americans were involved. lition to counter hybrid threats. Mr. They tried it in Montenegro. Russia Was there collusion with the Trump Trump did just the opposite in his most financed operations of a coup to try to campaign? It will be up to the Mueller recent foreign trip. In his performance prevent the parliamentary elections investigation to give us those findings. in Brussels with NATO and then later from having a government that would But we do know from Helsinki that Mr. in London, he not only took the oppor- ratify NATO. The people of Montenegro Trump openly colluded with Mr. Putin tunity to criticize two of our closest al- stood up and said no. They fought it, in regard to an orchestrated message lies, Mrs. Merkel in Germany and Ms. and they won. Now Montenegro is a coming out of Helsinki. May in London, England—the U.K.— NATO ally. We can’t give this space to Secondly, Congress needs to exercise but he also challenged the unity of Eu- Mr. Putin. its oversight capacity with hearings. rope, weighing in with regard to Brexit Mr. Putin, not just in the United That is our responsibility. and the politics of Brexit. That is not States, but in Europe, interfered in I was pleased to see that Senator how the President brings unity among elections. But what happened in 2016 in CORKER announced that Mike Pompeo, our allies in order to stand tall against America? This is a fact; this is not sub- the Secretary of State, will be before the threats of Russia. ject to debate. We know that Russia, the Senate Foreign Relations Com- The report goes on to say that we directed by Mr. Putin, interfered in our mittee on Wednesday of next week. need to build global cyber defenses and elections. That has been confirmed by This meeting is long overdue. norms. Congress has appropriated our intelligence community. It has Let me just remind my colleagues funds; the administration has not fully been confirmed by our own Intelligence that this meeting is being set up to get utilized those funds. Committee here in the U.S. Senate. our very first briefing on what hap- We need to hold social media compa- This is not something that you debate. pened in Singapore in the President’s nies accountable. We see the infiltra- We know that is a fact. We understand meeting with Kim Jong Un in North tion of Russia into our social media the President has tried to convince the Korea. We haven’t had a single briefing platforms. Europe has already taken public here in America that may not be in Congress on the North Korean sum- action to make sure that it identifies true, but those are the facts. We know mit. and is protected against infiltration of the facts. We are privy to the facts. Now we have Mr. Pompeo coming up foreign entities getting involved in try- We know that Russia interfered in here for North Korea. I urge Mr. ing to influence policy in their coun- our elections, but the message from Pompeo and Senator CORKER to make try. The United States, under Mr. Helsinki, President Trump’s message sure that Mr. Pompeo is prepared and Trump, has not taken similar action. to President Putin, is: OK. Let’s move has the time not only to address North

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.022 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5041 Korea but also to address what hap- tem. We have appropriated funds for He gave a speech to the Federalist pened in Helsinki. We have a right, an this. There is legislation that is pend- Society in 2016 where he said, ‘‘I have obligation, to find out. ing by Members of the Senate on both particular things that I think are ille- While we are able to question rep- sides of the aisle. We now know we are gitimate in the way that we conduct resentatives from the executive branch even more vulnerable. We have seen modern American law.’’ He went on to in regard to Helsinki, let’s make sure some indictments of late that point out say, ‘‘It’s not that I disagree with a that we have a chance to talk to Jon what Russia could be doing in the 2018 particular Department of Labor regula- Huntsman, our Ambassador to Russia, elections, which are only less than 4 tion or a particular IRS regulation; it to get his take, his assessment of what months away. is the entire existence of this edifice of happened. We need to talk to our Di- One of the fundamental principles of administrative law that is constitu- rector of National Intelligence as to his our democracy is our free and fair elec- tionally suspect.’’ assessments. We need to have oversight tions. We have a responsibility to make He also wrote in a law review article hearings here in Congress. sure they are free from international that ‘‘the Sherman Act, as it is cur- Most importantly, we need to under- tampering and the influence Russia rently understood, is unconstitu- stand what happened in the room— may try to play in this election cycle. tional.’’ The Sherman Act is one of our where it happened—where Mr. Putin We need to take concrete steps to foundational antitrust laws; it pro- and Mr. Trump spent over 2 hours. We make sure that is done. hibits monopolies and restraints of have no information about what hap- Lastly, I suggest that the Senate go trade. pened in that room. We have a respon- on record repudiating President Mr. Oldham’s views are clearly out- sibility as Members of Congress to un- Trump’s actions in Helsinki. The Re- side the judicial mainstream. His own derstand what discussions took place, publican leadership should bring to the words and writings show an extreme what commitments in regard to our floor of the U.S. Senate such a resolu- ideological agenda. elections, in regard to Ukraine, in re- tion. It is our responsibility to consider Of course, like all of President gard to Syria, in regard to North such a resolution. Trump’s nominees, he has promised he Korea, in regard to Iran. We have a lot By passing such a resolution, we can would cast all his views aside if con- of interest in knowing what took place, restore confidence to the American firmed and simply follow the law. But and we should get that information people and to the world that the United time after time, we have seen these now. That is our constitutional respon- States, indeed, is the leader of the free nominees get confirmed to the bench sibility. We need to speak out and act world. and then start interpreting the law to Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I op- to carry out our responsibility. produce outcomes that align with their pose the nomination of Andrew Oldham This is not a partisan issue. This is a preexisting, Federalist Society-ap- to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. constitutional issue of what we do. We Mr. Oldham is only 39 years old. He proved views and side with corpora- are a check and balance in the system. checks the Federalist Society box, hav- tions and wealthy elites over working The public expects us to act that way ing been a member since law school of Americans. and to get that information. that rightwing legal group that vets all Mr. Oldham is ideologically extreme, We should also strengthen the sanc- of President Trump’s nominees. Mr. he has shown instances of terrible judg- tions regime against Russia. I say that Oldham has spent much of his career ment, and he has said things that mindful that the bill we passed last litigating on behalf of Republican would make litigants question whether year, the CAASTA bill—I worked very elected officials in Texas State govern- he could be a fair and impartial judge. closely with my colleagues in drafting ment, where he worked on challenges I oppose his nomination. that bill—provides a whole array of op- to the Affordable Care Act, the DACA Mr. CARDIN. I suggest the absence of tions to President Trump to impose and DAPA programs, the Voting Rights a quorum. new sanctions against Russia for their Act, Fair Housing Act regulations, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The activities. Many of these sanctions, by ‘‘Ban the Box’’ regulations on job ap- clerk will call the roll. the way, are mandatory. The President plications, and Clean Air Act regula- The legislative clerk proceeded to has no discretion. I say that with some tions, among many others. call the roll. disbelief because these sanctions have Mr. Oldham’s extreme ideology is ap- Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I ask not been imposed yet, even though parent from statements he has made in unanimous consent that the order for they are mandatory sanctions. his personal capacity. At his nomina- the quorum call be rescinded. So Congress needs to speak out and tion hearing, he refused to say that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without act. We need to speak out to make sure landmark Supreme Court case Brown objection, it is so ordered. these sanctions are indeed imposed, v. Board of Education was correctly de- Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I rise and we have to make sure we strength- cided. That was an astonishing mo- to speak to the integrity of the char- en the sanctions regime, if the Presi- ment. Every Supreme Court nominee acter and the career of Andy Oldham, dent needs more of a reminder or needs who has been asked this question has the President’s nominee to be a circuit additional tools in order to act against said he or she believed Brown v. Board judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for Russia. One thing we want to make was correctly decided. In recent hear- the Fifth Circuit. crystal clear is, we don’t want to see ings before the Judiciary Committee, Andy represents the best of what the weakening of any of these sanc- nominees have answered yes to this Texas’s legal community has to offer tions. I think many of us know about question without hesitation; yet Mr. to our Federal courts. Andy Oldham conversations that took place in the Oldham wouldn’t answer. was born to high school sweethearts. past about Mr. Trump’s thoughts about If a nominee refuses to say that His parents, like his grandparents be- easing up some of these sanctions. We Brown v. Board was correctly decided, fore them, knew struggles and knew have to make sure that, in fact, they it certainly raises questions in my hard work. are not. mind about the nominee’s judgment, Andy’s father was raised in a trailer It was interesting that during the but that is not all Mr. Oldham has said. with four other siblings, and Andy’s summit, there was a conversation At his hearing, he refused to say grandfather spent years away from his against Mr. Browder about the whether he agreed that voter discrimi- family, first fighting in World War II Magnitsky sanctions that have been nation still exists in the United States. and then in Korea. His mother was imposed by Congress. Browder worked He gave an interview in 2016 where he raised by her divorced mother, and with Senator MCCAIN on that legisla- described the Supreme Court as ‘‘the Andy’s mother helped manage the tion. We have to make sure those sanc- most dangerous branch’’ and said household starting at age 8. tions remain in place and are strength- ‘‘they often fail to enforce our sacred Growing up in these humble begin- ened, not weakened. That is our re- rights that are in the Constitution, nings taught both of Andy’s parents sponsibility to make sure that takes while creating rights that are not.’’ the value of hard work. His father place. Keep in mind, this is a Supreme Court drove a cement truck and cleaned deep We must also make sure that we pro- where the majority of justices were ap- fryers in restaurants to pay his way tect the integrity of our election sys- pointed by Republican Presidents. through college. His mother was one of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.023 S18JYPT1 S5042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 the first women to attend the Univer- Oldham as a circuit judge of the U.S. crats alike—is that our democracy, our sity of Virginia. Together, both en- Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth great country, was attacked by a for- rolled in the Medical College of Vir- Circuit. eign adversary. And two days ago, on ginia, where his father became a doctor Andy will be the fifth judge we have an international stage, standing shoul- and his mother became a dentist. confirmed for the Fifth Circuit, one of der to shoulder with Vladimir Putin, Andy’s parents had enormous student the finest courts in the country—a our President sided with that attacker. debts to pay, and so Andy learned what court I have been privileged to argue Instead of forcefully condemning it was like to grow up with little as before many times. Andy will be the Russia’s attack on our democracy, its well, but he likewise learned the value third Texan and fifth circuit judge in role in annexing Crimea, poisoning in- of an education from his parents. the last year and a half, and that, I dividuals with chemical weapons on Andy went to the University of Vir- think, is one of the greatest legacies of the soil of one of our closest allies, ginia on a full academic scholarship, President Trump and this Republican Russia’s downing of a passenger airline graduating with a perfect 4.0 GPA and Senate; namely, the confirmation of with nearly 300 innocent civilians on- at the top of his class. He then became principled constitutionalists to the board, or undermining democracies a Truman Scholar and went on to at- Federal court; judges who will be faith- around the world, our President offered tend Harvard Law School. ful to the Constitution and Bill of only praise for the authoritarian Presi- Andy graduated from Harvard Law Rights, who will stand steadfastly to dent Putin. He then repeated his con- magna cum laude and clerked for protect our fundamental liberties, to spiracy theories about the FBI and Judge David Sentelle on the DC Cir- protect free speech and religious lib- called the Russia investigation a cuit, one of the most respected Federal erty, to protect the Second Amend- ‘‘witch-hunt’’—denigrating our law en- appellate judges in the country, and ment, the right to keep and bear arms, forcement institutions, while standing then clerked for Justice Samuel Alito to protect the Tenth Amendment, the beside the foe they work so hard to on the Supreme Court of the United fundamental liberties of the people protect all Americans from—Repub- States. against ever-expanding Federal power. licans and Democrats alike. He then worked as an attorney advi- This is a legacy that was front and In my 44 years as a Senator, I have sor for 2 years in the Office of Legal center as to why the American people never seen anything like it. I can think Counsel in the U.S. Department of Jus- elected this majority, and it is a legacy of no Republican President and no tice under the George W. Bush adminis- that will benefit Texans and Americans Democratic President who would ever tration. for generations to come. do this. I never thought it would be Andy then went into private practice I yield the floor. possible in our country before Presi- at Kellogg Hansen here in Washington, I suggest the absence of a quorum. dent Trump took office. DC. From there, Andy went to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Yesterday, the President attempted Texas solicitor general’s office to serve clerk will call the roll. to walk back his decision to side with as the deputy solicitor general of The legislative clerk proceeded to Russia over our own intelligence agen- Texas. I can state that office is usually call the roll. cies. He attempted to do it because of a pretty tight ship. Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I ask the criticism he got from both Repub- After that, he joined Governor Ab- unanimous consent that the order for licans and Democrats, but as many of bott to serve as his legal counsel. He is the quorum call be rescinded. my colleagues told me would happen, now the general counsel for the Gov- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without President Trump walked back his walk ernor and has spent all but 3 years of objection, it is so ordered. back. He reiterated that the inter- ference ‘‘could have been other people. his career in public service. TRUMP-PUTIN SUMMIT If I may say, it shows a depth of char- Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, as we There are a lot of people out there.’’ This morning on Twitter—where ap- acter and a devotion to his country all know, in this country, in 2016, the parently he does his deepest thinking— that Andy would stay in public service Russian Government weighed a covert, he claimed that people at the higher for so long, so dutifully, while forgoing multifaceted criminal campaign to ends of intelligence loved his press con- the great rewards that come with pri- interfere in our elections. We now ference in Helsinki. I do not think any- vate practice. He is devoted to the know it was intended to help then-Can- one here doubts that the President practice of law, and over the years, didate Donald Trump win the Presi- meant what he said and said what he Andy has displayed a keen under- dency. We don’t know the full impact meant in Helsinki. And, after their standing of the Constitution and how it of Russia’s interference, but it is be- two-hour private meeting in Helsinki, I applies and guides us to this very day. yond debate that it happened. do not think President Putin has any I am confident Andy will not sub- Russia, as we now found out, used in- doubt either. stitute his own policy preferences, his flammatory propaganda—it actually We have to know that Russia shares own opinions for the rule of law, but he was fake news—attempting to suppress neither our values nor our interests. will instead serve the people of Texas Democratic turnout and boost support Russia is not our friend. Of course, we and the American people by respecting for Donald Trump. They also stole want to see improved relations with the law as written—as written in the communications belonging to the Russia on Syria, on nuclear prolifera- Constitution and as written in Federal Democratic National Committee and tion, and on many critical issues, but law—passed by this Congress and the Clinton campaign, which were then for that to happen, Russia needs to re- signed by the President. Our courts and strategically released to maximize spect our democracy and values. We our country are well-served by judges their impact. They were released at must not slouch down to theirs. with this dedication, wisdom, and for- times when they could counter nega- The United States is the leader of the bearance. tive news stories about Donald Trump. free world. The free world is under In his career, Andy has argued across Just last week, 12 Russian intel- threat, as it has so often been. But the country in State and Federal ligence officers were charged with these threats are not supposed to come courts. He has appeared and argued nu- hacking campaign officials’ emails and from within. merous times before the Fifth Circuit, State election boards. In just over a Just moments ago, when asked if and he has argued twice before the U.S. year—in what may rank as the most Russia is still targeting the United Supreme Court. productive special counsel investiga- States, the President inexplicably said He has earned widespread praise from tion in our Nation’s history—32 people ‘‘no.’’ both Democrats and Republicans, and and 3 companies have been charged or That is not the truth. he was recommended to the Judiciary pled guilty as part of the Russian in- Russia is still targeting the United Committee by esteemed legal voices vestigation. We likely will not know States. This is despite his Director of from both the left and right. Andy is the full extent of Russia’s interference National Intelligence, Dan Coats, con- respected across the political spec- until the special counsel’s investiga- firming just last week that Russia is, trum. I know my colleagues in the Sen- tion is complete. indeed, still targeting our digital infra- ate will return the same respect when But what is clear—and this is what structure and interfering in our democ- they vote today to confirm Andy should concern Republicans and Demo- racy. Director Coats compared it to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.025 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5043 warning signs that emerged prior to whether we stand for democracy; ther senator. If Mr. Bounds is con- the 9/11 attacks, but the President de- whether we stand for freedom, includ- firmed, it will mark the first time in nies it is happening. ing the freedom of the press; whether the history of the Senate that a judi- I know Director Coats. I served with we stand for the rule of law; whether cial nominee is confirmed despite oppo- him when he was a Republican Senator we stand for truth; and whether we sition from both home-State Senators. in this body. I know he would not say stand for America. As a Vermonter and My concern is not about a mere piece this if it were not so. Notwithstanding a Senator, I know where I stand. It is of paper. My concern is that we are the President’s saying that Russia is time we stand together. failing to protect the fundamental not targeting us, his own Director of BLUE-SLIP TRADITION rights of home-State Senators, and we National Intelligence says they are. We Madam President, I believe I have are failing in our constitutional duty can’t trust this President’s judgment colleagues on the floor who are going to provide our advice and consent on a when it comes to Russia. to make a unanimous consent request, President’s nominees. That should con- Remember, the President takes an but before they do, I feel obliged to cern all of us. The Senate should never oath to protect and defend our Nation. speak up about the steady erosion of function as a mere rubberstamp for When it comes to Russia, it appears he the norms and traditions that protect nominees seeking lifetime appoint- does not intend to abide by his oath to the Senate’s unique constitutional role ments to our Federal judiciary. defend and protect our Nation. This with respect to lifetime appointments Without blue slips, nothing prevents Congress is going to be derelict in its to our Federal courts. a California nominee from being ap- duty if it takes no action. We should all be alarmed by the Judi- pointed to a Texas court. Nothing pre- All of us have to speak with a single ciary Committee’s abrupt change in vents our State selection committees voice in this moment—Republicans and course when it comes to respect for from being completely ignored by the Democrats alike. We should all con- blue slips, which allow home-State White House. That is what we are see- demn the President’s actions, which Senators to have a word in what hap- ing today. The Oregon bipartisan judi- were as dangerous as they were shame- pens. This should concern us all. For cial selection commission overwhelm- ful. much of this body’s history, blue slips ingly voted that Mr. Bounds—who mis- These condemnations are important, have given meaning to the constitu- led the commission about his con- but words are not enough. Remember, tional requirement of ‘‘advice and con- troversial writings—did not deserve its Congress is a coequal branch of govern- sent.’’ They have protected the prerog- recommendation. Some may dismiss these warnings, ment. Remember that the Senate is atives of home-State Senators, and but I have served in the Senate long supposed to be the conscience of the they have ensured fairness and comity enough to know that winds tend to Nation. Let’s act like it. in the Senate. The President, obviously, can’t be When I was chairman of the Judici- change direction. Inevitably, the ma- trusted to keep his hands off of the ary Committee, under both the Bush jority becomes the minority. The Russia investigation. By denigrating it and Obama administrations, not a sin- White House changes hands. I suspect at every opportunity and by dismissing gle judicial nominee received a hearing Republicans will rekindle their love of blue slips if they find themselves in the its lead investigator last year, he has without first receiving both home- minority under a Democratic Presi- repeatedly failed the test. State Senators’ positive blue slips. Re- dent, as they did under President The Senate Judiciary Committee re- gardless of who was in the Oval Office, Obama and during my chairmanship. cently passed legislation with a strong I steadfastly defended blue slips be- That is precisely why maintaining a bipartisan vote. Republicans and cause I firmly believed in both their single, consistent policy with respect Democrats alike voted to protect the constitutional and institutional impor- special counsel’s investigation. That to blue slips is so critical. tance. I also firmly believed in the pre- That is why I will vote against Mr. legislation is before the Senate. Let’s rogatives of home-State Senators and Bounds. If we abandon our long- enact it into law. Let’s take what Re- the need to ensure that the White standing traditions to change partisan publicans and Democrats together said House works in good faith with those expediency, that provides only fleeting in the Judiciary Committee—that we Senators. advantage and inflicts lasting harm in will protect the special counsel’s inves- My decision to defend blue slips was this body. We are better off when we tigation. Let’s vote up or down. Let’s not without some controversy. I faced follow the tradition we always have. do it and enact it into law. significant pressure from my own par- We foolishly hurt ourselves and our in- It is often said that the only thing ty’s leadership to hold hearings for dividual States when we allow our- President Putin responds to is President Obama’s nominees who had selves to step away from it. I would strength. Let’s show him that here in not received positive blue slips from urge all Senators to ensure that home- the Congress, we stand united in oppo- Republican Senators. I was criticized State Senators are provided the same sition to his ongoing attempts to at- by liberal advocacy groups and major courtesies during the Trump adminis- tack our democracy. Believe me, they news outlets like the New York Times, tration that they received from both are ongoing right at this moment. but I resisted such pressure because I Republican and Democratic Judiciary Let’s pass stronger sanctions targeting believed then—and I still believe now— chairmen during the Obama adminis- him and the oligarchs who enable him, that certain principles matter more tration. I ask my fellow Senators to who continue to help him because they than party. oppose Mr. Bound’s nomination. become billionaires by doing it. Let’s All of us, whether Democrat or Re- I yield the floor. pass a resolution making it clear that publican, should care about good-faith The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- if President Trump chooses to stand consultation when it comes to nomi- ator from Utah. with President Putin, then he stands nees from our own States. The reasons Mr. LEE. Madam President, I am alone. The European Union is not our for this are both principled and prag- about to engage in a brief colloquy foe. And President Putin is not our matic. We know our States. We know about a unanimous consent request friend. Our allies around the world, es- who is qualified to fill lifetime judicial with my colleague, the Senator from pecially those that have stood with us seats that will have a tremendous im- California. since World War II, are looking at us at pact on our neighbors and commu- I ask unanimous consent that, not- this moment. They are questioning nities. withstanding the previous order, I be whether the United States will be a re- This week, the Senate will vote able to have 5 minutes to do that prior liable partner in the face of creeping whether to confirm a nominee to the to the vote. authoritarianism, both at home and Ninth Circuit, Ryan Bounds, opposed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without abroad. Let’s show them where we by not one but both of his home-State objection, it is so ordered. stand. Senators. Senators WYDEN and UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 118 This is not about politics. It is not MERKLEY were cut out of the nomina- Mr. LEE. Madam President, as in leg- about Republicans or Democrats. This tion process entirely. The White House islative session, I ask unanimous con- is about who we are as a country and interviewed Bounds and fast-tracked sent that the Senate proceed to the im- what we stand for as Americans— his nomination without consulting ei- mediate consideration of Calendar No.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.029 S18JYPT1 S5044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 297, S. 118; that the committee-reported While companies could legally boast Cassidy Hatch Portman substitute amendment be agreed to; this claim in 49 of the 50 States under Collins Heller Risch Corker Hoeven Roberts that the bill, as amended, be considered the Federal standards set by the Fed- Cornyn Hyde-Smith Rounds read a third time and passed; and that eral Trade Commission, they are often Cotton Inhofe Rubio the motion to reconsider be considered unable to do so because of the flow of Crapo Isakson Sasse Cruz Johnson made and laid upon the table. interstate commerce. Most manufac- Scott Daines Kennedy Shelby The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Enzi Lankford turers sell wholesale to national and Sullivan Ernst Lee objection? international distributors who then Thune Fischer McConnell The Senator from California. Tillis disperse products throughout the coun- Flake Moran Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Madam President, try. As a result, companies must label Gardner Murkowski Toomey reserving the right to object, I rise products according to the most rigid Graham Paul Wicker Young today to express concern with S. 118, definition in order to protect them- Grassley Perdue the Reinforcing American-Made Prod- selves from costly litigation. In short, NAYS—49 ucts Act, because it would preempt one State—one single State—is effec- Baldwin Hassan Peters California’s strong ‘‘Made in America’’ tively governing how interstate com- Bennet Heinrich Reed labeling standards. merce is conducted with regard to Blumenthal Heitkamp Sanders California requires that at least 90 Booker Hirono Schatz ‘‘Made in USA’’ labeling throughout Brown Jones percent of a final product be composed Schumer the country. Cantwell Kaine Shaheen of American-made parts to use the The Reinforcing American-Made Cardin King Smith label—the strongest standard in the Carper Klobuchar Stabenow Products Act would solve this problem Casey Leahy Tester Nation. by ensuring that the current Federal Coons Manchin Udall This bill would undo California’s Cortez Masto Markey definition is the supreme labeling law Van Hollen tough standard, setting instead a wa- Donnelly McCaskill in interstate commerce without weak- Warner tered-down national standard. Compa- Duckworth Menendez ening the strong ‘‘Made in USA’’ na- Durbin Merkley Warren nies could then confuse consumers by tional standard. In addition to uphold- Feinstein Murphy Whitehouse flooding the market with products sold ing the Constitution, which empowers Gillibrand Murray Wyden under the ‘‘Made in America’’ label Congress—this body—to regulate inter- Harris Nelson that were built using more foreign- state commerce, this legislation would NOT VOTING—1 made components. That is why the provide clarity and consistency, which McCain California attorney general and the would help American companies avoid The nomination was confirmed. Consumer Federation of California sup- unnecessary hardships and frivolous The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under port keeping California’s strong stand- lawsuits. the previous order, the motion to re- ards in place. In the global marketplace, it is in- The ‘‘Made in America’’ label should consider is considered made and laid creasingly difficult for small American upon the table and the President will promote U.S. manufacturing and give companies to stay afloat, let alone to consumers confidence that they are be immediately notified of the Senate’s compete. This reform would ultimately action. supporting American jobs. Consumers encourage manufacturing in America want to know that products bearing and use American tools and resources. f the ‘‘Made in America’’ label are truly It would also help so many of the small CLOTURE MOTION made in America. Because this would businesses and ordinary American undermine that confidence and pre- workers who are currently being left The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant empt California’s strong standards, I behind, and helping them ought to be to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the believe this bill should not move by our goal. Senate the pending cloture motion, unanimous consent. Regretfully, for This bill passed unanimously out of which the clerk will state. those reasons, I object. committee, and it has broad bipartisan The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- support. I am disappointed that it is read as follows: TON). Objection is heard. being blocked by the few people who do CLOTURE MOTION The Senator from Utah. not support it when it could benefit all We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I appreciate 50 of our States. We should exercise ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the the comments made by my distin- this authority, and we should open the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby guished colleague, the Senator from move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- flow of interstate commerce. California. nation of Ryan Wesley Bounds, of Oregon, to I yield the floor. When Americans see a ‘‘Made in be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth USA’’ label on a product, it is a source The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Circuit. of great pride. It represents the Amer- has expired. Mitch McConnell, Roger F. Wicker, The question is, Will the Senate ad- Steve Daines, Richard Burr, Mike ican virtues of innovation and industri- Rounds, Bob Corker, Mike Crapo, ousness. It is a symbol of support for vise and consent to the Oldham nomi- nation? Thom Tillis, Chuck Grassley, John American manufacturing jobs and Boozman, , Orrin G. high-quality products across the board, Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask for the Hatch, John Cornyn, , and it often spurs American consumers yeas and nays. John Barrasso, John Hoeven, Roy to buy those very products. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Blunt. The Federal Trade Commission cur- sufficient second? The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- rently enforces a difficult standard for There appears to be a sufficient sec- imous consent, the mandatory quorum products to claim the ‘‘Made in USA’’ ond. call has been waived. label. It requires that all or virtually The clerk will call the roll. The question is, Is it the sense of the all of a product must be made in the The bill clerk called the roll. Senate that debate on the nomination United States, and it has issued Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator of Ryan Wesley Bounds, of Oregon, to lengthy guidance documents estab- is necessarily absent: the Senator from be United States Circuit Judge for the lishing the rules. However, one State Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN). Ninth Circuit, shall be brought to a holds a different standard—one that is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there close? nearly impossible for businesses to any other Senators in the Chamber de- The yeas and nays are mandatory meet. Under California’s law, if more siring to vote? under the rule. than 5 percent of the components of a The result was announced—yeas 50, The clerk will call the roll. product are manufactured outside the nays 49, as follows: The senior assistant legislative clerk United States, even if that means just [Rollcall Vote No. 160 Ex.] called the roll. a few bolts or a few screws, then that YEAS—50 Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator product cannot be labeled ‘‘Made in Alexander Blunt Burr is necessarily absent: the Senator from USA.’’ Barrasso Boozman Capito Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.030 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5045 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. diabolical situation. It is ICE that more innocent Americans would be TOOMEY). Are there any other Senators holds the parents in detention camps. harmed or murdered if we did not have in the Chamber desiring to vote? It is ICE that has failed to arrange for ICE agents to arrest illegal immigrants The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 50, the knowledge within the system of with criminal convictions? These are nays 49, as follows: which parents go with which children. the questions that those who call for [Rollcall Vote No. 161 Ex.] It is ICE that often has prevented indi- the abolishment of ICE should be ask- YEAS—50 viduals from having access to counsel, ing. It is outrageous. It is irresponsible to Alexander Flake Paul from being able to even phone their Barrasso Gardner Perdue children, and charged them for using call for abolishing one of our country’s Blunt Graham Portman the phone. most critical security measures. Abol- Boozman Grassley Risch In this situation, some 2,500-plus kids ishing ICE would give terrorists, gang Burr Hatch Roberts members, drug dealers, and other Capito Heller have been torn out of the arms of their Rounds criminals a field day. Cassidy Hoeven Rubio parents, and this particular resolution Collins Hyde-Smith Sasse would engage in nice phrases of praise I stand for protecting American secu- Corker Inhofe Scott rity. I stand for upholding the rule of Cornyn Isakson instead of addressing itself to solving Shelby Cotton Johnson the problem. law. That is why I stand with ICE. Sullivan Crapo Kennedy We should right now be considering The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Thune Cruz Lankford Senator HARRIS’s act, the REUNITE ator from Hawaii. Daines Lee Tillis Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, this res- Toomey Act, which would accelerate the reuni- Enzi McConnell olution being offered by my colleagues Ernst Moran Wicker fication of the children, would ensure Fischer Murkowski Young that family separation never happens on the other side of the aisle is a par- tisan political stunt to distract the NAYS—49 again, would coordinate actions be- tween ICE and the Border Patrol and American people from the crisis cre- Baldwin Hassan Peters ated by Donald Trump’s zero tolerance Bennet Heinrich Reed Health and Human Services, and would Blumenthal Heitkamp Sanders set up a family case management sys- policy. Almost 3,000 children were ripped Booker Hirono Schatz tem that worked, according to the IG Brown Jones Schumer from the arms of their parents and of Homeland Security, to deliver 100 Cantwell Kaine Shaheen traumatized by the President’s cruelty. Cardin King Smith percent of the time when individuals Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Carper Klobuchar Stabenow had a date for a hearing—100 percent of Casey Leahy Committee had a closed-door briefing Tester Coons Manchin the time. Udall with officials from the Department of Cortez Masto Markey That is why I ask my colleague to Van Hollen Justice, the Department of Health and Donnelly McCaskill modify his request so that the Com- Warner Human Services, and the Department Duckworth Menendez mittee on the Judiciary, instead, be Durbin Merkley Warren of Homeland Security. The American Whitehouse discharged from further consideration Feinstein Murphy people deserve to hear from these offi- Gillibrand Murray Wyden of S. 3227, the REUNITE Act, and the cials in public and under oath. All Harris Nelson Senate proceed to its immediate con- these officials provided at this brief- sideration; that the bill be considered NOT VOTING—1 ing—not under oath—was more ob- read a third time and passed and the McCain struction and obfuscation. The witness motion to reconsider be considered The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this from Immigration and Customs En- made and laid upon the table with no vote, the yeas are 50, the nays are 49. forcement even claimed that they ‘‘did intervening action or debate. The motion is agreed to. not mess up here.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the f Separating almost 3,000 children from Senator from Montana so modify his their parents, not meeting judicially EXECUTIVE CALENDAR request? set deadlines for reunifying these chil- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. DAINES. I object. dren—the trauma continues. Is there The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- clerk will report the nomination. anybody in America paying attention tion is heard. The senior assistant legislative clerk to this issue who actually believes Is there objection to the original re- read the nomination of Ryan Wesley there was no mess-up? Bounds, of Oregon, to be United States quest? We need a public hearing to hear The Senator from Oregon. Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit. from these officials under oath. Mr. MERKLEY. I strongly object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Donald Trump is weaponizing fear to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- ator from Montana. pursue his anti-immigration agenda, tion is heard. and we are not going to be party to UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. RES. 572 The Senator from Montana. that. We should be focused like laser Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, as in Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I live in beams on reuniting the children with legislative session, I ask unanimous a State—the State of Montana—that consent that the Committee on the Ju- their parents. has a northern border. ICE agents keep Mr. DURBIN. Will the Senator from diciary be discharged from further con- our border secure, and I want to thank sideration of S. Res. 572; that the reso- Hawaii yield? them for the very important work they Ms. HIRONO. I yield to the Senator lution be agreed to, the preamble be are doing. from Illinois. agreed to, and the motions to recon- Far too many people are coming into The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sider be considered made and laid upon our country illegally and putting the Democratic whip. the table. safety and security of American citi- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I would The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there zens at risk. In fact, in Montana, the like to thank the Senator from Hawaii objection? effects of unsecured borders are very for joining in this statement about the The Senator from Oregon. personal. All across our State, commu- agency of ICE, which is in the Depart- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 3227 nities at this moment are torn apart by ment of Homeland Security. Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, re- the meth and opioids that are traf- There are certain things that I think serving the right to object, this mo- ficked through the southern border. In Democrats and Republicans can come ment hardly seems the time for the fact, just last year, ICE seized nearly 50 together to agree on. Let me tell you Senate to engage in debating rhetorical tons of narcotics, nearly a million what I think they are. Border secu- phrases of praise for the Immigration pounds of heroin, fentanyl, and other rity—the United States needs security and Customs Enforcement agency when deadly drugs that criminals and cartels at its borders. There is no question that agency—better known as ICE—is are smuggling into our country. about that, whoever the President may deeply mired in the scandal of sepa- At a time when America is suffering be. rating children from their parents. It is from a drug epidemic, how many more The second thing we agree on is, no- ICE that partnered with Border Patrol lives would be lost if ICE agents were body who is dangerous should be al- and Health and Human Services in this not protecting our borders? How many lowed to come to this country. Anyone

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.008 S18JYPT1 S5046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 here who is undocumented and dan- can track that package wherever it Homeland Security Investigations gerous should leave, should be re- may be. Order a pizza from Domino’s. agency, which focuses on serious moved. We all agree on that, do we Call them after 15 minutes and ask: transnational criminal activity, had to not? Where is the pizza? They will tell you. say. Last month, a majority of the The third thing, which 68 Senators Check your coat at a restaurant before agents focusing on transnational crimi- agreed on, is comprehensive immigra- you go to the table. When you come nal activity wrote a letter to the Sec- tion reform. Our immigration laws are back and hand them that little piece of retary of the Department of Homeland a mess—an absolute mess. That is why paper, they give you your coat. It is Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, asking that we continue to debate the topic, and 68 pretty simple, is it not? But when it Homeland Security Investigations be of us came to vote on a bipartisan came to children and families, this removed from ICE because of ‘‘the po- measure 5 years ago to fix the whole agency, ICE, along with other agencies litical nature of civil immigration en- system. It passed the Senate and died of this government, lost them. In one forcement.’’ in the House. agency in Chicago, they told me that These are men and women who are Where are we today? We are here the search for the parents of the little focusing on serious crimes, and they today debating on the floor the future kids they had was like a scavenger asked to be removed from ICE. They of ICE. There are parts of the function hunt. They just started calling right are tired of the politics. I am weary of and responsibility of this agency of ICE and left to try to figure out where the it as well. that all of us would agree on. ICE has parent might be. We need to start solving these prob- important responsibilities combating Yesterday, we had a briefing, and fi- lems—border security, dangerous peo- serious criminal activities, like smug- nally these agencies came up with ple kept out of this country and re- gling, bulk cash, drugs, weapons, some numbers. There are 2,550 children moved, comprehensive immigration re- human trafficking, violent criminals still in our custody who are not re- form. And for goodness’ sake, reunite and others who would do us harm, and united with their families; 1,800 parents these children with their parents. enforcing immigration laws against we haven’t linked up with their chil- I yield the floor. terrorists. There is no argument about dren. And we want to put a resolution The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that. But what has become controver- on the floor to commend this activity— ator from Texas. sial is the Trump administration’s new to praise them for their great work? Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, I rise in immigration policy. Not me. support of the brave men and women of You see, we don’t have the resources They do good work in a lot of impor- our Immigration Customs Enforcement to deport 11 million undocumented peo- tant areas, and I will be happy to join agency. These are law enforcement of- ple nor do we have the resources to ar- in that chorus. But we stand here and ficers who risk their lives every day to rest all who present themselves at the ignore the obvious—that this zero tol- keep this country safe. border. What this administration has erance policy has given our Nation a Rising in support of law enforcement done, though, is say that they are black eye, has raised questions about used to be a bipartisan issue. It used to going to criminalize—charge as crimi- our values as Americans, has created be an issue that brought us together, nals—everyone who shows up at the situations we cannot morally defend, that unified us. Sadly, as we have seen border. By doing that, they take lim- such as separating children from their in the preceding minutes, that is no ited resources and focus them on a mothers. longer the case. mass of people, most of whom are no Do you know what the American I rise today to urge my Democratic threat at all to the United States, in- Academy of Pediatrics tells us? The colleagues to say no to the reckless stead of focusing their resources on the doctors tell us it is an institutional and radical voices within their party drug smugglers, the traffickers, the form of child abuse to remove these that are pulling their party so far out would-be terrorists. Those are our pri- children. of the mainstream and so far out of orities for the safety of our homes, our I have seen them, these poor kids, 5 touch with the American people that it families, and our communities, are and 6 years old in these settings. The is barely recognizable. For a long time, they not? place I visited in Chicago was doing its when Democrats were debating immi- Here we have this resolution that was best to help the children, but two little gration issues, they used to say ‘‘Well, brought to the floor to commend ICE girls walked into the room where I was of course, we support enforcing the in all its functions. I can just tell you, sitting. They were holding hands—cute laws,’’ almost as an obligatory throw- I don’t join in that resolution. I specifi- little kids. It was my opportunity to away. Instead, we are here today, de- cally don’t join in it when it comes to meet about 10 or 12 kids who were sepa- bating the abolishing of the Immigra- the President’s zero tolerance policy. rated from their parents under the zero tion and Customs Enforcement agency, It became the policy of the Trump tolerance policy. the exact antithesis of where most con- administration and the U.S. Govern- These two little girls were holding gressional Democrats claimed they ment to forcibly remove 3,000 children hands, and I thought they were sisters. were. All of this started because a few from their parents. That is bad enough, We asked in Spanish. ‘‘No, amigas,’’ weeks ago, a longtime Democratic in- is it not? The notion that you take a she said. They had become friends to cumbent, a Member of the House, found baby out of the arms of a mother—a one another. himself beaten in a primary in New toddler, an infant—separate a young It turns out that the one who was 5 York State by an avowed socialist. As child—we did it under President years old was from Guatemala and the a result, many of my colleagues on the Trump’s zero tolerance policy. one who was 6 years old was from Democratic side of the aisle are sud- Now let me state what added insult Chiapas, Mexico. They were holding on denly terrified of their left flank. Be- to that injury. At that point, there was to one another. All they had was one cause her campaign focused on abol- no effort made to make certain we another because our government had ishing ICE—abolishing the Immigra- could reunite the parents with the chil- separated them from their mothers. tion and Customs Enforcement agency, dren. Time and again, we would meet Now this agency is struggling to find more incumbent Democrats have said downstairs for a briefing from ICE and these mothers. In some circumstances, that they, too, are open to abolishing other agencies, and they would tell us: they cannot even link up the children ICE. We don’t know where the parents are. with their parents. I call on this body to pull back from We really don’t know where the kids No, I am not going to join in a reso- the abyss. On immigration there are are. We are going to have to go look- lution of congratulations for the work areas of good-faith disagreement that ing. they have done. Many of the things this body has debated and will continue Imagine separating up to 3,000 chil- they have done have been courageous to debate. I have long characterized my dren from their parents, and the U.S. and important for the security of this views on immigration as being able to Government did not keep a record of country, but when it comes to the zero be summed up in four words: legal, what happened to those kids. Ship tolerance policy, it is not. good; illegal, bad. I think the vast ma- something by UPS—they give you a I do want to make one last point. jority of Texans and the vast majority tracking number. Go online, and you Listen to what the top agents at ICE’s of Americans agree with that. There

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.036 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5047 are a host of immigration policies that Trump so much, that their position is those who follow the rules and wait in ought to be commonsense bipartisan not that we should enforce the immi- line like my father in 1957, when he policies. gration laws; their position is not that came as an immigrant from Cuba seek- The Presiding Officer has shown they will stand with law enforcement. ing freedom. Those are debates we can great leadership in fighting against Their position has become to abolish have. sanctuary cities, fighting against juris- the Immigration and Customs Enforce- We ought to be coming together in dictions that defy Federal immigration ment agency, the agency charged with the spirit of bipartisan agreement to law and that release violent criminals enforcing our immigration laws. stand with law enforcement. I call without being willing to turn them This is not a reasonable position and upon the responsible members of the over to immigration officials. Those a public policy debate upon which rea- Democratic Party—and, surely, there violent criminals, in turn, go on far too sonable minds might differ. There are must be some left. Surely, in the often to commit even more violent many of those in the immigration Democratic Party, there are some crimes. world. This is not one of them. This is voices that are willing to stand up to I am the author of Kate’s Law, a a radical and reckless position. the reckless and radical left and say: commonsense proposal which says that Yet, this resolution—by the way, this No, we should not abolish the agency aggravated felons who repeatedly enter resolution says not a word about the charged with enforcing our immigra- the country illegally should face a issue of family separation. We have tion laws, charged with protecting us mandatory minimum prison sentence. heard some of the speeches from my from vicious and violent criminals. It was named for Kate Steinle, a beau- Democratic colleagues focused on fam- The fact that Senate Democrats are tiful young woman, 28 years old, mur- ily separation. I can state that every today objecting to this resolution dered on a California pier by an illegal Member of this body, Democrat and shows just how captive they are to the immigrant who had been deported over Republican, agrees that families should fury that rages against President and over and over again and had been not be separated. Trump. in and out of jail over and over and Indeed, I have introduced legislation Everyone in this Chamber has, at one over again and had multiple felony to prohibit family separation, to en- time or another, had something the convictions. Yet, because San Fran- sure that children stay with their par- President has said or done that we all cisco is a sanctuary city, they released ents—the best place for a kid is with disagreed with. That is part of the po- him yet again, and he committed mur- his or her mom or dad—but to do so in litical process, but the rage and fury on der. a way that also respects the rule of the far left is a qualitatively different Kate Steinle would be alive if we law, that doesn’t return to the failed matter. It is a rage that is demanding could come together on Kate’s Law, if policy of catch-and-release that only Democrats to go after, to undercut, to we could come together on ending encourages more and more illegal im- attack law enforcement agents who sanctuary cities. Yet it turns out that migration, that only puts more and keep us safe. That is a mistake. It is a in today’s hyperpolarized world, even more children—little boys and girls—in disservice to this institution. It is a disservice to the legacy of many distin- that is not extreme enough for the a position of being physically and sexu- guished Senators and a disservice to modern Democratic Party. Multiple ally assaulted by human traffickers. leaders of their party are advocating No one who cares about humanity, no the American people and the Constitu- tion that we are sworn to protect. abolishing the Immigration and Cus- one who cares about compassion should I urge this body to pass this common- toms Enforcement agency. want to incentivize putting little chil- sense resolution, standing with law en- What does ICE do? ICE men and dren in the control of global, forcement, enforcing our borders, and women—I have met with a great many transnational drug cartels and human stopping violent criminals, murderers, of them in my home State of Texas. I traffickers. kidnappers, and rapists that ICE ar- have met with a great many Border Pa- For the past several weeks, I have rests every year. Abolishing law en- trol agents. I have joined them on their been negotiating with Democratic forcement puts all of us at peril. I call midnight muster. I have gone out on Members of this body, trying to see if upon my Democratic colleagues to re- we could reach common ground to patrol with them as they risk their ject that radical and reckless position. lives securing our border and risk their unite and say that we will not separate I yield the floor. lives keeping us safe in the interior. families, but at the same time, we will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Criminal aliens arrested by ICE in respect the rule of law and not return ator from Florida. fiscal year 2017 were responsible for to catch-and-release in a way that Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, this more than 76,000 dangerous drug of- incentivizes illegal immigration. Senator came to talk about trade, and fenses; yet many Democrats are say- We will find out if any Democrats are I am going to do that, but I think what ing: Abolish their role. They were re- willing to find common ground. All 100 we have is an example of extremes in sponsible for over 48,000 assault of- could join together on ending family politics that is on display before us. fenses. They were responsible for over release and ending it today, but too I think, on the one hand, political 11,000 weapons offenses. They were re- many on the Democratic side want to points are trying to be scored about sponsible for over 5,000 sexual assault condition ending family release on es- the abolition of certain law enforce- offenses. They were responsible for sentially mandating the release of ment organizations. On the other hand, over 2,000 kidnapping offenses, and every illegal alien in custody—those there are the political points that a they were responsible for over 1,800 apprehended with children, mandating government, especially our govern- homicide offenses. their release. That is not a reasonable ment, should not have a policy of sepa- Yet the approach of the modern position. That is not a position the rating children from their parents, un- Democratic Party is not to find a rea- American people support, and, criti- less the parents have committed a sonable, commonsense common cally, this resolution before the Senate crime and need to be incarcerated for ground. It is, instead, to say: Abolish says not a word about it. the purpose of that crime. the agency that has arrested criminals This resolution does not address that Here we have the extremes again responsible for over 1,800 murders. question. Instead, this resolution says going to either side, when, in fact, if When it comes to drugs—the volume that those ICE agents—the ICE agents there were good will, if there were not they are dealing with in fighting the who right now may be kicking down such a highly polarized, highly narcotics traffickers—ICE in fiscal the door on a meth house and facing charged, partisan atmosphere, in part, year 2017 seized more than 980,000 violent drug lords, firing weapons at as we say in the South, egged on by pounds of narcotics. ICE seized ap- them, risking their lives to keep us various Members of the leadership in proximately 2,370 pounds of fentanyl, safe—we stand with those law enforce- the Congress as well as the Executive— approximately 6,967 pounds of heroin. ment agencies, even if we may disagree if we didn’t have all of that, we could Yet, today, too many elected Demo- on the parameters of illegal immigra- get a lot more done. crats are afraid that they, too, might tion. The genius of American politics is for face a socialist primary and that their I am one who believes we should wel- us to be able to come together, to re- far left is so angry, hates President come and embrace legal immigrants— spect each other, to understand the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.037 S18JYPT1 S5048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 other fellow’s point of view, and then port and those made here domestically. have a well-thought-out plan of how to work out our differences. Because of the increased costs of steel get out of this mess. Again, with bipar- It is the same thing on the inter- or aluminum, the cost of those parts tisan consensus, it is the nature of the national stage. That is why we see it is are going up. Maybe the dealer that politics that we have to rein in. so difficult to reach international services your car and replaces parts is There is also the story of Micro agreements when people have gotten one thing, but what about the indi- Stamping, which is the sole supplier of hardened into positions because of race vidual entrepreneur, like the auto me- high-grade surgical equipment. That or religion or political balance. chanic shop that has to buy its parts equipment is used in the treatment of So if you note a tone of sadness in that all of a sudden has to charge breast cancer. Micro Stamping is con- this Senator’s voice, then you are cor- more? The big guys that deal in many templating shutting down because the rect because, again, we are seeing the more automobile repairs can spread President’s trade moves are stopping it polarization of American politics. that cost over a lot of people, but that from getting the specific type of steel Why can’t we have a law enforcement poor individual auto mechanic shop is it needs to manufacture the equipment. organization that also doesn’t have to getting hurt. It is happening right now, What about Hale Products? It is up in operate under a policy of separating and they are losing business. Ocala. It is also being crushed by the children from their parents? That is Take, for example, the marine manu- tariffs. It makes fire suppression equip- the commonsense point of view, but, facturing industry. Manufacturing ment. Since the cost of the tariffs is no, we devolve into these extremes. boats is a big industry in Florida. It is passed down to the end consumer, it TARIFFS worth $121 billion a year in Florida, says the tariffs will make it harder for Mr. President, I came to talk about which is 650,000 jobs in Florida and tens municipal fire departments—that are trade. of thousands of downstream jobs in already facing stiff budget con- Is the United States taken advantage Florida and nationwide. The industry straints—to buy the new, lighter of by other countries? You bet and es- in our State alone provides over $10 bil- weight lifesaving firefighting equip- pecially China. We have been letting lion in annual economic activity. All of ment. This will have repercussions be- them get away with it for years, but those businesses are really getting hurt yond the company’s immediate busi- you don’t try to correct that situation because the European Union, Canada, ness needs. by suddenly saying, I am going to im- and Mexico—three big export markets It is worth noting that what is going pose a tariff, as the President has, on for the boat manufacturers—are get- on is doing lasting damage to our stra- imported steel and aluminum: 25 per- ting orders cut because of the retalia- tegic alliances. The U.S. Government— cent on steel and 10 percent on alu- tory tariffs of 25 percent from the Eu- this executive branch—is treating our minum. ropean Union. They are not going to friends like enemies and is giving com- What happens then is, for the people sell any more boats to European cus- fort to our adversaries. This is no way who use those products in manufac- tomers if they have to pay an extra 25 to run a country. We should be working turing, whatever their business is, that percent. They will go elsewhere where with our allies to address our global is going to cause the cost of those they can get it cheap, and that means challenges. We ought to be advancing goods to go up. The consumers are 10 percent extra costs in Canada; 15 our shared interests, not just in trade going to be the ones who get hurt. By percent in Mexico. but in national security and a range of the way, what that is going to do, What is that going to do? There are things. again, is the extreme. If you do this, jobs in that boat manufacturing indus- Before we escalate these things and the person who is offended is going to try that will go away. They are brands they get out of hand, we need to think do this and do it more. that you might recognize like a little bit more about what we are That is exactly what is happening in Nautique, Bryant, and Bass Cat. They doing, why we are doing it, and if we this trade war that is suddenly starting are all brands of one company, Correct are doing it the right way. This Sen- to hurt all of us. In reaction to steel Craft, that I visited in Orlando this ator is saying we are not doing it the and aluminum tariffs that the United week. They manufacture boats and en- right way. What we are doing is send- States has imposed, good friends of gines in factories across the country, ing a message that America is closed ours, major trading partners of ours—I with their headquarters in Orlando. for business. I don’t think that is what am keeping China in a different cat- The President’s tariffs have increased we want to do. egory. I am talking about the Euro- the production costs considerably be- I urge my colleagues to join this Sen- pean Union; I am talking about Can- cause of the cost of aluminum and steel ator in shining the light of day on the ada, one of our closest friends; and I that goes into those boats. To add in- hard truth of what happens when you am talking about Mexico. In retalia- sult to the already existing injury, go along and make things up without tion for what we are doing to them, they are being hit with these retalia- having a clear plan for success, which they are now retaliating and putting tory tariffs from other countries where is exactly what this trade war right tariffs on other goods. They are put- they sell their goods. now is a product of. That kind of ap- ting tariffs on everything, not only for There is no sugarcoating it. We are in proach doesn’t work for the USA; it steel and aluminum but from washing the midst of a full-blown trade war. If doesn’t work for Florida; and it doesn’t machines to lobster, whiskey, and this thing gets out of control, it can work for the vast majority of hard- cheese. take us into an economic recession like working everyday Americans. I think We are starting to see the con- the Smoot-Hawley tariffs did in the re- it is time to come to our senses. sequences of these moves. People are cession that led to what is known as I yield the floor. starting to hurt. This Senator has the Great Depression. If we continue The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. heard from many businesses in his down this path without an exit strat- GARDNER). The Senator from Missouri. State that are starting to get hurt. In egy, we are going to regret it. COMMEMORATING THE NEGRO NATIONAL LEAGUE Florida, we are seeing the harmful ef- Already, our boat manufacturers in Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, last fects of these tariffs. Mind you, it is Florida have lost tens of millions of night, the Major League Baseball All- not just the Budweiser Brewery that I dollars in canceled orders. Regal Ma- Star Game was hosted in Washington. visited several months ago in Jackson- rine Industries had $4 million worth of In conjunction with that game, the ville that produces 3.3 billion alu- orders fall through. The company esti- Negro Leagues Baseball Museum minum cans a year. Of course, the cost mates it will lose $13 million this year hosted an event to honor the Home- of those cans are going to go up, and it because of these tariffs, and that will stead Grays, which was one of the is going to be the consumer who pays, wind up costing people their jobs. It is teams from that league. There were but it is going to affect others in the no small thing. great teams in that league. The Home- restaurant industry, the medical device This is what happens when you get stead Grays had won the Negro League industry, the marine manufacturing in- excessively extreme, when you get par- World Series in 1943, which was 75 dustry, and the auto parts industry. tisan, when you act like you know it years ago. They had a great exhibit Let me tell you about the cost of all, when you improvise your way here in town about that team and these auto parts that we have to im- through a complicated world and don’t about the history of that league.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.038 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5049 The museum, which was founded in played for 37 seasons, and I already about the fact that the retired players 1990, is located in Kansas City, MO. It mentioned that Jackie Robinson who had not played in Major League is dedicated to highlighting and pre- played briefly for the Monarchs before Baseball but in the old Negro leagues serving that important part of our he went to the Dodgers. They won a in America—because they couldn’t get sports history—the history of African- dozen league championships. They sent into Major League Baseball, even while American baseball. Bob Kendrick runs more players than any other team to the rest of the teams were being inte- that museum, and it is a museum I the Major Leagues. The St. Louis grated, which took 11 years—had no would encourage all of my colleagues Stars, who were on the other side of pensions. Would you believe that Major to visit as the All-Star Game was in our State—originally the St. Louis Gi- League Baseball, through Bud Selig, fi- Kansas City a few years ago, and it was ants—played 12 seasons. They won the nally agreed to give them onetime pen- one of the venues for Major League league championship in 1928, in 1930, sion payments? Baseball. and in 1931. This Senator is so grateful because When people are in Kansas City, The real focus of the exhibit here this that has helped so many of the resi- playing the Royals, managers and week was on the Homestead Grays. dents in my State who are these great coaches often take their players Now, where did the Homestead Grays players. Senator BLUNT has so accu- there—players who haven’t been there come from? I think I already men- rately described their considerable tal- before and players who want to go tioned they were celebrating the 75th ents on the baseball field. back—just for them to have a sense of anniversary of winning the Negro Mr. BLUNT. I think that is an impor- what it was like when there was the League World Series in 1943. The Home- tant part of the history. segregation of baseball and also some stead Grays were originally based in There were a couple of players there of the great players who played there. Homestead, PA, just outside of Pitts- last night who had played in the The chairman of the board, Stewart burgh. league, and of course there are fewer of Myers, was here yesterday, and the In 1940, in 1941, and in 1942, they those players all the time. I have had a vice chairman, Adam Sachs, was here played at least half of their games here chance, as you have had, to meet and yesterday. in Washington. When the Washington talk to them over the years—to talk The museum is actually expanding Senators were traveling, the ballpark about the excitement of that kind of and building the Buck O’Neil Research would be available, and the Homestead baseball and their ability to entertain and Education Center on the Paseo in Grays would play games there. By 1943, both with their sportsmanship as well Kansas City. Buck O’Neil was a great they were playing about two-thirds of as just with their talent as sportsmen. Kansas Citian, but he had also been a their games in Washington and gen- I think it was a great league, and it great part of Negro Leagues Baseball. erally had more people at their games is a great story. I don’t know if the In June of this year, vandals broke into than the Washington Senators had at Senator has had a chance to go to the the YMCA, on which a lot of money their games. They won nine consecu- museum in Kansas City, but as a guy had already been spent. It was where tive league pennants from 1937 through who knew those players and appre- that part of the museum, the research 1945. ciates what that league was all about, center, was going to be housed. The There was even an effort, when the I would certainly love to go there with vandals did more damage than they Nationals team was brought here, to the Senator sometime. should have been able to do, and, unfor- call the Nationals the Washington Mr. NELSON. If the Senator will tunately, there was some water dam- Grays because of that tremendous yield, as a matter of fact, I am looking age in the building. Yet that effort con- team that had played here. The team forward to seeing that museum. tinues. owners chose the Nationals because it It was one of the Senator’s players on The Negro National League was cre- was one of the Washington Senators’ the Kansas City Monarchs—‘‘Peach- ated there in 1920 at that Paseo YMCA. official nicknames. That is an impor- Head’’ Bob Mitchell, retired, who was There was an owners meeting, and the tant part of our history right there, living in my State—who brought to the owners decided, It is time we really put and we are going to be celebrating the attention of his Senator the inequity more of a structure into this league. So 100th anniversary of that league in that had occurred in their never get- they established a league. Before 1920, 2020. ting pensions, even though they were these African-American teams I and Congressman CLEAVER, who is certainly capable of getting into Major barnstormed around the country and on the other side of this building, are League Baseball but, because of seg- played whomever they could play. looking at ways to draw more atten- regation, could not. After 1920, they could still barnstorm, tion to this great part of our story. It Mr. BLUNT. I am looking forward, but there was a league, there was a is sad because of the segregated ele- along with others, to celebrating that league championship, and there was a ments of it, but it is a great story be- century of history. It is an important structure they had not had before. cause of the entrepreneurship and the part of the story to be told, and I am In 1947, as every baseball fan knows, sportsmanship and the competitive na- glad the Senator has helped add to it the Brooklyn Dodgers decided to inte- ture of that league. here today. grate baseball, and Jackie Robinson, Mr. NELSON. Will the Senator yield? OPIOID EPIDEMIC who had played for the Kansas City Mr. BLUNT. I can tell the Senator is Mr. President, I also want to talk for Monarchs, was the first player to step interested. I am pleased to yield. a few minutes about the importance of into that challenge of integrated base- Mr. NELSON. Indeed, this Senator is getting the appropriations bills to the ball. The league lasted another 13 years interested. Would you believe that a Senate floor, and I want to do that by or so. I think the last team finally fold- lot of those retired players who are talking about the opioid epidemic. ed in the early 1960s. still living happen to live in Florida? Our annual opportunity to look at Some of the greatest baseball and the Mr. BLUNT. Right. that is legislative—legislative in terms most exciting baseball ever played was Mr. NELSON. Further, as the Sen- of deciding how to spend money as we played in this particular league— ator correctly pointed out, once Jackie try to deal with this epidemic that names like Satchel Paige, who said Robinson was able to break into the claims more lives than any other single about himself that he was so fast he majors in 1947, it would be another 11 accidental cause of death. For a long could turn off the light in the bedroom years—1958—before the last team in the time, car accidents predominated that and be in bed before it got dark. He was Major Leagues integrated. Would you list, but in virtually every State in the a great pitcher, and he was a great run- believe, for all of that period of time, country, more people die now from ner. Buck O’Neil, Satchel Paige, Cool these great baseball players who have drug overdoses than die from car acci- Papa Bell, Jackie Robinson, and 100 contributed so much had no pensions? dents. other names in that last 3 years of the Further, it was years later in this There are people of every age, such as 1940s who joined the Major Leagues are Senate—in the last decade—that, fi- the high school cheerleader in my all part of that story. nally, the Commissioner of Baseball hometown of Springfield, MO, who hurt Missouri teams were an important was brought in front of the Commerce her leg and got medicine for that leg part of that story. The Monarchs Committee in order to face the music injury. I think it was after 3 years of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.040 S18JYPT1 S5050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 struggling with addiction that her For a State like ours, the rate of may be the way everyone decides to mother found her dead in the bedroom opioid deaths has increased; opioid spend the money, but everyone ought from an overdose. overdose deaths have more than quad- to have a chance on this floor to say Every age, every race—there are sto- rupled in the past 15 years. That would ‘‘No, I think this money would be bet- ries of incredibly successful people who not be an unusual number for States to ter spent here and here, better spent received from the doctor or the dentist see. this way and that way.’’ Every single more pain medicine than they needed. Senator CAPITO from West Virginia Senator ought to be able to be part of It is not because that is what the doc- and I were here on the floor talking that discussion. tor or the dentist intended to do. Doc- about this earlier this year. This is not If we continue this process that we tors and dentists in the 1970s and 1980s necessarily an urban problem. In fact, have been in for a few years—one big were told: This is nonaddictive. There in most cases, it is more of a rural bill that nobody ever gets to vote on— is no reason for people to have pain. problem per capita than an urban prob- that means the Senators who aren’t on People could take these opioid-based lem per capita. We have set aside the Appropriations Committee will not painkillers and not have pain. That money targeted for those rural commu- have a say in establishing our national part was true. The part that wasn’t nities. There is $135 million set aside priorities. It is time to do that. true was the nonaddictive part. And for rural communities based on dif- These bills are all out of committee the part that wasn’t true was what you ferent things that appear to be needed and have been for almost a month now. would do when the doctor was no more in rural communities than in any We have had three of them on the floor longer giving you that medicine or you other communities. already. I think we plan to have four of could no longer act like you were get- A couple of hundred million dollars them on the floor next week, and ting the medicine because of pain goes into community health centers to maybe Defense, Labor, and HHS not when, by then, you were getting it for support people who have behavioral too long after that. some other reason. health concerns and mental health con- These are big issues that every Sen- The appropriations bill that our com- cerns. If you don’t have a mental ator should have a say in, and the only mittee has voted out and that we are health problem before you get addicted way that will happen is if these issues eager to get to the floor includes $3.7 to opioids, you have one once you have are decided right here on the floor. billion targeting the opioid epidemic. gotten addicted to opioids. So those Hopefully we will set some records, at It is a 1,300-percent increase over where funds go there to try to deal with that. least, of having these bills on the floor we were 4 years ago. Congress has be- Senator STABENOW and I introduced a and debated. come more aware of not only how wide- bill a few years ago, the Excellence in I yield the floor. spread the epidemic is but also the in- Mental Health Act, and eight of our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- credible human cost of the epidemic. States now have a situation where they ator from Pennsylvania. The bill includes almost half of that are treating, in that eight-State pilot, Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I want money, $1.5 billion, for State opioid re- behavioral health problems like all to reflect on some of the data that has sponse grants. One reason we are doing other health problems. That particu- been coming in on our economy in re- this with grants is we really don’t larly steps up if someone with an sponse to our tax reform and deregula- know all of the options yet, and we opioid addiction problem has a behav- tory push. haven’t been able to evaluate the best ioral health problem they wouldn’t Before I do, I want to commend my ways to deal with this. We do feel in have had otherwise. And there is no colleague from Missouri and thank him our committee and in Congress that it limit. Just as there would be no limit for his leadership and work on the in- is unlikely that the best way to deal if you had kidney dialysis, there is also credible crisis of opioids we are dealing with this in one place is necessarily the no limit in those eight States for your with. It is not a uniformly national cri- best way to deal with it in other behavioral health problems. There is sis; it is more concentrated regionally, places. no limit where, if you haven’t whipped and my State of Pennsylvania is af- My State of Missouri received $10 this in 28 days, you are going to have fected as badly as any place in the million last year. We will receive $28 to deal with this as a unique problem. country. million this year if this grant funding Dealing with mental health and behav- I am pleased we have been able to is approved, and other States will go up ioral health in the same way matters take a number of constructive meas- proportionately, exactly as we did. in all cases, but it particularly seems ures, but we have a lot of work yet to What did we do with that money in to apply as people try to beat addic- do as we try to deal with this scourge. our State of Missouri to see how we tion. I want to thank him for that. could deal with this epidemic? More The Department of Labor and Health TAX REFORM than 1,700 people have received evi- and Human Services bill includes $60 Mr. President, on tax reform, before I dence-based medical treatment for million for child abuse prevention and get into some of the macro and statis- opioid-use disorder; 1,700 people in the treatment programs to support what tics that are really, really incredibly last 12 months or so have received that. happens in families when someone in encouraging, I just want to touch on a More than 4,300 kits of naloxone, which that family gets into a situation of couple of constituent companies and is what you take when you overdose, abuse. their employees and how our tax re- have been distributed. That is less ef- The number of people who become form is affecting them. fective sometimes than it used to be addicted needs to change, but also how One is a company called Glass & Sons because of fentanyl, and people don’t we deal with pain needs to change. So Collision Repair. They are located in have any idea, when they are trying to there is some unique money available Reading, PA, which is in the eastern help you with what you put into your to the National Institutes of Health to part of our State. They recently an- system—and you don’t either—so, oc- try to develop a pain medicine that is nounced that they will be paying $1,000 casionally, you will get that shot to re- nonaddictive; $500 million went toward tax reform bonuses to all of their em- lieve you from the overdose and think that effort. ployees—$1,000. This is a small busi- that has helped, and then suddenly In all of these cases, we feel as ness. It is a father-and-son business. what you have put into your system though we have produced a good bill The owners, Charles and Trevor Glass, overwhelms even that normal cure if out of our committee. It has about one- made the decision to pay the bonuses you get it on time. ‘‘Cure’’ might be third of the money in it after defense is right after they met with their ac- the wrong word because all it does is taken off the table. It is a big bill that countants and learned how much they save you that one time. covers a large jurisdiction. are going to save as a result of tax re- Around 4,000 people have received Everyone in the Senate deserves a form. The first thing they did is say: training on what to do in the event of chance to be part of this debate. Every- We are going to share this with our em- an overdose. About 10,000 people have one in the Senate deserves to look at ployees. It is a terrific development for received training in our State on topics how the appropriators—I think it was everyone involved. from treatment to prevention to recov- 33 to 1 that they voted for this bill— There is another company on the ery. have decided to spend the money. It other side of the State, in Somerset,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.041 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5051 the southwestern part of the State. It Well, one of the things we wanted to in it. That compares to about half a is a company called Guy Chemical. have happen as a result of our tax re- million workers in the first half of last They recently announced that not only form was that we wanted to see more year and about 600,000 in 2016. So there are they increasing wages and bonuses, capital expenditures—more companies was a big surge in the number of work- but they are also making all new in- putting money to work buying plants, ers coming back into the workforce, vestments, including buying a new plant equipment, technology, and and they are finding jobs. It has im- forklift, updated computer equipment, tools. Guess what. For the first quarter proved our overall population, our new software, and they are building a of this year, there was tremendous overall percentage of working-age peo- new lab for research and development growth in capital expenditures by ple who are, in fact, working. As I say, that will be five times the size of their American businesses. It is up over 7 it is across all demographic groups and old lab. They are doing this because of percent, well above even the ambitious contributing enormously, first and tax reform and the confidence they estimate that came out from the Con- foremost, to improving the quality of have in the economic growth that is gressional Budget Office late last year. their lives and their family’s lives but occurring in this reformed environ- I think one of the most amazing sta- also our overall economic growth. ment. tistics about this whole employment What else did we get from the June It is not only individuals who work picture is what happened in March. We jobs report? In June—in the month of for companies that have been able to saw that in the month of March— June alone—there were 213,000 jobs pay higher wages and bonuses who ben- again, the first time ever that I am added. That is a very, very rapid pace. efit from tax reform; it is just about aware of—the number of job openings Oh, by the way, these numbers are al- everyone. About 93 percent of all of the in America, meaning the number of ways provided subsequently. So in folks I represent and all of the folks we available jobs that need to be filled, June we got the revision for April and all represent—when they file their tax was greater than the number of people May, months that had good job growth. return for this year’s income, they are looking for jobs. Think about that. It turns out that it was even better going to pay less in Federal income There are more jobs available in Amer- than we thought. All together, there taxes. ica than there are people looking for were 37,000 more jobs when we revised According to the Tax Foundation, jobs in America. That is terrific for the April and May numbers than we the direct savings for a Pennsylvania people who need work. The jobs are out had originally figured. family with an income in the $50,000 to there. There was a modest uptick in the un- $70,000 range—it will be about $1,400 in The National Federation of Inde- employment rate, but don’t be fooled savings. pendent Business, which is America’s by that. That is because with so many In addition to the direct savings from largest network of small businesses, additional people entering the work- a lower Federal tax bill, because of the were surveyed in June. Sixty-three per- force, we are counting far more people savings that Pennsylvania utilities cent—almost two-thirds—of these now in how we determine that. have on their Federal tax bill, they are small business owners reported that One of the truly exciting things required to pass that on to their cus- they were hiring or trying to hire. That about this is that for many, many tomers, and that is exactly what they is the highest level we have seen since years, we have had stagnant wages. are doing. So far it is a combined $320 1999. And 87 percent of those who are Wages just weren’t rising very rapidly. million in annual savings to Pennsyl- trying to hire, or are actually hiring It is because productivity wasn’t grow- vania consumers in the form of lower people, are concerned that there are ing. That, I think, was being driven by utility bills as a result of our tax re- just too few people out there available the fact that there wasn’t considerable form. to be hired. growth in capital expenditures. Now There is no question that there are So, in a way, the economy is growing that we have changed that dynamic tremendous, direct personal and indi- so robustly and the job opportunities and capital expenditure is growing, vidual benefits across the board. Re- are expanding so quickly that we have productivity is growing and wages are lated to that is the fact that the econ- a shortage of workers. We have too few starting to grow. I am not satisfied omy is just taking off. The economy people available to meet the demand with the growth yet, but it is very en- has been on fire. This year it has been for all of these jobs. It is the right couraging that the direction is posi- tremendous. problem to have. tive. Nothing reflects the strong economic So what happens as a result of that? Based on the employment cost index, data better than the employment pic- It is exactly what we predicted. People wages grew about 2.9 percent in the ture. It is fair to say that the employ- who have decided to leave the work- first quarter. That is the fastest pace ment picture in America may never force, to give up on work—people who in a decade—the fastest pace in 10 have been this good. I know that is are of working age and are healthy but years. Average hourly earnings for making a very bold statement, but decided, for whatever reason, not to nonmanagers rose at their fastest pace stay with me here as we go through work—are coming back into the work- in 9 years. some of this data. force. They are coming back in big In June, interestingly, pay for work- In the month of May, we had the low- numbers. In the month of June, over ers who switched jobs rose at 3.8 per- est unemployment rate since 2000—the 600,000 Americans who had worked in cent, which is a clear indication that lowest unemployment rate in 18 years. the past but then had stepped out of employers are forced to bid up wages The African-American unemployment the workforce for whatever reason because they need to hire workers, and rate hit an all-time record low. It has came back into the workforce. The big- they are having trouble finding the never been measured as low as it was in gest proportion of these folks are peo- workers. May, at 5.9 percent. Likewise, the His- ple who have never gone to college, but This whole dynamic is very, very en- panic unemployment rate hit an all- they have a renewed confidence and op- couraging. It means wages are growing time record low, at 4.6 percent in June. timism about the economy. They have and are likely to grow more. Small business optimism was at the confidence in opportunities available I should also point out that there is second highest level on record ever, to them, despite the fact that they a feature in the arithmetic that sug- this past month of May. don’t have a college income. They have gests that it could mask the extent to Dividends paid from overseas subsidi- decided that they are going to reenter which wages are growing. What I am aries of U.S multinationals, dividends the workforce and, in the process, start referring to is when I say that average paid back home—money that is sitting to improve their standard of living. wages are growing by 2.7 percent. That overseas and invested back in Amer- By the way, the labor force participa- is true, but let’s keep in mind that ica—reached an all-time record high in tion rate rose really across, I think, all when we get a surge of new people into the first quarter because we changed ethnic groups, including women, men, the workforce, most of those people are the rules to diminish the penalties we African Americans, and Hispanics. It is coming in at the lower end of the wage used to have when an American com- up across the board. spectrum. Maybe it is their first job or pany brought income that was earned So far this year, over 1 million work- maybe they have been out of work for overseas back home. ers who had left the workforce are back a long time, or maybe, as I pointed out,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.042 S18JYPT1 S5052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 they don’t have the same level of edu- The Federal Government budget is excess heat trapped in the atmosphere cation and skills of people already in driven more than anything else by how by those greenhouse gases. As a result the workforce. So they are starting at strong our economy is and how many of that excess carbon dioxide and that a lower-than-average wage. So all else people are working. Everybody work- excess heat, our oceans are warming, being equal, that would tend to bring ing is paying taxes. Every company and they are rising. They are losing ox- the average down. So despite that, that is making money is paying taxes. ygen, and they are growing more acid- when you have growth, that tells us So revenue coming into the Federal ic. This puts marine life, coastal com- that people who have been continu- Government is likely to be very strong. munities, and the global ocean econ- ously employed are getting an even So I am very optimistic. I think it is omy all in jeopardy. bigger growth in their wages. very clear that the combination of Commercial fishing is an important So this is very, very encouraging. I pushing back on excessive regulation economy in the United States, and think it is likely to continue. It is ex- and a tremendously pro-growth tax re- both Maine and Rhode Island celebrate actly what we were hoping would hap- form has led to this growth. our longstanding fishing traditions. pen as a result of our tax reform. I should warn that I think there is a According to the National Marine Fish- But there is another whole develop- bit of a cloud on the horizon. I hope it eries Service, over 9.6 billion pounds of ment that is not directly about wages, doesn’t develop into a big storm. Right wild seafood, valued at $5.3 billion, was but when you think about it, it makes now it is just a cloud, but that cloud is commercially landed in the United a lot of sense. With all of these people trade policy that could really start to States in 2016. finding work, with all of these opportu- hinder economic growth. Across New England, American lob- nities for work and people coming back It is interesting. We had testimony ster was our most valuable fishery. We into the workforce, guess what. There at the Banking Committee just yester- had lobstermen bringing around $663 is a reduction in dependency on govern- day from Fed Chairman Powell. I million—two-thirds of $1 billion—worth ment programs because people are able pointed out that the minutes for the of lobster to shore. Sadly, Rhode Is- to earn the income to support their June meeting of the Federal Reserve’s land’s lobster fishery is badly knocked families. Open Market Committee had a dis- down by warming ocean waters. NOAA So, for instance, in the 4-week aver- turbing reference. I will quote briefly: notes: ‘‘The lobster industry in New age of unemployment benefits claims, The FOMC minutes for June stated: York and southern New England has one of the things we monitor closely, ‘‘Some Districts indicated’’—they refer nearly collapsed.’’ Maine dominated the number of people who are col- to the various districts around the the catch, bringing in nearly 85 percent lecting unemployment hit a 45-year country—‘‘that plans for capital spend- of the lobster landed in the region. low of 213,000 in May—45 years. You ing had been scaled back or postponed According to NOAA, from ‘‘1994 to have to go back 45 years to find so few as a result of uncertainty over trade 2014, Maine’s landings surged 219 per- people who required unemployment for policy.’’ cent to more than 124 million pounds.’’ an extended period of time. It is really That is a warning. That is a warning The lobster population is shifting amazing, when we consider how much to us. If we spiral down into a full- north, away from Rhode Island, New bigger a country we are today, that we blown trade war—and we certainly York, and Connecticut, as waters have gotten down to a number that was have a lot of skirmishes going on—and warm, leaving Rhode Island and other matched only 45 years ago—amazing. if this spirals out of control, business southern New England lobster traps We can look at the disability bene- will start to pull back. They will lose empty. But Mainers are taking notice, fits. According to the Social Security the confidence they have had, and that too, as warming waters are driving lob- Administration, fewer Americans ap- could lead to diminished capital ex- ster even farther north along their plied for disability benefits last year penditures, which will start to really rocky coast. A recent study of 700 than at any time since 2002, 16 years diminish the tremendous growth that North American marine species pre- since we have had a number this low. we have seen. dicted that lobster populations could We can also look at the food stamp So far for this year the economic pic- program. Two million people have move 200 miles northward by the end of ture has been extremely encouraging. come off of food stamps because they the century as waters continue to Benefits are very broad-based. Eco- are working and they are earning warm. Senator KING can report what nomic growth is broad and strong. enough that they either don’t need it 200 miles does to the coast of Maine. There are employment numbers that or they don’t qualify anymore. Lobster is not the only fishery feel- So these are very, very encouraging we haven’t seen in decades. I believe ing the heat in New England. A 2017 trends. As I say, because the driver is a this can continue. It is much more study of global warming found that the new set of incentives that is encour- likely to continue if we avoid a dam- greater Northeast region is anticipated aging capital expenditure and, there- aging trade war. to warm faster than other regions of fore, productivity growth, I think this With that, I yield the floor. the world. According to the ‘‘Climate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is really likely to continue. Science Special Report,’’ a Federal re- The macro GDP numbers reflect this ator from Rhode Island. port that will form the scientific basis as well. The Congressional Budget Of- CLIMATE CHANGE of the Fourth National Climate Assess- fice last year estimated that growth Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I ment, ‘‘the Northeast has warmed fast- for 2018 would be about 2 percent. As a am grateful today to be joined by Sen- er than 99% of the global ocean since result of tax reform, they revised that ator KING, from the great State of 2004.’’ We have a global ocean hotspot up to 3.3 percent. Maine, to speak about the troubling off our coast. The Northeast is also ex- As for estimates for the second quar- changes that we are seeing in the pected to see higher than global aver- ter—the quarter that just ended—we oceans and how climate change is re- age sea level rise, putting our ports, don’t have the numbers yet. It is still a shaping our States’ fisheries. fishing docks, and coastal infrastruc- couple of weeks away, but the esti- The Food and Agriculture Organiza- ture all at risk. mates are that growth was probably tion of the United Nations recognizes Fishermen have noticed. They are equal, maybe even more than 4 percent. that ‘‘climate change imperils the keenly aware of the myriad ways cli- So we have had tremendous growth. structure and function of already mate change is altering the waters We already had a great first quarter stressed coastal aquatic ecosystems.’’ that generations of their families have relative to other first quarters, and the For the record, Maine and Rhode Island fished, and they see the difference. second quarter is probably very, very are indeed aquatic. Fishermen in Rhode Island have told big. The oceans have absorbed approxi- me: ‘‘Sheldon, things are getting weird All of this, of course, means that if mately 30 percent of the excess carbon out there.’’ this growth is sustained, which I think dioxide that we have pumped into the ‘‘Sheldon, it’s not my grandfather’s it is likely to be, not only will we con- atmosphere since the Industrial Revo- ocean.’’ tinue to have good employment num- lution began. That is changing the They share anecdotes of catching in- bers like we have had, but we are also ocean’s chemistry. The oceans have creasing numbers of tropical fish early going to have good budget numbers. also absorbed roughly 90 percent of the in the summer season and seeing fish

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.043 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5053 that rarely frequented Rhode Island so its numbers have spiked off New England The growth in the northern group more waters until recent years. As new fish and it is becoming a more important catch than made up for the southern group’s medi- move in and traditional fish move out, for the region’s fishermen. ocre numbers, and the assessment deter- In a telling sign of black sea bass’s surge in mined the total population of the fish to be fishermen are left with more questions Rhode Island, the state Department of Envi- nearly two and a half times higher than the than answers. ronmental Management last month loosened minimum stock threshold set by regulators In Southern New England, black sea regulations governing the recreational fish- ‘‘That was a really big step forward,’’ said bass has become the poster fish for ery for the species, extending the season by Jason McNamee, chief of marine resource shifting stocks. As we can see in this 31 days and increasing the fall possession management for the DEM. ‘‘The science is graphic, the 1970s had a hub of black limit to seven fish per person per day, from now catching up to what’s going on with the sea bass here, with this as the center five. environment.’’ It may appear to be a small development, But despite the robust overall picture for and then a slight reach upward but ba- but the rules change resulted from a heated the fish, the ASFMC’s proposed quotas for sically off the mid-Atlantic coast. This debate among state and federal regulators this year called for a 12-percent reduction in is 2014. The center of activity has about how best to manage a species whose the northern region’s catch to allow the moved up closer to Rhode Island. We distribution and abundance has gone through southern region, the historic center of the are right here. Of course, black sea a striking shift that few would have imag- black sea bass fishery, to increase its share. bass populations in our region have in- ined a generation ago. Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts The back-and-forth over the fish also sig- creased concomitantly. and Connecticut filed an appeal, and on May nals more difficulties to come as regulators 3, the fisheries commission relented, allow- This commercially valuable fish, the struggle to respond to the impacts of climate ing what amounts to a four-percent increase black sea bass, can help Rhode Island change on the marine environment. Similar for the northern region. fishermen replace traditional species issues are already playing out with summer The stakes are high for Rhode Island, that are growing more scarce, like win- flounder, another warm-water fish that is be- which is experiencing deep changes to the ter flounder—the fish my wife studied coming more common off the north Atlantic composition of its marine species because of for her graduate work—which has coast. its location, at the junction of what ocean How they are managed will have important crashed as winters warm. scientists call the Boreal Province—cold implications not only for those fish but for waters that include the Gulf of Maine to the The current fisheries’ management lobsters and other key species in the ocean north—and the Virginian Province—warmer structure, however, forces Rhode Island ecosystem. waters of the mid-Atlantic to the south. fishermen to toss the increasingly ‘‘We’re in an adaptive mode right now,’’ ‘‘We’re right at the front lines of these abundant and valuable black sea bass said Bob Ballou, assistant to the director of changes,’’ McNamee said. ‘‘These mid-Atlan- overboard. NOAA scientists saw this the Rhode Island Department of Environ- tic species are our most important species northward transit of the sea bass com- mental Management and chairman of the At- now.’’ lantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s ing years ago, but regulatory catch Dave Monti reeled in another black sea black sea bass and summer flounder boards. bass. limits did not keep up. They are gen- ‘‘It’s occupying all our time to think Like the five others caught in Narragan- erally based on historical catches. And through all the approaches to better manage sett Bay on a recent morning, at less than 15 States are hesitant to give up quota these resources.’’ inches long, it was too small to keep. So even after the fish have moved north- One of the key assumptions that the na- Monti started working the hook out of its ward and left their shores, so State- tion’s fishery management system is built mouth. upon is that species don’t move between gen- specific quotas badly lag the changing ‘‘You’ve got to be careful of the dorsal eral geographic regions. fin,’’ he warned. ‘‘It’ll stick right into you.’’ distribution of the fish. That traditional regulatory framework As regulators have tightened catch limits A former Mid-Atlantic Fishery Man- held up for a long time, but rising water for striped bass and other saltwater game agement Council scientist acknowl- temperatures and the resulting shifts in spe- fish that were historically abundant in edged that fish like summer flounder cies distribution and abundance are forcing Rhode Island waters, black sea bass has are moving north and told NPR that the beginnings of change. filled the void, said Monti, a charter boat ‘‘some of the Southern states are hav- In the case of black sea bass, it’s not that captain who docks his boat in Wickford Har- the population of the fish is simply relo- ing trouble catching their quota, and bor. cating north. Numbers are still decent in the ‘‘They’ve saved my charters over the past states to the north have more avail- southern portion of the fish’s range, but they couple years when other fish aren’t around,’’ ability of fish.’’ are much stronger now off the coasts of New he said. Dave Monti is a friend who is a char- York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massa- Seas were too rough to visit his favorite ter boat captain out of Wickford Har- chusetts—places where the waters used to be place to fish for black sea bass, a patch of bor in North Kingstown, RI. Dave said: too cold to support large populations. waters in the open ocean near Brenton Reef In Rhode Island, water temperatures in There’s no doubt the waters have warmed off Newport, so he steered his 44-foot boat Narragansett Bay have risen about 31⁄2–de- and black sea bass have moved in. The the Virginia Joan to a few spots in the Bay grees Fahrenheit since 1959, according to quotas haven’t done a good enough job at fig- between Jamestown and Narragansett. weekly monitoring done by the Graduate Black sea bass is a reef fish that likes uring in climate change yet. School of Oceanography at the University of rocky bottoms and patrols the waters around Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Rhode Island. Warmer winters, in particular, jetties and pilings for prey. It’s a hermaphro- sent to have printed in the RECORD an have allowed black sea bass to thrive this far dite—some fish switch sexes as adults. The article from the Providence Journal north. species can be found off Rhode Island year- describing the changes that Captain In the 1980s and 1990s, a fish trawl survey round, typically coming inshore to the Bay Monti sees and our local efforts to deal conducted by the DEM rarely caught a single in the spring to spawn and wintering farther black sea bass in Rhode Island waters, but off the coast. with these changes. incidence of the species has risen steadily, Just south of the Jamestown Verrazzano There being no objection, the mate- especially over the past decade, and now Bridge, Monti reached for a rod from a hold- rial was ordered to be printed in the each trawl nets about two black sea bass on er overhead. He called it his ‘‘sea bass slay- RECORD, as follows: average. er.’’ It was fitted with a shiny, red-tinted [From the Providence Journal] Because black sea bass move between fed- lure and he baited the hook with a slice of eral and state waters, the fish is managed FRONT LINE OF CLIMATE CHANGE: BLACK SEA squid and a little fish called a silverside. A jointly by the federal government, through BASS SURGE OFF R.I. few minutes later, the first black sea bass the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Coun- was caught. (By Alex Kuffner) cil, and states, including Rhode Island, It doesn’t take much work to find the fish PROVIDENCE, RI.—Scientists tell us that through the Atlantic States Marine Fish- these days, said Rick Bellavance, president some fish will be winners and others losers eries Commission. of the Rhode Island Party and Charter Boat as oceans warm. Although scientists have long known that Association. In Rhode Island, count lobster, silver hake concentrations of the fish have been shifting ‘‘Black sea bass are a charter boat opera- and winter flounder among the losers, their north toward the Gulf of Maine, it wasn’t tor’s dream,’’ he said. ‘‘They’re pretty preva- numbers plummeting as climate change until 2016 that regulators started to factor in lent, they’re easy to catch, and they taste drives water temperatures higher. On the list the change. great.’’ of winners so far are squid, summer flounder, That year, a new stock assessment for On a recent charter to Block Island, the six butterfish. black sea bass formally recognized for the clients on Bellavance’s boat caught only two And black sea bass. The population of the first time two distinct populations of the striped bass and one bluefish between them, dusky-colored fish with striking blue accents fish, a northern group around New England so he started setting lines for black sea bass. has historically been strongest off the mid- and a southern group from New Jersey to the They promptly snagged 20 of the fish that Atlantic Coast, but over the past decade or Carolinas. were big enough to take home.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.045 S18JYPT1 S5054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 Although he applauded the new regula- need to be culled or to rodents afflicting percent of the longfin squid caught on tions, he said the changes have been slow to farmers. the east coast was landed in Rhode Is- come and haven’t gone far enough. He’d like ‘‘It’s like owning a corn bin full of rats and land. According to NOAA, this catch to have the current six-month season ex- nobody’s allowed to get rid of them,’’ he was valued at over $28 million, ac- said. tended year-round and the per-person daily counting for nearly 30 percent of our limit raised to 10 fish. Despite the recent changes, scientists and ‘‘We need to recognize that the stock has fishermen in Rhode Island say that the man- landings value in 2016. But climate shifted to the north and to the east,’’ he said. agement system for black sea bass is still change is putting our calamari at risk. ‘‘Rhode Island is closer to that epicenter outdated. Warm waters may actually open more than it used to be.’’ Tellingly, none of the New England states habitat for the species, but its carbon Monti, who is vice president of the Rhode has a seat on the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Man- cousin, ocean acidification, is the haz- Island Marine Fisheries Council, which ad- agement Council—one of the two key deci- ard. Like its shellfish brethren, squid vises the DEM on state fishing policy, sion-making bodies for the species—even require calcium carbonate—for squid, agreed. though much of the fish’s population is lo- it is to grow the hard beaks they use to ‘‘There’s no doubt the waters have warmed cated off the region’s coast. and black sea bass have moved in,’’ he said. That has meant that allocations remain feed. Acidic waters decrease the avail- ‘‘The quotas haven’t done a good enough job high for fishing boats in states like Virginia ability of this necessary compound in at figuring in climate change yet.’’ and North Carolina that must sometimes the seawater and can even dissolve cal- About half the morning’s catch on Monti’s travel half a day north to find the fish, while cium carbonate organisms’ shells under boat were black sea bass. Among the rest Rhode Island boats are forced to discard extremely acidic conditions. were other warm-water fish that are becom- their catch because, local fishermen say, On the west coast, shellfish farmers ing more common in Rhode Island: scup and their quotas aren’t high enough. have been dealing with ocean acidifica- summer flounder. The southern states don’t want to give up tion since the mid-2000s. Dr. Richard After Monti freed the little black sea bass their share because black sea bass fetches a from the hook, he held it in his hand. As the Feely is the researcher who first iden- good price—more than $3 a pound on aver- tified ocean acidification as the cause fish age, their scales become more blue. This age—and the commercial fishery is growing one had yet to develop the bright coloring, in value—tripling since 2009 to more than $12 for oyster spat failures in the North- but it was still striking. million. west back in 2005. He noted in a recent ‘‘Pretty, isn’t it?’’ Monti said as he The black sea bass study being done by the NPR article that the acidification dropped it back into the Bay. CFRF is using different gear types—from gill problem is only going to get worse. Not everyone loves the fish. nets to trawls to lobster traps—to gather ‘‘The acidification water welling up Black sea bass have voracious appetites, more data on the species and strengthen from the ocean floor now contains car- hunting on the ocean bottom for crabs, stock assessments that may be missing some clams and shrimp. The fish don’t have teeth bon dioxide gas emitted 50 years ago.’’ fish. Carbon emissions are worse since then. but will swallow crustaceans whole. Malek Mercer said that scientists are get- Lobstermen complain of pulling up their ting a better understanding of the fish’s Some hatcheries in the Northwest are traps and finding black sea bass inside that changing population, but managing the spe- already moving operations to less acid- have gobbled up their lobsters. cies is the problem. ic waters off Hawaii, and others are ‘‘I see it everyday,’’ said Lanny Dellinger, ‘‘For better or worse, science is not going looking to buffer the water with a Newport lobsterman and board member of to fix that,’’ she said. ‘‘But if we get our seagrasses to absorb carbon and lower the Rhode Island Lobstermen’s Association. management there, I do think we can have a acidity. Shellfish farmers in Rhode Is- ‘‘Everyday, every trawl. It doesn’t matter if really strong black sea bass fishery here.’’ it’s mud bottom, hard bottom, deep water, land are facing the challenge of McNamee described the management sys- acidifying waters as well. shallow water. There are so many black sea tem as ‘‘deliberative and slow by design.’’ He bass, it’s unbelievable.’’ At the same time, marine species are acknowledged the frustration felt by Rhode also facing deoxygenation, increased The rise of black sea bass is coming at the Island fishermen who have seen the state’s same time that the lobster catch is on a traditional groundfish stocks drop off while harmful algae, and other consequences steep decline in Rhode Island, falling from black sea bass proliferate. of a warming and acidifying ocean. The 8.2 million pounds in 1998 to 2.3 million ‘‘There’s still way more fish to catch than symptoms of climate change in the pounds in 2016, according to the National fishermen can get access to,’’ he said. ocean are everywhere. Marine Fisheries Service. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, we A recent study in Global Change Bi- Lobster is a cold-water species that is mov- ology warned that reduced oxygen ing north as Rhode Island’s waters warm. have to fix this. To use the black sea The higher water temperatures have made bass example, the species is comanaged availability could limit the growth of the lobsters that remain more susceptible to by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Manage- fish and other species. Fishermen can’t shell disease. Dellinger and others believe ment Council and the Atlantic States make a living off sick and tiny fish. California’s lucrative Dungeness and that predation by black sea bass is also push- Marine Fisheries Commission. Rhode rock crab season was cut short in 2015 ing down the lobster numbers. Island only has a seat on the Atlantic Black sea bass could be contributing to the to 2016 due to a harmful algae bloom. decline, but the fish is probably not the pri- States Commission; it does not have a Our Great Lakes have been hit too. I mary cause, said Jon Hare, science and re- vote on the Mid-Atlantic Council. That went out on Lake Erie after the hor- search director at the National Oceanic and means that my State is not fully rep- rible algae event there, and the fisher- Atmospheric Administration’s Northeast resented in the decision-making proc- men who took me out sounded like Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole. ess, and perfectly good black sea bass Crabs and other crustaceans that the fish eat Rhode Islanders. One of them said: keeps being thrown into the sea by ‘‘Everything I’ve learned from fishing a aren’t feeling similar impacts, he said. fishermen who ought to be able to McNamee agreed, saying that the fish gen- lifetime on this lake is worth nothing erally prey on smaller juvenile lobsters, bring that catch home. now, because it’s all changing so fast.’’ leaving the bigger ones alone. In 2016, NOAA scientists assessed the If we have an opportunity to have an As part of a larger study of black sea bass, vulnerability to the effects of climate open, bipartisan debate on a strong the Rhode Island-based Commercial Fish- change of over 80 commercially valu- Magnuson-Stevens Act reauthoriza- eries Research Foundation is analyzing the able species in the Northeast. So this is tion, I urge my colleagues not to over- gut contents of fish caught by nine partici- not just a story about black sea bass or look the toll climate change is taking pating commercial and recreational boats. about lobsters; this Northeast climate on our fishing industry. The changes ‘‘We know that black sea bass do eat lob- vulnerability assessment ranked spe- ster, but we just don’t know if the rate of that are happening in our oceans do consumption is having an impact on the size cies based on climate risk and sen- not care whether you believe they of the lobster population,’’ said Anna Malek sitivities to changing ocean conditions. exist. The physics, chemistry, and biol- Mercer, executive director of the foundation. Here is the climate risk factor graph. ogy driving these changes will happen One lobsterman sent her photos of a 21⁄2- As we see, all 80 species scored in the anyway, and our fishermen are depend- inch long lobster found inside a black sea high or very high risk of climate expo- ing on us to give the scientists and the bass in a trap. sure categories. All 80 commercially managers the tools and resources they ‘‘When they end up in lobster traps, there valuable species they studied faced usually aren’t any lobsters inside,’’ she said. need to meet the challenges climate Dellinger wants loosened regulations on high or very high risk. This is a red change is bringing to our shores. both the recreational and commercial sides flag for our fisheries. I now yield to my friend from Maine to allow fishermen to catch more black sea Maine is the place for lobster. In to give the perspective from his rocky bass. He likened the fish to coyotes that Rhode Island, squid is king. In 2016, 56 shores.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.032 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5055 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Now let me talk about the effects in My friend tells me, today they are ator from Maine. my home State. First the good news. catching triggerfish in the Gulf of Mr. KING. Mr. President, I first want Lobster landings in Maine are up. We Maine, which is a North Carolina spe- to thank Professor—I mean Senator have ridden a lobster boom over the cies. They have even caught seahorses WHITEHOUSE for the information he past 30 years. Since the 1980s, the in lobster traps. This is a dramatic shared. It was compelling, important, poundage of lobsters harvested in change as the waters warm. and very worthy of our deep consider- Maine has grown 500 percent. When I As I mentioned, if they get close to ation. was Governor, a good harvest of lob- the 68-degree level, the lobster popu- To talk about renewing the Magnu- sters was 50 to 60 million pounds; 2 lation is in trouble. It is not only lob- son-Stevens Act without talking about years ago, it was 127 million pounds— sters. By the way, lobstering is a seri- the effects of climate change and the more than double. That is the good ous business in Maine—half a billion effects on the water itself would be an news. dollars just in land value, a billion and enormous missed opportunity. The bad news is that it is starting to a half dollars in the overall economic First, I commend Senator WHITE- change, and we may have seen the impact of this species to our State. HOUSE, the Senator from Rhode Island, turning point in this boom. We don’t By the way, before I leave the ques- for his longstanding commitment to know that, but the last 2 years have tion of lobsters, I have to acknowledge the issue of climate change, the well- been down substantially from the peak the comments made by the Senator worn ‘‘Time to Wake Up’’ poster, and in 2016. We will see what happens this from Pennsylvania earlier when he was the work he has done over the years to year. Hopefully, it is a blip and not a talking about the economy, and he force us to pay attention to this issue. trend. flashed a warning light at the end of I am, as he indicated, going to talk By the way, one of the reasons the his remarks about trade and tariffs. We about what is going on in the Gulf of lobster industry has survived and flour- are already seeing the negative impact Maine, but I want to broaden the dis- ished in Maine is not only the favor- of what I consider ill-considered tariffs cussion just for a few moments to talk able impact of gradual increases in on China. The first place they retali- about the issue of climate change as a temperature but because of the con- ated was against lobsters. Twenty per- broader question before us. servation ethic of the lobstermen cent of the entire lobster catch in This isn’t some environmental themselves, who voluntarily throw Maine is sold and exported to China. It dream. It is not something that was in- back egg-bearing females. They cut a is our fastest growing market. If the V-notch in their tails so they won’t be vented by someone. It was discovered Chinese tariffs they have already an- caught again. If they are too small or by scientists, and it is dollars and nounced are imposed and fully imple- too large, they throw them back. An cents. It is the most practical problem mented, it could cut that to zero. that we have to deal with. amazing ethic of conservation has been Canada doesn’t have those tariffs. I am on the Armed Services Com- imbued in the culture of lobstering and Canada is not engaging in a trade war mittee. We are talking about military also in our laws for many years. So the with China. Canada and other coun- fact that we still have a lobster fishery bases all over the world—some as close tries are moving into the vacuum we and that it is as vigorous and as pro- as right down in this region and then have created. The idea that we can im- ductive as it is, is due in large measure down toward Norfolk, VA—that are pose tariffs on other countries without to the creativity and conservation under a severe threat from rising sea any ill effects here just isn’t true. levels and that are going to cost us bil- ethic of our lobstermen. Right now, it looks like the lobster Here is the bad news. The bad news lions, if not trillions, of dollars to up- industry, soybeans in the Midwest, is, when water temperature gets to grade and maintain because of rising maple syrup in Vermont, other agricul- about 68 degrees, it is like turning a sea levels. This isn’t something ab- tural products across the country are switch. It stresses the lobster popu- stract. This is something that is hap- lation to the point where they can’t going to be collateral damage in an in- pening today, and it is something that survive. The good news is, it gets cipient trade war that I don’t under- we are going to have to deal with that warmer, and they multiply. The bad stand where it is going. is going to have an enormous cost. The I would like to know what the strat- news is, once it reaches a certain crit- longer we put off preventing and deal- egy is. What is the end game? Where ical point, the species could collapse. ing with this issue, the higher that cost does this go? So far, I haven’t seen any Indeed, that is what has happened, as is going to be. the Senator from Rhode Island has in- indication of that. What I have seen an There is a second reason this is a na- dicated, to the once-plentiful lobster indication of is severely dangerous im- tional security issue, and that is the population of New York, Massachu- pacts on our economy industry. aggravation of conflict and the initi- Another part of our ocean ecosystem setts, and Rhode Island. ation of migration. The number of refu- The problem is, over recent years— is clams. There is a massive decrease in gees from Syria—which has disrupted and I have talked to a lobsterman harvest because of two reasons: One, the politics of Europe and disrupted friend today, just this afternoon—the acidification. As the Senator from many of the European countries and, center of gravity of lobstering along Rhode Island indicated, 30 percent of indeed, has had a reflection here in this the Maine coast is steadily moving all the carbon dioxide that has been country—is roughly 3 to 4 million peo- north and east. He told me it has emitted during the Industrial Revolu- ple. The estimate for refugees from cli- moved about 50 miles in the last 10 tion has ended up in acidification in mate change—from extreme tempera- years. the ocean and, two, nonnative green ture, from drought, from famine—is in The other problem that is occurring crabs, which are exploding because the hundreds of millions as opposed to is that the lobsters are going further they like the warmer water. They have 3 to 4 million from Syria. Imagine the offshore to seek cooler water, which been around for 100 years, but that pop- disruption to all of the countries of the means the lobstermen have to go fur- ulation is growing enormously. They world that are destinations for these ther. They have to have bigger boats. are just devastating the clams. Green refugees who are fleeing places that They have to make more of an invest- crabs can consume 40 half-inch clams a have become uninhabitable. ment in order to make a living. day. Those crabs have decimated blue This is a question we are going to Right now, we are in good shape, but mussels and scallops along the shore. have to address, and, as our military the trend is not good. We are seeing They are going for clams, and we are characterizes it, it is a threat multi- other changes that have magnified concerned that maybe lobsters could be plier because when you have people both the boom, and what we are wor- next. moving from one region to another, ried about is the bust. We have seen Warming water and shifting preda- you have conflict. From time immemo- changes decline in some fish species tors are not the only challenges we rial, conflict has largely been based on like the cod that fed on baby lobsters. face: more carbon dioxide into the at- things like access to water and access Now, as Senator WHITEHOUSE men- mosphere, absorbed into the ocean, and to arable land, and we are talking tioned, we are seeing a growth of a fish one-quarter of what is emitted goes about an enormous accelerator of that that was never seen in Maine in the re- into the ocean. The ocean then be- across the world. cent past, the black sea bass. comes more acidic. Any kind of shelled

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.046 S18JYPT1 S5056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 animals—lobsters, clams, oysters—ex- 1970—Edmond Muskie led the passage backyard, so it doesn’t make sense for pend evermore energy maintaining the of the Clean Water Act and the Clean everybody to buy a rototiller—the ma- pH balance in their bodies, and that Air Act, which are two of the greatest chine you use once or twice a year to means they can’t grow and reproduce. and most important pieces of legisla- clean your garden and till over the The world’s oceans have become 30 per- tion passed in this body in the last 100 ground and begin to plant. We borrow cent more acidic since the Industrial years; the first real recognition that them. I used to borrow one from my Revolution. we had a responsibility to the environ- neighbor Peter Cox. The ‘‘Maine Oysters have become a great new ment, that we had a responsibility to rototiller rule’’ goes like this. When product for Maine. We are growing our children and our grandchildren. By you borrow your neighbor’s rototiller, them in oyster farms along the the way, astoundingly, the Clean Water you return it to them in as good a Damariscotta River and other places. Act passed the U.S. Senate unani- shape as you got it, with a full tank of You can go to fancy restaurants and mously. Can you imagine? We can’t gas. see Damariscotta oysters. They are agree on the time of day unanimously That is all you need to know about wonderful. in this body. In 1970, under Ed Muskie’s environmental stewardship. Do you My friend Bill Mook, who is one of leadership, the Clean Water Act was know what? We have the planet on the pioneers of the oyster industry in passed unanimously. loan. We don’t own it. We own a little Maine, has had to move the incubation The point I want to make is, the piece of land for a generation, but we of his oysters out of the ocean, out of steps they took almost 50 years ago don’t own it. We have it on loan from the natural river, onshore, and into have cleaned up our rivers, have our children and our grandchildren and tanks so he can buffer the water to cleaned up our atmosphere, have made their children and their grandchildren. minimize the acidification and then parts of our country blossom again. Therefore, we have a sacred responsi- put them back in the water to grow In Maine, we are working on our riv- bility to turn over the planet to them out. That is a pure result of climate ers. The towns that turned their backs in the same or better shape than we change and acidification of the ocean. on the rivers are now turning back to- found it. That is our responsibility. It Freshwater runoff is another issue ward the rivers because people can fish, is very simple. When you borrow some- that increases the acidification. We swim, and enjoy the rivers. When Ed thing from your neighbor, you return it have had an enormous increase in the Muskie started his lonely crusade in in as good a shape as you found it. That amount of freshwater rainfall in this the late 1960s, the rivers were essen- is what we should be doing today. country, and in Maine that has in- tially open sewers. We can do this. There will be costs, creased the acidification in the oceans. Fifty years ago, Ed Muskie started but the costs of not doing it will dwarf What do we do? The first thing we do is that work. We see the benefit of it the costs we can undertake today to admit there is a problem. You can’t today. We should be doing the same protect the Gulf of Maine, the coast of solve a problem if you act like there is thing. The fact that it may not come the United States, the fields of Africa, nothing wrong. The first thing we have to fruition for 20, 30, 40, or 50 years is the forests of North America, and the to do is admit there is a problem. I no reason to not start now. We have to land and water and air that our chil- think more and more people are com- start. This isn’t pie in the sky. This dren and grandchildren deserve to have ing to that conclusion. isn’t somebody trying to impose new passed on to them in better shape than When this administration was nomi- regulations. This isn’t something that we found it. nating people, the refrain I heard in all is made up by environmentalists or We can do this. We can start today. of the hearings was climate is chang- people who just don’t want to see any We may not live to see the results, but ing, man has an impact on it, but we development. No. This is lives and live- we will know we have done something don’t know how much. lihood. These are families, commu- important, something meaningful, That is progress. At least it is an ad- nities. It is responsible stewardship and something that will make a difference mission that something is happening. just plain common sense. in the lives of generations we don’t What do we do? We admit there is a There is a lot of science, and there is know. They will know what we do or problem. I think we are close to reach- a lot of complexity to this issue. It what we don’t do. I myself choose the ing that point. seems to me we can take inspiration side of action—recognizing the prob- The second thing we have to do is from Ed Muskie, Howard Baker, and all lem, analyzing it, understanding it, more research. We have to continue to those a generation ago who built the and acting to mitigate the harms that fund the science to do the research to edifice upon which we have a cleaner, otherwise will befall our children. understand what is happening, to un- healthier, stronger economy and I yield the floor. derstand what we can do to mitigate stronger society. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, these risks. Research and scientific I remember those days. The great de- Senator KING and I yield the floor. data is crucial. For some of our great bate was payrolls versus pickerel. You First, let me thank him for joining agencies that have the people who have couldn’t have payrolls if you preserved us. Second, with Senators present here been researching this for years, to be the pickerel. It turned out to not be from landlocked States, let me make suppressing the research or not sup- true. We have developed the strongest the requests to both of you that, when porting it or burying it is not a service economy in the history of the world. we come before this body with concerns to our country. Research is crucial. We Yet we paid attention to the environ- about what is happening to our ocean need the facts. We need the data. We ment. We have paid attention to our economies, which I think are shared by need mitigation strategies. We also responsibilities, to our children and every coastal Senator who is seeing need to pay attention to the under- our grandchildren, and we created the these changes, that you view our pleas lying cause of climate change, which is economy at the same time we were with the same courtesy and respect a combustion of fossil fuels and the able to clean up the environment. that we show you when wildfires burn enormous amount of carbon dioxide I remember those debates. They were through Utah and we come to make that is being added to the atmosphere. bitter. You can’t do it. If you do this, sure that there is adequate emergency This is a long-term challenge. It is you are going to put everything out of response or when Oklahoma faces hur- not something we can solve in the next business. There will be no economy. ricanes or cyclones and tornadoes and 1 or 2 years. Some people ask: Well, it That was the argument. It hasn’t hap- the Federal Government and the Sen- is such a long-term challenge, why are pened. ate rally to the response of those who we doing it? Because it may not be Finally, you can talk about the are experiencing the pain of that in solved for 50 years. science. You can get caught up in all your States. Our fishing communities In my office is Edmund Muskie’s the data. To me, there is a really easy and our coastal communities have a desk. I sit behind Edmund Muskie’s rule that makes this easy to under- very different distress, but I hope you desk—one of the greatest Senators of stand what our responsibilities are. I will see it as an equal distress and pay the 20th century and one of the great- call it the ‘‘Maine rototiller rule.’’ us the courtesy of your due consider- est citizens Maine has ever produced. Many people in Maine have gardens, ation. Fifty years ago—2 years from now, but it is a small garden. It is in your I yield the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.048 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5057 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). surveillance scan looking into vulnera- What can we learn from this? One is The Senator from Oklahoma. bilities in the State computer network, the most simple of those things: You SECURING OUR ELECTIONS but they didn’t get into the election shouldn’t believe everything you see on Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, board computer network, and they the internet. It is not always an Amer- there has been a lot of conversation didn’t get into any of our equipment. ican. It is not always who they post to again, of late, about election security. They basically came and checked to be, and it is not always true. It should It seems to be a frequent conversation see if the door was locked, and they be the most basic information that we in the hallways the last couple of days, found out that in Oklahoma the door should learn about what is happening and it is an ongoing issue that I think was locked, and the Russians could not on the internet and what is online, in- some people have lost track of, but we get in. They didn’t penetrate into our cluding Facebook and Twitter. have not. system, though they tried. The other lesson that we need to AMY KLOBUCHAR and I and several But it was a year after the elections learn is a little more complicated. We others have worked very hard for before we were even notified that the have to be able to have better commu- months on this issue of election secu- Russians were trying to penetrate our nication between the Federal Govern- rity, quietly trying to get the language system. A subtle flash warning is all ment and States, better cybersecurity right and to work through the process that we received in the summer of 2016. systems, and the ability to audit that. of what it takes to secure our elections Oklahoma has a great system for That is why Senator KLOBUCHAR and for 2018, 2020, and beyond, learning the elections. Our system is consistent I have worked for months on a piece of lesson from 2016. across every single county. We have op- legislation called the Secure Elections I do want to remind this body that tical scanners with a paper ballot Act. That piece has worked its way the elections are not something that backup so that we can verify the com- through every State looking at it and happens this November. It is already puter count with a hand count if need- their election authorities. We have ongoing. Many States’ primaries have ed. We have had a very good system. worked it through multiple committee already been conducted. Last night That system was tested by the Rus- hearings. In fact, recently, just in the there was a runoff primary that hap- sians when they evaluated the com- last month, there were two different pened in Alabama. Georgia holds their puter networks of our State, and they hearings in the Rules Committee. It is runoff primaries next week, and Ten- were also not able to get in, thanks to now ready to be marked up and final- nessee is the week after that. Kansas, the leadership of some of the cyber and ized to try to bring it to this body. Michigan, Missouri, and Washington the technology folks who are in Okla- It is a very simple piece. It affirms will be on Tuesday, August 7. It is al- homa. that States run elections. The Federal ready ongoing. Not all States have the same prac- Government should not take over elec- While we watch the indictments that tices. In some States, from county to tions nationwide. In fact, that would just came down from the Mueller in- county their election systems are dif- make a bad situation worse. States vestigation on GRU officers from Rus- ferent. From township to township need to be able to run elections and be sia who were trying to interfere in our they may have different systems with able to manage those. elections in 2016, as we have seen the different companies and different back- But it qualifies several things. One is sanctions and the indictments that grounds. They may not have the same that it gives a security clearance to a have come down on some of the kind of system where they get a chance person in every single State. If there is oligarchs from Russia and from the to protect their cyber systems. a threat from a hostile actor, there is Internet Research Agency for what We saw that in 2016, when the Rus- not some vague warning that comes they were doing in social media, trying sians were able to penetrate some of out. There is an immediate address to be able to interfere with our election the States and actually were able to about what is happening and a commu- in 2016, I think it may be important for harvest some of their voter register nication within the intelligence com- us to do a quick lookback at what has rolls. They weren’t able to change any munity here on the Federal level to in- happened and what is still going on and votes. They weren’t able to affect the dividuals with a clearance on the State what we are trying to accomplish in voting that day, but they did a tremen- level. the next few weeks. dous amount of scanning through sys- Right now, the DHS, in absence of Let me just give a quick look at what tems to be able to see where there were this legislation, has started imple- is happening in my State of Oklahoma. vulnerabilities, what they could learn menting it anyway. Every single State In Oklahoma, in the 2016 cycle, the FBI on our election systems, and how they has at least one person with a security and others began to discover that there could engage for a future time. clearance now, including my own. They were issues with the elections and I think we should learn a lesson from are working to have at least three in some interference from what they, at that and be aware that the Russians every State to do a backup system. that time, called ‘‘bad actors’’ in June are trying to penetrate that system We also need to be able to affirm that of 2016. Later that summer, in August and learning as much as they could. every State can audit their elections, of 2016, the FBI issued what they call a At the same time that they were that they would do what is called risk- nationwide ‘‘flash alert’’ to every State hacking into different systems and limiting audits after the election just dealing with a threat from a ‘‘bad testing them out to see if they could to check and to make sure that the re- actor.’’ get in, a different set of folks from the sults are correct, but also that they The Oklahoma State Cyber Command Russian group the Internet Research have the ability to audit it as the elec- director received that warning, as did Agency were trying to put out social tion is going on so that it is not just everyone else, but at that time the FBI media disinformation. counting on a machine but that there didn’t share any details because no one Some 200,000 Oklahomans saw is also some way to back it up. States in my State was given security clear- Facebook and Twitter posts that Rus- have a variety of ways they can actu- ance to be able to have that kind of sians put out as false information. ally do that. classified conversation with the FBI. They weren’t all on one candidate. If elections are trusting that the It wasn’t until September 22 of 2017, a There were multiple candidates and electronics are going to work and not year and a little bit later, that DHS ac- multiple issues. Sometimes it was on be hacked into and not be affected, we tually notified my State and our State Hillary Clinton, sometimes on Donald should have learned the lesson from election authorities that we hadn’t just Trump, sometimes on BERNIE SANDERS, 2016 that there are outside entities try- been targeted by a bad actor but that sometimes on Jill Stein, and some- ing to attack these systems and to find we had been targeted by the Russians— times just on ideological issues. Over vulnerabilities, and they will. a year later—because no one had clear- 200,000 Oklahomans saw those posts Some way to be able to back it up, to ance and there was no one engaged. from different Russians, not knowing be able to audit the election while it is DHS told Oklahoma State Election they were Russian posts at all. They happening, risk-limiting audits after Board secretary Paul Ziriax, who is were Russians pretending to be Ameri- the fact, security clearances for indi- doing a great job, that there was evi- cans, and they were pushing that infor- viduals within States, and rapid com- dence that the Russians conducted a mation out. munication State to State and State to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.050 S18JYPT1 S5058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 Federal Government all help to main- At my meetings in Moscow, we 1957, he declared before our NATO al- tain the integrity of our elections. worked to begin a dialogue with Rus- lies that we must ‘‘re-dedicate our- That is what we do in the Secure sian counterparts. Everything I heard selves to the task of dispelling the Elections Act. I think it is so impor- in those meetings reinforces my belief shadows that are being cast upon the tant that we try to resolve this as that Russia remains a threat to Euro- free world.’’ quickly as possible. pean stability and that a united NATO In addition to ongoing Russian sub- I encourage this body to finish the is essential to countering the threat terfuge, terrorist groups remain intent markup in the Rules Committee to be and preserving American peace and on striking the West, threats to data able to bring it to the floor and to have prosperity. information require strong cyber secu- a consistent bipartisan vote to be able Two wars in Europe last century re- rity measures, and the scourge of to support the work that we need to sulted in the loss of hundreds of thou- human and drug trafficking degrades continue to do to protect our elections sands of American lives who fought the social structures. On these and other in the days ahead. forces of tyranny. To prevent a third issues, NATO allies have coordinated Our Republic is one that maintains war against this Communist menace, and contributed to the security of our its stability based on the integrity of Western European powers, still weak- own country, the United States of our elections. I have zero doubt that ened by World War II, formed an alli- America. the Russians tried to destabilize our ance with America and Canada to deter In particular, let’s recall that only Nation in 2016 by attacking the core of the Soviet Union’s massive conven- once has NATO invoked article 5—in our democracy. Anyone who believes tional forces from invading beyond the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on they will not do it again has missed the what became the eastern bloc. our country. The only time the NATO basic information that is out day after Not only did NATO successfully deter alliance has been asked to respond, day after day in our intelligence brief- the Soviet Union until its collapse in they declared a willingness to re- ings. 1991—and in my view, NATO contrib- spond—that an attack on one is an at- The Russians have done it the first uted to the Soviet Union collapse in a tack on all—when the United States of time. They showed the rest of the significant way—but in that process, America was attacked on 9/11. world the lesson and what could be America’s commitment to European When we went to war against al- done. It could be the North Koreans the security allowed these allies to recover Qaida and its Taliban hosts in Afghani- next time. It could be the Iranians the from the war economically, strength- stan, we were not alone. The United next time. It could be a domestic activ- ened democratic governance, and en- States has nearly 15,000 troops serving ist group the next time. We should in Afghanistan, and they are serving abled them to stop fearing one another. learn that lesson, close that vulnerabil- We would be naive to believe that with NATO coalition forces as part of ity, and make sure that we protect our threats critical to North Atlantic secu- counterterrorism efforts to support Af- systems in the days ahead. rity have faded along with the Soviet ghanistan’s fight against the Taliban There is more that can be done, but Union. Indeed, my recent interactions and ISIS, which has seized strategic the States seem to take a lead on this. territories in recent years. in Europe confirmed that Russia re- This is something that the Federal We are approaching 17 years of sup- mains a revisionist power intent on Government should do, and we are very port from our NATO allies in Afghani- continuing Russia’s disruptive activi- close to getting it done. I wanted to be stan—support that has come even at ties in Europe, the Middle East, and able to tell this body that we are close. the expense of the blood of those who here at home in the United States. Let us work together to get this done serve. Just last week, I am saddened to In every meeting I attended, I made in the days ahead. say, two U.S. Army soldiers paid the clear that the Russians must end their I yield the floor. ultimate sacrifice and were killed I suggest the absence of a quorum. election-meddling here in the United while serving in Afghanistan, and at The PRESIDING OFFICER. The States and Europe in order to open least two more soldiers have been clerk will call the roll. doors to rebuilding our relations. I wounded from insurgent attacks. The assistant bill clerk proceeded to brought up Russia’s destabilizing sup- Finally, there is an economic threat call the roll. port for separatists in Ukraine and its that a destabilized Europe poses to our Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I ask illegal seizure of Crimea after Ukraine Nation’s well-being. The EU—distinct unanimous consent that the order for democratically chose a President who from NATO but certainly a beneficiary the quorum call be rescinded. sought closer ties with the West. of the security provided—is America’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Supporting and admitting that they largest trading partner. objection, it is so ordered. share intelligence with the Taliban un- Questioning why we should come to NATO dermines the democratic government the defense of the smallest NATO mem- Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, thank in Afghanistan and undermines our Na- ber damages the alliance, and it hurts you. tion’s military as we continue to fight our alliances elsewhere. If we won’t Last week at the NATO summit in the Taliban alongside the Afghan Na- honor a treaty in Europe, friends might Brussels, the leaders of all 29 member tional Security Forces. wonder why we would honor a treaty in states, including the United States In each circumstance of those con- Asia. Predators can take advantage of with President Trump, signed a dec- versations, Russian officials, including our perceived indifference. That is, in laration reaffirming the purpose of the Foreign Minister Lavrov, continued to part, what led to the Korean war. alliance—collective defense and the im- obfuscate or outright deny any respon- The United States contributes 22 per- portance of article 5, which regards sibility. However, those meetings left cent of NATO’s total budget. In addi- being attacked against one ally as an me unconvinced that Russia is pre- tion to our NATO contributions, the attack against all others. pared to change its behavior. United States continues to increase de- There may be a growing sense here in In subsequent talks in Norway, a fense spending on our military pres- the United States that NATO is no NATO member, and Finland, a NATO ence supporting our partners, with longer useful to our interests and that partner, the concerns relayed to me by more than $6 billion in fiscal year 2019 it is a burden that is not worth the these European leaders underscore the appropriated for the European Deter- cost. fear our European friends have about rence Initiative and another $792 mil- I recently traveled to Moscow, Oslo, Russian activities. During our meet- lion invested in military construction and Helsinki with members of the Sen- ings, my colleagues and I reassured across the continent. ate Appropriations Committee, many them of America’s commitment to our President Trump is absolutely right of us on the Subcommittee on Defense. joint security, and that commitment to urge fellow allies to increase their We had meetings with U.S. Embassy of- from the entire U.S. Government must defense spending, and I echoed that ficials, our Ambassadors, and foreign not waver. message on our trip to Norway when government officials—people within The first Supreme Allied Commander we visited with those allies in Oslo. To the ministries of foreign affairs, min- in Europe overseeing all NATO mili- the credit of our allies, they have in- istries of defense, and with legislative tary operations was Kansas’s own creased spending by more than $40 bil- leaders in that region. Dwight D. Eisenhower. As President in lion in the past year.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.051 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5059 Fighting alongside us in Afghanistan, to participate: BARRASSO, RUBIO, GARD- Tables 2–6 remain unchanged from where they continue to serve beside us NER, ERNST, ROUNDS, MERKLEY, COONS, my last filing. today, unfortunately, more than 1,000 KING, BOOKER and VAN HOLLEN. In addition to the tables provided by Europeans have died. f Budget Committee Republican staff, I NATO is strong, and it is getting BUDGET SCOREKEEPING REPORT am submitting CBO tables, which I will stronger. I believe the strength of use to enforce budget totals approved Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I rise to NATO relies on remaining unified. by Congress. Words matter, and what Americans say submit to the Senate the budget scorekeeping report for July 2018. The Because legislation can still be en- can bolster or shake confidence in the acted that would have an effect on fis- United States. report compares current-law levels of spending and revenues with the cal year 2018, CBO has provided a re- I will conclude on this personal note. port both for fiscal year 2018 and fiscal I thought of the force for good our amounts the Senate agreed to in the budget resolution for fiscal year 2018, year 2019. This information is used to country has provided the world as I enforce aggregate spending and rev- stood in our Embassy in Moscow on H. Con. Res. 71, and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA18). This infor- enue levels in the budget resolution July 4th, our Independence Day, watch- under section 311 of the CBA. CBO’s es- ing the Marine Corps Honor Guard’s mation is necessary for the Senate Budget Committee to determine timates show that current-law levels of presentation of the colors as our na- whether budgetary points of order lie spending for fiscal year 2018 exceed the tional anthem was sung. It is difficult against pending legislation. The Re- amounts in H. Con. Res. 71 by $157.4 bil- for me to sing the national anthem publican staff of the Senate Budget lion in budget authority and $106.3 bil- without choking up wherever I am, but Committee and the Congressional lion in outlays. Revenues are $3.2 bil- it was especially difficult that day as I Budget Office, CBO, prepared this re- lion above the revenue floor for fiscal reflected upon the course of events in port pursuant to section 308(b) of the year 2018 set by the budget resolution. my life—when kids practiced getting Congressional Budget Act (CBA). Social Security outlays are at the lev- under their desks for missile drills, to This is the fifth scorekeeping report els assumed by the resolution, while the fall of the Berlin Wall, to the after- this year and the second since I filed Social Security revenues are $446 mil- math of 9/11, to a father who served in new enforceable levels on May 7, pursu- lion below the levels in the budget. World War II. I honor him and all those ant to BBA18 requirements. My last fil- For fiscal year 2019, CBO estimates who served. ing can be found in the CONGRESSIONAL Over the past 70 years, it is America that current-law levels are below the RECORD for June 6, 2018. The informa- fiscal year 2019 enforceable aggregates that has safeguarded freedom for our tion included in this report is current people and for those who live elsewhere by $1,142.2 billion in budget authority through July 16, 2018. and $646.1 billion in outlays. The allow- in the world. Along the way, our vision Republican Budget Committee staff able spending room will be reduced as of a freer, more prosperous world at- prepared Tables 1–6. tracted allies who shared our dream. Table 1 gives the amount by which appropriations bills are enacted. Reve- Our foremost responsibility is to pro- each Senate authorizing committee ex- nues are $5 million below the level as- tect Americans all the time and to pro- ceeds or is below its allocation for sumed for fiscal year 2019. Finally, So- mote our values around the world. We budget authority and outlays under the cial Security outlays and revenues are can do this better. We can do this with most recently adopted budget resolu- at the levels assumed in the fiscal year our allies. With them, we will have a tion and the fiscal year 2019 enforce- 2019 enforcement filing. better future. able levels filing. This information is CBO’s report also provides informa- I suggest the absence of a quorum. used for enforcing committee alloca- tion needed to enforce the Senate pay- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions pursuant to section 302 of the as-you-go, PAYGO, rule. After account- clerk will call the roll. CBA. For this reporting period, 10 of ing for enacted legislation during this The bill clerk proceeded to call the the 16 authorizing committees are in reporting period, the PAYGO scorecard roll. compliance with their allocations. shows deficit increases in fiscal year Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask During this reporting period, Con- 2019 of $25 million—$5 million revenue unanimous consent that the order for gress cleared two pieces of legislation loss, $20 million outlay increase—over the quorum call be rescinded. with significant budgetary effects the fiscal year 2019–2023 period of $332 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without scored to authorizing committees. The million—$47 million revenue loss, $285 objection, it is so ordered. first bill was H.R. 770, the American In- million outlay increase—and over the novation $1 Coin Act. This measure re- f fiscal year 2019–2028 period of $487 mil- quires the Secretary of the Treasury to lion—$108 million revenue loss, $379 LEGISLATIVE SESSION mint, beginning in 2019, new $1 coins million outlay increase. The Senate’s ‘‘in recognition of American innova- PAYGO rule is enforced by section 4106 tion and significant innovation and of H. Con. Res. 71. MORNING BUSINESS pioneering efforts of individuals or Included in this submission is a table Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask groups from each of the 50 States, the tracking the Senate’s budget enforce- unanimous consent that the Senate District of Columbia, and the United ment activity on the floor since the proceed to legislative session for a pe- States territories.’’ CBO estimates that May 7 enforcement filing. On June 18, riod of morning business, with Sen- H.R. 770 would increase direct spending 2018, Senator BERNARD SANDERS raised ators permitted to speak therein for up in the near term by $3 million but a Senate PAYGO point of order against to 10 minutes each. would be deficit-neutral over the entire H.R. 5515, the John S. McCain National The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without budget window. This bill was charged Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal objection, it is so ordered. to the Banking, Housing, and Urban Year 2019. That point of order was f Affairs Committee. The second bill was waived by a vote of 81–14. H.R. 5515 has H.R. 5956, the Northern Mariana Is- MEMBERS OF THE SENATE NATO yet to be enacted and is currently in lands U.S. Workforce Act of 2018. This conference. OBSERVER GROUP bill modifies U.S. immigration policy All years in the accompanying tables Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in regarding the Northern Mariana Is- April, the Democratic leader and I an- lands, thereby reducing the number of are fiscal years. nounced the reestablishment of the people able to claim asylum and re- I ask unanimous consent that the ac- Senate NATO Observer Group. Sen- ceive means-tested benefits. CBO esti- companying tables be printed in the ators TILLIS and SHAHEEN, both Mem- mates that this bill would save $3 mil- RECORD. bers of the Senate Armed Services lion over the budget window. H.R. 5956 There being no objection, the mate- Committee, were named cochairs. We was charged to the Energy and Natural rial was ordered to be printed in the have asked for the following Senators Resources Committee. RECORD, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.053 S18JYPT1 S5060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 TABLE 1.—SENATE AUTHORIZING COMMITTEES—ENACTED DIRECT SPENDING ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (¥) BUDGET RESOLUTIONS [In millions of dollars]

2018 2019 2019–2023 2019–2028

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Budget Authority ...... 47 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 47 0 0 0 Armed Services Budget Authority ...... ¥33 0 0 0 Outlays ...... ¥24 0 0 0 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Budget Authority ...... 0 21 285 382 Outlays ...... 0 20 285 382 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Energy and Natural Resources Budget Authority ...... 220 0 0 ¥3 Outlays ...... 198 0 0 ¥3 Environment and Public Works Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Finance Budget Authority ...... 21,971 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 5,211 0 0 0 Foreign Relations Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Judiciary Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Budget Authority ...... 705 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 205 0 0 0 Rules and Administration Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Intelligence Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Veterans’ Affairs Budget Authority ...... 7,300 0 0 ¥729 Outlays ...... 1,850 4,400 4,400 3,671 Indian Affairs Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Small Business Budget Authority ...... 0 0 0 0 Outlays ...... 0 0 0 0 Total Budget Authority ...... 30,210 21 285 ¥350 Outlays ...... 7,487 4,420 4,685 4,050



Security 2 Nonsecurity 2

Statutory Discretionary Limits ...... 629,000 579,000 Amount Provided by Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies ...... 0 23,259 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies ...... 5,400 54,200 Defense ...... 589,320 132 Energy and Water Development ...... 21,800 21,400 Financial Services and General Government ...... 31 23,392 Homeland Security ...... 2,058 45,665 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies ...... 0 35,252 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies ...... 0 177,100 Legislative Branch ...... 0 4,700 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies ...... 10,091 81,900 State Foreign Operations, and Related Programs ...... 0 42,000 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies ...... 300 70,000 Current Level Total ...... 629,000 579,000 Total Enacted Above (+) or Below (¥) Statutory Limits ...... 0 0 1 This table excludes spending pursuant to adjustments to the discretionary spending limits. These adjustments are allowed for certain purposes in section 251(b)(2) of BBEDCA. 2 Security spending is defined as spending in the National Defense budget function (050) and nonsecurity spending is defined as all other spending. TABLE 3.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE— TABLE 3.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE—EN- TABLE 3.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE—EN- ENACTED REGULAR DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS 1 ACTED REGULAR DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS 1— ACTED REGULAR DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS 1— [Budget authority, in millions of dollars] Continued Continued [Budget authority, in millions of dollars] [Budget authority, in millions of dollars] 2019

Security 2 Nonsecurity 2 2019 2019

2 2 2 2 Statutory Discretionary Limits ...... 647,000 597,000 Security Nonsecurity Security Nonsecurity Amount Provided by Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Legislative Branch ...... 0 1 Total Enacted Above (+) or Below Agriculture, Rural Development, and Military Construction and Veterans Af- (¥) Statutory Limits ...... ¥646,956 ¥500,788 Related Agencies ...... 0 9 fairs, and Related Agencies ...... 0 67,109 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Re- State Foreign Operations, and Related 1 This table excludes spending pursuant to adjustments to the discre- lated Agencies ...... 0 0 Programs ...... 0 0 tionary spending limits. These adjustments are allowed for certain purposes Defense ...... 44 0 Transportation and Housing and Urban in section 251(b)(2) of BBEDCA. Energy and Water Development ...... 0 0 Development, and Related Agencies 0 4,400 2 Security spending is defined as spending in the National Defense budg- Financial Services and General Govern- et function (050) and nonsecurity spending is defined as all other spending. ment ...... 0 0 Current Level Total ...... 44 96,212 Homeland Security ...... 0 9 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies ...... 0 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies ..... 0 24,684


2018 2019 2018

CHIMPS Limit for Fiscal Year 2018 ...... 17,000 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Current Level Total ...... 10,228 Agencies ...... 0 Total CVF CHIMP Above (+) or Below (¥) Budget Reso- Senate Appropriations Subcommittees Legislative Branch ...... 0 lution ...... ¥996 Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies ...... 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agen- Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies ...... 10,228 cies ...... 0 Defense ...... 0 State Foreign Operations, and Related Programs ...... 0 Energy and Water Development ...... 0 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Re- U.S. CONGRESS, Financial Services and General Government ...... 0 lated Agencies ...... 0 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, Homeland Security ...... 0 Washington, DC, July 18, 2018. Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies ...... 0 Current Level Total ...... 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Total CHIMPS Above (+) or Below (¥) Budget Resolu- Hon. MIKE ENZI, Agencies ...... 6,772 tion ...... ¥15,000 Chairman, Committee on the Budget, Legislative Branch ...... 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agen- U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. cies ...... 0 DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The enclosed report State Foreign Operations, and Related Programs ...... 0 TABLE 6.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE—EN- Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Re- ACTED CHANGES IN MANDATORY SPENDING PROGRAM shows the effects of Congressional action on lated Agencies ...... 0 the fiscal year 2018 budget and is current (CHIMP) TO THE CRIME VICTIMS FUND through July 16, 2018. This report is sub- Current Level Total ...... 17,000 [Budget authority, millions of dollars] Total CHIMPS Above (+) or Below (¥) Budget Resolu- mitted under section 308(b) and in aid of sec- tion ...... 0 tion 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, as 2018 amended. TABLE 5.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE—EN- Crime Victims Fund (CVF) CHIMP Limit for Fiscal Year 2018 11,224 The estimates of budget authority, out- ACTED CHANGES IN MANDATORY SPENDING PROGRAMS Senate Appropriations Subcommittees lays, and revenues are consistent with the (CHIMPS) Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies ...... 0 technical and economic assumptions of H. Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies ...... 10,228 Con. Res. 71, the Concurrent Resolution on [Budget authority, millions of dollars] Defense ...... 0 Energy and Water Development ...... 0 the Budget for Fiscal Year 2018. 2019 Financial Services and General Government ...... 0 Since our last letter dated June 6, 2018, the Homeland Security ...... 0 Congress has not cleared any legislation for CHIMPS Limit for Fiscal Year 2019 ...... 15,000 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies ...... 0 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related the President’s signature that affects budget Senate Appropriations Subcommittees Agencies ...... 0 authority, outlays, or revenues in fiscal year Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies ...... 0 Legislative Branch ...... 0 2018. Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies ...... 0 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agen- Defense ...... 0 cies ...... 0 Sincerely, Energy and Water Development ...... 0 State Foreign Operations, and Related Programs ...... 0 MARK P. HADLEY Financial Services and General Government ...... 0 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Re- (For Keith Hall, Director). Homeland Security ...... 0 lated Agencies ...... 0 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies ...... 0 Enclosure. TABLE 1.—SENATE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR SPENDING AND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018, AS OF JULY 16, 2018 [In billions of dollars]

Current Level Budget Current Over/Under (¥) Resolution Level Resolution

On-Budget Budget Authority ...... 3,399.8 3,557.2 157.4 Outlays ...... 3,221.3 3,327.6 106.3 Revenues ...... 2,497.1 2,500.3 3.2 Off-Budget Social Security Outlays a ...... 849.6 849.6 0.0 Social Security Revenues ...... 873.3 872.9 ¥0.4 Source: Congressional Budget Office. a Excludes administrative expenses paid from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund of the Social Security Administration, which are off-budget, but are appropriated an- nually.


Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Previously Enacted ab Revenues ...... n.a. n.a. 2,658,139 Permanents and other spending legislation ...... 2,105,225 2,003,386 n.a. Appropriation legislation ...... 0 513,307 n.a. Offsetting receipts ...... ¥866,685 ¥866,685 n.a. Total, Previously Enacted ...... 1,238,540 1,650,008 2,658,139 Enacted Legislation Authorizing Legislation National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (P.L. 115–91) ...... ¥33 ¥24 0 CHIP and Public Health Funding Extension Act (P.L. 115–96, Division C) ...... 705 205 0 An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 . . . and for other purposes (P.L. 115–96, Division D) ...... 2,100 1,050 0 An act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018 (P.L. 115–97) ...... ¥8,600 ¥8,600 ¥143,800 An act making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes (P.L. 115–120, Divisions C and D) ...... 14,509 1,203 ¥1,263 Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Divisions A and C–G) bcd...... 7,504 4,050 ¥12,424 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, Divisions M–V (P.L. 115–141) e ...... 225 203 ¥348 VA MISSION Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–182) ...... 5,200 800 0 Total, Authorizing Legislation ...... 21,610 ¥1,113 ¥157,835 Appropriation Legislation Department of Defense Missile Defeat and Defense Enhancements Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–96, Division B) ...... 4,686 803 0 Further Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2018 (P.L. 115–123, Division B, Subdivision I) ...... 84,436 11,185 0 Further Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018, (P.L. 115–123, Division B, Subdivision 3) ...... ¥315 ¥315 0 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, Divisions A–L (P.L. 115–141 ) efg ...... 2,259,985 1,663,110 0 Total, Appropriation Legislation ...... 2,348,792 1,674,783 0 Total, Enacted Legislation ...... 2,370,402 1,673,670 ¥157,835 Entitlements and Mandatories Budget resolution estimates of appropriated entitlements and other mandatory programs ...... ¥51,440 4,205 0 Total Current Level bh...... 3,557,239 3,327,620 2,500,304 Total Senate Resolution i ...... 3,399,841 3,221,349 2,497,139 Current Level Over Senate Resolution ...... 157,398 106,271 3,165 Current Level Under Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Source: Congressional Budget Office.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.040 S18JYPT1 S5062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 Notes: n.a. = not applicable; P.L. = Public Law. a Includes the budgetary effects of the following acts that affect budget authority, outlays, or revenues and were cleared by the Congress during the 1st session of the 115th Congress, but before the adoption of H. Con Res. 71, the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018: the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–46); the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–48); a joint resolution compact relat- ing to the establishment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (P.L. 115–54); the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 and Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017 (P.L. 115–56); the Emergency Aid to American Survivors of Hurricanes Irma and Jose Overseas Act (P.L. 115–57); the Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–62); the Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–63); the Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria Education Relief Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–64); and the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017 (P.L. 115–72). b Emergency funding that was not designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2) (A) of the Deficit Control Act does not count for certain budgetary enforcement purposes. These amounts, which are not included in the current level totals, are as follows: Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017 (P.L. 115–63) ...... 263 263 0 Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–123) ...... 2,217 1,469 ¥509 Total ...... 2,480 1,732 ¥509

c The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–123) contains seven divisions: Division A, Subdivision 2 of Division B, and Divisions C–F contain authorizing legislation, of which the budgetary effects of Subdivision 2 of Division B were designated as being for emergency requirements. Subdivisions 1 and 3 of Division B contain appropriation legislation: Subdivision 1 provided supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for disaster relief and designated those amounts as being for emergency requirements, and section 158 of Subdivision 3 provided authority for the duration of fiscal year 2018, for the Secretary of Energy to draw down and sell crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Di- vision G of P.L. 115–123 provided for the budgetary treatment of Divisions A–F. d Pursuant to section 232(b) of H. C. Res. 290 (106th Congress), the Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2001, the budgetary effects related to the Federal Reserve’s surplus funds are excluded. As a result, the amounts shown do not include estimated increases in revenues of $2,450 million in fiscal year 2018, $2,180 million over the 2018–2022 period, and $1,750 million over the 2018–2027 period. e Sections 540–543 of the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2017 (Division F of P.L. 115–31), extended several immigration programs through the end of fiscal year 2017. Several continuing resolutions continued those authorities through March 23, 2018, and sections 202–205 of title II of Division M of P.L. 115–141 further extended those programs through 2018. CBO estimates that extending those authorities for the entirety of fiscal year 2018 will increase on-budget direct spending by $5 million in fiscal year 2018, $27 million over the 2018–2022 period, and $53 million over the 2018–2027 period. In addition, CBO estimates that extending those authorities will decrease off- budget direct spending by $1 million over the 2018–2022 period and by $7 million over the 2022–2027 period. Further, CBO estimates that continuing those authorities will increase revenues by $2 million over the 2018–2022 period and by $7 million over the 2018–2027 period. Consistent with the budgetary treatment of Divisions K–V of P.L. 115–141, the budgetary effects of extending the immigration programs through March 23, 2018, are charged to the Appropriations Committee; the effects of extending the programs for the remainder of fiscal year 2018 are charged to the relevant authorizing committees. f Pursuant to sections 1001–1004 of the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114–255), certain funding provided to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)—in particular the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2017 through 2026 shall not count for the purposes of complying with provisions of the Deficit Control Act or the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. As a result, the amounts shown do not include $1,056 million in budget authority or $770 million in associated outlays in fiscal year 2018, specifically, $60 million in budget authority and $22 million in outlays for the FDA; and $996 million in budget authority and $748 million in outlays for HHS, which includes $500 million in budget authority for state responses to the opioid abuse crisis and $496 million for NIH. g Section 255 of the Departments of Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018 (Division H of P.L. 115–141), delayed implementation of the recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force with respect to breast cancer screening, mammography, and prevention. CBO estimates that the delay will increase direct spending (budget authority and outlays) by $14 million in fiscal year 2019 and by $6 million in fiscal year 2020. In addition, CBO estimates that section 225 will decrease revenues by $23 million in fiscal year 2019 (of which $6 million will be off-budget) and will decrease revenues by $9 million in fiscal year 2020 (of which $2 million will be off-budget). h For purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act in the Senate, the resolution, as approved by the Senate, does not include budget authority, outlays, or revenues for off-budget amounts. As a result, current level does not include these items. i Periodically, the Senate Committee on the Budget revises the budgetary levels in H. Con. Res. 71, pursuant to various provisions of the resolution. The total for the Initial Senate Resolution shown below excludes $47,660 million in budget authority, $22,467 million in outlays, and $150,003 million in revenues assumed in H. Con. Res. 71 for discretionary spending not constrained by the budgetary caps established by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (P.L. 112–25) and subsequently amended, including spending that qualifies for adjustments pursuant to section 4205 of H. Con. Res. 71. Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Initial Senate Resolution ...... 3,089,061 3,109,221 2,640,939 Revisions: Pursuant to section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and section 3003 of H. Con. Res. 71 ...... ¥8,600 ¥8,600 ¥143,800 Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 4,686 803 0 Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 84,436 11,185 0 Pursuant to section 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and section 4108 of H. Con. Res. 71 ...... 230,553 108,997 0 Pursuant to sections 311 and 3I4(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... ¥295 ¥257 0 Revised Senate Resolution ...... 3,399,841 3,221,349 2,497,139

U.S. CONGRESS, mitted under section 308(b) and in aid of sec- Since our last letter dated June 6, 2018, the CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, tion 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, as Congress has cleared the American Innova- Washington, DC, July 18, 2018. amended. tion $1 Coin Act (H.R. 770), which awaits the Hon. MIKE ENZI, The estimates of budget authority, out- President’s signature. That act has signifi- Chairman, Committee on the Budget, U.S. Sen- lays, and revenues are consistent with the cant effects on budget authority and outlays ate, Washington, DC. allocations, aggregates, and other budgetary in fiscal year 2019. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The enclosed report levels printed in the Congressional Record on Sincerely, shows the effects of Congressional action on May 7, 2018, pursuant to section 30103 of the MARK P. HADLEY the fiscal year 2019 budget and is current Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law (For Keith Hall, Director). through July 16, 2018. This report is sub- 115–123). Enclosure. TABLE 1.—SENATE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR SPENDING AND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, AS OF JULY 16, 2018 [In billions of dollars]

Current Leven Budget Current Over/Under (¥) Resolution Level Resolution

On-Budget Budget Authority ...... 3,547.1 2,404.9 ¥1,142.2 Outlays ...... 3,508.1 2,861.9 ¥646.1 Revenues ...... 2,590.5 2,590.5 0.0 Off-Budget Social Security Outlays a ...... 908.8 908.8 0.0 Social Security Revenues ...... 899.2 899.2 0.0 Source: Congressional Budget Office. a Excludes administrative expenses paid from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund of the Social Security Administration, which are off-budget, but are appropriated an- nually.


Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Previously Enacted Revenues ...... n.a. n.a. 2,590,496 Permanents and other spending legislation ...... 2,337,789 2,232,677 n.a. Appropriation legislation ...... 0 573,950 n.a. Offsetting receipts ...... ¥890,012 ¥890,015 n.a. Total, Previously Enacted ...... 1,447,777 1,916,612 2,590,496 Enacted Legislation 18 17 ¥5 Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protections Act (P.L. 115–174) a ...... 18 17 ¥5 VA MISSION Act of 2018 (P.L. 115–182) ...... 0 4,400 0 Total, Enacted Legislation ...... 18 4,417 ¥5 Legislation Cleared Congress and Pending Signature American Innovation $1 Coin Act (H.R. 770) ...... 3 3 0 Entitlements and Mandatories Budget resolution estimates of appropriated entitlements and other mandatory programs ...... 957,064 940,899 0 Total Current Level b ...... 2,404,862 2,861,931 2,590,491

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.044 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5063 TABLE 2.—SUPPORTING DETAIL FOR THE SENATE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR ON-BUDGET SPENDING AND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, AS OF JULY 16, 2018—Continued [In millions of dollars]

Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Total Senate Resolution ...... 3,547,094 3,508,052 2,590,496 Current Level Over Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Current Level Under Senate Resolution ...... 1,142,232 646,121 5 Memorandum Revenues, 2019–2028 Senate Current Level ...... n.a. n.a. 33,273,105 Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 33,273,213 Current Level Over Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Current Level Under Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 108 Source: Congressional Budget Office. Notes: n.a. = not applicable; P.L. = Public Law. a Pursuant to section 232(b) of H.C. Res. 290 (106th Congress), the Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2001, the budgetary effects related to the Federal Reserve’s surplus funds are excluded. As a result, the amounts shown do not include estimated increases in revenues of $655 million in fiscal year 2019, $570 million over the 2019–2023 period, and $454 million over the 2019–2028 period. b For purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act in the Senate, the resolution, as approved by the Senate, does not include budget authority, outlays, or revenues for off-budget amounts. As a result, current level does not include these items.


2018 2019 2018–2023 2018–2028

Beginning Balance a ...... 0 0 0 0 Enacted Legislation: b, c A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ‘‘Incident Auto Lending and Compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act’’...... * * * * (S.J. Res. 57, P.L. 115–172). Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protections Act (S. 2155, P.L. 115–174) d ...... * 22 329 490 Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina Right to Try Act of 2017 (S. 204, P.L. 115–176) ...... * * * * An Act to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish assistance for adaptations of residences of veterans in rehabilitation programs under chapter 31 of such title, and for other purposes (H.R. 3562, P.L. 115–177) ...... * * * * VA MISSION Act of 2018 (S. 2372, P.L. 115–182) e ...... * * * * Whistleblower Protection Coordination Act (S. 1869, P.L. 115–192) ...... * * * * All Circuit Review Act (H.R. 2229, P.L. 115–195) ...... * * * * American Innovation $1 Coin Act (H.R. 770) ...... 0 3 3 0 Small Business 7(a) Lending Oversight Reform Act of 2018 (H.R. 4743, P.L. 115–189) ...... * * * * Northern Mariana Islands U.S. Workforce Act of 2018 (H.R. 5956) ...... 0 0 0 ¥3 Current Balance ...... * 25 332 487 Changes to Revenues ...... * ¥5 ¥47 ¥108 Changes to Outlays ...... * 20 285 379 Source: Congressional Budget Office. Notes: P.L. = Public Law, * = between ¥$500,000 and $500,000. a On May 7, 2018, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget reset the Senate’s Pay-As-You-Go Scorecard to zero for all fiscal years. b The amounts shown represent the estimated effect of the public laws on the deficit. c Excludes off-budget amounts. d Pursuant to section 232(b) of H.C. Res. 290 (106th Congress), the Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2001, the budgetary effects related to the Federal Reserve’s surplus funds are excluded. As a result, the amounts shown do not include estimated increases in revenues of $655 million in fiscal year 2019, $570 million over the 2019–2023 period, and $454 million over the 2019–2028 period. e The budgetary effects of this Act are excluded from the Senate’s PAYGO scorecard, pursuant to section 512 of the Act.


Vote Date Measure Violation Motion to Waive Result

127 June 18, 2018 ...... H.R. 5515—John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act 4106(a)-Senate-Pay-As-You-Go Violation 1 ...... Sen. McConnell (R-KY) 2 ...... 81–14, waived for Fiscal Year 2019. 1 Senator Sanders raised a section 4106(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress) point of order against the bill because the bill would increase the on-budget deficit. 2 By unanimous consent the Senate proceeded to a roll call vote to waive the point of order.

IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS and illegal immigration that threaten more than 50,000 assaults, 2,000 ENFORCEMENT our communities. The criminal traf- kidnappings, and 1,800 homicides. Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I rise ficking of persons and goods across our However, in 2017, assaults on law en- today because, like many Americans, I borders is among the greatest threats forcement officers also rose dramati- am deeply troubled by the Democrats’ to public safety in this country. When cally. This wasn’t limited to police of- reckless calls to abolish ICE, the Immi- ICE agents take to the streets, they ficers; assaults on ICE agents nearly gration and Customs Enforcement are looking to protect our most vulner- tripled last year. Now, I am shocked to agency. That is why I am introducing a able from being exploited by cartels hear that some of my colleagues are resolution to condemn calls for the and international gangs like MS–13. calling for this important Federal abolishment of ICE and express support This violent gang has taken hold in at agency to be abolished. In fact, I for all officers and personnel who carry least 42 States, including Louisiana. learned today that some Democrats in out ICE’s important mission of pro- the House of Representatives plan to Just last year, ICE agents removed a tecting American borders. With the introduce legislation that would abol- ever present threat of international million pounds of narcotics and more ish ICE and expose its agents to the terrorism in the post–9/11 era, abol- than 4,800 gang members from the scrutiny of international courts. This ishing ICE is unthinkable. As our coun- streets of this country. They arrested open contempt for ICE is astonishing, try battles threats from abroad, a his- nearly 800 members of the notoriously and it belittles the courage of those toric opioid crisis, and increasing rates violent MS–13 gangs, like Juan Blanco, who work for this Agency and engage of violence against law enforcement of- who was arrested after assaulting in the legitimate defense of our bor- ficers, we must show our support for someone with a machete in Baton ders. the mission of ICE. That is what this Rouge. Those numbers are just a small The Immigration and Customs En- resolution does: It says that we see all fraction of the nearly 127,000 arrests forcement Agency performs vital func- of you at ICE and your commitment made by ICE agents against people who tions that are necessary to any govern- and that the Senate supports you. came here and committed violent ment, like securing its borders. Last ICE’s mission is simple: to protect crimes against law-abiding Americans. year, agents worked tirelessly around Americans from the cross-border crime Those criminals were responsible for the clock to rescue 1,422 victims of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:08 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.045 S18JYPT1 S5064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 human trafficking. More than 900 of The message further announced the and continuation of agricultural and those victims were children. Abol- House has passed the following bills, in other programs of the Department of ishing ICE would mean that these peo- which it requests the concurrence of Agriculture through fiscal year 2023, ple, these precious lives, would still be the Senate: and for other purposes, and asks a con- in grave peril. If we were to heed these H.R. 3030. An act to help prevent acts of ference with the Senate on the dis- extremist calls to abolish ICE, thou- genocide and other atrocity crimes, which agreeing votes of the two Houses there- sands of pounds of heroin, cocaine, and threaten national and international secu- on, and that the following Members be fentanyl would be in our schools and on rity, by enhancing United States Govern- the managers of the conference on the the streets of our neighborhoods. We ment capacities to prevent, mitigate, and re- part of the House: cannot ignore the role that ICE agents spond to such crises. H.R. 3777. An act to direct the Secretary of From the Committee on Agriculture, for play in combatting terrorism, sex traf- Agriculture to convey certain National For- consideration of the House bill and the Sen- ficking, child pornography, gang activ- est System land containing the Nephi Work ate amendment, and modifications com- ity, labor exploitation, and the opioid Center in Juab County, Utah, to Juab Coun- mitted to conference: Messrs. CONAWAY, crisis. ty. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, GOODLATTE, LUCAS, ROGERS of Alabama, AUSTIN SCOTT of I want to make sure that our agents H.R. 4032. An act to confirm undocumented Georgia, CRAWFORD, Mrs. HARTZLER, Messrs. understand that the American people Federal rights-of-way or easements on the Gila River Indian Reservation, clarify the RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, YOHO, ROUZER, have their back. My resolution will MARSHALL, ARRINGTON, PETERSON, DAVID honor the mission of the Immigration northern boundary of the Gila River Indian Community’s Reservation, to take certain SCOTT of Georgia, COSTA, WALZ, Ms. FUDGE, and Customs Enforcement Agency and land located in Maricopa County and Pinal Messrs. MCGOVERN, VELA, Mses. MICHELLE commend the bravery of these men and County, Arizona, into trust for the benefit of LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico, KUSTER of women who put their lives on the line the Gila River Indian Community, and for New Hampshire, and Mr. O’HALLERAN. From the Committee on Education and the every day to dismantle violent and other purposes. Workforce, for consideration of sections 4204, H.R. 4645. An act to amend the Wild and dangerous gangs. I thank all my Re- 4205, and 9131 of the House bill, and modifica- Scenic Rivers Act to designate certain seg- publican colleagues who are joining tions committed to conference: Ms. FOXX, ments of East Rosebud Creek in Carbon with me on this crucial piece of legisla- Mr. ALLEN, and Ms. ADAMS. County, Montana, as components of the Wild From the Committee on Energy and Com- tion. and Scenic Rivers System. merce, for consideration of subtitles A and B Although much of their work is H.R. 4819. An act to promote inclusive eco- of title VI, sections 6202, 6203, 6401, 6406, 6407, thankless and goes sight unseen, I am nomic growth through conservation and bio- 6409, 6603, 7301, 7605, 8106, 8507, 9119, 9121, and grateful to the thousands of ICE agents diversity programs that facilitate trans- 11101 of the House bill, and sections 6116, boundary cooperation, improve natural re- who work around the clocks to keep 6117, 6202, 6206–09, 6301, 6303, 7412, 9102, 9104, source management, and build local capacity our streets safe. Without them and 9106, 9111–13, 12408, 12627, and 12628 of the Sen- to protect and preserve threatened wildlife their tireless service, I can only imag- ate amendment, and modifications com- species in the greater Okavango River Basin ine what our headlines would look like, mitted to conference: Messrs. SHIMKUS, of southern Africa. and I am ashamed of my colleagues on CRAMER, and TONKO. H.R. 4989. An act to require the Depart- From the Committee on Financial Serv- the radical left who are calling for the ment of State to establish a policy regarding elimination of this vital agency. I ices, for consideration of section 12609 of the the use of location-tracking consumer de- Senate amendment, and modifications com- know I speak for more than just myself vices by employees at diplomatic and con- mitted to conference: Messrs. HENSARLING, sular facilities, and for other purposes. when I say, simply, don’t abolish ICE. DUFFY, and Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- f H.R. 5105. An act to establish the United fornia. States International Development Finance From the Committee on Foreign Affairs, MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Corporation, and for other purposes. for consideration of title III of the House Messages from the President of the H.R. 5480. An act to improve programs and bill, and modifications committed to con- activities relating to women’s entrepreneur- ference: Messrs. ROYCE of California, CHABOT, United States were communicated to ship and economic empowerment that are the Senate by Ms. Cuccia, one of his and ENGEL. carried out by the United States Agency for From the Committee on Natural Re- secretaries. International Development, and for other sources, for consideration of sections 2802, f purposes. 6408, 8104, 8107, 8109, subtitles B and C of title EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED VIII, 8402, 8502, 8503, 8506, 8507, 8509, 8510, 9111, At 12:40 p.m., a message from the 11614, and 11615 of the House bill, and section In executive session the Presiding Of- House of Representatives, delivered by 2425, subtitle D of title VIII, sections 8601, ficer laid before the Senate messages Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- 8611, 8621–28, 8631, 8632, 12515, 12601, and 12602 from the President of the United of the Senate amendment, and modifications nounced that the Speaker has signed committed to conference: Messrs. BISHOP of States submitting sundry nominations the following enrolled bills: which were referred to the appropriate Utah, WESTERMAN, and GRIJALVA. S. 490. An act to reinstate and extend the From the Committee on Oversight and committees. deadline for commencement of construction Government Reform, for consideration of (The messages received today are of a hydroelectric project involving the Gib- sections 1601, 4022, 4026, 8502, and 11609 of the printed at the end of the Senate pro- son Dam. House bill, and sections 3113, 7128, 8623, 8630, ceedings.) S. 931. An act to designate the facility of 8632, 12301, and 12407 of the Senate amend- f the United States Postal Service located at ment, and modifications committed to con- 4910 Brighton Boulevard in Denver, Colorado, ference: Messrs. WALKER, COMER, and Ms. MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE as the ‘‘George Sakato Post Office’’. PLASKETT. At 11:57 a.m., a message from the S. 2692. An act to designate the facility of From the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, for consideration of section House of Representatives, delivered by the United States Postal Service located at 4558 Broadway in New York, New York, as 7509 of the House bill, and section 7409 of the Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- the ‘‘Stanley Michels Post Office Building’’. Senate amendment, and modifications com- nounced that the House has passed the S. 2734. An act to designate the Federal mitted to conference: Messrs. ABRAHAM, following bill, with amendments, in building and United States courthouse lo- DUNN, and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of which it requests the concurrence of cated at 1300 Victoria Street in Laredo, Texas. the Senate: Texas, as the ‘‘George P. Kazen Federal From the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for consideration of sec- S. 488. An act to increase the threshold for Building and United States Courthouse’’. tions 2404, 6223, 6224, 6503, 9117, and 9118 of the disclosures required by the Securities and The enrolled bills were subsequently House bill, and sections 2415, 2416, 6124, 6304, Exchange Commission relating to compen- signed by the President pro tempore and 7412 of the Senate amendment, and satory benefit plans, and for other purposes. (Mr. HATCH). modifications committed to conference: The message also announced that the Messrs. DENHAM, GIBBS, and Mrs. BUSTOS. House has passed the following bill, At 5:40 p.m., a message from the f with an amendment, in which it re- House of Representatives, delivered by quests the concurrence of the Senate: Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- MEASURES REFERRED S. 717. An act to promote pro bono legal nounced that the House disagreed to The following bills were read the first services as a critical way in which to em- the amendment of the Senate to the and the second times by unanimous power survivors of domestic violence. bill (H.R. 2) to provide for the reform consent, and referred as indicated:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.034 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5065 H.R. 3777. An act to direct the Secretary of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–5977. A communication from the Direc- Agriculture to convey certain National For- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, est System land containing the Nephi Work Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Center in Juab County, Utah, to Juab Coun- Interstate Transport Requirements for the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ty; to the Committee on Energy and Natural 2012 Fine Particulate Matter Standard’’ titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Kentucky; 2008 Resources. (FRL No. 9980–68–Region 3) received during Ozone NAAQS Interstate Transport SIP Re- H.R. 4032. An act to confirm undocumented adjournment of the Senate in the Office of quirements’’ (FRL No. 9980–57–Region 4) re- Federal rights-of-way or easements on the the President of the Senate on July 13, 2018; ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Gila River Indian Reservation, clarify the to the Committee on Environment and Pub- the Office of the President of the Senate on northern boundary of the Gila River Indian lic Works. July 13, 2018; to the Committee on Environ- Community’s Reservation, to take certain EC–5970. A communication from the Direc- ment and Public Works. land located in Maricopa County and Pinal tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–5978. A communication from the In- County, Arizona, into trust for the benefit of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- spector General, Department of Health and the Gila River Indian Community, and for ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to other purposes; to the Committee on Indian titled ‘‘National Priorities List: Partial De- law, a report entitled ‘‘Setting Medicare Affairs. letion of the Beloit Corporation Superfund Payment Rates for Clinical Diagnostic Lab- H.R. 4819. An act to promote inclusive eco- Site’’ (FRL No. 9980–64–Region 5) received oratory Tests’’; to the Committee on Fi- nomic growth through conservation and bio- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- nance. diversity programs that facilitate trans- fice of the President of the Senate on July EC–5979. A communication from the In- boundary cooperation, improve natural re- 13, 2018; to the Committee on Environment spector General, Department of Health and source management, and build local capacity and Public Works. Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to EC–5971. A communication from the Direc- to protect and preserve threatened wildlife law, a report entitled ‘‘The MEDIC Produced tor of the Regulatory Management Division, species in the greater Okavango River Basin Some Positive Results but More Could be Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of southern Africa; to the Committee on For- Done to Enhance its Effectiveness’’; to the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- eign Relations. Committee on Finance. titled ‘‘National Oil and Hazardous Sub- H.R. 4989. An act to require the Depart- EC–5980. A communication from the Chair- stances Pollution Contingency Plan; Na- ment of State to establish a policy regarding man of the Council of the District of Colum- tional Priorities List: Partial Deletion of the the use of location-tracking consumer de- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant on D.C. Act 22–396, ‘‘Helicopter Landing Pad vices by employees at diplomatic and con- Superfund Site’’ (FRL No. 9980–71–Region 5) sular facilities, and for other purposes; to Amendment Act of 2018’’; to the Committee received during adjournment of the Senate on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Committee on Foreign Relations. in the Office of the President of the Senate H.R. 5480. An act to improve programs and fairs. on July 13, 2018; to the Committee on Envi- EC–5981. A communication from the Chair- activities relating to women’s entrepreneur- ronment and Public Works. ship and economic empowerment that are man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–5972. A communication from the Direc- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report carried out by the United States Agency for tor of the Regulatory Management Division, International Development, and for other on D.C. Act 22–398, ‘‘Student Fair Access to Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- School Amendment Act of 2018’’; to the Com- purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tions. mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air mental Affairs. f Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; EC–5982. A communication from the Direc- Emissions Statement Requirement for the tor, Office of Personnel Management, trans- MEASURES PLACED ON THE 2008 Ozone Standard’’ (FRL No. 9980–70–Re- CALENDAR mitting, pursuant to law, the Semiannual gion 3) received during adjournment of the Report of the Inspector General and the The following bills were read the first Senate in the Office of the President of the Management Response for the period from and second times by unanimous con- Senate on July 13, 2018; to the Committee on October 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018; to the Environment and Public Works. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- sent, and placed on the calendar: EC–5973. A communication from the Direc- ernmental Affairs. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, H.R. 3030. An act to help prevent acts of EC–5983. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- genocide and other atrocity crimes, which tor, Office of Personnel Management, trans- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- threaten national and international secu- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Michigan; Revi- rity, by enhancing United States Govern- entitled ‘‘Federal Employees Health Benefits sions to Part 9 Miscellaneous Rules’’ (FRL ment capacities to prevent, mitigate, and re- Program and Federal Employees Dental and No. 9980–94–Region 5) received during ad- spond to such crises. Vision Insurance Program: Expiration of journment of the Senate in the Office of the H.R. 5105. An act to establish the United Coverage of Children of Same-Sex Domestic President of the Senate on July 13, 2018; to States International Development Finance Partners; Federal Flexible Benefits Plan: Corporation, and for other purposes. the Committee on Environment and Public Works. Pre-Tax Payment of Health Benefits Pre- f EC–5974. A communication from the Direc- miums: Conforming Amendments’’ (RIN3206– EXECUTIVE AND OTHER tor of the Regulatory Management Division, AN34) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the COMMUNICATIONS Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Senate on July 13, 2018; to the Committee on The following communications were titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Minnesota; Flint Homeland Security and Governmental Af- laid before the Senate, together with Hills Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Revision’’ (FRL fairs. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- No. 9980–96–Region 5) received during ad- EC–5984. A communication from the Assist- ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative uments, and were referred as indicated: journment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 13, 2018; to Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- EC–5966. A communication from the Direc- the Committee on Environment and Public ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled tor, Office of Management and Budget, Exec- Works. ‘‘Debt Collection Recovery Activities of the utive Office of the President, transmitting, EC–5975. A communication from the Direc- Department of Justice for Civil Debts Re- pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Mid-Ses- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ferred for Collection Annual Report’’; to the sion Review of the Budget of the U.S. Gov- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Committee on the Judiciary. ernment for Fiscal Year 2019’’; to the Com- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–5985. A communication from the Dep- mittees on Appropriations; and the Budget. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Ohio NSR uty Assistant Administrator of the Office of EC–5967. A communication from the Sec- PM2.5 Precursors’’ (FRL No. 9980–92–Region Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Ad- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on 5) received during adjournment of the Senate ministration, Department of Justice, trans- the approved retirement of General Darren in the Office of the President of the Senate mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule W. McDrew, United States Air Force, and his on July 13, 2018; to the Committee on Envi- entitled ‘‘Schedules of Controlled Sub- advancement to the grade of general on the ronment and Public Works. stances: Temporary Placement of NM2201, retired list; to the Committee on Armed EC–5976. A communication from the Direc- 5F–AB–PINACA, 4–CN–CUMYL–BUTINACA, Services. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, MMB–CHMICA and 5F–CUMYL–P7AICA Into EC–5968. A communication from the Chair Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Schedule I’’ ((21 CFR Part 1308) (Docket No. of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- DEA–479)) received in the Office of the Presi- System, transmitting, pursuant to law, the titled ‘‘Air Approval Plan; Tennessee; Revi- dent of the Senate on July 16, 2018; to the Board’s semiannual Monetary Policy Report sions to Stage I and II Vapor Recovery Re- Committee on the Judiciary. to Congress; to the Committee on Banking, quirements’’ (FRL No. 9980–81–Region 4) re- EC–5986. A communication from the Assist- Housing, and Urban Affairs. ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ant Administrator of the Office of Diversion EC–5969. A communication from the Direc- the Office of the President of the Senate on Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, July 13, 2018; to the Committee on Environ- Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ment and Public Works. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.011 S18JYPT1 S5066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 ‘‘Controlled Substances Quotas’’ ((RIN1117– service-connection for certain veterans with S. Res. 580. A resolution recognizing and AB48) (Docket No. DEA–480)) received in the tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other pur- supporting public awareness of the impor- Office of the President of the Senate on July poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- tance of trademarks and the goals and ideals 16, 2018; to the Committee on the Judiciary. fairs. of the National Trademark Exposition of the EC–5987. A communication from the Execu- By Mr. WARNER (for himself, Mr. United States Patent and Trademark Office; tive Analyst (Political), Department of KAINE, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. HIRONO, and to the Committee on the Judiciary. Health and Human Services, transmitting, Mr. VAN HOLLEN): f pursuant to law, a report relative to a va- S. 3236. A bill to enhance the ability of cancy in the position of Commissioner of the Federal agencies to deliver relocation man- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Administration for Native Americans, De- agement services to the Federal Govern- S. 339 partment of Health and Human Services, re- ment, and for other purposes; to the Com- At the request of Mr. NELSON, the ceived during adjournment of the Senate in mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- the Office of the President of the Senate on mental Affairs. name of the Senator from North Da- July 13, 2018; to the Committee on Indian Af- By Mr. PERDUE (for himself and Mr. kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- fairs. ISAKSON): sponsor of S. 339, a bill to amend title EC–5988. A communication from the Direc- S. 3237. A bill to designate the facility of 10, United States Code, to repeal the tor of the Contract and Grant Policy Divi- the United States Postal Service located at requirement for reduction of survivor sion, Office of Procurement, National Aero- 120 12th Street Lobby in Columbus, Georgia, annuities under the Survivor Benefit nautics and Space Administration, transmit- as the ‘‘Richard W. Williams Chapter of the Plan by veterans’ dependency and in- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Triple Nickles (555th P.I.A.) Post Office’’; to titled ‘‘NASA Federal Acquisition Regula- the Committee on Homeland Security and demnity compensation, and for other tion Supplement; Revised Voucher and In- Governmental Affairs. purposes. voice Submission and Payment Process’’ By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself and Mr. S. 428 (RIN2700–AD83) received in the Office of the THUNE): At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the President of the Senate on April 11, 2018; to S. 3238. A bill to improve oversight by the names of the Senator from Mississippi the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Federal Communications Commission of the (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH) and the Senator Transportation. wireless and broadcast emergency alert sys- from Idaho (Mr. RISCH) were added as f tems; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. cosponsors of S. 428, a bill to amend ti- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND By Mr. SCOTT (for himself and Mr. tles XIX and XXI of the Social Secu- JOINT RESOLUTIONS BOOKER): rity Act to authorize States to provide The following bills and joint resolu- S. 3239. A bill to require the Secretary of coordinated care to children with com- the Treasury to mint commemorative coins plex medical conditions through en- tions were introduced, read the first in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the and second times by unanimous con- hanced pediatric health homes, and for integration of baseball; to the Committee on other purposes. sent, and referred as indicated: Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. S. 497 By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. VAN ANTWELL GARDNER, and Mr. DAINES): HOLLEN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Ms. At the request of Ms. C , the S. 3229. A bill to enhance the security of DUCKWORTH): name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. the United States and its allies, and for S. 3240. A bill to promote botanical re- CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign search and botanical sciences capacity, and sor of S. 497, a bill to amend title XVIII Relations. for other purposes; to the Committee on En- of the Social Security Act to provide By Mr. BENNET: ergy and Natural Resources. for Medicare coverage of certain S. 3230. A bill to impose a limitation on in- f lymphedema compression treatment creases in duties on imports of steel and alu- minum from Canada, Mexico, and the Euro- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND items as items of durable medical pean Union, to improve congressional over- SENATE RESOLUTIONS equipment. sight of tariffs imposed to protect national The following concurrent resolutions S. 539 security, and for other purposes; to the Com- and Senate resolutions were read, and At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the name mittee on Finance. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- By Mr. YOUNG (for himself, Ms. CANT- BIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. 539, By Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. WELL, Mr. KING, Mr. HELLER, Mr. a bill to designate the area between the KAINE, Mr. JONES, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. NELSON): RUBIO, and Mr. COONS): S. Res. 576. A resolution designating Sep- intersections of 16th Street, Northwest S. 3231. A bill to establish the Task Force tember 4, 2018, as ‘‘National Polycystic Kid- and Fuller Street, Northwest and 16th on the Impact of the Affordable Housing Cri- ney Disease Awareness Day’’ , and raising Street, Northwest and Euclid Street, sis, and for other purposes; to the Committee awareness and understanding of polycystic Northwest in Washington, District of on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. kidney disease; to the Committee on the Ju- Columbia, as ‘‘Oswaldo Paya Way’’ . diciary. By Ms. BALDWIN: S. 885 S. 3232. A bill to amend the Communica- By Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. ASEY tions Act of 1934 and title 17, United States BLUMENTHAL, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. At the request of Mr. C , the Code, to provide greater access to in-State RUBIO): name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. television broadcast programming for cable S. Res. 577. A resolution strongly recom- HELLER) was added as a cosponsor of S. and satellite subscribers in certain counties; mending that the United States renegotiate 885, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, the return of the Iraqi Jewish Archive to enue Code of 1986 to include foster care and Transportation. Iraq; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- transition youth as members of tar- By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. tions. geted groups for purposes of the work By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and CRUZ, Mr. NELSON, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. opportunity credit. DURBIN, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. Mrs. FEINSTEIN): KAINE, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. COTTON, and S. Res. 578. A resolution honoring the men S. 1503 Mr. CORNYN): and women of the Drug Enforcement Admin- At the request of Ms. WARREN, the S. 3233. A bill to impose sanctions with re- istration on the 45th anniversary of the name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. spect to persons responsible for violence and agency; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ISAKSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. human rights abuses in Nicaragua, and for By Mr. COONS (for himself, Mr. SCHU- 1503, a bill to require the Secretary of other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign MER, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. the Treasury to mint coins in recogni- ISAKSON, Mr. JONES, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. Relations. tion of the 60th anniversary of the By Mr. KAINE: KAINE, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, S. 3234. A bill to provide at-risk and discon- Mr. MURPHY, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of nected youth with subsidized summer and REED, Mr. BENNET, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Fame. year-round employment and to assist local Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. WARREN, Ms. KLO- S. 1917 community partnerships in improving high BUCHAR, Mr. DONNELLY, and Mr. At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the school graduation and youth employment WHITEHOUSE): names of the Senator from Maine (Mr. rates, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. Res. 579. A resolution honoring the life, KING) and the Senator from Colorado mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and accomplishments, and legacy of Nelson Pensions. Mandela on the centenary of his birth; to the (Mr. BENNET) were added as cosponsors By Ms. SMITH: Committee on Foreign Relations. of S. 1917, a bill to reform sentencing S. 3235. A bill to amend title 38, United By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and laws and correctional institutions, and States Code, to establish a presumption of Mr. COONS): for other purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.015 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5067 S. 2101 S. 2600 Legacy Restoration Fund to address At the request of Mr. DONNELLY, the At the request of Mr. PAUL, the name the maintenance backlog of the Na- names of the Senator from Georgia of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. ERNST) tional Park Service, and for other pur- (Mr. ISAKSON), the Senator from New was added as a cosponsor of S. 2600, a poses. Hampshire (Ms. HASSAN), the Senator bill to amend the Internal Revenue S. 3198 from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) and the Sen- Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on At the request of Mr. LEE, the name ator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) indoor tanning services. of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. were added as cosponsors of S. 2101, a S. 2620 PERDUE) was added as a cosponsor of S. bill to award a Congressional Gold At the request of Mr. PETERS, the 3198, a bill to require annual reports on Medal, collectively, to the crew of the name of the Senator from North Da- allied contributions to the common de- USS Indianapolis, in recognition of kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- fense, and for other purposes. their perseverance, bravery, and serv- sponsor of S. 2620, a bill to establish a S. 3207 ice to the United States. Federal cyber joint duty program for At the request of Mr. NELSON, the S. 2127 cyber employees of Federal agencies. name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the S. 2667 3207, a bill to amend the Higher Edu- names of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. At the request of Mr. MCCONNELL, cation Act of 1965 to allow for the HELLER) and the Senator from Illinois the name of the Senator from Iowa deferment of certain student loans dur- (Ms. DUCKWORTH) were added as cospon- (Mrs. ERNST) was added as a cosponsor ing a period in which a borrower is re- sors of S. 2127, a bill to award a Con- of S. 2667, a bill to amend the Agricul- ceiving treatment for cancer. gressional Gold Medal, collectively, to tural Marketing Act of 1946 to provide S. 3225 the United States merchant mariners for State and Tribal regulation of hemp of World War II, in recognition of their At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the production, and for other purposes. names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. dedicated and vital service during S. 2823 MERKLEY) and the Senator from Penn- World War II. At the request of Mr. HATCH, the sylvania (Mr. CASEY) were added as co- S. 2128 name of the Senator from Montana sponsors of S. 3225, a bill to ensure the At the request of Mr. HATCH, the (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor humane treatment of pregnant women name of the Senator from Colorado of S. 2823, a bill to modernize copyright by reinstating the presumption of re- (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- law, and for other purposes. lease and prohibiting shackling, re- sor of S. 2128, a bill to improve the co- S. 2863 straining, and other inhumane treat- ordination and use of geospatial data. At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the ment of pregnant detainees. S. 2174 name of the Senator from Maryland S. 3227 At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- At the request of Ms. HARRIS, the name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. sponsor of S. 2863, a bill to require the name of the Senator from Colorado DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor Secretary of the Treasury to mint a (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2174, a bill to direct the Secretary coin in commemoration of the opening of S. 3227, a bill to reunite families sep- of Veterans Affairs to conduct a study of the National Law Enforcement Mu- arated at or near ports of entry. on the Veterans Crisis Line. seum in the District of Columbia, and S. RES. 572 S. 2265 for other purposes. At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the name S. 3029 names of the Senator from South Caro- lina (Mr. GRAHAM), the Senator from of the Senator from California (Mrs. At the request of Mr. BENNET, the Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) and the Senator FEINSTEIN) was added as a cosponsor of name of the Senator from Connecticut from Nebraska (Mr. SASSE) were added S. 2265, a bill to promote democracy (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- as cosponsors of S. Res. 572, a resolu- and the rule of law in Nicaragua, and sponsor of S. 3029, a bill to revise and tion supporting the officers and per- for other purposes. extend the Prematurity Research Ex- sonnel who carry out the important pansion and Education for Mothers S. 2276 mission of U.S. Immigration and Cus- At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the who deliver Infants Early Act toms Enforcement. names of the Senator from North Da- (PREEMIE Act). f kota (Mr. HOEVEN) and the Senator S. 3058 from New Hampshire (Ms. HASSAN) At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED were added as cosponsors of S. 2276, a name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS bill to require agencies to submit re- ISAKSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, ports on outstanding recommendations 3058, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. DAINES): in the annual budget justification sub- enue Code of 1986 to eliminate the re- S. 3229. A bill to enhance the security mitted to Congress. quirement that the taxpayer’s basis in of the United States and its allies, and S. 2313 a building be reduced by the amount of for other purposes; to the Committee At the request of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, the rehabilitation credit determined on Foreign Relations. the names of the Senator from Virginia with respect to such building. Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, last (Mr. WARNER), the Senator from Colo- S. 3166 week, President Trump was in Europe meeting with other NATO leaders. One rado (Mr. GARDNER), the Senator from At the request of Mrs. ERNST, the of the major issues he raised was the Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator names of the Senator from Louisiana need to bolster energy security from South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM), the (Mr. CASSIDY) and the Senator from throughout NATO. He specifically Senator from Delaware (Mr. COONS), Utah (Mr. HATCH) were added as co- talked about a natural gas pipeline the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. sponsors of S. 3166, a bill to award a that the Russians are building between SASSE), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, Russia and Germany. It is called the GRASSLEY) and the Senator from Wash- to the United States Army Rangers Nord Stream II Pipeline. I have been ington (Ms. CANTWELL) were added as Veterans of World War II in recogni- talking about this pipeline for years. cosponsors of S. 2313, a bill to deter for- tion of their extraordinary service dur- President Trump was absolutely eign interference in United States elec- ing World War II. right to bring up this important sub- tions, and for other purposes. S. 3172 ject. Here is how the Boston Herald put S. 2577 At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the it in an editorial over the weekend: At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the name of the Senator from South Da- ‘‘Trump’s testy, tough talk to NATO name of the Senator from Utah (Mr. kota (Mr. ROUNDS) was added as a co- on point.’’ They say the President’s HATCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. sponsor of S. 3172, a bill to amend title tough talk was absolutely on point. 2577, a bill to reauthorize programs au- 54, United States Code, to establish, The President pointed out that Ger- thorized under the Debbie Smith Act of fund, and provide for the use of many relies on natural gas for a sub- 2004. amounts in a National Park Service stantial amount of its energy needs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.017 S18JYPT1 S5068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 More than half of Germany’s natural wrote that ‘‘the embarrassment for kind of energy diversity and energy se- gas imports come from Russia. With Berlin and NATO is that Germany is so curity that I have recommended. this new pipeline, Germany will actu- happy to help Vladimir Putin execute In March, I wrote a letter to the ally increase its dependence on Russian this plan.’’ That is the embarrassment Treasury and State Departments en- gas. Russia will have more of an influ- for Berlin and the embarrassment for couraging the Trump administration to ence on Germany. NATO. They said: ‘‘Usually hostages look at ways to stop the construction Germany and other countries are need to be taken, instead of volun- of the Nord Stream II Pipeline. That is members of NATO, and the reason they teering.’’ But that is what Germany is what we need to do—stop the construc- are members of NATO is to protect doing right now—volunteering to be tion of the pipeline. It was a bipartisan themselves against Russian aggression. Russia’s hostage. That is exactly right. effort, and 39 Senators from both par- So if you are Germany, why would you Europe needs new energy, new energy ties signed on to the letter to express want to become more dependent on security, and a new energy source. our concerns to President Trump about Russia when you joined NATO and have They need diversity. That is what the what was happening between Russia been a member of NATO for years to European Union needs. They need di- and Germany. protect against Russia aggression? It versity in both the types of energy— Today, I take the next concrete step seems that Germany has turned around that is what our NATO allies need—di- and introduce legislation to do four now and given Russia influence over its versity in the types of energy that they very important things. energy security. use and where they get their energy First, the legislation directs our rep- President Trump pointed out how from. That is how countries ensure resentatives in NATO to work to strange it seems. I think it seems that their own long-term economic achieve energy security for our part- strange to other members of NATO, health and independence is sound. ners throughout Europe and Eurasia. and it seems strange to people all Russia has a right to compete in the Second, it calls for a comprehensive across the country. No one who under- world market for energy. The trouble strategy that involves increasing stands the facts can say that President starts when Russia gets so much of the American energy exports to these Trump is wrong. President Trump is market in some of these European countries being held hostage by Russia. Third, it requires the Energy Sec- right. His tough talk to NATO was on countries that they become a monop- retary to speed up approvals of Amer- point. Even the Obama administration oly in terms of the way they act. Rus- ican natural gas exports to our NATO knew it. The rest of NATO knows it. sia is the largest supplier of natural allies and other countries. Even Germany knows it. When one gas to Europe. Across Europe, nearly 40 Finally, it authorizes mandatory country allows another aggressive, op- percent of the natural gas imports U.S. sanctions on the development of portunistic country like Russia to have come from Russia. So Russia has in- Russian energy pipelines like Nord that kind of influence over its energy credible control. In some countries, it Stream II. security, I believe it is asking for trou- is virtually 100 percent. It is in the national security inter- ble. Germany seems to be betting that Countries like Germany should be re- ests of our country to help our allies increasing its economic ties to the ducing the amount of natural gas they reduce their dependence on Russian en- Kremlin will have no effect on the po- buy from Russia, not increasing it, but ergy. Where those countries don’t see litical manipulations that Russia that is what this Nord Stream II Pipe- it for themselves, we need to show wants to play on Europe. I think it is line between Russia and Germany does. them how important it is for their own a sucker’s bet. It increases the amount of natural gas security. Our NATO alliance is strong. Energy security is national security. Germany will be buying from Russia. A robust energy security strategy will Energy security is called the master Germany should absolutely reject the make it even stronger. resource for a reason. It powers our Nord Stream II Pipeline as part of When Vladimir Putin looks at nat- country. It powers our economy. It is their reduction of dependence on Rus- ural gas, he doesn’t think natural gas; an instrument of power. It is a force sia. That would help shrink the influ- he thinks politics, he thinks money, multiplier. It is important for the ence and the threat Russia continually and he thinks power, because that is United States and our allies around the poses to our NATO allies. It would also how he equates the energy he supplies world to have that correct under- help our other allies in the region be- to these countries, on which they have standing of energy and the impact that cause, right now, a lot of Russian gas become so dependent—money, power, it has globally as a geopolitical weap- travels through pipelines that cross politics. on. We have seen Russia in the past use Ukraine and other countries into Cen- Germany and other countries in Eu- its natural gas as a geopolitical weap- tral Europe. These countries make rope and NATO should be doing all on. Russia threatens other countries. It money from the gas crossing their ter- they can to diversify their sources of extorts money from them. It bullies ritory, and they get a lot of their en- energy so they can help reduce the them. Russians then can tell their cus- ergy through these pipelines as well. threat Russia poses to them. The tomers: Do what we say, or we turn off But remember, Russia has invaded United States should do all we can by the tap and we shut off your gas. They parts of eastern Ukraine. Russia has exporting our abundant natural gas to have done it in the past. taken over Crimea. If Russia has their our allies as quickly as possible. We It also means a lot of money going other new pipeline to help export its have more than enough natural gas to from our NATO allies straight into the natural gas, it can shut off the revenue meet our own needs and to export to Kremlin’s pocket. That is money they for countries, such as Ukraine, and our friends around the world. We can could be using instead to fund aggres- shut off their energy completely. boost the security of our NATO allies sion in Europe and other parts of the Remember, one of the things Presi- and our friends around the world, and world. That is what Russia wants to do dent Trump has done, which I think we should be doing it. We can do it with the money, if they get that money has been helpful and which I had been through a peaceful process and a peace- from Germany, from the energy. They calling for for years during the Obama ful means without spending tax dollars, use the money against us and against administration, is actually provide le- while at the same time growing our our NATO allies. thal weapons to Ukraine to deal with American economy with the produc- This new pipeline, I believe, was all the incursions coming from Russia to tion of American energy. the desire of the Russian people—and eastern Ukraine. Vladimir Putin actu- When President Trump came to of- specifically of Vladimir Putin—to put ally cut off natural gas supplies to fice, he said: It is no longer about en- our NATO allies much more under Rus- Ukraine in 2006, 2009, and 2014. He in- ergy security or energy independence; sia’s control. With the new pipeline, vaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in it is about energy dominance. Given Russia is seeking to make Germany part to cut off access to the natural gas what we have been blessed with in this and the rest of Europe even more de- and oil resources. country and the amount of energy and pendent and even more susceptible to This is a pattern Vladimir Putin has resources we have, we have an oppor- this kind of Russian coercion. of using energy as a weapon, and the tunity and, I believe, an obligation to The Wall Street Journal had an edi- best defense against this weapon is for use that energy wisely and produc- torial on the subject last week. They these countries in Europe to have the tively.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.027 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5069 Vladimir Putin thinks about energy eracy planning, and other supportive Whereas countless friends, loved ones, as money, as power, and as politics, services. Through the partnerships, spouses, and caregivers of patients with and I think that what we need to do workforce boards can use funds to polycystic kidney disease must shoulder the with the resources we have, as I am in- cover up to 75 percent of wages for each physical, emotional, and financial burdens that polycystic kidney disease causes; troducing in this legislation today, is a eligible young person participating in Whereas the severity of the symptoms of very commonsense approach. the program. polycystic kidney disease and the limited Young people play a critical role in public awareness of the disease cause many By Mr. KAINE: our economy and communities and we patients to live in denial and forego regular S. 3234. A bill to provide at-risk and must ensure that they have the re- visits to their physicians or avoid following disconnected youth with subsidized sources and skills to find and maintain good health management, which would help summer and year-round employment jobs that set them up for future suc- avoid more severe complications when kid- and to assist local community partner- cess. With the right resources, city ney failure occurs; ships in improving high school gradua- governments, local workforce boards, Whereas people who have chronic, life- tion and youth employment rates, and school districts, and employers can threatening diseases like polycystic kidney disease have a predisposition to depression for other purposes; to the Committee work together to help us close the em- because of their anxiety over pain, suffering, on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- ployment gap we’re seeing for at-risk and premature death; sions. young people. I hope that my col- Whereas the PKD Foundation and its more Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, nearly 5 leagues on both sides of the aisle con- than 50 volunteer chapters around the million young people ages 16 to 24, or 1 sider The Opening Doors for Youth Act United States are dedicated to— in 9 youth, are disconnected from both commonsense legislation that moves (1) conducting research to find treatments school and work. These disconnected the needle forward on promoting access and a cure for polycystic kidney disease; (2) fostering public awareness and under- youth often face significant barriers; for all youth to meaningful employ- standing of polycystic kidney disease; they are three times more likely than ment. (3) educating patients and their families other youth to have a disability, twice f about the disease to improve their treatment as likely to live below the federal pov- and care; and SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS erty threshold, and significantly more (4) providing support, including by spon- likely to live in racially segregated soring the annual ‘‘Walk for PKD’’ to raise neighborhoods. Disconnection can funds for polycystic kidney disease research, SENATE RESOLUTION 576—DESIG- education, advocacy, and awareness; and leave young people without the entry- NATING SEPTEMBER 4, 2018, AS Whereas the PKD Foundation is partnering level work experience and post-sec- ‘‘NATIONAL POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY on September 4, 2018, with sister organiza- ondary credentials they need to suc- DISEASE AWARENESS DAY’’, AND tions in Canada, the Commonwealth of Aus- ceed in the workforce and with signifi- RAISING AWARENESS AND UN- tralia, and other countries to increase inter- cantly less lifetime earnings than the DERSTANDING OF POLYCYSTIC national awareness of polycystic kidney dis- typical worker. KIDNEY DISEASE ease: Now, therefore, be it Disconnection also imposes signifi- Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. NEL- cant costs on affected young people, (1) designates September 4, 2018, as ‘‘Na- SON) submitted the following resolu- tional Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness their communities, and the overall tion; which was referred to the Com- Day’’; economy. According to Measure of mittee on the Judiciary: (2) supports the goals and ideals of Na- America, in 2013, youth disconnection tional Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness S. RES. 576 resulted in $26.8 billion in public ex- Day to raise public awareness and under- penditures, including spending on Whereas designating September 4, 2018, as standing of polycystic kidney disease; ‘‘National Polycystic Kidney Disease Aware- health care, public assistance, and in- (3) recognizes the need for additional re- ness Day’’ will raise public awareness and search to find a cure for polycystic kidney carceration. understanding of polycystic kidney disease, Dedicated Federal funding to support disease; and one of the most prevalent, life-threatening (4) encourages all people in the United summer and year-long employment for genetic kidney diseases; States and interested groups to support Na- youth can help to mitigate and prevent Whereas National Polycystic Kidney Dis- tional Polycystic Kidney Awareness Day disconnection, as well as help young ease Awareness Day will help to foster an through appropriate ceremonies and activi- people, their communities, and the understanding of the impact polycystic kid- ties to promote public awareness of poly- economy to flourish and develop our ney disease has on patients and their fami- cystic kidney disease, and to foster an under- lies; future workforce. Twenty years ago, standing of the impact of the disease on pa- Whereas polycystic kidney disease is a pro- tients and their families. dedicated Federal funding supported an gressive, genetic disorder of the kidneys that estimated 500,000 summer jobs for causes damage to the kidneys and the car- f youth. However, when the Workforce diovascular, endocrine, hepatic, and gastro- SENATE RESOLUTION 577—STRONG- Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) elimi- intestinal organ systems; LY RECOMMENDING THAT THE nated Federal stand-alone funding, par- Whereas polycystic kidney disease has a UNITED STATES RENEGOTIATE ticipation in summer youth employ- devastating impact on the health and fi- THE RETURN OF THE IRAQI JEW- ment programs dropped by 50 to 90 per- nances of people of all ages, and equally af- fects people of all races, genders, nationali- ISH ARCHIVE TO IRAQ cent in most local areas. Through tar- ties, geographic locations, and income levels; Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. geted resources and supports, including Whereas, of the people diagnosed with BLUMENTHAL, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. funding for summer and year-long em- polycystic kidney disease, approximately 10 RUBIO) submitted the following resolu- ployment and comprehensive supports percent have no family history of the dis- tion; which was referred to the Com- for youth, we can move closer as a ease, with the disease developing as a spon- mittee on Foreign Relations: country toward reconnecting the mil- taneous (or new) mutation; S. RES. 577 lions of young people who have slipped Whereas there are very few treatments and through the cracks and prevent dis- still no cure for polycystic kidney disease, Whereas, before the mid-20th century, which is one of the 4 leading causes of kidney Baghdad had been a center of Jewish life, connection from occurring in the first failure in the United States; culture, and scholarship, dating back to 721 place. Whereas 50 percent of patients with poly- B.C.; This is why I am pleased to introduce cystic kidney disease suffer kidney failure at Whereas, as recently as 1940, Jews made up today The Opening Doors for Youth an average age of 53, causing a severe strain 25 percent of Baghdad’s population; Act. The Opening Doors for Youth Act on dialysis and kidney transplantation re- Whereas, in the 1930s and 1940s, under the aims to assist the 5 million at-risk sources and on the delivery of health care in leadership of Rasheed Ali, anti-Jewish dis- young people who are disconnected the United States; crimination increased drastically, including from both school and work find sum- Whereas polycystic kidney disease instills the June 1–2, 1941, Farhud pogrom, in which mer or year-long jobs that help them in patients fear of an unknown future with a nearly 180 Jews were killed; life-threatening genetic disease and appre- Whereas, in 1948, Zionism was added to the to succeed in future careers. The bill hension over possible discrimination, includ- Iraqi criminal code as punishable by death; provides, Federal funding so local com- ing the risk of losing their health and life in- Whereas, throughout 1950–1953, Jews were munities can create partnerships with surance, their jobs, and their chances for allowed to leave Iraq under the condition businesses, mentoring, financial lit- promotion; that they renounce their citizenship;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JY6.028 S18JYPT1 S5070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 Whereas, as result of past persecution, few (3) recognizes that the initial agreement national presence of any Federal law en- Jews remain in Iraq today, and many left between the National Archives and Records forcement agency, facilitating— their possessions and treasured artifacts be- Administration and the Coalition Provi- (1) close collaboration with international hind; sional Authority was signed before knowing partners around the world, including in the Whereas the Ba’ath regime confiscated the complete history of the Iraqi Jewish Ar- Republic of Colombia, the United Mexican these artifacts, later dubbed the Iraqi Jewish chive; States, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Archive, from synagogues and communal or- (4) reaffirms the United States’ commit- and the People’s Republic of China, through ganizations; ment to cultural property under inter- information-sharing, training, and tech- Whereas, on May 6, 2003, members of the national law; and nology; and United States Armed Forces discovered the (5) reaffirms the commitment of the (2) the provision of resources that have re- Iraqi Jewish Archive, which included 2,700 United States to ensuring justice for victims sulted in the disruption or dismantling of 300 books and tens of thousands of documents, in of ethnic and religious persecution. priority target drug trafficking organiza- the heavily damaged and flooded basement f tions in the Republic of Colombia, 226 in the of the Mukhabarat (secret police) head- United Mexican States, 53 in the Islamic Re- quarters; SENATE RESOLUTION 578—HON- public of Afghanistan, and 45 in the People’s Whereas, under great urgency and before ORING THE MEN AND WOMEN OF Republic of China; adequate time could be dedicated to re- THE DRUG ENFORCEMENT AD- Whereas, throughout the history of the searching the history of the Iraqi Jewish Ar- MINISTRATION ON THE 45TH AN- DEA, employees and members of the agen- chive, an agreement was signed between the NIVERSARY OF THE AGENCY cy’s task forces have sacrificed their lives in National Archives and Records Administra- the line of duty, including Emir Benitez, tion and the Coalition Provisional Authority Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and Mrs. Gerald Sawyer, Leslie S. Grosso, Nickolas on August 20, 2003, stating that the Iraqi FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- Fragos, Mary M. Keehan, Charles H. Mann, Jewish Archive would be sent to the United olution; which was referred to the Anna Y. Mounger, Anna J. Pope, Martha D. States for restoration and then would be Committee on the Judiciary: Skeels, Mary P. Sullivan, Larry D. Wallace, sent back to Iraq after completion; Ralph N. Shaw, James T. Lunn, Octavio Gon- S. RES. 578 Whereas the Iraqi Jewish community is zalez, Francis J. Miller, Robert C. Lightfoot, the constituency of the Archive and is now Whereas the Drug Enforcement Adminis- Thomas J. Devine, Larry N. Carwell, represented by the diaspora outside Iraq; tration (referred to in this preamble as the Marcellus Ward, Enrique S. Camarena, Whereas the current Government of Iraq ‘‘DEA’’) was— James A. Avant, Charles M. Bassing, Kevin has publicly acknowledged the importance of (1) established by an Executive order on L. Brosch, Susan M. Hoefler, William Ramos, the Archive and demonstrated a shared re- July 1, 1973; and Raymond J. Stastny, Arthur L. Cash, Terry spect for the wishes of the Iraqi Jewish dias- (2) given the responsibility to coordinate W. McNett, George M. Montoya, Paul S. pora by attending the December 2013 burial all activities of the Federal Government di- Seema, Everett E. Hatcher, Rickie C. Finley, of several Torah fragments from the Archive rectly related to the enforcement of the drug Joseph T. Aversa, Wallie Howard, Jr., Eu- in New York; laws of the United States; gene T. McCarthy, Alan H. Winn, George D. Whereas United States taxpayers invested Whereas the more than 8,900 men and Althouse, Becky L. Dwojeski, Stephen J. $3,000,000 to restore the Iraqi Jewish Archive, women of the DEA, including special agents, Strehl, Richard E. Fass, Frank Fernandez, and the National Archives and Records Ad- intelligence analysts, diversion investiga- Jr., Jay W. Seale, Meredith Thompson, Juan ministration has worked diligently to pre- tors, program analysts, forensic chemists, C. Vars, Frank S. Wallace, Jr., Shelly D. serve the artifacts; attorneys, and administrative support staff, Bland, Rona L. Chafey, Carrol June Fields, Whereas the National Archives and as well as more than 2,700 task force officers Carrie A. Lenz, Kenneth G. McCullough, Records Administration has, from 2013 to and hundreds of vetted foreign drug law en- Shaun E. Curl, Larry Steilen, Royce D. 2018, displayed the Iraqi Jewish Archive in— forcement officers— Tramel, Alice Faye Hall-Walton, Elton Lee (1) serve the United States with courage; (1) Washington, DC; Armstead, Terry Loftus, Donald C. Ware, and (2) New York, New York; Jay Balchunas, Thomas J. Byrne, Jr., Sam- (2) help protect the people of the United (3) Kansas City, Missouri; uel Hicks, Forrest N. Leamon, Chad L. Mi- States from drug trafficking, drug abuse, and (4) Yorba Linda, California; chael, Michael E. Weston, James Terry Wat- related violence; (5) Miami Beach, Florida; son, and Brent L. Hanger; and (6) Dallas, Texas; Whereas, during the 45 years since the es- Whereas many other DEA employees and (7) Atlanta, Georgia; and tablishment of the DEA, the agency has tar- task force officers have been wounded or in- (8) Baltimore, Maryland; geted and brought to justice numerous jured in the line of duty, including 14 who Whereas the exhibition of the Iraqi Jewish criminals from around the world; have received the DEA Purple Heart Award: Archive across the United States and its Whereas, throughout the 45-year history of Now, therefore, be it cataloguing online has enabled people the DEA, the agency has continually adapted Resolved, That the Senate— throughout the world and especially the to evolving trends of drug trafficking organi- (1) congratulates the Drug Enforcement Iraqi Jewish community diaspora to dis- zations by targeting individuals involved in Administration on the occasion of its 45th cover, learn about, and reflect upon the rich the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of anniversary; history of the Jewish community in Iraq; drugs, including cocaine, heroin, meth- (2) honors the heroic sacrifice of the em- Whereas, in February 2014, the United amphetamine, marijuana, ecstasy, con- ployees of the agency who have sacrificed States Senate unanimously passed a resolu- trolled prescription drugs, and new their lives or who have been wounded or in- tion calling on the Administration to extend psychoactive substances; jured in the service of the United States; and the agreement to keep temporarily the Iraqi Whereas, during the past decade, DEA spe- (3) gives heartfelt thanks to all the men Jewish Archives in the United States; cial agents— and women of the Drug Enforcement Admin- Whereas the Administration reached an (1) seized— agreement with the Government of Iraq to (A) more than 65,000 kilograms of heroin; istration for their past and continued efforts keep the Archive in the United States until (B) 1,240,000 kilograms of cocaine; to protect the people of the United States September 2018; and (C) 3,240,000 kilograms of marijuana; from the dangers of drug abuse. Whereas the Iraqi Embassy to the United (D) more than 191,000 kilograms of meth- f States has said that the Iraqi Jewish com- amphetamine; and munity, like other communities in Iraq, (E) more than 23,000,000 dosage units of played a key role in building the country, controlled prescription drugs; and SENATE RESOLUTION 579—HON- shared in its prosperity, and also suffered (2) identified more than 600 new ORING THE LIFE, ACCOMPLISH- exile and forced departure because of tyr- psychoactive substances, including con- MENTS, AND LEGACY OF NEL- anny: Now, therefore, be it trolled substance analogues; SON MANDELA ON THE CEN- Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the DEA has deployed enforce- TENARY OF HIS BIRTH (1) strongly urges the Department of State ment and regulatory tools and strategies to to renegotiate with the Government of Iraq address the threat posed by new Mr. COONS (for himself, Mr. SCHU- the provisions of the current agreement that psychoactive substances, including con- MER, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. ISAK- establish the date by which the artifacts of trolled substance analogues, which— SON, Mr. JONES, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. KAINE, Iraqi Jewish Archive are meant to return to (1) mimic the effects of known licit and il- Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. MUR- Iraq in order to ensure that they are kept in licit controlled substances, including PHY, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. REED, Mr. a place where long-term preservation and fentanyl; and BENNET, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. BALD- care can be guaranteed; (2) are largely responsible for driving the WIN, Ms. WARREN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. (2) recognizes that the Iraqi Jewish Ar- opioid epidemic that claimed the lives of chive should be housed in a location that is more than 42,000 individuals in the United DONNELLY, and Mr. WHITEHOUSE) sub- accessible to scholars and to Iraqi Jews and States in 2016; mitted the following resolution; which their descendants who have a personal inter- Whereas, with 91 foreign offices located in was referred to the Committee on For- est in it; 70 countries, the DEA has the largest inter- eign Relations:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.013 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5071

S. RES. 579 Whereas, on July 9, 2002, former President tance of trademarks and wish to support the Whereas Nelson Mandela was born on July George W. Bush honored Nelson Mandela United States Patent and Trademark Office 18, 1918, as Rolihlahla Mandela in the village with the Presidential Medal of Freedom; in operating to drive economic growth and of Mvezo in the Eastern Cape of South Afri- Whereas on November 10, 2009, the United enhance the competitiveness of the United ca; Nations General Assembly unanimously States; Whereas Nelson Mandela became a polit- adopted a resolution to designate July 18 as Whereas the first National Trademark Ex- ical activist as a young man and engaged in Nelson Mandela International Day; position took place more than 30 years ago diverse acts of civil disobedience and resist- Whereas the United States was a proud in Washington, D.C.; ance during the struggle against apartheid, sponsor of the resolution; Whereas, in an increasingly competitive the state-enforced system of racial segrega- Whereas, on December 5, 2013, Nelson global marketplace, counterfeit goods pose tion and systematic oppression maintained Mandela died at the age of 95; an escalating threat to businesses and jobs by the former white minority government of Whereas former President George W. Bush in the United States; South Africa; called Nelson Mandela ‘‘one of the great Whereas counterfeit goods cost the United Whereas Nelson Mandela was arrested forces for freedom and equality of our time’’; States billions of dollars and countless jobs twice in 1952 for his participation in the Defi- Whereas former President Barack Obama annually; ance Campaign, which involved the orga- called Nelson Mandela ‘‘the last great lib- Whereas it is important for Congress and nized contravention of apartheid laws erator of the 20th century’’ and observed consumers to understand the impact of coun- through acts of civil disobedience, and re- that ‘‘Mandela taught us the power of ac- terfeit goods on the economy of, and the ceived a suspended sentence of imprisonment tion, but he also taught us the power of health and safety of consumers in, the with hard labor; ideas; the importance of reason and argu- United States; Whereas, on August 5, 1962, as a leader of ments; [and] the need to study not only Whereas low quality counterfeit goods the African National Congress and the Afri- those who you agree with, but also those who can— can National Congress Youth League, Nelson you don’t agree with’’; (1) be dangerous to consumers and harmful Mandela was arrested for his activism to end Whereas, on July 28, 2014, former President the discriminatory policies of apartheid; Barack Obama renamed the Young African to entrepreneurs; and Whereas, on June 12, 1964, Nelson Mandela Leaders Initiative fellowship the ‘‘Mandela (2) erode consumer confidence in brands; was found guilty of all charges against him Washington Fellowship for Young African Whereas trademark registration and Fed- and sentenced to life imprisonment; Leaders’’ in honor of Nelson Mandela; eral trademark law assist the public in— Whereas the global movement to release Whereas July 18, 2018 marks the centenary (1) discerning between authentic and coun- Nelson Mandela and end the South African of the birth of Nelson Mandela, which pro- system of apartheid— vides an opportunity for people around the terfeit merchandise; and (1) employed international economic sanc- world to reflect on his life and promote his (2) stopping the flow of counterfeit goods; tions, such as the sanctions under the Com- legacy; Whereas consumers in the United States prehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 (Pub- Whereas, through the leadership of Nelson encounter an average of 1,500 trademarks lic Law 99–440; 100 Stat. 1086); and Mandela, the notion and spirit of ‘‘Ubuntu’’, each day; (2) included the condemnation of apartheid a South African term referring to the inter- Whereas it is important for the United by countless citizens, artists, intellectuals, connectedness and harmony of humanity, States to strive to have the best intellectual and activists of the United States; has spread throughout the world; and property system possible that is understood Whereas, on February 11, 1990, under in- Whereas Nelson Mandela leaves a legacy by the public of the United States; creasing international pressure and domestic that transcends his time and place in history Whereas the Congressional Trademark campaign efforts, Nelson Mandela was re- and will guide and inspire future genera- Caucus focuses on supporting initiatives that leased from prison after 27 years, 6 months, tions: Now, therefore, be it increase awareness of, and foster a produc- Resolved, That the Senate— and 1 week of continuous incarceration; tive public dialogue about, the importance of (1) honors the life, accomplishments, and Whereas, on his release, Nelson Mandela trademarks and the risks associated with legacy of Nelson Mandela; earned international recognition for leading counterfeit goods; (2) celebrates the leadership and commit- efforts to foster reconciliation, peace, and Whereas the National Trademark Expo- ment of Nelson Mandela to fighting discrimi- democracy and for bringing about a nego- sition supports the work of the Congres- nation, poverty, and inequality and to pro- tiated transition ending the apartheid sys- sional Trademark Caucus by facilitating the moting human rights and justice for all; tem and establishing universal suffrage and education of thousands of consumers; and (3) recognizes the shared history between equal rights for all South Africans; Whereas educating the public about the South Africa and the United States, the em- Whereas, on July 4, 1993, former President value of brand names and trademarks in an bedded legacies of racial discrimination and Bill Clinton awarded Nelson Mandela and increasingly competitive global marketplace division in both countries, and the shared Frederik Willem de Klerk the Philadelphia serves the public interest of helping to safe- and continuing efforts to overcome those Liberty Medal; guard consumers against deception and con- challenges in the manner exemplified by Nel- Whereas, on October 1, 1993, the Nobel fusion in the marketplace: Now, therefore, be son Mandela; Peace Prize was jointly awarded to Nelson it Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk ‘‘for (4) encourages the Administration of Presi- their work for the peaceful termination of dent Donald Trump to foster the enduring Resolved, That— the apartheid regime, and for laying the relationship between the people and govern- (1) it is the sense of the Senate that— foundations of a new democratic South Afri- ments of South Africa and the United States; (A) there should be greater public aware- ca’’; and ness of the importance of trademarks for the Whereas, between April 16 and April 29, (5) encourages people around the world to society and economy of the United States; 1994, the citizens of South Africa voted in the reflect on the importance of tolerance, for- (B) the 2018 National Trademark Expo- first fully representative, multiracial na- giveness, and peace in honor of the cen- sition of the United States Patent and tional elections in the history of South Afri- tenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. Trademark Office provides a unique oppor- ca; f tunity to— Whereas, on May 9, 1994, the National As- (i) educate the people of the United States sembly elected Nelson Mandela as President SENATE RESOLUTION 580—RECOG- about trademarks; and of the Republic of South Africa under a gov- NIZING AND SUPPORTING PUB- (ii) encourage— ernment of national unity; LIC AWARENESS OF THE IMPOR- (I) a greater understanding of the role that Whereas, during his term as President of TANCE OF TRADEMARKS AND trademarks play in the economy of the South Africa from 1994 to 1999, Nelson THE GOALS AND IDEALS OF THE United States; and Mandela— NATIONAL TRADEMARK EXPO- (II) corporations, small businesses, govern- mental agencies, and nonprofit organizations (1) led the peaceful transition from apart- SITION OF THE UNITED STATES heid minority rule to multicultural, multira- to share information with the public about cial, and multiparty democracy; and PATENT AND TRADEMARK OF- trademarks; and (2) played a critical role in the ongoing ef- FICE (C) the United States Patent and Trade- forts of South Africa to foster national rec- Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and Mr. mark Office and the Smithsonian Institution onciliation; COONS) submitted the following resolu- should be recognized for orchestrating a free, Whereas, on July 29, 1998, Congress award- tion; which was referred to the Com- family-friendly event that educates tens of ed Nelson Mandela the Congressional Gold thousands of people about the importance of Medal; mittee on the Judiciary: trademarks; and Whereas the decision of Nelson Mandela to S. RES. 580 (2) the Senate supports efforts to increase step down after 1 term as the elected Presi- Whereas intellectual property is instru- public awareness of the importance of trade- dent of South Africa was a commendable act mental to the economy of the United States marks, including the goals and ideals of the exemplifying his commitment to democratic by fueling innovation and creating jobs; 2018 National Trademark Exposition of the principles and serves as a model for elected Whereas Congress and the Congressional United States Patent and Trademark Office leaders around the globe; Trademark Caucus understand the impor- held on July 27 and 28, 2018.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.028 S18JYPT1 S5072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND thorized to meet during today’s session ing this period, please submit a form PROPOSED of the Senate: that states ‘‘none.’’ SA 3397. Mr. ROUNDS (for Mr. RISCH) pro- COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND Mass mailing registrations or nega- posed an amendment to the bill S. 526, to TRANSPORTATION tive reports can be submitted elec- amend the Small Business Act to provide for The Committee on Commerce, tronically or delivered to the Senate expanded participation in the microloan pro- Science, and Transportation is author- Office of Public Records, 232 Hart gram, and for other purposes . ized to meet during the session of the Building, Washington, DC 20510–7116. SA 3398. Mr. ROUNDS (for Mr. FLAKE) pro- Senate on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, at The Senate Office of Public Records posed an amendment to the bill S. 2850, to 10:15 a.m., to conduct a hearing enti- is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For fur- amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe ther information, please contact the Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to tled ‘‘Sharks’’. clarify the use of amounts in the WMAT Set- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Senate Office of Public Records at (202) tlement Fund. The Committee on Foreign Relations 224–0322. f is authorized to meet during the ses- f TEXT OF AMENDMENTS sion of the Senate on Wednesday, July EXECUTIVE SESSION 18, 2018, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing SA 3397. Mr. ROUNDS (for Mr. RISCH) on the nominations of Brian J. proposed an amendment to the bill S. Bulatao, of Texas, to be an Under Sec- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR 526, to amend the Small Business Act retary (Management), and Denise Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask to provide for expanded participation Natali, of New Jersey, to be an Assist- unanimous consent that the Senate in the microloan program, and for ant Secretary (Conflict and Stabiliza- proceed to executive session for the other purposes; as follows: tion Operations), both of the Depart- consideration of Calendar No. 942; that Strike section 4. ment of State. the nomination be confirmed; that the COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND Mr. ROUNDS (for Mr. motion to reconsider be considered SA 3398. GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS FLAKE) proposed an amendment to the made and laid upon the table with no The Committee on Homeland Secu- bill S. 2850, to amend the White Moun- intervening action or debate; that no rity and Governmental Affairs is au- tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quan- further motions be in order; that any thorized to meet during the session of tification Act of 2010 to clarify the use statements related to the nomination the Senate on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, of amounts in the WMAT Settlement be printed in the Record; that the at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing. Fund; as follows: President be immediately notified of COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS Strike all after the enacting clause and in- the Senate’s action, and the Senate sert the following: The Committee on Indian Affairs is then resume legislative session. SEC. lll. USE OF FUNDS IN WMAT SETTLE- authorized to meet during the session The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without MENT FUND FOR WMAT RURAL of the Senate on Wednesday, July 18, objection, it is so ordered. WATER SYSTEM. 2018, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. The nomination considered and con- (a) AUTHORIZATION OF WMAT RURAL WATER COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY firmed is as follows: SYSTEM.—Section 307(a) of the White Moun- tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantifica- The Committee on the Judiciary is IN THE COAST GUARD tion Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–291; 124 Stat. authorized to meet during the session The following named officer for appoint- 3080) is amended in the matter preceding of the Senate on Wednesday, July 18, ment in the United States Coast Guard Re- paragraph (1) by inserting ‘‘, (b)(2),’’ after 2018, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing. serve to the grade indicated under title 10, ‘‘subsections (a)’’. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING U.S.C., section 12203(a): (b) FUNDING.—Section 312(b)(2)(C)(i)(III) of The Special Committee on Aging is To be rear admiral the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rear Adm. (1h) Andrew S. McKinley Rights Quantification Act of 2010 (Public authorized to meet during the session Law 111–291; 124 Stat. 3093) is amended by of the Senate on Wednesday, July 18, f 2018, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. striking the period at the end and inserting LEGISLATIVE SESSION the following: ‘‘, including the planning, de- SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE, sign, and construction of the WMAT rural CUSTOMS, AND GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- water system, in accordance with section The Subcommittee on International ate will now resume legislative session. 307(a).’’. Trade, Customs, and Global Competi- f SEC. lll. EXPANSION OF PUEBLO OF SANTA tiveness of the Committee on Finance CLARA LAND ELIGIBLE FOR 99-YEAR MICROLOAN MODERNIZATION ACT is authorized to meet during the ses- LEASE. OF 2017 Subsection (a) of the first section of the sion of the Senate on Wednesday, July Act of August 9, 1955 (commonly known as 18, 2018, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hear- Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask the ‘‘Long-Term Leasing Act’’) (25 U.S.C. ing. unanimous consent that the Senate 415(a)), is amended— proceed to the immediate consider- (1) by striking ‘‘Indians,,’’ and inserting f ation of Calendar No. 346, S. 526. ‘‘Indians,’’; PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (2) by inserting ‘‘Ohkay Owingeh pueblo,’’ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask clerk will report the bill by title. after ‘‘Cochiti,’’; The legislative clerk read as follows: (3) by inserting ‘‘the pueblo of Santa unanimous consent that Molly Patrick, Clara,’’ after ‘‘Pojoaque,’’; Lane Davis, Victoria Barczyk, James A bill (S. 526) to amend the Small Business (4) by striking ‘‘the the lands’’ and insert- Payne, and Gabe Dabin, interns from Act to provide for expanded participation in ing ‘‘the land’’; the microloan program, and for other pur- Senator KENNEDY’s office, be granted poses. (5) by striking ‘‘lands held in trust for the floor privileges for the remainder of Pueblo of Santa Clara,’’; and the day. There being no objection, the Senate (6) by striking ‘‘lands held in trust for proceeded to consider the bill, which Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo’’. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. had been reported from the Committee f on Small Business and Entrepreneur- f AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO ship, with an amendment to strike all MEET NOTICE: REGISTRATION OF MASS after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I MAILINGS have 7 requests for committees to meet The filing date for the 2018 second SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Microloan Mod- during today’s session of the Senate. quarter Mass Mailing report is Wednes- ernization Act of 2018’’. They have the approval of the Majority day, July 25, 2018. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. and Minority leaders. An electronic option is available on In this Act— Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph Webster that will allow forms to be (1) the term ‘‘intermediary’’ has the meaning 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- submitted via a fillable pdf document. given the term in section 7(m)(11) of the Small ate, the following committees are au- If your office did no mass mailings dur- Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(11)); and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.022 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5073 (2) the term ‘‘microloan program’’ means the The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION program established under section 7(m) of the is no further debate, the bill having PROTECTION ACT OF 2017 Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)). been read the third time, the question SEC. 3. MICROLOAN INTERMEDIARY LENDING Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask is, Shall the bill pass? unanimous consent that the Senate LIMIT INCREASED. The bill (S. 526), as amended, was Section 7(m)(3)(C) of the Small Business Act proceed to the immediate consider- (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(3)(C)) is amended by striking passed, as follows: ation of Calendar No. 347, S. 791. ‘‘$5,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$6,000,000’’. S. 526 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SEC. 4. MICROLOAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- clerk will report the bill by title. Section 7(m)(4)(E) of the Small Business Act resentatives of the United States of America in The legislative clerk read as follows: Congress assembled, (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(4)(E)) is amended by striking A bill (S. 791) to amend the Small Business SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘25 percent’’ each place that term appears and Act to expand intellectual property edu- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Microloan inserting ‘‘50 percent’’. cation and training for small businesses, and Modernization Act of 2018’’. SEC. 5. SBA STUDY OF MICROENTERPRISE PAR- for other purposes. TICIPATION. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. Not later than 1 year after the date of enact- In this Act— There being no objection, the Senate ment of this Act, the Administrator of the Small (1) the term ‘‘intermediary’’ has the mean- proceeded to consider the bill. Business Administration shall conduct a study ing given the term in section 7(m)(11) of the Mr. ROUNDS. I ask unanimous con- and submit to the Committee on Small Business Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(11)); and sent that the bill be considered read a and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and the (2) the term ‘‘microloan program’’ means third time. Committee on Small Business of the House of the program established under section 7(m) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Representatives a report on— of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)). objection, it is so ordered. (1) the operations (including services pro- SEC. 3. MICROLOAN INTERMEDIARY LENDING The bill was ordered to be engrossed vided, structure, size, and area of operation) of LIMIT INCREASED. a representative sample of— Section 7(m)(3)(C) of the Small Business for a third reading and was read the (A) intermediaries that are eligible to partici- Act (15 U.S.C. 636(m)(3)(C)) is amended by third time. pate in the microloan program and that do par- striking ‘‘$5,000,000’’ and inserting Mr. ROUNDS. I know of no further ticipate; and ‘‘$6,000,000’’. debate on the bill. (B) intermediaries (including those operated SEC. 4. SBA STUDY OF MICROENTERPRISE PAR- The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there for profit, operated not for profit, and those af- TICIPATION. is no further debate, the bill having filiated with a United States institution of high- Not later than 1 year after the date of en- been read the third time, the question er learning) that are eligible to participate in actment of this Act, the Administrator of the microloan program and that do not partici- is, Shall the bill pass? the Small Business Administration shall The bill (S. 791) was passed, as fol- pate; conduct a study and submit to the Com- (2) the reasons why intermediaries described mittee on Small Business and Entrepreneur- lows: in paragraph (1)(B) choose not to participate in ship of the Senate and the Committee on S. 791 the microloan program; Small Business of the House of Representa- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (3) recommendations on how to encourage in- tives a report on— resentatives of the United States of America in creased participation in the microloan program (1) the operations (including services pro- Congress assembled, by intermediaries described in paragraph (1)(B); vided, structure, size, and area of operation) SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. and of a representative sample of— This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Small Busi- (4) recommendations on how to decrease the (A) intermediaries that are eligible to par- ness Innovation Protection Act of 2017’’. costs associated with participation in the ticipate in the microloan program and that SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. microloan program for eligible intermediaries. do participate; and In this Act— SEC. 6. GAO STUDY ON MICROLOAN INTER- (B) intermediaries (including those oper- (1) the term ‘‘Administrator’’ means the MEDIARY PRACTICES. ated for profit, operated not for profit, and Administrator of the SBA; Not later than 1 year after the date of enact- those affiliated with a United States institu- (2) the term ‘‘Director’’ means the Under ment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the tion of higher learning) that are eligible to Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual United States shall submit to the Committee on participate in the microloan program and Property and Director of the USPTO; Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the that do not participate; (3) the term ‘‘SBA’’ means the Small Busi- Senate and the Committee on Small Business of (2) the reasons why intermediaries de- ness Administration; the House of Representatives a report evalu- scribed in paragraph (1)(B) choose not to par- (4) the term ‘‘small business concern’’ has ating— ticipate in the microloan program; the meaning given the term in section 3(a) of (1) oversight of the microloan program by the (3) recommendations on how to encourage the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a)); Small Business Administration, including over- increased participation in the microloan pro- (5) the term ‘‘small business development sight of intermediaries participating in the gram by intermediaries described in para- center’’ means a center described in section microloan program; and graph (1)(B); and 21 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 648); (2) the specific processes used by the Small (4) recommendations on how to decrease and Business Administration to ensure— the costs associated with participation in (6) the term ‘‘USPTO’’ means the United (A) compliance by intermediaries participating the microloan program for eligible inter- States Patent and Trademark Office. in the microloan program; and mediaries. SEC. 3. FINDINGS. (B) the overall performance of the microloan SEC. 5. GAO STUDY ON MICROLOAN INTER- program. MEDIARY PRACTICES. Congress finds that— Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask Not later than 1 year after the date of en- (1) the USPTO and the SBA are positioned unanimous consent that the com- actment of this Act, the Comptroller General to— of the United States shall submit to the (A) build upon several successful intellec- mittee-reported substitute amendment tual property and training programs aimed be agreed to; that the Risch amend- Committee on Small Business and Entrepre- neurship of the Senate and the Committee at small business concerns; and ment at the desk be agreed to; that the on Small Business of the House of Represent- (B) increase the availability of and the par- bill, as amended, be considered read a atives a report evaluating— ticipation in the programs described in sub- third time. (1) oversight of the microloan program by paragraph (A) across the United States; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Small Business Administration, includ- (2) any education and training program ad- objection, it is so ordered. ing oversight of intermediaries participating ministered by the USPTO and the SBA The committee-reported amendment in the microloan program; and should be scalable so that the program is able to reach more small business concerns. in the nature of a substitute was (2) the specific processes used by the Small agreed to. Business Administration to ensure— SEC. 4. SBA AND USPTO PARTNERSHIPS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Beginning not later than The amendment (No. 3397) was agreed (A) compliance by intermediaries partici- pating in the microloan program; and 180 days after the date of enactment of this to, as follows: (B) the overall performance of the Act, the Administrator, in consultation with (Purpose: To strike section 4) microloan program. the Director, shall develop partnership Strike section 4. Mr. ROUNDS. I ask unanimous con- agreements that— The bill was ordered to be engrossed (1) provide for the— sent that the motion to reconsider be (A) development of high-quality training, for a third reading and was read the considered made and laid upon the including in-person or modular training ses- third time. table. sions, for small business concerns relating to Mr. ROUNDS. I know of no further The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without domestic and international protection of in- debate on the bill, as amended. objection, it is so ordered. tellectual property;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.036 S18JYPT1 S5074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2018 (B) leveraging of training materials al- 3080) is amended in the matter preceding HONORING THE LIFE, ACCOM- ready developed for the education of inven- paragraph (1) by inserting ‘‘, (b)(2),’’ after PLISHMENTS, AND LEGACY OF tors and small business concerns; and ‘‘subsections (a)’’. NELSON MANDELA (C) participation of a nongovernmental or- (b) FUNDING.—Section 312(b)(2)(C)(i)(III) of ganization; and the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Mr. COONS. Mr. President on this (2) provide training— Rights Quantification Act of 2010 (Public date a century ago, an extraordinary (A) through electronic resources, including Law 111–291; 124 Stat. 3093) is amended by life began that would change the lives Internet-based webinars; and striking the period at the end and inserting of millions of others. One hundred (B) at physical locations, including— the following: ‘‘, including the planning, de- years ago today, Nelson Mandela was (i) a small business development center; sign, and construction of the WMAT rural born in the village of Mvezo in a coun- and water system, in accordance with section tryside of grass-covered rolling hills in (ii) the headquarters or a regional office of 307(a).’’. the Eastern Cape of South Africa. That the USPTO. SEC. lll. EXPANSION OF PUEBLO OF SANTA day began a 95-year journey of one man SEC. 5. SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CEN- CLARA LAND ELIGIBLE FOR 99-YEAR TERS. LEASE. who led the South African people to Section 21(c)(3) of the Small Business Act Subsection (a) of the first section of the liberation and whose legacy continues (15 U.S.C. 648(c)(3)) is amended— Act of August 9, 1955 (commonly known as to reverberate through time. (1) in subparagraph (S), by striking ‘‘and’’ the ‘‘Long-Term Leasing Act’’) (25 U.S.C. Over the course of his life, Nelson at the end; 415(a)), is amended— Mandela, known by his nickname (2) in subparagraph (T), by striking the pe- (1) by striking ‘‘Indians,,’’ and inserting ‘‘Madiba,’’ became venerated as a glob- riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and ‘‘Indians,’’; al advocate for justice and equality by (3) by adding at the end the following: (2) by inserting ‘‘Ohkay Owingeh pueblo,’’ millions—arguably, more than any ‘‘(U) in conjunction with the United States after ‘‘Cochiti,’’; other political figure of our time. Patent and Trademark Office, providing (3) by inserting ‘‘the pueblo of Santa Through political activism and resist- Clara,’’ after ‘‘Pojoaque,’’; training— ance, Madiba led a revolution by shep- ‘‘(i) to small business concerns relating (4) by striking ‘‘the the lands’’ and insert- to— ing ‘‘the land’’; herding his people from racial division, ‘‘(I) domestic and international intellec- (5) by striking ‘‘lands held in trust for the hate, and subjugation to freedom, tol- tual property protections; and Pueblo of Santa Clara,’’; and erance, and democracy. ‘‘(II) how the protections described in sub- (6) by striking ‘‘lands held in trust for One of the most striking aspects of clause (I) should be considered in the busi- Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo’’. Nelson Mandela’s leadership as the ness plans and growth strategies of the small The bill (S. 2850), as amended, was or- first President of a truly free, non- business concerns; and dered to be engrossed for a third read- racial, nonsexist South Africa was his ‘‘(ii) that may be delivered— ing, was read the third time, and enormous capacity for forgiveness and ‘‘(I) in person; or passed. his ability to open his heart to those ‘‘(II) through a website.’’. who were once his brutal oppressors. Mr. ROUNDS. I ask unanimous con- f Twenty years after he was released sent that the motion to reconsider be from a lifetime in prison, Nelson considered made and laid upon the ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2018 Mandela invited to dinner at his own table. home one of his former jailers, a man The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask with whom he had become close objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that when the Sen- friends, saying that their friendship re- f ate completes its business today, it ad- inforced his belief in the essential hu- journ until 10 a.m., Thursday, July 19; manity of even those who had kept him AMENDING THE WHITE MOUNTAIN further, that following the prayer and for so long behind bars. How long? APACHE TRIBE WATER RIGHTS pledge, the morning hour be deemed Twenty-six years, 6 months, and 1 QUANTIFICATION ACT OF 2010 expired, the Journal of proceedings be week. Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I ask approved to date, the time for the two Despite all of those years, months, unanimous consent that the Senate leaders be reserved for their use later and days of continuous imprisonment, proceed to the immediate consider- in the day, and morning business be Nelson Mandela never himself became ation of Calendar No. 416, S. 2850. closed. I ask that following leader re- a prisoner to hate. Madiba set the ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The marks, the Senate proceed to executive ample of healing, forgiveness, and rec- clerk will report the bill by title. session and resume consideration of onciliation that ultimately allowed The legislative clerk read as follows: the Bounds nomination; further, that South Africa’s rainbow nation to A bill (S. 2850) to amend the White Moun- all time in recess, adjournment, morn- emerge from the ashes of brutal racial tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantifica- ing business, and leader remarks count oppression. tion Act of 2010 to clarify the use of amounts against postcloture time. His example is particularly timely in the WMAT Settlement Fund. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and powerful in light of the polariza- There being no objection, the Senate objection, it is so ordered. tion, distrust, and division in our world and even in our own Nation today. His- proceeded to consider the bill. f Mr. ROUNDS. I ask unanimous con- tory reminds us, though, that this rec- sent that the Flake amendment at the ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT onciliation, this openness, is not a new desk be agreed to, that the bill, as phenomenon. Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, if there Fifty-two years ago this summer, in amended, be considered read a third is no further business to come before June of 1966, then-U.S. Senator Robert time and passed, and that the motion the Senate, I ask unanimous consent F. Kennedy delivered a memorable to reconsider be considered made and that it stand adjourned under the pre- speech at the University of Cape Town laid upon the table. vious order, following the remarks of in South Africa. Speaking to a nation The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Senator from Delaware. then deep in the throes of the cruel in- objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without justices of apartheid, Senator Bobby The amendment (No. 3398) in the na- objection, it is so ordered. Kennedy began his speech by describ- ture of a substitute was agreed to, as Mr. ROUNDS. Mr. President, I sug- ing ‘‘a land in which the native inhab- follows: gest the absence of a quorum. itants were at first subdued, but rela- (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions with whom remain a problem to Strike all after the enacting clause and in- clerk will call the roll. this day; a land which defined itself on sert the following: The bill clerk proceeded to call the a hostile frontier; a land which was SEC. lll. USE OF FUNDS IN WMAT SETTLE- roll. once the importer of slaves, and must MENT FUND FOR WMAT RURAL Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask WATER SYSTEM. now struggle to wipe out the last (a) AUTHORIZATION OF WMAT RURAL WATER unanimous consent that the order for traces of that former bondage.’’ Ken- SYSTEM.—Section 307(a) of the White Moun- the quorum call be rescinded. nedy then paused before famously con- tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantifica- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cluding: ‘‘I refer, of course, to the tion Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–291; 124 Stat. objection, it is so ordered. United States of America.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.043 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5075 Then, as now, the differences between example of the challenges and the dif- ISTER, TO BE AN UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (POLIT- ICAL AFFAIRS), VICE THOMAS A. SHANNON, JR., RE- the United States and South Africa are ficulties of reconciliation, of forgive- SIGNED. significant. Yet Americans and South ness, and of grace. KIP TOM, OF INDIANA, FOR THE RANK OF AMBASSADOR DURING HIS TENURE OF SERVICE AS U.S. REPRESENTA- Africans share more than we might We had remarkable experiences. We TIVE TO THE UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES FOR FOOD AND recognize or want to acknowledge. On met with Desmond Tutu, my former AGRICULTURE. DONALD Y. YAMAMOTO, OF WASHINGTON, A CAREER the positive side, we share remarkable supervisor at the Council of Churches MEMBER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF constitutions and inspiring decades ago, a winner of the Nobel CAREER MINISTER, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES foundational documents in South Afri- Peace Prize and someone who helped OF AMERICA TO THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF SOMALIA. ca’s Freedom Charter and our own Dec- lead the peace and reconciliation proc- NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE laration of Independence, whose funda- ess in South Africa. We also heard from HUMANITIES mental principles are profound and in- today’s chancellor of the University of CHARLES WICKSER BANTA, OF NEW YORK, TO BE A spiring but whose lived experiences Cape Town, Nelson Mandela’s widow, MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS FOR A TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 3, 2022, VICE MARIA have so far fallen short. We also share Graca Machel. ROSARIO JACKSON, TERM EXPIRED. a deep commitment to democracy, so- Our reflections were interrupted by MICHELLE ITCZAK, OF INDIANA, TO BE A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS FOR A TERM EX- cieties grounded in the rule of law, a student protesters demanding a more PIRING SEPTEMBER 3, 2020, VICE IRVIN M. MAYFIELD, JR., vibrant and free press, and capable and just dispensation in today’s South Afri- TERM EXPIRED. BARBARA COLEEN LONG, OF MISSOURI, TO BE A MEM- independent judiciaries. We are also ca—a jarring reminder that even the BER OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS FOR A multilingual, multifaith democracies, greatness of the remembrance of Bobby TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 3, 2022, VICE DEEPA GUPTA, TERM EXPIRED. Federal republics that have incredible Kennedy and Nelson Mandela is not CARLETON VARNEY, OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO BE A human histories and deep and rich nat- enough to still the relentless yearning MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS FOR A TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 3, 2022, VICE PAUL W. ural resources. Both South Africa and for more—more justice and more equal- HODES, TERM EXPIRED. the United States have demonstrated ity—by the youngest among us. COURT SERVICES AND OFFENDER SUPERVISION how important civic institutions are to I still today believe in Nelson AGENCY FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Mandela’s vision for the world—a world sustaining democracy and preserving RICHARD S. TISCHNER, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE DIRECTOR the progress of humanity. governed by justice and equality and OF THE COURT SERVICES AND OFFENDER SUPERVISION peace and cooperation for the common AGENCY FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR A TERM Today, on what would have been Nel- OF SIX YEARS, VICE NANCY MARIA WARE, TERM EX- son Mandela’s 100th birthday, the good. But it is important to remember PIRED. United States is itself facing serious just how much we have to do together ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION challenges to the very institutions that as a global community to hear each DONALD L. PALMER, OF FLORIDA, TO BE A MEMBER OF underpin and preserve our hard-won de- other, forgive each other, and get THE ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION FOR A TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 12, 2021, VICE MATTHEW VINCENT mocracy. As we weather these chal- there. MASTERSON, RESIGNED. Nelson Mandela once famously said: lenges together as a nation, let us find IN THE AIR FORCE inspiration in Mandela’s life and leg- ‘‘I am not a saint, unless you think of THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT acy. Let us remember that on his long a saint as a sinner who just keeps try- IN THE RESERVE OF THE AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- walk to freedom, Nelson Mandela ing.’’ So today let us remember Nelson CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION taught the need to study not only Mandela’s relentless trying, his his- 601: those with whom we agree but also toric contribution to South Africa and To be general the world, and the example of his those with whom we disagree and to be LT. GEN. MARYANNE MILLER willing to compromise and find com- struggle to promote human rights and THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT mon ground. justice for all. Madiba’s service is an IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE In Madiba’s words: enduring reminder of what it means to AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION It is easy to break down and destroy. The place the good of a nation’s people 601: real heroes are those who make peace and above one’s own narrow self-interests— To be lieutenant general build. a lesson from which we can all benefit. MAJ. GEN. MICHAEL T. PLEHN In the years to come, it is my hope I am pleased to celebrate the 100th THE FOLLOWING NAMED INDIVIDUALS FOR APPOINT- that the United States and South Afri- anniversary of the birth of a giant of MENT TO THE GRADES INDICATED IN THE REGULAR AIR history and to honor Nelson Mandela’s FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 531: ca will look to each other as both na- To be lieutenant colonel tions continue to struggle against the lifetime of extraordinary service with a bipartisan resolution submitted today. ILDA Y. ISAZA legacy of racial injustice, reverse our MATTHEW J. KING Today, let us rededicate ourselves to growing economic inequality, and pro- To be major tect our evolving experiments in de- his vision for our world and together work tirelessly to make it a reality. YOBANKA E. PAEZ–MUNOZ mocracy. THE FOLLOWING NAMED INDIVIDUAL FOR APPOINT- Nelson Mandela ventured to shape I yield the floor. MENT TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE REGULAR AIR the world as it should be. He showed us f FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 531: To be major that values such as forgiveness, re- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. spect, and tolerance are not just words TOMORROW SAMANTHA S. RIEGER–PINSON but concrete actions we can all take. IN THE ARMY The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under I am inspired by Madiba’s example to THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT keep fighting for a better, more just the previous order, the Senate stands TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY world here in the U.S. Senate, as I was adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow. UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: first inspired in the fall of 1986 when I Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:24 p.m., To be colonel traveled to South Africa to volunteer adjourned until Thursday, July 19, 2018, KENNETH F. KLOCK at 10 a.m. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT for the South African Council of TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY Churches during the anti-apartheid f UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: struggle. NOMINATIONS To be colonel Just 2 years ago, I had a chance as a Executive nominations received by BRANDON C. KLINK now Senator to revisit Johannesburg the Senate: THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT and Cape Town with a delegation that TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY included Senator Kennedy’s daughter, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: Kerry Kennedy, and a whole host of the SCOTT HUTCHINS, OF INDIANA, TO BE UNDER SEC- To be colonel RETARY OF AGRICULTURE FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION, BURTON C. GLOVER Kennedy clan. Our own Congressman AND ECONOMICS, VICE CATHERINE E. WOTEKI. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT JOHN LEWIS, a leader in America’s civil DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: rights struggle; my friend and col- LANE GENATOWSKI, OF NEW YORK, TO BE DIRECTOR OF league Congressman STENY HOYER; and THE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY–ENERGY, To be major DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, VICE ELLEN DUDLEY WIL- two survivors of the racially motivated LIAMS. MANUEL REYES, JR. shooting in a church in downtown DEPARTMENT OF STATE THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT Charleston, Polly Sheppard and Felicia TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY DAVID HALE, OF NEW JERSEY, A CAREER MEMBER OF MEDICAL CORPS UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 624 Sanders, were there to serve as a living THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF CAREER MIN- AND 3064:


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VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A18JY6.004 S18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1027 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING MARGIE ANN LUETKE- tional Park Service after 35 years of distin- served and under-represented youth in South MEYER LUEBBERT ON THE guished public service. In his role as the Pa- Los Angeles. I applaud the organization’s cur- CELEBRATION OF HER 90TH cific West Region Chief of Public Information, rent leadership by my dear friend, Brotherhood BIRTHDAY Mr. Dalby has liaised with the public as an Crusade President and CEO, Charisse agency spokesperson and has worked with Bremond Weaver. HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER Members of Congress from the Pacific West Following in the footsteps of her father, Charisse has worked hard to expand services OF MISSOURI to promote and preserve our public lands for future generations. in the 13 years since she donned the mantle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For 23 years, Mr. Dalby served as regional of leadership. She has added programs in Wednesday, July 18, 2018 lead for geographic information systems, youth development, educational enrichment, fi- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise where he was a pioneer of commercial GIS nancial literacy and health education programs today to honor Margie Ann Luetkemeyer software that modernized the National Park that reach thousands of South Los Angeles Luebbert on the celebration of her 90th Birth- Service and established the technology as a residents in need. day. bureau standard. Because of Craig’s foresight I am pleased and proud to offer my con- On August 3, 1928, Margie was born to and innovative thinking, the NPS is now a pro- gratulations to the Brotherhood Crusade’s Henry and Regina Luetkemeyer in Meta, Mis- lific user of this and other software that make leaders, staff, volunteers, participants and souri and was a welcomed addition to the our preserved lands more accessible to our alumni, and to call attention to its legacy and families of her beloved grandparents Anton government and to the public. accomplishments, as well as its thriving pro- and Anna Luetkemeyer and George and An- In addition to these contributions to the Na- grams and promising future. gela Dickneite. A joyous union of marriage tional Park Service, Mr. Dalby also went f began when Margie married her late husband above and beyond in his service to the Na- tional Geospatial Intelligence Agency. RECOGNIZING JIM MARKEL AND Fritz on February 4, 1950. Fritz and Margie PERRY JONES welcomed 4 children to their family: Kathy, Throughout his career, he has worked to con- Steven, Mark, and Kristen. Margie enjoys the serve and improve our North Coast and Cas- love of 11 grandchildren and 18 great-grand- cades Network Parks and Puget Sound Basin, HON. GREG GIANFORTE children with 2 more on the way. which are vital to our Northwest landscape OF MONTANA Throughout the years, Margie worked for and defining elements of our great states. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mid-America Bank in Meta. In her retirement, Mr. Dalby exemplifies the versatility, exper- Wednesday, July 18, 2018 tise, and dedication of our public servants. I she has been committed to public service in Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today join my colleagues in congratulating him for various capacities. The community banks in to honor two Montana veterans and entre- his achievements and thanking him for his Meta and Linn have benefited from her bank- preneurs committed to creating good-paying contributions to our western states and to our ing experience by her service on the board of Montana jobs and revitalizing their community. nation. directors. Margie has also been actively in- Jim Markel and Perry Jones own Red Oxx volved with the St. Cecelia Parish in Meta and f Mfg. Inc., a producer and retailer of durable especially enjoys the yearly picnic. Margie and THE BROTHERHOOD CRUSADE’S travel bags. Their award-winning products are I share a love of baseball and the St. Louis HALF CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE handcrafted in Montana, have nationwide rec- Cardinals along with her favorite college team, ognition, and account for over $2.5 million in the University of Missouri Tigers. The love of HON. KAREN BASS annual company sales. sports runs in Margie’s family and many of her OF CALIFORNIA The U.S. Small Business Administration children and grandchildren are involved in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES named Red Oxx Montana’s Veteran-Owned local and college sports such as: baseball, Business of the Year in 2016. CEO Markel basketball, and softball. She is their biggest Wednesday, July 18, 2018 served in the U.S. Marine Corps, and com- cheerleader at their sporting events. Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, for fifty years, the pany president Jones in the U.S. Navy. Of her many accomplishments, Margie con- Brotherhood Crusade has pursued its vision of The Red Oxx factory and retail store are in siders one of her greatest to be the organiza- South Los Angeles as a safe, thriving, cul- a commercial and industrial area east of Bil- tion of the family reunion for the Anton and turally relevant, and inclusive community, a lings’ vibrant downtown. Looking to reenergize Anna Luetkemeyer family in Jefferson City in community that provides all residents equi- the neighborhood instead of relocating the 1992. It was certainly no small feat with the 15 table access to human and social services, a business as it grew, Markel served on an advi- descendants and their families for a total of community continually improving its quality of sory board of the Billings Industrial Revitaliza- over 450 people joining the celebration that life. tion District. day. The reunion was such a grand event the On June 15, 2018, the Brotherhood Cru- Improvements guided by the district are at- local TV station reported on it during their sade held a gala celebration, and welcomed tracting new businesses, renewing the area, evening newscast. supporters to the California Science Center, a and creating greater opportunity and more Mr. Speaker, please join me in wishing fitting location given the organization’s unre- jobs. Margie Ann Luetkemeyer Luebbert a very lenting focus on education. Founder Walter This spring, Markel and Jones broke ground Happy 90th Birthday. Best wishes for much Bremond, Jr. would surely be proud that the on a project that will transform about half a happiness and health in the years to come. dream he funded with a personal loan has city block into a large outdoor event center, f grown to be one of the most effective organi- turning broken asphalt and recycled metal into zations in South Los Angeles, lifting up young an open, green space with ornamental fenc- HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS Black men and their families and creating ing, sculptures, and park benches. OF MR. CRAIG DALBY countless stories of success. The event center will host community activi- Upon joining forces with Danny J. Bakewell, ties, feature performances, and be available HON. SUZAN K. DelBENE Sr., Walter’s vision really began to take shape. for local nonprofit organizations to hold benefit OF WASHINGTON Together, they designed a viable charitable in- events. Several years in the making, the event IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stitution to aid the Black community. Danny center will play a critical role in further rejuve- Bakewell, Sr. would go on to lead the organi- nating the neighborhood. Wednesday, July 18, 2018 zation for 35 years with a relentless focus on Mr. Speaker, for their service to our country, Ms. DELBENE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to social justice. entrepreneurship, and dedication to their com- congratulate Mr. Craig Dalby of Kirkland, In its five decades, the organization has munity, I recognize Jim Markel and Perry Washington on his retirement from the Na- reached hundreds of thousands of under- Jones for their spirit of Montana.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY8.001 E18JYPT1 E1028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2018 RECOGNIZING S. MARTINELLI & Israel’s Northern border, Syrian drones PERSONAL EXPLANATION COMPANY crossed into Israeli airspace; on Israel’s Southern border, Hamas launched more than HON. BILL HUIZENGA HON. JIMMY PANETTA 200 rockets and mortars from the Gaza Strip. OF MICHIGAN OF CALIFORNIA One rocket hit a home; another landed in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES courtyard of a Synagogue. These attacks are Wednesday, July 18, 2018 appalling and unnecessary provocations on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Israel. The damage they are doing to Israel is Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to real and should be not only measured in terms regarding missed votes due to a flight delay. recognize S. Martinelli & Company, a family of property destroyed, but also the sense of Had I been present for roll call vote number owned and operated business located in insecurity that Israelis experience every day. 329, H.R. 4946 to designate the facility of the Watsonville, California, as they celebrate their This is not the path to peace. United States Postal Service located at 1075 150th anniversary. Over the past century and I can only imagine the terror and anxiety North Tustin Street in Orange, California, as a half, Martinelli’s has become a household that we would feel if the United States were the ‘‘Specialist Trevor A. Win’E Post Office’’, I name across the United States and around attacked at both our borders in a single week. would have voted Yea. Had I been present for the world, known for producing the highest We are fortunate to have good diplomatic and roll call vote number 330, H.R. 4960 to des- quality sparkling cider and apple juice. security relations with all our neighbors. Sadly, ignate the facility of the United States Postal Founded in 1868, Martinelli’s has per- our close ally Israel does not have the same Service located at 511 East Walnut Street in severed through two World Wars, Prohibition, luxury. I am reminded of my visit to Israel in Columbia, Missouri, as the ‘‘Spc. Sterling Wil- the Great Depression, and an increasingly 2012, at a time when the country was also liam Wyatt Post Office Building’’, I would have globalized marketplace. Despite having faced under attack. I am inspired today, as I was voted Yea. radically changing environments and numer- then, by the resolve of the Israeli communities f ous challenges, Martinelli’s never altered its that live across the border from Gaza and DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, mission to produce juices made from one hun- Syria. These communities refuse to cower in ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED dred percent U.S grown, hand-picked apples, fear, despite the constant threat of attack. AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS with no chemical preservatives or sweeteners. Their reliance is a testament to the spirit of the ACT, 2019 Though Martinelli’s has adopted techno- Israeli people, which we see manifested in so logical advances over the years to improve many ways, such as Israel’s economic leader- SPEECH OF and preserve their fresh apple flavors, they re- ship the fields of science, technology, and en- main committed to historical traditions of ergy. HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON OF IDAHO washing, hand-sorting, and freshly pressing The United States must continue to stand IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES each apple. Martinelli’s distinctive and crisp with Israel. We must work with our allies to flavor comes from their time-honored blend of curb the aggressive actions of Iran and its Tuesday, July 17, 2018 locally grown Newtown Pippin, Gala, Fuji, proxies, and we must renew our efforts to The House in Committee of the Whole Granny Smith, Jonagold, Mutsu and bring about a resolution of the conflict in Syria, House on the state of the Union had under Honeycrisp apples. John Martinelli, fourth gen- which has allowed Iran to expand its military consideration the bill (H.R. 6147) making ap- eration family member and CEO of S. presence in Syria. At the same time, we must propriations for the Department of the Inte- rior, environment, and related agencies for Martinelli & Company, tastes every batch of recommit ourselves to supporting a just and juice produced to ensure its quality meets the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestin- for other purposes: company standards. ians. Martinelli’s is a Certified Green Company Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Chair, I rise today in devoted to employing sustainable practices support of the Interior and Environment and f such as recycling, water and energy conserva- Related Agencies Appropriations bill. I applaud tion, and land preservation. Martinelli’s also PUNISHING CONTINUED Chairman CALVERT and his staff, along with works closely with local and regional growers OCCUPATION OF UKRAINE ACT Ranking Member MCCOLLUM and her team for to ensure that their products are made with crafting a responsible bill. the freshest apples available in the Western As a former chairman of this subcommittee, U.S. In addition to their focus on environ- HON. STEVE COHEN I know firsthand the challenges assembling mental sustainability, Martinelli’s is developing OF TENNESSEE this bill presents. There are diverse views new organic orchards in order to increase pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES across the United States on how our public duction of certified organic juices. These initia- lands and environment should be managed. tives represent Martinelli’s dedication to pre- Wednesday, July 18, 2018 For those of us that represent states with high serving and expanding the heritage of apple Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- percentages of federal lands—more than 60 orchards in Pajaro Valley, while enhancing the troduce a bill sanctioning Russia for its contin- percent in Idaho—you would be hard pressed beauty of the area. ued occupation of Ukraine. This bill sends a to find a more important bill in Congress. We are fortunate to have a family run com- strong signal by going after Russian financial The bill before us today addresses the most pany like Martinelli’s call the central coast of institutions, which are one of the few soft important issues in Idaho. Perhaps most California home for four generations. Their de- areas of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s pressing is the need to adequately fund wild- votion to quality of product, sustainability, tra- underbelly. fire suppression and prevention. If you look at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) dition, and community health is unrivaled and On February 27, 2014, Russia invaded and outlook map, it indicates that almost my entire has enormously benefited our community. Mr. occupied Ukraine’s Crimea region. Russia district is at an increased fire threat during Speaker, it is my privilege to recognize S. continues to ignore the Minsk Agreement and July and August. Sadly, this has been the new Martinelli & Company for 150 years of excel- sanctions to date have failed to alter President normal. lence in producing apple juice and sparkling Putin’s calculations regarding Crimea and The bill under consideration today address- cider. eastern Ukraine. f es this by fully funding the 10 year average for Putin’s regime relies on several large finan- wildfire suppression and provides an additional RECENT ATTACKS AGAINST cial institutions to implement its policies and $500 million to combat this growing threat. It ISRAEL keep the regime afloat. That is why I am intro- also provides increased funding for prevention ducing a bill to impose sanctions on Russian efforts. Next year, relief is on the way in the HON. NORMA J. TORRES financial institutions. form of my Wildfire Disaster Funding Act, Russia’s continued occupation of Ukraine is OF CALIFORNIA which will treat catastrophic fires like natural intolerable and continued aggression and vio- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES disasters. This will set us on a path to reduce lation of international norms is unacceptable. the threat of wildfires and allow land managers Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Congress must use every tool available to to do the prevention work without their re- Mrs. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to change President Vladimir Putin’s behavior. sources being stolen to fight fires. express my concern regarding the recent at- I want to urge my colleagues to pass this The bill also contains many other important tacks on Israel at two of its borders. On important bill. provisions:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JY8.005 E18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1029 Provides Funding for PILT that is vitally im- She was the first of her kind to mount anti- istry. Dr. Mack Morris currently serves as the portant in Idaho for rural counties that depend aircraft guns, use commercial radar, and Senior Pastor of Woodridge Baptist Church in on it. launch an aircraft. Mobile, Alabama. Establishes certainty for biomass which is As the flagship of the U.S. fleet, she bat- Dr. Morris, a native of Dothan, Alabama, critical to the landscape of our forests. tered the Nazi defenses during the D-Day in- has faithfully served the Lord, our local com- Rolls back regulations like the previous Ad- vasion at Normandy and also helped the inva- munity, the people of Alabama, and beyond ministration’s ‘‘Waters of the United States’’ sions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. for over half a century. Dr. Morris felt the call rule. Then, at the end of the war, she made three of the Lord and surrendered to the ministry at Provides increased funding to address the trips to bring American servicemen back Maple Avenue Baptist Church in Geneva, Ala- $12 billion backlog in to our National Parks. home. bama in 1967. He was licensed to preach at Provides $2.6 billion for the Clean Water Today, she serves as a museum and a re- the White House Baptist Church in Bay Mi- and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan minder of wars long past. nette, Alabama in 1968. fund, which states and localities use for water Nearly 70 years after school children used Within his period of dedicated service, Dr. infrastructure projects. nickels and dimes to pay for her move to her Morris was called and served faithfully at all The list goes on, but the underlying point is namesake state, here she still floats, but the following churches in Alabama: White the Interior and Environment bill is a critical maybe not for long. House Baptist, Bethel Baptist, Tillman’s Cor- The Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife piece of legislation, especially for those of us ner Baptist, Heritage Baptist, Old Spanish Fort in western states. I want to reiterate my appre- has jurisdiction of the battle wagon, but state funding has been sporadic and federal funding Baptist, Jubilee Baptist, and Woodridge Bap- ciation to Chairman CALVERT and his staff of tist. Dr. Morris has been a supportive, faithful, Dave LesStrang, Darren Benjamin, Betsy non-existent. That is where this amendment comes into and loyal advocate for his community through- Bina, Jaclyn Kilroy, Kristin Richmond, Ian out his ministry. Foley, and Mac Cloyes. Their late nights and play. We owe it to the Texans who served to Dr. Morris has served on the Alabama State early mornings have produced a product that save the Battleship Texas. Board of Missions and Executive Board of the members of Congress, particularly in the west, This battleship, like so many battlefields and Alabama Baptist State Convention, as Moder- should be proud of. sacred, historical landmarks across our coun- ator of the Mobile Baptist Association, as the I urge my colleagues to support this meas- try, is consecrated with the blood of Ameri- first president of the Board of Regents at the ure. cans. University of Mobile, and as a trustee at the f Without the Texas, things might have gone University of Mobile for eleven years. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, a little bit differently for us at D-Day or in the During his 50 years of ministry, Dr. Morris ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED Pacific Theater. has spread the Word of the Lord and His Sav- AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS And that’s just the way it is. ing Grace by officiating over 165 weddings, ACT, 2019 f conducting over 547 funerals, and has seen the salvation and baptism of over 2,500 men, HONORING THE HEROIC MOYER SPEECH OF women, and children. BROTHERS On behalf of Alabama’s First Congressional HON. TED POE District and the countless people his ministry OF TEXAS HON. SEAN P. DUFFY has impacted, I want to recognize and share IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF WISCONSIN my deep gratitude with Dr. Mack Morris for his Tuesday, July 17, 2018 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tireless service to our community. The House in Committee of the Whole Wednesday, July 18, 2018 f House on the state of the Union had under Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I proudly rise IN MEMORY OF CHESTER ‘‘CHET’’ consideration the bill (H.R. 6147) making ap- today to celebrate and commemorate the MORGAN propriations for the Department of the Inte- service of the seven Moyer brothers who rior, environment, and related agencies for fought in World War II. For a single family to the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, and send seven members to serve our nation in its HON. JOE COURTNEY for other purposes: OF CONNECTICUT time of need, they must have had a great love IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Chair, I would for America and what it stands for. like to thank Chairman CALVERT for his great Franklin, Charles, Hile, James, Jay, Leon- Wednesday, July 18, 2018 work on this bill, and my colleague Mr. OLSON ard, and Leslie, the children of Charles and Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for his support of this amendment. Nina Moyer, were born and raised in Bass to honor the memory of a man I have been My amendment would simply reduce the Lake Township, Washburn County. The broth- fortunate enough to call neighbor and friend. National Recreation and Preservation account ers represented Wisconsin in almost every Chester ‘‘Chet’’ Morgan, of Vernon, Con- by $20 million, and then increase it by the distinct branch of the military, serving in the necticut, left this earth on Saturday after a life- same amount with the intent of using these Navy, Army, Merchant Marines, and Army Air time of service to his community, his state and funds to increase the budget of the National Corps. his nation. I’d like to take a few moments to Maritime Heritage grant program. It is with great gratitude that I recognize This program provides federal funding for reflect on his generosity and service. these fine men who have made not only Wis- Born in Manchester, CT, Chet Morgan’s local and state operated maritime educational consin proud, but also the nation as a whole. selfless life was inspired by President John F. exhibits and preservation projects. Seven brothers. Seven stories. Seven im- Kennedy’s 1961 inaugural call to action in The United States has a rich history of mari- measurable contributions to freedom, all from time excellence that has played an important which he asked not what our country could do Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District. for us, but what we could do for our country. role in the U.S. becoming the powerful nation On behalf of my family and Wisconsinites in that it is today. For not only his country, but also his state, every corner of our state, I would like to ex- town and family, Chet did a great many good It is important that we preserve these great press my sincerest thanks to the Moyer broth- ships rather than let them fall into disrepair. works. ers for their service to our nation when we In addition to his career with the Con- It is an insult to their legacy to let them sink needed them the most. rather than help them stay afloat. necticut Department of Transportation, Chet For example, right outside my district back f served as a sergeant major in the 169th Infan- in Texas floats the Battleship Texas, the last PAYING TRIBUTE TO DR. MACK try Battalion of the Connecticut National Guard great dreadnought. MORRIS ON 50 YEARS OF MIN- for 30 years. He spent several of those years But maybe not for long. ISTRY as his unit’s First Sergeant at Connecticut’s Growing up, I always looked forward to vis- National Guard headquarters in Hartford and iting the Battleship. HON. BRADLEY BYRNE retired at the rank of sergeant major. It seems My best friend and I would climb from top to this line of work was Chet’s true vocation and OF ALABAMA bottom, firing every gun and squeezing down in 2017 he was inducted into the Connecticut IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every port hole. Veterans Hall of Fame for his years of service When commissioned in 1914 she was the Wednesday, July 18, 2018 in and outside of the Guard. most powerful war ship the world had ever Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- Chet felt loyalty not only to his country, but seen. ute to Dr. Mack Morris on his 50 years of min- to his state. In 1976 he was elected to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.002 E18JYPT1 E1030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2018 Connecticut State Legislature as the rep- RUSSIA ENERGY INTERESTS IN audible) building (ph), et cetera. So we do resentative from the 56th district, his home- EUROPE have space for cooperation here. That’s the first thing. town of Vernon. He served until 1983 and the Then about the Nord Stream 2, Mr. Presi- highlights of his tenure include supporting im- HON. MARCY KAPTUR dent voiced his concerns about the possi- portant legislation that provided a greater qual- OF OHIO bility of disappearance of transit through ity of life for Connecticut’s citizenry through IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ukraine. And I reassured Mr. President that improvements like smoke-free restaurants and Russia stands ready to maintain this transit. Wednesday, July 18, 2018 free tuition for Connecticut National Guards- Moreover, we stand ready to extend this man attending state colleges and universities. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, control of en- transit contract that’s about to expire next ergy equals national security. year in case—if the dispute between the eco- Chet was also a staunch advocate for work- I rise to warn how Russia through hybrid nomic entitles—dispute will be settled in the ing families during his time in the legislature. Stockholm arbitration court. warfare seeks to destabilize and divide our In the 1960s he was a member of the Inter- closest European Allies through control of their f national Association of Machinists while em- energy supply. As Americans well know, who- H.R. 3030, H.R. 5480, H.R. 5105, H.R. ployed at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. He was a ever controls the energy spigot, controls the 4819 courageous leader in a difficult strike in that function of a nation. Russia uses its growing era, and he and his closest friend, Chuck Har- dominance of energy in Europe as its primary HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH low, manned the picket lines at the height of pressure point to destabilize the West and our the struggles. He enjoyed telling those stories OF NEW JERSEY alliances. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the later years, particularly after Chuck That is why I was floored that President passed away suddenly in the 1980s. Trump inserted himself so haphazardly into Wednesday, July 18, 2018 In 1986 when I launched my first campaign Europe’s energy debate. Nord Stream II poses Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, for the legislative seat Chet had held earlier, new, troubling dependency threats by Russia yesterday we voted on a number of critical he generously helped me win that race, which on Europe’s energy security. pieces of legislation. One of these, which I I will never forget. Later as a candidate for the It boosts undemocratic Russia’s claw hold supported, was H.R. 3030, the Elie Wiesel Second Congressional District, Chet volun- on the European continent. Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of teered to drive me to political events and of- Russia is weaponizing energy in countries 2017, sponsored by my friend ANN WAGNER. fered valuable counsel during the long hours across Europe, including Germany and This bill will strengthen our efforts to antici- we spent together on the road. Ukraine, creating a dangerous new depend- pate, prevent, and mitigate genocide, crimes ency by recipient nations. The fight for against humanity, and war crimes. Chet was also very involved in local govern- Ukraine’s liberty depends on its energy inde- Our Foreign Service officers are often on ment and community organizations. He served pendence in the future. The free world must the front lines where there is a risk or reality four terms on the Vernon Town Council and help Europe and Ukraine to reduce their eco- of atrocity crimes. H.R. 3030 will ensure they was chairman of the Vernon Planning and nomic reliance on Russian gas. have the right training to recognize and re- Zoning Committee in 2011 and 2012. He was Risking alienation of nations that share free- spond to early warning signs of such crimes. actively involved in the Connecticut State Em- dom’s values is counterproductive. It aids and This legislation will also strengthen Congres- ployees Association Local 2001, the Rockville abets our enemies. sional oversight by requiring the President to American Legion Post 14, and the Rockville I include in the RECORD President Trump’s annually report on what is happening on the Lodge of Elks No. 1359, where he was recog- and Putin’s comments. ground, how the United States has responded, nized as Veteran Volunteer of the Year by the EXCERPT OF PRESIDENT TRUMP’S AND PRESI- and recommendations for strengthening U.S. Elks National Veterans Service Commission. DENT PUTIN’S PRESS CONFERENCE FOL- response. I was proud to cosponsor this bill And while I’m sure this comes as a surprise LOWING THEIR SUMMIT IN HELSINKI, JULY and I commend my colleagues for supporting to no one, Chet was a model family man. He 2018 it. and his wife Sylvia celebrated their 60th wed- RESPONSES TO A QUESTION ABOUT ENERGY IN I commend my colleague for naming this bill ding anniversary last year. Together they EUROPE AND THE NORDSTREAM II PIPELINE after the late, iconic Holocaust survivor Elie raised three children, Kevin, Daniel and Laura PROJECT Wiesel. He spoke so powerfully about the Beth who collectively gifted them with 16 Trump: Well, actually I called him a com- unique, persistent evil of anti-Semitism that petitor. And a good competitor he is. And I grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It’s generated the Holocaust, warning that ‘‘the think the word ‘‘competitor’’ is a com- antisemite is by definition ideologically fanatic clear Chet impressed the importance of serv- pliment. I think that we will be completing ice upon his children and grandchildren, as when you talk about the pipeline. I’m not and pathologically racist . . . an antisemite is several of them have followed in his footsteps sure, necessarily, that it’s in the best inter- someone who has never met me, never heard of service to this country. ests of Germany or not, but that was a deci- of me, yet he hates me.’’ sion that they made. We’ll be competing—as Mr. Wiesel and I worked together at the his- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to please you know, the United States is now—or soon toric 2004 Berlin conference of the Organiza- join me in honoring Chet Morgan, a man to will be, but I think it actually is right now tion for Security and Cooperation in Europe. whom we can all look as a model of leader- the largest in the oil and gas world. There 55 participating governments committed ship and service. Chet’s loss will be felt for So we’re going to be selling LNG, and we’ll to specific, significant actions to combat anti- have to be competing with the pipeline and I years to come but his legacy will endure for Semitism. They were following the parliamen- much longer. think we’ll compete successfully, although there is a little advantage locationally. tary movement to get the OSCE to fully and So I just wish them luck. I mean, I did. I forcefully fight anti-Semitism. That movement f discussed with Angela Merkel in pretty originated in a Helsinki Commission hearing I strong tones. But I also know where they’re chaired in May 2002 and I was proud to lead PERSONAL EXPLANATION all coming from and they have a very close this movement together with parliamentarians source. So we’ll see how that all works out. from Germany, the UK, and France. Putin: We are aware of the stance of Presi- In his Berlin keynote address, Mr. Wiesel HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON dent Trump, and I think that we, as a major oil and gas power, and the United States as said, ‘‘We know . . . that anti-Semitism is OF IDAHO a major oil and gas power as well, we could dangerous not only to Jews but to countries work together on regulation of international too, where it is allowed to flourish . . . When IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES markets, because neither of us is actually in- a Jew is slapped in the face, humankind itself Wednesday, July 18, 2018 terested in the plummeting of the prices. falls to ground . . . Antisemitism is rooted in And the consumers will suffer as well, and hatred; its language is a language of hatred, Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, for personal the consumers in the United States will suf- it doctrine is filled with hatred—and hatred by reasons, I was unable to vote yesterday, July fer as well. And the shale gas production will its nature, always runs overboard, crossing 17, 2018. Had I been present, I would have suffer. Because beyond a sudden price break- up (ph), it’s no longer profitable to—to geographical boundaries and ethnic affili- voted: Yea on Roll Call No. 331; Yea on Roll produce gas. ations. It is a contagious disease.’’ Call No. 332; Yea on Roll Call No. 333; Yea But nor we are interested in driving prices Mr. Speaker, Mr. Wiesel also dedicated his on Roll Call No. 334; and Yea on Roll Call No. up, because it will drain just as—just as from life to the prevention of other genocides, call- 335. all other sectors of the economy, from (in- ing for action to prevent genocides in Bosnia,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.006 E18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1031

Rwanda, and Sudan. Yet another genocide I therefore appreciate Chairman ROYCE’s Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina was committed after Sudan, this one against amended text, which adds, ‘‘Foreign currency to perform aircraft maintenance for the air sta- Christians, Yazidis, and other religious and denominated loans and guaranties should only tion and nearby airfields. ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria by ISIS. The be provided if the Board determines there is a After distinguished and commendable serv- survival of these ancient communities depends substantive policy rationale for such loans and ice in the final years of World War II, the facili- on humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery guaranties.’’ ty’s name changed to the Overhaul and Re- assistance from the United States and other Beyond this, however, there should be a pair Department. With the advent of the jet countries. clear policy statement on the importance and age, the depot continued to expand to meet Last June this house unanimously passed overall strategic interest in retaining the dollar the needs of combat aviation during the Ko- H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Emer- as the world’s reserve currency. Indeed, ear- rean War. gency Relief and Accountability Act, so that lier this year, China met with central bankers In the mid-1960s, the Depot specialized in our aid reaches the genocide survivors and from 14 African nations to discuss the viability Navy and Marine Corps rework and had be- perpetrators are held accountable. The Senate of using China’s yuan as the reserve currency come a vital source in supporting fleet oper- has still not been given the opportunity to vote for the region. ations during the Vietnam War. In 1967, the on this urgently needed legislation. I again call This nonetheless underscores the urgency facility was organizationally detached from Ma- for the Senate to pass H.R. 390 now and send for creating an International Development Fi- rine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point and it to the President for his signature. This legis- nance Corporation, which the BUILD Act ac- placed under Navy management as a naval lation will significantly strengthen the ongoing complishes, while underscoring the need for air rework facility. In 1968, the facility ranked efforts of his Administration to directly help policy guidance that loans in foreign cur- as the second largest industrial plant in North Christian and Yazidi genocide survivors at risk rencies not be used to undermine reserve dol- Carolina. of extinction. lar dominance. The late 1970s saw significant changes and Another critical piece of legislation for which I further voiced support of H.R. 4819, the modernization for the facility. It was during this I voted in support was the Women’s Entrepre- DELTA Act, introduced by my friend and col- period that the facility attained the highest de- neurship and Economic Empowerment Act, league Mr. JEFF FORTENBERRY of Nebraska, of gree of productivity in its history. The Depot H.R. 5480. which I was a cosponsor. received numerous awards for excellence in Chairman ROYCE’s Women’s Entrepreneur- There is much in this bill to recommend it— productivity and cost reduction. ship and Economic Empowerment Act ex- from prioritizing anti-poaching and wildlife traf- During the 1980s and 1990s, the Depot re- pands, and improves upon, our previous mi- ficking efforts in the greater Okavango River ceived many upgrades to improve productivity, croenterprise legislation. By way of back- Basin, to helping preserve the majestic ele- support and expand the aviation capabilities to ground, the Committee on Foreign Affairs has phant and other endangered species, to pro- keep current with new technology and work- a long history in this field, dating back at least viding sustainable livelihoods for local commu- load. In November 1987, a team departed for to former chairman Ben Gilman’s Microenter- nities. the third time in history to Antarctica to repair prise for Self-Reliance and International Anti- One other aspect of this bill which I high- an aircraft that had crashed nearly 16 years Corruption Act of 2000. I myself introduced the lighted was that it enables us to partner with, earlier. The facility was then renamed the Microenterprise Results and Accountability Act and coordinate efforts with, the countries of Naval Aviation Depot. of 2004, and a bill that amended the 2000 leg- Botswana, Namibia and Angola. The Depot provided assistance to the fleet islation, both of which became law. Botswana and Namibia in particular are two in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm in In keeping with a deeper understanding of countries which are often overlooked, but Iraq with field team deployments to various lo- how to combat poverty and maintaining a which have made great strides in recent years cations for engines, components, aircraft, needed focus on women, Chairman ROYCE’s towards becoming responsible partners. Both ground support equipment and squadron sup- bill broadens the scope from microenterprise are, in the context of Africa, good places in port. Since this time, FRC-East supported the to include small and medium enterprises. which to do business, and should be com- War in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Global While it is important to make sure that the mended for their efforts in improving govern- War on Terrorism. very poor are not being neglected, small and ance. Their partnership in the greater Today, FRC-East has grown to become the medium enterprises help power development Okavango initiative underscores this trend. largest industrial employer east of Interstate and thereby empower the poor. Thus I encour- Angola is a nation which, after decades of 95 with 119 buildings and 2.1 million square aged all to support H.R. 5480 and the House civil war followed by strongman rule, is begin- feet, spanning over 147 acres valued at $1.36 voted to pass the legislation. ning to tackle corruption under new President billion. The workforce includes more than Mr. Speaker, I also supported H.R. 5105, Joa˜o Lourenc¸o. While it remains to be seen 3,900 employees, which provide aircraft, en- the BUILD Act. how far and how quickly Angola can go to- gine and component maintenance, engineer- I thank my friend and colleague, Mr. TED ward becoming a reliable partner and a coun- ing and logistics support for U.S. forces and YOHO of Florida, for offering this critical and vi- try in which to do business, its inclusion as a 24 foreign nations. sionary legislation. This legislation will mod- DELTA Act partner country is a sign of con- On this 75th anniversary year, I would like ernize development finance to benefit the de- fidence in the future. to thank the outstanding employees of FRC- veloping world, consistent with U.S. policy ob- I urged my colleagues to support the East for their continued outstanding service jectives. DELTA Act, and it also passed the House yes- and support to our nation, our allies, and its To cite one critical component, the BUILD terday. Eastern North Carolina community. I wish Act serves to counteract China’s strategy in f FRC-East continued success for its next 75 Africa, which uses development finance as a years of support to our warfighters. CONGRESSIONAL TRIBUTE FOR means to serve China’s ends, even if that f means propping up brutal . THE EMPLOYEES OF FLEET I thank Chairman ED ROYCE for his leader- READINESS CENTER-EAST IN HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF ship in guiding this legislation through the For- HONOR OF THEIR 75TH ANNIVER- ED KIRKWOOD eign Affairs Committee, and for his respon- SARY siveness to concerns I had relayed, relating to HON. MIKE KELLY China. HON. WALTER B. JONES OF PENNSYLVANIA In particular, I appreciate changes made to OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the initial draft of this bill concerning the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES denominating of future loans in foreign cur- Wednesday, July 18, 2018 rencies. Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I While the International Development Fi- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to rise today to recognize one of my constituents nance Corporation that this legislation would recognize a vital strategic asset for Marine from Butler, Pennsylvania, Mr. Ed Kirkwood. create needs to have flexibility, including aviation. Fleet Readiness Center-East (FRC- This Friday, July 20th, Ed will be retiring fol- issuing loans in foreign currencies, we must East) has been generating combat air power lowing over 34 years of commendable public remember it is also the long-term geostrategic for America’s Marines and naval forces for 75 service. goal of China, Russia, and certain other coun- years. The organizational history begins De- Ed has proudly served as the Butler Town- tries to replace the dollar as the world’s re- cember 16, 1943, when it opened as the As- ship Manager for the last 10 years. In this serve currency. sembly and Repair Department at Marine role, Ed oversaw the day-to-day operations of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.009 E18JYPT1 E1032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2018 Butler Township while spearheading various bravery and showed us that our freedoms colleagues in the United States House of Rep- projects and serving as the administrative offi- have not come without many sacrifices. resentatives join me in applauding their ongo- cer of the township. Prior to this position, Ed In May 1964, Mr. Donlon was sent to Viet- ing support of our military members. spent over 18 years managing the City of nam as Captain of the U.S. Army 7th Special f Lower Burrell—Where he made a positive and Forces Team A–726 assigned to defend HONORING CHIEF IRA LEWIS lasting impact that can still be felt today. Camp Nam Dong. In the early hours of July 6, Throughout his tenure, Ed has displayed an 1964, a Viet Cong battalion unleashed a sur- admirable work ethic and a sincere desire to prise attack on Camp N am Dong. Throughout HON. WALTER B. JONES make a difference. His stewardship of Butler the five-hour battle, Mr. Donlon remained fo- OF NORTH CAROLINA Township has resulted not only in continued cused and determined, swiftly repositioning IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prosperity of its businesses and residents, but himself around the camp, directing counterfire, Wednesday, July 18, 2018 also transformed the overall professional envi- giving his men encouragement, and even pro- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I am extremely ronment. Local officials have a direct impact viding care to the wounded despite his own in- proud to rise today to honor the life and ac- on residents through a number of capacities, juries. His valiant efforts in the face of Viet complishments of Chief Ira Lewis (USCG, re- which Ed realized and cherished. Regardless Cong aggression made Mr. Donlon the first tired) of Harker’s Island, North Carolina, and of the situation or circumstances, Ed always person to receive the Medal of Honor, the mili- recognize his turning 100 years old on August remained resilient and kept the township on tary’s highest decoration, in the Vietnam War. 2, 2018. On Saturday, August 18, 2018, the the right path—Focusing on the best interests Although Mr. Donlon’s formal service in the Town of Harker’s Island and the surrounding of the people he felt privileged to represent. U.S. Army has ended, his service to our coun- community will formally honor Chief Lewis as Though he made a career for himself in try continues today. Through his active in- their oldest living citizen. The celebration will public service, Ed still managed to give back volvement with the Medal of Honor Founda- include a United States Coast Guard reunion, to his community as a volunteer. He has par- tion’s Medal of Honor Character Development parade, and recognition ceremony. ticipated on a number of boards and served Program, the Westmoreland Scholar Founda- Ira Lewis was born on Harker’s Island on as a member of numerous committees, con- tion, as well as regularly talking to students August 2, 1918. At the age of 16, he had to tinuously striving to make a difference and and servicemen and women, Mr. Donlon is an make the difficult decision to leave school better the lives of others. Ed participated in important role model for our communities, our early in order to support his family. Having the committees that were formed to rewrite military, and the next generation of soldiers. four brothers that served either in the Coast and modernize both the First and Third Class Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join Guard or Navy, Ira followed suit and joined the Township Codes, which eventually granted cit- me in honoring Colonel Roger Donlon on his United States Coast Guard in 1938, serving ies legal authority to operate in an efficient lifetime of hard work and dedicated service to diligently until his retirement on August 1, manner. the United States. 1959. From his enlistment through March In addition, Ed was the Director of the ‘‘U- f 1957, Chief Lewis’ assignments included Sta- Comp Board’’ which was developed to assist tions Bellport, Ditch Plans, Forge River, Rock- municipalities and authorities across the state PERSONAL EXPLANATION away Atlantic Beach, Smith’s Point, Napeague with unemployment solutions and assistance. and Moriches Lifeboat Station. From March Ed served on the Little League Board of Direc- HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ 1957 until his retirement on August 1, 1959, tors for nearly 20 years and volunteered as a OF ILLINOIS Chief Lewis served as the lighthouse keeper mentor for individuals who committed first time IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at Montauk Lighthouse, Long Island, N.Y. offenses. After retirement, Chief Lewis returned home Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Ed’s decades of service prove him to be a to Harker’s Island, North Carolina and began leader in every sense of the word. I am grate- Mr. GUTIE´ RRIEZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- to build his family home with his own hands. ful to represent such a service-minded indi- avoidably absent in the House Chamber Roll This home would house his wife, Maggie; son, vidual who has been both honorable and ef- Call votes 331 through 335 on Tuesday, July Phil; and daughter, Ann. After completing his fective. Under his management, Butler Town- 17, 2018. Had I been present, I would have home, Chief Lewis went to work at the com- ship has flourished while residents and busi- voted ‘‘Nay’’ on Roll Call votes 331 and 332, missary aboard Marine Corps Air Station, ness have been enriched. and ‘‘Yea’’ on Roll Call votes 333, 334, and Cherry Point for eleven years. Upon com- Ed is the epitome of a devoted public serv- 335. pleting his career at the commissary, he start- ant and his strong leadership has provided a f ed a commercial fishing business, where he solid vision for Butler Township. His unique piloted two vessels, and persevered through TRIBUTE TO IOWA SELECT FARMS people skills, thoughtfulness and integrity have that often challenging career for twenty-three AND THE DEB AND JEFF HAN- resulted in many years of professional and in- years. SEN FOUNDATION valuable service for which he will be remem- As the commercial industry began to de- bered. cline, Chief Lewis looked for a new path, and Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Ed Kirk- HON. DAVID YOUNG decided to give back to his community. He wood for his lifelong dedication to public serv- OF IOWA went on to serve with several boards and ice and for all of the work he has done to bet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community improvement teams. Of note was ter the community. Furthermore, I ask that my Wednesday, July 18, 2018 the Carteret County Harbor Committee, which colleagues in the United States House of Rep- helped secure funding to upgrade harbors for resentatives join me in congratulating Ed on Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise commercial fishers. Chief Lewis also worked his well-earned retirement and wishing him the today to recognize and congratulate Iowa Se- with a team to initiate the Veterans’ Memorial best of luck in his future endeavors. lect Farms and the Deb and Jeff Hansen Project, which now stands on the grounds of Foundation for being honored by the Army Na- f the Harker’s Island Elementary School. tional Guard for their outstanding support of As a result of his years of service, Chief HONORING COLONEL ROGER Army Guard Soldiers across the state of Iowa. Lewis was awarded the prestigious and exclu- DONLON Iowa Select Farms has been honoring sive Order of the Long Leaf Pine in 2013 by Iowa’s soldiers for 12 years now by distrib- the Governor of North Carolina. This award is HON. JOHN J. FASO uting pork and pork products to all military presented to individuals who have a proven OF NEW YORK families during the holidays. Lieutenant Gen- record of extraordinary service to the state. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eral Timothy J. Kadavy, director of the Army That same year, he was honored with a National Guard, noted the ‘‘positive impact’’ United States Coast Guard Medallion in rec- Wednesday, July 18, 2018 that employers such as the Deb and Jeff Han- ognition of his 95th birthday. A revered man, Mr. FASO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- sen Foundation have on Soldiers’ lives and the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum of ognize and honor Colonel Roger Donlon for thanked those ‘‘who do so much for the men Harker’s Island also hosts a permanent Life his exemplary service to our nation. A native and women who serve in the Army National Saving Service and United States Coast of Saugerties, New York, Mr. Donlon bravely Guard.’’ Guard display in honor of Chief Lewis’ many served our country in the U.S. Army for thirty Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- contributions during his career. years. Though his humility, fierce loyalty, and ognize Iowa Select Farms and the Deb and Chief Lewis has given his life to public serv- steadfast patriotism, Mr. Donlon has redefined Jeff Hansen Foundation today. I know that my ice through his career with the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.011 E18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1033 Coast Guard and his work in the community. novation and technology it is today. Bob On May 23rd, Secretary Wilbur Ross an- In recognition of his long life and commitment Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove built nounced that the Commerce Department to service of our nation and fellow Americans, a legacy and a company to be proud of, and would begin an investigation into whether im- I wish to recognize Chief Ira Lewis. we join in offering our sincere congratulations ports of automobiles and auto parts threaten f to the Intel Corporation for their 50 years of in- national security. However, before the Depart- novation and excellence. ment of Commerce could begin their investiga- RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING f tion, President Trump delegitimized the entire INTEL CORPORATION’S 50TH AN- process by prematurely stating that he wanted NIVERSARY IN APPRECIATION OF CALVIN a 25 percent tariff on automotive imports. We MITCHELL AND HIS SERVICE TO now know that this investigation is just a jus- HON. ZOE LOFGREN THE HOMELAND SECURITY COM- tification for this administration’s desire to im- MITTEE OF CALIFORNIA plement 19th century style tariffs on America’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES allies around the globe. Wednesday, July 18, 2018 HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON The Peterson Institute for International Eco- OF MISSISSIPPI nomics predicts that if the new auto tariffs are Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES implemented, the United States will lose along with my colleagues ANNA ESHOO and Wednesday, July 18, 2018 624,000 jobs and production would fall by 4 RO KHANNA, to recognize and celebrate Intel Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- percent. As Members of Congress, we cannot Corporation’s 50th anniversary. Intel who stand by and allow this administration’s de- some call the ‘‘most important company in the er, as the Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, I rise to express my structive trade policies to hurt American work- world,’’ has long been an enormously signifi- ers. As a result, I led a bipartisan letter, co- cant company of the global digital economy. appreciation of Mr. Calvin Mitchell upon the conclusion of his service to the Committee as signed by 149 Members of Congress, to Sec- On July 18, 1968—50 years ago today— retary of Commerce Wilbur Ross expressing Intel was founded by semiconductor pioneers a Congressional Fellow. Since joining the Committee this past No- concern with the Section 232 investigation into Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore. One of their auto imports. The letter highlights the auto in- first hires was Andy Grove—a refugee who vember, Mr. Mitchell has made valuable con- tributions to our legislative and oversight work dustry’s importance to working families and had immigrated from communist-controlled the nation’s economy, as well as the vast net- Hungary at the age of 20. He finished his edu- by sharing his considerable knowledge of fed- eral acquisitions. He has been a reliable re- work of international suppliers that the industry cation in the United States at the City College relies on to stay competitive. of New York and the University of California, source to our staff on all Department of Home- land Security acquisition-related matters. Addi- I strongly urge the Trump Administration to Berkeley. Intel initially set about making mem- think carefully about the impact of the autos ory chips, but within three years had invented tionally, during his tenure on the Committee, Mr. Mitchell was deeply involved in our over- 232 investigation, and the devastating effect the very first microprocessor. For the next thir- tariffs could have on American workers. Rath- ty years, Noyce, Moore, and Grove were suc- sight of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s response to Hurricane Maria which er than endangering American jobs through a cessive CEOs of Intel, during which the com- trade war with our allies, we need to strength- pany’s innovative, cutting-edge research, and devastated Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Is- lands. Additionally, he helped develop innova- en our trading relationships to better position industry leading technology profoundly U.S. workers in the global marketplace. changed how the world connected, commu- tive approaches to promote federal procure- f nicated, and did business. Starting with just 12 ment opportunities for small businesses and employees at its founding in 1968, Intel has enhance the participation of Historically Black HONORING THE BIRTH OF NELSON now grown to be the largest semiconductor Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in federal MANDELA manufacturer in the world, with over one hun- acquisitions. dred thousand employees globally. Throughout his time on the Committee, Mr. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Since its founding, Intel products pushed the Mitchell has displayed a high degree of pro- fessionalism and personal commitment to pro- OF TEXAS envelope in terms of what computers and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES microprocessors could achieve. Today, Intel viding Members of the Committee and staff and its founders are rightfully considered icons valuable insight and information. In all of this, Wednesday, July 18, 2018 in Silicon Valley. Bob Noyce and Gordon Calvin has demonstrated benevolence, vitality, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Moore’s decision to strike out on their own and enthusiasm, which has helped all of us Mr. Speaker, today marks 100 years since the with a plan to pursue superior technology enormously. birth of famed political leader and philan- We thank Calvin for his service to the Com- helped ignite the startup culture that still de- thropist, Nelson Mandela. Often referred to as mittee and our country and wish him the very fines Silicon Valley to this day. Bob Noyce the ‘‘Father of the Nation,’’ Mandela is best best as he returns to the General Services Ad- earned his nickname as ‘‘Mayor of Silicon Val- known for serving as South Africa’s first black ministration. ley,’’ and was instrumental in crafting the cas- head of state and using his administration to ual, hands-on work environment that remains f dismantle the strict system of apartheid that the standard in Silicon Valley. He provided THE DEVASTATING IMPACT OF existed in South Africa from 1948 until the counsel to countless younger CEO’s, among THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S mid-1990s. Since that time, Mandela has be- them Steve Jobs. Gordon Moore is the re- AUTO TARIFFS ON ALABAMA come a global icon of democracy and social nowned author of ‘‘Moore’s Law,’’ the guiding justice, which is relevant even today as we principle of the semiconductor industry, which HON. TERRI A. SEWELL continue to wrestle with our own issues of divi- predicts a doubling of the number of transis- OF ALABAMA siveness and racial disparities. tors on an integrated circuit every two years. Mandela began his activism at a relatively IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Remarkably, that standard still holds true young age. While studying law at the Univer- today. Andy Grove’s encouragement of inno- Wednesday, July 18, 2018 sity of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, vation, risk-taking, and open communication Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I Mandela quickly became involved in a move- drove the company to ever-higher levels of rise today to address the U.S. Department of ment fighting against racial discrimination. In success and competitiveness, and has had a Commerce Section 232 investigation into auto- 1944, Mandela joined the African National lasting impact on the culture of Silicon Valley. mobile imports and the negative impact that it Congress (ANC) and worked to establish its For the past 50 years, Intel has been an en- could have on Alabama’s economy. In my dis- youth league, the ANCYL, in order to help fos- gine of innovation in Silicon Valley. Just last trict, I have both a Hyundai and Mercedes ter new leaders and call for civil disobedience week, the San Jose Mercury News reported auto manufacturing facility. Not only do they against the new laws that came with apart- that—were the San Francisco Bay Area a na- produce cars for the U.S. and foreign markets, heid. tion of its own—it would be the 19th largest but they provide thousands of high paying jobs By 1961, Mandela co-founded an armed economy in the world. The astounding suc- for my constituents. Last year alone inter- wing of the ANC once the government would cess of Silicon Valley can be attributed to national automakers invested $10.2 billion in not respond to peaceful demands for equality. many things, but few companies have played the state of Alabama, employing more than Mandela was ultimately imprisoned for nearly such an integral role in the early molding of 80,000 citizens, and providing good wages three decades, where he was subjected to in- Silicon Valley into the worldwide leader of in- and benefits to their employees. humane punishment and other atrocities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.015 E18JYPT1 E1034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2018 Once Mandela was released from prison, he culture for Natural Resources and En- needs to maintain United States global quickly moved to lead the ANC in negotiations vironment. leadership. with the governing National Party to bring an SR–328A SR–253 end to apartheid. By May 10, 1994, Mandela Committee on Banking, Housing, and Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Urban Affairs and Pensions was elected and sworn in as the first black To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Business meeting to consider S. 2554, to president of South Africa—a position he would tions of Elad L. Roisman, of Maine, to ensure that health insurance issuers use to bring peace and equality to the nation. be a Member of the Securities and Ex- and group health plans do not prohibit After leaving office, he continued to help ad- change Commission, Michael R. Bright, pharmacy providers from providing dress global issues through direct intervention of the District of Columbia, to be certain information to enrollees, H.R. and through the Nelson Mandela Foundation. President, Government National Mort- 1222, to amend the Public Health Serv- Nelson Mandela died on December 5, 2013, gage Association, and Rae Oliver, of ice Act to coordinate Federal con- after a long and fruitful life. Virginia, to be Inspector General, both genital heart disease research efforts and to improve public education and Mr. Speaker, Nelson Mandela left behind a of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Dino awareness of congenital heart disease, lasting legacy that will continue to inspire gen- Falaschetti, of Montana, to be Direc- S. 2465, to amend the Public Health erations to come. It is fitting that even after tor, Office of Financial Research, De- Service Act to reauthorize a sickle cell one hundred years, as our society continues partment of the Treasury. disease prevention and treatment dem- to overcome challenges to our democracy and SD–538 onstration program and to provide for social justice, that we honor such a timeless Committee on Commerce, Science, and sickle cell disease research, surveil- figure in our history. Even in death, his self- Transportation lance, prevention, and treatment, S. less dedication to equality and democratic ide- Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, 3016, to amend the Public Health Serv- Fisheries, and Coast Guard ice Act to improve essential oral ology serve as a reminder that we must al- health care for low-income and other ways be fighting to defend the values that we To hold hearings to examine the Na- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- underserved individuals by breaking hold dear as a nation. It is in the absence of ministration’s blue economy initiative, down barriers to care, and pending such a strong defense of our values that we focusing on supporting commerce in nominations. succumb to the tyranny and oppression of the American oceans and Great Lakes. SD–430 past. SR–253 Joint Economic Committee Committee on Energy and Natural Re- To hold hearings to examine the innova- f sources tion economy, entrepreneurship, and barriers to capital access. SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS To hold hearings to examine factors that are impacting global oil prices. LHOB–1100 Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, SD–366 2 p.m. agreed to by the Senate of February 4, 2:30 p.m. Commission on Security and Cooperation 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Committee on Commerce, Science, and in Europe Transportation To hold hearings to examine the state of tem for a computerized schedule of all play, focusing on globalized corruption, meetings and hearings of Senate com- Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data state-run doping, and international mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Security sport. tees, and committees of conference. To hold hearings to examine strength- SD–562 This title requires all such committees ening and empowering United States 2:15 p.m. to notify the Office of the Senate Daily amateur athletes, focusing on moving Committee on Commerce, Science, and Digest—designated by the Rules Com- forward with solutions. Transportation mittee—of the time, place and purpose SR–253 Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Committee on Foreign Relations Competitiveness of the meetings, when scheduled and To hold hearings to examine destination any cancellations or changes in the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy Mars, focusing on putting American meetings as they occur. To hold hearings to examine the China boots on the surface of the red planet. As an additional procedure along challenge, focusing on economic coer- SR–253 with the computerization of this infor- cion as statecraft. 2:30 p.m. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily SD–419 Committee on Foreign Relations Digest will prepare this information for Select Committee on Intelligence To hold hearings to examine American printing in the Extensions of Remarks To hold closed hearings to examine cer- diplomacy to advance our national se- tain intelligence matters. curity strategy. section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SD–419 on Monday and Wednesday of each SH–219 week. JULY 25 JULY 26 Meetings scheduled for Thursday, 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. July 19, 2018 may be found in the Daily Select Committee on Intelligence Committee on Homeland Security and Digest of today’s RECORD. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and MEETINGS SCHEDULED tions of Joseph Maguire, of Florida, to be Director of the National Counterter- Federal Management rorism Center, Office of the Director of To hold hearings to examine the chal- JULY 24 National Intelligence, and Ellen E. lenges and opportunities of the pro- 10 a.m. McCarthy, of Virginia, to be an Assist- posed government reorganization on Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ant Secretary of State (Intelligence Office of Personnel Management and Forestry and Research). General Services Administration. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- SD–342 tions of Dan Michael Berkovitz, of 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Maryland, to be a Commissioner of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Select Committee on Intelligence Commodity Futures Trading Commis- Transportation To receive a closed briefing regarding sion, and James E. Hubbard, of Colo- To hold hearings to examine the race to certain intelligence matters. rado, to be Under Secretary of Agri- 5G, focusing on exploring spectrum SH–219

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:32 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.019 E18JYPT1 Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Daily Digest Senate Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- Chamber Action lowing nominations: Routine Proceedings, pages S5027–S5078 By 50 yeas to 49 nays (Vote No. EX. 160), An- Measures Introduced: Twelve bills and five resolu- drew S. Oldham, of Texas, to be United States Cir- tions were introduced, as follows: S. 3229–3240, and cuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. Pages S5027–44, S5078 S. Res. 576–580. Page S5066 1 Coast Guard nomination in the rank of admiral. Pages S5072, S5078 Measures Passed: Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- Microloan Modernization Act: Senate passed S. lowing nominations: 526, to amend the Small Business Act to provide for Scott Hutchins, of Indiana, to be Under Secretary expanded participation in the microloan program, of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Econom- after agreeing to the committee amendment in the ics. nature of a substitute, and the following amendment Lane Genatowski, of New York, to be Director of proposed thereto: Pages S5072–73 the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, De- Rounds (for Risch) Amendment No. 3397, to partment of Energy. strike section 4. Page S5073 David Hale, of New Jersey, to be an Under Sec- Small Business Innovation Protection Act: Sen- retary of State (Political Affairs). ate passed S. 791, to amend the Small Business Act Kip Tom, of Indiana, for the rank of Ambassador to expand intellectual property education and train- during his tenure of service as U.S. Representative to ing for small businesses. Pages S073–74 the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agri- culture. White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Donald Y. Yamamoto, of Washington, to be Am- Quantification Act: Senate passed S. 2850, to bassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia. amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Charles Wickser Banta, of New York, to be a Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to clarify the use Member of the National Council on the Arts for a of amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund, after term expiring September 3, 2022. agreeing to the following amendment proposed Michelle Itczak, of Indiana, to be a Member of the thereto: Page S5074 National Council on the Arts for a term expiring Rounds (for Flake) Amendment No. 3398, in the September 3, 2020. nature of a substitute. Page S5074 Barbara Coleen Long, of Missouri, to be a Member Bounds Nomination—Agreement: Senate resumed of the National Council on the Arts for a term ex- consideration of the nomination of Ryan Wesley piring September 3, 2022. Bounds, of Oregon, to be United States Circuit Carleton Varney, of Massachusetts, to be a Mem- Judge for the Ninth Circuit. Pages S5045–59 ber of the National Council on the Arts for a term During consideration of this measure today, Senate expiring September 3, 2022. also took the following action: Richard S. Tischner, of Virginia, to be Director of By 50 yeas to 49 nays (Vote No. 161), Senate the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency agreed to the motion to close further debate on the for the District of Columbia for a term of six years. nomination. Pages S5044–45 Donald L. Palmer, of Florida, to be a Member of A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- the Election Assistance Commission for a term expir- viding for further consideration of the nomination, ing December 12, 2021. post-cloture, at approximately 10 a.m., on Thursday, 2 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. July 19, 2018; and that all time in recess, adjourn- Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Foreign ment, morning business, and Leader remarks count Service, and Navy. Pages S5075–78 against post-cloture time. Page S5074 Messages from the House: Page S5064 D831

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 D832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 18, 2018

Measures Referred: Pages S5064–65 Secretary (Conflict and Stabilization Operations), Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S5065 both of the Department of State, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf. Executive Communications: Pages S5065–66 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S5066–67 ADMINISTRATION’S GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION PROPOSAL Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Pages S5067–71 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Amendments Submitted: Page S5072 Administration’s government reorganization pro- Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S5072 posal, after receiving testimony from Margaret Privileges of the Floor: Page S5072 Weichert, Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget. Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. (Total—161) Pages S5044–45 INDIAN AFFAIRS LEGISLATION Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded a journed at 6:24 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Thursday, hearing to examine S. 2154, to approve the Kick- July 19, 2018. (For Senate’s program, see the re- apoo Tribe Water Rights Settlement Agreement, S. marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s 3060, to repeal section 2141 of the Revised Statutes Record on page S5074.) to remove the prohibition on certain alcohol manu- facturing on Indian lands, and S. 3168, to amend Committee Meetings the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to make Reclamation Water Settlements Fund per- (Committees not listed did not meet) manent, after receiving testimony from Alan SHARKS Mikkelsen, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the In- terior for Water and Western Resource Issues, and Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Chair, Working Group on Indian Water Settle- Committee concluded a hearing to examine sharks, ments; John E. Tubbs, State of Montana Department after receiving testimony from Alistair Dove, Geor- of Natural Resources and Conservation Director, gia Aquarium, Atlanta; Amy Kukulya, Woods Hole Helena; Lester Randall, Kickapoo Tribe, Horton, Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachu- Kansas; and Harry Pickernell, Sr., Confederated setts; Cheryl Ann Denesha Wilga, University of Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, Oakville, Wash- Alaska, Anchorage; and Robert E. Hueter, Mote Ma- ington. rine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida. TRADE AND COMMERCE AT U.S. PORTS OF FEDERAL INVESTMENT IN DNA ANALYSIS ENTRY Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a Committee on Finance: Subcommittee on International hearing to examine promoting justice for victims of Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness con- crime, focusing on the Federal investment in DNA cluded a hearing to examine trade and commerce at analysis, including S. 2577, to reauthorize programs United States ports of entry, after receiving testi- authorized under the Debbie Smith Act of 2004, S. mony from Kevin K. McAleenan, Commissioner, 2345, to amend the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimi- Customs and Border Protection, Department of nation Act of 2000 to provide additional resources Homeland Security; Mayor Pete Saenz, Laredo, to State and local prosecutors, and S. 2266, to au- Texas, on behalf of the Texas Border Coalition; Ser- thorize the Office on Violence Against Women to gio Contreras, Rio Grande Valley Partnership, improve the handling of crimes of domestic violence, Weslaco, Texas, on behalf of the Border Trade Alli- dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking by in- ance; Kurt Nagle, American Association of Port Au- corporating a trauma-informed approach into the ini- thorities, Alexandria, Virginia; and Mary Ann Bucci, tial response to and investigation of such crimes, Port of Pittsburgh Commission, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- after receiving testimony from Gerald M. LaPorte, vania. Director, Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences, National Institute of Justice, Office of Jus- NOMINATIONS tice Programs, Department of Justice; Gretta L. Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded Goodwin, Director, Homeland Security and Justice, a hearing to examine the nominations of Brian J. Government Accountability Office; Debbie Smith, Bulatao, of Texas, to be an Under Secretary (Man- H–E–A–R–T, Williamsburg, Virginia; Matthew J. agement), who was introduced by Senator Cornyn, Gamette, Idaho State Police Forensic Services, Gar- and Denise Natali, of New Jersey, to be an Assistant ner, North Carolina, on behalf of the Association of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D833 Crime Lab Directors; and Penny Young Nance, Con- and their families age, after receiving testimony from cerned Women for America, Washington, D.C. Jack Stollsteimer, Deputy Treasurer of Pennsylvania for Consumer Programs, Harrisburg; Kelly Nye- ECONOMIC STABILITY AND SELF- Lengerman, University of Minnesota Institute on SUFFICIENCY Community Integration, Minneapolis; Edward Special Committee on Aging: Committee concluded a Mitchell, Jackson Area Center for Independent Liv- hearing to examine supporting economic stability ing, Jackson, Tennessee; and Benjamin Wright, Wil- and self-sufficiency as Americans with disabilities mington, North Carolina. h House of Representatives H.R. 3994, to establish the Office of Internet Chamber Action Connectivity and Growth, and for other purposes, Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 23 pub- with an amendment (H. Rept. 115–841); lic bills, H.R. 6414–6436; and 1 resolution, H. Res. H.R. 4606, to provide that applications under the 1003 were introduced. Pages H6556–58 Natural Gas Act for the importation or exportation of small volumes of natural gas shall be granted Additional Cosponsors: Pages H6558–59 without modification or delay, with an amendment Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: (H. Rept. 115–842); and H. Res. 982, resolution of inquiry requesting the H.R. 5709, to amend the Communications Act of President, and directing the Secretary of Health and 1934 to provide for enhanced penalties for pirate Human Services, to transmit, respectively, certain in- radio, and for other purposes, with an amendment formation to the House of Representatives referring (H. Rept. 115–843). Page H6556 to the separation of children from their parents or Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he guardians as a result of the President’s ‘‘zero toler- appointed Representative Fleischmann to act as ance’’ policy (H. Rept. 115–835); Speaker pro tempore for today. Page H6467 H.R. 2345, to require the Federal Communica- tions Commission to study the feasibility of desig- Recess: The House recessed at 11 a.m. and recon- nating a simple, easy-to-remember dialing code to be vened at 12 noon. Page H6474 used for a national suicide prevention and mental Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the health crisis hotline system, with an amendment (H. Guest Chaplain, Chaplain John L. Vernon, Jr., High Rept. 115–836); Point Police Department, High Point, North Caro- H.R. 4881, to require the Federal Communica- lina. Page H6474 tions Commission to establish a task force for meet- Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018—Motion ing the connectivity and technology needs of preci- to go to Conference: The House agreed by unani- sion agriculture in the United States, with amend- mous consent to disagree to the Senate amendment ments (H. Rept. 115–837); and request a conference on H.R 2, to provide for H.R. 3916, to amend the Endangered Species Act the reform and continuation of agricultural and other of 1973 to vest in the Secretary of the Interior func- programs of the Department of Agriculture through tions under that Act with respect to species of fish fiscal year 2023. Pages H6493–95 that spawn in fresh or estuarine waters and migrate Agreed to the Peterson motion to instruct con- to ocean waters, and species of fish that spawn in ferees by a yea-and-nay vote of 392 yeas to 20 nays, ocean waters and migrate to fresh water, with an Roll No. 336. Pages H6493–95 amendment (H. Rept. 115–838); Later, the Chair appointed the following conferees: H.R. 577, to designate a peak in the State of Ne- From the Committee on Agriculture, for consider- vada as Maude Frazier Mountain (H. Rept. ation of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Rep- 115–839); resentatives Conaway, Thompson of Pennsylvania, H.R. 3045, to amend the National Trails System Goodlatte, Lucas, Rogers of Alabama, Austin Scott Act to extend the Lewis and Clark National Historic of Georgia, Crawford, Hartzler, Rodney Davis of Illi- Trail, and for other purposes, with an amendment nois, Yoho, Rouzer, Marshall, Arrington, Peterson, (H. Rept. 115–840); David Scott of Georgia, Costa, Walz, Fudge,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 D834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 18, 2018 McGovern, Vela, Michelle Lujan Grisham of New conference: Representatives Denham, Gibbs, and Mexico, Kuster of New Hampshire, and O’Halleran. Bustos. Page H6501 Page H6501 Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules From the Committee on Education and the Work- and pass the following measure: force, for consideration of secs. 4204, 4205, and 9131 of the House bill, and modifications com- Supporting the officers and personnel who carry mitted to conference: Representatives Foxx, Allen, out the important mission of the United States Im- migration and Customs Enforcement: H. Res. 990, and Adams. Page H6501 amended, supporting the officers and personnel who From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, carry out the important mission of the United States for consideration of subtitles A and B of title VI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, by a 2⁄3 yea- secs. 6202, 6203, 6401, 6406, 6407, 6409, 6603, and-nay vote of 244 yeas to 35 nays with 133 an- 7301, 7605, 8106, 8507, 9119, 9121, and 11101 of swering ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 337. the House bill, and secs. 6116, 6117, 6202, Pages H6486–93, H6495 6206–09, 6301, 6303, 7412, 9102, 9104, 9106, 9111–13, 12408, 12627, and 12628 of the Senate Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House amendment, and modifications committed to con- agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following ference: Representatives Shimkus, Cramer, and measure. Consideration began Tuesday, July 17th. Tonko. Page H6501 Authorizing the National Emergency Medical From the Committee on Financial Services, for Services Memorial Foundation to establish a com- consideration of sec. 12609 of the Senate amend- memorative work in the District of Columbia and ment, and modifications committed to conference: its environs: H.R. 1037, amended, to authorize the Representatives Hensarling, Duffy, and Maxine National Emergency Medical Services Memorial Waters of California. Page H6501 Foundation to establish a commemorative work in From the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for con- the District of Columbia and its environs, by a 2⁄3 sideration of title III of the House bill, and modi- yea-and-nay vote of 414 yeas with none voting fications committed to conference: Representatives ‘‘nay’’, Roll No. 338. Pages H6495–96 Royce of California, Chabot, and Engel. Page H6501 Expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon From the Committee on Natural Resources, for tax would be detrimental to the United States consideration of secs. 2802, 6408, 8104, 8107, economy—Rule for Consideration: The House 8109, subtitles B and C of title VIII, 8402, 8502, agreed to H. Res. 1001, providing for consideration 8503, 8506, 8507, 8509, 8510, 9111, 11614, and of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 119) ex- 11615 of the House bill, and sec. 2425, subtitle D pressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax of title VIII, secs. 8601, 8611, 8621–28, 8631, would be detrimental to the United States economy, 8632, 12515, 12601, and 12602 of the Senate by a recorded vote of 229 ayes to 183 noes, Roll No. amendment, and modifications committed to con- 340, after the previous question was ordered by a ference: Representatives Bishop of Utah, Westerman, yea-and-nay vote of 226 yeas to 186 nays, Roll No. and Grijalva. Page H6501 339. Pages H6478–86, H6496–97 From the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Department of the Interior, Environment, and ment Reform, for consideration of secs. 1601, 4022, Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019: The 4026, 8502, and 11609 of the House bill, and secs. House continued consideration of H.R. 6147, mak- 3113, 7128, 8623, 8630, 8632, 12301, and 12407 ing appropriations for the Department of the Inte- of the Senate amendment, and modifications com- rior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal mitted to conference: Representatives Walker, year ending September 30, 2019. Consideration Comer, and Plaskett. Page H6501 began yesterday, July 17th. Page H6497 From the Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- Agreed to: nology, for consideration of sec. 7509 of the House O’Halleran amendment (No. 27 printed in H. bill, and sec. 7409 of the Senate amendment, and Rept. 115–830) that was debated on July 17th that modifications committed to conference: Representa- moves $3,000,000 from the Office of the Special tives Abraham, Dunn, and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Trustee to the Office of Navajo-Hopi Indian Reloca- Texas. Page H6501 tion (by a recorded vote of 217 ayes to 196 noes, From the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Roll No. 343); Pages H6499–H6500 structure, for consideration of secs. 2404, 6223, Moore amendment (No. 42 printed in H. Rept. 6224, 6503, 9117, and 9118 of the House bill, and 115–830) that bars the use of funds to reorganize or secs. 2415, 2416, 6124, 6304, and 7412 of the Sen- eliminate the Great Lakes Advisory Board; ate amendment, and modifications committed to Page H6502

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D835 Moore amendment (No. 45 printed in H. Rept. mitigate impact on banks, mortgage lenders, tax rev- 115–830) that maintains FY 2018 funding for an enues, and homeowners; Pages H6530–31 authorized program to address lead in drinking Young (AK) amendment (No. 72 printed in H. water; Pages H6504–05 Rept. 115–830) that increases funding for the Com- Loudermilk amendment (No. 47 printed in H. munity Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Rept. 115–830) that prohibits funds from being Fund Account by $2 million and allocates the in- used to regulate trailers under the Clean Air Act; crease to the Native American CDFI Assistance Pages H6506–07 (NACA) Program; offsets the increase by decreasing Byrne amendment (No. 52 printed in H. Rept. funding for GSA rental space by $2 million; 115–830) that prevents the re-purposing of Gulf of Page H6531 Mexico Energy Security Act funds; Page H6511 Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM) amendment (No. Burgess amendment (No. 53 printed in H. Rept. 73 printed in H. Rept. 115–830) that increases 115–830) that places a funding limitation on the funding for Community Development Financial In- EPA’s ability to utilize the Title 42 special pay au- stitutions (CDFIs) by $5 million; decreases the Gen- thority; Pages H6511–12 eral Services Administration Federal Buildings Fund Young (AK) amendment (No. 58 printed in H. by 15 million; Pages H6531–32 Rept. 115–830) that prevents funds from being used Palazzo amendment (No. 74 printed in H. Rept. to change existing placer mining plan of operations 115–830) that designates a $25 million increase to CDFI programs; Page H6532 with regard to reclamation activities; Pages H6515–16 Perry amendment (No. 59 printed in H. Rept. Soto amendment (No. 75 printed in H. Rept. 115–830) that prohibits the EPA from using funds 115–830) that increases funding for Tax Counseling to give formal notification under, or prepare, pro- for the Elderly by $1 million; Pages H6532–33 pose, implement, administer, or enforce any rule or Soto amendment (No. 76 printed in H. Rept. recommendation pursuant to section 115 of the 115–830) that increases funding for the IRS’s iden- tify theft and refund fraud casework program by Clean Air Act; Pages H6516–17 $500,000; Page H6533 Posey amendment (No. 64 printed in H. Rept. Kustoff (TN) amendment (No. 78 printed in H. 115–830) that no funds will be made available in Rept. 115–830) that increases funding to the High contravention of Federal Acquisition Regulation Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program by $5 6.101(a) with respect to aviation helmets; Page H6521 million and reduces the General Services Administra- Denham amendment (No. 65 printed in H. Rept. tion’s rental of space allocation by $5 million; 115–830) that prevents federal funds from being Page H6534 used to implement the State of California’s Bay- Murphy amendment (No. 79 printed in H. Rept. Delta Plan; Pages H6521–23 115–830) that reduces funding for Small Business Abraham amendment (No. 66 printed in H. Rept. Administration, Entrepreneurial Development Pro- 115–830) that prevents the enforcement of limita- grams by $1 million, and increases it by the same tions or prohibitions on the use of genetically modi- amount, with 1,600,000 of the increase intended for fied crops in commercial agricultural operations con- the Women’s Business Centers program and ducted on National Wildlife Refuges; Page H6523 $400,000 intended for Veterans Outreach programs; Jackson Lee amendment (No. 67 printed in H. Pages H6534–35 Rept. 115–830) that prohibits the use of funds to Polis amendment (No. 80 printed in H. Rept. eliminate or restrict programs aimed at reforestation 115–830) that provides funding for the SBA to do of urban areas; Pages H6523–25 technical assistance, training and education about the Jackson Lee amendment (No. 68 printed in H. 7(a)(15) employee-ownership loan guarantee pro- Rept. 115–830) that prohibits funds to be used to gram; Page H6535 limit outreach programs administered by the Smith- Zeldin amendment (No. 82 printed in H. Rept. sonian Institution; Pages H6525–28 115–830) that prohibits funds from being used by Larson (CT) amendment (No. 71 printed in H. the GSA to market or sell Plum Island, NY; Rept. 115–830) that provides funding within the Pages H6536–37 Department of the Treasury, Departmental Office Mullin amendment (No. 43 printed in H. Rept. ($100,000 from the proposed $208,751,000) towards 115–830) that prohibits the use of funds for enforc- a study, led by Treasury with the participation of ing the Obama Administration’s EPA Methane Rule relevant regulators, to examine the financial impact (by a recorded vote of 215 ayes to 194 noes, Roll of the mineral pyrrhotite in concrete home founda- No. 346); Pages H6502–03, H6543 tions; the study should provide recommendations on Mullin amendment (No. 44 printed in H. Rept. regulatory and legislative actions needed to help 115–830) that prohibits funds from implementing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 D836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 18, 2018 the Social Cost of Carbon rule (by a recorded vote Rothfus amendment (No. 85 printed in H. Rept. of 215 ayes to 199 noes, Roll No. 347); 115–830) that prohibits the funds from being used Pages H6503–04, H6543–44 to seize property as a means of enforcing the liability McMorris Rodgers amendment (No. 46 printed in provisions of the District of Columbia individual H. Rept. 115–830) that limits funding for the im- mandate (by a recorded vote of 231 ayes to 184 plementation of Washington State’s revised water noes, Roll No. 361). Pages H6539, H6552–53 quality standard (by a recorded vote of 227 ayes to Rejected: 185 noes, Roll No. 348); Pages H6505–06, H6544–45 Biggs amendment (No. 1 printed in H. Rept. Lamborn amendment (No. 48 printed in H. Rept. 115–830) that was debated on July 17th that sought 115–830) that prohibits the use of funds to imple- to transfer funds from the BLM Land acquisition ac- ment or enforce the threatened species listing of the count to the NPS Parks Maintenance Backlog (by a Preble’s meadow jumping mouse under the Endan- recorded vote of 172 ayes to 237 noes with one an- gered Species Act (by a recorded vote of 213 ayes to swering ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 341); Page H6498 202 noes, Roll No. 349); Pages H6507–08, H6545 Grijalva amendment (No. 25 printed in H. Rept. Lamborn amendment (No. 49 printed in H. Rept. 115–830) that was debated on July 17th that sought 115–830) that prohibits the use of funds to imple- to increase the budget for the Department of the In- ment or enforce the threatened species or endangered terior Inspector General’s Office by $2.5 million (by species listing of any plant or wildlife that has not a recorded vote of 190 ayes to 223 noes, Roll No. undergone a review as required by section 4(c)(2) of 342); Pages H6498–99 the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (by a recorded Adams amendment (No. 29 printed in H. Rept. vote of 213 ayes to 201 noes, Roll No. 350); 115–830) that was debated on July 17th that sought Pages H6508–09. H6545–46 to decrease and then increase the EPA Environ- Goodlatte amendment (No. 50 printed in H. mental Programs and Management account fund by Rept. 115–830) that prohibits the Environmental $742,000; this increase is to emphasize the need for Protection Agency from using any funds to take re- greater funding for the Environmental Justice pro- taliatory, or EPA described ‘‘backstop’’ actions, gram area within the account (by a recorded vote of against any of the six states in the Chesapeake Bay 194 ayes to 218 noes, Roll No. 344); Page H6500 Watershed in the event that a state does not meet the goals mandated by the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Grothman amendment (No. 39 printed in H. Total Maximum Daily Load (by a recorded vote of Rept. 115–830), as modified, that was debated on 213 ayes to 202 noes, Roll No. 351); July 17th that sought to reduce funding for the Na- tional Endowment on the Arts and the Humanities Pages H6509–10, H6546–47 Pearce amendment (No. 62 printed in H. Rept. by 15 percent (by a recorded vote of 114 ayes to 297 115–830) that prevents funds from being used to noes, Roll No. 345); Pages H6500–01 carry out any rule-making on the status of the Lesser Carbajal amendment (No. 77 printed in H. Rept. Prairie Chicken (by a recorded vote of 216 ayes to 115–830) that sought to strike Section 125, which 199 noes, Roll No. 354); Pages H6518–19, H6548–49 prevents the IRS from issuing guidance to more Smith (MO) amendment (No. 70 printed in H. clearly define political activity for 501(c)(4) organiza- Rept. 115–830) that prevents the payment of attor- tions; Pages H6533–34 ney’s fees as part of any settlement the Federal Gov- Gallego amendment (No. 51 printed in H. Rept. ernment enters into under the Clean Air Act, the 115–830) that sought to ensure none of the funds Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act made available by this Act may be used to issue (by a recorded vote of 215 ayes to 199 noes, Roll grazing permits or leases in contravention of BLM No. 357); Pages H6529–30, H6550–51 regulations (by a recorded vote of 203 ayes to 212 Palmer amendment (No. 83 printed in H. Rept. noes, Roll No. 352); Pages H6510–11, H6547 115–830) that prohibits funds from being used to Pearce amendment (No. 60 printed in H. Rept. carry out the District of Columbia’s Health Insur- 115–830) that sought to prevent funds from being ance Requirement Amendment Act of 2018 (by a re- used to treat the New Mexico Meadow Jumping corded vote of 226 ayes to 189 noes, Roll No. 359); Mouse as an endangered species (by a recorded vote Pages H6537–38, H6551–52 of 206 ayes to 209 noes, Roll No. 353); Meadows amendment (No. 84 printed in H. Rept. Pages H6517–18, H6547–48 115–830) that prohibits Federal Funds from being Gosar amendment (No. 63 printed in H. Rept. used by the Office of Personnel Management to ad- 115–830) that sought to support recreational shoot- minister the Multi-State Plan program (by a re- ing, K–12 education and responsible energy develop- corded vote of 223 ayes to 192 noes, Roll No. 360); ment by prohibiting funds for the Ironwood Forest and Pages H6538–39, H6552 National Monument that was unilaterally designated

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D837 under the Antiquities Act (by a recorded vote of 193 H6494–95, H6495, H6495–96, H6496–97, H6497, ayes to 220 noes, Roll No. 355); H6498, H6498–99, H6499–H6500, H6500, Pages H6519–21, H6549 H6500–01, H6543, H6544, H6544–45, H6545, Jody B. Hice (GA) amendment (No. 69 printed H6545–46, H6546–47, H6547, H6547–48, in H. Rept. 115–830) that sought to state that no H6548–49, H6549, H6549–50, H6550–51, H6551, funds should be made available for Environmental H6551–52, H6552, H6553, H6553–54. There were Justice Small Grants issued by the Office of Environ- no quorum calls. mental Justice (by a recorded vote of 174 ayes to Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- 240 noes, Roll No. 356); Pages H6528–29, H6549–50 journed at 11:03 p.m. Carbajal amendment (No. 81 printed in H. Rept. 115–830) that sought to strike Section 628 which prohibits the SEC from promulgating a political Committee Meetings spending disclosure rule (by a recorded vote of 190 CRYPTOCURRENCIES: OVERSIGHT OF NEW ayes to 224 noes, Roll No. 358); and ASSETS IN THE DIGITAL AGE Pages H6535–36, H6551 McHenry amendment (No. 87 printed in H. Committee on Agriculture: Full Committee held a hear- Rept. 115–830) that sought to prohibit any taxpayer ing entitled ‘‘Cryptocurrencies: Oversight of New funds from going to support the Post Service’s ef- Assets in the Digital Age’’. Testimony was heard forts to (1) expand or enhance financial services from public witnesses. products, or (2) carry out any pilot programs or task POWERING AMERICA: THE ROLE OF forces pursuant to that end (by a recorded vote of ENERGY STORAGE IN THE NATION’S 201 ayes to 212 noes, Roll No. 362). ELECTRICITY SYSTEM Pages H6540–42, H6553–54 Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee En- Withdrawn: ergy held a hearing entitled ‘‘Powering America: The Emmer amendment (No. 55 printed in H. Rept. Role of Energy Storage in the Nation’s Electricity 115–830) that was offered and subsequently with- System’’. Testimony was heard from public wit- drawn that would have prohibited funding from nesses. being used to implement a January 13, 2017 effort by the U.S. Department of Interior and Agriculture OVERSIGHT OF THE FEDERAL TRADE to restrict all leasing, exploration, and potential de- COMMISSION velopment of approximately 234,328 acres of federal Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on land in Northeast Minnesota; Pages H6512–14 Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection held a Grothman amendment (No. 56 printed in H. hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of the Federal Trade Rept. 115–830) that was offered and subsequently Commission’’. Testimony was heard from the fol- withdrawn that would have prohibited funds made lowing Federal Trade Commission officials: Joseph available by this Act to be used to implement or en- Simons, Chairman; Maureen Ohlhausen, Commis- force the EPA’s ground level ozone rule; and sioner; Noah Phillips, Commissioner; Rohit Chopra, Pages H6514–15 Commissioner; and Rebecca Slaughter, Commis- Connolly amendment (No. 57 printed in H. Rept. sioner. 115–830) that was offered and subsequently with- drawn that would have prohibited funds from being MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES used to change or modify the 2015 federal coal ash Committee on Energy and Commerce: Full Committee rule (80 Fed. Reg. 21301). Page H6515 held a markup on H.R. 6351, the ‘‘Advancing U.S. H. Res. 996, the rule providing for consideration Civil Nuclear Competitiveness and Jobs Act’’; and of the bill (H.R. 6147) was agreed to yesterday, July H.R. 6378, the ‘‘Pandemic and All-Hazards Pre- 17th. paredness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2018’’. Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that H.R. 6378 and H.R. 6351 were ordered reported, as when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet amended. at 9 a.m. tomorrow, July 19th. Page H6555 MONETARY POLICY AND THE STATE OF Senate Message: Message received from the Senate THE ECONOMY by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee held House today and appears on page H6477. a hearing entitled ‘‘Monetary Policy and the State of Quorum Calls—Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes and the Economy’’. Testimony was heard from Jerome H. twenty-three recorded votes developed during the Powell, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal proceedings of today and appear on pages Reserve System.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 D838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 18, 2018 THE FUTURE OF MONEY: DIGITAL ‘‘Small Business Runway Extension Act of 2018’’; CURRENCY H.R. 6369, the ‘‘Expanding Contracting Opportuni- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on ties for Small Businesses Act of 2018’’; H.R. 6367, Monetary Policy and Trade held a hearing entitled ‘‘Incentivizing Fairness in Subcontracting Act of ‘‘The Future of Money: Digital Currency’’. Testi- 2018’’; H.R. 6382, the ‘‘Clarity on Small Business mony was heard from public witnesses. Participation in Category Management Act of 2018’’; H.R. 6316, the ‘‘Small Business Advocacy CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CENTRAL Improvements Act of 2018’’; and H.R. 6368, the ASIA ‘‘Encouraging Small Business Innovators Act’’. H.R. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Eu- 6348, H.R. 6347, H.R. 6330, H.R. 6316, and H.R. rope, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats held a hearing 6368 were ordered reported, without amendment. entitled ‘‘Current Developments in Central Asia’’. H.R. 6369, H.R. 6367, and H.R. 6382 were or- Testimony was heard from public witnesses. dered reported, as amended. MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES ARE WE READY? RECOVERING FROM 2017 Committee on Natural Resources: Full Committee held DISASTERS AND PREPARING FOR THE 2018 a markup on H.R. 5171, the ‘‘Ski Area Fee Reten- HURRICANE SEASON tion Act’’; H.R. 5347, the ‘‘Lyon County Economic Development and Environmental Remediation Act’’; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub- H.R. 5532, the ‘‘Reconstruction Era National His- committee on Economic Development, Public Build- torical Park Act’’; H.R. 5556, the ‘‘Environmental ings, and Emergency Management held a hearing en- Compliance Cost Transparency Act of 2018’’; H.R. titled ‘‘Are We Ready? Recovering from 2017 Disas- 5923, the ‘‘Walnut Grove Land Exchange Act’’; ters and Preparing for the 2018 Hurricane Season’’. H.R. 5979, the ‘‘Mill Springs Battlefield National Testimony was heard from Jeffrey Byard, Associate Monument Act’’; H.R. 6038, to establish a proce- Administrator, Office of Response and Recovery, dure for the conveyance of certain Federal property Federal Emergency Management Agency; Charles around the Dickinson Reservoir in the State of ‘‘Ray’’ Alexander, Director of Contingency Oper- North Dakota; H.R. 6039, to establish a procedure ations and Chief of the Office of Homeland Security, for the conveyance of certain Federal property around U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and public witnesses. the Jamestown Reservoir in the State of North Da- kota, and for other purposes; H.R. 6040, the AN UPDATE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION ‘‘Contra Costa Canal Transfer Act’’; and H.R. 6146, OF THE FOREVER GI BILL: IS VA READY the ‘‘Cottonwood Land Exchange Act of 2018’’. H.R. FOR AUGUST 1ST? 5171 was ordered reported, without amendment. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Eco- H.R. 5347, H.R. 5532, H.R. 5556, H.R. 5923, nomic Opportunity held a hearing entitled ‘‘An Up- H.R. 5979, H.R. 6038, H.R. 6039, H.R. 6040, and date on the Implementation of the Forever GI Bill: H.R. 6146 were ordered reported, as amended. Is VA Ready for August 1st?’’. Testimony was heard REGULATORY DIVERGENCE: FAILURE OF from Major General Robert M. Worley II, U.S. Air THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE Force (Ret.), Director, Education Service, Veterans Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- Benefit Administration, Department of Veterans Af- committee on Intergovernmental Affairs held a hear- fairs; and public witnesses. ing entitled ‘‘Regulatory Divergence: Failure of the Administrative State’’. Testimony was heard from MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES public witnesses. Committee on Ways and Means: Full Committee held MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE a markup on H.R. 3309, the ‘‘Social Security Online Tools Innovation Act’’; and H.R. 6377, the ‘‘Save Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- Community Newspaper Act of 2018’’. H.R. 3309 mittee held a markup on H.R. 6398, the ‘‘Depart- and H.R. 6377 were ordered reported, as amended. ment of Energy Veterans’ Health Initiative Act’’. H.R. 6398 was ordered reported, as amended. THE EFFECTS OF TARIFFS ON U.S. MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES AGRICULTURE AND RURAL COMMUNITIES Committee on Small Business: Full Committee held a Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on markup on H.R. 6348, the ‘‘Small Business Access Trade held a hearing entitled ‘‘The Effects of Tariffs to Capital and Efficiency Act’’; H.R. 6347, the ‘‘7(a) on U.S. Agriculture and Rural Communities’’. Testi- Real Estate Harmonization Act’’; H.R. 6330, the mony was heard from public witnesses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 July 18, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D839

Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Department of the Joint Meetings Treasury, 10 a.m., SD–215. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: STATE OF TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS to hold hearings to examine the nominations of Dennis Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Com- Dean Kirk, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Merit Sys- tems Protection Board, and to be Chairman of the Merit mission concluded a hearing to examine the state of Systems Protection Board, Julia Akins Clark, of Mary- transatlantic relations, after receiving testimony from land, and Andrew F. Maunz, of Ohio, both to be a Mem- Nathalie Griesbeck, Special Committee on Ter- ber of the Merit Systems Protection Board, and Carmen rorism, Claude Moraes, Committee on Civil Lib- Guerricagoitia McLean, to be an Associate Judge of the erties, Justice, and Home Affairs, and Michael Boni, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, 10 a.m., each a Member of the European Parliament, Brussels, SD–342. Belgium. Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider f the nominations of Britt Cagle Grant, of Georgia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit, COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, David James Porter, of Pennsylvania, to be United States JULY 19, 2018 Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit, A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr., of South Carolina, and Julius Ness (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Richardson, of South Carolina, both to be a United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, Roy Kalman Alt- Senate man, and Rodolfo Armando Ruiz II, both to be a United Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, hold hearings to examine the nominations of Kathleen and Raul M. Arias-Marxuach, to be United States District Laura Kraninger, of Ohio, to be Director, Bureau of Con- Judge for the District of Puerto Rico, 10 a.m., SD–226. sumer Financial Protection, and Kimberly A. Reed, of Select Committee on Intelligence: to receive a closed brief- West Virginia, to be President of the Export-Import ing regarding certain intelligence matters, 2 p.m., Bank of the United States, 10 a.m., SD–538. SH–219. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold an oversight hearing to examine Administration reorganiza- House tion and modernization proposals related to the Depart- Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Home- ment of Energy and the Department of the Interior, 10 land Security, markup on FY 2019 Homeland Security a.m., SD–366. Appropriations Bill, 9:30 a.m., 2362–A Rayburn. Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hear- Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on ings to examine the nominations of Mary Bridget Health, hearing entitled ‘‘21st Century Cures Implemen- Neumayr, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Council on tation: Examining Mental Health Initiatives’’, 10 a.m., Environmental Quality, and John Fleming, of Louisiana, 2123 Rayburn. to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic De- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Full Com- velopment, 10 a.m., SD–406. mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘China’s Threat to American Committee on Finance: business meeting to consider the Government and Private Sector Research and Innovation nomination of Charles P. Rettig, of California, to be Leadership’’, 8:30 a.m., 1100 Longworth.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:18 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D18JY8.REC D18JYPT1 D840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 18, 2018

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, July 19 9 a.m., Thursday, July 19

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Thursday: Complete consideration of H.R. ation of the nomination of Ryan Wesley Bounds, of Or- 6147—Department of the Interior, Environment, and Re- egon, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth lated Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019. Complete con- Circuit, post-cloture. sideration of H. Con. Res. 119—Expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

House Gianforte, Greg, Mont., E1027 Panetta, Jimmy, Calif., E1028 Gutie´rrez, Luis V., Ill., E1032 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1029 Bass, Karen, Calif., E1027 Huizenga, Bill, Mich., E1028 Sewell, Terri A., Ala., E1033 Byrne, Bradley, Ala., E1029 Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1033 Simpson, Michael K., Idaho, E1028, E1030 Cohen, Steve, Tenn., E1028 Jones, Walter B., N.C., E1031, E1032 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E1030 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1029 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E1030 DelBene, Suzan K., Wash., E1027 Kelly, Mike, Pa., E1031 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E1033 Duffy, Sean, P., Wisc., E1029 Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E1033 Torres, Norma J., Calif., E1028 Faso, John J., N.Y., E1032 Luetkemeyer, Blaine, Mo., E1027 Young, David, Iowa, E1032

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