Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2018 No. 121 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was several years, the Congressional West- cluding the LOCAL Act, which was in- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ern Caucus has been working together troduced by my colleague SCOTT TIP- pore (Mr. FLEISCHMANN). to determine what parts of the Endan- TON. This bill would set up new incen- f gered Species Act are broken and to de- tives and opportunities for voluntary velop solutions to repair this law. conservation by establishing a private DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO The Endangered Species Act is in party conservation grants program and TEMPORE dire need of modernization and reform, a habitat conservation planning loan The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- which is why, last week, the Western program for State and local govern- fore the House the following commu- Caucus, which I am proud to belong to, ments. These programs will save the nication from the Speaker: rolled out some solutions; among them taxpayers money while boosting con- is to address the broken litigation servation. WASHINGTON, DC, Mr. Speaker, we know that the ma- July 18, 2018. process that incentivizes litigation for I hereby appoint the Honorable CHARLES J. profit at the expense of the taxpayer, jority of the recent species that have FLEISCHMANN to act as Speaker pro tempore address the lack of clear listing and been delisted happened not as a result on this day. delisting criteria, addressed the lack of of the Endangered Species Act or the PAUL D. RYAN, transparency in Endangered Species Fish and Wildlife Service, but through Speaker of the House of Representatives. Act decisionmaking and data collec- voluntary conservation with the lead- f tion, consider the needs of States more ership of the Department of Agri- seriously, and address the unnecessary culture. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE The LAMP Act, introduced by my impediments to economic development colleague Congressman DON YOUNG, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and land management that affect en- permits the Secretary of the Interior ant to the order of the House of Janu- dangered species. to enter into cooperative management ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- Mr. Speaker, as far as statutes that agreements with States, local govern- nize Members from lists submitted by require costly litigation, the Endan- ments, Tribes, and other non-Federal the majority and minority leaders for gered Species Act was the third most persons in order to better manage spe- morning-hour debate. expensive for the Department of Agri- cies and improve habitat conservation. The Chair will alternate recognition culture and the most expensive for the The bill also empowers States with ro- between the parties. All time shall be Department of the Interior. bust species conservation programs al- equally allocated between the parties, Endangered Species Act litigation ready in place to take the lead in man- and in no event shall debate continue cost the Department of Agriculture aging and preserving such species when beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other and the Federal taxpayers $1.63 million than the majority and minority leaders meeting certain qualifying conditions. from 2000 to 2010. It cost the Depart- Mr. Speaker, these are just two ex- and the minority whip, shall be limited ment of the Interior $22 million from to 5 minutes. amples of great pieces of legislation 2000 to 2010, all at the expense of the that have been introduced in the House f taxpayer. These frivolous lawsuits have to upgrade, modernize, and bring into severe consequences on local econo- the 21st century the Endangered Spe- UPDATE ENDANGERED SPECIES mies. ACT cies Act. Additionally, the absence of State The Endangered Species Act is in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The consultation weakens the overall data dire need of modernization, and I am Chair recognizes the gentleman from that can be used to justify the Endan- eager to work with my colleagues to Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 gered Species Act listings and recovery address these needs and reform this minutes. plans, a complete lack of transparency. outdated law. I urge my colleagues to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. State and local expertise is needed to examine these commonsense bills, look Mr. Speaker, when the Endangered strengthen and streamline the Endan- at the facts behind them, and cospon- Species Act was signed into law in 1973, gered Species Act listing and delisting sor them today. its goal was simple: safeguard endan- process. f gered species and assist in the recovery I am happy to say that these issues of their population. are addressed in some of the bills that THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING Until last week, no recent attempts were introduced last week. I proudly The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have been made to reform this essen- cosponsored a number of the bills that Chair recognizes the gentleman from tial piece of legislation. Over the past will make progress on this front, in- Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6467 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY7.000 H18JYPT1 H6468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2018 Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, on Mr. Speaker, it is well established After a resounding ‘‘no’’ vote from Monday, the world witnessed the single that I believe our current President is the people of Bolivia, this thug turned worst performance by an American a threat to American democracy, to the courts, which he totally con- President on the world stage in world which is why I was one of the first trols, to stomp on the will of the peo- history. It was a culmination of the Members of Congress to sign on to Ar- ple. The courts sided with him—what a worst week an American President has ticles of Impeachment last year. I have surprise—and went as far as declaring ever had. As a citizen, I am shocked already begun consulting with my col- that Morales’ indefinite reelection is a and embarrassed for our Nation. leagues about whether those Articles of human right. What an insult that is to Given evidence, indictments, and Impeachment can be expanded and up- the Bolivian people and to all of us who facts, the President was given the dated to include the betrayal witnessed cherish true democratic ideals. choice of taking America’s side or tak- by the American people in the world Just like Castro, Evo Morales also ing President Putin’s side. The Presi- this week. continues to clamp down on the opposi- dent chose Putin. I believe the Amer- While it is already a full-time job, I tion, sending his national police to de- ican people, our Armed Forces, our al- will redouble my efforts to prevent the ploy repressive tactics and silence dis- lies, our lawmakers, and the Presi- House of Representatives from taking sent brutally. Just last month, his dent’s own Cabinet deserve an imme- actions to actively obstruct justice and henchmen killed a young student from diate apology from the President for undermine law enforcement and the the Public University in the city of El his actions. FBI, while seeking to give the Presi- Alto, where students peacefully pro- Having insulted and demeaned our dent cover and relief from a genuine, tested, calling for additional resources closest military allies and trading thorough investigation into the attack for their university. partners, the President doubled down on our country by the Russians in 2016 The latest State Department human by insulting world leaders individually and the attacks that are continuing to rights report states that Morales’ and in public, especially those who are this day. power over the judicial system, the de- most friendly to the United States. It This body, the House, the institution nial of a fair and timely public trial, was disgraceful. that I love so much and have served for and prosecutions of political opponents The President even went as far as to more than 25 years, cannot be sullied are at the top of his human rights say that Germany is totally controlled or diminished by this President or his abuses, his greatest hits. by Russia, a comment that makes the inability to see the facts about the at- It is no wonder that over 1,200 Boliv- President quite literally the laughing tack on the United States. ian political exiles are now living in stock of the world. To then go on and As a body, we must take action to re- Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Spain, and here take President Putin’s side in defend- lieve the President of his duties. Most in our wonderful country, including my ing the Kremlin’s attack on the United Americans probably doubt that the lovely south Florida community. States—an attack which this Congress, House of Representatives is even up to Mr. Speaker, Evo Morales’ anti-impe- our intelligence and law enforcement the task of being fair, being honest, rialist rhetoric, expelling all of our agencies, our allies, and the American being impartial enough to call a spade agencies—DEA, USAID, and the U.S. people know in fact took place—was a spade when it comes to Russian ag- Ambassador to Bolivia—and his cozi- nothing short of treasonous.