June 18, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3639 one thing that will make the migration The yeas and nays are mandatory not missed a single vote. Difficulties problem drastically worse. He will then under the rule. with travel or bad weather? She plans blame somebody else, but everyone can The clerk will call the roll. around them. Personal challenges? She see what is going on. It is almost as if The bill clerk called the roll. adapts and overcomes. Other priorities, the administration wants the problems Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the like political events or speaking en- at our borders to continue so the Presi- Senator from New York (Mrs. GILLI- gagements? All that takes a back seat dent can demagogue the issue for polit- BRAND), the Senator from California to her day job. No sick days. No get- ical purposes. This policy is complete (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from Hawaii ting caught in meetings. No losing nonsense. (Ms. HIRONO), and the Senator from track of time in committee. No ex- So, as Leader MCCONNELL moves to New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) are nec- cuses. Just days and months and years the administration’s supplemental bor- essarily absent. of peerless preparation and remarkable der requests in the near future, I urge The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there dedication to her Senate duties and to my Republican colleagues to study our any other Senators in the Chamber de- the Members she is so proud to rep- legislation. Unlike what the adminis- siring to vote? resent. Senator COLLINS learned from tration is doing and proposing, our The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 59, her parents, Donald and Patricia, who policies are reasonable, measured, and nays 37, as follows: each had a turn as mayor of Caribou, actually suited to the problem at hand. [Rollcall Vote No. 166 Ex.] ME, among other achievements. THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT YEAS—59 We know our friend Senator COLLINS AND ELECTION SECURITY deeply admires her predecessor, Sen- Mr. President, I have been talking a Alexander Fischer Paul Barrasso Gardner Perdue ator Margaret Chase Smith—another lot to this day on election security, Blackburn Graham Portman legendary Maine Republican. Among and I will just make a final pitch. Blunt Grassley Risch her achievements, she stood boldly Boozman Hawley We hope that Leader MCCONNELL will Roberts against McCarthyism and insisted on stop stonewalling the need to improve Braun Hoeven Romney Burr Hyde-Smith independent thought and fair treat- the security of our elections and pre- Rounds Capito Inhofe Rubio ment. But as remarkable as Senator Carper Isakson vent Russian or Chinese or Iranian or Sasse Cassidy Johnson Margaret Chase Smith was, Senator North Korean interference in 2020, Scott (FL) Collins Jones COLLINS has surpassed her distin- which would gnaw at the roots of our Scott (SC) Coons Kennedy guished predecessor in at least one democracy. There are lots of ways we Shelby Cornyn King way: Senator SMITH’s own impressive can do it. We have UC statements on Cotton Lankford Sinema Sullivan string of consecutive votes ended just the floor and legislation we could bring Cramer Lee Crapo Manchin Thune shy of 3,000; Senator COLLINS has 7,000 to the floor that is bipartisan. We have Cruz McConnell Tillis and counting. an NDAA bill within which we will re- Daines McSally Toomey She is always prepared, always thor- quest some election security measures, Enzi Moran Wicker Ernst Murkowski Young oughly well informed, and always and we have the appropriations process present. That is what today’s mile- by which we can give money that is NAYS—37 stone tells us, and that is exactly who badly needed to the States. Baldwin Heinrich Schatz Senator COLLINS is every single day. We hope our Republican colleagues Bennet Kaine Schumer will join us in this. Preventing foreign Blumenthal Klobuchar Shaheen She is a valued colleague. She is a countries from interfering in our elec- Booker Leahy Smith friend. And frankly, she is an inspira- Brown Markey Stabenow tion. Thank goodness she isn’t stopping tions is not a Democratic or a Repub- Cantwell Menendez Tester lican issue; it is an American issue. It Cardin Merkley any time soon. Van Hollen The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is the very thing George Washington Casey Murphy Warner Cortez Masto Murray Warren ator from Maine. and so many of the other Founding Fa- Duckworth Peters Whitehouse Ms. COLLINS. I just wanted to thank thers warned us against over 200 years Durbin Reed Wyden the majority leader for his very gen- ago. There is no need for this to be par- Feinstein Rosen erous comments, as well as acknowl- tisan. We hope we can come together Hassan Sanders edge the good wishes and congratula- on the issue. NOT VOTING—4 I yield the floor. tions from so many of my colleagues, Gillibrand Hirono including my colleague from Maine, CLOTURE MOTION Harris Udall The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Senator KING. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this This is a momentous occasion for me, CRUZ). Pursuant to rule XXII, the vote, the yeas are 59, the nays are 37. a real milestone. I am proud of the fact Chair lays before the Senate the pend- The motion is agreed to. that I have never missed a rollcall vote ing cloture motion, which the clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- during the time I have been privileged will state. jority leader. The bill clerk read as follows: to represent the great State of Maine Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous in the Senate. There have been some CLOTURE MOTION consent the Senate stand in recess fol- close calls over the years, but fortu- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- lowing the remarks of myself, Senator ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the nately I have been able to be present COLLINS, and Senator KING. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby for each one. I realize that I have been move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without blessed with good health and that when nation of Sean Cairncross, of Minnesota, to objection, it is so ordered. I had broken ankles, including one that be Chief Executive Officer, Millennium Chal- SENATOR COLLINS’ 7,000TH VOTE required surgery, it fortunately hap- lenge Corporation. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I pened over the Christmas break, so Mitch McConnell, Roy Blunt, John Bar- want to take a moment to recognize a once again I was able to come back and rasso, Pat Roberts, , John remarkable event that this institution Cornyn, , , not miss a vote. Roger F. Wicker, , John was fortunate enough to witness just a But it is the embodiment of how seri- Hoeven, , Johnny Isakson, few minutes ago. During the vote we ously I take the responsibilities with , , , just concluded, our distinguished col- which I have been entrusted by the . league, the senior Senator from Maine, people of Maine. Voting is a Senator’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- cast her 7,000th rollcall vote. It is a most solemn responsibility, and I feel imous consent, the mandatory quorum great milestone for Senator COLLINS strongly about making sure that my call has been waived. which bears witness to her dedication State is represented on each and every The question is, Is it the sense of the to this work and most especially to the rollcall vote we take in this Chamber. Senate that debate on the nomination people of Maine. It is actually even It hasn’t always been easy, but it is of Sean Cairncross, of Minnesota, to be more impressive than that. This wasn’t such a privilege and honor to represent Chief Executive Officer, Millennium just Senator COLLINS’ 7,000th vote; it the people of the great State of Maine. Challenge Corporation, shall be was her 7,000th consecutive vote. From I thank the majority leader, Senator brought to a close? the moment she was sworn in, she has MCCONNELL, for acknowledging this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jun 19, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18JN6.010 S18JNPT1 S3640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 18, 2019 milestone in my tenure in the Senate The clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- and in my service to the people of The senior assistant legislative imous consent, the mandatory quorum Maine and this Nation. called the roll. call has been waived. Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the The question is, Is it the sense of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senator from New York (Mrs. GILLI- Senate that debate on the nomination ator from Maine. BRAND), the Senator from California of Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, of , to Mr. KING. Mr. President, I want to (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from Hawaii be United States District Judge for the join so many of my colleagues and the (Ms. HIRONO), and the Senator from Or- Northern District of Texas, shall be majority leader in congratulating my egon (Mr. WYDEN) are necessarily ab- brought to a close? individual colleague from the State of sent. The yeas and nays are mandatory Maine on this extraordinary achieve- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there under the rule. ment. any other Senators in the Chamber de- The clerk will call the roll. I once was at a meeting with Senator siring to vote? The senior assistant bill clerk called COLLINS in Maine and had just gotten The result was announced—yeas 59, the roll. my voting record, and I think I missed nays 37, as follows: Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the two votes out of a couple thousand. I [Rollcall Vote No. 167 Ex.] Senator from New York (Mrs. GILLI- BRAND said to Senator COLLINS: Look, I am YEAS—59 ), the Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from Hawaii 99.2 percent on making all the votes. Alexander Fischer Paul She paused for a moment and looked at Barrasso Gardner Perdue (Ms. HIRONO), and the Senator from Or- me and smiled and said: You will never Blackburn Graham Portman egon (Mr. WYDEN) are necessarily ab- Blunt Grassley catch me. And she was absolutely cor- Risch sent. Boozman Hawley Roberts The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there rect that the math doesn’t work. Braun Hoeven Romney any other Senators in the Chamber de- To have made 7,000 consecutive votes Burr Hyde-Smith Rounds Capito Inhofe Rubio siring to vote? is an extraordinary achievement, par- Carper Isakson Sasse The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 52, ticularly given the logistics of this Cassidy Johnson Scott (FL) nays 44, as follows: place—the logistics of getting back and Collins Jones Scott (SC) [Rollcall Vote No. 168 Ex.] forth to Maine. She and I travel back Coons Kennedy Cornyn King Shelby YEAS—52 and forth to Maine frequently together. Cotton Lankford Sinema But to have achieved this is really Cramer Lee Sullivan Alexander Gardner Portman Barrasso Graham something remarkable in the annals of Crapo Manchin Thune Risch Cruz McConnell Tillis Blackburn Grassley Roberts the U.S. Senate. Daines McSally Toomey Blunt Hawley Romney In the 1980s and 1990s, I got to know Enzi Moran Wicker Boozman Hoeven Rounds Ernst Murkowski Young Braun Hyde-Smith Rubio one of her predecessors, Senator Mar- Burr Inhofe garet Chase Smith, who was a legend in Sasse NAYS—37 Capito Isakson Scott (FL) Cassidy Johnson Maine. Senator SMITH was not only leg- Baldwin Heinrich Schatz Scott (SC) Cornyn Kennedy endary for making every vote but also Bennet Kaine Schumer Shelby Cotton Lankford Blumenthal Klobuchar Sullivan for always wearing a red rose. Every Shaheen Cramer Lee Booker Leahy day that she appeared in the Senate, Smith Crapo McConnell Thune Brown Markey Stabenow Cruz McSally Tillis Senator SMITH wore a red rose. So I Cantwell Menendez Tester Daines Moran Toomey Cardin Merkley would like to conclude my remarks by Udall Enzi Murkowski Wicker Casey Murphy taking a red rose to Senator COLLINS in Van Hollen Ernst Paul Young Cortez Masto Murray Warner Fischer Perdue recognition of her following in the Duckworth Peters Warren footsteps of her illustrious predecessor. Durbin Reed NAYS—44 Whitehouse Feinstein Rosen Thank you, Mr. President. Baldwin Hassan Rosen Hassan Sanders I yield the floor. Bennet Heinrich Sanders f NOT VOTING—4 Blumenthal Jones Schatz Booker Kaine Gillibrand Hirono Schumer Brown King RECESS Harris Wyden Shaheen Cantwell Klobuchar Sinema The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The nomination was confirmed. Cardin Leahy Smith the previous order, the Senate stands The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Carper Manchin Stabenow Casey Markey in recess until 2:15 p.m. Tester the previous order, the motion to re- Collins Menendez Udall Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:54 p.m., consider is considered made and laid Coons Merkley Van Hollen recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- Cortez Masto Murphy upon the table, and the President shall Warner bled when called to order by the Pre- Duckworth Murray be immediately notified of the Senate’s Durbin Peters Warren siding Officer (Mrs. CAPITO). action. Feinstein Reed Whitehouse f f NOT VOTING—4 EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Contin- CLOTURE MOTION Gillibrand Hirono ued Harris Wyden The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this ator from . vote, the yeas are 52, the nays are 44. ORDER OF BUSINESS Senate the pending cloture motion, which the clerk will state. The motion is agreed to. Mr. PORTMAN. Madam President, I The senior assistant legislative clerk f ask unanimous consent that the votes read as follows: following the first vote in this series be CLOTURE MOTION 10 minutes in length. CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the objection, it is so ordered. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Senate the pending cloture motion, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby VOTE ON CAIRNCROSS NOMINATION which the clerk will state. move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. of Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, of Texas, question is, Will the Senate advise and to be United States District Judge for the read as follows: consent to the Cairncross nomination? Northern District of Texas. CLOTURE MOTION Mr. PERDUE. Madam President, I Mitch McConnell, , Mike We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ask for the yeas and nays. Crapo, , David Perdue, ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the John Thune, Roy Blunt, Thom Tillis, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Roger F. Wicker, Johnny Isakson, John move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- sufficient second? Boozman, , Kevin Cramer, nation of Allen Cothrel Winsor, of Florida, to There appears to be a sufficient sec- Mike Braun, James E. Risch, Pat Rob- be United States District Judge for the ond. erts, . Northern District of Florida.

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