An Interview Witli Cliff Ronning Letters, Commendations, and Stuff
Next Year | We're Going ^^^^^^ ^ All the Way!! ^^W^^ ?^ Inside: An Interview witli Cliff Ronning Letters, commendations, and stuff... The following ore the only letters we received regarding our last issue. Sex, Les and Gender... "Wimpy, MP Svend Robinson middle of the road rag"—NOT! applauds Link's "courage and vision" I am writing to congratulate you and your colleagues at 77ie Link for die courage and vision you have demon• Congratulations! You've finally turned diis wimpy, middle of die road strated in pubUshing your mosi recent issue of The Link including die first annual Gay Lesbian Bisexual sup• rag into a diought-provoking, controversial STUDENT newspaper. So plement The language was often blunt, explicit and powerful. The imagery was strong and real. Most impor- women do have orgasms? I love it! The reaction from die "head-in-die- tandy, you gave your readers at BQT an insight into die loo often invisible and silent reality of our brodieis sand" homophobes and the "nobody here ever fucks" conservatives has and sisters, fellow swdents, teachers, employers, friends, and neighbours who happen to be lesbian, gay or been fantastic! Stand by your guns and PLEASE continue to inject a ht• bisexual. And yes of course we are everywhere, even at BCIT as Gordon Handford wrote so eloquendy in his tle radicalism into this tired insumtion. article in your supplement Let us hope diat die publication of dus issue will generate lots of discussion, dia• Mel Rudeen logue and debate and most importandy greater understanding, awareness, and acceptance of die tremendous Instructor diversity at BCIT and diroughout our community.
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