16 2004 TECH. A

I Raleigh, North Carolina


Candidates gear up for campaign trail * surf Net

Michele DeCamp senate positions either have just side Seneca Toms, Azad Karimi Web at Hutcherson, a senior in microbi- for cash News Editor enough candidates to fill the and Tracy Hutcherson for three Toms is glad that his seat is con— ology, hopes to make this his third available seats or sometimes not CALS senior seats. tested. year as a student senator. Online advertisements are The sandwich boards are up and enough. Unlike their peers without com- _ “This gives the students a choice “During these last two years I the campaigning season has offi- “I think it is essential to the petition on the ballot, candidates of who they want to represent have actively met with the stu— no longer quite as annoy— cially begun, but underneath the democratic process to have con- in contested races say theyill focus them,” Toms said. dents of the Agri-Life Council ingfor some. shadow of the top four Student tested seats,” ]ohn Small, a junior on campaigning on campus to Small will be utilizing one—on- and followed their lead as to Government positions are a score in poultry science and candidate get their name and message out one communication to let the the decisions made in the senate Diane Cordova of candidates running for lesser— for a CALS senior senate seat, said. to students. student body know that he is upon their behalf,” Hutcherson AssistantNews Editor known it and often uncontested “It is unfortunate that we have Seneca Toms, a junior in hor— running for a second term with said. “This I will continue to do f1 positions in Student Senate, five people interested in running ticulture science, plans to use the senate. and urge all senators to follow the Union Activities Board of for the senior seat while there are sandwich boards, poster and “I think it is important to get by meeting with their constitu- In an effort to reach the col- Directors and the Student Media [not enough] candidates for the chalk walkways on campus to to know the people I represent,” ents.” lege market —— 18 to 24 year Authority. ‘ sophomore seat.” get his name out. He will also be Small said. olds —- BrandPort, an online The SMA board and several ' Small will be running along— promoting his campaign via the Their fellow candidate, Tracy ELECTION see page 2 I advertising service based in 1 Danville, Va., is paying col- ‘ lege students to watch ad- PRECISION IN ART vertisements on its Web site, ] ’ ADD/ADHD ] Products advertised on the l site are geared toward college students. NC State students and Sylvia’s Pizza, a local busi— complicates l ness, are among those who are participating in the ad cam— paign, which began around studies for some the end of January. “The idea is to show stu- dents advertisement messages Iosianne Lauber There are no biological, physi— for products they may find Senior StaffReporter ological or genetic markers that relevant and get paid for their can reliably identify the disorder. time and attention,” Kivin Var— Attention deficit disorder and However, research has demon— ghese, president and founder attention deficit hyperactivity strated that ADHD has a very of BrandPort, said in a phone disorder are known for being strong biological basis. Research interview. “The goal is to help common among children but found that heredity makes the advertisers reach the college according to CHADD, an orga- largest contribution to the ex- i market and get people’s at- nization for children and adults pression of the disorder in the tention in a different way. The with ADHD, 2-4 percent of the population. I first step is to get the message adult population has ADD or There are several symptoms to ' to students effectively.” ADHD. That leaves a portion of these conditions and only expe— Sylvia’s Pizza is one of the NC Stateis student population rienced clinicians have the exper— Raleigh-area advertisers on struggling with the disorders tise to determine if someone has the Web site. while working toward their de— ADD orADHD. Pratt mentioned “I just wanted to give it a try grees. some common symptoms in col— to see if it would make a dif— Dr. Laura Pratt from Student lege—aged students that doctors ference. [The pizza market] is a tough market around Health Services explained that diagnose. TAYLORTEMPLETON/TECHNICIAN ADHD is a physical disorder, not “Students have trouble getting Elizabeth Stuenkel (above) NC. State, especially during something caused by parents or organized to do anything, they painstakingly places the pictures the school breaks,” Sylvio crowded classrooms. tend to procrastinate and become in her stained-glass window (right) Sestito, manager of Sylvia’s “ADHD is a result of an actual ’ real bored very easily,” Pratt said. during a class Monday night at the Pizza, said. abnormality in 'brain chemistry “Students with this condition also Crafts Center.”|t’s a nice relax from But curiosity hasnit paid that has to do with dopamine, tend to tune out in the middle of engineering courses,"Stuenkel, a off yet. norepinephrine, and possibly work they are doing or conversa- sophomore in biomedical engineer- “No one [who has used the other neurotransmitters in the tion they are having. Sometimes ing, said. The Crafts Center offers a service] has shown up so far,i frontal part of the brain called they may start several projects variety of classes and workshops in Sestito said. ‘150 far, my conclu— glass, including decorative glass sion has been negative.” the pre—frontal cortex and the and then don’t end up finishing bead making, glass blowing and midbrain,” Pratt said. them and tend to lose a lot of contemporary flat glass. Students arenit sure what to Pratt explained that there is things.” think yet. a fine line between ADD and According to the National In~ ADHD. stitute of Mental Health, other WEB see page 2 “We see a lot more ofADHD in symptoms include impulsivity younger children than the adults. and hyperactivity. Impulsivity Most [college] students who is when people seem unable to come in are not running around curb their immediate reactions the room and being disruptive,” or think before they act. Hyper- hooting injures athlete Pratt said. activity is when people who are Studies have revealed that the hyperactive seem to be in Drive-by shooting injures forearm. Wolfpack in tackles with 95 in prevalence of ADHD in young motion; they can’t sit still. football player Sunday. He told police a black Nissan 2003. He provided the defense boys and girls differs. These are only a few symptoms Altima pulled up to a gas station with a set of memorable plays “ADHD tends to be more among many so just because a News StaffReport where he was hanging out with in an Oct. 11 home win over common among boys,” Pratt student has some of these symp- friends. There were one woman Connecticut, scoring a pair of said. “But it then evens out and toms doesn’t mean he or she has Freddie Aughtry-Lindsay, and three men in the car, Augh- touchdowns from his lineback— becomes equal over time. People ADD or ADHD. an NC. State linebacker, was try—Lindsay told police. ing position. need to understand that it doesn’t “It takes formal testing,” Pratt injured early Sunday morn— A police statement said, “The Aughtry—Lindsay returned a just end in childhood or graduate said. “We [at student health] ing in a drive-by shooting in victim stated he heard the female Pat-Thomas—caused fumble 48 from college, but this condition is don’t make a diagnosis...we just Greensboro. ‘ say, ‘Give me my things,’ then he yards for a third-quarter touch— treatable.” 7 refer them out and get them Aughtry—Lindsay was treated heard gunshots.” down and later won the game What causes ADD/ ADHD? Ac- diagnosed and then we help the and released from a local Sun- Aughtry—Lindsay’s injuries when he intercepted a pass and cording to CHADD, there are no were not life threatening. Augh- raced 56 yards for a score with ADD see page 3 day after being shot in the right TECHNICIAN at: PHOTO definitive answers yet. try—Lindsay was the third on the 5 seconds left. Freddie Aughtry-Lindsay

insidetechnician Q3; \/ f“ Chukf Candidate for governor E . Tuck. \lj WHIP. g , «rs‘ass‘a’ 2:: <2 no A. takes issues to students ”3; ink ’ our economic issues such as unemploy— Little operated a successful insurance Gubernatorial candidate George Seriously funny Little spoke to the College Repub— ment, Little had ideas such as cutting business for 39 years and feels that it government regulation in business and would take a man ofhis thought process Missed your Monday dose of stu- licans on Monday night. dent comics? Serious returns with investing more into communitycolleges and status to operate North Carolina in the regular players. See page 3. to create a more viable work force. an efficient manner. Adam Dunn “One thing I’d like to point out is that Members ofthe College Republicans, ...... StaffReporter North Carolina has not had a business— who sponsored the event, listened to diversions man serve since 1957,” said Little. “It’s Little speak, while cooking up their viewpoint Monday night in Nelson Hall, Repub- time to put one into office.” own questions about issues they feel classifieds lican George Little, candidate for gover- Feeling that North Carolina is in a directly impact students and North :OILE nor in the upcoming election, took the state of office reform, Little made it a Carolinians. Based on their own views platform. An older man with abundant point that those serving in office today and the platforms of running mates, ideas about what he could do to shake needed to see things through a busi— students in the club posed questions up the North Carolina Legislature, he ness eye. about an education lottery and what said he could “turn around this badly “A businessman would not invest in Little could do for the smaller suberbs 'A L 'A run state economy and make something something nonfunctional to the state,” George Little addresses members ofthe College out of it.” he pointed out, “he would put his mon- lITTlE see page 2 Republicans Monday in Nelson Hall. With a campaign based on statewide ey into something rich and viable.” I. ‘0 A . V 2 it TECHNICIANTUESDAYWIARCH162004 Page Two

it @EESBfi rsra RAMS LITTLE continued from page 1

NEWS BRIEFS FROM AROUND Banks spreads love for science of eastern and western areas of THE WORLD, NATION & STATE the state. stream re “I believe it is the rule of the Alton Banks uses his people to govern whether or not OBSERVERS SAY RUSSIAN ELEC- excitement to guide we have an educational lottery,” TIONS FELL SHORTOF DEMOCRATIC students to appreciate Little said. “It is up to North Car- STANDARDS chemistry, biology and olinians to decide our future.” European observers said Mondaythat He said jobs are needed more I. Russia’s presidential election fell short physics. of democratic standards, citing vote than anything, due to North count flaws and biased 'news coverage Carolina’s present economic that kept incumbent Vladimir Putin’s Kristen Healey status. rivals out ofthe spotlight. StaffReporter Putin was swept to a second four- Students were also concerned year term in a campaign and voting For 29 years, Alton Banks has with how current candidates are that ”overall did not adequately reflect taught the dynamics ofchemis— interacting with each other and principles necessaryfor a healthydemo— try to more than 1,000 students incumbent Mike Easley. cratic election process,"said Julian Peel “I beleive that most of these Yates, head of the observer mission while also advancing his own from the Organization for Security and knowledge of chemistry. candidates are going after Ea— Cooperation in Europe. Science is an area ofstudythat sley too much,” commented While Sunday’s election was ”gen- continually provides challenges freshman Ryan Minto, “but that erally well administered,” Yates said, to its researchers, such as Banks, Little’s views on these important democratic principles such as "vibrant and excitement to the general facets really can really make a political discourse and meaningful contribution.” pluralism were lacking. population, whether it’s won- O —Wire Reports dering why the yeast will not Despite their own feelings on JOHN PRINCIOTTI/TECHNICIAN said raise in the cake or learning Alton Banks points to an element on the periodic table where he has become an expert after 29 years the issues, most students SOCIALIST LEADER VOWS TO about smokestack emissions of teaching chemistry. Little had key points on the is— BRING SPANISH TROOPS HOME for a legislative bill, something sues. FROM IRAQ is always occurring in science. he shared with his students was it was more about the ‘sage on tor for the Faculty Center for “[Little] is a man who speaks Spain’s incoming prime minister “I like to show how chemistry contagious,” Banks said. the stage,’ and now it’s all about Teaching and Learning. over my head as far as his econ- pledged Monday to bring Spanish troops home from Iraq unless the Unit- applies to life in every area. It This was the first look into the ‘guide on the side.’ Simply While working with chem— mic policy but I think his ideas ed Nations takes control there, harshly is important to be a clearly in- science Banks experienced meaning that students learn istry, Banks has had a unique are straight and to the point,” said criticizing the U.S.-Ied war even as he formed citizen,” Banks said. and from it his love for science better when they are actively opportunity. In 1977, he and Allison Fowler. promised to maintain good relations Banks informs his students in grew. involved in the process,” Banks his wife were among the few to The meeting was brief and with Washington. although much was covered, A day after his Socialists swept Spain’s the classroom about the wide “I find chemistry as an excit- said. “In being the guide, your see the first release ofthe shuttle ruling conservatives from power in realm of science and its effects ing science and I like convey- presenting opportunities where from a 747, called the Altitude Little stressed that time and elections overshadowed by terrorist on the world. He has taught at ing that excitement of general people can synthesize the infor- Release Test. being efficent was what North bombings,Jose Luis RodriguezZapatero the university for 13 years in science to my students. It is mation themselves.” “I was working at the Rocket Carolina needed to shape up in also promised to lead a more pro-Euro- the areas of general chemistry dynamic and always changing. Banks is not just any chem- ‘ Propulsion Lab in the Mohave the future. pean government that would restore ”magnificent relations" with France and organic chemistry. Before Through these changes, we have istry professor. He has earned Desert and I got to see this event “I’m the big man with the little 0 and Germany--which unlike Spain’s moving to North Carolina, he a better understanding of it,” numerous recognitions for his take place,” Banks said. name,” said Mr. George, “and I outgoing government both opposed spent 17 years in at three Banks said. “Now, instead ofjust work in chemistry and within Banks continues to research would be proud to be nominated the Iraq war. different colleges. His thrill for showing a model of an atom, I the university. Heavy Metal Poisoning par- as your govenor.” In a surprise defeat, Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's conservatives on science and chemistry, more can show my students exactly He received the Leroi and Elva. ticularly of lead and mercury Sunday became the first government specifically, arose under the what an atom looks inside.” Martin Award for Teaching Ex— along with other things at the that backed Washington in Iraq to be influence of a high school biol- Most importantly, Banks cellence, which the College of university. voted from office. ogy teacher. has a deep desire to share his Physical and Mathematical “College is an incredible op- —Wire Reports “Willie Gunn excited every- appreciation for chemistry Sciences presents to an out— portunity full of all sorts ofpo- WEB continued from page 1 narrate Cliff? one about science in general. with his students. Many things standing professor. Last year, tential. It’s important to learn He was a biology teacher, but have changed in his 29 years of he received the Undergraduate about all things so that you SEVEN or NINE FRESNO VICTIMS he taught chemistry and phys- teaching. Distinguished Professor Award. can become a better citizen,” “Personally, I’m skeptical WERE SHOT At least seven of the nine family ics as well. The love for science “When I first started teaching, He is also currently the direc— Banks said. about it. However, according ~ members discovered slain in a Fresno to their simple explanation, it’s home over the weekend had been the easiest job for students who shot to death, the coroner's office said “We would like to create a and Tracy Hutcherson for the with crap,” Swanek, a freshman spend way too much time online,” Monday. permanent online presence, four open board positions. in nuclear engineering, said. Hilda Tong, a senior in business Investigators were still working to ELECTION determine the cause of deaths of the continued from page 1 potentially on the WolfWeb “Of course I’ll be talking to “My reason [for running] is to management, said. two others. The victims were found for CHASS seniors to contact students around campus and make a difference.” According to Varghese, who tangled in a pile ofclothes when police us and voice any concerns or in my classes, but I do not plan What will happen with the has worked for companies such went to the home abouta child custody Some students are pooling complaints they may have,” on any campaigning on the student centers on campus in as and dispute Friday. Marcus Wesson, thought to be the their resources and campaign- Everett said. They also plan to level of student body president the future is a major concern Duracell, BrandPort initially father and grandfather of the victims, ing together for senate seats hold regular forums in Caldwell or student senate president,” for Hutcherson. He wants the targeted the 17 largest universi- walked out of the home covered in with multiple openings. Patrick Lounge where students could Duyck said. He believes that his centers to be solely for student ties in the country, which include blood and was booked on suspicion of Cleary, a senior in pulp and pa— meet with them. Everett be— time as a member of CAC and organizations. NCSU and UNC—Chapel Hill. nine counts of murder. per science, is running for se- lieves that elections should his work with the student center “All of the buildings that stu- Varghese said during the first few ‘ PolicesaidWesson,57,may have been involved in polygamy and is thought nior class president and one of also have more candidates than art programs makes him quali- dent fees sustain through fee weeks ofpromotion, hundreds of to have fathered children with at least the natural resources seats. He positions. fied to make decisions relating monies need to be reclaimed students had registered. four women, including two of his own plans to workwith Katie Jones, a “Candidates who ‘win’ un- to the arts at NC. State. by the students,” Hutcherson One of the ways the company daughters. fellow senate candidate, to pub— contested seats are decidedly Gellar, a senior in history, also said. “Students should not have promoted the campaign at the -Wire Reports licize their campaigns together. undemocratic and in no way does not plan to do any print to pay fee money for the build- university was through an on- His motto: “You gotta party for necessarily representative of campaigning. ings and then pay again to use campus representative, who hung FBIARRESTSALLEGEDECO-TERROR- theater.” flyers on Hillsborough Street. IST IN OREGON your right to fight.” their constituents or account— “I have the endorsement the rooms and A fugitive radical environmentalist Students are not allowed to able to them.” of the Campus Arts Council, While these students may According to Varghese, students has been arrested by federal officials run together for their positions, For the Union Board of Di- which I feel will speak strong-1y have to put out a little extra are paid 50 cents per advertise— on charges of setting fire to logging but they can campaign together. rectors, the election process is a to the voting student body,” Gel— effort to keep their positions ment. A typical ad runs roughly and cement trucks in 2001,the FBI an- Elena Everett, a senior in arts little different. Five candidates lar said. Gellar wants to work or obtain new ones in the fall, 45 seconds long —— the ad itself 0. nounced Monday. Michael Scarpitti has been on the FBI’s applications, will be running are currently running for four on board reform if elected. many of them are glad they get runs about 30 seconds and the most-wanted listsincedisappearing two with Gene Feldman, a senior positions, but the Campus “The Union needs to make it- the chance to run for their seats remaining 10 to 15 seconds are years ago. He is among four activists in political science, for three Arts Council endorses four self more accessible and more against their peers. for the students to answer ques— charged with setting logging trucks on CHASS senior seats. There are candidates every year, so most transparent to all students,” “It’s always great to see many tions about the ads to ensure they fire on June 1,2001 ,to protest logging said. candidates running for an were paying attention. on the slopes of Mount Hood. currently five candidates run— of the candidates depend on Gellar Three other suspects were captured ning for those positions. Ever— CAC to inform students who The arts are also a major part elected position, it inspires de— Varghese said students receive afterone ofthem told a girlfriend about ett and Feldman will be printing they should vote for. According of Swanek’s life. bate and insures that the diver- payments through PayPal, a free the crime, according to arrest papers. up their platform and posting it to Fred Duyck, a junior in mi- “It always bothers me to see sity ofthe electorate is properly online payment service owned by The girlfriend’s father is a deputy state in CHASS classrooms as well as crobiology, CAC had endorsed athletes getting all the funding represented,” Duyck said. eBay. The payments are sent via ‘ fire marshal. utilizing a Web site. him, Ted Gellar, Carson Swanek and the art department stuck e-mail to the student’s checking ‘ -Wire Reports account. The response from stu~ Swim “ST/3 dents “has been beyond my TUTOR ACCUSED OF PROVIDING expectations,” Varghese said, PROSTITUTE TO MENTALLY RE- to take them every day, unlike work with DSS. DSS confirms The process for these accom- noting that thousands ofstudents TARDED CLIENT ADD younger. children in school,” a studentsi need for particular modations is a long one. have signed up and more than 70 Police have charged a mentally retard- continued from page 1 Pratt said. aCcommodations such as note— “Students have to request ac— colleges are involved. “We’re ex— ed man’s life-skills tutor with soliciting These drugs for ADD and taking services and extra testing commodations each semester,” cited about the response.” prostitutes for the two and taking the time etc. Newmiller said. “Weire like a man to strip clubs. students manage their medicine ADHD settle students down and Larry Donnell Boyd,whowas arrested and also refer them to Disability help them focus much better on Mark Newmiller, the assistant compliance office, complying Jan. 19, is due in‘court March 23 on Services for Students.” tests and assignments, but they director for DSS said the accom— with federal law. We have to felony conspiracy and second-degree There are different types do the opposite for those who modations are not just given to be there to review the docu- sexual offense charges. He is free on of drugs for this condition, do not have a disorder. students who have the condi— mentation to make sure those $20,000 secured bail. Boyd is accused of hiring prostitutes three of the most popular be— “We really try to make these tion, but only to those with students meet the requirements on two occasions to give the two men ing methyphenidate (Ritalin), students understand that in the correct documentation. ‘1”Itis for eligibility.” WHAT’S HAPPENING oral sex. Strattera, and dextroamphet— wrong hands, these drugs are a all based on the documentation Working with DSS however, ON CAMPUSTHIS WEEK: Capt. Brad Chandler said Boyd also amine. Students on medica- stimulant and are appetite sup— they have. Accommodations are is not mandatory. took the 34—year—old client to strip not based on what the psychologist Ieffery Braden, a psychology clubs. tion are carefully monitored pressants, and they should According toWayne County court re— monthly by Student Health give them to other people. A who diagnosed them suggests professor at NC. State, said, CLASSES AND SEMINARS cords, Boyd was charged in 1994 with Services to make sure the drug lot of these students don’t like based on the testing they did. “All services are student—initi— New Student Orientation-Session III robberywith a dangerous weapon,con- is working for them. taking the drugs, but they know For example, if it is suggested ated. We respect that students New Student Orientation Programs victed of felony larceny and sentenced “We also diScuss how to time they have to have them to work,” to have extended test taking may choose not to disclose their Talley Student Center to probation. . . request accommoda— 8 am. —Wire Reports the medication based on their Pratt said. time we need documentation disability, class and study patterns because Along with drugs to treat why and it has to prove the tions, etc.” “Everything must . N.C.-BASED MARINE SHOT AND college students have a lot more them, students with this condi- student really needs it,” New- be reasonable—~just because a WOUNDED IN HAITI flexibility and they don’t have tion may also find it helpful to miller said. student has a disability does MEN’S SPORTS A US. Marine based at Camp Lejeune, Baseball N.C.,was shot and wounded in the Hai- NC. State vs.The Citadel tian capital, the first American peace- WRMEZE BEQE‘EER 4 pm. keeping casualty since the ouster of the Caribbean nation’s president two 3.13.04 ECC called and said EMS Station 8 A non-student was stopped on student reported hewas robbedtothe weeks ago, a US. military official said WOMEN’S SPORTS 4:21 am. Welfare Check called to report a disturbance in the Method Road for an equipment vio- Raleigh Police. Further investigation Softball Monday. An officer observed a vehicle parked area of the station on Varsity Drive. lation. He was issued a citation for no revealed he was attempting to sell a The Marine was patrolling the Belair north ofthe Arboretum on the street. Officers checked the area,but did not operator’s license.He called a licensed halfpound of marijuana,and the buy— NC.State vs. UNC-Charlotte neighborhooda stronghold ofsupport— The non-student inside said he felt locate a disturbance or anyone need- driver to pick him up. ers tookthe marijuana and $1,500.00 Walnut Creek ers of ousted President Jean-Bertrand tired, and stopped to get some rest ing assistance. EMS said they heard in cash.The student gave consent for 2 pm. Aristide, Sunday night when he was before driving back home. No prob— screeching tires. 4:49 pm Traffic Accident his room in Bragawto be searched. No shot in the left arm, Staff Sgt.Timothy lems noted. A non-student was backing out of a drugs were found in the room; how- Edwards told The Associated Press. parking space and struck a parked ever,a small amount ofmarijuana was 7? S “if The weapon was believed to be a 10:37 pm | Traffic Stop FILM 4:40 am Damage to Property A non—student was stopped on Meth- vehicle on Cates Avenue. found on him.Raleigh Police charged small—caliber pistol, and the injury is od Road at Ligon Street for a vehicle the student with Felony Possession “The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun” not life-threatening, he said. An officer found a broken window in 7:46 pm Assist Other Agency With Intent to Sell and Deliver Mari- English subtitles. Introduced by D -Wire Reports the Dearstyne Entomology Building. equipment violation. She was issued The building liaison was contacted. a citation for an expired inspection RPD called requesting assistance with juana, Felony Conspiracy to Sell and Chimalum Nwankwo, NC.State Englisl The window was double-paned, and‘ sticker,and was given a verbal warning an investigation they wereworking on Deliver Marijuana,Felony Maintaining Dept.45 minutes, 1999. only one pane was broken. for the equipment violation. where an NCSU student reported he aVehicleto Sell and Deliver Marijuana, FREE ADMISSION was robbed offcampus this afternoon and Resist/ Obstruct/ Delay. He was Witherspoon Student Center 1 1 :46 pm Traffic Stop at around 3:45 PM.The incident oc- also referred to the University. 5:33 am Disturbance curred at an apartment complex.The 7 pm. zxA TEI‘IINIIIINgg;i3 enous TUESDAYMARCH162004 Wondering What To Do


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