NEWS 112I I iu c Quality Reflu irs to a22 jeweller]) G watcbes - Insurance Claims - Mutilated dog a mystery’ -Appraisals - By Pabicia Heintzman station and filled up with gas, The employees at the Chevron IF leaving behind a suspicious station called the municipal The Squamish RCMP are looking box, said Const. Fran pound to take the canine corpse At investigating a bizarre incident Bethell of the Squamish RCMP. off their hands. Bethell says it loca, in which a dog was found cut When an employee of the gas appears the municipal employ- land into a number of pieces and left station looked more closely, he ees then discarded the dog in was at a gas station. discovered the tail of a tan-col- the Squamish landfill site with- Past The RCMP was called after a ored dog attached to the out- out consulting or informing theI Hers dead dog was found in a card- side of the box. Inside, a dog, RCMP. l mine board box outside the Chevron believed to be a pit bull, was “It has certainly hampered our, Tak gas station in downtown found cut into a number of investigation, not having seen Arth Squamish last Tuesday after- pieces, Bethell said. “There are the dog,” Bethell said. ”The with noon. charges under the criminal code physical evidence is not there.” Furtf It was reported to the RCMP which apply to matters of this The RCMP is following up on that a vehicle pulled into the nature. “ several other leads, she added. I

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Whistler Squamish 332-4370 Lorimer Road 201-1365 Pemberton Ave. Relocation proposal not politica 932-32 11 892-5254/932-6938 Continired from Page 1 nesses and trades will receive the benefit o to prevent further environment hazards. large infrastructure project; local economy v A recent survey of the community by two uni- gain from continued economic input and n versity professors from UBC and SFU revealed jobs; travelers would begin and end their trip the majority of the respondents support in princi- downtown Squamish, creating an influx of toui %pmnisIi ANGUS MacKENZIE HIGHLAND 1 ple improving airport service. But critics of the dollars; air access to the downtown core cot is the pli DANCE STUDIO Brackendale airport suggest an airport at the improve business diversity within Squamish. :eb. 18 - . north end of the community is not economically Environmental pros and cons of the existing i total redl QPENING SOON IN SQUAMISH! beneficial because visitor traffic bypasses com- port and the waterfront site are also addressed 2 (inhala mercial areas and funnels travelers directly to the proposal. Peter Gordon, who sits on HSI -21(in-ha sub-committee, says ”the task now is to ask pt ’-25gmd. INSTRUCYOR: Whistler. CFDCHS has been a strong proponent of the ple to have an open mind. The downtown site ~izgailme Angus MacKenzie former cml. poq ! is a World idea from the beginning, says Tatham. CFDCHS superior from an aeronautical point of view, tl Highland Dancing Champion and has has gone so far as to organize a Howe Sound is certain. But there are many other reasons been teaching in Vancouver for the regional airport sub-committee to Iook into the look into the proposal.” past 15 years. He is a full member of feasibility of the proposal. It has also hired It is the potential for the community as a whc the Scottish Dance Teacher’s Alliance Stonefield to organize information about the pro- which Gordon says is the greatest benefit of t of Scotland. posal and bring it forward to the public. site. He emphasizes the historical significance ”Our purpose is to present the airport concept reconnecting the community’s ties with t to the public and get input,” says Elizabeth Starr water, and the centralizing of transportation n LEVELS OF DANCE: TUES Pre-schoolers, beginners of Stonefield. “We want to make it clear this is a works by airplane, floatplane, helicopter, bus ai & advanced. grassroots movement and not political. The idea train. Periods of is worth looking at for several reasons, the long- Following the public open house Thursd; rain. Squamish council will vote on the OCP ai Contact: Shelley Smith term implications for Squamish, the economic benefits, it fits in with the tourism development bylaw amendments to accommodate regula1 Low 5. 898-9587 plan. All of these things we aim to bring to the scheduled flight to the airport in Brackendale. High 9. Angus MacKenzie public. (The proposal) deserves much further fourth and final reading will follow in the mont 1-604-687 K.I.L.T. review. ’I to come when details of who will pay for t] The economic benefits cited include: local busi- improvements at the airport are complete. t i

NEWS TIPS? CA11 US (604)892-9161 - E-MAIL: SQCHIEFC~MOUNTAIN-INTERNET, OR FAX (604)892-8483 ry Seniors 2hevron unicipal Police find body, have suspect Have e corpse At 4:30 am., Feb. 15, West Vancouver Police Say I says it located the body of Nathalie Bourget, 26, a A employ- landscaper originally from Quebec. The body dog in was found in bush, adjacent to a lookout in the Squamish seniors have a te with- Pasco Road area of Hwy. 99 north of look at the plan for a pro- ning the Horseshoe Bay. Cause of death has been deter- posed seniors centre near mined to be a single bullet wound to the head. the Eagle Grove housing .red our Taken into custody shortly after the shooting, development at an open house Thursday at the ng seen Arthur Maurice Allen, 45, has been charged i. “The with possession of a dangerous weapon. Elks Hall, as Doug there.” Further charges are being considered. Robinson, right, of Access g UP On Building Association looks added on. There is overwhelming ‘I Huntina trial adiourned support for a new seniors centre, says community The case against Squamish hunters Allen planning directGr Margaret Woods and Peter Levesque continues as the Thornton, but debate con- trial was adjourned Friday after three days of tinues on where it Should the prosecution’s case. Woods and Levesque be located. Patrick face 13 charges of hunting-related violation Heintzman photo under the Wildlife Act. Crown prosecuto Peter Favell said he anticipates at least thre more days of testimony once the defence start 1 its rebuttal. The hunting charges stem from alleged inci dents that occured near Fort Nelson and La1 La Hache in September and October 1993. Thc Petition, card campai investigation began when search warrant! were issued in January 1994 said Favell Levesque is charged with unlawfully dis charging a firearm from the side of the Alask; appeal of Reed’s ac Highway, making a false statement on a corn pulsory inspection data sheet, unlawful pos. By Al Price ing a decision in which to to state that we find the session of a dead caribou (two counts), failint launch an appeal. message in this acquittal to to submit a mountain goat for compulsorarj Caren Wulff is not pre- “Three young men died in be deeply offensive to all inspection and hunting caribou during closed pared to sit and wait to see a terrible automobile acci- the victims, their families season. if the Crown will appeal the dent on the Whistler Hwy. and to the entire comniuni- Woods is charged with hunting bull elk with acquittal of the young Sept. 17, 1994, almost 18 ty. Therefore, your petition- less than six points on one antler during closed Coquitlam man who was months ago. Their names ers call upon parliament to season, failing to submit an elk for compulso- driving the truck which are Jason Wulff, Devon urge you to call for. an ry inspection, unlawful possession of an elk killed her son, Jason W-ulff, Hedin and Dale Ethier, all appt‘al on this ccisc’,I. rem.

recommence in August- in either Fort St. John Caren Wulff, with the died. Our society claims to House of Coilinions in or Vancouver. help of her friend Kathleen believe that drinking while 0t t a w ‘1. 1 Brennan, is circulating peti- driving, not to mention ”We don’t want to sit Quote of the Week ti o n form s t h r o u g h o u t speeding and driving com- around and do nothing, /I Squamish and Whistler pletely on the wrong side of said Wuiff. ”This is outr‘i- Wf certainly has zalling on all members of the road, are considered geous. It’s sl‘ip in thtz hcc garliament to demand an wrong and morally irre- to our police officers, thc h a-mpered oUT appeal of the verdict. The sponsible. Consequently victims, arid to J~idgt.(Carl) investigation.99 Zrown has 30 days f0llo~7- we, the undersigned, wish Walker for sencling thc cLiw - CONSC FRAN BETHELL ON PAGE 2. I

trip i Air Pollutant Index hearing in Squnmisti ~)i-ovincidcourt more than a year ago. But tht. c‘liCii*gt~ A plea of guilty to assault with a was recIucedto assault wit13 c? Licxiiy deadly weapon was held over in B.C. cveclpcin in Suprcinc Court, s‘iicl Supreme Court Feb. 12 until a psychi- Crown pmsecu tor Jan I‘hurIntki; -atric assessment can determine if due to thP St‘Itf2 of EliRL! of !!X’ Uarcy Fediuk was of sound mind ciccused at the tinw of the L3ttcick ;k pe when he attacked friend and room- ”There is ci question of mcntct! mate Shane MacLellan Oct. 25, 1994. capacitv that has to be consic1c.I-td and w, th MacLellan suffered numerous lookecl‘at,” said Thurnieicr- the day wounds to the body as a result: of the after thc Supreme Court guiltv phin attack at the Valleycliffe home lie VaIicouvcr. “He (Fcdiuk) had bc)cn in shared with his fsther, Murray, and a car accident a short time b~for-ethe Fediuk. MacLellan was transferred to attack and perhaps suffercd from a Vancouver in criti- minor concussion. He was alsc high cal condition after initial treatment at on acid (TSD) at the time and that is a Squamish General Hospital. (L,ess contributing factor. Both of thcm than a week later, MacLellan was (Fediuk and MacLeIlan) had taitcn c~ back in hospital in critical condition hit of acid.” after a car, driven by his father, was The original charges of attempted struck by a drunk driver. His aunt murder and aggravated assault and her male companion were killed weren’t pursued, said Thurmeier, in the incident.) ”because of the reduced capacity of Originally, charges of attempted the accused. They (Fcdiuk and murder and aggravated assault were MacLellan) were friends. Except for laid against Fediuk at a preliminary the acid, this probably wouldn’t have - 4 FEBRUARY 20, 1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF - NEWS

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Located across from the R.C.M.P. and Fire Hall 40440 Tantalus Way, Garibaldi Highlands _-- -~ ENREGISTREMENT POUR Thinking Of Being Warm And Dry I puncl More than 60 Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and their/ him ~ECOLEFRANCAISE DE SQUAMISH leaders braved wet weather for their hike through Alice Lakei youtk I, Provincial Park Sunday. The hike was organized as a Thinking Day! to for ’.I activity during Baden-Powell Week to honor the founders of the1 DISTRICT SCOLAIRE NUMERO 48 DE HOWE SOUND Scout and Guide movement. After the hike the girls gathered around campfires for lunch and hot chocolate. Ross Wahl photo &- Forest companies display 1’ A CECOLE ELEMENTAIRE DE MAMQUAM their five-year plans 40266 Government Road, Squamish By Andy Stonehouse Tous les parents francophones interesses a offrir une education Anyone with an interest in the next half-decade of development franqaise a leurs enfants doivent les enregistrer par ecrit in the Sea to Sky corridor‘s forests can make their voice heard at a series of open houses held next week. d’ici vendredi le 23 fevrier. The Ministry of Forests has opened up its long-range planning :i process to the public and will be offering the details of forest: Pour plus d’information contactez: representativesdevelopment, forest of all access logging and silviculture companies plans involved for the on area, hand with to B explain their intentions. Mr. B. Edwards - directeur de I’ecole Mamquam 898-3601 The public viewings, held in Pemberton, Whistler and Squamish Feb. 26 to 28, will provide the additional level of detail now:I required as a part of the newly-enacted Forest Practices Code. I Andre Germain, zone officer for the Squamish Forest District,; says the three days should help answer any questions posed by1 both armchair environmentalists and backcountry enthusiastsfI concerned about the future of the area’s forests. “Our main thrust will be the forest development plan, which out-i lines all of the new roads and logging in the district,’’ Germain: says. ”I think that’s what the public will be primarily concern about. As well, there had never been a lot of outside involveme in our silviculture planning, and now those plans also have to presented to the public. It’s considerably more detailed.” Germain says representatives of approximately 10 different corn panies working as licencees in the district’s forests will be on hand with riiaps and information, showing past logging history and five-year proposals for additional logging and road constructiono While the ministry-sponsored open houses have been held for sev era1 years, Germain says a new twist this year will an increased emphasis on integrating recreation plans with future logging PFO posals. ”All of the development plans will show more of the other resources out there, including the recreational features. If there’s a trail currently through an area planned for future logging, the companies will have to show how they plan to address or correct the situation.” Germain says logging operations from Porteao .. Cove north to Anderson Lake and south to Harrison Lake will be on the table, including plans for lands inside the controversial Randy Stoltmann (upper Elaho, Lillooet, Sims / Clendenning area)wilderness proposal - would-be park land whose fate could be sealed in last-minute protected areas planning talks held this weekend in Vancouver. .. OTPRINTS SPORTS Q The public viewing in Squamish takes place Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 1 p.m.-9:30 p.m. at the Sea to Sky Hotel. P i

NEWS I 1 Cyclist 1 Palentinek Snle Slightly Extended to Injured Febi-uary 29/96

-~- -- --__ ~ Paramedics were on 25 58% OFF the scene quickly to Entire Stock transport to hospital a cyclist who ran into a car which was swerving to miss him at the corner of Third Avenue and Pember- ton Street Feb. 12. The cyclist received minor injuries to his leg. Patricia Heintz- man photo Three arrested, two charged following fracas at McDonald’s “Look at us now!.” 892-2203 * 38115 Cieveland Avenue McDonald’s employees assisted the Squamish two employees were punched and one was bitten ; RCMP in apprehending three people shortly after on the arm. I midnight Saturday. One of the employees A total of three people were arrested as a result PERSONAL COMPUTER noticed a male inside a vehicle belonging of the fracas, and two have been charged. A 16- to a fellow McDonald’s staffer. While one staff year-old male was charged with assault and CONSULTANT member called police, several others ran out to released from custody on the condition he not 15 Years experience the McDonald’s/ 7-Eleven parking lot, confronted attend the area of the arrest and obey a curfew the youth and tried to remove him from the vehi- from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. Available for in house tutoring. Help in cle. One of the female friends, age 19, was charged making your hardware and software As they were doing so, he struck out and with assault and released on the condition she not behave. Support when you go to the

I punched one of them in the face. As they held attend the area as well. store to buy that first computer. PAa i I, Ii ITIE:HMAr( id their/ M him waiting for police to arrive, two of the The investigation continues and further charges ( b( )4) 0 3 8 -05 I(4 5 Lake1 youth’s female friends began to interfere, trying may be laid, said Cpl. Cliff Doherty in a press Representing Whistler Networks ng Day! to force the employees to release him. As a result, release. FA1 E mail [email protected] (604)w8-Os4: of the1 I

mning forest: mdwithe to lamish 1 now: I ie. I tistrict sed b! Jsiast

:h out, ,rmair Zernec 1 emenl 2 to bt t corn 1 hand ‘y and iction, Ir sev reased g Pro other ere’s a g, the iorrect xteao dlbe Jersial nning could d this eb. 2d a

F -a THE SQUA MISH CHIEF is published every Tuesday by Whistler Printing 8( Publish15 Box 3500,387 73 Second Avenue, Squamish BC VON 3

;i! Can-Oxy site airport proposal deserves consideration n comparison to most other major projects in Squamish, the con- cept of building a new airport on the Can-Oxy site on the water- Ifront has come out of the blue. The idea came out of the adviso- ry planning commission late last year and, after discussion with a variety of interested parties, was taken to the Community Futures Development Corporation of Howe Sound for study. Community Futures then hired Stonefield Consultants to examine the proposal as an alternative to the current airport in Brackendale. But, not only was council not impressed with the proposal when it was presented two weeks ago, several council members includ- ing the mayor chastised Community Futures for spending money on the proposal without first consulting the municipality. Perhaps there was a minor breach of protocol, but it is hard to understand council‘s absolute rejection of the proposal, with the exception of Coun. Don Ross. Ross was the only one who support- ed a request that a viability study be done within one year. He received support from councillors Meg Fellowes and Bill McNeney in opposing a motion to censure Community Futures for spending money on the proposal, but the motion passed with the mayor cast- ing the deciding vote. an adeqt: We think council was a bit hasty in condemning this proposal. 3ave a p‘ Regardless of who came up with the concept, it deserves serious equig consideration and further study. well 1 As it stands, there is serious opposition to any expanded use of Just one of those we as a I the current airport in Brackendale, is a growing residen- :he wholi he cartoon above just travelling across the country to costs already incurred in 120 3; minim tial area and is home to the largest annual gathering of bald eagles about sums up my mood “consult” with Canadians years of negotiation, the members in the world. That opposition is not likely to go away. If anything, this week. Federal politi- about which options they expense of starting from it will increase. T 3ut of tl cians are in the process of would prefer. Not to be cynical scratch, and the cost of a fewsiven to There is also the fact that full remediation of the Can-Oxy site will changing the Canada Pension at my tender age, but the first more incidents such as we hagople a cost as much as $45 million. No doubt the company would be Plan for the average Canadian, option I would prefer is they last summer at Gustafsen Lakii;ake it n happy to cooperate with the municipality in a project such as an secure in the knowledge their cancel the consultation sham Then think about the cost Ofgve then airport development if it could get away with contributing less own pension plan is more gen- and put .the funds they would failed referendum vote. In thz :t than that amount. erous than even the best of pri- have used for this process into scenario, aboriginals would We are not saying council should abandon its current airport vate pensions. the pension plan. probably scrap the negotiated Ii Kec development plans. But if an innovative idea such as this one is Who among us average peons To their eternal credit, all but settlement route and opt for lEditor, brought forward, and it appears to solve some of council’s and the qualifies for a pension after six one of the 52 members,of the court action. Think of the leg&buring community’s problems, it deserves consideration. If this council is years of service? And who Reform Party of Canada have bills, and the possibility the ikereha not prepared to do that, perhaps the next one, to be elected in among us has the power to opted out of the pension plan courts could award a much dentsin. November, will. inject some common sense in for politicians. I might not larger settlement than the onsd letteI government operations and cut agree with much Reform has to the Nisga’a have already indikg injur superfluous costs so the nation- offer, but give them full sup- cated they are willing to acce&bpposed Election rhetoric al pension scheme doesn’t go port €or this approach. The same- scenario is .likely .. , pcan visu the way of the dodo bird? under Even former Bloc Quebecois separatist leader Lucien has already started Bouchard, who spent the better s expected, Glen Clark was elected Sunday morning as the part of his political career try- new leader of the B.C. NDP Party, and thus becomes the ing to destroy Canada as we A new premier. Throughout the leadership campaign, Clark’s know it, packs home more than $32,000 annually (actually it’s As See It focus has been on the opposition leaders rather than his own opo- I nen ts, and the NDP has already started election-style television probably sent in the mail) from advertising. An election can’t be far away. Clark will probably take the nation which he says isn’t a By AI Price a couple of months to put his stamp on the party and the goven- real country. At least he has ment, then head to the polls in May or June. The leadership cam- also now inherited the burden paign has brought the NDP up in the polls, and Clark must be sore- of the Quebec provincial debt ;t?unning;ri ly tempted to call the vote immediately. But he won’t. as premier of that province, rand fl&w which occasionally makes me Unfortunately I can’t give the the Liberals. After the SOYACP He needs the time to pull the party and its finances together, and auvm I&l,- convince the public he is a capable leader and premier. Rest giggle* same high marks for pragma- announced agreement in prinJf course, assured the Liberals are now in for a much tougher fight than they I wouldn‘t mind paying high- tism to the federal Reform ciple last week, Campbell sair would have received from Mike Harcourt. Let the fun begin. er pension premiums if the fed- party’s provincial counterparts he would renegotiate much eral government could con- here in B.C. it. As if the Nisga’a would J! vince me it would do any B.C. Reform leader Jack agree to do that. brio does THE S0,UAMISH CHIEF good. I still don’t believe there Weisgerber has promised if his Weisgerber and Campbell !Anything c , Publisher and Group Ad Representatives Accountant will be anything left in the kitty party wins the next provincial have not been in the negotia- is being er Publisher Linda Garner Ken Key when my turn comes around. election he will put the agree- tions, they don‘t know what ,ingmutt. Jilanneke Van Hattern Dianne Hathaway Administrative Assistant In some 35 years of conscious ment in principle reached last compromises have been mad($I am Editor Bob Price Kathy Morrison ‘41 Price thought (my early years were week in the Nisga’a land clams a9d how hzrd the strrggle haah e injuri Reporters Pmd u c?isnM c n c ge: CiicuDstion Mewager basicaiiy unconscious, and in settlement to a Gferendum. been. All they know is how tOkanines is Ibn Enns Lyle Stachoski Henry Lacroix my middle years, some -were Weisgerber’s promise will make this whole thing a politji2 scenarj 1% t ricia Hcint zman Circulation David Donn 1 d 50 n Graphic Design Jill Smith much more unconscious than probably appeal to a wide cal football, and so far they kames dov Photographer Michelle Matthew Receptionist others) I have never been con- audience, until people start to have kicked it around pretty the do$ Ro3s Wahl Kariia Woods Rustilla Swann vinced the federal. goveriirnent realize the-cost of such an exer- well. c -. I he S uamish Chief is published weekly b Whistler Printin & Publishing had the political will, never cise compared to the cost of the IS it any wonder aboriginal [I 984 Co. Ltd. President: Robert W. Ooul YVice-president: it eith Bennett mind the intelligence, to spend settlement. Multiply the cost of people, as well as many non- my annual taxes wisely. So ensuring every British aboriginals, don’t trust politi- why should I trust them now? Columbian has the opportunity cians? Only a politician could The options we are being to read the whole text of the vow to break an agreement gven are higher premiums, agreement, plus the actual ref- which has taken more than 10- Published Tuesdays. Telephone: [604] 892-9161, Fax: [604 892-8483, e-mail: reduced benefits, benefits luck- erendum cost, by the number years to create, an agreement [email protected] subscriptions: Home deliver S uamish area] $35; Canadian mail delivery $60; US.[second class] gib %dn; ing in at a later age, or reduced of Indian bands which are which allows a whole segrnenj overseas $1 15 Cdn. inflation protection (something lined up for negotiations (so far of society to regain its dignity e Re roduction of an material contained in this publication is expressly MPs rejected in their own, there are 48, out of a total of and actually dare to plan for krbidden withouY the prior consent of the publisher. Canada Post gold-plated pension scheme.) approxiniately 200 Indian the future. The thought rnakebt publication mail sales product a reernent No. 251828. Over the next couple of bands in B.C.), and perhaps my head spin. But again, it hz @ Box 3500,381 13 Second Avenue, quarnish, B.C. VON 3G0 @ 8 months, a group of MPs will be you get my drift. Factor in the been that kind of a week.

. f? stice system misguided ones outraged at Fraser's deci- to causing the tragedy, and why think the justice system sion. Friends and relatives and was he found not guilty? One ay is very misguided, espe- even strangers have phoned us provincial court judge deter- ly in the case of my son to say how sorry they were to mined the evidence was suffi- on Michael Hedin and his hear the outcome of the trial. It cient to go to Supreme Court. nds Dale Etheir and Jason affects a lot of people's faith and Fraser determined after the respect in the justice system. trial the evidence was not suffi- ice system did not Ana answers many questions cient to be even considered for feel the trial outcome why people are starting to take trial. Now, as parents of the s a farce, because justice was the law into their own hands deceased boys, our only avenue ved and the accused with vigilante acts. As a father is to hope and pray that an ty Ryan Reed, got off Scott of one of the deceased boys, I appeal court judge will deter- e. I believe Judge Peter Fraser am infuriated at the whole case. mine the facts and that Ryan this case was very biased, Justice was not served and I Reed is found guilty and his comments and his want something done about it. responsible for the deaths of my ions in his case. Ryan Reed was solely responsi- son Devon and his two friends. he families involved directly ble for the care and control of Dale J. Hedin this tragedy are not the only his motor vehicle. He admitted Squamish

L. IWorkout equipment needs improvement knitor, Perhaps they should look at the North Why did the planners and coordinators of the Vancouver Recreation Center, which offers a fine 892-3366 bN 3rennan Park Leisure Center not make space for example of a well planned fitness facility. They 37819 SECOND AVENUE SQLJAM1SI-l -n adequate, well equipped workout area? They have a skating rink, a pool, and three fitness 3ave a perfect spot to put an affordable gym, yet areas. I appreciate the great rink and pool avail- equipment (hey currently have is a joke. able to our community, yet compare our recre- well equipped gym would enhance the loca- ation center's workout area: one stair-master, one ANNIVERSARY §ALE as a one-stop fitness and recreation center for bike, and one decrepit weight machine. :he whole family. The few gyms downtown want I would like to recommend that whoever is in120 3; minimum of $8 for a drop-in fee. Full-time responsible for the leisure center's planning and e memberships at the local gyms are completely coordination of activities, look at facilities such as n 3ut of the question. This drives my family of North Van with a view to make some improve- a few seven to the poor house. We try to keep young ments for our community. A community the size wehagople away from drugs and alcohol, yet we of Squamish deserves better. en Lahake it next to impossible to be able to afford to Mrs. Michele Dimock cost OPve them the opportunity to work out in a gym. Squamish Tn th? i I ALL LXlUaC All Osburn Woodstoves ouldDtiated I'Keep the blame for tragedies where it belongs 't for 'Editor, inability to take responsibility form this simple function. $999 or less ne leg'$During the past year or so, for the actions of the pooch. It is Why then are there so many rthe there have been many com- difficult enough driving on stupid dogs running loose in Osburn 2400 (1s) - $999, Iuch dents in the darts and daffodils today's roads without having Squamish? @bum 1600 (med) $799, Osbum 1100 (sm) - $699 he.onqd letters to the editor regard- the added burden of dodging Could it possible be that ani- & Excel 2100 48'' Chimney section only $99 ylndlihg injury and death to dogs, dogs on the loose - simply mals never get smarter than I accekb pposedly caused by vehicles. because the owner of the dog their owners? Sale c.nds M;irch 15th Lely bcan visualize only two scenar- won't keep the mutt under con- Lets keep the blame for these " andr*Ospertaining to this situation. trol. No driver should have to tragedies where it rightfully J%cenarioII #la- The suspect have his day disrupted or have belongs. When an animal is hicle is being driven off of the his schedul; disrugted or have injured or killed by a vehicle, it d and cruising down the to feel obligated to cater to an is most likely because of the walks, cutting across neigh- injured dog, simply because the negligence of the pet owner, not orhood lawns and yards, or owner wouldn't keep his the fault of an innocent Wrtl ing the ATV role on the beloved pooch on a leash and motorist. Woodheat & Ceramic Tile s and back trails, thereby under control. Many responsi- Tiger Johnstone 1005B Industrial Way, Squamish Industrial Pxk * 89225474 literating the pooches in areas ble yet owners can and do per- Squamish Open Saturdays 9- 5 or by nppointinciit ere cars and trucks should

,, cenario #2 - The dogs are F-lnning rampant through yards land flower beds, scampering . 'across neighborhood lawns and rse, utilizing the black- IT STILL d roads which were con- ted for vehicle use. Id $Jsually,the owner in this sce- brio doesn't give a damn about 'anything except the fun which Lotiam is being enjoyed by his rampag- 'hat ing mutt. Environmental tobacco mafj I am inclined to believe that ;le 'la1he injuries to these lovely Second hand smoke Ow tohninesis most prevalent in the p oliti #2i scenario. Basically, what it Ley kornes down to is the negligence Indoor air -pollution 'etty 'of the dog owner and his/her

ktsmokers how you do nl_ind 2-thq7 to one thin smoke around you. Poison- Care about your air... Squamish Hearty Lifestyles, Box 1061, Squarnish, B.C. \'ON 30 Sponsored by the British Columbia Heart Health Demonstration Project

_It OPINION - uneral and Memorial Service Quiz for your vocabulan d e talk to our friends, we talk on the unnamed Inuit artist. By CPis 1 f\ f\ Full Service Facility providing phone, we talk to our bosses, manager, - tratiitiorlal, caring funeral services b. A tool used by the Banchee tribe for remov !Vi th r\ and peers. Some of us even talk in our ing unwanted ook. for many years. W in;: CAI?( sleep. We always know what we are saying and c. A second rate band in the OS, whose pop^ what it means. larity is still denied. ca 121V L11 haw to Most people d. A relative to the booge man. tion 'iad even have that 3 - Paunchy :$,fitc-f~c one word they a. A hooded piece of clothing having no sleev t(l -*I& make a habit Ka-lei- and a zipper. kit out of saying, b. The act of being disrespectful to a &:\I TO OUR CUSTOMERS ! he such as: 'like', resp ect abl e elder. N 'killer', 'really', do-scope e-d of lhc to circtmist;inces bcyond our control, some c. A remote lake in Pennsylvania. Green I' and other By Kiki Lightburn d. Having a big paunch. of t-hc carn;itions and roses supplied to us for catchy words. VI i tcl 4 - Sexagesima this rid Lots of us do it a. The act of foreplay used by otters. V;ilentint"s Day were not up to our usual quality. other c2 unconscious 1y b. Any number in the six billion range. till' otht If yours wil tcd prematurely, we will replace and can't remember we said it. c. A fever that occurs every six days - tlw-_-- star~ them. L3eadlinc February 24, 1996. So here's a little quiz of words I put together to d. The second Sunday occurring before Lent. file,llsa add some spark to our everyday vocabulary. It's 5 - Firkin Nebbc a multiple choice and you must pick the right a. High standard animal pelts only sold in telepl,o meaning to each word shown. Canada. re $7 e a 1e 1 1 - Boondoggle b. A small wooden cask used to store butter * likely tl a. A breed of dog mostly found in swamp-like c. A method used to shape metal. rarozac su ppor UILUUJ. d. A form of meditation. 38~782Cleveland Ave b. To walk slowly behind the crowd. 6 - Gewgaw BOUQUET c. To do pointless unnecessary work. a. A useless ornament or toy. d. A machine made by NASA for space explo- b. A candy containing salt instead of sugar. ration. c. A disease that affects the human jaw. 2 - Ookpik d. Another name for a curtain hook. a. A doll resembling an owl, invented by an Answers: 1 -c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-d; 5-6,. 6.


Needed to appear as illustrations in over 400 magazinese Part-time 85/hour if hise Not a school or agency, Learnina From The Pros Instructor Michelle Matthews, left, teaches stencilling and simple faux finishing for interiors at tl We hire QZW models directly, Brennan Park Leisure Centre Tuesday, as student Martin Zandstra searches a book for ideas. Tk leisure centre offers a variety of courses throughout the year. Patricia Heintzman photo CLIENTS INCLUDE: Teen Model Look International, rrn -.. Pcrslilzal Pztness, Health w WINDOW COVER.. .,- '?<

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Apply at: Patricia Forfin Window Coverings SEA TO SKY HOTEL ConsultanQ 40338 Tantalus Way - "r\Aa n ha tte r) Co1 f ect iu n" €3i i n as Squamish, BC. Saturday, February 24th. Noon, 3:00, & 6:OO perno COME IN AND SEE OUR SHOWROQM UNITED CARPET@ We make it all so easy. #7 - 38921 PROGRESS WAY 892-3653

10 IFEBRUARY 20.1996

Looking For Alternative Health Care? NEWS Sarah Orlowski Pemberton school problems addressed Master Herbalist and Qi Gong Therapist Howe Sound school board has provincial funding for school Week, March 6-10. is accepting clients at taken a step towards solving its districts, the Howe Sound Work at Garibaldi Highland lack of school facilities in the School district is expected to Elementary is progressing mort The Medical Massage northern area of the school dis- complete a budget for the slowly than expected, said Therapy Centre trict. Ministry of Education. The bud- Courtice, because of construe, The board approved in princi- get decision by Education tion delays. But completion 381 12 2nd Ave. Squamish, B.C. ple a modification, set out by Minister Art Charbonneau was still exp 892-3930 superintendent of schools Doug delayed "to allow the new pre- official opening slated for Ap Courtice, of the capital plan mier to review key spending which will be sent to the decisions," said Charbonneau The Howe Sound Sch Ministry of Education, with the in a press release. Glen Clark ultimate goal of upgrading will be sworn in as premier Elementary Blackwater Creek elementary Thursday. Pemberton be granted a le and building a new elementary * two audit by the provincial school in Pemberton. ernment to increase the pri The plan includes in the given for the school's up 1996/97 school year: minor upgrades to heating and venti- the Education Ministry t lation to Signal Hill Elementary; as desired by the school site work at the old Pemberton Briefs "The medium priorit Secondary School to evaluate soil, the usefulness of the gym- nasium, and industrial area use Each year, the Ministry of the resul for a maintenance and bus Education decides how much used across the provi garage facility; site work, money will be allocated on John Coe in a letter including soil, sewage system average for each student for district and water supply at Blackwater basic education. The funding is Creek Elementary; working announced in advance of the drawings initiated for provincial budget to enable school in yo Blackwater Creek Elementary school districts to develop bud- as warranti expansion, and a new elemen- gets and staffing plans for the this is a fa tary school on the old PSS site. next year. The plan is a unique approach "The minister indicated that to school development, said the delay might inconvenience, Courtice at the Feb. 14 school but should not seriously impact 'invest board meeting. school boards' abilities io divel- if the provincial governmen 1 One way to save the capital op budget and staffing plans in accepts the school board' ',!investn budget monies is to use existing time for their next school year," request, the Signal Hi1 .!i n clu de school plans, such as the new says a Ministry of Education upgrade, at which, according tc gtional d Brackendale Elementary School press release. vice-chair Jan Systad, "the situ [may va design, in a new facility some- "SO we're supposed to decide ation is dire", could be forth Ii invest01 where else in the district, he on a budget, and plan for coming. [and retj said. staffing with out knowing how i the prir School districts have been much money we have, how Eight Howe Sound Secondarj - ever1 instructed by the Education much is going to be cut, without School students, from grades of diff; Ministry to save more money knowing anything," asked to 12, the majority of which are ments. and develop unique solutions trustee Moira Biggin-Pound at senior students, will be heading to problems. Courtice said he the school board meeting. to March 15-22 believes his plan adheres to "Yes," replied chair Don on an educational tour which Rc those directives. Wilson. - will take in at least three theatri- The culmination c>f the plan cal productions. Chaperoning ren would see BCE complete by the Superintendent of schools the trip to New York are Howe 1998/99 school year and occu- Doug Courtice reported to the Sound Secondary School drama More pancy of a new Pemberton ele- board Feb. 14 that B wing at teacher Janice Carroll and par- Supplen mentary school by September Howe Sound Secondary School ent Sylvia Carratt. The group because 1999. was opened Feb. 5, and work is will take in the musical Victor "GIs is on schedule for the official Victoria starring Julie Andrews, seniors ( m opening of the new wing, the Chicago Improv, and an off- ber of se Despite the delay in announc- including the community the- Broadway production with women,' ing the 1996/97 preliminary atre, March 7 during Education workshops to follow. the Senic More tj GIS pen! Wid owe "More dence. T REGENCYWERMONT CASTINGS.PACIFIC ENERGYOWATERFORD maintair escape p Seniors i 4TH ANNUALDEMO DAZ& Forty p nl Irn ments to vide a fc these SUI I% ?very yel " I thid ised to STOCK S A ALL STOCK ON SALE ALL ON Zodfried Glass Cleaner Tool Sets 3ttawa ( Glass Doors Freestanding Screens Hearth Boards Fire Mesh Gome, thc Chimney Cleaner Fire Grates . :the rene Decor Steamers Insulated Chimney The ma Wood Carriers Stove Pipe iefore M Wood Holders Air Venting Log Baskets Gas-B Vent 3AS am( Thermometers Flashings "This y Hi-temp Paint Firelogs ship of h Hot Air Fans Tiling Supplies do this b Rope Gasket BBQBBQs Parts Revenue Glass Gasket Gasket Glue Natural Slate project m Fire brick Cookstoves Human I

Wood & Gas Burning- Prodvucts Per this renewal i IFEBRUARW 1ST TO 2mTH sions cut. FUNCTION JUNCTION SHOWROOM Seniors February Centre Ci - Foreign investments: a sound strategy Investments need to be diver- gy involves investing in mar- tunity to increase your yurchas- income funds, balanced funds, sified geographically as well as kets around the globe. To do ing power, decrease your costs, and money market funds, to by industry and security type. this properly, use the assistance and hire a professional portfolio name just a few. M~IIY ou are looking forward to Canadian stock markets repre- of a financial advisor who can manager to oversee the man- Canadian funds are structured sent only three per cent of the help you identify opportunities agement of your fund. Mutual to make them suitable for RRSP world's market capitalization, by region, industry, and invest- fund companies which support investnients: foreign content is which means there are many ment vehicle. A good financial a global network of researchers, kept within the defined limits. more investment opportunities advisor is knowledgeable about analysts, and managers have a An experienced financial advi- beyond our borders. NotablF world economies. significant competitive advan- sor can assist you in developing American and Japanese markets For most investors, mutual tage. These companies maintail: an RRSP program that is tai- have outperformed Canadian funds represent the easiest and offices in the regions where they lored to your particular finm- markets during the last decade. most effective means of diversi- invest, so they have an excellent cia1 profile. Proper planning, The Canadian government fying internationally. Mutual u n d ersta n d i ng of their coni pa - good rnan,igt'riiCn t, and origo- currently allows RRSP investors funds are a highly liquid form nies, industries and regiond ins asscssnieri t of vou r RRSP to invest up to 20 per cent of of investment that reports unit economies. will cnsurc that vou and your their portfolios abroad. While prices daily unlike most foreign A wide variety of iiiutual RRSP portlolio arc wc~I1 posi- the percentage has changed bonds and equities. Mutual funds are available to Canadian tioncd for a wtisiying rctirc>- over the year< the foreign con- funds also allow you the oppor- investors: equity funds, fixed- nwnt. nding power of Canadians tent allowance has remained a long-standing feature of the RRSP program. Yet fewer than 30 per cent of Canadians who nvest in the United States, at have RRSPs hold any foreign east part of your portfolio will content in their plans. eep pace with the American The foreign property limit is measured by the cost amount or book value of your foreign investments and not their cur- rent market value. Therefore, if your foreign investments out- perform your Canadian invest- ments, causing your foreign content to rise about 20 per cent, you will not be penalized. Should you exceed your foreign property limit, however, your and retirement goals. However financial advisor can notify you the principle remains the same and arrange to have any excess sold, and the cash transferred to the Canadian side of your RRSP. A sound diversification strate- leading 1 '15-22;:which 4 Reminder of the deadline to iheatri-jj roning renew GIs and SPA pensions I More than 100,000 seniors lose their Guaranteed Income Supplement- (GIS) and Spouse's Allowance (SPA) each year because they do not renew their applications before March 31. "GIs is the central piece of income security that has brought seniors out of poverty and it continues to be used by a great num- ber of seniors. About two thirds of the people who receive GIS are women," says Andrew Aiken, director of research for One Voice - the Seniors Network of Canada.

! ' More than 1.3 million of Canada's 3.4 million seniors receive the ' GIs pension. Another 105,000 receive the Spouse's Allowance and Flexible Options For Your RRSP Investments

i?I Widowed Spouse's Allowance. i.: "More than anything, seniors are afraid of losing their indepen- investing today for a better tomorrow is easy Fixed Rate ''dence. The GI§ and SPA allow seniors to live their own lives and with a Credit Union Registered Retirement Our Fixed Rate Plan guarantees a high inter- maintain some independence ... the supplement helps seniors to Savings Plan. With two distinct options to est rate over a set time period. This guards escape poverty,'' says nene Lecuyer, president of the Francophone choose from, you control your investment dol- against possible falling interest rates. Your Seniors Association of Canada. lars. earnings continue to grow at foday's top rates. Forty per cent of all pensioners rely on the GIS and SPA supple- ments to top their Old Age Security (OAS) pensions and pro- Variable Rate Plus!! Guaranteed Security up With our Variable Rate Plan, interest rates are Your Credit Union RRSP is protected under vide a foundation for self-sufficient living. However, to receive reviewed regularly and adjusted accordingly. the terms of a province-wide insurance sys- these supplements, they must remember to renew their pension The rates you're earning are always among tern dsdicated to the security of your every year. the best available. deposits. "I think that some seniors just forget to renew because they are used to having their OAS come automatically,'' says Kathleen Godfried, executive director of the Senior Citizens Council of will have EXTENDED HOURS for your convenience Ottawa Carleton. "Many people are intimated by forms. And for We some, their mother tongue is not English or French and they put it to arrange your RRSP's before the February 29 Deadline. (the renewal form) aside until a family member helps them out." Monday, February 26, 1996 loam to 6pm The majority of seniors who do not complete and return the form before March 31 will have their April pensions reduced to the basic Tuesday, February 27, 1996 loam to 6pm OAS amount. Wednesday, February 28, 1996 loam to 8pm "This year we are hoping to save up to 50,000 seniors the hard- Thursday, February 29, 1996 loam to 8pm ship of having their pensions temporarily canceled. We're able to do this because we will use income tax information provided by lastant Tax Receipts Are Available Revenue Canada to calculate entitlements," says Tom Hickson, project manager in the Income Security Programs (ISP) branch of Human Resources Development Canada. "Of course we can only do this for pensioners who file income tax returns - many do not." For this reason, all pensioners are still urged to send in their Sd! renewal forms bv March 31 or risk having their supplement pen- sions cut. SQUAMISH CREDIT UNION Seniors who have not received their blank renewal forms by Monday - Thursday 1O:oO am - 500 pm Friday 1O:OO am - 6:OO pm Saturday 1O:OO am - 2:OO pm February are urged to contact their nearest Human Resource Centre Canada as soon as possible. * b%@ -4F FEBRUARY 20,1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF r' 44

lRDO Dunwoody CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Seniors cautioned abou See Us For All OfYour RRSP and lncome Ta PZanning Needs phony bank inspectors n&y c W. Doug Fox By Agnes Finan tigation. However, the real rea- claiming to be a bank inspect son for secrecy is to prevent cus- asks you to become involved If someone claiming to be a tomers from learning that they the investigation of a ba Squamish Whistler bank inspector, or sometimes a are being defrauded by the employee, or any similar s Tel: 892-9424 Fax: 892-9356 Tel: 932-3799 Fax: 932-3764 police officer, asks you to with- phony bank inspector. nario, contact the police or y draw cash from your bank The fraud is completed when bank manager immediatelysps an account, don't. Instead, call the the phony bank inspector meets Always keep in mind that &/ntribu police. The bank inspector with the customers individually legitimate bank employee 01 bere ai requesting your funds is actual- to collect the withdrawn cash. police officer will never as9 , n rea ly a criminal. These meetings are often held in bank customers to withdra whntribu Phony bank inspector fraud bank parking lots. To keep the money from their banqy sho usually begins with phone calls customers from getting suspi- accounts €or any reason. 131 can 1 rJw. I, to bank customers from a crimi- cious, the phony bank inspector -_ nal pretending to be a bank dresses in a respectable busi- :if that'z inspector. The criminal claims ness suit, shows counterfeit Tax and %e firsttricl there is an employee stealing identification and may offer a Nancy L. McKenzie, C.A. from the bank branch where the reward. Of course, once the J. Mason McKenzie, C.A. targeted customers have their cash is given to the fraud artist, RSP tips @E:; i accounts. Customers are then the customers never see their ir;sin't m asked to withdraw large money or the bank inspector When can you withdraw dve a f amounts of money from the again. Unfortunately, these amounts from pur RSP ancizally wit branch to help trap the "dishon- criminals are rarely caught what are the consequences? &p and

because they are long gone by You may withdraw any ponhnygro-I* est' employee. The phony bank - __ - +13. inspector explains that the seri- the time their victims realize tion of your RSP at any tir AS well al numbers on the withdrawn that they've been deceived. The during {he year, but rememb btic d McKenzie 81 McKenzie money will be checked: the cash phony bank inspectors are only the amount you withdraw ca [vings P.O. Box 360 will be used as evidence to apprehended if quick thinking not be recontributed at a lat ie instit Lions Bay, B.C. VON 2E0 prosecute the corrupt employ- victims involve the police at the date. You must consider t! d mail Phone (S04) 92i -7976, ee. A more detailed explanation outset. you will most likely pay tax rt an i Fax (604) 921 -7938 is never provided. Absolute The phony bank inspector the amount withdrawn from in wii Toll Free 1-800-475-7976 secrecy is demanded from the preys almost exclusively on RSP as it is considered inco. M & M @ m in d lin k.bc .ca customers so the employee does elderly people living alone, in the year you make the wi not become aware of the inves- usually women. Seniors tend to drawal. be more helpful and are gener- When you make your wi TOi ally more trusting - making drawal, the financial instituti them easy prey for these deceit- will retain a certain portion Scotiabank ful bank inspectors. the withdrawal as a form So remember, if someone withholding tax. es, yo1 n, but 9 iount t RRSP's Are An Essential Part Of ses. RRSP s or this Your Overall Financial Plan e cash Make Every Year Count rrow tc Fkxibmty & Security But.,. n as s( It is Only a Part! non-d 2 Year Stock-Indexed GIC 18 Month Premium Rate GIC Your financial plan is the key to your fu- lk prof 5-Year Accelerated Rate GIC ture. Take the time to plan all of the ele- king a PLUS ments necessary for a bright future. .rowin PLEASE CALL TOM MURRAY TO Wh ORGANIZE YOUR FUTURE. 892-5981 1 3 5 10 year self-6 "PuttingPeople First" estmei Income Fund 22.2 1% 9.97% 9.76% nlike E SCU Insurance Services Ltd estmei L Second Global Bond Fund 12.36% N/A N/A 38085 Avenue sme re Canadian Growth Fund 3 1.45% 19.54% 12.73% REMINDERm.- American Equity Deadline for RRSP's LEE Growth Fund 19.95% 12.49% li 3.66% is February 29th International Fund 16.70% 13.50% 13.68% Total Return Fund 19.51% 13.62% 13.34% Is Weparing Your . Tax Return a Hmsle-,.,7 C Scotia Securities Inc. .. to I Important info about Scotia Escelsior Funds is contained in the funds' simplified prospectus, copies are available at ail branches of Thc !kink of Nov;~Scotia and Montreal Trust and should be read carefully before investing. Unit values (yields for income funds) & Come to M&R Block. We'll get you the maximum invcstmcnt returns of all other funds f~uchlrtte.Theindicated rates of return arc- the historical ac3ual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and rcin\vestnwnt of distribution x5 of December 3 1, 1095. Units of Scotia Excelsior Funds are not refund you're entitled to. insure-d by the (:an;ida Ikposit Insumnce Corpomtion.The Regie de lassunnce - depots du Quebec, or by any other government dc'posit inourrr, ancl arc not gu;ir,intccd by The Bank of NOM Scotia Montreal Trust, Scotia Securities Inc. is a corporate entity scp;m te from, though wholl~uwnedby ?he Hank of Nova Scotia.The Tndesmark of Montreal Trust Company of Canada, Scotia Because it's Hour money. Hal?BLOCW RI Secxritins Inc. is ;I licenscd uscr of thcTndemark,@Trxkmarks of the Rank of Nova Scotia, Scotia Securities is a licensed user of THE INCOME TAX OPLCIAUSP the l*r.iJernark. Please visit the Bank Nova Scotia of SQUAMISH, 37991A Cleveland Ave. Phone 892-3624 38049 Cleveland Avenue or Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Weekdays, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturda 'EBF RSP by phone 892-5264: -1 Mastercard and Visa accepted at most locations Ill hy contribute to an RSP? gistered Retirement Savings month, making this a very place to start. SPs) are among the few affordable investment toward “It doesn’t matter. I’ll inherit Me1 Diamond risk and maximizes ernment-sanctioned tax your future. money from my parents.” Chartered Financial return through a ters still available to ordi- ”I have a mortgage.” It’s difficult to predict the Planner balanced portfolio nadians today, and Ideally you will want to pay future. But if a recent Royal Be,Comm. re an ideal way to save for down your mortgage as well as Trust survey is any indication, approach to investing. contribute to your RSI? Suppose half of Canadians expect to the 19.4 million you decide to wait, say 25 years, have to support their parents or ians who filed a tax until your mortgage is paid off children after they retire. Even OBJECTIVE last year, only half own before you start saving for your among the wealthy, 55 per cent + nd a mere 25 per cent future. Can you really afford to do not expect to receive an UNBIASED to them regularly. miss 25 years of growth in an inheritance. + six of the more com- RSP? Consider that a minimum With today‘s advance in tech- TRUSTWORTHY why people don’t contribution of just $25 a nology and medicine, people bute to an RSP, and why month, at an annual compound are living longer and are having growth rate of eight per cent, to stretch their money over a Diamond Financial can barely make ends meet would give you more than longer period. With nursing A Conservative Approach To A Secure Retirement $22,000 in 25 years. home or home care costs fac- case, paying your- “I have other pressing needs tored in, the big question rst might be the answer. (renovations, new babx educa- becomes: How much inheri- 0 SQUAMISH892-2278 ?he trick is to take the money tion).‘’ tance money will be left? as soon as you get it, or Add retirement planning to “My company, or the govern- 0 WHISTLER332-8743 ore you can spend it, so you your list of pressing needs. ment, will bail me out.’’ n’t miss it. One option is to There will always be pressing Because people are getting e a fixed amount automati- financial needs throughout older, retiring earlier and living SI) adzally withdrawn from your pay one’s life. longer, tremendous strain has Mutual Funds are not all created equal! ences? &p and contributed to a com- Think of your RSP as part of been placed on the traditional FORALL YOUR FINANCIAL NEEDS group RSP. your monthly budget and plan safety nets that companies and Check us Out! well, you can arrange auto- accordingly. Most financial governments have provided. c deductions from your planners advise setting up a Planning and saving for your maw caniavings or chequing account at savings plan for each of your own retirement income is, by Agent for: far, the best way to give your- Trimark Templeton Fidelity CI Funds t a latcrde institution where you bank specific goals. Working Opportunity Fund and many more! ier tl idmaintain an RSI? You can If you need help establishing self peace of mind and security For a FREE Financial Plan phone: in knowing that funds will be y tax brt an automatic contribution one for your RSP, your nearest Lundy Candy, CFP from an with as little as $25 a bank branch would be a good there when you retire. Chartered Financial PIcinner incoi 898-2329 or 898-5367 he wi, GREAT PACIFIC MANAGEMENT CO. LTD. (estah/[shed1,9651 ir wi: Eommon RSP questions and answers stituti I i Can you borrow money to make mon types of investments for a self-directed RSP Meet Our Tax Team, rtion i an RSP contribution? are: shares and debts in public corporations and €orm credit unions, Canada Savings Bonds, mutual Yes, you can borrow to make an RSP contribu- funds, and home mortgages. in, but any interest you pay on the borrowed There is an annual administration fee for a self- nount will not be deductible for income tax pur: directed RSP, which is tax deductible if you pay it of ises. with funds outside of your RSP. ;or this reason, it is generally better to use avail- So if you’re looking for more control and flexi- L )le cash rather than borrowing. If you have to bility over the investment powers of your RSP, )Trow to make the contribution, try to repay the look into a self-directed RSP. an as soon as possible to minimize the amount non-deductible interest. Before borrowing, Can you transfer your RSP from one financial ek professional advice to ensure the benefits of institution to another? aking an RSP contribution outweigh the costs of Alfrieda, Cindy, Gail and Shirlee. crowing. Yes you can, but be aware that in order to trans- oday taxpayers are more full time in the Squamish office fer an .RSP account without triggering any taxes, “Taware of their taxable bot- and specializes in business, farm What is a self-directed RSP and what you cannot touch the money. This means the RSP om line,“ says Cindy Blatny, Co- and US.returns. are its advantages? must be transferred directly to the new institu- )wner of Squamish’s H&R Block For the past two years Alfried; iffice, ”and more concerned Elden has worked for H&R Block tion. Financial institutions can arrange for this ibout reducing the amount of as a tax preparer. Personal taxes i self-directed RSP allows you to make the direct transfer, for which a fee may be charged. ax they pay.“ is her area of expertise. vestment decisions. When transferring RSPs, make sure it’s done Why? Cindy says, Gail Lepp has worked as a Jnlike a regular RSP, you decide what types of directly from institution to institution. Government spending has checker for H&R Block for 2 Ltd vestments are made. Information is provided as a public service by ?creased dramatically in the last years. Gail gives final approval 10 years. As a result, income on all tax returns prior to filing. lome restrictions may apply, but the more com- th6 Chartered Accountants of British Columbia axes have increased steadily Cindy has been with the com- ince the ’60’s. Today it is the pany for 10 years. Cindy has ingle, largest expenditure for operated the Squamish office for ieaverage family - larger the past five years and says, “It3 Ian the cost of food, clothing important to me to have S IEMINDER nd shelter. Taxpayers know attained knowledge in most ?ey must seek every possible areas of tax law. But I am partic- ax-saving strategy available. ularly interested in small busi- Your ’7hat‘s where H&R Block nesses, rentals and employment omes in,” says Cindy. ”H&R expenses. lock has a mission in our soci- Cindy says, ‘Tax season is the to ty save tax dollars for shortest season of the year. You last anadians. We believe no one don’t have much time to find iould pay more taxes than out how you will be affected by 2quired by law. By providing a new legislation, such as the new chance uality sewice affordable to t f lost taxpayers, we can accom- RRSP excess contribution limits lish our mission.” and the mandatory change to to purchase ”Quality service” means that calendar-year reporting of busi- ‘&R Block tax preparers com- ness income. It’s important to lete three levels of tax training plan today how to counter the your efore specializing in a particular effects of these and other new ?Id of tax law. tax laws that affect your 1995 Shirlee Nadeau, other co- return. wner has been part time with One of our tax preparers RRSP’s le Squamish H&R Block for five would be happy to answer any ws,but has 16 years of tax questions you have on old or is cperience. Shirlee now works new tax laws. Lynda J.Patrick Rg The Mutual Group 892-9777 :EBRUARY 29/96 Facing Tomorrow 37991 Cleveland Avenue Licenced with Mutual life of Canada/Mutual lnvestco ‘Together 8 9 6 24 nc., two companies of The Mutual Croup. 2-3 FEBRUARY 20. 1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF

Province British CdumMad PUBLIC NOTICE Ministry of Tmsportation LOAD RESTRICTIONS end Highways REVISION NO. 1

Pursuant to Section 26 of the Highway Act and the provisions of the Commercial Transport Act, the following load restricitons will be imposed on roads within Howe Sound Highways District. EFFECTIVE 12:Ol am, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, AND UNnL FURTHER NOTICE:

Squarnish Valley Road (# 19 14/#649R) - From the Paradise Valley Road (km. 3.7) to the end of the public roac (km. 22.7) Gariboldi Park Road (# 1906) - From Squamish Municipal Boundary to the end of public road. Ring Creek Road (#1 907) - From Garibaldi Park Road to the end of public road. Alice lake Rood (#406R) - From Hwy. 99 (km. 0.0)to the entrance to Alice Lake Park (km. 1.2) ' Mag- Rw~(#1975) - From S uamish Valley Road to the end of public rood. Bowen Island - All roo1 s throughout Bowen Island. 100% Mal Axle boding Highway 99 (Sea to Sky Highway) - From Mamquam River Bridge (km. 46.9) to top of Cheakamus Canyon Hill (km. 69.7) Squamish Valley Road (#649R) - From Hwy. 99(km. 0.0) to Paradise Valley road (km. 3.7) All term overload permits are invalid for the duration of the restrictions. Violators of the regulation and restrictions will be prosecuted. Approximate percentages of the tolerance provided in subsection 7.06 (2) of the Reguations pursuant to the Commercial Transport Act are upplicable.

Wayne Keiser Operating Off ice: Howe Sound District A/District Highway Manager 1690 Main .Street for: J. Pement North Vancouver, B.C. Honourable Minister Phone: 990-5200

A 22-year-old male will be charged with possession of a narcotic as a result of a routine search by a RCMP member Feb. 8. Drug paraphernalia and a substance believed to be two grams of cocaine was found on a Squamish male at 9:30 p.m. on # Garibaldi Way in the Estates. his back on the traffic and not realize he was standinl Several incidents involving the southbound lane whei vehicles hitting pedestrians vehicle was fast approach 3 These are the occurred last week. A Squamish When he realized this, 1 female was hit by a vehicle attempted to get into his c i winners, drawn driven by a local male at 3 p.m. lane but stumbled. As 1 from a pool of Feb. 9 on Pemberton Street oncoming vehicle braked between Cleveland and Second swerved to avoid him, the v i More avenues. The woman suffered cle grazed his legs. The incic 73 minor injuries to her arm and caused him to strike his heac shoulder. No charges were laid. the roadway resulting in a 12 b:trc en try contestants gash. ;Cornmi A Squamish male was charged ICi o r p or, who correctly with failure to yield to a pedes- "People need to be cauti trian when he struck a female in when they get out of their lorganis i made over 36 a crosswalk area at the corner of on the highway," said Co [mittee, face to business Pemberton Avenue and Fran Bethell of the Squarr School Cleveland. The woman was RCMP. "Anything to incre opportu matches! taken to Squamish General your visibility to motorist: was t Hospital with minor injuries. important, such as flares, fla en trepn At 4:30 p.m. Feb. 12, a cyclist ing lights and safety ve providii received minor injuries to his Motorists are also encoural - leg when he ran into a vehicle to slow down and be really c that was trying to swerve to tious because there aren't a miss him at the corner of Third of areas on Hwy. 99 for peo Avenue and Pemberton Street. to pull off in a safe spot." An ambulance attended and brought the cyclist to SGH. No Two youths were seen leav charges were laid in the inci- the entrance of a Secc dent. G1are"from the sun was a Avenue business at 530 a contributing factor, said Const. Feb. 14. A police dog v Fran Bethell. brought in to search for the c prits, who accessed thy busin A good Samaritan received a by opening a sliding rear M! large gash on his head and dow, but to no avail, said Cor scrapes on his legs when he was Fran Bethell. Reported missj struck by a vehicle while trying are money and a camera. 1 to help traffic avoid an accident investigation continues. on Hwy. 99 near Britannia Beach Feb. 12. The front door of a Seco GRAND PRIZE 2ND PRIZE 3RD PRIZE The good Samaritan, a bus Avenue business was kicked FULL PAGE AD 112 PAGE AD 114 PAGE AD driver who was one of the first and items strewn about duri people at the scene of a single the night of Feb. 14-15. Nothi Sharing motor vehicle accident in which was reported missing. Xan t hi nl the car spun out of control and notogy t landed on its roof, had stopped A business in the industr -and Dol to help the female passenger of park and a Valleycliffe re the vehicle get out. He then dence reported motion-detect realized traffic was backing up security lights had been tal and his bus was blocking the pered with last week. "If an lone northbound lane. one notices .that their iigh To alleviate the situation, he have been tampered with thl began to divert the northbound should have them fixed rig traffic into one of the south- away," said Const. Fran Bethe bound lanes. Apparently, says a "This can be a predecessor RCMP press release, he turned break and enter." Highlands Mali .- Cleveland Ave. Cleveland Ave. ;It -Soul Sentinels - Sentinal, a 19-piece soul and rhythm and blues band from Sentinel Secondary School in West Vancouver provided the conference with entertainment. -Y 1 and indin! j Young entrepreneur w her roach this, hopefuls get his c A§ ked i morale boost i the VI I access to training to stimulate an’ 1 incid I More than 25 young people partici- i heac bated in Youth Entrepreneurship interest in, and an understanding of in a la Conference 1996, sponsored by the the challenges and benefits of self- Community Futures Development employment. cautil Corporation of Howe Sound and Entrepreneurs from the community their organised by the youth action com- from the high technology, retail, ci co. mittee, at Howe Sound Secondary recreational/ adventure tourism and quam School Saturday to learn about food services industries shared incre opportunities. The conference’s aim knowledge and experiences with the :orists was to create awareness of youths. es, fla entrepreneurship among youth by Another conference is being planned for September. Y ve providing information, resources and ioural ally c !n’t a r peo ..t Squamish youths 1 1 L leav Seco :30 a prepare tor famine 08 Young people from the Squamish area and across British Columbia are join- I the c busin ing World Vision Canada’s 30-hour famine to help end poverty and suffering around the world. Participants, including the Squamish Pentecostal Youth zar 147 d Cor Group, will go without food for 30 hours on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24, while raising missi money to support World Vision’s relief and development programs. zra. 1 Last year, 100,000 Canadians took part in the 30-hour famine and raised $1.87 million. Funds will support development programs such as agricultural pro- grams in Mozambique, AIDS awareness programs in Uganda, and programs Seco assisting needy kids here in Canada. icked The 30-hour famine also gives young people a chance to identify with mil- lions of people around the world who face hunger daily. Participating groups : duri Uothi are encouraged to plan educational activities or discussion times to learn Sharing Knowledge - Cheeky Charlie’s proprietor Brad Rustad, above left, and about the root causes of hunger and poverty. Yanthine’s Nick Menican were two of the many panelists. Youths with an interest in tech- World Vision is a Christian humanitarian relief and development organiza- lology had a chance to speak with Squamish entrepreneurs Jason Fiset, Clive Appleby tion which works in more than 100 countries with more than 5,000 projects. dustr 3nd Doua Burne. Ross Wahl photos fe re: detect Zn tal “If an

4 iigh ith thc d rig Bethe ssor c 7 ^4

- .. FEBRUARY 20, 1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF - ...... :.:.:.:<.:..<.:s ....\>.... . - ‘IF“++;,2;w.$$...... >: ...... ,. A lesson in diMomacv... and the weather hanks to Ralph “Razor“ Klein, Edmonton’s announcement. “Brothers,” he said, “it seems Klondike Days celebration might get the the mini-politicians of the stampede committee Teconomy chop. wish to make water on us. We therefore will But such a thing could never happen in ’make water’ on them,’’ and he advocated a tot Calgary. Calgarians are fiercely proud of any- boycott. As stampede week approached, the

thing connected to their citv, and their supportAI is natives on four reservations began a rain danc WEDNESDAY TO absdute.-- The Grey Cup, thgy I On the day of he...parade whichEm claim, was a boring event until opens the show, black rain SATURDAY, they became involved with their 9 clouds appeared over Calgary ponies in downtown Toronto with Chinook suddenness. Feb 2lst = 24th 0th Foks hotel lobbies back in 1948. were viewed with indifference, a ( Football and hockey players are for it had never rained during idolized. The successful Winter Business stampede week. %aI Olympics and the splendid And then the rain began. 9 ::7; I KARAOKE every Tuesday DOOR PRl2 By John the Square Join for MELROSE PLACE Monday Night sports facilities that became the Local news weathermen were us - city’s legacy are fondly recalled. 1 . flabbergasted. They had confi- 881 But the foremost event of the dently predicted a month of D U Calgary calendar is the annual world renowned sunshine. On the fifth straight day of rain the 1~ 1 stampede and rodeo. But they almost lost it cowboys, tourist, and federal politicians headed

once. In the beginning, natives in their colorful for home. The fair was a’washout. The Royal 1 I American Shows packed up all their rideiand je amusements and, as they were leaving town, thB sun came out and shone with parching bril- liance. The following month several Ministry of Indian Affairs cars were seen heading onto the @ 1 Stoney reservation. I3 \ , One can only imagine what was said at that I

< meeting, but since 1954, all natives have been s

\ admitted to the stampede grounds free - and itm (6)

i t $ ; I Bottled water: a balanced approach@37 4 By Len Qarhn

Sales of bottled water have @ become increasingly popular. ! MR. STEWART CAN ALSO $9 $ This trend is probably due to a i BE REACHED AT HIS ./ preference in taste, and the per- I VANCOUVER OFFICE ception that bottled-water qual- ity is superior to tap water. In order to provide a fair compari- son of risk, however, it is impor- tant to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of bottled water versus tap water. Bottled waters enjoy the advantage of advanced treat- ment processes which are extremely expensive on a vol- ume basis. Typical processing would include a combination of DOYOU HAVE CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 12YEARS? micron filtration, carbon filtra- WHAT DQES SUPPORTED CHILDCARE MEAN TOYOU tion, demineralization, ozona- &YOUR CHILD(ren)? tion and possibly ultraviolet I’ treatment. Water dispensing Over 3,000 children in BC under the age of 12 years require units found in grocery stores utilities within the Coast- may be implemented as a pr extra support in their lives. All children with “Special Needs” whc typically use filtration and Garibaldi Health Region pro- cautionary measure. Duri require extra support will now access this through the neM reverse osmosis technology. The vide high quality tap water for these instances, bottled water “Supported Child Care Initiative”. An agreement between the treated water is then stored in a domestic consumption. a convenient and attracti Governments of Canada and British Columbia in April 1995 was reservoir until it is drawn by the Depending on the community, alternative. signed to jointly fund initiatives for improving child care in British customer into a container. either ground water or disin- Homeowners with conta Columbia. One such initiative under this agreement is the It is important to note that fected surface water supplies nated wells (it. nitrate, arseni are utilized, and tested for bac- may wish to consider either development of a service delivery framework to facilitate the these treatment processes do not produce sterile water, and teriology on a weekly basis. tled water or “point of u transition to a new approach to Supported Child Care. the water is bottled without the Typically these waters can be treatment devices. addition of any disinfectant. described as low with respect to For further informatio Due to ail the changes in child care, Education and Health it is Accordingly, while the water hardness, alkalinity, pH and please feel free to contact th extremely important for Parents, Professionals and Caregivers initially has a pleasant taste, dissolved metals. Disaffection local environmental health (licensed or not licensed) to participate in identifying the vision bacteria can regrow within the by-products such as TMMs are cer in your community. It of Supported Child Care and how it will best benefit children, container depending on the typically measured at less than interesting to note the envir families and the communities in which they live. The next length of time and temperature half the allowable guideline mental health staff in vour co meeting will focus on the five principles of Supported Child Care: at which the water is stored. value of 200 parts per billion rnunity do not dri& bottle inclusion; family centred care; community-based services; The Health Protection Branch (ppb). Just remember it is a water at home. If you wish individual planning and shared responsibility of Funding for (HPB) of Health Canada has good idea to flush tap water in receive a copy of the Coa Parents and Caregivers. established criteria on the the morning to remove any met- Garibaldi Health Regio&B18 1 acceptable limits for the pres- als absorbed by the water from newsletter, please contact ence of bacteria. Samples which the household plumbing (i.e. Clarkson at the The next meeting will take place in Squamish on February 27th do not meet the standards fail copper and lead). Health Unit in Squamish (8 at Capilana College Campus at 6:30 pm (alternating rneeticss on the basis of aerobic bacteria Surface water supplies are 3585) (fax 892-5298) or e-m are scheduled for Squamish and Whistler) For more information, which, interestingly have little more difficult to manage than 1j c 1a r ks@b c s c02. gov.bc. please contact: or no health significance. ground water supplies princi- Additionally, Wealth Ca However, slightly more than pally due to seasonal turbidity can be reached at 666-335 Marian Hardy, The Whistler Childrens Centre one per cent of the samples episodes associated with heavy furthcr inforrnaiioil regar 554-932-11 19 have historically beer, contami- rainfall. Turbidity, which often testing of bottled water pr nated with E. coli, pseu- results from slides within the ucts. Katherine Guilbride, Sea to Sky Community Services domonas or aeromonas. watershed, interferes with the Len Clarkson is a drink 604-892-2267 Fax With the exception of those chlorination-disinfection pro- water and pool specialist at water systems currently under a cess, and in extreme cases tem- Coast-Garibaldi Health Unit 1 604-892-3617 boil water advisory, most water porary boil water advisories Squnmish. . -49

.~ -- ~~ SQUAMlSH __-_ ~ ~~ ~~ -~ ~- - ~ - CA61E TV LISTINGS n dance. 8:OO 1 8:30 9:OO 9:30 1O:OO 10:30 11:00[11:30 12:00112:30 1:OO I 1:30 2:OO 2:30 3:OO 330 CBC Vancouver 2 CBUT le whichm (111 CBUT CBC Morning News Earth Playgrnd. Theodore Dressup Sesame Street R Midday El One Life to Live @I Coronatn Urban P ABC Seattle 4 KOMO ain NBC Seattle 65 CHEKKING algary Q @J KOMO GoodMoming Regis & Kathie Mike & Maty 1121 Court lV lThe City All My Children R One Life to Live [IL] General Hospital [II] Northwest Afternooi CW Victoria I CBS Seattle 9 KCTS ~SS.Thep c5) KING Today Cont’d George & Alana Another World @I Days of Our Lives News (H1 Evening Leeza Leeza Donahue El CTV Vancouver 8 BCTV PBS Seattle 9 KCTS Ference, Canada A.M. Cont’d Edition IMovie Price Is Right D Jenny Jones @I News Chek Dini D Homes- Another World L113 luring 9 0 CHEK Information 7 Live Cont’d Maury Povich Etl Sally Montel Williams D News Crook & Chase Tempest1 Ricki Lake KNOW Vancouver 11 p K~RO KVOS Bellingham 12 m. 9 :-7;*_-- BCN Canada A.M. Cont’d Regis & Kathie Jane Hawtin Live! Movie Travel News@I Bold & B. Another World D Rick1 Lake CKVU Vancouver 13 CBC Montreal (fr) 23 CBC 24 ’n were) (9) KCTS Barney Mr Sesame Street D Instructional Programming Instructional Sesame Street Ell Barney KSTW Tacoma IND> confi- -- KCPQ Tacoma 25 IND> KNOW Dudley Lift Off Iris Kitty Cats Varied Programs House of :h of D Commons 26 .n the 1~ ~~0sAladdin Goof Trp. Hawaii Five-0 George & Alana Remington Steele Baywatch Maury Povich (513 HardCpy Paid Spare 36 headed @ CKVU Ani- Sailor M. 100 Huntley Street It’s a New Day Act Money Babarm Tell-A- Entertain Danger General Hospital D Donahue U Extended Basic to yal The Sports esand 181 I TSN 1 Workout 1 In. Sports I Sportsds- IVaried Programs ICurling IVaried Programs ISportsds Network 14 Arts Own,_- thB7I (Varied Programs IQuincy IEqualizer I Varied Programs I Rernington Steele 1 Quincy Entertainment 15 xil- mN VideoMorning Crafts Wildhorse Saloon VideoPM Dukes of Hazzard Wildhorse Saloon Club Dance Nashville 16 iistry of? CIW Edmonton 17 ito the QD clw 100 Huntley Street Regis & Kathie Jane Hawtin Live! News @I Murphy Days of Our Lives LovHandl Next Line General Hospital El Young-Restless NBC Detroit 18

~~ ’ay TV Super Channel 22 I3 WDlV Jenny Jones @I News J’pardy Days of Our Lives Another World D Sally Montel Williams El News News News t that been sup Movie Varied Programs Movie s -~ - and itfiI CBn ICharette en direct ILe Midi llouvain a la carte IP’tits Bonheurs IVaried Programs IMadame IRibambel IVaried IWata- 1Meilleur ICe soir [II3

~ - @) KSTW This Morning Cont’d Price Is Right I123 Bold & 6. Murphy CoachLILl Ro- As the World Turns Guiding Light R Young-Restless A kmI .__.:yjj I KCpQ I Bobby I Pet Shop ICub- I Bananas -1Little House IHeat of Night I Matlock 01 IMovie ITaz- IEek!

8:OO 8:30 9:OO 9:30 10:00,10:30 1l:OO 11:30 12:00112:30 I 1:OO 1:30 I 2:OO I 2:3Q 3:OO 3:3(1 0 CBUT Sesa- Penner‘s Cents Travels Gardener Let-Snow Personal Disability Wrestling: Cdn. Trials World Cup Skiing: Freestyle Busy Milk KOMO Planet Gldiatrs. Fudge Reboot Bugs&T Bugs&T Mess Weekend Rainbow By River Magnum, P.I. College Basketball: Wash. St. at Cat. a 1 I (5) KING News News Watch! Kids Saved- NBA Athletes College Basketball: S. Hall at N. Dame Track and Field

~ - -~ - CHEK WuzUp Punjabi Profile World Vision Home Parent Atom Fish’n Up and ... Speed Skating

(1) KlRO NewsCont’d Living Mind- Animals Paid Movie: “The Four Seasons” Flipper Land’s End

#7:,__- BCw NewsCont’d Horne Money Can.A.M. . News Speed Skating: World Championships WWF Wrestling .__-a

(9) KCTS Barney Puzzle Couch Dudley Reading Kidsongs Todays Rights Journal Firing- Friday Yan- Katzen Dupree Kitchen KNOW Tots TV Kitty Cats Bookmic- Lift-off Quilting Sewing Look- Burt Wolf Vintage Chefs Teaching Anatomy Lead Lead Statistic Tele-

0 Kvos Timon Gar- Bobby Tick Bill Nye Sandiego Paid Paid Paid ’ Paid Pa id Paid Movie: “Guadalcanal Diary” 8 CKVU TinyToon Ani- Rider Hang- Bugs&T Bugs&T Crypt. Kids Dreams Sharky Robin H. Beetlejc Fang Ready Danger Compan TSN Soccer Saturday Sportsds- Hockey Bobsledding Curling: Tournament of Hearts -- Semifinal Ski Lift Skiing Sportsds You called it A&E Voyages 20th Century Investigative American Justice Movie: “Road Games” America’s Castles Home Home “COO112’ MN Fishing BillDance In-Fish Bass- Auto Racing: NASCAR Busch Series Goodwrench MotorTrd Mechanic Win! Inside NASCAR Racetalk Then you called it I “a HABIT’’ Clm Aladdin Babar Kitty Cats Kitty Cats Bugs&T Bugs&T Beetlejc T. Ruxpin Bears Tintin Gadget Robin H. Timon Aladdin Shnook. Gar- Now it’s I.,”.- WDlV Saved- Gldiatrs. NBA Columbo Track and field Athletes Perry Mason: Case of Skin-Deep Scandal News News “an ADDIICTION”

3 Sup Star Trek Gen Movie: “Trading Mom” Movie: “8 Seconds” Movie: ”The Tune” Movie: “My Girl 2” 3s a prt, I Durin (Q CBFT Genies Autostop Accent franco. Movie: “A 1’8coute des etoiles” Dans Chap. melon Perfecto Branche Simplem Jcurrial Raison Water kt Q KSW Aladdin Turtles TheMask House College Basketball: Kentucky at Florida PGA Golf: Nissan Open -- Third Round Romance-Stone :jj; KCPQ Rangers Rider Spider X-Men Tick Louie GlJoe Troopers Tenko NotNews National Geo. Movie: “Dangerous Pursuit” ttracti’b‘___I It’s time to call it QUITS, BRITISH COLUMBIA CBUT Let-Snow Gardener Coronation Street Curling: Canadian Women’s Championships Finals Meeting Place 50 Up Alive! LUNG ASSOCLATION Box 34009, Station D KOMO Gar- Time-Life News College Basketball: Memphis at Louisville College Basketball: UCLA at Duke David Brinkley Vancouvcr, B.C. V6J 4M2 KJNG News News NBA NBA Basketball: Orlando Magic at Chicago Bulls NBA Basketball: New York Knicks at Phoenix Suns Faces of Courage

CHEK Ernest Angley Media Winter NBA Basketball: Orlando Magic at Chicago Bulls NBA Basketball: Spurs at Grizzlies Sunday Edition .ty. It I I - enviro a KlRO Bit! Nye Story Space Tek- Paid Pruden- Paid Paid Flipper Movie: “The Big Fix” Hider in the House ,-__ mr co >.--,@ 7 : BCTV Your Day Iswritten Vanlmpe Nation NBA Basketball: Orlando Magic at Chicago Bulls NBA Basketball: Spurs at Grizzlies Travel Home bottl (9) KCTS Barney Mr Bus Newtons Ghos- Third Choice Ride Jim Crow Reflec- Group Editors Sewing Quilting Painting Garden wish KNOW Kitty Cats Twist Runaway KidZone Quilting Sewing Future Readers Harvest Health Literature So- Can. Theatre Destinos Destirios 2 Coa , 8 KVOS Dis- Robison Hour of Power Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 8 CKVU Freak- Ani- Pinky- Sylvstr Bugs&T Bugs&T Fang Robin H. KidsBeat Kids Man Guards Greenhouse IstNation Life A u tom a g TSN ,Sunday Sportsds- Power- Diver Bobsledding Senior PGA Golf Ultimate Golf I Snooker: U.K. Open Rinkside Sportsds I 1 I I I I I I I I I A&E Movie: ”Word of Honor” Movie: “Robin and the Seven Hoods” Justice Justice Bio. This Week America’s Castles Home Horne

TNN NHRA Raceday Auto Racing: NASCAR Winston Cup -- Goodwrench 400 Fishin’ Fishing Outdoor Bass- C(TV Tribal Tr. Ukrainian Iswritten Dominion Stop- 1 Automag IMoney Talks 1 Gardener Courage Health Alberta Home Movie: “Gorillas in the Mist” WDlV Home Meet the Press NBA NBA Basketball: Orlando Magic at Chicago Bulls

sup Clean Slt Movie: “Bonjour Timothy” Police Academy: Mission Movie: “Small Pleasures” Movie: “The River Wild” Ou terlim

CBFT Point Scully La Semaine verte [Regard En liberte Horizons Faites vos gammes Sous la couverture ICourse desl. Decouverte

PGA Golf: Nissan Open -- Final Round “Ghostbusters II” 8 KSTW SunMorn Home- College Basketball: Conn. at Villanova College Basketball: Purdue at Indiana - Star Trek Movie: “Innerspace” Siskel . Figure Skating :$ a= ;:J ;:J FEBRUARY 20.1996 24THE SQUAMISH CHIEF COMMUNI TY HOROSCOPE Fund-raising helps research By C.C. Clark ’ he fund-raising campaign Secondary School has been Last year we were treated to a February 18 through February 24,1996 in our community for the extended to the end of June. wonderful concert by the Aries (March 21 - April 20) THeart and Stroke Get your thinking caps on and Capilano College Singers. The Be generous to those less fortunate. There ma Foundation of B.C. and Yukon come up with your selection. A Howe Sound Performing Arts come a day when you could use a helping hanc continues until Feb. 29. special box made by HSSS stu- Association is pleased to spon- Stop focusing only on your problems. Through fund-raising activities, dents will be set up in the the- sor this talented choir once the Heart and Stroke atre area for the official open- again at a concert on Friday Taurus (April 21 - May 20) Foundation is able to support ing of t.he theatre during March 8. The Capilano College Stay calm when dealing with family members. Lis 75 per cent of all cardiovascular ten to the voice of reason inside your head. Yo1 research conducted in this know what you need to do. country. Coordinators Karen Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Vanzella and Sonya Miller said Don’t hold back because of fear. It is necessary tc volunteers will be easily identi- tell someone exactly how you feel about an impor fied and they will welcome your donation to this annual campaign- It is a sobering About Town Cancer (June 21 - July 20) t 11 rough t to realize that You will need to become a team player if you art Canada’s number one killer is By Maureen Gilmour going to make it in a new work or social environ. heart disease and stroke. ment. I Leo (July 21 - Aug. 21) Several residents at Hilltop Get rid of your selfish attitude and show everyone House have birthdays this Education Week, March 4-8, to Singers will perform in the new what a wonderful person you really are. Things month and the birthday party enable people to drop off their community theatre at Howe will go much better once you do. will be held tomorrow, Feb. 21 suggestions. Sound Secondary School. More at 2 p.m. Those to be honored B information will be forthcom- Virgo (Aug. 22 - Sept. 22) include: Lucy Turnquist, Alice Do mark March 7 on your cal- ing regarding time and ticket A suggestion may end up sounding like a direct or- Polkosnik, Elizabeth Spence, endar, as a full evening from 6- locations. der. Take some time to think about what is most Anna Prough, Evelyn 10 p.m. is planned for the offi- important and prioritize. kfccartney and Hamilton cial theatre opening. I will have The members of the Order of Roberts. An open invitation to more details next week, but I the Eastern Star Lodge were Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) most appreciative of the fine Relationships are never easy, especially the really visit with the residents is can tell you school choirs, band important ones. It takes a lot of work to keep those extended to everyone. and drama performances, attendance at the annual fires burning. story-telling and poetry read- Valentine’s Tea on Feb. 10. The I believe there are still a few ings are on the schedule. raffle winners were: Lew Smith Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) tickets available for the Displays of art works by the of Delta - afghan; Peg Get as much rest as you can to prevent sickness. Norman Foote show in the students will also be worth Greenwood - pewter chimes; Some great times are around the corner, and you I cisu re centre auditorium this viewing. and Lynette Halvorson - the don’t want to feel under the weather. Thursday, Feb. 22. M soap dish filled with soaps, Performances will be held at 4 The annual World Day of bath foams and bubble bath. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 20) pn.and 7 p.m. The Sea to Sky Prayer service will be held in Don Wilson took home the It is frustrating, but for now you will have to bide the Squamish Baptist Church door prize of a silver locket. your time. Don’t worry; things will pick up soon. Youth Choir will also perform, Take in a movie or a play for relaxation. and there will be lots of audi- this year on Friday March 1 at ence participation. The Howe 1 p.m. This ecumenical service February winners in the Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) Sound Performing Arts is open to everyone in the com- Rotary Club 200 were: Bill You may have to do a little detective work to find Association, as sponsor, is munity. Harrison, $100; Brian Edwards, out what is really going on in a confusing situation pleased to welcome back $120; Ian Davis, $130; and Rose with friends or family. Norman for his second concert STORK STORY - PATRY - Moon, $150. Early bird winners event. Tickets are available at Raymon and Jocelyn are for the 1996-97 season were Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Highlands Video, Mostly pleased to announce the birth Doug Race, Walt and Charlotte There is hard work to be done, but the dividends Books, Squamish Library and of their first child, a daughter, Lucy and Ken Pickering, who will be worth it. Be consistent in your financial Workwear World. Christina Marie, born in Lions won $100 each. dealings. Gate Hospital at 2:09 p.m. on Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) Joanna Schwarz has returned Jan. 11, weighing 8 lb. 2 02. Squamish Hearty Lifestyles, Things may seem a little off, but everything will h o ni e aft e r spending three Proud grandparents are Larry the B.C. Heart Health make sense at a later date. Spend time with friends weeks visiting her mother-in- and Kathi Killer of Tulameen, Demonstration Project and doing something you all enjoy. law, Marta Schwarz, who lives Lydia and A1 Skipper of Save-On-Foods are celebrating in a suburb of Stuttgart, Squamish and great-grandpar- national Heart and Health Born this week: Germany. For the first two ents are Mr. and Mrs. Koller of Awareness Month. Take a guid- Feb. 18 -, Matt Dillon, Feb. 21 - Mary Chapin Carpenter weeks, Joanna’s daughter, White Rock and Tina and Tony ed tour with a registered dieti- Cybill Shepherd Feb. 22 - Drew Banymore Feb. 19 - Jeff Daniels Feb. 23 - Peter Fonda Monica, joined her in Germany Marzocco of Brackendale. tian or take the low fat chal- Feb. 20 - Cindy Crawford, Robert Altrnan, Feb. 24 - Paula Zahn, Barry Bostwick, for a visit with her grandmoth- lenge taste test at Save-On- Charles Barkley James Farentino er. It was most enjoyable for If you are interested in your Foods on Wednesday, Feb. 28, both Joanna and Monica to dog’s and cat‘s nutrition, plan from 7-8:30 p.m. This is a free TE hear stories of Mrs. Schwarz’s on attending a meeting in the event, and if you wish more Teatim life from days gone by. Brennan Park Leisure Centre information, phone 898-5711. break a on Feb. 28 from 7-9 p.m. For The competition to select the more information, phone 898- First birthday wishes this mck, if best name for the new commu- 3604. Saturday, Feb. 24, to Noah Help ) nity theatre at Howe Sound a Duddy. rord to arted.)

Calvary Community p.m., Wednesday Bible Valleycliffe Christian Squamish Baptist Church Church Study, 7 p.m. Fellowship Pastor: John Crozier, 898- Sunday morning family Sunday Worship Service: 11 3737. Sunday Worship and bvorshipsenice at Squamish St. John’s Anglican Church a.m. Sunday School 9:30 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Pentecostal Church at 9:30 Sunday services 8 a.m. and a.m. and 11 a.m. 1 in 5 CANADIANS n.m. Nursery and Sunday 10 a.m. For details call Rev. School at the same time. John Stephens at 898-5100. St. Joseph’s Catholic Squamish Pentecostal CAN‘T BREATHE PROPERLY Teens are invited to Youth Church Church Night on Fridays at 7:30 Squamish United Church 2449 The Boulevard, Pastor: Rev. Jeff Beckmyer, But you tan beat the odds on lung disease. )’.“I. at the church. All wd- Minister: Rev. Claire Garibaldi Highlands. Father 892-3680. Morning Worship Arm yourself with the latest lung facts from the B.C. Lung conic. I’;istor Joe Brown at Bowers, 892-5727. Sunday Angelo De Pompa, 898- and Sunday School, 11:30 Association. .5‘16-7M5. Worship Hour begins at 10 4355. Mass: Saturday at 4:30 a.m. Sunday evening ser- a.m. Infant Nursery yrovid- p.m., Sunday at 9 a.m. and vice at 6 p.m. Reduce air pollution from residential wood smoke and auto Highlands Gospel Hall ed. Sunday School is held at 11 a.m. Confession: emissions with tips from the Association. Elder Cordon Stewart, 898 10 a.m. Saturday at 4 p.m. or by Church of Jesus Christ of Support advanced research and province-wid-ecommuniiy 5091. Sunday breahng of appointment anytime. Latter Day S2inQ education programs sponsored by your Lung Association. ihe bread at 930 a.m., Catechism (CCD): grades Donald MacKav, Branch Sunday School 11 :30 a.m., K-7 on Thursdays, 6:30 President. 42OSi Ross Rd., BRITISH COLUMBIA LUNG ASSOCWT’TON Sospel Meeting 7 y.m., 30 p.m., may regis- Brackendale. 898-3535. Monday Bible Hour 7-8 ter anytime. Box 34009, Station D,Vancouver, B.C. V6J 4M2 4ad !uogm (Advertising space donated by this publication) L Undrcrrent Market PI. Fifth Estate Witness Nat I on al/CBC News CBCNews Taxi News Nightline I* I (4) IKOMO IVideos IEdition INews IABC News News IWh. Fortune [Jeopardy! Roseanne Coach Home Imp. Ellen NYPD Blue I 1 1 I 1 News Tonight " .. I(5) I KING IOprahI WinfreyI I News I 1INBC News INews I Evening I Am.Journal Wings 3rd Rock Frasier Larroquette Dateline CHEK Bold & 6. ILate Show I News News Videos Extra The Client Roseanne ILarroquette W5 CTV News News ma -, @ an( News News Hard Copy Ent. Tonight Seinfeld Moesha Minor Adjust Trauma One News Extra Inn News H Patrol 'e KlRO JennyJones a 1 ;-7;.__.BCTV Oprah Winfrey News News News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Roseanne Hudson St. Home imp. [Larroquette W5 CTV News News &.I. (9) KCTS C. Sandiego Wishbone Mr Rogers Business News-Lehrer Bill Nye Asia Now Nova Frontline New Hampshire Primary Black Adder Neighbors X" Lis r Yo ,# KNOW Earth Earth French Canada Pacific Century Studio One Scientifica Scientifica Shine on Harvey Moon Cooking English & @I KVOS Dreams Dinosaurs Full House Blossom Home Imp. IRoseanne Seinfeld Murphy Viewer's Choice Movie Seinfeld M'A'S'H Star Trek Next Gener

I (D CKVU Daysof Our Lives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Wings 3rd Rock Frasier Grace NYPD Blue Sports Page News &++ 1 Y t' &I TSN In. Sports ICurling: Tournament of Hearts In. Sports Sportsdesk IBowling: Old Pins Men I Snooker I Sportsdesk I In. Sports lor 63 A&E Equalizer Biography Movie: "Dead Water" 1 Law & Order Biography Movie: "Dead Water" 9,' I 1 TNN Dukes of Hazzard McBride: Ahead Prime Time Country Club Dance News McBride: Ahead Prime Time Country (D CllV Baywatch News News The Client 3rd Rock Frasier NYPD Blue News Sports Night Comedy Star Trek: Next Gener. arc - cI_-- 'on. WDlV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Wings 3rd Rock Frasier La rroque t t e Dateline News Tonight Show Jenny Jones Paid Prog. Late Night -- ib SUP Movie: "Blue Chips" Movie: "Imaginary Crimes" Movie: "Solar Crisis" \Movie: "Back in Action" *? 'b a CBFT Country ILa Facture ILes Heritiers Duval scoop Telejournal Le Point sport I Decouverte 1 Sign-off one News ICBS News ICheers IMarried... Extra Primary Coverage 1 Movie: "Sins of Silence" INews ngs I I I :i3: KCPQ ]Batman Siegfried Full House Gilligan Full House M'A*S*H Home Imp. Simpsons Movie: "Generation X" [Star Trek: Next Gener. M'A'S'H Cops re 1 %_--II 1 I I I I I I I I I

OF 1 I 4:OO I 4:30 500 530 1 6:OO 1 6:30 1 7:OO 7:30 1 8:OO 8:30 9:OO 1 950 1O:OO 10:30 1 11:OO 1 1MO 10s I I I I I I I rb I@) I CBUT /Odyssey IFarn. Mat. Isimpsons /Fresh Pr. ICSC News IAdrienne Clarkson I22 Minutes IComics lNanny /Nanny . I National/CBC News ICBC News lTaxi rb I IKOMO IVideos I Edition I News IABC News /News I Wh. Fortune I Jeopardy! I Ellen I Drew Carey lGrace I Naked Truth I Primetime Live I News 1 Nightline Tonight 111) 1 News INBC News INews 1 Evening Am.Journal I Future of Crime Fighting I Dateline Law & Order News ose 0 CHEK Bold & 8. lLate Show News News Videos Extra p coach Louie Taking the Falls Law & Order CTVNews News ~ \A (71 KfRO JennyJones News News Hard Copy Ent. Tonight Seinfeld One West Waikiki Seinfeld Tales-Crypt News Extra Inn. News H. Patrol

L ::7:: BCTV Oprah Winfrey News News News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Ellen Drew Carey Almost Naked Truth Primetime Live CTVNews News :ss. L t I 'OU

Star Trek: Next Gener. ide m.

nd on

ids i a1 Enfer-autres Moi-l'autre Sous un del variable Direction sud Telejournal Le Point Sport Movie: "Portion d'eternite" I Sign-off Day & Date News CBS News Cheers Married... Extra Dave's Louie Movie: "The Good Doctor: The Paul Fleiss Story" News Late Show Batman Siegfried Full House Gilligan Full House M*A*S*H Home Imp. Simpsons Beverly Hills, 90210 Party of Five Star Trek: Next Gener. M'A'S'H Cops rill ds IS PLEASED TO PRESENT

- ITEATIMEI TEASER 1I Teatime is a popular English tradition. The English like lo break around 4 pm. every day for a cup of tea and a rnack, if they have the time. h,, mm+,.l.:--rL- c--.I:.I- Help yourself to a CUDI of tecr IlluILIIIII LJ III~wymn Nord to its "American" word. (We did one to get you ita rted .)

1 British police officers are called bobbies. The officers get their nickname from Sir Robert (Bob) Peel, who founded the London Metropolitan Police in ?82?. Pee! is .q>w-l~Jol!eu!loso6 regarded as the father of modern police orlqanizations. I Want to say thanks and make SI f II UNITED TAX SERVICE I eveyone knows why? Or maybe offe Personal & Small Business little constructive criticism withc 7T’a confrontation? Send your Dart 89205393 or 89204473 Dafiodil tome Editor, The Squami Convenient Drop Box at Barney‘s Petrocan - nighway 99 & Garibaldi Way Darts & 1 Chiefi Box 3500, Squamish, B.C. Vi -Fr( 3G0 or drop it off at our ofice at 381 Only Second Avenue, between 9 a.m. ana p.m. Monday through €riday. You c eedom to c International Women‘s Day t, portable c also fax your message to 892-8483 or Ich only $99 March 8, 1996 mail to: [email protected]. eedom for I at the legion Hall from 6:OO to 1O:OO p.m. u get all of J those dedicated Sunday school eedom toni Zillions of daffodils to people --m .. Dinner and celebration of who really care. It was thi wdrst teachers at Squamish Baptist Fireplaces, locks and castle e next day, I time of the year in December to Church who, week after week, daffodils to my fellow eedom this Women’s Diversities through music, dance, etc. n day to 7 a.n be moving. The weather was devote their Sunday mornings chants in Village Square eedom to s not very kind to us on that day. to the spiritual preservation of Second Avenue. You were 3 activation Even when things got a little our youth. great support after our ret cess fee, a ( hairy with your vehicle, you break-in. Chris at Grapes 4 t still had a smile on your face. A camp full of daffodils to the You know who you are. All of Porteau boys who cleaned up Tires full of darts to the I you, including Dee, Dan, Deb, the garbage left by squatters at sons who have taken over Kelly, Ray, Arie, Melinda and the base of the Stawamus Chief. newly constructed sidewalk Crystal were a tremendous Thanks for your hard work. their personal parking spa help. I won’t forget your gen- Carol Comeau. Park your many vehicles erosity. I’m forever grateful to H your own property. yal Bank Pla you. Thank you. A hall full of daffodils to my wonderful family €or giving me Pooper scoopers full of d, A pizza pan full of daffodils to a surprise birthday party. Also to the persons who walk tl Panagopolous Pizza from to my relatives and friends who dogs unleashed at dawn’s e; Brackendale Secondary School came to help me celebrate it, light and allow them to ri for generously donating prizes and to Daniel and Chris for the page and poop on other F - for our Valentine’s Dance. It’s lovely food. Thank you every- ple’s yards. We watch your i I that kind of community service one. I will treasure it always. manners every day. TICKETS PRICES $10.00 available at: which keeps us coming back. Rose Pattenaude.

BSS student council. (I E a Mostly Books Women’s Centre Special daffodils of thanks to Daffodils to Western Pulp. all my friends and family for the PI 1.D.A Stylezone With the impending shutdown, wonderful birthday surprise Anna’s Attic Valleycliffe General Store the people of Squamish will be you gave me. You are all very 1 able to breathe the fresh air and special to me. Also thanks to DOOR PRIZES enjoy the environment they live Dorothy and Lorraine. Isabella in. McCann. For more information call the Women’s Centre at 892-5748 m CBUT A dog-gone kibble bag full of A sombrero full of daffodils to KOMO daffodils to Mrs. t. Reilly for the staff at Squamish Credit taking care of me until my farn- Union. Yew courtesy, concern KING ily could get me. From Bailey. and care helped me through a CHEK 8 rather stressful time when my KlRO My very first bank account full son required surgery while on a 0 of daffodils to Uncle Axeman holiday in Mexico. Your help BCW OX no for your kindness and generosi- ensured that the medical treat- included KCTS ty. Your thoughtfulness is ment could proceed. You will be Unsigned darts and daj KNOW always appreciated. Madison. pleased to know Scot is now fodils will not home and recuperating. A lished. KVOS A church full of daffodils to grateful and relieved father. CKVU TSN A&E Clean, comfortable rooms from $45 TNN ClTV Free parking WDlV Dangerous Minds Suspense/Dsama JEFFREY Only 40 minutes from Whistler SUP Someone to Die For Mystery JAMES CBFT e The “Longhouse” Pub with live Beyond Rangoon Action Adventure Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Feb. 22 - 24 entertainment every Thurs/Fri/Sat. 0 KSTW Jeffrey Comedy KCPQ 8 * 12 P-M. - *The Criminal Mind Thriller The intimate ~tm~~ph~eof the Chieftain Cocktail Lounge - TV or VCR Problems? CBUT We service most mks and models. KOMO TV’s, VCR’s, stereos, microwaves & computers Every Mon. Night Every Tue. Night KING warranty on repairs Some of the greatest bar food 90 day you’ve ever tasted 13 years serving Sea to Sky Country DARfT PODL I CHEK Tournament I Tournament I Meeting and banquet facilities KlRO mown’s VIDEO LTD. BCTV 3816’7Second Avenue [a[-]- KCTS KNOW Squamish Rentals 892-3816, Sales & Service 892-3004 Pemberton 894-68 KVOS CKVU COME & SEE TSN A&E TNN CITV WDlV ’ i*’ Pkz SUP &< AT BRENNAN PARK LEISURE CENTRE 89819072 CBFT Any customers with consignment items piease call us! -KSTW KCPQ 7 ybe offer Y without: tralk about


u, You en om to choose. Your choice of five brand new, state of the Q portable cellular phones including the Motorola flip phone, TALL SEIP ALE nly $99 while supplies last MSPBEIIIIY ALE _----om for the fht 30 davs. Sian UD now and 1BLMlK SIMP ALE pi$.“”: ’. ..& ... @%’> &N get all of your local calling free for the first 30 days. 7;y-r SMOKED POHTEH .,<.. >,?. -&?:: .. , 1 om tonight. From 6 p.m. every evening until 7 a.m. next day, Freedom offers free unlimited local calling. om this weekend. Every weekend from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday local airtime is free. m to start. BC TEL Mobility will waive both your first year‘s system d saving of $108. ANNOUNCEMENT Paul Kindree owner of Corsa Cycles is proud to welcome local resident Dave Heisler into the business. Dave has worked in bike shops throughout Canada, the United States, and Belgium and brings with him considerable knowledge regarding sales and service, including a year designing and building his own bikes. With Dave coming on board we will now have over 24 years of corn- bined bicycle repair experience. Dave has actively raced his road bike in North America and Europe for the last ten years. Most 89212355 *ecently Dave has turned his attention to Mountain Bike Racing and has had considerable success Nith several top ten finishes in the Canada Cup series, managed fifth place finish in last year‘s 8924ELL 3heakarnus Challenge and he is currently ranked 16th across Canada. ’,fJoyaf Bank Plaza - 1367 Winnipeg Street, Squamtsh, B.C. Paul and Dave look forward to offering you the most professional and comprehensive cycling iervice you can find.

Advertise in the Chiefs TV listings. ‘PRIMETIMEVIEWNG 892-9161 I

CBUT Odyssey Fam. Mat. Simpsons Fresh Pr. CBC News Health Man Alive Nature of Things North of 60 Na t iona I/C BC News CBC News Falling Ovc 0 -- a KOMO Videos Edition News ABCNews News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Movie: “The Bodyguard” News - Nighllin e - ____.. 0 KING Oprah Winfrey News NBCNews News Evening Am.Journal Friends Single Guy Seinfeld Caroline ER News Toriiyt I t -__- .__I _l_-..____--__- @ICHEK Bold & B. /Late Show /News News Videos Extra Babylon 5 New York Undercover ER CIVNews News

-_--. ._II_- 0 KIRO JennyJones News News Hard Copy Ent. Tonight Seinfeld Movie: “Call of the Wild’’ News Extra Inn. News H. Patrol ~_..-.____I-

eistd 1-7;a__. BCT’V Oprah Winfrey News News News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Due South Taking the Falls ER CTV News News ~~~~ ~~ -~ ~~~ ~~~ I-_-._ -. - no @IKCTS C. Sandiego Wishbone Mr Rogers Business News-Lehrer Bill Nye Keeping Up Great Drives Mystery! Love Hurts Black Adder Nciglibors and da ______.,_____.__I_ -. - -I .- KNOW Economics Modern Art Destinos Destinos Abnormal Psychology Kidzone Frontier Hemisphere South Bradshaw-Secr. Future of Aging Dotto on Ch1;i -__-. ______-_- @ KVOS Dreams Dinosaurs Full House Blossom Home Imp. Roseanne Seinfeld Murphy B. Movie: “Music Box” Sein f e!d Star Twk: Ncxt Gener. ______- (D CKVU Days of Our Lives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Friends ISingle GUY I Ssinteid 1 Caroline Traders Sports Prlgc News -- I ___. ___.I_ TSN In. Sports NHL Hockey: Toronto Maple Leafs at Detroit Red Wings Curling: Tournament of Hearts Outdoors Sportsdcsk In. Sports - -.. .~ 1 A&E Equalizer Biography Ancient Mysteries Voyages Law & Order Biography Ancient Mysteries v o y a g C? 5 rooms ~__ _..~!---- _-- TNN Dukes of Hazzard Life of Ernest Tubb Prime Time Country Club Dance News Life of Ernest Tubb Prime TimCountry I News m $45 . ... I-_ I_-- ClTV Baywatch News News Ceremonies Star Trek: Voyager Friends Single Guy News Sports Night Cornecfy Star Trt?k. Nexl C;ci)i>i.

- ~ . I_-.~ ~- arking WDIV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Friends Single Guy Seinfeld Caroline ER News Tonight Show /Jenny Jones Paid Prog. Late Nilgtil

~ __I___ _. SUP Movie: “My Girl 2” Movie: “Fatal Instinct” Reel Entert Movie: “Teresa’s Tattoo” -7 Einbrnct? I - .. .. histler __ __ -- I 1 @ CBFT Aunorddu60e U rgen c e L‘ Ecuy e r Telejournal Le Point Sport Movie: “Contr6le d’identite” __ .- .~ lth live 10 KSTW Day&Date News CBS News Cheers Married.. . Extra Terrors of the Deep Rescue 91 1 48 Hours News [Late Show WSat. - .. ~ __

W._-_I KCPQ Batman Full House M‘A‘S’H Home Imp. Simpsons WorldsFunniest New York undercover S!ar Trek: Next Gener-. M*>x’S*H jcojis

-~ ~-~ ~ 4:OO 4:30 500 530 6:30 7:QO 8:OO 8:30 Y:30 I0:OO j 1(0:30 I i1:oo I f:30 irlie’s” Q CBUT Odyssey Fam. Mat. Simpsons Fresh Pr. CBC News On Road AirFarce Rez Mr. Bean Rita and Friends NationallCBC News CBC News Sanders want ._-I_-._- II_-_ J a KOMO Videos Edition News ABCNews News Wh. Fortun€ Jeopardy! Fam. Mat. Boy-World Step-Step Mr. Cooper 20/20 News Nig t I t Ii n e - I_.__ .r food 1 a KING Oprah Winfrey News NBCNews News Evening Am.Journal Unsolved Mysteries Dateline Homicide: Life News Tonight 0 CHEK Bold &B. News News Videos Extra Unsolved Mysteries Space - B e yon d Nowhere Man a KIRO JennyJones 1 News News I Hard Copy Ent. Tonight Seinfeld Hercules-Jrnys. Xena: Warrior Princess News Ex!ra Inn.

T\-__* BCTV Oprah Winfrey News News News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Fam. Mat. Boy-World Movie: “Under Siege” ___-- @J KCTS C. Sandiego Wishbone Mr Rogers Business News-Lehrer Bill Nye Wash. Wk. Money Wall St. Friday Movie: ”Dark Eyes” - ~-__ KNOW Greek Greek French Literature TimeGrow TimeG row Japanese Home Office Borgias 8 KVOS Dreams Dinosaurs Full House Blossom Home Imp. Roseanne Seinfeld Murphy B. Movie: “Hitler‘s Daughter” Seinfeld CKVU Days of Our lives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Outer Limits X-Files 20120 - TSN In. Sports Curling: Tournament of Hearts In. Sports Sportsdesk Boxing: Lucas vs. Tiozzo ~ ~ ~ I A&E Equalizer Biography 1 Movie: “Once Upon a Time in America” [Law & Order I Biography I Movie: “Once Upon a Time in America” I I TNN Dukes of Hazzard Championship Rodeo Prime Time Country Club Dance News Championship Rodeo Prime Time Country

I_ ~ CIW Baywatch News News Star Trek: Deep Space 9 X-Files Outer Limits News Trek:. Next Gener. 1i i WRlV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! . Unsolved Mysteries Dateline Homicide: Life News Tonight Show Jenny Jones I Paid Prog. 1 ate N~II! ~..- 1 LOVE SUP Movie: “Wagons East!“ Movie: “Nobody’s Fool” Movie: “The Killing Machine” Movie: “Murder in the First” .-~-Street f --_- -2 .__-_I-i CBFT Movie: “Comment I’esprit vient aux femmes“ Scenes de la vie culturelle Telejournal Le Point Sport 1 Movie: “L’Etoffe des heros” I 3j) KSTW Day&Date News CBS News Cheers Married... Extra Due South Diagnosis Murder Wynonna: Revelations [News PteShov; 1 13; KCPQ Batman Goosebmp Full House Gilligan Full House M’A*S*H Home Imp. Simpsons Strange Luck X-Files Outer Limits M’A’S’H 1 Cops .._, I I I .,-.. 1 .>


9 Eagle S Eve - Eagles Heading Elsewhere With most of the dead saln in Squamish area rivers ha\ been already consumed, th are only a few of the dieh raptors left to clean up, as p tographer Ross Wahl foi when he spotted this lone bii c CBUT @ KOMO Photographers Want€ KING We welcome submissions a CHEK the Eagle’s Eye from anyor 3 KlRO any age - and you don’t h; to be a professional photog ..7‘: BCTV pher either. Mail to T 3 KCTS Squamish Chief, Box 35( KNOW Squarnish, BC VON 3G0,’ drop it off at 38113 Seco, a KVOS Avenue. --@ CKVU TSN Those who are publishel A&E TNN will receive a FREE ;i 5x7 enbrgemenf ClTV (from 35 mrn neg). WDlV SUP To receive your FR€E prid take the published prin! CBFT copy plus photo to: ,I$ KSTW 13. KCPQ


Plans well under way -i I

for the next big trade fair!L lans are well under way provided. Booths must be booths have already been sol for the Sea to Sky reserved in advance at the The rest are expected to be s PCountry Trade Fair, which chamber office and are on a before April 1, so if you are be be held May 24-26 at the first come, first served basis. A interested in participating, Brennan Park Leisure Center. $50 deposit confirms your make sure vou reserve vour D space. Nearly 50 per ient of the booth(s) as’soon as posgible. #’L

AGR-QSS DOWN Exhibitors are encouraged to I. Actor on Central Park 1. Chewy candy wear costumes reflective of the West (2) 2. Rent collectors theme, which are judged by the 8. Home (1 990-91) 3. L-P connection people attending the trade fair 9. The Shiirier S~OW 4. Fraterniiy ietters on opening night. Last year’s (1949-56) 5. Ending for bulk or boss theme was Lost in Space. The 10. Elizabeth McGovern’s 6. Bob’s portrayer on winner of the best costume - CBUT series (4) Partners award was Archie Boyce of 14. A Place ; ’71 Jack 7. Word in the title of Paul Greg Gardner GM. KOMO Nicholson film Reiser’s series Booths are also judged based KING 15. - Garry Shandling ’s 8. Cheers role on use of theme, service and Show (1988-90) 11, Seventh musical note product display. The 1995 win- -CHEK 16. Continent: abbr. 12. Ruler’s length: abbr. KlRO 17. Unique thing 13. Suffix for script or ner of the best exhibitor award 18. Mailman’s beat: abbr. sculpt was Steven’s Connections. BCTV This year’s theme, A Salute to 19. Andy Taylor’s aunt and 14. 1981 Julie Andrews KCTS others movie Nursery Rhymes, should prove 20. 1965-68 adventure 20. 3337 times 30 to be a lot of fun. KNOW series (2) 21. Pushed The trade fair also provides a KVOS 24. Mayberry __ (1968-71 ) 22. -down; becomes stage for local talent to per- 27. Jamie Farr’s state of quieter form. Stage, sound and lighting CKVU birth 23. Stallone’s greetings is provided free of charge. To TSN 28. One who said, “Open 24. M.C. Hammer’s music register to be part of the enter- A&E sesame !” 25. Fannie of Candid tainment program you must 29. Paid athlete Garners apply at the chamber before TNN 32. Milk-spiller’s word 26. More urgent April 1. There are 30 20-minute CITV 33. ’95 drama series for 29. Funeral blaze Scott Wolf (3) 30. Initials for Orbison spots available for the enter- WDlV 36. Grandpa Walton’s tainment program. Last Year’s Winner - Archie Boyce of Greg Gardner GM, was - 31. Word in the title of Will SUP portrayer Smith’s series Fashion shows are also part of congratulated by then chamber president Ed Chernenkoff after 37. 1983 Bruce Davison 34. Item for Fred Couples this entertainment component, being judged the winner of the best costume competition at last CBFT movie 35. Polly Holliday sitcom but entrants are required to pay year’s Sea to Sky Country Trade Fair. KSTW 38. Star of Nowhere Man (1980-81 ) a $30 fee. Change rooms are -KCPQ

TUESDAY @ +1/2 “Private Obsession” (1995) ** “The Killing Machine” (1994) Jeff 11:45 @ +.Yz “House Party 3” (1994) Chris- @ 0*lh “Armed and Dangerous” Shannon Whirry, Michael Christian. A fa- Wincott, Michael Ironside. The govern- Comedy) John Candy, Eugene Le FEBRUARY 20,1996 shion model is kidnapped by a deranged topher Reid, Christopher Martin. Play feels ment retrains a mob hit man for their own threatened when Kid becomes engaged. ex-cop and a former lawyer unc fan. ‘R’ (1 hr., 41 min.) plans. ‘R’ (1 hr., 40 rnin,) ruption within their union after ta 2:07 ‘/1 ”Cadence” (1990, Drama) (In Stereo) ‘R’ D (1 hr., 33 min.) EVENING 0 3:;** @ @J ***%“L’Etoffe des heros” as security guards. (2 hrs.) Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen. A stockade 8:30 12:OO a **%“Nowhere to Hide” (1994, (1983, Documentaire) (Partie 1 de 2) Sam 12:OO 0 *+*“Much Ado About N 6:OO B “Dead Water” (1993, Mystery) Pa- sergeant tries to alienate a white GI from Suspense) Rosanna Arquette, Scott Shepard, Scott Glenn. Les exploits des Bakula. A divorcee, her son and their (1993, Comedy) Kenneth Bran trick Malahide, Belinda Lang. Inspector the five black prisoners who have accepted pilotes d’essai et des premiers astronautes chael Keaton. A jealous nobleman t Alleyn cuts short a holiday to come to the himas their friend. (2 hrs.. 15 rnin.) federal agent protectorbegin a nightmarish americains qui ont contribue a la conquGte trek across country to escape an assassin. wreck the romance of young aid of a close friend whose life is endari- de I’espace. m(2 hrs., 20 min.) Kenneth Branagh’s adaptation of gered on a Scottish isle. (2 hrs.) (2 hrs.) 9:OO Q 3:;**+ “Under Siege” (1992, Ad- 1:OO (D ** “Road Games” (1981, Sus- espeare’s play. (In Stereo) D (2 hr @ * * “Imaginary Crimes” (1994) Harvey venture) (PA) Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee @ *!h “Trial by Jury” (1994 Keitel, Fairuza Bdk. A teen-ager in 1962 pense) Stacy Keach, Jamie Lee Curtis. An Jones. A Navy SEAL, temporarilyassigned eccentric trucl(driverspeeds up his hunt for Whalley-Kilmer, Armand As Oregon has a complicated family life. (In to the galley, defends a nuclear-armed mobster tries to ensure acquitt Stereo) ‘PG’ [Lrl (1 hr., 44 min.) THURSDAY a roadside serial killer after a hitchhiker battleship from psychopathic hijackers. (In friend becomes a target. (2 hrs.) tening a juror. (In Stereo) ‘R’ 8:OO @I*% “Solar Crisis” (1990) Tim Stereo) (2 hrs.) min.) Matheson, Charlton Heston. Astronauts FEBRUARY 22,1996 a 1:300 @iJ*+“The Events Leading Up to My 9:30 @ +** “Murder in the First” (1995) Death” (1991, Comedy-Drama) John Al- 1:OO @ @I** “Tango & Cash” must save Earth from a lethal solar phen- Christian Slater, Kevin Bacon. An attorney Drama) Sylvester Stallone, omenon. ‘PG-13’ (1 hr., 58 min.) EVENING lore, Peter MacNeill. An unemotional 21- represents a brutalized prisoner of Alca- year-old gets an eye-opening experience Two maverick L.A. policemen bec mij3:”Generation X”( 1996, Fantasy) Matt traz. ‘R’ (2 hrs., 2 min.) luctant partners after a vengeful d Frewer, Finola Hughes. Premiere. Teen- 6:OO @ *’/z “Fatal Instinct” (1993) Armand in familial relations during a visit to his Assante, Sherilyn Fenn. Filmmaker Carl 1O:OO 0 @ *** “Dark Eyes” (1987, father‘s home. (2 hrs.) frames them for murder. (2 hrs.) age superheroes-in-training are called Comedy-Drama) Marcello Mastroianni, upon to battle a villain who seeks to control Reiner’s parody of erotic thrillers. (In @ ** “Airheads” (1994) Brendan Fraser, Stereo) ‘PG-13’ @I (1 hr., 28 min.) Elena Sofonova. An aging Italian recalls Steve Buscemi. Aspiring musicians take a society through mind control. (In Stereo) [II] his brief affair and ongoing romantic ob- (2 hrs.) 8:OO 0 (4-J “The Bodyguard” (1992, radio station’s staff hostage. (In Stereo) Suspense) Kevin Costner, Whitney session with an unhappily married Russian ‘PG-13’ @I(1 hr., 31 min.) 9:00 (11) “Sins of Silence” (1 995, Drama) woman. (2 hrs.) Lindsay Wagner, Holly Marie Combs. Houston. A Secret Service agent-turned- 1:35 0 0 *+ “Psycho 111” (1986, SUS- MONDAY bodyguard finds danger and romance (D *** “Once Upon a Time in America” pense) Anthony Perkins, Diana Scarwid. Prerniere. A former nun is imprisoned (1984, Drama) Robert De Niro, James when she refuses to release the records of while protecting an entertainer from a Preparing to reopen the Bates Motel, FEBRUARY 26,1996 * stalker. (In Stereo) @I(3 hrs.) Woods. Sergio Leone’s portrait of the Norman is troubled by a reporter, a poten- the teen-age rape victim she is counseling. friendships, loyalties and betrayals among (Postponed from an earlier date) (In 0 (7) +*?4 “Call of the Wild” (1993, tial romance, and, of course, Mother. (2 EVENING Adven!ure) Rick Schroder, Gordon Too- Jewish gangsters in the 1920s and ‘30s. (2 hrs., 15 min.) Stereo) [LII (2 hrs.) hrs.) 1O:OO (D ”Dead Water” (1993, Mystery) Pa- toosis. An extraordinary German shepherd 2:05 0 3:;*++ “Trust” (1990, Comedy- 6:OO “Seduced by Madness: The helps his young master overcome ad- 11:OO (D *++*“8 112” (1963, Fantasy) Drama) Adrienne Shelly, Martin Donovan. trick Malahide, Belinda Lang. Inspector Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale. Borchardt Story” (1996, Drama) Alleyn cuts short a holiday to come to the versity in this adaptation of Jack London’s A pregnant teen-ager and a burned-out 2) Ann-Margret, Peter Coyote. Pr novel. (2 hrs.) Federico Fellini’s Oscar-winning account computer worker try to find happiness to- aid of a close friend whose life is endan- of an oveworked movie director crossing disturbed teacher convinces three gered on a Scottish isle. (2 hrs.) @ @a*** “Music Box” (1989, Drama) gether despite their ruined lives. (2 hrs., 15 high-school students to murder he Jessica Lange, Armin Mueller-Stahl. An the line between realityandfantasy. (2 hrs., min.) @J * “Back in Action” (1994) Roddy Piper, 18 rnin.) band. Based on a true story.-. (In Ster Billy Blanks. Two men team up in an all-out attorney comes to her father‘s defense (2 hrs.) when he is accused of participating in Nazi 12:03 0 0***!h “Tatie Danielle” (1990, assault on a powerful gang. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Comedy-Drama) Tsilla Chelton, Catherine @ ** “Holy Matrimony” (1994) Pa D (1 hr., 33 min.) war crimes during World War II. (2 hrs., 30 Arquette, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A w min.) Jacob. A family gets more than they bar- 11:30 @ ** “Scorned” (1994) Andrew gained for when they take in their aunt, a marries her late husband’s 12-yea Stevens, ShannonTweed. A woman seeks @ * “Teresa’s Tattoo” (1994) Adrienne SUNDAY brother. (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ D (i Shelly, C. Thomas Howell. Inept crooks cranky and malicious octogenarian. (Sub- revenge on the man who ruined her life. (In titled) (2 hrs., 12 min.) min.) Stereo) ‘R’ @I(1 hr., 40 min.) find a look-alike to replace a dead hostage. FEBRUARY 25,1996 8:OO @ “Eyes of an Angel” (1990 ‘R’ (1 hr., 28 min.) 12:15 @ * “Anthony’s Desire” (1993) Mi- *t’/z 12:30 0 (11) **V2 “Four Guns to the Border” Travolta, Ellie Raab. An abandone 8:30 @J “Contr6le d’identite” (1993, haella Stokov, Douglass DeMarco. A man (1954, Western) Rory Calhoun, Colleen vanishes after an affair with a prostitute. EVENING follows a mob lackey and his child t Miller. An outlaw gang abandons its Drame) Jacques Penot, Maria Schneider. ‘PG-13’ (1 hr., 31 min.) Un chauffeur franqais est pris pour un ‘NR’ (1 hr., 30 min.) wounded leader in the face of an Apache 6:OO 0 0*+* “Iron Will” (1994, Adven- 9:00 @ “A Kidnapping in the terroriste lorsqu’il est arr6te au Niger avec 12:30 @ “Two Fathers: Justice for the Inno- 0 F warpath (1 hr.. 45 min.) ture) (Part 2 of 2) Mackenzie Astin, Kevin (1996, Drama) Tracey Gold, Kat un faux passeport. (1 hr., 55 min.) cent” (1994, Drama) Robert Conrad, 1:30 (D (12) ”The Next One” (1982, Spacey. In 1917, a teen-ager trains for and Premiere. An emotional tug-of ** 9:30 @ “Nell” (1994) Jodie Foster, George Hamilton. A working class widower Science Fiction) Keir Dullea, Adrienne *** enters a grueling 522-mile sled dog race to lates into abduction after a young wo Liam Neeson. Two doctors invade a and a wealthy man join forces to find their Barbeau. Natives of the Greek island My- save his family from financial ruin. (1 hr.) own mother accuses her of child abus backwoods woman’s isolated existence. children’s escaped killer and bring him to conos believe the Messiah-like castaway justice. (2 hrs.) a “Seduced by Madness: The Diane Stereo) D (2 hrs.) that washed ashore is none other than ‘PG-13’ (1 hr., 53 min.) Borchardt Story” (1996, Drama) (Part 1 of Q “Seduced by Madness: The 11 :30 ffY2 1:OO (D **lt “The Missionary” (1982, Co- 0 Jesus Christ. (2 hrs.) 0 “Falling Over Backwards” 2) Ann-Margret, PeterCoyote. Premiere. A Borchardt Story” (1996, Drama) (Pa (1990, Comedy) Saul Rubinek, Helen medy) Michael Palin, Maggie Smith. A @ “Prey of the Chameleon” (1 992) disturbed teacher convinces three of her 2) Ann-Margret, Petercoyote. Prem ** Hughes. A middle-aged apartment dweller Victorian-era clergyman is assigned to Daphne Zuniga, James Wilder. An es- high-school students to murder her hus- disturbed teacher convinces three tries to create a new life with his long- head a slum mission for fallen women with caped mental patient stalks a police- band. Based on a true story. (In Stereo) D high-school students to murder her estranged parents and his seductive lan- the financial support of his amorous bene- woman’s lover. (In Stereo) ‘R’ %El (1 hr., 31 factress. (2 hrs.) (2 hrs.) band. Based on a true story. (In Stere min.) dlord. El (2 hrs., 10 min.) *+“Clean Slate” (1994) Dana Carvey, 12 hrs.1 d public @ “Embrace of the Vampire” (1995) 1:35 0 0f*l/2 “Suspect” (1987, Drama) 1:35 Q (11) srlt “Steel” (1980, Drama) Jen- ** Valeria Golino. A private eye’s memory is &k “The Killing Machine” (1 Aiyssa Milano, Martin Kemp. A vampire Cher, Dennis Quaid. A public defender‘s 9:30 nifer O’Neill, Lee Majors. Ten daredevil ethics are tested by her involvement with a erased every time he sleeps. (In Stereo) construction workers race against time to arouses a virginal college student’s pas- ‘PG-13’ @I (1 hr., 47 min.) juror during a sensitive murder trial. (2 hrs., I sion. ‘R’ (1 hr., 32 min.) 7:OO @J “Being at Home With finish a skyscraper before a critical dead- 45 min.) a *** plans. ‘R’ (1 hr., 40 rnin.) 1:15 @ “Deadly Heroes” (1993) Michael Claude” (1992, Mystere) Roy Dupuis, Thursd line. (2 hrs., 15 min.) 1:45 @ +% “Tropical Heat” (1993) Rick 11:OO @ ++ “The Secret Rapture” (1 m. 2:OO (D “Frankie’s House” (1992, Drama) Pare, Billy Drago. Terrorists hold a Navy Jacques Godin. Un prostitue gai tue son Juliet Stevenson, Joanne Whall SEAL’S wife hostage. ‘NR’ (1 hr., 47 min.) Rossovich, Maryam d’Abo. An investigator (Part 2 of 2) lain Glen, Kevin Dillon. A amant et se livre a la police, mais il refuse A patriarch’s death leads to fa 1:30 @ ***l/2 “Black Is Black Ain’t’’ becomes infatuated with a wealthy widow. fact-based adaptation of Tim Page’s book ... de divulguer les details du meurtre. D (1 and plots. (In Stereo) ’R’ (1 hr., (1995, Documentary) Premiere. An exam- ‘R’ (1 hr., 26 min.) about his experiences as a war corres- hr., 45 min.) 12:30 0 @lJ*kl/z “The Phantom ination of racism, sexism and homophobia 2:07 0 3:;++% “Timescape” (1992, Sci- pondent in 1960s Vietnam. (2 hrs.) 8:OO @ fflh “Trapped in Paradise” (1994) (1932, Comedy) George M. Coh in the Slack community, told through per- ence Fiction) Jeff Daniels, Ariana Ri- 2:07 0 !:7:;*Y2 “In the Cold of the Night” chards. An Ohio innkeeper questions the Nicolas Cage, Jon Lovitz. Overly kind dette Colbert. A presidential h (1 990, Suspense) Jeff Lester, Adrianne sonal stories, music and dance. (In Stereo) townspeople prevent bank robbers from D (1 hr., 30 min.) motives behind a time-traveling tour look-alike entertainer to fill in Sachs. A man’s morbid fantasies take escaping. ‘PG-13’ (1 hr., 52 min.) campaign circuit. (1 hr., 50 min.) 1:40 0 “Running Late” (1993, Comedy) group’s visit to his boring little town. (2 hrs., frightening shape when his “dream” 15 min.) 8:45 @ +*% “Le Journal d’une femme de woman walks out of his nightmares and Peter Bowles, Roshan Seth. The tables are chambre” (1964, Drame) Jeanne Moreau, into his life. (2 hrs., 30 min.) turned on an arrogant TV interviewer as he Georges Geret. Base sur le roman d’Oc- begins a frantic search for his absent wife. tave Mirabeau, d’une femme de chambre (2 hrs.) chez des bourgeois. (1 hr., 40 min.) 2:OO 022, sr*% “The Deadly Game” (1982, a SATURDAY 9:00 Q @J *** “Under Siege” (1992, Ad- Drama) George Segal, Robert Morley. A venture) (PA) Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee group of retired lawyers who meet in a Jones. A Navy SEAL, temporarily assigned Swiss mountain cabin involve a stranded FEBRUARY 24,1996 WEDNESDAY to the galley, defends a nuclear-armed American in the mock trials they create. (2 battleship from psychopathic hijackers. (In hrs.) EVENING FEBRUARY 21,1996 Stereo) @I(2 hrs.) (D ** “Looker” (1981, Science Fiction) 0 Q “Seduced by Madness: The Diane Albert Finney, James Coburn. An investi- 6:OO @ *.k1/2 “Star Trek Generations” EVENING (1994) Patrick Stewart, William Shatner. Borchardt Story” (1996, Drama) (Part 1 of gation of several patients’ deaths leads a 2) Ann-Margret, Petercoyote. Premiere. A doctor to an agency specializing in The Enterprise crew encounters a der- 6:OOm “Heavenly Creatures” (1994) disturbed teacher convinces three of her sr rt*’,? computer-generated commercials. (2 hrs.) anged scientist. ‘PG’ (1 hr., 55 min.) Melanie Lynskey, Kate Winslet. Two high-school students to murder her hus- 2:05 0 07) ”They All Laughed” (1981, 7:OO a “Seduced by Madness: The Diane The Most Famous Basket In The Wo schoolgirls’ darkly vivid imaginations lead *+* Borchardt Story” (1996, Drama) (Part 1 of band. Based on a true story. (In Stereo) @I Comedy) Ben Gazzara, Audrey Hepburn. (2 hrs.) to murder. ‘R’ (1 hr., 39 min.) New York private detectives become in- 2)Ann-Margret, Peter Coyote. Premiere. A 8:OO (D ,12\ ** 2 “Old Gringo” (1989, Drama) volved in numerous romantic liaisons while disturbed teacher convinces three of her Q 00 3:;*** “Pretty Woman” (1990, Gregory Peck, Jane Fonda. An American tracking their clients’ errant wives. (2 hrs., high-school students to murder her hus- Comedy-Drama) Richard Gere, Julia spinster is torn between an elderly Amer- 30 min.) band. Based on a true story. (In Stereo) [LEI Roberts. A business executive attempts to ican adventurer and a fiery young general (2 hrs.) transform a vulgar streetwalker into a so- 2:07 0 +!I2 “The Opposite Sex ... and in Villa’s army. (‘2 hrs., 30 rnin.) How to Live With Them” (1993, Comedy- 8:OO 0 *+“Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur- phisticated female companion. (In Stereo) 8:30 i6 ** 12 “Portion d’eternite” (1989, Drama) Arye Gross, Courteney Cox. A tles Ill” (1992, Adventure) (PA) Paige El (2 hrs., 30 min.) Drame) Danielle Proulx, Marc Messier. Un bachelor faces a crisis of conscience when Turco, Elias Koteas. The heroes cross 0 @J *** “Much Ado About Nothing” w #aff abouty jeune couple, dans un accident de mort a new relationship stirs up long-buried swords with genuine samurai after a myst- (1993, Comedy) Kenneth Branagh, Mi- voiture, laisse comme descendance pos- feelings about love and marriage. (2 hrs.) ical scepter transports them back to 17th- chael Keaton. A jealous nobleman tries to sible trois ernbryons congeles. CCCI (2 hrs., 5 COMMUNITY 3:OO @l*“Teresa’s Tattoo” (1 994) Adrienne century Japan. (In Stereo) B (2 hrs.) wreck the romance of young lovers in min.) Shelly, C. Thomas Howell. Inept crooks Kenneth Branagh’s adaptation of Shak- 9:00Q *** * ”Schindler’s List” (1993) Liam @ *** “Miami Rhapsody” (1995) Sarah espeare’s play. (In Stereo) D(2hrs.) NEW IN TOWN? find a look-alike to replace a dead hostage. Jessica Parker, Antonio Banderas. Illicit Neeson, Ben Kingsley. A war profiteer ‘R’ (1 hr., 28 rnin.) (D @I**?h “The Andromeda Strain” saves his Jewish workers from death. (In affairs run rampant in an engaged (1971, Science Fiction) Arthur Hill, David NEW BABY? 1A World B 33: **‘I2 “Vendetta: Secrets of a Mafia Stereo) ‘R’ 31 (3 hrs., 15 rnin.) woman’s family. ‘PG-13’ (1 hr., 35 min.) Wayne. Three scientists work to isolate a Bride” (1991, Drama) (Part 1 of 2) Eric 8:20 @ *+*%”L’Etoffe des heros” a ;ii:”The Good Doctor: The Paul Fleiss Roberts, Carol Alt. deadly strain of bacteria threatening man- IF YOU ARE Story” ( 1996. Drama) Michael Gross, (1983, Documentaire) (Partie 2 de 2) Sam kind. Based on Michael Crichton’s novel. (2 Tricia Leigh Fisher. Prerniere. Based on Shepard, Scott Glenn. Les exploits des hrs., 30 rnin.) GETTING MARRIED... events surrounding the case of Hollywood pilotes d’essai et des premiers astronautes “Seduced by Madness: The Diane madam Heidi Fleiss as recollected by her americains qui ont contribue a la conquete Borchardt Story” (1 996, Drama) (Part 2 of father. (Postponed from an earlierdate) (In de I’espace. 0(2 hrs.) 2) Ann-Margret, Peter Coyote. Premiere. A Stereo) @lI (2 hrs.) FRIDAY 9:00 (D @ *+l/2 “Target” (1985, Drama) disturbed teacher convinces three of her 12:15 @Ik+’i ”Timecop” (1994) Jean- Gene Hackman, Matt Dillon. A Dallas high-school students to murder her hus- Claude Van Damrne, Mia Sara. A time- FEBRUARY 23,1996 lumber dealer is forced to reveal his past band. Based on a true story. (In Stereo) @I traveling police officer tackles a corrupt CIA connections when his wife is kid- (2 hrs.) senator. (In Stereo) ‘R’7-11 (1 hr.. 38 min.) EVENING napped by a former adversary. (2 hrs., 30 @I0 “Gone in the Night” (1996, Drama) 12:30 Q **I 7 “Huckleberry Finn” (1931, rnin.) (Part 1 of 2) Shannen Doherty, Kevin Advcnture) Jackie Coogan. Mitzi Green. A 6:OO (D *** ”Once Upon a Time in a *** “True Romance” (1993, Grama) Dillon. Premiere. Based on the true story of boy and a runaway slave become involved America’’ (1984, Dtama) Robert De Niro, Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette. A young two Chicago parents who were falsely in a series of adventures while fleeing down James Woods. Sergio Leone’s portrait of man falls in love with an ex-hooker, but a accused of murdering their 7-year-old the Mississippi River on a raft. (1 hr., 40 the friendships, loyalties and betrayals murder and a suitcase full of cocaine puts daughter. (In Stereo) LEI (2 hrs.) rnin.) among Jewish gangsters in the 1920s and them on the run. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 1O:OO @ ***Y2 “Heavenly Creatures” ‘30s. (2 hrs.) 1O:OO @ **?5 “Tales From the Crypt Pre- (1994) Melanie Lynskey, Kate Winslet. 1:35 Q ,.ij * “Stunt Seven” (1979, Adven- @ **lt1 2 “Nobody’s Fool” (1994) Paul .sents Demon Knight” (1995) Billy Zane, Two schoolgirls’ darkly vivid imaginations tu r e) C h r i s t op he r Con n e II y , C h ris t o p h e r Newman, Jessica Tandy. A 60-year-old Lloyd. A learn of stunt experts comes to the William Sadler. Flesh-eating ghouls des- lead to murder. (In Stereo) ‘R’ (1 hr., 39 handyman revels in his irresponsibility. ’R” cend upon a desert boardinghouse. ‘R’ (1 min ,) rescue of a rncvic star held captive by a (1 hr., 50 min.) modern-day pirate. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) hr., 32 min.) 11:35 0 **Y2 “Blue Thunder‘’ (1983, 8:OO (12) “Hitleis Daughter” (1990, 11:35 @) “Death Warrant” (1990, Adventure) Roy Scheider, Malcolm 2:OO gD **t.l: “The Cormorant” (1993, ** Drama) Patrick Cassidy, Kay Lenz. A Drama) Jean-Claude Van Damme, Robert McDowell. A helicopter pa- Drama) Ralph Fiennes, Helen Schle- presidential press aide races against time singer. A deceased uncle’s pet bird creates Guillaume. An officer with a martial arts trolman hijacks an experimental super- to thwart a conspiracy to put the Nazi background goes to jail to expose the copter supposedly planned for civilian an unsettling atmosphere in the country madman’s daughter in the White House. (2 cottage inherited bya British family. (2 hrs.) maniac responsible for a series of prison crowd control. (2 hrs.) hrs.) murders. (2 hrs.) Howe Sound Breast Feeding Support Group come join our monthly meeting. Call Jill at 898- II known entertainer 1544. rman Foote will be staging N Breastfeeding drop-in pro- concerts at 4 p.m. and vides assistance and support 7 Notices for non-profif organizations run free in the Squamish Chief. Please phone 892-9161, fax 892-8483, e-mail: . Thursday, Feb. 22 at the [email protected] or drop a copy off at our offices before 5 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. Fridays 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Coast-Garibaldi Health Unit. Call 892-3585. rming Arts Association. Senior citizens counselling service is a free service ISquarnish Hospice Society kets at $8 are available now to help seniors complete applications for pensions and volunteers meet the third Monda other benefits, provide information on seniors programs each month at 7:30 p.m. To and assist seniors in accessing other agencies. For more become a volunteer or member Alcoholics Anonymous meetings information, call senior citizen counsellor Charles phone 898-9854. are held seven days a week. Call 892-9031. Schilberg at 898-9393. Squamish Birthright offers New Hope self-help group for adult children of dys confidential and non-judgmental nds of problem drinkers. Call 1-688-171 6. functional or alcoholic homes. For details call Joanne help to any woman distressed by or Ron at 898-5488or Heather at 892-8457. an unplanned pregnancy. Corne tr to change? Narcotics Anonymous meets every Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the library on the Stawamus 3r 7-9 p.m. Thursday. For more Reserve. ,nformation phone 892-9329. The Howe Sound Women’s Centre offers information rn Parent-tot drop-in program for parents and children ITOPS -Take Off Pounds and referrals by phone or drop-in Monday through Friday, six years and under is held Monday, Wednesday and Sensibly meets Wednesday at noon-4 p.m. Phone 892-5748. Friday from 9:30-11:30a.m. at Sea to Sky Community 315 p.m. at the Squamish United m Legal Aid is a free service provided under qualtfying Services. For details, call Joanne , Sharon or Nina at Zhurch. For details call 898-5260. circumstances. Apply on the second floor at 381 41 892-5796. IThe Hearty Lifestyles Group Second Avenue, Squamish. Phone 892-5114. B.C. Special Olympics (Squamish local) needs volun- s working toward a healthier fl Women in Difficult Relationships - A confidential teers and athletes. tfestyle in Squamish. For more counselling group for women in or out of an abusive rela- Call Sherry at 892-2224. nformation contact coordinator tionship. Call Lise at 892-5796. 1 Squamish Duplicate Bridge Club meets Monday )ana Simpson at 898-571 1. Pearl’s PlaceTransition House - Call 892-5711. nights at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Hall on Cleveland IThe Squamish chapter of the Volunteers available to listen to and support women Avenue. dood Disorders Association of experiencing abuse. Shelter can accommodate seven For information call Kathy at 892-9823or Lorraine at 898- LC. is holding meetings the first Nomen and children. 2702.. ‘hursday of every month at 7:30 a Parents Offering Support and Education (POSE), Cribbage Night at the Diamond Head Branch, Royal .m. at Castle Rock. For informa- supporting families which are raising childrer-t with physi- Canadian Legion, for members and guest, 8 p.m. each on call Naomi at 892-6345. 31, mental or emotional challenges, meets the first and Wednesday. 81 A Critical Incident Stress hird Tuesdays of the month at Sea to Sky Community Squamish Weavers and Spinners Guild meets once lebriefing Program has been set Services office. For details call Bev at 898-5052or Susan a month. p to assist people who have re will be an open housc at 898-4212. For info callShirley at 892-3373. Kperienced a traumatic incident at ublic information meet- ICanadian Cancer Society meets the second Monday The Squamish Valley Equestrian Association meets fork or elsewhere. Call emergency the Squamish Airport If the month in the hospital board room at 7:30 p.m. For the fast Tuesday of the month at 730 p.m. in the leisure ager 1-604-979-8576 and a team pment plan starting at 7 iatient services info call Katy McIntosh at 898-3399.For centre. For info call Mary-Anr; at 898-4252. f trained professionals will meet m.Thursday, Feb. 22 in the rolunteer info call Thomas at 892-5664. eThe Squamish Archery Club meets every ~y group experiencing stress fol- anadian Legion Hall at a Howe Sound Youth Help line 892-9393. Telephone Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at the rod and guri club. For #winga traumatic event. mquam Rd. At 7 p.m. assistance available to teens in crisis or just needing more information contact Van at 898-3875. I Concerned about your child’s be a presentation by Someone to talk to. Trained phone volunteers available sThe Aiano Club bingo runs every Sunday at 37978 iucation? Is your child strug- rns of Accuratus Mondays from 6-10 p.m. and Thursday from 8-10 p.m. Third Avenue at Victoria Street. It’s a family affair. ling in a crowded class, not gineering Ltd., followed by a IOvereaters Anonymous: If you have a problem with a Sea to Sky Family Tree Tracers meet on the third arning the basics of reading and estion period starting at 7:30 bod, come to the meeting at Squamish General Hospital Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Castle riting skills? If your child fits this Joard room every Sunday night at 7 p.m. For info call Rock complex. For information call 898-4775. ?scriptionas in the Grade 8/9 The Brackendale Secondary 392-3359. Proposed public traditional school - for more infor- vel of learning, give us a call. ool parent advisory coun- IA non-smoking group has formed a Singles mation or if you would like to help, phone Marcia at 898- wents interested in starting a co- meets Monday, Feb. 26 at %endship Club for 40s-plus recreational and social 4485. I home schooling program with 0 p.m. Topic: smoking at latherings. Meetings are every Thursday at 8 p.m. at 1 Mothers Of Pre-Schoslers (MOPS) meet every her interested parents, call 898- hool. Grade 7 students and Jlidway Restaurant in the Sea to Sky Hotel. For details Wednesday from 9:30-11am. For information call Trenna 106 for more details. Leave mes- rents welcome. all Tom at 898-5847 or Bonnie at 898-9667. at 892-9259. Ige and phone number. Revenue Canada Is hosting income tax clinic Feb. 26 1 The Wc n id Feb. 27 from 8:30 a.m. - Royal Canadian Legion Ladies 3077 or Paul Kuster at 898-2100. month at 7 p.m. at the Easter Seal Camp 4 30 p.m. both days at 1303 Auxiliary meets at the Legion Hall last Tantalus Seniors Centre at 1471 rec room. New members or guests wel- ?mberton Ave. Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Pemberton Ave. is open Monday to Friday, come. Phone Raj Kahlon at 892-501l. hoose from a variety of forms, Executive meeting every second to last 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Drop in and enjoy smoke- The Howe Sound Arts Council is a rides and pamphlets or talk to Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. free social and refreshments. Crib and volunteer organization created to encour- aff about your tax situation. If Contact Mrs. Amy Poole at 898-5714. cards, pool, darts and music every day. age and assist in development of the arts In 1u have any questions about Squamish Royal Canadian Legion Call 892-1066 for information. in our community. r tax papers, bring them needs all Legion members. Please plan to The Royal Purple of Squamish meets Monthly meetings are held the fourth attend our next general meeting. the second Tuesday of each month at 8 Wednesday of the month. For details call World Bay of Prayer ser- R Kinsmen Club of Squamish meets on p.m. If you are free to do volunteer work or Kathleen at 898-5951. e will be held in Squamish the second and fourth Thursday evenings help with the new alcohol and drug aware- Sea to Sky Communities Network (formerly Freenet) public terminals at IED.. . aptist Church on Friday, March of each month. If you are between the ness program call Terry at 892-5731.To at 1 p.m. Everyone welcome at ages of 19 and 45 and interested in a become a new member call 892-5731. Squamish Public Library. A growing corn- community club that stresses service and Squamish Block Parents are in need munity information source for non-profit fellowship, Call Don Burroughs at 892- of new Block Parents throughout the organizations. he next general meeting of 2020 days or evenings at 898-3526. area.You need not be a parent, just some- Free worldwide communications. Call 892- Squamish and Howe Big BrothersBig Sisters of Squamish one concerned with safety in the commu- 9556 for details. nd Chamber sf Commerce provides volunteer adults to work on a nity. For more information contact Carmen Sea to Sky Community Services one-to-one basis with children from single Leroux at 892-3359or the Squamish Society provides support and assistance to olf and Country Club on parent families. For details call 892-3125. RCMF? individuals and families in the Howe Sound sday, March 19. On the agen- Welcome Wagon hostess brings gifts Kiwanis Club of Squamish meets the corridor. For information phone 892-5796. ill be the presentation of a and greetings whether you’re new in town, first, second and fourth Tuesday of each 111 Squamish RCMP Victim Services que for $3,100 raised at the have a new baby, getting married or know month at 7 p.m. at the Tantalus Seniors for more information call Kathy or Karen at ident’s Banquet centrepiece a couple who is. Call Kim at 898-8299. Centre. For more information call Stew 898- 1572. tion to the Capilano College Junior Forest Wardens program is a McLeod at 898-3594. 81 Rotary Club of Squamish meets every rsary Fund. For details call the challenging and regardin g outdoo r-orient - Squamish Lions Club meetings are Thursday at noon at the Sea to Sky Hotel. ber at 892-9244. ed experience. Call Kathy Babuin at 898- held the first and third Thursdays of the Visiting Rotarians aiways weicome - B FERIiUAR\' 20, 1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF

art of Le iy to ma iest. "Tc @ish. S 'lendidlj 0. Fat TI e last ch s of Len otland c e fast. 'he nam using u luse befc d to be 1 nce. In I me, Pan ;the mz Id all ov icy dres :nglish !pe. Thii ng of su ?re's mo out wraj ishsoom

cup col cup col eggs '2 tsp. si cups sij '4 cup IX ut the lil d the flc nd for c 3 of rum irs. This 2 batter am. To c ht inch j rush the on med DINING latter in

is an hi: it-grandl ier Lou ier Allis -I COMMUNITY

Ainsworth Ainswort-h Lumber Go. Ltd. Box 880, tiflooet, f3.C. VOK 1VO WANTED TO BUY: Restorations Good Quality Sawlogs I’eelcvs b osu Relocated to Squamish Eelebrate Fat Tuesday in Fir, Spruce, Bc?lscin>, from Vancouver in 1994. Pine, Birch or Aspen Quality Roofing at Tuesday. What a great name. And it’s spreading the batter over the bottom. Pour the For a competitive price and only one of many names for today, the last remaining batter back into the bowl. This whole For 25 Years b further information contact: b Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and the operation should only take a few seconds. Cook Repairs Reroof New art of Lent. It’s also called Shrove Tuesday, the for about one minute, unit the crepe looks dry Darnell McCurdy 1y to make confession and be absolved by the and the underside is a nice light brown. Turn 256-521 3 - office FREE ESTIMATES iest. “To shrive’’ means to absolve in Old and cook for half a minute. Slide the cooked 256-5250 - fax 256-7359 - home 8 9 8-4661 @ish. Shrovetide was the carnival period, crepe onto a plate and continue with the rest of 2020 Paco Rd., Squrunish lendidly celebrated today in New Orleans and the batter. The first crepe is a trial one to test out 0. Fat Tuesday, better known as Mardi Gras, is the batter and the pan. If the batter is too thick, e last chance for merrymaking before the rig- thin with more milk or water. SCHOOLDISTRICT No, 48 s of Lent. People from northern England and otland called it Fastern’s Eve, the day before Crepes Stuffed with (HOWESOUND) 2 fast. Mushrooms and Ham ’he name Fat Tuesday came from the custom for the sauce: NOTICE using up all the butter, eggs and cream in the 6 Tbsp. butter INVITATION TQ TENDER use before Lent began. Dairy foods and meat 1/4 cup flour d to be givenap for the forty days of absti- 2 1/2 cups whole milk School District No. 48 invites tenders for the supply of all nce. In England, this gave rise to another 1 cup grated Swiss or Cheddar cheese labour, materials and equipment required to install metal exit stairs at Stawamus Elementary School, Squamish me, Pancake Tuesday. Many traditions involv- Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Elementary School and Mamquam Elementary School. ;the making and tossing of pancakes are still Stir in the flour and cook for two minutes. Id all over Britain. Pancake races, often in Whisk in the milk, raise the heat and simmer A mandatory question period and site tour will take place on \cy dress, are very popular. until thickened. Cook, stirring, for about five Thursday, February 29, 1996. The meeting is open to all con- nglish pancakes are what we would call a minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the tractors and will start at the School Board Office at I:OO p.m. lpe. Thin and lacy, they’re eaten with a sprin- cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. ng of sugar and lemon juice. While good, for the filling: This work is to be performed in accordance with all Federal, ire’s more than one way to stuff a crepe. How 2 Tbsp. butter Provincial and Municipal requirements. )ut wrapped around a filling of ham and 1 clove garlic, pressed ishrooms, then baked in a creamy sauce. 1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced Tender documents are available at the School Board Office, 1/4 cup dry white wine 37866 Second Avenue, Squamish, B.C. Sealed tenders will be received up to 11:OO a.m., on March 14, 1996. Address Crepe Batter 8 thin slices of ham all tenders to: cup cold milk 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Nancy Edwards, Secretary-Treasurer cup cold water Melt the butter in a large skillet. Add the garlic School District No. 48 (Howe Sound) eggs and saute for a minute, do not brown. Add the 37866 Second Avenue 2 tsp. salt mushrooms and the wine. Raise the heat and P.0. Box 250 cups sifted all-purpose flour cook until the mushrooms are soft and the liquid Squamish, B.C., VON 3G0 4 cup melted butter evaporates. Season with salt and pepper. Stir Please direct your questions to: Rick Hume, Operations Jt the liquids, eggs and salt into a blender jar. about 3/4 cup of the sauce into the mushrooms. Supervisor, 892-9734. d the flour then the melted butter. Cover and Heat oven to 350 degrees. You will need eight All tenders are to be marked “Confidential“. School District nd for one minute. Blend until smooth and crepes. Lay out each crepe, place a ham slice in No. 48 reserves the right to refuse any or all tenders. The ! of lumps. Cover and chill at least three the center, spread a spoonful of mushroom fill- lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. irs. This makes for a light, tender, thin crepe. ing along the lower third and roll up like a jelly ! batter should be only as thick as light roll. Either place two crepes in individual balung im. To cook the crepes, you’ll need a seven to dishes or all eight in a 13 inch by 9 inch baklng it inch iron skillet or crepe pan. dish. Spoon remaining sauce over top. Sprinkle ( INTERFOR 1 ush the bottom of the pan with butter and with Parmesan cheese. Bake until heated on medium-high heat until hot. Pour 1/4 cup through and the top is lightly browned, about 20 NOl-BCE latter into the pan. Quickly swirl the pan, to 30 minutes. Tree Farm Licence No. 38 (IFL 38) Management Plan No. 8

The next management plan for TFL 38, Management Plan No. 8 (MP No. S), will be prepared for submission during or before June, 1997 to the Chief Forester of the Province of British Columbia. This plan will be available for public review prior to final submission and prior to taking effect January 1, 1998.

To assist in preparation of the new management plan the public is invited and encouraged to comment on the current management plan in effect (MP No. 7), and the licensee’s performance in respect of that management plan. MP No. 7 will be available for public review March 1 to March 29, 1996 at: International Forest Products Ltd. Empire Logging Division 38 1 4 6 Loggers Lane Squamish, B.C.

Your comments on any topic relevant to th management of the forest lands within TFL 38 are welcome and to ensure :onsideration must be received no later than May 3, 1996 Five Generations Together :o: international Forest Proc‘ucts Ltd. s an historic occasion recently when Mary Donald of Squamish went to Calgary to see her great- Empire Logging Division -grandaughtereFive generations of the family were on hand including, left to right, great-grand- P.O. Box 280, Squamkh, B.C. VON 3G0 er Lorraine Humphrey, Mary Donald, six-week-old baby Darian, mother Nancy Harpe and grand- er Allison Harpe. Attention: Gord Prescott, Planning Forester Fax: (604) 892-9680 FEBRUARY 20, 1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF COMMUNI TY Nighthawks hit good program hose of us who are the nigh,t or even in broad day- how sanctions there have nighthawks take a lot of light, to steal your loved ones. resulted in more than 20,OC racke Tflack for our late hours, But the speaker uppermost in young people becoming bli Secon but there are many good rea- my mind these last few days is due to malnutrition. Full starte sons for it, not the least of Ramsay Clark, a former attor- rations were given only to with i which are some of the excellent ney general in the U.S. govern- most vulnerable, the young varied things on TV at that time of ment, who I remembered as a old, the disabled. Those wl- bre is a IC night. These are shows often forward thinker in (I think) went blind could have beer Ing put t deemed too serious, or too either the Kennedy or Johnson helped with vitamin B pills d use, E CHIROPRACTIC 892-3064J inflamatory for the general administration. But now he’s they were unable to get the ? Grade I populace, not because it with the United Nations, going When Mr. Clark, along wit1 A wouldn’t do them good to see 4r. Thorn

them and get a dose of reality, I all his \ but because the scions who run by had s this world are afraid it might Between the : night b turn them off the pap they’re ch up 01 Although, for all I ade 8 ba know maybe some of them are Lznes ne by on shown at 6 a.m. too, but of Ire also r course you’ll never find me up, Irm-up SI far less even awake at that By Mary Billy o the Wi time, unless there’s been an ’y were ( emergency of some kind. ne Rang I watch a lot of stuff on the into countries suffering unto others, went there on a men it with L parliament channel, (now chan- death from the cruelty of sanc- mission and took a supply c mba, an( from 381552nd Ave. I ‘x , 1 nel 20 on local cable). At pre- tions. He spoke eloquently of vitamin B, the incidents of t no dou DE- Frank Martin I sent, there’s the inquiry into situations in Iraq where, blindness in the young stop, ;y were the Westray mine explosion because of sanctions, there is almost overnight. They also ,eying which killed (I believe) 26 men, no medicine for even the least took insulin for those with c 2ry minu and which I find absolutely fas- degree of care. How, since the betes. What could the with- the class Charged with IMPAIRED cinating. And there is the bombing of Hiroshima and holding of such things do to ind it ha inquiry into the whole Somalia Nagasaki, the decision has change the mind of Castro, ( believe And Need Legal HELP? fiasco with the armed forces, been made not to use nuclear what could he do anyhow tl :y had bt which I must admit I haven’t warfare to subdue perceived would ever satisfy the U.S.? the musi watched. But now and then enemies, but instead to kill Isn’t it a bit incongruous th ]gram or you get a speech by some great them slowly with sanctions. At a country the size of the U.S Ice or PAGE 667-3715 person. least 400,000 people in Iraq considers a little postage stai ytember. That’s where I heard Laura have died from starvation. Pills like Cuba any kind of threat ’hese are Free initial consultation. Bonaparte, one of the mothers that cost about five cents apiece Castro’s only powerful ally 1 idents w Let me HELP tip the scales in your favour! of the disappeared in would have been able to stop the Soviet Union, and we all ?re most Argentina, who lost six mem- the downhill slide from malnu- know what happened there. Iec ted by bers of her family and, as she trition and dehydration due to But of course the 20,000 you ,o, but tht Qver 21 Years of Experience recited the incidents of their diarhea, fever and nausea, previously healthy and able, I: Thomsc disappearance, she pinned a except they couldn’t find any- are now among the disabled gh school picture of each one onto the one to sell them any. Many of qualify for full rations. It’s ey shoulc Reid & Walsoff lapel of her dress. As she spoke the people contracted diseases enough to make you weep, i usical talc she wore the white head scarf that cause swollen bellies, skin wonder when we will ever ose effort ROBERT C. RElQ that identifies the mothers of irritations, and skinny, skinny learn. All I could think of thc ~ungster s Impaired Specialist the disappeared. Although she limbs. He told of one 11-year- whole time I listened to y lost tin Criminal Law spoke through an interpreter, I old girl who had to have her Ramsey Clark was, why don .ater in tk Personal Injury was spellbound and felt as leg amputated without any we hear this type of thing on me conce though I didn’t breathe anasthetic in a hosptial only prime time? And in whose incouver; through her whole speech. It one-third full because there interest is he as good as 233, 1433 me in Jur Suite Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver was rivetting. were no drugs, and no sup- silenced by only being allow( *pheumtl There’s nothing quite like a plies. He talked about how it to be heard in the middle of 1 le thoven’: first-hand account of the atroci- doesn’t bring the leaders of night? y a conce ties of governments and war, these countries to their knees, Serious subjects and words Lomson si See the Light. whether it’s a war of bombs as is the reason given for such for a small town family news e best an( EEEI and airplanes, or rockets and horrible decisions, but instead paper I know, but I decided t ’he grade bok Twice. It’s Motorcycle Season. biological germ warfare or gas. puts the most vulnerable to a write it on the basis of your eater exp Or the wholesale abuse of ter- slow and agonizing death. need to know - and my neel rorists with guns who come in He talked about Cuba and to tell you. CraR project suggestions needed r= Tantalus Seniors Centre News lunch with the area represen Open Monday to Friday 1-4 tive of the Seniors Heal p.m. Closed weekends and holi- Promotion Network, Sheila Jon1 We specialize in days. Join our craft class on Over the Walking Club News Mufflers, Brakes & Tires. Mondays. If you have any sug- What a beautiful day for o I gestions €or a craft project, we walk in Garibaldi Estatc We stock a large inventory of parts would like to hear from you. We Hill Twenty-nine were out, includii are making stars from old By Kay Wirachowsky yours truly. My first walk sin and tires for domestic and most Christmas cards. If you have any, before Christmas. This Thursd; we would appreciate them. Feb. 22, we meet at 10 a.m. in t: import vans, trucks and cars. Tuesdav, crib starts at 1 p.m. Catholic Church parknrzA W lot foi sharp. EGkry Tuesday except‘the third Tuesday of walk through the Highlands. When you need it we’ll have it! the month, the crib players have a pot luck lunch February is National Heart Health Awarene at 12 g.m. For details on this please phone Phyllis Month. Yesterday they had a shop smart tour INWE Grahim at 898-4403 or Dordthy Diwson at g92- Save-On-Foods, -and -there will be another c * Wednesday, Feb. 28 from 7-8:30 Take a lo MUFFLER 3804. p.m. Wednesday mornings the sketch and paint club fat challenge taste test and guess which dips ar @ a 6WCE Na*icmwide gwararntee gets together at 10 a.m. until noon. Wednesday dressings are low fat. afternoons drop in for coffee, card games and Experience a guided tour with a registered diet more. Thursdays - open for cards, games etc. tian and enter to win a hearty gift basket, GAH/5ALB!Y Fridays, they have bridge started now and are Hearty Lifestyle shirt, Save-On-Foods gift certi looking for more players. cates and more. ka!iiii!ilii Wellness Council News Get well wishes to Vic Long in hospital. 7/HE CEAf7Hk-S The Wellness Council will be holding its meet- Condolences to the families of Helen Robinso Sguam ish Whistler Pemberton ing on Wednesday, March 6 next month instead of John Toman and Lilo Mader, who passed aw; 892-3131 932-1234 894-6812 the regular Thursday. This will be a pot luck recently. EDUCATION m%Jewterm provides variety for BSS students rackendale - a concert tour on scientific method on a film-strip, show- Secondary School Vancouver Island before ing how a woman scientist discovered started off the new the year’s end. that elephants communicate by infra- 11y to thg,I with an exciting Bill Nye, sonic vibrations - sounds too low for young/ varied menu, and The Science Guy human perception - that keep a herd qhbo nfi 1-c The television --person- moving in unison even when it is ality has certainly kept spread over a three-kilometer stretch. the sparks flying for Because Mr. Johnston believes that some By Constance Rulka youngsters interested in acquaintance with the history also lielps Music 1 Science, and BSS is defi- to make a firm foundation for the sci- r. Thomson’s excuse I nitely fanning the flame ence, students also reviewed such giants all his vim and vigor was that the with its annual science fair. as Aristotle, Galileo, Einstein, and the y had slept for five hours straight Mr. Johnston’s Grade 8 science class problems that have puzzled pcople - all night before and he had managed to was starting off the new term by getting the way from woolly mammoths to ch up on some of his own sleep; The right down to the basics of what science black holes. de 8 band members, not to be out- is all about. Students saw that when a Mexican Cuisine e by one of the older generation, can of regular and a cm of diet pop are The experimentation being done in re also raring to go. After some both dropped into a tank of water, one Ms. Hoff’s home econoiiiics rooni is of a rm-up scales, they were galloping off floats while the other sinks. When they different variety - but what could hCivt~ the William Tell Overture, just as if ask why that should be so, they have added more zest to the start of a IICW y were old enough to remember the begun the process of scientific investiga- seiiiester than baskets of tortilla chips e Ranger themselves. They followed tion. When they suggest a reason, they and sonie freshly-made salsa? L ,.7:~1* T have- .. ugot a Ms. Hoff had demonstrated how to PPlY oi r1imba,wlLIL and La hypothesis make salsa and warned about the han- ts of :t no doubt which must 5 StOPP ey were then be put y also joying to the test. with di ery minute Does one with- the class. I can contain do to und it hard more gas stro, c believe than the low th ey had been other? Are U.S.? the music both carts DUS th omam onlv the same le U.S. Blowing Their Own Horns - Grade 8 students at size and ge star Brackendale Secondary School practise their music wej ght? Is :hreat? se are the for upcoming concerts. Constance Rulka photo this some- ally v thing to do Ne all with magnet- :here. cted by the cutbacks of three years ic force? The whole complex procedure 1 your , but the elementary schools, and we call the scientific method involves able, Thomson on his visits there with this kind of observation, plus the collec- abled, dents, were determined tion of data and putting hypotheses to It’s should not lose touch with their the test. eep, ai cal talents and ambitions. Clearly Successful scientists have alsa been !ver hose efforts have paid off and the helped by their own intuition, and of the are eagerly making up for sometimes by an unforeseen piece of 1 luck. The students learned about 1 don’ year they will be giving Goodyear, whose efforts to produce a ng on at elementary schools in tough and flexible rubber were success- ose the high point could ful only after he accidentally dropped me in June with a visit to the some of the gooey material, along with illowe kpheum to hear a performance of some sulfur, on to a hot stove. They le of tl bethoven’s 9th Symphony, and possi- already knew hon7 penicillin developed ly a concert by the Bach Choir. As Mr. because some culture dishes had acci- rords pornson said, they might as well go for dentally been left uncovered and news- _. ze best and start at the top. Fleming noticed how mould had \ ded tc Tasty Treat - Home economics students try the one who thinks he ncecis to The grades 9 and 10 bands, with their destroyed the bacteria there. freshly made salsa. Constance Rulka photo ‘our reater experience, will be taking part in They also saw a current example of the i 171 prove.) y need ‘ec resenti Healt a Jone vs for ou HOURS: :state! :ludin 8:30 = 550 k sinc MON - FRI ursda] . in th Dt for wenes tour a her or FORMULA ATS a low STARS AT ps anc

1 dieti- ;ket, a certifi- $99195 LT215-75-R-15 P455-80-1 3 LT235-75-R-15 $1 19.98 WE WILL PAY FOR FREE FREE WOAD kT235-85-R-I6 10 PLY FREE YOUR GAS WITH THE $1 49.95 ROTATION binson, HAZARD MOUNTB NG PURCHASEOF away FREE MOUNTING 4 TIRES! Page 30 February 20, 7996 SPORTS TIPS? Cali us (604) 892- or Fax (604) 892-

iwks 2 lw~~Se /rl‘??liOS ji td’s I’\Kltt c $FA SUI

(((1 011 Jd li?e cc d ilre 13 cckv c Pn.i i!t -’ Ce 1i t.

Far Reaching - A Squarnish player beats UBC to the ball in a lineout in Saturday’s game. David Donaldson photo a

cnd, which pressured them into a penalty IvhiIt) trying to defend themselves against a push over try. Oft’ the penalty, the ball went out wide to Squaniish’s George Lewis, who took ,I hit as Eby ripped the ball from him ,ind dove over for his second try, bringing the SCO~Cto 15- 10. Gmit ciefence from both teams kept the phy hick imd forth for the next 20 minutes, with the ball on both goal lines at many points. UBC finallv got ahead with two tries, one converted, boih on long runs from centre field to make the final score 27-10. This puts Squarnish in eigth place in Division 4 of the Vancouver Rugby Union, just ahead of UBC. The Axcmen next face the third place Vancouver Brit-Lions at Squamish Oooh Baby - A Thunderbird puckers up for a sweet Squamish ta Elementary Saturday Feb. 24 at 11:30 a.m. David Donaldson photo srning hc ’lie succe nctioned ;ult of h mnamenl nderhool rs Shirlei 1.0~~71niLmthon vcteran Mae winning time in the 50-to-54 marathon. to shake five pounds before by only five points in last yt and Mnl addcd to her collection of category was 3:50. The Vancouver Marathon, Boston,’’ she said. “Every little tournament. in Gilmc I- 11 TI n i ng a cco m p 1ish 111 en t s on ”It makes you realize you bit makes a difference.” 3ved Squ - the weekend, taking a second- have to work hard for each There will be a free clinic )t place ii place finish in her age category one,” she said. Five Special Olympics softball umpires Sunday, M 1idding To Sky t at the 1996 Las Vegas Marathon. Las Vegas was quite windy bowlers from Squamish will be 17 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in I“i1ni’s time of 3A8.27 in the during the race, but PAm sped Sports competing in the 10th annual auditorium at the Brennan 1 !r of pla7 Feb. 11 race was ‘ibout 18 min- up as the 42-klometre run pro- wally Gourlay bhnorial Leisure Centre. All UIXF cing con Li tcs behirid the rxe winner gressed. Her second split time Invitational Bowling who have not taken the Le\ ;. This J froni Forest Hill, Calif. and was faster than the first. Shorts Tournament at Varsity Ridge course must attend in ordc pr Jon; ntmut 20 minutes faster than the The Squamish resident and Lanes in Vancouver Feb. 25. be able to umpire softbal alified to t 11 i r d - o 1ace f i n is 11 e r fro ni WRA emvlovee is now consid- Id Chris Mi1 I er, Phillip Sauamish this war. Coa( !Zone 5 0kl a hbma * ering one more race in Portland scheduled for the first week of Fitzsimmons, Sharon Waugfi, a;e invited to aitend to :. Winter At in 56, Pahi competes the before the prestigious Boston May, and November‘s New Elvira Lewis and Wayne Hall the rules of the game. LU he Squa women’s 55-to-59 category. But Marathon on April 15. If she York Marathon are also on have placed second in the tour- will be provided. If you inks all her time would have topped the does compete in Portland, the Palm’s race schedule. nament the last two consecu- planning to attend, call Bria next category down, since the Boston race will be her 60th “But I think I’m going to have tive years, missing first place 892-1552 to register. case one didn't figure it out the weather, the Mountain ding Centres Mens Soccer I e began the second half of ! 104) 892-&eason-Sunday at Centennial #204 - 1055 Millar Creek Rd. I B.C. VON 1BO Whisfier,...... -g* teams sludged through

Get Down - CPS, lef?, overcame the Dyriarnos 3-2 Sunday,

he 1ye d with t lie to u rna In e 11 t : Ace Racquets, Allstar Sports, Carnev's Disposal, Cheeky CharliGs Restaurant, Coca Cda, Grapes 4 Uf Head Racquets/ Sportswear, Local Prof essi onal G ro u p s, Pan a go p 01 oil s Pizza, Squ ami s h e quality of competition Valley Golf and Countrv Club, d everyone to dig deep if Super Valu Foods, Tail Ship wanted to make the finals, B re w e r y and Wo r kwe a r Mb r 1d . the Saturday Con gra tu 1at i on E. to t h t' d i v i - ring live music sion winners: the McQuaid brothers to Men's B el dancers into the early 1st : Steve Tainburri Runner up: Mike McQuaid

he Squash B.C. Men's B Consolation d lnctioned tournament was a 1st: Rob Drygass It of hard work from the Runner up: Bob Malinger. 9 nament committee chair Jim Women's B / C Regrster now for the free People s derhook, committee mem- 1st: Jane Kamachi ley Clarkson and Ken Runner up: Caroline Shortrecd Law School presentation 1; and tournament referee Women's 3 / C Consola tion scu Lmnswmce 6hYOUNGOFFENDER ISSUES" G ilmo re. The tournament 1st: Carol Chin DQWffTBWR on Wed., Feb. 28, 7~min the iibrar! d Squamish has an impor- Runner up: Nancy DheiIly SQUAN1SX-X lace in B.C. Squash. Men's C in the olding tournaments like the 1st: Marc Pellegrini Credit Union Building Sky Open raises the cab Runner up: Laurie Vanzella 892-598 ]I play in Squamish, pro- Men's C Consolatioii co m p et it i on-level play- 1st: Jack Fowler This year, junior squash Runner up: Mark Kamachi Jonathan Vanzella has Men's D d to play as a member of 1st: Aiitti Makitalo e 5 squash team in the Runner up: Gordon Younger Men's D Consolation uamish Squash Club 1st: Brian Pollock 11 the sponsors who Runner up: Peter Staton 0 SPORTS A&tkue %e& Limousine Service ~ Atom reps advance to final! By David Donaldson with Leech solid Howe Sound's lead The Howe Sound Home sisted at 9:32, Dinner Occasions Hardware atom rep hock- Killarney scoring Planning A Wedding? ey team made it to the more with 4:08 rem; final round of the Tier I1 for a final score of 7-1 Calf: 898-3387 playoffs after four straight The teams met victories against West Sunday at Killarney Vancouver and Killarney. for another close ; Howe Sound hosted the The Howe Sound dc Killarney Ice Hawks for of Justin Keeler, 1 Thankyou to the staff at Hilltop House, McDonald, Harinder the first match Saturday ince of SGH and Drs. Kindree, Schellenberg and Lamb night, gaining a narrow 7- Pritpaul Sundhur Craig Little prev rned ou the love and care giv 6 victory. The local squad uld havi for Killarney from scorin was first on the board .. . . ,. , .. I1 compli when Darryl Heine took it ..... goals in the first two Super Stick Howe Sound's Darryl Heine ods, while net We had -+dh&%Ak&wycucd to the net 6n a fast break- - M I only h away for his first goal scored a hat trick in Saturday's game against Roberge robbed the what .few scoring ch ie have with 10:20 to go in the first Killarney. David Donaldson photo ien ever they had. Offensive1 period. Killarney was lowever; iuick to even the score first period saw two rn out . when one of its forwards broke Derek Green, who made the from Heine and no scori away to go one-on-one with score3-20 the second. me of 1 The second Period saw three If gave Howe Sound goalie Graham Howe Sound forwards St orting Vi goals each from both teams, Matthew Carrat, Ryan Roberge, who deflected the first iney. Jo' shot, but couldn't stop the with Leech scoring from Heine Clark Jensen contin uple of ~ rebound. Just a few seconds on a two-on-one and Heine applied pressure to iond ha completing his hat trick with Killarney defence, even 7 later, Howe Sound won the face uncing off and went two-on-one to the Some fancy stick handling to the team was two players ! Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Squamish deke out the KllarneY goalie other gc Killarney net with Adrian Leech Killarney was able to the op with 9:41 to go. Pat Brand& twice in the third, but earl passing to Heine for his second orting 16th Annual goal. The Hawks broke through brought the Score to 6-5 with his penalty in the last minu 3re of ( Howe Sound's uneven defence goal with 73to go in the set- play giving Brandeth a ck to tie it up with 4:54 to go, but in ond Period. to elude two Killarney def the final seconds of the first, The third Period saw both men to score the winning March 29,30,31st- Scott Sellers got the puck teams struggle to get the Puck for a 3-2 victory and adv - through each other's defences, at through the Killarney line to ment to the finals. - GARIBALDI LANES Cyclones snookered by Seattle YOUR Get your teams organized now! A The Squamish Cyclones had with two men against goalie minute later to give Squam the wind knocked out of them Darin Yonin. power play opportunity tl Call 892-3625. in back to back defeats at the A minute later, Squamish took Doug Davies tie the gam hands of the Seattle Indians this the puck back into the Seattle 1055. The Indians scored t Pledge sheets available at: weekend. zone and Paul Shulte ripped a more while the Cyclones Garibaldi Lanes I In Saturday night's 9-6 hockey rocket shot at the net, allowing one more from Cam Negric ,\I;! :; game, it was anybody's match Colin Robie to pick up the In the third period Se All Keys & hocks t It' for the first two periods. The reboufid and score. With 2:16 to scored two more to bring Workwear World Cyclones were ahead 2-0 go, the Indians took the lead to final score to 9-6. halfway through the first peri- end the first period with a score When the teams met for od with Pat Kosela opening of 4-3. Sunday rematch, Kosela SCI scoring two minutes in, fol- The second period opened in the first and Mike Car lowed by Barry Woodard walk- with Seattle's fifth goal at 14:55, scored Squamish's second ing the puck right into an open but then Cyclone Jason with 2:53 left in the sec net with 10:15 to go. Seattle had Vanzella took a pass from before Seattle doubled its s just put one in a minute earlier, Calem Gardner and slid the to make it 4-2. and repeated the performance puck right between the Seattle Vanzella tried to tie it wi at 5:38 when they broke goalie's legs at 12:12. Seattle goal at 13:lO but Seattle sc( through the Squamish defence took an interference penalty a three more for a 7-3 win.

1 - '89 Chev Corsica Sedan GadCNG 4 - '79 Ford C8000 Linetrucks (No Equipmenl 1 - '90 Chev Lumina Sedan, SaslCNG 1 - '81 Ford F250 Supercab Pickup 2 - '89 Chev Celebrity Wagons 1 - '85 Ford E!50 Econoline Van 1 - '98 Dodge Aries Sedan 1 - '88 Ford Ranger Pickup, GadCNG 1 - '91 Dodge Spirit Sedan 1 - '88 Ford Pickup, GadCNG 1 - '89 Reliant %dm 1 - '91 Ford F350 Crewcab & Chassis, 4x4 3 - '89 Relianf Sedans (Not Running) 2 - '91 Ford F250 Supercab & Chassis, 4x4 1 - '81 Chev C70,5yd Dump Truck 3 - '81 GMC 74'Gwmman Walkin Vans 1 - '81 Chev GO.12' Flatdeck 1 - '85 8 1 - '89 GMC Pickups 1 - '86 Chev Crewcab 1 - '!N & 1 - '91 GMC Ext. Cab Pickups Pursuant to Section 26 of the Highways Act and the provisions of the Commercial 5 - '88 & 2 - '90 Chev Vandura Vans, Gas/CNG 1 - '91 GMC Top Kick Cab & Chassis (48,000Khl) 1 - '89 &!- '91 Chev Blazer, 4x4 1 - '81 Int'l 19508 Cab 8( Chassis Transport Act, the following load restiictions will be imposed on roads within 1 - '91 Chev SI0 Slazer. 4x4 (Not Running) 1 - '82 Int'l S19M Flatdeck & Crane Howe Sound District. 2 - '89 &4 - '31 Chev Cab & Chassis, 4x4 2 - '83 inl'l SI954 Linetrucks (No Equipment) 3 - '89 Chev Pickups 1 - '87 Int'l S1954,5yd Dump Truck EFFECTIVE Ib2:Ola.m. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 27: 1996 1 - '89 & 2 - '90 Chev Pickups, 4x4 I - '75 Clark 8000 Ib. Foritlift, Diesel AND mTIL FURTHER NOTICE: 3 - '89 Chev Service Trucks 1 - '76 Hyster 6ooo Ib. Forklift, Electric 1 - '89 Chev Ext Cab & Chassis, 4x4 (Not Running) 1 - '75 Yale 5000 Ib. Forklift, Propane 7Q% LEGAL AXLE LQADING 1 - '89 Chev Suburban, 4x4 1 - '67 Westeel 300 PSI Air Compressor 1 - '86 & 3 - '90 Dodge Ram Mini Vans 1 - '72 UBllT Tank Trailer Pernberton Area 2 - '90 Wge Caravans, GadCNG 1 - '74 UBILT Skidoo Trailer Pmberton Meadows Road - From the Sea to Sky Highway #99 to its terminus. 1 - '89 Dodge Dakota Pickup 1 - '76 UBILT 5' Flatdeck Trailer 1 - '91 Dodge Dakota Pickup, 4x4 13 - Digger Derrick & Manlift Assys. (Incomplete] Sea to Sky Highway #99 - From Mt. Curmrie to the District Boundary at Kane Creek. NOTE: VEHICLES ARE AIRCARE TESTED. Pemberton Portage Road - From the Sea to Sky Highway 499 at Mt. Currie to D'Arcy. Location: B.C. Hydro Disposal Yard, 12251-88th Ave., Surrey, R.C. All term overload permits are invalid for the duration of the restrictions. Inspection Dates and Times: Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3, 1996, from 900 a.m. to 300 p.m. Violators of the regulation and restrictions will be prosecuted. Sale is "as is, where is," and subject to B.C. Hydro Conditions of Sale. Approximate percentages of the tolerance provided in subsection 7.06 (2) of the All tenders due in the office of Disposal Agent, 12345 - 88th Avenue, Regulations pursuant to the Commercial Transport Act are applicable. Surrev, B.C. V3tV 529 by 3:OO p.m. March 3, 1996. Please quote Reference No. 0-836. Maria D. Smalay, P. Eng. Operating Office: Howe Sound District BChydro m District Highway Manager 1690 Main Street for: J. Pement North Vancouver, B.C. Honourable Minister Phone: 990-5200 - THE SQUAMISH CHIEF FEBRUARY 20, 1996 r SPORTS - r il: pquamish FC couldn’t muster the manpower David Donaldson well, but Squamish goalie solidi 1 Kevin Pederson kept his team lead he game may not have seen in the game with some great ;32, goals, but Squamish FC ling y saves. ned a much-needed point for remz i Muir said both teams played tie against Sporting of 7-6 k 0-0 fairly evenly, with Squamish net lncouver -Sunday to hold its gaining more control in the sec- xney iuous position at the bottom ond half. xe g Metro Senior Soccer League’s “The whole team played pret- Id de vision Istandings. ty well, they were pretty effec- ?r, C dthough coach Doug Muir tive in getting the ball up front.” nder is happy with the perfor- Unfortunately, the two strikers hur ince of the players who couldn‘t hold it there while they prevc Pried out, he says the team waited for the mid-fielders to corin, uld have done better with a make it up the field. Muir : two 1 complement of players. attributes this to a low fitness tm We had a shortage of players level after more than two 1 the I only had one sub,” he said. months off the field, and ig ch, /e have a competitive team expects the team to be in better sivel] )en everybody shows up.” shape within a couple of weeks. two Iowever, the players who did A no-score game isn’t the best scorii .n out for the team’s first way to start the second half of me of the season% second the season, but it did earn ads SE If gave the middle-ranked Squamish FC one point and orting Vancouver a run for its keeps it in the division, but the ?an Intin mey. John Cameron had a team is going to need some vic- to iple of good chances in the tories to stay there. Muir iond half with a near goal believes this can be accom- den I yers s uncing off the crossbar and glished with more commitment Dther good attempt blocked to the team from all the players. to ! the opposition goalkeeper. t earl Squamish FC’s next home game ninu? orting Vancouver had its is at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 25 at Right Turn - Squamish FC’s Christian Oreamuno tries to steer the ball away from a Sporting a cE ?re of offensive attacks as Centennial Park. Vancouver fielder in Sunday’s game. David Donaldson photo ? deft ning advi


pami ity tc gam PSYCHOLOGIST WHAT’S BLAC,& AND WHITE AZTEC HN19 red ti READ ALL OVER? mes Stephen Milstein, Ph-d., IR. Psych. ’egric Ulrich Lanius Ph.d., R. Psych. 1 Sei An independent Lennox dealer xing Assessment: Individual, Group, Couples G Family TheraD It for )la sa 381 44 Second Avenue, Squamish 1 Can BY APPOINTMENT - 892-5796 892-9444 lond , : sec its s -_-_ - -- it wi howe sound JAMES LEE .le scc Certified General Accountant in. home designs Itd. ,, e-=-=- E-FILE . ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES, CUSTOM HOMES Accounting &Auditing Computerized Bookkeeping SQUAMISH OPTOMETRY RENOVATIONS Financial Planning Personal & Corporate I Business Advisors Tax Returns EYE HEALTH CLINIC S 892-5919 Fax: (604) 892-5952 103-1 365 PEMBEFPTON AVE. ERIC VAN DER EERDEN 892-8458 I (604) 38035 Cleveland Ave.. Squamish, B.C. SQUAMISH 892-5055

ial 1 932-0888 898-4022 898-5488 Whistler FaX Squarnish


5\0WhAfk SOUND Insulcrfon . BYRON BLUE CRANE CO. LTD. Free Estimates Box 1100 892-1515 nus. ROOFING Ltd. , or 28T Grove RT 5OT Grwe TMS 475 Garibaldi Highlands, B.C. VON 1TO 898- 15’60 meek. Phone: 898-5942 Cell: 892-7- I 120‘ Reach 142’ Reach ircy.



ABBREVIATIONS ADVERTISIh The following is a list of acceptable POLICY

abbreviations. Please use these IIIcccIO-~- abbreviations only. Not only does it The Squamish Chie give our paper some continuity, but it not guarantee the makes it easier for the readers to understand. tion of a particular i

tisement on a s e ,OI.*cO----- accom., apt., bsmt.,bath., bdrm., date, or at all, a tk I For classified, special classifieds or display classifieds bldg., mo., N/P, N/S, Cres., St., P BRP Rd., Ave., Ct., Blvd., stand., auto., every effort will be $7.OO/week. For 20 words or less. 25~per to meet the wishes Lower 1 IPHONE: 89219161 p/s, /b, p/w, p/l, a/c,mi.,km., Avail. h I am/ Pm cass., eves., cell.,, msg., word thereafter. No borders available. Deadline advertisers. Furthe appls., ap t., TV, ‘(feet), inches ublishers do not i Cal I Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 5+~m. ft., in.,A/ $,A/R,btwn., c’% 0, F/ Piability for an ! 4 P/T, ea., etcjnt., ext., exp., refs.,4 damage caused yl: Deadline is Friday 12:OO noon 4: reg., exc., f/p, hrs., wks., info., ror or inaccuracy i !#*e*.e000-- for placement in the upcoming issue. min., max., misc., obo., days of printing of an adv [-Jv]- week, months of year, cities, )RM.Suit provinces ment beyond the an de groun BY FAX MACHINE DIAL: 89218483 paid for the s ace ac - All Classified Ads must be pre-paid occupied by tK e port I, appls. A IN PERSON OR BY MAIL: Box 3500, before publication. Account billing the advertisemen Ilmo. incl’ 381 13 -2nd Avenue, Squamish, B.C. VON subject to $3 service charge. which the error occui p534.08 3G0 lcccC.Ilc-0- I v, 2 Bdnm :, near sck For Marc1 6 p.m. 08

e~~ccccccc- VNTOW , Nice ma 1. March 89 2-3069

.-c.ccc4--0 LEYCLIF I. March . )CENSUS COMMISSIONEE 986-501t THE JOB FOR YOU ?

I MAY 14 Count Yourself In! I JAN The Job: Hire, train and supervise 12 to 18 enumerators for the 1996 Cen! ROPERT Qualifications: Manageriai experience (hiring, training, supervision). SER Available for full-time work including evenings & weeker -VIK Powder Resort Properties Have full-time use of a motor vehicle. 3 Bd Whistler’s lurgest collection of luxury suites Duration: March 4 to June 28, 1996 Pay: $8,000 plus expense: Send or fax application before February 23 to: A\ ROOM ATTENDANTS Jackie Filion, Census Area Manager 6021 Parkview Place, RR1 Lookout Site, C78 WEST7 Sechelt, BC VON 3A0 2E Wanted for the winter season Fax : 1-604-885-9030 W (Only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.) Avail. 1 If you have any previous housekeeping experience and enjoy dealing with guests from around the world, we would be interested in talking to Statistics Statistique HIGH you! m*m Canada Canada Canacia 2 Bdri We offer a great employment package with competitive wages, benefits, Avail. Mz and a travel allowance for those individuals who live more than 25 km from Whistler. Waiting ’the folla If you are interested, please apply in person to the housekeeping * MOL department at the Aspens, 4800 Spearhead Drive, Whistler between the hours of: * EME 1O:OO a.m. - 2:OO p.m. Night audit required for Listel DIAMOl Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Whistler Hotel. Computer and hotel !e our ad I experience an asset. PI0 PECI ALI Please reply with resume to: (ENTAL Best Western MORE Ir Dave Thomas . Whistler Listel Hotel 892 412 1 Village Green ---c4-c0c00 Needs YOU... 1 GARIBt Whistler, B.C. 3 Bd To MANAGEWENDY’S Avail. M Call RESTAURANTSALL ACROSS @ OURRAPIDLY EXPANDING

SEA TO SKY MARKET JTINLf: ’ Westwa) mo. N/S. Restaurant Management Race & Wendy’s is exgariding in the Squamish area and we’re looking for BARRISTER iM. Dupl ambitious individuals who are eager to develop their career with Company & SOLICITORS mo. F/S, \ our dynamic organization. Preference will be given to applicants 198-92491; with 2-3 years’ solid fast food management experience and/or an c--cccccccc, Dupli education in food service and hospitality. A comprehensive training {M. d. Min. ye program complementing your well developed interpersonal and LEGAL SECRETARY April 1,: communication skills will enable you to make the most of this 588.08 opportunity. Promotion is based on performance. ---c~-zzcc.I Litigation and Mutrimonid 10ND Ht Please send your resume to: floor, in Attention Rick Semper . I March 11 Interwest Holdings Inc. Due to a maternity leave, Race 6; Company has el 892-55 #201- 1736 152 St., Surrey, B.C. V4A 4N4 a position available for an experienced litigation ----cccccIcI Deadline: March 8/96 secretary with emphasis on matrimonial law. It is Wendy‘s would like to thank all applicants who applx but advise only those under consideration will be contacted. anticipated the position will be available from April 1 1T BRIG to August 31, 1996 at our Squamish office. Salary E (UP), PI hop (dowi commensurate with experience. Please apply in writ. cliffe, hul ing to Race 6r Co., EO. Box 1850, Squamish, B.C. 1 yard, COI only $1,: VON 3G0 or by fax 604-892-5461 to the attention of 32-3648 C Douglas A. Race. *---eC----IC Ph: 541-8282 Fax: 944-4278 I 2 BDRM.Main floor, $75O/mo. 3 ROOMMATE to share Irg. house in Bdrm. top fl., $950/mo., in Gari-Es. Gari-Highlands, beautiful views, tates, close to everywhere, N/P. 898- $400/mo.+ share util’s. N/S mature FOR Sale by owner. Remodeled dbl. SALE - 38806 Newport Rd. Sat., Fcb. 9023.07TFN working adults pls. 898-9874. 08 wide Mobile home. 3 Bdmi., new appls., 24th, 9 - 6 p.m. Everything must go. iRTIS1. ~--~--~-.--ccI-cc-c~~~~~.~~c-----c-~~~~.--C--CC----CIC-Crrl----.----.------.- s/deck & covered porch, blinds incl. Lots of mix. items. 08 ILICY NORTHYARDS $52,000. Call 898-5673 fxappt. 10 Handyman special .~~~~cc~I~~ccI~cr~..~~-~-~,~~~~~~~~~~-~.~~~- iish Chi (needs painting) itee the WANTED to renr - House, down- 1 Bdrm. House town or Dentville for a family of five, vticular with fenced yard. for March 30th or sooner. Call 892- FOR Rent - 1500 sq.ft. building, SLJRPLUS Asphalt 6 Cedar Shinglcs ~.O.------~----~--c------O Avail. March 1, $600/mo. naall, a t 5882 or 892-5838. 11 heated, $1,00O/mo. Office space also for salt.. All new materials, lcw, 1c)w sr I BRACKENDALE Call Jane Darnell t will bc if needed. Call 898-581 i ask for prices. Call 898-9819. 34TFN Lower 1 in Fourplex @ 892-9190. I wishes ’ Mm. Holden. 08 Avail. March 1, $550/rno. i. Furth 07TFN C_C__C.__-LI____-_CC------c---.----- 8 x 10 TANDEM axles utility trailer - do not Call Jane Darnell PRIME Commercial office spcc for $800. Call 898-581 1 and ask for EXCLUSIVE Area - 2 year old stilc- . @892-9190. LARGE House on Irg. land in lease, 38155 - 2 nJ Ave. Avail. March Holden. 08 used y 07TFN Dentville to share. Avail. immed. For co exterior, 2 storey, 3 bdrms. upstairs 01/96. 892-3064. 07TFN .c~.~ccI.~~~~~~ccc~c~.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~--.- ‘curacy info. call 892-2237.09 & 2 bdrm. suite downstairs, f/p & _Z_C-C.CCCC-C_-CCCC.----CCC----r.-r-.--. FOR S~IIC.- Area rug, 8 x 11, 11latch- f an ad1 RM. Suite in sunny quiet Brack- c-c-~--c~--~~--~cc-c~---~~~~.---~.-~------more. Drive by 1070 Northridge Dr. id the a or call 892-3826. $239,000. 29TFN ing 9’ runner. Hxkpound dusty rose le - ground level, sliding doors to 4 BDRM. Highlands home. The with patrcmi. Brand new. Bought s ace ai ~~c~c~~c~~~~~cc~~~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.on , appls. Avail. March 1, home is for sale. Co-operation with sale $365. Asking $190. Call 898- rtK epor 3 BDRM.T/H newly renovated, 4 ?iserne l/mo. inch heat & hydro. Phone Realtors a must. Avail. March 10, 3052.08 to appl. Phone 898-4705, $125,000.09 rror OCCL 534.08 $l,OOO/mo. Month month tenancy. ~~cc.~~cI~~ccc~ccI~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~ ~ccc.*IcIIcccI--~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~Gena Smith, NRS 892-3571.08 2 MA., above ground, yard, ~cIcI~~~c-~-~c-~c~cc)-CI-CC-CCC-----~~-~0~~~~~--37933 MAGNOLIA Cres. Vailey- , near school, shopping, daycare, cliffe. Clean 2 storey, 2 bdrm. and den or March 1, N/P. Call 892-9260 upstairs. 2 Bdrm. suite downstairs. 16 p.m. 08 Mortgage helper. F/P, blinds, recent Ters altc 1 BDRM: Private entrance, new ,~c~ccc~ccc~cI~~ccI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C-i flooring in both suites w/lrg. back- 3 unemg lodge, N/S. Min. - 2 nights, daily $30. yard. $4-8&@Q $183,000. 892- infor mal VNTOWN Area, Lrg. 2 bdrm. Weekly $150,898-4412.08~~~ . Nice mountain view, NIP. 3356/892-3710, Michelle. 08 :ontact CI-C---CC---C--CCC-C------.--.----~----0--.- 1. March 1, $600/mo. + 1/2 util’s. ~~I~~cc.~cI~cc~~.~c’~~~.~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drkshop ROOM for rent in Gari-Estates. 1/2 DUPLEX - 3 Bdrm. Exc. invest. 892-3069. 08 Cooking and laundry facility. Phone Mini Flea blnrkct - Birthday Sale. ~.~C.~CC~~~~~~~CI~CIC--CCCIICI-CIIIC-C~ or live-in. Updated, wood space 898-3142.08 Starts Feb. 21 - March 3 @ 3805 I 2nd LEYCLIFFE Lrg. 2 bdrm. suite. heater, private yard, new kitchen. c~cc~.c~~-~cII-cc~-c~~~~.~~~~~~--CCC~-.- Ave. Free cake & coffee on March 1. 1. March 1, $575/mo., no util’s. $154,900 obo. 2663 Rhum & Eigg Balloons & treats for thc 986-5016/eves 892-5910.08 Dr., Garibaldi Highlands. Open Sat., kids. 09av to ONE1 & Sun, 1 - 5 p.m. Call 898-5658 P-‘ DU ? view. 08 ~c~~~~~c.~cc~~cc.-cI~~~~.~~~~.~~.~~~~.~~~~~~- 1 1/2 ACRES, Upper Cheakamus, DOWNHILL Atotnic skis ( I8@CI~) JANE DARNELL wit ti Tyrolia bindings. Itc~ir cmry $149,000. Sussex Realty -Jude Ban- - Rossignol women’s boots size 6/7. ,996 C ROPERTY MANAGEMENT nister, 892-596 1.08 WANTED: Ride to Vancouver, area of - SERVICES LTD. Good COIILI.$250. C111 808-3077. 08 ion). FOR RENT ---cIccI------_--cI------.----.------Burrard & Georgia. Arrival in Van. 0 630 a.m. PIS. call Gina 898-1689.08 & wee1 VIKING RIDGE . Deluxe 28’ Motorhome - fridge, stove, 3 Bdrm ./$95O/mo. tv/vcr, a/c, $950/wk. incl. 1400 kms. TO PLACE A CIASSIFlED AD l expen Gas f/p. free, .16 cents km. over. Jack 898- Avail. immed. 3491.07TFN IN THE SQUAMISH CHIEF WESTWAY VILLAGE FUR REEK CAU 892-9161 2 Mrm. + Den with gas f/p. 1-2 ROOMMATES Wanted for Mar. Avail. Feb. 1, $675/mo. 1, to share house. $3 75/mo. + utils. Opportunities are opening along with the season for people interest per person. 892-9499 Valleycliffe. 08 ed in hospitality service at a 1st class golf operation. We will have fu HIGHLAND GLEN --C---CC-----r--CC------CCC-C-*--- lad 2 Bdrm. with gas f/p SHARE Lrg. 3 Bdrm. Highlands and part-time positions available for people who possess a friericfl 4vail. March 1, $l,OOO/mo. house. Parking, laundry facilities, manner and well honed people skills, a professional attitude and storage and all util’s incl., $450/mo. pleasant appearance. Preference will be given to those familiar wi tl IPEGENCY Waiting list available for Call 898-3225. 07TFN first class service. Start dates will vary commencing early March. ’the following properties: ccc~c~~c~~~~c~~~~cc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~.~ * MOUNTAIN VIEW 2 BDRM. avail. in 3 bdrm. home in Receptionist / Secretary 980-8501 MANOR Highlands, $400/room per mo., incl’s Minimum of 2 years experience incl. use of WP for EMERALD PLACE * util’s. Phone 898-4593 Ive/msg. 08 Windows and Lotus. DIAMOND HEAD PLACE -CC----CC-r-rCCCC--C------~------Must be very comfortable greeting and helping our guests. LARGE. Bachelor suite, new kitchen, ALSO bath, $450.898-2069.08

e our ad under Apartment & -C-rcrccC-rC--c-.-ccCC-CZIC-CC----.--~------Dining Room and Banquet Wait Staff House Rentals Preference.: 2 years experience and Remanco training PECIALIZE IN STRATA AND .ENTAL MANAGEMENT Concession Attendant 5;1 5speed $14,995 dORE INFORMATION CALL 892-9190. TFN Housekeeping .--CI-CICI-L-CCI------CCCCI NOW HIRING GARIBALDI ESTATES Kitchen Staff 3 Bdrm. Thouse 5 PT/FT Avail. March 1, $750/mo. RESERVATIONS First Cooks, Line Cooks and Dishwashers Call Jane Darnell @ 892-9190. AGENTS Golf Service Representatives 07TFN & TELEMARKETERS Front line customer contact and club and cart care

-I-~c~~~~cc~I.~II.c~~~~~~~~~e~.~~~~~ TIFUL new 3 Bdrm. Thome - HOURLY OR Starter / Marshalls Westway Ave. Avail. immed., COMMISSIONED PAY no. N/S. Call 985-3074.08TFN DOWNTOWN SQUAMISH Please mail or fax your resume to: RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO: Human Resources Co-ordinator M. Duplex, avail. March 1, Furry Creek Golf and Country Club green, 40,OOO km, immaculate. $29,988 io. F/S, w/d, cable. Ref. req’d. I) OFFICE & ADMINISTRATION P.O. Box 1000, Lions Bay, BC )8-9249/892-4391.08 2) $100,000 (PLUS) SALES GRUIT WORKTRUCK§ --~~ccc~c~c~~~II*~c-~~~~~--~~~-0~~~- VON 2EO M. Duplex - newly renovated, PHONE 892-9343 Fax: (604) 896-2327 . Min. year lease. N/S, N/P. April 1, $650/mo. After 6 p.m. 88.08

.--C-ZZCCC-C-.CCCC-C-C-C-CICCCCCCCII II 3ND Head Place - 2 bdrm. 1988 DODGE 112 TON PICKUP 318. auto. 1 floor, in-suite laundry, quite. March 1/96, $725/mo. Call .y ha5 11 892-5961.08 “COMMERCIAL SPACE” We are now accepting “Intent to Rent” Forms and Seeposits on Mountain gation .-CCC_CCICCe_---CCCC_C-CC-CC-CC-C-CC View Place, the new building on Second Ave., at Victoria. Good choice of space still available. is It Office or retail space available, Third & Victoria downtown, Mountain FM Building, ground floor Lpril 1 r BRIGHT 3 BDRM. approximately 550 sq. ft. two units to choose from, available immediately. 1988 CHEV 314 TON 4x4 PICKUP auto, 305, ex GVRD. $7,400 Salary I (up), plus 2 bdrm., famlrm., A op (down). Super location in Three bdrrn duplex, Edgewater, five appliances, only three years old, garage, avail March 1, 96. . writ- liffe, huge sunny balcony, lrg. Three bdrm basement suite, Valleycliffe, avail. immed. $600/mo. B.C. yard, comer lor. After dis- mly $I ,2OO/nio. + util’s. Call SUPPORT SQUAMISH BIG BROTHERS AND BIG SISTERS, BOWL FOR MILLIONS ion of 2-3648 & lvelmsg. 09 MARCH 15, 16AND 17, 1996. All Vehicles Safety Inspected & Air Cared, - PHONE: ROD QEROUlN BLACK TUSK REALTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT a 892-5954 Bank Financinq Availabfe, I - ..- c ~ -.- -- - 36 a FEBRUARY 20,1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF * - -- - 93 FORD Ranger Sport - 4 cyl., stan- 1981 CAMPER - 9 1/2’ fully self-con- dard trans., boxliner, saddle bags, tained & 1979 F 250 Supercab Ford am/fm cas. Exc. shape, 69,000 kms. p/up. Rebuilt on propane, runs great, K.D.M. WUENDL17 GiAiu’T ijaycare A&ng $!O,OOO. C& 892-5767. 28 $6,500. Phone 898-4544.08 VETERINARY HOSPITAL A licensed group daycare opera1 JY FL( ~~~~~~c-c~~-c~~~~c~ccI-c------~~~.~~~-~~~~~-~-~ 403 78 Tantalus Way since Nov. 1988 at the Civic Cc 1984 NISSAN 4 x 4 p/up. Good Ages: 18 mo’s to 5 years Offer: nsed 0 89809089 - cond., new battery. Price $4,000. First Aid Qualified Staff. SI Phone (604)898-4956.08 Tex- Dr. K. McCallum. ti * DRYWALLER/Taper/Finisher- tured Program * Kindergarten [as ope1 ture, ceiling and repair. Free Esti- - “A 61 Associates. 43TFN up from local schools * Swim Pi mates, call Daniel 892-2304.09 C-r--CCC0CI-ICC-C0---=0~------0----0 gram + access to other recreatio nderga 26’ BAYLINER - command bridge, cccc0----~-c-.-c-~c-~~~-~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~0-~-~PIG FOR SALE - 4 year old male programs. * Full-timepart-time C.E. 6L Gally head, elec winch, sleeps 6. GISELLE’S Catering - Since 1990. Duroc, approx. 600 lbs. Asking $150. *Drop-in (3-5 years only). Call 383 $1 1,500 will consider smaller boat as Big or small. We cater to all. Ban- - Phone 898-5422.08 2399. TFN 8‘ part payment, 14’ - 3 6’ as part pay- quets, office parties, weddings, etc. ,‘~cccI-*. cIc---ccI-.------0~0------0-.-. ment. Also, Boston Whaler hull, 14’, 898-8298. 08 0-0-0-0c-c--cC-0cI-0-~-----0~~0-0-~----~0~-0 needs work, $300 firm. 898-3959.09 C~~~~C~CCC~I~~~0~C~~0~0~~0~~~~~0~0~~0~~~~~0~ Quab Gariba Fu all Mor

..Cc0#*--’ IOWE TODl These ads appear in approximately 100 383 community newspapers in B.C.and Yukon $275 this paper or the BCY- Jehind and reach more than 3 million readers. additional$6-00each word ICNA at (604) 669-9222 QUX SPOTS REPORT POACHERS! OPPORTUNITIES COUNSELLOR TRAINING BIZWHIZ 2.0 NOW 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- Private investigationhe- SINGER BUSINESS Institute of Vancouver of- Shipping. Canada’s #1 ES! Safe., rapid, non-surgi- ED 3 \1 search group seeks infor- Opportunity. Are you cur- fers correspondence cours- Farm Accounting for cal, permanent restoration mation about poaching, rently: Running sewing es for the Diploma in Windows. New set-up in 6-8 weeks. Airline pilot Ho Counselling Practise to developed. Doctor ap- baiting & illegal bear parts classes. Willing to start up saves time. BizWhiz guides begin February 28. trade. Up to $2000 offered For a you step by step for fast, proved. Free information by S.C.E. t a sewing school in your brochure phone Toll-free 1- easy and reliable set-up. mail: 1-406-961-5570, Ext. for Info leading to We : area. Singer would like to 800-665-7044. New inventory module 404; Fax: 1-406-96 1 -5577. arrest/conviction. compor talk to you about this busi- takes the guesswork out of E.mail:Vision@ Confident iaI i t y/ano nym ity ness opportunity. Please A NEW Career? Trained mding apart ment/co nd o mi ni u m managing inventory. Satifsfaction assured. 1-800-889-1597. fax or write to: Singer Exclusive Dataguard pro- guaranteed. managers needed - all 124 791 AUTO Sewing Machine Company, tects your valuable inforrna- areas. We can train you ,.cccc-.- 640 Dorchester, St-Jean- tion from system or power F250 4X4’s, Explorers, right now! Free job place- CANADIAN ENCOUN- UPOR? Jeeps, Diesels. All makes, su r-R iche I i e u (Quebec) , ment assistance. For infor- failures. Dealer inquiries TERS. Meet your match 1- welcomed. Call xed 9 all models, lease, returns, J3B 5A4. Fax: 1-800-561- mation/brochure call 681- 900-451-5370 Ext.648. - Farmdecision: 1-800-263- )om to trades. 0-Down, good fi- 4524. 5456, 1-800-665-8339. Local singles want to con- 1233. .OB nancing. Free delivery. YOUR OWN Water BE AN Interior nect with you. Min. 18 yrs, _*-*-*-Id Phone for free approval ask Business. Proven Hi-Tech Decorator... with our great SINGER CANADA’S $2.99/min. Call now for for Grant 1-800-993-3673. products by LaPure. home-study course. Call for Notice. Singer Sewing Love and Friendship. Superb profit margins. No a Free Book. 1-800-267- Machine Company of CANADA’S MOST Gifted mD ENGINES REBUILT from Canada Ltd has authorized $795. Engine remanufac- fees. Training provided. 1829. The Sheffield School, psychics have answers to 1NDLY 1058-38 McArthur Ave., its dealers to sell these ture from 6months to Free information package. your problems or questions ,land sc $995. Ottawa, ON. K1L 6R2. heavy duty school ma- pay. 6yr 120,000km war- 990-1 158, 1-8OO-403-3228, about health, love, relation- , small 1 chines to the public. Our ships, money, lucky num- ranty. Bond Eau Canada Inc. Educational Department or- Call 8! Mechanical.. .building en- BE A Successful bers. $3.49/minute. 18+. 24 .CCIZCI--. GREAT CANADIAN Dollar Writer write for money and dered too many school hours. 1-900-451-4336. gines for 28 years. 872- ... sewing machines and antic- Mom o Store franchise opportunity pleasure with out unique 0641, Ba.m.-Bp.rn., 7 days. in her I offers retail sales on a wide home-study course. You ipated sales to schools would be large. These ADOPTEES/BIRTH ,rg. fenc ‘95 HUMMER. ULTIMATE range of items. Minimal in- get individual tuition from heavy-duty school ma- Parents/Family Members, Call SI Performance, Ultimate vestment. #201-321 St. professional writers on all Canada wide national reg- chines must be sold! .-004--*0 Statement. Not for the aver- Julian Street, Duncan, B.C. aspects of writing-ro- istry and search assistance mances, short stories, radio Schools demand the best! age person. Priced far V9L 3%. These machines will sew all 1-800-871-8477. below wholesale. Modena and TV scripts, articles and Information line 1-800-871- rn EXCITING NEW System children’s stories. Send fabrics! Canvas, Denim, Motorsport, specializing in Upholstery, Nylon, Tricot, 8477. E-mail: ffcwnrageor- Person European motor sales. with increased profitability. today for our Frae Book. Sc h ne ide r’s Popcorn Toll-free 1-800-267-1829, Stretch, Vinyl, even sew on old chi Phone: 732-3239. leather! All machines carry Parties seeks representa- Fax: 1-613-749-9551. The ACCURATE, PROFES- ox. 8 w Singer’s limited 25 year BUSINESS tives to market popcorn Writing School, 2513 - 38 SIONAL, live, gifted psy- 1. Wage warranty, including the *-I----.- OPPO RTUNIT1 ES products. Interested in McArthur Ave., Ottawa, chics. ESP, Tarot card ON,K116R2. Singer Model 9018 sewing readings. Having bad luck 4LITY GOVERNMENT FUNDS. earning extra incomehome machine in this ad. Just set Government assistance in your job, home, love life? ve mon based business call 1-800- A NEW Career! Learn the dial and experience the Will reunite you with your programs information avail- Income Tax Preparation or availab 665-6484. - magic, Zig-Zag, any size loved ones. For help call 24 able. For your new or exist- Basic Bookkeeping. Tax .898-4( buttonholes, straight, invisi- hours a day, $2.75/minuteI ing business. Take advan- deductible certificate cours- ..c-*-0-00 HOME WORKERS, Hobbi ble blind hem, monogram, must be 18+. Phone: 1- tage of the government es. For free brochures, no >KING Makers, Artists & Job sews on buttons and 900-451 -2787. grants and loans. Call 1- obligation: U & R Tax Seekers. Are you looking snaps, top-stitkhing, even 1 babysi 800-505-8866. Schools, 1345 Pembina serging stitch. Your price SALES HELP WANTED for Employment or Income old in 1 Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T with this ad, only $398.00 JOIN A Winning Team. Be TRAVEL AGENCY - 1 in our Opportunity of your choice? 286, 1-800-665-5144. plus tax. Please contact first to market Sheer non- Investment $14,995. Full Then call now 1-900-451- Enquire about exclusive your local Singer Dealer or run hosiery and fashion ac- training and ongoing sup- 5053 Ext.686 (24 hrs). franchise territories. order by phone 1-800-363- cessories in your area. port. Full-time/Part-time, $1.99 per min. Nation Wide 1958. We ship anywhere in High Profits, Training. home or office. Many travel -Connection. RECEIVE FREE Canada. Advancement, 1-800-749- benefits. Limited availabili- Information: Dance course 3296. ty. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1- START YOUR own prof- on video! Country, social, SERVICES 800-799-9910 or 1-204- line-dancing, folklore, tap- THINK HOUSEWORK is 987-3322. itable business! Rock solid dance! Never seen revolun- unrewarding? Think Again! WE TAKE The Fear out of opp o rtu n ity ! High Make $$$ with Self- ICBC. Major ICBC injury EARN MONEY at home. tionary modern technique. prof its.. .possi ble $10,000 Write to: Canad”A”Merica, Coun,sel’s book Start and claims. Joel A. Wener, trial Our exclusive system plus per month to start. Call 2021 Aylwin St., Montreal, Run a Profitable Home lawyer for 25 years. Call shows you how. No stuffing Cleaning Business $12.95 I now! 1-800-480-2095 H1W 3C4. High Quality free 1-800-665-1 138. Envelopes, no MLM or Ext. 6846. Product. at bookstores or 1-8OO-663- Contingency fees. Simon, Pyramids. Absolutely hon- 3007. Wener & Adler. est and legal. For free infor- EXCELLENT ONE or Two WESTERN CANADIAN MOBILE HOMES STEEL BUILDINGS mation send S.A.S.E. to: Family Businesses for sale. School of Auctioneering. New Horizon Publications, Country Store, N.W.O. Next course Apr. 15-26/96. OPEN TO Offers. 14x46 STEEL BUILDINGS: Mobile Home complete with 286 Bunting Road Suite Resort Area, Lake of the For a free brochure call “Cheaper Than Wood”. iarne, 1(403)777-9388 or 1-800- frig, stove and all plumbing 178, St. Catharines, Ont. Woods, newly built 3-brm Quonset-Straightwall quon- 252-3313 or write to: 8315- fixtures. Will pay half mov- L2M 7S5. residence above store set, Structural Steel street 40 St., S.E., Calgary, AB, ing expenses. Please call Buildings. B.C. Company, $285,000 plus inventory. T2C 2P1. 1(306)845-3312. we won’t be undersold. dailin! CLIP COUPONS. Earn up Call 1-807-488-5523, 1 - Service and satisfaction 807-486-1139. EMPLOYMENT PERSONALS to $100/week. Call for your OPPORTUNITIES guaranteed! Western Steel Free Coupon Clipping HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Buildings 1-800-565-9800. 3ty: - BUSINESS PERSONALS NATIONAL ADVERTISING Answers. Friends of thou- Guide 1-800-484-9507 WARMTH AND Company expanding sands. Muttittalented inter- ECONOMICAL-ANY size Start 1 enter code #1738 or mail Excitement! Pretty blondes across B.C. requires ma- national reputable psychics. and style. Quonsets, self-addressed envelope to: offer intimate personal pho- ture aggressive sales rep- As for your Free Astrochart! straightwal!, Quonsets and Can-Am Clippers, 839- tos and letters. Discreet resentatives and telemar- ’Relations hips *fleaIt h structural rigid frame b’uild- 22558 Queen St. E., info Toll-free: 1-800-93- keters on a commission *Future *Career. $2.99/min ings. For the best pricing Toronto, Ontario M4E IG3. KAREN or write: Karen, basis. Call (604)532-3878, 18+, 24hrs. 1-900-451- and service call: B.C. Metal Box 670-GB, Kelowna, B.C. 9-5p. m. Monday-Friday. 3783. Buildings 1-800-773-3977. “aid E START YOUR own Cruise V1 Y 7P2. Adults! EQUIPMENT GOD-GIFTED PSYCHICS 1 Chc Travel Business. Licensing with amazing, strong, pow- BUILDINGS FROM Future CAREER INFORMATION 140 G GRADERS, 5 WA- fee from $4950. Includes: 1 TEATRUCKS, 10 loaders, erful skills. Stop searching! Q20x48 $6535., Q42x60 4mou week cruise, training, soft- CRUISE LINE Jobs. Entry 6 plowtrucks, 10 com- Immediate solutions to all $1 1,965, A30x42 $8163., ware & much more. Details: level positions on cruise pactors, 8 lowbeds, 5 back- problems. Sensational re- S25x30 $6464. including Credit David 1-800-555- ship for the new season. hoes, P&H crane, Kenworth sults! Call now! 1-900-451 - Ends, Sliding-Door, GST, SH IP (7447)/(604)73 1 -5546. Call now: (604)664-7739 dumps, 4 fuel trucks. Call 3778 24hrs 18+ $2.99 min. and freight to Vancouver. Expir) Fee. Vic 1-604-493-6791, I.C.C. Call 1-800-668-511 1. Signa I-


LOST - Ladies gold watch surrounded aycare by diarn9c&. Cd! 892-34451892- re ope1 $Y FLOWER CHILDREN’S FOUND Tues., Feb. 13th on Birken 3104.08

.c--cI---OIO--c--c--.---O------.------Civic ( CENTER Rd., one fishing reel. Contact 898- s - We med Quality Daycare Preschool 9390 after 6 p.m.. 086 RARELY Avail. 2 bdrm. Viking Ridge HOUSE FOR RENT TUCK’S POTTERY kaff. * Program. 0 better than new condition, Downtown walkincl distance Gifts For All Occasions {as openings f/t, p/t & drop in. $138,900. Call 898-1689.09 to- all amenities, Irg. fenced OPEN 11 A.M. - 6 RM.DAILY ergarte CLOSED TUESDAY & SUNDAY * Age 2 112 - 5 yrs. .ccIIcI--.---cc-----O-O------.------yard, 4 bdrms, back lane Swim 1 38123 2ND AVE., SQUAMISH recrea ti ndergarten Drop-off & Pick0up. BIRTH - Kirin Dupuis Friele, 7 112 Ib NOTICE TO CREDITORS access, w/d. Avail. Mar. 1st, 892- 8252 ‘art-tim C.E. & First Aid qualified staff. boy born Feb. 13/96 to Linda Dupuis TAKE notice that all persons having $?95/mo. 892-3133 BOWLS GALORE* 38357 Buckley Ave. claims upon the estate of Janet Irene I !y). Cal & Pierre Friele of Squamish, Grand- I 892-5566.TFN parents are Frederick & Germaine McLaughlin, who died December 29, ,‘~cccOIOIOIII~~~-cc-OOO~O-~~~O~c--~.~ ------#c. Degenhardt of Squamish & Elaine 1995, are required to send full partic- MUSIC ISATELLITE SIERRA and Aurelian Dupuis of Nelson, B.C. ulars of such claims to the under- Ws,VCRs, Stereos, Car Stereos, CBS, I Quality Licensed Daycare. signed, before March 28, 1996, after c0~0c~~cI~~~cc0~0c~-~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~-Guitars, Strings, Picks, Microwaves, Garibaldi Highlands area. which date the estate’s assets will be Vacuums, Breadmakers. Full or Part time. disbursed, having regard only to the - 111 Monica at 898-4510. TFN claims that have been received. Competitive Prices! 45( . 892-5310 IccIO.-O---c-cIIIccI~~~--~~O-~~~-O~~~ROBINSON, (nee Glendinning ). Lousie Wenzlick, Executrix, c/o Box 5 [OWE SOUND INFANTl Helen Minto Robinson passed away 1070, Squamish, B.C. VON 3G0. 11 TODDLER DAYCARE peacefully in the presence of her fam- Cr-CCCC----CCCc-.CO----O---O-c---.----.-~--- ad cal 38370 Buckley Ave. ily at Hilltop House on February 13, WANTED Exp’d Live-in nanny. he BCY ehind Squamish Elementary 1996. Predeceased by her son Bruce, Know’s how to cook Filipino food, 69-9222 sister Jean Downey & brother Lorne School ) can speak Filipino. Send resume to - RUBBISH REMOVAL - DUMP RUNS - I 1 - Sales & Service - I s QUALITY DAYCARE, Glendinning. She will be sadly missed Box 944 Squamish, B.C. VON 3G0. 1 - GENERAL &YARD CLEANUP - POTS FOR CHILDREN by her husband Hugh, daughters Lyn. 08 REASONABLE RATES J. Robinson GLASS, 892-5827 da (Jim) Horner, Carol-Anne (John) ~cc~~_c~Oc.~c~~~~~cc~~~~~~~~~~~~O~.~~~~.~..~ in-surgi. iD 3 WKS. TO 3 WARS OF A ;to ratior AGE Derynck. Grandchildren Fe lic ia, ine pilo‘ Hours of operation: Chelsi 6.Jeremy, and her many dear tor ap. Mon. - Fri. friends. Helen gave a lot of herself lation b) C.E. QUALIFIED STAFF over her lifetime through volunteer i70, Ext We also offer a special work as well as being a good and loyal 3 1-5577, omponent for teen mothers friend to many. Funeral service was ion@ held on Friday, February 16 at 1:30 Isfaction nding Howe Sound Secondary School. p.m. in the Squarnish Funeral Chapel. !#5796or 8924365.4.3TFN If so desired donations may be sent to

.~~~c~~~c~~~~~~~~c~c~~~~~~~~O~O~~~~~~Alzheimer Society of B.C. ~20- 601 COUN- ’PORT Ridge Family Daycare”, West Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. natch i- know ,ed - 9 years exp. F/T & pit, V6B 1G1.08 ‘xt.648. ~~0~~~~~~---~.~.~.~~c--rc-ccI-c~~~~~~.~~-~~.~~.00~~.~ ALL to after Darlene PARTS SALES 0 SERVICE to con- m school. 898- - CALL 18 yrs, 38 JEFF SHEA 1-900-451-3555 low for ~~~~~I~~~~~~~~0~0~0~~~~~~~~0~~~0~~~~I-e: 898-S& 1 898-2378 Ext. 3253 1. PLEASE NOTE: Too late to classi- 1 BRACKENDALE, 8.C. $3.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. - Gifted fy ads are accepted only after 12:OO BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!! wers to IDLY Family Environment near p.m. and before 5 p.m. Friday at the STUCCO Exciting! ! uestions Ind school, N/S, excellent. rate of $7.00 for 20 words or less, I I Passionate! ! relation- New & Old Homes Talk to’em live!! mall group to provide quality and .25c for each additional word. Garages, Additions, etc. cy nurn- :all 898-2563.09 24 They are accepted on a first come 1 -900-451-5302 la+. BOB‘S PLASTERING Ext. 2042 536. first served basis, and are printed om of one will provide child- & STUCCO $3.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. only if space permits. The Squamish 898-5324 her Brackendale home, p/t or IIRTH Chief cannot be responsible for er- I mb rg. fenced yard & First Aid quali- GATES PLUMBING ers, Call Sheri 898-2353.09 rors or omissions as these ads may nal reg- BIRKENDALE Po _c----cIccccc-O----O---~---O------~--- not be proof read because of time sistance BILL GATES I constraint, TREE SERWCE 1477. Professional Tree Care Professional and Reliable Services 00-87 1- Work Guaranteed by Licenced Plumber E- Z r@ geor- Person wanted to care for a 1 FOR Rent - 3 bdrm. thouse, #19 S98-4997 Box 3631 GARlBALDl HIGHLANDS c, old child in our Dentville home, Wilson Village. N/P. Ref’s req’d. Fully lrlsured 40642 PERTH PLACE SQUAMISH, BC VON 1TO OFES- ix. 8 week days per month. Ref. Avail. immed., $775/mo. obo. Russ 898-0737_I zd PSY- . Wage neg. Call 892-2394.08A Cass 986-95 11.09

it car ------O---O-cc--cIIO------.----- c--c-OcI---c-~.c.-c-~-~-~~~.-.~~~~~~--~-~-~- ad luc {LITY Daycare needed p/t for DRIVERS with own cars needed. Ap- )ve life‘ .e month old. Must be flexible th you ply in person after 4 p.m. Savory Slice .vailable some weekends. N/S ) call 2f Pizza. No calls please. 09 ‘minute 898-4070.08 cc-IcI-OcIcOO-O-.-~--~~~~~-O-~~~-~~~O-.~.-.- me: 1. --*-C--C.C.CCCICIC---.----0-----.----- 1989 HONDA Civic CX - 5 spd., KING for N/S teenage girl with new muffler, new snow tires, Ken- babysitting ref’s to care for our 3 LNTED wood stereo, 97,000 kms. Exc. cond., )Id in Estates. Tues. - Sat., 4:30 - am. Be $6,800 obo. All service records. 892- PUBLIC NOTICE .n our home. Phone 898-4143. er non- 22 121892-3 162.09 lion ac- * area. aining. BRITANNIA BEACH OPEN HOUSE 10-749- WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21,l r out of 7:OO PM TO 9:OO PM ~ injury er, trial s. Call AT -1 138. Simon, Only $35 per year, THE BRITANNIA BEACH FIRE HALL GS in the Squamish Area FORBES WAY INGS: I. Vood”. Name: I quon- BRITANNIA BEACH Steel Street Address: npany, vsold. Mailing : Postal Code The Ministry of Transportation and Highways invites the public to action attend an Open House to review the proposed access improvements I Steel City: Phone: 9800. from Highway 99 to the Britannia Beach community. Y size Start Date: Expiry Date: nsets, For more contact: (604) 990-5200. ts and information build- RATES iricing 1 YEAR - $35 1 r.) Seniors$25 . Metal i/2YEAR $20 [l/g yr.) Seniors $15 3977. Province of Paid By: British Columbia Q Cheque 0 VISA 0 M/C 0 Cash 0 Money Order [&? ’uture Ministry of Transportation 42x60 8l63., Amount Enclosed and Highways luding Credit Card ## G ST, -Duver. Expiry date: k 38 E28 FEBRUARY 20,1996 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF

38145 2nd Ave., Box 740 Squamish @ VON 3G0 Fax: (604) 892-5517 Phone: (604) 892-5557 of Squamish Fax: (604) 892-5517


Beautiful Spacious 5 bdrm. 1 r old, PRICEREDUCED 189,!ltO 4bdim., I GREAT VIEW. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathroc 2160 sq. ft. Asking $239,000. Family Home, 2615 ft., $2&,000 ln bath, brge lot in sunny Brackendale, 2 level split CallAm1 r. with large dive UuugarageanddoublecarpMt Call Dan

I Brackendale “Southern h!i&tynin Beautiful 2 bdrm Townhouse at Great starter home or investment Only per year 4 bdrm, newer appliances, Berber carpeting. propperty. 3 bdrm, townhome in I $35 Hu e lot w/fruit trees galore. Viking Ridge. $139,900. Call Amber. Brackendale $139,900. Call Jason I in the Squamish Area $!24,900. Call Amber. I Name: I- I Address: I RAIL ‘N SEA RESTAURANT Executive Townhouse adjacent Golf Course, 7 bdrm, 4 bthrm family home. Close to ~ & 3 bdrm & den, 1470 sq. ft. $177,500. DAIRY BAR amenities. $249,900. Call Amber Call Amber. Fabulous Business Opportunity! SlOS,~ Call AmbeK

1 YEAR - $35 1 1.) Seniors$25 I I 1/2 YEAR $20 [l/g yr.) Seniors $15 1117 PLATEAU Georgeous 3 bdnn., 2 bath. rancher Great lar e home on the Plateau. will go 1618 ft Paid By: Nice view, bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Tbis om quickly!. sq Garibaldi Estates 1650 sq. ft. $269,90(: I I UNIT. $187,500. Call Amber Call Amber. 0 Cheque 0 VISA 0 M/C 0 Cash 0 Money Order double garage.-- S255,ObO. Call Dan CORNER I I Amount Enclosed 1 Credit Card # I

I Expiry date: I Dan Cassell Joan Cassell Signature: L ------II-m--- aJ

NEIGHBOURHOOD PUB REFERENDUM REFERENDUM AREA MAP 1 MILE NOTICE OF VOTING RADIUS OF PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT Mr. Eivind Tornes of Garibaldi Highlands, has applied to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch and the District of Squamish for a Class “0”liquor licence to operate a Neighbourhood Pub at 40452 Government Road, Squamish, B.C. A vote will be conducted by MarkTrend Research on behalf of the District of Squamish on Saturday March 2, 1996 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Easter Seal Camp, 41 01 5 Government Road to determine the degree of community support within a one mile radius of the proposed establishment. In order for the application to proceed further, the results of the vote must indicate that at least 50% plus 1 of those voting are in favour of a neighbourhood pub at the proposed site.

A person aged 19 or over whose principal residence or business falls within the boundaries of the referendum area is eligible to vote. Only one vote will be allowed at each business address and any one person may only cast one vofe. The ballot for the business may be cast by the owner or manager, who is at least 19 years of age. An enumeration of residents/businesses in the referendum area will be conducted during the week of February 19. Residents will be contacted between the times of 5 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.while businesses will be contacted during iormal business hours.

3n the day of the referendum, residents who have been mumerated previously will simply be required to show dentification to receive their ballot. For those residents who were not previously enumerated, they will be required o show identification with their current address. ’ersons requiring any further information regarding this deighbourhood Pub Referendum may contact the rndersigned at 81 5-5005

I. E. Barry Aunicipal Clerk - - -

quamish, 517 557 7 -- Public Information Meeting NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING including NOTICE is hereby given that the public including all persons who deem their interest in property affected by the following proposed bylaw will be afforded an opportunity to be SQUAMISH AIRPORT heard respecting matters contained in the proposed bylaw at a public hearing to be held at 3 bathroa 7:OO p.m. on Thursday, the 29th day of February, 1996 at The Howe Sound Secondary 39,000. DEVELOPMENT PLAN School (Theatre), 38430 Buckley Avenue, Downtown Squamish, British Columbia. In general terms the purpose of the proposed “District of Squamish Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1034, 1989, Amendment Bylaw (Airport) No. 1390, 1995 is as follows: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1996 1. To redesignate parcels of land as outlined on Schedule “A’ of the District of Squamish Royal Canadian Legion Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1034, 1989, Amendment Bylaw (Airport) No, 1390, stment 3me in 1995 from Limited Use (LIM) to industrial (IND); II Jason 1851 Mamquam Road 2. Section 3.13.1 be amended by adding: “The Airport is designated Industrial (IND) to reflect its use and expected expansion for 6:30 - 9:00 pm Open House airport use and airport related development”. 3. Section 3.1 3.2 be amended by adding: “The airport uses are expected to be expanded. This may require major infrastructure 7:OO pm Presentation by Gary Cairns, im prove m e nt s” . Close to i Accuratus Engineering Ltd. Amber The general purpose and intent of the proposed District of Squamish Official Community 7:30 pm Question Period Plan Bylaw No. 1034, 1989, Amendment Bylaw (Airport) No. 1390, 1995 is to permit development at the Squamish Airport.

Persons interested in specific PARKS & RECREATION particulars are directed to obtain a rancher , $269,900 copy of the proposed bylaw as DEPARTMENT indicated below. Also available for EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY inspection are copies of the District of Squamish Official Community Plan which would be amended by the proposed bylaw and various McEwen Casual J On Call reports and plans which have been Recreation Service Person 1 considered by Council. A copy of the proposed bylaw and ar lajor Functions include: Aquatic maintenance, Janitorial information package may be Operations. Must have Pool Operators Course Level 2. inspected at the Municipal Hall, 3r further information or job description, please contact: 37955 - 2nd Avenue, Squamish, British Columbia, between the hours - Mr. Bob Kusch, Parks & Ree. Qirector of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 pm., Monday I to Friday inclusive, excluding District of Squamish statutory holidays from February Box 310 13th, 1996 to February 29th, 1996 Squamkh, BC in cl us ive . VON 3G0 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that pplications received up until 4:OO p.m. February 27, 1996 anyone who wishes to comment on the proposed District of Squamish Official Community Plan Bylaw No., 1034,1989, Amendment Bylaw (Airport) No. 1390, 1995 may do so lNVlTA?lON by:

1. Making a written submission to the Council of the District of Squamish which must be I TO TENDER I received in the offices of the District of Squamish, by 4:30 p.m. on the 21 st day of b 6 February, 1996; and/or 1 he District of Squamish invites Tenders to construct a 2. Appearing as a delegation before the Council of the District of Squamish on the 29th

atting Cage at 1009 Centennial Way at Brennan Park. dav- __J- of Februarv, 1996 at 7:OO p.m. at The Howe Sound Secondary School (Theatre), mders will be received by the District of Squamish up to 38430 BuckleyAvenue, Downtown Squamish, British Columbia. 1:OO a.m. local time on Wednesday, February 28, 1996. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that no verbal or written communication will be received by the Council of lthe District of Squamish after the time and date specified above. I his work is to be performed in accordance with all 3deral, Provincial and Municipal requirements. All Margaret-Ann Thor nton J.E. Barry, lnders must be submitted to the PARKS ANQ Community Planning Director Clerk I L ECREATION DIRECTOR in a sealed envelope, clearly THIS THE SECOND OF TWO SUCH NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARING L larked -TENDER-Centennial Field Batting Cage; IS i Dated this 7th day of February, 1996 at Squamish, British Columbia. r c urther information can be obtained from the Brennan -b ark Leisure Centre at 898-3604. Tenders must be 4 Ibmitted to: -E i Y Bob Kusch Parks and Recreation Director Box 310 1009 Centennial Way Squamish, BC VON 3G0 - E; Chicken Breast Boneless, Skinless, Fillet Removed Min. 4 LBs/Package Wkg



Se Iect ed Va r iet i es

California Grown