New Zealand Journal of History, 40, 1 (2006) Boarding the School Bus EVERY DAY DURING THE SCHOOL TERM, several thousand buses travel along country roads once marked with distinctive dark yellow bus route signs (now fluorescent green), carrying more than 100,000 pupils to school in the morning and returning them home again in the late afternoon.1 Since their inception more than 80 years ago, school buses have changed the educational and social landscapes of rural New Zealand. As with many innovations in education, the service was initiated largely in an effort to save money; part of a process referred to as school consolidation. Before the first buses rolled down the driveway of the first consolidated school at Piopio in the South Waikato on 1 April 1924, the merits of consolidation had been debated in educational and community circles for nearly a decade. Its implementation would bring enormous change to the lives of rural children and their experience of school. The Education Act of 1877 had made school attendance compulsory for all children living within two miles of a school, but in a largely rural country, with a scattered population, this led to a proliferation of small schools accommodating Maori and Pakeha pupils. By the end of 1912, there were 2214 public schools open. Of these, 1343 or 61% were sole-teacher schools.2 A decade later the number of schools had grown to 2550 but the proportion of sole-teacher schools had fallen only marginally to 60%,3 despite a 6% decline in the proportion of the population in rural areas.4 The high proportion of sole-teacher schools led to a number of problems, the most significant of which were adequately staffing the schools and the cost of their establishment and maintenance. Those issues had been recognized since at least the 1890s and the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) in particular had advocated closing smaller schools and transporting children to larger, central schools. How best to effect that pupil movement remained a problem. An amendment to the Education Act in 1886 making it compulsory for all children living within two miles of a railway station to attend school, together with the introduction from the mid-1890s of subsidized rail travel, offered some limited scope for implementing consolidation. The Otago Education Board was the first to take advantage of this option when it rejected a proposal to build a new school in West Otago and chose instead to subsidize the transport of pupils by rail to the school at Tapanui.5 State subsidization of rail travel grew gradually during the first decades of the twentieth century. No definite figure of the number of pupils transported in this way was ever published but, by taking the average subsidy of 6d. per day and the total expenditure of £11,942 for 1922, it is possible that by then, as many as 10,000 primary pupils may have been travelling to school by train.6 However, unlike the school buses of a later era, regular scheduled services were used at this time to transport children to and from school, with the school timetable having to be adjusted to accommodate the railway one.7 57 58 LOGAN MOSS However, rail transport could only ever afford a limited and localized solution to the problem of the proliferation of sole-teacher schools, the great majority of which were located in small, isolated communities. Effective use of rail also relied on the cooperation of the Railways Department but this, as the Cohen Commission noted in its report of 1912, was not always forthcoming. Minor timetabling changes and the addition of a passenger carriage to a goods-train were identified as inexpensive and effective ways of helping more country children to attend school ‘but existing departmental systems would appear to be a serious obstacle to a good understanding of these points’.8 The Commission strongly endorsed the idea of school consolidation and cited with obvious approval a report on the positive effects of school consolidation in Wisconsin. The North American precedent had proven to be administratively and financially beneficial. Consolidation also enabled expanded and improved programmes to be put in place and led to a better physical environment: ‘It makes possible the construction of artistic modern buildings, properly heated, ventilated, lighted, equipped, adequately provided with sanitary arrangements, pure drinking water, &c.; in fact, just the necessities of the modern school which the one room district school does not have and never has had.’9 Many of the Education Boards who made submissions to the Commission supported the idea and identified schools which might be involved. The Commissioners ‘strongly recommended’ that an attempt at consolidation should be made ‘forthwith’, citing as key advantages the reduction in per capita cost; an increase in average daily attendance rates; higher pupil retention rates; increased teaching time and reduced homework hours. The Commissioners also concluded from their investigations that better salaries would be paid and therefore more highly qualified teachers employed; that there would be improved supervision at schools; and better material equipment in terms of buildings, libraries, heating and sanitation.10 Each of these points would be reiterated over the next decade by virtually everyone speaking in favour of consolidated schools. Despite strong endorsement from the Commission, there was little immediate movement towards adopting its recommendation, and it would be more than a decade before any schools were successfully consolidated. The existing state of roads, especially in rural areas, and the scarcity and rudimentary nature of motor vehicles meant that options available for transporting children were rather limited. Uncertainty on the part of Education Boards over the level of financial support which might be forthcoming from government would also have been a factor. Part of the attraction of school consolidation was clearly the hope that it would reduce the cost of education but reduce costs for whom? Boards had long since learnt that economies by central government were no guarantee of any lessening of the costs that they would be expected to meet. The views which pupils might have on these proposals were simply not canvassed.11 A change of government within weeks of the Cohen Commission’s report being tabled also served to remove talk of school consolidation from the immediate agenda. The outgoing Minister of Education, J.A. Hanan, who had been responsible for establishing the Commission, was an enthusiastic advocate BOARDING THE SCHOOL BUS 59 of the perceived educational benefits of consolidation. His replacement, the Hon. J. Allen, was more interested in reducing costs than embarking on an experiment which, despite the efficiencies promised by its proponents, might well result in increased expenditure. However, it was undoubtedly the outbreak of war in 1914 which was the major factor in slowing attempts to consolidate schools. Any additional expenditure, no matter what longer-term reduction in cost it might bring, was unlikely to attract support when all available resources were being directed towards the war. Even when Hanan returned to the portfolio in 1915, his renewed efforts to speed progress towards consolidation served only to highlight uncertainties about the policy. In March 1916 he requested the Director of Education, W.J. Anderson, to ascertain from all the senior inspectors what schools in their districts could, ‘with advantage’, be combined or grouped into one school. Yet he also directed that the reports should be confidential ‘so that they might not disturb the various Boards and Committees’.12 Hanan’s concern to reduce costs was made even more explicit in the letter which Anderson subsequently sent to the inspectors, asking them to name those schools which could be grouped ‘so as to reduce the number of schools and effect a saving in expenditure on teaching’. The cost of conveyance was not to be more than the total cost of maintaining the present school.13 The responses to Anderson’s request indicated a wide disparity of viewpoints among inspectors. Auckland’s inspector identified 25 groups of schools comprising 62 separate schools.14 The response from Otago, by comparison, effectively ruled out any possibility of consolidation in the province: ‘I have to say that the configuration and climatic conditions in Otago are not favourable to consolidation of schools and consequent conveyance of children.’15 Some inspectors seem simply to have ignored the memorandum; at the end of June the Director had to write once again to the inspectors in Napier, Nelson and Greymouth, reminding them of his earlier request.16 With few exceptions, there appears to have been a distinct lack of enthusiasm at the prospect of embarking on an exercise of school consolidation. Little came of this survey, and its results were not even reported back to the inspectors until August 1918 and then only as a request to provide further information.17 However, there was still support for consolidation in educational circles and especially within the NZEI. In February 1917 Hanan met with a delegation from the Institute, to discuss a remit supporting consolidation which had been passed at their recent conference.18 A record of that meeting shows the Minister agreeing with the delegation’s submission and observing that ‘he was thinking of doing something in the direction desired’. He also noted that ‘The Act provides that the Board “may” consolidate schools, but it also provides for the Minister doing so in the event of the Board neglecting it.’19 But despite his assurances and the apparent strong support from teachers, Hanan made little progress on consolidation. Neither the Department nor the Boards appear to have had much appetite for change. This is well illustrated by the handling of a letter from the Otorohanga Chamber of Commerce, received by the Director in June 1917, which requested that a central primary school be established at Otorohanga.
ISSN 1170-1099 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CONTACT: Chris Gadsby Rural/Lifestyle Specialist 075TC070/06 Mobile: 027 246 5800 A/hrs: 07 870 1386 Published Tuesday and Thursday THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2006 Rosetown Realty Ltd MREINZ phone: (07) 871-7149 Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 35c. BRIEFLY Shellfi sh warning Trees make way for roses includes Aotea The Public Health Unit of Paddy Stephens rapt Pat’s ‘Big Purple’ will thrive out of the shade Waikato District Health Board today issued a public health Paddy Stephens is una- tenance out of existing warning against collecting or shamedly ecstatic that budgets. consuming shellfi sh harvested several large trees have Asset manager recrea- on the West Coast between, but been removed from the tion, Max Ward says the excluding, Kawhia Harbour and Rose Garden. cashmeriana had lost a Kaipara Harbour. She is a self-confessed third of its crown due to The warning is an extension tree lover - but adds her dieback and it was agreed to one issued on June 9 to fi rst passion is for the to remove it, along with include Aotea Harbour (also roses. fi ve or six trees on the includes Raglan and Manukau Mrs Stephens is chair- Gorst Avenue boundary Harbours). person of the Te Awamutu to the Rose Garden which Routine tests on shellfi sh Rose Trust, the organi- have pushed over the samples taken from Aotea sation that has spent brick wall. Harbour last week have shown thousands of dollars over They will make way levels of Paralytic Shellfi sh 30 years stocking the Te for a new footpath and Poisoning (PSP) at 129 micro- Awamutu Rose Garden boundary fence - once grams of toxin per 100 grams with quality varieties.
12 GEO V 1921 No 64 Waikato and King-Country Counties
604 1~21, No. 64.J Waikato and King-country Oounties. [12 GEO. V. New Zealand. Title. ANALYSIS. 1. Short Title and commencement. 10. Boundaries of Raglan County altered. 2. Act deemed to be a special Act. 11. Boundaries of Waikato County altered. 3. Otorohanga County constituted. 12. Boundaries of Piako County altered. 4. Taumarunui County constituted. 13. Boundaries of Waipa County altered. 5. Application of Counties Act, 1920. 14. Taupo East and Taupo West Counties united. 6. Awakino and Waitomo Counties abolished, and 15. Road districts abolished. Waitomo County constituted. 16. Taupo Road District constituted. 7. Antecedent liabilities of Awakino and Wal 17. Application of provisions of Counties Act, 1920, tomo County C,ouncils to be antecedent in respect of alterations of boundaries. liability of new Waitomo County. 18. Temporary provision for control of certain 8. System ,of rating in Waitomo County. districts. 9. Boundaries of Kawhia County altered. Schedules. 1921-22, No. 64 . Title .AN ACT to give Effect to the Report of the Commission appointed under Section Ninety-one of the Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1920. [11th February, 1922. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- Short Title and 1. This Act may be cited as the Waikato and King-country commencement. Counties Act, 1921-22, and shall come into operation on the :o/st day of April, nineteen hundred and twenty-two. Act deemed to be a 2. This Act shall be deemed to be a special Act within the special Act.
2 WAITOMO NEWS Tuesday, June 10, 2014 JUNE 2014 ADVERTISING And the winners are . SPECIALS THERE’S nothing like the New “They’ll get to join the more than Zealand National Agricultural Fiel- 120,000 people estimated to attend days at Mystery Creek to bring out this year when the four day event gets THIS COLUMN is to keep readers informed of any the crowds. underway tomorrow.” current advertising specials on offer, as well as our So it was with the Waitomo News Mrs Hearfield says: “It was fan- policies with regard to regular components of the ANZ Bank Fieldays ticket giveaway tastic to have almost 200 people en- newspaper i.e. sportswrap, letters to the editor and we’ve been running for the past few ter and interested, in attending the thumbs etc. weeks. Fieldays, which ANZ is proud to Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries ANZ Bank Te Kuiti branch man- support. on 07 878 1188 or email ager Sarah Hearfield and Waitomo “As New Zealand’s Agri-business News managing editor Sue Sarich Bank of the Year for the third year drew the lucky winners last week. in a row we hope the winners enjoy DISPLAY They are Rachelle Darlington our commitment to service excellence (Otorohanga), Jacqui Le Grange for our farmers and rural communi- (Te Kuiti) and Lee Tatham (Tau- ties.” marunui). REDUCED rate GIFT PACKS HUGE RESPONSE As well as a double pass each, the “We had a huge response from winners also received a gift pack that Calling all Professionals – take advantage of readers and ANZ customers all vying included umbrellas, caps, bags, pens, this great advertising package deal – Receive a for the chance to win a double pass pads and polo shirts.
Mokau River and Tributaries Draining the Mokau Coalfield
lssN o1 13-2504 New Zealand Freshwater Fisheries Report No . 110 Fish and fisheries values of the Mokau River and tributaries draining the Mokau coalfield ï¡;t. 'Ll:..".! tiH::::: i'.,....'.'....'....' MAFFish New Zealand freshwater fisheries report no. 110 (1989) New Zeal and Freshwater Fjsheries Report No. 110 Fish and fisheries values of the Mokau Ri ver and tributarjes dra'inìng the Mokau coalfjeld by S.M. Hanchet J.t^l. Hayes Report to : N. Z. Coal CorPorat'ion Freshwater Fisheries Centre MAFFISH Rotoru a June 1989 New Zealand freshwater fisheries report no. 110 (1989) NEt^l ZEALAND FRESHWATER FISHERIES REPORTS This report is one of a series issued by the Freshwater Fjsherjes Centre, MAFF'ish, on issues related to New Zealand's freshwater fisheries. They are'issued under the following criteria: (1) They are for limited circulatjon, so that persons and orgàn.isations norma'l1y receiving MAFFìsh publications shóuld not expect to receive copíes automaticalìy. Q) Copies wiì'l be'issued free on'ly to organisations to whjch the report is djrect'ly relevant. They wjlì be jssued to other organ'i sati ons on request. (3) A schedule of charges is jncluded at the back of each report. Reports from N0.95 onwards are priced at a new rate whìch includes packaging and postage, but not GST. Prices for Reports Nos. t-g+- conti nue to j ncl ude packagj ng, _postage, and GST. In the event of these reports go'ing out of pfiint, they wìll be reprinted and charged for at the new rate. (4) Organisations may apply to the librarian to be put 91 the malling lìst to recejve alì reports as they are published.
North King Country Orientation Package Community Services Accommodation Real Estate Provide advice on rental and purchasing of real estate. Bruce Spurdle First National Real Estate. 18 Hinerangi St, Te Kuiti. 027 285 7306 Century 21 Countrywide Real Estate. 131 Rora St, Te Kuiti. 07 878 8266 Century 21 Countrywide Real Estate. 45 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga. 07 873 6083 Gold 'n' Kiwi Realty. 07 8737494 Harcourts. 130 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga 07 873 8700 Harcourts. 69 Rora St, Te Kuiti. 07 878 8700 Waipa Property Link. K!whia 07 871 0057 Information about property sales and rental prices, the official website of the New Zealand real estate industry Terralink International Limited Quotable Value Limited (QV) Commercial Accommodation Providers Abseil Inn Bed & Breakfast. Waitomo Caves Rd. Waitomo Caves 07 878 7815 Angus House Homestay/ B & B. 63 Mountain View Rd. Otorohanga 07 873 8955 Awakino Hotel. Main Rd. M"kau 06 752 9815 Benneydale Hotel. Ellis Rd. Benneydale 07 878 4708 Blue Chook Inn. Jervois St. K!whia 07 871 0778 Carmel Farm Stay. Main Rd. Piopio 07 877 8130 Casara Mesa Backpackers. Mangarino Rd. Te Kuiti 07 878 6697 Caves Motor Inn. 728 State Highway 3. Hangatiki Junction. Waitomo 07 873 8109 Churstain Bed & Breakfast. 129 Gadsby Rd. Te Kuiti 07 878 8191 Farm Bach Mahoenui. RD, Mahoenui 07 877 8406 Glow Worm Motel. Corner Waitomo Caves Rd. Hangatiki 07 873 8882 May 2009 Page 51 North King Country Orientation Package Juno Hall Backpackers.
..) ,... ~.. -.: 'I ' ~,'1'. " L • . • r~\ ~ .--. Wai 898, # A28 The Crown and Maori in Mokau 1840-1911 A report commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for Te Rohe Potae Inquiry (Wai 898) Paul Thomas February 2011 THOMAS, THE CROWN AND MAORI IN MOKAU 1840-1911 The Author My name is Paul Thomas. I graduated with a first class honours degree in history from Otago University in 1990. I worked as a researcher and writer for the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography until 1993. From 1995, I was employed by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust as a historian. Since 1999, I have worked as a contract historian on Treaty of Waitangi issues, writing and advising on many different areas. My report on the ‘Crown and Maori in the Northern Wairoa, 1840-1865’ was submitted to the Waitangi Tribunal’s inquiry into the Kaipara district. Acknowledgments I would like to thank the staff at the Waitangi Tribunal for overseeing this report and for their much-appreciated collegial assistance. In particular, Cathy Marr provided expert insight into Te Rohe Potae, as did Dr James Mitchell, Leanne Boulton and Dr Paul Husbands. This report has also benefitted from claimant knowledge shared at research hui, during my trips to the area, and at the oral traditions hui at Maniaroa Marae in Mokau in May 2010. Steven Oliver and Rose Swindells carried out some valuable research, while the translations of te reo Maori material are from Ariaan Gage-Dingle and Aaron Randall. Thanks also to Noel Harris and Craig Innes for providing some of the maps. Lauren Zamalis, Keir Wotherspoon and Ruth Thomas helped with copy-editing.
1 Document No: 307592 File No: 037/042 Report To: Council Meeting Date: 6 June 2013 Subject: Deputation: Hilary Karaitiana Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this business paper is to advise Council that Hilary Karaitiana, State Sector Youth Services Manager for Waitomo will be in attendance at the Meeting at 9.00am to address Council on progress with the State Sector Youth Services Trial Action Plan. Suggested Resolution The Deputation from Hilary Karaitiana be received. MICHELLE HIGGIE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 2 WAITOMO DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE WAITOMO DISTRICT COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, QUEEN STREET, TE KUITI ON TUESDAY 30 APRIL 2013 AT 9.00AM PRESENT: Mayor Brian Hanna, Council Members Phil Brodie, Charles Digby, Allan Goddard, Pat Hickey, Lorrene Te Kanawa and Guy Whitaker IN ATTENDANCE: Chris Ryan, Chief Executive; Michelle Higgie, Executive Assistant; Donna Macdonald, Community Development Coordinator (for part only); Kit Jeffries, Group Manager – Corporate Services (for part only); Christiaan van Rooyen, Group Manager – Assets (for part only); Andreas Senger, Manager – Water Services (for part only); Gerri Waterkamp, Manager – Roading (for part only); John De Luca, Manager – Community Services (for part only) and John Moran, Manager – Regulatory Services (for part only); 1. Prayer File 037/00A 2. Confirmation of Minutes – 26 March 2013 File 037/001 Resolution The Minutes of the Waitomo District Council meeting held on 26 March 2013, including the public excluded Minutes, be confirmed as a true and correct record. Moved/Seconded
Ōtorohanga District Dynamic, Inclusive and Unique Long Term Plan 2021 – 2031 Ōtorohanga Long Term Plan 2021-2031- Draft 2 Prospective Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expenses for 10 Years 2021-31 Long Term Plan – DRAFT commencing July 2021 .............................................................................................. 89 Reconciliation of Prospective Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expenses Table of Contents and Prospective Combined Cost of Service Statement for 10 Years commencing July 2021 .......................................................................................................................... 90 OUR VISION – WHAT MAKES US BUZZ ............................................................... 4 Prospective Statement of Changes in Equity for 10 years commencing July 2021 ..... 91 Introduction/Overview ............................................................................................. 5 Prospective Balance Sheet for 10 Years commencing July 2021............................... 92 Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive ............................................................ 5 Prospective Statement of Cash Flow for 10 Years commencing July 2021 ................ 93 Our Mayor, Councillors and Community Board Members ............................................ 7 Statement of Reserve Funds ..................................................................................... 94 What is the Long Term Plan (LTP)? ...........................................................................
History and Bloodlines 101 History and Bloodlines 101 By Kathy Petersen, Virginia KuneKunes New Zealand Boar Lines Te Whangi: The first Willowbank (WB) Te Whangi was registration number 189. His name was Mr. Magoo and he was a black boar with both wattles. He was purchased from J. Te Whangi, who lived around Waitomo for $400 in 1978. Mr. Magoo passed away in 1988. I have been unable to locate pictures of him for this article. Te Whangi is represented in New Zealand, the UK and a healthy number of boars here in the USA. Willowbank Te Kuiti: purchased from John Wilson who lived near Waitomo in 1978. Kelly, a magnificent boar, started this line. Kelly was NZ 189a. He was a cream with two wattles pictured below. Kelly sired the first Te Kuiti boar line However, in 1993, Tutaki Gary produced Te Kuiti V. I am not sure how the Tutaki line produced the Te Kuiti. I could find nothing futher on the Te Kuiti line since 1993. Tutaki line was produced from the Ru boar line. I do not see how Te Kuiti line could be present in the USA unless further evidence comes to light. Willowbank Ru: He is NZ 51. He was from the North Island from Ru Kotaha who lived near Dannevirke, but the kune was thought to have come from the Opotiki area. He was a Black and white boar with no wattles. The Ru lines were created by using Pirihini Bastion NZ 363 x Jacobs Sow NZ A20. The Ru lines are in New Zealand, the UK and here in the USA. Ph: 07 871 7149 7832271AA Rural Property Neville Kemp Licensed REAA2008 a/hrs 07 871 9801 mob 027 271 9801 223 Alexandra St, Te Awamutu Published Tuesday and Thursday THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2011 TM Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 40c. BRIEFLY Sports bend backs for Cantabs Te Pahu set to celebrate 100th Rugby players ‘ruck’ muck off Christchurch bowling green Te Pahu Centenary is being celebrated this weekend. The support from Te Awamutu There will be a wine and for Cantabrians in their time of cheese evening on Friday need has been outstanding and night, followed by full day of from a total cross section of our events on Saturday, including community. Te Awamutu Sports Rugby opening and welcome at Te Club members took time out from Pahu Hall from 10am, decade their pre-season team building photos and tour of Te Pahu trip to Christchurch to ‘bend their School as well as bus tours of backs’ for a good cause. the district and visit to One of the people connected Kaniwhaniwha School, with an with the Christchurch High evening dance at the hall. School Old Boys Club they were Sunday morning will see hosted by was aware of Richmond ‘reminiscences’ from several Bowling Club’s greens being long time residents at the hall. ‘liquefactioned’ and covered in For late registrations phone silt. the school on 07 825 9849. Te Awamutu Sport’s total contingent of 51 players and Model Ts here officials visited the bowling club Wharepapa South Domain last Sunday morning and with will get a ‘blast from the past’ on assistance from High School Old Sunday when up to 15 Model T Boys’ Club members, cleared the Fords stop off while their green using shovels and passengers enjoy lunch.
OFFICIAL REGIONAL VISITOR GUIDE 2019 HAMILTON • NORTH WAIKATO RAGLAN • MORRINSVILLE TE AROHA • MATAMATA CAMBRIDGE • TE AWAMUTU WAITOMO • SOUTH WAIKATO Victoria on the River, Hamilton 2 Lake Rotoroa, Hamilton Contents Kia Ora and Welcome ...............................................................2 Our City .....................................................................................4 Middle-earth Movie Magic .........................................................5 Underground Wonders ..............................................................6 Outdoor Adventures ..................................................................7 Top 10 Family Fun Activities ......................................................8 Arts & Culture and Shop Up A Storm ........................................9 Gourmet Delights ....................................................................10 Your Business Events Destination ............................................11 Cycle Trails .............................................................................. 12 Walking and Hiking Trails ........................................................ 14 Where to Stay, Our Climate, Getting Around .......................... 17 Thermal Explorer Highway and Itinerary Suggestions ............18 Useful Information, Visit our Website ......................................19 What’s On - Events .................................................................20 Hamilton CBD Map ................................................................
Integrated Micropaleontology of Waikato Coal Measures and Associated Sediments in Central North Island, New Zealand
Copyright is owned by the Author of this thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author. NEW ZEALAND OLIGOCENE LAND CRISIS: INTEGRATED MICROPALEONTOLOGY OF WAIKATO COAL MEASURES AND ASSOCIATED SEDIMENTS IN CENTRAL NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Claire Louise Shepherd 2012 ABSTRACT The topic of complete inundation of the New Zealand landmass during the Oligocene is a contentious one, with some proponents arguing the possibility that Zealandia became completely submerged during this time, and others contesting the persistence of small islands. The outcome of this debate has significant implications for the way in which modern New Zealand flora and fauna have evolved. This research project addresses the topic from a geological point of view by analysing late Oligocene–early Miocene sediments in the Benneydale region, in order to establish the timing of marine transgression in this area. Samples from two cores drilled in the Mangapehi Coalfield were analysed for palynological and calcareous nannofossil content, and these data were used to determine the age and paleoenvironment of Waikato Coal Measures, Aotea Formation and Mahoenui Group. Additionally, data from 28 boreholes in the coalfield were utilized to construct a series of isopach maps to elucidate changes in the paleostructure through time. All data were combined to develop a series of paleogeographic maps illustrating the development of coal measures and associated sediments across the Benneydale region.