CLOVERDALE MI NOR ASSOCI ATI ON ( CMBA) Box 34163-17790 # 10 Highway, Surrey, B.C., V3S 8C4 Phone: 604-587-1111 Website: Novem ber 2002 Hom e of the 2002 Bantam “AAA” Western Cham pions

Executive Changes 2 0 0 3 EXECUTI VE & VOLUNTEERS New CMBA Phone# 6 0 4 - 5 8 7 - 1 1 1 1 At the AGM held in June this year, John President Mike Kolberg 587-1111 Parker stepped down as President of the CMBA has a new, easy to Vice Pres. Jim Flynn 587-1111 CMBA. Mike Kolberg was nom inated and rem ember phone num ber. elected as the new President. We would Treasurer Jeff Judson 574-7197 The new num ber is set up like to thank John for his dedication and to distribute the incom ing his years of hard work that he has put Registrars Cindy Clarke & 587-1111 phone calls to the appropriate people. By into the association both as President and Henry Clarke calling this phone # , callers will be able to connect as Coach. John will rem ain as Past Secretary Ruth Kennedy 576-6074 President, Coach, and batting cage co- with up to 9 volunteer m embers of the ordinator. Cindy Clarke was re-elected as Equipm ent Jim Flynn 587-1111 CMBA. I t is currently set up to redirect registrar and 4 new directors at large, Dennis William s 574-5492 calls to 4 m embers; President, Registrar, were elected; Bruce Faulkner, Jim Hodge, Vice President & Equipm ent, and Concession Faye Flynn 587-1111 Susan Mitchell, and Al Concession. More will be added next Wood. Past Pres. John Parker 574-0103 year.

President’s Director Margaret 574-1355 New CM BA W ebsite; Andrews Message w w w With the 2002 season Director Raj Bagry 834-5000 CMBA has a new website which will com pleted, thoughts turn to next year Director Lisa Bosch 541-0312 function as a m ajor comm unications tool and how our program s m ight be for our mem bership. I t is in the process Director Bruce Faulkner 574-1430 im proved. The CMBA has been of being updated and is off to a good successfully operating for quite a few Director Jim Hodge 533-5306 start. Our goal with the site is to; -create a detailed resource for m embers years without being a registered Director Susan Mitchell 576-6904 association. An unregistered association -provide a relevant contact list Director Al Wood 574-5745 is unable to apply for Casino m oney, -keep m em bers inform ed of changes Bingo money, or hold cash raffles which Division Coordinators -possibly also to record game results As you read through the site we welcome all have the potential to raise m any Bantam Chris Paige 574-6051 thousands of dollars for our association. any com ments or suggestions you m ay I n order to become a registered PeeW ee Rick Tanaka 576-6263 have. Currently your President is association we m ust have a constitution Mosquito Open! m anaging the site but we are looking for and bylaws written up, voted upon, and a W ebm aster, hopefully a “techie”, to take over the construction and passed by a m ajority of the m em bers of Tadpole Margaret 574-1355 our association. The constitution and Andrews and m aintenance of the site. Please call Mike: bylaws has been an ongoing work in Bruce Faulkner 574-1430 587-1111 (press “1”) progress for som e tim e but the work has Super Tee Open! now been com pleted. The Board of Volunteer Positions Open Directors has reviewed the docum ent and Tee Ball Open! Believe it or not you still have a is satisfied with the final draft which is chance to snap up a num ber of included in this m ail out. Please read Um pire different positions which have Don Fiedler 574-7052 through them and com e vote on Dec I n Chief not been filled yet; division nd rd 2 or 3 , betw een 6 pm -8 pm at the Coaches coordinators, um pire Mike Pheasey 576-8854 Cloverdale Ball Park, upstairs in the Liaisons allocators, tournam ent Clubhouse. We will vote to accept the Tourna- Candise Monks 576-1386 m anager and m ore. Be a part constitution and bylaws as the governing m ent of the team that m akes CMBA a document for the CMBA. With a Managers 2 nd position is Open! success. We need people for successful vote we can then have the these spots before the season starts. Call constitution and bylaws registered and Com m uni- Mike Kolberg for more inform ation: 587- Debi Copeland 574-5492 have access to the funding possibilities cations 1111 (press “1”) discussed above. From my perspective, Um pire this is our top priority. With the additional Allocators Please Ret urn Equipm ent funding we will be able to offer better PeeW ee & I f you have any CMBA equipm ent or Cathy Saris 576-0745 program s, development, and equipment Bantam uniform s please arrange to have it for all of the players involved with the returned to the equipm ent room . Call Jim CMBA. Tadpole & Open! Flynn: 587-1111 (press “3”) or Dennis We will also be accepting re-registrations Mosquito William s: 574-5492. on these two nights, (Dec 2 & 3, 6: 00pm to 8: 00pm ), for players who played last season. Ads for 2 0 0 3 Schedule Book Re- registration & the Constitution vote is on Dec 2 & 3 from 6 :0 0 to 8 :0 0 Work on the 2003 schedule has begun at the Clubhouse at 1 7 3 3 3 - 6 1 a Ave, Cloverdale. You can also m ail your and ad space is being reserved. These go registration form to the address on the top of this page. Open registration very quickly so call ASAP to reserve your for new players and re- registrants w ill be on January 1 9 th from 1 0 am - spot. Contact Debi Copeland: 574-5492. 2 pm , also at the Clubhouse at the Cloverdale Ball Park. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2 0 0 3 SEASON 2 0 0 2 SUMMER BALL RECAP  January 19 Open Registration at the Clubhouse from 10am to 2pm Tadpole: The Tadpole summ er teams had a 17333-61A Avenue, Cloverdale Ball Park great season with Team 1 coached by Tam ara rd Taft finishing 3 in the final Tournam ent after March 1 PeeWee “AA” tryouts for players born 1990 & 1991 being defeated by the Newton A team . Tadpole assessments for players born in 1994 Cloverdale’s Team 2 coached by Steve th Beaucham p finished 5 . March 2 Tadpole assessments for players born in 1995 Mosquito: The Mosquito “A” team coached by Martin Endicott, Kerry Taylor, Henry Clarke and March 8 PeeWee “A” assessm ents for players born in 1990 & 1991 Joe Higgs went 4-0 in the Provincials to m ake it Mosquito assessm ents for players born in 1993 into the sem i-final round but lost 5-3 to Newton. The Mosquito “AAA” team coached by March 9 Mosquito assessm ents for players born in 1992 Rick Tanaka, Tom Lambert & Rick Nylund had a fun & successful season. They occupied the 1st Tim es for Tadpole, Mosquito, & PeeW ee players for place position within their division standings for the above 4 days are as follow s; m ost of the sum mer and m ade it through to the Noon to 1pm if your last nam e starts with A to G ¼ finals in the Provincials. 1pm to 2pm if your last nam e starts with H to M PeeW ee: The PeeWee “A” team coached by Bill 2pm to 3pm if your last nam e starts with N to Z Riddoch, Brian Kennedy and Mike Joyal finished 1-2 at the Provincials after going 10 innings March 10 Tadpole draft at 7pm for coaches with the eventual Cham pions, Victoria. The PeeWee “AA” team coached by Raj Bagry, March 12 Mosquito draft at 7pm for coaches Dennis William s, Mike Kolberg and Wayne Kolins did not m ake the Provincials. March 13 PeeWee “A” draft at 7pm for coaches Bantam : The Bantam “A” team coached by Jason Winters did not m ake the Provincials. The Mar 26-30 Um ping clinics for 10-13yr olds Bantam “AA” team coached by Tim Larsen, Tom Lam bert & John Pybus narrowly m issed m aking April 5 OPENI NG DAY the Provincials. The Bantam “AAA” team coached by John Parker, Harvey Middar, Mike nd April 26 Picture day and Pancake Breakfast Pheasey, and Lyle Slack took 2 place at the Provincials after a very tight m atch against May 15-19 Mosquito Rodeo Tournam ent Ridge Meadows. The team went on to com pete at the Bantam “AAA” Western Finals in May 17 Cloverdale Rodeo Parade. Players ride on the CMBA float Edm onton and brought back the GOLD MEDAL! Congratulations to the whole team for May 31 Parents Day their outstanding feat. Three Cloverdale players were selected as the Tournam ent’s top all- rd June 18 Annual General Meeting at 7pm in Clubhouse. All stars; Mike Scott for 3 base, Corey Hill for st m em bers are invited. Executive and Directors will be & Tad Friesen for 1 base. Also, Drew elected. Voice your concerns and get involved. Parker and Mike Scott were picked up by Ridge Meadows to play in the Nationals in Ontario June 21 Fun Day, Closing Ceremonies, and Awards Presentations where they helped the team to a 3rd place finish. Drew was nam ed right handed pitcher of June 23 Sum m er Ball All-Star Season begins for Tadpole, the Tournam ent with 20 K’s, 1 win, 1 , and Mosquito, Bantam & Midget Divisions an E.R.A. of 0.00 in 8.67 innings pitched! Midget: No Midget teams competed for July 24-27 Tadpole Sum mer Ball end of season Tournam ent Cloverdale in sum mer ball this year. Three Cloverdale players competed for Newton at the “AA” level and did not m ake the Provincials.

Coaches Training W inter Batt ing Cage Training The CMBA is very interested in fielding the best Get ready for ball season with weekly sessions in the batting cage coaches possible. I t is the CMBA’s policy to cover the with John Parker. Players will be grouped by age and ability with 4-6 costs involved for our coaches to take their coaching players per session. Sessions start on January 6th and will run for 4 levels (theory and technical training). I f you are weeks. Sessions will be available Mon, Wed, Thurs, 6: 15-7: 15 or planning on coaching next season we strongly 7: 30-8: 30. $50 for CMBA players and $75 for all others. Players m ust encourage you to take the training. I t’ll either be a bring gloves, helm ets, and runners. Call John Parker for m ore great review or an introduction to new m ethods. inform ation or to book your sessions at 574-0103. Please call after Having your levels is especially im portant when 6pm and leave a m essage. coaches are chosen for Summer Ball. Pitching Training w it h Scott Mat hieson Call Mike Pheasey for m ore info: 576-8854. Scott Mathieson from the Langley Blaze, selected in the 8 th round by W inter Training For M idget Players the Phillies, will be offering pitching training at our batting cage in the Midget players: get an early start to the season, new year. The cost will likely be $50 for four sessions. Call Mike Pheasey to register for pre-season Call John Parker at 574-0103 for m ore info. training in the batting cage: 576-8854.