Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Malaria Journal

RESEARCH Systematic review of statistical methods for safety data in malaria chemoprevention in pregnancy trials Noel Patson1,2, Mavuto Mukaka3,4, Kennedy N. Otwombe1,5, Lawrence Kazembe6, Don P. Mathanga2, Victor Mwapasa2, Alinune N. Kabaghe2, Marinus J. C. Eijkemans7, Miriam K. Laufer8* and Tobias Chirwa1

Abstract Background: Drug safety assessments in clinical trials present unique analytical challenges. Some of these include adjusting for individual follow-up time, repeated measurements of multiple outcomes and missing data among others. Furthermore, pre-specifying appropriate analysis becomes difcult as some safety endpoints are unexpected. Although existing guidelines such as CONSORT encourage thorough reporting of adverse events (AEs) in clinical trials, they provide limited details for safety data analysis. The limited guidelines may infuence suboptimal analysis by failing to account for some analysis challenges above. A typical example where such challenges exist are trials of anti-malar- ial drugs for malaria prevention during pregnancy. Lack of proper standardized evaluation of the safety of antimalarial drugs has limited the ability to draw conclusions about safety. Therefore, a systematic review was conducted to estab- lish the current practice in statistical analysis for preventive antimalarial drug safety in pregnancy. Methods: The search included fve databases (PubMed, Embase, , Malaria in Pregnancy Library and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) to identify original English articles reporting Phase III randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on anti-malarial drugs for malaria prevention in pregnancy published from January 2010 to July 2019. Results: Eighteen trials were included in this review that collected multiple longitudinal safety outcomes including AEs. Statistical analysis and reporting of the safety outcomes in all the trials used descriptive statistics; proportions/ counts (n 18, 100%) and mean/median (n 2, 11.1%). Results presentation included tabular (n 16, 88.9%) and text description= (n 2, 11.1%). Univariate inferential= methods were reported in most trials (n 16, 88.9%);= including Chi square/Fisher’s= exact test (n 12, 66.7%), t test (n 2, 11.1%) and Mann–Whitney/Wilcoxon= test (n 1, 5.6%). Multi- variable methods, including= Poisson and negative= binomial were reported in few trials (n 3, 16.7%).= Assessment of a potential link between missing efcacy data and safety outcomes was not reported in any= of the trials that reported efcacy missing data (n 7, 38.9%). = Conclusion: The review demonstrated that statistical analysis of safety data in anti-malarial drugs for malarial chemoprevention in pregnancy RCTs is inadequate. The analyses insufciently account for multiple safety outcomes potential dependence, follow-up time and informative missing data which can compromise anti-malarial drug safety evidence development, based on the available data. Keywords: Pregnancy, Malaria, Safety, Prevention, Clinical trials, Statistical methods

*Correspondence: [email protected] Background 8 Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, 685 W. Baltimore St., HSF‑1 Room 480, Drug safety assessment in randomized controlled tri- Baltimore, MD 21201, USA als (RCTs) is integral in development of comprehensive Full list of author information is available at the end of the article drug safety profle. Recently, there is enhanced quality

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guidance on clinical trial reporting of safety outcomes safety data analysis accounting for missing data is use- through adherence to the Consolidated Standards of ful to facilitate identifcation and characterization of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines [1, 2]. How- the safety profle of the drug as early as possible. Other ever, there is scant literature on standardized ways to analysis challenges include lack of adequate ascer- statistically analyse the safety outcomes in clinical trials. tainment and classifcation of AEs, and limited gen- Although there exist some general regulatory guidelines eralizability of results [9] since some AEs cannot be on safety data analysis, such as International Conference pre-specifed at study design stage. on Harmonization which recommend descriptive statis- Tere are many populations where drug safety assess- tical methods supplemented by confdence intervals [3, ment is complex. One of the special settings in safety 4], the proposed statistical methods rarely account for data assessment is the use of drugs to prevent adverse the complexity of the collected safety data, e.g., recur- outcomes in pregnancy, currently referred to as inter- rent adverse events (AEs). Efective solutions to statisti- mittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy cal analysis of safety data in clinical trials may need to (IPTp). For example, the World Health Organization be tailored to specifc indications (set of diseases with recommends that pregnant women receive routine similar characteristics) since safety data collected are treatment with anti-malarial drugs to clear any malaria also infuenced by the medical condition under study. infection that is present and also to prevent infection Absence of standardized guidelines for safety data analy- in the weeks after administration [10]. Recent review sis in specifc settings may limit the ability to draw rich indicates that methodological issues in studying anti- conclusions about the safety of the investigational prod- malarial drugs in pregnancy have prevented frm con- uct, based on collected data. Standardized guidelines can clusions on the safety of new anti-malarial drugs in simplify integration of safety information from multiple pregnancy [11]. Previous eforts have attempted to outcomes across RCTs [5] and would ensure optimal use standardize safety assessment methodology for anti- of data in developing the safety profle of the investiga- malarial drug trials in pregnancy, including study tional product. designs and data collection [12, 13]. However, literature Statistical analysis of safety data in clinical trials is remains limited in describing the standard practice in characterized by a challenge of multiple and related end- the statistical analysis of safety data that are collected points measured over time. Te safety endpoints may on anti-malarial drugs during pregnancy trials. include clinical and laboratory defned AEs. Laboratory- Te current review focusses on safety assessment in based AEs are defned based on standard cut-of points anti-malarial drugs for chemoprevention in pregnancy for measures such as vital signs (e.g., body temperature), trials. Since anti-malarial drug for malaria chemo- hepato-toxicity measures (e.g., bilirubin level), cardio- prevention is given repeatedly to healthy pregnant toxicity measures (e.g., electrocardiograms), and other women, it is critical to improve safety assessment in tests relevant to the medical indication being studied [5]. this vulnerable population. Specifcally, appropriate sta- Te safety endpoints may be correlated within patients tistical analysis of safety outcomes can improve devel- and over time such that failure to account for this in an opment of anti-malarial drug safety profle. Tis can be analysis may yield biased estimates and false inference. achieved through sufcient use of the data generated Furthermore, time to occurrence of the safety endpoint during the RCT which provides a comprehensive drug may be very informative in profling the drug safety. safety insight. Tis review, therefore, aims at identifying Such data present statistical analysis and interpretation applied statistical methods and their appropriateness challenges due to the complexity in structure [6]. For in the analysis of safety data in anti-malarial drugs for instance, in the case of multiple, repeatedly measured, malaria prevention during pregnancy clinical trials. safety outcomes, false positives may arise from multiple statistical testing if appropriate longitudinal or time to event methods and/or multiplicity adjustments are not Methods considered. Te systematic review was conducted according to In clinical trials, AEs may impact compliance and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and study participation which may further afect treatment Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement [14] which out- efcacy estimates [7, 8]. Occurrence of (even mild) AEs lines minimum standards for reporting systematic due to a drug would lead to non-adherence, leading to reviews and meta-analysis (Additional fle 1: Table S1). informative censoring. Te dropping of the patients Te protocol for this review was registered and pub- from the study generates missing data that may lead lished with PROSPERO (CRD42019120916). Te study to biased results if poorly accounted for. Terefore, population is pregnant women on any anti-malarial drug for malaria chemoprevention. Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 3 of 11

Search strategy efcacy safety or tolerability. Te detailed search strat- Inclusion criteria egy is presented in Additional fle 2: Table S2. Te search Primary original articles published in English from Phase was customized per database. Based on PRISMA pro- III RCTs were considered for inclusion. Te articles were cedure, after removing duplicates, two reviewers (NP from RCTs assessing the efcacy and safety of malaria and ANK) independently screened titles and abstracts chemoprevention in pregnancy. Tis review focused on initially before arriving at a fnal list of eligible articles. Phase III RCTs, because they have the largest sample size Based on the eligible studies list, full text articles were among pre-marketing trials and accommodates multidis- retrieved. Te references were managed using Endnote ciplinary support in safety evaluation. Further, the data X7.1 (Tomson Reuters). If there were disagreements, are systematically collected and have the beneft of being the two reviewers discussed the paper to reach a consen- randomized, which aids a fair comparison of treatment sus and reasons for exclusion were provided for ineligible groups. publications/studies

Exclusion criteria Data extraction Observational studies, case reports, letters to the editor, Te data extraction fle created in Microsoft Excel was narrative reviews, systematic reviews and trials in Phase used to record all key variables from the selected arti- I or Phase II or Phase IV were excluded from this review. cles. Some of the collected variables such as mode of Tis review did not include clinical trials on malaria pre- safety data collection, participant withdrawal due to AE vention in pregnancy using intermittent screening and and handling of continuous measures were based on treatment (ISTp) as an alternative to IPTp. ISTp refers to CONSORT guideline. Te following key variables were intermittent rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) for malaria in extracted from the papers: main author, publication date, pregnant women followed by treatment of RDT-positive study design, study location, main efcacy outcome, sam- cases with an efective artemisinin-based combination ple size, list of safety parameters collected (including lab- therapy, and IPTp is given to pregnant women regardless oratory data), nature of safety data collection (i.e., passive of their malaria status. Hence, ISTp and IPTp consider or active), list of statistical methods used for respective diferent populations which may confound the practice in safety outcomes, how the results were presented, reten- safety assessment methods (i.e., ISTp considers sympto- tion rate at the end of the follow up and how missing matic population and IPTp considers both symptomatic safety or efcacy data were handled. Te primary hypoth- and asymptomatic population). Non-English publications esis type (as superiority, non-inferiority or equivalence) were excluded. was defned based on what was reported in the actual manuscript or inferred by the lead author (NP), based Selection of studies on how the study framed the primary hypothesis. Supe- riority hypotheses aim to show whether treatment is bet- Studies published between 1 January 2010 and 31 July, ter than control, non-inferiority hypotheses intend to 2019 were searched from fve databases (PubMed, show that one treatment is not worse than the other and Embase, Scopus, Malaria in Pregnancy Libray (MiPL) and equivalence hypotheses intend to show that a given treat- Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CEN- ment is similar to another for defned characteristics [16]. TRAL). Te MiPL is an excellent scholarly source of arti- Te statistical methods were classifed as descriptive or cles on malaria in pregnancy that enabled the review to inferential and univariate or multivariate depending on capture both indexed and non-indexed articles beyond the purpose and nature of the statistical methods based the searched databases. Additional searches included ref- on previous similar reviews [17, 18], reviewing statistical erence lists of the identifed trials and relevant reviews to methods. identify trials potentially missed in the database search. Te year 2010 was selected since it is when CONSORT Data synthesis guideline updated and emphasized on appropriate sta- Te extracted quantitative data were reported as percent- tistical analysis and reporting of clinical trials [15]. Con- ages in tables. Te commonly reported safety parameters, ference proceedings were not included because they suitability of the used statistical methods and other fnd- usually contain abstracts that do not give detailed anal- ings were also summarized narratively. ysis of the presented results and they are not rigorously peer-reviewed. Te review focussed on published stud- Results ies only so no experts or abstract publication authors were contacted for unpublished data. Te key search Te search identifed 1103 articles. After removing dupli- items included: malaria, anti-malarial drug, pregnancy, cates, 722 unique articles were identifed and considered for possible inclusion in the review. Te duplicates (i.e. Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 4 of 11

repeated citations) were the same articles but identifed patients per arm. As expected, all trials (18 trials, 100%) in multiple search databases. Figure 1 presents details computed sample size based on the efcacy outcome(s). of the selection process. During screening, a total of 637 Te majority of the trials (11 trials, 65.4%) had two treat- articles were excluded based on relevance of their titles ment arms and the rest had three treatment arms. All 18 and abstracts. Te remaining 85 full text articles were trials had an active comparator and IPTp-SP was studied assessed for possible inclusion and 18 articles satisfed as a standard malaria chemoprevention in the majority of the inclusion criteria, and were included in this review trials (14 trials, 77.8%). Although the review focussed on as shown in Table 1. Reasons for exclusion are shown in published trials from 2010 to 2019, the trials were con- Fig. 1. ducted between 2003 and 2017. Based on the primary hypothesis tested, superiority design RCTs were the most Characteristics of the trials common (15 trials, 83.3%) and the other trials had a non- Te trials included in this review were conducted in Oce- inferiority hypothesis. Over half of the trials (10 trials, ania (2 trials, 11.1%) and sub-Saharan Africa (16 trials, 55.6%) were open-label; one trial did not state the blind- 88.9%) regions. Te 18 RCTs reviewed recruited 26,281 ing status but the other 7 trials (38.9%) were blinded. pregnant women with a median sample size of 374 (inter- Majority of the trials (14 trials, 77.9%) reported that they quartile range (IQR): 173, 648) women per treatment arm had a Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB). in a trial. Tirteen trials (72.2%) recruited more than 200

Articles identified through database searching (n = 1103) Identification

Articles after duplicates removed (n = 722)

Articles screened based on abstracts and titles Articles excluded (n = 637) Screening (n = 722)

Further articles excluded (n=67): 1. Cohort/cross-sectional study/non-phase III Full-text articles assessed for trial (n=10)

y eligibility/inclusion 2. Conference abstracts (n=12) (n = 85) 3. Secondary/duplicate/repeated publication (n=12) 4.Study excluded pregnant women (n=3) Eligibilit 5. No antimalarial drug studied (n=6) 6. Published in Spanish (n=1) 7. Trial registration/ protocol (n=13) 8. Thesis (n=1) 9. Antimalarial treatment in pregnancy trials (n=9)

Articles included in the systematic review (n = 18) Included

Fig. 1 PRISMA fow diagram for study selection process Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 5 of 11

Table 1 Overview of randomized clinical trials included in the systematic review 1st Author, year Study site DSMB Hypothesis Masking Comparator drug(s) Experimental drug(s) (reference)

Luntamo 2010 [39] Malawi Yes Superiority Single-blinded Two-dose IPTp-SP AZ-SP Monthly SP Valea 2010 [40] Burkina Faso No Superiority Not stated Two-dose IPTp Three IPTp-SP Diakite 2010 [41] Mali Yes Superiority Open-label Two-dose IPTp Three IPTp-SP Ndyomugyenyi 2011 [42] Uganda Yes Superiority Double blinded IPTp-SPITN placebo IPTp-SP ITN + + Wini 2013 [43] Solomon Islands Yes Superiority Open-label IPTp-SP -CQ prophylaxis Denoeud-Ndam 2014 [44] Benin Yes Noninferiority Open-label IPTp-MQ,(IPTp-MQ) CTX(low CD4)CTX(high and CTX (low CD4) CD4) González 2014 [45] Benin, Gabon, Mozam- Yes Superiority Open-label IPTp-SP Two-dose MQ bique, and Tanzania Split-dose MQ González 2014 [46] Kenya, Mozambique, and Yes Superiority CTX and Placebo CTX and (IPTp-MQ) Tanzania Klement 2014 [47] Togo Yes Noninferiority Open-label IPTp-SP CTX Manyando 2014 [48] Zambia Yes Noninferiority Open-label IPTp-SP CTX Desai 2015 [49] Kenya No Superiority Open-label IPTp-SP IPTp-DP IST-DP Unger 2015 [50] Papua New Guinea Yes Superiority Single blinded IPTp-AZCQ one-dose SP-CQ Kakuru 2016 [51] Uganda No Superiority Double blinded IPTp-SP, IPTp-DP IPTp–IPTp-DP Kimani 2016 [52] Benin, Kenya, Malawi, Yes Superiority Open-label IPTp-SP IPTp-AZCQ Tanzania, and Uganda Natureeba 2017 [53] Uganda No Superiority Double blinded TMP-SMX TMP-SMX DP + Divala 2018 [54] Malawi Yes Superiority Open-label IPTp-SP IPTp-CQ CQ prophylaxis Akinyotu 2018 [55] Nigeria No Superiority Single-blind IPTp-SP IPTp-MQ Kajubi 2019 [56] Uganda No Superiority Double-blind IPTpSP IPTpDP

AL: Artemether-lumefantrine; CTX: Cotrimoxazle; Q: Quinine; AS: Artesunate; AQ: Amodiaquine; MQ: Mefoquine; CQ: Chloroquine; DP: Dihydroartemisinin- piperaquine; TMP-SMX: Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; PQ: Piperaquine

Characteristics of the reported safety data Table 2 Characteristics and structure of reported safety data (n 18) Over half of the trials (10 trials, 55.6%) reported that they = collected safety data using a combination of scheduled Characteristic Number of articles (%) and non-scheduled visits (Table 2), while a third of the trials (6 trials, 33.3%) did not specify the safety data col- Data Monitoring and Safety Board 14 (77.8) lection approach used. Te median retention rate (based Data collection approach on the defned efcacy outcome reported for respec- Scheduled visits 1 (5.6) tive trials) was 89.4% (IQR: 82.5%, 92.4%) and 10 trials Scheduled and non-scheduled visits 10 (55.6) (55.6%) had a retention rate below 90%. Non-scheduled visits 1 (5.6) All the reviewed trials indicated that they had collected Not specifed 6 (33.3) multiple longitudinal safety endpoints. As expected, Reported AE severity levels 13 (72.2) almost all the trials (17 trials, 94.4%) reported obstet- Assessed AE vs adherence 3 (16.7) ric safety outcomes such as foetal loss. Table S3 and S4 Discontinue treatment due to AE 18 (100) in Additional fle 2 provide a detailed list of safety out- Reported continuous outcome dichotomiza- 18 (100) tion comes and respective statistical method reported in each Reported laboratory data 18 (100) reviewed trial. Despite the reported occurrence of multi- Multiple safety endpoints 18 (100) ple AEs, none of trials seemingly reported recurrence of Longitudinal safety endpoints 18 (100) AEs during pregnancy. In total, 12 trials (66.7%) reported Reported recurrent AEs 0 (0.0) adverse events with diferent severity levels, e.g., mild, Retention rate (IQR) 89.4% (IQR: 82.5%, 92.4%) moderate and severe. All trials reported occurrence of AEs by treatment arm. Almost all trials (17 trials, 94.4% The retention rate is based on primary outcome reported in trial fow diagram %) reported laboratory data in their safety assessment IQR: interquartile range Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 6 of 11

of the drug and 16 trials of these (88.9) dichotomized at Table 3 Statistical approaches for safety data analysis least a single continuous safety outcome (e.g., haemoglo- Statistical method/approach Number bin) based on standard cut-of points, to defne an AE. of articles (%)

Statistical analysis for safety data analysis Descriptive statistics 18 (100) Analysis population and missing data Proportion/count 18 (100) Te safety analysis approach (based on treatment allo- Mean/median 1 (5.6) cation and adherence) was specifed and reported in 11 Incidence rate 6 (33.3) trials (61.1%). Per protocol (PP) and intention to treat Inferential methods (ITT) analysis approaches were used in 5 trials (27.7%) Univariate methods and 4 trials (22.2%), respectively. Two trials indicated Fisher`s exact test/Chi square 12 (66.7) that they used both PP and ITT to analyse the safety data. t-test 4 (22.2) Although all the reviewed trials had at least one patient Linear regression 1 (5.6) lost to follow-up, only 7 trials (38.9%) reported missing Mann–Whitney/Wilcoxon 1 (5.6) efcacy data and 2 of the 7 trials indicated that the miss- Multivariable modelling ingness was ignorable after exploring data missingness Poisson regression 3 (16.7) patterns (Table 3). None of the reviewed trials conducted Negative binomial 1 (5.6) an advanced sensitivity analysis on the relationship Number of inferential methods between missing data and drug safety. For example, none None 3 (16.7) of the studies assessed the safety outcomes (e.g., AEs) in One method 10 (55.6) relation to missing efcacy outcomes. Tis review found More than one method 5 (27.8) that most trials (16 trials, 88.9%) had at least one partici- Analysis approach pant who experienced an AE leading to discontinuation Reporting missing data from the trial although the studies did not formally inves- Missing efcacy data reported 7 (38.9) tigate/quantify the relationship between the AEs and trial Handling missing efcacy data completion. Imputation 1 (5.6) Analysis population defnition Reported statistical methods ITT 4 (22.2) All the trials included reviewed used descriptive statis- PP 5 (27.8) tics as one of the methods to summarize AEs (Table 3). ITT PP 2 (11.1) + Proportions or counts were the descriptive statistics Not specifed 7 (38.9) used in all of the studies to report safety data. Defni- Multiplicity adjustment for treatment 0 (0.0) tion safety data was dependent on respective trials as Results presentation shown in the Additional fle 2: Table S3 and S4). Inci- Graphs 0 (0.0) dence rates were reported in 6 trials (33.3%). Most trials Tables 16 (88.9) (16 trials, 88.9%) reported univariate inferential statisti- Point estimate and confdence interval 10 (55.6) cal methods; these included Chi square or Fisher`s exact P value 16 (88.9) test (12 trials, 66.7%), t-test (n = 4, 22.2%). Only 3 trials Entries in this table are mutually exclusive and may not add up to the total 26 reported multivariate statistical methods. Te multivari- articles since some articles used more than one approach ITT: intention to treat; PP: per protocol able methods were Poisson regression (n = 3, 16.7%), and negative binomial regression (n = 1, 5.6%). Usage of at least two inferential statistical methods to compare safety outcomes was reported in 5 trials (27.8%). Although all Tables S4 provide a detailed list of reported statistical studies reported multiple safety outcomes, none reported methods with their respective safety outcome(s). adjustment for multiplicity during analysis. Te review showed that at least a single optimal statis- tical methods was reported in 3 trials (16.7%) that con- Presentation of safety outcomes estimates sidered multivariable modelling. Even though univariable In terms of presentation of results, none of the trials pre- analysis comparing arms in an RCT were appropriately sented AEs in a graph. Only 2 trials (11.1%) narratively used, further inferential statistical methods reported presented the safety results; the other 16 trials (88.9%) in the rest of the trials were suboptimal for the type of presented the results in tabular format. A total of 14 trials data being collected. For further details, Additional fle 2: reported p-values after comparing treatments and there Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 7 of 11

were only 10 trials (55.6%) that reported point estimates making the results from the longitudinal methods feasi- with their respective confdence intervals. bly interpretable to the medical practitioners. Only three studies appropriately used multivariable Discussion statistical methods. Adjusting for known prognostic Tis review sought to provide a detailed overview of the covariates is useful to control for confounding that can be actual practice of the statistical analysis of safety data in introduced due to imbalance when assessing if treatment the unique setting of drug trials for the preventions of is independently associated with safety outcome(s). Of malaria in pregnancy as refected published literature. secondary interest, covariate adjustment also preserves Te results demonstrate that there is limited reporting of type I error [22]. Such adjustment for potential con- statistical analyses of safety data, at the end of the trial, founders (e.g., age) in safety data analysis are suitable in in these published reports. Te fndings are useful to clinical trials with at least moderate sample size, unlike advance the development of standardized guidelines for small sample sizes that lead to unstable estimates. Of spe- safety data statistical analysis in analysis in anti-malarial cifc interest in this review, the Poisson model was more drugs in pregnancy trials and related felds. Such guide- suitable in the context of rare AEs which usually have low lines will not replace but rather complement the CON- event rates [21, 23]. Since Poisson regression assumes a SORT guidelines that are general (i.e., not providing constant rate of occurrence of a rare event, it is not ideal specifc statistical methods in analysing harms in RCTs). for other multiple transient AEs that were common or Based on the authors’ knowledge of the available litera- recurred and would vary in occurrence overtime [24]. ture, this is the frst paper to review statistical methods Alternatively, mixed efects models could be considered for safety data in anti-malarial drugs in pregnancy. to characterize the safety events over time since they cap- Descriptive methods were commonly used to summa- ture patient-specifc efects [25, 26]. Whenever time to rize safety data. Tis review found that each clinical trial AE occurrence information is available, survival analysis used at least one descriptive method to summarize safety models may also be preferred to characterize the time data. Univariate statistical methods such as Chi square to AE occurrence. For recurrent safety events, that may or Fishers exact tests were used in two-thirds of the arti- induce dependence, methods that extend the Cox regres- cles reviewed. Such descriptive statistics and univariate sion model may be preferred; such models include sur- statistical inference ignored useful information such as vival mixed efects models (e.g., frailty models) [4]. variability in follow-up time, missing data and correla- Almost half of the reviewed trials did not explic- tion (for those trials which had their multiple safety out- itly defne the population on which the safety analysis comes repeatedly measured). Hence there was inefcient was based. If per protocol analysis is used to address data use during analysis that may lead to a loss of use- non-adherence there is potential selection bias since it ful information for improved and informative conclu- destroys the balance due to randomization. Although sions. Although a third of the reviewed trials attempted CONSORT recommends ITT, as an alternative for to use crude incidence, the analyses failed to adequately analysis of safety endpoints, non-adherence cannot be account for individual patient follow-up-time and poten- explicitly addressed with ITT approach since it ignores tial confounders. dropouts, withdrawal or loss-to-follow up for various All trials dichotomized at least a single continuous reasons including safety concerns; ITT-based inference clinical laboratory safety outcome (i.e., where AE was ignores causal efect of the actual treatment received [27]. defned based on standard cut-of points for adult toxic- Patient withdrawal or dropout due to AEs can induce ity). Although this aids in providing time-specifc drug informative censoring useful in quantifying anti-malarial safety status and easy interpretation, the dichotomized drug safety. For example, if a patient withdraws due to outcome may miss some information on the magni- vomiting after taking an anti-malarial drug, their obstet- tude of the temporal changes, overtime during the trial. ric efcacy outcomes such as birth weight may appear Te information loss may lead to reduction in statistical as missing data. In the context of anti-malarial drug for power to detect safety signal if it exists. Valid longitudi- malaria prevention, even mild AE can lead to drug non- nal methods (used without restriction on cut-of points) adherence. Since the patient has no disease symptoms, can address the information loss by exploiting poten- they would judge it less costly for them to discontinue tial within-subject correlations for the repeated clini- the drug than continue experiencing AEs. Hence, inclu- cal laboratory measurements [19–21]. Furthermore, the sion of information on treatment/trial completion status longitudinal methods can provide the basis for develop- in relation to anti-malarial safety would enrich develop- ing improved cut-of points tailored to pregnant women ment of the safety profle of anti-malarial drug in preg- in malaria-specifc settings. To ensure improved uptake nancy. Although study completion status, anti-malarial of such methods, future work needs to strive towards drug safety and missing data may be interlinked, missing Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 8 of 11

data received limited attention such that the few trials assessment on a patient and patient reporting of AEs that considered efcacy missing data did not explicitly based on their expectations since they know the treat- explore the potential link. Studying such complex associ- ment assigned. Appropriate reporting of the AEs ations requires statistical methods that can appropriately would be guided by data safety and monitoring boards estimate the pathway from the anti-malarial chemopre- (DSMB) from early stages of the trial. However, avail- vention to study completion. Advantageously, methods ability of DSMBs in over three-quarters of the trials did based on causal inference framework, such as mediation not translate to improved reporting and analysis. Tere- analysis [28–31] could be adapted/extended to assess the fore, DSMB members should advocate for improved infuence of the AEs on non-adherence in RCTs. analysis approaches for AEs. Despite about three-quarters of the trials reporting Tabel 4 summarizes recommendations to consider p-values after comparing safety outcomes by treatment on best practices for safety analyses. Tis provides a arms, only about half of the reviewed trials adhered to general framework for statistical analysis of safety in International Harmonisation Conference Guideline E9 in malaria chemoprevention in pregnancy trials. As high- reporting of confdence intervals in quantifying the safety lighted above, the recommendations assume a context efect size [3, 4]. Use of confdence interval aids in inter- where sample size is moderate or large. For rare events, pretation of results by providing a measure of precision. Bayesian approaches can be considered since they do Furthermore, graphical displaying of safety data to aid in not depend on asymptotic properties when handling summarizing of safety data was inadequate. Graphs on rare events and can incorporate prior/external infor- safety data have a greater ability to convey insight about mation [33]. Future research work can further consider patterns, trends, or anomalies that may signal poten- adapting/extending recently developed statistical meth- tial safety issues compared to presentation of such data ods for rare disease or small population clinical trials in tabular form only [32]. For example, the graphs could towards analysis of rare safety outcomes in IPTp trials help to visualize frequency and changes in AEs over [34–36]. time by treatment arm. Te graphs could further help in Tis review agrees with other similar publications assessing assumptions for some statistical methods. focusing on drug safety assessment in clinical trials Over three-quarters of the reviewed trials were that have noted the need for further improvement in designed as superiority trials based on efcacy outcomes. the statistical analysis of the safety data [9, 37]. Tis Although the statistical approach for safety assessment review concurs with a recent review that has noted was mainly on superiority hypotheses (for both the that inappropriate handling of multiple test is preva- superiority and non-superiority trials), clinical and sta- lent, although their review focussed on four high tistical justifcation of assessing safety based on superi- impact journals, AE in general and a short time of ority hypotheses may be invalid. Superiority hypotheses review period [38]. Issues raised in this review include concentrate on the absence of diference in drug safety time-dependence of AEs, informative censoring due efect/risk between or across the treatment arms which to discontinuation of treatment because of AEs, safety may be challenging [16]. For example, when comparing graphs, and repeated occurrence of AEs and multivari- high AE incidences, non-signifcant diference (when ate longitudinal structure of laboratory data that yields using a superiority hypothesis) would not necessar- complex correlation. Tis is an ongoing work whereby ily translate to a conclusion that a drug is safe and well- further analysis will be explored to address the identi- tolerated since sometimes all compared treatment arms fed statistical issues above. may have high AE incidence. Perhaps, drug safety evalu- Te application of the systematic review protocol in ation should strive to prove that there is no risk beyond a describing the current practice is highly reliable and protocol-defned/hypothesized priori clinical safety mar- objective since it exhaustively identifed the published gin (i.e., no excessive safety risk). Based on the fndings in anti-malarial drug clinical trials in pregnancy for stud- this work, researchers are encouraged to consider defn- ied period. However, this review covered only the last ing safety margins in safety assessment of anti-malarial decade of publications and may have missed studies drugs. Since safety is mostly a secondary outcome, it is published in other languages or that did not appear in not straightforward on how to defne a non-inferiority during the literature search. Because the trials reported margin and the appropriate analysis population. Cur- in the publications spanned for a decade, it was dif- rently, it is still unclear and debatable how to implement cult to assess temporal trends. Tis review represents this, such that further research is needed [5]. the most comprehensive review of safety data analysis Interestingly, over half of the trials were open- practice for this important indication. label which may infuence physician clinical safety Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 9 of 11

Table 4 Recommendations for analyses in malaria chemoprevention in pregnancy trials based on key safety outcomes from the systematic review Safety outcome type after treatment Examples Optimal statistical method(s)

Time to event Time to infection/infestation occurrence, time Survival methods (e.g. Kaplan–Meier plots, log to abortion rank test followed by cox regression model) Longitudinal continuous outcomes QTc prolongation, haemoglobin, vital signs Mixed efects linear/nonlinear models Recurrent events recurrent hospitalizations, recurrent anaemia, Recurrent event models (e.g. Poisson model, recurrent opportunistic infections negative binomial, Andersen Gill model) Safety outcomes with informative missing data, Treatment switching, Dropout/withdrawal due Causal inference methods (e.g. mediation analysis) to AE (i.e. AE-induced non-adherence) Multivariate outcomes Abortion, miscarriage Haemoglobin, QTc, ala- Multivariate methods: methods for multiple nine aminotransferase level outcomes (e.g. multivariate regression models based on outcome type), methods for repeated outcomes (e.g. multivariate longitudinal analysis, recurrent events models), advanced graphs Laboratory measurements with temporal vari- Vital signs, haemoglobin Advanced graphical methods, multivariate ations methods Count Seizure episodes, dizziness episodes Incidence rate followed by Models for count data (Poisson regression, negative binomial regres- sion) Outcomes with zero infated counts Seizure episodes, dizziness episodes, nausea Models for counts (Poisson zero infated models, episodes negative binomial zero-infated models)

Conclusion Register of Controlled Trials; DSMB: Data Safety and Monitoring Board; PP: Per protocol; ITT: Intention to treat; ISTp: Intermittent screening and treatment in Although useful safety data are collected in malaria pregnancy. chemoprevention in pregnancy clinical trials, the analy- sis remains sub-optimal and this hinders defnitive con- Acknowledgements We are grateful to Steady Chasimpha, for assisting with the literature search. clusions about drug safety in this setting. Descriptive statistical methods and dichotomization of continuous Authors’ contributions outcomes are predominant which may lead to loss of use- NP, MKL and TC conceived the study idea and NP, ANK and TC collected, analysed and interpreted the data; NP, MKL and TC led the manuscript writing; ful information. Te defnition of analysis population and LK, MM, KNO, ANK, VM, MJCE and DPM contributed towards the study design, informative presentation of results are not standardized. data interpretation and rigorous manuscript review. All authors read and Overall, the results suggest that choice of a statistical approved the fnal manuscript. method(s) to use should be jointly driven by the scientifc Funding question of interest, epidemiological/clinical plausibil- This work was supported by the US National Institutes of Health [Grant ity of the method and structure of the raw data. Further numbers (D43TW010075) (Fogarty International Center) to MKL and DPM and K24AI114996 (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) to MKL]. work in addressing the highlighted gaps can enhance drug safety decisions and conclusions. Availability of data and materials Not applicable.

Supplementary information Ethics approval and consent to participate Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https​://doi. Not applicable. org/10.1186/s1293​6-020-03190​-z. Consent for publication Not applicable. Additional fle 1. PRISMA 2009 checklist for the systematic review. Additional fle 2. Overview of search strategy, safety outcomes and Competing interests statistical analysis approaches in the reviewed trials. The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details Abbreviations 1 School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; AE: Adverse event; South Africa. 2 University of Malawi, College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi. RCT​: Randomized clinical trial; ECG: Electro-cardiograph; ICH: International 3 Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Bangkok, Thailand. Conference on Harmonization; IPTp-SP: Intermittent preventive treatment of 4 Centre for Tropical Medicine, Nufeld Department of Medicine, University malaria in pregnancy using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; WHO: World Health of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 5 Perinatal HIV Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, Organization; PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. 6 Department Meta-Analyses; PROSPERO: Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews; CTX: of Biostatistics, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. 7 Julius Center Cotrimoxazle; MiPL: Malaria in Pregnancy Library; CENTRAL: Cochrane Central for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Patson et al. Malar J (2020) 19:119 Page 10 of 11

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