Introduction to the

Lecture 11

III. Spontaneous Breaking and the Higgs Mechanism

Outline: We now study gauge invariant models with a nontrivial vaccuum structure. This means the action is gauge invariant but the ground state (or vaccuum) is not:

S φ,ψ,F µν =S Uφ,Uψ,UF µν U † S φ , ψ , F µν =S U φ , U ψ , U F µν U † h i h i h i 6  h i h i h  i     where denotes the vaccuum expectation value (or vev). h···i

A vev for ( ) or gauge fields ( E~ , B~ ) would be incompatible with the → → h i h i observed isotropy of space. ψ , F µν =0 ⇒h i h i The vev for a scalar is allowed

φ =0 h i 6

We will see that the Goldstone Theorem creates a massless mode for each generator Ta which does not leave the vaccuum invariant, T φ = φ . ah i 6 h i Recall that the explicit term in the Lagrangian is not invariant. In combination with a , the massless Goldstone will lead to a massive vector boson ( Higgs mechanism). A massless together with a leads to a→ massive gauge field. The gauge field acquires a longitudinal component through interaction with a nontrivial vaccuum.

Spontaneou (SSB)

SSB is not specific to particle

i. Ferromagnets if T > TCurrie then all spins are randomly aligned and uncorrelated resulting in a zero-mean magnetisation:

M =0 ⇒h i as T T < T , the spins align and become correlated giving rise to a mean magnetisa- → Currie tion:

1 M =0 ⇒h i 6

We can see this graphically by plotting the order parameter, M , against the temperature, T : h i

M h i

TCurrie T

ii. Superconductors has U(1) gauge symmetry which corresponds to charge conser- L vation. if T < Tcrit, the electrons will form pairs (“Cooper pairs”) with spin alignment:

e− e− with charge Q = 2 and spin σ =0 ↑ ↓ The order parameter in this case is the average of the density: φ(e− e− ) The system gains energy if the electrons are not independent but act in pairs.h ↑ ↓ i

If the vaccuum symmetry is broken then a massless mode is created.

Example: SSB in U(1) gauge theory

Note: As U(1) is isomorphic to SO(2) the models are equivalent.

1 1 φ1 φ = φ1 + iφ2 or φ = for SO(2) √ √ φ2 2 2     e 2 =∂ φ†∂µφ µ2φ†φ λ φ†φ with λ> 0 L →LKG µ − − 1 1 µ2 λ = ∂ φ ∂µφ + ∂ φ ∂µφ  φ2 + φ2 φ2 + φ2 2 2 µ 1 1 2 µ 2 2 − 2 1 2 − 4 1 2   is invariant under a global transformation L cos θ sin θ φ eiθφ or φ φ → → sin θ cos θ −   The ground state is where the energy is minimisede e

2 ˙ =~πφ~ H −L ∂ ∂ = L φ˙ + L φ˙ ˙ 1 ˙ 2 ∂φ1 ∂φ2 −L 1 1 = π2 + π2 + φ φ + φ φ +V (φ ,φ ) 2 1 2 2 ∇ 1 · ∇ 1 ∇ 2 · ∇ 2 1 2 ≥0  ≥0  | {z } | {z } Hence, we see that to minimise we need the minimum of the potential H µ2 λ V (φ ,φ )= φ2 + φ2 + φ2 + φ2 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 2   The minimum condition reads

! 2 2 2 ∂V ∂V φ1 µ + λ(φ1 + φ2) =0 = =0 ! ( ) ∂φ ∂φ ⇔ 2 2 2 ∗ 1 2 φ2µ + λ(φ1 + φ2) =0 )  2 case 1. µ > 0: φ1 = φ2 = 0 is the ground state or vaccuum solution.

φ1,φ2 are real scalar fields with mass µ

The vaccuum state φ = φ = 0 is trivially invariant under rotations in the φ ,φ -plane. h 1i h 2i 1 2

case 2. µ2 < 0: ( ) has a nontrivial solution ∗

µ2 2φ∗φ = φ2 + φ2 = − = v2 > 0 1 2 λ

The ground state along the circle which gives infinite possibilities for the ground state. This is called the “champagne bottle” or “Mexican hat” potential.

As the theory is U(1),SO(2) invariant we may choose

1 0 φ =0, φ = v or φ = h 1i h 2i h i √ v 2    e 3 Applying a phase transform to the vaccuum we find

eiΛθ φ = φ U(1) transform h i 6 h i The physical spectrum is obtained after expanding around the vev of the theory

φ = π, φ = σ = H + φ = H + v 1 2 h 2i where the new fields have

π =0, H =0 h i h i

1 1 µ2 λ = ∂ π∂µπ + ∂ H∂µH π2 +(v + H)2 π2 +(v + H)2 2 L 2 µ 2 µ − 2 − 4 2 1 1 µ    λ  2 = ∂ π∂µπ + ∂ H∂µH π2 + v2 +2vH + H2 π2 + v2 +2vH + H2 2 µ 2 µ − λ − 4     Collect the terms with different powers of π, H:

2 0 0 µ 2 λ 4 π ,H : λ v 4 v irrelevant constant; can’t affect the E.o.M ∼ π0,H 1 : −µ2v −λv3 = 0 linear terms give rise to tadpoles, ∼ − − nonexistent in the theory 2 2 0 µ 2 λ 2 π ,H : 2 v 2 v =0 π’s are massless ∼ − 2 − π0,H 2 : µ v2 λ v2 λv2 gives mass to the H term ∼ − λ − 2 − MH2 2λv2 = 2µ2 > 0 − − The other terms define the interactions between π,H. We conclude that

π is a massless spin-zero boson, the Goldstone boson •

H is a massive spin-zero boson, the

Generalisation to SO(N)

π1 . φ~ = .  RN πN−1 ∈   σ      This is in the fundamental representation of SO(N) where the generators U SO(N) are such that UU −1 = 11and detU = 1. There are N(N 1)/2 generators, all∈ of which are − antisymmetric matrices.

4 N U = exp i Λ T (ij) SO(N) ij ∈ i

T (ij) = i δ δ δ δ kl − ik jl − il jk The Lagrangian  

2 1 µ λ 2 = ∂ φ~ T∂µφ~ φ~ Tφ~ φ~ Tφ~ L 2 µ − 2 − 4   is invariant under global SO(N) transformations. 2 For µ2 < 0, V (φ~) is minimal if φ φ = µ = v2 > 0 i i − λ hence we choose

0 . φ~ =  .  h i 0   v     φ~ is invariant under SO(N 1) transformations (generators T (ij) with i

π massless Goldstone • j=1,...,N−1

2 2 σ = H + v H is a massive state with mass MH =2λV known as the Higgs boson • mass →