
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,204,997 B2 Bromberg et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 17, 2007

(54) RESPONSIVE MICROGEL AND METHODS 5,939,485 A 8/1999 Bromberg et al. RELATED THERETO 6,316,011 B1 11/2001 Ron et al. (75) Inventors: Lev E. Bromberg, Swampscott, MA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Marina Temchenko, WO WO 97/OO275 1, 1997 Swampscott, MA (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: Supratek Pharma Inc., Quebec (CA) Gorelikov, et al., “Hybrid Microgels Photoresponsive in the Near Infrared Spectral Range” Journal of the American Chemical Society, (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2004, p. 15938.* patent is extended or adjusted under 35 “Poly( glycol) Block Copolymers by Atom Transfer Radi cal Polymerization-Synthesis, Kinetics and Characterization” Jour U.S.C. 154(b) by 447 days. nal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry (21) Appl. No.: 10/298,808 vol. 42, No. 4 (2005) 495-508.* (Continued) (22) Filed: Nov. 18, 2002 Primary Examiner Michael P. Woodward (65) Prior Publication Data Assistant Examiner Eric E. Silverman (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Mathews, Shepherd, McKay US 2003/O152623 A1 Aug. 14, 2003 & Bruneau, P.A. Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (60) gyal application No. 60/352.200, filed on Jan. A responsive microgel is provided which responds Volu s metrically and reversibly to a change in one or more aqueous (51) Int. Cl. conditions selected from the group consisting of (tempera A6 IK 9/14 (2006.01) ture, pH, and ionic conditions) comprised of an ionizable (52) U.S. Cl 424/487: 424/486: 424/484: network of covalently cross-linked homopolymeric ioniz AV e. we 424/400.51 4/772: 514f772. 1: 51 4f772 3. able monomers wherein the ionizable network is covalently s s • us 514772 4 attached to an amphiphilic copolymer to form a plurality of (58) Field of Classification Search None dangling chains and wherein the dangling chains of See application file for com lete search histo amphiphilic copolymer form immobile micelle-like aggre pp p ry. gates in aqueous solution. A responsive microgel is further (56) References Cited provided that comprises at least one therapeutic entity and delivers a substantially linear and sustained release of the U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS therapeutic entity under physiological conditions. 5,252,318 A 10, 1993 Joshi et al. 5,688,855 A * 11/1997 Stoy et al...... 524,505 15 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets Cross-linked network of ionizable polymer Grafted Copolymer containing hydrophobic groups US 7,204,997 B2 Page 2

OTHER PUBLICATIONS Paul D.T. Huibers, et al., “Reversible Gelation in Semidilute Aque Lev Bromberg, “Synthesis & Self-Assembly of Poly(ethylene ous Solutions of Associative Polymers: A Small-Angle Neutron oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-g- Scattering Study,” Macromolecules, 1999, 32, 4889-4894. poly(acrylic acid) Gels.” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001 .40, 2437 Lev Bromberg, “Scalling of Rheological Properties of Hydrogels 2444. from Associating Polymers.” Macromolecules, 1998, 31, 6148 Lev Bromberg, “Polyether-Modified Poly(acrylic acid): Synthesis 6156. & Applications.” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1998, 37, 4267-4274. Lev E. Bromberg, et al., “Aggregation Phenomena in Aqueous Lev Bromberg, “Novel Family of Thermogelling Materials via C-C Bonding between Poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(ethylene oxide)-b- Solutions of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes. A Probe poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide),” J. Phys. Chem. B Solubilization Study,” Macromolecules 1999, 32, 3649-3657. 1998, 102, 1956-1963. Lev Bromberg, “ Properties of Aqueous Solutions and Gels of Lev Bromberg, “Self-Assembly in Aqueous Solutions of Polyether Poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene Modified Poly(acrylic acid)'. Langmuir 1998, 14, 5806-5812. oxide)-g-poly(scrylic acid)”. J. Phys. Chem. B 198, 102, 10736 Lev Bromberg, et al., “Bioactive Surface via Immobilization of 10744. Self-Assembling Polymers onto Hydrophobic Materials.” Bioconjugate Chem., 1999, 10, 678-686. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 1 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2



A. Structure I


B. Structure II U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 2 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


occo, toCH, cultyCH, (CHCH.O.H CH-4H 9 OH in CH, CH,

HO-(CHCHO)-(CH, CH,O)X (CH-C-O-(CHCHO), (CH.CHO,-H '"p (H-4 OH

Structure III U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 3 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


Cross-linked network of ionizable polymer

Grafted copolymer containing hydrophobic groups U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 4 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


Initiation w R-R - free-radical intiator R-R - D 2R M -vinyl monomer Propagation x -divinyl cross-linker R" + nM + qx -D RMMMXMM P-H -polymer RMMXMMMM Chain transfer via hydrogen abstraction

R - P-H - b. RH + P. Polymer grafting onto microgel network

RMMMXMMH RMMMXMMH P. --> RMMXMMM RMMXMMMM P U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet S of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


hours U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 6 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2



Pluronic L61

hours U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 7 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


O 20 40 60 80 100 hours

O 20 40 60 8O 100 hours U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 8 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


O 2 4 6 8 10 time (days)

S.r U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 9 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2

in S370 R 0.59x + 2.2 R = 0.98


InS15 0.31x -- 2.16 R = 0.98

FIG.9 U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 10 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


-O-1 mol% -O-0.01 mol%

-e-1 mol% -- 0.01 mol% U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 11 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


-A-0.01 mol% -e-1 mol%

T (°C) U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 12 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


-e- 1% F127 g-F127-PAA-EGDMA


T (°C) U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 13 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2



g S 3 E E. O) S4 O. 2 s S 1 O ?

O O 2 4. 6 8 10 U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 14 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2




O sw U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 15 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


-O- Control

-E- Carbopol O.1 mg/mL

-- Carbopol 0.5 mg/mL -e) - L92-PAA-EGDMA 0.1 mg/mL

-0-92-PAA-EGDMA 0.5 mg/mL -a - F127-PAA-EGDMA 0.1 mg/mL

-A-F127-PAA-EGDMA 0.5 mg/mL.

O 1OO 200 300 time (min) U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2007 Sheet 16 of 16 US 7,204,997 B2


-e-Control -- Carbopol -O L92-PAA-EGDMA - F127-PAA-EGDMA 100




20 US 7,204,997 B2 1. 2 RESPONSIVE MICROGEL AND METHODS group Such as NH , SH-, followed by grafting of the RELATED THERETO resulting modified polyether onto the backbone of a chosen polyelectrolyte. Structures that could result from these syn CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED theses may comprise, for example, un-cross-linked PLU APPLICATION RONICR) copolymer bonded to poly(acrylic acid). See, e.g., A. S. Hoffman, et al., Advanced Biomaterials in Biomedical This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems, N. Ogata, S. W. Application No. 60/352.200, filed on Jan. 29, 2002, and Kim, J. Feijen, T. Okano, eds. Springer, Tokyo, 1996, pp. entitled “Useful Responsive Microgel Particulates and 62–66: A S Hoffman, et al., Polym. Prepr., 38: 524–525, Methods Related Thereto, the disclosure of which is hereby 10 (1997); G. Chen, et al., Poly(ethylene glycol) Chemistry and incorporated by reference in its entirety. Biological Applications, edited by J. Milton Harris, S. Zalipsky, eds. American Chemical Society, Washington, FIELD OF THE INVENTION D.C., (1997), ACS Symposium Series 680, Chapter 27, pp. 441–457; A. S. Hoffman, et al., Frontiers in Biomedical The present invention relates to microgels comprised of 15 Polymer Applications, edited by R. M. Ottenbrite, Tech an ionizable network covalently attached to an amphiphilic nomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, Pa. 1999, Vol. 2, pp. copolymer, which forms aggregates capable of Solubilizing 17–29; A. S. Hoffman, et al., Block and graft copolymers drugs in aqueous Solution. The responsive microgel revers and methods related thereto, Int. Pat. Appl. WO95/24430. ibly responds Volumetrically to factors such as temperature, Alternatively, syntheses known in the art can result in pH, and ionic conditions. Particularly, the responsive micro chemically cross-linked networks (gels, microgels, or nano gel is able to imbibe or solubilize a large amount of gels) if both termini of the polyether are chemically modi therapeutic agent and deliver a Substantially linear and fied. See, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 6,316,011; L. Bromberg, Sustained release of therapeutic agent under physiological Crosslinked poly(ethylene glycol) networks as reservoirs for conditions. protein delivery, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 59(1996)459–466; L. 25 Bromberg, Temperature-sensitive star-branched poly(ethyl BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) networks, Polymer, 39(23)(1998) 5663–5669; Law, T. K., et Volumetric changes (shrinking or Swelling) of tempera al., Int. J. Pharm., 1984, 21, 277; Ping, Q.: Law, T. K., et al., ture-sensitive microgel particles dispersed in water is an Int. J. Pharm., 1990, 61, 79. intraparticle phenomenon, but it is known in the art that also 30 However, chemical moieties (amide or other) required to interparticle aggregation takes place during the collapse accomplish linkage between an amphiphilic copolymer Such transition. Very stable polymer dispersions have been syn as polyether and the polyelectrolyte (i.e. a chemical group thesized, for instance, using poly(ethylene oxide), PEO, as a absent in parent polyether and polyelectrolyte) are generally stabilizing agent. Ottewill, R. H., et al., Colloid Polym. Sci. toxic and unacceptable for use in pharmaceutical and other 1995, 273, 379. 35 applications. Copolymers that comprise chemically unmodi The most widely studied class of responsive polymers are fied amphiphilic copolymer and polyelectrolyte bonded only temperature responsive poly(alkylacrylamides), specifically through carbon-carbon bond, where such toxicity issues are poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Shibayama, M., et al., avoided, are known in the art. See, e.g., L. Bromberg, et al., Advances in Polymer Science: Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Responsive polymer networks and methods of their use, 1993: 109, pp 1–62: Pelton, R. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 40 U.S. Pat. No. 5,939,485; E. S. Ron, et al., Compositions for 2000, 85, 1–33. However, poly(alkylacrylamides) are per pharmaceutical applications, Int. Patent Appl. WO ceived to be toxic, especially in biomedical applications. L. 98/06438: E. S. Ron, et al., T. H. E. Mendum, Compositions E. Bromberg and E. S. Ron, Adv. Drug Delivery Revs., 1998, for cosmetic applications, Int. Patent Appl. WO 98/50005; L 31, 197–221. Furthermore, nonionic nature of poly(alky Bromberg, Hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes and lacrylamides) prevents creating ion-sensitive microgels. 45 polyelectrolyte block-copolymers, Handbook of Surfaces Synthesis of polymers comprised of polyethers such as and Interfaces of Materials, H. S. Nalwa, ed., Academic poly(ethylene oxide), poly(propylene oxide) and their Press, 2001, Vol. 4, Chapter 7; L Bromberg, Biomedical copolymers grafted onto poly(acrylic acid) and other poly applications of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes electrolytes Such as poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane and polyelectrolyte block-copolymers, S. Tripathy, J. Kumar, Sulfonic acid), polyethyleneimine and the like are known in 50 H. S. Nalwa, eds. Handbook of Polyelectrolytes and Their the art. See, e.g., Hourdet, D., et al., Polymer (1994), 35(12), Applications. American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson 2624–30; L Alloret, et al., Colloid Polym. Sci. (1995), Ranch, Calif., 2002, Vol. 1, Chapter 51; L. E. Bromberg, T. 273(12), 1163–73; Laloret, F.; Maroy, P., et al., Revue de H. E. Mendum, M. OrkisZ, E. S. Ron, E. C. Lupton, l’Institut Francais du Petrole (1997), 52(2), 117-128; Hour Applications of poly(Oxyethylene-b-oxypropylene-b-Oxyeth det, D. et al., Macromolecules: 1998; 31(16): 5323–5335: 55 ylene)-g-poly(acrylic acid) polymers (Smart Responsive Schlumberger, D.C., EPO Publication 0.583 814 A1, 1993: microgelTM) in drug delivery, Proc. Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., O 629 649 A1, 1994; Hoffman, et al., Advanced Biomaterials 76:273-275, 1997: M. J. Orkisz, et al., Rheological prop in Biomedical Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems, erties of reverse thermogelling poly(acrylic acid)-g-poly Ogata, N., et al., Kim, S. W., Feijen, J., Okano, T., Eds. (Oxyethylene-b-Oxypropylene-b-Oxyethylene) polymers Springer: Tokyo, 1996; pp 62–66; Hoffman, A. S., et al., 60 (Smart Responsive microgelTM), Proc. Polym. Mater. Sci. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater. (1995), Eng., 76: 276-277, 1997; L. Bromberg, et al., Interpenetrat 22, 159; Chen, G., et al., Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release ing networks of Poloxamer copolymers and poly(acrylic Bioact. Mater. (1995), 22, 167; Hoffman, A. S. E. S. Ron, acid) as vehicles in controlled drug delivery, J. Control. L. E. Bromberg, M. Temchenko, End Modified Thermal Release, 48 (2.3): 305-308, 1997; L. E. Bromberg, T. H. E. Responsive Microgels, U.S. Pat. No. 6,316,011. 65 Mendum, M. J. OrkisZ, E. C. Lupton, E. S. Ron, Polyoxy These polymers are synthesized by conversion of one or ethylene-b-polyoxypropylene-b-polyoxyethylene-g-poly both terminal OH-groups of a polyether into a more active (acrylic acid) polymers (Smart Responsive microgelTM) as a US 7,204,997 B2 3 4 carrier in controlled delivery of proteins and peptides, One-step methods of copolymer synthesis are known in Polym. Prepr., 38(2): 602–603, 1997: L. E. Bromberg, et al., the art, e.g., L. Bromberg, J. Phys. Chem. B, 1998, 102, Bioadhesive properties of polyoxyethylene-b-polyoxypropy 1956–1963; L. Bromberg, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 1998, 37, lene-b-polyoxyethylene-g-poly(acrylic acid) polymers 4267-4274; P. D. T. Huibers, et al., Macromolecules, 1999, (Smart Responsive microgelTM), Polym. Prepr., 38(2): 32,4889–4894. However, these prior art graft-comb copoly 626–627, 1997: L. Bromberg. A novel family of thermogel mers are not permanently cross-linked and therefore cannot ling materials via C-C bonding between poly(acrylic acid) respond Volumetrically to changes in their environment. and poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly Previous Work (ethylene oxide), J. Phys. Chem. B., 102: 1956–1963, 1998: A variety of formulation approaches have been developed L. E. Bromberg, E. S. Ron, Protein and peptide release from 10 aiming at the enhancement of the drug residence time and to temperature-responsive gels and thermogelling polymer lowering the release rate, while maintaining the mucoadhe matrices, Adv. Drug Delivery Revs. 31:197 221, 1998; L. sive properties of the polyelectrolyte. See, e.g., K. J. Him E. Bromberg, M. G. Goldfeld, Self-assembly in aqueous melstein, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,599,534; T X Viegas, et al., solutions of hydrophobically modified poly(acrylic acid), U.S. Pat. No. 5,292,516; R Joshi, et al., Pharm Dev Technol. Polym. Prepr. 39(2):681–682, 1998; L. Bromberg, Scaling 15 4: 515-522 (1999); Joshi, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5.252,318. of rheological properties of responsive microgels from asso Typically, a polyelectrolyte is mixed with more hydrophobic ciating polymers, Macromolecules, 31: 6148-6156, 1998; L. polymer to result in a blend with enhanced drug-polymer Bromberg, Self-assembly in aqueous solutions of polyether interactions and higher viscosity. It is preferred, however, modified poly(acrylic acid), Langmuir, 14: 5806–5812, that a liquid drug-polymer formulation gel at the site of 1998; L. Bromberg, Polyether-modified poly(acrylic acid): administration. Such in situ gelling systems undergo revers synthesis and properties, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 37: ible sol-gel transitions in response to temperature, pH, or ion 4267-4274, 1998; L. Bromberg, Properties of aqueous composition of the fluids. However, physical blends are solutions and gels of poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene colloidally unstable and either phase separate or dissociate at Oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-g-poly(acrylic acid), J. Phys. physiological pH. See, e.g., L. Bromberg, Handbook of Chem B, 102: 10736–10744, 1998; L. Bromberg, L. Salvati, 25 Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials, H. S. Nalwa, ed., Bioactive surfaces via immobilization of self-assembling Academic Press, 2001, Vol. 4, Chapter 7. Therefore, these polymers onto hydrophobic materials, Bioconjugate Chem. blends fail to provide a linear, sustained release of a hydro 10: 678-686, 1999; L. E. Bromberg, Interactions between phobic or amphiphilic compound Such as imbibed or loaded hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes and mucin, drug, for example, in drug delivery applications. Polym. Prepr., 40(2): 616–617, 1999; L. E. Bromberg, D. P. 30 Barr, Aggregation phenomena in aqueous solutions of Previous structures that result from the linking of the hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes. Macromol amphiphilic copolymers and polyelectrolyte though carbon ecules, 32: 3649-3657, 1999; P. D. T. Huibers, et al., carbon bond (See FIG. 1, structure I (A.) and FIG. 2 Reversible gelation in semidilute aqueous solutions of asso structure III, for example) can form physical gels in water ciative polymers: a small-angle neutron scattering study, 35 due to aggregation of the hydrophobic segments of the Macromolecules, 32: 4889–4894, 1999; L. Bromberg, E. amphiphilic copolymers at certain temperatures and concen Magner, Release of hydrophobic compounds from micellar trations. However, by definition, previous gels are unstable solutions of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes, upon dilution due to dissociation of the physical aggregates Langmuir, 15: 6792–6798, 1999; L. Bromberg, M. Tem below a certain concentration. Accordingly, due to dissocia chenko, Loading of hydrophobic compounds into micellar 40 tion under physiological conditions, previous gels were not solutions of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes, able to provide a linear, sustained release of a hydrophobic Langmuir, 15: 8627-8632, 1999; L. E. Bromberg, M. Tem or amphiphilic compound Such as imbibed or loaded drug, chenko, R. H. Colby, Interactions among hydrophobically for example, in drug delivery applications. Further, previous modified polyelectrolytes and surfactants of the same structures that result from chemical linking on both termini charge, Langmuir, 16: 2609–2614, 2000; N. Plucktaveesak, 45 (See FIG. 1, structure II (B.), for example) can form stable, et al., Effect of surfactants on gelation threshold temperature chemically cross-linked networks. However, due to the in aqueous solutions of hydrophobically modified polyelec steric constrains imposed by chemical linking on both trolyte, Proc. XIIIth International Congress on Rheology, termini, the hydrophobic parts of the amphiphilic copolymer Cambridge, UK, 2000, Vol. 3, pp. 307-309; L. Bromberg, are unable to aggregate at well-defined temperatures and Enhanced nasal retention of hydrophobically modified poly 50 concentrations. Therefore, nanosized aggregates do not form electrolytes, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 53: 109-114, 2001: L. within the gel network. As a result, such previous gels also Bromberg, Interactions among proteins and hydrophobi were not able to provide a linear, Sustained release of a cally modified polyelectrolytes, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 53: hydrophobic or amphiphilic compound Such as imbibed or 541–547, 2001; A. K. Ho, L. E. Bromberg, et al., Solute loaded drug, for example, in drug delivery applications. diffusion in solutions of associative polymers, Langmuir, 17: 55 3538–3544, 2001; R. H. Colby, et al., Critical incorporation SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION concentration of surfactants added to micellar solutions of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes of the same A responsive microgel is provided which responds Volu charge, Langmuir, 17: 2937–2941, 2001; L. Bromberg, metrically and reversibly to a change in one or more aqueous Synthesis and self-assembly of poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly 60 conditions selected from the group consisting of (tempera (propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-g-poly(acrylic ture, pH, and ionic conditions) comprised of an ionizable acid) gels, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40: 2437–2444, 2001; L. network of covalently cross-linked homopolymeric ioniz Olivieri, et al., Study of the breakup under shear of a new able monomers wherein the ionizable network is covalently thermally reversible W/O/W multiple emulsion, Pharm. Res., attached to an amphiphilic copolymer to form a plurality of 18: 689-693, 2001: A. K. Ho, et al., Hydrophobic domains 65 dangling chains and wherein the dangling chains of in thermogelling solutions of polyether-modified poly amphiphilic copolymer form immobile micelle-like aggre (acrylic acid), Langmuir, 18:3005-3013, 2002. gates in aqueous Solution. US 7,204,997 B2 5 6 A responsive microgel is further provided that comprises FIG. 3 is a general macro-illustration of the overall at least one therapeutic entity and delivers a Substantially ionizable network and the covalently attached dangling linear and Sustained release of the therapeutic entity under chains (amphiphilic copolymer) structure of the responsive physiological conditions. microgel described herein. A responsive microgel is also provided wherein the ion FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustration of one-step synthesis of izable network of covalently cross-linked homopolymeric responsive microgels of the present invention. ionizable monomers is selected from the group consisting FIG. 5 shows the kinetics of the release of doxorubicin essentially of (poly(acrylic acid), poly(methacrylic acid), and PLURONICR) L61 through dialysis membrane with and poly(4-vinylpyridinium alkyl halide), poly(sodium acry without a responsive microgel described in Example I. late), poly(sodium methacrylate), Sulfonated polyisoprene, 10 FIG. 6 shows the kinetics of the drug diffusion in the and Sulfonated polystyrene). control experiment described in Example I. A further responsive microgel is provided wherein an FIG. 7 shows the kinetics of doxorubicin release from a amphiphilic copolymer is comprised of (poly(ethylene responsive microgel. oxide) and a monomer selected from the group consisting FIG. 8 shows a very slow, sustained release of PLU essentially of (poly(propylene oxide), poly(butylene oxide), 15 RONICR) L61 from an example responsive microgel of the polystyrene, polyisobutylene, poly(methyl methacrylate), present invention. and poly(tert-butyl acrylate)). FIG. 9 shows the results of equilibrium swelling experi A method of making a responsive microgel is also pro ments, e.g., high absorbency as a function of the subchain vided comprising: length. a) providing, an ionizable monomer, a divinyl cross FIG. 10 shows equilibrium swelling of microgel particles linker, a free radical, and a amphiphilic copolymer; and in deionized water at 15° and 37° C. as a function of pH. b) copolymerizing the ionizable monomer with the divi Degree of cross-linking in molar percent is indicated. nyl cross-linker to produce an ionizable network, while FIG. 11 shows equilibrium swelling of microgel particles c) abstracting hydrogen from the amphiphilic copolymer in deionized water at pH 7.0 as a function of temperature. with the free radical to progress a chain transfer reaction 25 Degree of cross-linking in molar percent is indicated. wherein the amphiphilic copolymer is covalently bonded FIG. 12 shows the effect of temperature on hydrophobic onto the ionizable network to produce the responsive micro compounds in responsive microgel Suspension. gel. FIG. 13 shows the equilibrium uptake of doxorubicin by A method of administering an effective amount of at least microgels of the present invention as a function of pH at 37° one therapeutic entity to a patient is further provided which 30 C. comprises administering a responsive microgel comprising FIG. 14 shows transepithelial transport of doxorubicin an effective amount of at least one therapeutic entity. from the basolateral to the apical (b->a) and from the apical A method is provided for administering at least one to the basolateral (a->b) side of the Caco-2 monolayers. therapeutic entity to a patient which entity is selected from Initial concentration of doxorubicin in the donor compart the group consisting of Substrates of ABC transporters such 35 ment was 3 LM, and the doxorubicin concentration in the as P-glycoprotein, MRP1-MRP9; ABC half-transporters receiver compartment was assayed by fluorescence (Fl. such as BCRP; other transporters that are involved into a filled points) or HPLC (open points). Besides doxorubicin in limited drug transport across Small intestinal epythlium; the donor compartment, no further additive was applied in cerebral endothelium and other barrier tissues in the body, as DMEM. The transport was characterized by linear fits well as substrates of metabolic enzyme isoforms without 40 (R>0.98 in all cases). The apparent permeability obtained limitation, cytochrome P-450; esterase: epoxide hydrolase; by the fluorescence and HPLC assay in the b->a tests was dehydrogenase; aldehyde dehydrogenase; dihydro (2.81+0.03)x10 and (2.75+0.03)x10 cm/s, respectively, pyrimidine dehydrogenase; NADPH-quinone oxidoreduc while the P values obtained in the a->b tests were tase, uridine 5'-triphosphat glucoronosyltransferase; Sul (6.07+0.04)x107 and (5.79-0.04)x107 cm/s using fluores fotransferase; glutatione S-transferase: N-acetiltransferase; 45 cence and HPLC assays, respectively. Typically, the trans histamine methyltransferase; catechol-O-methyl transferase; port experiments did not exceed 2.5 h in duration. thiopurine methyltransferase. This group of therapeutic FIG. 15 shows cumulative transport of "C-mannitol agents include without limitation doxorubicin and other (MW 182.2 Da) across Caco-2 cell monolayers. Data are anthracyclines, mitoxantrone, mitomycin C, metatrexate, expressed as meantS.D. of three to five experiments. paclitaxel, docetaxel and other taxanes, topotecan ant other 50 FIG.16 shows the effect of polymers (0.5 mg/mL each) on camptotecines, cysplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin and other TEER of Caco-2 cell monolayers. Inset shows TEER recov platinum complexes; megesterol acetate and other steroids; ery of Caco-2 cell monolayers after removal of the poly carvedilol and other beta-blocking agents; azidothymidine, mers. Data are expressed as meantS.D. of three to five fludarabine and other nucleoside containing agents in their experiments. dephospho, mono-, di- and tri-phosphorylated forms; Vin 55 blastine, Vincristine and other Vinka alkaloids: etoposide and DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE other podophilotoxins. INVENTION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES The present invention relates to stable chemically cross 60 linked networks (gels) of a polyelectrolyte wherein 'dan FIG. 1 shows previous structures (A.) (structure I) and gling chains of at least one amphiphilic co-polymer are (B.) (structure II) that result from the linking of amphiphilic bonded thereto through carbon-carbon bonding. The dan copolymers and polyelectrolyte though carbon-carbon gling chains are capable of forming intra-network micelle bonds. like aggregates. The aggregates possess the ability to imbibe FIG. 2 shows another previous structure (structure III) 65 a large quantity of for example, hydrophobic or amphiphilic that results from the linking of amphiphilic copolymers and compounds. Due to the formation of mixed aggregates, the polyelectrolyte though carbon-carbon bonds. responsive-microgel networks of the present invention dis US 7,204,997 B2 7 8 play linear and Sustained release of hydrophobic or micelle-like aggregates within the covalently cross-linked amphiphilic compounds in aqueous milieu. Further, the polymer network in aqueous solution. See, FIG. 3 (structure formation of micelle-like aggregates within the chemically of the responsive microgel). cross-linked polyelectrolyte network of the present inven The term “responsive' in reference to the microgel of the tion is reversible. present invention refers to reversible phase transition char The responsive microgel described herein is, for example, acteristics, e.g., volumetric change, which result from expo Sure to a change in one or more environmental factors under (1) able to imbibe large quantities of at least one ionic, aqueous conditions, such as temperature, pH, and ionic amphiphilic, or hydrophobic compound, and (2) forms conditions. The microgels operate as described herein within micelle-like aggregates within its structure when in aqueous 10 the temperature range of about -4° C. to about 55° C. Solution and (3) allows for a Sustained, Substantially linear preferably from about 0 to about 37°C. The microgels will release of the compound in vitro and/or in Vivo, for example, be collapsed at pH 1-3 such as in stomach and swollen at pH under the temperature, pH, and ionic composition of physi exceeding the pKa of their carboxylic groups, i.e. at pH>4.5 ological conditions. A preferred embodiment of the present (fully swollen at pH 7.4, for example). The gel is collapsed invention is method of delivering an effective amount of at 15 (swelling degree preferably not exceeding 50 V/v% of water least one therapeutic agent to a patient comprising admin per polymer) at acidic pH Such as in stomach, but fully istering an effective amount of a responsive microgel of the swollen (swelling degree preferably exceeding 100–5000 present invention, which comprises at least one therapeutic V/v% of liquid per polymer) in the intestine. The gels protect agent. The responsive microgels of the present invention are the therapeutic entity, e.g., embedded drug, and hold it Suitable for oral administration, for example, and hence the without release when collapsed, but rapidly release when oral delivery of therapeutic agents. Swollen. The range of operation of the microgels of the Drug release kinetics from example responsive microgels present invention are solutions of ionic strength preferably of the present invention are provided herein. Example I below 1 M, or from OM to 5 M, for example. A change in shows that loading of corresponding drugs into a responsive these environmental factor(s) affects the responsive micro 25 gel by causing the structure to undergo a reversible volu microgel greatly affected the kinetics of release. The drugs metric change in which the gel increases Volume by expand loaded into the microgel exhibited slow, sustained release ing (Swelling) or decreases Volume by collapsing kinetics. Kinetics of doxorubicin release from a responsive (contraction). microgel is shown in FIG. 7. Three cationic and one Phase transitions in gels may be explained, for example, uncharged drug was loaded onto the microgel in Example 30 by the following equation. One may determine the effect of VII, all of which are currently in clinical use as anticancer ionic groups on the reduced chemical potential (AL) for drugs. Doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, and mitomycin C are solvent in an isotropically swollengel network: mono-, di-, and trivalent cationic weak bases, respectively. Taxol is uncharged (hydrophobic). The ability of responsive microgels of the invention to effectively load and hold taxol. 35 Alt; combined with mucoadhesive properties is a feature impor Au = (a, -pi) / RT = ln(1 - v2) + v2 + xvi + f(A) + -RT = lna; tant for delivery of taxol and other hydrophobic solutes such as Steroid hormones. The taxol loading capacity provides additional evidence to the mechanism of taxol solubilization wherea is the activity of the solvent in the network, X is the into micelle-like aggregates within the responsive micro 40 interaction parameter, V2 is the Volume fraction of the gels. Drug loading via ion-exchange are illustrated using the polymer, f(w) is the function of the deformation tensor, AL, potent chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin. is the contribution to the total chemical potential by the The responsive microgel of the present invention com presence of ionic groups on the chains. prises two responsive components: An amphiphilic copoly Example I describes the favorable linear release of mono mer (nonionic copolymer) capable of aggregation in 45 meric PLURONIC(R) from the microgels. It was discovered response to a change in temperature; and, an ionizable, that PLURONIC(R) 161, for example, has exceptionally low covalently cross-linked polymeric network of monomers release rate and sustained release for over 10 days due to the which responds Volumetrically to changes in aqueous con formation of mixed micelles between added PLURONIC(R) ditions such as pH or ionic composition by Swelling or 161 and PLURONIC(R) covalently grafted to a poly(acrylic collapsing. Since both responsive components, i.e., the 50 acid) network in the process of synthesis. Such mixed, nonionic copolymer and the cross-linked polymermeric net immobile micelles can provide thermodynamically stable work of monomers which contain ionizable groups are environment for the PLURONICR) solute, making its effec bound through covalent bonds, each polymer has a chemical tive partition coefficient between micelles and water to be or mechanical influence over the swelling of the other very low. These results are unique and exceptionally well polymeric component. The resulting responsive microgel 55 Suited for the intended application of the novel microgels in exhibits Volumetric changes in response to variations in pH drug delivery. as well as temperature. See, Examples III-V. These respon Compositions sive microgel graft-comb copolymers dissolve freely in I. Ionizable Network aqueous solutions and self-assemble in response to changes The ionizable network is a covalently cross-linked in conditions such as pH and temperature. 60 homopolymeric network of ionizable monomers. The mono The microgel covalently cross-linked polymer network of mers of the ionizable network each contain at least one the present invention is comprised of at least one ionizable group. The ionizable network responds volumetri amphiphilic copolymer covalently attached (preferably a cally to changes in aqueous conditions such as pH or ionic carbon-carbon bond from a single terminal region of each composition by Swelling or collapsing. Preferred embodi amphiphilic copolymer) to an ionizable network (polyelec 65 ments of this polyelectrolyte network (onto which the trolyte). The amphiphilic copolymer forms the dangling amphiphilic copolymer dangling chains are attached via chain component of the responsive microgel which forms C-C bond to form the responsive microgel) are comprised US 7,204,997 B2 9 10 of a monomer selected from the group consisting essentially ethylaminoethyl 2-diisopropylaminoethyl 2-dibutylamino of (poly(acrylic acid), poly(methacrylic acid), poly(4-vi ethyl, 3-diethylamino-2-hydroxypropyl, N-ethyl-N-methy nylpyridinium alkyl halide), poly(sodium acrylate), poly laminoethyl, N-ethyl-N-methylaminopropyl, (sodium methacrylate), Sulfonated polyisoprene, and Sul 2-diethylhexylaminoethyl, 2-hydroxy-2-diethylaminoethyl, fonated polystyrene). 2-hydroxy-3-trimethylammonionopropyl, 2-hydroxy-3-tri Preferred polyanion-forming compounds include poly ethylammonionopropyl. 3-trimethylammonionopropyl. (acrylic acid), poly(methacrylic acid), and poly(2-ethy 2-hydroxy-3-pyridiniumpropyl and S.S.-dialkylthioni lacrylic acid); preferred polycation-forming compounds umalkyl. These derivatives may additionally comprise non include polyethyleneimine and polyethylenepiperazine. The ionic functional groups in various degrees of Substitution, hydrophilic blocks recited infra, (i.e., A. Hydrophilic Mono 10 Such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, 2-hydroxymethyl, mers and Polymers), can also be used in the compositions 2-hydroxypropyl and 2-hydroxybutyl groups, for example, described herein either as an element of the ionizable and also esters with aliphatic carboxylic acids (C. to Cs); network (polyelectrolyte). and also n,m-ionenes, poly(aniline); poly(pyrrole); poly A. Polyanion Forming Compounds (viologens) and also poly(amidoamines) based on pipera Ionizable compounds for the ionizable network of the 15 Zine. present invention also include, but are not limited to, polya II. Amphiphilic Copolymer nion-forming compounds such as poly(acrylic acid), poly A preferred amphiphilic copolymer (nonionic copolymer) (methacrylic acid), poly(maleic acid), poly(styrenesulfonic component for use in the methods and compositions in the acid), poly(itaconic acid), poly(vinyl Sulfate), poly(vinylsul present invention is a copolymer of an ionizable monomer fonic acid), poly(vinyl phosphate), poly(acrylic acid-co and a hydrophobic monomer. The amphiphilic copolymer is maleic acid), poly(styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic acid), preferably comprised of a nonionic hydrophilic monomer poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid), poly(phosphoric acid), poly and nonionic hydrophobic monomer. Amphiphilic copoly (silicic acid), hectorite, bentonite, alginic acid, pectic acid, mers for use in constructing microgels of the present inven kappa-, lambda- and iota-carrageenans, Xanthan, gum ara tion are selected from amphiphilic diblock copolymers, bic, dextran Sulfate, carboxymethyldextran, carboxymethyl 25 amphiphilic triblock copolymers, amphiphilic multiblock cellulose, cellulose Sulfate, cellulose Xanthogenate, starch copolymers, and amphiphilic graft copolymers. The Sulfate and starch phosphate, lignoSulfonates, karaya gum, amphiphilic copolymer is preferably a di- or triblock copoly polygalacturonic acid, polyglucuronic acid, polyguluronic mer. The amphiphilic copolymer is preferably comprised of acid, polymannuronic acid and copolymers thereof, chon (poly(ethylene oxide) and a monomer selected from the droitin Sulfate, heparin, heparan Sulfate, hyaluronic acid, 30 group consisting essentially of (poly(propylene oxide), poly dermatan Sulfate, keratan Sulfate; poly-(L)-glutamic acid, (butylene oxide), polystyrene, polyisobutylene, poly(methyl poly-(L)-aspartic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic methacrylate), and poly(tert-butyl acrylate)). acid, acidic gelatins (A-gelatins); starch, amylose, amy Amphiphilic copolymers for use in constructing respon lopectin, cellulose, guar, gum arabic, karayagum, guar gum, sive microgels of the present invention generally have a pullulan, Xanthan, dextran, curdlan, gellan, carubin, agarose, 35 molecular weight in the range of from about 200 to about as well as chitin and chitosan derivatives having the follow 1,000,000, preferably from about 500 to about 500,000, and ing functional groups in various degrees of Substitution: more preferably from about 200 to about 200,000. The carboxymethyl and carboxyethyl, carboxypropyl, 2-carbox amphiphilic copolymers generally have a hydrophilic/lipo yvinyl, 2-hydroxy-3-carboxypropyl, 1.3-dicarboxyisopro philic balance in the range of from about 0.001 to about 100. pyl, sulfomethyl, 2-sulfoethyl, 3-sulfopropyl, 4-sulfobutyl, 40 A preferred embodiment of the present invention com 5-sulfopentyl, 2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl, 2,2-disulfoethyl, prises an amphiphilic copolymer comprised of a diblock, 2-carboxy-2-sulfoethyl, maleate, Succinate, phthalate, glut triblock, or multiblock copolymer, preferably a diblock or arate, aromatic and aliphatic dicarboxylates, Xanthogenate, triblock copolymer, more preferably a diblock copolymer. A sulfate, phosphate, 2,3-dicarboxy, N,N-di(phosphatomethyl) particularly preferred embodiment comprises a triblock aminoethyl, N-alkyl-N-phosphatomethylaminoethyl. These 45 copolymer wherein one block comprises polyoxyethylene. derivatives may additionally comprise nonionic functional Another particularly preferred embodiment comprises a groups in various degrees of Substitution, Such as methyl, triblock copolymer wherein one block comprises polyox ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, 2-hydroxyethyl, 2-hydroxypropyl ypropylene. and 2-hydroxybutyl groups, for example, as well as esters Any of the hydrophilic blocks of various chemistry and with aliphatic carboxylic acids, e.g., (C. to Cs). 50 formula weight of the amphiphilic copolymers herein can be B. Polycation Forming Compounds used in combination with any of the hydrophobic blocks of Examples of polycation-forming compounds for the ion various chemistry and formula weight to compose an izable network of the present invention also include, but are amphiphilic dangling chain. The hydrophilic blocks not limited to, poly(alkyleneimines), especially poly(ethyl recited infra (i.e., A. Hydrophilic Monomers and Polymers) eneimine), poly-(4-vinylpyridine), poly(2-vinylpyridine), 55 can be used in the compositions described herein either as an poly(2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine), poly(4-vinyl-N-C-C- element of the ionizable network (polyelectrolyte) and/or an alkylpyridinium salt), poly(2-vinyl-N-C-Cis-alkylpyri element of an amphiphilic dangling chain copolymer. dinium salt), polyallylamine, polyvinylamine, aminoacety The hydrophilic blocks of the amphiphilic diblock, tri lated polyvinyl alcohol; the polysulfone dialkylammonium block, or multiblock copolymers can have formula weights salts; basic proteins, poly-(L)-lysine, poly-(L)-arginine, poly 60 in the range from about 200 to about 500,000, preferably (ornithine), basic gelatins (B-gelatins), chitosan; chitosan from about 2,500 to about 250,000, more preferably from with various degrees of acetylation; starch, amylose, amy about 500 to about 100,000. The hydrophobic blocks of the lopectin, cellulose, guar, gum arabic, karayagum, guar gum, amphiphilic diblock, triblock, or multiblock copolymers dextran, pullulan, Xanthan, curdlan, gellan, carubin, agarose, useful in the present invention can have formula weights in as well as chitin and chitosan derivatives having the follow 65 the range of from about 1,000 to about 500,000, preferably ing functional groups in various degrees of Substitution: from about 2,500 to about 250,000, more preferably from 2-aminoethyl, 3-aminopropyl, 2-dimethylaminoethyl 2-di about 500 to about 100,000. US 7,204,997 B2 11 12 Amphiphilic graft copolymers useful in the present inven D-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-phthalimidomethyl-L- tion possess rotatable side chain block regions that can rotate glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-N-amyl-L-glutamic acid), or fold to become part of the aggregates within the microgels Poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-m- of the present invention. The number of side chains present chloro-benzyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-o-chloro in each of the amphiphilic graft copolymers can be in the benzyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-p-chloro-benzyl range of from about 1 to about 10000. The formula weights L-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-N-butyl-L-glutamic acid), of the various blocks in the amphiphilic copolymers can be Poly(gamma-N-dodecyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma varied independently of each other. N-ethyl-L-glutamic acid), Polygamma-N-(2-chloro A. Hydrophilic Monomers and Polymers ethyl)-L-glutamic acid, Polygamma-N-(2-phenyl Examples of monomer repeat units that can be used in the 10 ethyl)-L-glutamic acid, Poly(gamma-N-hexyl-L- preparation of hydrophilic blocks of the amphiphilic copoly glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-methyl-L-glutamic acid), mer (or as monomers of the ionizable network) are set forth Poly(gamma-methyl-L-glutamic acid), dimethylphthalate as follows. Poly(acrylic acid) and poly(metal acrylates) are complex, Poly(gamma-N-octyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly preferred. (gamma-N-propyl-L-glutamic acid), Polygamma-N-(3- 1. Example Monomer Units Useful as Repeat Units in 15 phenyl-propyl)-L-glutamic acid, Poly(L-glutamine), Hydrophilic Blocks PolyN5-(4-hydroxybutyl)-L-glutamine, PolyN5-(2-hy Polyacrylic acid Poly(metal acrylate), M-Li, Na, K, Cs droxyethyl)-L-glutamine, PolyN5-(3-hydroxypropyl)- Polyacrylamide Poly(methacrylic acid), R=H, alkyl L-glutamine, Poly(D-glutamyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly Poly(metal methacrylate) Polymethacrylamide (gamma-benzyl-D-glutamyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly M=Li, Na, K, Cs R=H, alkyl (gamma-ethyl-D-glutamyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly Polystyrene sulfonic acid Polystyrene sulfonic acid metal gamma-(2-phenyl-ethyl)-D-glutamyl-L-glutamic acid. salt, M=Li, Na, K, Cs Poly(L-histidine), Poly(1-benzyl-L-histidine), Poly(L- Polystyrene carboxylic acid Polystyrene carboxylic acid, histidine), hydrochloride, Poly(gamma-hydroxy-L-alpha metal salt M=Li, Na, K, Cs aminovaleric acid), Poly(L-lysine), Poly(E-benzyloxycar Poly(vinyl alcohol), R=H, alkyl 25 bonyl-L-lysine), Poly(L-lysine), hydrobromide, Poly(L- Poly(4-vinyl-N-alkylpyridinium halide), R=H, alkyl methionine-s-carboxymethylthetin), Poly(L-methionine Poly(2-vinyl-N-alkylpyridinium halide)\Poly(hydroxyethyl S-methylsulfonium ), Poly(L-serine), Poly methacrylate) (gamma-hydroxy-L-proline), Poly(hydroxymethylene), Poly(itaconic acid) Poly(1-hydroxytrimethylene), Poly(3,3-bishydroxymeth Poly(N.N.N-trialkyl-4-vinylphenylammonium halide) 30 yltrimethylene oxide), Poly(3-hydroxytrimethylene Poly(N.N.N-trialkyl-4-vinylbenzylammonium halide) oxide), Poly(vinyl alcohol), Poly(ethylene glycol), Poly Percent quaternization 10% to 70% (2-methyl-vinyl alcohol), Poly(hydroxymethylene), Poly Poly(N.N.N-trialkyl-4-vinylphenethylammonium halide) (cinnamic acid), Poly(crotonic acid), Poly(3-bromo Poly(L-glutamic acid) Poly(L-aspartic acid) Hyaluronic acid acrylic acid), Poly(3-ethyl acrylic acid), Poly(N-acetyl 35 alpha-amino acrylic acid), Poly(alpha-bromoacrylic Amino acids used to compose hydrophilic blocks of the acid), Poly(alpha-chloroacrylic acid), Poly(alpha-fluoro amphiphilic copolymer: acrylic acid), Poly(sodium alpha-chloroacrylate), Poly(3- Serine Threonine oxa-5-hydroxypentyl methacrylate), Poly(2-hydroxyethyl Tyrosine Lysine acrylate), Poly(2-hydroxypropyl acrylate), Poly(beta Arginine Histidine 40 chloro-2-hydroxypropyl acrylate), PolyN-(2-hydroxy Aspartic acid Glutamic acid ethyl)-3,6-dichlorocarbazolyl acrylate, PolyN-(2-hy 2. Example Polymers Useful as Hydrophilic Blocks droxyethyl)carbazolyl acrylate. Poly(acryloyl-beta Polymers as hydrophilic blocks of the nonionic copoly hydroxyethyl-3,5-dimitrobenzoat), Poly(methacryloyl mer (amphiphilic copolymer) for employment in the 'dan beta-hydroxyethyl-3,5-dimitrobenzoat), Poly(N-(2- gling chains of the responsive microgel of the present 45 hydroxyethyl)carbazolyl methacrylate), Poly(2- invention also include, but are not limited to: hydroxyethyl methacrylate), Poly(2-hydroxypropyl Poly(sodium 1-carboxylatoethylene), Poly(5-hydroxy-1- methacrylate), Poly(3-methoxy-2-hydroxypropyl meth pentene), 5.8-poly-5,7-dodecadiynediol, 10, 13-poly-10, acrylate), Poly 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyridiniumbenzene 12-heptacosadiynoic acid, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienedioic sulfonate methacrylate. Poly 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)trim acid, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic acid, (6-amino)-2,5-poly 50 ethylammoniumbenzene sulfonate methacrylate, Poly 2.4-hexadienoic acid, (6-amino)2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic N-(2-hydroxyethyl)phthalimido methacrylate, PolyIN acid, hydrochloride, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadiynediol, 10,13 (hydroxyethyl)carbazolyl methacrylate. Poly(N-ethyl-3- poly-10.12-nonacosadiynoic acid, 2.5-poly-2,4,6-oc hydroxymethylcarbazolyl methacrylate), Poly(2-sulfonic tatriynediol. 10, 13-poly-10.12-pentacosadiynoic acid, acid-ethyl methacrylate), Poly(2-trimethylammonium 2.5-poly-5-phenyl-2,4-pentadienoicacid, Poly(2-ami 55 ethyl methacrylate chloride), Poly(2-trimethylammoni noisobutyric acid), dichloroacetic acid complex, Poly(L- ummethyl methacrylate chloride), Poly(methacryloni arginine), Poly(L-nitroarginine), Poly(L-aspartic acid), trile), Poly(thiolacrylic acid), Poly(acrylonitrile), Poly Poly(beta-benzyl-L-aspartic acid), Polybeta-(p-chloro (acrylamide), Poly(methacrylamide), Poly(N.N- benzyl)-L-aspartic acid, Poly(beta-ethyl-L-aspartic dimethylacrylamide), Poly(N-methylol)acrylamide, acid), Polybeta-(2-phenyl-ethyl)-L-aspartic acid, Poly 60 Poly N-methoxymethyl methacrylamide, Poly(N-methyl (alpha-isobutyl-L-aspartic acid), Poly(beta-N-propyl-L- methacrylamide), Poly(N-2-methoxyethyl methacryla aspartic acid), Poly(2,4-diaminobutyric acid), Poly(N- mide), PolyN-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide, Poly benzyloxycarbonyl-2,4-diaminobutyric acid), Poly(D- (2-methylpropanesulfonate sodium 2-acrylamido), Poly glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-benzyl-D-glutamic acid), (2-methylpropanesulfonic acid 2-acrylamido), Poly(p- Poly(gamma-m-chloro-benzyl-D-glutamic acid), Poly 65 amino)-styrene. Poly4-(4-hydroxybutoxymethyl) (gamma-o-chloro-benzyl-D-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma styrene, Poly4-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)styrene, Poly p-chloro-benzyl-D-glutamic acid), Poly(gamma-methyl 4-(2-hydroxyiminoethyl)styrene, Poly4-(1- US 7,204,997 B2 13 14 hydroxyiminoethyl)styrene, Poly4-(n-2-hydroxybutyl) yldimethyl acryloyl ammonium chloride), Poly(4-vi styrene, Poly4-(1-hydroxy-3-dimethylaminopropyl)sty nylphenethyldimethyl allyl ammonium chloride), Poly rene, Poly 4-(1-hydroxy-1-methylbutyl)styrene, Poly (vinyl acetate), Poly(vinyl butyral), Poly(acetaldehyde), 4-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)styrene, Poly4-(1-hy Poly(ethylene oxide), Poly(2-cyanoethyloxymethylene droxy-1-methylhexyl)styrene, Poly4-(1-hydroxy-1- oxide), Poly(methoxymethyl)ethylene oxide, Poly(m- methylpentyl)styrene, Poly4-(1-hydroxy-1- ethylene sulfide), Poly(ethylene disulfide), Poly(ethylene methylpropyl)styrene, Poly(2-hydroxymethylstyrene), sulfide), Poly(ethylene tetrasulfide), Poly(methylene dis Poly(3-hydroxymethylstyrene), Poly(4-hydroxymethyl ulfide), Poly(trimethylene disulfide), Poly(ethylene styrene), Poly(4-hydroxy styrene), Polyp-1-(2-hydroxy amine), Poly(propylene amine), Poly(4-vinyl-N-meth butyl)-styrene, Polyp-1-(2-hydroxypropyl)-styrene, 10 ylpyridinium chloride), Poly(4-vinyl-N-ethylpyridinium Polyp-2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-styrene, Poly4-(1-hy chloride), Poly4-(2-dimethylaminoethoxycarbonyl)sty droxy-3-morpholinopropyl)styrene, Poly4-(1-hydroxy rene, hydrochloride, Poly(4-vinylpyridine), hydrogen 3-piperidinopropyl)styrene, Poly(p-octylamine Sulfonate chloride, Poly(4-vinyl-N-vinylbenzylpyridinium chlo styrene), Poly(2-carboxystyrene), Poly(4-carboxysty ride), Poly(4-vinyl-N-methacryloylpyridinium chloride), rene), Poly(styrene sulfonic acid), Poly(vinyl sulfonic 15 Poly(4-vinyl-N-acryloylpyridinium chloride), Poly(4-vi acid), PolyN-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide, Poly nyl-N-allylpyridinium chloride), Poly(2-vinyl-N-meth oxy (hydroxyphosphinylidene), Poly(9-Vinyladenine), ylpyridinium chloride), Poly(2-vinyl-N-ethylpyridinium Poly(vinyl ), Poly(vinylpyrrolidone), Poly(vi chloride), Poly(2-vinyl-N-vinylbenzylpyridinium chlo nyl succinamic acid), Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Poly ride), Poly(2-vinyl-N-methacryloylpyridinium chloride), (methacrylic acid), Poly(itaconic acid), Poly(glycidyl Poly(2-vinyl-N-acryloylpyridinium chloride), Poly(2-vi methyl itaconate), Poly(monomethyl itaconate), Poly N nyl-N-allylpyridinium chloride), and Poly(2-vinylpyri (p-chlorophenyl)itaconimide, PolyN-(p-tolyl)itaconim dine) hydrogen chloride. ide, PolyN-(2-chloroethyl)itaconimide, PolyN-(4-ac B. Hydrophobic Monomers and Polymers etoxyphenyl)itaconimide. PolyN-(4-chlorophenyl) The hydrophobic blocks of the amphiphilic diblock, tri itaconimide. PolyN-(4-ethoxycarbonylphenyl) 25 block, or multiblock copolymers useful in the present inven itaconimide, Poly(N-benzylitaconimide), Poly(N- tion can have formula weights in the range of from about butylitaconimide), Poly(N-ethylitaconimide), Poly(N- 500 to about 500,000, preferably from about 500 to about isopropylitaconimide), Poly(N-isobutylitaconimide), 250,000, more preferably from about 500 to about 100,000. Poly(N-methylitaconimide), Poly(N-naphthylitaconim Examples of monomer repeat units that can be used in the ide), Poly(N-phenylitaconimide), Poly(N-propylitacon 30 preparation of hydrophobic blocks are set forth as follows. imide), Poly(N-tolylitaconimide), Poly(alpha-chlorovinyl 1. Example Monomers Units Useful as Repeat Units in acetic acid), Poly(carboxychloromethyl ethylene), Poly Hydrophobic Blocks or Hydrophobic Repeat Units (4-vinyl ), Poly(o-hydroxy-vinylphenylketone), Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene) Poly(caprolactam), R-H, CH, Poly(alpha-phenylvinyl phosphonic acid), Poly(1,2,5-tri alkyl, or aryl group methyl-4,4i-hydroxypyridiumchlorideethynyl)ethylene, 35 Polystyrene Poly(amide) Poly(allyl alcohol), Poly(acrylic acid), PolyI2-(3-sodium poly(p-X-styrene), X-alkyl, CH, t-Bu, O CH, CH, C1, Cl, sulfonato-2-methylpropyl)methacrylamide, Poly(3-so CN, CHO dium sulfonatopropyl methacrylate), Poly(3-oxa-5-hy poly(alpha-methylstyrene) droxypentyl methacrylate), Poly(diethyleneglycol poly(4-vinylpyridine) poly(2-vinylpyridine) dimethacrylate), Poly(trimethyleneglycol dimethacry 40 polybutadiene polybutadiene late), Poly(triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate), Poly(ethyl 1,4-addition 1,2-addition eneglycol N-phenylcarbamate methacrylate), Poly(acry polyisoprene polychloroprene loyl-L-glutamic acid), Poly(methacryloyl-L-glutamic polyethylene polypropylene polyvinylchloride acid), Poly(butadiene-1-carboxylic acid), Poly(crotonate polyvinylidenechloride polyvinylfluoride acid), Poly(trans-4-ethoxy-2,4-pentadienoicacid), Poly 45 polyvinylidenefluoride polyhexafluoropropene (alpha-phenylvinyl phosphonic acid), Poly(Vinylbenzoic polypropyleneoxide polypropyleneoxide acid), Poly(2-acryloyloxybenzoic acid), Poly 1-(2-hy poly(N-vinylcarbazol) polytetrafluoroethane droxyethylthio)-1,3-butadiene, Poly(2,5-dicarboxylic polysiloxane acid-1-hexene), Poly(3-hydroxyisoprene), Poly(alpha polyacrylates phenylvinylphosphonic acid), Poly(2-chloro-3-hydroxy 50 R=CH, alkyl or aryl group R=CH, any alkyl or aryl group ), Poly(2-p-vinylphenylpropanol), Poly(o-hy R'=CH, alkyl or aryl group R=CH, CH, CH, t-Butyl, any droxy-vinylphenylketone), Poly(1-vinyl-3-benzyl-imida alkyl or aryl group Zolium chloride), Poly(4-vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium Amino acids used to compose hydophobic blocks of the chloride), Poly(4-vinylbenzyldimethyl vinylbenzyl amphiphilic copolymer: ammonium chloride), Poly(4-vinylbenzyldimethyl meth 55 acryloyl ammonium chloride), Poly(4-vinylbenzyldim Alanine Valine ethyl acryloyl ammonium chloride), Poly(4-vinylben Leucine Tryptophan Zyldimethyl allyl ammonium chloride), Poly(4- Phenylalanine Methionine vinylphenyltrimethylammonium chloride), Poly(4- Proline vinylphenyl dimethyl vinylbenzyl ammonium chloride), 60 2. Example Polymers Useful as Hydrophobic Blocks Poly(4-vinylphenyl dimethyl methacryloyl ammonium Polymers as hydrophobic blocks of the nonionic copoly chloride), Poly(4-vinylphenyl dimethyl acryloyl ammo mer (amphiphilic copolymer) for employment in the 'dan nium chloride), Poly(4-vinylphenyl dimethyl allyl ammo gling chains of the responsive microgel of the present nium chloride), Poly(4-vinylphenyltrimethylammonium invention also include, but are not limited to: chloride), Poly(4-vinylphenethyldimethyl vinylbenzyl 65 Polythio(2-chlorotrimethylene)thiotrimethylene, Polythio ammonium chloride), Poly(4-vinylphenethyldimethyl (1-iodiethylene)thio(5-bromo-3-chloropentamethylene), methacryloyl ammonium chloride), Poly(4-vinylpheneth Polyimino(1-oxoethylene)silylenetrimethylene, Poly US 7,204,997 B2 15 16 (oxyiminomethylenehydrazomethylene), Polyoxy(1,1- serine), Poly(o-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-tyrosine), Poly(s- dichloroethylene)imino(1-oxoethylene), Poly (6-chloro benzyloxycarbonyl-L-cysteine), Poly(s-benzylthio-L- 1-cyclohexen-1,3-ylene)-1-bromoethylene, Poly cysteine), Poly(methylphosphinidene-trimethylene), (dimethylimino)ethylenebromide, Poly Polymalonate, Polysuccinate, Polyglutarate, Polyadipate, (oxycarbonyloxymethyl)ethylene. Poly(1,1- 5 Poly(methylene), Poly(diphenylmethylene), Poly(di-p- dimethylethylene), Poly(1-methyl-butenylene), Poly(2- tolyl-methylene), Poly(ethylene), Poly(chlorotrifluoroet propyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-diyl) methylene, Poly 1 hylene), Poly(1-butoxy-2-methyl-ethylene), Poly(1-t-bu (methoxycarbonyl)ethylene, Poly(glycyl-6- toxy-2-methyl-ethylene), Poly(1-ethoxy-2-methoxy aminocaproic acid), Poly(glycyl-6-aminocaproic acid-3- ethylene), Poly(1-ethoxy-2-methyl-ethylene), Poly(1- amino-propionic acid), Poly(L-alanyl-4-aminobutyric 10 isobutoxy-2-methyl-ethylene), Poly(1-isopropoxy-2- acid), Poly(L-alanyl-6-aminocaproic acid), Poly(L-ala methyl-ethylene), Poly(1-methoxy-2-methyl-ethylene), nyl-3-aminopropionic acid), Poly(L-alanyl-5-aminova Poly(1-methyl-2-propoxy-ethylene), Poly(tetrafluoroeth leric acid), Poly(2-aminocyclopentylenecarboxy acid), ylene), Poly(trifluoroethylene), Poly(butylethylene), Poly Poly(2-aminoethylenesulfonic acid), Poly(3-aminopropi (t-butylethylene), Poly(cyclohexylethylene), Poly(2-cy onic acid), Poly(1-methyl-3-aminopropionic acid), Poly 15 clohexylethylene), Poly(cyclohexylmethyl)ethylene, (3-aminocyclobutylene)-propionic acid, Poly(2,2-dim Poly(3-cyclohexylpropylethylene), Poly(decylethylene), ethyl-3-aminocyclobutylene)-propionic acid, Poly(2- Poly(dodecylethylene), Poly(isobutyl ethylene), Poly aminoisobutyric acid), Poly(3-aminobutyric acid), Poly (neopentylethylene), Poly(4,4-dimethylpentylethylene), (4-aminobutyric acid), Poly(5-aminovaleric acid), Poly Poly(nonylethylene), Poly(octylethylene), Poly(propyl (6-aminocaproic acid), Poly(D-(-)-3-methyl-6- ethylene), Poly(propyl-2-propylene), Poly(tetradecyleth aminocaproic acid), Poly(6-methyl-6-aminocaproic acid), ylene), Poly(vinylbromide), Poly(N-vinyl carbazole), Poly(6-aminothiocaproic acid), Poly(7-aminoenanthic Poly(vinyl chloride), Poly(vinyl fluoride), Poly(vi acid), Poly((R)-3-methyl-7-aminoenanthic acid), Poly nylidene bromide), Poly(vinylidene chloride), Poly(vi ((S)-4-methyl-7-aminoenanthic acid), Poly((R)-5-methyl nylidene fluoride), Poly(vinylcyclobutane), Poly(vinylcy 7-aminoenanthic acid), Poly((R)-6-methyl-7-aminoe 25 cloheptane), Poly(vinylcyclohexane), Poly(o-methoxy nanthic acid), Poly(N-methyl-7-aminoenanthic acid), vinylcyclohexane), Poly(3-methyl-vinylcyclohexane), Poly(7-aminothioenanthic acid), Poly(8-aminocaprylic Poly(4-methyl-vinylcyclohexane), Poly(vinylcyclohex acid), Poly(9-aminopelargonic acid), Poly(10-aminoca ene), Poly(vinylcyclohexylketone), Poly(vinylcyclopen pric acid), Poly(11-aminoundecanoic acid), Poly(N-allyl tane), Poly3-(2-vinyl)-6-methyl pyridazinone, Poly(3- 11-aminoundecanoic acid), Poly(N-ethyl-11-aminounde 30 (2-vinyl)-6-methyl-4,5-pyridaZinone, Poly canoic acid), Poly(2-methyl-11-aminoundecanoic acid), (cyclopentylmethylethylene), Poly(heptylethylene), Poly Poly(N-methyl-11-aminoundecanoic acid), Poly(N-phe (hexyldecylethylene), Poly(hexylethylene), Poly nyl-11-aminoundecanoic acid), Poly(N-piperazinyl-11 (cyclohexylethylene), Poly(cyclopentylethylene), Poly aminoundecanoic acid), Poly(12-aminolauric acid), Poly (cyclopropylethylene), Poly(isopentylethylene), Poly (aminoformic acid), Poly(N-butyl-aminoformic acid), 35 (isopropylethylene), Poly(3,3-dimethylbutylethylene), Poly(2-methyl-N-butyl-aminoformic acid), Poly(N-phe Poly(isohexylethylene), Poly(1,1-dimethylethylene), nyl-aminoformic acid), Polyimino-(1-oxo-2,3-dimethyl Poly(benzylethylene), Poly(N-carbazoylylethylene), Poly trimethylene), Polyimino-(1-oxo-3-ethyltrimethylene), (ferrocenylethylene), Poly(indazol-2-ylethylene), Poly Polyimino-(1-oxo-4-methylhexamethylene), Poly dimethylamino(ethoxy)phosphinylethylene, Polydim imino-(1-oxo-3-methylhexamethylene), Polyimino-(1- 40 ethylamino(phenoxy)phosphinylethylene, Poly(4.4- oxo-5-methylhexamethylene), Polyimino-(1-oxo-3-me dimethyl-oxazolonylethylene), Poly(4,4-dimethyl thyl-6-isopropylhexam ethylene), Polyimino-(1-oxo-3- oxazolonyl-2-propylene), Poly(2-methyl-5-pyridyl) methyltrimethylene). Polyimino-(1-oxo-3- ethylene, Poly(2-methyl-6-pyridyl)ethylene, Poly(2,4- vinyltrimethylene), PolyIN-(2-methylbutyl) dimethyl-1,3,5-triazinylethylene), Poly(1- iminocarbonyl, PolyN-(phenylpropyl)iminocarbonyl, 45 naphthylethylene), Poly(2-naphthylethylene), Poly Poly(N-methyldodecane lactam), Poly(L-alanine), Poly (phenethylethylene), Poly(phenethylmethylethylene), (beta-L-alanine), Poly(N-methyl-L-alanine), Poly(L-phe Poly(phenylacetylene), Poly(diphenylphosphinylethyl nylalanine), Poly(2-butyl-2-methyl-beta-alanine), Poly(2, ene), Poly(phenylvinylene), Poly(phthalimidoethylene), 2-dimethyl-beta-alanine), Poly(3,3-dimethyl-beta Poly(2-pyridylethylene), Poly(4-pyridylethylene), Poly alanine), Poly(2-ethyl-2-methyl-beta-alanine), Poly(2- 50 (N-pyrrolidinylethylene), Poly(m-tolylmethylethylene), methyl-2-propyl-beta-alanine), Poly(N-isopropyl-beta Poly(o-tolylmethylethylene), Poly(p-tolylmethylethyl alanine), Poly(3-methyl-beta-alanine), Poly(N-methyl ene), Poly(vinyltrimethylgermanium), Poly(vinylcyclo beta-alanine), Poly(N-phenyl-beta-alanine), Poly ), Poly(N-vinyldiphenylamine), Poly(1-vinylene (mathacryloyl-D-alanine), Poly(M-methacryloyl-L- 3-cyclopentylene), Poly(o-hydroxy-vinylphenylketone), alanine), Poly(L-cysteine), Poly(L-glycine), Poly(L- 55 Poly(3-vinyl pyrene), Poly(2-vinylpyridine), Poly(4-vi leucine), Poly(isoleucine), Poly(N-trifluoroacetal-L- nylpyridine), Poly(2-vinyl-5-methylpyridine), Poly(2-vi lysine), Poly(N-carbobenzoxy-L-lysine), Poly nyl-5-ethylpyridine), Poly(1-cyano-2-phenylvlnylene), (methionine), Poly(L-tyrosine), Poly(o-acetal Poly(vinyl 3-trimethylsilylbenzoat), Poly(vinylfuran), hydroxyproline), Poly(o-acetal-L-serine), Poly(alpha Poly(vinylindole), Poly(2-vinyltetrahydrofuran), Poly(N- amino-n-butyric acid), Poly(s-carbobenzoxymethyl-L- 60 vinylphthalimide), Poly(1-vinylimidazlo), Poly(1-vinyl cysteine), Poly(3,4-dihydro-L-proline), Poly(o-p- 2-methyl ), Poly(5-vinyl-2-methylpyridine), tolylsulfonyloxy-L-proline), Poly(gamma-hydroxy-o- Poly(1-vinylnaphthalene), Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene), acetyl-L-alpha-aminovaleric acid), Poly(L-valine), Poly Poly(5-vinyl-2-picoline), Poly(3-vinylpyrene), Poly(2-vi (L-proline), Poly(L-proline), acid complex, Poly(L- nylpyridine), Poly(4-vinylpyridine), Poly(2-methyl-5-vi proline), acetic acid complex, Poly(L-proline), formic 65 nylpyridine), Poly(N-vinyl carbazole), Poly(1-vinyl acid complex, Poly(L-proline), propionic acid complex, naphthalene), Poly(styryl pyridine), Poly(N-vinyl succin Poly(o-acetyl-hydroxy-L-proline), Poly(o-acetyl-L- imide), Poly(1,3-divinyl-imidazolid-2-one), Poly(1-ethyl US 7,204,997 B2 17 18 3-vinyl-imidazolid-2-one), Poly(p-vinyl benzophenone), tetramethylvaleryloxy)ethylene, Poly Poly(vinyl N,N-diethyl-carbamate), Poly(vinyl cyman (nicotinoyloxyethylene), Poly(nitratoethylene), Poly(3- trene), Polyvinyl-tris(trimethoxysiloxy)silane. Poly(al nitrobenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(4-nitrobenzoyloxy) pha-chlorovinyl triethoxysilane), Poly(p-vinylbenzyleth ethylene, Poly(4-phenylbenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly ylcarbinol), Poly(p-vinylbenzylmethylcarbinol), Poly (pivaloyloxyethylene), Poly(4-propionyloxybenzoyloxy) (divinylaniline), Poly(vinylferrocene), Poly(9- ethylene, Poly(propionyloxyethylene), Poly(4-p- vinylanthracene), Poly(vinylmercaptobenzimidazole), toluoylbutyryloxy)ethylene, Poly(1,2- Poly(vinylmercaptobenzoxazole), Poly(vinylmercapto diethoxycarbonyl)ethylene, Poly(1,2- benzothiazole), Poly(p-vinyl benzophenone), Poly(2-vi dimethoxycarbonyl)ethylene, Poly(1,2- nyl quinoline), Poly(vinylidene cyanide), Poly(1,2,5-tri 10 dipropoxycarbonyl)ethylene, Poly(2- methyl-vinylethylnyl-4-piperidinol), Poly(2-vinyl-1,1- bromotetrafluoroethyliminotetrafluoroethylene), Poly dichlorocyclopropane), Poly(2-vinyl-2-methyl-4,4,6,6- (biphenyl-4-yl)-ethylene, Poly(2- tetraphenylcyclotrisiloxane), Poly(N-vinyl-N- chloroethoxyethylene), Poly(hexadecyloxyethylene), methylacetamide), Poly(triethoxysilyl ethylene), Poly Poly(isobutoxyethylene), Poly(1-methoxycarbonyl-1- (trimethoxysilyl ethylene), Poly(1-acetoxy-1- 15 phenylethylene), Poly(9-acrydinylethylene), Poly(4- cyanoethylene), Poly(1,1-dichloroethylene), Poly(1,1- methoxybenzylethylene), Poly(3,6-dibromocarbazoyl) dichloro-2-fluoroethylene), Poly(1,1-dichloro-2,2- ethylene Poly(propylene oxide) Poly difluoroethylene), Poly(1,2-dichloro-1,2- (dimethylpentylsilylethylene), Poly(3,5- difluoroethylene), Poly(pentafluoroethyl)ethylene, Poly dimethylpyrozoylylethylene), Poly(2-diferrocenyl-furyl (tetradecafluoropentylethylene), Poly methylene), Poly(ethoxyoxaloyloxymethyl ethylene), (hexafluoropropylene), Poly(2,3,3,3- Poly(9-ethyl-3-carbazoyl ethylene), Poly(fluorenylethyl tetrafluoropropylene), Poly(3,3,3-trifluoropropylene), ene), Poly(imidazoethylene), Poly(8-methoxycarbony Poly(heptafluoropropyl)ethylene, Poly(2-iodoethyleth loctyl)ethylene, Poly(1-methoxy-4-naphthyl ethylene), ylene), Poly(9-iodononylethylene), Poly(3-iodopropyl Poly(2-methyl-5-pyridyl ethylene), Poly(propoxyoxaloy ethylene), Poly(2-acetoxybenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(4- 25 loxymethyl ethylene), Poly(1,1-diphenyl-2-vinylcyclo acetoxybenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(1-acetylindazol-3- propane), Poly(p-anthrylphenylethylene), Poly 1-(N- ylcarbonyloxy) ethylene, Poly(4- ethyl-N-(1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxacyclopentadecyl)- benzoylbutyryloxyethylene), Poly(3- carbamoyl)ethylene. Poly(N-carbazolylcarbonyl bromobenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(4- ethylene), Poly(morpholinocarbonyl ethylene), Poly(pip bromobenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(t- 30 eridinocarbonyl ethylene), Poly(N-benztriazolylethyl butoxycarbonylamino)ethylene. Poly(4-t- ene), PolyI6-(N-carbazoyl)hexyl ethylene, Poly(2,4- butylbenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(4- dimethyl-6-triazinylethylene), Poly butyryloxybenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(2- (diphenylthiophosphinylideneethylene), Poly(2-methyl chlorobenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(3- 5-pyridylethylene), Poly(N-thiopyrrolidonylethylene), chlorobenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(4- 35 Poly(N-1,2,4-triazolylethylene), Poly(phenothiazinyl eth chlorobenzoyloxyethylene), Poly ylene), Poly(L-menthyloxycarbonylaminoethylene), Poly (cyclohexanoyloxyethylene), Poly (N-3-methyl-2-pyrrolidone ethylene), Poly(p-vinyl-1,1- (cyclohexylacetoxyethylene), Poly(4- diphenyl ethylene), Poly(S-vinyl-O-ethylthioacetal cyclohexylbutyryloxyethylene), Poly formaldehyde), Poly(N-vinylphthalimide), PolyN-(4-vi (cyclopentanoyloxyethylene), Poly 40 nylphenyl)phthalimide, PolyI2-methyl-5-(4-vinyl)phe (cyclopentylacetoxyethylene), Poly(4- nyltetrazole, Poly5-phenyl-2-(4-vinyl)phenyltetrazole, ethoxybenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(4- Poly(N.N-methyl-vinyltoluenesulfonamide), Polyallene, ethylbenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(2-ethyl-2,3,3- Poly(1-), Poly(1-bromo-1-butene), Poly(1-butyl-1- trimethylbutyryloxy)ethylene, Poly butene), Poly(1-t-butyl-1-butene), Poly(1-chloro-1- (trifluoroacetoxyethylene), Poly 45 butene), Poly(2-chloro-1,4,4-trifluoro-1-butene), Poly(1- (heptafluorobutylryloxyethylene), Poly decyl-1-butene), Poly(1-ethyl-butene), Poly(1,4,4- (undecafluorodecanoyloxy)ethylene. Poly trifluoro-1-butene), Poly(octafluoro-1-butene), Poly(1- (nonadecafluorodecanoyloxy)ethylene, Poly heptyl-1-butene), Poly(4-p-chlorophenyl-1-butene), Poly (undecafluorohexanoyloxy)ethylene. Poly (4-p-methoxyphenyl-1-butene), Poly(4-cyclohexyl-1- (pentadecafluorooctanyloxy)ethylene. Poly 50 butene), Poly(4-phenyl-1-butene), Poly(2-butene), Poly (pentafluoropropionyloxy)ethylene, Poly (isoprene), Poly(3-acetoxyisoprene), Poly(1-isopropyl-1- (heptafluoroisopropoxy)ethylene. Poly butene), Poly(3-(1-cyclohexenyl)isopropenyl acetate. (formyloxyethylene), Poly(isonicotinoyloxyethylene), Poly(4-methoxy-1-butene), Poly(4-methoxyyarbonyl-3- Poly(4-isopropylbenzoyloxyethylene), Poly(2-isopro methyl-1-butene), Poly(1,2-dimethyl-butene), Poly(1- pyl-2,3-dimethylbutyryloxy)ethylene, Poly(2-methoxy 55 phenyl-butene), Poly(1-propyl-butene), Poly(3-methyl)- benzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(3-methoxybenzoyloxy)eth 1-butene), Poly(4-methyl)-1-butene), Poly(4-phenyl)- ylene, Poly(4-methoxybenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(2- 1-butene), Poly(4-cyclohexyl)-1-butene), Poly(4-N,N- methylbenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(3- diisopropylamino)-1-butene), Poly(3,3-dimethyl)-1- methylbenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(4- butene), Poly(3-phenyl)-1-butene), Poly(4-o-tolyl)-1- methylbenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(1- 60 butene), Poly(4-p-tolyl)-1-butene), Poly(4.4.4- methylcyclohexanoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(3,3-dimethyl trifluoro)-1-butene), Poly(3-trifluoromethyl)-1- 3-phenylpropionyloxyethylnene), Poly(3- butene), Poly(4-trimethylsilyl)-1-butene, Poly(1,3,3- trimethylsilylbenzoyloxy)ethylene, Poly(4- trimethylbutene), Poly(1,4-p-methoxyphenylbutene), trimethylsilylbenzoyloxy)ethylene), Poly(2,2- Poly(1,4-p-chlorophenylbutene), Poly(1,4-cyclohexyl dimethylvaleryloxy)ethylene, Poly(2,2,3,3- 65 butene), Poly(1,4-phenylbutene), Poly(1,2-diethyl tetramethylvaleryloxy)ethylene, Poly(2,2,3,4- butene), Poly(2,2-dimethylbutene), Poly(1..3-cyclobuty tetramethylvaleryloxy)ethylene, Poly(2,2,4,4- lene), Poly(1-cyano)-1,3-cyclobutylene, Poly(N- US 7,204,997 B2 19 20 butenyl carbazole), Poly(1-decene), Poly(1-docosene), (allylbenzene), Poly(acetylene), Poly(beta Poly(dodecamethylene), Poly(1.2-chloro-dodecamethyl iodophenylacetylene), Poly(diacetylene), Poly(phenyl ene), Poly(1-methyl-dodecamethylene), Poly(1- acetylene), Poly(3-methyl-1-pentyne), Poly(4-methyl-1- dodecene), Poly(1-nonene), Poly(1-heptene), Poly(6.6- hexyne), Poly(5-methyl-1-heptyne), Poly(6-methyl-1-oc dimethyl-1-heptene), Poly(5-methyl-1-heptene), Poly tyne), Poly(3,4-dimethyl-1-pentyne), Poly(2,3-dihydrofu (heptamethylene), Poly(1,2-dichloro-heptamethylene), ran), Poly(N,N-dibutylacrylamide), Poly(N- Poly (5-methyl)-1-heptene, Poly(1-hexadecene), Poly docosylacrylamide), Poly(N-dodecylacrylamide), Poly (1-hexene), Poly(3-methyl)-1-hexene, Poly(4-methyl)- (N-formylacrylamide), Poly(N-hexadecylacrylamide), 1-hexene, Poly(4,4-dimethyl)-1-hexene, Poly(4- Poly(N-octadecylacrylamide), Poly(N-octylacrylamide), ethyl)-1-hexene, Poly(5-methyl)-1-hexene, Poly(1,2- 10 Poly(N-phenylacrylamide), Poly(N-propylacrylamide), cyclohexalene), Poly(1.2-cyclopentylene-alt-ethylene), Poly(N-tetradecylacrylamide), Poly(N-butylacrylamide), Poly(1..3-cyclopentylene-alt-methylene), Poly(isobutene), Poly(N-sec-butylacrylamide), Poly(N-t-butylacryla Poly(1-octadecene), Poly(octamethylene), Poly(1-me mide), Poly(isodecylacrylamide), Poly(isohexylacryla thyl)octamethylene, Poly(1-octene), Poly(6,6-dimethyl mide), Poly(isononylacrylamide), Poly(isooctylacryla 4,8-dioxaspiro-1-octene), Poly(1-octadecene), Poly(1- 15 mide), PolyN-(1,1-dimethyl-3-oxobutyl)acrylamide, pentene), Poly(cyclopentene), Poly(1,3-dione-4- Poly 1-oxy-(2.2.6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl)acrylamide, cyclopentene), Poly(3,3-dimethoxy cyclopentene), Poly Poly(N,N-dibutylacrylamide), Poly(N,N-diethylacryla (1-pentadecene), Poly(5-amino-1-pentene), Poly(5- mide), Poly(N,N-diisopropylacrylamide), Poly(N.N- cyclohexyl-1-pentene), Poly 5-(N,N-dimethyl)amino-1- diphenylacrylamide), PolyN-(1,1-dimethyl-3-oxobutyl) pentene, Poly5-(N,N-diisobutyl)amino-1-pentene, Poly acrylamide, PolyN-(1-methylbutyl)acrylamide, Poly 5-(N,N-dipropyl)amino-1-pentene, Poly(4,4-dimethyl (N-methyl-N-phenylacrylamide), Poly(N-phenyl-N-1- 1-pentene), Poly(3-methyl-1-pentene), Poly(3-ethyl-1- naphthylacrylamide), Poly(N-phenyl-N-2- pentene), Poly(4-methyl-1-pentene), Poly(5.5.5-trifluoro naphthylacrylamide), Poly(morpholylacrylamide), Poly 1-pentene), Poly(4-trifluoromethyl-1-pentene), Poly(5- (N-octadecylacrylamide), Poly(pipridylacrylamide), Poly trimethylsilyl-1-pentene), Poly(2-methyl-1-pentene), 25 (4-butoxycarbonylphenyl methacrylamide), Poly(N-t- Poly(5-phenyl-1-pentene), Poly(1.2-cyclopentylene), butylmethacrylamide), Poly(N-benzyl methacrylamide), Poly(3-chloro-1,2-cyclopentylene), Poly(pentamethyl Poly(N-phenyl methacrylamide), PolyN-(p-chlorophe ene), Poly(1,2-dichloropentamethylene), Poly(hexafluor nyl)methacylamide, PolyN-(p-methoxyphenyl)meth oisobutylene), Poly(chloroprene), Poly(propene), Poly(3- acrylamide, PolyN-(p-methylphenyl)methacrylamide, cyclohexylpropene), Poly(3-cyclopentylpropene), Poly 30 PolyN-(p-nitrophenyl)methacrylamide, PolyN-(p-stil (hexafluoropropene), Poly(3-phenylpropane), Poly3-(2, benyl)methacrylamide. PolyN-(4-nitro-p-stibenyl) 5'-dimethylphenyl)propene, Poly(3-(3',4'- methacrylamide, Poly(N-phenyl methacrylamide), Poly dimethylphenyl)propene, Poly3-(3',5'-dimethylphenyl) (1-deoxy-D-glucitol methacrylamide), Poly(4- propene, Poly(3-silylpropene), Poly(3-p-tolylpropene), carboxyphenylmethacrylamide), Poly(4- Poly(3-m-tolylpropene), Poly(3-o-tolylpropene), Poly(3- 35 ethoxycarbonylphenylmethacrylamide), Poly(4- trimethylsilylpropene), Poly(3,3,3-trifluoropropene), methoxycarbonylphenylmethacrylamide), Poly(N- Poly(3,3,3-trichloropropene), Poly(1-chloropropene), allylmethacrylamide), Poly 1-(N-carbethoxyphenyl) Poly(2-chloropropene), Poly(2,3-dichloropropene), Poly methacrylamide. Poly(p-ethoxycarbonyl (3-chloro-2-chloromethylpropene), Poly(ethyl-2-propy phenylmethacrylamide), Poly(carbethoxyphenyl meth lene), Poly(1-nitropropylene), Poly(2-trimethylsilylpro 40 acrylamide), Poly(N-methyl-N-alpha-methylbenzyl-acry pene), Poly 1-(heptafluoroisopropoxy)methylpropylene, lamide), Poly(N-propyl-N-alpha-methylbenzyl-acryla Poly(1-heptafluoroisopropoxy)propylene, Poly(N-pro mide), Poly(p-acrylamidomethylamino azobenzene), penyl carbazole), Poly(propylidene), Poly(isopropenyl Poly(allyl acrylate), Poly(biphenyloxyhexamethylene ), Poly(1-tridecene), Poly(1-tetradecene), Poly(vi acrylate), Poly(n-butylacrylate), Poly(2-nitrobutylacry nylcyclobutane), Poly(vinylcycloheptane), Poly 45 late), Poly(sec-butyl acrylate), Poly(t-butyl acrylate), (vinylcyclohexane), Poly(vinylcyclopentane), Poly Poly(p-carboxyphenyl acrylate), Poly(glycidyl acrylate), (vilnylcyclopropane), Poly(1-vinylene-3- Poly(isobutyl acrylate), Poly(isopropyl acrylate), Poly cyclopentylene), Poly(octamethylene), Poly(1- (cresyl acrylate), Poly(decylacrylate), Poly(1,1-dihydrop methyloctamethylene), Poly(decamethylene), Poly(1,2- erfluoro-decylacrylate), Poly(docosylacrylate), Poly dichloro-decamethylene), Poly(2,5- 50 (dodecylacrylate), Poly(hexadecylacrylate), Poly pyrazinecyclobutylene), Poly(2,4-diphenyl-2,5- (heptylacrylate), Poly(octadecylacrylate), Poly pyrazinecyclobutylene), Poly(1-undecene), Poly(R)(-)- (octylacrylate), Poly(1,1-dihydroperfluorooctylacrylate), 3,7-dimethyl-1-octene, Poly(S)(+)-5-methyl-1- Poly(tetradecylacrylate), Poly(isopropyl acrylate), Poly heptene, Poly(S)(+)-4-methyl-1-hexene, Poly(S)(+)-4- (benzyl acrylate), Poly(4-biphenylyl acrylate), Poly(L- methyl-1-hexyne, Poly (S)-(+)-6-methyl-1-octene, Poly 55 bornyl acrylate), Poly(4-butoxycarbonylphenyl acrylate), (S)-(+)-3-methyl-1-pentene, Poly(R)-4-phenyl-1-hex Poly(2-t-butylphenyl acrylate), Poly(4-t-butylphenyl ene, Poly(dimethyl2,5-dicarboxylate-1-hexene), Poly acrylate), Poly(1-chlorodifluoromethyl)tetrafluoroethyl (S)-5-phenyl-1-heptene, Poly(1-ethyl-1-methyltetram acrylate. Poly3-chloro-2,2-bis(chloromethyl)propyl ethylene), Poly(1,1-dimethyltetramethylene), Poly(1,1- acrylate, Poly(2-chlorophenyl acrylate), Poly(4-chlo dimethyltrimethylene), Poly(1,1,2- 60 rophenyl acrylate), Poly(2,4-dichlorophenyl acrylate), trimethyltrimethylene), Poly(acryloylchloride), Poly Poly(pentachlorophenyl acrylate), Poly(4-cyanobenzyl (allylacrylate), Poly(allyl chloride), Poly(allylbenzene), acrylate), Poly(2-cyanobutyl acrylate), Poly(2-cy Poly(diallyl phthalate), Poly(diallylcyanamide), Poly anoisobutyl acrylate), Poly(4-cyanobutyl acrylate), Poly (acryloylpyrriolidone), Poly(allylcyclohexane), Poly(N- (2-cyanoethyl acrylate), Poly(2-cyanohepty1 acrylate), allylstearamide), Poly(allyl chloroacetate), Poly(allyl gly 65 Poly(2-cyanohexyl acrylate), Poly(cyanomethyl acry cidyl phthalate), Poly(allylcyclohexane), Poly late), Poly(2-cyanomethyl acrylate), Poly(5-cyano-3-oxa (allyltriethoxysilane), Poly(allylurea), Poly penty1 acrylate), Poly(4-cyanophenyl acrylate), Poly(2- US 7,204,997 B2 21 22 cyanoisopropyl acrylate), Poly(4-cyano-3-thiabutyl acrylate), Poly(2-ethyl-n-hexyl acrylate), Poly(1-oxy-2.2, acrylate), Poly(6-cyano-3-thiahexyl acrylate), Poly(6-cy 6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl acrylate), Poly(,6-pen ano-4-thiahexyl acrylate), Poly(8-cyano-7-thiaoctyl acry tamethyl-4-piperidyl acrylate), Poly(4-phenylazoxyphe late), Poly(5-cyano-3-thiapenty1 acrylate), Poly(cy nyl acrylate), Poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate), Poly4-(10,15, clododecyl acrylate), Poly(cyclohexyl acrylate), Poly(2- 20-triphenyl-21H,23H-5-yl)phenyl acrylate. Poly(1, 1.5- chloroethyl acrylate), Polydi(chlorodifluoromethyl) trihydroperfluoroamyl acrylate), Poly(tributyltin fluoromethyl acrylate. Poly(2-ethoxycarbonylphenyl acrylate), Poly(beta-ethoxyethyl acrylate), Poly(3,4-ep acrylate), Poly(3-ethoxycarbonylphenyl acrylate), Poly oxyhexahydrobenzyl acrylate), Poly(alpha-chloroacrylni (4-ethoxycarbonylphenyl acrylate), Poly(2-ethoxyethyl trile), Poly(alpha-fluoroacrylnitrile), Poly(alpha-methoxy acrylate), Poly(3-ethoxypropyl acrylate), Poly(ethyl acry 10 acrylnitrile), Poly(alpha-trifluoromethyl acrylnitrile), late), Poly(2-bromoethyl acrylate), Poly(2-ethylbutyl Poly(alpha-ethylacrylonitrile), Poly(alpha-isopropylacry acrylate), Poly(2-ethylhexyl acrylate), Poly(ferrocenyl lonitrile), Poly(alpha-propylacrylonitrile), Poly(amyl ethyl acrylate), Poly(ferrocenylmethyl acrylate), Poly(1H, methacrylate), Poly 1-(3-cyanopropyl)acrylonitrile, Poly 1H-heptafluorobutyl acrylate), Poly(heptafluoroisopropyl (t-butyl methacrylate), Poly(hexadecyl methacrylate), acrylate), Poly5-(heptafluroisopropoxy)penty1 acrylate. 15 Poly(methyl methacrylate), Poly(cyanomethyl methacry Poly 11-(heptafluoroisopropoxy)undecyl acrylate. Poly late), Poly(adamantyl methacrylate), Poly(3,5-dimethy 2-(heptafluoropropoxy)ethyl acrylate, Poly(2-(hep ladamantyl methacrylate), Poly(benzyl methacrylate), tatluorobutoxy)ethyl acrylate. PolyI2-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluo Poly(1-alpha-methylbenzyl methacrylate), Poly(2-bro roethoxy)ethyl acrylate. Poly(1H, 1H,3H moethyl methacrylate), Poly(2-t-butylaminoethyl meth hexafluorobutyl acrylate), Poly(2.2.2-trifluoroethyl acrylate), Poly(butyl methacrylate), Poly(sec-butyl meth acrylate), PolyI2,2-difluoro-2-(2-heptafluorotetrahydro acrylate), Poly(tert-butyl methacrylate), Poly(ethylbutyl furanyl)ethyl acrylate, Poly(1H, 1H-undecafluorohexyl methacrylate), Poly(4-phenylbutyl-1-methacrylate), Poly acrylate), Poly(fluoromethyl acrylate), Poly(trifluorom (2-phenylethyl-1-methacrylate), Poly(cetyl methacry ethyl acrylate), Poly(1H, 1H-pentadecafluorooctyl acry late), Poly(p-cetyloxybenzoyl methacrylate), Poly(2- late), Poly(5,5,6,6,7,7,7-heptafluoro-3-oxahepty1 acry 25 chloroethyl methacrylate), Poly(cyanomethyl late), Poly(1H, 1H-undecafluoro-4-oxahepty1 acrylate), methacrylate), Poly(2-cyanoethyl methacrylate), Poly(4- Poly(1H, 1H-nonafluoro-4-oxahepty1 acrylate), Poly(7.7, cyanomethylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(4-cyanophenyl 8,8-tetrafluoro-3,6-dioxaoctyl acrylate), Poly(1H, 1 H methacrylate), Poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate), Poly(p-t- tridecafluoro-4-oxaoctyl acrylate), Poly( butylcyclohexyl methacrylate), Poly(4-t-butylcyclohexyl heptafluoro-4-Oxapentyl acrylate), Poly(44.5.5- 30 methacrylate), Poly(cyclobutyl methacrylate), Poly(cy tetrafluoro-3-oxapenty1 acrylate), Poly(5.5.5-trifluoro-3- clobutylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(cyclododecyl meth oxapentyl acrylate), Poly(1H, 1H-nonafluoropentyl acrylate), Poly(2-cyclohexylethyl methacrylate), Poly(cy acrylate), Poly(nonafluoroisobutyl acrylate), Poly(1H, 1H, clohexylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(cyclopenty1 5H-octafluoropenty1 acrylate), Poly(heptafluoro-2-propyl methacrylate), Poly(cyclooctyl methacrylate), Poly(decyl acrylate), Polytetrafluoro-3-(heptafluoropropoxy)propyl 35 methacrylate), Poly(n-decyl methacrylate), Poly(dodecyl acrylate. Poly(tetrafluoro-3-(pentafluoroethoxy)propyl methacrylate), Poly(n-decosyl methacrylate), Poly(di acrylate. Polytetrafluoro-3-(trifluoromethoxy)propyl ethylaminoethyl methacrylate), Poly(dimethylaminoethyl acrylate. Poly(1H, 1 H-pentafluoropropyl acrylate), Poly methacrylate), Poly(2-ethylhexyl methacrylate), Poly (octafluoropenty1 acrylate), Poly(hepty1 acrylate), Poly(2- (ethyl methacrylate), Poly(acetoxyethyl methacrylate), hepty1 acrylate), Poly(hexadecyl acrylate), Poly(hexyl 40 Poly(2-methoxyethyl methacrylate), Poly(2-ethylsulfi acrylate), Poly(2-ethylhexyl acrylate), Poly(isobomyl nylethyl methacrylate), Poly(ferrocenylethyl methacry acrylate), Poly(isobutyl acrylate), Poly(isopropyl acry late), Poly(ferrocenylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(N-me late), Poly(1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-alpha-D-galacto thyl-N-phenyl-2-aminoethyl methacrylate), Poly(2-N,N- pyranos-6-O-yl acrylate), Poly(3-methoxybutyl acrylate), dimethylcarbamoyloxyethyl methacrylate), Poly(2- Poly(2-methoxycarbonylphenyl acrylate), Poly(3-meth 45 acetoxy methacrylate), Poly(2-bromoethyl methacrylate), oxycarbonylphenyl acrylate), Poly(4-methoxycarbon Poly(2-chloroethyl methacrylate), Poly(1H, 1 H-heptafluo ylphenyl acrylate), Poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate), Poly robutyl methacrylate), Poly(1H, 1 H.7H-dodecafluorohep (2-ethoxyethyl acrylate), Poly(4-methoxyphenyl tyl methacrylate), Poly(1H, 1 H.9H-hexadecafluorononyl acrylate), Poly(3-methoxypropyl acrylate), Poly(3,5-dim methacrylate), Poly(1H, 1H,5H-octafluoropentyl meth ethyladamanty1 acrylate), Poly(3-dimethylaminophenyl 50 acrylate), Poly(1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propyl methacrylate), acrylate), Poly(2-methylbutyl acrylate), Poly(3-methyl Poly(trifluoroisopropyl methacrylate), Poly(hexadecyl butyl acrylate), Poly(1,3-dimethylbutyl acrylate), Poly(2- methacrylate), Poly(hexyl methacrylate), Poly(isobomyl methyl-7-ethyl-4-undecyl acrylate), Poly(2-methylpentyl methacrylate), Poly(isobutyl methacrylate), Poly(isopro acrylate), Poly(menthyl acrylate), Poly(2-naphthyl acry pyl methacrylate), Poly(1.2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-al late), Poly(nonyl acrylate), Poly(octyl acrylate), Poly(2- 55 pha-D-galactopyranos-6-O-yl methacrylate), Poly(2,3-O- octyl acrylate), Poly(3-penty1 acrylate), Poly(phenethyl isopropylidene-DL-glyceritol-1-O-yl methacrylate), Poly acrylate), Poly(phenyl acrylate), Poly(2,4-dinitrophenyl (nonyl methacrylate), Poly(methacrylic acid anhydride), acrylate), Poly(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl acrylate), Poly(2,4, Poly(4-methoxycarbonylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(3,5- 6-tribromophenyl acrylate), Poly(3,4-epoxyhexahy dimethyladamantyl methacrylate), Poly(dimethylamino drobenzyl acrylate), Polyalpha-(o-ethyl methylphsphon 60 ethyl methacrylate), Poly(2-methylbutyl methacrylate), oxy)-methyl acrylate. Poly(propyl acrylate), Poly(2,3- Poly(1,3-dimethylbutyl methacrylate), Poly(3,3-dimeth dibromopropyl acrylate), Poly(tetradecyl acrylate), Poly ylbutyl methacrylate), Poly(3,3-dimethyl-2-butyl meth (3-thiabutyl acrylate), Poly(4-thiahexyl acrylate), Poly(5- acrylate), Poly(3,5,5-trimethylhexyl methacrylate), Poly thiahexyl acrylate, Poly(3-thispenty1 acrylate), Poly(4- (trimethylsilyl methacrylate), Poly(2-nitratoethyl) thiapenty1 acrylate), Poly(m-tolyl acrylate), Poly(o-tolyl 65 methacrylate, Poly(octadecyl methacrylate), Poly(octyl acrylate), Poly(p-tolyl acrylate), Poly(2-ethoxyethyl acry methacrylate), Poly(n-octadecyl methacrylate), Poly(3- late), Poly(3-ethoxypropyl acrylate), Poly(cholesteryl oxabutyl methacrylate), Poly(pentyl methacrylate), Poly US 7,204,997 B2 23 24 (neopentyl methacrylate), Poly(phenethyl methacrylate), thylsulfinyl)ethylacrylate. Poly(methylphenylacrylate), Poly(phenyl methacrylate), Poly(2,6-diisopropylphenyl Poly4-(4-nonyloxy-benzoyloxy)-phenyl methacrylate. methacrylate), Poly(2,6-dimethylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate), PolyI2-(triphenyl Poly(2,4-dinitrophenyl methacrylate), Poly(diphenylm methoxy)ethyl methacrylate. Poly(cetyl methacrylate), ethyl methacrylate), Poly(4-t-butylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate), Poly(pentachlo Poly(2-t-butylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(o-ethylphenyl rophenyl methacrylate), Poly(pentafluorophenyl meth methacrylate), Poly(p-ethylphenyl methacrylate), Poly acrylate), Poly 6-(anisyloxycarbonylphenoxy)hexyl (m-chlorophenyl methacrylate), Poly (m-nitrophenyl methacrylate, Poly(ethyl-alpha-bromoacrylate), Poly 1 methacrylate), Poly(propyl methacrylate), Poly(tetradecyl (2-N-cyclohexyl-N-methyl-carbamoyloxy)ethyl meth methacrylate), Poly(butylbutoxycarbonyl methacrylate), 10 acrylate. Poly 1-(2-N,N-diethylcarbamoyloxy)ethyl Poly(tetradecyl methacrylate), Poly (ethylidene methacrylate, Poly(2-N,N-diethylcarbamoyloxy)-2- dimethacrylate), Poly(3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexyl meth methylethyl methacrylate, Poly(n-docosyl methacrylate), acrylate), Poly(2-nitro-2-methylpropyl methacrylate), Poly(2,5-dimethylpyrozolylmethacrylate), Poly 11 Poly(triethylcarbinyl methacrylate), Poly(triphenylm (hexadecyl-dimethylammonio)-undecyl methacrylate. ethyl methacrylate), Poly(1,1-diethylpropyl methacry 15 PolyI2-(4-methyl-1-piperazinylcarbonyloxy)ethyl meth late), Poly(ethyl glycolate methacrylate), Poly(3-methyl acrylate. Poly(2-morpholino-carbonyloxy)ethyl cyclohexyl methacrylate), Poly(4-methylcyclohexyl methacrylate, Polyl-(1-nonyloxy-4-phenoxycarbonyl) methacrylate), Poly(2-methylcyclohexyl methacrylate), phenyl methacrylate. Poly(,6-pentamethyl-4- Poly(1-methylcyclohexyl methacrylate), Poly(bornyl piperidyl methacrylate), Poly(propionyloxyethyl methacrylate), Poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate), methacrylate), Poly(3-(8-oxyl-,4-di Poly(vinyl methacrylate), Poly(2-chloroethyl methacry oXo-1.3.8-triaZaspiro (4,5)-dec-3-yl)propyl methacrylate. late), Poly(2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate), Poly(2- Poly(n-stearyl methacrylate), Poly4-(1,1,3,3-tetrameth chlorocyclohexyl methacrylate), Poly(2-aminoethyl ylbutyl)phenyl methacrylate. Poly(o-tolyl methacrylate), methacrylate), Poly(furfuryl methacrylate), Poly(meth Poly(p-tolyl methacrylate), Poly(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl ylmercaptyl methacrylate), Poly(2,3-epithiopropyl meth 25 methacrylate), Poly(n-tridecyl methacrylate), Poly(triph acrylate), Poly(ferrocenylethyl methacrylate), PolyI2-(N, enylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(trityl methacrylate), Poly N-dimethylcarbamoyloxy)ethyl methacrylate. Poly (tetrahydro-4H-pyranyl-2-methacrylate), Poly(tridecyl (butyl butoxycarbonyl methacrylate), Poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate), PolyI2-(triphenylmethoxy)ethyl methacry chloroacrylate), Poly(ethyl chloroacrylate), Poly(ethyl late. PolyI2-(4-methyl-1-piperazinylcarbonyloxy)-2-me ethoxycarbonyl methacrylate), Poly(ethyl ethacrylate), 30 thylethyl methacrylate, Poly(p-methoxyphenyl-oxycar Poly(ethyl fluoromethacrylate), Poly(hexyl hexyloxycar bonyl-p-phenoxyhexamethylene methacrylate), Poly bonyl methacrylate), Poly(1,1-dihydropentadecafluorooc (diphenyl-2-pyridylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(diphenyl tyl methacrylate), Poly(heptafluoroisopropyl methacry 4-pyridylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(triphenylmethyl late), Poly(heptadecafluorooctyl methacrylate), Poly(1- methacrylate), Poly(hexyleneoxyphenylenecarbox hydrotetrafluoroethyl methacrylate), Poly(1,1- 35 yphenyleneoxymethylene methacrylate), Poly4-(1,1,3,3- dihydrotetrafluoroisopropyl methacrylate), Poly(1- tetramethylbutyl)phenylmethacrylate, Poly(glycidyl hydrohexafluorobutyl methacrylate), Poly(1- methacrylate), Poly(2.2.6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl nonafluorobutyl methacrylate), Poly(1,3-dichloropropyl methacrylate), Poly(2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane-4-yl) methacrylate), PolyI2-chloro-1-(chloromethyl)ethyl methyl methacrylate. Poly(alpha-alpha-dimethylbenzyl methacrylate, Poly(butylmercaptyl methacrylate), Poly 40 methacrylate), Poly(1,1-diphenylethyl methacrylate), (1-phenyl-n-amyl methacrylate), PolyI2-heptoxycarbo Poly(2,3-epithiopropyl methacrylate), Poly(dicyclopenta nyl-1-heptoxycarbonylethylene)ethylene, Poly(2-t-bu dienyltitanate dimethacrylate), Poly(diethylaminoethyl tylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(4-cetyloxycarbonylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(5-oxo-pyrrolidinylmethyl methacry methacrylate), Poly(1-phenylethyl methacrylate), Poly(p- late), Poly(ethyl-alpha-bromoacrylate), Poly(isopropyl methoxybenzyl methacrylate), Poly(1-phenylallyl meth 45 alpha-bromoacrylate), Poly(methyl-alpha-bromoacry acrylate), Poly(p-cyclohexylphenyl methacrylate), Poly late), Poly(n-pentyl-alpha-bromoacrylate), Poly(n- (2-phenylethyl methacrylate), Poly 1-(chlorophenyl) propyl-alpha-bromoacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha cyclohexyl methacrylate. Poly(1-phenylcyclohexyl trifluoromethylacrylate), Poly(phenyl alpha methacrylate), PolyI2-(phenylsulfonyl)ethyl methacry bromoacrylate), Poly(sec-butyl-alpha-bromoacrylate), late, Poly(m-cresyl methacrylate), Poly(o-cresyl meth 50 Poly(cyclohexyl-alpha-bromoacrylate), Poly(methyl-al acrylate), Poly(2,3-dibromopropyl methacrylate), Poly(1, pha-bromomethacrylate), Poly(butyl chloroacrylate), 2-diphenylethyl methacrylate), Poly(o-chlorobenzyl Poly(sec-butyl chloroacrylate), Poly(methyl chloroacry methacrylate), Poly(m-nitrobenzyl methacrylate), Poly(2- late), Poly(isobutyl chloroacrylate), Poly(isopropyl chlo diphenyl methacrylate), Poly(4-diphenyl methacrylate), roacrylate), Poly(cyclohexyl chloroacrylate), Poly(2- Poly(alpha-naphthyl methacrylate), Poly(beta-naphthyl 55 chloroethyl chloroacrylate), Poly 1-methoxycarbonyl-1- methacrylate), Poly(alpha-naphthyl carbinyl methacry methoxycarbonylmethylene)ethylene, Poly(methyl late), Poly(2-ethoxyethyl methacrylate), Poly(lauryl chloroacrylate), Poly(ethyl alpha-chloroacrylate), Poly methacrylate), Poly(pentabromophenyl methacrylate), (methyl beta-chloroacrylate), Poly(cyclohexyl alpha Poly(o-bromobenzyl methacrylate), Poly(o-chlorodiphe ethoxyacrylate), Poly(methyl fluoroacrylate), Poly(me nylmethyl methacrylate), Poly(pentachlorophenyl meth 60 thyl fluoromethacrylate), Poly(methyl phenylacrylate), acrylate), Poly(2-diethylamino methacrylate), Poly(2- Poly(propyl chloroacrylate), Poly(methylcyanoacrylate), fluoroethyl mathacrylate), Poly(hexadecyl methacrylate), Poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate), Poly(butylcyanoacrylate), Poly(2-ethylbutyl methacrylate), Poly4-(4-hexadecy Poly(sec-butyl thiolacrylate), Poly(isobutyl thiolacrylate), loxy-benzoyloxy)phenyl methacrylate, Poly(D.L-di Poly (ethylthioacrylate), Poly(methyl thioacrylate), Poly isobornyl methacrylate), Poly(decahydro-beta-naphthyl 65 (butyl thioacrylate), Poly(isopropyl thiolacrylate), Poly methacrylate), Poly(5-p-menthyl methacrylate), Poly(m- (propyl thiolacrylate), Poly(phenyl thiomethacrylate), ethylbutacrylate), Poly(methyl ethacrylate), Poly(2-me Poly(cyclohexyl thiomethacrylate), Poly(o-methylphe US 7,204,997 B2 25 26 nylthio methacrylate), Poly(nonyloxy-1,4-phenyleneoxy Poly4-(2-ethoxymethyl)styrene, Poly(2-ethoxymethyl carbonylphenyl methacrylate), Poly(4-methyl-2-N,N- styrene), Poly(4-ethoxystyrene), Poly4-(2-diethylamino dimethylaminopentyl methacrylate), Polyalpha-(4- ethoxycarbonyl)styrene, Poly(4-diethylcarbamoylsty chlorobenzyl)ethyl acrylate. Polyalpha-(4-cyanobenzyl) rene), Poly4-(1-ethylhexyloxymethyl)styrene, Poly(2- ethyl acrylate. Polyalpha-(4-methoxybenzyl)ethyl ethylstyrene), Poly(3-ethylstyrene), Poly(4-ethylstyrene), acrylate. Poly(alpha-acetoxy ethyl acrylate), Poly(ethyl Poly4-(pentadecafluoroheptyl)styrene, Poly(2-fluoro-5- alpha-benzylacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha-benzylacry methylstyrene), Poly(4-fluorostyrene), Poly(3-fluorosty late), Poly(methyl alpha-hexylacrylate), Poly(ethyl alpha rene), Poly(4-fluoro-2-trifluoromethyl styrene), Poly(p- fluoroacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha-fluoroacrylate), Poly fluoromethyl styrene), Poly(2,5-difluorostyrene), Poly(2, (methyl alpha-isobutylacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha 10 3,4,5,6,-pentafluorostyrene), Poly(perfluorostyrene), Poly isopropylacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha-methoxyacrylate), (alpha.beta.beta-trifluorostyrene), Poly(4- Poly(butyl alpha-phenylacrylate), Poly(chloroethyl hexadecylstyrene), Poly(4-hexanoylstyrene), Poly(2- alpha-phenylacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha-phenylacry hexyloxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- late), Poly(propyl alpha-phenylacrylate), Poly(methyl hexyloxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- alpha-propylacrylate), Poly(methyl alpha-sec-butylacry 15 hexyloxymethylstyrene), Poly(4-hexylstyrene), Poly(4- late), Poly(methyl alpha-trifluoromethylacrylate), Poly iodostyrene), Poly(2-isobutoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- (ethyl alpha-acetoxyacrylate), Poly(ethyl beta-ethoxy isobutoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(2- acrylate), Poly(methacryloyl chloride), Poly isopentyloxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(2- (methacryloylactone), Poly(methylenebutyrolactone), isopentyloxymethylstyrene), Poly(4- Poly(acryloylpyrrolidone), Polybutyl N-(4-carbethox isopentyloxystyrene), Poly(2- yphenyl)itaconamate, Polyethyl N-(4-carbethoxyphe isopropoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- nyl)itaconamate, Polymethyl N-(4-carbethoxyphenyl) isopropoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(2- itaconamate, Polypropyl N-(4-carbethoxyphenyl) isopropoxymethylstyrene), Poly(4-isopropylstyrene), itaconamate, Polyethyl N-(4-chlorophenyl) Poly(4-isopropyl-alpha-methylstyrene), Poly(4-trimeth itaconamate, Polymethyl N-(4-chlorophenyl) 25 ylsilyl-alpha-methylstyrene), Poly(2,4-diisopropylsty itaconamate, Polypropyl N-(4-chlorophenyl) rene), Poly(2,5-diisopropylstyrene), Poly(beta-methylsty itaconamate, Polybutyl N-(4-methoxyphenyl) rene), Poly(2-methoxymethylstyrene), Poly(2- itaconamate, Polyethyl N-(4-methoxyphenyl) methoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- itaconamate, Polymethyl N-(4-methoxyphenyl) methoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- itaconamate, Polypropyl N-(4-methoxyphenyl) 30 methoxymethylstyrene), Poly(4-methoxy-2- itaconamate, Polybutyl N-(4-methylphenyl) methylstyrene), Poly(2-methoxystyrene), Poly(4- itaconamate, Polyethyl N-(4-methylphenyl) methoxystyrene), Poly(4-N,N-dimethylamino styrene), itaconamate, Polymethyl N-(4-methylphenyl) Poly(2-methylaminocarbonylstyrene), Poly(2-dimethy itaconamate, Polypropyl N-(4-methylphenyl) laminocarbonylstyrene), Poly(4-dimethylaminocarbonyl itaconamate, Polybutyl N-phenyl itaconamate, Poly 35 styrene), PolyI2-(2-dimethylaminoethoxycarbonyl)sty ethyl N-phenyl itaconamate, Polymethyl N-phenyl rene, Poly4-(2-dimethylaminoethoxycarbonyl)styrene, itaconamate. Polypropyl N-phenyl itaconamate, Poly Poly(2-methylstyrene), Poly (3-methylstyrene), Poly(4- (diamyl itaconate), Poly(dibutyl itaconate), Poly(diethyl methylstyrene), Poly(4-methoxystyrene), Poly(2,4-dim itaconate), Poly(dioctyl itaconate), Poly(dipropyl itacon ethylstyrene), Poly(2,5-dimethylstyrene), Poly(3,4-dim ate), Polystyrene, Poly(p-t-butyl)-styrene, Poly(o- 40 ethylstyrene), Poly(3,5-dimethylstyrene), Poly(2,4,5- fluoro)-styrene, Poly(p-fluoro)-styrene, Poly(alpha trimethylstyrene), Poly(2,4,6-trimethylstyrene), Poly(3- methyl)-styrene, Poly(alpha-methyl)(p-methyl)- bis(trimethylsiloxy)borylstyrene), Poly(4-bis styrene, Poly(m-methyl)-styrene, Poly(o-methyl)- (trimethylsiloxy)borylstyrene), Poly(4- styrene, Poly(o-methyl)(p-fluoro)-styrene, Poly(p- morpholinocarbonylstyrene), Poly4-(3- methyl)-styrene, Poly(trimethylsilylstyrene), Poly(beta 45 morpholinopropionyl)styrene. Poly(4- nitrostyrene), Poly(4-acetylstyrene), Poly(4- nonadecylstyrene), Poly(4-nonylstyrene), Poly(4- acetoxystyrene), Poly(4-p-anisoylstyrene), Poly(4- octadecylstyrene), Poly(4-octanoylstyrene), Poly4 benzoylstyrene), Poly(2-benzoyloxymethyl)styrene, (octyloxymethyl)styrene, Poly(2-octyloxystyrene), Poly Poly(3-(4-biphenylyl)styrene, Poly(4-(4-biphenylyl) (4-octyloxystyrene), Poly(2-pentyloxycarbonylstyrene), styrene, Poly(5-bromo-2-butoxystyrene), Poly(5-bromo 50 Poly(2-pentyloxymethylstyrene), Poly(2-phenethyloxym 2-ethoxystyrene), Poly(5-bromo-2-isopentyloxystyrene), ethylstyrene), Poly(2-phenoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4- Poly(5-bromo-2-isopropoxystyrene), Poly(4-bromosty phenoxystyrene), Poly(4-phenylacetylstyrene), Poly(2- rene), Poly(2-butoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4-butoxycar phenylaminocarbonylstyrene), Poly(4-phenylstyrene), bonylstyrene), Poly(4-(2-butoxyethoxy)methylstyrene), Poly(4-piperidinocarbonylstyrene), Poly4-(3-piperidino Poly(2-butoxymethylstyrene), Poly(4-butoxymethylsty 55 propionyl)styrene, Poly(4-propionylstyrene), Poly(2- rene), Poly4-(sec-butoxymethyl)styrene, Poly(4-bu propoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4-propoxycarbonylsty toxystyrene), Poly(5-t-butyl-2-methylstyrene), Poly(4- rene), Poly(2-propoxymethylstyrene), Poly(4- butylstyrene), Poly(4-sec-butylstyrene), Poly(4-t- propoxymethylstyrene), Poly(4-propoxystyrene), Poly(4- butylstyrene), Poly(4-butyrylstyrene), Poly(4-chloro-3- propoxysulfonylstyrene), Poly(4-tetradecylstyrene), Poly fluorostyrene), Poly(4-chloro-2-methylstyrene), Poly(4- 60 (4-p-toluoylstyrene), Poly(4-trimethylsilylstyrene), Poly chloro-3-methylstyrene), Poly(2-chlorostyrene), Poly(3- 2-(2-thio-3-methylpentyl)styrene, Poly(9-(2- chlorostyrene), Poly(4-chlorostyrene), Poly(2,4- methylbutyl)-2-vinyl carbazole, Poly(9-(2-methylbutyl)- dichlorostyrene), Poly(2,5-dichlorostyrene), Poly(2,6- 3-vinyl carbazole, Poly(3-sec-butyl-9-vinyl carbazole), dichlorostyrene), Poly(3,4-dichlorostyrene), Poly(2- Polylp-(p-tolylsulfinyl)styrene, Poly(4-valerylstyrene), bromo-4-trifluoromethylstyrene), Poly(4-cyanostyrene), 65 Poly(4-t-butyl-dimethylsilyl)oxy styrene, Poly(4-iso Poly(4-decylstyrene), Poly(4-dodecylstyrene), Poly(2- propyl-2-methyl styrene), Poly 1-(4-formylphenyl)ethyl ethoxycarbonylstyrene), Poly(4-ethoxycarbonylstyrene), ene. Poly(alpha-methoxystyrene), Poly(alpha-methylsty US 7,204,997 B2 27 28 rene), Poly(p-octylamine sulfonate styrene), Poly(m- acid), Poly(2.2-bischloromethyl-3-hydroxypropionic divinylbenzene), Poly(p-divinylbenzene), Polybutadiene acid), Poly(3-chloromethyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), (1,4-addition), Polybutadiene (1,2-addition), (2-t-butyl)- Poly(2,2-butyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(3-dichlo cis-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, (2-chloro)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3- romethyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(2,2-diethyl-3- butadiene, (2-chloro)-cis-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, (1-cy hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(2,2-dimethyl-3-hydrox ano)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, (1-methoxy)-trans-1, ypropionic acid), Poly(3-ethyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), 4-poly-1,3-butadiene, (2,3-dichloro)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3- Poly(2-ethyl-2-methyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(2- butadiene, (2,3-dimethyl)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, ethyl-2-methyl-1,1-dichloro-3-hydroxypropionic acid), (2,3-dimethyl)-cis-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, (2-methyl)- Poly(3-isopropyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(2-me cis-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, (2-methyl)-trans-1,4-poly-1, 10 thyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(3-methyl-3-hydrox 3-butadiene, (2-methyl-3-chloro)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3- ypropionic acid), Poly(2-methyl-2-propyl-3-hydroxypro butadiene, (2-methylacetoxy)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3- pionic acid), Poly(3-trichloromethyl-3-hydroxypropionic butadiene, (2-propyl)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3-butadiene, Poly acid), Poly(carbonoxide-alt-ethylene), Poly(oxycarbonyl (2-decyl-1,3-butadiene), Poly(2-heptyl-1,3-butadiene), 1,5-dimethylpentamethylene), Poly(oxycarbonyleth Poly(2-isopropyl-1,3-butadiene), Poly(2-t-butyl-1,3-buta 15 ylidene), Poly(oxycarbonylisobutylidene), Poly(oxycar diene), 1,4-(4,4'-diphenyleneglutarate)-1,4-poly-1,3- bonylisopentylidene), Poly(oxycarbonylpentamethylene), butadiene, Poly(2-chloromethyl-1,3-butadiene), Poly Poly(oxycrabonyl-3-methylhexamethylene), Poly(oxy (ethyl-1-carboxylate-1,3-butadiene), Poly(1- carbonyl-2-methylpentamethylene), Poly(oxycarbonyl-3- diethylamino-1,3-butadiene), Poly(diethyl 1,4- methylpentamethylene), Poly(oxycarbonyl-4-methylpen carboxylate-1,3-butadiene), Poly(1-acetoxy-1,3- tamethylene), Poly(oxycarbonyl-1,2,3- butadiene), Poly(1-ethoxy-1,3-butadiene), Poly(2- trimethyloxytetramethylene), Poly(2-mercaptocarproic phthalidomethyl-1,3-butadiene), Poly(2,3-bis acid), Poly(4-methyl-2-mercaptocarproic acid), Poly(2- (diethylphosphono-1,3-butadiene), Poly(hexafluoro-1,3- mercaptoacetic acid), Poly(2-methyl-2-mercaptoacetic butadiene), Poly(2-fluoro-1,3-butadiene), Poly(1- acid), Poly(3-mercaptopropionoic acid), Poly(2-phthal phthalimido-1,3-butadiene), Poly(1,4-poly-1,3- 25 imido-3-mercaptopropionoic acid), PolyI2-(p-toluene cyclohexalene), 1,12-poly-1,11-dodecadiyne, 1.2-poly-1, Sulfonamido)-3-mercaptopropionic acid. Poly(thiodipro 3-pentadiene, (4-methyl)-1,2-poly-1,4-pentadiene, Poly pionic anhydride), Poly(ethyl alpha-cyanocinnamate), (perfluoro-1,4-pentadiene), Poly(1-ferrocenyl-1,3- Poly(cinnamonitrile), Poly(alpha-cyanocinnamonitrile), butadiene), Poly(perfluorobutadiene), Poly(1-phenyl Poly(N-methyl citraconimide), Poly(methyl alpha-acetyl butadiene), Poly(spiro-2,4-hepta-4,6-diene), Poly(1,1,2- 30 crotonate), Poly(ethyl alpha-carbethoxy crotonate), Poly trichlorobutadiene), Poly(1,3-pentadiene), 1,4-poly-1,3- (ethyl alpha-chlorocrotonate), Poly(ethyl alpha-cyanocro heptadiene, (6-methyl)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3-heptadiene, tonate), Poly(methyl alpha-methoxycrotonate), Poly(m- (5-methyl)-trans-1,4-poly-1,3-heptadiene, (3,5-dim ethyl alpha-methylcrotonate), Poly(ethylcrotonate), Poly ethyl)-1,4-poly-1,3-heptadiene, (6-phenyl)-1,4-poly-1,3- (diethyl fumarate), Poly(vinyl acetalacetate), Poly(vinyl heptadiene, 1,4-poly-trans-13-hexadiene, (5-methyl)- 35 chloroacetate), Poly(vinyl dichloroacetate), Poly(vinyl trans-1,4-poly-1,3-hexadiene, (5-phenyl)-trans-1,4-poly trichloroacetate), Poly(trifluorovinyl acetate), Poly(pro 1,3-hexadiene, trans-2,5-poly-2,4-hexadiene, (2.5- penyl acetate), Poly(2-chloropropenyl acetate), Poly(2- dimethyl)-trans-2,5-poly-2,4-hexadiene, Poly(1.5- methylpropenyl acetate), Poly(vinyl chloroacetate), Poly hexadiene), 1,4-poly-1,3-octadiene, 1,4-poly (vinyl benzoate), Poly(p-t-butylvinyl benzoate), Poly chloroprene, 1,4-poly-isoprene, Poly(hexatriene), Poly 40 (vinyl 4-chlorobenzoate), Poly(vinyl (trichlorohexatriene), 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic acid, 3-trimethylsilylbenzoate), Poly(vinyl4-trimethylsilylben diisopropyl ester, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic acid, butyl Zoate), Poly(p-acryloyloxyphenyl benzoate), Poly(vinyl ester, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic acid, ethyl ester, 2.5-poly butyrate), Poly(vinyl 12-phenylbutyrate), Poly(vinyl 2.4-hexadienoic acid, isoamyl ester, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadi caproate), Poly(vinyl cinnamate), Poly(vinyl decanoate), enoic acid, isobutyl ester, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic acid, 45 Poly(vinyl dodecanoate), Poly(vinylformate), Poly(me isopropyl ester, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadienoic acid, methyl thyl allyl fumarate), Poly(vinyl hexanoate), Poly(vinyl ester, 2.5-poly-2,4-hexadiyne, 1,6-di(N-carbazoyl))-2,5- 2-ethylhexanoate), Poly(vinyl hexadeconoate), Poly(vi poly-2,4-hexadiyne, 1.9-poly-18-nonadiyne, 1,4-poly-1, nyl isobutyrate), Poly(vinyl isocaproate), Poly(vinyl lau 3-octadene, 1.2-poly-1,3-pentadiene, (4-methyl)-1,2- rate), Poly(vinyl myristate), Poly(vinyl octanoate), Poly poly-1,3-pentadiene, 1,4-poly-1,3-pentadiene, 50 (methyl allyl oxalate), Poly(octyl allyl oxalate), Poly(1- (2-methyl)-1,4-poly-1,3-pentadiene 2.5-poly-5-phenyl-2, vinyl-palmitate), Poly(t-butyl-4-vinyl perbenzoate), Poly 4-pentadienoic acid, butyl ester, 2.5-poly-5-phenyl-2,4- (vinyl propionoate), Poly(vinyl pivalate), Poly(vinyl pentadienoic acid, methyl ester, Poly(4-trans-4-ethoxy-2, stearate), Poly(2-chloropropenyl acetate), Poly(vinyl hen 4-pentadienoate), Poly(trans-4-ethoxy-2,4- decanoate), Poly(vinyl thioacetate), Poly(vinylhydro pentadienonitrile), 1,24-poly-1,11,13.23 55 quinone dibenzoate), Poly(vinyl isocyanate), Poly(N-vi tetracisatetrayne, Poly(3-hydroxybutyricacid), Poly(10 nyl-ethyl carbamate), Poly(N-vinyl-t-butyl carbamate), hydroxycapricacid), Poly(3-hydroxy-3-trichloromethyl Poly(N,N-diethyl vinyl carbamate), Poly(2-chloro-prope propionic acid), Poly(2-hydroxyacetic acid), Poly nyl acetate), Poly(vinylhydroquinone dibenzoate), Poly (dimethyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid), Poly(diethyl-2- (ethyl trans-4-ethoxy-2,4-pentadienoate), Poly(triallyl cit hydroxyacetic acid), Poly(isopropyl-2-hydroxyacetic 60 rate), Poly(vinyl 12-ketostearate), Poly(vinyl acid), Poly(3-hydroxy-3-butenoic acid), Poly(6-hydroxy 2-ethylhexanoate), Poly(vinylene carbonate), Poly(divi carproic acid), Poly(5-hydroxy-2-(1,3-dioxane)-carprylic nyl adipate), Poly(vinyl hexadecanoate), Poly(vinyl pel acid, Poly(7-hydroxynanthic acid), Poly(4-methyl)-7- argonate), Poly(vinyl thioisocyanate), Poly(vinyl valer hydroxynanthic acid, Poly4-hydroxymethylene-2-(1,3- ate), Poly(diallyl-beta-cyanoethylisocyanurate), Poly dioxane)-carprylic acid. Poly(5-hydroxy-3-oxavaleric 65 (diallylcyanamide), Poly(triallyl citrate), Poly(triallyl acid), Poly(2,3,4-trimethoxy-5-hydroxyvaleric acid), cyanurate), Poly(triallyl isocyanurate), Poly(3-(1-cyclo Poly(2-hydroxypropionic acid), Poly(3-hydroxypropionic hexenyl)isopropenyl acetate), Poly(isopropenyl acetate), US 7,204,997 B2 29 30 Poly(isopropenylisocyanate), Poly(vinyl diethyl phos (tetramethyl-ethylene oxide), Poly(ethyleneoxymethyl phate), Poly(allyl acetate), Poly(vinyl phenylisocyanate), ene oxide), Poly(heptaldehyde), Poly(hexamethylene Poly(benzylvinylether), Poly(butylvinylether), Poly(2- oxide), Poly(hexamethyleneoxymethylene oxide), Poly methylbutylvinylether), Poly(sec-butylvinylether), Poly (isobutylene oxide), Poly(isobutyraldehyde), Poly(isoph (1-methyl-sec-butylvinylether), Poly(t-butylvinylether), thalaldehyde), Poly(isopropylidene oxide), Poly(isovaler Poly(butylthioethylene), Poly(1-butoxy-2-chloroethyl aldehyde), Poly(methyleneoxypentamethylene oxide), ene).cis, Poly(1-butoxy-2-chloroethylene),trans, Poly(1- Poly(methyleneoxytetramethylene oxide), Poly(methyl chloro-2-isobutoxyethylene),trans, Poly(1-isobutoxy-2- eneoxynonamethylene oxide), Poly(methyleneoxyoctam methylethylene),trans, Poly(ethylvinyl ether), Poly(2- ethylene oxide), Poly(methyleneoxytetradecamethylene chloroethylvinyl ether), Poly(2-bromoethylvinyl ether), 10 oxide), Poly(nonaldehyde), Poly(decamethylene oxide), Poly(vinylbutyl sulfonate), Poly(2-methoxyethylvinyl Poly(nonamethylene oxide), Poly(octamethylene oxide), ether), Poly(2.2.2-trifluoroethylvinyl ether), Poly(isobu Poly(trimethylene oxide), Poly(3,3-bisazidomethyl-trim tylvinylether), Poly(isopropylvinylether), Poly(methylvii ethylene oxide), Poly(3,3-bischloromethyl-trimethylene nylether), Poly(octylvinyl ether), Poly(alpha-methylvii oxide), Poly(3,3-bisbromomethyl-trimethylene oxide), nylether), Poly(n-pentylvinylether), Poly 15 Poly(3,3-bisethoxymethyl-trimethylene oxide), Poly(3,3- (propylvinylether), Poly(1-methylpropylvinylether), Poly bisiodomethyl-trimethylene oxide), Poly(2.2-bistrifluo (decylvinyl ether), Poly(dodecylvinylether), Poly romethyl-trimethylene oxide), Poly(3,3-dimethyl-trim (isobutylpropenyl ether), Poly(cyclohexyloxyethylene), ethylene oxide), Poly(3,3-diethyl-trimethylene oxide), Poly(hexadecyloxyethylene), Poly(octadecyloxyethyl Poly(3-ethyl-3-methyl-trimethylene oxide), Poly(capryla ene), Poly(1-bomyloxyethylene), Poly(1-cholesteryloxy ldehyde), Poly(propionaldehyde), Poly(3-methoxycarbo ethylene), Poly(1.2-5,6-diisopropylidene-alpha-D-gluco nyl-propionaldehyde), Poly(3-cyano-propionaldehyde), furanosyl-3-oxyethylene), Poly(1-menthyloxyethylene), Poly(propylene oxide), Poly(2-chloromethyl-propylene Poly(1-alpha-methylbenzyloxyethylene), Poly3-beta oxide), Poly(3-(1-naphthoxy)-propylene oxide, Poly(3- (styryloxy)methane, Poly(2-phenylvinyl 2-methylbutyl (2-naphthoxy)-propylene oxide. Poly(3-phenoxy-propy ether), Poly(2-phenylvinyl 3-methylpentyl ether), Poly 25 lene oxide), Poly3-(o-chloro-phenoxy)propylene oxide. (2-ethylhexyloxy)ethylene, Poly(ethylthioethylene), Poly(3-(p-chloro-phenoxy)propylene oxide, Poly(3- Poly(dodecafluorobutoxy ethylene), Poly(2.2.2-trifluoro (dimethyl-phenoxy)propylene oxide. Poly3-(o-isopro ethoxytrifluoroethylene), Poly 1,1-bis(trifluoromethoxy) pyl-phenoxy)propylene oxide, Poly3-(p-methoxy-phe difluoroethylene, Poly(1,1-difluoro-2-trifluo noxy)propylene oxide. Poly3-(m-methyl-phenoxy) romethoxymethylene), Poly(1,2-difluoro-1- 30 propylene oxide. Poly3-(o-methyl-phenoxy)propylene trifluoromethoxymethylene), Poly oxide. Poly3-(o-phenyl-phenoxy)propylene oxide. (hexafluoromethoxyethylene), Poly(heptafluoro-2- Poly(3-(2,4,6-trichloro-phenoxy)propylene oxide. Poly propoxy)ethylene, Poly(hexyloxyethylene), Poly (3,3,3-trifluoro-propylene oxide), Poly(tetramethylene (isobutoxyethylene), Poly(isopropenyl methyl ether), oxide), Poly(cyclopropylidenedimethylene oxide), Poly Poly(isopropoxyethylene), Poly(methoxyethylene), Poly 35 (styrene oxide), Poly(allyloxymethylethylene oxide), (2-methoxypropylene), Poly(2,2-dimethylbutoxyethyl Poly(butoxymethylethylene oxide), Poly(butylethylene ene), Poly(methylthioethylene), Poly(neopentyloxyethyl oxide), Poly(4-chlorobutylethylene oxide), Poly(2-chlo ene), Poly(octyloxyethylene), Poly(pentyloxyethylene), roethylethylene oxide), Poly(2-cyanoethyloxymethylene Poly(propoxyethylene), Poly(1-acetyl-1-fluoroethylene), oxide), Poly(t-butylethylene oxide), Poly(2.2-bischlo Poly(4-bromo-3-methoxybenzoylethylene), Poly(4-t-bu 40 romethyltrimethylene oxide), Poly(decylethylene oxide), tylbenzoylethylene), Poly(4-chlorobenzoylethylene), Poly(ethoxymethylethylene oxide), Poly(2-ethyl-2-chlo Poly(4-ethylbenzoylethylene), Poly(4-isopropylbenzoyl romethyltrimethylene oxide), Poly(ethylethylene oxide), ethylene), Poly(4-methoxybenzoylethylene), Poly(3,4- Poly 1-(2,2,3,3-tetrafluorocyclobutyl)ethylene oxide), dimethylbenzoylethylene), Poly(4-propylbenzoylethyl Poly(octafluorotetramethylene oxide), Poly 1-(hep ene), Poly(p-toluoylethylene), Poly(vinyl isobutyl 45 tafluoro-2-propoxymethyl)ethylene, Poly(hexylethylene sulfide), Poly(vinyl methyl sulfide), Poly(vinyl phenyl oxide), Poly(hexyloxymethyl)ethylene oxide, Poly(me sulfide), Poly(vinyl ethyl sulfoxide), Poly(vinyl ethyl sul thyleneoxy- fide), Poly(t-butyl vinylketone), Poly(isopropenyl methyl oxide), oly(methyleneoxy- ketone), Poly(methyl vinyl ketone), Poly(phenyl vinyl amethylene oxide), Poly(1,1-dimethylethylene oxide), ketone), Poly(2-methylbutyl vinyl ketone), Poly(3-meth 50 Poly(1,2-dimethylethylene oxide), Poly(1-methyltrimeth ylpentyl vinylketone), Poly(isopropenylisocyanate), Poly ylene oxide), Poly(2-methyltrimethylene oxide), Poly(m- (vinyl chloromethyl ketone), Poly(vinyl 2-chlorocyclo ethyleneoxytetramethylene oxide), Poly(octadecylethyl hexyl ketone), Poly(vinyl 4-chlorocyclohexyl ketone), ene oxide), Poly(trifluoropropylene oxide), Poly(1,1- Poly(2-chloroacetaldehyde), Poly(2,2-dichloroacetalde difluoroethyliminotetrafluoroethylene oxide), Poly hyde), Poly(2.2.2-trichloroacetaldehyde), Poly(2-butene 55 (trifluoromethyliminotetrafluoro oxide), Poly(1,2- oxide), Poly(2-methyl-2-butene oxide), Poly(butadiene hexylene oxide), Poly(ethylenethioethylene oxide), Poly oxide), Poly(butyraldehyde), Poly(crotonaldehyde), Poly (difluoromethylene sulfide), Poly (Valeraldehyde), Poly(1..3-cyclobutyleneoxymethylene (methylenethiotetramethylene sulfide), Poly(1- oxide), Poly(2,2,4,4-tetramethyl)-1,3-cyclobutyle ethylethylene sulfide), Poly(ethylmethylethylene sulfide), neoxymethylene oxide, Poly(decamethylene oxide), 60 Poly(2-ethyl-2-methyltrimethylene sulfide), Poly(ethyl Poly(dodecamethylene oxide), Poly(ethylenetrimethyl enetrimethylene sulfide), Poly(t-butylethylene sulfide), eneoxide), Poly(1,1-bischloromethyl-ethyleneoxide), Poly(isopropylethylene sulfide), Poly(hexamethylene sul Poly(bromomethyl-ethylene oxide), Poly(t-butyl-ethyl fide), Poly(1.2-cyclohexylene sulfide), Poly(1..3-cyclo ene oxide), Poly(chloromethyl-ethylene oxide), Poly(1,2- hexylene sulfide), Poly(1,2-cyclohexylene sulfone), Poly dichloromethyl-ethylene oxide), Poly(1-fluoroethylene 65 (1,3-cyclohexylene Sulfone), Poly(hexamethylene oxide), Poly(isopropyl-ethylene oxide), Poly(neopentyl sulfone), Poly(pentamethylene sulfide), Poly(pentameth ethylene oxide), Poly(tetrafluoro-ethylene oxide), Poly ylene sulfone), Poly(propylene sulfide), Poly(isobutylene US 7,204,997 B2 31 32 sulfide), Poly(isopropylidene sulfide), Poly(2-butene sul Polyoxymethylpentafluorophenylsilylenedi(oxydimeth fide), Poly(hexamethylenethiopentamethylene sulfide), ylsilylene). Poly(oxymethyl-3,3,3-trifluoropropylsi Poly(hexamethylenethiotetramethylene sulfide), Poly(tri lylene), Poly(oxymethylphenylsilylene), Polytri(oxy methylene sulfide), Poly(1-methyltrimethylene sulfide), dimethylsilylene)oxy(methyl)trimethylsiloxysilylene, Poly(3-methyl-6-oxo-hexamethylene sulfide), Poly(1- Polytri(oxydimethylsilylene)oxy(methyl)-2-phenyl-eth methyl-3-oxo-trimethylene sulfide), Poly(6-oxohexam ylsilylene, Poly(4-dimethylaminophenyl)methylsilylen ethylene sulfide), Poly(2,2-dimethyl-trimethylene sul etrimethylene, Poly(4-dimethylaminophenyl)phenylsi fide), Poly(trimethylene Sulfone), Poly(2,2- lylenetrimethylene, Poly(methyl) dimethyltrimethylene Sulfone), Poly(2,2- phenylsilylenetrimethylene, Poly(1,1-dimethylsilaZane), diethyltrimethylene Sulfone), Poly(2,2- 10 Poly(dimethylsilylenetrimethylene), Poly(di-p-tolylsi dipentyltrimethylene sulfone), Poly(tetramethylene lylenetrimethylene), Poly(phosphazene), Poly(bis-beta sulfide), Poly(tetramethylene sulfone), Poly(ethylenethio naphthoxy-phosphaZene), Poly(bis-phenoxy-phosp hexamethylene sulfide), Poly(ethylenethiotetramethylene hazene), Poly(di-p-methyl-bis-phenoxy-phosphaZene), sulfide), Poly(pentamethylenethiotetramethylene sulfide), Poly (di-p-chloro-bis-phenoxy-phosphazene), Poly(di-2, Poly(tetramethylene sulfide), Poly(decamethylene sul 15 4-dichloro-bis-phenoxy-phosphaZene), Poly(di-p-phenyl fide), Poly(p-tolyl vinyl sulfoxide), Poly(decamethylene bis-phenoxy-phosphazene), Poly(di-m-trifluoromethyl disulfide), Poly(heptamethylene disulfide), Poly(hexam phosphazene), Poly(di-methyl-phosphazene), Poly(dich ethylene disulfide), Poly(nonamethylene disulfide), Poly oro-phosphazene), Poly(diethoxy-phosphazene), Polybis (octamethylene disulfide), Poly(pentamethylene disul (ethylamino)phosphaZene, Polybis(2.2.2- fide), Poly(octamethylenedithiotetramethylene disulfide), trifluoroethoxy)phosphaZene. Polybis(3- Poly(oxyethylenedithioethylene), Poly(oxyethylene trifluoromethylphenoxy)phosphazene, Polybis(1H, 1 H tetrathioethylene), Poly(dimethylketene), Poly(thiocarbo pentadecafluorooctyloxy)phosphazene, Polybis(1H, 1 H nyl-3-methylpentamethylene), Poly(thiocarbonyl-2-me pentafluoropropoxy)phosphaZene. Poly(dimethoxy thylpentamethylene), Poly(thiocarbonyl-1- phosphaZene), Polybis(phenylamino)phosphaZene, Poly methylethylene), Poly(thiocarbonyl-1-p- 25 bis(piperidino)phosphaZene, Poly(diethylpropenyl methoxybenzenesulfonylethylene), Poly(thiocarbonyl-1- phosphate), Poly(diethylisopropenylphosphate), Polyvi tosylaminoethylene), Poly(thiocarbonyl-1-p- nyl bis(chloroethyl) phosphate. Poly(vinyldisethyl phos chlorobenzenesulfoamidoethylene), Poly(butylethylene phate), Poly(vinyldiethyl phosphate), Poly(vinyldiphe amine), Poly(ethylethylene amine), Poly(isobutylethylene nylphosphate), Poly(alpha-bromovinyldiethyl amine), Poly(1,2-diethylethylene amine), Poly(1-butyl-2- 30 phosphonate), Poly(alpha-carboethoxyvinyl diethyl phos ethylethyleneamine), Poly(2-ethyl-1-pentylethylene), phonate), Poly(alpha-carbomethoxyvinyl diethyl phos Poly(N-formyl-isopropylethylene), Poly(isopropylethyl phonate), Poly(isopropenyl dimethyl phosphonate), Poly eneamine), Poly(N-formylpropylene amine), Poly(ethyl vinyl bis(2-chloroethyl) phosphonate. Poly(vinyl enetrimethyleneamine), Poly(N-acetyl-ethylene amine), dibutyl phosphonate), Poly(vinyl diethyl phosphonate), Poly(N-benzoyl-ethylene amine), PolyN-(p-chloro-ben 35 Poly(vinyldiisobutyl phosphonate), Poly(vinyl diisopro Zoyl)-ethylene amine, Poly(N-butyryl-ethylene amine), pyl phosphonate), Poly(vinyl dimethyl phosphonate), PolyN-4-(4-methylthiophenoxy)-butyryl-ethylene Poly(vinyl diphenyl phosphonate), Poly(vinyl dipropyl amine, Poly(N-cyclohexanecarbonyl-ethylene amine), phosphonate), PolyI2-(4-vinylphenyl)ethyl diethyl phos Poly(N-dodecanoyl-ethylene amine), Poly(N-heptanoyl phonate), Poly(4-vinylphenyl diethyl phosphonate), and ethylene amine), Poly(N-hexanoyl-ethylene amine), Poly 40 Poly(diphenylvinyl phosphine oxide). (N-isobutyryl-ethylene amine), Poly(N-isovaleryl-ethyl Method of Manufacture ene amine), Poly(N-octanoyl-ethylene amine), Poly(N-2- A method of responsive microgel synthesis and produc naphthoyl-ethylene amine), Poly(N-p-toluoyl-ethylene tion is further an object of the present invention. The method amine), Poly(N-perfluorooctaoyl-ethylene amine), Poly of the present invention involves a single synthetic step, (N-perfluoropropionyl-ethylene amine), Poly(N-pivaloyl 45 which is advantageous for Scale-up of responsive microgel ethylene amine), Poly(N-valeryl-ethylene amine), Poly fabrication. The synthesis of the microgels described herein (trimethylene amine), Polysilane, Poly(di-N-hexyl involves a free-radical copolymerization of a vinyl monomer silane), Poly(di-N-pentyl-silane), Poly with a divinyl cross-linker with simultaneous hydrogen (vinyltriethoxysilane), Poly(vinyltrimethoxysilane), Poly abstraction from a polymer present in the reaction system. (vinyltrimethylsilane), Poly(vinyl 50 The hydrogen abstraction leads to generation of macro methyldiacetoxysilane), Poly(vinyl methyldiethoxysi radicals that lead to the grafting of the amphiphilic copoly lane), Poly(vinylphenyldimethylsilane), Polysiloxane, mer dangling chains onto the growing microgel network. Poly(diethylsiloxane), Poly(dimethylsiloxane), Poly The series of reactions that occur simultaneously and yield (diphenylsiloxane), Poly(dipropylsiloxane), Poly(pen a responsive microgel of the present invention are shown in taphenyl-p-toluyltrsiloxane), Poly(phenyl-p-toluylsilox 55 FIG. 4 (scheme of the one-step synthesis of responsive ane), Polytphthalocyaninato-siloxane), Poly microgels). See, e.g., Examples I and II. (propylmethylsiloxane), Poly(ethylmethylsiloxane), Poly A preferred chain-transfer reaction to covalently bond the (methyloctylsiloxane), Poly(3,3,3- nonionic copolymer to the ionizable network is a free trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane), Poly radical polymerization (using a redox free-radical initiator) (vinylmethylsiloxane), Polysilylene, Poly 60 of an ionizable monomer and a divinyl cross-linker. (dimethylsilylene), Poly(diphenylsilylene), Poly A method of making the responsive microgel covalently (dimethyldiallylsilane), Polyoxydipentafluorophenyl) cross-linked polymer network (graft-comb copolymer) of silylenedi(oxydimethylsilylene), Poly the present invention, for example, comprises the steps of: a) oxymethylchlorotetrafluorophenylsilylenedi providing, an ionizable monomer, a divinyl cross-linker, a (oxydimethylsilylene), Poly 65 free radical, and a nonionic copolymer, and, b) copolymer (oxymethylpentafluorophenylsilylene), Poly izing the ionizable monomer with the divinyl cross-linker to (oxymethylpentafluorophenylsilyleneoxydimethylsilylene, produce an ionizable network, while c) abstracting hydrogen US 7,204,997 B2 33 34 from the nonionic copolymer with the free radical to thyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one, polyduatemary amines such as progress a chain transfer reaction wherein the nonionic condensates of dimethylamine with epichlorohydrin, homo copolymer is covalently bonded onto the ionizable network and copolymers of diallyldimethylammonium chloride, and to produce a responsive microgel as defined herein. homo- and copolymers of dimethylaminoethyl (meth)acry Divinyl cross-linker as used herein refers to a reactive late, which are, where appropriate, quatemized with, for chemical having at least two ethylenic double bonds capable example, methyl chloride. of participating in at least two growing polymer chains. Other suitable crosslinkers are polyvalent metal ions able Examples of cross-linkers of this type, which are normally to form ionic crosslinks. Examples of Such crosslinkers are used as crosslinkers in polymerization reactions, are N,N'- magnesium, calcium, barium and aluminum ions. A pre methylenebisacrylamide, polyethylene glycol diacrylates 10 ferred crosslinker of this type is sodium aluminate. These and polyethylene glycol dimethacrylates which are derived crosslinkers are added, for example, as hydroxides, carbon in each case from polyethylene glycols with a molecular ates or bicarbonates to the aqueous polymerizable solution. weight of from 106 to 8500, preferably 400 to 2000, Other suitable crosslinkers are multifunctional bases trimethylolpropane triacrylate, trimethylolpropane tri which are likewise able to form ionic crosslinks, for example methacrylate, ethylene glycol diacrylate, propylene glycol 15 polyamines or their quatemized salts. Examples of diacrylate, butanediol diacrylate, hexanediol diacrylate, hex polyamines are ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, trieth anediol dimethacrylate, diacrylates and dimethacrylates of ylenetetramine, tetraethylenepentamine, pentaethylenehex block copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, amine and polyethyleneimines, and polyvinylamines with polyhydric such as glycerol or pentaerythritol molecular weights of up to 4,000,000 in each case. which are esterified two or three times with acrylic acid or In a preferred embodiment of the invention, divinyl methacrylic acid, triallylamine, tetraallylethylenediamine, crosslinkers are used. These can be hydrophobic or most divinylbenzene, diallyl phthalate, polyethylene glycol divi preferably amphiphilic or hydrophilic. Apart from polyva nyl ethers of polyethylene glycols with a molecular weight lent metal ions, all the water-insoluble crosslinkers which of from 126 to 4000, trimethylolpropane diallyl ether, are described above and can be assigned to the various butanediol , pentaerythritol triallyl ether and/or 25 groups are suitable for producing gels. Some preferred divinylethyleneurea. Water-soluble crosslinkers are prefer hydrophobic crosslinkers are diacrylates or dimethacrylates ably used, e.g. N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide, oligoethylene or divinyl ethers of alkanediols with 2 to 25 carbon atoms glycol diacrylates and oligoethylene glycol dimethacrylates (branched, linear, with any suitable arrangement of OH derived from adducts of 2 to 400 mol of ethylene oxide and groups) such as 1,3-propanediol. 1,4-butanediol, 1.6-hex 1 mol of a diol or polyol, vinyl ethers of adducts of 2 to 400 30 anediol, neopentyl glycol, 1.9-nonanediol or 1,2-dode mol of ethylene oxide and 1 mol of a diol or polyol, ethylene canediol, di-, tri- or polypropylene glycol diacrylates or glycol diacrylate, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate or triacry dimethacrylates, allyl acrylate, allyl methacrylate, divinyl lates and trimethacrylates of adducts of 6 to 20 mol of , glycidyl acrylate or glycidyl methacrylate, allyl ethylene oxide and one mol of glycerol, pentaerythritol glycidyl ether and bisglycidyl ethers of the alkanediols listed triallyl ether and/or divinylurea. 35 above. Also suitable as crosslinkers are compounds, which con Examples of suitable hydrophilic crosslinkers are N,N'- tain at least one polymerizable ethylenically unsaturated methylenebisacrylamide, polyethylene glycol diacrylates or group and at least one other functional group. The functional dimethacrylates with a molecular weight from 200 to 4000, group in these crosslinkers must be able to react with the divinylurea, triallylamine, diacrylates or dimethacrylates of functional groups, essentially the carboxyl groups in the 40 adducts of from 2 to 400 mol of ethylene oxide and 1 mol monomers of the backbone. Examples of suitable functional of a diol or polyol or the triacrylate of an adduct of 20 mol groups are hydroxyl, amino, epoxy and aziridino groups. of ethylene oxide and 1 mol of glycerol and vinyl ethers of Also Suitable as crosslinkers are those compounds which adducts of from 2 to 400 mol of ethylene oxide and 1 mol have at least two functional groups able to react with of a diol or polyol. carboxyl and other functional groups in the monomers used. 45 The polymerization initiators which can be used are all The Suitable functional groups have already been mentioned initiators which form free radicals under the polymerization above, i.e. hydroxyl, amino, epoxy, isocyanate, ester, amide conditions and which are normally used in the preparation of and aziridino groups. Examples of Such crosslinkers are responsive gels. It is also possible to initiate the polymer ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, tetra ization by the action of electron beams on the polymerizable ethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, glycerol, polyglycerol, 50 aqueous mixture. However, the polymerization can also be propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, block copolymers started in the absence of initiators of the abovementioned of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, Sorbitan fatty acid type by the action of high-energy radiation in the presence esters, ethoxylated sorbitan fatty acid esters, trimethylolpro of photoinitiators. pane, pentaerythritol, polyvinyl alcohol, Sorbitol, polygly Polymerization initiators which can be used are all com cidyl ethers such as ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether, poly 55 pounds which decompose to free radicals under the poly ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether, glycerol diglycidyl ether, merization conditions, e.g. peroxides, hydroperoxides, glycerol polyglycidyl ether, diglycerol polyglycidyl ether, hydrogen peroxide, persulfates, azo compounds and the polyglycerol polyglycidyl ether, Sorbitol polyglycidyl ether, redox catalysts. Initiators soluble in the mixture of the pentaerythritol polyglycidyl ether, propylene glycol digly monomer and amphiphilic copolymer are preferably used. It cidyl ether and polypropylene glycol diglycidyl ether, 60 is advantageous in some cases to use mixtures of various polyaziridine compounds Such as 2.2-bishydroxymethylbu polymerization initiators, e.g. most preferably mixtures of tanol tris3-(1-aziridinyl)propionate, 1.6-hexamethylenedi lauroyl peroxide or benzoyl peroxide hydrogen peroxide ethyleneurea, 4,4'-methylenebis(phenyl)-N,N'-diethyl with 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylpentanenitrile) or 4,4'-azobis eneurea, halo epoxy compounds such as epichlorohydrin (4-cyanovaleric acid). Examples of Suitable organic peroX and a-methylfluorohydrin, polyisocyanates Such as 2.4- 65 ides are acetylacetone peroxide, methyl ethyl ketone peroX tolylene diisocyanate and hexamethylene diisocyanate, ide, tertbutyl hydroperoxide, cumene hydroperoxide, tert alkylene carbonates Such as 1,3-di-oxolan-2-one and 4-me amyl perpivalate, tert-butyl perpivalate, tert-butyl US 7,204,997 B2 35 36 pemeohexanoate, tert-butyl perisobutyrate, tert-butyl per-2- pharmaceutical industry to have ways of administering ethylhexanoate, tert-butyl perisononanoate, tert-butyl per drugs such that their availability can be controlled in an even maleate, tert-butyl perbenzoate, di(2-ethylhexyl) peroxydi dosing manner, the amounts of drugs can be kept as low as carbonate, dicyclohexyl peroxydicarbonate, di(4-tert possible to minimize side effects, and dosing regime can be butylcyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonate, dimyristyl kept to a minimum to provide greater convenience to the peroxydicarbonate, diacetyl peroxydicarbonate, allyl perest Subject, thus promoting greater compliance with appropriate ers, cumyl peroxyneodecanoate, tert-butyl per-3.5.5-trim dosing. ethylhexanoate, acetyl cyclohexylsulfonyl peroxide, dilau The responsive microgels of the present invention are royl peroxide, dibenzoyl peroxide and tert-amyl useful in a wide variety of chemo-mechanical applications in pemeodecanoate. Also suitable polymerization initiators are 10 that they display diverse phase transition characteristics. A water-soluble azo initiators, e.g. 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopro method, for example, of delivering at least one therapeutic pane) dihydrochloride, 2,2'-azobis(N,N'-dimethyleneisobu or cosmetic agent to a mammalian Subject is a preferred tyramidine) dihydrochloride, 2-(carbamoylazo)isobutyroni embodiment of the invention which comprises administer trile, 2,2'-aZobis 2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)propane ing a responsive microgel of the present invention to the dihydrochloride and 4.4.-aZobis(4-cyanovaleric acid). 15 Subject which comprises at least one such agent. Polymerization initiators are used in conventional amounts, A method of delivering an effective amount at least one e.g. in amounts of from 0.01 to 5, preferably 0.1 to 2.0, 96 therapeutic agent to a patient is a preferred method of the of the weight of the monomers to be polymerized. invention which comprises administering an effective Also suitable as initiators are redox catalysts. The redox amount of a responsive microgel of the present invention catalysts contain as oxidizing component at least one of the which comprises at least one therapeutic agent. Therapeutic abovementioned peroxy compounds and as reducing com regimens for the prevention and/or treatment of cancer ponent, for example, ascorbic acid, glucose, Sorbose, ammo frequently requires, for example, the administration of an nium or alkali metal bisulfite, sulfite, thiosulfate, hypo effective amount of a cationic, hydrophobic, and/or Sulfite, pyrosulfite or Sulfide, metal salts such as iron (II) ions amphiphilic compound, individually or in combinations. or silver ions, or sodium hydroxymethylsulfoxylate. The 25 The responsive microgel of the present invention is particu reducing component preferably used in the redox catalyst is larly suited for therapeutic administration of these types of ascorbic acid or sodium sulfite. Based on the amount of agents or entities. The responsive microgels are provided as monomers used in the polymerization, for example, from a long-term delivery device for therapeutic agents and to 3x10 to 1 mol % of the reducing component of the redox enhance the therapeutic profile. The responsive microgels catalyst system and from 0.001 to 5.0 mol % of the oxidizing 30 provide improved and Substantially linear Sustained release component of the redox catalyst are used. of therapeutic agents to improve and prolong the bioavail If the polymerization is initiated by the action of high ability of the agent. The reversibly gelling responsive micro energy radiation, photoinitiators are normally used as ini gel of this invention has the physico-chemical characteristics tiator. These may be, for example, alpha-splitters, H-ab that make it a suitable delivery vehicle for conventional stracting systems or else azides. Examples of initiators of 35 Small chemical drugs as well as new macromolecular (e.g., these types are benzophenone derivatives such as Michler's peptides) drugs or therapeutic products. ketone, phenanthrene derivatives, fluorene derivatives, anthraquinone derivatives, thioxanthone derivatives, cou The responsive microgel of the present invention is par marin derivatives, benzoin ethers and derivatives thereof, ticularly suited for oral administration. The responsive aZo compounds like the free-radical formers mentioned 40 microgel of the present invention may also be employed to above, substituted hexaarylbisimidazoles or acylphosphine deliver therapeutic entities (including cosmetic agents), for oxides. Examples of azides are: 2-(N,N-dimethylamino) example, by intranasal, ocular, pulmonary, colonic, vaginal, ethyl 4-azidocinnamate, 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethyl-4-azi as well as topical administration. The temperature-respon donaphthyl ketone, 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethyl 4-azido sive mode of solute solubilization, for example, by micro benzoate, 5-azido-1-naphthyl 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethyl 45 gels of the present invention is useful for medicinal as well sulfone, N-(4-sulfonylazidophenyl)maleimide, N-acetyl-4- as cosmetic formulations. Preferred therapeutic entities for Sulfonylazidoaniline, 4-sulfonylazidoaniline, 4-azidoa use in the present invention include but are not limited to niline, 4-azidophenacyl bromide, p-azidobenzoic acid, 2.6- doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, mitomycin C, as well as the bis(p-azidobenzylidene)cyclohexanone and 2,6-bis(p- Taxanes including but not limited to (paclitaxel (TAXOL(R), azidobenzylidene)-4-methylcyclohexanone. The 50 and docetaxel (TAXOTERE(R)). photoinitiators are, if employed, normally used in amounts Examples of therapeutic entities that might be utilized in of from 0.01 to 5% of the weight of the monomers to be a delivery application of the invention include literally any polymerized. hydrophilic or hydrophobic biologically active compound. In one embodiment, it is preferred to use free-radical Preferably, though not necessarily, the drug is one that has initiators capable of abstracting tertiary and secondary 55 already been deemed safe and effective for use by the hydrogens from the backbone of the amphiphilic polymer of appropriate governmental agency or body. For example, the present invention. drugs for human use listed by the FDA under 21 C.F.R. Method of Use 330.5, 331 through 361; 440-460; drugs for veterinary use One of the major concerns in the delivery of drugs is the listed by the FDA under 21 C.F.R. 500-582, incorporated bioavailability of the drug. Depending upon the nature of the 60 herein by reference, are all considered acceptable for use in drug and the route of delivery, the bioavailability may be the present responsive microgel. very low due to, for example, the degradation of oral Drugs that are not themselves liquid at body temperature delivered drugs by hepato-gastrointestinal first-pass elimi can be incorporated into the responsive microgel of the nation or rapid clearance of the drug from the site of present invention. Moreover, peptides and proteins which application. The net result is that frequent dosing may be 65 may normally be rapidly degraded by tissue-activated required with higher than needed amounts of drug, which enzymes such as peptidases, can be passively protected in can lead to undesired side effects. Thus, it is desired by the the microgels described herein. US 7,204,997 B2 37 38 A responsive microgel which comprises at least one invention include, but are not limited to, anti-AIDS sub therapeutic entity is particularly preferred. A responsive stances, anti-cancer Substances, antibiotics, immunosup microgel which comprises at least one anticancer agent is a pressants (e.g. cyclosporine) anti-viral Substances, enzyme preferred embodiment of the present invention wherein, for inhibitors, neurotoxins, opioids, , antihistamines, example, at least one anticancer agent is selected from the tranquilizers, anti-convulsants, muscle relaxants and anti group consisting of (a steroidal antiandrogen, a non steroidal Parkinson Substances, anti-spasmodics and muscle contrac antiandrogen, an estrogen, diethylstilbestrol, a conjugated tants, miotics and anti-cholinergics, antiglaucoma com estrogen, a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), a pounds, anti-parasite and/or anti-protozoal compounds, anti taxane, and a LHRH analog). Non Steroidal antiandrogen as hypertensives, analgesics, anti-pyretics and anti referred to herein includes but is not limited to the group 10 inflammatory agents such as NSAIDs, local anesthetics, consisting essentially of (finasteride (PROSCAR(R), fluta ophthalmics, prostaglandins, anti-, anti-psy mide (4'-nitro-3'-trifluoromethyl isobutyranilide), bicaluta chotic Substances, anti-emetics, imaging agents, specific mide (CASODEX(R), and nilutamide). SERM as referred to targeting agents, neurotransmitters, proteins, cell response herein includes but is not limited to the group consisting modifiers, and vaccines. essentially of (tamoxifen, raloxifene, droloxifene, and idox 15 A more complete listing of classes of compounds Suitable ifene). LHRH analog as referred to herein includes but is not for loading into polymers using the present methods may be limited to the group consisting essentially of (goserelin found in the PharmaZeutische Wirkstoffe (Von Kleemann et acetate (ZOLADEXR), and leuprolide acetate (LU al. (eds) Stuttgart/New York, 1987, incorporated herein by PRONR)). reference). Examples of particular pharmaceutically active A method of prevention or treatment of a tumor is Substances are presented below: provided comprising administering a therapeutically effec Anti-AIDS substances are substances used to treat or tive amount of a responsive microgel which comprises at prevent Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). least one therapeutic entity to a patient wherein the patient Examples of such substances include CD4, 3'-azido-3'- is either at risk of developing a tumor or already exhibits a deoxythymidine (AZT), 9-(2-hydroxyethoxymethyl)-gua tumor. A method of prevention or treatment of a tumor is 25 nine acyclovir( ), phosphonoformic acid, 1-adamantan provided wherein at least one agent described herein—or a amine, peptide T, and 2',3' dideoxycytidine. Stereoisomeric mixture thereof, diastereomerically enriched, Anti-cancer Substances are substances used to treat or diastereomerically pure, enantiomerically enriched or enan prevent cancer. Examples of Such Substances include meth tiomerically pure isomer thereof, or a prodrug of Such otrexate, cisplatin, prednisone, hydroxyprogesterone, compound, mixture or isomer thereof, or a pharmaceutically 30 medroxyprogesterone acetate, megestrol acetate, diethylstil acceptable salt of the compound, mixture, isomer or pro bestrol, propionate, fluoxymesterone, vinblas drug is administered in a therapeutically effective amount tine, Vincristine, vindesine, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, comprised within a responsive microgel of the present hydroxyurea, procarbazine, aminoglutethimide, mechlore invention to a patient wherein the patient is either at risk of thamine, cyclophosphamide, melphalan, uracil mustard, developing a tumor or already exhibits a tumor. Methods of 35 chlorambucil, buSulfan, carmustine, lomusline, dacarbazine employing the responsive microgel of the present invention (DTIC: dimethyltriazenomidazolecarboxamide), methotrex for the prevention or treatment of a tumor is provided ate, fluorouracil, 5-fluorouracil, cytarabine, cytosine arabi wherein at least one agent is comprised within the microgel noxide, mercaptopurine, 6-mercaptopurine, thioguanine. selected from the group consisting of (a steroidal antiandro Antibiotics are art recognized and are substances which gen, a non steroidal antiandrogen, an estrogen, diethylstil 40 inhibit the growth of or kill microorganisms. Antibiotics can bestrol, a conjugated estrogen, a selective estrogen receptor be produced synthetically or by microorganisms. Examples modulator (SERM), a taxane, and a LHRH analog) and an of antibiotics include penicillin, tetracycline, chlorampheni effective amount of the microgel is administered to a patient col, minocycline, doxycycline, Vanomycin, bacitracin, kana in need of treatment. mycin, neomycin, gentamycin, erythromicin and cepha The term therapeutic entity includes pharmacologically 45 losporins. active Substances that produce a local or systemic effect in Anti-viral agents are substances capable of destroying or a mammal. The term thus means any Substance intended for Suppressing the replication of viruses. Examples of anti-viral use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or preven agents include a-methyl-P-adamantane methylamine, 1.-D- tion of disease or in the enhancement of desirable physical ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3 carboxamide, 9->2-hydroxy or mental development and conditions in a mammal. 50 ethoxymethylguanine, adamantanamine, 5-iodo-2'-deox Therapeutic entities for employment with the responsive yuridine, trifluorothymidine, interferon, and adenine microgels described herein therefore include small molecule arabinoside. compounds, polypeptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and PLU Enzyme inhibitors are substances which inhibit an enzy RONICR), for example, as described herein (e.g., and for the matic reaction. Examples of enzyme inhibitors include edro formation of mixed micelles). 55 phonium chloride, N-methylphysostigmine, neostigmine Examples of proteins include antibodies, enzymes, bromide, physostigmine Sulfate, tacrine HCl, tacrine, 1-hy growth hormone and growth hormone-releasing hormone, droxy maleate, iodotubercidin, p-bromotetramisole, 10-(al gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and its agonistandantago pha-diethylaminopropionyl)-phenothiazine hydrochloride, nist analogues, somatostatin and its analogues, gonadotro calmidazolium chloride, hemicholinium-3,3,5-initrocat pins such as luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating 60 echol, diacylglycerol kinase inhibitor I, diacylglycerol hormone, peptide-T, thyrocalcitonin, parathyroid hormone, kinase inhibitor II, 3-phenylpropargylamine, N. Sup.6- glucagon, Vasopressin, oxytocin, angiotensin I and II, brady monomethyl-L-arginine acetate, carbidopa, 3-hydroxyben kinin, kallidin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyroid stimu Zylhydrazine HCl, hydralazine HCl, clorgyline HCl, depre lating hormone, insulin, glucagon and the numerous ana nyl HCl, L(-)-deprenyl HC1.D(+)-, hydroxylamine HCl, logues and congeners of the foregoing molecules. 65 iproniazid phosphate, 6-MeO-tetrahydro-9H-pyrido-indole, Classes of pharmaceutically active compounds which can nialamide, pargyline HCl, quinacrine HCl, semicarbazide be loaded onto responsive microgel compositions of the HCl, tranylcypromine HCl, N,N-diethylaminoethyl-2.2- US 7,204,997 B2 39 40 diphenylvalerate hydrochloride, 3-isobutyl-1-methylx carpine, physostigmine salicylate, diisopropylfluorophos anthne, papaverine HCl, indomethacind, 2-cyclooctyl-2-hy phate, epinephrine, neostigmine, carbachol, methacholine, droxyethylamine hydrochloride, 2,3-dichloro-a- bethanechol, and the like. methylbenzylamine PCMB), 8,9-dichloro-2,3,4,5- Anti-glaucoma compounds include betaxalol, pilo tetrahydro-1H-2-benzazepine hydrochloride, carpine, timolol, timolol salts, and combinations of timolol. p-aminoglutethimide, p-aminoglutethimide tartrate.R(+)-. and/or its salts, with pilocarpine. p-aminoglutethimide tartrate.S(-)-, 3-iodotyrosine, alpha Anti-parasitic, -protozoal and -fungals include ivermec methyltyrosine.L-, alpha -methyltyrosine.D L-, acetazola tin, pyrimethamine, trisulfapyrimidine, clindamycin, mide, dichlorphenamide, 6-hydroxy-2-benzothiazole amphotericin B, nystatin, flucytosine, natamycin, and Sulfonamide, and allopurinol. 10 miconazole. Neurotoxins are substances which have a toxic effect on Anti-hypertensives are substances capable of counteract the nervous system, e.g. nerve cells. Neurotoxins include ing high blood pressure. Examples of Such substances adrenergic neurotoxins, cholinergic neurotoxins, dopamin include alpha-methyldopa and the pivaloyloxyethyl ester of ergic neurotoxins, and other neurotoxins. Examples of adr alpha-methyldopa. energic neurotoxins include N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2- 15 Analgesics are substances capable of preventing, reduc bromobenzylamine hydrochloride. Examples of cholinergic ing, or relieving pain. Examples of analgesics include mor neurotoxins include acetylethylcholine mustard hydrochlo phine Sulfate, codeine Sulfate, meperidine, and nalorphine. ride. Examples of dopaminergic neurotoxins include 6-hy Anti-pyretics are substances capable of relieving or reduc droxydopamine HBr, 1-methyl-4-(2-methylphenyl)-1,2,3,6- ing fever and anti-inflammatory agents are substances tetrahydro-pyridine hydrochloride, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3- capable of counteracting or Suppressing inflammation. dihydropyridinium perchlorate, N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,5,6- Examples of Such agents include aspirin (Salicylic acid), tetrahydropyridine HCl, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium indomethacin, sodium indomethacin trihydrate, salicyla iodide. mide, naproxen, colchicine, fenoprofen, Sulindac, diflunisal, Opioids are Substances having opiate like effects that are diclofenac, indoprofen and Sodium salicylamide. not derived from opium. Opioids include opioid agonists 25 Local anesthetics are Substances which have an anesthetic and opioid antagonists. Opioid agonists include codeine effect in a localized region. Examples of Such anesthetics Sulfate, fentanyl citrate, hydrocodone bitartrate, loperamide include procaine, lidocain, tetracaine and dibucaine. HCl, morphine Sulfate, noscapine, norcodeine, normor Ophthalmics include diagnostic agents such as Sodium phine, thebaine. Opioid antagonists include nor-binaltor fluorescein, rose bengal, methacholine, adrenaline, cocaine, phimine HCl, buprenorphine, chlomaltrexamine 2HCl, fun 30 and atropine. Ophthalmic Surgical additives include alpha altrexamione HCl, nalbuphine HCl, nalorphine HCl, chymotrypsin and hyaluronidase. naloxone HCl, naloxonazine, naltrexone HCl, and naltrin Prostaglandins are art recognized and are a class of dole HC1. naturally occurring chemically related, long-chain hydroxy Hypnotics are substances which produce a fatty acids that have a variety of biological effects. effect. Hypnotics include sodium, phenobar 35 Anti-depressants are Substances capable of preventing or bital, , thiopental and mixtures, thereof, hetero relieving depression. Examples of anti-depressants include cyclic hypnotics, dioxopiperidines, glutarimides, diethyl imipramine, , nortriptyline, protriptyline, isovaleramide, a-bromoisovaleryl urea, urethanes and disul desipramine, amoxapine, , maprotiline, tranyl fanes. 40 cypromine, phenelzine, and isocarboxazide. Antihistamines are substances which competitively Anti-psychotic Substances are substances which modify inhibit the effects of histamines. Examples include pyril psychotic behavior. Examples of Such agents include phe amine, chlorpheniramine, tetrahydrazoline, and the like. nothiazines, butyrophenones and . Lubricants are substances that increase the lubricity of the Anti-emetics are Substances which prevent or alleviate environment into which they are delivered. Examples of 45 nausea or vomiting. An example of Such a Substance biologically active lubricants include water and Saline. includes dramamine. Tranquilizers are Substances which provide a tranquiliz In topical skin care applications, a variety of active ing effect. Examples of tranquilizers include chloropro Substances may be advantageously employed. By way of mazine, promazine, fluiphenzaine, reserpine, deserpidine, example only Suitable active agents which may be incorpo and . 50 rated into the cosmetic composition include anti-aging Anti-convulsants are substances which have an effect of active Substances, anti-wrinkle active Substances, hydrating preventing, reducing, or eliminating convulsions. Examples or moisturizing or slimming active Substances, depigment of Such agents include , , Valproate, Chk ing active Substances, Substances active against free radicals, and ethoSuximide. anti-irritation active Substances, Sun protective active Sub 55 stances, anti-acne active Substances, firming-up active Sub Muscle relaxants and anti-Parkinson agents are agents stances, exfoliating active Substances, emollient active Sub which relax muscles or reduce or eliminate symptoms stances, and active Substances for the treating of skin associated with Parkinson's disease. Examples of Such disorders such as dermatitis and the like. agents include mephenesin, methocarbomal, cyclobenza Imaging agents are agents capable of imaging a desired prine hydrochloride, trihexylphenidyl hydrochloride, 60 site, e.g. tumor, in vivo. Examples of imaging agents include levodopa/carbidopa, and biperiden. Substances having a label which is detectable in Vivo, e.g. Anti-spasmodics and muscle contractants are substances antibodies attached to fluorescent labels. The term antibody capable of preventing or relieving muscle spasms or con includes whole antibodies or fragments thereof. tractions. Examples of Such agents include atropine, Scopo Specific targeting agents include agents capable of deliv lamine, oxyphenonium, and papaverine. 65 ering a therapeutic agent to a desired site, e.g. tumor, and Miotics and anti-cholinergics are compounds which cause providing a therapeutic effect. Examples of targeting agents bronchodilation. Examples include echothiophate, pilo include agents which can carry toxins or other agents which US 7,204,997 B2 41 42 provide beneficial effects. The targeting agent can be an release from an isotonic saline Solution). This can result in antibody linked to a toxin, e.g. ricin A or an antibody linked prolonged delivery (over, say 1 to 2,000 hours, preferably 2 to a drug. to 800 hours) of effective amounts (say, 0.0001 mg/kg/hour Neurotransmitters are substances which are released from to 10 mg/kg/hour) of the drug. This dosage form can be a neuron on excitation and travel to either inhibit or excite administered as is necessary depending on the Subject being a target cell. Examples of neurotransmitters include dopam treated, the severity of the affliction, the judgment of the ine, serotonin, q-aminobutyric acid, norepinephrine, hista prescribing physician, and the like. mine, acetylcholine, and epinephrine. Cell response modifiers are chemotactic factors such as Preparation of pharmaceutic compositions may be accom platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). Other chemotactic 10 plished with reference to any of the pharmaceutic formula factors include neutrophil-activating protein, monocyte tion guidebooks and industry journals which are available in chemoattractant protein, macrophage-inflammatory protein, the pharmaceutic industry. These references Supply standard platelet factor, platelet basic protein, and melanoma growth formulations which may be modified by the addition or stimulating activity; epidermal growth factor, transforming substitution of the reversible viscosifying composition of the growth factor (alpha), fibroblast growth factor, platelet 15 present invention into the formulation. Suitable guidebooks derived endothelial cell growth factor, insulin-like growth include Pharmaceutics and Toiletries Magazine, Vol. 111 factor, nerve growth factor, and bone growth/cartilage-in (March, 1996); Formulary: Ideas for Personal Care; Croda, ducing factor (alpha and beta), or other bone morphogenetic Inc., Parsippany, N.J. (1993); and Pharmaceuticon: Pharma protein. ceutic Formulary, BASF, which are hereby incorporated in Other cell response modifiers are the interleukins, inter their entirety by reference. leukin inhibitors or interleukin receptors, including interleu The pharmaceutic composition may be in any form. kin 1 through interleukin 10; interferons, including alpha, Suitable forms will be dependant, in part, of the intended beta and gamma; hematopoietic factors, including erythro mode and location of application. Ophthalmic and otic poietin, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, macrophage formulations are preferably administered in droplet or liquid colony Stimulating factor and granulocyte-macrophage 25 form; nasal formulations are preferable administered in colony stimulating factor; tumor necrosis factors, including droplet or spray form, or may be administered as a powder alpha and beta; transforming growth factors (beta), includ (as a Snuff); Vaginal and rectal formulations are preferably ing beta-1, beta-2, beta-3, inhibin, and activin; and bone administered in the form of a cream, jelly or thick liquid; morphogenetic proteins. veterinary formulations may be administered as a cream, As those skilled in the art will appreciate, the foregoing 30 lotion, spray or mousse (for application to fur or exterior list is exemplary only. Because the responsive microgel of Surface); esophageal and buccal/oral cavity applications are the present invention is suited for application under a variety preferably administered from solution or as a powder; film of physiological conditions, a wide variety of pharmaceuti forming applications or dermal applications may be admin cal agents may be loaded onto the responsive microgels istered as a lotions, creams, sticks, roll-ons formulations or described herein and administered. 35 pad-applied formulations. Formulations Exemplary drugs or therapeutics delivery systems which Tablet Excipients. It has been demonstrated that standard may be administered using the aqueous responsive compo pharmaceutical processes, such as lyophilization and air sition compositions of the invention include, but are in no drying can process the responsive microgel of the invention. way limited to, mucosal therapies, such as esophageal, otic, The reversible thermal viscosifying responsive microgel 40 rectal, buccal, oral, vaginal, and urological applications; may be reconstituted with water, phosphate buffer or cal topical therapies, such as wound care, skin care and teat cium chloride Solution, without loss or degradation of rheo dips; and intravenous/subcutaneous therapies. Such as intra logical properties. Thus, it is contemplated that the respon muscular, intrabone (e.g., joints), spinal and Subcutaneous sive microgel of the invention may also be incorporated as therapies, tissue Supplementation, adhesion prevention and excipients into tablets or granules for oral delivery, for 45 parenteral drug delivery. In addition, further applications example. The responsive microgel may be coated on an include transdermal delivery and the formation of depots of outer surface of the tablet or may be introduced in powder drug following injection. It will be appreciated that the ionic form into the tablet along with the active agent and other nature of the biocompatible component of the responsive ingredients. The poloxamer:poly(acrylic acid) composition composition provides an adhesive interaction with mucosal may be used to promote bioadhesion of the tablet and its 50 tissue. contents with the mucosal lining of the gastro-intestinal tract to extend transit time. The responsive microgels of the present invention may be Also, when incorporated as a powder, the slow dissolution understood with reference to the following examples, which rate of the end-modified responsive microgel makes it a are provided for the purposes of illustration of example Suitable excipient to Sustained release tableting formulation. 55 embodiments, and are not intended to limit the scope of the The addition of such responsive microgel would yield to a claims appended hereto. slow release of the incorporated drug. Injectibles. The end-modified responsive microgel com EXAMPLES position of the invention is well-suited for use in injectable Example I applications. A depot formulation may be prepared and 60 administered at low viscosity to a Subdermal or intramus cular site, for example. The responsive microgel will vis Drug Release from Responsive Microgels of Polyether cosify and form a depot site, which will slowly release the Modified Poly(Acrylic Acid). active agent. The reversible thermally viscosifying respon PLURONIC(R) F127 NF, L92 and L61 were obtained from sive microgel, upon contact with body fluids including blood 65 BASF Corp. (Mount Olive, N.J.) and used as received. The or the like, undergoes gradual release of the dispersed drug properties of these PLURONICR) surfactants are presented for a Sustained or extended period (as compared to the in Table 1: US 7,204 997 B2 43 44

Number Number Hydrophilic- Cloud point Critical micelle Nominal of PO of EO lipophilic in water at 1 concentration at Copolymer MW units units balance wt %, C. 25° C., M L61 2OOO 30 6 3 32 1.1 x 10' L92 36SO 60 16 6 69 8.8 x 10 F127 12600 65 200 22 >100 2.8 x 10

Table 1. Properties of the PLURONICR) surfactants used in In order to ascertain the grafting of PLURONICR) seg this study. M. Yu. Kozlov, Macromolecules, 2000, 33, ments onto cross-linked poly(acrylic acid) poly(vinyl 3305-3313; M. J. Kositza, et al., Langmuir, 1999, 15, monomer) networks, a particulate sample was Suspended in 322–325; BASF Catalog. 15 1 MNaOH for 3 days and lyophilized. The sample was then Materials placed into a Soxhlet extractor charged with dichlo A fluorescent dye, 5-(4,6-dichlorotriazinyl)aminofluores romethane and kept under reflux for 2 days. The wash-outs cein (DCTAF, 99%) was obtained from Molecular Probes, were collected, evaporated under vacuum, and weighed. Inc. (Eugene, Oreg.). Acrylic acid (99%, vinyl monomer), Preliminary experiments demonstrated negligible solubility ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (98%, divinyl cross-linker, of poly(sodium acrylate), and total solubility of the PLU EGDMA), dodecane (99-96, solvent), 4,4'-azobis(4-cy RONICR), respectively, in . The fraction of anovaleric acid) (75+%, azo initiator), and lauroyl peroxide the PLURONICR) washed from the particles was negligible, (97%, redox initiator) were purchased from Aldrich Chemi within experimental error (+5% of the initial PLURONICR) cal Co. and used as received. Poly(vinylpyrrolidinone-co content). Hence, for all practical purposes, the overall com 1-hexadecene) (Ganex V-216) (dispersion stabilizer) was 25 position of the microgels in the present study corresponded obtained from International Specialty Products (Wayne, to that set in the reactor. That is, the weight ratio of N.J.). Doxorubicin hydrochloride of 99% purity was PLURONIC(R) to poly(acrylic acid) poly(vinyl monomer) obtained from Hande Tech USA (Houston, Tex.), a subsid in the particles was 43:57. iary of Yunnan Hande Technological Development Co. Synthesis of Labeled PLURONICR) L61 (Kunming, P.R.China). All other chemicals, gases and 30 The DCTAF-labeled PLURONICR) L61 was synthesized organic solvents of the highest purity available were and purified essentially as described by Ahmed, F., et al., S. obtained from commercial sources. Langmuir, 2001, 17, 537-546. Stock solutions of 6 w/v '% Microgel Synthesis PLURONICR) L61 were prepared by dissolving the polymer Synthesis was carried out on a laboratory scale in an in 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate solution at pH-9.30. A stock adiabatic mode. Acrylic acid (vinyl monomer) (40 mL) was 35 solution of 20 g/L 5-DTAF was prepared by dissolving the partially neutralized by addition of 5 M NaOH aqueous fluorescein probe in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The solution (0.5 mL). PLURONIC(R) F127 or L92 (24 g) was 5-DTAF solution was diluted in 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate dissolved in the resulting solution under and a solution and added to the PLURONIC(R) block copolymer desired amount of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate solution such that the molar ratio of 5-DTAF to PLU (EGDMA) (divinyl cross-linker) was added. Amounts of 40 RONICR) was 1:1. The reaction was allowed to proceed in EGDMA were set such that resulted in 1 mol % relative the dark at room temperature overnight. To separate the degree of cross-linking of the microgels cross-linking mol labeled PLURONIC(R) from the excess unreacted 5-DTAF, %–100x(number of mols of EGDMA/the number of mols of the size exclusion chromatography was applied. Sephadex acrylic acid). Lauroyl peroxide (redox initiator) (100 mg) G-25 beads (Aldrich Chemical Co.) swollen in boiling 0.05 and 4,4'-azobis(4-cyanovaleric acid) (azo initiator) (100 mg) 45 M NaCl solution were first packed into a Chromaflex were dissolved in 2 mL of acrylic acid (vinyl monomer) and column (ID, 2.5 cm, length, 60 cm) (Kimble/Kontes, Vine added to the solution of PLURONICR) in acrylic acid. The land, N.J.). The column was then primed by washing with resulting solution was deaerated by nitrogen bubbling for 0.05 M. NaCl solution, followed by passage of 1 bed volume 0.5 h and added to a 3-necked 0.5-mL flask containing 1 wt of 6 w/v '% unlabeled PLURONICR) in Sodium bicarbonate % solution of Ganex V-216 (dispersion stabilizer) in dode 50 solution and 2–3 bed volumes of 0.05 M NaCl solution. A cane (solvent) (200 mL). The flask was vigorously stirred by 250 uL sample of the reaction mixture was then added to the a mechanical stirrer and deaerated by constant nitrogen column, and the labeled product was eluted with NaCl purge from the bottom. Then the flask was heated to 70° C. solution. The yellow bands moving down the length of the using an oil bath and kept at that temperature under stirring column were separated and the PLURONIC(R)-containing and nitrogen purge. After about 1 h, formation of white 55 fraction was concentrated using a Centricon centrifugal filter particles was observed on the flask walls. The reaction was device (Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.) with a molecular continued at 70° C. for another 3 h. Then the reactor was weight cutoff of 1500. The samples were centrifuged at ca. disassembled, and the contents of the reactor were filtered 5000xg for 1 h. The retentate containing labeled PLU using Whatman filter paper (retention size 10 um). The RONICR) was lyophilized and kept at -20°C. in the dark. microgel particles were extensively washed by hexane and 60 Given the dye molar extinction coefficient of 83000 M dried under vacuum. Spherical particles were observed cm' and molecular weight of 495.3, the efficiency of the under microscope. Particle sizing was performed in hexane DCTAF dye conjugation with PLURONICR) molecule was using a ZetaPlus Zeta Potential Analyzer (Brookhaven estimated to be 2.4–3.0%. Instruments Co.). Typical batches of particles made with Solute Loading onto Microgels PLURONIC(R) F127 and L92 were measured to have effec 65 The loading level of doxorubicin or PLURONICR) L61 tive median diameter of 13 um (polydispersity 1.4) and 6 um labeled with DCTAF into microgels was measured using a (polydispersity 1.3), respectively. Millipore Ultrafree-MC Centrifugal Filter Device (Millipore US 7,204,997 B2 45 46 Corp.). A microgel was suspended in Tris buffer (10 mM, pH the receiver Solution upon completion of the dialysis experi 7.0) and 1 mL of the suspension (40 mg gel/mL buffer) were ment and was typically in the order of 100 um. Solving the equilibrated with 6.0 mM stock solution of a drug (9 mL) for 1 Fick's law expression for the diffusion across the dialysis 72 h while shaking. Shaking was performed using a KS10 membrane orbital shaker (BEA-Enprotech Corp., Hyde Park, Mass.) in an environmental chamber at 37°C. After equilibration, the microgel particles were filtered off by centrifugation Flux = da,2 = A(CA (CF - C)C (1) (10000xg, 0.5 h) and supernatant was assayed for drug cit c concentration. A Shimadzu Model 1600 PC spectrophotom eter with a temperature-controlled quartz cuvette (path 10 length 1 cm) was used for electronic absorption measure yields an expression that allows for an estimation of the ments. The extinction coefficients of doxorubicin (, 482 apparent diffusion coefficient (D): nm) was determined to be 12300 M' cm. Assuming the average molecular weight of 2000, the extinction coeffi cients of the DCTAF-labeled PLURONICR (=492 nm) 15 was measured at pH 7.0 to be 2600 M' cm. The drug where K-DA (V-V.)/V,V.8 (3) uptake was calculated from the absorbance readings in the Herein, q(t) and C(t) are the drug quantity and concentration, appropriately diluted Stock Solution and in the system equili respectively, and Subscripts f and r designate the feed and brated with microgel. The U values were measured in receiver Solution, respectively. triplicate for each drug and gel, respectively. In a control Having defined the ranges of concentrations where the series of experiments, equilibration of 24 umol/mL doxoru diffusion coefficient of either doxorubicin or PLURONIC(R) bicin with microgels for 1 week yielded U values close was independent of the drug initial concentration C9, We (within experimental error) to the ones obtained with 6 used the microgel loading that did not exceed these ranges. umol/mL Solutions under otherwise identical conditions (see A known mass of microgel particles with a known loading above). This ensured equilibrium U values. The gels equili 25 (U, see above) suspended in 10 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.0) was brated with corresponding drugs were Snap-frozen in liquid placed in the feed chamber resulting in an initial drug nitrogen, lyophilized, and stored at -70° C. in the dark. In quantity in the system, Qo. Assuming that the drug decay in the Subsequent release studies, the dry gel powders of known the microgel particles can be approximated by a single U were reconstituted with Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 7.0) to exponential (i.e., first-order) kinetics Q(t)=Qoe'1', the result in the known concentration of the gel and drug. 30 Fick's law expression (1) can be rewritten as Release Studies Drug release from microgels loaded with either DCTAF labeled PLURONIC(R) or doxorubicin was studied using the d C DA V. 4 dynamic dialysis technique of Gupta, P. K., et al., J. Pharm. Flux= cit 8 V, Vf (1-et-C(;Vf + 1) (4) Sci., 1987, 76, 141–145. A Teflon-made, thermostatted 35 dynamic dialyzer consisted of two chambers, separated by a dialysis membrane (cellulose ester, working area A=0.35 cm, molecular weight cut-off 100 kDa, Spectrum Labora and solved with respect to C, as follows: tories). A cylindrical feed chamber (volume V, 5.0 mL) containing drugs or drug-loaded gels was vigorously stirred 40 by a magnetic bar, while a receiver chamber had an inlet and c. 20 - K - PV "V) e-K - PV "V) -k, outlet for a constant flow of the receiver solution. The Vf + V. ÖVf V, (K- K1) ÖVf V, (K- K1) receiver solution (Tris buffer, 10 mM, pH 7.0) was circulated along the dialysis membrane using a P625/275 peristaltic pump (Instech Laboratories). Concentration of the drug in 45 At long dialysis times and Ktd>Kit, eq(5) can be simplified: the receiver Solution was monitored online by passing through a thermostatted quartz cuvette (path length 1.0 cm). Concentration of Solutes was measured periodically using a DAQ, Shimadzu Model RF-5301 PC spectrofluorophotometer (slit -C=| inly"LoV, V, (K-in K) - Kit (6) widths 3.0 nm). The dialyzer was maintained at 37° C. by 50 submersion in a water bath. The flow rate through the receiver chamber was maintained at 1.5 mL/min. In a series Equation (6) indicates that a plot of ln(Q/(V+V,)-C. VS of preliminary experiments, it was established that at this time should be a straight line that yields K. We used flow rate the doxorubicin transport becomes flow rate equations (2) and (3) to calculate the permeability of the independent, and yet the flow of the PLURONICR) solution 55 dialysis membrane in experiments without microgels, and affords avoiding any foaming. The total Volume of the equation (6) to estimate K in experiments with drug-loaded receiver solution (V), including the chamber, cuvette, and microgels. 0.093" tubing, was 98 mL in all experiments. Results Permeability of the dialysis membrane was determined by Kinetics of the release of doxorubicin and PLURONIC(R) loading a certain amount (q) of either doxorubicin or 60 L61 through dialysis membrane with and without microgels PLURONICR) solution into the feed chamber and measuring are compared in FIG. 5 (Kinetics of cumulative release of the kinetics of release. The dialysis membrane had been doxorubicin (circles) and PLURONICR) L61 (triangles) soaked in the corresponding solute solution for 48 h prior to through the dialysis membrane with (filled points) and the kinetic measurement. To remove excess Solute, the without (open points) microgels in the feed chamber at 37° membrane was gently wiped up by a paper tissue on both 65 C. Receiver chamber comprised 10 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.0) sides immediately prior to the loading into the dialyzer. The in all cases. Initial doxorubicin concentration in the feed 110 membrane thickness (Ö) was measured microscopically in ug/mL (open circles) and 20 mg/mL (filled circles), initial US 7,204,997 B2 47 48 PLURONICR) L61 concentration in the feed 20 mg/mL The effective release constants (K) for the PLURONICR) (open triangles) and 22 mg/mL (filled triangles). Microgels were measured to be (2.1+0.18)x10 and (0.44+0.046)x used in the feed were composed of PLURONIC(R) F127 and 10 hug' for microgels based on PLURONICR) F127 poly(acrylic acid)). PAA-EGDMA and PLURONICR) L92-PAA-EGDMA, As shown in FIG. 5, loading of the corresponding drugs respectively. FIG.8 shows that a very slow, sustained release into microgels affected the kinetics of release greatly. With of the PLURONIC L61(R) was achieved within at least 10 out microgels, almost 100% of the drug was released within days, with cumulative concentrations reached in the receiver less than a day, while the drugs loaded into microgels solution (C) that did not exceed 10-14% of the initial exhibited slow, Sustained release kinetics. loading, C9. The exceptionally low release rate of the In the control experiments, we measured permeability of 10 PLURONICR) L61 can be explained by the formation of the dialysis membrane for doxorubicin and PLURONICR) mixed micelles between added PLURONICR) L61 and PLU L61 without loading into microgels. A range of initial drug RONICR) covalently grafted to the PAA network in the concentrations in the feed solutions was explored, in order process of synthesis. Such mixed, immobile micelles can to verify the independence of the effective membrane per provide thermodynamically stable environment for the meability of the q'. as is required if the change of the Solute 15 PLURONICR) solute, making its effective partition coeffi size (i.e. aggregation and/or micellization) is absent. FIG. 6 cient between micelles and water to be very low. This notion illustrates kinetics of the drug diffusion through the dialysis is supported by the observation that the release rate from the membrane as functions of the initial drug concentrations in gels from L92-PAA-EGDMA was about 5-fold higher than the feed. The effective membrane permeability constant, K, from the gels containing PLURONIC(R) F127 bonded to was found from the slopes of the corresponding linear fits PAA. Formation of stable mixed micelles between relatively using equation (2). Thus obtained K values were equal to hydrophobic PLURONICR's L61 and L92 can be favored 0.70+0.048(4) and 0.41+0.019(3) hug' for doxorubicin than between PLURONICR) L61 and relatively hydrophilic and PLURONICR) L61, respectively. Given very close K F127 (for PLURONICR) properties, see Table 1, supra). values (standard error below 7% and 5% for doxorubicin and PLURONICR) L61, respectively) obtained within the 25 Example II studied ranges of C9, we concluded that aggregation was absent within those ranges. Using mean K and measured Microgel Synthesis membrane thickness (6) values, we obtained the effective Nonionic copolymer PLURONIC(R) F127 NF was diffusion coefficients (D) of 2.4x10 and 1.4x10 cm/s for obtained from BASF Corp. and used without further treat doxorubicin and PLURONICR) L61, respectively (eqn (3)). 30 ment. It has a formula EOPOEOoo nominal molecular These values are reasonably close to D of the corresponding weight 12600, molecular weight of PPO segment 3780, 70 solutes in water, indicating that the chosen dialysis mem wt % of EO, and cloud point above 100° C. Acrylic acid brane does not constitute any significant diffusional barrier (99%) (vinyl monomer), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate to these solutes in their non-aggregated State. FIG. 6 shows (EGDMA) (98%) (divinyl cross-linker), dodecane (99.4%) the kinetics of doxorubicin and PLURONICR) L61 release 35 (solvent), and 4,4'-azobis(4-cyanovaleric acid) (75+%) (azo through the dialysis membrane from an aqueous feed solu initiator) were purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. and tion at 37°C., expressed in terms of equation (2). Numbers used as received. Lauroyl peroxide (97%) (redox initiator) stand for C°, ug/mL. Corresponding linear fits (R-0.99 in was obtained from Fluka Chemie AG, Switzerland. Poly all cases) were used to calculate (eqn(2)) the effective (vinylpyrrolidinone-co-1-hexadecene) (Ganex V-216) (dis membrane permeability constant, K. 40 persion stabilizer) was obtained from International Specialty Having defined the membrane permeability, we pro Products and used as received. All other chemicals, gases ceeded to the drug release study from the microgels. Kinet and organic solvents of the highest purity available were ics of doxorubicin release from the microgels are shown in obtained from commercial Sources. FIG. 7. The effective release constants (K) for doxorubicin Synthesis was carried out on a laboratory scale in an were measured to be (14.2+0.36)x10 and (22.8+0.49)x 45 adiabatic mode. Acrylic acid (vinyl monomer) (40 mL) was 10 hug' for microgels based on PLURONIC (R) F127 partially neutralized by addition of 5M NaOH aqueous PAA-EGDMA and PLURONICR) L92-PAA-EGDMA, solution (0.5 mL). PLURONIC(R) F127 NF (23.4 g) was respectively. FIG. 7 shows the kinetics of doxorubicin dissolved in the resulting solution under nitrogen and a release through the dialysis membrane from microgels at 37° desired amount of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate C., expressed in terms of equation (6). Numbers stand for 50 (EGDMA) (divinyl cross-linker) was added. Amounts of C" in ug/mL. The data points were fitted to linear fits EGDMA ranged from 1.1 LL to 1.1 mL and the molar ratio (R>0.98 in all cases) with the slopes used to calculate of the EGDMA to acrylic acid set in the reaction mixture (eqn (6)) the effective release constant, K. In A, the gels designates the degree of cross-linking of the microgels in used in feed consisted of PLURONIC(R) F127 and PAA, what follows. Lauroyl peroxide (100 mg) and 4,4'-azobis(4- whereas in B, the gels consisted of PLURONICR) L92 and 55 cyanovaleric acid) (100 mg) were dissolved in 2 mL of PAA. The effective degree of the gel cross-linking was 1 mol acrylic acid and added to the solution of PLURONIC(R) F127 % throughout. NF in acrylic acid. The resulting solution was deaerated by Kinetics of PLURONICR) L61 release are presented in nitrogen bubbling for 0.5 h and added to a 3-necked 0.5-mL FIG. 8 which shows the release through the dialysis mem flask containing 1 wt % solution of Ganex V-216 in dode brane from microgels at 37° C., expressed in terms of 60 cane (200 mL). The flask was vigorously stirred by a equation (6). Numbers stand for C. in g/mL. The data mechanical stirrer and deaerated by constant nitrogen purge points were fitted to linear fits (R->0.97 in all cases) with the from the bottom. Then the flask was heated to 70° C. using slopes used to calculate (eqn(6)) the effective release con an oil bath and kept at that temperature under stirring and stant, K. In A, the gels used in feed consisted of PLU nitrogen purge. After about 1 h, formation of white particles RONICR) F127 and PAA, whereas in B, the gels consisted 65 was observed on the flask walls. The reaction was continued of PLURONICR) L92 and PAA. The effective degree of the at 70° C. for another 3 h. Then the reactor was disassembled, gel cross-linking was 1 mol % throughout. and the contents of the reactor were filtered using Whatman US 7,204,997 B2 49 50 filter paper (retention size 10 micron). The microgel par Swell at a certain pH, and temperature to yield a do. Then ticles were extensively washed by hexane and dried under the aqueous Solution was gently removed from the glass tube WaCl. by filter paper and the tube with the microgel particle was Spherical particles were observed under microscope. Par immersed into a solution of different pH and equilibrated ticle sizing was performed in hexane using a ZetaPlus Zeta there overnight. Finally, the tube with the microgel particle Potential Analyzer (Brookhaven Instruments Co.). A typical filled with the solution of pH was inserted into the cuvet and batch containing 1 mol % cross-linking was measured to thermostatted at desired temperature to yield an equilibrium have effective microgel diameter d. The equilibrium volume ratio SV / Vo was defined as S=(d/d). FIG. 10 shows equilibrium Example III 10 swelling of microgel particles in deionized water at 15° and 37° C. as a function of pH. Degree of cross-linking in molar Microgel Superabsorbent Properties percent is indicated. Results in FIG. 10 show dramatic The ability of microgels to absorb water was estimated increase in Swelling above pH 3.8-4.1, corresponding to using a volumetric method. Single microgel particles were pKa of poly(acrylic acid). Hence, our microgels would be placed into glass capillary tubes (internal diameter 1–1.2 15 collapsed at pH 1–2 and fully swollen at pH 7.4. This is a mm) using Suction pressures applied by an Ultramicro useful property applicable in oral or colonic drug delivery. Accropet filler/dispenser via rubber connector. The tubes were placed into a homemade glass thermostatted cuvet and Example V observed under an inverted microscope equipped with a microScaler and a video monitor. Similar experimental setup Temperature-sensitivity of Microgel Swelling was described in Eichenbaum, G. M., et al., Macromol ecules, 1998, 31, 5084–5093. The boundaries of the spheri Experiments were conducted as described in Example IV cal particles were fitted with the microscaler and a particle and the results are shown in FIG. 11 illustrating equilibrium diameter was measured with an accuracy of +0.5 um or swelling of microgel particles in deionized water at pH 7.0 better. Initially, a diameter of a dry particle (do) was mea as a function of temperature. Degree of cross-linking in sured, then the capillary tube was gently filled with deion 25 molar percent is indicated. These results demonstrate useful ized water (pH adjusted by 5 M NaOH) immersed into a temperature-sensitivity of the microgel Swelling. reservoir of the same solution. The diameter of the swollen particle (d) was measured at a given temperature. The Example VI particles were allowed to swell for 24 h. after which no changes in the particle size were observed at any tempera 30 Temperature-sensitivity of Solubilization of Hydrophobic ture. The equilibrium volume ratio S=V/Vo was defined as Compounds S-(d/d). Measurements at given pH and temperature were Solubilization of pyrene, a well-known hydrophobic fluo conducted with 5 different particles in different capillary rescent probe, was used to reveal formation of aggregates tubes. Average S values are reported throughout. within microgel particles capable of Solubilizing hydropho The results of equilibrium swelling experiments with 35 bic compounds. The microgel particles were suspended in microgels cross-linked by EGDMA are shown in FIG. 9. The DI water and pH of the suspension was adjusted to 7.0 using length of Subchain (i.e. length of the chain between cross 10 MNaOH. A stock solution of 1 mM pyrene in absolute links) N defined as in Bromberg, L., et al., J. Chem. Phys., was prepared, from which 1–3 uL were added to 1997, 106, 2906. 2910. an aerated 1 wt % Suspension resulting in 0.6 uM pyrene N-fac.(c.1+c) 40 concentration. The sample was then allowed to equilibrate for 20 min at a given temperature and emission (W 335 where a=10v, v, v=0.2 M' is the molar volume of the nm) spectra were recorded using a stirred, thermostatted cross-linker (EGDMA), and v=0.063 M' is the molar quartz cell with a 1-cm path length. The spectra were Volume of the monomer (acrylic acid). measured under controlled temperature conditions using a FIG. 9. Equilibrium swelling of microgel particles in 45 Shimadzu Model RF-5301 PC spectrofluorophotometer (slit deionized water as a function of the length of subchain. pH widths of 1.5 nm). The ratio of the intensities of the first (373 7.0. The results shown in FIG. 9 indicate that at 15° C., Swelling of the microgels corresponds to the Swelling of nm) to the third (384 nm) vibronic peak (I/I) in the other superabsorbents and is governed by elasticity of the emission spectra of the monomer pyrene were used to permanent cross-links and osmotic term corresponding to estimate the polarity of the pyrene microenvironment. For the electrostatic repulsion of the chains. At 15° C., the 50 comparison, 1 wt % solutions of PLURONIC(R) F127 NF swelling ratio S scales as SocN', which according to the were prepared and studied in the same fashion. The effect of Flory-Huggins theory is indicative of the Gaussian chain temperature on I/I of pyrene in microgel Suspension (1 mol statistics, typical for covalently cross-linked gels. However, % cross-linking) or in polymer Solutions is presented in FIG. at 37° C. elasticity of the microgel becomes higher due to 12. FIG. 12 shows the effect of temperature on the ratio of the appearance of additional cross-links (PLURONIC(R) 55 the first-to-the-third vibronic band intensities (I/I) of chains with hydrophobic poly(ethylene oxide) segments). pyrene in 1 wt % microgel Suspension or in 1 wt % The swelling ratio scales as SCCN, with x<0.6 meaning PLURONIC(R) F127 solution. Microgel with 1 mol% cross non-Gaussian chain statistics. Overall, the results in FIG. 9 linking is designated F127-PAA-EGDMA. pH 7.0 through show i) high absorbency (swelling ratio in DI water up to out. As is seen, in 1.0% PLURONIC(R) F127 solutions, for 300 and higher), and ii) useful temperature sensitivity of 60 example, the I/I sharply declines above 20° C., which is water uptake. the critical micellization temperature (CMT). Alexandridis, P. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 1995, 72,823. At tempera Example IV tures below CMT, the I/I is only slightly below the I1/I3 in water, indicating high polarity of the pyrene environment pH-Sensitivity of Microgel Swelling 65 and lack of solubilization. The microgel suspension has I 1/13 Experiments were conducted as described in Example III, values that are significantly less than in the corresponding except the microgel particles were allowed to equilibrium Pluronic solution, indicating lesser polarity and higher capa US 7,204,997 B2 51 52 bility of solubilization throughout the temperature range. in acetonitrile, following by Stripping off the solvent in a The I1/I3 in microgel suspension is low at T-20°C. (which rotary evaporator. The beads were used in order to enhance corresponds to the critical micellization temperature of the area of contact between microgel Suspension and taxol. PLURONIC(R) and increases in the temperature range The beads were separated into several fractions. One frac 20–26° C. Above 26°C., the I/I decreases. At low tem 5 tion was added to a polypropylene vial containing the peratures, hydrophobic domains exist in the microgels that microgel Suspension (0.5 mL) and the vial was gently are getting Solubilized into hydrophobic micelle-like aggre shaken in a horizontal position in an environmental chamber gates of Pluronic within microgels. Once micelles are at 20 or 37° C. Then the beads were recovered from the formed above 26°C., they provide a hydrophobic environ Suspension by using a magnet. The beads were then dried ment for the pyrene. The temperature-responsive mode of 10 under vacuum and placed into acetonitrile (0.5 mL), where solute solubilization by microgels is useful for medicinal taxol was extracted after shaking overnight. The solvent and cosmetic formulations. fraction was assayed for taxol concentration using HPLC. The control fraction of loaded beads was subjected to the Example VII extraction without equilibration with the microgel Suspen 15 sion. The solubility of taxol in water was measured at 37°C. Loading of Ionic and Hydrophobic Drugs by Sonicating 5 mg of the drug Suspension in 0.5 ml water Water-Soluble Solutes placed in a polypropylene vial for 15 s followed by cen The maximum loading level of doxorubicin, mitox trifugation at 10000 g for 3 min. The supernatant was then antrone, and mitomycin C, for example, into microgels was removed, evaporated under vacuum, the taxol traces were measured using a Millipore Ultrafree-MC Centrifugal Filter dissolved in acetonitrile and assayed by HPLC. Taxol con Device (Millipore, Co.). A microgel was suspended in Tris centrations were measured in triplicate using HPLC system buffer (5 mM, pH 7.0) and 50 uL of the suspension (2 mg described above. The chromatography assay comprised the gel/mL buffer) was equilibrated with 3.0 mM stock solution use of a Capcell Pak C18 UG 120 (150x4.6 mm I.D., particle of a drug (450 LL) for 16 h while shaking 44.45. Shaking size 3 um) column (Phenomenex), acetonitrile-0.1% phos was performed using a KS10 orbital shaker (BEA-Enprotech 25 phoric acid in DI water (55:45 V/V, 1.3 mL/min) as a mobile Corp., Hyde Park, Mass.) in an environmental chamber at phase, and UV detection at 227 nm. 37° C. In the case of doxorubicin, pH of the microgel Typical retention time of the taxol peak was 3.46 min. Suspensions equilibrated with the stock drug Solution was Results varied by addition of small amounts of 5 MNaOH or HCl Three cationic and one uncharged drugs were loaded onto solutions, and temperature was varied from 15 to 45° C. 30 the microgels. All of these compounds are currently in After equilibration, the microgel particles were filtered off clinical use as anticancer drugs. Doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, by centrifugation (10000xg, 0.5 h) and Supernatant was and mitomycin C are mono-, di-, and trivalent cationic weak assayed for drug concentration. A Shimadzu Model 1600 PC bases, respectively. FIG. 13 shows the equilibrium uptake of spectrophotometer with a temperature-controlled quartz doxorubicin by microgels (crosslinking (XL)=1 mol%) as a cuvette (path length 1 cm) was used for electronic absorp 35 function of pH at 37° C. tion measurements. The extinction coefficients of doxorubi Table 2 lists molecular weights, n-octanol-to-water parti cin (, 482 nm) and mitoxantrone (v-614 nm) were deter tion coefficients (P), and equilibrium uptake of the drugs into mined at pH 7.0 to be 12200 and 22100 M-1 cm-1, the microgels characterized by XL=1 mol % and maximum respectively. The concentration of mitomycin C was assayed ion-exchange capacity of 6.12 mmol/g (measured by bulk by HPLC using a Capcell Pak MF Ph-1 (100x4.6 mm I.D., 40 titration as described herein). All of the uptake values in particle size 5 um) column (Phenomenex, Torrance, Calif.). Table 2 were less than or equal to maximum microgel The HPLC was a Hewlett-Packard 1090 system with an capacity for protons. A pronounced dependence was autosampler and a variable wavelength UV detector con observed with the weak bases: the smaller, more hydro trolled by the HPLC Chemistation software (Hewlett-Pack philic, and more charged solutes had the higher loading into ard). Deionized water was used as a mobile phase (flow rate, 45 1 mL/min, injection Volume, 25 LIL), and detection was the microgels. carried out at 365 nm 47. Typical retention time of the mitomycin C was 4.88 min. TABLE 2 The drug uptake was expressed as: Properties of anticancer drugs and their equilibrium uptake by the U (mmol drug/g gel)=(Ac-Ar)/AcVCs/Mgel, where 50 PLURONIC (R-PAA microgels (cross-linking ratio, XL = 1 mol%, Ac and Ar are the absorbance or HPLC readings in the ion-exchange capacity, 6.12 mmol/g) at pH 7.0. appropriately diluted Stock Solution and in the system equili brated with microgel, respectively, V=0.5 ml is the total Drug MW. Log P Charge Uptake HSD, mmolfg volume of the system, Cs-3 umol/mL is the concentration of Mitomycin C 334.1 -0.4 3 5.31 + 1.86(37° C) 55 Mitoxantrone 44.2 0.24 2 3.70 + 0.56(37° C) the stock Solution, and Mgel 0.1 mg is the microgel mass. Doxorubicin 543.S 1.85 1 2.97 + 0.33(20° C.) The U values were measured in triplicate for each drug and 2.26 + 0.37(37° C) for each temperature, pH, and gel, respectively. In a control Taxol 853.3 4 () (2.27 + 0.90) x 10 (20° C.) series of experiments, equilibration of 6 Limol/mL doxoru (6.97+ 0.87) x 10(37° C.) bicin with microgels for 1 week yielded U values close "Molecular weights are given for free bases, and not hydrochloride salts. (within experimental error) to the ones obtained with 3 60 Calculated using ClogP Program. umol/mL Solutions under otherwise identical conditions. This ensured equilibrium U values. The characteristic increase in taxol loading capacity at Hydrophobic Solutes temperatures above CMT provides additional evidence to The loading of taxol into microgels was measured by the mechanism of taxol solubilization into micelle-like equilibrating taxol adsorbed onto steel beads with the 1 wt 65 aggregates within microgels. The micelles in PLURONIC(R)- % suspension of microgels (pH 7.0). Stainless steel beads PAA solutions typically have solubilizing capacity higher (1–3 mm diameter) were soaked in 10 mM solution of taxol than the small hydrophobic domains existing below CMT. US 7,204,997 B2 53 54 The Solubilizing capacity of the microgels for taxol is at least were analyzed for residual unattached Pluronic as follows. A equal to that of PLURONICR-PAA micelles for other microgel suspension (10 wt %, 50 g) in deionized water was hydrophobic solutes such as steroid hormones. The ability of dialyzed for a week at 4°C. against deionized water (0.5 L) microgels to effectively load and hold taxol, combined with using a Spectra/Por(R) cellulose ester membrane (molecular mucoadhesive properties is a feature important for localized weight cut-off 100,000, Spectrum(R), Laguna Hills, Calif.). delivery. Then the dialysis bag was withdrawn and the dialyzate was General trends important for drug loading via ion-ex lyophilized to dryness in 40-mL polypropylene tubes. Then change mechanism were studied using the potent chemo the tubes were rinsed, with brief sonication, with total of 5 therapeutic drug doxorubicin. As the degree of carboxyl mL dimethylformamide, thereby concentrating the wash group ionization increases with pH, the ion-exchange capac 10 ity of the microgels increase, reaching about half of the outs, if any, 100-fold. The wash-outs were analyzed for the maximum capacity found by titration, indicating that the presence of Pluronic using HPLC. Liquid chromatography loading of doxorubicin can be limited by the available free was performed using a Hewlett-Packard model 1050 chro volume of the network. Notably, the pH-dependencies of the matograph, a DynamaX model RI-1 analytical refractive equilibrium Swelling and doxorubicin loading coincide. 15 index detector, and two PLgel 5 um mixed D columns in Similar result was observed with poly(methacrylic acid) series. The analyses of the residual solids were run in DMF microgels. The effects of steric “crowding of the drug at 1.0 mL/min flow rate using poly(ethylene glycol) stan within the microgel network and the availability of the dards kit (Polysciences, Inc., Warrington, Pa.) for molecular carboxyls for the ion-exchange are highlighted by the effects weight calibration. The eluent was DMF (HPLC grade) at a of temperature and cross-linking density. The collapse of the flow rate of 1 mL min'. In the control assays, a 20 ug/mL microgels at elevated temperature due to the appearance of concentration or lower of either Pluronic F127 or L92 could physical cross-links leads to lesser Volume of the microgel be detected. However, no Pluronic could be detected in the network available for hosting the drug, and thus lower wash-outs, which means that the concentration of the unat equilibrium loading at higher temperatures. Analogously, tached Pluronic was less than 0.01 wt % of the total Pluronic the longer subchain allowing for the looser network and 25 bonded onto microgels. The weight ratio of Pluronic to higher Swelling leads to the higher equilibrium loading of poly(acrylic acid) in purified microgels used in this study doxorubicin. The very high overall capacity of the microgels was determined as described elsewhere 7 to be 45:55. The for doxorubicin (2 M and higher), will allow proper che microgels equilibrium Swollen in deionized water (pH motherapeutic drug delivery. Microgels loaded with both adjusted to 7.0) were Subjected to particle sizing using an taxoland doxorubicin, for example, is a feature embodiment 30 AccuSizer 780/SPOS (Christison Scientific Equipment Ltd., of the microgels described herein. Gateshead, UK). The mean populations of the F127-PAA EGDMA and L92-PAA-EGDMA microgels were of 54+22 Example VIII and 239 um size, respectively.

Doxorubicin Transport Study Across Gastrointestinal 35 Transepithelial Transport of Doxorubicin Caco-2 Layers Materials and Cell Culture The drug-containing samples for the transport experi Caco-2 cells (American Type Culture Collection, Rock ments were prepared as follows. A freeze-dried microgel ville, Md.) were maintained at 37 in Dulbecco's Modified was autoclaved at 121° C. for 15 min and suspended in Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing N-(2-hydroxyethyl)pip serum-free DMEM, where it was allowed to equilibrate at erazine-N'-(2-ethanesulfonic acid) (HEPES, 25 mM), glu 40 37° C. under gentle stirring overnight in sterile conditions. cose (4.5 g/L), and supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal The suspension was centrifuged at 8000xg for 0.5 h and the bovine serum, 1% nonessential amino acids, L-glutamine (2 Supernatant was removed. The pellet was weighed and mM), penicillin (100000 U/L), and streptomycin (100 resuspended in fresh portion of serum-free DMEM of a mg/L), in an atmosphere of 10% CO and 90% relative known weight. Known amount of doxorubicin and Pluronic humidity. The cell line (passage numbers from 70 to 85) was 45 were dissolved in the suspension, which was allowed to subcultured by trypsinization every week and the medium equilibrate at 37° C. overnight, then snap-frozen and lyo was replaced every other week. Cells were passaged at 90% philized. The powders were kept at -70° C. Before the confluency using a 0.25% trypsin/0.20% ethylene diamine transport experiments, a known amount of powder was tetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution. All cell culture products reconstituted in DMEM and was allowed to equilibrate at were received from GIBCOTM (Invitrogen Corporation, 50 37° C. overnight. The composition of the drug-containing Carlsbad, Calif.). Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS, samples tested in the transport experiments is given in Table composition: KHPO, 0.44 mM, KC1, 5.37 mM; Na HPO, 3. 0.34 mM. NaCl, 136.9 mM, D-glucose 5.55 mM) buffered with 30 mM HEPES at pH 7.2, 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2- TABLE 3 yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, and Verapamil were 55 obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.). D-1- Composition of the drug-containing donor media used in transepithelial '''C-mannitol (250 mCi/mmol. 99+% radiochemical purity, transport experiments in the apical or basolateral compartments." MW 182.2) was obtained from PerkinElmer Life Sciences Concentration (Boston, Mass.). Carbopol R 934 NF polymer was received Microgel of additive from Noveon, Inc. (Cleveland, Ohio). Microgels comprising 60 Microgel concentration) (beyond doxorubicin), copolymers of poly(acrylic acid) and Pluronic F127 NF or No. composition |g/mL IgmL Pluronic L92 cross-linked by ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 1 None (Control) O None 2 None O 100 (Pluronic L61) at effective cross-linking density of 0.1 mol % were syn O (Verapamil) thesized by a free-radical Suspension polymerization as 3 None O 100 (Pluronic L92) described previously 9. The microgels were purified from 65 O (Verapamil) admixtures of acrylic acid and unattached Pluronic by 4 L92-PAA-EGDMA 100 None Soxhlet extraction and dialysis 9. The purified microgels US 7,204,997 B2 55 56 tension in microgel suspensions was measured using the TABLE 3-continued Wilhelmy plate method (Sigma 701 automatic tensiometer, KSV Instruments, Ltd.). Temperature was controlled to Composition of the drug-containing donor media used in transepithelial +0.05 C using a circulating water bath. The platinum Wil transport experiments in the apical or basolateral compartments." 5 helmy plate was washed with , rinsed in Milli-Q Concentration water, and flamed until red-hot before each measurement. Microgel of additive The apparent permeability of the Caco-2 monolayer (P. Microgel concentration) (beyond doxorubicin), No. composition |Ig/mL |Ig/mL cm/s) was calculated from the linearized time course of the doxorubicin fractional transport (dI/dt in the fluorescence 5 L92-PAA-EGDMA 1OO 100 (Pluronic L61) 10 0 (Verapamil) assay and dO/dt in the HPLC assay) normalized to the 6 L92-PAA-EGDMA 1OO 100 (Pluronic L92) effective surface area of the filter (A=4.71 cm) and the 0 (Verapamil) initial fluorescence emission intensity reading (I) or initial 7 F127-PAA-EGDMA 100 O doxorubicin concentration (Co.) in the donor (basolateral or 8 F127-PAA-EGDMA 100 100 (Pluronic L61) apical) compartment of volume V-2.5 cm. 0 (Verapamil) 15 9 F127-PAA-EGDMA 100 100 (Pluronic L92) 0 (Verapamil) 10 None O 0 (Pluronic) 9 (Verapamil) P. dl,Al dividCiAC, di 11 L92-PAA-EGDMA 1OO 0 (Pluronic) 9 (Verapamil) 2O 12 F127-PAA-EGDMA 1 OO () (Pluronic) 9 (Verapamil) Excellent correlation was obtained between permeability "Initial concentration of doxorubicin in the donor compartment was 100 values determined via fluorescence and HPLC assay (FIG. ign in all experiments 14). Degree of cross-linking, XL = 0.1 mol% throughout Concentrations of added Pluronic L61 and L92 were arbitrarily chosen to 25 Transport Via Paracellular Route result in effective Pluronic concentrations just below CMC 40, 41). Con The effect of microgel addition on paracellular perme centration of added Verapamil was 20 IM 27). ability of the Caco-2 cell layers was estimated via perme ability of mannitol, a neutral molecule, which is absorbed Cells were seeded at a density of (2–4)x10" cells/cm on exclusively by passive diffusion through the paracellular top of TranswellTM polycarbonate filters (pore size, 0.4 um: 30 route 42. diameter, 24.5 mm; growth area, 4.71 cm) from Costar To attenuate the effect of PAA on the transepithelial (Cambridge, Mass.). The cells were grown for 3 weeks prior transport, the experiments were conducted in calcium- and to the transport experiments and trans-epithelial electrical magnesium-free HBSS. Prior to the commencement of the resistance (TEER) was measured using a Millicell-ERS transport experiments, the culture DMEM was replaced with device (Millipore, Bedford, Mass.) equipped with rod- as an equal volume of HBSS and the cells were allowed to shaped electrodes. The TEER data were corrected for back equilibrate for 1 h. Donor suspensions (2.5 mL total) con ground readings contributed by the blank filter and culture taining 0.1 or 0.5 mg/mL microgels or Carbopol 934NF medium. Typical values of TEER were 800-850 C2cm. pre-equilibrated with C-mannitol in HBSS (initial specific Then the monolayers were rinsed twice by serum-free activity of 0.2 uCi/mL) were used to replace the HBSS on DMEM and the transport experiment commenced by replac- 40 the apical side, and the experiment commenced after 10 min ing the medium at either the basolateral or the apical side of of initial equilibration. Permeability experiments were con the monolayer with 2.5 mL of the serum-free DMEM ducted at pH 7.2, 37° C., 5% CO, and 90% relative containing doxorubicin (with or without microgels, see humidity The TEER was measured following equilibration Table 3). Simultaneously, the medium on the other side was as described above for doxorubicin transport. TEER mea refreshed. The monolayers were incubated at 37°C. in 10% 45 Surements were also performed during the experiment with CO atmosphere. Samples of 200 uL were taken from each 0.5 mg/mL polymer loading in order to check the effect of side intermittently, and the drug concentration was measured polymers on the opening, if any, of the tight intercellular in the samples withdrawn from the side opposite to the side junctions at time intervals of 0 (i.e. 10 min after adding the of the drug application. The volumes withdrawn were imme polymers), 30, 60,90, 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 min. The diately replaced with equal volumes of serum-free DMEM 50 samples withdrawn prior to the 30-min time interval were pre-equilibrated at 37° C. Each experiment was repeated not included in the P, calculation to ensure steady-state four times. The TEER values were measured after the kinetics. The withdrawn samples of "C-mannitol were completion of each transport experiment and were shown to mixed with 3 ml of MicroScintTM scintillation cocktail and be equal to the initial TEER values obtained prior to the the amount of radioactive marker transported at each time commencement of the experiment. The doxorubicin concen- 55 interval was determined using a TopCount NXT scintillation tration was assayed using a Shimadzu Model RF-5301 PC counter (PerkinElmer Life Sciences, Boston, Mass.). For spectrofluorophotometer (or 480 nm, was 580 negative control, no polymer was applied to the monolayers. nm). Additionally, the concentration of doxorubicin in the Samples of 200 uL were withdrawn from the basolateral medium was measured by HPLC using a Capcell Pak UG chamber at predetermined time intervals of 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, C18 (100x4.6 mm I.D., particle size 5 um) column and a 60 90, 120, 180, 210, and 240 min and replaced with equal Universal Guard Cartridge System (Phenomenex, Torrance, volumes of fresh HBSS. After completion of the transport Calif.). The HPLC was a Hewlett-Packard 1090 system with Studies, the polymers were removed carefully and monolay an autosampler and a ZETALIF laser induced fluorescence ers were rinsed with HBSS and the culture medium detector (ESA, Inc., Chelmsford, Mass.). Water/acetonitrile (DMEM) was applied on the monolayers. The monolayers (70/30, pH 4) was used as the mobile phase (flow rate, 1 65 were allowed to regenerate for 2 days at 37° C. in an mL/min, injection volume, 5 LL), and detection was carried atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO, at 90% relative humid out using an Argon Ion laser (488 nm, 10 mW). Surface ity. TEER was monitored at 5, 6, 24, and 48 h during the US 7,204,997 B2 57 58 recovery period. Control transport experiments were also tailed t-test (Microsoft Excel(R) (P<0.01) was used to iden conducted across TranswellTM filters without Caco-2 cells to tify significant differences between permeability results with determine the filter permeability (Pa.). The permeability of additives and in the control experiments. Caco-2 cell monolayers (P) was estimated by correcting Example Results the effective permeability (P) for filter permeability (P) 5 The apparent permeabilities of the Caco-2 cell layers to according to the expression P =P, '+P.'. doxorubicin obtained in the transport experiments are col Flow Cytometry lected in Table 4 infra. As is seen, doxorubicin exhibited Intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin in Caco-2 cells highly polarized transport, with the active efflux exceeding via P-gp-mediated efflux was studied by flow cytometry. the passive influx 4.6-fold in the case when no additives Caco-2 cells (3x10/cm) were seeded into 24-well plates 10 were used. However, microgels and Pluronics (especially and incubated for 3 weeks as described above. Cells were Pluronic L92), as well as their combinations lowered the rinsed twice with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and pre active efflux of doxorubicin from Caco-2 cells as much as incubated for 30 min at 37°C. in 100 g/mL PBS suspension 2.4–3.2-fold. Pluronic L61 is known to be a potent doxo of microgels, Carbopol 934NF, or Pluronic L61 or L92 (pH rubicin efflux suppressor at concentrations up to CMC 37. 7.4). At the end of the 30-min incubation period, doxorubi 15 40. At concentrations above CMC, the effects of Pluronics cin was added to the culture medium to result in its con generally plateau and then decay 34,37.40). Surface tension centration of 1 g/mL. Following 3-h incubation at 37° C. of 100 ug/mL suspensions of L92-PAA-EGDMA and F127 the cells were washed twice with ice-cold PBS. Then the PAA-EGDMA microgels (XL=0.1 mol%) at 37° C. (deion cells were rinsed with 1 mM EDTA and 0.25% trypsin ized water, pH adjusted to 7.4) was measured to be 38.5 and Solution, collected into centrifuge tubes and centrifuged at 40.4 nm/m, respectively. That is, due to the numerous 1000xg for 15 min, and finally resuspended in cold PBS. An Pluronic chains exposed to the aqueous environment, the aliquot of cells was kept on ice for analysis of dye or drug microgels exhibit surface activity comparable to the one of uptake. the hydrophobic Pluronic L61 or L92. Therefore, it can be Samples were analyzed on a FACScan flow cytometer hypothesized, with some certainty, that Pluronic-PAA 25 copolymers, which are surface-active and solubilize lipids (Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, 14.17. 44, can affect the membrane proteins in a fashion Calif.) equipped with a Spectra Physics 15-mW argon laser analogous to Pluronics. Verapamil, a known non-selective (W-488 nm) and a red 585/42 band pass filter/FL2 fluo inhibitor of the P-gp, showed most dramatic effect on P.” rescence detector. All flow cytometric data were acquired values (Table 4). Notably, this effect was not significantly and analyzed with the CellOuest software (Becton Dickin 30 neutralized by the presence of anionic microgels, indicating son). Scattering signals were measured, collected, and cor that the apparent ion exchange kinetics of the organic base rected for, in the linear scale mode. The logarithmically (Verapamil) between microgels and the donor solutions were amplified fluorescence emission intensity was converted to sufficiently rapid. a linear scale and expressed in arbitrary units relative to the control sample fluorescence intensity. The negative control The passive influx of doxorubicin into Caco-2 cells was was performed in drug-free medium to measure the cell 35 enhanced by all studied additives, with the microgels exhib auto-fluorescence. The control experiment was performed as iting the most pronounced effects (up to 2.5-fold increase in described above, but with microgel-free PBS in the pre P.", Table 4). It has been shown that absorption enhancers incubation stage. At least 10" cells were analyzed in each Such as Surfactants can act by improving drug absorption via sample. Each experiment was repeated six times. paracellular (primarily hydrophilic drugs) as well as trans 40 cellular (mostly lipophilic drugs) routes 45. Combination Colorimetric Cytotoxicity Assay of enhanced transcellular passive influx and Suppressed 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium P-gp-mediated active influx leads to a significant accumu bromide (MTT) assay comprises cleavage of the tetrazolium lation of doxorubicin in Caco-2 cells and in MDR cancer salt to a dark blue product (formazan) by mitochondrial cells when Pluronics are applied at concentrations below dehydrogenases in living but not in dead cells 43. Caco-2 45 their CMC 38.39. No significant enhancement of the cells used for MTT assay were seeded onto 96 well culture paracellular drug absorption by the “unimeric' Pluronics plates at seeding density of 5x10" cells per well in DMEM (i.e. in the absence of their micelles) have been reported 40, culture medium. The cells were cultured in an atmosphere of 46. On the other hand, Surfactants are generally known to 95% air and 5% CO, at 37° C. and 90% humidity for 48 h. enhance paracellular transport by opening the tight junctions The culture medium was subsequently replaced with HBSS 50 through an increase in the membrane pore radius, widening and microgel Suspension was added to the wells to result in of the intercellular space, contraction of calmodulin-depen a 0.5 mg/mL effective polymer concentration in each well. dent actin microfilaments, or contraction of the perijunc As negative control no polymer was added to the wells, and tional actomyosin ring 47-49. In addition, the high capac as an internal reference, 0.5 mg/mL Carbopol in HBSS was ity of poly(acrylic acid) to bind Ca" can deplete this ion applied to the cells. After adding the polymers, Caco-2 cells 55 from the extracellular cell medium and thus increase the were further incubated at 37°C. for 4 h. The polymers were paracellular permeability of the epithelial cell layers 50.51. then removed, a 5 mg/ml MTT solution in PBS was added Indications exist that Pluronic-PAA can also bind Ca" in to each well and the cells were incubated for another 4 hat biological milieu 52. Therefore, it was important to 37° C. The reaction product was then solubilized in dim address the question to what extent the dramatic increase in ethylsulfoxide before quantifying the color of the reaction 60 the net absorption by the Pluronic-PAA microgels (alone and product using an Emax precision microplate reader (Mo in combination with Verapamil, Table 4) is due to the lecular Devices Co., Sunnyvale, Calif.) at 590 nm. In each enhancement of the paracellular permeability and whether MTT assay every microgel was tested in five replicates in the microgels are toxic to the cells. The flow cytometry study microplate wells. that was carried out to estimate the effects of the microgels Statistical Analysis 65 on the intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin after 3-h All experiments were conducted at least in triplicate. The incubation, showed significant enhancement of the doxoru data were analyzed by Student's t-test at C.-0.05. A one bicin uptake. That is, the enhancement factor was measured US 7,204,997 B2 59 60 to be 2.030.09 and 1.78-0.08 for the L92-PAA-EGDMA and F127-PAA-EGDMA microgels, respectively. In com TABLE 5 parison, the enhancement factors for Carbopol, Pluronic L61, and L92 were measured to be 1.15+0.04, 1.52+0.08, Effective permeability (P) of Caco-2 cell monolayers and 1.92+0.09, respectively. Herein, we define the enhance nean S.D. of 3-4 experiments) for "C-mannitol. ment factor as the ratio of the integrated fluorescence Polymer intensity in the experiment with microgel to the intensity in concentration, Permeability the control experiment, both corrected for natural cell fluo Sample/Additive mg/mL PS2 10", cm/s ratio rescence. Thus the flow cytometry results demonstrated Control O 2.74 - 0.44 1.O significant enhancement of the intracellular uptake by both 10 Carbopol O.1 3.36 - 0.75 1.2 microgels and Pluronics alone and hinted at the prevalence O.S 5.05 - 1.45 1.8 of the paracellular route.

TABLE 4 Effect of microgels, Pluronic L61, Pluronic L92, and Verapamil on doxorubicin transport" and absorption by Caco-2 cells. Prax 10°, P-bX 10°, Net absorption Treatment (Expt. No. in Table 1) cm/s cm/s (secretion), 9% Control (1) 2.81 - O.O3 O.61 - 0.04 (360) Pluronic L61 (2) O.89 0.04 1.12 O.O3 -21 Pluronic L92 (3) O.68 0.04 1.17 O.O3 -42 L92-PAA-EGDMA (4) 1.12 O.O3 1.SS O.O3 -28 L92-PAA-EGDMA + Pluronic L61 (5) O.95 - 0.04 1.46 - 0.03 -35 L92-PAA-EGDMA + Pluronic L92 (6) O59 0.04 1.26 0.04 -53 F127-PAA-EGDMA (7) 1.12 0.04 1.32 0.04 -15 F127-PAA-EGDMA + Pluronic L61 (8) 1.16 O.O3 1.44 + 0.04 -19 F127-PAA-EGDMA + Pluronic L92 (9) O.S7 O.O3 1.23 - 0.04 -54 Verapamil (10) O45 0.05 O.88 0.04 -49 L92-PAA-EGDMA + verapamil (11) O49, O.OS 1.39 O.OS -65 F127-PAA-EGDMA + verapamil (12) O54 - 0.05 1.29 0.05 -58 Apparent permeabilities with P is 0.05 pb-alpab Calculated using the formula Net effect = 100x al

Integrity of Caco-2 cell monolayers and opening of tight junctions can be assessed by measuring the flux of Small 40 TABLE 5-continued hydrophilic radiolabeled molecules such as "C-mannitol across the monolayers, as well as by TEER 53. Transport Effective permeability (P) of Caco-2 cell monolayers of C-mannitol across Caco-2 monolayers was assessed in mean it S.D. of 3-4 experiments) for 'C-mannitol. the presence of microgels as well as benign polymer widely Polymer 45 concentration, Permeability used in oral applications (Carbopol 934NF), using HBSS as Sample/Additive mg/mL Pen S210", cm/s ratio a negative control. As measured by radioactivity count, total cumulative transport of "C-mannitol was relatively minor L92-PAA-EGDMA O.1 3.39 O.92 1.2 in all instances and did not exceed 3.5% of initial concen O.S 3.89 - 0.83 1.4 F127-PAA-EGDMA O.1 4.43 - 139 1.6 tration in the donor compartment (FIG. 15). 50 O.S 7.58 - 1.26 2.8 Using the relative release kinetics, the effective perme ability (P) of monolayers was calculated as described in Relative to the Control experiment (P is 0.05). Experimental section (Table 5). AS is seen, at concentrations of 0.1 mg/mL (as in Table 4) either Carbopol or microgels The observed tendency of added polymers (at 0.5 mg/mL did not significantly enhance the P. At concentrations of 55 level) to increase permeability of Caco-2 layers might be an 0.5 mg/mL, the microgels and Carbopol significantly indication that the polymers affect the integrity of cell increased the Pras compared to the negative control, but the membrane. Therefore, the reversibility of this effect is an differences between the microgels and Carbopol were insig important issue when screening these polymers as penetra tion enhancers. Herein, it was observed that after removing nificant. This is an important result indicating that although 60 our microgels do result in the enhancement of the intracel the polymers from the monolayers, TEER values completely lular doxorubicin transport (Table 4), they do not provoke recovered to initial values within 2 days, indicating that the any dramatic changes in the paracellular permeability. The effects, if any, of microgels on tight junctions are fully microgels compared favorably with Carbopol (lightly cross reversible (FIG. 16). 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(sodium methacrylate), Sulfonated polyisoprene, and Wilber. An in vitro model for investigating the gastric Sulfonated polystyrene. mucosal retention of C-labelled poly(acrylic acid) 10. A responsive microgel according to claim 1 wherein dispersions, Int. J. Pharm. 236(1-2)(2002) 87-96 the ionizable network of covalently cross-linked homopoly All publications and patents mentioned in this specifica meric ionizable monomers is selected from the group con tion are herein incorporated by reference. Various modifi sisting of poly(2-ethylacrylic acid), polyethyleneimine, and cations and variations of the described composition of polyethylenepiperazine). matter, methods of manufacture and methods of useof the 11. A responsive microgel according to claim 1 wherein invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art without 25 an amphiphilic copolymer is comprised of a nonionic hydro departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. philic monomer and nonionic hydrophobic monomer. Although the invention has been described in connection 12. A responsive microgel according to claim 11 wherein with specific preferred embodiments, it should be under an amphiphilic copolymer is a diblock or triblock copoly stood that the invention as claimed should not be unduly C. limited to such specific embodiments. Indeed, various modi 30 13. A responsive microgel according to claim 12 wherein fications of the described modes for carrying out the inven an amphiphilic copolymer is comprised of (poly(ethylene tion which are obvious to those skilled in polymer chemistry oxide) and a monomer selected from the group consisting of and formulation are intended to be within the scope of the poly(propylene oxide), poly(butylene oxide), polystyrene, following claims. polyisobutylene, poly(methyl methacrylate), and poly(tert What is claimed is: 35 butyl acrylate). 1. A responsive microgel comprised of an ionizable net work of covalently cross-linked homopolymeric ionizable 14. A responsive microgel according to claim 13 wherein monomers wherein the ionizable network is covalently an amphiphilic copolymer is comprised of poly(ethylene attached to a single terminal region of an amphiphilic oxide) and poly(propylene oxide). copolymer to form a plurality of dangling chains and 40 15. A responsive microgel comprised of an ionizable wherein the dangling chains of amphiphilic copolymer network of covalently cross-linked homopolymeric ioniz form immobile intra-network aggregates in aqueous solu able monomers, wherein the ionizable network is poly tion. (acrylic acid) or poly(methcarylic acid), covalently attached 2. A responsive microgel according to claim 1 which to a single terminal region of a poly(ethylene oxide) and responds Volumetrically and reversibly to a change in one or 45 poly(propylene oxide) amphiphilic copolymer, to form a more aqueous conditions selected from the group consisting plurality of dangling chains covalently attached to the of temperature, pH, and ionic conditions. ionizable network and wherein the dangling chains of the 3. A responsive microgel according to claim 1 which is amphiphilic copolymer form immobile intra-network aggre able to imbibe or solubilize a therapeutic entity. gates in aqueous Solution. 4. A responsive microgel according to claim 1 which 50 comprises at least one therapeutic entity.