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Maine Alumnus, Volume 55, Number 1, September-October, 1973

General Alumni Association, University of Maine

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Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 55, Number 1, September- October, 1973" (1973). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 293.

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7 ML •• .Si’'■mb Sk ■ * » *8 i . V-

The Maine Masque Summer Troupe appeared in America Hurrah (above), one of three summer performances. The expanded 1973-74 Masque season has much to offer. Write to 330 Stevens Hall, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04473 for tickets.

A Streetcar Named Desire...... Oct. 16-20 Story Theatre...... State Tour Oct. 15-26 Campus Oct. 28, 29 The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew...... Dec. 4-8 End Game...... March 12-16 Fiddler on the Roof...... April 30-May 4

I The Maine Alumnus vol. 55 no. 1 September/October 1973

contents r Robert N. Haskell retires 2 Other Voluntary Giving 9 6,000 conferees pick Orono 5 Alumni News 10 New AAF alumni team 6 Book Review 13 Scholarship student profiles 8 In Memoriam 14 AAF Recogniton Insert Sports 15

This the first issue of the year 1973-74 contains the Annual Alumni Fund Insert giving recognition to all those alumni who generously contributed to the 1972- 73 Annual Fund. No class notes are published in this issue but will appear in the Alumnus, to be published in November.

sta# alumni representatives to alumni council the intercollegiate athletic Margaret R. Zubik ’71, Editor John W. Ballou ’49 advisory council Lester J. Nadeau ’59, Publisher William E. Bodwell ’50 Roger C. Castle *21 Howard L. Bowen ’24 Willard C. Farnham ’60 Stephen A. Briggs ’65 Vernon W. Tozer ’51 Leland F. Carter ’42 Raymond R. Couture *51 J. Edward DeCourcy ’34 photo credits Dr. James F. Donovan ’45 John R. Dyer *41 Albert M. Pelletier Mrs. Clara (Peabody ’27) Hersum John A. Walas George P. Hitchings *37 Margaret R. Zubik ’71 Dennis P. Hogan ’71 annual alumni fund Timothy J. Keating ’74 committee Dr. Waldo M. Libbey ’44 Mrs. Sarah (Weeks ’50) Paine National Chairman Albert M. Parker ’28 John F. Wilson ’33, Mrs. Alice Ann (Donovan alumni association officers Vice Chairmen ’40) Poeppelmeier Thomas J. Desmond ’33 President David E. Svendsen ’65 Ralph L. Hodgkins, Jr. ’59, George P. Hitchings ’37 Carl R. Toothaker ’39 Gordon I. Erikson ’43 First Mrs. Helen (Wormwood ’41) Pierce Mrs. Pauline (Jellison ’40) Vice President Weatherbee Leonard N. Plavin ’48 Mrs. Fern (Allen ’34) Turbyne, Whitney L. Wheeler ’29 Second Vice President Eugene F. Sturgeon ’52 John F. Wilson ’33 Herbert A. Leonard ’39 Treasurer David E. Svendsen ’65 Cover: Jacket cover designed by Kenneth F. Woodbury ’24 Mrs. Priscilla (Thomas ’49) Ring, Fund Coordinator Arline K. Thomson for the book, Clerk Donald M. Stewart ’35 Mrs. Eleanor (West ’33) Yerxa “A Part Of The Main”, No. 95 of The Maine Alumnus, published five times a year in September-October, November-December, January- the Maine Studies Collection, by February, April-May and June-July by the General Alumni Association, Alumni Center, University of Maine, Prof. Edward M. Holmes. A review Orono/Orono, Maine 04473. Editorial and Business offices at Alumni Center, North Hall. Lester J Nadeau, publisher. The General Alumni Association, Ralph L. Hodgkins, president, is an UI?nc°r^^ cl issii ed as an educational and charitable organization as described in section 509(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue of the book appears on p. 13 by Dr. Codei Total number- of copies primed per year, 104.700. Average per issue, 20.940. Send changes of address Constance H. Carlson, acting dean to the business office six weeks prior to the next issue. Advertising rates on request. The Maine Alumnus is bent to members and to those who contribute to the Annual Alumni Fund. Member American Alumni Council. of the University of Maine at Bangor. Second class postage paid at Orono, Maine 04473. with us after that particular date," he told the retiring Bangor native. Stalwart trustee The president of Bangor Hydro Electric Com­ pany may have ended his trusteeship at the Uni­ versity of Maine but he is not "retiring" from all Robert N. Haskell his countless other business, civic and community activities. Now 70, Haskell has led an incredibly activ leaves the Board - life since his graduation in 1925, in business, Maine politics, his community and, of course, his "The ability to couple basic technical knowl­ alma mater. edge with an understanding of human nature is He first worked for Bangor Hydro while still a the main ingredient in a leader in the Twentieth student of electrical engineering at Maine. He be­ Century." came field engineer in 1926 and vice president UMO trustee Robert Nelson Haskell, class of and general manager in 1935. 1925, is the man retiring President Winthrop C. In reviewing his life's civic activities, Haskel Libby refers to in the above excerpt taken from refers back to 1933, the depths of the depression, the citation he read at the August commence­ when as a 30 year old president of the Bangor ment at which Trustee Haskell received an hon­ Chamber of Commerce he took over a major orary Doctor of Engineering degree. responsibility in a successful effort that helped On August 17, Robert N. Haskell's alma mater to reopen a major Bangor commercial bank. conferred upon him the honorary degree and one As a four year ROTC student at Orono he was a short week later, on August 24, he became 70 Corps of Engineers reserve officer during World years of age, which officially ended his 10 year War II, but his application for active service career as one of the most influential and effec­ was rejected by an alleged heart deficiency, tive trustees of the University of Maine. so he accepted an appointment as a War Speaking of his retirement on August 24, Labor Board member in the Boston office. Haskell believes the mandatory retirement age Republican Haskell began his political life in provision, one which he helped establish, is for 1945 with one term in the Maine House of the good. "Got to have some younger people in Representatives. From 1947 to 1959 he served in there," he put forth. the —four years as majority floor At the July 25 trustee's meeting, Board Chair­ leader and as senate president in the last foujL years. ™ man Lawrence M. Cutler announced Haskell's forthcoming retirement, thanking him on behalf In a difficult and surprise decision, Haskell re­ of the board for all he had done. "It's just an act signed from the Senate in 1959 after having been of the legislature that you are not going to be elected president of Bangor Hydro Electric Com­ pany. He told the press that after 14 years of public office he had no further political ambitions and that his responsibilities at Bangor Hydro had become increasingly great. Before leaving the I I political arena forever, though, Robert Haskell served a five-day term as in January 1959. "No question," Haskell emphasized on looking back on his 14 years in state government, "it helps you in every phase of business life to know and understand the workings of the legislature." "It is entirely, one-hundred percent, up to the trustee himself if he has the interest and the capability," was Haskell's answer when ques­ tioned whether he believed the role of a UM Trustee was a rewarding and effective one. "He can go along and just rubber stamp, if he wishes, but on the other hand if he wants to work, study Retired Trustee Robert N. Haskell relaxes in his Bangor Hydro Electric office the morning of his 70th Birthday, the issues, know the alternatives, he can be very the day his term of office on the Board officially expired. effective." 2 Robert N. Haskell (third from the left) at the August 17 commencement exercises with (from left to right) fellow trustee Nils Y. Wessel I of New York City, retiring President Winthrop C. Libby ’32 and Judge Armand A. Dufresne Jr. of Auburn. Haskell and Judge Dufresne, Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court were awarded honorary de­ grees at the exercises. Trustee Wessell addressed the graduating group of 450. The latter route was Haskell's choice during state subsidies required have been greatly in­ his years as an effective trustee. In the board's creased," he says. "farewell resolution" to him, he was noted for In 1968 there was much campus unrest over his work on the Physical Plant and Public Rela­ the merger of the campuses and the following tions Committees in addition to his work as chair­ bond issues for University capital expenditures man of the Finance Committee. With his back- were defeated. Haskell feels student unrest and around in Maine government and business, Has- public reaction to the merger has in the past ►Wl's work at the legislative level in University been a key factor in referendum votes. finance was his greatest contribution. Though he thinks Maine students were unlike "His key role as chairman of the Board of the students rebelling across the nation in the Trustee's Finance Committee has paid high div­ early 70's, student activism still was a factor in idends in terms of the University's fiscal integrity the public vote. "One of the nicest things that and our working relationships with members of happened was the blood bank drive at Orono the legislature," President Libby read from Has­ that made national news," remarked Haskell kell's citation. when explaining that Maine students were Haskell became chairman of the committee different. about the time the controversial University of He even now insists that future funding in Maine statewide system was formed in 1968. Be­ referendum votes is "entirely dependent upon fore the seven-campus merger, he was a trustee public reaction to the University and its leader­ for the Orono Board and the advent of the con­ ship." solidation gave Trustee Haskell some misgivings. The sons and daughters of Maine are very im­ Haskell recalls that, "Every single member of the portant to the former trustee and he believes that old Orono board opposed the merger; the basis tuition should be kept at a viable level for Maine of it being we were fearful that it would be det­ students to attend. Raising the tuition is the only rimental to Orono." taxing power of the trustees other than cutting The more specific objection to many was that programs, he laments. there would be a terrific increase in expense to In looking to the future he has one general the Maine taxpayer. Now, five years later, Has­ opinion about his alma mater: kell, though he thinks Orono has lost some of its "I am well convinced that among the cam­ identity, also believes there has not been any puses, Orono will always be the big jewel in the inequities in funding. "Time has proven that the overall University crown." 3 On a more particular issue relating to the Uni­ Orono with aid funds, with bail money on oc­ versity system, Haskell reported that he has • casions, with emergency donations, with support never been an enthusiastic supporter of the Medi­ to the President's Discretionary Fund and with cal School without walls. He believes the expen­ donations to the Pulp and Paper Foundation," sive concept of medical education may not be President Libby cited in his commencement cita­ within the financial capability of Maine people. tion. "I have always felt that our prime responsi­ After hearing about all of Bob Haskell's past bility was to educate as many youngsters as our and present accomplishments, duties and posi­ resources would allow us," he adamantly added. tions, it would certainly seem audacious to ask He fears that resources will have to be drained him what he does in his spare time. (But I did!) from other baccalaureate degrees at other cam­ As believed, his spare moments are few and far puses if medical education becomes too expen­ between. His spare time hobbies are cribbage sive. board making in the winter for area hospital Presently Robert Haskell still serves as presi­ patients and gardening in the summer. And as dent of Bangor Hydro Electric Co., president of far as vacationing, his business trips are about

the Bangor Humane Society, chairman of the os close as he comes. He does Ihave a vacation Board of Directors of Merchants National Bank, residence however. Surprisingly enough, it is not director of Diamond International Corporation on a famous Maine coastal resort but rather it is and president of Maine Electric Power Co. a hunting and fishing camp that carries the ad­ In the past he has been president of the board dress of Township 7 Range 11 on Snake Pond of directors of Eastern Maine Medical Center, (right in the middle of the Allagash country), a president of Merchants National Bank and head spot well-loved but infrequently visited by the of the Penobscot Red Cross. He also was one of active businessman. the original incorporators of the United Fund type of giving in Bangor. August 24 may have officially cut the ties from And speaking of giving . . . Robert Haskell Robert Haskell to the trustee's chair he has filled has always been a leader in that field. For ten years, but he will be still very much tuned "He has repaid many, many times any debt in to his University of Maine as it develops in the of gratitude he may have felt he owed this Uni­ future. And we know he will be around in 1975, versity ... I have firsthand knowledge that as he has been elected class president by his 1925 for many years Bob very unobtrusively and classmates to head up their 50th class reunion at anonymously has helped University students at Orono. —Margaret R. Zub^|

Governor fills two of four trustee vacancies Three University of Maine trustees ended Vaughn Currier is district manager of the their terms and two others were appointed Maine Public Service Company in Fort Kent since the beginning of the summer. and is owner of radio station WSJR in Mada­ waska. Presently he is a member of t(ie Maine Robert N. Haskell '25, W. Gordon Robert­ State Board of Education. He attended North­ son and Vaughn Currier all finished their eastern University in Boston. terms of trusteeships this summer. With one Newly appointed Robert R. Masterton is vacancy already existing, four trustee vacan­ president and trustee of the Maine Savings cies were created before the final approval by Bank in Portland and is a member of the the Governor's Executive Council on Sept. 5 Governor's Banking Study Advisory Committee. of Robert R. Masterton and Ms. Susan Komin- He is a graduate of Northeastern University, sky. Harvard Business School and attended the W. Gordon Roberston, of Bangor, is a di­ Graduate School of Banking at Brown Uni­ rector of Dead River Company and was the versity. first chairman of the UMO Development- Joining the Cape Elizabeth banker on the Council from 1960-61. He is a former presi­ Board is Ms. Susan Kominsky of Bangor. She dent of Bangor Aroostook Railroad and has is a law partner in the firm of Vafiadis, Broun­ been director of several corporations and tas & Kominsky. She is a graduate of Boston Maine promotional councils. University with a B.S., B.A. and a LL.B.

4 6,000 conferees pick Orono Gone are the lazy, hazy, bucolic days when the summer months at UMO belonged only to the summer session students. Over 6,000 people Visited UMO this summer to attend conferences, institutes, clinics, workshops, festivals, etc. and also enjoyed the special facilities and setting of Maine's largest university. For some it was only a day's visit to learn about aerial color photog- graphy and for others, such as the 500 tran­ scendental meditators, it was for a month's con­ ference. At a time when no university's finances are limitless, campuses around the nation are taking even greater advantage of their facilities during the summer months by employing an increas­ ingly larger conference and institution schedule. Housing facilities that in previous summers had lain "fallow" saw much activity this summer at UMO. Director of Conferences and Institutes John R. Benoit '59 has already reserved accommodations for many of this summer's groups on next year's calendar and expects that even more people from around the country will end up "conferring" at UMO. Above: Future Maine basketball stars at the high schoolers summer sports clinic with Coach Skip Chappelle '62. Below left: Youngsters attend string instrument con­ ference. Below right: One of two national cheerleading conferences. These were just some of the 6,000 people that attended UMO this summer under the Conferences and Institutes Program.

5 New alumni team sets five-year goals

To stress regional approach and class agent activity

John F. Wilson, a dynamic quarterback who get the fund goal up to $500,000 annually, with ran up scores for Maine teams in the thirties, is his committee shooting for a goal of $250,000 preparing to lead a new team of Orono alumni this year and an increase in active alumni con­ to higher scores—this time in the Annual Alumni tributors from the current number of 7017 to Fund for 1973-74. nearly 9000. Now Vice President of Texas Instruments, Inc. To back up the traditional October direct mail with headquarters at Attleboro, Massachusetts, campaign to all alumni, his new approach calls Wilson, class of 1933, came on the Association's for personal contacts with larger prospects by governing Council in 1971 and immediately be­ regional alumni workers this fall. He emphasizes gan carrying the ball for new projects, such as the need for campaign workers to call for un­ the grant of $750 to the Career Planning and restricted gifts to go to the University through Placement Office to help buy equipment that the Annual Alumni Fund campaign. carries tele-taped interviews of Maine grads out With the consideration and endorsement to personnel departments seeking young men and by the Council's Executive Committee, working women from Maine. cooperatively with university officials, he antici­ Named last spring to the post of National pates putting more alumni dollars to work in Campaign Chairman, Wilson has been building current programs on the Orono campus. plans and recruiting a new line-up of campaign "Class-supported endowed scholarship and leaders. loan funds are fine," Wilson says, "and must not Fo!lowing a planning meeting this summer at be neglected, but what we need in addition in the his home in Barrington, Rhode Island, Wilson re­ upcoming year for UMO is more alumni support ported to the Association President, Ralph that will give the University at Orono certqgr "Woody" Hodgkins, Jr., that his Annual Alumni priority projects which are urgently needed- Fund Committee proposed a five-year plan to projects which are not tax-funded. I am asking for

The Annual Alumni Fund leaders meet to tackle the 1973-74 campaign at the home of John F. Wilson '33 (center), the National Chairman, in Barrington, Rhode Island. From right to left Leonard N. Plavin ’48, Thomas J. Desmond ’33, John F. Wilson ’33, Mrs. Helen (Wormwood ’41) Pierce and Eugene F. Sturgeon '52. 6 that kind of special sup­ Don Stewart '35, the Association's executive port from alumni in this director from 1969 to 1973 has been assigned by coming annual fund the executive director, Les Nadeau, to serve as drive/7 he declared. the campaign committee's staff member and fund Wilson sees a double consultant. phased campaign for Aiding Wilson in the person to person regional UMO alumni this coming program this fall will be vice chairman Leonard year. The initial effort N. Plavin '48, a business leader active in the John F. Wilson will be the introduction Lewiston and Auburn alumni group, and whose National Chairman of an active program to job is to create regional teams in major Maine give personal attention to major underwriters of cities. Outside of Maine, similar teams in major UMO. Wilson will launch the second phase in the metropolitan areas will contact Maine graduates spring of 1974 with a full-scale direct mail class under the leadership of Eugene F. Sturgeon '52 of agent approach. Since nearly half the classes re­ Kensington, Conn. Sturgeon is public relations quire new agents, recruitment of new agents director of Northeast Utilities and a former presi- will start this fall, Wilson added. (continued on page 10)

Thomas J. Helen W. Leonard N. Eugene F. David E. Desmond ’33 Pierce ’41 Plavin ’48 Sturgeon ’52 Svendsen ’65

A commitment to progress: An alumni challenge

John F. Wilson National Chairman, AAF goal at $250,000, with an alumni participation goal of 20 per cent for 1973-74. As the University and the General Alumni In addition, the Committee is changing the Association move into a new era of leader­ traditional schedule and program of the An­ ship, there is a need to develop programs and nual Fund. This fall, Regional Committees will goals which are responsive to and consistent concentrate on personal visits with certain key with the growth and development of the Uni­ alumni. At the same time, efforts will be made versity. Broadened alumni support to meet to strengthen and enlarge the Class Agent or­ certain University needs is one of the major ganization to launch an intensive spring direct objectives of our Association; consequently, we mail campaign to all classes. have charted a five-year alumni fund pro­ All of these efforts are designed for more gram to meet this challenge. direct and effective communications with the Our program includes three major goals: 44,000 women and men who have attended * the University of Maine at Orono. Many will 1. Increase the Annual Alumni Fund % be asked to help as Regional Committee mem­ from its 1973 level $237,286 to bers, Class Agents or Assistant Agents. And, the $500,000 level by 1978. all will be asked to contribute to the Univer­ 2. Increase alumni participation from sity through the Annual Fund as generously its present level of 16 per cent to and realistically as possible. a goal of 33 per cent. A number of alumni have already invested much of their effort to the Association's "Com­ 3. Enlist more alumni and alumnae mitment to Progress." The quality and success volunteers for the five year cam­ of this new campaign direction ultimately de­ paign as leaders and workers. pends on those who care enough to share in Our campaign committee views these goals its establishment and invest in its future. The as realistic and attainable. In starting the five- Committee is confident that the women and year program, we have set the first year's men of the University of Maine will respond.

7 »

icki Rose Hebert, class of 1974, and the bills. Connie is a work-study student, ironically recipient of the class of 1938 scholarship employed at the Student Aid Office where she fund, did not join the Big Sister program of theworks even during vacation periods. The Orono V Food Co-op helps her keep the food bills in line. Student Action Corps because she was an only child. On the contrary, this Starks, Maine native, Connie started last fall as an Arts & Sciences who has four brothers and sisters, has "adopted" sociology major but transferred to Life Sciences & Agriculture in Child Development-Social Wel^ 10-year old Mary Ann from Bangor as her "little sister". fare, because to her it is more relevant to her fu­ For over a year Vicki ture career she plans in state social welfare. has visited with Mary "A student has no age at Maine," she exclaims. Ann at least once a week "I just couldn't believe the acceptance here." She and has taken her swim­ believes very strongly that mothers should try and ming, to football games, either start or go back to their educations despite to the airport or just for the added hardships. a short trip. By far the Presently her 8-9 hour campus day and eve­ most popular item on nings with her children leave her little time for Mary Ann's list is an extra-curricular activities but she has been very overnight at her big sis­ interested in the Onward Program on campus. ter's room at 314 Andro­ These are just two profiles of UMO students scoggin Hall. receiving scholarships through alumni dollars.- Over 50 students are recipients from different "It has been just great class and club funds. They are . . . 1905, 1906, for both of us," explains 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, Vicki about the SAC pro­ 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, gram for socially and fi­ Vicki Hebert *74 and her "Little Sister’’ 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, Mary Ann enjoy some candy. nancially disadvanaged 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1953, 1954, area youngsters. 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1968, and the Scholarships Every academic year Androscoggin Valley Alumnae Association, Black Vicki has been able Bear Club of Rhode Island, Greater New York to receive scholarship as­ Alumni Association, North Shore (Massachusetts) from alumni sistance through the Stu­ University of Maine Alumni Association, PenoUp dent Aid Office, some of scot Valley Alumni Association, Portland Alumnae dollars which has been through Association, Rhode Island Alumni Association, alumni dollars. Senior Alumni Association, Southern Connecticut For Vicki these scholarships have greatly University of Maine Alumni Association, Southern helped her to continue her education as a major in Penobscot Alumnae Association, Western Penn­ secondary education with majors in mathe­ sylvania Alumni Association, and the Cape Cod matics and bio!ogy. Next semester she hopes to Alumni Association. practice teach near her home and after gradua­ tion teach in Maine. She has, however, been thinking about the Peace Corps. And if she does consider applying, there is one reference she can rely on—her little sister, Mary Ann. Mrs. Connie Huntley, class of 1976, starts her day very early, packing lunches for herself and her ten and four-year old sons, driving the oldest to school (if it is her turn) and arriving on campus by 8:00 to catch her first class. At 29, Connie had been out of school eleven years when she re­ turned as a freshman in the fall of 1972. And for her, scholarships such as the 1924 scholarship she now receives, have made it possible for her to attend. As a mother, alone with two children there is a great deal more to think about than just book Connie Huntley ’76 at work on her Work-Study job in the Student Aid Office. 8 The 1972-73 Annual Alumni Fund


Alumni Association

IS A new record of support for UMO

I The alumni of the University of Maine at Orono gave through the Annual Alumni Fund for 1972-73 a total of $237,286.77, an increase of 21 per cent over the amount given in 1971-72. The record-breaking campaigns in both years were under the leadership of committees headed by Gordon I. Erikson '43 of Bar Harbor.

With respect and deep appreciation . . . ■Although every gift of whatever size is vitally important to the success of the Annual Alumni Fund, special gratitude is expressed to those alumni and alumnae whose contributions place them in our President's and Stein Clubs. They are listed here with respect and deep appreciation for the generosity of their giving. Like a great many Maine alumni, they have a long history of making contributions to the University through the Annual Alumni Fund. In the record of class support, the Class of 1929, including a substantial major gift from George D. Bixby of Phoenix, Arizona, led the way with a total of $13,815.72 followed by the reunion Class of 1938 (Robert L. Fuller, president and class agent) with $10,220, and the Gordon 1. Erikson *43 reunion Class of 1933 (whose officers during the year were Frank W. Hagan, president and John F. Wilson, class agent) with $9,247.44 contributed. Gordon I. Erikson '43 And other substantial gifts . . . National Campaign Chairman While those cited above have made contributions of $1000 or more (President's Russell S. Bodwell '44 Club) or $500 to $999 (Stein Club), at the same time tribute is paid to the 61 President's Club generous alumni who have made substantial gifts at the Pine Tree level ($250 Joseph A. Benedetto '55 to $499) and the 531 who became members of the Century Club. Stein Club Raymond R. Couture '51 And to thousands more . . . Pine Tree Club Of the 7017 contributors this year, 2,600 made increases in their gifts. Many of Dana P. Sidelinger '36 these increases were recorded among the Maine Stay ($30 or more) and the Century Club Honor Roll givers. These are the loyal Maine alumni whose generous contributions Arthur Nicholson '67 form the substantial foundation on which the annual giving program is based. Maine Stay Club Your attention is recommended to the names of these generous alumni listed with Stephen T. Hughes '69 Honor Roll Club A special note of gratitude . . . Jon F. Dawson '67 1 When President Winthrop C. Libby '32 announced his retirement during this past Young Alumni year, more than a thousand appreciative alumni responded to an appeal by Kenneth F. Woodbury '24 Association President Albert M. Parker '28 to honor Win and Betty Libby, Matching Corporate Gifts making contributions totalling $20,629 to augment a fund that is still growing, the John F. Wilson '33 Winthrop C. and Elizabeth T. Libby Student Assistance Fund. Reunion Gifts

President's Club Stein Club Francis S. Andrews '42 Mrs. Harry Hartley, Hon. '27 Mrs. Tibor J. Bebek '38 Paul E. Murray '14 Hazen H. Ayer '24 M/M Wallace H. Humphrey '32 '33 Mrs. John R. Furman '38 M/M George W. Perkins, Jr. '49 George D. Bixby '29 Curtis M. Hutchins '29 Roy J. Gavin '34 Wesley C. Plumer '21 M/M Russell S. Bodwell '44 '45 Robert S. Ives '33 M/M John A. Godsoe '52 '53 M/M William E. Bodwell '50 '55 Lyle C. Jenness '25 James A. Reed '42 Malcolm D. Hardy '44 Herbert E. Bragg '25 Milton F. Kent '30 Arthur B. Richardson '11 Edward T. Bryand '52 Leon B. Levitan '38 Robert N. Haskell '25 Robert F. Roy '42 John D. Buckley '49 Thomas E. Lynch '38 Royal G. Higgins '17 M/M Roger C. Castle '21 '23 Herbert E. Sargent '29 Thomas G. Mangan '16 Louis O. Hilton '54 W. Philip Churchill '30 Mrs. Leonard A. Pierce '4T Harold J. Shaw '14 Roy N. Holmes '32 Percival B. Crocker '21 William P. Palmer, III '58 Orren R. Hurd '50 Fernaid S. Stickney '23 Edward J. Dempsey '17 Theodore S. Rowe '26 M/M Lawrence W. Davee '22 M/M James M. Sims '32 M/M William W. Lindquist '52 Mrs. Philip Sullivan '48 M/M Gordon I. Erikson '42 '43 Dwight L. Somers '34 M/M Alvin S. McNeilly '44 '43 John F. Wilson '33 Raymond H. Fogler '15 Mrs. Richard Talbot (husband '07) Leonard E. Minsky '50 M/M Myron W. Zimmerman '50 '42

2S Vital Statistics

Contributions by Clubs President's Club $42,212.72 Stein Club $13,062.21 Pine Tree Club $13,285.41 Century Club $56,317.38 Maine Stay Club $62,321.50 Honor Roll Club $46,989.67 Special Gifts $ 3,097.88

• 21 percent increase in giving over last year • Average gift moved up from $29.97 to $33.81 • 7017 alumni made contributions • 7 per cent more alumni gave this year • 2,600 alumni increased their contributions • Corporate Matching Gifts increased from $16,258 to $19,365

Giving by Alumni Classes

Top Five Classes Top Five Classes Per Cent Participation Dollars Contributed 1910 55.2% 1929 $13,815.72 1911 ' 50.0% 1938 $10,220.00 1922 47.5% 1933 $ 9,247.44 1921 47.2% 1950 $ 8,385.20 1917 45.5% 1932 $ 6,787.00

Class No. 1 n No.Of % Parti­ Total Average Class No. 1 n No.Of % Parti­ Tota 1 Average Class Gifts cipation Gift Gift Class Gifts cipation Gift Gift

^Senior Alumni 99 38 38.4% $ 2,718.00 $ 71.52 1942 528 132 25.0% $ 5,590.00 $ 42.34 1910 29 16 55.2% $ 420.00 $ 26.25 1943 531 161 30.3% $ 5,817.50 $ 36.13 19H 34 17 50.0% $ 1,494.75 $ 87.92 1944 496 109 22.4% $ 4,634.25 $ 42.51 1912 49 19 38.8% $ 451.00 $ 23.73 1945 412 102 24.8% $ 3,277.00 $ 32.12 1913 45 15 33.3% $ 421.00 $ 28.06 1946 301 51 16.9% $ 1,775.00 $ 34.80 1914 51 19 37.3% $ 1,535.00 $ 80.78 1947 322 66 20.5% $ 1,273.00 $ 19.28 1915 , 72 27 37.5% $ 2,886.50 $106.90 1948 572 159 28.0% $ 6,716.00 $ 42.23 1916 90 24 26.7% $ 1,905.00 $ 79.37 1949 905 194 21.5% $ 6,843.63 $ 35.27 1917 123 56 45.5% $ 4,340.00 $ 77.50 1950 1758 361 20.6% $ 8,385.20 $ 23.22 1918 119 41 34.5% $ 892.50 $ 21.76 1951 1332 214 16.1% $ 4,817.25 $ 22.51 1919 117 40 34.2% $ 1,170.50 $ 29.26 1952 1007 168 16.9% $ 5,669.00 $ 33.74 1920 128 57 44.5% $ 2,406.50 $ 42.21 1953 808 136 16.8% $ 3,663.00 $ 26.93 1921 125 59 47.2% $ 4,370.50 $ 74.07 1954 860 120 14.0% $ 3,439.50 $ 28.66 1922 141 66 47.5% $ 5,531.90 $ 83.81 1955 784 133 16.9% $ 2,855.17 $ 21.46 1923 263 79 30.3% $ 4,292.00 $ 54.32 1956 818 157 19.2% $ 3,008.00 $ 19.15 1924 201 66 33-3% $ 3,343.00 $ 50.65 1957 1006 152 15.1% $ 2,837.25 $ 18.66 1925 225 75 33.3% $ 3,887.50 $ 51.83 1958 1040 145 13.9% $ 5,544.35 $ 38.23 1926 202 67 33.2% $ 1,644.50 $ 24.54 1959 1201 172 14.4% $ 3,076.50 $ 17.88 $ 14.61 1927 219 97 44.7% $ 4,897.50 $ 50.48 I960 1156 127 11.0% $ 1,856.00 1928 203 70 34.5% $ 2,632.50 $ 37.60 1961 1218 152 12.7% $ 2,387.00 $ 15.70 1929 254 80 31.9% $13,815.72 $172.69 1962 1205 140 11.8% $ 2,505.50 $ 17.89 $ 13.06 1930 265 76 28.7% $ 4,487.50 $ 59.04 1963 1183 137 11.6% $ 1,790.50 1931 282 100 35.5% $ 3,049.25 $ 30.49 1964 1323 164 12.4% $ 2,378.11 $ 14.50 1932 349 129 37.5% $ 6,787.00 $ 52.61 1965 1523 191 12.6% $ 2,784.00 $ 14.57 1933 382 171 44.7% $ 9,247.44 $ 54.07 1966 1441 139 9.6% $ 2,072.54 $ 14.91 $ 15.20 1934 362 96 26.5% $ 4,638.85 $ 48.32 1967 1540 168 11.0% $ 2,554.50 $ 2,041.00 1935 360 85 23.6% $ 2,937.50 $ 34.55 1968 1789 149 8.4% $ 13.69 $ 2,303.00 $ 13.38 1936 343 93 27.1% $ 2,332.00 $ 25.07 1969 2164 172 7.9% $ 2,245.05 $ 12.68 *1937 345 81 23.8% $ 2,558.50 $ 31.58 1970 2224 177 7.9% $ 1,548.00 1938 408 125 30.6% $10,220.00 $ 87.76 1971 2416 162 6.7% $ 9.55 $ 853.50 1939 374 87 23.3% $ 4,004.08 $ 46.02 1972 2107 91 4.3% $ 9.37 1940 446 113 25.3% $ 3,873.50 $ 34.27 1941 500 145 29.0 $ 4,731.00 $ 32.62 *ln addition to contributions to the Senior Alumni Fund, the Classes from 1910 to 1922 also maintained separate class funds 3S HONOR ROLL Thomas W. Borjesson Wilbur A. Park 1911 Harold P. Bailey Lucile Royal Chamberlin Theodore M. Stevens 1896 Winthrop B. Brown Weston S. Evans Betty Mills Towner PINE TREE CLUB STEIN CLUB Earl C. Goodwin Marie Blackman Gregory^ Geneva Croxford Valentine Lore A. Rogers Arthur B. Richardson Justin D. Graves Francis Head Harry D. Watson Harris G. Luther Everett E. F. Libby PINE TREE CLUB Lloyd F. Pinkham Frank D. Libby HONOR ROLL 1900 Albert D. Conley Harry A. Randall James L. Morse Minerva French Anderson MAINE STAY CLUB Paul F. Slocum Caldwell S. Phillips Harold H. Bagley Howard C. Strout CENTURY CLUB Merrill E. Torrey Hiram Rosenbloom Leslie Bannister George D. Bearce Ross H. Varney Bertram Tomlinson Corinne M. Barker Nelson E. Smith Lucretia Davis Weaver Marguerite Mills Beach 1901 Ernest T. Walker Jedediah E. Weeks HONOR ROLL Iva Barker Bean MAINE STAY CLUB Mary Willard Wescott *Voyle E. Abbott W. Linwood Chase George H. Davis MAINE STAY CLUB Oscar M. Wilbur F. Wilbert Bisbee Ernest L. Coolbroth Parker M. Cooper Harvard W. Blaisdell Eveline Snow Cross Leslie J. Wertheim Helen Stinchfield Brooks Newell W. Emery 1902 Benjamin B. Whitney 1916 George H. Cheney Marion E. French CENTURY CLUB PRESIDENTS' CLUB Mona McWilliams Foster Edward P. Hacker Arthur E. Silver HONOR ROLL Thomas G. Mangan Frederick B. Haines Vinton 0. Harkness Ralph W. Buzzell Robert H. Hawthorne Barbara Dunn Hitchner 1904 Hiram E. Harris CENTURY CLUB Roger B. Hill Dorothy Y. Holbrook Ralph E. Patterson Burke Bradbury Arlo C. Jordan Albert E. Johnson HONOR ROLL Seavey A. Piper Myron C. Peabody •John M. Keep Lawrence P. Libby Roy S. Averill Florence Taylor Royal Thomas N. Weeks •Arthur W. Leighton Philip A. Libby Myra D. Thurlow Edith DeBeck Luce Kathryn Gorden Myers 1905 Albert Verrill MAINE STAY CLUB Gladys Reed Merrill Gerard H. S. Nickerson •Walter T. Brown Erlon L. Newdick Angela Getchell Page MAINE STAY CLUB 1912 Guy B. Condon I. Leavitt Newman Florence MacLeod Ramsay Charles L. Foubert Omar K. Edes Kathryn Dow Nichols Flavia L. Richardson Edward K. Hilliard CENTURY CLUB Dorothy Thompson King Ruth Chalmers Rich Norman Shaw George K. Huntington Warren H. Savary C. Kent Lane Marguerite Farmer Soule Lena Page Spaulding William E. Schrumpf Clifford A. Skillin Earl W. Spaulding Robert B. Stewart HONOR ROLL Helen P. Taylor Clayton A. Storer Helen White Wentworth Walter H. Foster MAINE STAY CLUB Harold C. Swift Elmer B. Williams James L. Boyle HONOR ROLL Ernest J. Turner 1906 Warren McDonald Charles L. Blackman Helen Stuart Vrooman James P. Poole Robert G. Blanchard Evelyn M. Waugh 1921 Harlan H. Sweetser CENTURY CLUB Horace E. Boothby, Jr. Perne Ross Weymouth PRESIDENTS* CLUB Walter H. Burke Zella E. Colvin •Mary Wentworth Wilbur HONOR ROLL Percival B. Crocker Charles E. Dole Marion MacLaughlin Yost Koger C. Castle MAINE STAY CLUB Emily M. Bartlett Florence E. Greenleaf Gotthard W. Carlson Lewis J. Catheron Maynard F. Jordan Frederick H. Simmons M. June Kelley 1919 STEIN CLUB Herschel S. Libby Wesley C. Plumer Alton A. McPhetres Miller B. Moran PINE TREE CLUB HONOR ROLL Herbert C. Norburg Marguerite Jones Riley Samuel W. Collins CENTURY CLUB Albert J. Butterworth Edward M. Partridge Alice Poore Rollins Rollins A. Seabury Leah Ramsdell Fuller George H. Hill Emily Vickery Sleeper CENTURY CLUB George S. Ginsberg Charles A. Soule Jennie Beaulieu Beaulieu Arthur L. Sturtevant Emilie Kritter Josselyn 1907 1917 James H. Freeland Lucy H. Kilby PRESIDENTS' CLUB Pauline Mansur Freeland Eli A. Marcoux PRESIDENTS' CLUB Mrs. Richard F. Talbot 1913 Harold K. Graves Leta Weymouth Wood Edmund J. Dempsey Kathryn Hitchings Lunny In memory of husband CENTURY CLUB Charles M. Poor Richard F. Talbot William H. Merrill MAINE STAY CLUB STEIN CLUB Perley L. Berry Royal G. Higgins, Jr. MAINE STAY CLUB PINE TREE CLUB MAINE STAY CLUB Margaret Blethen Karl MacDonald Edwin W. Adams Bernard Bornstein Harold Hamlin PINE TREE CLUB Marjorie Gooch Bengis Elwood W. Jennison Rena Campbell Bowles HONOR ROLL Hazel Lane Babcock Stacy L. Bragdon Stanley W. Campbell Herbert H. Green Muriel Young Maines Ella M. Hall William J. McCarthy •Joseph B. Chaplin CENTURY CLUB Albert J. Sears Arthur R. Chapman Harold A. Richards George E. Hansen Joyce Cheney Stevens Ralph W. Wetherbee Robert J. Cohen 1908 Maurice Jacobs Vernon H. Wallingford Madeleine Eastman Cousins CENTURY CLUB Flora Howard Mayo Jessie Prince Wallingford HONOR ROLL Howard A. Deering James A. Gannett William E. Nash H. Laton Jackson Ralph C. Blanchard Miner R. Stackpole HONOR ROLL MAINE STAY CLUB *Guy V. Dyer Gordon W. Johnson Stanley W. Stoddard Chester N. Adams J. Florence Morrill Kelley Elon L. Brown Raymond Floyd George F. Sweet Ralph L. Brown Howard L. Perkins Ralph C. Hodges Martha Woodbury Kurth Forrest R. Treworgy Etelle Sawyer Carlson Elmer A. LeBlanc Earle N. Vickery Percy E. Jackman Hugh S. Cross Walter E. Murray Harold E. Pratt MAINE STAY CLUB Clifford D. Denison Elliot M. Staples HONOR ROLL Henry 0. Pierce, Jr. WARREN B. Beckler William G. Ellsworth James P. Farnsworth Mary E. Russell Allen M. Varney •Ray M. Carter Ernest L. Garland Ralph H. Wood Robert E. Potter Antoinette Webb Wheaton Elwood I. Clapp John E. Goodwin Clarence M. Weston Grace Bristol Coffin Clifford P. Gould HONOR ROLL 1914 Charles E. Crossland Josephine Mann Gray James C. Adams Dorothy Mercier Furbish Ralph M. Kendall 1909 STEIN CLUB Roscoe H. Barber CENTURY CLUB Noel D. Godfrey Mark R. Lawler Stephen W. Beeaker Harold J. Shaw Howard B. Hiller Frank W. Lord Frederick D. Knight Paul E. Murray Percy L. Blackwell Ray O. D. Van Bibber Bryant L. Hopkins Hugh R. MacDonnell Gordon E. Brewster, Sr. Harold L. King Kenneth G. MacQuarrie, Jr. Carlton E. Brown MAINE STAY CLUB •Joseph A. McCusker Lawrence E. Merrow MAINE STAY CLUB Imogene Wormwood Ingalls Dorothy Hart Cook , Herbert P. Bruce Stanley G. Phillips Faye Smith Merrow Horace C. Crandall L. Stuart Jones Linwood T. Pitman Christine A. Northrup Cora Shaw Gunn Mary Leonard Kavanagh Raymond J. Curran Walter 0. Harvey Frances Gonyer Pooley Carl W. Perkins James H. Davidson Warren S. Lucas Harold R. Miller Rudolph Stoehr Estelle S. Robbins Clarence H. Drisko Philip w. Thomas George K. Wadlin Frederick D. Rogers Floyd F. Smiley, Sr. George A. J. Froberger Roy A. Wentzel Edgar A. Stoddard HONOR ROLL Harry L. Greenleaf HONOR ROLL Ethel Scott Wallace Marion S. Buzzell HONOR ROLL Vernon F. Hobbs Walter L. Emerson Harold L. Dinsmore Edith Deering Hughey Merton T. Goodrich Earl R. Brawn Howe W. Hall Edith Ingraham Glover 1920 Hollis W. Jones Charles W. Kinghorn George A. MacNeil Julie Gilpatrick Manchester Benjamin E. Grant PINE TREE CLUB Harold R. Miller Nicholas P. Makanna Leon 0. Marshall Orrin L. Miller Dorrice M. Higgins Henry R. Butler Wilson M. Morse Foster D. Jameson Verna Norton •Clinton A. Plumly Fernando T. Norcross Clarence L. Partridge Frank C. Richardson Charles S. Johnson CENTURY CLUB Roy W. Peaslee Seth E. Libby Cora Phillips Perry Everett F. Southwick Mark Pendleton Robert W. Averill Effie Weatherbee Peters Helen Greeley Libby Ray M. Boynton Wayland D. Towner Nelson F. Mank Lucille E. Smith 1910 Floyd Verrill Stanley M. Currier Ruth Sullivan Stevenson John H. Melincoff Doris Williams Donovan Sherwood H. Willard Schuyler C. Page, Jr. Katherine D. Stewart CENTURY CLUB Lawrence J. Hodgkins Donald W. Stuart Doris Savage Charles C. Ketchum M. Eleanor Jackson Harold B. Swicker Ernest Lamb 1915 Charles A. Sawyer Claire Partridge Shannon Alfred B. Lingley Paul D. Tapley PRESIDENTS' CLUB Lester R. Thurston J. Fred Tingley MAINE STAY CLUB William A. Simpson Raymond H. Fogler Charles L. Stephenson Walter S. Tolman Hester M. Wessenger Albert K. Gardner Frederick W. Whiteside Dimon E. Merrill Jessie Sturtevant Stinneford CENTURY CLUB Arthur W. Thompson Harry L. Bayer MAINE STAY CLUB 1922 HONOR ROLL Russell V. Waterhouse Frances Jones Bearce Frances A. Wood Frank A. Besse PRESIDENTS' CLUB Alfred B. Chandler David L. Craig Harold H. Beverage Gerald H. Bessey Lawrence W. Davee Verne C. Beverly Frank E. Merriam Harry W. Fogg Muriel Goodrich Davee

Walter S. Merrill 1918 Leona Gilman Bowyer Harry Butler Philip D. Simonton MAINE STAY CLUB PINE TREE CLUB CENTURY CLUB Lerone M. Damon Foster B. Blake Herman P. Sweetser F. Drummond Freese Frederick D. Gibbs John J. Davis Curtis C. Taylor Nehemiah W. Kneeland Minnie Norell Collins Gertrude Cannon Gibbs Lloyd R. Douglass Noel o. Van Bibber Philip E. Philbrook Dwight M. French George A. Webster CENTURY CLUB Mollie Hutchins Ragoon MAINE STAY CLUB Hazel Copeland French George J. Wentworth Achsa M. Bean Lewis B. Tolman Walter B. Aikens Silas E. Merry James E. Carlin Charles L. Eastman Elizabeth A. Harkness MAINE STAY CLUB Fred W. Holdsworth O. Spurgeon English Milton E. Higgins Eli Aronson Mark A. Hurd Fred T. Jordan 1928 Helen Hamlin Hill Chester A. Baker Jessie Wood Hussey John H. Needham David W. Hoyt Aura E. Coburn PINE TREE CLUB Conan A. Priest Elsie Perry Hoyt Irving B. Kelley Cecil J. Cutts Everett M. Lunt Albert M. Parker Perry R. Shean Lois Mantor Jackson Randall H. Doughty Helen N. Mayo Henry P. Turner Vernon L. Johnson Carl B. Eastman Frank J. McDonald CENTURY CLUB Philip R. White, Sr. Stephen S. Kaier Philip Ehrlich Hilda Graham Askanase Margaret Manchester Morgan Fred C. Newhall Paul F. Erskine James Nowland William Balch MAINE STAY CLUB Minnie Louis O’Brien Vaughm B. Everett Ralph R. Parkman Anthony A. Beeaker Jacob W. Bishop, Jr. Bryant M. Patten Alice Hill Hallock Sidney B. Peterson Wray C. Conro Lucy E. Chamberlain Arabelle Hamilton Patten D. Anne Thurston Henderson Joseph B. Pike, Jr. Erdine Besse Dolloff Martha D. Chase Roland S. Plummer Stanley B. Hyde Kenneth 0. Plumer Harry R. Hartman Mary Thorpe Duffy Howard H. Randlette Arelene Ware Hyde Ralph A. Hill Mary I. Samways S. Leonard Ginsberg Helena Bissonette Seamans Doris Dow Ladd Clarence R. Libby Clyde N. Stover R. Warren Graffam Pearl M. Snow Frank L. Lincoln Kenneth C. Lovejoy Edith Perkins Sturtevant Harry B. Henderson Richard B. Stuart Frances Perkins Lincoln Mabel Kirkpatrick Lovejoy Robert W. Laughlin Karl F. Switzer Margaret A. Tibbetts Louise Quincy Lord Robert A. Tate William P. Viles Frederick F. Marston Cecil A. Ware Edith Hanington Moberg Catharine Sargent Marston Gerald S. Wheeler Frankie Webster Michael H. O’Connor Irene Lerette Whitcomb MAINE STAY CLUB Ardis Lancey Moore Roland L. Wilkins Velma K. Oliver Lynwood K. Betts Thomas H. Murphy Kenneth C. Wilson Arthur E. Wilson Frederick H. Parsons Oscar L. Wyman Leon A. Cheney Estelle Nason Mabel Peabody Wilson Elizabeth Peabody Parsons Lawrence M. Cutler H. Otis Noyes Walter 0. Wilson Doris Overend Patterson Fred M. Dodge Lauriston F. Noyes John C. Winslow Charles R. Phillips 1927 George F. Dudley Parker W. Patterson Edward I. Pierce PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Raynor K. Fitzhugh Hy(man L. Rammer 1924 Verner F. Robinson Stella Hartley H. Stuart Frost Ernest H. Ring Lincoln A. Sennett In memory of husband Frances Puller Giddings Ian M. Rusk PRESIDENTS* CLUB Osmond S. Whiteside Harry A. Hartley *27 Herbert E. Hammons Homer F. Ray Hazen H. Ayer Ardron B. Lewis Everett P. Welch HONOR ROLL PINE TREE CLUB Roger E. Lewis Fannie Cutler Welton PINE TREE CLUB I. Stanley Bailey James E. Tarr Nelson L. Manter Elwood K. Wilkins Hope Norwood Bannister Harold A. Medeiros Carleton W. Merritt Hugh M. Williams CENTURY CLUB Moses Nanigian I Laurence B. Blethen Nan Mahoney Bradford Neil S. Bishop William S. Reid CENTURY CLUB George F. Dow HONOR ROLL Raymond H. Burton David H. Stevens Howard L. Bowen Kenneth S. Field William D. Connon Charles 0. Cambell Robert P. Thaxter Frederick C. Brown Florence Kirk Field Bernice Young Cooper Anne Ashley Carrington Frederick H. Thompson James A. Chalmers Russell E. Smith Donald H. Cross G. Davis Chase Philip H. Trickey George H. Cooper, Sr. Helen Pulsifer Dana A. Bruce Clark Henry C. Waldo Matthew Williams Harold L. Durgin Earle R. Webster Errol L. Dearborn Benjamin.w. English H. Hollis Wooster Ralph M. Hutchinson Margaret Preble Webster Robert W. Dow Beatrice Johnson Little Lynette Walker Flewelling Theodore J. Zak Ethel Packard Harkness Thomas E. Gay Julian H. Merrill MAINE STAY CLUB Melvin E. Healey Harriet Page Hume HONOR ROLL Ann Greene Robison Warren S. Abbott Stanley J. Johnson Clifford V. Irish Russell M. Bailey Samuel L. Rosenberg John D. McCrystle Fred D. Armes Horace E. Bell Philip A. Sargent Elizabeth Lawler Earle T. Blodgett Doris Merrill Arline F. Lynch Earl F. Bennett Kenneth F. Woodbury Frances S. Nason John W. Mangan Sara Palmer Bogan Ruth Jordan Blanchard

Walter L. Perro Donald N. MacLean Clare H. Brown, Jr. Harold E. Bowie MAINE STAY CLUB Milton H. Clapp Seth H. Pinkham Hazel Lindsay Brainard Bruce I. Davenport Leona Reed McDonald Richard G. Clark Ruth Shepherd Slater Elizabeth M. Collins Earl M. Dunham Charles M. McEwen Marion Cooper Gertrude Farnham Strout Kenneth D. Cram Alice Stanley Dunham Joseph M. Murray Harry F. Culbertson Vera J. Thompson Stanley J. DeVeau Michael C. Gentile Frances Kent Murray Thomas L. Dickson, Sr. Dorothy Trefethen * Guy E. Gri ffin Mansfield M. Packard Erma Stairs Foley Irene Wentworth Engel Carleton A. Walker Theodore F. Hatch Mary Loomis Page David Fuller Kenneth V. Hight Harry A. Grant F. Gilbert Hills Arthur N. Parmenter Elwin B. Hodgins Benjamin Hoos Arthur N. Pendleton Matthew E. Highlands 1923 Mary Watt Horsman Harold E. Ingalls Louis C. Horsman Robert S. Pike Elmer G. Kelso PRESIDENTS* CLUB Theron A. Sparrow Albert H. Repscha Martling B. Jones Michael L. Lavorgna Virginia Averill Castle Carl W. Stevens Frank L. Robinson Archie Kamen John H. Mahoney Robert C. Lane Philip H. Taylor Madalene Brackett Saxe George N. Martin STEIN CLUB Emma Thompson Ledger Charles A. Whitten Morita Pickard Springer J. Philip Moore Fernaid S. Stickney Prescott E. Thornton Robert J. McCann Albert D. Nutting Balfour S. Tyndall Frederick L. Moulton HONOR ROLL Bernard T. Poor Laurence H. Murdoch CENTURY CLUB Jame6 G. Annett Mary Waterhouse Kenneth L. Proctor Wendell P. Noble Clarence B. Beckett J. Wesley Ames Lucy Farrington Shelve Howard R. Norton George V. Blanchard Raymond E. Tobey Gregory Baker 1926 Carroll P. Osgood Theodore S. Curtis Ray H. Carter Everett I. Waltz PRESIDENTS* CLUB J. A. Pierce Philip D. Davis John Conti, Jr. tTheodore S. Rowe Eugene C. Winch Edna Cohen Rapaport Cora Russell Doten Ruth Bessey Conti Raymond E. Wood Helen Humphreys Eastman Clara E. Sawyer Paul M. Croxford CENTURY CLUB Frances Sawyer Worcester Louis J. Eaton Dorothy Steward Sayward Merwyn R. Driscoll Carleton H. Bunker Robert F. Scott Lloyd G. Hay Maxwell M. Erskine HONOR ROLL Stuart M. Johnson John T. Chippendale Barbara Pierce Skofield Iome Irving Gay Joseph D. Doherty Isabel Z. Ames Avis Strout Jordan Gordon M. Walker James L. Hayes Elizabeth Laughlin Wadsworth Henry M. Bearse Elmer H. Ward Guy Matthews Ethelyn Percival Howard Thomas P. Bixby Frederick J. Sullivan Hope Craig Wixson Robert D. Huston MAINE STAY CLUB Everett E. Blackwell Martha Sanborn White Una Greenlaw Jones Paul E. Atwood Clayton T. Bockus Louise Messer Mayo William L. Bailey James W. Chapman 1929 MAINE STAY CLUB Ethel Bird McCrystle Willis M. Barrows Helen Peabody Davis PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Nelson B. Aikins Dwight L. McKechnie Laurence L. Buck Lorinda Orne Eustis George D. Bixby Donald F. Alexander Mary Harris Michal Francis G. Buzzell Enna W. Fowler Curtis M. Hutchins Harold P. Blackwood Frank B. Morrill Margaret Fraser Feeney Margaret Boothby Freeman Everett C. Cunningham Charles E. Noyes In memory of husband Dorothy Taylor Garvin STEIN CLUB William R. Dow Clayton P. Osgood Elton 0. Feeney *22 Wyman P. Gerry Herbert E. Sargent Lynwood W. Fisher Earl P. Osgood J. Murray Hamilton Ruth Leman Grady Marjorie Willey Frost Irene G. Parsons Trygve Heistad Ernest H. Grant PINE TREE CLUB Philip L. Gray Belford A. Perkins George 0. Ladner Amy Adams Green Loomis S. Kinney Alfred G. Hempstead Wallace W. Perkins Guilbert R. Little Elroy H. Gross Robert D. Parks Elizabeth Hitchings Ellen V. Pierson Walter P. Morse Joseph P. Guilfoyle Clayton F. Jones Bernie E. Plummer, Jr. Leone Dakin Nutting Ruth Palmer Harribine CENTURY CLUB Iva Merchant Knight John A. Small Albert H. Olsson Bessie Muzzy Hastings Robert F. Chandler •Pauline Harthorn Littlefiel Ellen Myers Stevens Anthony J. Pannoni Clara Peabody Hersum Myrtle Walker Dow Catherine Cary Moses John L. Townsend Rose Adams Plouff Roy C. Hobson John L. Guice Virginia Chase Perkins Aileen Bennett Tufts William W. Rich Henry G. Howard Charles W. Hamlin Francia M. Place Ruth E. Waterhouse Mary M. Roche Doris Rideout Huestis victor B. MacNaughton Ruth Spear Rich H. Bernice Wentworth Ernest B. Scott Edith Hoyt Humphrey Katherine Marvin MacNaughton Milton J. Ricker Ruth Savage Wiswell Barnett I. Shur Marada L. Johnson Harold T. Pierce Elizabeth Ring Phillip E. Woods Edward F. Stanton Roland C. Johnson Sarah Hoos Sterns Marie Hodgdon Sawyer Leah Smith Wyman Laurence G. Thurston Sylvia M. Kurson Whitney L. Wheeler Beatrice Cleaves Stevens Beulah Osgood Wells Paul Lamoreau Elizabeth McCracken Wilhelm Ervin Stuart Austin H. Wilkins Doris Spencer Libbey Roger C. Wilkins Ralph E. Thomas 1925 Florence Poor MacDonald Ethel Cummings Woodbury Ruth Coombs Thomas PRESIDENTS* CLUB HONOR ROLL Daphne Winslow Merrill Harriet Weatherbee True Herbert E. Bragg George R. Acheson Angeline Morneault Michaud MAINE STAY CLUB Roger Williams Edmund H. Bartlett Arthur H. Niles M. Catherine Buck Booker Arthur E. Wilson STEIN CLUB Llewellyn W. Beedle William H. Osborne James C. Buzzell Mabel Peabody Wilson Robert N. Haskell Carl H. Bischoff Lyndall K. Parker H. Richard FitzMorris Ruth Morse Burbank Selden J. Pearce Nicholas G. Hodgman HONOR ROLL CENTURY CLUB Floyd J. Carr Sherman H. Rounsville Dorothy Bradford Kelso Doris Twitchell Allen Floyd N. Abbott Sidney B. Coleman Henry A. Scribner Abram J. Libby Ceylon R. Archer Edward M. Curran Earle D. Crawford John A. Snell Frank W. Linnell Janet Cole Armstrong Helene Douglas Daniels Marjorie Myers Crawford Arthur Staples Merton F. Morse Virginia Colbath Crandall Linwood L. Dwelley Albert H. Doerr Forrest A. Taylor Roderic C. O’Connor Molly Perkins Crandon Frank w. Hussey Douglas E. Donovan Edith O'Connor Thaxter Merton S. Parsons Harold N. Powell Alice C. Duncan Kathleen Mahoney Lobo Wilhelmina F. Dunning Daniel W. Torrey Mary F. Reed Fred J. Elias Mildred Brown Schrumpf Charles E. Gero Henry 0. Trask

Sarah Wiswell Fenderson Frederic A. Soderberg Everard E. Hall Iva Stanley Waring Gordon Smith Jerome Strout Julius 0. Garsoe Claude H. Tozier Charles H. Hammond Charles M. Washburn 5S Abby Sargent Neese Richard C. Porter Ruby Carlson Williams Sara Pike Gleason Ethel S. Saunders Elmer R. Higgins S. Louis Scheffer Priscilla Noddin Theodore W. Prescott Herbert G. Wiseman Hildreth Matheson Palmer Stanley R. Prout Arlene Robbins Wolberg "Edward B. Holt, Jr. Samuel Sezak Frank A. Knight Francis E. Smalley Harry Paul Evelyn Gleason Rawson Ethel Hilton Poland' Max Rubin Johnson L. Lowell M. Stetson Smith HONOR ROLL Margaret Merrill Pratt Jean C. Sabine Reginald B. Adams Lloyd McCollum Nelson E. Spurling Thomas H. Pride » Charles K. Sawyer Whitney M. Baston Hortense Bradbury Monaghan Edward W. Strecker Rudolph M. Quint George W. Scott Harold E. Bessey Dorothy Mayo Morris Polly Longley Sund Jesse E. Ray, Jr. Kenneth E. Smith Oscar L. Birch E. Christine Norwood Martha G. Wasgatt Edward E. Palmer, Jr. Edwin R. Williams Philip Rubin Richard J. Snare Bishop Gerald Burrill Laurice M. Stevens Ella Bolan Parr O. Lawrence Rumazza G. Kenneth Burwood Elizabeth Spencer Cleveland Ralph L. Perkxns Thomas Russell John E. Stinchfield 1932 Girdler J. Swett Priscilla G. Conant Horace A. Pratt Caroline Cousins Selby Frank C. Waterhouse George E. DesJardins Sylvester M. Pratt PRESIDENTS' CLUB Clarence Shapero Robert A. Zottoli Kenneth W. Downing Lewis P. Roberts Wallace H. Humphrey Guy V. Sinclair, Jr. Charles E. Fogg Lydia Douglas Rollins James M. Sims Albert J. Smith HONOR ROLL Frank Foggia Edwin A. Smith Anna Lyon Sims Margaret Churchill Snyder Richard P. Gleason Edward K. Stanley Dorothy M. Somers Marion Ladner Bailey J. Elliott Hale Helen Denton Stoddard STEIN CLUB Asa H. Stanley, Jr. Harold J. Barrett Ramona Poley Highlands Charles R. Stover Roy N. Holmes Clayton J. Sullivan Clarence F. Berry Allison K. Hill Lindsay W. Sutherland Charles N. Sweetser Dorothy Blair Bohnson Elmer G. Horton John D. Walker, Jr. PINE TREE CLUB Oscar T. Thompson Guy A. Booker Charles S. Huestis Kenneth R. Webber Cedric L. Arnold M. Louise Beaulieu Van Stack Frederick C. Burk Harold V. Kimball Donald L. Lester George E. Wadsworth Hester McNair Card Alice Lincoln Leanhard 1931 Helen Stearns Lester Robert T. Weston Grace Reynolds Clapp Russell H. Look Herbert S. Trask Philip M. Williams Gertrude Dorr Cleveland Caroline Collins Lowell PINE TREE CLUB Helen Findlay Cousens John H. Lowell Malcolm E. C. Devine CENTURY CLUB 1933 Edwin M. Dane Winfield Lowell Lewis W. Barrett Thomas J. Desmond Mary Robinson McClure CENTURY CLUB Chester W. Burris PRESIDENTS' CLUB Kenneth J. Dickerson Helen Moore Theodore R. Bickmore Neil M. Calderwood Virginia Berry Humphrey Harold O. Doe Bettina Brown Moulton Clovis Breton Winthrop C. Libby Robert S. Ives Eloise Lull Eaton Perley H. Mudgett "Ward B. Cleaves Roscoe C. Masterman Millard F. Fitzgerald Winfield S. Niles William P. Hamblet Wheeler G. Merriam STEIN CLUB Walter B. Fitzgerald George A. Noddin Jacob S. Holmes Hugh H. Morton John F. Wilson Donald E. Frazier Worth L. Noyes Katherine Lang Morrison Theodore E. Nutting Warren S. Frohock Maple I. Percival Verne S. Snow Winston C. Robbins PINE TREE CLUB Arthur H. Garvin George W. Raye Willis L. Stiles Joseph P. Seltzer John S. Cunningham Harold M. Hall Guy H. Richardson Mary Carter Stiles Mollie Rubin Stern Thomas J. Desmond Miriam T. Hanaburgh Lawrence Rosen Cornelius J. Sullivan Freeman G. Webb * Inez L. Howe Marguerite Plummer Sheahan MAINE STAY CLUB Loring R. Swain Carl D. Hurd Alice Webster Sinclair Katherine Jackson Adkins CENTURY CLUB Charles C. Ingalls Catharine Osgood Skolfield Maynard P. Blaisdell MAINE STAY CLUB W. Bruce Ashworth Robert J. Ingraham Archibald V. Smith Richard C. Blanchard Donald T. Achorn Samuel Bachrach Kenneth B. Johnson Carleton D. Staples Charles A. Brown Margaret J. Armstrong John T. Bankus Elizabeth Hilliker LaFrance Clyde C. Stinson Philip J. Brockway Doris Dunphy Bassett Robert B. Downing Charles L. Lampson Harvard L. Sylvester Erma F. Budden Frank J. Battles Dana A. Eldridge Hollis L. Leland Sarah J. Thompson Parker G. Cushman Muriel Freeman Brockway Richard E. Elliott Kathryn Small Lufkin Donald E. Tracy Philip L. Evans Harold E. Bryant Emily Thompson Elliott Evelyn Mills MacKeen Stanley G. Winch Willard A. Farris Laura Merrill Burdt Phyllis Webber Fuller Thomas A. Maines Horace F. Flynn Evelyn Randall Churchill Philip 0. Gregory Muriel Holmes Maines

1930 Charlotte Bowman Flynn John D. Dickson, Jr. Frank W. Hagan Helen Nivison Miller Jessie L. Fraser Curtis A. Fisher Edward G. Haggett, Jr. Barbara Sawyer Nelson PRESIDENTS' CLUB Paul R. Goodwin Albert F. Gerry Elizabeth Tryon Libby Raymond F. Newell W. Philip Churchill Lawrence M. Gray Mary Bean Gerry William H. Linskey Joseph I. Penley Milton F. Kent Doris L. Gross Arthur W. Hall Lyndon 0. Mayers Jane Barry Penn Louise Durgan Hammons Walter L. H. Hall James W. McClure Coleman C. Randall PINE TREE CLUB Elmer C. Hodson Clayton H • Hardison Charles T. Moody Phyllis Black Raymond Harry R. Mayers Jean Keirstead Huff Marion Cunningham Harriman Forest K. Moors Rose Snider Rodensky Donald F. Marshall Gordon S. Hayes Marjorie Moulton Murphy Marcia Adelman Rubin CENTURY CLUB Helene Johnson Marshall Arthur C. Holbrook Edith Bolan Ogden Fred M. Sanborn Richard S. Bradford Francis S. McGuire Albert H. Howes Louise Hill Robbins Pauline Siegel Segal Harold A. Cutler Elizabeth Livingstone Morse Robert P. Jenks John J. Turbyne Evelyn Pollard Simmonds Marthe DeGagne Gaffney E. Paul Nason Eleanor Meacham Jenks Wesley N. Wasgatt Edith Deane Spear Jenny Robinson Hutchinson Charles E. O'Connor Amel F. Kisonak Eleanor S. Cushing Wasgatt Joseph R. Stoddard Francis C. Lindsay Erma Barton Painter Beulah Starrett Lord Bernice Willson Wilson Courtney E. Stover Robinson Mann Frank E. Patten, Jr. Murdock S. Matheson Eleanor West Yerxa Ernestine Merrill Whitten Clifford G. McIntire Alfred W. Perkins Roy H. McCray John C. Wight Fred E. Wiers Mary Crowley Mulvey Ethel Thomas Sezak Stacy R. Miller Robert A. Zottolx John M. Palmer George A. Smith William J. Murphy MAINE STAY CLUB Marion E. Rogers Arvo A. Solander Edith Talbot Ness Clark L. Abbott 1934 Edward Stern Mabel Lancaster Stewart Levi C. Paczankxs Whiteley I. Ackroyd Emerson A. Stymiest Eleanor I. Thompson Ralph N. Prince Mary Sewell Alden PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Paul Wadsworth Charles H. Tweedie Charles L. Puffer Merrita Dunn Anderson Dwight L. Somers Gilbert E. Weeks John W. Roche Helen Hilton Bailey MAINE STAY CLUB William C. Wells Katherine W. Trickey Martha Smith Baldwin PINE TREE'CLUB Louise Bates Ames Raymond E. White Paul C. Williamson Edwin C. Boddy Roy J. Gavin Kathleen D. Andrews Phyllis Kneeland Whitten Ellen Frame Wright Clarence H. Bradbury Jack S. Atwood Ronald E. Young George Bullen CENTURY CLUB Niran C. Bates, Jr. HONOR ROLL Leroy A. Burton Kenneth S. Cleaves William W. Blaisdell Roger L. Annis HONOR ROLL Samuel H. Calderwood Donald P. Corbett James F. Booker William L. Bates Kenneth G. Ames Dorothy Findlay Carnochan Francelia Dean Corbett Elizabeth Mason Carter William M. Beal George H. Andrews Geneva F. Chamberlain Beatrice Cummings de Mauriac Ralph A. Corbett Elizabeth Ricker Boothby James C. Bates Donald I. Coggins Kenneth C. Foster Bertha Carter Cushman Goldie Moldes Brenner Josephine Carbone Beckwith Jerome H. Comins Elizabeth Blethen francis Horace S. Estey Carl A. Brooks John C. Bohnson, Jr. Grace Quarrington Corey Thomas M. Hersey Hector A, Hebert Roger J. Brown Harry J. Burnham Helen Findlay Cousens Charles T. Janney Vera I. Hill Edward C. Bryant Lovell C. Chase Francis A. Craig Edward C. Jordan Harland L. Knight Eunice Copeland Chandler Geraldine Shean Chase Ruth Callaghan DeCoteau Josephine Burrill Kiah Frieda Hatch Matheson Lester M. Clark Marion Davis Cooper John P. Doyle Henry McCusker Elizabeth Murphy G. Vincent Cuozzo James H. Crove Margaret Denton Eaton Eugene C. Ogdon Franklin E. Pearce Clifton E. Curtis Albert A. Dekin Helen Gilman Ferguson Carmela F. Profita Jeanette Roney Pero Myrilla Guilfoil Daley Alden F. Denaco Arthur T. Forrestall Hayden S. Rogers Eunice Barrows Powell Grace LeMoine Einik Josephine Carbone Feeney Edwin L. Giddings Fern Allen Turbyne Paul S. Richardson Florence Ward Elliott George M. Field John P. Gonzals Andrew E. Watson Charles Schlosberg Helen Beasley Ernst William Foley Allan C. Hamilton Mabel Robinson Watson Thomas B. Smith Norman N. Espovich A. Norman Forbush Carl G. Hand

Brenna Blaisdell Tracy Frances Dow Friedberg Mildred Smith Gagnon Philip A. Havey MAINE STAY CLUB R. Donald Goode C. Raymond Ward * Carlton L. Goodwin Hazel Scully Henkle Robert Berg

F. Clair Wright Herbert Gunnarson Everett A. Gunning Blanche I. Henry Merle Shubert Bishop Gerald York George M. Hargreaves George A. Haines Richard F. Higgins Frederick R. Black Waldo E. Harwood, Jr. William F. Hathaway Ruth E. Irwin Shirley Young Brawn

HONOR ROLL Albert C. Heckman Stanley G. Hayter Raymond A. Jackson Edward B. Cooper Perley E. Armitage Leslie R. Holdridge Merle T. Hilborn Warren S. Kane, Jr. Gilbert M. Cox

Alice H. Bagley F. Sara Crozier Jorgensen Hildreth Montgomery Hill Kenneth B. Johnson J. Edward DeCourcy

Emory P. Bailey Merrill E. Kilby Edith Miller Hinman Rudolph B. Johnson Alice Dyer DeCourcy Louis J. Krieger Bernard H. Berenson Elsie Crowell Holt Lloyd G. Keirstead Stanley R. Doane Laurence B. Boothby Norton H. Lamb Elizabeth Rosie Jackson Herbert W. Lewis John T. Gilman Lois A. Burr Ruth Hasey Lamoreau William W. Johnson Ludger A. Lucas Irving W. Harvey Kenton R. Condon Kenneth E. Lapworth Neal H. Landers Charles E. Holyoke John H. Crowell Henry E. Marcho Dorothy Haskell McGaw Clayton R. Lathrop Gregg C. McLeod Andrew P. Iverson

Charles A. Cutting George E. McGillicuddy Marion Ewan Lapham Carol Lord Means Peter C. Karalekas William H. Daley Vivian Van Tassel McKenney Harland F. Leathers Richard H. Millar Elizabeth Myers Kennedy Howard F. Donald Howard L. Mendall Arthur R. Lufkin, Jr. Evelyn Plummer Miller Robert E. Lawrence Paulene M. Dunn Beatrice Spiller Nadeau Francis J. McCabe M. Josephine Mutty Judson P. Lord

Hazel Sawyer Everett Richard T. Page Smith C. McIntire Marion E. Martin Judd G. Files Marian Carter Nash Ewart Rawnsley Richard L. Mekeel Alys Grua Parsons Joseph Massaro Stanley C. Frost Hazel Hammond Rawnsley Angela Miniutti Norman G. Pratt Verrill B. Gilmore Elizabeth Barrows Pendleton Charles A. Roberts Doris Baker Moody Doris Smart Pollard Charles H. Reed Abraham E. Rosen Janet Campbell Dowd Ralph W. Pinkham, Jr. CENTURY CLUB James H. Siegel Claire S. Sanders Hope Whitman Dunn Kenneth S. Pruett, Sr. Elwood P. Additon Edward H. Silsby Stanwood R. Searles Sylvia Alpert Duze Clarice Grant Rubin Elizabeth Gruginskis Additon Irving K. Smith Isabel J. Freeman Marguerite B. Smith Leslie R. Seekins Hervey C. Allen Lorraine Gross Townsend M. Thomas Stantial Cecil A. Gilbert Leonard F. Shaw Gilbert M. Brown Robert E. Sylvester William 0. Gould Barbara McLeary Vannah A. Temple Smith Robert L. Fuller Stanley D. Henderson Mary Ford Weber Chester W. Smith Wallace P. Gleason, Jr. HONOR ROLL Ruth Libby Higgins Randolph H. West J. Harvey Spear, Sr. Elizabeth Drummond Gleason Peter Zoidis David K. Abbott Robert G. Higgins Virginia Nelson Sturgis Joseph H. Hamlin J. Milton Attridge J. Winston Hoyt Malcolm L. Tilton Waldo F. Hardison Doris Varnam Bacheller Arnold Kaplan Glen W. Torrey Gerald F. Hart 1939 Claude K. Baker Miriam Linscott Kirkland Edwin P. Webster Marjorie Thompson Hart June Wheeler Baker PINE TREE CLUB Roy I. Lawrence Phylis Hamilton Webster Arthur A. Hauck Anna Anderson Clapper William E. Beazley Margaret Avery Lawrence Georgia Fuller Wiesendangor Gladys Reid Hauck Frances Dodge Booker Pauline W. Davee Hitchings Florence Kaminsky Lieberman Eldredge Woods Ricftard E. Hayes Herbert A. Leonard William E. Canders Wallace W. Lord George D. Hill Benson E. Caswell James W. Marcille Bartlett Kimball CENTURY CLUB 1937 Willard S. Caswell, Sr. Marion E. Martin Eloise Hutchinson Myers Thomas L. Barker Lawrence A. Chatto Paul McDonnell PINE TREE CLUB Natalie E. Nason Barbara Corbett Barker Cecil E. Clapp Margaret Copeland Miller Raynor K. Brown Josephine M. Profita Merrill R, Bradford

Merton E. Cleveland Arthur G. Mintz George P. Hitchings Annette Youngs Redman Robert B. Bramhall J. Rodney Coffin Louise Rosie Paine Edward C. Sherry Arthur J. Chick Ronald F. Cyr Louis R. Parrott CENTURY CLUB Lester J. Tarbell Kenneth L. Crabtree Ernestine Moore Dow John L. Porter Richard N. Berry William Thompson, Jr. Dearnley Croteau Theodore A. Earl Willis G. Pratt Katherine Bunker Berry Arnold L. Veague Ruth Pagan Hamlin Charles E. Finks John S. Sabin John A. Bessom Ralph Viola Charles M. Holbrook Dorothy H. Fletcher Orville C. Sadler Walter L. Butterfield, Jr. Edward R. Ladd Maxine Harding Goode Maurice L. Sanborn Geneva Epstein Cutler MAINE STAY CLUB Francis W. Lovering Norman H. Gray Norman K. Smith John F. Miller Russell D. Bartlett Vera Brastow Parks Doris Newman Gray Edward Stetson Elizabeth Gardner Norweb Althea Millett Brown Thomas S. Pinkham, Jr. Lewis M. Hardison Richard S. Stoddard Charlotte Miller Ramirez Charles•Y. Cain Earle D. Reed Harry E. Hasey Betty Davis Story Edward H. Redman George C. Calderwood Barbara E. Seavey Freeman L. 0. Hussey Warren L. Walker Hope Wing Weston Nelson B. Carter Carl R. Toothaker Ruby Young Hussey John C. Willey Hugh R. Cary Dorothea A. Vail James M. Jackson MAINE STAY CLUB Ralph E. Clifford Artemus E. Weatherbee Irene Sanders Johnson 1936 Robert V. Akeley John W. Coffin Paul R. Langlois Edwin H. Bates Miriam Hilton Coffin MAINE STAY CLUB Elizabeth Kimball Langlois PINE TREE CLUB Everett L. Brewer Mabel Mayhew Couper Wilfred E. Bettoney Mildred Poland Lord Madelyn Dyer Conley Woodford B. Brown James R. DeCoster Ruel J. Blackwell Walter E. Ludden Pauline Calvert Brown Douglas Dingwall M. Eileen Cassidy Alpheus C. Lyon, Jr. CENTURY CLUB Ernest L. Dinsmore Ernest H. Donagan Austin H. Chamberlain Richard H. Marble Frederick M. Beal Jerome A. Emerson Mary Wright Donnini Edward E. Cohen Thomas S. Morse Cathryn Hoctor George R. Grange Merrill Eldridge Robert V. Cullinan Hilda M. Packard Donald G. Johnson John C. Greene, Jr. Albert M. Ellingson Emily Dean Daggett James H. Page Eileen Brown Parker Thomas E. Haughton, Jr. Lincoln D. Fish Harland L. Dodge Helen Williams Palmer X. Hall Ramirez William I. Kierstead Richard W. Gerry Albert 0. Dyson Philip S. Parsons Dana P. Sidelinger Flora H. Lutz Ralph Getchell, Jr. J. Sherwood Edwards Dorothy Davis Parsons Ruth Goodwin Stewart George W. McLellan Howard M. Goodwin Harlan P. Fitch Charles E. Prinn, Jr. Lowell N. Weston Lucian H. Scamman Hester Billings Hanson Albert H. Friedman Freeland L. Ramsdell Mary Flynn Schoppe Mary-Helen Raye Hardie Lucille Bell Grange Evelyn Jalbert Robinson MAINE STAY CLUB Lester H. Smith Robert T. Harris Walton E. Grundy Herbert M. Roylance Richard E. Adams Richard M. Spear Robert W. Harvey Elmer C. Hart Mary Jones Rutledge Fred A. Anderson Howard J. Stagg Antoria Rosen Haughton Charles S. Hill Benjamin Shapero David S. Brown Charles H. Stinchfield Solveig Heistad Hennings William R. Hilton Hope Clark Spater Paul C. Brown Gerald E. Stoughton Diana Hight Hinckley Ethelyn Parkman Huff William L. Thompson Robert A. Burns Audrey Bishop Thibodeau Helen Wong Huang L. Carleton Merrill George W. Warren Mildred Sawyer Connors Robert M. True Edmond T. Laing Berenice Leighton Morrisoi Muriel Covell Wilson George M. Frame Ralph E. Wentworth Moses H. Lane B. Ross Nason Carroll N. Works Roland M. Gleszer Henrietta Cliff Woodbury Dwight E. Lord Barbara Bailey Patterson Eric H. Grant S. Hale Lull Pauline Drummond Powell 1935 John P. Hennings HONOR ROLL Hazel E. Lundy John F. Raye Estelle Blanchard Heraptha Ralph A. Beisel Raymond McGinley Franklin W. Rich PINE TREE CLUB Donald A. Huff John F. Bennett, Jr. Ruthe Seavey McGinley Marion Dunbar Thompson Carl A. Whitman Roger D. Hutchins Donald E. Bowden Arthur C. Moulton Dorothea A. Vail Genville E. Jordan, Jr. Francis W. Boyle Norman R. Ness CENTURY CLUB Lyndon M. Keller Richard D. Braley Carl C. Osgood HONOR ROLL Donald L. Anderson Richard R. Lunt Edward F. Brarmann, Jr. Leland V. Page Josephine Campbell Allen

George D. Carlisle Francis J. McAlary Helen Titcomb Brarmann Robert G. Parker Lucille Fogg- Baldwin Ernest M. Cram Robert H. Plimpton James F. O’Connor Henry M. Brown Catherine Cox Bennett Doris J. Richardson Everett C. Creamer Karl R. Oxner Ruth C. Burnett Katherine True Brown June Clement Scamman Henry W. Fales Charles J. Pennings Robert A. Cabeen Paul E. Browne

Richard V. Gaffney Eugene Coffin Robert P. Schoppe Cora Bailey Cannon Raymond A. Powell G. Ronald Shaw Phyllis Peavey Kimball Margaret Harriman Pronovost E. Francis Crowley Carlton C. Cressy Arthur G. Smith Frank W. Myers Gertrude Titcomb Dawson Edna Harrison Dempsey Frederick N. Sprague Bettina Bruce Smith Frances Knight Norris Howard G. Steinberg Lawrence Dennis Carleton Doak, Jr. Fred C. Roberts Alan D. Duff, Jr. Elizabeth Mitchell Smith Venora Stinchfield Dow John C. Stinchfield James S.Stanley Edna Mathews Roberts Ebben H. Finnemore Jeannette Lamoreau Ela James A. Wakefield, Jr. Walter S. Staples Basil G. Staples Alice Campbell Wakefield Cranston W. Folley Ralph W. Farris, Jr. Donald M. Stewart William N. Forman Alfred A. Swenson Elizabeth Reid Freeman Harold Woodbury Norman H. Thompson Beryl Warner Williams Dorothy L. Woodcock Arthur M. Gillespie Thomas W. Hall Carl F. Golding E. Parker Troland Elizabeth H. Hancock William Haskell Richard S. Waldron Donald B. Haskell MAINE STAY CLUB HONOR ROLL Murdock Walker Hope Greenlaw Akeley Actor T. Abbott, Jr. Lloyd D. Hatfield Richard Holmes Thomas E. Houghton Michael Wanagel Evangeline Anderson Jackson Henry C. Anderson Rena M. Allen Mary Deering Wirths Winifred Coburn Anderson Chester D. Bacheller Elizabeth Story Hoyt Charles E. Kimball Dorothy Cann Bennett R. Carroll Jones Iris Allan Lowe Karl V. Anderson Gerald G. Beverage Norma C. Lovejoy HONOR ROLL Helen C. McCully A. Hamilton Boothby Alfreda Tanner Black Naida Sanders MacNaughton Donald S. Adams Helen Bond McCutchan James D. Crocker Melvin A. McKenzie James A. Boardman Russell L. Morgan Louis N. Barone Ruth Todd Farnham Donald J. Moore Samuel T. Favor Donald W. Brown David D. Page Norma Lueders Baker

Warren W. Flagg Roger T. Cameron Arland W. Peabcdy James L. Bean Mary Cooper Nyburg

Harry Helfand Richard G. Chase Donald A. Piper Jean Kent Belding Dorothy Davis Page Norman M. Jackson Ruth Barrows Chase Avery E. Rich Minnie Brown Bowden Lauress T. Parkman

Dorothy Frye Kane George A. Clarke Alice R. Stewart Marion Hatch Bowman In memory of Arthur Tibbetts Paul I. Knight Kenneth M. Chute William P. Stillman Ralph W. Butler Alan C. Corbett Helen Davis Sublett David Cameron Donald H. Perrin Samuel Levy Margaret Orser Peterson Stephen S. Marshall, Jr. Darrel B. Currie Barbara Colly Syster Robert V. Carr, Jr. Olive E. Conley Maurice E. Rucker Frank L. McCollum Helen McKechnie Davis George R. Trimble, Jr. Hope Ashby Underwood Clement H. Smith Aldiverde I. Norton Ralph J. Durette Duncan Cotting Elizabeth H. Giddings Arthur A. Webb Marjorie Lynds Cotting Wendell W. Smith Arthur B. Otis Leander M. Sprowl Woodrow L. Palmer Richard 0. Gordon Emery N. Wescott Roderick Elliott Robert M. Haggett Doris Kelloy White John R. Gowell Frederic H. Stetson Wilbert L. Pronovost, Jr. M. Elizabeth Henry Stevens Edward C. Hanson Jeanette MacKenzie Wilson Mildred Dixon Haskell Ashton P. Sawyer Edwaid W. Szaniawski R. Donald Stone Gordon R. Heath Josie Naylor Woods Madeleine David Johnstone Donald P. Kelley Albert P. Toner Virginia Trundy Stone Clyde E. Higgins Elaine E. VanNostrad Dwight E. Lord Raymond B. Thorne Ralph P. Higgins 1938 Alice Pierce Weaver Carl A. Titcomb Thomas M. Hill Joseph H. Lewis Russell A. Walton Arthur L. Jones PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Sarah W. Littlefield Elmore L. Wood John C. Kenney Loon B. Levitan Charles H. Lowe 1940 Carolyn Currier Lombardi Thomas E. Lynch Henry F. Lowe Arland R. Meade PINE TREE CLUB HONOR ROLL Alice Crowell Lord Alice Donovan Poeppelmeier STEIN CLUB Wilford J. Merrill Dean Bailey David T. Lull Guy Susi Leslie M. Berry Donald W. MacNaughton Margaret Williston Bebek Evelyn Adriance Miles Charles E. Bicknell, II Marie Archer McDonnell Mary-Hale Sutton Furman Dorothy Mosher Peabody Geneva H. Penley CENTURY CLUB John W. Black Ruth Hinkley McLaughlin Earle D. Bessey Lyman F. Brewer Frederick 0. Mills PINE TREE CLUB Philip F. Peterson Cora Sharon Leukhart Marguerite M. Picard John D. Carlisle Doris Lawrence Cable Margaret Sewall Page Ernest J. Reidman Vinton M. Prince William H. Chandler Margaret Yodng Carroll Rachel Carroll Phalen Vincent Checchi George T. Corey William B. Pierce Catharine L. Rowe Frances Higgins Raskop 7S Richard C. Dyer MAINE STAY CLUB Byron V. Whitney Martha Belknap Roed Warren G. Strout Harold A. Gerrish . Wilson M. Alford Robert T. Willets Charles E. Remick Berneice Thompson Hope A. Jackman Frances Sawyer Alford Mavis Creamer Wilson J. Herbert Roberts George R. Weidman Margaret Hauck Ladd Henry W. Allen Alma Fifield Woodward Helen Thorndike Robertson Donald B. Wheeler Robert H. Levis Charles J. Arbor Virginia Jewett Muzroll Francis V. Schmidt Wiljo M. Lindell Rockwood N. Berry Audrey Koehler Simpson HONOR ROLL John T. Maines Dora West Blake 1942 Ralph R. Springer Rachel Alden Richard G. Morton Avery L. Bond John E. Thorne Rodney H. Allan Atwood 0. Smart Leona Runion Bonney PRESIDENTS' CLUB Priscilla E. Thurlow Charles D. Allen Pauline Jellison Weatherbee William S. Brawn Francis S. Andrews John P. Tracy . J. Maynard Austin Edwin Young Carl R. Brown Dorothy Brewer Erikson Forest W. Truland Dorothy MacLeod Bedard Leroy C. Brown Helen Weymouth Wade Carlton M. Brackett MAINE STAY CLUB June Webster Brown STEIN CLUB Charles F. Welch Richard A. Bragdon

Harlow D. Adkins Raymond W. Buck, Jr. James A. Reed Frank L. Wellcome, Jr. Gilbert M. Carlson Dorothy E. Babcock Robert Carlisle Robert F. Roy Erna Davis Wentworth John H. Chadwick Gerard J. Burke Everett B. Chamberlain Martha Pierce Zimmerman Eva A. Whitney H. Nancy Wright Dalrymple Richard W. Whitney Charles H. Clough, Jr. Lester D. Chipman Norma Gray Dodge Kent M. Wight Donald E. Daley Pauline Cushing Clough William M. Dow CENTURY CLUB Raymond E. Wilson Virginia Barstow Derby George B. Cotton Gerald W. Bachman Edward G. Duckworth Elizabeth Caldwell Wilson Nathaniel M. Doten, Jr. Donald B. Devoe Vernon C. Elsemore Leland F. Carter Shirley Ashman Yih Ronald A. Dyke Richard V. Duffey John A. Enman, Jr. George 0. Chase Joan Chapman Zink Mary Phelps Dyson Raymond H. Edgecomb Wallace R. Francis John S. Everett, Jr. Myron S. Gartley Virginia Moulton Emery Donald G. Griffee Louise Hoyt Findlen Richard Goldsmith George N. Fisher Mary White Griffee 1943 Dorothy Randall Gaddis Ralph T. Grant Richard H. Chase Mark W. Ingraham, Jr. Maurice L. Geneva PRESIDENTS' CLUB Stanley R. Holland David S. Greenlaw James F. Kenney, Jr. Hamilton S. Giberson John H. Jordan James 0. Hamilton Donald E. Marriner Gordon I. Erikson Clarence R. Gilman Thomas Kane Fred C. Hanson Howard W. Merrill Emily Oakes Golden STEIN CLUB Ruth Trickey Parker Any Wood Harvey Stanley G. Phillips, Jr. Ralph E. Graham, Jr. Jennie Bridges McNeilly Arthur W. Richardson Walter A. Hook Nello F. Ripanti Margaret Church Grisham Malcolm W. Roberts Earle L. Ingalls James F. Smith Edward G. Hamblen

Marjorie Deering Roberts Frank W. Ketchum Barbara Thompson Willets PINE TREE CLUB Phillip L Hamm

Robert B. Robertson Ruth Benson Landon Florence Cousins Worster Charles E. Bartley Robert B. Hay Wayne F. Shipman Alfred A. Mann Helen Hauck Bartley Winston B Ireland Helena M. Jensen Winfield C. Smith Paul N. Mosher MAINE STAY CLUB Nora E. .Jackson Rita Wilcox Oakes Natalie Hooper Swaney Richard T. Nunan Josephine Blake Bail William ;S. Jameson

Willard A. Wight Winston E. Pullen Clifford A. Blake Roberta S. Worrick Robert D• . Jenkins In memory of husband Barbara Welch Wilson James R. Reilly George H. Buck Philip E • Johnson Bert S. Sanborn Jaqueline Greenwood Chandie Robert C. Worrick Barbara Stearns Johnson HONOR ROLL Frank P. Shearer Virginia Hayes Chipman Beryl Philbrick Jordan CENTURY CLUB Richard W. Akeley Isabella Crosby Shipman John D. Kelley James E. Church Francis A. Brown Garfield M. Arthur Peter J. Skoufis Robert E. Chute Ruth Eastman Lee Ruth Bowers Chase Eileen Flanagan Baragwanath Sherman K. Smith Frederic A. Leonard Carrol D. Davis Prances Donovan Donovan Catherine Rogan Barrett Walter P. Strang Laurence M. Downes John Lewis, Jr. Dorothy Moran Hall M. Elizabeth Jones Benjamin Charlene Perkins Strang Paul Ehrenfried Olin S. Lutes Howard F. Blake Janes K. Tweedie Lawrence W. Emery Lyman W. Jacobsen Martha Cilley Merrill Robert H. Bonney Alice Christie Weatherby Harold A. Garfinkle Edith Huntley Merrill Carlton L. Morse, Jr. William H. Brann Shirley G. Webster Victor Glider John A. O'Brien Arthur B. Houlton Lincoln Brudno Donald w. Weston John W. Glover, Jr. Donald V. Taverner Peter S. Nelson Gordon P. ’Carter Ruth White Wight Malcolm E. Hardy Olive Rowell Taverner Einar A. OLsen Mary C. Curran James 0. Williams Earl L. Hodgkins Frank E. Pendleton, Jr. Norman L. Danforth, Jr. Ruth Green Wright Robert G. Holmes MAINE STAY CLUB Bertis L. Pratt, Jr. Margaret Peaslee Danforth Lelia M. Libby James H. Bates Sarah Burleigh Pruett Edward E. Davis HONOR ROLL Waldemar V. Littlefield Barbara Cole Bear Stephen L. Robbins Virginia Pease Dogherty Charles E. Adams, Jr. Lyle L. Martin Priscilla Hardy Bennett Mary Springer Rutt Benjamin W. Ela Elizabeth Grant Adams Robert B. HcLeary, Jr. Arthur W. Beverage, Jr. Martin M. Scher Cutler L. Ellis Edward R. Anderson Marguerite Messer Merrill Marcia McCarthy Brown Jane Given Skelton Jane Dyer Ellsworth Roger 0. Benjamin Clarence S. Nichols Nellie Whitney Brown Gordon B. Smith Norman F. Fay Eleanor Look Bonzey Darrell B. Pratt In memory of Paul Smith James J. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Horace G. Bracy John H. Reed Beulah Ferren Margaret Moscone Stoddard Lucie Pray Fletcher Dwight A. Brown William J. Schaible Donald F. Bryan Barbara Bean Strohmeyer Arlo E. Gilpatrick Mary Bates Brown Beverly W. Spencer S. Hobart Chandler Florence Cross Underwood Carolyn Calderwood Graham John F. Byrne Elizabeth Barker Taverner Victoria MacKenzie Chappell Leonard E. Varnam Gooden Gray Ernestine Pinkham Byrne Beverly D. Weatherby Mary Crossman Chase Willard P. Varney Joseph L. Harrington Joyce Ramsay Carter Jane Page Wells Sumner A. Claverie Robert N. Varnum Margaret Cheney Harrington Faulkner E. Chase Edward L. Wheeler Frank A. Clifford George A. Watson Louis T. Harris Margaret Romero Coffin Virginia Conant Jeanne Patten Whitten William H. Hatch Milford F. Cohen HONOR ROLL M. Alicia Coffin Corea Herman Wing Richard E. Hebei Frederick M. Crouse William R. Beckmann Ray E. Corliss Edward Woodward Lewis D. Hannessy Beatrice Gleason Danforth Paul M. Beegel Talbot H. Crane Kenneth F. Wright Camilla Doak Hurford Raymond F. Delano Arthur Bigelson Dorothy Ouellette Crane Richard H. Youlden Hope A. Jackman Esther Drummond Dougherty Ralph L. Bommattei John P. Cullinan Howard L. Jellison Paul R. Dumas Alton G. Bonney, Jr. Grant F. Davis 1944 Jane Holmes Kinsley Virginia Eddy Madeliene Banton Brackett Mark C. Devereux Chester M. Ladd Clarence E. Emery, Jr. Virginia Weston Bradford John G. Dickerson, Jr. PRESIDENTS' CLUB Arnold C. Lane Charles S. Gardner Floyd L. Bull Merrill Donahue Russell S. BodWell Marjorie Coffee Latus M. Lucile Hall Gledhill John M. Burnett Helen Cushman Dyke John T. Littlefield Robert B. Goodwin E. Frances Holmes Burnett William N. Ellis STEIN CLUB Robert W. MacDonald Jean McDonough Harlow Wendall T. Butler Lewis G. Emery Malcolm D. Hardy Frank S. Martin Stuart P. Haskell, Sr. John M. Carter Bernard A. Etzel Alvin S. McNeilly J. Emily Blake McMonagle Ada Towle Hawkins Katherine C. Conlon Albion W. Fenderson Dalmar S. McPherson Elizabeth Gammons Hazan Richard C. Cranch Henry H. Fogler PINE TREE CLUB Robert S. Merrill Albert E. Hill Guy J. Crocker Mary Moynihan Fogler Jean G. Hufnagel Virginia Tuttle Merrill John F. Hoyt Barbara Savage Cuetara Warren L. Foss Arthur H. Moulton Marion FitzGerald Murphy Robert M. Irvine Raymond W. Curtis, Jr. Stanley W. Frost CENTURY CLUB ’ Elizabeth Kruse Parkman Shirley Mitchell Jergensen Robert A. Dalrymple, Jr. A. Carolyn Rhoads Frost Earle S. Pierce Ernestine Carver Johnson Paul Danforth Benjamin F. Graham, Jr. Frances Benson Bachman W. Edwin Potter Vernon E. Johnson Carl F. Davis William K. Hadlock Leslie C. Brewer Anthony J. Rogers Phyllis Knapp Kimball Virginia Stevens deLaris Alexander Hardie, Jr. Robert D. Buchanan Edward E. Ross Alma Hansen Langlois Carl P. Duncan David R. Harding Samuel W. Collins, Jr. Robert W.Samuelson Clifford W. Libby Samuel Dyer, Jr. Elizabeth Bearce Harrison Frank P. Gilley Richard M. Sawyer John H. Maasen, Jr. Kenneth A. Field Mary Hempstead Hemman Oscar R. Hahnel, Jr. Ruth Leavitt Schulman Isabelle Garvin Maasen Richard N. Fielding David G. Hempstead Eldon H. Luther Walter M. Schultz Matthew McNeary Raymond F. Gay, Jr. Fred Herbolzheimer, Jr. Charles Pidacks James C. Shiro Hugh J. Murphy William E. Gifford, Jr. Phyllis DanforthHerbolzheimer Sylvia Belden Pidacks Elizabeth Libbey Stallard Carl A. Newhall, Jr. Patricia Ryan Gifford Hary Carlisle Hilton Ray D. Roley, Jr. Charles L. Weaver Archie W. Nickerson Sara Linnell Glidden Martha Page Hodgkins Robert D. Smith John K. O'Donoghue Beth Stone Gray Frank C. Holden 1941 Edith Cousins Parker Titus S. Hale, Jr. Lyman W. Jacobsen MAINE STAY CLUB William F. Parsons Elden D. Hall, Jr. Fletcher J. Long Donald W. Bail PRESIDENTS' CLUB Elizabeth McAlary Pease Sherwood W. Henderson Jay M. Lord -Irving S. Broder Helen Wormwood Pierce Howard R. Perkins William G. Hepburn Margaret Libby Lutka Emma R. Broisman Charlotte White Potter Barbara Perry Hess Gladys Clark McLeary Josiah E. Colcord PINE TREE CLUB George C. Risman Irwin R. Higgins Clifton S. Nickerson Douglas R. Cowan John B. Dearborn Charles H. Shackelford Elizabeth F. Honan George A. Norton Marshall B. Dagan Stewart F. Oakes Catherine Ward Shorb James Ingalls George M. Pease Albert D. Ehrenfried Eloise P. Simpson William L. Irvine Edward H. Piper Elizabeth Emery Etzel CENTURY CLUB J. Alice Smith Cherrie Thorne Kaifer Helen Deering Piper Elizabeth Taylor Evans Anna Verrill Chandler Owen H. Smith W. Stanley Keene Elinor Crowell Plaisted George P. Gunn Gordon E. Chase Mary Boone Smith Marion Lundgren Kelly Bort Pratt Edward B. Hamblett Janice Merrill Chase Thomas J. Smith Caroline Wright Lovejoy John R. Radley Frances Dorr Henderson Robert A. Cummings Carl E. Spencer Ella Teague McCullough Preston B. Rand Eleanor Leh Hepburn Franklin D. Dexter Clinton V. Starbird Margaret Moulton McKee Reginald T. Roberts Eugene J. Hoy John R. Dyer Phyllis Merserve Strout Thomas F. Moore Lois White Saunders Silas Hulse, III George H. Ellis Walter C. Thomas Rita Ross Moskowitz Charles W. Sawyer, Jr. Richard B. Innes George L. Nystrom Myron J. Towle Lawrence J. Muzroll Winona Cole Sawyer Dorothy Wing Nystrom Kenneth C. Jordan Frederick F. Tracy Marion Hines Park Clifford H. Sinnett Robert T. Willets George R. Leavitt J. Dudley Utterback Paul H. Phelan Charlotte Gifford Sinnett Phyllis Smart Young Melvin E. Libby Agnes Ann Walsh Gordon E. Ramsdell Wendell H. Stickney James C. McClellan, Jr. 8S Rena Ashman McClellan Oliver W. Harrison Harlan F. Goodwin Stephen Knight, Jr. Clarence E. McIntire Margaret Burrill Hempstead Helen Buzzell Madore Mary Budrow Granholm Joan Frye Meserve Robert R. Millar Virginia Goodrich McIntire Katherine Jackman Henderson Helen Otto Graves Robert M. Moulton H. Brian Mooers Aubrey A. McLaughlin Raymond L. M. Huang Wendell R. Hollett Warren C. Naugler Edward H. Phillips Russell P. Lyon Helen Beckler Mooers Charles H. Jack, Jr. Israel Orr Donald F. Presnell Stephen R. MacPherson, Jr. Robert M. Moulton Marlon Crocker Kennedy Robert W. Smith Deborah Drinkwater Rand Robert M. Miller Margaret Gorham Murray Thomas M. Libby Sheldon D. Smith John C. Schoppe J. William Peppard Roger L. Pendleton Angie Verenis Lied William S. Wilson Evelyn Ashby Petrelli Sherrold L. Smith Carolyn A. Small Betty Jenkins Lightner Marit Anderson Wilson Russell W. Smith Gloria McGinley Pickard Gordon R. Staff Gloria B. Lombard Henry Plate J. Robert Smyth, Jr. Daniel P. Storer Helen Boulter MacDonald MAINE STAY CLUB Ethel Tarr Smyth Marjorie Grant Rees Hattie Ingraham Storer Elizabeth Furbish Michel Helen Nickerson Bagot A. R. Roderick, II Alma A. Southard John E. Suminsby Malcolm H. Miner Ralph L. Bean Clinton B. Savage, Jr. George Thompson, Jr. Dana T. Whitman, Jr. Norwood W. Olmsted Mary Grace Tibbetts Bean Lucian 0. Savage Lynn B. Wilkes Harold C. Parady Conrad E. Beaulieu Francis G. Shaw HONOR ROLL Joanne Springer Perry John P. Bibber Barbara Andrews Slager Holyoke P. Adams HONOR ROLL Evelyn Young Robbins Aletha Meade Blackmore Lawrence F. Small Ruth E. Allen Joan Shea Agnew Esther Libby Surber Eugene F. Boutilier Miner B. Stackpole Esther Randall Bacas Florence J. Armstrong William R. Tolford Alan C. Burgess Philip W. Stackpole F. Herbert Bailey Phyllis White Bartlett Leota Polk White Jay Calkin Frank 0. Stephens, Jr. Howard D. Bartlett Lucille Parker Berghouse Claude S. Chittick Thomas N. Taylor Herman W. Bonney Thomas S. Boerke 1947 Lois Bailey Church Barbara Tibbetts Treworgy Florence E. Boone Madeline Nevers Boynton James F. Claffie Alge J. Vaitones Mary P. Boone Robert L. Brewster CENTURY CLUB Arnold J. Cohen Helen Mullen Varnum William P. Bronsdon Gurdon S. Buck Mildred Cohen Giesberg Hazel Calvert Colcord Herbert S. Warmflash Clara Harley Brooks Beverly B. Burnham Clement E. Vose James H. Dana Janet Spiller Weinstein Priscilla Leonard Brooks Milton M. Cameron Doris Foran Vose Marguerite Sullivan Drury Warren Williams L. Bradley Bunker, Jr. Constance Hedin Carlson Ruth Berglund Dyer Edward F. Woodbrey Richard M. Burrill Arnold Coffey MAINE STAY CLUB Arnold B. Earle Venita Kittredge Young Florence Boyle Callaghan Hollis E. Condon Harry Allen Maryanne Dineen Fairbanks Arline Cousins Carter Marian E. Cowan B. Roland Babcock Kenneth A. Foss Charles V. Chapman, Jr. Burleigh S. Crockett Margaret Spaulding Brooks Merle F. Goff 1949 Carolinn Adams Chase Richard H. Danforth Charles L. Carpenter Ruth Fogler Goff PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Elwood I. Clapp, Jr. Clifford W. Davis Arlene M. Cloven Jean L. Gowdey John D. Buckley Alvord W. Clements, Jr. Elizabeth Collis Eck Louisa Bacon Duffus Sidney K. Graves Albert D. Crockett\ Elmer L. Folsom Clarice A. Easier Frank W. Haines, Jr. STEIN CLUB Orman B. Doore George Garland Eunice E. Hammond Alice Fonseca Haines George W. Perkins, Jr. Francis H. Farnum, Jr. Robert A. Graves Lois Webber Hanson Ripon W. Haskell Nancy Foster Perkins Joseph P. Findlen Jennie Clifford Harding Cynthia Clark Hastings Richard W. Henderson Gerald R. Garvin Eleanor Preble Hay Barbara Crowell Hennig Gerald I. Hermanson Carl W. Glidden, Jr. William E. Hill CENTURY CLUB Nancy Chase Koeritz Foster Jacobs Robert B. Ames Julius J. Goos Emmonzene E. Hutchins Leonard R. Korobkin Russell R. Libby John W. Ballou Edward J. Hackett Marsden C. Hutchins Barbara McNeil Marsanskis George G. Marsanskis Carleton M. Brown

Hughene Phillips Hale Jean Heald Ireland Winifred Richardson Moore R. Russell Matthews John E. Cooper James L. Haskell Grace Wentworth King ♦Cecil Pavey Nelson Justin G. McIntire Gene S. Cranch Harvey D. Hillson Romaine Littlefield Kupfer Elizabeth M. Ray Donald C. Mead, Jr. Norman W. Curtis William T. Houlihan William W. Lamprell Florence Maillor Smith Una MacDonald Mead Charles D. Day Alfred Hutchinson Constance Carter Lamprell Elizabeth Higgins Speirs Marion Young Meyer Sylvia Benson Day Martha Allen Irvine Edith Merrill Lancaster Harriet E. Woodsum Elmer W. Parsons Robert R. Duncan, Jr. C. Lincoln Jewett Lyle Littlefield Henry Plate Frank L.Foster, Jr. Frederick S. Jones, Jr. Richard c. Lord HONOR ROLL Milton B. Popkin Elizabeth Tufts Goodrich Arnold R. Kimball Robert G. Martin Jean Ritchie Adams Rachel Seavey Popkin Leon E. Gray Herman C. Lamoreau Miriam O’Beirne Mitchell Malcolm H. Blodgett Jessie Cowie Ramsay Julia Shores Hahnel Olive Bradbury Landry Virginia Wing Moore Phyllis Pendleton Bragg Maurice A. Russell Benjamin D. Harrington Waldo M. Libbey Charles C. Norton Barbara Williams Brown Margaret Watson Savignano Stephen S. Hopkinson Kenneth P. MacLeod Eleanor Mundi O’Neill Florence Palmer Butler Richard E. Smith Richard M. Meserve Peter B. Macomber Marie Haines Pancoast Carolyn Wieden Carey Mary Bachelder Sproul Charles R. Preble George E. McLean Morton C. Patten Dorothy Salo Chapman Helen Noyes Taylor Priscilla Thomas Rines Thomas E. Parmenter Grace Rogge Perez Phillis Hammond Crommett Bertram E. Thorne Calvin L. Stinson, Jr. Patricia Cooper Perry Frederick A. Perkins Barbara Woodfin Dana Alfred H. Tinney Albert H. Winchell, Jr. Robert C. Petterson Leona B. Peterson Evelyn White Desmond Allen L. Torrey John P. Zollo, Jr. Arietta Thorpe Rice Norma MacKenney Peterson Marguerite Googins Dowe Frederick T. Watson E. Barbara Kreh Richards Eileen Greenwood Popp Louise Ford Fettinger Robert H. Wells MAINE STAY CLUB Carroll B. Richardson Pauline Forbus Richmond Isabelle Trefethen Flight John E. Wilbur Roger W. Addor Carrie H. Rowe Elsie Pierce Ripley Helen Fortunes Frances Foster Addor Elmer Saltzman Carolyn Chaplin Russell Gladys Friedler HONOR ROLL Ralph E. Barnett Earland K. Sleight Thelma Peacock Smith Cecily Johnson Griffin Barbara Goodwin Abusamra Morton C. Bartlett Robert A. Smith Robert E. Speed Alberta A. Haines Sidney R. Bamford Richard F. Bate Allen H. Solomon Doris Emery Spencer Constance Coyne Hardesty Albert B. Bartlett Angus C. Black Laurence W. Soule Sally Lockett Taylor Richard F. Harlow Helen hickerson Bagot Robert G. Bleakney, Jr. Layton E. Spaulding Kenneth F. Vennett Beverly Pitman Hilaire Margaret Stebbins Borodine Joyce Kemp Boutilier Walter E. Spearin Dorothy Carey Walsh Ora MacDonald Hook James A. Boyd Arthur S. Buswell Frank W. Spencer, Jr. Clyde L. Wheeler Beverly Packard Howe Nicholas P. Brountas James E. Canning, Jr. Rhoda Tolford Stone Byron A. Young Elizabeth A. Kelso Barbara Day Bryan John R. Carson Elizabeth Farris Storer Richard E. Kennedy Elaine Craig Carrano Donald F. Collins John D. Tschamler Eulila Chase Ludden Gertrude Newell Carter Patricia McGuigan Collins Frances Bruce Turmelle 1946 Carlton G. Lutts, Jr. Janice Scales Cates Alfred L. Cormier Priscilla Eaton Wallace PINE TREE CLUB Robert J. Lurvey Gerda Langbehn Chapman Vance E. Dearborn Catherine McCurdy Warren Evelyn Shaw Moulton MadelineEllingwood MacDonald Molly Schwartz Cinamon Evelyn Ellsworth Dearborn Virginia Smith Weston C. Donald Stebbins Catherine Moses Harden Malcolm 0. Colby LaRoy A. Derby Ellen Daggett Youlden Louise Perkins Stebbins Muriel A. McAllister Percy H. Coombs Henry J. Dombkowski Robert M. Zink Janice Gordon Roy Grover B. MacLaughlin Patricia R. Costello John G. Donovan Stanley A. Murray Charles E. Cunningham Theodore G. Dyer 1945 CENTURY CLUB Glondon R. Porter Joan Childs Dahlen Ernest C. Eaton Mildred Byronas Currie Florence Sawyer Roberts Chester A. Darling Robert H. Eddy PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Judith Fielder Harris Anne Woods Romano Harrison E. Davis Jane Sibley Elliott Barbara Higgins Bodwell Carolyn Comins Jacobsen Nora Chipman Schaible B. Norman Dickinson Merrill M. Fiske Robert F. Preti Ruth Boerker Siegel Agnes Gray Diffin Margaret Gardiner CENTURY CLUB Arline Hulbert Smith Carolynn Luce Small Paul J. Dowe Margaret Libby Grant Robert M. Chase Mahlon D. Smith Marjorie Bragdon Eisenberg Frederick M. Haggett Robert C. Dutton MAINE STAY CLUB Edith Dick Stackpole Joyce L. Emery Robert A. Hanson Dorothy Currier Dutton Mary Marble Burgess Eleanor Webb Richard C. Emmons Malcolm S. Hayden Charles K. Foster, Jr. Virginia Tufts Chaplin Doris Hobart Weeks Robert E. Epstein Donald E. Hobbs Margaret Moore Francis Judith Banton Crispell Gloria MacKenzie Ferland Charles E. Horner L. Barkley H. Goodrich John H. Day 1948 Elaine Perkins Fogler Roy C. Huff Opal Cox Gray Mary Spangler Eddy James G. Garvin Arthur M. Kaplan N. Richard Knudsen Lawrence C. Hadley STEIN CLUB Dana A. Giggoy william A. Kendall Julia Holmes Maines Robert D. Ham Frances White Sullivan John B. Goff Mary Pulsifer Kilgore Arthur L. Norwood William R. Horner Murray J. Gore Fred B. Knight Bernard P. Rines K. Virginia Merchant Hoy PINE TREE CLUB Priscilla Lancaster Gore Betty Harriman Larson Geraldine MacBurnie Roley Marion Crocker Kennedy Leslie J. Bolstridge John G. Hamlin James A. Leach Allen B. Rowe, Jr. Williard R. Moulton Eric H. Hanson Charlotte Pressey Littlefield MAINE STAY CLUB Mary E. Smith Pauline True Moulton Leonard N. Harlow Albert H. Lorentzen Howard C. Barber, Jr. Franklin Talbot Leonard N. Plavin Robert J. Harlow George W. Lutka Lora Doble Bates Nancy B. White Joanne Libby Hays Rodney 0. Martin Virginia Harvey Brett Helen Herrick Whitman CENTURY CLUB Ada Marsh Henderson Roland M. Mayberry Walter C. Brooks Frances Sayward York Nicholas K. Brountas John L. Hewes Lorraine Ward McKechnie Ruth Hansen Broomhall Robert L. Browne Mary Moore Hill Neal W. Merrill Joseph B. Chaplin, Jr. HONOR ROLL Peter Calott Eleanor Burrill Hill Albert A. Meyer Mary Fogler Claverie Mary Young Boyne Doris Merrill Condon Robert W. Hill Stanley J. Miller

Charles R. Burgoyne, Jr. Carolyn Foley Dineen Edith Young. Hutchinson Randolph E. Moores Henry B. Cole Richard A. Giesberg Allan E. Johns William A. Newdick Donald E. Crossland M. Dorothy Burke Barbara A. Dennett Evelyn Knight Crocker Ralph A. Gould Madolyn Hawes Keiran Jeanne Day Payson

Robert E. Emerson Patricia Stickney Davis John F. Grant Pauline Marcous Kelley Ramon M. Rakoff Robert W. Ramsdell Annette Steele Ewers Mary Libby Dresser Jasper C. Haggerty, Jr. Bryce V. Lambert Edward C. Hall Martha Leeman Lermond Leroy C. Randall Calvin Friar Lois Baird Fite Thelba Cross land Robie Camille A. Gardner Joan Greenwood Franz Margaret Gentile Hall Harriette Watson Litchfield Donna Graves Harrington Richard W. Lutts Eugenia Melzar Shepard Ada Minott Haggett Elizabeth Sewall Gary Wray D. Simpson George E. Hansen, Jr. Grace E. Godley Allan E. Johns Robert S. MacDonald 9S Robinson Speirs PINE TREE CLUB HONOR ROLL Edna Rankin Libby CENTURY CLUB Alton L. Sproul, Jr. Mary McRae Bolstridge James C. Adams, Jr. James N. Libby John M. H. Barnard

John L. Stanley, Jr. Alvin E. Gilbert Randolph S. Adams V Robert A. Lincoln Irna Bamford Breton Robert M. Stetson Orren R. Hurd Edward D. Anderson William A. Linton Prank A. Butler Calvin L. Stinson, Jr. Douglas M. Morton John E. Anderson, Jr. Paul R. Lynch V John K. Dineen John E. Stone Joyce Wilson Morton Robert L. Anderson Shirley E. Look Harold R. Hickson Carroll E. Taylor Robert L. Thorpe David Armstrong Donald H. Lounsbury Richard R. Leveille Robert T. Thomas James R. Babb Paul R. Lynch Larry K. Mahaney George A. Vardamis CENTURY CLUB Laurence W. L. Barrington Clifford A. Manchester Robert A. Rushworth Joseph I. Volpe Marvin C. Adams Everett L. Baxter Irving G. Marsden Donald M.Smyth John W. Wentworth Glenna Billings Adams Samuel L. Bean Dorothea Butler Marsden Elizabeth Luce Smyth Wendell R. Wilson Harriet Elwell Barnard Roland Bellegarde Gerald E. Mayberry Harmon F. Thurston Carlton P. Wing Edward F. Bowden Barbara Stewart Bentley David McClure Vernon W. Tozer Floyd E. Brown Lewis C. Berce Jane E. McGlauflin HONOR ROLL Edward E. Chase Howard Berg Collin M. McKenna MAINE STAY CLUB Harland C. Abbott Marilyn Jones Chase Riva Greenblatt Berman Thomas C. Meannealy Bertha Clark Allen Clyde S. Adams Stanley R. Currie Elwood B. Bigelow, Jr. Charlotte Lenentine Melvin Vernon G. Ames David F. Akeley Conrad A. Grondin Edith Libby Bigelow Raymond J. Mercer Joan McKaig Anania Albert A. Arcand Alton M. Hopkins George M. Blaisdell, Jr. Gifford C. Merchant Kathryn Morris Andrews Samuel Aron Dorothy Lord Hopkins Jesse P. Bogue, Jr. Buel L. Merrill Sidney F. Andrews Harry A. Bell Gerald L. MacLean Edmund G. Boucher Donald A. Mitchell Bryce E. Bayer Robert P. Bouchard Mary Davis MacLean Allen R. Brackett Harry A. Moody, Jr. Joan Wiswell Bickford Warren W. Bowden John R. Martin Marguerite Jones Brackett Walter A. Moores Richard L. Blaisdell Marjorie Martin Carlson Robert L. Olsen Merton F. Brackett Elwyn R. Morrow Leo A. Chadbourne Paul S. Carter Beverly Currier Smith Leslie F. Bradford Robert W. Morrow Ralph M. Clark Brangwynne Theron H. Carter Benedick R. Stearns Gloria N. George O. Morton Norman H. Cummings Edward F. Bridges John G. Chapman Charles Wadsworth Albert E. Mosher, Jr. Louise Snow Cummings Charles W. Brown William P. Charron Philip R. White, Jr. Betty Jordan Murdock Dwight B. Demeritt, Jr. Jeanne DeRoza Clay Elaine Lockhart Brown Roland G. Murdock Arthur E. Dentremont Jason Cole Barbara Richardson Buchanan Toby F. Nason Thelma Lord Dombkowski James A. Busby Paul W. Coleman MAINE STAY CLUB Jeanne Thompson Nason Raymond L. Downs, Jr. Arnold J. Buschena, Jr. William J. Creighton Harry C. Aldrich, Jr. Robert A. Nickless Walter L. Driscoll, Jr. Richard J. Denison Edward J. Bunker Virginia Kennedy Nickless James E. Elliott Beryl Lyon Aldrich Elizabeth Brown Calkins Ramona McLaughlin Dentremont Edward L. Alexander Ray, C. Noddin Barbara Grover Elliott Helen Cumming Canfield Francis J. Noyes, Jr. Kenneth W. Dudley J. Walter Allen Phyllis Atwood Epps Crawford W. Carter, Jr. Jo Anne Libby Olson Franklin P. Dufour Laurence Evans Elmer H. Alley David C. Cates Ralph M. Dunbar John Bache-Wiig Joseph B. Oppenheim Merle E. Fenlason Kenneth A. Chatto E. Otis Dyer George W. Barnes Stephen Orach Paul M. Flaig Donald E. Chick Richard F. Eaton Charles R. Barr Robert S. Ordway Edgar E. Gammon Dorothy A. Christopher Donald V. Ormsby Lorraine Stratton Estes Blaine L. Beal Robert W. Gascoigne Lewis E. Clark Charles R. Osgood Kenneth B. Fobes Frank H. Bennet Elwood M. Gray Donald R. Clough Richard D. Packard Robert K. Franz Jay G. Benton Paul F. Greene Sherman L. Cole Sarah Weeks Paine Charles L. Garfinkle Jerome R. Bernier Reginald E. Hall Eugene F. Collind Norman H. Parrott Margaret Moulton Gibson Harry E. Bickford, Jr William N. Lane Frances E. Coughlin Lewis D. Payson Frederick E. Glover Stanley A. Bixby William J. Langford, Jr. Bristol B. Crocker Andrew S. Phillips, Jr. Foster I. Gordon Roger F. IBlake Richard J. Largay Herbert A. Crommett Mary Gildersleeve Phippen Charles E. Hamann Charles H • Broomhall Norman L. Levesque Barbara LaBonty Crosby David M. Hamlin’ Charles A . Chadwick Gerald C. Pickard Theodore R. Littlefield Ralph H. Hazelton Elton M. Crossland Ralph A. Piscopo George V. Lobozzo Harold L. Chapman Donald Davis Frederick H. Hermann, Jr. Priscilla Roberts Chapman Frank J. Potenzo Avery N. Lorenzen Herbert R. Davis Oscar B. Hill Robert L. Cunningham Lawrence E. Poulin Pauline Davis Lorfano J. Franklin Howe Richard R. Davis Elbert M. Prince Russell E. Meade Donald E. Eames Earl Dawley W. Sidney Howe G. Clifton Eames Bernard C. Ramsdell Joanne Josslyn Meade Joan Gallo Ippoliti Bernadette Stein Dillard Robert R. Randall Donald F. Merrill Robert H. Elliott Anthony J. DiMarco Athill W. Irvine Jean Polleys Fenlason Carroll E. Reed Marion Waterman Meyer Priscilla Lord Dorvee A. Roberta Johnson Robert B. Rhoads Floyd L. Milbank, Jr. Norris M. Follett, Jr. John F. Dow Miriam Kochakian Ralph L. Richards Isabelle Burbank Milbank George A. Foster G. Barbara O’Grady Drew Lawrence W. Litchfield Robert A. Richter Hilda Livingston Miller Boyd C. Fuller Robert A. Dubay Guy L. Look A. Stephen Riley Ernest E. Moore Pauline Harriman Gardner C. Brewster Earle Owen B. MacKellar Carl B. Robbins Harold K. Nichols Harold B. Gilbert Roger Eastman Alexander W. MacKenzie, Jr. William T. Gleason Furber S. Roberts Richard W. Noyes David E. Eddy Harold D. Marden James A. Robinson Shirley Lang Noyes John A. Graffam Walter E. Ela Hartley E. Marsh Richard P. Robinson William L. Philbrick Newton Graham Charles E. Ellis Donald S. McCobb Ferdinand R. Romano Alan H. Plaisted Raymond R. Greenleaf Newell W. Emery, Jr. Ray T. McDonald, Jr. Herbert J. Rosenthal Richard B. Preble Robert L. Greenleaf Mary Norwood Erickson Keith M. McKay Bessie Tenam Rush Donald S. Osgood Richard D. Hewes Carl H. Estes Barbara Haney McKay Robert S. Saltzman Arthur W. Reynolds Martha Fogler Hobbs Richard T. Fairfield Jean Nelson Mitchell Everett F. Johnson Henry W. Saunders 0. William Robertson Flora Maddocks Fairfield Paul J. Mitchell Richard F. Saunders Theresa O’Reilly Russell Richard A. Jordan Keith T. Farnham Anthony B. Nardone Donald 0. Kennedy Lila Zimmerman Shames William T. Farnsworth Claire E. Shirley John W. Parsons Gordon E. Kershaw John Shea Martin W. Fehlau Roger A. Sullivan Richard E. Perkins John L. Ketner Mark R. Shedd Carll N. Fenderson Philip H. Talbot John J. Pesch Franklin W. Landers Richard G. Small Rena M. Thorndike Richard M. Fish Jean Harding Pierce Nancy Chick Landers Ruth Greenwood Smith Raymond L. Trabold Marilyn Kobrin Quint George C. Fisher, Jr. Anton W. Larson Floyd T. Smith William G. Ramsay Patrick M. Flanner D. Craig Wark, Jr. Ernest L. Larson Nicholas N. Smith Charlotte Jordan Whitmore Robert W. Ramsdell Robert A. Fogg Parker F. Leonard Paul E. Smith Harold E. Whitney Carleton A. Ranks Roger V. Fournier H. Neil Soule J. M. A. Levesque Gerald L. Gatcomb Oliver Yeaton Pollie L. Rawlinson Robert A. Lowell Richard A. Spencer, Sr. Kenneth A. Ray Jacqueline French Gatcomb Jean Brewer Lowell Vivian Lapierre Spielbrickle Gerald A. Rose Everett E. Gerrish HONOR ROLL Richard A. Standley, Jr. Clinton G. Adell Alfred N. Savignano Asa R. Mace, Jr. Herbert E. Ginn William E. Stetson Roland w. Albert Jeanne LeBaron Sawyer Roland MacLeod Richard H. Godfrey Richard V. Sturtevant George H. Ayers Willard C. Sawyer Marilyn Mills MacLeod Richard J. Goff Thomas C. Sweetser, Jr. Roger C. Bailey Simon Sklar Ervin E. Maynard Eugene A. Gonya. Jr. James R. Taylor Louise Litchfield McIntire Bernard N. Gotlib John B. Banton i Barbara Davidson Spencer Ann Burbank Taylor Donald F. Barbour Donald W. McIntosh Richard H. Green Donald M. Spiller Joseph B. Taylor Inge Nachum Baye Richard C. Spiller Margaret Mollison McIntosh Shirley Johnson Greenwald Thomas M. Teague Donna London McKinney Irving E. Grunes C. Martin Berman William A. Starbird Lois Whitney Thomas Joseph R. Bowden Ralph A. Stevens, III Sylvester D Naas Sylvia Dartnell Hadge Sandra MacPherson Thompson Richard

Joseph A. Pruett Constance Berry Anderson Dawn Miller Woodbrey Vaughn Twaddel William A. Paterson Jennie Nutter Peacock David W. Rand Walter A. Anderson Norman K. Varnum Raymond E. Pesola Barnie L. Reynolds Earl C. Andrews Robert M. Ward MAINE STAY CLUB Harry E. Potter James H. Rice Helen Coughlin Armstrong Diane Draper Weidemeyer Ralph W. Applegate Roy R. Raymond Douglas L. Riddiough Willis E. Austin Woodrouffe L. Bartley, Jr. Rita Porter Webber Richard J. Whatley George A. Ricker Dodd E. Roberts Ruth Bridges Ayers Henry N. Berry, III Orville G. Robertson P. Irene Anderson Bayley Margaret Mersereau Borjesso Raymond K. Whitehouse John D. Robinson Patricia McCormick Wilkinso Sarah Craig Robinson Jeanne Frye Begley Ernest B. Brigham Lawrence E. Robinson Mary Hoyt Wills Frank Schaible Paul E. Rourke William T. Bird Alton E. Brown Norman F. Schlaack Jr. James E. Wilson, Jr. Lionel E. Roy Raymond C. Blaisdell Donald B. Burchard Mary Moore Smith John W. Royal Paul R. Bodertha Marjorie Cross Buschner Gerald E. Smith Richard A. Royal Conrad B. Bosworth Austin C. Carter 1954 Robert J. Smith Judith Rigley Brown David A. Cole William Russell STEIN CLUB G. Paula Goodin Sullivan Mildred Carver Saltzman Harold W. Buck David B. Field Joyce A. Tracy William F. Buck Louis 0. Hilton Sally Gass Saltzman Forrest H. Grant Elaine Upton Van Lieu Stephen C. Casakos Erwin M. Sawtelle Betty Barlow Grant Robert L. Wallace Gloria Tupper Chaplin PINE TREE CLUB Nancy Whiting Sears Philip A. Hall Arthur S. Weaver F. Chandler Coddington, Jr. Mary Marsden Shedd Ben R. Chapman Robert J. Hampson Gordon S. Weinstein Wilfred M. Cobb Irving F. Smith Donald P. Higgins Carolyn Bradbury Wight Carolyn Harmon Coco Ernest W. Johnson CENTURY CLUB Irving R. Starbird Richard J. Anderson Kenneth R. Wiles Herbert L. Crafts Philip B. Johnson Carl J. Stenholm Ronald C. Anderson Penelope Rich Wilson Emmett R. Stevens Richard H. Davis Eini Riutta Johnson Harry 0. Yates, III Walter S. Davis Ernest K. Khoury, Jr. Elliott R. Barker Francis R. Stevens Bertha Millett Yeaton Laurance E. Dow Donald R. LaRochelle Allen J. Bingham Carolyn Cole Stevens Peter P. Zinchuk Charles H. Dunn Thomas P. Laskey Ruth Bartlett Butler Selma Gafin Struass Marilyn Johnson Dunn Emery G. Leathers Kathleen Haley Crozier Richard W. Sweetser Jeanette Bishop Fox Roger F. Taylor Jean Boomer Emerson Marie Oakman Lord 1955 Delbert L. Emory Lorraine Skolfiald Lowell Richard A. Gray Beverly Hayward Teague Mark S. Lieberman PRESIDENTS' CLUB Mary Putnam Thurston Gordon H. Fait, Jr. Ralph E. McGibroy Janet Marston Bodwell H. Sidney Folsom Richard A. Milter Russell Lovaas Earl M. Tibbetts Warren L. Schildberg Aphrodite Lekousi Tsatsos Joy Bott Folsom Deborah Williams Morton CENTURY CLUB Gwen Small Tupper Elizabeth Leighton Furlong Richard L. Newdick Joseph A. Benedetto Robert L. Upton Ronald L. Gerard John W. Noyes MAINE STAY CLUB Barbrah Ladd Hackett Milton Victor John D. Gibson Angelina Parisi Olenezak Margot McCarthy Anderson Elizabeth Connors Hughey Jeannette Catos Vosburgh John H. Gowen Norman W. Pelletier James C. Buzzell, Jr. Mary Atkinson Johnson William T. Vosburgh Paul J. Guiou Lynne Hatch Perry Llewellyn E. Clark Colman M. Nice Norman C. Wakoly Flora Burgess Harriman Anne Black Philbrick Joan Daley Clark George A. Palmer Philip D. Wells Maung s. Htoo Nancy Schott Plaisted Mark H. Cohen Prank W. Reynolds, II George N. Whalen Willis F. Jackson Paul Remick, Jr. Paul R. Dinsmore Salvatore Scarpato, Jr. Anne McKiel Whatley Maurice Jalbert Paul S. Richardson John J. Ellsworth Emil S. Winter Autice W. Jardine Dorothy Leonard Richardson David W. Ghtes MAINE STAY CLUB Prescott K. Johnson , Jr. Thomas J. Haley David R. Alexander Lois Cummings Johnson Richard W. Searles Preston W. Hall Dana R. Baggett 1952 Gordon H. Johnston Dexter M. Stowell Rosemary Carlin Hall Joseph G. Bergomi, Jr. PRESIDENTS* CLUB Glendon B. Jordan Jerome P. Hallee Delano L. Boutin Edward T. Bryand Lillian Sargent Katsiaficas HONOR ROLL Colwyn F. Haskell Leonard W. Bowles Maurice Keene Carroll R. Akeley Margaret Boylan Herning Gordon A. Buchanan STEIN CLUB Jean Dwyer Kelly Beverly Finney Aker C. Thomas Hoyt Carl W. Buschner John A. Godsoe Joseph N. Kirk William D. Alexander, Jr. Gorham W. Hussey Willard R. Butler Richard A. Lambert Rupert P. Amann Ruth A. Johnson Patricia Gill Chamard PINE TREE CLUB Roger S. Leach Lawrence R. Bailey Elizabeth Hopkins Knight Barry S. Crafts Edward R. Huff Richard R. Leclair David C. Beppler Mary Chapman Leeper Ray H. Cross

William G. Lindquist Richard D. Leggee Albert H. Bishop John E. McKay Elizabeth Pierce Cross Dorris Mayne Lindquist Samuel D. Lloyd Ann Twombly Bonang Edward T. McManus George S. Davis John D. MacDonald Jacqueline Rivard Bousquet Joseph S. Melching Frank W. Fenno, Jr. Francis W. Boyle William H. Meyer Joan Whyte Fenno CENTURY CLUB Ephraim Martin, III Thomas P. Fickus Richard B. Dow . Robert W. Medeiros Carolyn Margison Brackett Marjorie Woodman Miller Robert E. Bruns James J. Orino Frances Lunt Flewelling Mary Snyder Dow David G. Merrill Philip M. Johnson Antonio Esposito Nancy Knowles Moore Clayton M. Burnell Ruth Partridge Pelletier John W. Kelley, Jr. William D. Johnson Lucy G. Marshall Dean E. Cooper Frank J. Halik, Jr. John B. Knowles Joel N. Kates Diane Livingston Maxor Alice Young Crooker Thomas P. Hosmer Joan Mason Lane Ian G. Kinoshita Judith MacPherson McDonald Robert E. Cruickshank Richard D. Irwin Paul L. Leathers Michael B. Latti Grace Libby McKinlay Joan Knight Day 1 Walter A. Johnson Betsy Pullen Leitch W. Dawaon List Robert L. Mercer Amy Hapgood Deming Barbara J. Kelly Donald F. Littlefield Mary Keith Schildberg Donald E. Hott William H. Dorrity 4 Raymond R. Labbe Philip A. Lord Zane A. Thompson Janice Lord Mott F. Philip Dufour Richard J. Law William H. Hark Elizabeth Brockway Nevers Joy Roberts Edgar A. Roger Legare Jean Spearin McCann MAINE STAY CLUB Richard H. Nevers Philip H. Emery, Jr. Arthur F. Mayo, III Karl H. McKechnie, Jr. Gordon H. Allard Nelson 0. Newcombe Gertrude L. Finn Robert F. McKown Preston A. McLean Suzanne Bogert Allard John A. Nivison, II F. Peter Ford Lois Danzig McKown John S. Hixson Laurence E. Barker Myles L. O'Donnell, Jr. Jean Porter German Paul G. Meyer Winship B. Hoody Gary P. Beaulieu Alice Cowan Osgood Myra F. Goldman Marguerite G. Murphy Omar P. Norton Joan Smith Beaulieu Donald K. Pendleton Norman A. Gosline David E. Peakes Albert L. Noyes Alfred E. Belisle Margaret Stewart Perkins Albert J. Gulesian, Jr. Roger L. Pendleton Alma Herrill Otto Elizabeth Kenonen Berry Katherine Pushor Perkins Donald H. Hackett Paul I. Prescott Ruth Ernst Sayre Linda Blackwood Bready M. Marjorie Plaisted John H. Hall Nancy Aird Prescott Ronald J. Sheay Parker L. Brooks, Jr. Frances F. Plumstead Arthur H. Hamlin Barbara Perry Roberts Thomas C.Sullivan Ronald Coffin Sally A. Rand Franklin R. Hayward William N. Schroeder Harrison C. Sylvester John A. Combes Charles C. Rearick Robert L. Hodgdon James M. Scott John M. Day, Jr. Harry C. Reifel Barbara Berce Holden Warren P. Seaward HONOR ROLL Joseph C. Dell, Jr. Nancy Gentile Reiser Donald W. Huggett Quentin E. Smart Nancy Collins Adams Dana C. Dovoe G. Elizabeth Jordan Roberts Sterling W. Huston Clifton C. Stevens Dorothy St. Onge Alford Alice Perry Ellsworth Joan Fuller Russell William T. Hutchins Bruce R. Stillings Alan M. Argondizza Stanley D. Furrow Allan J. Saperstein Daniel I. Jacobs Robert E. Suminsby Charles E. Armentrout John N. Garvin, III John A. Schwartz David I. Jacobs James W. Tardiff Albert W. Bailey Eugene K. Grassle Laura Krueger Schwartz Wayne L. Jackson Lawrence A. Thurrell Gordon B. Batson Barbara Whitmore Haskins Donald A. Stokes William M. Kearns, Jr. Peter D. Watson Erving H. Bickford John G. Hede William F. Stone Patricia Wright Kearns, Jr. Nancy Carroll Weaver Robert N. Biette John R. Hicks E. Joyce Carlson Tatro Raymond J. Kelley Gordon K. Winchenbach Herbert W. Birch Jay S. Hindley Arthur H. Thompson Grace Brown Knox Cynthia Rockwell Wright Mary Strickland Birch 0. William Holden, Jr. Marilyn Page Thompson Margaret Mosher Kohler Reginald B. Bowden Henry 0. Hooper Robert W. Thomson Karl V. Kraske HONOR ROLL William E. Brown Gerald R. Humphrey, Jr. Everett L. Towle Kenneth J. LaFlamme Louis J. Bellefleur Paul F. Butler Lloyd J. Jewett, Sr. Mary J. Tozier William M. Lander Marilyn Blake Berry Janet Bishop Butler Nancy Davis Johnson David B. Trask William H. Law, Jr. David R. Billings Horton L. Caplan Nicholas F. Khoury Frank R. Trask Janet Malcolm Logan Jane Quimby Biscoe Helen M. Carson Malcolm H. Knapp Hans A. VanLeer Burleigh P. Loveitt Caroline Nason Bither Anna J. Chynoweth John W. Lane, Jr. Norman J. Van Valkenburgh Richard V. Lowry A. Temple Bowen, Jr. Neil G. Clarke Carol Scott Littlefield Faith Wixson Varney Keith C. Mahaney JoAnn DuMont Bruner Esther Babb Colby Patricia Nelson Madach Mildred Scott Washburn Marshall S. Main Roger E. Bucknell Bruce Corwin Alta Kilton McDonald Audrey E. Wyman Sallyann Johnson Main Sandra Steward Burton Roy C. Cummings, Jr. Ruth Clapp Meyer Carl W. Wood E. Scott Marshall Robert L. Butler Thomas L. Cyr Barry M. Millett Harvey W. Wood, Jr. Doris Richards Marshall Harold E. Campbell, Jr. Albert C. Daniels, Jr. Freida Smith Millett Richard G. Wood Margaretmary McCann Calvin A. Canney Howard S. Danner, Jr. Fred B. Otto Seamona M. McLaughlin Elizabeth Sleight Canney John W. Daly Jerry N. Pangakis 1957 Dwight D. Moore Paul N. Chaloux John B. Douglas Sally Stanford Peters V. Ora Munson Doris Littlefield Chapman Harry Dreifus David F. Petherbridge CENTURY CLUB Thomas E. Neenan Lorraine Lander Cheney Theodore E. ourst Beverly Fowlie St. James Richard A. Gay John Palmer Lucy Parker Clements Ruth Dow Durst Harold J. Schaller John W. Heyer Allaire Pike Palmer Orrin B. Clifford Charles D. Earley Richard H. Shibles Georgia Drivas Latti Dorothy M. Peasley Herbert A. Cohen Carol Howard Ede John H. Small Robert M. Smith William S. Penhallow Richard C. Corey Wilma Monroe Emmett Janet Mayo Sylvester Patricia Wade Stewart Roscoe E. Perham John D. Cronin Owen C. Fenderson Eben B. Thomas E. Paul Taiganides Rodney s. Pinkham Patrick L. Daigle Robert A. Foster Susan Stiles Thomas Chester L. Woodman, Jr. Richard S. Pomeroy John H. Daley, Jr. Eugene G. Frederick James A. Victor Louis L. Poulin Richard W. Day Robert C. Fringer James C. Woodbrey MAINE STAY CLUB Eugene L. Putnam Sandra Kerr Denman

Diana Springer Gordon Corneilia Douglass Woodbrey Judith Beckler Baggett Florence E. Raymond Robert J. Desjardins Virginia Sargent Gowen Frank Borda Willard W. Rice, Jr. Richard K. Dorr Walter J. Grant Mary Donnell Burchard Jean F. Roberts Bertrand H. Dulac Mary Clark Hardy HONOR ROLL Richard T. Ackerman Jerry D. Burkett Marion G. Rollins Georgette Cote Dulac Shirley Putnam Hobart John R. Buzzell Lloyd C. Rowe James D. Holden Ardena Jewett Ackerman James H. Dunlap 0. Dale Anthony Nicola A. Calandrello Joseph P. E. Roy Roberta Wyer Dutton Loretta Shraybman Htoo Thomas R. Cashman Reno L. Roy Charles E. Hussey Robert L. Appleby James C. Ellison Lyda Moore Banton Robert J. Cecchini Ruby Sharpe Ruth Mary Robinson Entrekin Clinton E. Hutchins William S. Chandler, Jr. Charles A. Scontras Jeanette Moineau Irish Richard E. Bennett Patti Dessler Ewen Ceneath Boulier Nancy Moorhead Coffin Estelle Gotlib Shammash William 0. Farley Hary LaFlamme Jordan Richard A. Brown Alicia Reynolds Combes Adele Brody Silverman Christine Farrar Mildred Thomas Judy Richard H. Simmons Robert T. Campbell Jean White Conroy Milton Friend Paul W. Kerr, Jr. Earle E. Simpson Diana Eslin Casey Benjamin W. Day, Jr. Aileen Webster Gatz R. Joseph Kneeland Roger A. Sprague Edwin K. Clarke Eben B. DeGrasse David F. Gould Edward W. Knight, Jr. Joel P. Stinson Bradford W. Claxton Robert Dragoon Patricia Clapp Gray Reginald E. Larson Henry Swan Mary A. Connors Thomas W. Eldridge E. Murray MacDonald Hellenberg Horace S. Libby Wesley J. English James B. Thaxter Carolyn Graves Corcoran Reynold R. Holmes Edward J. Logan Richard L. Fickett Barbara Coy Thaxter Duncan H. MacLeod Marilyn White Cornish William K. Huckins G. Earle Fletcher Barbara Dow Turner Franklin E. Manzer Alice Townsend Couture Gloria Chellis Hunt Christopher L. Fuller James Varner Patricia Tibbetts McConkey Marion Chandler Coy Vernon B. Hunter Joyce Lyon Fuller Frederick J. Vermillion Laura Wilson Messinger Helen Howard Cromer Fred W. Irish Paul E. Cyr David R. Goodwin William F. Walker Robert T. Mortimer David G. Ward Russell E. Jack Richard Murphy Carolyn Bull Dahlgren James D. Graham, Jr. Edward E. Johnson Jane Baker Davidson Robert R. Gray Sandra Noyes Warner William S. Oliver John Watson Walter C. King, II Kenneth A. Dinsmore Franklin C. Haskins Marilyn Graffam Lamoreau Philippe E. Paquet, Jr. Ann Rubin Weinstein Ann Thomas Dorio Robert L. Hodgdon Doris Martel Piatak Donald L. Whitten Jane Ledyard Lazo Patricia Fortier Doten Mary Kilpatrick Hussey Robert D. Plissey Harriet Clark Worthing W. Thomas Leadbetter Gloria Trafton Earley Sarah Bransford Irons Jonathan T. Pulsifer Orville A. Yoder Porter D. Leighton Lois Pratt Pulsifer Franklyn K. Ellingwood Ann Dingwell Knowles Warren H. Loveless Burnham w. Ragon, Jr. Edward Farnan Alfred C. Lange, Jr. Neal F. Lowell Margaret Dow Ricker Christine Harris Farnan David H. Libby 1958 John F. Lymburner Gertrude Stone Farrar John A. Littlefield Joseph T. Rigo PRESIDENTS' CLUB Nancy Getchell Mairs David L. Faye Joseph J. Lorfano, Jr. Cyril A. Robinson William P. Palmer, III Lois Perkins Martin Joseph J. Robinson, III Paul I. Firlotte Charles A. Low, Jr. Esther M. McCarty David A. Foster Suzanne Bockus Hark Merton D. Robinson PINE TREE CLUB John S. McCormick, Jr. Rhoda Wood Frederick Blynn C. McIntire Sondra Glorsky Robinson Gene Carter Bettylou Day McGill Roberta Lanigan Fullerton Donald H. Hilani Joan Geddy Roming Alan F. Merritt Walter L. Mclsaac Norma Cumming Russell William H. German Alger P. Reynolds, Jr. Madeline Plaisted McTague Paul Sidoran Russell A. Gray Lawrence T. Ronco CENTURY CLUB Margaret E. Millett Morris M. Silverman Johanne Clark Graziotti Richard T. Secord Joanne Barberio Scarpato Priscilla Bickford Millier Violte Kilton Smith John M. Hardy Frances Rich Secord Betty Boyson Tacy Peter A. Muzeroll Peter Standley Stuart P. Haskell, Jr. Edwin H. Soper Chongsun T. Yun 'Llewellyn R. Nelson Hilda A. Sterling Charlotte Lowell Haskell John E. Tonnesen, Jr. Alphonse Pesechis Jean Johnson Strom Robert 0. Hawes Eugene E. Toothaker MAINE STAY CLUB David M. Rand Donald J. Strout Richard S. Hawkins Melvin E. Young Lee R. Allain Gary F. Rast Jane Moore Treworgy Grace Luce Heath Edward W. Bremer Daniel G. Rearick Erlon S. Varney Larry E. Heggen HONOR ROLL Martha Trefethen Clark Donald L. Robertson John L. Walsh Kenneth R. Henrikson Leon Akers William H. Cutler, Jr. William H. Savage Mary Bigelow Wheat Haney Witham Huntzinger Priscilla J. Allen Constance Brow Day Helen McDonough Scully M. Patricia Twomey Wheeler Carole L. Hyman Beatrice Bouton Barrett Judith Sawyer Dell Joseph H. Sewell John S. White Mildred Mitchell Jackson Carl A. Beaulieu Arthur I. Dodge Richard W. Sharpe Donald F. Williams Jane Wiseman Johnson Bruce L. Bird Kenneth C. Eaton Robert L. Simmons Peter M. Wilson Richard S. Ladner Peter G. Bither James C. Ellison Allan L. Smallidge Diana L. Laughlin Harland W. Bragg Howard Y. Forsythe, Jr. Myron L. Smith 1956 Barbara Ilvonen Lindquist Burgess A. Brooks Richard R. Garnache Winona Moreshead Smith Duncan K. Logan John P. Burnham Suzanne Wilke Garnache Richard N. Smith PINE TREE CLUB Alice Kelson Longmore Norris H. Bussell Mary Gowell Goodwin Willard Smith James J. Duffy, Jr. Carol M. Loud Marcel A. Chaloux Paul Gosbee Margaret Dunne Snow Suzanne Audette MacGibbon Lloyd R. Chase Millard D. Harrison Paul R. Spencer CENTURY CLUB Gilbert B. MacLaren Claire Chasse Wallace D. Henderson Daniel T. Stevens Joanne Owen Bingham Donald F. Mairs Mary Gillette Claxton Louise Blackwell Henderson Frederick P. Sutherland Anne Whitney Sutton Carol Burry Horne Allan R. Burroughs Ellen Shibles Moores Constance A. Tassinari Ronald Howard Norman B. Callahan Gail Woods Smith Robert T. Trefethen Eleanor Turner Norton William A. Stanton Suzanne Dunn Hower Lewis J. Carpenter, Jr. Gerald M. Palmer, Sr. Janice Caron Stout James H. Turner Margaret Mahar Jackomin Roger L. Champion Paul H. Pearson Raymond A. Webb Sandra K. Sylvester Lawrence W. Jackson Prescott J. Cheney John M. Pierce Katherine Stewart Wickett Donna Fossett Johnson David W. Taber Gilbert C. W. Chin Sherwood Prout, Jr. Lois Blanchard Widmer Neil E. Johnson Paul F. Talbot Glendon E. Christensen Gearry L. Ranger Judith Hiokey Terry Sara H. Williams Rodric C. Johnson Ralph E. Clarke Jean Hart Ravenscroft, Richard w. Washburn David W. Khoury Richard J. Colwell David A. Rockwell Kenneth H. Whitman John B. Kilday Douglas D. Covell Inez Kolonel Rudman Matthew C. Williams 1959 Wesley A. Kinney, Jr. Hollis E. Crowe Henry H. Shepherd, Jr. Carolyn Sleeper Williams PINE TREE CLUB Gwendolyn Hughey Kinney Ellen Spalding Cummings Terry R. Spearen Anna Leino Wolfe Judith Kittredge Carter George B. Knowles Philip B. Curtis Donald T. Sturgeon Janet Brown Wood Ruth Sclair Koehler Catharine Ayer Curtis William A. Weiblen Pranklin E. Woodard CENTURY CLUB Robert N. Kratz Dale C. Delano Robert M. Welch Jean McNeary Woodard Ralph L. Hodgkins, Jr. Frederick L. Kurrle Martha Zoidis Delano Judith Fowler York Nelson S. Zand Gerald R. Kirwin Timothy J. Lane Steven F. Dice Deanna Dunfee List Alan Lewis Patricia Weed Dice HONOR ROLL Lester J. Nadeau Wayne G. Libby James L. Dodge George M. Baker 1962 Thomas L. Sozak David M. Linekin Gail Greenleaf Dubov Harmon W. Banning CENTURY CLUB Philip J. Villandry Warren B. Lovejoy, Jr. Elizabeth Dunbar Duplisea John R. Barnes Gale C. Brewer Mildred D. MacComb Albert R. Elwell Robert K. Barton William K. Colbath MAINE STAY CLUB Duncan J. MacDonald, Jr. Elizabeth Lunt Even Carol Larrabee Barnard Lloyd H. Elliott Maurice J. Belleville Richard B. Martin Paul S. Ferguson Janice Lancaster Bastow Mrs. Lloyd H. Elliott James E. Bousfield Charles L. Matsch David H. Gagnon Mary Melanson Batcheller Ralph D. Gordon Douglas R. Bowles Charles J. McArthur Pamelia Melcher Gilbert Kenneth D. Beach Thomas K. Patrick Stanley G. Boynton Helen M. McCabe Robert C. Goff Joseph T. Bernard Dorothy Gillies Patrick /Donald E. Coleman Leonard J. Merrill Sharon Morris Goodell Paul G. Berry Michael 0. Severance Roland E. DeCoteau Ronald J. Miller Robert R. Haight Marcia Sayward Basil K. Teague William H. Dow Earland H. Morrison Fred E. Hartman Robert A. Brueck Robert G. Duckworth Joseph F. Morrison Cynthia Ayer Hickey Peter J. Buxton MAINE STAY CLUB Beulah Oliver Ellis Alola Giffin Morrison Charles K. Hills John P. Cameron David E. Bickford Richard G. Farnsworth John B. Murphy Richard D. Hogan Roger L. Carll John H. Brower Norinne Hilchey Fitzgibbon Martha Campbell Murphy Robert S. Hume Claire Atwood Carpenter Michael J. Collins Ione McIver Golden Cynthia Hussoy Neenan June Adams Johnson Ralph T. Carr Charles E. Cowan, Jr. Thurston L. Gray Vance L. Nichols Carol Robinson Jones Ann Cummings Carr Dana F. Deering John A. Hackett Constance Hurley Nicholson Stanley L. Jordan Maurice J. Chabot Phyllis Stewart Deering Peter R. Hannah Dorothy Foster O'Donoghue Marie Ifill Jordan Norine Hunt Clarke Blake A. Donaldson Mary Weston Hartnett Paul M. Orcutt Robert E. Keane Mitchell M. Cohen Everett C. Drake Duane L. Huff Joseph F. Orr Normand L. Lagasse Robert R. Corbeil G. Rose Gillis Linda Giles Jones Eva Glidden Pare Jerry V. Lambert William G. Crawshaw Marion Perkins Goodenough Alice Wood Lang Joan Currier Parker Pamela Patton Lambert George N. Curtis Ann Sleight Harrison George E. Lovett William S. Perham Deanna Chadbourne Lander Etta Libby Davenport Philip o. Howard C. Frederick Lowell Francis J. Pettis George L. Lawrence Elaine Hoffses Davis Brenda Freeman Kuich Sandra DePasquale MacDonalc John W. Porter Chalmer Loud Lewis Eleanor Fay Dingman Regis M. Laurendeau Blaine D. Moores Margaret R. Quinn Maurice E. Littlefield Anne Wescott Dodd Lawrence W. Libby Robert T. Munson Donna Grant Rauschke William R. Loguercio Carol Mount Dodge Myrna Flewelling McGaffin Nancy Roberts Munson Nathan H. Rich Joanne Donnelly Maher Alethe Flint Donaldson Kenneth G. Perkins Russell A. Newbert Barbara Covell Riggs Preston B. Mavor Sandra Jacques Donovan John C. Philbrick ’ David P. Newton Alice Graffam Rollins Joan Mavor Mavor Marion A. Doore Paula Woodard Philbrick Joshua B. Powers, Jr. Robert V. Rourke Robert G. McBurnie Sandra Young Ellingwood Margaret Swallow Roberts Wayne E. Rankin Beatrice Reynolds Rucker Dorothy M. McCain Barbara Welch Ellis Harry M. Simmons Thornton L. Ritz Joan Dow Scott Charles A. McNulty Mary Irving Fantucchio Hugh B. Snow, Jr. Nancy Burnham Seward George E. Sewall Sandra Page Menezes David H. Pletcher Frederick N. Sprague, II Evelyn Stevens Smith Robert L. Solari Joan Philbrook Miller Stephen J. Files J*ohn S. Van Stone Janet Collins Toothaker Deborah Doe Speer Clara Fenlason Morris Margaret Cummings Flaherty James G. Vamvakias James L. York, II Charles M. Stansel Ann Burke Murphy Aline B. Prappier Norman Woodman Dale A. Young G. Wayne Stoddard Phyllis Warren Muth Martin Gagnon Charles J. Ochmanski HONOR ROLL Mary Coffin Sturtevant James J. Galaba Jefferson D. Ackor William H. Parker, III HONOR ROLL David R. Sweetland James C. Gammon Douglas C. Allen Edward S. Akucewich Bertrand C. Turmel M. Deborah Arnold Parlin Martin E. Gingerich Berneice Hamilton Peakes Peter L. Ault Donald H. Allen Judith Webster Underkofler Samuel N. Goddard Pierre H. Authier

Barbara Lunt Allen Florence Johanson Varner Eldon R. Perkins Emory K. Gott Frederick W. Pierce, III Peter G. Belluschi Marietta Garey Andrews Minnie Kinney Varnum Stephen L. Green Diane Tatlock Pierce Dennis G. Berchet Richard L. Barker William H. Warren Peter E. Grondon Edith Gayton Bliss Carleton L. Barnes L. Pauline Webb Ralph F. Pilsbury Judith Ohr Guilmartin Richard H. Bogh, Jr.

Peter F. Bastow Dorothy Barrett White Gail Masterman Plummer Elizabeth Pope Haggerty Carl E. Bouchard

James L. Behanna Frederick L. White Howard R. Quist Philip B. Hassler Bernard G. Briggs Arthur D. Rankin John R. Benoit Robert M. Wilshire Brenda Barlow Hassler William C. Burton Judith Clark Rankin Robert M. Berry Ann Coffin Hicock Joseph P. Canty Kenneth H. Rauschke Donald E. Boutilier Edward W. Hoffman Chester A. Carville I960 William H. Bower Eliot H. Rich Gardner S. Hunt Thomas Chappelle

Marion Hodgkins Boyce CENTURY CLUB Gordon L. Riggs David E. Hutchinson Jane Bates Churchill Patrick E. Riley Bradford Brooks Frank E. Thomae Eleanor Epstein Israel David L. Cloutier Joan Kelso Riley Angie Rowe Jackson Lawrence D. Cole Wayne J. Brule Diane Faucher Roderick James 0. Bruner MAINE STAY CLUB Jonathan E. Jacobs Lillian Hawes Corey Judith Goodell Rogers Walter^E. Burlock Joseph D. Carroll Esther M. Jordan Kay Fraser Covell Mark E. Savage Sara Owen Burlock Prescott J. Cheney Robert J. Jordan LeRoy A. Crawford Merritt W. Conroy Paula Dannert Sewall Diana Quinnam Judkins Patricia Hebert Crowley John E. Burns Joan Canacaris Simones Frederick C. Bustard Constance Ham Dineen Alan D. Judson Erma Dimlich D’Alfonso Julia Currie Duckworth Russell W. Smith Helen Kellis Karamanos Nicholas F. Dann Joan Wales Carroll Roger C. Ellis Doris Randall Souviney Robert A. Kelleter Frances Dinsmore Dekin Raymond P. Cloutier Glenn Philippon Stevens Beverly Goodwin Cloutier Michael J. Bagnall Darlene Ostic Kelly Patricia McCourt DiTata Sidney J. Gordon William C. Stiles Ellen K. Kibler Marcia L. Dolley Rosemary Crozier Colwell Joanne Keith Sullivan Joseph T. Cuccaro Kay Sawyer Hannah George Krapovicky Elaine G. Dow Sally McLaughlin Johnson Fred T. Upton, Jr. Galen M. Lander Alan R. Ellingwood Patricia Stiles Cuccaro Frederick E. Varricchio Lamont W. Curtis, Jr.. Persia Barnfiold Messer Mary Rogers LeBlanc Warren G. Elvin Nancy Hayward Milan! Darrell E. Webber Eino E. Leinonen Barbara Powers Fang Robert A. Cutter Sandra Crowe Wooding Paul M. Davis Alan F. Nichole David W. Lewis Judith Smith Files Walter N. Davie John H. Paskalides Haddon Libby Peter A. Forbush Wanda Weeks Day Arad L. Philpott 1961 Vinal L. Look Thomas L. Gaffney Bruce J. Dubov Judith Daniels Philpott E. Ian S. MacKinnon E. Carroll Gagnon Reginald J. Duguay Lincoln T. Ravenscroft, Jr. CENTURY CLUB H. Ann Lynch MacKinnon John R. Gagnon Richard C. Dumond Herbert M. Ray Walter P. Lawrence Roy C. Martin, Jr. Paula Lessard George Linda Bowden Elwell Melvin Roberts Richard W. Little Josephine P. Matthews Richard B. Gray Willard C. Farnham Richard C. Robinson Paul A. Morrison Margaret M. McAuliffe Roger L. Grindle Rebecca Folsom Ferguson Suzanne Littlefield Stillings Raymond J. Tanguay Michael P. McCready Nollie I. Gusheo George F. Files Charles A. Trumbull Beverly Moody McGraw Alfred J. Hagan C. Wesley Ford E»rle R. Weaver MAINE STAY CLUB James 0. McLain Ernest C. Harrington, Jr. Clarence W. Frost Jon H. Whitten David A. Baribeau Leanne Dyke Mitchell Arthur C. Hart, Jr. Walter 0. Fullerton Ralph B. Willis Eula Morris Bousfield Edward B. Morrison Kenneth E. Hartz Corrine Anderson Garrett Wilfred W. Brown Allen D. Niles Linda Thomas Hartz Philip L. Gatz HONOR ROLL Jane Judy Carroll Ethel C. Oliver Marjorie Littlefield Hathaway Judith Partelow Gilman Louis Agathos Charles L. Chapman Arthur W. Parlin Dennis K. Hodsdon George A Gios tra Robert E. Anderson Jeannine Macomber Chapman Margaret Mednis Phillips Nancy Nichols Hogan Gerald R Gordon John R. Andrews, Jr. Ronald N. Drogin Bruce H. Platt David S. Holt Robert P Gould Ann Sheldrick Banning Jane H. Goode Jean Ramsay Platt Annette Walker Holt Jos eph L Gregoire Shirley Ellingwood Barnes Richard D. Goodenough John G. Plummer Joleen Barker Howard Edward J Haggerty, Jr Leroy J. Barry Richard W. Groff Nancy Ruhlin Plummer Alice NcKiel Hyerstay Leland R Hall W. Lee Blackburn Harold B. Hatch Janet Burrill Polanski Jerrold Irons Marianne Schmidt Hamlin Patricia A. Blackett Peter L. Haynes David W. Pool Albin D. Johnson Paul H. Hanson Laurel Hoyt Blaney Judith Bates Haynes Brian H. Prescott John S. Johnson Leigh C. Harter Priscilla Violette Bobka June Toulouse Heintz A. Alfred Rancourt Bruce D. Jones Edwin D. Healy Roland F. Bouchard Shirlene Heath Hock Nancy Woods Rearick Shirley J. Jones John W. Herrick Marilyn Bradford Bowen David M. Hodsdon Larry L. Roberts Gerald F. Kelley, Jr. Kathleen Huff Hichborn Melvin H. Bowie Ruth Robinson Keating Carol O’Connor Roberts DavXd S. Lamb Robert D. Hickey Jean Bertolini Brown Roger P. Lambert Josephine Ross Ross Walter E. Lamkin Joan Burgess Hodgdon Donna Leah Brunstad Donna Gardiner Laurendeau Alice Eaton Schernthanner Tobias LeBoutilller Ernest E. Hollis Janice Wilcox Burby Nancy Rich Marbury Marilyn Leslie Sly George A. Levesque 13S Jacqueline Gauthier Collett James M. Hewitt David A. Libby Diane Chase Guthrie Malcolm G. Hare Sarah Reid Craig 1965 Jared H. Holden Stephen W. Locke Horace W. Horton Jeffrey E. Lyon Natalie Sweetser Hart Barbara Hinkson Craig Yvonne Wilkinson Cushing CENTURY CLUB Barbara Waters Horton Margaret Boothby Lyon Clayton E. Hatch Blanche Violette Daigle Sandra Willis Severance x Mei-Hwa Chiu Hwang Duanne R. Mallett Barbara McLeod Holtry David W. Simard Lucille Alexander Hunt Priscilla Maden Daly Judith Kay Ingraham Michael J. Mandel Barbara Rider Simard Alan M. Johnson Maxim Judith A . Hunter Mary Holmes Davis Norman F. Richard A. Williams Nancy Horrocks Johnson Elizabeth Ames Horan Sandra Hunter Jzyk Stephen J. Demora, Jr. Peter B. Johnson Gayden W. Morrill Algis N. Kalvaitis Norman H. Dodge Marcia Hebert Doherty MAINE STAY CLUB Wayne M. Johnson Arthur J. Newman Joann Pratt Keck Patricia R. Ballard Jean Britton O’Brien David G. King Charles G. Drew Talbot W. Johnston, Jr. Donald S. Dyer Jan A. Bennett Linda Jordan Gloria Craft Oliver Bernd W. A. Kliem Carole F. Edwards Jean Mitchell Berasi Jerrold B. Junkins Janice Hoyt Osrunn Peter C. Lammers Benjamin J. Bramhall Arthur F. Ellison Nancy Pearson Kinney Dillwyn P. Paiste, IV Albert L. Larson, Jr. Sharon Mount Bramhall Larson Georgianna K. Ellis Paul E. Kinsley Marcia Hansen Pawloski E. Louise Sprague Errol C. Briggs Elizabeth Johnson Levinson Lawrence W. Emery, Jr. Cynthia Breare Larson Donald W. Peterson Sue Angell Marquis Paul E. Erskine Joyce B. Britton Axel R. Larson David M. Piatak Wendy L. Bulkeley Leroy C. Pinkham, Jr. John L. Martin Helen Smith Felts Robert S. Lawler Roderic J. McClure Eileen March Fernaid Horace W. Clark Dawn Tozier Levan Lorenza Butman Piper Bernice Gardner McDougall Charles A. Fillebrown, Jr. Carol Kovach Currier Roland A. Libby C. Ronald Price Craig E. Deakin Gertrude Chambers Price Irene Benevides McIver Eugene R. Field, Jr. Donald D. Logan Ronald N. Michaud Mary Foy Forbush Sarah Donovan Deakin Richard N. Lord, Jr. Ida D. Rich Origene L. Filiault Jo-Ann Chandler Mitchell Marcia Barrell Lowell Dwight L. Rideout James L. Fortini Elaine Scott Filiault James W, Rideout Arnold R. Moody Robert W. Garland Hugh C. MacKenzie

Richard M. Sanborn Dana J. Morse Frederick B. Gay Nancy L. George Eleanor Gray MacLaughlin Grevis E. Grinnell Douglas L. Skillin Dana R. Morton Elaine Granata Marion Hitchings Mantai Paul F. Harnden E. Susan McNeary Skillin Suzanne Bentley Nicolo John S. Hall Nancy Smith Masaitis Frederick W. Smullen, III Lawrence B. Nicholson James J. Hauser Kent L. Mathews Jack W. Ham Burton D. Stearns Peter 0. Olson James L. Jandreau Carl M. Mayhew Robert I. Hardison Georgann Guidmore Kates Richard A. Stevens, Jr. Thomas H. Olson Lurana K. McCarron Ernest B. Harvey, III Ellen Brackett Leaf Mildred Simpson Stewart Donna Atwood Olson William M. McCombs, III John A. Hayes, Jr. Charlene R. Leonard Anthony A. Stout Lewis M. Pearson Avery B. McCordick Karyl Ricker Hayes Charlotte Cowan Sutherland Jane Welch Peterson Wayne M. Lewis Loene Keltner McIntyre Elizabeth Kazalski Hehn Douglas MacDonald J. Susan Heath Sweetland Ann Grace Pierce Richard L. McNeary Jonathan C. Hescock H. Charles Mitchell Virginia Ulmer Pool William T. Melanson J. Scott Tardif Nancy Barnes Hill Douglas B. Monteith Arlene F. Thompson Mary-Jane Patterson Preble Rebecca Bartlett Holahan Michael E. Miller Normand P. Tousignant Frances H. Proctor Marjorie Libby Monteith Eileen Meunier Moreau William E. Honan Richard F. Mountfort Janice Stone Wardwell Jerome L. Quint Paul G. Hopkins Eloise Chapin Mosley Dean P. Wells Richard P. Racine Thomas F. Murphy Robert M. Newell John C. Howard Richard V. Norton Enid Wardwell White Barbara Smith Raymond Albert H. Huntoon Richard I. Niles z Barbara L. Williams Barbara M. Roper Susan Saunders O'Donnell Judith Hale Norris Dennis C. Hurlburt Carolyn Wile Williams James P. Rudbeck Virginia Hager Peppard Linda S. Orr Anthony R. Imondi Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Phinne Beverly LaFrance Woodside Martha Lowden Scarlett Richard Y. Ingraham Marcel Pare Daniel J. Yargeau John J. Simon In memory of son Laurence E. Perkins Robert C. Jackson Franklin H. Phinney Edward E. Simpson Deonne Jackman Jackson Lorna Peabody Philley Pamela A. Simpson David E. Robertson Daniel A. Pinkham 1963 Robert H. James Henry L. P. Schmelzer Ada Hersey Sloane Ernest M. Johnson Ann Cyr Pinkham MAINE STAY CLUB David W. Smith Hamilton C. Sherman, Jr. Vincent S. Puleo Richard C. Kaplan Paul D. Smith Daniel F. Ancona, III Marjorie E. Smith Freda Wing Kelley Doris V. Quick Berna Thibodeau Andrews Linda Minott Smullen David E. Svendsen Jill Hamilton Quint William K. Keup Sylvia A. Tapley Linda Ellis Bennett Norris G. Staples David V. Kimball Richard J. Randall Ann Van DeBogert Boltinghouse Judith Card Staples Susan Hollander Warholak Mary Dudley Randall Anne Roundy Lammert Philip B. Webber, Jr. Paul G. Chretien John H. Stone Chase Langmaid, III Susan Allen Ratigan Gerald L. Crabtree George I. Swett Martin E. Ray Sherman M. Laughton HONOR ROLL Wallace R. Dean Evelyn Cole Tamminen Janet Yudowitch Leinonen Robert A. Ray Thomas S. Deans Elizabeth Clifton Tardif Eleanor Murray Adams Delmar R. Raymond Donald I. Lippke Allan S. Arch Dorcas Hendershot Deans Mary Jo Brush Thoman Joanne Dillon Mandel Judith L. Rich James M. Hanson Willis J. Tompkins, Jr. Donald L. Archer Marie A. Roby Kenneth E. Mantai Sarah Austin Archer Joan Marshall Hanson Helicent Chapman Versteeg Darril V. Martin Annie Rhodes Ross Parker F. Harris James W. Walls Jane Andrews Ashley Michael H. Round Elsa Ilvonen McFarland James S. Atwell Penny Smith Harris Peter H. Ward Matthew W. McNeary Alan G. Sawyer Henry S. Irving Donald G. Wheeler Talbot R. Averill Cynthia Romano Sawyer Sheila McManus Messer Linda Clark Bailey John E. Lape Steven R. Whitman Kenneth w. Mills Sharon Libby Sharp Lois Murdock Libby Mary D. Wilson Peter N. Barry Allan M. Shaw George P. Milner Glenn Y. Belyea Sumner A. Lymburner Henry C. Young, Jr. Mary Newell Morrison Daniel A. Smith Irvine W. Marsters, Jr. Conrad R. Bernier Donna Weaver Stephen Wendy Thompson Morton Glenna Renegar Bingham Nancy Bliss Pleasanton 1964 Margaret Berry Murphy Winfred A. Stevens Bruce G. Pratt Raymond C. Bisbee Patricia Mills Stevens Roberta Josephson Niehaus Barbara M. Roper PINE TREE CLUB Richard S. Bishop Kenneth G. Stratton Virginia Heath Ross Catherine Ladd Bishop Deborah Chapman Sprague Jonathan Stone Mary O'Connor Stratton Gayle Henderson Ober William J. Black Sally Grindell Vamvakias Jill Olsen Stone Charlotte Curtis Tucker Tonda L. Olson Sandra Moores Blake Rowland J. Wasgatt Norman K. Twitchell Amos E. Orcutt Daniel S. Boobar Neil W. Webster June M. Parker Suzanne Luce Twitchell CENTURY CLUB H. Jean Woods Boobar Terrance C. Woodworth Margaret S. Parsons David M. Verrill Dana B. Dolloff Ruth Libby Bradbury Barbara Calden Nutting Barbara Payne Joseph W. Warren HONOR ROLL Frances Durrell Brann Barbara Fowles Allen Philip R. Provost Jane Hatch Peterson Edward W. White William L. Randall Robert C. Browne Gene S. Wilbur Frederick L. Ames Julia Love Browne Norman G. Arsenault MAINE STAY CLUB Randall R. Ray Robert G. Bruce Caroline Burton Wilder John P. Atkins William A. Brewer Nancy Cole Ray Patricia Carlin Bruce Allan M. Wilson James W. Bailey Kennedy Crane, III Geraldine Ricker Victor C. Brum Jon C. Woodbury Roger A. Beauchesne Susan Goodridge Crane Mabel Austin Roberts Marilyn Mehlman Burwell Richard L. Bennett William D. Currier David F. Rogers Terry L. Chadbourne LeRoy M. Bingham Shirley Elias Ezzy Virginia Heath Ross David B. Champeon 1966 Willard R. Bishop, Jr. Joseph P. Gosselin Martha Milliken Round Elizabeth Look Champeon CENTURY CLUB Richard F. Boucher E. Maynard Graffam, Jr. James L. Sanborn Stephen O. Chandler Robert L. Arnold Helena Marco Bratten Margaret Snow Hampson Elsa Anderson Sanborn Natalie Jackson Chandler Nancy Erikson Ladd E. Staples Brown Brian C. Hodqkin Michael S. Sawyer William B. Chase Roy S. Salisbury, Jr. Julie Ingalls Brown Dorothy Thompson Irving Linda Flewelling Schallack Anne F. Closson Carole L. Spruce Lawrence W. Brown Anne Clemons Jones Carolyn E. Shaw Jane Hannan Corrou Carolyn Vickery Burks Gerald M. Jones Diane O’Donnell Shevenell Lyle B. Cramer MAINE STAY CLUB Ila Young Burns Joanne Harper Jones Linda Greenhalgh Smith Dustin W. Creamer Dominic A. Cersosimo Donna Plummer Carll R. Barry Kleinberg Donald H. Sorrie Brian M. Curtis Joan Wilkinson Cersosimo Ralph K. Chase, Jr. Clement E. McGillicuddy Louis A. Stack Thomas E. Davis Ann Blackwell Clark Susan Edel Chase Sharon Taylor Murphy Richard E. Stephen William H. Davis Joseph E. Cloutier Tammy E. Cole Alton J. Nute Robert E. Strubbe Willard C. Deering Bernard R. Duplisea Jean Gerry Collett Michael J. O'Donnell Gordon W. Tennett, Jr. Parker A. Denaco John T. Eaton Robert B. Collett Paul R. Sherburne Sharon McGuffie Trundy Wayne R. Dennison Linda Talbot Eaton Bonita A. Coro Barbara Cramer Sherburne Adriann M. Tucker Philip J. Dumais Sarah Hedge Elliston Charles H. Crockett Franklin S. Van Antwerpen Richard J. Ulbricht Susan Healy Dumais Susan Myer Fahlgren Marie F. Deeb Susan Carter Ulbricht Marjorie Thurlow Elvin Joseph L. Perris Peter A. Dingman HONOR ROLL Lorraine Stultz Vellani Nicholas Eremita John R. Gilbert Gary A. Dorsay Susan Oakes Ackor Raymond E. Vermette John R. Erskine Douglas W. Greenlaw Wayne R. Doyon Peter B. Allen Ronald L. Vigue Linda M. Evans Linda Bradley Greenlaw Keith S. Dunbar Bruce D. Alpert Roland J. Violette Judith Bagley Fernaid Paul W. Greenwood Alan W. Ede Judith L. Anderson Nancy Bradstreet Violette Winfield R. Fernaid, III Neal D. Bailee George B. Estes Fred H. Bailey Lois Haskell Vose Patricia Weith Field Stephen F. Higgins Elaine H. Farashian Marsha Tashjian Beam Carolyn Somers Washburn Bonnie Schlosberg Leslie Kinney Jandreau Helen E. Fenderson Joyce Harburger Bennett Allan E. Weeks John R. Furman, Jr. Joline Ridlon Land Stephen A. Fernaid Roderick F. Berg Shirley Irving Welch Janet Stoddard Gagnon Lee A. Meserve Allan D. Flagg Joyce Farmer Berg Mary Brooks Wilbur Elaine Manter Gifford Edward M. Schultz Susan Braveman Flaschner Sonja Weeks Billotte Stephen P. Wilson Judith Hoffman Hakola Richard Schwartz Priscilla Sawyer Frederick Roger P. Boucher Joyce Ring Wilson Marshall E. Hall Leona V. Scott Helen Wyman Frost Barbara Keith Boucher Nancy Ricker Wisecup Beverly Smith Hance Lawrence S. Shepard Judith Shaw Furlotte Cora Hall Braley Nora E. Wold Michael T. Harkins Russell Sherburne Michael J. Gentile Rebecca Dow Burnham Wilhelmina L. Wold Marthe Beaudoin Haubert Lawrence W. Shumway Raymond S. Glover Richard W. Burns Suzanne Gildart Woodbury Thomas A. Hauck William E. Solomon Marguerite Joy Gordon Judith Dole Byers Albert H. Worden Keith M. Helmer Bruce W. Staples Gail Ladd Griswold Stephen N. Chase David W. Young Donald E. Herrick Miriam E. Vincent Virginia Barnes Grogean Wayne C. Cobb Leonard F. Zecchini Patricia Hayden Herrick Susan Thomas Webber 14S HONOR ROLL CENTURY CLUB Bruce C. MacFadyen Sally-Lou Patterson Davis David H. Abell Maurice W. Blanchette David F. Mann Bonnie L. Marcotte Otis M. Davis, Jr. Virginia Yeaton Abell George B. Clark Mary K. Marquez Peter C. Naiden Thomas C. Dinsmore Susan Harper Naiden Frederick A. Ackerman Joan Perkins Clark Nicholas B. Mason LeRoy J. Dubay Raymond F. Nelson, Jr. Donald P. Aiken Dennis M. Doyle Beverly Hollins McCormick George F. Dunham Arnold G. Amoroso Robert G. Robertson Barbara Fagerlund Roberts John D. McElwee Peter F. Dyck Frances E. Sheehan Grace Atwood Amoroso Carol Whited McElwee Thomas H. Eaton, III Penelope Lynch Anderson MAINE STAY CLUB Dale Littlefield Sherburne Robert E. McGown Barbara Hill Edge Terry W. Smith Samuel G. Andrews David M. Ames Steven E. McLeod Walter C. Edgecomb, Jr. Arthur C. Stickney Charles M. Belisle Sheran Brown Andrews Reginald H. Merrill, Jr. G. Richard Ellis Marguerite Golden Tebbets Judith Orino Beard Mary Emery Belisle Paula Clough Miller Betsey J. Burke Hiram J. Emery William L. Woodward Maryanne Warren Belyea Jane Bachelder Morin Susan J. Chadbourne Sally Ann Emery Barbara Blake Bernier Douglas M. Mullen Raymoqd W. Farnham HONOR ROLL Linda Levesque Bernier Robert W. Conley Charles W. Newell Jon F. Dawson Elizabeth Coffin Farnham Elsie Tibbetts Adams Susan Muschamp Berube Burton L. Oliver James B. Parr In memory of Brian P. Bicknell Douglas M. Dimond Lorraine Record Orcutt Beverly Robinson Forbes Arthur J. Tibbetts Patricia Tofuri Bicknell Betty Hall Dimond William A. Pasquell, Jr. Barbara J. Fraser Ronald D. Aarons Mary Riedel Black William H. Downey, III William A. Pattersen George R. Ezzy Robert R. Frazier Susan Merken Alpert James G. Bockheim Donald E. Paulson Susan Clifford Frazier John I. Fahlgren Ruth Lincoln Anderson Alexandra Ratynski Bozzuto Gerard W. Pepin Janet L. Frederick Charlene Knox Farris Helen Fogler Austin Bruce E. Brockway Lee E. Perry Gary W. Gibbons Constance A. Barber Thomas E. Byther Doris Piippo Gnauck Thomas H. Perry James A. Goble Carol A. Barbour Deborah M. Campbell Judith Howard Grinnell Margery Furman Perry John J. Godfrey Justin K. Hanna Barbara Knight Barbour John W. Chandler, Jr. Nancy Hart Pfrommer Douglas M. Griffin Meredith A. Barker John B. Currier Julia K. Haupt Kerry J. Pinette Carol Brown Halsted Doris Flax Kaplan Janet Beaulieu Barter Cynthia DeCoster Curtis Joyce Beane Ray William J. Hargraves James P. Kenney Richard P. Battles Karen Wessoll Reis Lynn A. Haugen Martha Reed Dodge Donald C. Bean John W. Mabee Paula Crockett Rideout Jeffrey L. Hengsbach Paula Quass Dunfee Van Mouradian Mary P. Bedard Theresse Raymond Dyer Ronald L. Rizer Donna Shaw Hinckley Deborah R. Berg Rosslyn Cowger Pacella Bonnie Huether Roberts Lloyd L. Hunt Richard W. Earl Russoll T. Peterson Lawrence D. Berger Nancy Kelso Erskine Beverly J. Ryder Alan E. Jaffe Carolyn Loach Blodgett Charles W. Plummer Susan Johnson Gaudet Roy F. Jeffrey Nancy Page Felini John P. Sherry Priscilla Pugsley Bolduc Valerie Veilleux Forrante Stephen A. Schneps Lawrence Johnson, Jr. Doris Belisle Bonneau Geraldine Kelley Sherry Joseph Siegel Philip L. Kimball, Jr. Roger T. Furlong Douglas S. Swain, Jr. Peter C. Bowen Rebecca Goode Furman Cynthia Cashman Smith Bernard S. Labbe Alan H. Bradstreet W. Douglas Weaver Marvin H. Glazier Jay S. Smith John A. Lacadie James M. Bryant

Dawn Su6i Goffi Edna Varney Stein Dorothy McGrath LaFrance Donald H. Burke HONOR ROLL William S. Stetson, Jr. Valarie C. Lamont Henry A. Goodstein Douglas W. Aitken Vera Callahan Douglas W. Greenlaw M. Arlene Casey Stewart Gilbert E. LaVallee Mildred Rogers Cannon Joel E. Alpert Hazel Constantine Gull Alan B. Schwartz Nellouise Maxim Lemire Robert K. Chabot C. William Anderson Meredith S. Sweetser Frank J. Levandoski, Jr. Patricia Hutchinson Hall William J. Baker Dennis C. Chamberlin Mary Jo Takach Therese Langlois Levandoski Pauline Stevens Chervincky Ronald E. Harrell Nancy Cain Baker Julie Litchfield Tallman Paul F. McGuire Carol Ireland Harrell John E. Bamford Gayle Couture 'Chick Arthur P. Taylor Joyce L. McPherson Charles H. Hart Mary S. Biscoe Linda Rand Clark Jacqueline Dennison Thurlow Eugene D. Morin Joseph F. Cleary Stanley B. Haskell Richard E. Blake Fred C. Thurston Phyllis Johnson Morris Elaine R. Cohen John E. Hawes Judith Jones Blake John C. Toothaker Loralee Perkins Nelson James R. Henneberry A. William Boehner Gary W. Collins Richard P. Tozier Catharine Craig Newell Alice Harris Hopkins Bertrand R. Bolduc Sharon Pratt Collins Mark D. Troubh Danelee Taylor Newson Frederick B. Conlogue Cherng C. Hwang Robert B. Bramhall, Jr. Barbara Lester Truex Charles T. Nichols Richard J. Curry, Jr. Donna Abbott Ingalls Anne Claxton Brauer Ivan E. Braun, Jr. Theodore A. Waldron Barbara Jordan Niekerk Bruce J. Dahms Jean Griffiths Ives Joseph E. Ware, Jr. W. Kent Olson Harry Dame Ralph S. Johnson Judith White Braun Vivian Marcotte Davis Sarah Taylor Breckner James W. Wartluft Sally Hichborn Page Stephen P. Johnson Jeanette Swartwout Whittier Phyllis A. Deringis Edgar S. Brewer Jacqueline Noel Palmenberg Carol Jesraly Josel Bruce E. Wilcomb Carolyn Wilcox Palmer Rita Freyman Dibner Michael C. Keller Sharon Bailey Brinn Caroline J. Dodge Byron E. Brooks Frederick Woodruff Peter F. Paton Mark B. Kinney Richard 0. Paul John F. Doran, Jr. Robert J. Kittredge Stephen R. Bryant Kay Paradis Eaton Jane L. Carter Cheryl Gordon Paul Byron E. Kopel 1968 Constance Merrifield Perry Richard A. Ellis Bruce B. Cary Linda S. Farrar Janet Simmons Krapovicky CENTURY CLUB Theodore J. Pettengill Sandra C. Larlee Dana F. Cary Dennis E. Folsom Douglas B. Burdick George D. Pillsbury Frances Butcher Lawrence George R. Castillo Donald S. Foote Gordon I. Erikson, Jr. Barbara Clukey Plisga Herschel M. Lerman Philip G. Caverhill Herbert R. Fountain Roger B. Clark Donna Porter Erikson George J. Platter Charles P. Lerner John P. Plourde Robert A. Gardner Patricia K. Cochrane Kenneth A. Murray John W. Libby Justin H. Poland Bernadette Soucy Gaspar Bradford W. Cook Jo-Anne George Elsie M. Lindblom Kristin Selma-Larson Cook MAINE STAY CLUB Carl H. Rasmussen Jacquelyn Bagley Reith Richard D. Gleason George S. Lindeman, Jr. Carlsen Williams Cook Roger w. Brace, Jr. Janice McFarland Glidden Lawrence F. Roberts Barbara Currie MacKenzie Willie E. Corbett Sharon Clifford Charles F. Halsted, III Bruce W. MacKinnon Gerard J. Corcoran, Jr. Lester E. Denison Sylvia Snowman Roberts Rita J. Rosen Bradford D. Harmon James R. Maynard Julie Warren Corcoran Rodney A. Farris Frances C. Hartgen Forrestine Abbott McNeary Janice Blethen Cramer George A. Ferguson Gerald E. Sawyer Grace Preble Sawyer Carol E. Hasenfus Sargent B. Means Jeannine B. Cyr Richard R. Gordon Richard C. Hawkes Diane Derby Minnis Pamela Smith Davis Carol Utterback Guerrin Susan A. Shubert Thomas G. Skolfield Patricia Nobert Hawkes Priscilla R. Morin Wayne S. Decker William R. Horner Frederick C. Hodgkins Edward J. Mountainland Raymond W. Doyen Linda Wood Hunt Kenn E. Sinclair Crystal Piper Slatick Albert E. Hodsdon, III Terry L. Nelson Anncharlene Dresner Nancy Cook Mabee Susan Ames Speirs Barry M. Hollis Thomas W. Nelson Louis E. Droste, III Joseph D. MacDonald Roy B. Spugnardi Richard A. Holmes Jadine Raynes O’Brien James W. Drummond James B. McDonough Patricia Mooney Hughes Charlene Wilde Staples Peter S. Paiton Mary Blodgett Duprey Charles Milmine Judith Card Staples Steven Hughes Barbara Bristol Paiton Bruce F. Edge Anne E. Pearson Stephen T. Hughes Gladys L. Steputis Paula Beaulier Paulson Nancy Lee Ehlert Douglas S. Perry Julia F. Hutchins Vinal J. Stewart Nancy Buck Peck Bernice Miller Emple Kathleen M. Quinn Sonja Bergman Junkins

Brenda M. Erickson Janis Ford Swain Roger C. Storms Sadajior Koizumi Stanley J. Plisga, Jr. Kathleen J. Surpless Cheryl L. Evans Donald L. Tebbets Patricia Kusnierczyk Keir Robert V. Prescott Vivian Z. Whitman Robert M. Swan Priscilla Moore King Arthur C. Ray Y. Leon Favreau Thomas T. Taylor, III Richard A. Field Stuart A. Kopel Wallace S. Reed Peggy Shaw Titherington Judith Wescott Field HONOR ROLL Paul A. LeBlanc Paul Ringwood William H. Ford David N. Alden James R. Tompkins Jill Robertson LeBlanc Linton A. Robinson Mary-Ellen Reeks Veno Margaret S. Fuller Andrea L. Allain Julie A. Lomac Susan Stahr Roeser David N. Barbour Betty Jane Vrooman Susan Swett Lowe Janet R. Rogers James Goffi Carol Smith Whittier Ann Dennett Greene Paul W. Barbour Pauline Lowell David J. Rosenberg Lawrence S. Barden Jane Walker Woodruff Dale L. Malzman Ronald M. Rudio Linda Carr Griffin Sumner C. Wright Joseph N. Grondin Donald B. Barter Victoria Henderson McBreairty Ann Thibodeau Seitz Joseph T. Barth Danny P. McDougold Jill Guinon Slocum Penny King Halberstadt Toby B. Hammond Dianne Hadley Barth 1969 Marc T. McNeilly Nancy A. Slocum Virginia A. Berglind Duncan T. Moore Gerald S. Smith Jane L. Harding CENTURY CLUB Barbara Doal Harmon Paul A. Billodeau Susan Grange Morgan Libby P. Soifer Gusta Borjeson Bondeson Elizabeth stavers Barden Karen A. Moriarty Susan Weston Sommers Steven Harth John M. MacBrayne, III John H. Boody Martha l. Morrison David C. Staples Paul W. Herrick Cynthia Brown Robertson Carole A. Hoffses Janet Reed Boody Maurice J. Murray A. Carol Full Stewart Prances M. Brennan Bernard J. Normand Raymond H. Houston,III MAINE STAY CLUB Karl W. Stritter Owen H. Bridgham Linda Bradley Osborn Thomas J. Jendrysik Mary Jane Seeley Ames Dora Pinkham Strout Margaret Wilde Jiuliano David G. Broadbent James C. Otis Pamela L. Beal Janet Howard Sundman Martha Berglind Burnham Carroll Johnston Pasquell Kay York Johnson Eunice L. Bemis Robert J. Thompson Margarot Johnson Kenoyer Tamora Nash Burrell Sylvia Lesperance Payeur Dean Titcomb Edith McVay King Warren A. Buzzell Gerard R. Blais M. Barbara Perry Bonnie Marshall Tompkins Peter R. Lammert Dennis J. Carey William A. Bruce Jeffrey Peterson Chandler Sidney Gates Varian Clinton C. Lawry, III Paul L. Caron Deborah G. Karen A. Priddle Sarah E. Wadleigh Mary Chase Lawton Barbara Devoe Cary George T. Dangelmayer Richard J. Rabbe Priscilla Goodwin Ware Paul K. Leeman Joan Taylor Chandler Emerson L. Gorham, Jr. Nathan J. Rand Gretchen Harris Ramsay Katherine Konecki Wellehan Billie Ward Libby Richard R. Chasse Effie Dodge Griffin Wendy Witham Wilkerson Robert M. Chervincky Charlotte A. Harrington Nancy Sargent Rasmussen Ian B. Lindsey Ruth A. Reed Marjorie Todtman Winokur Margery Lipton John B. Corey James G. Huard Sybren Y. Reitsma Cheryl McLaughlin Young Eleanor Green Long Lorraine Labbe Corey Linda Wood Hunt David E. Irish Paul T. Richards Sandra Homan Lopez Barry W. Crouse Nancy Millay Curtis Nancy Willey Irish Sherry Johnston Robertson Fred J. Lovejoy M. Patricia Robey 1967 Elizabeth Hoyt Lovejoy Michael H. Dann Marilyn L. Ladner Judith Taylor Dann William M. Lott Jonathan S. Rockett PINE TREE CLUB Howard P. Lowell Mary Squiers Rosenthall Arthur Nicholson Leslie Brocksbank Lucas Lloyd R. Davis, Jr. Andrea Hayes Lott 15S Steve Ross Patricia Amsden Flynn Gale R. Barker v Andrew T. Straz FRIENDS George Sakellaris Paul R. Fontaine Thomas M. Bausher Linda Dore Straz J Spencer T. Bernstein, Jr. Donna M. Thibodeau Judith Grout Savary Richard A. Forbes PRESIDENTS' CLUB Helen A. Fortin Carol A. Bondy Reno J. Thibodeau Jennifer Smith Schechter Mrs• Harry A. Hartley Steven Freedman Diana Goldsmith Brickel Kathryn J. Thompson Robert G. Shafto, Jr. In memory of husband John B. French Donald C. Broderick William A. Thompson Alan K. Shevis Harry A. Hartley '27 Michael P. Friedman John M. Bulger Paul M. Thibodeau Beverly Persky Shevis Lyle C. Jenness Michael J. Shinay Walter A. Fuller, III Elizabeth A. Chadwick Patricia J. Tinkham George E. Chalmers Regina F. Toole Mrs. Richard F. Talbot Jean Littlefield Smith William J. Gill In memory of husband Kathy Saunders Gleason Marjorie Dikeman Chamberlain Thomas G. Tucker, Jr. Candace Hilton Smith Richard F. Talbot '07 Oscar S. Smith, Jr. Susan Pongonis Gordon Gerald Chirnonmas Bruce D. Turmenne Brenda L. Greenwood Nancy J. Churchill Nancy Carman Smith Laurie Waterman CENTURY CLUB Barbara B. Hall Margaret T. Clancey Pamela Smyth Cynthia Johnston Watson Mrs. Henry D. Fallon Alan P. Hallee Richard C. Clark Lawrence H. Spiller, Jr. Martha L. Whitcomb In memory of Deborah Feyer Harris Rebecca B. Clifford Mary Harmon Spugnardi Stephen H. Whitcomb Col. Thomas F. Fallon '54 Robert J. Hawkes Joseph W. Cook Beverly Bennett Steele Thomas E. White C. D. Farnsworth Nancy Sprowl Stetson Dale R. Inman Sheilya A. Cookson Joanne Unnold Wells Arthur G. Corliss, Jr. John R. Gosnell Morton Strom James R. Keir George V. Wiest Mrs. Edward D. Hunt Lorraine Boyington Corliss Gail Peters Swenson Percy B. King, Jr. Julia F. Woodcock In memory of husband Ronald D. Tailman Randall T. Knight James A. Cormier Margaret Brann Wooley Edward D. Hunt '30 Wayne Cote Charles S. Tatham Thomas H. Knight Lind L. Wye Kimball A. McMullin Linda Jenkins Taylor Catherine Ouellette Lacadie Robert F. Creteau Jonathan B. Young Frederick F. Stevenson Jonathan B. Taylor Anthony Lecertosa, Jr. Neal A. Cross Margaret Rode Zubik Robert H. Warner Kenneth R. Landry Charlotte Weaver Cross Robert A. Thayer Mrs. James F. White Patricia Berggren Landry Dean H. Curtis Linda Patten Thayer Candace L. Lawrence 1972 In memory of husband Geoffrey Titherington Donald R. Curtis James F. White '30 Eunice Gill Tompkins Dorothy L. Levasseur Kerry Huggins Curtis MAINE STAY CLUB

Larry J. Veilleux Arleen J. Lippincott Johanna M. Cyr Catherine Weeks Blackwell MAINE STAY CLUB Margaret Susi Veilleux Shiao Huei Lo George E. Dersham, Jr. Garret E. Cole Dwight A. MacArthur Mr. & Mrs. Percy F. Crane Jane A. Wardwell Ernest C. Dobbs, Jr. Pauline H. Gartley Maurice J. Fineson Roseavis Warren Jan Tweedie Maillett Doreen Doyle Dodge Earl G. Hill Mrs. Gerald C. Marble Grant P. Watkins Gerry L. Marcus Deborah Donald Russell G. Martin In memory of husband

James W. Weaver Carol Conners May Vaughn M. Douglass Robbie D. McNelly Gerald C. Marble *17

Virginia Farwell Weaver Kevin P. McArdle Joyce Libby Douglass Timothy R. Smith Mrs. William Muir Barbara J. Wilkinson Marvin J. McBreairty Karla Harris Downs Dominick F. Susi, II Mr. fi Mrs. Edward M. Switzer Cynthia T. Willets Cheryl A. McCall Cheryl Hanson Edgecomb Stanley M. Wallace Kenneth J. Wooley Caroline Harriman McGillicuc Pamela S. Edwards HONOR ROLL Gloria Schneps Zwirn John W. McGrail Edward W. Emerson, Jr. Susan E. Ainaire Alysan R. Baker HONOR ROLL Paula E. McLain James C. Emery Robert I. Adriance Csaba M. Farkas Robert W. Baker John K. McLean In memory of wife William J. Fenton G. Melvin Barclay 1970 Ann McLellan Florence Buck Adriance '04 Donald P. Flaig Calvin C. Barnard CENTURY CLUB Janice McMahon McNeilly Mrs. Isadore L. Alpert Albert W. Milasauskis, Jr Albert L. Fowler Willard F. Bartlett Edward A. Van Dyke, Jr. John L. Bastey, III In memory of husband Jean Leighton Mileham George Fowler Isidore L. Alpert '34 Elaine Sinclair Fowler Paula S. Beaulieu MAINE STAY CLUB Susan Rocheleau Moore Robert J. Barrett, Jr. Stephen C. Fulton William D. Berger Adele Zucchi Ames Karen Burr Morin Frederick K. Barry Marie S. Murray Alfred T. Galella Roger R. Bilodeau Lauris C. Ames Clarence E. Bennett Patricia J. Newmark James H. George David A. Boardsen Barbara E. Betterley John M. Blake Gretchen Janice E. Giovannucci Susan Washburn Bradstreet Beth A. Camp Chapin Olson Edward F. Carr Larry A. Parks Kenneth E. Gordon Darrell J. Breed Joanne Stiles Conn Galen L. Cole Linda E. Perkins Brooks Brown, Jr. Brian J. Conroy Susan Gledhill Harper Walter W. Crane Terry 'Webber Pettengill Susan Crandall Hayward David A. Brown Linda Beaulieu Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Jasper F. Crouse Nancy L. Priest Stanley E. Herrick, III Helen Gammon Brown Thomas S. Craigs Ruth E Stephen P. Cary Carl Dachs Josiah H. Drummond, Jr. Rehr Charlotte Kantola Herrick Robbie-Jean Smith Rice Paula P. Hinton Lyndell A. Cole Ms. Phyllis H. Davidson Ronald E. Dyer Brenton L. Robinson Karen Stowe Hollis Judith A. Collamore In memory of Sally Devereux Ellms Diane Faucher Roderick Elaine C. Corning Erwin H. Hussey '07 Hayes E. Gahagan Katherine LeConte Holmes Allan Rodway Davis Holt Anthony J. Culpovich Mrs. Arthur L. Deering Harland Goodwin, Jr. William Cutts Robert D. Dunlap Donna P. Gray George E. Rollins Lawrence E. Hoyt, Jr. David M. DaCunha James Dunphy Verne B. Ingersoll, II Kenneth P. Roy Deborah Siegel Immerman Anne Dearstyne Earl Eastwood William G. Leavitt Carolynn J. Ruzbarsky Nancy Campbell Jones Rosemary D'Agostino SalesJ Sarah Jane Kilcrease Anne Marie Desmarais Frederick C. Emery Martha Jean Bush Leavitt Dian Dunn Football Team Josephine A. Leeman Peter M. Saucier Dennis P. King William Earley Herbert L. Fowle, Jr. James R. Leighton Ann Wirths Saucier Sandra Emerson King Ferris A. Freme Priscilla A. Lyons Daniel L. Savoy Randall S. Leighton E. Lawrence Ellis Gannett Hall Arthur J. Nemon Robert K. Scribner Rudolph H. Light Jane Fenderson Linda R. Pellicani A. William Seepe Richard C. Little Cynthia J. Fick John C. Gillis Richard H. Shaw, II Alberta Van Horn Shute Ellen Cronin Little Thomas D. Gaddis Steve Gould Patricia Nebb Shaw James H. Simerl William H. MacKenzie Diane Michaud Galella Mrs. Harold L. Greene Cheryl Lawson Spencer Martha Young Simerl Deborah Michaud Maddi Faith Livingstone Garrold In memory of husband John J. Spofford Katherine Mutty Sinclair Donald R. Maheu Albert J. Harris Harold L. Greene '35 Stanley R. Stevens Kenneth J. Smaha Stanley E. Malcolm Katherine L. Hillman Hancock Hall Joan Marks Stevens Francis M. Smith Robert T. Harchildon, Jr. Kelvin W. Hodgdon Mrs. Roger W. Haven Wayne T. Smith Martha Mayo David H. Hollenberg In memory of Donald I. Tardiff Christine E. Hough Robert J. Smullin Martha Robinson McDowell Pauline Stearns Loring '31 Shirley Anderson Tardiff Edward S. Huff Kim B. Thompson James E. Sohns Brian W. McGorrill Richard Holmes David M. Hutcheson Laurel Packard Spear Janet Emerson Mead In memory of Jane Blackwell Thompson Bruce Hutson Sandra L. Spearan Paul J. Michaud Richard Holmes '29 Cathy Bryant Trumbull James R. Hynson Allison Ladd Woodward Patricia A. Squiers Robert E. Minott Inter-Dorm Board Cynthia Wallace Storck Amanda Haley Moore Arlene Porter Johnson Intramural Athletic Assoc. Elise Jones HONOR ROLL Robert J. Taylor Brian S. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Junkermanr Karen J. Kladivko Judith I. Anderson Emily Woodcock Templeton Mary Patricia Murray In memory of

James P. Aucoin Gary F. Thorne Frederic J. Nassar Sally M. Leavitt Otto E. Junkermann '68

Louise DeBlois Austin Natalie Harding Timberlake Virginia E. Newell Vivian D. Leblac Kennebec Hall Pluma Backman R. D. Treadwell David L. Nichols Roger H. Ledoux Marvin I. Lainer Russell N. Banton Georgene C. Tsetsilas Robert W. Olmsted Valera E. Lowe Faculty of James E. Lanigan Patricia Stefka Battles Russell R. VanHazinga Elizabeth Olsen Ruth F. Major Elementary School Edna M. Bayliss Wendy L. Verney Lester R. Ouellette Kenneth R. Manson In memory of Frederick J. Bishop Zachary J. Walston Gregory L. Palman William D. Hattson Fanny Jacob Etzel Andrew J. Bors Cornelia T. Webb Paul E. Pangburn John J. McCormack Addie Ann Lambarth Alice M. Boutilier Janet A. White Amelia A. Payson Catherine F. McGraw Raymond Langevin David W. Breeden Ann Platter Winans David M. Peppard Harold E. McKenney Edward Lemire Glenn E. Bushel Rosemary J. Winslow Dennis R. Perham Jeffrey McNamee Ralph E. Leonard Herbert P. Cary, Jr. Lillian Fournier Wright Juana D. Perley Duane R. Nadeau Philip K. Libby Sandra Chaloult Cheryl Merrifield Young Clayton A. Pinette Brian M. Nason In memory of Louis A. Ornstein Stephen Q. Champlin Jeffrey T. Young Timothy C. Powers Beulah Ferren '22 James M. Peterson Richard L. Chick Stephen J. Zimniski Ellen Pratt Walter M. Luce Judith L. Petnov John A. Christopher Michael Zubik Karl E. Pulkkinen Ethel MacLeod William A. Philbrook Mary Moore Clark Jane Harris Pulkkinen Manhattan Trophies Carol E. Rabin Charles R. Pidacks Vinal B. McGinley Mary Scott Clark Robin R. Reed Lee A. Prager Maureen T. Cochrane 1971 Mrs. Jeremiah J. Mulcahy Sally Richardson Rice Laurene Guerin Prude David H. Coltin Owen 0. Osborne MAINE STAY CLUB Susan J. Ringer Marilyn E. Reilly Somerset Hall Ethel Tousignant Coltin Susan Bodwell James C. Rohman Christopher E. Rollins Jean A. Connon Helen M. Robinson Carlton W. Ellms, III Janet E. Russell Lisa Jewell Rosebrook Mrs. George E. Springer Nancy Cogburn Cormier Linda Stone Gahagan William J. Ruzsa Dominic W. Ruggerio In memory of husband Enola Sinclair Couture James J. Kearns Sari A. Ryder Gail A. Santerre Sara J. Cox George E. Springer '10 ^Marcia L. Pauls Donald P. St. Pierre Timothy R. Sawyer Stodder Hall Charlotte Weaver Cross Ann Robertson Robert J. Sales! Lawrence A. Smith Eleanor Chaplin Dann Howard Sturgeon, Jr. Nancy Langdon Stamps Elizabeth N. Sandell Cynthia Cofran Smith Kent H. Ward Louise Henry Dean Charles V. Stanhope Raymond E. Scribner Richard J. Staples Addie M. Weed Cathy A. Dearborn Michael P. Stevens John W. Denley Lucille Levesque Scribner Craig Stevenson Mrs. Mavis C. Wilson Andrew G. Sutherland Anne E. Scully Philip E. Downs Stephen R. Sutter John A. Woodcock Ronald L. Seifer Emily Warren Taylor Mrs. Keith E. Young Phillip R. Durrell HONOR ROLL David D. Sexton Catherine A. Tripp In memory of husband C. Robert Eckman Cynthia Maxwell Alden Margaret Dolan Eckman Eric R. Sjostrom Julia D. Vickers Keith E. Young *43 Clayton R. Atkinson Peter G. Smith John C. Walter Pamela Tabbutt Elwell Ronda P. Bailey *A list of In Memoriae Teresa Kadi Farkas Robinson Speirs, Jr. Heather A. Waterman contributions made through George W. Baker Linda Jackson Fisher Russell W. Spinney Thomas E. Wells the Annual Alumni Kathleen Baltezore Laura S. Sproul Freeman H. Wright Fund is printed on page 10. 16$ Alumni & Other Voluntary Giving to UMO

Office of Development j The Department of Development receives chari­ table contributions in the following ways: General Alumni Association Scholarships, loans and awards In addition to support of the alumni office, Fellowships, and faculty awards alumni giving through the Annual Alumni Fund Contributions to Departments each year provides scholarships and loan assis­ Matching Gifts tance. Alumni class funds are endowed in the University of Maine Foundation University of Maine Foundation* and in the UMO Pooled Life Income Funds Endowment Pool,* both of which contribute for Gifts-in-Kind (art, books and equipment) the most part to student aid. Special group interests, i.e., In addition, the Association provides funds Parents & Friends Assoc. for university projects on the Orono campus. In Patrons of the Fine Arts the twelve year history of the Fund $1,628,546 Friends of History has been raised. For the 1971-72 campaign a Students7 Library Fund record total of $237,286 was realized. As part This past year these contributions totaled of the Annual Alumni Fund $20,629 was con­ $949,295.29. It should be noted that this does tributed to the Winthrop C. and Elizabeth T. not include State, Federal, Industrial, or other re­ Libby Student Assistance Fund. search grants. One of our greatest strengths is wills and bequests that people leave to the Uni­ versity of Maine at Orono.

Pulp and Paper Foundation Pine Tree State 4-H Foundation The University of Maine Pulp and Paper The Pine Tree State 4-H Foundation is an or­ Foundation receives substantial contributions of ganization which raises money in Maine for its educational and scientific programs from youth activities. During the past 11 years the alumni and friends in the paper industry. The an­ Foundation has contributed funds through the nual report for 1972 shows income from various Cooperative Extension Service for youth programs memberships, investments, gifts and net gain on around the state. It is a volunteer support group sale of securities to be $237,817.95. Other major of citizens. Income this past year has included contributions are gifts of named scholarships. contributions from individuals, dairy shows, There has been an increase of 4 scholarships capital fund activities, auctions and investments over the last year, bringing the total now to 32, for a total of $38,565.23. with a value exceeding $350,000.

*The University of Maine at Orono/Bangor has an endowment pool administered by the Board of Trustees and shows in the report ending June 30, 1972, to be $5,879,063.39 for the Orono/Bangor campus.

*The University of Maine Foundation serves the state-wide university system. However, the Foundation was established in 1934 for the then only Orono campjs. The fund has now grown to $2,299,870.18, an in­ crease of $68,145.09, since June 30, 1973.

9 In Memoriam Contributions New Alumni Team {continued, from page 7)

(continued from AFF Recognition Insert p. 16s) dent of Northern Connecticut UMO

Joseph B. Chaplin '21 Mr. & Mrs. A. David Lewis Alumni Association. The spring phase Leola C. Ellis Mrs. Reginald J. Lewis of the appeal will be headed by a Dr. & Mrs. James R. Mabee Mr. & Mrs. Robert Putnam alumnae leader Helen Pierce '41, Royal-Globe Insurance Companies Mrs. Kera Millard former Alumni Council member and National Association of Secondary School Prin Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Ruddy cipals Donald M. Sencer a representative of the Maine Alum­ Rotary Club of Bangor Mrs. Harry V. Snyder ni on the Board of Trustees at the State's Principal's Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sredl time when such representation was Division of Professional Activities Thomas Tashjian offered the alumni. Fred H. Tufts Mr. & Mrs. J. E. VanDien Mr. & Mrs. George W. Tufts *Deceased George Hitchings '37 of Darien, Carleton Lewis '27 Arthur Tibbetts Connecticut, who is president of Mac­ Arthur H. Lewis—Associates Arbutus Chapter No. 19 O.E.S. Kay-Shields Economics, Inc., an eco­ John J. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Ballantyne, Jr. nomic consulting firm in New York Mr. & Mrs. G. Milton Ball Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Brown City will lead a program to have all Bergen County Coaches Association Mr. & Mrs. Carl Evans Mrs. Andrew Campbell Friends and neighbors of Liberty Maine grads in companies with match­ Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cedarholm Mrs. S. Frances Parkman ing corporate gift programs take ad­ Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cox STEIN CLUB vantage of the opportunity to double T.C. Field and Company Black Bear Club of Rhode Island their annual contributions. Last year Glen Rock Education Assoc. Southern Penobscot Alumnae these corporate matching gifts brought Grade Student Council—Glen Rock Junior CENTURY CLUB High School Androscoggin Valley Alumnae $19,365 to the Annual Alumni Fund. Staff of Glen Rock Jr. & Sr. High School North Shore Alumni Association Hitchings is president of the Class of Glen Rock Jr. & Sr. High School Southern Kennebec Alumni Association 1937, a member of the Alumni Coun­ Mr. & Mrs. TJ. Gorham ASSOCIATIONS cil and was vice president of the Marie B. Haffey Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Hance Detroit Alumni chapter. Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Herbermann CLASSES-FRATERNITY Wilson anticipates a vigorous re­ Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Hinkeldey sponse to his plans from younger Hobbyists Unlimited Class of 1922 alumni, those graduated since 1964. Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Hogg ZAK. Class of 1933 1 Mrs. George H. Keller, III Here he has as vice chairman DavieB’i . Class of 1962 Mrs. Estelle B. Knapp E. Svendsen, a 1965 graduate who led Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Knobel Maine teams on the basketball court Mrs. Carleton Lewis Alpha Tau Omega and who was a Senior Skull, and is I currently on the staff of Needham High School in Massachusetts. Handling the vitally important awards and recognition aspects of

the drive with Wilson is Thomas J. * Desmond '33, with past experience in alumni work as a member of the ( Council and former president of the s local alumni association in Boston and Realtors insurers Chicago. He is currently president of main Sr . CAMDEN, MAINE, the Cape Cod alumni club. He will 207.236-4311 t also second Wilson in many aspects Offices Camden Vinalha of managing the fund program.

JIM ELLIOTT '51 Individual and Group Manager, Real Estate Sales ! Travel Arrangements I 1973-74 Annual anywhere in the world He Solve Real Estate Problems Alumni Fund Appeal Let L's Help You Sell Or Buy NO ADDITIONAL COST Mailings and regional programs I Gate 98 Central St. Bangor, Maine 947-6776 will start in mid-October.

1 10 Alumni are offered low A call for Career Award nominations Though retired President Winthrop cost life insurance plan C. Libby '32 has just been presented the General Alumni Association's 1973 The news is out. Your Alumni As­ person. Then, by adding 40% more to Career Award, it is time to think about sociation's collective buying power has that person's Life premium, the other the 1974 recipient. The nominating been put at your disposal to benefit spouse is insured for 40% as much Life committee has planned a November you, your personal planning and your insurance and all your eligible, de­ committee meeting and needs nomina­ family. j pendent children—now and in the fu­ tions from the alumni body. Through this program, your having ture—are insured for $200 from age This award is given to an alumnus attended the University of Maine at 14 days to 6 months and for $2000 who has revealed the quality of the Orono one year or more now enables each thereafter until age 23. No extra educational excellence of the Univer­ you to get valuable term-life insurance charge is made for the children. sity of Maine at Orono by his or her protection for yourself—or your spouse Some other features of our Alumni outstanding record in professional, —at significant savings. Details were Group Life Insurance plan are: business, civic or other public service. recently mailed to you announcing the *Medical exams are normally not Please send all nominations accom­ program to all alumni, together with required. panied by a supportive statement a letter from Ralph L. Hodgkins '59, *Extra accidental death and dis­ before Nov. 1 to Les Nadeau, Executive President of the General Alumni As­ memberment benefit are available. Director, North Hall, Alumni Center, sociation and Lester J. Nadeau '59, Costing but pennies a week for year- University of Maine, Orono, Maine Executive Director. round coverage, it is considerably 04473. Under the program, from $10,000 more reasonable than buying travel- to $50,000 of term-life insurance may only policies or per-trip insurance at be purchased at group rates—rather airports. than the regular, individual policy *Waiver of premium is provided in rates you might normally pay. For ex­ case of the primary insured's becoming ample, you or your spouse can have totally disabled. 0,000 of this life insurance under *AII insureds have a right to ex­ age 30 for less than $.45 a week! change group term-life benefits for A village in the wilderness. Nearest service Low price is not the only feature. group permanent insurance, under to Baxter State Park on the west. Greenville 43 miles, Millinocket 32 miles, Patten 65 Through group-buying efficiency/ fine contract stipulations. miles. quality and flexibility are also created. The Enrollment Period for this pro­ • Boats and motors for rent Not on'y* may your spouse enroll, gram is limited, so applications cannot • Gas and oil • Non-resident licenses even though not of our alumni body, be accepted after the enrollment • Modern ranch houses there is also a special "all family" period ends. If you have not received • Two-room apartments • Campsites • Open for Snowmobiles after January 1 coverage available. It works as fol­ the enrollment material already or do lows. . . not in the very near future, rush the Evelyn Pray '37 - Charles Pray '73 Either you or your spouse selects the Request Form below to the Alumni Ripogenus Dam, Greenville, Maine Life Insurance benefit wanted for that Office. Radio - Tel. 207-989-3636 04441

INFORMATION REQUEST TO: General Alumni Association University of Maine at Orono North Hall, Alumni Center Orono, Maine 04473 LESLIE S. RAY Please have complete detai's on our Alumni Group Term Life Insurance Program INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. mailed to me as soon as possible. Les Ray ’50 927-2600 CARROLL & RAY, INC. Name ...... REALTORS Address ...... Stu Carroll ’51 922-2527 129 Dodge Street (Route 1A) City...... State ...... Zip ...... Beverly, Mass. Class ...... (whether graduate or not) 11 Mary Ellen Chase Retired WW II submarine hero dies Retired Admiral Frank Wesley Fenno, In 1951, the University of Maine % dies at 86 70, a member of the class of 1923 awarded him an honorary doctor of Maine-born Mary Ellen Chase '09/ from Bethesda, Maryland died on laws degree. He retired in 1961. Two professor, author and lecturer died August 16 in Kensington, Maryland. sons, Charles '52 and Frank '55, were July 28 at Northampton, Mass, at He attended UMO for two years before both graduated from Orono. Ad­ the age of 86. entering and graduating from the miral Fenno leaves his widow, Avis Miss Chase began her never-ending United States Naval Academy, An­ (Cochran) Fenno, three sons, three education at Blue Hill Academy, the napolis, Maryland in 1925. sisters and 12 grandchildren. He was town of her birth, which was to be­ The submarine hero of World War buried with full military honors at come the setting for many of her II was decorated with three Navy Arlington National Cemetery. The Uni­ works. After earning her bachelor of Crosses for his valor during service. versity's Carillon, a gift of Alfred Ling- arts degree in history from Orono He retired in 1951 after having been ley '20 which was dedicated to she followed with her master's degree commander of the U.S. Base in Quan- Admiral Fenno, played the Navy Hymn • and doctorate from the University of tanamo Bay, Cuba. in his honor the day of the funeral. Minnesota. She kept Maine in her heart and works though she was a professor of Yesterday's yearbooks for sale English at Smith College from 1926 The Alumni Center has many old PRISM's stored away going back to until 1955. Besides her family home 1899! We thought we would give alumni a chance to complete their college in Blue Hill she maintained a home at years set by ordering one or more of them. The years that we have extra Petit Manan, Me., named "Wind­ copies are 1899, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, swept" after one of her most success­ 1911, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1924, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1933, ful novels. 1934, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941,1942, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, She held honorary degrees from the 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, University of Maine, Smith College, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970 and 1971. Use the handy order form below to order Northeastern University, and Bowdoin, your yearbooks at $2.00 each (postage paid). Make checks payable to the Colby and Wilson colleges. General Alumni Association, and mail to: North Hall Alumni Center, Univer­ sity of Maine, Orono, Maine 04473. ERRATA In the Summer Issue of the Maine Alumnus in­ correct figures were published on the new Uni­ versity budget. According to Herbert L. Fowle, vice chancellor for finance and administration, Name Year of book(s) there was a 5% salary increase for the classified employees and an average of 6^ increase for Address professional employees. The full statement that $2.2 million was being channelled to increase enroll­ State ment at the seven campuses was also untrue, according to Fowle.


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HASCALL AND HALL, INC. 30 Market Street, Portland, Maine Rudy Violette '50 Ed Smith '50 Telephone 775-1481 Zip 04103

12 Maine coastal short story collection reviewed j By Constance H. Carlson, Acting Director of the University of Maine at Bangor, and an alumna of the Graduate School of the University of Maine at Orono, class of 1945. Is your version of the Maine coast fixed by the memory of a beautiful May Maine Day spent on the pink rocks of Mount Desert Island? Do you go to a cottage on its shoreline for your vacations? Have you explored by boat, the coves and inlets which grace Maine's coast? Or do you head for Maine's lakes and mountains for your recreation? No matter how deep or how shallow your knowledge of Maine's coasts, Edward M. Holmes, Professor of English at the University of Maine at Orono and an alumnus of its Graduate School, class of 1954, will lead you into uncharted waters both physical and psychological in his latest collection of short stories, A Part of the Main. The collection issued as Number 95 of the Maine Studies Series is attractively designed by Arline K. ^Thomson, who has also provided the cover sketch and the headnote draw­ ings for each story and sketch. Each story takes what out-of-staters like to call "Maine characters' and shows a facet of the continuing grub," reveals a cryptic economy of it, not solely summer's gentle waves struggle to preserve tradition, in­ style as well as the hard scrabble for that bemuse our visitors. His romance tegrity, often life itself. The unifying life that permeates the stories. Pro­ encompasses its turbulence, the sudden force of the collection lies in the sensi­ fessor Holmes achieves a tender descent of "pillow humps of fog," the tivity of the narration. Professor balance that prevents him from terror of "storm-whipped rocks," and Holmes has a perceptive, sophis­ slipping into the condescension of local weather so cold that a man "could ticated insight into character. It gleams color for entertainment instead of spit sleet." He describes its beaUty, too, through a salty sense of humor that character. but he reaches his height when a man laughs with his sympathetic pro­ The characters do not stick in our is tried against the sea. tagonists and slices into a bait tub minds as individuals. Instead they We understand now why Professor the sticky-fingered and selfish who put remain as pieces of a giant quilt, the Holmes' critical literary interests have self-interest above their neighbors. It kind that would be good enough to dealt so effectively with Hawthorne shows in the handling of his dialogue. display with shy pride at the county and Faulkner. The morality delves Dialogue is tricky to write, especially fair. Men, women, and children of all deep to the rightness of the thought as when the phrasing is not homogenized ages have their dignity and their folly well as the deed, and the sea in television language. Professor Holmes interwoven and displayed, but always Holmes' work, prevails as does the makes his dialogue part and parcel dominated by a major theme, the sea. land in Faulkner's. A Part of the Main of a way of life, a key to a point of Professor Holmes has the healthy rewards the reader on more than one view. The turn of a sentence, "I ain't respect and awe of the sea that comes level. It can stir memory; it can stir spending no cash of mine on fancy from all-weather years of living with conscience. 13 1925 CUTHBERT BURNS WILSON, 70, of Hono­ 1942 ANSEL JAMES SYPHERS, 69, of Dallas, lulu, Hawaii in 1972 in Honolulu. A native of Fort Texas on November 28, 1972 in Dallas. A native of Fairfield, Maine, he worked for the Hawaiian Sugar Mars Hill, he also attended Columbia Graduate Co. from 1923-40. From 1940 until 1951 he served School in New York. He led a worldwide career with the U.S. Navy. He returned to engineering with the USO that began during WWII. Survivors: after his military service. Survivors: wife, five chil­ wife. He belonged to Sigma Nu fraternity. dren, Blair ’28 of West Bath, Donald ’32 and Paul ’37 both of Bath. He was a member of Phi Gamma 1946 CHRISTINE MICHAUD MOODY (MRS. In Memoriam Delta fraternity. EVERETT), 48, of Bangor on June 5, 1973 in Ban­ gor. A native of Parkman, she also was a graduate of Eastern Maine General Hospital School of 1926 THEODORE SPURLING ROWE, 71, of Nursing. She had worked at EMMC since 1942 and Kent, Ohio on July 18, 1973 in Kent. A native of 1911 PERL ERA BLAISDELL, 85, of Augusta had been the night supervisor for 20 years. Sur­ Brewer, after his graduation from UMO he started on June 22, 1973 in Augusta. A native of Read­ vivors: husband, mother, three sons, one of whom a long career in manufacturing that would lead to field, he had been employed by the Bates Mfg. Co. is Michael John ’72, four daughters, four brothers the establishment of his own business. He worked Edwards Division for over 40 years. Survivors: and four grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. wife, one son, one daughter, one stepdaughter, with three different firms before 1943, when he three grandchildren, three great grandchildren and a started the humble beginnings of what was to be the Hamilton Kent Manufacturing Co. Hamilton 1946 HARRIET STEINMETZ FRAY (MRS. great-great- grandson. HAROLD R., JR.), 48, of Seattle, Washington on Kent, manufacturers of rubber pipe couplings, was May 27, 1973 in Seattle. A native of Minneapolis, incorporated in 1945 and since then has grown to 1913 GUY VALENTINE DYER, 85, of West Minn., she was active in the Girl Scouts. Survivors: have affiliates in the United States, Canada and the Hartford, Conn, on June 17, 1973 in West Hart­ husband, one brother, one sister, Mrs. Ralph A. Bahamas. He was very active within the community ford. A native of Calais, he was the assistant secre­ Mosher ’40 of Union Springs, N. Y., father, three on the board of education and in the Rotary. He tary of the Fidelity and Surety Department of daughters and three sons. She was a member of the was also active at Kent State University and the Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. for 59 years. He Sophomore Eagles, All Maine Women and Chi Boy Scouts in the area. Survivors: wife, one daugh­ also graduated from Hartford Law School. Sur­ Omega sorority. vivors: wife, one son, two daughters, a brother, ter and three grandchildren. He was a member of Howard K. Dyer ’10 of Portsmouth, N. H., nine Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. 1947 CECIL ANN PAVEY NELSON (MRS. grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was RAYMOND), 47, of Forest Hills, N. Y. on March a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. 1931 COL. WARD BARTLETT CLEAVES, 63, of 16, 1973 in Forest Hills. A native of Brooklyn, she Bethesda, Maryland on June 19, 1973 in Machias. 1916 ALBERT J. M. GRANT, 78, of Houlton, on graduated from Radcliffe College and New York A native of Addison, he was the founder of the June 11, 1973 in Houlton. A native of Vinalhaven, University with a LL.B. 1962. From 1962 until Cleaves Food Service Corp, of Silver Spring, Mary­ he attended UMO for one year. He served with the 1966 she was with the firm Chadbourne, Park,, land. He founded the service in 1945 after retiring U.S. Navy during WWI. He was a retired U.S. Whiteside & Wolfe, Esqs., and from 1966 until from the army after 20 years of service. In the Customs Agent. Survivors: wife, one son and four 1973 she was a trust officer for the First National army he had been the chief of food service. He granddaughters. City Bank. While at Maine she was a member of saw duty in the Pacific, Japan, Korea and China. Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Kappa, All Maine Women 1918 JOHN FREDERICK JORDAN, 74, of Phil­ He held the Legion of Merit. He was past president and Delta Delta Delta sorority. Survivors: husband, adelphia, Pa. on April 3, 1971 in Philadelphia. A of the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan one son, one daughter, Claudia L. Clement ’73, native of Bangor, he worked for 38 years with the Washington and in 1970 had been named Restaura­ mother and father. Bell, Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania. Survivors: teur of the Year. Survivors: wife, mother, one son, wife and two brothers. He was a member of Phi one sister and four grandsons. He was a member of 1948 ELIZABETH WILBUR CARTER (MRS. Delta Phi fraternity. Theat Chi fraternity. EDWARD), *47, of Dover-Foxcroft on June 27, 1973 in Dover-Foxcroft. A native of Dexter, she at­ 1918 ROBERT SINCLAIR QUIMBY, 76, of New 1934 THAXTER WEYMOUTH SMALL, JR., 62, tended the university for two yeais. Survivors: Britain, Conn, on May 26, 1973 in New Britain. A of Valdosta, Georgia on June 20, 1973 in Valdosta. mother, three daughters, two sisters, one of whom native of West Campton, N. H., he also graduated A native of Madison, Maine, he was active in the is Mrs. Beatrice Hanson ’50 of Fairfield, a brother from the Boston University Law School, and held pulp and paper industry and did considerable work and three grandchildren. a B.S. degree from Cential Conn. State College. He at the Hetty Foundataion Laboratory in Savannah, held a long career in soldiering and education. He Georgia. He was a member of the Pulp and Paper 1955 DAVID GUY FLEWELLING, 39, of Presque served during World War I. Foundation at UMO. Survivors: wife, one daughter, Isle on June 17, 1973 in Presque Isle. A native of one son and two brothers, one of whom is Laurence 1920 VIRGINIA BRACKETT MONROE (MRS. Washburn, he graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic T. ’34 of Vernon, Conn. He was a member of the Institute in 1958. He had been president of Alonzo^ ALLEN), 77, of Milo on June 25, 1973 in Milo. She Scabbard and Blade and Sigma Alpha Epsilon was a native of Milo. Survivors: one son, three E. Flewelling & Sons, Inc. in Presque Isle. He led fraternity. grandchildren and one niece. an extremely active life in the community and with the Congregational Church. Survivors: mother, 1921 GEORGE STARRETT BURGESS, 76, of 1937 JACK MURDOCK BERKSON, 56, of Water­ wife, Frances Lunt ’55, two sons, one daughter, Newport on December 12, 1972 in Bangor. A na­ town, Mass, on November 25, 1972. A native of No. two brothers and one sister. He was a member of tive of Union, he was a [oultry and orchard farmer. Adams, Mass., he received his B.A. at Williams Phi Eta Kappa fraternity. Survivors: wife, a stepdaughter, three stepsons, a College. He was a member of Tau Epsilon Phi brother and two granddaughters. fraternity. 1964 CLIFTON JOY REYNOLDS, 29, of Machias on October 7, 1971 in Machias. A native of Machias, 1922 JOHN THOMAS QUINN, 75, of Bangor 1938 JOSEPH MILTON GREENLAW, 58, of Fort he was employed by the A. J. Reynolds & Sons, on June 24, 1973 in Bangor. A native of Bangor, Inc. of Machias. Survivors: wife, one daughter, one Edward, New York on October 19, 1972 in Glen he was also a graduate of the Georgetown Univer­ son, parents and one brother. sity Law School. At the time of his death he was Falls, New York. A native of Stonington, Maine, serving his last legislative term in the Maine State for many years he worked for the Burroughs Cor­ I Senate. He was a solicitor for the City of Brewer poration as a sales representative. He served during 1969 STEPHEN CHRISTIAN KOVACIK, 26, of for 23 years and served as Penobscot County At­ WWII. Survivors: wife, one sister, nieces and neph­ Nanuet, N. Y. on April 29, 1973 as a result of an torney for a decade. Sen. Quinn was a former ews, one of whom is Gilbert Barkley MacLaren automobile accident. A native of New York City, municipal couit and probate judge. Survivors: wife, ’56. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon he was a member of the ROTC and served two years two daughters, Mary Scribner (M.S. Charles) ’49 fraternity. in the Army in Germany. Survivors: wife, Nancy of West Hartford, Conn, and Helen Mooney (Mrs. (Shannon) ’71 of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., one son and John) ’51 of Groton, Conn., two sons, James W. 1940 THEODORE MORDECAI STONE, 54, of one sister. ’54 and Robert M. ’56 both of Bangor. He was a Biookline, Mass, on June 24, 1973 in Boston, Mass. member of Sigma Nu fraternity. A native of Boston, he began his career in life 1972 SGT. LARRY STTEPHEN SMITH, 22, of insurance in 1957. He served in World War II. He Goldsboro, N. C. on June 24, 1973 in Goldsboro. 1924 LIONEL ANTHONY THERIAULT, 71, of had been a 16-year employee of the National Life A native of Farmington, he attended UMO for one Millinocket on October 21, 1972 in Millinocket. He Insurance Co. of Vermont. Survivors: wife, one year. He joined the Air Force in 1970. Survivors: wsa a native of Millinocket. Survivors: wife, one son and two daughters. He was a member of Tau wife, two sons, parents, grandmother, four half daughter and two sons. Epsilon Phi fraternity. brothers and two half sisters.



In Bangor it’s Baldacci’s Restaurant for Italian-American Food, Maine seafood delicacies, patio dining and a panoramic view of historical Penobscot River and downtown Bangor. 193 Broad Street. 945-5692 for reservations.

14 TRACK BASEBALL SPORTS SCHEDULE Dec. 1 - Massachusetts Mar. 30 — at Salisbury State (2) 5 — at Bates 31 - open for 1973-74 8- Boston University Apr. 1 - Old Dominion 12- New Hampshire 2- Old Dominion 15- Holy Cross (clip & save) 4- Virginia Commonwealth Jan. 5 — at USTFF at Dartmouth 5 — William and Mary 19-at Colby 6 — at Towson State Feb. 2- FOOTBALL Harvard 12-at Connecticut 9 — at MIAA at Bates ksept. 13 — at Connecticut 8 — at Vermont 16-at YC at Vermont 18 — at Bowdoin 15- Boston University 23-at NE at ? 22 — at Massachusetts 19- Rhode Island Apr. 13-at Colby 29- Central Connecticut 20 — Rhode Island 20-at New Hampshire Oct. 6 — al1 Rhode Island 24 — Bowdoin 27- Vermont 13- New Hampshire 26 — Massachusetts May 4 — at MIAA at Bowdoin 20- Connecticut 27- Massachusetts 11 - YC (at Orono) 27 — at Lafayette 30 — at Colby 18-at NE at ? Nov. 3- Bucknell May 2 —at Bates 3 — at 10-' Delaware SWIMMING New Hampshire 4 — at New Hampshire SOCCER Nov. 23- UMO Diving Invt. 6 — Bates 30- Springfield 7 — Colby Sept. 15- Jersey City State Dec. 1 - Massachusetts 11 — at Holy Cross (2) 19- Bates '» 8- Vermont 22-at Boston University 12- New Hampshire 26 — Colby Jan. 19- Colby 29- Massachusetts 26-at Connecticut Oct. 2-at Bates 30 — at Colby/Bowdoin Bear win opener 6 — at Rhode Island Feb. 2- Harvard 9- Bowdoin 9 —at Brown 13- New Hampshire 20-at Rhode Island against UVM 20- Connecticut 24-at Colby I SKIING The Black Bears opened the 1973-74 27-at Vermont Nov. 25-at Early Season Slalom at Squaw gridiron season with a winner against 30 — at Bowdoin Mountain the University of Vermont Catamounts Dec. 23-at Christmas Classic at Sugarloaf i CROSS COUNTRY Mountain on Sept. 8 at Vermont's home field. Sept. 15- Maine Maritime Jan. 4 — at Bates Invitational The 14-0 game was completely 22-at Vermont 8 — at UMF Giant Slalom 26- Colby 10- UMO Giant Slalom dominated by the young Maine team 29— UM Presque Isle 13 — at Hanover Relays throughout. The best individual player 17- UMO Slalom Oct. 2- Bates was Jack Lamborghini, tri-captain, 6 — at New Brunswick 24-at Colby Slalom 13- New Hqmpshire Feb. 1 - UMO Carnival who tallied 100 yards rushing on 28 20-at MIAA at Colby 8 — at Dartmouth Carnival tries. 27-at YC at New Hampshire 15-at Williams Carnival fc>v. 5 — at NE at Boston 22 - at Middlebury Carnival The Bear's season's first victory was Mar. 2 — at St. Lawrence Carnival not without a setback. Maine's place­ BASKETBALL SAILING kicker, Jack Leggett, broke his leg Nov. 30- Vermont Sep. 15 — at Dec. 1 - Vermont Maine Maritime near the ankle while intercepting a 22-at MIT 5- Bowdoin 23-at pass and was hospitalized. 8- Boston University Boston University 29-at Tufts 11 - at New Hampshire 30 — at MIT Jan. 17 — Rhode Island Oct. 6 — at tMaine Maritime 19- Connecticut Dartmouth 22 — Massachusetts 13-at 14-at Maine Maritime 26- St. Michael's 20-at MIT University of Maine 29-at Bates 27-at Maine Maritime 31 - St Anselm's * Each meet involves many teams. Feb. 6- Bates Football 8 — at Boston University TENNIS 9-at Rhode Island 12- MIT Apr. 12-at Bowdoin Invitational Live coverage now 14- Colby 17-at Bowdoin 19 —at St. Anselm's 20- Bowdoin STATEWIDE from the 20-at Bowdoin 26-at YC at Kingston 23-at Massachusetts 30 — at Colby radio station on the 27-at Colby May 8-

receive a free illustrated authoritative catalog showing original graphic arts by many of the world's greatest 1 printmakers ... acquire original fine art for your home and office, from one

of America's most respected print dealers . . . 2 b know that you are assisting in the development of your Alma Mater's art collection, while doing nothing more than here 4 naw . . . 3 buying art for yourself . . . The Ferdinand Roten Galleries and I, with the generous help and support from the UMO Alumni Association, have come up with what we think is a unique idea. . . a plan whereby you can acquire original art works for your home while at the same time assist in developing our Uni­ versity Collection. On your request, an illustrated catalog from the Roten Galleries will be sent to you at no charge. By selecting from this catalog you can acquire an authentic work of art from one of America's most reputable print dealers. Fifteen percent of your purchase goes toward the development of the University Art Collection. (You may take this amount as a tax deduction, if you want.) Putting credits together over a period of time will make it possible for us to select art works from the same Roten catalog. You may remember from your college days how the art collection beautifies the many public areas of the campus, and how it is constantly used for exhibiting and study. Over the years, the major portion of the collection has come as a result of gifts; little, or no money, being appro­ priated for the purchase of art. This proposal, then, would help in the development of your Alma Mater's collection . . . and at the same time let you acquire original art to enrich your life and those around you. Send for your free catalog and make your selections soon ... I shall let you know how success­ ful the program turns out to be. Clip off the lower portion of this page and mail it to me or to the Ferdinand Roten Galleries, 123 W. Mulberry Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Vincent A. Hartgen, Chairman, Department of Art, University of Maine, Orono, Me. 04473.

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* 9 •4 1 V o S W CLASS ...... fr A * w w > < ; r * ♦ • V * • 4 I The University of Maine at Orono General Alumni Assoc (FOR MEMBERS & THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILIES) CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE PRESENTS | BOSTON DEPARTURES! COLOR HOTEL BROCHURE PICK-A-TRIP 1974

YOUR TRIP INCLUDES: Round trip jet to St. Croix (U.S.Virgin Islands) via Pan American Airways (meals & beverages served aloft) ! Deluxe accommodations at the beautiful new Coakley Bay Condominium Hotel with private beach overlooking a spectacular view of Buck Island - site of the world's only Pan American Airways underwater Nature Trail! Optional golfing at the world-famous Fountain Valley Golf Course within three minutes ! Tennis Courts ! PICK-A-DATE Restaurant on premises! Sunday - Sunday Entertainment available ! Cocktail Lounge ! * Card & Game Room ! Optional snorkeling at Buck Island National Park ! Game Fishing Charters available ! JANUARY 13 20 Efficient hotel staff to serve your needs, including maid & / baby-sitting service! (Optional) Duty-free shopping ($200.00 per person) at low island prices ! All gratuities for chambermaids ! MARCH 17 24 All round trip transfers & luggage handling from airport to the hotel! t ( + 13% Tax & Service) Experienced escort & hotel hospitality desk I Per person Public transportation & rental cars are available I Single Supplement - $60.00 Based on two persons per bedroom in two or three bedroom suites. All suites contain two bathrooms ■ Air transportation - 179 seat Pan Am Boeing 707 Jet and cooking facilities. Cost-$105.00; Land-$142.47

YOUR TRIP INCLUDES: Direct round trip transportation to HONOLULU via DC—10 luxurious wide-bodied jet aircraft I (Hot meals & beverages served aloft) I Traditional Hawaiian F Lower Lei greeting on arrival I Deluxe accommodations at the beautiful llikai Hotel (room tax included) I FEBRUARY 23 American breakfast daily (tax & tip included) I Dinner each evening...Dine-Around Plan...Honolulu's finest MARCH 2 restaurants (tax included) I Sightseeing tour of Honolulu & Mt. Tantalus by deluxe

,rv XXM motorcoach! Saturday - Saturday xxx( Exciting low-cost optional tours available ! ( + 13% Tax & Service) All gratuities for bellboys & doormen I Per Person-Double occupancy All round trip transfers & luggage handling from airport/hotel! C* Jr Single Supplement - $80.00 Experienced escort & hotel hospitality desk I ■ Air transportation - 345 seat Overseas National Airways DINE-AROUND RESTAURANTS DC—10 Jet Cost - $190.00; Land - $249.57 GENERAL INFORMATION: Deposits are accepted on a First-Come, First-Served basis as SPACE IS LIMITED ! Final payment is due 60 days prior to departure. New bookings are accepted any time prior to departure providing space is available. Reservations may not be considered confirmed until deposits are accepted by Arthurs Travel Center. Information will be sent to you four to six weeks after your deposit is received. Cancellation without penalty will be permitted if written request is received 60 days before departure. Cancellation after 60 days will be subject to an administrative charge of $25.00 per person and there will also be a charge for the pro rata air fare unless replacement is made from a waiting list; however, the availabliity of such replacement is not guaranteed. ■Applicable government regulations require that air/land costs are quoted and that the air cost is subject to revision based on the actual number of participants; however, only the complete air/land package(s) described in this brochure is available. Price subject to change for currency fluctuation, any taxes imposed since the price of this trip has been set and enactment of applicable government regulations. RESPONSIBILITY: ARTHURS TRAVEL CENTER, INC. ‘and/or its its associated agents act as agent only for all services furnished herein and EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL RESPONSIBlLITY OR LIABILITY OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PROPERTY OR TO PERSON DUE TO ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER occurring during the tour or tours described herein. All tickets, coupons and orders are issued subject to the foregoing and to any and all terms and conditions under which the means of transportation and/or other services provided thereby are offered and/or supplied by the owners, contractors or public carriers for whom Arthurs Travel Center acts solely as agent. Arthurs Travel Center reserves the right in its discretion to change any part of the itinerary or the air carrier or the aircraft utilized without notice and for any reason. * and Univ, of Maine at Orono General Alumni Assoc. t . ______For further information, contact and mail deposits to: University of Maine at Orono, General Alumni Assoc., University of Maine at Orono, Orono, Maine 04473 PHONE: (207) 581-7331 NOTE: To ensure that you are enrolled on the trip of your choice, make certain that you use this coupon ! ! ! ------RESERVATION COUPON------THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE AT ORONO GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: PICK-A-TRIP 1974 Enclosed find deposit in the amount of $...... ($75.00 per person) for...... person(s). Please enroll us(me) on the following trip(s): ( ) ST. CROIX ( ) Jan. 13-20 ( ) March 17-24; ( ) HAWAII Feb. 23-March 2

N A M E (S)______A D D R E SS______CITY ______STATE______ZIP ______BUSINESS PHONE ______HOME PHONE------

ROOMING WITH ______Child(ren) aged 14 years or under enrolled on trip, please list age(s):------Please check if Single Supplement is desired. ( ) Please make checks payable to: Univ, of Maine at Orono General Alumni Assoc.