{Communicated to the Council.) C.130.1936.

Geneva, April 1st, 1936.


No.3 () Parte I

Official number SUBJECT

C=462(e).M.198(e).1934,XIrErrata Estimated world requirements of dangerous drug in 1935 o- Errata to the 5th Supplement to the statement of the Supervisory Body.

C.462(f).M.198(f).1934.XI @ Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1935.- 6th Supplement to the Statement of the Supervisory Body,

C.144.M.75.1935»VIII and Errata m Juridical and administrative systems in force on the frontier sections of railway lines and at .junction stations.- Report by the Smâll Committee and study by the Secretariat,

C»29o 1936«VIII Ratification and entry into force of the Con­ ventions of 1933 concerning transport of goods by rail and concerning transport of passengers and luggage by rail Report by the U.S.S.R. Representative.

C.30.1936.VIII m m Frontier traffic by rail.- Report by the U.S.S.R. Representativeo

@ Confidential document. One copy redistributed with C.L,52 and 52(a)*1936.VIII @@@ One copy redistributed with C,L=53 and 53(a )„1936.VIII One copy redistributed with C.L.52 and 52(a).1936,VIII - 2 -

C.31.1936.VIII @ Signals at level crossings . - Report by the U.S.S.R* Representative.

G.81.M.29,1936.XI m Illicit transactions and seizures of drugs reported to the Secretariat between October 1st and December 31st,1935»- Summary by the Secretariat*

C.88.M.32.1936.IV Annual reports for 1934-35 on traffic in women and children .- Summary by the Secre­ tariat.

C.89.M.33.1936.IV Decrees issued by the French Government In 1935 for the protection of mothers, children or the family,- Note by the Information Centre of the Secretariat.

C .94.M.37.1936.IV Assistance to indigent foreigners and execu­ tion of maintenance obligations abroad»- Report and second draft multilateral conven­ tion by the Committee of Experts (2nd Session, January-).

C.99.M.40.1936.II.A Austria.- 17th Quarterly report by the Repre­ sentative of the Financial Committee (4th Quarter of 1935),

C.101.M.42.1936.VII Relations between Uruguay and the U.S.S.R.- Communication from the Portuguese Government (,1936).

C.102.M,43.1936 Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of the League.- No,2 (February 1936).

C.103.M.44.1936.VII Assyrian Settlement Trustee Board,.- Declara­ tion of the French Government ( ,1936) Statutes of the Board and Financial regulations for the control of settlement funds.

@ One copy redistributed with C.L,46 and 46(a)„1936„VIII» @@Confidential document. @@@ English text only C.104.M. 45^936. VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Italian Government (.1936) and annexes«

C*105.M*46*1936.VII Age for admission of children to industrial and non-industrial employment in Àustr ia, - Note by the Information Centre of-the Secre­ tariat,

C.106.M.47,1936,VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Telegram from the Ethiopian Government (M rch 5 ;1936).

C.107.M.48.1936.VII : Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi­ cation from the Ethiopian Government (March 5,1936,)

C.109.M.49.1936*VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Ethiopian Government (March 7.1936) „

C.110.M.50.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.-Communi- cation from the Italian Government to the Committee of Thirbeen (March 8,1936).

C.111.M.51.1936.VII. Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi­ cation from the Ethiopian Government (M..rch 8.1936).

C.112.M.52.1936 Treaty of mutual guarantee bgtween Germany,France, Bolgium, Great Britain and Italy of October 16.1925, Locarno Telegrams from the French and Belgian Governments (March 8,1936).

C.113.M.53.1936 and Erratum © Treaty of mutual guarantee between Germany,Fran ce, Belgium, Great Britain and Italy, of October 16.1925, L o c a r n o Telegram from the Secre- •• tary-Ceneral to the German -Government (M rch 8.1936).

C,114.M.54.1936. Council; League _( 9J.st_ Session, M-.rch 1936).- Agenda„

@ Erratum to French text only; correcting M-, number from M.58 to M,53. - 4 -

0*116.M.55.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Et iopian Government (March 11.1936).

C.117.M,56.1936.V and Annex @ Consistency of certain Danzig legislative decrees with Danzig Constitution Note by the Secretary General and Pleadings, oral statements and documents of the Permanent Court of International Justice.

C.119.M.58.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi- cation from the Ethiopian Government (March 17.1936).

C.120.M.59.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi- cation from the Italian Government (March 17, 1936).

C.121.M.60.1936 » IV Resolutions of the Labour Conference of Ame­ rican States of concerning child welfare.- Note by the Information Centre of the Secretariat.

C.122.M.61.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi­ cation from the Ethiopian Government (March 18.1936) .

C.123.M.62.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Memorandum by the Italian Government (March 9,1936) and annexes.

C.124,M.63.1936.II,A Danzig municipal loan of 192 5.- 11th report of the Trustee (March 15,1935-March 15,1936).

C.125.M*64.1936. V Revised rules of the Permanent Court of Inter­ national Justice,- Note by the Secretary- General .

C.126.M.65.1936.V and Annex Judgments of the Hungaro-Yugoslav Mixed Arbitra1 Tribunal on Pa.jzs, Csaky and Esterhazy cases.- Note by the Secretary-General and Preliminary objection of the Yugoslav Government to the Permanent Court of International Justice.

O C.P.J.I., Series C. No.77 ©QC.P.J.I., Distr. 3534 - 5 -

C,127.M.66.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy,- C ommun i- cation from the Ethiopian Government (March 26, 1936 ).

C.129.M,68.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi­ cations from the Ethiopian Government (March 28 and 29,1936),

C.136.M,75.1936. Treaty of mutual guarantee between Germany, Belgium, France. Great Britain and Italy of October 16,1925, Locarno.- Telegram from the Secretary-General to the German Government, (March 14,1936).

C.137.M,76,1936 Telegram from the German Government to the Secretary-General (March 15,1936).

C.138»Me 77*1936, Reply of the Council to the German Government’s telegram of March 15,1936 (March 16,1936).

C,139.M.78.1936. Draft resolution submitted by the French and Belgian Governments (March 16,1936)a

C.140.M,79,1936. Reply from the German Government to the Council 6 reply of March 16,1936 (March 17,1936).

C.141.M.80.1936 Letter from the British Representative (March 20,1936)fy Proposals drawn up by the Representa­ tives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom and Italy (March 19,1936),

C,142.M.81.1936.VII Dispute bstween Ethiopia and Italy,- Communica- tion from che Ethiopian Government (March 20, 1936)c

C.143CM.82.1936„VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy,- Communica­ tion from the Ethiopian Government (March 21, 1936).

C.144.M.83.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.-_ Resolution by the Committee of Thirteen (March 23,1936). - 6 -

C.145.M.84.1936 Treaty of mutual guarantee between Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy,9c- tober 16,1925, Locarno Resolution adopted by the Council (March 24,1936)

A.8,1936.V Election of successors to M» Schucking and Mr. Kellog, judges of the Permanent Court of International Justice.- List of candidates nominated by National groups and statement of careers of candidates.

C.L.31.1936.V @ C.L.31(a).1936,V m C.L.31(b) .1936.V Ratification of conventions concluded under auspices of the League.- Letter from the Secretary-General

C I 32.1936.XI @@@3 and Annex @@@@@ C.L.32(a).1936,XI @@@@@@ and Annex Annual reports on the traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs,- Note by the Secretary- General and form

C.L.33,1936.XII Convention for facilitating the international circulation of films of an educational charac­ ter ().- Ratification by Egypt.

C.L«34,1936.XII and Annex and corrigendum Draft international convention for the pro­ tection of national historic and artistic treasures Note by the Secretary-General and text drawn up by the International Museums Office and approved by the International Committee on Intellectual co-operation

C.L.35.1936,II.A Minimum list of commodities for international trade statistics .- Note by the Secretary General and replies of Austria and Poland to the Secretary Generalrs letter of October 4,1935„

@ Distributed Mon' jo Distributed to those Members affected by new and old conventions. @@@ Distributed to those Members effected by old conventions, @@@@ Distributed to Members and. Non Members parties to 1931 convention, 0.C.1600 @@@@@@ Distributed to those Members and Non Members nob parties to 1931 convention. - 7 -

C.L.36.1936.II.BDeclaration made by Belgium when signing the International convention for the campaign against contagious diseases of animals ()c- Observations of the Netherlands.

C.L.37.1936,XII Convention for facilitatlng the international circulation of films of an educationa1 charac­ ter (October 1933)." Accession of Iraq.

C.L*38.1936.and Annex Constitution, procedure and practice of League Committees ,- Note by the Secretary-General and minutes of meeting held ,1936 by the Council.

C.L.39,1936.Y Convention concerning the age for admission of children to non-industrial employment () adopted by the International Labour Conference (16th Session).- Ratifica­ tion by .

C.L.40.1936.Y Convention concerning the creation of minimum wage fixing machinery (June 1928]"'adopted by the International Labour Conference filth Session).- Ratification by Cuba.

C.L,41.1936.XII Convention for facilitating the international circulation of films of an educational char ".pter (October 1933),- Ratification by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

C.L.42.1936.IV Withdrawal of a reservation made by Japan when signing the international convention for the_ suppression of circulation of ana traffic in obscene publications (September 1923).- Note by the Secretary-General,

C.L.43.1936.XII Appointment of the League of Nations H igh Corami s si oner for international assistance to refugees, Jewish and others, coming from Germany.- Note by the Secretary-General.

C.L.44.1936.XII and Annex. Draft international convention on the use of broadcasting in the cause of peace.,- Note by the Secretary-General , Dr ft text and expla­ natory note, preliminary texts raid explanatory notes submitted to 1st and 2nd consultations and observations of Governments on the 2nd preliminary text.

Ê French text only, distributed to signatories of the Convention, C/90th Session/P.V*6(1). C.L.45.1936.XII Revision of school text-books,,- Note by the Secretary-General, draft declaration and explanatory note. C.L.46.1936.VIII and Annex @ C.L.46/1936.VIII and Annex m ^ Signals at level crossings.- Note by the Secre­ tary-General and report of the Special Committee

C .L.47.1936.V Convention fixing the minimum age for admission of children to industrial employment (November 1919) adopted by the International Labour Conference (1st Session)Ratification by Austria.

C.L.48.1936.V Convention concerning the age for admission of children to non-industrial employment (April 1932) adopted by the International Labour Conferenco (I6th Session).- Ratifica­ tion by Austria.

C.L.49.1936.V Convention concerning workmen’s compensation for occu-pational diseases () adopted by the International Labour Conference (18th Session).- Ratification by Austria.

C .L.50.1936.XII Reservation to which the U.S.S.R. GoA^ernment desires to subject its accession to convention for facilitating the international circulation of films of an educational character (October 1933).- Observations of Denmark.

C.L.51.1936, 3@<3 and Annex C.L.51(a).1936 and Annexes 1 and 2 Co-ordination of measures under Article 16 of Covettqnt in connection with dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Mute by the Secretary- General , questionnaire for statistics of trade with Italy and telegraphic code.

@ Distributed to Members of the Lc &ue with C,31.1936.VIII Distributed to certain Non Mcrnbc s of the Lc-:^ue with C.L. 4b, 1936. VIII, Amcx and with C.51.1936.VIII @@@ Distributed to European Members represented on Co-ordina­ tion Committee with two copies of the questionnaire. @@<3@ Distributed/Non European Members represented on Co-ordi­ nation Committee with two copies of the questionnaire and one copy of the code. C.L.52.1936.VIII @ C.L.52(a).1936.VIII Frontier traffic by rail»- Note by the Secre- tary-Ceneral.

C.L.53.1936.VIII C.L.53(a).1936.VIII Ratification and entry into force of the con­ ventions of 1933 concerning transport of goods by rail and concerning transport of passengers and luggage by rail.- Note by the Secretary- General,

C .L *54.1936 »V Convention concerning the regulation of hours of work in commerce and offices(June 1930) adopted by the International Labour Conference (14th Session).- Ratification by Cuba.

C.L.55.1936.II.B International agreement relating to the exporta­ tion of bones (July 19287°- Denunciation by Finland.

C.L.56.1936.IV International convention for the suppression of the circulation of and traffic in obscene publications (September 1923).- Accession of Estonia.

C.L.57.1936.XII Inter-Governmental Conference for the adoption of the legal status of refugees coming from Germany,- Note by the Secretary-General, and provisional programme.

C.L.58.1936.V Protocol of signature concerning the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice and Optional Clause concerning this Protocol (December 1920) and Protocol relating to the accession of the U.S.Av to the Protocol of signature of the Statute of the Courô (Septem­ ber 1929).- Signature by Turkey.

@ Distributed to Members of the League with C<,30,1936*VIII and C.144.M.75.1935.VIII. Distributed to certain Non Members with C,30.1936,VIII and C.144.M.75.1935.VIII. French text only, distributed to those Members signatory of the convention with C.29.1936.VIII @©@@ French text only, distributed to those Non Members sig­ natory of the convention with C.29,1936.VIII r

- 10 -

C.L.60,1936-. VIII Convention on the taxation of foreign motor vehicles, with annex and Protocol-annex ()- Application to Nigeria colony, protectorate Cameroons under British Mandate and Siara Leone colony and protectorate.


C/91st Session(Extra.)P.V,1(1)

Official Journal, Special Supplement No.139 (Minutes of 1st Committee). Official Journal, Special Supplement No.140 (Minutes of 2nd Committee),

Annual epidemiological report.- E.I.19 (1934)

Monthly list of books catalogued in the Libra­ ry, 9th Year No.l (January 1936).@

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.- Vol. XVII, No.3 (March 1936).

Chronology of international treaties and legis­ lative measures ,Volume VII, Nos. 1-2 (December 16,1935-,1936), @

Registration of Treaties, List No.173 (Fe­ bruary 1936),

Monthly list of Selected acticles, Volume VIII Nos. 1-2 (December 16,1935-February 15,1936)®

"The League from Year to Year" (1935)

Monthly Summary.Volume XV, Index Monthly Summary, Volume XVI, No,2 (February 1936)

@ Distributed to those States only which have requested copies. - 11 -

Part II

G.102.1936. Numerical list of documents distributed to the 'Council.- No..2 (February i936)

C.108.1936.I Minorities,-Application of the Germano-Polish Convention of May 15,1922 relating to Upper Silesia,- Petition @ from M. Gustav Simon (September 21,1935)c

C.115.1936.X m Financial situation of the League on Febiuary 29,1936,- Memorandum by the Secretary-General.


C/91st Session (Extr. p.v.i m@ C/91st Session (Extr„ V . R , 1 « C/91st Session (Extr, P »V« 2@S@ C/91st Session (Extrd V = Rn 2@@@ C/91st Sess ion (Extr, P »V.3@@@ C/91st Session (Extr, V.R. 3m© C/91st Session (Extr, P . V . 4 » C/91st Session (Extr, V.R.4@@@ C/91st Session (Extr» P.V,5@@S C/91st Session (Extr, V , R.5©@@ C/91st Session (Extr, p.v.6 C/91st Session (Extr. V.R. 6 C/91st Session (Extr, p.v, 7@m

@ French text only. @@ Confidential document, one copy only distributed to each Member of Council and to each Council Representative. Distributed to Representatives on Council only.