Long Branch Daily Record. Vol
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LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 10-NUMBER 212. LONG BRANCH, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 11 1911. 8 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS EX-SHERIFF WOOLLEY MURDERER QUICKLY LEO HARBURGER DIES LOST CHILD HIDDEN TRENTON COMMISSION IS LJIDJO REST AT NEWJORK HOTEL IN HOT SALOON FIGHT Number of Ministers Take Part CAUGHT AFTER CHASE Owner of Meyer Apartments in IN HOUSE AND HER Grants First New One in Five In Funeral Services at Ocean Avenue, Left Yes- Years and Clerical Sup- Late Home AND BEING WOUNDED terday, Stricken CLOTHING TAKEN? porters Denounce It Solemn rdliglous services marked Leo H&rburger, owner of the Meyer Tronioh. N. J., Sept. 11.—FollowInK the funeral of former Sheriff Matttim.. luihling in Ocean avenue, was found n lively row at the meeting of the new Woolley at tlie Simpson Memorial M. Italian Who Shot And Killed Young Peter Brady Jeiul in bis apartments in the Savoy Disappearance of Little Four-Year-Old Aid of Queen C'ily Commission (oday, when It for- E. Church Saturday afternoon. Nine Hotel, New York, ibis morning. Mr. mally took charge of all excise ragula. cleiymen took part in the services, Saturday Night Ran When Located And Was Harburger left here yesterday tor in Recent Doll Carnival And Circumstances lions. In place of the defunct Excise New York, apparently in better health Board, a license WUB grunted to John including the venerable chaplain Rev. 1 Dr. B. C. Lippincott, of the MonmoiiMi than for months past. Details of his I'. Matizt , by a unanimous vote to M. E. Home for the Aged at GcWn Brought Down By Detective's Bullet- death are lurking. It is said that he Surrounding Her Discovery Cause Much keep a hotel opposite the Clinton Crave, of which the late Mr. Woolley wus found dead in bed, anil that he Street station of tho Pennsylvania was a trustee. Found By Groans suffered a stroke of apoplexy. Excitement in Up-Town Section Kuilroud. A short service was held at the Mr. Harburgor bought the Meyer It ia the liret new license gr&nted in building in Ocean avenue, opposite Woolley homestead at half-past two A hot-blooded murder and the tho city in about flve years and was ihe, assassin as resembling Luccia. iuyler'a confectionery, about five Four year-old Katherino Fro O'clock, where hundreds of intimate mounding of the alleged murderer af- WANTS DOG QUARANTINE bitterly opposed by tho Inter-Church About 1 o'clock Detective Walling rears ago. He had since occupied [laughter of l>r>iggint aud Mrs. Peter friends gathered to pay their respects. orded considerable excitement in the federation, which supported the Com- eft City Hall, having obtained all ihe apartments In Ihe building during the Or. Cattanach Has Succeeded in Cur- Freens, who are summering in tut The parlor of the Woolley romp, 'incinity of Westwood avenue Satur- nuHBion, mid several ministers yester- nformaikm possible from the wit- nmov montbs. He was a member ing Case of Tetanus in Oloughly liomesletul in Norwood ava- where the life-like form of the late day night and during the early hours lay publicly preached against It. leases in custody. He went to Morris of the cigar firm of Harburger, Human Horse. 9, BI rayed away from homo at elev Sheriff Woolley rested in a casket, of Sunday morning. When Long avenlie and secured the services of & Co., of New York, and while active- Dr. C. Cj Cattanaeh, of Second ave- en o'clock ibis morning and was not UirKo crowds attended the meeting was a bower of flowers. Iranchers awoke yesterday morning Pietro Tomaini. Together they be- y engaged at the business had travel- nue, heartily approves of a six nionthv found until an hour and n quarter hit today many clergymen and saloon Directors of the New Jersey Mort- they were confronted with the murder gan ft search for Luccia. They first ed extenBWely. There was hardly a quarantine for all doaa in the State W. Little Kutherine, who i» a big, th- sympathisers being preBeat. Hot gage ami Trust Company acted as hon- story. orite, ami was one of the aids at the personalities were Indulged In and orary pallbearers. They were Brent visited i lie West wood avenue hotel to ion in this country that Mr. Har- UK Hie only remedy for the epidemic The victim was Peter Brady, eon get a starting point and obtain all In- burger had not some time visited. of rubies. He ban two valuable dogs doll carnival coronal Ion aud parade, Mayor Donnelly accused two promi- Good, C. Asa Francis, Alexander P. it Patrick Brady, of Lippincott ave- got through the gates surrounding tin nent ministers of inconsistensy and Jan! Benjamin A. Van Brunt, Samuel 'urination possible. A second visit to Tho deceased was seventy-four IOW under observation, lue. He was a strapping young man, he hotel was made, and the name of The doctor is treating an old car- cioughly homestead and waaderedtnti the use of Illegal threats. K. Scobey, Herbert W. Cooper and Dr. 23 yearB old. He received two bullet vears old, and is eurvived by a will- a house in the Springdale soot ion Harry C. Scobey. i man was secured, whom it was ow and three children. His death was riage horse afflicted with tetanus. The wounds, the one causing his death hought might lie of some service. De- trusty animal developed symptoms of Hero, it is said, an effort had beeen PLAN ARCANIAN RALLY The regular bearers were Charles O. laving entered his left temple, pene- a great shock to his many friends in made to exchange her clothing foi eciive Wailing and Tomaini went to he W'eat Knd section of tbe city. lockjaw nearly two weeks ago. His McFaddin and W. til wood Jeffrey rating the brain. The other fractured he mans house in Jeffrey street, and tresses of iuferlor quality. Mr. Harburgev was a member of the jaw.s were set, tmt now ;ifLur Ww day a' "Identification Night" To Bd Featured representing the officiary of the Lia right arm between the wiiwt and while awaiting an answer to their jong Branch Hoard of T/ide, and treiiiiiit'Mt the animal has regained full When tho little one was found by on Occasion of G. V. Regent's Simpson M. E. Church; Past Grands jlbow. Tbe alleged murderer, Guisep- summons, saw Luccia coming toward ook an active part in tbe fuluro wel- line of its jaw.s »nd does justice to Us John ClOUghly she was considerable Visit. Preston h. Wood and I. P. Reid, the pe Luecia, is now in the Monmoulh hem from the direction of Westwood are of Long Branch. „ feed. His in twenty years old. Dr. excited. The parents were BO pleiisecl I-ong llranch Council, No. 429, Royal Odd Fellows, and Edward I.,. Rey- Memorial Hospital, under guard. He lvenue. When Luccia saw he was rec- Catianaeb is iiKtng thy new treatment, that she was safe that they for nil Arcanum, will b» officially visited by nolds and James Woolley. The latter was shot by Detective-Captain Willi- iguiz*'(l he look off his coat and hung Mr. Hal-burger was reputed to be ejjKoin suits and baetertns, and it has about I lie exchange of clothing hid (irand Vice Regont II.iimi'. on Tues- liart been associated witli the lale Mr. ng while fleeing to escape capture. t on a fence. Detective Walling tjjite wealthy. worked wonders in this case. lent, although. It ia believed, a com- day evening, Oelober 3d. It will be Woolley in th« insurance business for Die bullet entered his left leg, caus- )laced him under arrest. The ac- ilainl will be made agalikHt the woman mown as "Identification Night," and many years. ng a fracture. Pietro Luccia, a used man asked permission to go Prof. Clark Had Outdoor Vacation. who kept tae house. The shades In in effort will he made to bring out the The Simpson M. E. Church, which jrother of the alleged murderer, is in nto his brother's house, where he Prof. Walter A. D. Clark, instvue- CANE 20CMrEARS OLD the houBO had been drawn and tho the late Mr. Woolley helped to found custody, charged by Detective Walling u* in commercial branches at the slay-al-honies. ived, to get his coat. "There's your n Possession of Edwin L. Woolley, of iioor locked when tho little Katherino thirty years ago, was filled with with atrocious assault. :oat on the fence," said the detective, High School, returned from his sum- watt found. I'asl Regent John O. Seiton, orntor friends of the late sheriff, many com- mer vacation Saturday. He has a Poplar, and Once Owned By His of the council, will arranga for an In- Peter Brady, James Wilbanks, >ut Luccia denied it being his proper- There was considerable excitement ing from the county seat and other bungalow on Lake AsBarvamuselt, Great, Great-grandfather- erestlnt? program. There will be a Charles Marquert and Joeepb Jackson y. He, then threw the coat in Ihe until the chilli was found. Several distant points to pay their respects. Mass., and during tbe heated period Edwin L, Woolley, one of the bent short nation of the council, beginning visited Morris avenue Saturday eve- loorway, as the scene was being en- known Ocean township farmers, u-arrhlighl parties had been organ- The Odd Fellows and Knights of ning. They were on a drinking expe acted in front of the Luccia borne. spent iuucb time on the chain of it eight o'clock.