Item 9.5.3


Thursday 14 June 2012 at 9.00AM

Venue: Meeting Room 3



Mike Rootsey - Director Corporate Services (DCS), Acting Chairperson Alex Wilson - General Manager East Football Club (AW) Peter Capes - General Manager (PC) Jeremy van den bok - Manager Parks & Property Services (MPPS) Jim Maclean Manager - Rangers & Community Services (MRCSS)


1. Welcome / Declaration of Opening

DCS opened the meeting at 9.05 am

2. Apologies

John Giorgi – Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson

3. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of the meeting dated the 2 August 2011 were confirmed.

Moved Alex Wilson Seconded Peter Capes

4. Business

4.1 Catering Rights – Commission to Clubs and Lease Area for Caterer

Both clubs sought clarification as to their rights to commission from the caterers under the current lease to Spices Caterers.

DCS advised the matter of the commission had arisen and had been complicated by the fact that whilst reference was made in both club’s lease agreement with City regarding payment of commission by the caterers. There was no clause regarding the payment of commission to either club in the current lease agreement between the City and the caterers.

The clubs also sought clarification of what areas were now leased by the caterer after they had relinquished the lease on the common area.

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DCS advised he would write to the clubs clarifying the caterer’s commission and the caterers leased area. Action DCS

4.2 Additional Catering

AW raised concerns regarding the caterer exclusivity rights. He was concerned that caterer was not willing to provide catering on the open side of the ground opposite the grandstand. The clubs received complaints from members of the public.

The Clubs have at times tried to bring in their own caterers to fill this void but have been advised by the caterer that they are unable to do so, as they had exclusive rights.

DCS advised that he would arrange a meeting with Spices catering in regard to additional ground catering. Action DCS

4.3 Common Room

AW and PC asked if there had been any progress in regard to them leasing the common area. DCS advised he would be preparing a report for Councils consideration.

DCS stated that the clubs would have to be prepared to pay a lease amount for the area as a peppercorn rent would not be recommended.

4.4 Oval – Synthetic Grass in front of dugouts/player race area.

Both clubs asked whether anything further had been done regarding investigating the use of synthetic grass in front of the dugouts.

MPPS advised that he was not aware of this matter and as far as he was aware no investigation on this matter had been undertaken.

AW raised the matter that the grates in front of the dugouts were exposed and at a different level to the surrounding area and were a hazard

MPPS advised that he would investigate the use of synthetic turf for this area and address the matter of the level of the grate. Action MPPS

4.5 Leederville Parking

AW advised that he has received complaints about the three (3) hour limit on the ticket machines when some members of the public attend both games reserves and first team which meant they had to leave the ground and replenish the ticket machine.

MRCSS stated the time limit had always been three (3) hours and it was suggested that maybe the Loftus Recreation Centre could be considered for use.

MRCSS advised that he received regular complaints from the Loftus Recreation Centre users in regard to parking on Football game days.

MRCSS further suggested that the members who would attended for a long period use Richmond Street as the fee for these machines were less than the ones on the other surrounding streets.

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4.6 Les Lilleyman Reserve – Request for Extension of Use

PC advised that they have been approached by the WA Hurling Club to use Les Lilleyman Reserve after the Subiaco Football finished training. PC stated that the Hurling Club team had an affiliation with the Subiaco Football Club.

MPPS and DCS were of the opinion that given the sensitivity of the use of the Les Lilleyman Reserve with the local community to add what would appear to be a different sport to the use of the oval without formal approval may cause some issues within the community. This would be a risk especially given all the good work that Subiaco Football Club had done in the past to accommodate the community

5. General Business

5.1 Waste bins

AW requested the return to the 660 litre bins as the small bins were less than satisfactory.

MPPS asked what number of the larger bins they did have; AW advised that he was of the opinion that the numbers were three (3).

MPPS advised he would liaise with the Waste Management Department to see if this request could be accommodated. Action MPPS

5.2 Urinal in Members Area

The urinal in the Members Area in the East Perth Section requires replacement. AW sought advice as to who would be responsible for the replacement.

DCS advised that this was a capital item and would be the City’s responsibility.

MPPS advised that this matter would be referred to the Property Maintenance Officer for action Action MPPS

5.3 VIP Boxes

AW stated the concrete in this area was stained and did not do justice to the rest of the grandstand.

He requested whether the concrete could be painted, to make the area look more presentable.

MPPS advised that this item would be investigated by the Property Maintenance Section to see what could be done. Action MPPS

5.4 Scoreboard Area

AW asked whether there was a possibility of the area in front of the scoreboard being used for parking.

This matter would be reviewed and reported back to the next meeting.

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5.5 Weed removal

PC thanked the City for the action on the weed removal from the ground at Les Lilleyman.

5.6 Lighting replacement

PC also recorded his thanks for action taken with the lighting replacement

5.7 Scoreboard

PC raised the matter of the Scoreboard. The scoreboard was purchased by the City but the maintenance is the responsibility of the clubs.

The problem is that the company that provided the software to run the electronic scoreboard has gone out of business and currently the scoreboard is running an older version of the software as they have been unable to upload the updated version.

It was agreed that some investigation into the background of the original purchase and installation should be undertaken. The Manager Assets and Design was involved in the installation and the matter would be discussed with him.

DCS advised that the matter of the scoreboard would be discussed with the Manager Asset and Design as to the background of this matter and to see if there any solution to the current situation. Action DCS

6. Next Meeting

The Clubs requested that the Committee meet in a month’s time in order that some of the items could be followed up.

DCS advised that he would arrange for a meeting to be scheduled as per the above request

7. Meeting Closed

DCS closed the meeting at 10.15 am

These Minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting of the Medibank Stadium (Leederville Oval) Ground Management Committee held on 14 June 2012.


Dated this…………………………….day of……………………………………………..2012.

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