EUROPEAN UNION European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures


Promoter: Province (Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra) Organisation: Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra Contact person: Antonio Torrón Casal Ruth González Reyes Address: Avda. Montero Ríos s/n 36071 Pontevedra () Telephone: +34 986.804.100 (ext. 323) Fax: +34 986.804.125 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Partners: Spain Spain Spain

General Direction for Employment Promotion (Ministry for Labour, Xunta de ) Spain Spain Portugal Italy

Comisiones Obreras Galicia Oficina da Inovaçao, S.A - Business Innovation Centre do Provincia di Viterbo Minho (BIC Minho) UGT Galicia Italy Czech Republic Slovakia

Centrum Komunitní Práce Ústí nad Labem -Poradenská Organizace (CKP)


The CHRONOS project aims at establishing a model of territorial and multi-sectorial intervention, helping, in advance, the making of decisions in the labour market, enterprises and among workers, and reducing demographic impact in European economy and society. This intervention model is based in the following factors: Pro-active observation; Innovation management; Management tools and Exchange of experiences and networking.

Aims and objectives

• Detection of facts and trends, in order to identify future strangulations and anticipate solutions. • Introduction of the problems of age management in social dialogue. • Identification of good practices, to be compared and managed at a transnational level. • Development and experimentation of alternative work models in the enterprise. • Development and experimentation of new ways of vocational training for elder workers. • Sensitization of entrepreneurs on the potential of elder workers. • Development of alternative strategies in order to change the use of anticipated retirement age as a solution for the enterprise restructure.

Methodologies and activities / Outcomes

Program 1: Prospective observatory of local employment.

Contrary to other observatories, prospective techniques would be used in order to try to determine the employment market situation at a medium and long term. • Basic information (base observatory). • Prospective techniques (delphi). • Treatment, management and information dissemination (internet and paper).

PRODUCT/RESULT: Prospective observatory of employment.

Program 2: Proposals bank. Forum for social employability.

Through social dialogue, its aim is to create a PACT for the EMPLOYABILITY, which would last beyond the project. • Compilation and analysis of existing practices (present). • Quality circles in which all social agents would participate, for the presentation of proposals. Propositive techniques would be used (multicriterium/selection/hyerarchization).

PRODUCT/RESULT: Catalogue of good practices (100 enterprises /20 collective agreements).

Program 3: Program of social enterprise acknowledgement

By using pre-existing methods of acknowledgement/support, and creating specific material in this subject.

PRODUCT/RESULT: “Responsible enterprise” Award.

Program 4: Pilot projects with a demonstrative objective

E-learning portal for retailers (being this professional activity one of the most homogeneous in the different countries of the EU). • Workshops for HHRR enterprise members, for the detection of jobs that could be attractive to elder workers. • Development of a e-learning product for trainers/coaches.

PRODUCT/RESULT: E-learning portal. List of possible jobs for elder workers. E-learning products. Beneficiaries.

Program 5. Spin-off and enterprises creation

Experimental program for the creation of enterprises, under the umbrella of a mother enterprise, by 50-55 years old workers.

PRODUCT/RESULT: Development of products. 10 enterprises created.

Program 6. Management and coordination of the project

Program 7. Ongoing control and evaluation

Program 8. Dissemination and integration of results. Different activities of exchange of experiences, international seminars and conferences are included within this program.