7 July 2008 ISSUE 137 Minority Ethnic Matters Overview MEMO is produced by the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities in partnership with BEMIS . It provides an overview of information of interest to minority ethnic communities in Scotland, including parliamentary activity at Holyrood and Westminster, new publications, consultations, forthcoming conferences and news reports. Contents Immigration and Asylum Other News Race Relations Bills in Progress Equality Consultations Racism and Religious Hatred Job Opportunities Other Holyrood Funding Opportunities Other Westminster Events/Conferences/Training New Publications Useful Links Note that some weblinks, particularly of newspaper articles, are only valid for a short period of time, usually around a month. Please send information for inclusion in MEMO to
[email protected] and requests to be added to circulation to
[email protected] The Scottish Parliament is in recess until 31 August 2008 Immigration and Asylum Westminster Parliamentary Questions Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government [HL4376]: Further to the Written Answer by Lord West of Spithead on 17 June ( WA 141 ) concerning the cost of naturalisation as a British citizen, when the current fee was set; whether the fee has varied; and, if so, how. Reply from Lord West of Spithead: The current fee of £575 for naturalisation as a British Citizen (excluding the £80 fee for the citizenship ceremony) was set on 2 April 2007. The variation in the fee for an application for naturalisation over the past 10 years is detailed in the table below. The fee is based on an application made by a single person and does not include the fee for the citizenship ceremony which was introduced in January 2004.