F Transport Delivery Committee Date 4 February 2019 Report title Metro Investment Programme Briefing Accountable Director Laura Shoaf, Managing Director Transport for West Midlands Accountable Phil Hewitt, Metro Programme Director Employee Email:
[email protected] Tel: 07712 089532 Report to be/has been Metro Board considered by Recommendation(s) for action or decision: The Transport Delivery Committee is recommended to note the report: 1. Purpose To report on matters relating to the Metro Investment Programme in the West Midlands. 2. Background 2.1 The Midland Metro investment programme has continued to make progress during the 3 months since the last update. This note provides an overview of the main activities of the West Midlands Metro team (comprising TfWM, Midland Metro Limited and the Midland Metro Alliance) and the actions being taken to manage the principal risks / issues and opportunities that have arisen. 1 2.2 TfWM is currently making good progress in developing the funding and finance strategy that will allow the Metro expansion to be delivered in full, in two tranches by 2023 and by 2026. 2.3. The following is a summary of the principal highlights of the Programme 2.3.1 Westside Extension – Centenary Square. Despite additional works arising from the diversion of a district heating main and repairs to the A38 tunnel roof works are progressing well in all sections and the project remains on schedule to open in December 2019 2.3.2 Westside Extension – Edgbaston. Enabling works have commenced to strengthen the Broad Street canal bridge and arrangements are in hand to commence the main tramway construction works on 23 April.