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A good receiving tight end would make things easier for Rodgers, and he already has a ton of weapons on the outside at receiver,hockey jerseys custom, but Donald Lee does not have great hands at the TE position. -The Packers?¡¥ defensive line was a mess this season. They have a talented group of guys, but they just couldn?¡¥t find the right combinations,2011 nike nfl jerseys, or any chemistry together. They would also like to add another pass rusher, because as it stands, Aaron Kampman is the only real threat coming off the edge. The Packers have two excellent corners in Charles Woodson and Al Harris, but both are in their thirties, and the Packers really haven?¡¥t done anything to address the lack of depth behind them. : -The only positive the Lions can take from their winless season, is that there is nowhere to go but up from here. This organization is a mess, and it starts from the top with the ownership group. All you have to do is look at the trouble that Ford Motor Company is in to figure out why these owners can?¡¥t run a football team either. The Ford family let run the team into the ground before he was finally let go this season. Millen had managed to turn the Lions into the laughing stock of the NFL with such brilliant personnel moves as drafting WRs with his first round pick for three straight years, amongst other blunders. He was so bad that his firing was probably the highlight of the season for most angry Lions fans. With this offseason the Lions will have to completely overhaul their roster, and find a coach that has enough ??cojones?¡¥ to try and turn this ship around. The Lions have a long way to go, but at least the firing of Millen has them going somewhat in the right direction. They will also have the first overall pick, which may be the only positive of finishing winless. Key FAs: -QB Dan Orlovsky: certainly not franchise quarterback material. Really depends what happens with Culpepper and the draft. Could be a solid back up. -WR Shaun McDonald: will probably be let go, as the Lions will most likely get rid of almost all of their free agents and build from the ground up. -OT George Foster: will probably be let go, and the Lions will move first rounder,2012 nfl jerseys, Gosder Cherilus, to his more natural position of RT. -: has not been very good after being drafted fairly high. Will probably be released, as the Lions try to rebuild their defensive line. -LB Paris Lenon: was not very good at all, starting at MLB. They drafted Jordan Dizon last April to come in and play this position, but he didn?¡¥t see the field much as a rookie,nfl custom jersey, which makes you wonder. Needs: Everything! -Okay, well maybe not everything,atlanta braves jersey, but pretty close to every position on their roster could be upgraded. It will be interesting to see who they take with the first overall pick. Just from consensus,stars hockey jersey, it will most likely be a QB, LT, or DE, but it is really too early to tell. I?¡¥m not sure the Lions will be bringing in many high priced free agents,nike custom football jerseys, though,Sharks Jerseys,nike pro combat 2011, as 0-16 may be a tough sell, but I?¡¥m sure they could convince some veterans to help in the rebuilding process. The Lions offense has a couple pieces to build around in RB Kevin Smith, WR ,custom replica jersey, and OT Gosder Cherilus, but besides them, practically every position could be overhauled. ,new zealand soccer jersey 2012 Jerseys,Huge Selections of Cheap/Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys,NHL Jerseys,Red Wings Jerseys,MLB Jerseys,NBA Jerseys,NFL Jerseys,NCAA Jerseys,Custom Jerseys,Soccer Jerseys,Sports Caps Factory.Buy Cheap Jerseys from China free shipping.Predators unveil fashionable home jersey / PredatorsThe Nashville Predators became the first crew within 21 years to use a solid yellow primary sweater as they unveiled their fashionable household uniform today.,custom sports jerseys (For the log it was the Vancouver Canucks in 1989 to do it last. But afterwards they've worn pretty much every color at this point.) Here's a slick promotional photo. The Predators revealed the modish watch Wednesday evening,mlb jerseys wholesale, literally,mlb jerseys on sale,on the side of a skyscraper along their Skate of the Union event They also launched the Behold the Gold marketing movement which is obviously meant to paint attention to the popular brightly-colored jersey. Here aboard the blog,nfl nike 2012, we got our first discern along it while it was leaked after in June. It's basically the same as that original image retention as a minor detail or two. And it looks equitable as incredible as it did afterwards. Reaction was largely positive as we've been presented with a clean,Blue Jays Jerseys,basketball practice jerseys, solid draft and bright colors you don't often discern within the NHL. These are all appealing things and ought be saluted with o giants away jersey r> I give it three thumbs up (I'm going to need to borrow somebody's thumb) as standing out in a ocean of similarity among this alliance I'm thrilled to discern them drip the blue jersey which is becoming overused. I'd mention it's an less we'll discern in the NHL next season merely then I'm betting aboard a blue sweater from the Winnipeg Jets,cheap authentic nfl jerseys,whenever that comes. Enough chatter from me. I'll abandon you with a collage of photos from Smashville 24/7. Also don't forget to detain out photos tweeted forward Preds winger Blake Geoffrion and of course the Predators themselves. Predators popular household uniform as 2011-12 / Smashville 24/7 And impartial to be thorough,youth hockey jersey, here's anew discern at the road jersey which was unveiled aboard Draft Day,sport jerseys, June 24. These photos were posted to the Predators' official Facebook canvas. New road jersey debuted on Draft Day / Predators I like the details,make a baseball jersey, including the keyboard inside the nab and the guitar strings across the numbers This is a very musically-themed uniform set and it doesn't see minor alliance A laborious task,boise state football jersey,barely they've pulled it off. I approximately lack an (But my Bolts have two fashionable sweaters coming out soon.)