Developmental Origins of Hypertension: Biology Meets Statistics
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Editorial Developmental Origins of Hypertension: Biology Meets Statistics Susan P. Bagby Professor of Medicine and Physiology/Pharmacology, Oregon Health & Science University and Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, Oregon J Am Soc Nephrol 17: 2356–2358, 2006. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2006070744 he concept that environmental factors during develop- adults (15,22), the variability in children may indicate that ment—both in utero and in early childhood—can per- developmentally programmed hypertension requires cofactors T manently alter the adult phenotype derives from the that emerge only later in life. In the existing literature, there seminal epidemiologic observations of Professor David Barker have been no large, prospective, cohort studies that include (1). He and his colleagues showed in the early 1990s that low standardized BP measurements in children. birthweight predicted increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, In this issue of JASN, Hemachandra et al. report on the including insulin resistance/diabetes (2–4), obesity (5), coro- relationship between BirthWt and SysBP at age 7 yr in a large, nary disease (6), and, importantly, systolic hypertension (3,7,8). multicenter, US cohort of children born full-term between 1959 Birthweight was used as a readily available, albeit crude, sur- and 1965 (Collaborative Perinatal Project) (23). This database rogate for adequacy of fetal growth. While these early obser- (now in the public domain) is exceptionally large (n ϭ 29,710) vations have now been confirmed in studies around the globe and racially balanced (approximately 50% black). The major (9,10), the link between birthweight (BirthWt) and systolic BP finding reported is that black children exhibited an unexpected (SysBP)—both its presence and its significance—has continued positive BirthWt:SysBP relationship, whereas white children to generate controversy (11,12). The typical finding in adults showed no significant relationship. The racial difference is ro- has been an inverse relationship between BirthWt and SysBP bust and is not diminished by adjustment for current weight (9) that is independent of—but enhanced by—accelerated (CurrentWt) or by adjustment for childhood weight gain over childhood growth (7). The existence of this relationship in age 4 to 7 yr (see adjustment issues below). The pattern ob- white adults, not always apparent in studies with limited ma- served in blacks mirrors findings of Rostand et al. (24) in a small ternal information (12), was recently confirmed in 31-yr-old and selected group of 5-yr-old subjects in Alabama, in which subjects from a large prospective and broadly annotated North black children also exhibited a positive relationship between Finland birth cohort (13). While the differences in average BirthWt and SysBP. In contrast, the white children in the latter SysBP across the birthweight range are typically small, their study showed an inverse correlation. cardiovascular impact is predicted to be large based on modern Despite the cohort size and convincing racial disparities, the hypertension treatment trials (e.g., [14]) and based on a similar report by Hemachandra et al. may not fully resolve for white inverse relationship of BirthWt and prevalence of clinical hy- children the question of whether a true inverse relationship is pertension (15). The mechanisms linking BirthWt and adult present at age 7 yr. This relates to perhaps the stickiest contro- SysBP are not known, but reduced nephron number (16), fetally versy surrounding the BirthWt:SysBP relationship, a statistical programmed activation of the postnatal tissue renin/angioten- phenomenon known as the “reversal paradox” or “statistical sin II (AngII) system (17), and enhanced vascular reactivity to suppression” (25,26). This phenomenon argues that statistical pressors (18) and stress (19) have each been implicated. adjustment in multivariate regression (e.g., the BirthWt:SysBP In experimental models, it is abundantly clear that impaired relationship) for a third factor that lies in the etiologic pathway fetal growth can lead to altered BP regulation, often in prepu- (e.g., current body mass index [BMI] or weight) has the poten- bertal offspring (20). However, in humans, it is not yet clear at tial to create a spurious inverse relationship that has no biologic what age the SysBP effects of fetal programming become man- relevance. Importantly, this statistical adjustment for current ifest, especially since the inverse BirthWt:SysBP relationship body weight in multivariate regression emphasizes the effect of may be weak or absent in children, especially adolescents (21). change in body weight (BirthWt versus CurrentWt), and does Because the inverse relationship is strengthened with aging in not precisely assess separate effects of the two parameters (26). Whether this adjustment is appropriate or confounding may well depend on the specifics of the cohort (12,25). A consider- Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at ation of the biologic complexities now known to underlie fetal Address correspondence to: Dr. Susan P. Bagby, Professor of Medicine and growth restriction is instructive in pondering that question as Physiology/Pharmacology, Division of Nephrology & Hypertension, 3314 SW US Veterans Hospital Road, Suite PP 262, Portland, OR 97239-2940. Phone: 503-494- well as the decision of Hemachandra et al. to avoid adjustment 8490; Fax: 503-494-5330; E-mail: [email protected] for current weight. Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Nephrology ISSN: 1046-6673/1709-2356 J Am Soc Nephrol 17: 2356–2358, 2006 Developmental Origins of Hypertension 2357 In a unique longitudinal Helsinki cohort providing annual considerably fewer calories than would be the case today in a growth data for all children in the cohort, both a lower BirthWt financially comparable US population. If limited prenatal nutri- and an accelerated increase in BMI in childhood independently tion induced programming, and continued postnatal calorie def- increased the risk of adult hypertension (7). While this database icit with persisting poverty prevented programmed acceleration could not address whether impaired fetal growth was causal in of childhood growth, then the cohort overall might have a con- the later growth acceleration, both human and animal studies siderably weakened inverse BirthWt:SysBP relationship as com- strongly support an etiologic link (27). That is to say, global caloric pared with 7 yr olds in a nutrient-rich postnatal setting. As a restriction in rat dams leads to hyperphagia and excess food result, the findings in this low-income population, while represen- intake (“thrifty phenotype”) in offspring, together with acceler- tative of an unfortunately growing segment of the US population, ated weight gain and excess fat mass (28) under ad libitum condi- might thus not be generally applicable to more affluent US chil- tions. In microswine offspring after maternal protein restriction, dren. Moreover, with respect to racial differences, black mothers similar hyperphagia and accelerated growth on ad libitum intake exhibited twice the poverty rate of whites and, perhaps not sur- precede sustained hypertension (Du Priest et al., unpublished prisingly, were more anemic. Accordingly, more severe calorie observations, 2006). In South African children who were born deficits pre- and/or postnatally, or a higher prevalence of specific small and subsequently exhibited rapid growth, weight gain was nutrient deficits known to exert programming effects indepen- preferentially deposited as central fat rather than lean tissue (29). dently of birthweight (e.g. iron [30]), may have played a role in Thus, altered fetal nutrition/growth impacts not only fetal but black offspring independent of genetic factors. also postnatal growth trajectory when postnatal food is available. From a broader perspective, these issues highlight the in- There is, then, after intrauterine growth restriction, a fetally pro- creasingly recognized insensitivity of BirthWt as a surrogate for grammed distortion of the normal BirthWt:CurrentWt relation- fetal growth/nutrient adequacy (12). Fetal growth restriction, ship, and this varies depending on the nutrient availability in as manifested by the thin infant with its asymmetric growth postnatal nutritional environment. The argument to adjust or not phenotype, occurs within the normal BirthWt range. Moreover, to adjust for CurrentWt overlooks this complexity, since neither as suggested above, specific nutrient deficits can program per- option statistically accounts for these biologic interactions. Keizjer- manent effects (e.g., nephron number via prenatal glucocorti- Veen et al. (26) have suggested an alternative statistical approach coid [31] or BP via maternal iron [30] or calcium [32]) without that accounts independently for the BirthWt effect and for the modifying overall body/organ growth patterns. As Gillman effect of postnatal growth exceeding that expected based on has emphasized, understanding and detecting the specific un- BirthWt alone (as BirthWt and CurrentWt normally have a posi- derlying mechanisms—independent of BirthWt—are crucial to tive relationship). Thus, “current weight residuals,” the difference our future ability to identify mothers and infants at risk for between BirthWt and predicted versus actual CurrentWt, are used fetally programmed hypertension (12). to factor for CurrentWt and are independent of BirthWt. This In summary, Hemachandra et al. have provided an important approach