A CENTURY STATION for Explanation of Listings See Page B
KATZ Jan 3, 1955: 1600 kc; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Rep: PGW. MISSOURI DA -N. 273 Arcade Bldg. (63101). CHestnut Charles P. Stanley, pres & gen mgr; Charles 1 -6000. Laclede Radio Inc. (acq 3.1 -60). A. White, coml mgr; Lee Coffee, prog dir; Jim Rep: Savalli /Gates. Spec progs: Neg 100 %. Peterson, news dir; Ron Lipe, prod dir; Pat Net: ABC. Rep: Savalli /Gates. Spec progs: Allen Wolin, pres; Martin O'R Browne, VP & Casey, chief engr. C &W 20 hrs wkly. gen mgr; Doug Eason, news dir; C. B. Strauss, WIL 1922: 1430 kc; 5 kw, DA -2. 300 N. 12th Ralph D. Foster, pres & gen mgr; Leslie L. chief engr. St. (63101). GEneva 6-1600. Radio Stn WIL (acq Kennon, VP & asst mgr; Charles Harrison, coml KCFM(FM) November 1954: 93.7 mc; 100 kw. 8 -57). See Balaban Stns. mgr; Bill Bailey, prog dir & prom mgr; Gary Ant 440 ft. (CP 100 kw, horiz & vert). Stereo. Rep: Eastman. Kennon, news dir; Wallis Fender, chief engr. 532 DeBaliviere (63112). PArkview 6 -1077. Com- John F. Box Jr., mgng dir; David M. Brennan, SULLIVAN, Franklin county mercial Bcstg Co. asst to mgng dir; Ron Lundy, opns dir; Nelson NEW AM not on air, target date unknown: Rep: Weed. Kirkwood, group news dir; Gene Hirsch, WIL news 1560 kc; 250 w -D. 46 N. Clark St. Meramec Harry Eidelman, pres & gen mgr; Bob Burke, dir; Melvon G. Hart, tech dir. Valley Bcstg Co. coml mgr; Sibley Smith, prog dir; Gene Chase, WIL -FM July 15, 1962: 92.3 mc; 38 kw.
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