WE NOW OFFER FREE SHIPPING ACROSS THE USA Mountain Valley Seed is offering FREE SHIPPING* to all our customers within the continental U.S. Enjoy! WHOLESALE SEEDS SINCE 1974 About MVSeeds pg. 6 Vegetables pg. 12 Herbs pg. 58 Storage Seeds pg. 64 MicroGreens pg. 66 Sprouts pg. 70 Flowers pg. 74 Wild Flowers pg. 103 Grasses pg. 105 Cover Crops pg. 106 Growing Supplies pg. 107 Books pg. 109 Bloom Master pg. 112 Index pg. 118 6 MOUNTAIN VALLEY SEED CO. OUR THOUGHTS FOR 2017 When you plant a seed, you believe in the future. e’ve grown a lot this year, and we hope that you Whave too! We continue to strive to provide you with the best seed for your farm, home garden, microgreen and sprouting ventures. We believe to compromise seed quali- ty is to compromise our integrity. With 41 years of experience to look back on, we are excited about the future! We are standing by to answer any questions you may have and to offer you gardening ad- vice, helping you become the best grower you can be! We also love hearing your stories of success, experimentation, and love for growing! We are continuously updating the photos of our flowers, vegetables, sprouts, and seeds to offer you the most accu- rate representation of our seeds and resulting crops. We hope you find them helpful, and we invite you to share your photos with us, by emailing your photos to us any- time at
[email protected] We’ve assembled our most comprehensive catalog yet with detailed descriptions of our products and seeds, as well as options and instructions for planting, so you can make the most informed purchase.