Larkhall Local Letting Plan

2021/22 Contents

Section one

Introduction 1.1 What is a local letting plan? 1.2 Why do we need a local letting plan? Section two

Letting targets 2021/22 2.1 Housing list targets 2.2 HomeFinder partner targets Section three

Supply and demand analysis for general need properties 3.1 Council properties 3.2 Housing association properties 3.3 Turnover in council properties 3.4 Demand for housing 3.5 Applicant profile 3.6 Urgent housing need applicants Section four

Letting initiatives 4.1 South letting initiative 4.2 local letting initiative Section five

Supply and demand analysis for properties designed for older people 5.1 Council and housing association sheltered properties 5.2 Turnover in council sheltered properties 5.3 Demand for council sheltered properties 5.4 Council owned amenity properties 5.5 Turnover in council owned amenity properties Section six

Housing options advice and information to applicants Section seven

Monitoring our performance

Contact details Appendix 1 - Larkhall letting areas Section one - Introduction 1.1 What is a local letting plan?

Local letting plans are based on supply and demand analysis and take account of specific local needs and circumstances.

On an annual basis, each local area letting plan sets out:

• the target of general needs lets to each housing list

• the target of sheltered lets to each housing list

• any local letting initiatives

1.2 Why do we need a local letting plan?

The local letting plan provides an open and transparent framework for us to set out in advance how we intend to let houses to best meet the aims and objectives of our housing allocation policy.

Housing allocation policy aims and objectives: • be responsive to local needs, demands and aspirations to ensure the best use of available council housing stock

• make sure that those assessed as being in most housing need are prioritised

• achieve balanced and sustainable communities

In addition, the sheltered housing aspect of the policy aims to: • allocate sheltered housing to applicants who enjoy living independently but also need the reassurance and support provided by the sheltered housing service Section two - Letting targets 2021/22 2.1 Housing list targets Taking into account earlier trends, we think we will have between 190 and 220 general needs properties, 15 to 18 sheltered properties and 4 to 7 amenity properties to let in the Larkhall area during 2021/22. Based on our analysis of supply and demand, letting targets for general needs and sheltered properties have been set for 2021/22 against the four housing lists described within our housing allocation policy. The letting targets apply across the housing management areas, which include Blantyre, Hamilton and Larkhall. Properties let in the Larkhall area will contribute towards the achievement of the targets.

Housing list General Needs properties Sheltered properties (including amenity)

Urgent housing need list 60% - 65% 25% - 30%

Transfer list 15% - 20% 35% - 45%

Waiting list 15% - 20% 25% - 35%

Other categories 0% - 5% 0% - 5%

2.2 HomeFinder partner targets

In addition to targets set by the council, our HomeFinder partners also set a target of lets which they will work towards to help homeless households access a settled home. Section three - Supply and demand analysis for general needs properties

3.1 Council properties As at December 2020, there were 2771 general needs properties across eight areas.

Larkhall properties by size and area 0/1 0/1 2 2 3 3 4+ 4+ Total Total Letting Areas bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed % % % % % Ashgill/ 46 17% 146 55% 68 25% 7 3% 267 100% Eddlewood/Quarter 114 19% 309 53% 152 26% 11 2% 586 100% 3 30% 4 40% 1 10% 2 20% 10 100% Hareleeshill 123 20% 301 48% 173 27% 33 5% 630 100% Larkhall Central 74 34% 107 50% 31 14% 5 2% 217 100% Meadowhill 33 32% 58 56% 12 12% 0 0% 103 100% Stonehouse 76 20% 152 40% 127 34% 22 6% 377 100% Strutherhill 84 14% 231 40% 222 38% 44 8% 581 100% Total 553 20% 1308 47% 786 28% 124 5% 2771 100%

(Appendix 1 details the individual letting areas grouped within each of the above areas)

3.2 Housing association properties

There are also 4 housing associations with a total of 424 properties in the Larkhall area:

• Clyde Valley Housing Association • Hanover () Housing Association • Sanctuary Housing Association • West of Scotland Housing Association 3.3 Turnover in council properties In any year, only a small proportion of properties become available to let.

From April 2020 to December 2020 we let a total of 121 general needs properties in Larkhall.

Council turnover by size by area (April 2020 to December 2020) 0/1 0/1 2 2 bed 3 3 4+ 4+ Total Total Letting Areas bed bed bed % bed bed bed bed % % % % Ashgill/ Netherburn 2 18% 8 73% 1 9% 0 0% 11 100% Eddlewood/ Quarter 10 33% 16 54% 4 13% 0 0% 30 100% Ferniegair 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 100% Hareleeshill 7 24% 15 52% 6 21% 1 3% 29 100% Larkhall Central 7 78% 1 11% 1 11% 0 0% 9 100% Meadowhill 2 67% 1 33% 0 0% 0 0% 3 100% Stonehouse 4 24% 6 35% 6 35% 1 6% 17 100% Strutherhill 3 14% 9 41% 8 36% 2 9% 22 100% Total 35 29% 56 46% 26 22% 4 3% 121 100% (Appendix 1 details the individual letting areas grouped within each of the above areas)

Size of properties available The breakdown in size of council properties that became available for let from April 2020 to December 2020 was: • 29% (35) general needs properties were 1 bedroom • 46% (56) general needs properties were 2 bedrooms • 22% (26) general needs properties were 3 bedrooms • 3% (4) general needs properties of 4+ bedrooms Where are properties most likely to become available?

From April 2020 to December 2020, 81% of the general needs properties that became available for let were in the following four areas:

• Eddlewood/Quarter • Hareleeshill

• Stonehouse • Strutherhill

Where are properties least likely to become available?

From April 2020 to December 2020, the following area had 3 or less lets:

• Meadowhill 3.4 Demand for housing

As at December 2020, there were 815 applicants looking for housing in the Larkhall area.

Housing applications by list category and size of property as at December 2020 4+ Application 0/1 0/1 2 bed 3 3 bed 4+ bed Total Category bed bed % 2 bed % bed % bed % Total % Urgent housing need 0 0% 30 79% 6 16% 2 5% 38 100% Transfer 30 18% 90 55% 36 22% 9 5% 165 100%

Waiting 133 22% 384 64% 73 12% 9 2% 599 100% Other category 3 23% 10 77% 0 0% 0 0% 13 100%

Total 166 20% 514 63% 115 14% 20 3% 815 100%

3.5 Applicant profile • 48% were single people • 29% were lone parents • 83% of all applicants require 1 or 2 bedroom properties 3.6 Urgent housing need applicants

Applicants on our HomeFinder housing register have a range of housing needs. Some have been assessed as having an urgent need for housing, for example applicants who are homeless and to whom the council has a legal duty to provide settled accommodation.

Last year 42 applicants were assessed as homeless or potentially homeless. As a result of the implementation of a person centered approach to housing options, leading to the prevention of homelessness, we expect this figure to remain broadly the same during 2021/22. Section four - Letting initiatives Letting initiatives set out where any variation to the housing allocation policy is needed to take account of and address particular needs and circumstances.

4.1 letting initiative During 2021/22, there is a letting initiative in operation across all areas of South Lanarkshire, the aim of which is to help mitigate the impact of welfare reform on tenants affected by the under occupancy provisions of the Welfare Reform Act 2012. Details of the initiative are provided in the table below.

Details of letting initiative Area Covered Property types/sizes

To help mitigate the impact of welfare reform, All areas of All property priority is awarded to:- Larkhall types and sizes • working age council tenants who, as at 31 March 2013, were under occupying their property in terms of the DWP under occupancy criteria

• tenants living in a one bedroom property who are willing to move to a larger property, provided that they meet the required criteria

4.2 Larkhall local letting initiative

Local letting initiatives allow us to tackle a variety of issues within a specific area, including: • demand for different types of properties • estate management issues • maintaining stable communities • high levels of need from certain groups of applicants

During 2021/22, there are no local letting initiatives in operation within the Larkhall area. Section five - Supply and demand analysis for properties designed for older people 5.1 Council and housing association sheltered properties

There are a number of sheltered housing developments within the Larkhall area. The table below details the developments that exist and the number of properties contained within each. Larkhall sheltered properties as at December 2020 Landlord Area Development Very Sheltered 0/1 2 Bed Total Sheltered Bed South Lanarkshire Larkhall Council Central Margaretvale Yes No 34 2 36 South Lanarkshire Larkhall Council Central Raploch Street Yes No 18 0 18 South Lanarkshire Council Meadowhill Parker Place Yes No 28 2 30 South Lanarkshire Council Eddlewood Deer Park Yes No 32 2 34 South Lanarkshire Council Eddlewood John Smith Court Yes No 36 0 36 South Lanarkshire Council Stonehouse McLean Gardens Yes No 30 0 30 Hanover Housing Larkhall Association Central Glengowan Court No Yes 16 0 16 West of Scotland Housing Linthaugh Association Stonehouse Gardens Yes No 28 3 31 Total 222 9 231 5.2 Turnover in council sheltered properties

In any year, only a small proportion of sheltered properties become available to let. From April 2020 to December 2020, we let a total of 17 council owned sheltered properties in the Larkhall area, all were one bedroom properties. Turnover of sheltered properties (April 2020 to December 2020)

Area Development 0/1 Bed

Eddlewood Deer Park 2 Eddlewood John Smith Court 6 Larkhall Central Margaretvale 3 Larkhall Central Parker Place 4 Larkhall Central Raploch Street 1 Stonehouse McLean Gardens 1 Total 17

5.3 Demand for council sheltered properties

The table below shows the number of applicants queued for each of the council owned sheltered housing developments in the Larkhall area. Demand for sheltered properties as at December 2020 Total number of Area Development applicants Larkhall Central Margaretvale 88 Larkhall Central Parker Place 52 Larkhall Central Raploch Street 49 Eddlewood Deer Park 48 Eddlewood John Smith Court 75 Stonehouse McLean Gardens 23

The figures in the table above represent the actual number of applicants who wish to be housed within each development. It should be noted that applicants are able to choose to be housed in more than one sheltered housing development. 5.4 Council owned amenity properties

There are a number of properties which have been specifically designed or adapted to suit the needs of older people or those with particular needs, such as a disability. These are known as amenity properties. The table below provides details of the number and location of council owned amenity properties. We continue to increase our supply of amenity properties to help meet demand.

Council owned amenity properties as at December 2020

Area Total 0/1 Bed 2/3 Bed Ashgill 1 0 1 Eddlewood/Quarter 1 2 3 Hareleeshill 1 0 1 Larkhall Central 6 0 6 Strutherhill 6 0 6 Total 15 2 17

5.5 Turnover in council owned amenity properties

In any year, only a small proportion of amenity properties become available to let.

From April 2020 to December 2020, we let a total of 0 council owned amenity properties in the Larkhall area. Section six - Housing options advice and information to applicants Both the council and housing associations in South Lanarkshire have a limited supply of properties available to let each year. This means that many applicants on the HomeFinder housing register are unlikely to receive an offer of housing.

Depending on their individual circumstances and preferences, applicants may wish to consider other available housing options. There is a range of information and advice available to help applicants make informed choices about their housing needs, including; • letting area guides which provide details of council and housing association properties, including turnover in each area, as well as details of local facilities, amenities and transport links • mutual exchange information for existing council and housing association tenants • assistance to remain at home, including carrying out adaptations to meet specific needs • housing within the private sector • low cost home ownership options • help with paying rent and council tax There are also a range of services available from the council and other agencies which offer housing related information and advice including: • Money Matters Advice Service • Mediation Service • Social Work Resources • Citizens Advice Bureau • Shelter • Care and Repair

The council’s website provides additional information and advice on housing options and the above services.

Section seven - Monitoring our performance We closely monitor letting outcomes to ensure the plan delivers the aims of our housing allocation policy and if necessary, revise the letting targets for the year ahead. On an annual basis, we report our performance to Housing and Technical Resources Committee and at the same time seek approval for the following year’s targets. We also publish details of our performance each year on the council’s website. Contact details

To contact your area housing office please phone 0303 123 1012 (automated service) and Area Housing Office Cambuslang Gate 27 Main Street Cambuslang G72 7EX Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Clydesdale Area Housing Office South Vennel, ML11 7JT Email: Email: [email protected] Area Housing Office Civic Centre, Andrew Street, East Kilbride G74 1AB Email: [email protected] Hamilton, Blantyre and Larkhall Area Housing Office Brandon Gate, 1 Leechlee Road, Hamilton ML3 0XB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

If you or someone you know needs this information in another language or format, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs. Phone: 0303 123 1015 Email: [email protected] Appendix 1

Larkhall Letting Areas

Ashgill/Netherburn Eddlewood/Quarter Ferniegair Hareleeshill Ashgill Eddlewood Top Ferniegair New Hareleeshill Netherburn Eddlewood Bottom Old Hareleeshill Meikle Earnock, Donaldson Road Eddlewood Quarter Larkhall Central Meadowhill Stonehouse Strutherhill Hamilton Road Meadowhill Stonehouse Top Strutherhill Larkhall Central Stonehouse Bottom Birkenshaw Raploch Street Croft Margaretvale If you or someone you know needs this information in another language or format, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs. Phone: 0303 123 1015 Email: [email protected]

Produced for Housing and Technical Resources by Communications and Strategy. 061325/Jul21 Larkhall Local Letting Plan 2021-22 Issue 1