Apache Storm

© Inc. 2013 Page 1 What is Storm?

• Real time framework • Scalable –Up to 1 million tuples per second per node • Fault Tolerant –Tasks reassigned on failure • Guaranteed Processing –At least once processing –Exactly once processing with some more work • Relatively language agnostic –Primarily JVM based –Thrift API for defining and submitting topologies –JSON based protocol for defining components in other languages

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large amount of incoming data real time • Classic use case is processing streams of tweets –Calculate trending users –Calculate reach of a tweet • Data cleansing and normalization • Personalization and recommendation • Log processing

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• Most useful when – Batch & speed layers do essentially the same computation – Sample use case: KPI dashboard

• Less useful when – When batch & speed layers do different computation – Sample use case: Real- time model scoring

Source: http://swaroopch.com/2013/01/12/big-data-nathan-marz/

Page 4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Basic Concepts

Tuple: Most fundamental data structure and is a named list of values that can be of any datatype

Streams: Groups of tuples

Spouts: Generate streams.

Bolts : Contain data processing, persistence and alerting logic. Can also emit tuples for downstream bolts

Tuple Tree: First tuple and all the tuples that were emitted by the bolts that processed it

Topology : Group of spouts and bolts wired together into a workflow

Page 5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Architecture

Nimbus(Management server) • Similar to job tracker • Distributes code around cluster • Assigns tasks • Handles failures

Supervisor(Worker nodes): • Similar to task tracker • Run bolts and spouts as ‘tasks’

ZooKeeper: • Cluster co-ordination • Nimbus HA • Stores cluster metrics • Consumption related metadata for Trident topologies

© Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Relationship Between Supervisors, Workers, Executors & Tasks


Each supervisor machine in storm has specific Predefined ports to which a worker process is assigned

Source: http://www.michael-noll.com/blog/2012/10/16/understanding-the-parallelism-of-a-storm-topology/

Page 7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Tuple Routing

Fields grouping provides various ways to control tuple routing to bolts.

Grouping type What it does When to use

Shuffle Grouping Sends tuple to a bolt in random - Doing atomic operations eg. math round robin sequence operations. Fields Grouping Sends tuples to a bolt based on one - Segmentation of the incoming stream. or or more field's in the tuple - Counting tuples of a certain type. All grouping Sends a single copy of each tuple to - Send some signal to all bolts like clear all instances of a receiving bolt cache or refresh state etc. - Send ticker tuple to signal bolts to save state etc. Custom grouping Implement your own field grouping - Used to get max flexibility to change so tuples are routed based on processing sequence, logic etc. based custom logic on different factors like data types, load, seasonality etc. Direct grouping Source decides which bolt will - Depends. receive tuple Global grouping Global Grouping sends tuples - Global counts. generated by all instances of the source to a single target instance (specifically, the task with lowest ID)

Page 8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Topology creation example

Get Tweet FindHashtagsCount Hashtags Report Findings

Kafka Spout Bolt Bolt Bolt "reader" "normalizer" "enumerator" "reporter" Removes non- Keeps track of how Regularly alphanumeric many instances of creates report characters, extracts each hashtag have and uploads it hashtag values and to Amazon S3. emits them. occurred.

TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); builder.setSpout("spout", kafkaSpout); builder.setBolt("normalizer", new HashTagNormalizer(),2).shuffleGrouping("spout"); builder.setBolt("enumerator", new HashTagEnumerator(),2).fieldsGrouping("normalizer", new Fields("hashtag")); builder.setBolt("reporter", new ResultsReporter(),1).globalGrouping("enumerator");

Page 9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 What happens on failure?

• Run everything with monitoring –E.g. daemontools or monit –Restarts Nimbus and Supervisors on failure • Nimbus –Stateless (kept in either ZooKeeper or on disk) –Single Point of Failure, Sort Of – Workers still function, but can’t be reassigned when a node fails – Supervisors continue as normal • Supervisor –Stateless • Entire Node –Nimbus reassigns tasks on that machine after timeout

Page 10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Guaranteed Processing

• Tuples from Spout are tagged with a message ID • Each of these tuples can result in a tuple tree • Once every tuple in the tuple tree is processed, the original tuple is considered to be processed. • Requires two pieces from the user –Explicitly anchoring an emitted tuple to the input tuple(s) –Ack or fail every tuple. • If a tuple isn’t processed quickly enough, a timeout value will cause a failure. • Spouts like the Kafka spout can replay tuples on failure, either as explicitly indicated by bolts or from timeouts. –At least once processing!

Page 11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 What is Trident?

• Provides exactly once processing semantics in Storm • Core concept is to process a group of tuples as a batch rather than process tuple at a time like core Storm does. • Higher level API for defining topologies. • All Trident topologies under the covers are automatically converted into Spouts and Bolts.

Page 12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Parallelism

• Three basic variables: # Slots, # Workers, # Tasks –No general way to answer beyond profiling and adjusting. • Can set the number of executors (threads) • Can set the number of tasks –Tasks are NOT parallel within an executor –More than one task for executor is useful for rebalancing while the topology is running • Number of workers –Increase when bottlenecked on CPU and each worker has many tuples to process

Page 13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Patterns – Streaming Joins

• Combine two or more data streams • Unlike database join, streaming join has infinite input, and unclear semantics. • Different types of joins for different use cases • Partition input streams the same way Fields groupbuilder.setBolt("join", new MyJoiner(), parallelism) .fieldsGrouping("1", new Fields("joinfield1", "joinfield2")) .fieldsGrouping("2", new Fields("joinfield1", "joinfield2")) .fieldsGrouping("3", new Fields("joinfield1", "joinfield2"));

Page 14 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Patterns – Batching

• For efficiency –E.g. Elasticsearch bulk API • Hold on to tuples in instance variable • Process tuples • Ack all the instance tuples • When emitting, consider multi-anchored tuple to ensure reliability. –Anchor to batched tuples to ensure all batched tuples are replayed.

Page 15 © Hortonworks Inc. 2013 Patterns – Streaming Top N

• Simplest way is to have a bolt that does global grouping on stream and maintains list in memory of top N items –Doesn’t scale because whole stream goes through one task • Alternative: Do many top N’s across partitions of stream • Merge each partition top N to get global top N • Use fields grouping to get partitioning builder.setBolt("rank", new RankObjects(), parallelism) .fieldsGrouping("objects", new Fields("value")); builder.setBolt("merge", new MergeObjects()) .globalGrouping("rank");

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