THE NEWZEALAN'E) GAZiETTE Classification oj Road" ,:n H orowhenua County Officiating Ministers for 1950.-Notice No. a8 P URSUANT to regulation 3 (5) of the Heavy Motor·vehicle Registrar-Genera!'s Office, . _ Regulations 1950. the Minister of Transport doth hereby Wellington, 20th November, 1950, alter the Horowhenua County Council's proposed classification of the roads described in the Schedule hereto and situated in Horo PUESUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, JOOS,the whenua County and doth hereby approve sUDh altered classification following names of offioiating ministers within the meaning ()f as described'inthesaid Schedule. the said Act are published for general information :- The Ohureh of the Province of New Zealand, cOTYl/fJJ;on,zy called the SCHEDULE Church of Engkt.nd HOROWHENUA COUNTY The Reverend John Brett Arlidge, B.A. Roads Cla88~fied in Class Two Bapists MAINjIIGHWAYS Pastor Wilbur Thomas Clark. Upper Hutt - Waikanae Main Highway No. 371. Waikanae-Waimea Main Highway No. 372. P. H. WYLDE, Registrar-General. Te Horo - Waihoanga Main Highway No. 373. Levin-Hokio Main Highway No. 374. HeatherIea-Foxton via Koputaroa Main Highway No. 473. Waitarere Beach Main Highway No. 511. Shannon-Mangahao Main Highway No. 552. Eng.neers Registration Board: Examinations, 1950 Foxton-Shannon Main Highwa.y No. 858. COUNTY ROADS HE following are the results of the Board's examinations for T 1950:- Arapaepae, Awahohonu, Boulton, Bruce, Fairfield,Kimberley, McLeavey, Mako Mako, Muhl1noa ]last, Ngatiawa, Queen East, SECTION A Queen' West, Roslyn, Tararna, Te Mamrao, Waikawa Beach, Pass: E.~. Collier, D. P.McLcllan, R. W. Struthem(Auckland); Addington, Albert, Ashlea, Atkins, Buller, Camp bells, .Florida, W.
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