(THE) SON of (THE) MAN, and JESUS Part One: the Meaning
APPENDIX II (THE) SON OF (THE) MAN, AND JESUS Part One: the Meaning and Application of the Aramaic Idiom A. Th e meaning of the Phrase An Aramaic idiom, ‘(the) son of (the) man’ (a rendering to be explained) has recently received renewed attention, as providing a possible ante- cedent of the characteristically dominical expression, ‘the son of the man’ (as a slavish translation of ho huios tou anthropou would have it). In Aramaic, the phrase essentially means ‘human being,’ and the issue which has emerged in the study of the Gospels centers on whether Jesus used the phrase with that broad, non-messianic refer- ence. Amongst recent contributors, Geza Vermes has perhaps been the most conspicuous exponent of the view that the Aramaic idiom is the only key necessary for understanding Jesus’ preaching in regard to ‘the son of man.’1 His own particular generalization, that the phrase is a circumlocution for ‘I,’ has rightly been attacked:2 the fact is that ‘(the) son of (the) man’ in Aramaic is generic, in the sense that, insofar as it is self-referential, the speaker is included in the class (or a class) of human beings, but the class normally refers to mortal humanity (or a group of people), not to one human being alone.3 1 See Vermes, Jesus the Jew. A Historian’s Reading of the Gospels (London: Collins, 1973) 160–191; ‘ “Th e Son of Man” Debate,’ JSNT 11 (1978) 19–32. 2 See J. A. Fitzmyer, ‘Another View of the “Son of Man” Debate,’ Journal for the Study of the New Testament 14 (1979) 58–68; ‘Th e New Testament Title “Son of Man” Philologically Considered,’ A Wandering Aramean.
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