University of Kashmir Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Hazratbal, Srinagar, Kashmir, J&K, India-190006 No. F (CBCS -Basket-Review)198/20. Dated: 14.09.2020 NOTICE Sub:- Review of Course Baskets of PG 3rd Sem (2019 Batch) and PG 4th Sem (2018 Batch). All the Heads of the Departments/Directors of Satellite Campuses/Principals of PG Colleges/Coordinators of PG Programmes are asked to direct the concerned Academic Counsellors (ACs) to review the departmental Courses (Core, DCE, GE and OE) in Course-baskets of PG 3rd Sem (2019 Batch) and PG 4th Sem (2018 Batch). The course baskets for both the semesters are available under “CBCS” tab in the footer portion of the University’s Main Website. The same have also been directly emailed to Academic Counsellors for ready reference and review In case of any inconsistency, deficiency or error, kindly revert back to us on this email (
[email protected]) or phone (7889665644) latest by Sept 20, 2020. Sd/- Chief Coordinator CBCS Copy to: 1. The Heads of the Departments/Directors of Satellite Campuses/Principals of PG Colleges/Coordinators of PG Programmes 2. PA to Dean Academic Affairs for information to Dean Academic Affairs. 3. File. 4th Sem 2019 COURSECODE SUBJECTCODE SUBJECTNAME CREDITS Capacity Timing BMFA FA18001OE Outdoor/Open Air Landscape/Acrylic/Water Colour/Oil Colour 2 0 0 BMFA FA18002OE Creative Painting, Basic Fundamentals 2 0 0 BMFA FA178003OE Creative Photography 2 0 0 BMFA FA18004OE Clay Modelling 2 0 0 BMFA FA18005OE Indian Classical(Vocal) 2 0 0 BMFA FA18006OE Indian Classical(Sitar) 2