September 2018 |


6 12 18 Take courage and Do you have 15 minutes every day? Celebra el poder be not afraid Give it to God de la cruz FROM THE BISHOP’S DESK

4 LOCAL NEWS What's new around the diocese

6   GUEST COMMENTARY Take courage and be not afraid

8  COVER STORY The canonization of Blessed Paul VI and Blessed Oscar Romero

10 WORK LIFE My procrastination is affecting my performance


12  SPIRITUAL FITNESS Do you have 15 minutes every day? Give it to God

14  REFLECTION Why am I here?

15  JOURNEY IN FAITH Dads can surprise us

16 EVANGELIZATION “God wants to get our attention”

17  VOCATIONS Father John Machiorlatti

18  ESPIRITUALIDAD Celebra el poder de la cruz

20  CULTURE Discovering the cross Bishop Herbert Bevard greets parishioners after Chrism Mass at St. Patrick Church on St. Croix. with sweet-smelling basil


BISHOP HERBERT BEVARD is the fifth bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.

PLEASE SUBMIT The Magazine of the Timothy and Shelby Olive Msgr. Kosak Jennifer Pomicter news, digital photography Roman Catholic Diocese EDITORS Advantage Editing GRAPHIC DESIGNER PROOFREADING and advertising for the of St. Thomas in the Mary Kay McPartlin Virgin Islands MANAGING EDITOR Deacon Emith Fludd Oct. 2018 issue by Sept.. 11 CIRCULATION Most Rev. Herbert Bevard Brother James Petrait, OSFS to The Catholic Islander at PUBLISHER WEBMASTER [email protected]

2 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / NEW STATUE ON ST. JOHN

Bishop Herbert Bevard ordered a statue for Our Lady of Mount Carmel on St. John that arrived on Aug. 7.


The Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands is committed to protecting children from all harm. If you have knowledge of any church worker who may have abused a minor, please contact the diocesan Child Protection Coordinator Callista Julien at 340.772.4214.



La Diócesis de Santo Tomás en las Islas Vírgenes se compromete a proteger a los niños de cualquier daño. Si tiene conocimiento de cualquier trabajador de la iglesia que haya abusado de un menor, contáctese con Coordinadora Diocesana de Protección Infantil Callista Julien al 340.772.4214.

4 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / NEW CHAPEL IN CORAL BAY Msgr. Michael Kosak visiting the site of the new chapel, which will be erected in Coral Bay.

VISITING Father Sanchez filling in as one of the visiting at Holy Family Church.


SISTER CONSTANCE VEIT, LSP is director of communications for TAKE COURAGE the Little Sisters of the Poor. and BE NOT AFRAID

rowing up, many of my family’s summer vacations took place at the ocean. Whenever G we could afford it, we would head for Cape Cod, New Hampshire or Maine. As we kids splashed around in the salt water or searched for shells, my mother loved to just sit and watch the waves crashing against the rocks. “I could stay here all day,” she’d often muse. We’d cringe at these words as we quickly grew bored and looked for the next great adventure!

But as I grew older and began to resources and preparation. Our pi- appoints us in our expectations and progress in a life of prayer, I came to oneering Little Sisters surely rode often surpasses them.” Father Ernest understand my mother’s fascination out many a storm, leaning on their Lelièvre, a French priest who served with the sea. Whenever I visited the formation and trusting in the Lord as the Congregation’s ambassador ocean, I’d find a good spot where I whom even the winds and the waves in America, encouraged the Sisters, could watch the waves crashing obey. (cf. Mt 8:27) “The Lord is with you; that says ev- against the rocks or rolling across the erything … Are you not his family, sand. Then, pull out my Bible or my his people? Has not each of your rosary and reflect on the majesty and homes had proof, a hundred times Providence of God. Our pioneering Little Sisters over, of his predilection? ... Do not This summer I found myself surely rode out many a storm, things happen every day which re- thinking about the sea for a special leaning on their formation and peat to you: ‘You are in the house of reason, for it was 150 years ago this trusting in the Lord whom even the Lord, and it is here that he de- September that seven Little Sisters the winds and the waves obey. lights to dwell?’” of the Poor set off from our mother- As we prepare to launch our sesqui- house in Brittany, , on a long centennial celebrations in our homes ocean journey. The Sisters traveled across the country, I find peace and across the Atlantic in an immigrant Despite their lack of proficiency confidence in remembering our story ship named Napoleon III, arriving in English and their ignorance of and thanking God for his Providence in Brooklyn, New York on Sept. 13, American culture, within two days of everyday and in every undertaking. 1868. The massive iron vessel had their arrival in New York the Sisters At the same time, I am conscious been built in 1865 expressly for ventured out into the city to collect of how much the barque of the transatlantic travel, but the trip must alms and procure all that would be Church has been subjected to vio- have been harrowing just the same. necessary for the care of the elderly. lent storms this summer and I con- An etching of the Napoleon III shows Within a week they welcomed their fide to Our Lord those whose faith the ship being tossed about by waves first residents. has been shaken in recent weeks. My during one of its voyages. By the end of September, a second prayer for all of us is that each day Beyond the normal anxieties asso- group of Little Sisters destined for a we may hear the voice of Jesus deep ciated with such an undertaking, the foundation in Cincinnati had set out in our hearts as he calms our inner young Little Sisters on their way to on the long journey to America. A storms: “Take courage, it is I; do not New York surely entertained a host of third group arrived in New Orleans be afraid.” other fears — for they were about to in December. In just four years, the begin a new life and a new mission in Little Sisters established 13 homes a foreign country, with no expectation for the elderly in the United States; of ever returning to their homeland. many more would follow. All were But this little band of Sisters had founded in extreme poverty but with been formed in the school of St. great trust in God’s Providence. The Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jeanne Jugan, whose charity and Amazed at how completely God Rembrandt van Rijn, 1633. trust in God’s loving Providence had provided for their needs, the Sisters The painting depicts the miracle of Jesus led her to establish a new religious in one home wrote to the mother- calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. community despite a virtual lack of house, “Divine goodness never dis- (Public doman, Wikipedia)

6 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / 7 COVER STORY


“Love is total — that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife generously share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely of their own convenience. Whoever really loves his partner loves not only for what he re-ceives, but loves that partner for the partner’s own sake, content to be able to enrich the other with the gift of himself.”

— Paul VI (Humanae Vitae, 8-9)

POPE PAUL VI: A man who lived faithful to the truth

Born Giovanni Battista Montini in September of 1897, Paul VI’s life as bishop of Rome was marked by his faithfulness to Church teaching and his carrying out of the work of his predecessors. Preceding his election to the papacy in 1963, Montini had a wide breadth of experience working with Church hierarchy. He held a position in the Roman Curia, was appointed head of the Secretariat of State, became arch- bishop of Milan, and, in 1958, he was made a cardinal by Pope St. John XXIII. As a result, Montini surprisingly never held a position as a parish priest. Because of his service to the Church in these many positions before his papacy, Montini developed a relationship with St. John XXIII and a close friendship with Pius XII, whom he spent many years serving. As pope, Paul VI continued the Second Vatican Council after the death of St. John XXIII. He oversaw the council through its conclusion in 1965 and carried out its decisions. Paul VI’s papacy was also marked by various reforms, partially because of Vatican II, but never did he stray from the principles of the Church. He is Who, what, where of the canonization particularly known for the reform of the liturgy, which The canonization of both Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Oscar allowed for the Mass to be said in the vernacular or Lat- Romero, along with four others, will take place in St. Peter’s in. For this reason, he was often accused by the right for being too liberal or by the left for being too conservative. Square on Oct. 14, 2018. The ceremony will happen during the However, he really just walked the middle way. 2018 world Synod of Bishops — covering “Young People, the In addition, Paul VI was known for being the first Faith, and Vocational Discernment” — which is taking place pope to visit six continents. His work toward ecumenism in Rome Oct. 3-28. and his encyclical condemning birth control, Humanae

8 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / Vitae, also marked his papacy. In November of 1970, there was an assassination attempt on Paul VI in the . This attempt was stopped and did not hinder the rest of his visit. Pope Paul VI’s health began to decline and he passed on July 14, 1978. He died shortly after Sunday Mass. The process of his sainthood started under St. John Paul II on on May 11, 1993. Paul VI’s life was one dedicated to the truth and the carrying on of the legacies of his predecessors. REUTERS

I thought, ‘If they have killed him for doing what he did, A woman holds ARCHBISHOP OSCAR ROMERO: then I too have to walk the same path.’” a picture of late Dedicated to the poor and vulnerable From then on, Romero’s life was dedicated largely Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero no matter the cost to helping the poor and speaking out against the during a Mass assassinations and torture that were rampant in his to commemo- Oscar Romero was born on on Aug. 15, 1917, in El native country. He passionately spoke out against the rate the 35th Salvador. He grew up to be a faith-filled and devoted ways in which the Salvadoran government was exploiting anniversary of his young man. So, it was no surprise when, at the age of people’s basic human rights and persecuting those who assassination in on 13, he entered a minor seminary to pursue the Catholic stood up for the poor; he did this especially on his March 24, 2015. priesthood. In 1942, a year after completing his studies popular radio program, where he listed off the weekly in Rome, Romero was ordained. deaths, disappearances and tortures that few others Father Romero returned to , where he served publicly spoke about due to government censorship. as a parish priest for more than 20 years. During this time, As a result of his courage in speaking out against the he devoted himself to many good works such as starting injustices of the Salvadoran government and his striving an Alcoholics Anonymous group and directing the archdi- to promote the peace and love which the Catholic ocesan newspaper, in which he defended the magisterium Church upholds, Archbishop Oscar Romero was against the more progressive clergy of the day. assassinated while celebrating Mass on March 24, 1980. After these many years of service The Church recognizes Romero as a parish priest, Father Romero as a today and will always was made an auxiliary bishop of remember him as a man deeply the Archdiocese of San Salvador dedicated to the Church and the in 1970. In 1974, he was made poor. bishop of the Diocese of Santiago de Maria. And finally, only three years later in 1977, Romero was made archbishop of San Salvador — where he remained for the rest “When we struggle for human rights, for of his life. freedom, for dignity, when we feel that it is Only a month after he was a ministry of the Church to concern itself for appointed archbishop of San those who are hungry, for those who have no Salvador, his dear friend and Jesuit schools, for those who are deprived, we are not priest Father Rutilio Grande was departing from God’s promise. He comes to free assassinated for his work with the us from sin, and the Church knows that sin’s poor. This greatly influenced the consequences are all such injustices and abuses. rest of Archbishop Romero’s life The Church knows it is saving the world when it and time as archbishop. After this undertakes to speak also of such things.” tragic event, Romero stated, “When

I looked at Rutilio lying there dead, SERVICE NEWS CATHOLIC — From The Violence of Love by Oscar Romero



JIM BERLUCCHI is the executive director of the Spitzer Center for Visionary Leadership.


Let me think about it and get back to you later … Procrastination is a habit of mind, lodged in our subconscious. It seeks to delay and avoid the unpleasant, the difficult and SAINT OF THE MONTH the painful. We don't delay on things that delight us. We delay on things that repel us. It's also a failure in fortitude. Fortitude is the habit of mind that conquers adversity. It ST. PETER CLAVER specializes in attack and endurance. FEAST DAY: SEPT. 9 So how do you change your character? Change your mind. Begin (a unpleasant he lives of holy men and women witness that with God, word for a procrastinator) by meditating on T we must always expect the unexpected — we must be soft God’s character. While slow to anger, he is clay in the hands of the Lord, confidently trusting in the good- otherwise swift. ness of his will. The life of St. Peter Claver is no exception.

• He sends forth his word to Peter Claver was born in Catalonia, in the year 1581. At the the earth and swiftly runs his age of 20, he entered the Jesuit novitiate and shortly after began to command. (Ps 147:15) study philosophy. Then something unexpected happened. • The word of God is swift and Alphonsus Rodriguez, a holy man and doorkeeper of the college powerful. (Heb 4:12) where Peter studied, began to urge Peter to be a missionary in the • The word of God moves swiftly; Americas. Although this was a different path than Peter had in mind, he is not won by the lukewarm, he listened to the voice of God speaking through this saintly door- nor held fast by the negligent. Let keeper. your soul be attentive to his word As a result, this unexpected calling ended up being his life’s work. … for he is swift in his passing. In 1610, Peter went to Cartagena, — a hub of African slave (St. ) trade at the time. Upon his arrival, Peter began to beg for food and • Where there is correct timing, there then feed and care for the slaves as they came to Cartagena on ships. is also advantage. (St. ) The slaves were in much need of this care as they were brutally treat- • The Lord directed St. in ed and lived in unclean conditions on the ships. He would then let two dreams. When he awoke, he them know that he was there to serve and help them. immediately acted. Put on the mind Peter did what he could for the African slaves, and often urged the of Christ. Change your mindset and slave owners to treat these slaves well. Peter even referred to himself self-image. Replace the thought as a slave to the slaves in Cartagena — a testimony to his love for and “I’m a procrastinator” with: “I’m an dedication to them. achiever. I enjoy moving quickly. n addition to caring for slaves, he also ministered to the native I conquer unpleasant tasks. I people of Cartagena. It is estimated that about 300,000 people overcome hardships.” were catechized and baptized by St. Peter Claver during his time in Cartagena. By the end of his life, St. Peter Claver had made a tremen- As you change your thinking, your self- dous impact on the city. talk and your self-image, your behavior and Though he did not have much support and faced backlash during character cannot help but follow. You’ll be his time in Colombia, St. Peter Claver persisted in the cause of up- transformed from a delayer to a doer. holding the dignity of these African men and women. Despite the

GETTY IMAGES tough road he traveled, his obedience to the will of God brought many people to the faith — all because he had been open to the un- expected call of the Lord.


Do you have 15 minutes every day? GIVE IT TO GOD

WHAT IS MEDITATION, REALLY? Can we meditate in a way that is faithful to our Catholic tradition? The answer is “yes.” To meditate is to think over, to reflect, to consider what God has taught us in the Scripture. The Scriptures themselves call us to meditate regularly. Read Psalm 63: “My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness … when I remember you on my bed … I meditate on you in the night watches.” (5-6) See Psalms 77:12, 119:15, 143:5.

12 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / SISTER ANN SHIELDS is a renowned author and a member of the Servants of God's Love.

When we meditate on the Lord’s Give God 15 minutes; be faithful to it. How do we begin? words to us, we grow in faith, hope TIPS FOR DAILY MEDITATION and love. We gain wisdom of heart, and we find peace and trust in times • READ A SECTION OF THE BIBLE EVERY DAY. Sometimes it is best to of trial. But our daily experience is so read through the Mass readings — Old and New Testament readings and a often the exact opposite. Regularly, psalm is available every day online or at a Catholic bookstore. After each in our fast-paced society, a thought reading, ask yourself: What is God teaching or revealing to me? What’s the lodges in our head or a question lesson I can take from Jesus’ teaching, the disciples’ questions, or the psalm- buzzes around in our mind, but there ists’ cries for help or their gratitude for God’s goodness? Is his teaching never seems to be “enough time” to something I should put into practice beginning today, or do I need to make personally reflect, make an important more time to reflect on how the reading applies to my daily life and what I resolution to move in a different di- should do about it? rection, or take a certain action in a • SPECIFIC ACTIONS. Is God asking me to face a specific thought pattern relationship. As a result, things fester or activity in my life that I can see from the readings is probably sinful? Do or dreams are not pursued; time gets I need to make a decision to go to confession? Do I need some help to un- away from us and we feel regret. And derstand why it is a sin? Who can I talk to? we can find ourselves more alone — with fear, frustration, unhappiness or • ASK GOD HOW YOU CAN “WALK THROUGH DAILY LIFE” CLOSER anger plaguing us. TO HIM. You may read a passage that helps you see that God loves you From a more spiritual angle, we deeply – that he is seeking to draw you closer to himself. Don’t be content can desire to grow in holiness — to with thanking him. Read slowly through, for example, the whole Gospel of PRAY Matthew and then the Gospel of John ( a chapter a day or even a chapter a be closer to God — but we don’t take The New the steps to make this a reality either. American week). See how Jesus brought his disciples into closer and closer relation- Have you experienced either of these Bible is the ship with him. Look what he taught them and apply it to yourself, because patterns in your life? translation God is always looking for those who will be his disciples, in every age — I want to make a recommendation used for even today. Mass about daily prayer that is essential, Readings. • MAKE SIMPLE LITTLE DECISIONS TO CHANGE – step by step, week by whether or not you deal with the week – until your life actually begins to look like you are a son or daughter above questions or concerns. of God. As you gradually conform your personal life to God’s word, you will begin to know a deep and abiding peace. Every day God wants to speak • PERSEVERE UNTIL YOU ACHIEVE ONE NEW WAY OF THINKING/ to us through his word: PRAYING/DOING IN YOUR LIFE BEFORE YOU TACKLE ANOTHER. • By clearing rocks and Make your practical decision at the end of your prayer time before you do any- weeds that are stuck thing else. The next day when you come to read the Scriptures, you will most in our minds and spirits; likely need to repeat the same decision until it becomes a habit. Then, and • By tilling the soil of our only then, make another resolution to deepen your relationship with Jesus. hearts; and • By planting good seed that As you become more faithful to daily meditation on the Word, God him- can bear fruit thirty, sixty self will draw you, by his Spirit, into the reality of Christ’s presence with and a hundredfold. you — right where you live. This will allow your decision-making on im- portant matters — family/work relationships, friends, goals in life — to gain His word has the power to do this a broader scope and maturity, and the fruit of this exercise will last forever. if we are willing to make a daily Will you have to change? Perhaps. Maybe you will have to get up earlier! It commitment. will require some daily self-discipline until the habit is formed in you. But the reward is ever deepening union with God, not only in time but for eternity.




f you are like me, you are probably rather content with life. In meditating ist. That Someone is beyond us and yet continues to love me and yearns on my own life, it seems clear to me that I like comfort and ease and try to for me to be with him forever. This avoid challenging situations. I just want everyone to get along. And for the life is not all there is. The horizon I of my day-to-day existence is eter- most part, it all works out. Most of us are well fed, educated, housed and clothed. nal love. I don’t mean selfish love. I We have friends who agree with us. If we are of working age, most of us have jobs. mean love that seeks truly and only What could be better? the good of the other. Now “real love” does give purpose Now, admittedly, we all have our Perhaps I think too much, but I am BISHOP and meaning to my life, especially a times of trials and difficulties. We not made in such a way as simply to EARL BOYEA love which will last, that is not fleet- have cancer and loved ones die and move on. is the fifth ing as the morning dew. I know, from we get into accidents. But, by and Something that amuses me greatly bishop of the my own sinful experience, that I am large, most of us move along with that I have often heard at funerals is Diocese of simply incapable of that kind of love nary a major concern. how our loved one will live on in our Lansing, Mich. on my own. I need ongoing love and So, in the face of such a life, where memories. I am one of the very few help (yes, grace) of that Someone is there a need for God, a need for of my cousins who actually remem- who loved me into being. The Savior a Savior, a need for the Church? bers my Great-Grandmother Boyea. is the Son of God, the Son of Love, However, to me, there is a significant I suppose when I die, she will really who came not only to show me how question that challenges my self-sat- be gone! And besides, how much of to love, but to give me the power to isfaction: Why? Why am I here? Why her do I really remember? Does my love in a self-giving way. His Holy is my life worth anything? The an- feeble memory count as the only pur- Spirit and his Church give me the swer to these questions about why pose of her life? You see, I need more. means to grow in that kind of love, cannot be settled merely by looking I want to know why I am. to be forgiven for the countless ways into myself, as if I can explain myself The only answer which makes I fail in that kind of love, and even- and my purpose. sense to me is that Someone loved tually to be united with that Son of Now some will say, ah, why both- me into being, and I don’t simply Love, Jesus, and all those who seek er? Just enjoy life and move on. Stop mean my parents. Someone loved all him as we journey to heaven. thinking about any meaning in life of us into being, including those who Yes, I suppose I could just sit on and simply take on one day at a time. are not actually the result of physical my couch and not think about the big It is that old “whatever” response human love. That Someone loved me questions, but that is not how I am that many make when a challenge is into being not for his sake but rather made. As a result, I have to go forth and posed that they don’t want to accept. simply to share love, to have me ex- announce the Gospel of the Lord.

14 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / JOURNEY IN FAITH

Dads can surprise us

My dad used to tell me that, as an engineer, he would much rather deal with machines and math than with people and their emotions. He will note that the world in which I live and minister is sometimes a mystery to him, since I am often faced with assisting people in very challenging situations, when their emotions and feelings can be on full display. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that, following my mom's death three years ago, my dad has become something of an accomplished grief counselor.

At the time of Mom's death in 2015, my parents had is pretty straight-forward: what God says is true, God is FATHER been together for just shy of 60 years. When they mar- worthy of our trust and God will fulfill his promises. So, DWIGHT EZOP ried, Mom was working as a registered nurse, and my dad although he readily admits that he misses Mom each day, is a priest in worked as an engineer for General Motors. When I came his faith gives him great comfort and a positive way to the Dicoese of along, Mom made the transition from her nursing career help him deal with Mom's death. Lansing, Mich. to the full-time work of stay-at-home mom. Toward the Dad's strong faith and simple trust in God have allowed end of my time in high school, Mom returned to full-time him to become an able grief counselor to a number of peo- nursing at a local hospital. Throughout those years, Dad ple in his parish who have lost their spouses. Somehow, remained in the workaday world as his career took him to God seems to steer grieving folks to my dad, and in turn a variety of locations around the United States and even- Dad is able to share his story and his faith, bringing com- tually overseas. Mom and Dad were utterly devoted to one fort and healing to others who, like him, are grieving. The another and shunned a more gregarious social life in or- man who once shied away from the world of emotions der to spend time with one another and with family. As seems to be doing a great job navigating not only his own, their parents aged, Dad and Mom both stepped in to assist but assisting others in charting a course through their grief. with their care. Throughout it all, Mom and Dad grew in Even in his early eighties, my dad continues to surprise love and in friendship for one another. Although both of me. His combination of trusting faith and surprising abil- them had friends, they much preferred being in the com- ity to share that faith are an inspiration to me and an assis- pany of one another. They were two peas in a pod. tance to others. Just when I thought I had my dad figured As my mom's final illness unfolded and eventually took out, he managed to surprise me in a wonderful way. Per- her life, both my brother and I were concerned about how haps you have seen or sensed something similar in your Dad would adjust to not having Mom around. Following dad through the years. Make sure to let him know. And so, Mom's death in 2015, we made sure to take extra time our journey in FAITH continues. with Dad and tried to make sure that he had some resources to help him with his grief. One of my priest friends made sure that Dad received a series of faith-filled booklets that are designed to help a surviving spouse make their way through grief over the course of a year. My dad found these booklets to be help- ful, but he would often share that he found his own personal faith and his daily prayer to be much more helpful. Dad's faith has always been rock-solid, and his trust in God is very open and honest. As one who reads the Scriptures daily, Dad is pretty clear on God's promises to us, and so he trusts that Mom is being well-cared for in her transformed life. He also trusts that one day he and Mom will be together again, joined in a communion of love with all the faithful departed. Dad's faith

15 EVANGELIZATION ‘God wants to STORY BY get our attention’ MARY GATES PHOTOGRAPHY BY TOM GENNARA Heather Marsh is a coordinator of youth ministry. God calls Heather to boldly share her faith in and outside of her ministry work.

WITNESS My best friend was originally an employee of mine at another job. God worked through our friendship, and she joined our youth group and then post-confirmation class. She’s now a chaperone and a leader for our Core Team, the teen leadership group for the parish. One way she’s returned that witness is that she sees the beauty of our faith through brand-new eyes, which is so great for me to experience. We go to Mass together, and support each other in our journeys. This year, her younger sister chose her as her confirmation sponsor, which means a lot. When my friend went through confirmation prep herself, she didn’t realize the beauty of the faith and all it offered. Thanks to the way God worked through our friendship, it has become really important to my friend that her life is a witness, and the gift she received is passed on.

INVITATION I remember a specific prompt from the Holy Spirit to invite a young man to get involved in the Church. I started by asking him to go on the mis- sion trip. It took three months for me and the teens to talk him into going. Invitation requires persistence! After the mission trip, we kept asking him to youth group and conferences. But he wouldn’t always come. But there came a point where he was not only showing up, but he also became the person who was doing the inviting. He brought many people back into the Church by sharing his story. He’s a dynamic man who was, prior to this, in a very dark place dealing with depression. Those invita- tions meant I needed to meet him where he was at and not let go of hope — it wasn’t a one-and-done deal. He’s now a campus ministry scholar in college, and God is doing amazing things in his life.

ACCOMPANIMENT One of my former youth group members, Jake, is now in seminary. When he was in 10th grade, I gave a witness talk, and I cried as I spoke. Something inside of Jake said, “I couldn’t care less about being here, but she’s there crying — there must be something to this.” He decided to investigate what was go- ing on. He started to pay attention in class, pray, and dig deeper. By becoming in- volved in the Church, he met people who were also on fire for the Lord. He began to wonder if he was called to the priesthood. I’ve tried to support him from that first talk to this day. We walked, talked, and prayed through some of his discernment together. Accompaniment is a necessary part of the journey because we can’t do this alone. This year, Jake graduated from college and will be at Sacred Heart Major Sem- inary in Michigan in the fall.

PRAYER Many times I have been at eucharistic adoration and the Holy Spirit has urged me to pray over someone I don’t know. Often, I’ll be praying with some- one, and God will bring something to my mind to share with them. The truth about prayer is that God wants to speak to us, and he wants to remind us that he’s real and here and listening. The high schoolers call this “getting smacked by Jesus.” He’s getting our attention! But sometimes in prayer we aren’t quiet enough to listen — we live in a loud and chaotic world. This reality that God wants to get your attention in a really good way is powerful, and hearing his voice in prayer ultimately brings people into closer relationship with him.

16 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / VOCATIONS


How did you know you were called to the priesthood? I began receiving promptings from the Lord when I was "Trust that in second or third grade. The idea of priesthood came into he will reveal my head and wouldn't go away. At the time, I didn't think anything of it (I didn’t know what it was), but looking to you the back I can see it for what it was ... the beginning of God next step he is calling me. Before entering seminary, I worked for the U.S. Army asking of you Office of the Judge Advocate, European Command, in and be willing Heidelberg, . The seed planted back stateside manifested itself in a way that was again preparing me for to say 'yes.'” the next step, which was a willingness to say yes – to look into this particular vocation of priesthood. But it didn’t happen overnight. For some reason, I felt compelled and prompted by the Holy Spirit – approximately three times a day, while taking a break, I would walk around the base praying either the rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I think it was the work of Mary over several months to slowly prepare me for the encounter I would have with a priest in the confessional when he asked me if I ever consider the priesthood. I believe the Lord was getting me into a place where I would finally be open and willing to surrender to his will for me.

Who influenced your decision to become a priest?

My mother was very influential. She would regularly PHOTOGRAPHY BY TOM GENNARA go on retreats and bring back different audio cassettes on different topics and would share them with me. Also, my mother was a long-term survivor with cancer. By watch- What advice do you have for discerning ing her, I learned to be courageous with my faith, and saw a vocation? on a day-to-day basis what the Lord could and would do Be patient with yourself and give God time to make for the ones who followed him. clear to you what he wants. Most of us spend years run- When I was growing up, I knew a couple of priests who ning from God doing our own thing. I think you should were holy, kind and gentle. Then when I was studying try to give God at least as much time as you spent running in East Lansing and adopted St. John Student Center, I to listening patiently for his words. It is not as if he is not got to know Father Mark Inglot and Father Joe Krupp. I talking, but for most of us (I include myself here), we are didn’t know it at the time, but these two priests and their just so bad at listening. Then trust that he will reveal to lived examples were preparing me to be more open to the you the next step he is asking of you and be willing to prompting of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Mary say “yes.”


Aquí hay cuatro maneras de celebrar la Fiesta de la Exaltación de la Santa Cruz:

COMIENZA DE NUEVO A HACER 1. LA SEÑAL DE LA CRUZ: antes de las comidas, antes de la oración o al rezar con otro, antes de ir a la cama o al despertar por la mañana. Encomienda tu mente, tu cuerpo y tus emociones con el signo por el que cual Cristo triunfó sobre la muerte. Siempre haz la señal de la cruz-lentamente-como tocando el agua bendita de la fuente al entrar en una iglesia. Muchos hacen la señal de la cruz sin pensarlo o descuidadamente HERMANA ANN SHIELDS — o simplemente no la hacen. Toma es un autor reconocido y un miembro un momento y piensa lo que haces, así de los Siervos del Amor de Dios. como lo que dices.

LA FESTIVIDAD DE LA EXALTACIÓN DE LA SANTA CRUZ, que se DI UNA ORACIÓN CORTA: “En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del celebra el 14 de septiembre en el calendario de la Iglesia, es un día 2. Espíritu Santo. Señor, que todo lo que muy especial. Aunque no es muy conocido en muchos lugares, es un haga aquí o durante este día lo haga día reservado para celebrar el triunfo de la cruz sobre el pecado y la en tu nombre y para tu honor y gloria.” muerte. La muerte de Cristo en la cruz rompió las cadenas del pecado Esta clase de oración es una manera de y la muerte por todos nosotros que ponemos nuestra esperanza en reconocer que sabes y crees que todos él y que seguimos sus enseñanzas hasta que lo veamos cara a cara tus dones o talentos han venido de tu creador. Que tú no eres la fuente, que algún día. sólo eres el administrador de los dones que se te han dado. Te santiguas con Veamos un poco de historia. Constantino, quien fue el primer emperador romano la señal de la cruz para indicar a quién que profesó la fe cristiana, tenía una madre muy devota, Santa Elena. Cuando su le perteneces y que deseas que tus hijo se convirtió en el emperador, Elena se dispuso a ver si podía encontrar los pensamientos, palabras y acciones sean sitios significativos de los primeros cristianos. Esos sitios habían sido destruidos para darle gloria. después de la muerte de Cristo, pero se enteró de que santuarios paganos se habían construido sobre ellos. Como resultado, Santa Elena pudo encontrar algunos de DECIDE CÓMO VAS A HONRAR esos santuarios, y descubrió que eran considerados como lugares cercanos a la Y AGRADECER A CRISTO en este crucifixión y a la sepultura de Cristo en el año 33 DC. (Arqueólogos modernos 3. día por sus sufrimientos y su muerte, creen que ella pudo haber estado en lo correcto). Sobre estos sitios, Constantino que te liberaron del castigo eterno y te ordenó la construcción de la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro como se le conoce hoy en dieron la esperanza de la vida eterna. día. La iglesia fue dedicada el 14 de septiembre de 335. Por lo tanto, esta fiesta celebra tres acontecimientos históricos: el hallazgo de PIENSA CÓMO PUEDES HACER la verdadera cruz por Santa Elena; la dedicación de las iglesias construidas por DE LA SEÑAL de la cruz un hábito Constantino en el sitio del Santo Sepulcro y el Calvario; y la restauración de la 4. tranquilo, discreto y orante. verdadera cruz de Jerusalén por el emperador Heraclio en el siglo VII. Este se ha convertido en un día para celebrar la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado Que el poder de la cruz “invada” tu y la muerte. El Viernes Santo es el día más importante y apropiado para el duelo por vida y que te llene de la alegría que la muerte de Cristo por nuestros pecados, pero el 14 de septiembre es un día en que nadie te puede quitar. podamos regocijarnos y dar gracias por el poder de la cruz y la voluntad de Cristo para abrazar la cruz por cada uno de nosotros para que tengamos vida eterna.

18 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / 19 CULTURE Salmon with pesto Discovering the cross • 2 salmon filets • 1 cup (packed) fresh basil leaves • 2 tablespoons pine nuts • (or almonds) with sweet-smelling basil • 1 large clove garlic • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil • ¼ cup freshly grated • parmesan cheese • ¼ cup lemon juice • 1 green onion finely chopped • Salt and pepper to taste • Lemon wedges for serving

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. For the pesto, combine basil leaves, pine nuts and garlic in a food processor and process until minced. Slowly drizzle in the oil, followed by the lemon juice, and process for another 5-7 seconds. Add the cheese and pulse just enough to combine (you may have to scrape down sides with a rubber spatula). Transfer the pesto mixture to a small bowl. Add the chopped green onions and salt and pepper. Mix until combined.

On a baking dish coated with cooking spray, place salmon filets (skin side down). Spoon and spread half of the pesto mixture over the fish. Bake for 10 minutes and then baste (with a brush) remaining mixture over fish. Bake for an additional 2-3 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork. Serve with additional lemon wedges. This same recipe is excellent grilled! SHANE FOLKERTSMA

et us, therefore, not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ; The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated but though another hide it, do thou openly seal it upon Sept. 14, marks a series of historical events that all unfolded in the early fourth century. According to legend, St. Helena, thy forehead, that the devils may behold the royal sign “L Emperor Constantine’s mother, set out on a pilgrimage to and flee trembling far away. Make then this sign at eating and drink- Jerusalem to find the true cross of Christ’s crucifixion. Upon ing, at sitting, at lying down, at rising up, at speaking, at walking: in a finding it, St. Helena had a church built on this site (also the word, at every act.” – ST. location of Jesus’ tomb), the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Her son Constantine dedicated it in the year 335 A.D. For Catholics, making the sign of the cross is second na- There are many miracles and legends that surround the ture. We do it upon entering and exiting a church, during finding of the Holy Cross. One such legend has it that St. Mass and at home before and after prayers. For me, grow- Helena had been praying and searching for days and then ing up, it was even a custom on my dad’s side of the family noticed a sweet-smelling aroma of green basil growing on to make the sign of the cross on each of my relative’s fore- a hillside. She gave instructions for her attendants to dig in heads upon greeting them at a family gathering. And I have that area, and then discovered the cross on which Jesus was

T. Gennara T. since passed on that very tradition to my own family. crucified. I learned this story some time ago. Now, when I Making the sign of the cross is so important and power- encounter basil in the garden, or feature it in a meal, I pon- ful for many reasons. It reminds us that the true cross is an der its role in the finding of the true cross. MICHELLE DIFRANCO instrument of our salvation and that through our baptism, There is no way to know if this legend is true. But if the is a designer and we belong to Christ. It is a spiritual weapon that can ward fragrance of fresh basil brings one’s mind to the cross, it the busy mom of off Satan or assist in quelling any temptations we may be cannot hurt to perpetuate the story! So gather some of this three children. experiencing. But most important, it is an outward sign of sweet, aromatic herb and a few other ingredients and mark our internal convictions that draws us nearer to the one Sept. 14 as the day that will point us to the direction of the true cross of our Lord and Savior. true cross of Christ. And may it also help us to remember There is an upcoming feast day which commemorates that when we make the sign of the cross, we do so mindful- the discovery of the true cross. ly and give our entire self to God.

20 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / 21 ST. THOMAS CALENDAR

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The Young Vincentians meet on the third Sunday of every month at 11:30 a.m. The adult members meet on the fourth Saturday of every month at 3:30 p.m. Both groups meet in Holy Family Church’s classroom.

ROSARY WALK Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral hosts a rosary walk on the first Saturday of every month at 7 a.m., followed by Mass at 7:30 a.m.

GETTY IMAGES PRO-LIFE Bound 4 Life USVI, the diocesan CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE VI PRO-LIFE ROSARY pro-life group, meets at Our Lady Catholic Charities serves the needy — Pray a pro-life rosary at Our Lady of of Perpetual Help Church every other through our shelter, soup kitchen and Perpetual Help Church on Wednesdays week. There is also a pro-life Holy outreach programs — with help from at 5:45 p.m. Hour and Mass at 6 p.m. on the the community. There is an ongoing first Friday of the month. For more need for financial support. Please HOLY HOURS/EUCHARISTIC information, visit contact us at 340.777.8518 or ccusvi@ ADORATION bound4lifeUSVI or call the OLPH to explore the many ways · Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Church office at 340.774.0885. you can help. has Exposition on Tuesdays from 7:30 a.m. until Benediction at 3 p.m. and on OUR LADY OF FATIMA DEVOTION RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Fridays at 6 p.m., followed by Mass at The Children of Mary lead a devotion Intention of sick parishioners at Our 7 p.m. to Our Lady of Fatima at Holy Family Lady of Perpetual Help and the Order ·  Holy Family Church and St. Anne Church on the first Saturday of every of Malta maladies: second Wednesday Chapel have Holy Hours with month at 4 p.m. of each month at 5:45 p.m. (followed Exposition and Benediction on Fridays by Mass) at OLPH Church in the Order at 6 p.m., followed by Mass at 7 p.m. ST. JOSEPH WORKERS of Malta Rosary Garden. Everyone is The St. Joseph Workers meet at invited to attend. INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP Holy Family Church’s Columban Hall A team is prepared to pray for the on the second Sunday of every month CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA needs of all who ask at Holy Family at 9:30 a.m. Court 2049 meets at Ss. Peter and Paul Church on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA Cathedral’s Hospitality Lounge on the The World Apostolate of Fatima meets third Saturday of every month at 3 p.m. LEGION OF MARY at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church · Presidium Mary, Morning Star, meets on Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. CHARISMATIC PRAYER at Our Lady of Perpetual Help every · Prayers in Spanish are offered at Ss. Friday at 8 p.m. in the conference OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL Peter and Paul Cathedral’s Hospitality room. For more information about the HELP DEVOTIONS Lounge on Mondays at 6 p.m. Legion of Mary, call the church office Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual · Holy Family Church holds evenings at 340.774.0885. Help are prayed before Mass on of charismatic prayer on · Presidium María, Arca de la Alianza, Wednesdays at: Mondays at 7 p.m. holds meetings in Spanish at Ss. · Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral at Peter and Paul Cathedral’s Hospitality 6:45 a.m. and noon. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Lounge on Sundays at 2 p.m. · Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church · Altar servers from Ss. Peter and · Presidium Mary, Mediatrix of All at 6:15 p.m. Paul Cathedral and Our Lady of Graces, meets in the St. Anne Chapel · Holy Family Church at 6:50 p.m. Perpetual Help Church lead the Divine Hall on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. · St. Anne Chapel at 7 p.m. Mercy Chaplet at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral on Mondays at 3 p.m. MEN’S PRAYER GROUP LEGION OF MARY · The chaplet is prayed at Our Lady of The Sons of Joseph and Mary meet at Presidium Mary, Mystical Rose, meets Perpetual Help Church on Tuesdays Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on in Holy Family Church’s classroom, at 3 p.m. Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Sundays at 4 p.m.

22 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / All activities and group meetings subject to change due to the hurricanes. HARMONIC MUSIC STUDIO Sound that equals the spirit of your worship

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Advertise your business in The Catholic Islander! Call 340.774.3166, ext. 213 for rates. 23 ST. CROIX CALENDAR

ADULT EDUCATION DEVOTIONS TO ST. GERARD MAJELLA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. Patrick Alumni Association Devotions occur each Tuesday after Holy Cross Council 6482 meets at offers an After School Tutorial Program, the 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Masses. Holy Cross Church’s McAlpin Hall on which is coordinated by Sister Claina the first and third Thursday of every Letang, ICM. It is now operating as a FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY month at 6 p.m. Public Computer Center, which is part of The Our Lady of the Angels Fraternity the ViNGN Digital Literacy Program. It of the Third Order of St. Francis shares SANTO NIÑO is open to the public during scheduled Franciscan spirituality at Franciscan St. Joseph Church hosts devotions mornings to midday. House on the fourth Sunday of each to the Santo Niño (the holy Child month at 3 p.m. Jesus) on the first Saturday of every BIBLE STUDY month at 4:30 p.m. The sacrament of Holy Cross Church hosts Bible studies HOLY HOURS/EUCHARISTIC reconciliation is offered during this time. in McAlpin Hall on Wednesdays ADORATION and Saturdays at 9 a.m., following All-day adoration occurs every Thursday HOLY CROSS YOUTH MINISTRY morning Mass. after the 8:15 a.m. Mass until 6 p.m. Every Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. in McAlpin Hall, the youth group meets. CARMELITE SPIRITUALITY ROSARY FOR THE UNBORN Father Touchard Tignoua Goula is the The Our Lady Star of the Sea St. Joseph Church hosts a bilingual spiritual adviser. Community shares Carmelite spirituality English/Spanish rosary for the unborn in the St. Joseph Church Hospitality on Fridays at 6 p.m. WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA Lounge and Learning Center on the The World Apostolate of Fatima meets fourth Sunday of each month at 1 p.m. ST. PATRICK YOUTH MINISTRY in the chapel at Holy Cross Church on Come be with us and enjoy a variety of Tuesdays at 5 p.m. CHARISMATIC PRAYER exciting activities as St. Patrick parents · St. Patrick Church has charismatic and youths mix work and play to spread SPANISH PRAYER AND REFLECTION prayer in the chapel on the third Friday the Gospel message on St. Croix. Pray the rosary and share reflections of each month at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Father on the readings of the coming Sunday · St. Ann Church has charismatic prayer Boniface Blanchard at 340.772.0138. Mass at Holy Cross Church on alternate in Marian Hall on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Meetings are in NEO-CATECHUMENAL WAY Spanish. CURSILLO PRAYER GROUP The Neo-catechumenal Way leads a The Cursillo movement hosts a Spanish celebration of the word at St. Joseph All activities and prayer meeting in the St. Michael Chapel Church on Mondays and Thursdays group meetings subject to change due to the at St. Joseph Church on the last Monday at 7 p.m. hurricanes. of every month at 7 p.m. SHEPHERDS OF CHRIST ASSOCIATES CURSILLO ULTREYA The Shepherds of Christ Associates Cursillo members meet for Ultreya in meet for prayer in the St. Michael the Cursillo office at St. Joseph Church Chapel of St. Joseph Church on on Thursdays after the 7 p.m. Mass. Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. and on the Meetings are in Spanish. second and fourth Sunday of every month at 5 p.m. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET St. Joseph Church hosts Divine Mercy OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL devotions on the fourth Sunday of each HELP DEVOTIONS month at 3 p.m. The hour-long program Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual includes the chaplet, prayers, adoration Help are prayed at: and teachings of the Divine Mercy by · St. Patrick Church on Wednesdays at Father John Mark. 6:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. · Holy Cross Church every Wednesday MAGNIFICAT after the 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Mass. Magnificat, an international ministry to Also on the first Saturday of each Catholic women, meets at Franciscan month at the 8:15 a.m. Mass. House on the third Sunday of each · St. Joseph Church on Wednesdays month at 3 p.m. at 7 p.m.

24 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 / ST. JOHN CALENDAR ¡BUENAS NOTICIAS!

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Lady of Mount Carmel has a room dedicated to eucharistic adoration, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except during Mass.

CHARISMATIC PRAYER Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church hosts an evening of charismatic prayer on Thursdays at 7 p.m.

FREE MEALS Catholic Charities feeds the needy breakfast and lunch Mondays to Fridays at Our Lady of Mount Carmel's Guadalupe Hall. Breakfast is served at 8 a.m. and lunch at 12:30 p.m. Clothing and showers are also available.

GETTY IMAGES LEGION OF MARY · Presidium Mary, Queen of Angels, meets at Our Lady of Mount Carmel EVENTOS MENSUALES on Saturdays after the 6 p.m. Mass. · Presidium Mary, Mystical Rose, Oración Carismática Nueva Misa en Español meets in Holy Family Church’s Las oraciones en español se La iglesia Nuestra Señora del classroom, Sundays at 4 p.m. ofrecen en el Salón de Hospitalidad Carmen de la isla de Saint John de la Catedral de San Pedro y san está ofreciendo una misa en MEN’S FELLOWSHIP Pablo los lunes a las 6 p.m. español todos los domingos a las Men’s Fellowship meets the first 6 p.m. El celebrante oficial es el and third Sunday of each month. La Ultreya padre Eduardo Ortiz Santiago, Los jueves después de la misa de párroco de la comunidad hispana SPANISH MASS las 7 p.m. los cursillistas tienen su de la catedral. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ultreta. Las reunions en el trailer, has Spanish Mass at 5:45 p.m. en la oficina del Movimiento de Oración y Reflexión on Sundays. Cursillos, y son en español. Se reza el Santo Rosario y se comparten las reflexiones de las YOUTH GROUP Legión de María lecturas del domingo siguiente, Youth Group meets at 5 p.m. El presidium hispano María, Arca de en la iglesia de Holy Cross los on Mondays. la Alianza se reúne en el Salón de martes alternados a las 7 p.m. Hospitalidad de la Catedral de San Las reuniones son en español. Pedro y San Pablo los domingos a las 2 p.m. Santo Niño READ MORE En la iglesia de San José Revisit previous issues of Rosario por los no se rezan las devociones The Catholic Islander at nacidos del Santo Niño (el La iglesia de San José Santo Niño Jesús) invita a los rosarios los primeros sábados bilingües en español de cada mes a las e inglés por los no 4:30 p.m. Durante VISIT US ONLINE nacidos todos los este tiempo se ofrecen Catch up with the Diocese of viernes a la 6 p.m. confesiones. St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands at

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28 The Catholic Islander / September 2018 /