Sheridan Planning Group 52 []ank Street North Sydney NSW 2060 PhlFax: (612) 9923•1239 Emait:
[email protected] abn: 11 071 549 561 STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS SYDNEY UNIVERSITY BOAT CLUB CUNNINGHAMS REACH, LINLEY POINT Cunninghams Reach, Linley Point June 2008 SPG Sheridan Planning Group 52 Bank Street North Sydney NSW 2060 PhlFax: (612) 99231239 Email: sheridan_lynne Abn: 11 071 549 561 STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS SYDNEY UNIVERSITY BOAT CLUB CUNNINGHAMS REACH, LINLEY POINT Prepared on behalf of SYDNEY UNIVERSITY BOAT CLUB JUNE 2008 SHERIDANPLANNING GROUP 2 Cunninghams Reach, Linley Point June 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site location/context and surrounding development 2.2 Site description and ownership 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 3.1 Background 3.2 Overview of the proposal 3.3 Construction 3.4 Stormwater management 3.5 Building Design 3.6 Materials and Finishes 3.7 Services I • 3.8 Landscaping 4.0 STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 15 4.1 S.79C(1)(a)(i) Provisions of any environmental planning instrument 4,2 S.79C(1)(a)(ii) Provisions of any draft planning instrument 4.3 S79C(1)(a)(iii) Provisions of any development control plan 4.4. S79C(1)(a)(iiia) Provisions of any planning agreement 4.5. S79C(1)(a)(iv) Matters prescribed by the Regulations 4.6. $79C(1)(b) Likely impacts of the development 4.7. $79C(1)(c) Suitability of the site for development 4.8. $79C(1)(d) Public submissions 4.9. $79C(1)(e) Public interest 5.0 CONCLUSION 32 ] L ] SHERIDANPLANNING