A Bibliography for the Gulf of California Compiled by R. C. Brusca Vers. 11 May 2016 NOTE: This document is updated on a regular basis (see date stamp above). While not complete, this list will provide a good entry into the literature. With few exceptions, papers/chapters in edited volumes are not cited when the volume itself is cited. Routine taxonomic publications are generally not included unless they have broader biological implications, although major revisions generally are. Non-peer-reviewed government reports (mostly from Mexico) are generally not cited, unless the veracity of the data is verifiable. Unpublished academic theses generally are not cited, nor are unrefereed abstracts and notes in conference proceedings (with a few exceptions). A number of key “terrestrial publications” are included in this list when they are of interest to coastal investigators (e.g., the Pinacates, the Colorado River Delta, Baja California, etc) or deal with Gulf/Baja geological and biogeographic history. Although some key botanical and anthropological papers and books are cited, such publications are only superficially covered. GULF RESEARCHERS: If you notice an important paper or book that is missing from this list, especially your own, please send it to me and I will add it to the Bibliography (
[email protected]). Aalbers, S. A. 2008. Seasonal, diel, and lunar spawning periodicities and associated sound production of white seabass (Aractoscion nobilis). Fishery Bulletin 106: 143-151. Abbott, I. A. 1966. Elmer Yale Dawson (1918–1966). Journal of Phycology 2:129–132. Abbott, I. A. and G. J. Hollenberg. 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.