Lecture Notes on Computational Complexity Luca Trevisan1 Notes written in Fall 2002, Revised May 2004 1Computer Science Division, U.C. Berkeley. Work supported by NSF Grant No. 9984703. Email
[email protected]. Foreword These are scribed notes from a graduate courses on Computational Complexity o®ered at the University of California at Berkeley in the Fall of 2002, based on notes scribed by students in Spring 2001 and on additional notes scribed in Fall 2002. I added notes and references in May 2004. The ¯rst 15 lectures cover fundamental material. The remaining lectures cover more advanced material, that is di®erent each time I teach the class. In these Fall 2002 notes, there are lectures on Hºastad's optimal inapproximability results, lower bounds for parity in bounded depth-circuits, lower bounds in proof-complexity, and pseudorandom generators and extractors. The notes have been only minimally edited, and there may be several errors and impre- cisions. I will be happy to receive comments, criticism and corrections about these notes. The syllabus for the course was developed jointly with Sanjeev Arora. Sanjeev wrote the notes on Yao's XOR Lemma (Lecture 11). Many people, and especially Avi Wigderson, were kind enough to answer my questions about various topics covered in these notes. I wish to thank the scribes Scott Aaronson, Andrej Bogdanov, Allison Coates, Kama- lika Chaudhuri, Steve Chien, Jittat Fakcharoenphol, Chris Harrelson, Iordanis Kerenidis, Lawrence Ip, Ranjit Jhala, Fran»cois Labelle, John Leen, Michael Manapat, Manikandan Narayanan, Mark Pillo®, Vinayak Prabhu, Samantha Riesenfeld, Stephen Sorkin, Kunal Talwar, Jason Waddle, Dror Weitz, Beini Zhou.